PHY-II Solved PYQ's

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University of Mumbai ENGINEERING PHYSICS-Ii 2023-2024 Handwritten Solutions to Navigate through Previous Year Questions ADITYA M. P! ce SOLVED CTO Questions DIFFRACTION Se — | What is diffraction aa_optiat “guating 2 (2 is_anangement of large No.of parauel — slits. — ae to_each other and _ paepeeee=a: aa spaces. - Tne a types. of diffraction. grating ee ____— 1) Tiansmission— — grating 1 ee 2) Reflection qvarting oe betn rulings. act ds slits. What is gyating . @lemeint.: If a isi width of each. tine ‘hed as width of eath slit. then the. length. (a+b). is icaited . grating element. Na + Nb =Iicm “i (@+b) = 1 cm eects a ° N ox absent Spectro — oars [ 7 ] J —— —- The eee 6 yo _____ | found by dividing equ: Garb) sme = MA ; | psive | TX, QtbemM Sa With of ie fob ‘b => Width pf each slit - - . ——— _m = (ate - : N => No- of lines / cm b ‘ oo aw a ome a ® If g =b then m= 2n a Regular orders of: Minima sare YW=1.2. 3.52 \ Orders of maxima ynissing ave M =.2,4.G.+: @ if qe2b then im=3an Highest possible oiders of moxima ina qyating Condition fox maxima! Catb) sing = ma: ai Bo highest paste af athasion, 8 = a0° 4 _Ca+b) Sin@max = Mynax d's uo _t —j-Mmax = bb. where sinning alae esa WMmox => where ath = 1 = 1 js AN : N No oflines/cm _ When no.of vulings on grating surface increases : then mo. of visible _ovders_in_gyating — decreases + When two objects a: tess . each athec_. they appear_as_one_and + may. "mete possible —fox_eye- —to_see. them as sependte. _——Ss-in_order +o. See -alosely Sprd objects on ___-~.0_seperate— Ob; ect. we use method of tesolution- An ‘ability of an_opticol _inshument ’ to _produw — Seperate diffraction — potteans of two closely ___- plated abject. is coued tenalving — Powea Ro yleights ca iteaia.of -xesolubion point sSaurces of light _a1e__ aid tobe just vesolved “when puinicipal maxis olving power of _gaating —___ @ Tt has ability to veso ve_Spectial lines. which ; ' f ae RP =A __A = avg of two Wavelengths —___ _ Ad = differen etn “two “wavelengths ___ How resolving power of grating canbe _inteaseds —__.@_using_ incident light .of igiee wavelgis (21) — FB ting bight sspechum (mt) —8-By_incrensing— | total no of Slits / lines C Nt) — —Facto1s _on_which — resolving powe is _dependent.__ -@ No: of lines (N) @ Angular ‘dispeasion Cae/aa. © wavelength of light (A) © Refractive: index CA) ing oe ‘ayieght- cote ines: let Aand_ Atda. 8. This +wo ‘lines will be_ just _ + vesalued_ if principal maxima. se “of Atdd Falls over (minima! i ‘si (a+b) Sifo+de) = mA ht een N 4 Put m= mN +1 : “>. N(a+b)'sinCo+de)=(mN +1) A ~@ a _Mulliply eqn © by N _ | ath Sink aici = wont Kida). O. 7 “: Resolving” pawerof guating) i ig [RR=ZRSPN| _Ca'+'b). = graking element — a = wavelength _of-any..spectal line 1-da_——Dif-fenence —betn tno wavelengths of [ines _ _—4 EN = Minimum. na. of lines aequized +0 1€solue Olve _____tiwo_wavelengths on “qaating surfag , Statement : po olving powen of grating is the vatio of th of Gny spectra) line to tho difference — in wavelengths beth thin line and a neighbouring — xesalved . - RP = A =MN da Application of _aiffraction Gating - “Parallel beam of light of wavelength [a) oh anal | Wh Lat o_single slit and obtain’: =e cans foe ibs maxima+ and - sninicoa. wales fe ‘ tere ight snc — ey _sceen ave ab. ak. co distance. | Considea_a. beam of! light of wavelength (Ay is incident ona: slit 8defiacted at an —angle O. —.and_is_ en_focused_on_screen_by— lens _ ) Slits Ra — Scien Wawa s.veo.chok—an_angle @ ave. focused _ The intensity . of ie Aspens apon pai i ___beth_secondary Waves 2 Ac_= ABsing ~- where ois s width | Bc=asine of Ste AB Tr atta is) Phase difference is _ BC = asin® = [a= oO = 20 4's 27 asine a no _—— A f slit AB_is divided i N_ pe its which ____ The led into 'N. pardlhel slits which __—_- produ@a_aesultamt disttua bance at — point P and jt | : voy te The > | Meena Ru. : en LK =4 ( phase_aiff.) cok a a J _ = A Ee ° _. D 24 (2 =eem +( 2i asing) = Tasing = « a => Eo = 2R Sind Oo Angle = are > o=Em > R=EM radius Jk 6 | Put value of R in eqn @ _ | Ee = 2f Em) sing _= Em Sind/e © =/Em.Sinx | ~~ ve | -* “This is resultant amplitude of wave eae If Im = Maximum intensity ake Po __Im « Em te = Resultant iptensity at —— Tes 8 | te = 3 Sine) se Squid — smear wa .X = Wasing .\ im (in) 1 a a { fesine = (maya Put m =1, 2,3... | __ T@ = 0-045 ,»-O-01G, 0-008 «(Intensity deceaies) | im : TP |-—Lasea._source ao ~Ondinany ‘Optical enusce -Csingle wavelength )——— 9 fe produeasighly “tomnent_| Tt produces incohesent _ Hight emission ——_—__»__f hight emission __- _ 4 }Citiple_wavelengén, ) jemission —of ~Phaton sigh in_one saan we is vesutl of stimulated | ze is.result 0€ po’ eee emission of photons _ Te omnis multiple wavelengths of light a alix ections Light has nigh intensity Light has low _inksidy © [tt i fticl [ tH is les energy efficient — App. ications * — WS a atom. in_excted tate is _ overt it_gets de- excited to: lower “energy level upon its. own. This lower eneagy state - may be eithee _ —__-gvound_stake ox arr anather “excited. stake with Jowee —_enengy Duting this tignsitionan atom emits a photon igh stacey ettng plato ls ct eal is called —_ 1 _found in lower energy even compned taf higher energy level (Nad that is Nr >> No. | _____ But _in_non- equilibrium state. the situation ris + veversed witiene: the population. of (Nz becomes 7 — higher than (nu) and this becomes _Ni<<_N2. + This is known as popiitetion inversions x What» is_ pumping @) 9 Vi Ths is: (process of supplying energy ta laser medium +o achieve popitlation’ inversions ie. +0 excite ato —energ y —lewel_where they can_participale 1) ———~ I~ | u | sl . in i nd_wowking of He-Ne { loser with a ptopea diagrams, Electrodes ‘ Fully silveved = Pastially silvered i Wuraor mirror . _, Polarised —* lasea beam | Brewstec window 0 1e_cansists_ of long. naiiow glass tube which is 1041 ok_o-plessilie of 1mm _of Mercury. © sieuster —windaws aie sealed to the tube at both end @ Two optically] hoth_ends of the tube - One of: the miurtor is full ilvered. with Fully yeflection. while the othee mmivi0x is postialy silvered with partially yet lective» @ The pumping _is_dane through elechical lt ! bi sing +1N0 electrodes. connected at both ends of tube- i : | Working ¢ __|@ When 2kV voltage “is applied aciass the tube, He ——|_stoms aie excited +o +wo energy levels F2 S Fa, @ These excited e arom ; and transfer ame _o ne a ___|® fa a_siqnificant. no of Ne—orom q excited fo metastable Sie. eee | axe close to Fa -% F2 of He atom. @ Because of matching of eneagy levels . transtes —____||__of energ tO e atom i h & 8 5 | EG Es gives rise to A=3991'A in TR eqiON (Not Wiside) i} 2 Vqives tise to A= @32RA in Wisible teqion(Red Calvi 3> o A= S23 A i R Yegion (Not visin 7 CHa) 2 nenqy leve diaqiam CNeé) 7 ame SAE F2, Ey : Ws23A 328A | ; . yf E2 < Zinman 1 EL Ground state 1@ om = evels, atom Ndergo pontaneou sf ansitions 4 and atoms will come down |_to ground state_by- all collision. a rn _ emission of laser becomes Copia bony of wis? He-Ne fase is yeferYed as a continuous Iasee. | eee es Nee losex_. i: _ oe what —is_the vole of He atoms in He-Ne tases. _ =» The —tole_of- He atoms is to excite Ne atoms —_ _—and_sause population. inversion in lose* action. ms: are lightea thah Ne atoms so they ash enengy easily and tun very fost e atoms have longen lifetime than Ne _atorns at _rmetastable state. 00 ~__:The watia of Hes Ne-= loti which makes. prabaily _+ af _enengy transfec.: fiom. a te Ne atorns hi ghee 4 s Tid ie. a goid comiuciae if heat. ao ib acts as 2 “and 0 ang. is vequired. Monits of He-Ne’ lasedi pBuae : ___@ Continuous ok put.= pan L @_No seperate cooling is requixed Demenits of He-Ne tase. oe Low efficieney andl output. poee — — applications oF He-Ne tase’ _ : —___ ® Communication _____- 7 —.@_In_holography | : tastable. state _-—_——_—— ected ‘otate of Ne atoms. that has __ —__| longer lifetime compared 40 oF othee excited states — —falisuting —faa—pnpued ine inuensian nesessaay 5 Naser actions — = _ _ [oxi sae_| oo 8-2} Explain the constuction and working —Of Nd:YAG: aren ih prope diagiam - = (ae iso type Of Solid-state lasee that uses a en ystal of made of Nd and YAG. -—-Nd_represents Neodymium oe _ [ [vag nepresenis —vithate Aluminium. ao oe oo ~-> LOSee z= [ . " = oukput : ONY WTS Fully velective| ——_—_ Partially . _Mi1108r ‘Electodes 9 te flective mioe © YAG is coped With Nd?* jon, i introduce Siegel testy foe laser —tpeesttion_—$§, @_Nd : VAG tod and flash tube aye kept inside | i a i ! ions [40 higher energy level “by method of sec pm al is placed between two mirrors? | i ical vesonator.. One: Miror is __ bully seflective while the othee is partially —eflectie. + +—__| —____|@ The_ no. of _Nd°* £3 “is_queatec tne an oie ee —inwensinit_tokes planet 106004. is_obtained in IR -tegjon. (ee! | 8-3] | Explain the constiuction and working a Laser eaitha. pope diagram: ui _ Acti oo Sf 1 ive region £1 layer Lasee Bear P-Fegion }— =EEEt inves naregion “NOTE: Tt is_heavily doped $ 1 ©. . junction disde like Lep. _Conshuction : 4 | li \ + I ——; f ( Layee /egion is sandwitched betn two sermicorcluctor layer. nomely “p-segion and n=segion. @ The active Joyes is Us ide(GaAs)* upere the lazing action will occug. 6 The _sermiconductat. layees aye doped to- create exces ‘ of eS if one eqgion (r-region ) and: deficit of e9 {-in-othed_tegioh CP “yegion) _[@ Electiicn’ contacts ate attached to outee layess _to allow the injection of Current . Jo oh oy Working : — @ When a forward biased i applied acitoss the semiconductor ae lections from _ n =iegion and holes £ where xecombinatian. of electrons and hales takes place - +1@ As free -slectson fab from conduction to vecombine- with oles: “in valence band . it gives away the excess energy in 4 n- This xesults in emission of light leading to the b junction Ghove threshold value: _ Tanai Appcation _ = gt i __'| Tk is_used fox. poems cutting ae ‘metals, su plastics » ceramics: :ond othen poeaiaisShy in ene + @_Lasea welding. i. ee ene _Tt_is_used_for high rT cand fast welding cul <6 metale such —ns_autorbotive cai manufactur ® Laser. Maxking-: 4 7 Heiss used. fibr_penmanentmgiking ord bel z |@ Laser vablations: § ___._Tbtiscused to vemove +hin payers. of materia) a ~elertionie components coith—high—plectsisn.— | kis used_to_semave_unanled has - ‘poumanentiy.— —. @ Tattoo semoval? 3 a | Tt is used _to— a down “nk of ‘attoo panties. Soy — “_@ Dental tases > — ne TE gc used in) cavity Ce pauaion_. gum vdixease ——heatment—and—feeth— vapik ening _ ——Ldifferent angles. | Single angle Only, * i Pee eee / / Reconstruction of holagyam + - | Tilumination with _a-.veFerence ‘bean __|| To 7veconstiuct hologram.._a__laserbeam similar __| to siefedence beam used during. recording is. used te illuminate hologram. a “11 Formation of 3P Imag ae __| The hologram acts as_dif faction —gaeting—and. — [it leads! “tn fermiation of:veal and viitual_image | | .0€ original object os ae __The i is_fo1med_in_front— pf the _hologiam {and vintual image is fo1med__behind_+ha_hologuam — | .1@ bsemwatian 06.20" image.s 1. s' ss —_____ | the ap: observed. from different angles |_| and penspectiues around hologram _expeneincing oxaltix as if the object is physkally prsed Opsewvee, ; . - ae 7 wolegam = Reference —_ vases beam _ ys EE © Tota internal reflection 2 —When light travels from_one_mediuim_-ans d_strikes _ | the boundary of another medium at_an_angle- — a -gieater than ciitical angle. then the light gets | - Completely reflected back _into-o1iginal —medium ae — lather than -being transmitted inta_secand medium. ; © Critical angle (0) Th As ‘minimum angle of incidence _in_a _densea _— +-Medium at which light is totally. inteanally » teflected 1 ©. Angle of acceptance :( ©) oo Tt is _moximum angle -at which light can entre the Fibre and still be transmitted’ through it _ {os isint! faze . ©. Numenical opeaturve «(nay - - Tt_is measure of light gatheaing ability “of an optical fibre It is, determined by tractive —.Indices of cove and c¢ adding -& critical angle —_., of the fibre. Tt ts_caleulated by “using formu —-NA-=_Sin®emax ss = ae factive” index of care: “NA =NME=UE ua ~ sefractive index of Cladding © Fractional Refractive Index Change 2(2) _ -It_is _diffenence( fractional) petn yehactive indices of wie and cladding : Qa. Numenical apeature becomes coe — NA = Jee SM > Me NA = (GG Ab) Curt we UO + 2 =lUY NA = J2angour Al M2 = BU NA =425 | ’ . - 4 + * 7 ~ [singe ae pli be | mate optic eae fibre C SMF) —b es ‘Samall-coie—dlameies-2—hos—long- corel diameter” lst cupports only. one. “Tre: supgimts moze than ane ____| mode of propagation mode af propagation —___ — oe ‘light —- i of Night pe __@[ 3 hos higher bandwidth | I has lomee. bandwidth r lak is. divided as atep- Tk is. divided ¢ Os step - index _ index fibre only: _ {and graded index fibve £8 ——. “Advantages of optical fime — ~———-OCheapet_than_metallic_ ‘elechical cables. —_@. Smaller vin size. oe ght. more flexible and Sting —+ .@ Unaff e temp. twist! etc. ) ® Information ‘ransmitfé Very Secured way [rcen] _ |= foe [7 / for_an optical fibze- —| Angle of acceptance = eG , Tt _i i i the fibie, and still be transmitted through it ich : ot r This angle is detenmined by refwetive index of core and | cladding. - _ | Let 62_be the acce le. 2 Pe Au be refhactive index of core - _ . p ee en _ Adz CLADDING Accosding to snelts Iau, Sint = M2 Oo Sint ae _ _ —_ Sin@e = Mi = a T sin(30-6c) Uo _ _ — osin@o = sin (90 = Oc) Mo Sin Qo = bi case : ne [ay ~applying ta J efiacton at paint B, Singe = M2 Singor = Ur Pul value of sinQe_in_egn © : = — (Ary ae Mo sinGe i= {aay eqee i evical Aperture SinQo:= dt [Me = aE Fox Numi | su fae =(Si ymax | NA = C2 UE SinQ@o = J Ve ~ dE Ho Mi 6.5) Distinguish betn SL and Gxaded “index optical fibre. — ST GIOF/GRIN (ome) CMMF) le_mode of propagation | Multiple nodes of * propagatioy favels_staight __} Light travels in a zigzag. | | potth | ©} Highea bandwidth ______| lowea bandwidth = ———@ Lower dispersion ______| Higher -dispession __ ®@} Hi | low’ dtenuation @©|RI1. of cove is constant RJ. of core demenys - Bea is gueatee ———____N-A. is_lesen @ [Longe hansttissinn_—distnas | Core . diamer is laygee +4 Shorvtee transmission dist @ | More expensive Less expensive _*K \ Elhve_corwus . T “ — | system: and_explain functions of -each black Me we . — - : - + ; o i [source |], . . caaiee Wave — ~ dl x KK. 7 __Infoxmati ita ie +e ~—Jefeimpen Tapa [ever ~ : Wave ~ oN oe ‘y Me _-|Informatio: i [foemadulaton/| — tnfang {Source} _. Tiansmilter | | Fibre | | Received Signa cae I Retrieved —» | Information Sources i : |. Tt _generateds messeage in fhe form_of informatgg_ : z Signa + Which is super ae on cartier wave. — \-Optical: Source : _ — — ae generates optical carrier ‘wave which is ——>| Modulated by information Signal _| Modulator 03. Transmittor . 1 | It modulates optical carrier wave to aw tia | a ~| information’ and tansmits towards optical Fibre} — Optical Fibve — “Tk seven os the medium fsx hansmiting — - ——-snoduaiss_oplicl_uaue (signal to tte ston ______. Demodulatoy oy Receiver: ~ Cdermodulaton) _ re [re nafehves:.cad: demadulaita aa dbeade an caret —— _ _| Waye to decode. ox extiact - original —intormation-—— . .It_is then send to destination device like computt— ~aisplay-o1_speaberfox_pracssing_sx_playbacs F an opted! fine communication ayciem=Hranamic ~ information efficiently oven long distanas with — the hetp of optical fibre. im “Ty Telaconmmunicadions. = Bo fine optics axe .widely used in ieee cat networks for high speed data transmission owen “tong dlistances with yinimal Signal loss. — ag oinbeenet Senvices: an we — Fibre optics: cables‘ are ciucial fox p10) — ——]sast ont weliable inteanet seals Teetucaa? 3] Cable: Television = Tt forms the ears Tet sunita computer —rTehuawking-faciliating “highspeed data transite — —____s] Sensors + - ——_Fibye optics sensors ane .used in emp. _presture_ and ‘stain. censure ments is So ae ee Applications ie 1. ibe’ optics aie used in industial settings i eat sensing: smanitoring »< rete. ee as See ELECTRODYNAMICS race, | ©} Gradient ae The gxadient of a. ‘vector fied mea a_slope_o1r a _tine_is—and it is_aate _of change function. ina _specified direction. | The gradient of a" scalar function is- vector. quant i ' z . x ‘ on and is on“ and is Hee ne etn yt) then ih jad is i y . (ane rf >. 2 a iv btu yea) = agi agp + ak ey 02 : _whene 7.3. ate_unit vectors in wy.2 directions t wespectively. Example [ I Ta 2) ai ty* + 2% Vrs pets aps eck t » Ox oy _ Oz . Vrs wie (ayypeCozR | © Dineagents : Tne divergence of .a vector fidd_toensaes tbe eodeny Toe nec inte Fill “to_eittta age ELECTRODYNAMICS ———Holume integral of _ te _____ taken Oe) 0 ing vl of A taken over surfa@ enclosing —volume y ae Sy Rdv- = § Rae rrr _ lee a ccd ke convent volume integral _ — — surface integual andviceuessa. oe =>__ Stokes Theorem + © Fox_static fields 4 for time yoo ae : . ror time voy ng ing_fields — a sential San and—in_integaa form-— —_ are —— 0 Gauss law fox statia | [ae for static etechic field SB Raneee ae stich fe — a 4 ; ; a St eqn a - “=> Gauss: law for static Electric field : | Cmaxwells eqn Which descaibes ho ws diveagene __»of elechic field varies in medium). — —The_electtic_flux passing. thaough any. Closed surface _ ris equal to total charge enclosed by that surf. — » Suafuis_imbegret of. electtic_flux density iover closed. _ susfa@ is equal te totad ma = Dias’ = @ = GP Badu ~ _ — OD © Maxwells 274 eqn + => auss low for Static Magnetic Field —___ field magnetic Lines ave Closed, Flux. iso. § Bide =o| ... Integral form _ —__| plying diueagenst theater — oe —— — fe ge: B) dv =o a - . — oP =0| _ pifterential oaee map ©. samuel 3 “eqn => _Favadays law’ for "esting lect __- Lmnagnetic: fields. foils 2 ‘which “descaibes- how _elechi, > d- Hime varying magnetic fix, _ field circulates avoun sStobement aes “change _in “mag _ “gaily can emf: ‘is. ad in the_-coil ~Mipitie sf induad en is_dietly Popatn, __to Lve) slope ‘of vate of change. of Magnetic flu es -db_ -@ — wi dat, o ; - _Induwd emt is tine integral avound length ofa) I gear —@ . ; From © 8 @ CP.a? = de sid § ae =l- Bae Lk zntep dt dt & sdk. form _ Apnlui pavermenil : + - ___converted into suafa@ integral 2 —> S$ $B dP = OC VKE) a? - % 3 OO PE) oF == 6 Bae = $5 gfe : Pa2 sag Sahota eaigy doe ee i QB} sk Diffewential fom —_ Faxad le ; @ a ays— law Pa static lectic: —_——_| As" = 0] -_Integyal form _ rt re . Relativity ———— : sowdine only with Se eee, wich —Is_known as pa Frame_ -ot efenene ce | Ta in fsame. in hich tbe ajec iss not. watted _ neat ah sinctant -and_ At, semaing at Gs. aye same in aye —y Poctutaies of Einsteins special teary_of velativity + _ ——.0 All_fundamental_lawis_of physi Stee speed ofl in_vaccum is. > yelative motion of Source and —obsenc in any frame of reference - —_|> Special theon “of "elativity expiains how yspacn a_callision: of two pasticle, Considea— dt —_ P_having “coordinates (x. y.2-+) in_anet — Tt is obSenved— from different refemen@ | ee ——- having coordinates (a. yl Zt jer i ae @Viyv st oe Frames | Pyne Frames’ POL yee Eyvame S‘ is moving with constant veliv 1 ~@lative’ +o frame § owing thse Vat Sin. peste Sine — of 4 a ame } i! pe _____ Both frames coincide a 20 es | 1 _ - 30, ot +50 at origin. __ _ ‘ %%' when it veaches at point P.. tts co dinates are _ 19 = +) Sis Ce yi 7 ty) (xy k(x +vt) Qimilatly ct = KCct vt! -© ating eqn O-in Multiply ©. 3@ en Kk fkix-vt)e vt!) co? Al's b? (ch vt) 4 = kx -kut+ vt" _ KR = ct ss i j ee BS HM - Ke +k =H! etl - kyo, 7 Ii=v87e® = Kt -Kx(1=4 [put value of Kk in_eqn. : y a nT = %=Vt_ _ — st postuiate | Y=C8) a of _special yelativity. + |" Put _vajue of K in eqn@ ——— According 49_2"4 postulate. | = £-C8) a —___of relativity: speed of ft ey) oe ——— light c vemains constant} The Lorentz transformation eqns — ~~} x seb ave. a ~~ eed @ | : —— ; oO wai ot! = ke (xed) ct = k Cct-vt) cH = kCc-vt © “mp 3k Taal epilation + ie Tine oiation SION of 4) ie is ol _aifterence in Hime measited —by tg © clocks due te— Se ann co with s!_ _ + Consider vgs fxomes ot tase Smog vent ne #x_divection wit S-—___ From Loxent2 transformation eqns yet (CB) 5 4 2 He 9) and +) = t2-( 7 Ge =e) : ree) ; } s picts: oteto-t erat es ere at varbeebe ai BE —[ HES lee) 4 Tee - - 08a vigael ae a me _ - Dbsewations _ 7 sin Y —_ EE Vu IE Contractions eee \ — bength— contraction desuribes Now the ae objects appedis to be shorter when it is . anno) ing__veally fast velative tome observer. —~ Consider two frame: of vefewen® S25! With st moving_with velocity v_along. + _divection wits. - x Y et acted AB is'plaud at + of vs'bey — yest ins frame Sf igi a Ts actual length is Los ° 9 a measured by Observer 9%. = _-_y ' = in_frame s' WA x L = x2 = 21 : ‘ i For obseavey 0. Jength of vod ig Lo =x2-21 For ao bseaver oO! length of rod bs 1. = x2 -2 in($). b= Lewes _ where L = proper length —__ —_|_Obsenvation ae —__:Ohseaved length is _appeass to _-be shorter _Clength — F _7elative motion. — one ve —= S\ ta *_Ginateris _Mass - Enengy Relation + —___> | — _ Connie a pacts of smass_ x0 _maving_ with» velodty y Fa particle is diiplaud by distant 0% due +o_forg the wark done by i+ Is stored in the form of __ Kinetic. energy: of particle. ~ OO GE stl = doi 0 ae “According - 4o_Newtons 29” law of motion Force is vote of change oan de dE = Edx - 2 os a _d& = dP dx =x dp = vdpP = vdcmxv) — dt dt ; mC c*~y2) = me ch ct ams msect OD _Ditt eqn ®_wheie WM Av_ave vaviables and moc are- — _ —_ __= constants— md me’ me? —{ m? ‘avav. sviamdm] = Oo —_s*2mdm_=_m? avdu+ v72mdm ae _Divide by 2m = _ 7 — ; Letidm = mvdvrvadmo —_ —mvdv = ctdm-vidm -@ tae 2dm =n supe is ee =| ee = 2am: @. on 7 — | Fo1_vest marae Mm =Mo V=0 KE =o ee Fox_mMaving Particle mm ve Keo yee sits — — _— 7 KEES Ke a ‘ae = (etd Veo v _ mo Mo m _ EE. . 5 K e}<© 2c? tm1™ : Sk KE-O = ct Cr -mo) Ke = mc? -moc® _-© — mac? is potential eneagy ak xest' PE = mech met should be total energy Te = ke + Pe _ Te = mc* . Eqn ©_becomes —— KE = me? — PE = KE +: PE -= Te —_ae — 4 Te = me* _ ee oe _— Ee = meh _ Z — This 1s en Cinsteins eneagy. Mass _xelation phic epetaves.. thet Ones “andl Sheng ae _intee- —fonwenrtab les aes 7 “el NANOMATERIALS 2 : ; = The materials with " etructural units which aie an - ______aggragate of atoms or molecules with dimensions in nanoscale i-e- -betn_ 4nm to_100;nm aye *. Types of - wahomatenials * bt _@ Nanolayers + They have at _ least_one dimension in nana scale. Exe Thin Films of Jectailettidas’t zine oxided— ee “sunfats. Lo ‘vatumé rere to, — t scat Which is i in optical devices 1 ®_ eon eee Mataial iments verystal _perfection which inmeases conductivity .in nanomaé _@ Magnetic: Magnetic_nanoparticles. exhibit Super ehaviour with potential applications “1G Mechaizat: Monacompasites like nanofillecs exhibit mechanical properties like Sthength_and toughness: —_ | “npclns of nnanotanae, "mtn £: nanomatesiats @ Bottom up approach _@ Top down ‘Approach wt ies ~—_Fottom—up- apprsath, |Top Own app iyemeh | op ___O| Nanomaterials ave. made'| Nanomateis aie made _ by Combination of atoms. |« xeducing / breaking a _____{ond molecules. thiough _| bulk matesial into nano —_©|% is + elatively cheaper _| —_@| | sor- q ts Examples: “Faenosh Lprvocess se | Elecho. chemical’ esa | a Examples. Bow. willing. Avkhogiaphy | taser vatican » | Explosion process —~—____ | — ___lwith powdes of bulk: meet The. onan Spi about itself while —xotosting— in_civcwar path abou its axis. This causes milling balls _-to collide with — T_-powden “of bulk material and with each —othec._ LThis_collision ‘¥esults. ins reduction in size of ———s tk nateial_-ond_produces-nenoptics ee Tt i Se a ecs_ip which _& Solid target material is.kept sin an_evacuateds' chambée « “ind an ‘nett _ —-gos CHe ox Ar)ts trtrodittd init ct low —pressuie— A_substiate: -is- placed in font o£ tho target rated ~-enengy- ions ae eject otoms from. tavget: sunfas 8. aps > : “ — Thy tis meth form _a.- tod ody adel is heated to — ‘gas__ond is alowed to deposit. — . | Solid surfag.iundet_vacum iden oe OV the Susfad@> OF solid. This method Nano» powders — poet see sakes vals — as j | Bia ey + Nanspantisies likes. titan wm. dioxide. ave coated on _ lass:.suvfacei_ to make it: photocatalytic. ‘and pe =r hydanpbilie = which keep +the_ gis Clean.» © Stains resistance clothing o ‘a a _-— —Hydrophobic— nahoparticles like zinc_ “oxide aie coated — :on_clothes which create water repellent surstac thu taking them tain=nesistona _ ———Nanacampasite—mabedials ike —Hugstan cavbide axe Used to Cweate Cuiting Foals with exceptional hard and Weats Yesistant- m ra © High “sensitivity Sensoisss —_____Sensors_made a nanociystaltine matedala ane —__| sensitive to the. change in_ther._envivonment- —__._ These .sensons. are used .as. smoke. detectors. ice _ —__ detectors 0n_alacaaft wings » Se Lo — - nn a> “imp. NANOTECHNOLOGY ¢ Ik deals with design ~and_ “romufadtting_af extremely Smal_matenials— ak. nanoscale..C4=100.nn/ _The_signiticana of nanotechnology. lies _inUnique | ___s, properties of materials at nanoscale, paarticwlaaly due _to- high — suifau +o volume sation ins Na nopartice’ Q ot suvfat_to_valume 1 1atia “An electron beam. As. oe ‘fo. Nee ends 7 psampig. Sis Fact and —¥s— image -is_ foumed by Lemitted’_secondary cleletyons , » back atte — nd XxX = mM Es _—;Flectrans—ai tays—on. the Onitor — —setematiePingiam foe ie “Sy i: Condenser lens §-——-Scanning coil __ | election detector] Se mid Rann - | Seedndary © : . a —_ _ - detector . — Sample. suvace oe X- Yay - a _ | detector po @ Back scattered electrons —__| ot _ *"@ Secondary electrons ey —__| _ _ bare JL =) SS |) The election “gun produces a—high-eneagetic ——}—slection_beam nat though —a— pai 1 +. of condenses lens Ee "The condenser terises Packs s diverging election, beam into a- es os Spat_diamelee—_ of: S Wms _____3) The eae nee are ___thvough_a scanning coil which deflect election" beam +o _scan_ Se ee — VY ot ome J a 4 lens which is Used to focus beam oat a particular point on sample surface _____8) The ‘back sca: ened elections aye yeflected “Tine vious types-af foxes expesicnd ay. pane Yn ies. ~ expedienaad. by ee a canning sample surface scatters lasex rami ~_signal—unbich— pandas Rimage of. Sample. -@ contileue ‘sunface is highly weflective. A (ase beam —_is incident on cantilevee . thiough- an. optical fibre. 7 Reflestecl taser bean —Is-calected by phnte_cletectars- —@ As pian Gelne eines sample 4 tne_tip — _ Pp itpetientes so. foes dies ime sali sa. Cantilever Undergoes a. deflection. _._ ——.@_The- forte is” “detected” by 0 senito_of . _photo- electors which collect lasea beam scattered at different __ ——." dizections due to deflection’ of prabe pj This_cueates. a aD. image: “ea aying infoxtnatian Jane He po | Aditya Manohas Patil 5 PHYSIce / CSE-DS VCET DiviE — fae [a= / a ; foe] 77 / Using an -appia priate diagram explain puinciples and wna king — of PT oa vesistive ‘bransducce SeNsot. = ' + The PTLOO is _a type _ of esistans_ emp. deter (RTD). _—made_of platinum metal. fi a + Tt_maintains a. sesistane of 100 ohms “ato 0°c and 133-5 ohms_at loo"c. "+ Tk can_Measuie_tempeacture fiom -200°C upto_ +250°C with» a0 accuracy of +0-02 °C. | Principle = ‘~2 B are constants that depend on metal. ot For. a smal range. of temp, URE = Ro LP+% (t= to] a platinurn & = 0.00388 [ constuction # +) 4 consiss of a tesistor element ‘connected bo a ——_wheatstone bridge. The element _and connection __. - le by a sheath. ___» o> me _xesistane ite is typically — plaud_ in “a_stainless - Steel wlell_to_shield it from mechanical damage. Significance :— _____® Tran: educers_transfoum_a_physicdl - quantity like ~tn_industricl applications whene “precis See 4 ' er i e temp. — = | ee = a =-spacieg. bbetn two plates [—Ioanstauction as and et ng_® a Flexible’ 5 —Sensing + Siapheogny Electrical : ~ Sonnertion © Gach. ’ i _ With sensi | 7 Which is connected electically ” a 2 > -@. Tuo“ pabssuus aie setup Df tel = A: on _diaphyagm: fiom its two | | _ Sides. A net force proportional to_differen@ betn thae hwo, ilicone .” Rigid. capacior —____ Pv@ssuies: acts upon flexible _ <0 plates: a, Sensing diaphiagm sand deflects ie tk to any “sides depending pL _ SE on the lavgee pressure. sae he - ee le. When” foo presines ‘is: positioned — cent ps “Types se sensors: = pis Ol “Pressure Sensor 0% |__ Soe Sc st oo a _— into_.0._measuraile ‘elect ——_|_ ®. Inductive. SENSOrS +04 “pransduces : vit Lo Si ity is measuie : It is a device in-which phy with the help of «change —in self induetan of — Single +coil or _mutaal inductance betn Wo coils -__- ; @_Optical sensors + wes te tsa device that — rm -electiical eneagy 0% electionic signal: _ jn is_calibration 2 7 "Tk sis Comparison. of specific. ‘values of _ input - and. output of an instiument vith ee Tefen — ‘standard. _ Quartz. botiim. tHanale _trto._o.._votbage - Examples cae. SS peer a ico” tn Lor when subjected fae : tee, “develops _ fans. : : : ide aaa ahaa eee d reversed, Me ~ | _ghso get veversed — —ke Expansion _change>tp_coraction oi and vice vedsa —__.@ If polarity of applied —@ when_altéanating voltage —is _applied acaass— t ic _caystal : it exhibits alter nale expansion —__and_conbaction and _statls—v vibxosirg a —_applied _voltage- __ : J Te Spin ancien a votg of Ppa _Sensor as oa temp-sensox + ‘ Pytodlectiic sensors aie: thermal sensors: in which | __» | temp: variations. aie_conveated ~ into. electuical_si The senso + conta i ppacnt ie Ond the ¢lechic chaige is then pyocessed to 7 Paral a_tusa. bleu pult —sighal —fo1_vatiaua io) Ynstion detection, pressure | Sensing” (Ox emp: Measurement el Using an appropriate diagram ‘explain _the_ptindples and wlonking of a a Photoclode. er DA puneatlietal Sa PN junction diode that _—— converts light energy into electricdl curient- _-— Ht _works onthe _principle_of photoelechic _effect _ _——Whete_absoxption of ligt genenates election hole __paiis in the semica —s nductor material. — .3> It _is_opewated in everse biased. mode. UL — — — — _Conshuction : — | + Photons Si02 mask E> anodes | jos = ; batype te Tun ction N= type | af Gathade ‘ hy ich | is—very thins ‘nae N- sopeclagee pe fom single cystl. silcan_afees- is) A naviow [A narrow depletion 1egion meee at the ——-|__imbeaface _between_P= type and N-type layes-—___ Tes The front _susfawe ig. dinode_ “while the. “bark | susfaw is cathode. oe | ee JL - = - = if: — a = Protons a = = . ~ + elechons +f t t fo Noles — | ooke fe ey .

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