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Report of Community Work

Submitted by
Ayesha Bint-e-Amjad

Roll number

Submitted to
Prof. Adeela Bibi
In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful. All
praises are to Allah for His tremendous and countless blessings so that I
have been able to complete my task. Greetings and in vocation are
presented to the prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided mankind to the
right path blessed by the Lord. I heartily thank “Mr. Shahid”, head of the institute,wh
ose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me
to develop an understanding of the assigned tasks. I am also grateful to Sir
Mujeeb, the head of physics department for guidance, support and encouragement.
Special thanks to my family members and to my loving parents for their love,
affection and support. Also regards and blessings to all of those who
supported me in any respect during the completion of my community work.
There is no agreement what community work is. But it can
be defined in simplest way as being involved in groups or
associations, being a volunteer or unpaid worker, being involved in a
non- profit, not for profit or charitable organization or association. It is also somethin
g as doing public interest or public benefit work.For the requirement of
completion of Bachelor’s degree, I decided to do my community work
at‘The Groomers School System’ under the supervision of “Mr.Wajahat ullah ”
the principle of school.I made an effort to contribute my services to the
community. I volunteered for this middle level school, where I provided
my services as a teacher. The school is situated almost in a rural area and
most of the students come for low income background. There is always a
need of extra focus for character and most important the confidence
building in such students. So I tried my best and with full courage to do
my work. I was assigned students of class 5 and 8 to teach. I helped them
doing their home tasks. I worked there for 20 hours (4 hours/day) as per the
requirement of my degree.
The full name of school is The Groomers School System. It
is situated at the place of Rawalpindi. It is a middle level school and affiliated
with BISE Rawalpindi. Here education is almost free of cost, with no any
tuition or any other fee.There are about eight class rooms and a play ground
and about eight faculty members and a gate keeper. The school provides
education from nursery to grade 8.
30th March, 2024 was my first day of community work at the school. I
reached there at sharp 9:00am. I went to the principle office, he welcomed me in their
institution and gave a brief introduction of their institution. Then a teacher who
helped me a lot during community work, gave me brief introduction
of other staff members and visited me the whole school. Then she took
me to the staff room and told me about my classes schedule and other
tasks, which I had to perform during my service. My task was to teach the
students of grade 5 and 8, the maths and science subjects. I also had to
help with two other teachers in conducting morning assembly and
maintaining discipline during the assembly. So I stated doing my work
with full courage and focus. At the first day as I reached the school after
morning assembly time which was about 8:00 am sharp so did not attend the
assembly. But I took the two periods of class 5, from 10:30 am to 12:pm.
After the lunch break of twenty minutes then I took the period of general
science of class 8. Then I went to home at about 1:00pm.On second day I
reached there at time, arranged the students in assembly ground and conducted the
assembly with the help of two other teachers. Then I did the same work as
I did on my first day. I a l s o t o o k w r i t t e n a n d o r a l t e s t f r o m t h e m .
The students were well-behaved and cooperative.
I performed the same tasks for 5 days. In the free time I also used to give students so
me extra-curricular activities like drawing competitions and debate
competitions etc. I was also given the responsibility of making papers for
students.On my last day we took some pictures also. That was one of the most
memorable day of my life. The time I spent with those children was the most
precious time of my life. I felt so attached with those children in few days
that I didn’t want to leave that place. Our presence provided moral support
to those children. It was the experience of lifetime.
To conclude, I must say that working for this organization was a
great addition to my learning,knowledge and experience. Moreover, my
communication skills improved a lot. In short, it can be said that it was a
great experience that molded my personality in a constructive way and changed my
views about the world to a significant extent.

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