5 Hard to Kill Houseplants

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If you’re new to gardening or you seem to always forget to water your

plants, you should consider one of these hard to kill houseplants. These
plants are not only beautiful, but are easy to care for, and will tolerant a
bit of neglect.

Features Of Hard To Kill Houseplants:

 Thrives in low-light or indirect light

 Loves standard household humidity and temperature
 Grows well in typical potting soil or succulent soil
 Will survive periods of neglect

Here are 5 hard to kill houseplants:

1. Snake Plant

These beautiful plants, also known as

mother in laws tongue, have tall, stiff
leaves of dark green. Some varieties
are variegated and have yellow stripes
that run down along the edges of the

This plant does better when the soil

dries out completely in between

When you do water it, just give it a

long, deep drink, and then allow the
water to drain out completely. Another
wonderful quality to this plant is that it
thrives in low light. It will grow fine in an office under fluorescent lights or
other indirect lighting.
2. Spider Plant

This indoor plant is easy to care for

and highly adaptable. They are
typically available in a light green
and white colour. Spider plants are
named for the little clumps of small
plants that hang off the end of its
runners. These little spiderettes
can easily be propagated into new

These plants are so easy to care

for that they enjoy being potbound, so you won’t need to repot them
often. They thrive in bright indirect light, such as near a kitchen or
bathroom window. They don’t need to be watered often but do give them
a good drink when the soil begins to dry out.

3. Chinese Evergreen

For the indoor plant-lover you cannot beat a Chinese evergreen. This
plant is both beautiful and sturdy.

These plants are slow growing, so

there’s no rush to repot it.

You can’t go wrong with your

Chinese evergreen. It likes bright
light but it does equally well in low
lights and even artificial light. You
can keep the soil evenly moist, or let
it dry out for a week or two before
you water it again.

You don’t need to fertilize it, but you

can if you like. If you have trouble
remembering to take care of your
plants regularly, this is the plant for
4. Jade Plant

Jade plants are long-lived succulents

that represent money and good luck.
You’ll recognize them by their thick
woody stems and pretty oval green
leaves. They require very little care to

It’s ok to underwater your jade plant.

You’ll know it is overdue for a drink
when its leaves begin to shrink. Then
give it a long, slow drink of water,
allowing the water to completely drain
out of the soil. Don’t water again until
the top of the soil has dried out. In the
winter, when growth is slow, you can let it go a little longer.

Jade plants need bright direct sun for a few hours a day, but the
variegated varieties can get by with just indirect light.

5. ZZ Plant

If you are looking for hard to kill houseplants,

you’ve just found one of the best. A ZZ plant
can thrive under the most serious neglect. It
isn’t super fussy and will do fine under a variety
of conditions.

You can keep your zz plant in low light to bright

indirect light. It will grow just fine in an office
building, too, under the fluorescent lights.
Only water it when the soil is dry. It’s pretty
forgiving if you skip a watering or two. If it gets
too big, cut it back a bit and it won’t even care.

One word of caution, the ZZ plant is toxic. Don’t let your children or
animals eat it and wash off any sap right away as it may cause skin

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