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Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Learner Registration No 4649501449
Extended Diploma in Engineering
Programme Title
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Learner Name Shabir Ahmed
Extended Diploma in Engineering
Assignment A: Engineering processes
Assignment Title Assessor Name EHA
and human factors
A: Examine common engineering
Unit or Component Unit 2: Delivery of Engineering Targeted Learning processes to create products or
Number and Title Processes Safely as a Team Aims deliver services safely and
effectively as a team
Issue Date Submission Deadline
First / Resubmission /
First Date Submitted 17/12/21
Has an extension to the deadline been approved by the Assessor due to extenuating circumstances?
Resubmission authorisation by Lead Internal
* All resubmissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier. Only one resubmission is possible per assignment, providing:
● The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension.
● The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance.
● Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the
**Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 15 working days of learners receiving assessment feedback which must be within a timely period of the
assessment taking place.

achieved Assessment comments
(Yes / No)
2/A.D1 Yes/No

2/A.M1 Yes/No

2/A.P2 Yes/No

2/A.P1 Yes/No

General comments

I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any
Learner Declaration
sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature S.Ahmed Date 17/12/21
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s
Assessor declaration own. The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false
declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature EHA/CSM Date

Date of feedback to learner – this must be within a timely period of the assessment taking place


When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Learner Name: Shabir Ahmed Unit or Component Unit 2: Delivery of

Number and Title: Engineering Processes Safely
as a Team
Assessor Name: CSM/EHA Assignment Title: Assignment A:
Engineering processes
and human factors
BTEC Programme Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Date Assignment 17/12/21
Title: Extended Diploma in Submitted:
Engineering (601/7580/1)
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National
Extended Diploma in
Engineering (601/7588/6)

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or
describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).

Assignment task Evidence Required/Submitted Page numbers or

reference description
Evaluate, using high- quality written language, the
effectiveness of using different engineering processes to
2/A.D1 manufacture a product or to deliver a service and how human
factors, as an individual and as a team, affect the performance
of engineering processes.
Analyse why three engineering processes are used to
manufacture a product or to deliver a service and how human
2/A.M1 factors, as an individual and as a team, affect the performance
of engineering processes.
Explain how human factors, as an individual or as a team,
2/A.P2 affect the performance of engineering processes.

Explain how three engineering processes are used safely when

2/A.P1 manufacturing a given product or when delivering a given

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in
the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: Shabir Date:

Page 0
Start Assignment here


In this first part of the assignment, I'm going to be talking about the main body of the rail clamp. The
process you can use are either the following sand casting or drop forging. Both processes differ from
each other, but give the same results which in this case is the main body.

Sand casting

Sand casting is a process where a metal casting is formed using a mould which is created using sand,
the mould is split into two halves making it easy to take apart and then the metal would be placed in the
furnace, after it’s turned into molten it’s ready to be taken out. There’s a gating system where the melted
molten material is added into the mould and it is the creator's choice to add patterns for aesthetic
reasons. Then the sand departs from the metallic object so it’s easier to remove it from the mould. You
can use other materials like wood or even wool. The furnace would heat the molten metal, sand is good
for this as it’s a good heat insulator.

Firstly, the sand moulds would be created in two halves to fit together and make the main body for the
rail clamp. A pattern would be created as the same exact one for the main body and so it is the right
shape for the mould. The metal is placed within the furnace and after it turns into molten it’s ready to be
placed in the mould. Both halves of the moulds would be placed together and a gating system would be
created so it’s easier to pour the molten metal into the mould. After that the mould is complete and you
can remove the sand. Something like a jig wouldn't be necessary as the sand mould gives it support
and holds it in place really well. The use of the mould would also help give shape to the main body, also
it doesn’t really need something holding it in place if it has the top and bottom secured in place.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of sand casting is that it’s a quicker process compared to other processes as it needs
less time to make the object due to the simplified steps it requires. Another advantage is that there are

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cheaper tools and equipment are a lot cheaper which makes this method more useful as it can save you
a lot of money even if you mess up.

The disadvantages of sand casting is that it doesn’t make the object stronger as the process only
includes you filling in the mould and not doing other actions such as hammering the metal. Another
disadvantage is that the finish texture of the product isn’t going to be the best due to it being in a sand
mould which means that it would feel grainy and not smooth at all.

Drop forging

Drop forging is a manufacturing process where a hammer is lifted and is then dropped onto the heated
piece of metal repeatedly in order to get it to its desired shape. Preheating the metal makes it softer
meaning it’ll help with structuring the metal. You'd produce a die from the die drawings and then trim the
metal piece to its geometrical measurements which would be accurate. It would cut to a size-able shape
and would be heated. Its attached to upper and lower dies will be attached to an anvil for then to be
hammered repeatedly to get into shape. After it’ll get trimmed to its actual shape and through heat to
soften into it. (Drop Forging Process, 2021)

Firstly, die drawings would need to be created onto the piece of metal to outline the main body with
accurate measurements. The metal will be preheated making it soft to use later and then preparing it for
the next step. The piece of metal is placed within the upper and lower die up against an anvil, it gets
hammered by a machine at a controllable rate and it’ll get into the desired shape which would be the
main body of the rail clamp. If it has some excess metal still attached to it, it’ll get trimmed off to make
the shape more accurate to its measurements. Instead of using something like a jig, it uses an upper
and lower die because it provides more support by adding more pressure whilst it’s getting hammered
by a powered machine. Plus they are bigger than a jig due to the machines being big.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of drop forging is that the efficiency of production is really effective as it’s the machines
doing the work and making sure the metal is in the right shape. Another advantage is that it can save
metal material and adds less effort to the machine, having enough metal can help for other excess parts

The disadvantages of drop forging is that the die preparation would be costly as well as the power you’d
need to work the machines which would be running constantly due to a lot of hammering needed. Also
another factor to consider is the damage that can happen to the machine if it isn't used right because it
can cause problems for a company with things like debt if they can’t fund it.


Legislation is a term used when a new law is passed to parliament so they can consider it and make it
an actual rule. Depending on the needs for society a bill would be created including information and
then would be given to MPs to make a decision. A ruling would be called declaring whether it should be
an actual rule.

Page 2
Health and safety

The health and safety legislation (HASAWA) talks about the health and safety for employees and how
they should sustain it. This can also affect clients, visitors and the general public as something
dangerous can occur during work which will lead to horrific injuries. For the process drop forging, it
includes machinery like hammers, upper and lower dies, the machines would be constantly running and
if the employee isn't careful when working some terrible things can happen so it’s their duty to make
sure everything is secure. They are given responsibilities so they make sure production goes well
without anyone getting hurt. Another reason to think about it is the health precautions workers have to
consider like mental health as they can experience a lot of stress from overworking.
(WorkSmart: The career coach that works for everyone, 2021)

Personal protective equipment

The personal protective equipment (PPE) at work protects the workers from safety risks at work. This
includes goggles, safety helmets, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and other things for respiratory
safety. During the process of drop forging, many factors come into place like how the workers consider
safety during the manufacturing phase like providing instructions, giving out risk assessments, training
other employees. It’s also made sure that they supervise new workers closely as they can make
mistakes when working. Injuries can take place when working so systems have to be made like
protecting body parts as dangerous things can happen. Also there’s a huge chance of employees
getting ill from cold temperatures or even contaminated air from damage or a leak in the building.
(Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 2021)

References 2021. Drop Forging Process. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 15 December 2021]. 2021. What is the Health and Safety at Work Act? | WorkSmart: The career coach
that works for everyone. [online] Available at:
-act> [Accessed 16 December 2021]. 2021. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 16 December 2021].


In this section, I'll be talking about the hole within the rail clamp. The processes this can include is either
drilling or punching a hole. I think they are reasonable processes as they get the job done through

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simple steps which can involve the use of machines where a worker is making sure it’s the right shape
and size.


The drill process consists of using a drill bit that cuts a hole of a circular motion within the centre of the
shape. It usually rotates in one direction at a certain point meaning that if the drill is in place it would
carry on going even if a mistake is made. When it’s pressed onto the metal it quickens the pace which
shows how fast it can go within one point. The main point of this process is that the drill goes through
the metal making a hole which can either be big or small, this can depend all on the size of the drill as it
isn’t reversible.

When making the hole for the rail clamp you’d have to make sure that the surface is cleaned so no dirt
is left on the drill. Then the centre of the metal piece would be marked with the correct measurements
making it equal to each side. This helps to make sure the drill stays in place with the centre marked.
After that the metal object which in this case is the main body as you have to make a hole within it, is
set up under the drill and it goes through leaving a deep hole. But, before doing this you need to make
sure it’s clamped in place making it more stable when drilling the hole. You would have to clean the hole
removing all the mess that was created. Another reason why a clamp would be needed is that it
ensures the worker that it’s safe to use the machine with ease.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages for the drilling process is that it’s easy to set the machine up since it’s a simple process
of making a hole within the specific material. Another advantage to this process is to consider the
accuracy of the drill meaning how it makes a precise hole in a straight direction.

The disadvantages for the drilling process is that the drill can be fragile which means that it can handle
a certain amount of force until it would break. Another factor to consider is the fact the hole wouldn’t be
as smooth as it should be due to the shape of the drill and the difficulty of trying to make a hole smooth
with something like sandpaper.


The punching process is a forming process that uses a punch press to force a tool which is also called a
punch, through the workpiece creating a hole (known as shearing). Punching is also useful for other
materials that come in sheet form including sheet metal, paper, vulcanised fibre and other forms of
plastic sheets. With this the punch needs a certain amount of pressure where it is able to make a holw
through the metal making a solid hole. This would also have to be at a centre point where everything is
equal making it look more presentable.

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