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ISSN 1019-3316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 254–271.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018.

Original Russian Text © A.A. Sarkisov, V.L. Vysotskii, 2018, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2018, Vol. 88, No. 7, pp. 599–618.

Environmental Problems

The Nuclear Accident Aboard a Nuclear Submarine in Chazhma Bay:

Event Reconstruction and Analysis of the Consequences
A. A. Sarkisova, * and V. L. Vysotskiia, **, #
aNuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
Received February 7, 2018

Abstract—The authors analyzed events related to the largest nuclear accident in the history of the Soviet
Navy, which occurred on the nuclear submarine K-431 on August 10, 1985, during scheduled operations at a
dockyard in Chazhma Bay near Vladivostok. For reasons of security, the aftermath of these events remained
unknown to a wide circle of specialists and public for over 30 years, prompting ambiguous interpretations and
conjectures. This article describes the findings, including the collection, generalization, and systematization
of surviving incomplete and limited data; numerical and model calculations; and the analysis of the accident’s
causes and development. The radioactive and radioecological consequences, rehabilitation measures, and the
disposal of the formed radioactive waste and the damaged nuclear submarine are considered. The conse-
quences of the radioactive release into the Sea of Japan, the cloud traveling to the north along the Russian–
Chinese border, and the transborder transfer of radioactive substances for the populations of the neighboring
countries are evaluated for the first time.

Keywords: nuclear submarine, nuclear reactor, reactor core, runaway self-sustaining chain reaction (SSCR),
nuclear accident, thermal explosion, radioactive substances, contamination, trace, radiation exposure dose,
DOI: 10.1134/S1019331618040068

Background of the domestic nuclear fleet. The cre- metal–cooled (LMC) reactors as nuclear power
ation of the domestic nuclear submarine fleet, nuclear installations (NPIs).
cruisers, and the world’s only powerful nuclear ice- The lag of the Soviet Union in this sphere was
breaker fleet became possible thanks to the high explained by the fact that, right after the end of the
potential of fundamental science reached in the Soviet Great Patriotic War, our country had to focus its
Union. The implementation of these large-scale proj- efforts on the creation of atomic weapons in the con-
ects required the concentration of the latest scientific ditions of new external threats and owing to limited
economic capabilities. Nevertheless, the first Soviet
achievements in various fields of knowledge, as well as NPS Leninskii Komsomol was built just four years after
productive and human resources. It was possible to the creation of the first American NPS (it was named
change cardinally the face of the fleet and improve its in memory of the cognominal diesel submarine M-106
combat capabilities thanks to the development of a of the Northern Fleet lost on a combat trip in 1943).
large independent direction of the domestic nuclear This boat had 30 years of combat naval service, and
industry—marine nuclear power engineering [1]. during its long operation, it was possible to identify
many design drawbacks and accumulate valuable
For the record, the first nuclear-powered subma- operational experience that helped improve the
rine (NPS) was built in the United States. It was domestic submarine fleet. In 1997, NPS Leninskii
launched in January 1954, but work to create it had Komsomol, considering its technical condition, was
begun in December 1945, i.e., soon after the atomic decommissioned and later turned into a museum.
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first Amer- The 1958 launch of the first domestic NPS sym-
ican NPSs used pressurized-water (PW) and liquid bolized not just the next stage in submarine fleet
# Academician of RAS Ashot Arakelovich Sarkisov is a RAS Adviser. development. This event was a revolutionary leap that
Valentin Leonidovich Vysotskii, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), is a Laboratory changed qualitatively the face of our Navy and its
Head at the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of combat capabilities. It is necessary to stress that ship-
Sciences (IBRAE RAN). board nuclear power engineering and nuclear subma-


rines in general are our true national treasure. While The one-dimensional and averaged approaches
the developers of nuclear weapons had the opportu- previously used in hydrodynamics, when only static
nity to draw upon intelligence information, in creating pressure drops in water-conveyance system sections
shipboard nuclear power supply installations, scien- and average cross-section velocities were determined
tists and designers worked totally autonomously. for heat-exchange apparatuses, turned out to be insuf-
ficient. The necessity arose to develop experimental
A very special role in NPS NPI design belongs to methods to study current speeds, picking up pulsation
the prewar advanced school of Soviet scientists and components; identifying pulsation sources and spec-
personally to Academician A.P. Aleksandrov, who is tra, as well as vortex structures; optimizing pulsation-
justly called the father of shipboard nuclear power flow modeling; and developing 3-D flow calculation
engineering. Many decisions that underlay the cre- methods.
ation of the first NPS appear trivial from today’s per-
spective; however, at the time when they were made, The formation of a vortex-free water-conveyance
the developers faced serious difficulties because of the system with mandatory leveling of the pressure field in
heat and outlet collectors became topical. All these
insufficient scientific basis and shortage of informa-
scientific problems were solved within 10−12 years by
tion. In particular, at the very beginning of the work,
the creative teams of the Institute of Physics and
everybody was concerned with the uncertainty about
Power Engineering, the Central Boiler and Turbine
the behavior of the liquid-filled reactor core under Institute, the Research and Design Institute of Energy
swinging, lurches, and trim differences. Inevitable Technologies, and other institutions.
dynamic reactions and flywheel effects could disturb
not only the smooth motion of the coolant but also the Large-scale theoretical and experimental work
neutron balance of the core. resulted in the creation in 1956 of a basic small-scale,
highly stressed, and highly maneuverable NPI with
True, after analysis and calculations, it became two water-cooled and water-moderated (WWR) reac-
clear that the concerns were exaggerated. Inertia tors that met the specific requirements for submarine
forces, which arise in swinging conditions, are so small use.
compared to the total rest masses that there are no rea- Simultaneously with NPI work, exploratory
sons to dread them. As a result, Aleksandrov et al. research was done to improve the traveling speed of
came to the final conclusion that the reactor should submarines. This problem was studied at leading
have a water moderator and a fast-thermal neutron hydrodynamic research institutions, but especially
spectrum, and light water should be used as a coolant actively at the Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Sibe-
under a pressure that would ensure the necessary sup- rian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences under
ply before boiling. Note that power reactors of this the supervision of Academician M.A. Lavrent’ev.
type had not been built in our country; therefore, the Research into the boundary layer resulted in methods
task that lay ahead was really pioneering. As for the to optimize the geometric shape of a streamlined body
nuclear power plant in general, from the very begin- and principles affecting the boundary layer to reduce
ning, the developers chose the traditional boiler-and- resistance of motion. Many of these works were pio-
turbine scheme, producing steam in the steam gener- neering, and some of their practical applications had
ator, heated by the water of the primary circuit. no analogs in the world practice in those years.
With all the external similarity of traditional steam Our atomic submarines of the first generations
power plants and shipboard NPIs (in both cases, there compared favorably with the pivotal performance data
is a heat source, a steam generator, pumps, separators, of that time, such as speed, the depth of submersion,
condensers, a turbine, etc.), there is a fundamental the mix and performance of armaments, and surviv-
difference in the nature of the heat source itself. The ability. However, unfortunately, they had a high noise
use of the nuclear reactor as such entailed the need to level, which reduced their acoustic stealth. Therefore,
study new regularities of heat exchange and hydrody- the task of improving the acoustic performance of
namics in it. Despite the fact that water as a coolant domestic NPSs became particularly urgent. This
had long been used in boilers, nuclear energetics turned out to be extremely difficult, as was the devel-
involved new technological requirements and regular- opment of antisubmarine warfare (ASW) detection
ities of water behavior in high radiation fields, consid- equipment, and required broad fundamental and applied
ering in addition the properties of canning materials studies. As a result, submarines were silenced by 1.5 times
not used previously and the features of forced heat on average, and noise pressure was decreased by more
flows in a water-conveyance system of a new shape. than four times over 30 years, from 1970 to 2000.
The problem of heat transfer from the fuel rods to the Speaking about the role of science in creating the
coolant required the development of studies on heat domestic nuclear submarine fleet, we note the great
transfer crises in slot-type channels of complex role of academic research councils as coordinators of
shapes, definition of heat transfer coefficients for new fundamental and applied research. For example, the
geometries and profiles, and the creation and study of leading one was the Research Council on the Complex
the role of various heat transfer intensifiers. Problem of Hydrophysics, established in 1967 and



headed by Academician B.P. Konstantinov and then In subsequent years, nuclear submarines were con-
from 1970, by Academician Aleksandrov for 23 years. structed at four shipyards at steadily increasing rates. It
The competences of the council included a wide range is significant that, by the end of the 1980s, the number
of issues, but the main point for many years had been of Soviet nuclear submarines (248) exceeded the total
the stealthiness and the design of ASW detection number of launched NPSs of all other countries put
equipment for the potential adversary. The Research together, and the capacity of the power reactors of all
Council on Hydrophysics coordinated extremely effi- domestic nuclear combat ships and civilian vessels was
ciently all work in this sphere in the country. comparable to the total capacity of the nuclear power
Many urgent naval problems were dealt with by the plants built in the Soviet Union. Each new NPS gen-
Research Council on Hydrodynamics Problems eration reached a new level in submarine building.
established in 1960. Its first chairman was Academi- Returning to the early domestic designs, note that
cian Lavrent’ev. The Research Council on Deep- the first-generation NPSs were supplied with NPIs
Water Submarines Comms Located in Combat with two VM-A-type WWRs with a 70-MW thermal
Patrolling Areas was established in the late 1970s. Its capacity each (the 1985 nuclear accident in Chazhma
chairman Academician V.A. Kotel’nikov played a Bay occurred on a first-generation Project 675 NPS
great role in the organization and activity of the coun- with a VM-A reactor).
cil. The Research Council on Applied Problems under The intensive use of the atomic fleet necessitated
the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the creation of a powerful service infrastructure and
established in 1967 and headed by Academician sharply increased requirements on NPI operation cul-
V.M. Glushkov, a famous specialist in mathematics ture. Considering number of accidents typical for the
and cybernetics, dealt with the use of computers and nonatomic fleet, such as fires, explosions, floods, col-
mathematical methods, including those for the benefit lisions, strandings, etc., the accident rate of atomic
of the Navy. ships did not fall outside the average statistical level. A
A high integration of science and shipbuilding special place among the accidents belongs to nuclear
came out during the creation of the Project 705 accidents and those related to the loss of circuit tight-
(α class) submarines with intermediate-spectrum ness. Their prevention on the atomic fleet has always
nuclear reactors, cooled by a lead–bismuth coolant. been a priority of the highest level due to potential
The mixed feelings toward this project on behalf of the heavy consequences associated with the hazard of
Navy commanders and several specialists were well radionuclide release into the submarine volume and
known. It was due to the need to create a separate further, into the environment.
expensive coastal infrastructure for the technical The intention to minimize the gap with the United
maintenance of these submarines. It may be said with- States during NPI and first-generation NPS reactor
out exaggeration that the implementation of this proj- designs sometimes entailed nonoptimal design solu-
ect in the early 1970s became a unique scientific and tions and technological errors. For these reasons, NPS
technological breakthrough, outrunning the existent operation was often accompanied by small but fre-
level by several decades. Considering the principal quent local hazardous radiation accidents associated
novelty of the power installation and the first-used all- with losses of the coolant of the primary circuit and
round automation system, this project could only have steam generators. A significant fact is that almost all
been implemented widely using the latest achieve- large accidents with unfavorable radiological and radi-
ments of science and technology. oecological consequences happened with the first-
Perhaps, it was the only case in our country when generation NPSs (K-19 of Project 658, 1961; K-11 of
four academicians, the leading specialists in their Project 627, 1965; K-431 of Project 675, 1985; and
respective fields, at one time were scientific supervi- K-192 of Project 675, 1989; 56 NPSs were built in
sors of the submarine design. First, let us recall 1958−1968, 29 of them were of Project 675). The
A.P. Aleksandrov, who supervised the work in general. cause was that the first-generation reactors, in terms of
The nuclear power installation was the responsibility nuclear and radiation safety, had design drawbacks
of Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences associated with extreme spatial branching and a large
A.I. Leipunskii; the creation of automatic control sys- volume of the primary circuit, large-diameter pipe-
tems was supervised by Academician V.A. Trapez- lines that interconnected the main pieces of equip-
nikov; and the electrical equipment, by Academician ment (reactor, steam generators, pumps, heat
of the Armenian Academy of Sciences A.G. Iosif’yan. exchangers, pressurizers, etc.), and initially approved
Had it not been for the difficult economic situa- overstated operating parameters (the water tempera-
tion, the new direction using a liquid-metal coolant in ture in the primary circuit reached 300°С; the pressure,
the submarine fleet could have been eliminated from 200 atm; and the steam temperature, 250°С) [2, 3].
the drawbacks typical for any initial period in the NPI design and technical drawbacks also created
development of original projects, and it could have problems in the organization of protection during
become an equal alternative in the development of emergency depressurization of the primary circuit and
domestic NPSs. during rupture of the numerous pulse tubes, connect-



war period. It was equipped with the most advanced

weapons: submarine and surface vessels, missile-car-
Vladivostok rying nuclear submarines with long cruising capaci-
ties, unrestricted ocean service, and powerful strike
Ussuri Bay capabilities. This allowed the fleet to drive out from
coastal waters into the World Ocean. Since 1968, the
presence of the fleet ships in the Pacific and Indian
oceans has become routine practice.
Dunai Chazhma Bay Kamchatka and Primorskii Krai were made the

passage main regions for the PF NPS bases. In Primorskii


Krai, such a naval base was located in Strelok Bay and

adjacent bays at the distance of 30−40 km from Vlad-
ivostok across Ussuri Bay (Fig. 1).
ge In the mid-1950s, the Chelomei Design Office
ass a Ba
np vsk developed cruise missile P-6 with a range of 300 km,
r vlo
Ea which could hit targets by nuclear or high-capacity
high-explosive warheads. On August 17, 1956, the
Fig. 1. The Strelok Naval Base near Vladivostok. The site USSR Council of Ministers issued a resolution to
of the NPS K-431 nuclear accident on August 10, 1985, in begin developing NPSs that were capable of carrying
Chazhma Bay, settlement of Dunai. not only antiship missiles P-6 but also strategic cruise
missiles P-5M to strike primarily aircraft carriers, as
well as various coastal targets. Note that no marine
ing the primary circuit with monitoring and measuring power at that time had nuclear-powered submarines
equipment. In addition, the monitoring and measur- armed with cruise missiles.
ing equipment during NPI commissioning made it
possible to track nuclear processes in the reactor only The Rubin design office, headed by the General
when it reached the minimal controlled level of capac- Designer P.P. Pustyntsev, designed the submarine.
ity. The reactor was started-up by a special operator- The designers were pushed very hard due to the tense
calculated program that moves the controls. international situation, and, to meet the deadline, they
took the Project 651 diesel submarine armed with four
When the reactor is shutdown, the shim rod lattice cruise missiles as the basis for the new NPS. The Proj-
is in the lower limit position. The lattice position ect 675 NPS power installation consisted of two reac-
under which the critical state is reached and the self- tors whose design features had already been worked
sustaining fission chain reaction (SSCR) begins (the out on the Project 627 NPS (Leninskii Komsomol).
shim rod launching position) depends on the degree of The construction was fast and on a massive scale: in
fuel burn-up: the higher the burn-up, the higher the 1963−1968, 29 submarines were given to the Navy,
lattice position. In the reactor core loaded with fresh 15 of which went to the Northern Fleet and 14, to the
fuel, the launching position of the lattice is the lowest. Pacific Fleet, including NPS K-431, which became
This particular circumstance in combination with the site of a nuclear accident in the future.
imperfect reloading equipment and personnel errors
later led to the nuclear accident on NPS K-431 in The Project 675 nuclear twin-shaft submarine had
Chazhma Bay. two (light nonsealed and strong sealed) hulls with ten
compartments in them. The main power installation
Amid all the radiation and nuclear accidents with (39 000 hp) included two VM-A reactors (2 × 70 MW),
NPS NPIs, surface ships, and the nuclear icebreaker two steam turbines, and two main geared-turbine
fleet in the Soviet Union and Russia, from 1960 units. The reactors were located behind the conning
through the present, associated with coolant loss and tower in the sixth uninhabited (only those who kept
core meltdown, as well as runaway self-sustaining watch were there) reactor room. The berthing com-
chain reactions (there were six of them), the nuclear partments (second and ninth) were located 20−30 m
accident on NPS K-431 was the most hazardous one. away from the reactors (Fig. 2). The NPS environment
By the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), it was protected against radiation by a solid-state biolog-
corresponds to level 5 (other accidents with ship reac- ical protection, equipment, construction elements,
tors reached levels 2−4). By this scale, only two acci- and submarine hull, as well as by seawater pumped
dents in the world were assessed as level 7 (the Cher- between the light and strong hulls.
nobyl NPP and NPP Fukushima-1), and one as level 6, During NPS operation, the energy resource and
PA “Mayak.” The accident frequently referred to at reactivity margin necessary to maintain the chain
the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, reaction in the reactors decrease as the fuel gradually
the largest in US history, corresponded to level 5. burns up. Then, to restore the energy resource, the
Accident site and region description. The Pacific scheduled refueling of the reactors is done. The spent
Fleet (PF) underwent qualitative changes in the post- fuel is replaced with “fresh” fuel by loading new fuel



assemblies into the reactor core (RC). The refueling

procedure is a series of disassembling and assembling
operations to replace the RC completely with subse-
quent physical and power start-up. In special cases,
unscheduled refueling is done for troubleshooting.
The first-generation NPSs were scheduled to be
refueled once every 5−7 years, on average; for exam-
ple, NPS K-431 had its reactors refueled two times
before the accident. Coastal and floating maintenance
bases (CMBs and FMBs) were created for such oper-
ations in the Northern and Pacific fleets. Refueling is
a critical and complex technical operation, during
which, in addition to core replacement, the spent
nuclear fuel and radioactive waste should be handled.
Modern NPSs are refueled much less frequently due to
the higher energy resource of the new-type reactor
cores and the improved reliability of the power equip-
To ensure safety at the refilling point, restricted
areas are established mandatorily. The entire sur-
rounding area, including NPSs, logistics vessels—
floating maintenance base or repair ship (RS), float-
ing radiation-measuring barge (FRMB)—and part of
the dockyard are set off as a radiation safety restricted
area (RSRA). The only personnel that is admitted
there are those involved in refuel preparation, work
performance, and watchkeeping. Inside the RSRA, a Forward
MBT hardware MBT
small controlled access area (CAA) is formed addi- 5 5
tionally, i.e., premises and sections where operations 3rd-level Entrance
with sources of ionizing radiation are performed. recess corridor

The personnel can enter and exit CAA through a SG SG

recess recess
radiation monitoring point (RMP). On NPSs, the
RMP includes the light hull near the reactor room, the
reactor room, and a temporary protective structure,
which professionals used to call the “hut.” An aperture
of 6 × 4 m, cut in the light and strong hulls above the
reactors, behind the conning room is protected by the BPT
“hut” against atmospheric precipitation. In the
absence of specific operations, the “hut,” the reactor
B = 9.2 m
room, and passages to adjacent compartments are
locked with racks and sealed. This principle was fol-
lowed to recharge the reactors on NPS K-431 at the Fig. 2. A Project 675 NPS at sea. Cross section of the reac-
pier no. 2 in the waters of the naval dockyard no. 30 tor compartment. MBT and BPT are the main ballast and
(SRZ-30) in Chazhma Bay (Fig. 3). biological protection tanks. Filled with seawater. SG is
steam generators.
Two support vessels, FRMB-12 and RS-133, and
NPS K-42 under repair were in the near zone with a
radius of up to 50 m relative to the NPS [4]. Five sub- Open floating dock FD-41 (to the right behind
marines under repair, logistics vessels—FRMB-5, the FD-48, not shown in Fig. 3), in which the heavy air-
crane vessel Chernomorets, and two motorboats—were craft cruiser Minsk was repaired, was 500−800 m away
at adjacent piers nos. 2 and 3 (120−150 m away). from the accident site in Chazhma Bay. The accident
Floating docks FD-11 and FD-48 and the houseboat site was 1400−1700 m away from the outskirts of the
Sura were 150−500 m away. The territory adjacent to adjacent settlements Dunai and Temp, which were
the piers had a checkpoint, the radiation monitoring separated by a range of mud volcanos 20−160 m high
point, through which the axis of the radioactive plume and a fully stocked wood with underbrush. The oppo-
passed through, and nearby, a radiobiological labora- site bank of Chazhma Bay, 500−600 m away, was also
tory, utility buildings and facilities, an open metal stor- protected by a range of mud volcanos 20−50 m high
age area, and dockyard bays and shops. and a forest with underbrush.



Houseboat Sura FD-11

K-108 ACCIDENT SITE Above the power module, 80 R/h

SS Adjacent modules up to 7 R/h
SS 58

RS-133 48
3 re FD
no mo
L CV K-42

re tal
Pier 2

wa Me

ho Po Seawater specific activity
we 2.0 × 10–6 Ci/L

ilit MB-16


ut a
fallo RS-133
Rad Hull dock K-431
shop (HDS) Shop 10 K-42

Shop 3


Pier 2

Fig. 3. Vessel positions in Chazhma Bay and facilities at SRZ-30 before the accident. The dotted line shows the 150-m radius from
the accident site; in the insert are NPS K-431 and logistics vessels.

Precursors and causes of the accident, a runaway Monday, i.e., August 12. On August 10, the chief engi-
self-sustaining chain reaction, and a thermal explosion. neer of CMB 375 and the reloading manager, consid-
Three months before the accident, the spent nuclear ering the unfavorable situation at hand, made an inde-
fuel from two reactors of NPS K-431 was unloaded pendent decision before noon to lift the reactor head.
and replaced with the “fresh” fuel. The manager and Before lifting the reactor head, whose lower part
specialists of the reloading crew of CMB 375 were well fits tightly 40 cm deep into the vessel, the fastening
experienced in such operations, having received spe- nuts should be removed (the reactor becomes untight).
cial additional training, due instruction, and clearance Since the lifting of the shim rod lattice is associated
to work. The physics specialist was trained at the with the release of large excessive reactivity, a special
Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Energy and authorized device, which keeps the lattice rod in the lower posi-
to do independent nuclear hazardous operations. tion, is mounted above the reactor head to ensure
Ten days before the accident, which happened, as nuclear safety. In the normal refueling mode, the rod
was already mentioned, on August 10, 1985, the freely comes out through the center of the head. How-
reloading crew went through routine operations of ever, if the head is skewed, the rod can consensually be
sealing the reactor head with tightness inspection jammed in the aperture and will start to rise when the
through hydraulic tests. At the end of the first four head is lifted. This situation is extremely dangerous
days of tests, the aft reactor was accepted for opera- and inadmissible, because the “physical weight” of the
tion. To check the tightness of the head fastening of shim rod lattice, designed to compensate for the full
the fore reactor, excessive pressure was also used, but a initial reactivity margin, exceeds the total fraction of
dripping leakage was detected between the head and delayed neutrons (0.0064) by a factor of several times.
the reactor vessel. An attempt to eliminate the leakage Its uncontrolled rise can make the reactor prompt crit-
by tightening the fastening nuts was unsuccessful. ical and cause a criticality excursion and a subsequent
Nine minutes after the second pressure rise, water thermal explosion [3]. This particular situation
appeared in the gap again. The pressure was removed, resulted from incorrect personnel operations on NPS
and the manager of operations reported the on-the- K-431 on August 10, 1985.
ground situation to his superiors on August 4. At 11 h 55 min Vladivostok time, two thermal
After a closer examination of the leakage spot, a explosions occurred one after the other within 36 ms
welding rod was found that had been left through neg- (according to the National Research Center Kurcha-
ligence between the head and the vessel. This was tov Institute estimations) inside the reactor, when the
immediately reported to the Fleet Maintenance Man- head was lifted. Radioactive substances and nuclear
agement on August 8. The urgent replacement of the fuel were expelled outside the NPS, causing great
broken seal gasket was required, but there happened to destruction. Analysis of nuclear SSCR accidents and
be none at CMB 375. Maintenance Management numerical estimates show that the time of a single
communicated that it would be delivered only on energy surge could have been 1−4 ms, and the peak



capacitance could have reached 1.5 × 109 W (5 × under extremely severe radiation conditions and mov-
1019 fissions). The second energy surge was smaller, ing to shallow waters.
2 × 108 W (6 × 1018 fissions). The difference between Then the smoke cloud continued to move at a
them is that after the first SSCR, the geometry of the speed of ~5 m/s downwind in the direction opposite to
reactor core was disturbed and the water turned into the settlements and turned into the marker of the
steam, significantly reducing the intensity of the fis- radioactive path above the dockyard territory and
sion chain reaction as a result of a sharp decrease in the beyond. As the cloud entered the fully stocked wood,
formation of thermal neutrons [5–7]. eyewitnesses observed its collision with the lower part
of the nearest mud volcano of 70 m high (600−700 m
Such SSCR-resultant high fission rates produce away from the accident site) and slow movement ups-
short powerful neutron and gamma-quantum fluxes lope to a height of 40−50 m from the ground. After-
that go beyond the reactor vessel. However, in this sit- wards, the cloud, brushing the tops of lower volcanos,
uation, their impact was significantly reduced due to struck into the uninhabited territory of the Dunai Pen-
the reactor cores being located 4−5 m below the water- insula, leaving behind a 5.5-km radioactive trace from
line, i.e., below the water surface, in the uninhabited the accident site to Ussuri Bay and beyond.
part of the submarine. For this particular reason, the
SSCR did not cause strong radiation impacts on NPS As is known, the scale of a nuclear accident and its
K-42 and RS-133 moored nearby, because the reac- consequences are most fully characterized by the rate
tor’s biological protection and also the layer of seawa- of radioactive release. When assessing its value, some-
ter separating them reduced all types of radiation by times, the need arises to consider separately each
millions of times. The release of radioactive sub- source of radioactive substances that contaminate the
stances outside the NPS was the highest hazard in this environment. There were three of them in the situa-
situation. tion under consideration. The first is the “fresh”
nuclear fuel, the source of alpha radiation. The second
The air blast generated by the explosion spread at source is beta–gamma radionuclides and a negligible
the velocity of sound over the bay and dockyard terri- amount of alpha emitters, which formed during the
tory. The subsequent radiation monitoring of the SSCR under prompt 235U fission. The third source is
coastline and territory showed that the blast shock beta–gamma activation products, accumulated before
front transferred horizontally some radioactive sub- the accident in the reactor structures as a result of
stances to a distance of 1000 m from the explosion site many years of service.
during the first 3 s. For comparison: the smoke cloud
rose by only 20−25 m over the same interval. During The initial alpha activity of the “fresh” nuclear fuel
the explosion, part of the nuclear fuel was released in VM-A reactors is ~6 × 109 Bq (230−240 kg of 235U
from the reactor and started to fall as a gray powder in and 238U). Calculations based on the results of moni-
a 50- to 100-m radius around the NPS. In addition, toring of the radioactive contamination of the envi-
small highly active fragments of the destroyed reactor ronment showed that 3−3.5% of the total nuclear fuel
core scattered across the area within a radius of up to (7−8 kg) could have fallen on the coastal radioactive
150−200 m from the accident site. A fireball of 4−5 m trace with a total alpha activity of about 2 × 108 Bq (for
in diameter and 900−1100°С, which appeared above comparison, the release during the Chernobyl acci-
the reactor compartment right after the explosion, dent was ~3.5%, or ~6500 kg of 235U and 238U). The
existed for 1 s at most but led to a powerful fire in the larger part of the fuel (60−70%) in the form of melt
compartment, which took 4 h to extinguish. Then a mixed with RC metal structures remained in the reac-
gray-black cloud, containing radioactive substances, tor vessel and the reactor compartment. The rest fuel
formed and rose 20−25 m above the NPS, and, fell out around the NPS on the vessels, piers, coast-
expanding to 20−30 m, began to drift slowly with the line, and waters of Chazhma Bay. Most of fuel that was
wind toward the dock. on the coastline, piers, and vessels was gathered and
buried, but this was impossible to do in the bay waters.
Combustion products, fission-product poison, Radioactive substances are still in the bottom sedi-
“hot” radioactive particles, and small and large frag- ments under the silt between piers nos. 2 and 3.
ments of the destroyed in-reactor structures, reactor
room, and protection “hut,” contaminated by radio- For comprehensive assessment of 235U fission
active substances, began to fall out of this cloud onto product formation, the energy release during the first
the vessels, piers, and waters of Chazhma Bay within a SSCR burst was associated with the maximal possible
radius of 50−100 m. The reactor head with remains of rate, 5 × 1019, which was equivalent to the explosion of
the destroyed reactor core attached to it with a total 350 kg of trinitrotoluene (TNT) with the energy-burst
weight of about 6−7 t was ejected to the same height power of ~1.5 × 109 W, and during the second SSCR,
(about 20−30 m) and then fell back into the reactor 6 × 1018 (37 kg of TNT; power, 0.2 × 109 W). For these
room, punching the strong hull of the NPS. The sub- conditions, release results consistent between the Rus-
marine began to overflow, necessitating its being kept sian (the Kurchatov Institute and IBRAE RAN [4, 6,
afloat by a crane vessel after the fire was extinguished 8, 9]) and foreign (NATO [7]) specialists were



Activity, Ci by air and sea (exit to the neutral waters of the north-
106 1 min 1h 1 day 10 days 1 month
western part of the Sea of Japan).
To this day, the water area within a 50- to 100-m
104 142Cs radius around the accident site has been the area of
highly radiation-contaminated bottom sediments [4].
102 However, the NPS represented the highest radioactive
hazard during the accident. The exposure dose rate
100 131Te (EDR) in the reactor room 1 m away from the reactor
131I head and the destroyed core reached 2000−3000 R/h,
and in leakage radiation areas (narrow gamma-ray
141Ce beams), 4000−7000 R/h. The density of surface radio-
active contamination was 10 6–109 decays/(cm2 min),
10−4 0
10 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 and the EDR at 3−5 m above the reactor room was
Time, s 150−250 R/h.
In the direction of the radioactive plume, the EDR
Fig. 4. Decrease of total activity and main short-lived dropped gradually but remained sufficiently high,
U-fission products, formed as a result of the accident, 0.2−2 R/h, in the controlled area up to 200 m wide
excluding radioactive noble gases. The estimates made for near the NPS (the checkpoint, piers, ships, NPS).
the fission rate of 6 × 1018. The highest radiation came from small fragments of
the destroyed RC assembly, scattered across the terri-
tory. EDR from them reached 50−200 R/h, requiring
obtained for the following main dose-forming radio- to form a special group to search, collect, and bury
nuclides: 131I, ~40 ± 15 GBq; 137Cs, ~1.7 ± 0.7 GBq; them. The density of surface radioactive contamina-
and 90Sr, ~1.6 ± 0.8 GBq. The release of 60Co, accu- tion in this area was the highest, reaching 10 4–
mulated in the reactor over the two previous cam- 106 decays/(cm2 min) (Fig. 5).
paigns, was ~16000 ± 6000 GBq.
Decrease of the total activity of the 235U instant fis- The first day after the accident, the EDR and con-
sion products, disregarding the release of radioactive tamination density on the dockyard territory and espe-
cially on the radioactive trace axis remained high,
noble gases at the fission rate of 6 × 1018 and the main reaching in some places 300 mR/h and
short-lived radionuclides, calculated by the specialists
of the Kurchatov Institute, is given in Fig. 4 [4, 6]. It 105 decays/(cm2 min), correspondingly. On the sec-
shows that 1 min after the accident, the total release ond−third days, as a result of the short-lived fission
activity decreased by more than ten times; 1 h after, by products decay, these indicators decreased by
3−7 times; however, the decrease of activity slowed
1000 times; and one day after, by 105 times. Two−three down later, because radionuclides that belonged to
hours after the accident, 131I became the main dose- activation products with half-life periods of tens and
forming fission product in the ground layer of the hundreds of days and several years began to play a
atmosphere (Т1/2 = 8.04 days), but its activity did not decisive role.
exceed 1% of the 60Со release (Т1/2 = 5.27 years).
On the first day after the accident, the specific
The subsequent perennial observation of the radio- activity of the near-NPS seawater reached an exces-
active contamination of the environment on the terri-
sively high level, (1−3) × 108 Bq/m3. The main long-
tory of dockyard no. 30, the Dunai Peninsula, and
adjacent seawaters showed that the NPS K-431 lived radionuclides were 60Co (65−90%) and 54Mn
nuclear accident had led to the formation of a “cobal- (4−16%), as well as 137Cs and 90Sr (below 1%). Two-
tic” radioactive trace. This nickname of the Chazhma to-three days later, their content decreased substan-
trace is explained by the fact that the fraction of 60Со tially in the upper water layer owing to turbulent diffu-
contained in the anthropogenic radionuclides in the sion. Radionuclides dissipated and passed to lower
soil, water, fauna, and fl ora was 90−99% of the total horizons, after which the stream moved them to adja-
activity. cent Strelok Bay. Not only the water but also the bot-
tom sediments and biota were contaminated up to
The radioactive trace. When assessing the radio- 3−5 km from the accident site.
ecological consequences of the NPS K-431 nuclear
accident, three zones of radioactive trace formation By the end of two months, the radiation situation
were distinguished for analysis: the first is the accident in the waters of Chazhma Bay had normalized in gen-
site, the dockyard and adjacent waters; the second is eral, except for the radioactive contamination of the
the coastal zone of the Dunai Peninsula; and the third bottom sediments between piers nos. 1−3. The area
is associated with the remote (Peter the Great Gulf, where EDR was the highest and changed from 1 to
southern Primorskii Krai) and transboundary transfer 150 mR/h (net of the radiation from the destroyed RC
of radionuclides (across the Russian–Chinese border) fragments) was ~50000 m2 (Fig. 6) [4].



Distance, m
Grid 10 × 10
Pier 3

Depth, m
200 Radioactive
Reactor head and
assembly 26 blowout, 0
EDR > 10 000 R/h
Large particles and 2
150 solid slag fallout area,
EDR ≈ 3–6 R/h 5
Pier 2

RS-133 10
100 K-42 15
Contaminated surfaces Reactor room
area boundary, EDR ≈ 2000–3000 R/h
EDR ≈ 0.5–2 R/h 24
Fragments of destroyed
assembly 26,
EDR ≈ 50–200 R/h

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Distance, m

Fig. 5. The radiation situation in the accident site 1−5 min after the NPS K-431 NPI exploded. Chazhma Bay, depth scale, m.

The further search for and identification of

drowned fragments of the destroyed RC using remote
telemetric inspection of the bottom, conducted by the
0.02−0.05 0.05−0.1 0.1−0.2 0.5−10 mR/h Pacific Fleet specialists in 1991, revealed no foreign
objects in places with the maximal EDR values. The
bottom was covered with an undisturbed silt layer 10–
30 cm thick. Of the 28 radioactive anomalies identified
by measuring equipment, the highest EDRs of 1.4 and
6.4 R/h were only found in two places. They were side
over 150
by side 100 and 110 m from the coastline portside of
the wrecked NPS. EDRs from the rest of the frag-
0.2−0.6 ments changed within 20−280 mR/h. They all con-
centrated on a narrow area (120−150 m long and
40−60 m wide), oriented toward the dockyard along
pier no. 2, where the radioactive cloud moved after the
0.1−0.4 explosion of the reactor [4].
Large highly active fragments of the destroyed RC
0.1−0.3 assembly, which fell out during the accident on the
0.2−0.8 0.2−0.3 pier, NPS, and logistics vessels, were gathered into
containers and buried during decontamination, and
EDR measured on Aug. 17–21, 1985 (mR/h) small fragments, including radioactive reactor poison,
“hot” particles, and dispersed nuclear fuel, were
0.01 0.02 0.06 0.2 1 10 >150 mR/h washed overboard and settled down on the bottom.
Radiation survey, performed by a detachment of
Fig. 6. Reconstructed field of radioactive contamination of
bottom sediments in Chazhma Bay during the first ten the fleet’s chemical regiment in the woodland on the
days after the accident. The circles are bottom EDR mea- second day after the accident, showed that the main
surement sites. radioactive trace was localized within a narrow zone



(a) Pγ, μR/h

ur i Ba
Uss 1200

C 3.7 km 240

Chazhma Bay 60
B 2.2 km

A 1.0 km 10

(b) (c)
Decay/(cm2 min) μR/h
25 000 9
20 000 7
15 000
10 000
5000 2
0 0
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
Aug. Aug.

Fig. 7. Observation points (A, B, C) to monitor soil contamination dynamics on the coastal radioactive trace from August 11
through August 19, 1985. (а) The trace plotted according to the monitoring performed in 1991, (b) beta-contamination density,
and (c) EDR values.

400−600 m wide and up to 4000 m long, the total sition of soil contamination on the Dunai Peninsula
width of the Dunai Peninsula being 5.5 km. To moni- and the bottom sediments in Chazhma Bay [11]. Spe-
tor the dynamics of activity decrease, three reference cialists of the Pacific Fleet Chemical Service, the radi-
points in the trace were chosen for observation (A, B, ation safety service of the SRZ 30, and the Far East
C), where EDR (R) and the density of beta contami- Branch of RPA “Typhoon” (Vladivostok), the leading
nation (Rβ) of the soil were measured daily. Analysis of scientific organization of the Federal Service for
the findings showed that Rβ, represented mostly by Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring,
short-lived 235U fission products, decreased during the conducted the studies.
first day by 7−10 times, and the EDR, by only
1.5−3 times, because it was mainly due to the gamma The data in Table 1 show that the sample contain-
radiation of activation products (Fig. 7) [4, 10]. ing 235U, which was taken from the accident site, also
contained 60Co in addition to the main long-lived fis-
The further monthly and subsequently annual radi- sion products, 137Cs and 90Sr. This indicates that
ation monitoring of the trace was vested in the radia-
during melting, nuclear fuel and in-reactor structures
tion safety service of the dockyard and the fleet’s
chemical service, which also conducted expanded formed poorly soluble intermetallides. Long-lived fis-
radioecological studies, involving independent regula- sion products, 137Cs and 90Sr, are also formed inevita-
tors. In addition, by the order of the administration of bly during SSCR in the RC with “fresh” nuclear fuel,
Primorskii Krai, several independent organizations but their amount is hundreds and thousands of times
performed sample monitoring and individual investi- smaller than that of the activation products (60Co) pre-
gations. Table 1 exemplifies the results of an indepen- viously accumulated in the in-reactor structures. For
dent examination to identify the radionuclide compo- this particular reason, the radioactive contamination



Table 1. Specific activity of man-made radionuclides within the coastal radioactive trace and the site of accident with the
nuclear power installation of K-431 in Chazhma Bay (1998, Bq/kg of dry weight)
Sampling Specific activity, Bq/kg
location 235U 60Co 137Cs 90Sr

Coastal trace (1.3−3 km from accident site, <5 (4.9 ± 0.08) × 10 4 47 ± 11 19.0 ± 3.6
Dunai Peninsula) <5 4 76 ± 33 30.2 ± 4.5
(1.6 ± 0.04) × 10
<5 4 41 ± 13 30.1 ± 3.5
(4.1 ± 0.03) × 10
Pit lake (0.7−1.1 km from accident site) <5 4 < 2* 2.9 ± 3.2*
(2.5 ± 0.04) × 10
<5 4 < 2* 1.4 ± 3.6*
(4.2 ± 0.04) × 10
Chazhma Bay bottom sediments <5 3 260 ± 30 2.8 ± 3.1*
(1.6 ± 0.09) × 10
(accident site, R up to 100 m) <5 (5.3 ± 0.05) × 10 4 130 ± 55 3.4 ± 3.7*
<5 (4.3 ± 0.40) × 103 95 ± 20 3.3 ± 3.1*
(5.3 ± 0.08) × 103 (7.4 ± 0.05) × 10 4 230 ± 40 3.7 ± 3.5*
* The background due to global fallout was 1−5 Bq/kg.
According to [12], the permissible concentration of 60Co in the tidal-zone soil was 3.7 × 102 Bq/kg and of 137Cs, 2.59 × 103 Bq/kg. In
some places of the accident site with high EDR values, the 60Co content reached 105–108 Bq/kg.
The bottom sediments were sampled in the upper layer of 0–3 cm.

of the environment in Chazhma Bay and on the coast the specialists of the Chemical Service and the com-
was practically fully predetermined by 60Co. putation and analytical station and other fleet depart-
ments, went to the accident site to assess and normal-
The absence of 235U in the soil samples of the bot- ize the radiation situation at the dockyard.
tom sediments in the pit lake and soil on the Dunai
Peninsula indicates that the main part of radioactive Despite this preliminary forecast, during the first
substances that entered the ground layer of the atmo- hour after the accident, the fleet’s chemical regiment
sphere was aerosols, and this ensured their transfer was ordered to perform a large-scale radiation survey,
over long distances, forming a coastal radioactive including Vladivostok and adjacent regions, as well as
trace. Intermetallides (“hot” particles), as one of the up to 15 settlements within the zone of probable prop-
heaviest fractions of the release, settled down quickly agation of the radioactive cloud (radius of 40−50 km).
in the waters of Chazhma Bay and fell out on the ter- Several hours later, the survey results showed that the
ritory adjacent to the dockyard. radioactive contamination was not detected anywhere,
and the conclusion was made that the hazardous cloud
Returning to the time of the accident, we should had dissipated above Ussuri Bay. The previous fore-
note that as early as the first 15 min after the thermal cast was confirmed, that allowed focusing all efforts on
burst in the reactor, the transfer of radioactive sub- safety assurance and accident mitigation. Radiation
stances by an air-vapor cloud and the consequences survey continued for another several months for the
were analyzed by the specialists of the Pacific Fleet tasks of the rehabilitation of buildings, structures,
Chemical Service. Data and scenarios of event devel- roads, dockyard shops, territories, and waters.
opment, prepared beforehand at the stage of reactor
However, it was impossible to define the general
reloading planning, were used. Simultaneously, the
trajectory of radioactive substances propagation in the
picture was updated properly by entering real data
surface layer of the atmosphere, as well as their radia-
about the wind direction and speed in the accident
tion and radioecological consequences during that
area and Peter the Great Gulf, provided by the Naval
period due to the absence of full information on the
Hydrographic Service, as well as by using operational
wind field above Peter the Great Gulf and the neces-
data about the characteristics of the nuclear accident
sary prediction software that had been developed by
from the site. All information was sent to Vladivostok
the present day. Nevertheless, the studies in this direc-
and analyzed by the specialists of the computation and
tion continued. One such stage is the period of
analytical station.
1997−1998, when the IBRAE RAN specialists made a
A preliminary conclusion based on assessments hindcast of the past events using the developed soft-
was made under the most unfavorable conditions of ware TRACE. Field data obtained by the Pacific Fleet
the cloud traveling directly through Ussuri Bay, the specialists were used as the boundary conditions [9, 13].
radioactive contamination of its opposite coast (Vlad- As a result, previously unknown initial characteristics
ivostok and its suburbs) would not require the emer- of the radioactive contamination of the coastal trace
gency evacuation of the population (see Fig. 1). Then, were restored (Fig. 8). It was established, in particular,



Qitaihe Hulin Δ 20−28 h
12.00 14.00 Mishan
15.00 Lesozavodsk

Ba Rechitsa
ri Khanka
Us Tsarevka Lake

13.00 Kamen'-Rybolov
Vladivostok Bolshoi Pogranichnyi Khorol'
Δ 10−14 h
Kamen' Suifenhe Chernigovka


Dongning Pokrovka
Primorskii Krai
Mysovoi Ussuriisk
Δ 3−5 h
Ussuri Bay Fokino
Bol'shoi Kamen' Partizansk
Chazhma Vladivostok
Amur Bay Fokino
Bay Russkii
Slavyanka Island
Dunai Nakhodka

Fig. 8. Propagation of air masses over Ussuri Bay from the time of the accident, 12:00 until 15:00 on August 10, 1985, and the
territory of Primorskii Krai−China during subsequent 3−28 h, plotted according to a hindcast. The solid line in the left of the
figure is the average trajectory.

that 3−5 min after the explosion at point A and (under 1 Ci/km2). The fallout density of 60Со turned
6−8 min after at point B, Rβ was ~50000 and out to be higher. It reached 5 Ci/km2 on the Ussuri
~6000 decays/(cm2 min), correspondingly. Eleven to Bay coast, 50−100 Ci/km2 in the central part of the
thirteen minutes after (point C), Rβ dropped sharply to Dunai Peninsula, and over 200 Ci/km2 outside the
~900 decays/(cm2 min) because of the intensive filtra- dockyard (500−600 m from the accident site). Had the
tion of the lower part of the radioactive cloud by the radioactive plume come through Dunai settlement, it
forest. As a result, it was not more than would have been necessary to evacuate people, which,
100 decays/(cm2 min) on the coast of Ussuri Bay fortunately, did not happen.
5.5 km away from the accident site and was compara- As a result of the studies conducted, the release of
ble to the natural background, 3−5 decays/(cm2 min) the main dose-forming radionuclides was clarified:
5−7 km from the coast. The EDR at point A with (1.2 ± 0.3) × 1013 Bq for 60Со, 4.1 × 109 Bq for 90Sr,
12−15 mR/h decreased to 2 mR/h on the Ussuri Bay 4.4 × 109 Bq for 137Cs, and 37 × 109 Bq for 131I. How-
coast. It reached the upper limit of the natural back- ever, even at this stage, the problem remained
ground, 0.02 mR/h in the waters of Ussuri Bay 5−7 km unsolved. After the radioactive cloud had reached the
from the coast and the average value (0.01 mR/h) Ussuri Bay coast, it was impossible to identify its fur-
7−10 km away. ther trajectory along Peter the Great Gulf and Primor-
It followed from the hindcast results that after the skii Krai.
radioactive cloud went out of the dockyard (~600 m), Remote and transboundary transfers of radionu-
the main mass of radioactive substances was concen- clides. Studies in this field continued not only in Rus-
trated in the surface layer of the atmosphere as it trav- sia but also abroad. For example, Japanese and Euro-
eled above the Dunai Peninsula at a height of 30−150 m pean specialists assessed in 1997−2002 the conse-
above sea level, abetted by low solid clouds and driz- quences of hypothetical accidents that could have
zle, which limited the vertical propagation of the cloud happened during the dismantling of Russian NPSs
(the height of the mud volcanos was 30−70 m). In near Vladivostok. One of them fully correlated by task
these conditions, the fallout density of 137Cs and 90Sr in assignment and initial data with the nuclear accident
the coastal trace constantly decreased, as the cloud that had occurred in Chazhma Bay in the summer of
moved away from the accident site, from 0.07 to 1985. The difference was in the direction selected for
0.001 Ci/km2, which was smaller than permissible the transfer of radioactive cloud, typical of winter sea-
norms for the normal mode of human residence son, when southern winds prevailed, carrying the



impurities to the coasts of Japan and Korea, as well as was a hindcast of the consequences of the Chazhma
in the fact that this study did not consider radionuclide Bay accident done at IBRAE RAN in 2017 and 2018.
dispersal by sea. The impulse to develop qualitatively new modeling
Analysis of the transfer and dispersal of passive methods was the NPP Fukushima-1 accident in 2011.
impurity was done using the WSPEEDI software, From that time, IBRAE RAN began to create a system
developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Insti- for predicting the radiation situation based on prog-
tute (JAERI), to assess the radiation consequences of nostic meteorological fields of a high spatial resolution
hypothetical accidents at Japanese nuclear power (2 × 2 km) at 40 vertical levels [16, 17]. Calculations
plants with radionuclide releases into the ground layer were made using weather forecasts by the Hydromete-
of the atmosphere. The program was verified by the orological Center of Russia and conditions to adapt to
results of the large-scale European Tracer Experiment the characteristic features of the accident site.
(ETEX), which recorded tracer concentrations at dis- In studies on the Chazhma Bay nuclear accident,
tances of up to 2000 km from the source, divided into the areas that formed the radioactive trace comprised
a mesh grid 50 × 50 km [14]. all stages of its development: the initial zone (6 × 5 km,
The estimates showed that, ~16 h after the accident ~20 min after the accident) covered the formation of
near Vladivostok, radionuclides that had released into the trace on the Dunai Peninsula; the intermediate
the atmosphere quickly dispersed above the Sea of zone (70 × 90 km, 0.3−3 h after the accident), covered
Japan owing to turbulent diffusion. One hundred to the waters of Peter the Great Gulf; and the final zone
three hundred kilometers away from the source, their (400 × 600 km, ~3−30 h after the accident), applied to
content decreased 1013–1015 times in the central part of the continental part of Primorskii Krai and the adja-
the radioactive cloud and 1016–1018 times at the cent Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China.
periphery. Having set the 131I release rate at 29 GBq The trajectory analysis of moving air masses on the
[7], the authors showed that if a SSCR starts in the day of the accident above the Dunai Peninsula and
reactor with “fresh” nuclear fuel, the air contamina- Peter the Great Gulf (the closest, Ussuri Bay) revealed
tion on the eastern coast of Japan will not exceed 3 × the extremely complex character of their movement
10–3–3 × 10–5 Bq/m3. Using the forecast results, the (Fig. 8). The air masses moved most compactly above
JAERI experts assessed the doses of internal and the forestland of the Dunai Peninsula, resulting in a
external radiation of the Japanese population by inhal- relatively narrow radioactive trace. At a distance of
ing the air and the precipitation of radioactive sub- 5−15 km from the coast of Ussuri Bay, the air streams
stances in the soil. The estimates showed that even began to drift apart, and at the exit from the bay, open-
without considering the 131I radioactive decay and ings, circulations, and reverse flows occurred caused
short-lived radionuclides 133I, 135I, and the 137Cs half- by coastal relief inconsistencies and, correspondingly,
life period from the human organism, the expected wind velocities along them. Beyond Ussuri Bay, in the
exposure doses for the Japanese population would be southern part of Primorskii Krai, the movement of air
small and would not exceed millionths of the annual masses stabilized and took a relatively stable direction
dose of natural radiation of the population, which is northward up to Khanka Lake; however, after the lake,
harmless for humans (similar assessments were they began to drift apart again near the Russian–Chi-
obtained for the Korean population). nese border (see Fig. 8).
The forecast of change in the radiation situation on
European specialists came to the same conclusion the Dunai Peninsula as a result of the passage of the
in 2002, having made an independent forecast for the radioactive cloud showed that at the initial stage of the
consequences of hypothetical SSCR accidents in NPS formation of the radioactive trace, the 60Со-depen-
reactors near Vladivostok not only with “fresh” but dent EDR changed from several tens to a few units of
also with spent nuclear fuel [15]. However, the studies mR/h. Above Ussuri Bay, 12−15 km from the coast, it
[14, 15] were neither aimed at a comprehensive fore- became comparable with the natural coastal back-
cast of radioactive substance transfer by air and sea nor ground, 10 μR/h. After 1.2−2 h, as a result of intensive
at assessing the consequences of hypothetical acci- dissipation in the central part of the bay (20−40 km),
dents for the populations of Primorskii Krai, China, EDR decreased sharply to 1−0.1 μR/h with no adverse
Japan, and Korea. As is known, such studies require effect on Vladivostok’s recreation zone (beaches,
consideration of the local characteristics of relief and resorts) and settlements (Fig. 9). Then, through the
seawater areas near the accident sites, as well as in top of Ussuri Bay, the radioactive cloud entered the
adjacent areas and on the boundaries of the continental part of southern Primorskii Krai and
coast−sea−coast transition, which was difficult to began to move northward. An additional increase in
achieve using the existing prediction software with a the soil EDR did not exceed 1% of the natural back-
50 × 50-km spatial resolution. ground. Near Khanka Lake, the cloud divided into
The next and more complete study phase on this two unequal parts. The smaller part went north along
problem, which generalized the previous works and the state border into Chinese territory, and the larger
supplemented them with new data and integral vision, part moved in parallel in Russian territory, turning



ies were performed in 1997 and 1998 jointly with US

specialists [18]. The specialists of the Pacific North-
west Laboratory, Richland, plotted flow fields in Stre-
lok Bay to forecast the transfer of anthropogenic
radionuclides from Chazhma Bay to the Sea of Japan,
using the Princeton Ocean Model, 1987, adapted to
Strelok Bay (spatial resolution of 400 × 400 m). The
forecast results were compared with experimental data
0.1 μR/h
obtained from the Pacific Fleet accident site [13].
The flow field forecast from the surface to the bot-
tom of the bay, as well as subsequent calculations,
Vladivostok showed that radioactive substances after the accident
1 μR/h
released to the Sea of Japan predominantly with the
surface layer of water through the eastern passage of
Strelok Bay. They entered the western passage at a
much lower rate and in a limited amount, because a 5-
to 25-m deep pit in it, separated from the open sea by
10 μR/h shallow waters, slowed down the transfer process. The
radionuclides moved mostly in the middle and bottom
layers of the water and settled on the bottom (Fig. 11).
Stable northern winds also hindered the contami-
20 km nated seawater to exit quickly by the surface of the
Dunai western passage of Strelok Bay toward the shortest dis-
tance to Peter the Great Gulf and the Sea of Japan on
Fig. 9. Radioactive contamination of the Dunai Peninsula the day of the accident and for the next several days,
and Ussuri Bay after the NPS K-431 nuclear accident of making it move in the opposite direction, through the
August 10, 1985 (hindcast). eastern passage. For this reason, the radionuclides
moved along the eastern passage of Strelok Bay for
4−5 days and formed a broad plume 10−15 km wide
gradually into small-sized clouds, dissipating in the approaching the Sea of Japan.
vast space (Fig. 10). The initial radioactive contamination of the surface
The forecast data, given in Fig. 10, show that at 100 seawater layer near the wrecked NPS in Chazhma Bay
and 300 km from the accident site, the volumetric being ~2 × 108 Bq/m3 (5 × 105 times higher than the
activity of air in the ground layer was about 0.1−1.0 permissible concentration, 370 Bq/m3, for the mixture
and 0.01−0.1 Bq/m3, respectively. These values were of radionuclides of an unknown composition [12]),
hundreds and thousands of times smaller than the 4−5 days later, at the exit from the eastern passage of
average annual permissible volumetric activity for Strelok Bay, the content of radionuclides in the water
60Со (11 Bq/m3) and 131I (7.3 Bq/m3) and were not
decreased to 0.5−2 Bq/m3 (less than 0.01 of the per-
considered hazardous for the population. missible concentration). During the following 5 days,
Returning to the previous events, note that the per- this value decreased significantly in the open part of
missible volumetric activity of 60Со was below stan- the Sea of Japan, reaching a dilution of millions of
dard already at the top of Ussuri Bay, several unities in times [19]. Respectively, anthropogenic radionuclides
the central part of the bay, and thousands and tens of in concentrations exceeding permissible values did not
thousands of times higher at the entrance to the bay. reach the coasts of China, Korea, and Japan and did
However, under these circumstances, owing to a not affect fishing in the neutral waters of the Sea of
smaller (hundreds of times) initial release of 131I into Japan (Fig. 12).
the atmosphere compared to 60Со, the 131I content in These studies led to the important conclusion that
the ground air layer did not exceed the permissible Strelok Bay also played the role of a powerful natural
standard practically across the entire area of Ussuri protective barrier in relation to Peter the Great Gulf
Bay. Ussuri Bay played an extremely important role of and the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan. The
a protective barrier, ensuring the safety of the popula- special importance of this circumstance considering
tion of Primorskii Krai and preventing an additional the previous studies is associated with the fact that the
radiation burden over percent fractions−units com- consequences of the accident caused a serious concern
pared to the natural radioactive background. for the population not only in Primorskii Krai but also
Field studies and model calculations continued for in Japan, Korea, and China, because everybody
many years after the nuclear accident to reproduce the thought that radioactive substances right after the
dynamics of anthropogenic radionuclide transfer by accident went by air directly to Vladivostok, its sub-
air and by seawater. Some IBRAE RAN seawater stud- urbs, and China and that the contaminated water



Qitaihe Hulin
Mishan 0.01 Bq/m3
China Lesozavodsk Russia Mishan 0.01 Bq/m3
Jixi China Russia
0.1 0.1
Khanka Primorskii Krai
Primorskii Krai
Kamen'- Lake
Spassk-Dal'nii Rybolov Spassk-Dal'nii
Pogranichnyi Khorol'
Suifenhe Chernigovka Pogranichnyi Khorol'
Kavalerovo Suifenhe Chernigovka
Chuguevka Kavalerovo
Arsen'ev Chuguevka
Dongning Pokrovka Dongning Pokrovka
Ussuriisk Ussuriisk
1.0 0.1 Bq/m3

Artem Artem
Trudovoe Trudovoe
Vladivostok Bolshoi Kamen' Partizansk Vladivostok
Bolshoi Kamen' Partizansk
Amur Bay Fokino Amur Bay Fokino
Russkii Russkii
Slavyanka Slavyanka
Island Nakhodka Island Nakhodka

Fig. 10. Radioactive cloud dynamics and travel over the territory of Primorskii Krai and China 6 and 20 h after the nuclear acci-
dent in Chazhma Bay (hindcast).


0 2 4 Abrek Bay
Chazhma Bay
5 50 5




Putyatin Island
Strelok Bay

Fig. 11. Forecast for radioactivity transfer by the seawater surface layer through the western (left) and eastern (right) passages of
Strelok Bay. The actual contamination of the bottom sediments of the western and eastern passages of the bay. The 1990 moni-
toring data, Bq/kg.

reached the Sea of Japan. The subsequent joint inter- tamination of NPS K-42, FRMB-12, and RS-133. Sta-
national Russian−Japanese−Korean marine expedi- tistics showed that of the selected ~90% of the partic-
tions of 1994, 1995, and 1997 with IAEA participation ipants in rehabilitation (1841 people), the military per-
confirmed the absence of contamination of bottom sonnel received the highest doses: 1 man, over 150 rem;
sediments with 60Со in the Sea of Japan and other seas 25 people, 100−150 rem; 23 people, 50−100 rem;
of the Pacific region [20]. 43 people, 25−50 rem; 36 people, 15−25 rem;
133 people, 5−15 rem; 643 people, 0.5−5 rem, and
Human losses, damage incurred on human health 9 people, less than 0.5 rem. Among the dockyard
and the environment, radioecological rehabilitation workers and personnel, 2 people received 25−50 rem;
operations. Eight officers and two sailors who were in 1 man, 15−25 rem; 41 people, 5−15 rem; 284 people,
the reactor room died instantly as a result of the blast 0.5−5 rem; and 600 people, less than 0.5 rem [13].
effect, high temperature, and radiation injuries.
Another two men (an officer and a former sailor) died The K-431 nuclear reactor and reactor room were
several years later. The largest radiation burden was destroyed, and the entire NPS was contaminated with
received by the military personnel who extinguished radioactive substances. The condition of the NPS after
the fire and fought for the survival of the sinking NPS such a severe accident excluded its restoration; it was
K-431, as well as those who dealt with emergency decon- decommissioned and anchored in Pavlovskii Bay for



after the accident for the urgent decontamination of

125 km
Vladivostok dockyard 30, was liquidated. For the waste accumu-
lated in nine months from the decontamination of the
dockyard and adjacent territories, five trench storages
Nakhodka with a total holding capacity of ~8000 m3 were created
and filled up at CMB 375, located 7 km away from the
1 settlement of Dunai.
The coastal radioactive trace on Dunai Peninsula
3 was not removed, because it was in an uninhabited
4 part of the forestland. On the second day after the
0 5 250 km
accident, the area of the maximal radioactive contam-
ination (~2 km2) was identified, marked with radiation
precaution signs, and fenced. The contaminated bot-
tom deposits of Strelok Bay (~30 km2) and part of
Fig. 12. Reciprocal dilution of the contaminated seawater Ussuri Bay adjacent to the radioactive trace (~40 km2)
coming from Strelok Bay to the Sea of Japan over five days were also left for natural decontamination due to an
after the accident. 1−6 means diluted by 101–10 6 times. insignificant radioecological hazard.
The maximally contaminated section of Chazhma
many years. Later it was put into a three-compartment Bay (~12000 m2) around the accident site was also left
block at the Far Eastern Zvezda factory and isolated in for natural decontamination. This decision was made
a storage facility at Razboinik Bay near the accident due to the impossibility to decontaminate the bottom
site in 2011. NPS K-42 moored close by was not oper- sediments at depths down to 30 m in the absence of
ated after the accident, was also retired from the fleet, necessary technical facilities. The subsequent peren-
laid up for a long time, and decommissioned in 2003 nial monitoring showed that the radiation situation on
(one of the reasons for dismantling was radioactive the accident site remained generally normal, meeting
contamination). Repair ship RS-133, which lifted the the existing requirements on personnel and vessel
reactor head, received light and moderately severe safety against all types of radiation. This was associ-
mechanical damage and a high radioactive contami- ated with the fact that the settled anthropogenic radio-
nation. It was decontaminated and repaired for a long nuclides were reliably screened by the 3- to 30-m sea-
time, but was put into service and was used as intended water layer (a water layer 2−3 m thick reduces the 60Со
for over 15 years (now decommissioned). gamma radiation by 10 4 times). The 60Со content in
About 30% of the territory of dockyard 30 and the seawater at 0.5 m from the bottom is 10−200 Bq/m3
buildings, structures, and workshops on it had to be (less than 0.05 of the permissible concentration) and
decontaminated many times. The most important 3−5 m higher, <1 Bq/m3; the 137Cs and 90Sr contents
facilities were put into operation within 1−3 months; have been 3−5 Bq/m3 all these years. As a result, the
the rest, step-by-step; they were operated in a limited specific activity of anthropogenic radionuclides in the
mode. The dockyard’s rehabilitation period finished fauna and fl ora does not exceed 0.001−0.1 of the per-
in nine months. The decontamination of the piers, missible concentration.
coastline, and the territory adjacent to the dockyard
required great efforts. Here is an example that shows The decision to leave the accident site for natural
the scale of radioecological rehabilitation. A mud vol- decontamination was socioeconomically and radio-
cano of 70 m high, which was the first to meet the ecologically justified. It was based on the long-term
radioactive cloud and was very contaminated, was results of extended monitoring of the radioecological
removed within two years after the accident. Its clean situation at the accident site, performed by navy spe-
underlying rocks were used to reduce the surface cialists jointly with the dockyard’s radiobiological lab-
radioactive contamination to permissible levels, and oratory. To this end, the bottom sediments were sys-
they were used for other needs, which were acceptable tematically mapped and target samples of fauna and
by the radiation safety standards. flora species were selected back in the early 1990s. The
movement of bottom layer waters in Chazhma Bay,
Simultaneously with bottom dredging for 3−5 the spatiotemporal transformation of the contami-
years after the accident, the bottom sediments were nated area, and the migration of radionuclides along
partly decontaminated near the construction of a new trophic chains were studied. This made it possible to
moorage wall for surface ships in the dockyard waters predict changes in the radioecological situation in the
(~200000 m2) and a processing area adjacent to the bottom sediments for 15 years ahead, until 2015,
dockyard on the side of the pit lake (~35000 m2). showing the acceptability of the natural decontamina-
In 1992, temporary radioactive waste storage tion mode, and this was constantly confirmed by the
(~2000 m3), which was created in the radioactive trace expert assessments of independent organizations and
2 km away from the dockyard during the first days supervisory bodies. A similar approach was also used



to monitor the radioecological situation in the coastal NPSs, the subsequent generations of reactors have
radioactive trace. improved equipment, and their design excludes unau-
In addition, the decision for natural decontamina- thorized displacement of compensators when the head
tion was largely made due to the fact that leaving the is lifted.
radioactive contamination on the bottom was less haz- Before the development and wide use of nuclear
ardous than the expected high radiation risks that energetics, the safety of technosphere facilities was
could appear during the radioecological rehabilitation limited to various technical measures. The specifics of
of the waters. Over the past 30 years, the devised nuclear energetics required a wider approach, which
approach fully proved its value. Nevertheless, the was called safety culture [22]. Safety culture is a new
problem of rehabilitating the Chazhma Bay waters concept of engineering as the human attitude to safety
cannot be considered finally solved because small problems when duties are performed. According to the
fragments of the destroyed reactor core still remain in definitions adopted by the International Nuclear
the sludge. Moreover, now we have acceptable meth- Safety Advisory Group (INSAG), it is a set of charac-
ods and ways of decontaminating such pollutants [21]. teristics and features of the activities of organizations
It is important to note that the consequences of the and individuals that gives the highest priority to the
nuclear accident would have been much more severe safe operation of nuclear energy facilities.
and of a greater scale had such an accident happened The lessons of the severe nuclear accident in
before the reloading of the reactor core, because spent Chazhma Bay prove once again the inalterability of
fuel has a much higher radioactive potential than the the strict performance of safety culture provisions, the
“fresh” fuel does. neglect of which was one of its main causes.

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