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Make sure to assign the use of the material according to the proximity
Lot Shelf Life Storage
date of shelf life.

Close covers of the coating and solvent containers during mixing or

Material after transfer to avoid loose particles or contamination in the materials.
Maintain low agitation in feeding tank. Reduce agitation speed to 30 -
40 RPM. To avoid losing solvent
Clean the buildup of sprayed material along the process including
racks, walls, or masking materials. Dust or loose particles from the
Process residual cured build up coating can contaminate the surface of newer
Part Cleaning. Use light solvents like Isopropyl alcohol and lint free rags
Material Application
or towels. Do not use toluene or oily solvents.
Check pressures of the manual application. Avoid high pressure over
the material application since this can cause dry spray particles to
bounce in the surface causing an uneven application. To control this, a
manometer can be installed. make sure to standardize the method.

Additional information:

Hi-Pot common fails

1 Have some dust on the surface of cooling plate during spray process.
2 Cooling plate scratch surface.
3 Bolts or riveted components with overlap space.
4 Compressed air water condensation or oil contamination.
5 Metal particles in the surface of the cooling plate (deburrs).
6 Spray gun atomization performance.
7 Low dry film thickness.
8 Scratches due the Hi-Pot terminal.

- Standardize air pressure and liquid pressure to achieve a good application pattern.
Effect on solvent addition

As discussed in our visit, the possible scenario of the coating precipitation can occur when the solvent of
the mixture is added in its totality. To avoid this scenario the solvent should be added slowly to the
JMC700K coating.

This is a laboratory recreation of the material precipitation when the solvent it added its totality:

After 5 minutes agitated the mixture present immiscible droplets of the coating.

Effects of contamination on parts surface

An important part of the process is the cleaning stage, the preparation of the surfaces is crucial for the
quality of the coating. The next image it’s a sample simulating the effect a contaminated surface and a
cleaned surface:

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