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Eng Vocab (all)

Adapt Intend Necessary

Lay the foundation Vanish into thin air In a bid to
Charity bazaar Declare Inform
Ensure Widespread Enthusiastically
Upbringing Legacy Light-hearted
Secluded Suffcient Circumstances
To (sb’s) credit Spin-off Cast

The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature, benefiting future generations.

In a bid to improve their financial situation, they took on additional part-time jobs to earn more money.

The organization aimed to lay the foundation for a sustainable future through their environmental initiatives.

To her credit, she helped me with my studies a lot, so I could survive the exam.

The organization held a press conference to declare its support for environmental conservation efforts.

The light-hearted comedy series brought refreshing and humorous dinner times for families.

Having got to use her hands in eating, she felt hard to adapt to the dining culture during her travel to India.

The restaurant provided a large portion of food, which was so sufficient to satisfy our appetites.

The show aimed to inform the audience about the severity of global warming by using data and experts’ opinions.

She double-checked her work to ensure there would not be any mistakes.

She intended to escape her boring life by exploring the world.

The children rushed in and surrounded the food enthusiastically. It seemed like they had been hungry for centuries.

Living in a secluded and remote area where people are rare to be seen, she found peace.

The stage show “Modern Romeo and Juliet” is obviously a spin-off from Shakespeare’s novel.

Saving money was necessary for them to afford the new car they wanted to buy.

The school organized a charity bazaar to collect goods from students and sell them to raise funds for a local cause.
The artist's upbringing in a Chinese family greatly influenced his unique drawing style.

Despite the challenging circumstances, she remained determined to achieve her goals.

With a flick of his wrist, he made the object vanish into thin air, which was nowhere to be seen, leaving everyone

Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78 percent of children under five years old.

Part of the movie's success lies in the strength of the supporting cast. They really act so well.

People from all walks of life Pioneering Think outside the box
Idolize Constructive Turn to
Reliant Unsettling Unconvincing
Verify Summon Mystery
Picturesque Picky Muddled
On the run Scavenger hunt Inevitable
Unconventional Impressive Costume design
Hairstyle and make-up Assistance Emotional support

The unsettling news about firing of employees spread quickly, bringing the employees in a web of fear and

In producing films, costume design is time-consuming as special outfits take so long to make.

The event attracted people from all walks of life, including the rich and the poor, the young and the old, creating a
diverse and inclusive environment.

The rapid advancement of technology has led to the usage of AI in the workplace. Unemployment and job loss are
therefore inevitable.

When the police officers investigated the murder, the mystery deepened as each clue led them further into more
secrets and hidden motives.

It was important to verify the accuracy of the data before drawing any conclusions. Our data cannot be fake.

The chef's unconventional combination of ingredients, like chilli and honey, potato chips and steak, resulted in a
surprisingly delicious dish.

To find a creative solution, they had to think outside the box and consider unconventional approaches, not being
limited in traditional ways.
She was picky when it came to choosing her husband, preferring those who could give her the best future. She had
already rejected more than a hundred boys.

They engaged in a constructive conversation to find solutions to the problem at hand, which really worked things out.

After a month on the run, the police finally recaptured the prisoners in South Africa, who originally escaped from
prison in China.

Due to budget constraints, small film producers would keep the expenses of hairstyle and make-up low, and ask the
actors to manage their appearance themselves.

Many students idolize their tutors as kings or queens, seeking their advice and guidance not only in academics but
also in personal development.

The city was heavily reliant on the local farm for fresh produce and dairy products. Most products are not imported.

We were summoned to the headmaster's office after fighting with each other.

The performance was truly impressive, leaving the audience in awe of the actor's talent.

In times of sadness and despair, she would turn to her closest friends for support and guidance.

The organization offers financial assistance to low-income families, providing them with the support they need to
meet their basic needs.

Her pioneering research in the field of medicine led to significant advancements in patient care.

Despite his efforts, his argument remained unconvincing due to lack of evidence and failed to persuade the audience.

The children had an exciting scavenger hunt, searching for hidden items in the park.

The small, picturesque village was nestled among rolling hills and surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty.

The instructions were muddled and confusing, making it difficult to understand what needed to be done.

During times of crisis, it's essential to offer emotional support to those affected, offering a listening ear and a
shoulder to lean on.
Purchase Compassion Intrigue
Correspond Over the top Marathon
Entangled Revolutionize Unorthodox
Enhanced Utilize Baffling
Poverty-stricken Portable Rule out
Predictable Engaging Uplifting
Abandon Capable of Cinematography
Edit Brainstorm

The students were encouraged to utilize the library's vast collection of books and research materials for their exams.

I corresponded with my pen pal for years, exchanging letters and building a strong friendship, although I had never
seen him in person.

The outcome of the competition was predictable, as one team won its opponent every time.

The creative team gathered in the conference room to brainstorm innovative ideas for the upcoming marketing

She trained rigorously for months to prepare for the marathon.

The lightweight and portable design of the laptop made it convenient for travel and remote work.

He took an unorthodox approach to problem-solving, often finding innovative solutions that others hadn't

The poverty-stricken family struggled to meet their basic needs with only $3000 a month and relied on food support
from some NGOs.

They decided to purchase the latest iPhone18 with $5000 to stay connected and up-to-date.

She is capable of handling complex tasks and demonstrating exceptional problem-solving skills.

The decorations at the party were over the top, with extremely glittering lights and extravagant displays, which I
don’t really like.

Showing compassion, she offered a helping hand to those in need.

The mysterious disappearance of the artifact remained baffling, leaving investigators puzzled.

The mysterious plot of the novel intrigued readers, keeping them reading until the very end.

The dolphin had become entangled with the fishing nets, failing to get its way out of the nets.

The enhanced version of the software offered improved functionality on update.

She made the difficult decision to abandon her old life and start a new one in a different city.

AI had the potential to revolutionize the way we receive information, communicate and interact.

The uplifting message of the speech inspired the audience and left them feeling motivated and empowered.

The novel's engaging plot kept readers stay from beginning to end.

The film is now highly acclaimed by film critics, particularly for its cinematography. The shots from different angles
and the close-ups are perfect.

After careful consideration, they decided to rule out the option of studying abroad. He chose to stay in Hong Kong to

We can use some editing software to cut our video and add more effects in it.
Well-knit Groundbreaking Deciding
Reshape Accomplish Acquire
Recruit Steady Acclaim
Aristocratic Nonsense Negotiate
Notion Far-reaching Look into
Thought-provoking Abruptly Chaotic
The impoverished Sick of Setting
Screenplay Visual effects Fundraise
Comfort Lend a hand

The company aimed to recruit talented individuals to join their team. This can increase the manpower of it.

The scene at the crowded marketplace was chaotic, with people rushing in every direction.

His composition was filled with nonsense that lacked any logical basis.

He enrolled in many courses to acquire the skills needed for his dream job.

The video game's cutting-edge visual effects brought the virtual universe to life, immersing players in a mind-blowing
gaming experience.

The team's well-knit collaboration enabled them to complete the project ahead of schedule. They have never
quarrelled and they worked so smoothly.

After years of hard work, she finally accomplished her dream of becoming a published author.

The school organized a successful fundraise event to gather funds for new educational resources and extracurricular
activities by selling their products.

The thought-provoking documentary shed light on important social issues and inspired me to concern more about
our society.

The labour union representatives negotiated with the management to secure better working conditions for their

After many thoughts, he made the deciding choice to start his own business, rather than staying inside the company
as an employee.

The play has its setting in a wartime prison camp.

The new policy had far-reaching effects that would extend to every part of our lives and every one of us.

The aristocratic family enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle and had millions of money to spend.

After 30 years of the same routine, she had been sick of the boring job and longed for something new.

The company experienced steady growth over the years, averaging 3% each year.

The people were dancing happily. Abruptly, the music stopped, leaving the room in silence and confusion.

The detective promised to look into the mysterious disappearance of the valuable artifact.

Actors have to spend days to memorize the words on the screenplay to act it out.

The therapy dog visited the hospital regularly, bringing comfort to patients and brightening their day with its friendly

Many NGOs provided money and materials like food to help uplift the lives of the impoverished.

The notion of equality for all is a basic value we treasure.

The new scientific discovery was groundbreaking that proved all existing science theories wrong.

The film received acclaim from both audiences and critics alike, saying that this film reflected their true experiences
and is well-shot.

Through exercise and diet, she was able to reshape her body from fat to thin and achieve her fitness goals.

Whenever my elderly neighbor needs help with grocery shopping, I'm always ready to lend a hand and ensure they
have everything they need.

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