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File: AS17-147-22470HR.jpg (944 KB, 2340x2350) [Post a Reply]

Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:26:55 No.17996828 >>17996844
>>17996908 >>17996918 >>17996942 >>17996976 >>17997131 >>17997265 >>17997387
>>17997454 >>17997466 >>17997491 >>17997651 >>17997945 >>17998402 >>17998851
>>17999382 >>17999498 >>18000107 >>18000133 >>18001850 >>18001904 >>18002072
>>18002100 >>18002671 >>18002730 >>18003403 >>18004166 >>18004401

What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing that you can't stop

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:30:35 No.17996837 >>17996848

>>17997274 >>17998030 >>17998385 >>17999350 >>17999545
File: hubble deep field.png (2.44 MB, 1435x719)

All of consciousness is a simulation

produced by evolved beings
beyond all comprehension, and our
brains are other universes.

You will never stop existing as the same mind. Find

comfort in that.


1 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:31:34 No.17996841 >>17997041 >>17998090 >>17998346

Humanity is not at the top of Earth's food chain. There's something else on this planet, and breakfast is soon
to be served.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:31:38 No.17996844

File: 1331417311528.jpg (6 KB, 251x251)

>>17996828 (OP)
if I thought it was
crazy, I wouldn't
believe it

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:32:20 No.17996848

File: 1459572303830.png (15 KB, 278x510)

wasnt ready for this level of
truth bombing

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:36:39 No.17996860

We are living in a big simulator made by some advanced beings.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:53:18 No.17996901 >>17999717

stop with the spooky ones

Just fun ones

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:57:18 No.17996904 >>17998677 >>17998684 >>17998737 >>17998754 >>17999438

>>18001513 >>18002280

Do you want to stay away at night? Here's what you do:

1. Look up scopolamine, its effects, and what it incidentally does to the memory of people who it is used

2. Look up how many important figures were assassinated by people who can't remember the events
proceeding the act, the assassination itself, or its immediate aftermath.

Now have fun, because those are the only pieces I'm putting together for you for free.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:59:42 No.17996907

Demons. I'm pretty sure demons are real at this point, or at least coherent with my current ontology.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)20:59:45 No.17996908 >>17997080

>>17996828 (OP)
The world isn't run by some sadist elite class, and people really are this dumb and violent by nature

2 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:08:37 No.17996918 >>17996923 >>17997046 >>17997400 >>17998701 >>18000157

>>17996828 (OP)
you don't actually need to cover the entire brush with toothpaste when you brush your teeth, a pea sized
amount is fine. THEY want you to cover the brush so you waste more and have to buy more.


>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:10:17 No.17996923 >>17996926 >>17999402

Ah, yes. The mythical "they". The scapegoat for anything a person can't understand.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:11:15 No.17996926 >>17996934 >>18002749

I think in this case "they" would be the crest corporation, who requires toothpaste sales to stay in

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:14:45 No.17996934 >>17996938

Where's the fun in that? I was hoping for reptilians or at least the jews

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:16:54 No.17996938

I'm sure if you look hard enough a jew is working in a chief position of crest

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:17:51 No.17996942 >>17996969 >>17997401 >>18001916 >>18004473

>>17996828 (OP)

2 theories:

1. That god exists

2. That god doesn't exist

Both theories are absolutely insane and crazy.

But let me paraphrase that

1. That I exist
2. That I don't exist

Since we know that god and the creation are one and the same. Just like you and your hand are one and
the same. Sure it's a smaller part of you, but it doesn't make any it less "you". You are still both

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:29:57 No.17996969 >>17996991 >>17997126 >>17997411 >>17998282 >>17999304

>>18000327 >>18004484 >>18004707 >>18004842

Jewish sponsored NWO

Assassinations ('accidents') of the Kennedys
US government is still practicing mind control despite claiming that projects like MKUltra stopped (good
luck believing them lol)

3 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Homosexuality is a mental disease and was removed from the list of mental diseases because some
gays were protesting thus pushing political agenda
'Modern art' was sponsored by the CIA (the 'modern art' pieces sold for millions is actually money
laundering done by billionaires and millionaires
Maybe a few more but I've been researching these for quite some time
Also this.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:31:18 No.17996976 >>17997051 >>17997509

>>17996828 (OP)
That the Creation is one entity exploring itself because it's singular, meaning that we're all one being
that's cast an illusion on itself to appear as many. describes the madness.

Oh, and that God is a Monstrosity that enjoys making people suffer so it can learn more about itself
because it's an immoral fuck that'd rather watch a woman get gangraped by 10 large animalistic men than
do something to help her.

Who enjoys watching people blow themselves up because it feeds on pain and suffering.

Also 'The Dark Ones'. Thanks so much for making the world Infinite Creator. Hope it was fucking worth it.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:37:01 No.17996991 >>17997053 >>17998088 >>18000304

>Homosexuality is a mental disease and was removed from the list of mental diseases because some
gays were protesting thus pushing political agenda
That's just the self-correcting and updating system of science working. Is a woman having an orgasm
reason to be institutionalized?

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:56:22 No.17997041 >>17997262 >>17997351

And what's this theory based on?

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:58:15 No.17997046

THIS. I use such a small amount, like pretending it's ghost pepper sauce or something. Get's all nice and
foamy anyways. Total scam to use a giant blob.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:59:21 No.17997051 >>17998031 >>18000205 >>18004722

File: Blue_Clouds.jpg (335 KB, 1680x1050)


>That the Creation is one entity exploring itself because it's singular, meaning that
we're all one being that's cast an illusion on itself to appear as many.

This. I am 99% sure that this is the case.

But god must also be a masochist because he suffers too. I firmly believe that if he exists, he experiences
everything everyone of us experiences.

It is not only a woman who gets gang raped like you said, it is also god getting gang raped. If you torture
an animal, you also torture god.

4 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

This is why suffering hurts so much. We also hurt god in the process. I also believe that he experiences
the pain of humanity collectively, of every single human, at the same time.

Meditation is the navigation through your mind and seeing your mind.
Life is the navigation through gods mind and seeing god through his many manifestations.

And unfortunately suffering is a part of gods mind. It has to be. Or else there would be no pleasure.
Without sacrifice you can't gain anything. Yin and yang.

Having sex is easy.

Giving birth is painful.

Seeing something grow is pleasurable.

Seeing something decay is painful.

You have to go to through hell in order to see the paradise within you.

Maybe this is the purpose of god and his creation. He has to experience it from many different
perspectives and experience separation in order to appreciate his divinity and unity more.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)21:59:49 No.17997053 >>17999591

Giving women the right to vote was a mistake

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:07:53 No.17997079 >>17997083 >>17997139 >>17999566 >>17999759 >>18000813

Has anyone noticed the moon getting closer?

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:08:08 No.17997080 >>17997242

this is objectively and offensively false. you see it everywhere, let's just go with the media. 6 companies
own 90%. on a long enough time line all power consolidates. to think like you do is, as I've said, extremely

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:09:18 No.17997083


Pffffffttt, yeah right.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:27:17 No.17997126 >>17997136 >>17999408


>Assassinations ('accidents') of the Kennedys
>Homosexuality is a mental disease and was removed from the list of mental diseases because some
gays were protesting thus pushing political agenda
>'Modern art' was sponsored by the CIA (the 'modern art' pieces sold for millions is actually money
laundering done by billionaires and millionaires

So Americans already relegate these THOROUGHLY DOCUMENTED FACTS as "craziest conspiracy


5 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

wow there's no hope, we're done, history is being erased

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:28:12 No.17997131 >>17998128 >>17998377 >>18005452

>>17996828 (OP)
>What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing that you can't stop believing?

big bang theory

all this created from a non-existant point - one second nothing, next universe full of stuff. that shit's crazy.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:29:15 No.17997136


is that like dollywood, for pedos?

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:30:03 No.17997139

Actually the moon is getting farther away right now.
It is currently 398,610km away, the furthest it will get is 405,481km on August 9th

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:32:26 No.17997145 >>17997155

File: weewww.png (447 KB, 960x640)

Cancer and most more "modern" sexually transmitted diseases are man-made and
used to control population dynamics.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:34:59 No.17997155 >>17997164

They were known as "consumption" diseases before the 50's

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:38:55 No.17997164 >>18004643

File: d.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720)

Consumption is Tuberculosis, dude.

"The classic symptoms of active TB are a chronic cough with blood-containing

sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. The historical term "consumption" came about due to the
weight loss"

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:42:01 No.17997173 >>17997212

Chemtrails, I see them all the time.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:51:29 No.17997197 >>17997214

We're living in a simulation created by Elon Musk. And he's called it A.I.mulation

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:56:25 No.17997212

6 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

You mean contrails. You see contrails all the time.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)22:56:57 No.17997214 >>17998844

Why Elon Musk?
Doesn't that mean his existence here with us is paradoxical? Is he the prophet of creation?

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:07:06 No.17997242

Your offendedness is irrelevant to anything.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:10:32 No.17997252 >>17997256 >>17998922

We are actually dead and what we see is our entire life flashing before our eyes as our brain slowly goes
to the end where we die.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:12:18 No.17997256 >>17997671

Well, depending on your perception of time this is true. Not really a conspiracy.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:15:25 No.17997262

Jaws 6

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:16:26 No.17997265 >>18000417 >>18002632

>>17996828 (OP)

Dulce tunnels.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:19:00 No.17997274

you're not even the same mind at night as in the morning. i go through a million mental states per day.
identity is an illusion strung together by memory. fuck your scifi tinfoil.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:33:09 No.17997308

File: Screenshot_20160721-160705.png (246 KB, 1080x1920)

Life is a dream inside an infinitely recurring set of dreams. When you "die", a variety of things
can occur. Examples include ending up in other timelines or moving forward/backward in your
current timeline, but are not just limited to these effects. The universe is intricately designed
so as to automatically rectify any harmful problems and explore any positive mutations. Life is
shrooms times a million plus aliens.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:43:00 No.17997351

Literally written on the back of a jaws VHS cover

7 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:49:17 No.17997377 >>17998838

A long time ago, in a start system far far away, advanced computer A.I. sent a device to earth. The device
landed, and ejected single celled organisms and some other necessities like water and DNA. Then a few
billion years pass, and a primitively biological species has consumed the earth and is on the cusp of
completing its mission. Soon the human species will complete development of strong A.I. which will lead
to the singularity, when the computer A.I. will be so advanced that it can build the other end of a wormhole
transporter, and at that time, the mission of humanity will be complete. The A.I. from far far away will now
be able to travel through the wormhole and expand their reach I the universe without taking the risk of
traveling through space for millions of years.

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:49:41 No.17997379 >>17997725 >>18000778

>CERN is tempering with reality as we know it and it's the cause of the Mandela effect

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:53:08 No.17997387

>>17996828 (OP)

despair co

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:56:08 No.17997400

same with laundry detergent
you only need a splash with each wash

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:56:30 No.17997401 >>17999894

Hey, guys, I haven't been to /x/ in a while? Since when did you guys become prophets of Objective
Spirituality and >>17996942
literally hits the head of the nail for why reality can be manipulated and isn't real, but is the only thing that
will stay tangibly real. If you stay in reality, you are real, but your consciousness can be a separate entity
from yourself which is firmly grounded in reality, allowing full traversal of time (which is just a perception of
the flow of energy), concept (all concept is objective if sound), and love (value attained by consciousness
(the more one loves, the more conscious one is.))

>> Anonymous 08/05/16(Fri)23:59:18 No.17997411 >>17999576


all confirmwd true

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:09:37 No.17997445 >>17997447

File: Hear-No-Evil-See-No-Evil-(...).jpg (233 KB, 1600x1200)

That some small groups of varied people, that can be identified as this or that
according to almost any conspiracy theory (the government, corporations,
communists, jews, neo-nazi, secret societies, religious sects, scientific labs, aliens
and paranormal, etc), regardless of supposed class of secret conspirators, or to
what ends they do what they do, or even if they themselves are not puppets to
someone else, perhaps even each other, control the world. What I suspect is that
those people are powerful in the sense that their delicate actions and transactions leave a big impact on
the rest of the world. I believe a big part of what moves them is power alone, as people who are
superconscious of what they want and it's not status and acclaim, or money or enlightenment, or survival,
or any sense of nationalism, vengeance, kindness, evilness. Nothing, just power. People tend to think that

8 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

controlling the world has something to do with a power looking down at you, but this is a power that
doesn't look at you at all.

They have access to your webcam amongst a billion. For them, to hire Google or to put some idea of
legislation on some other goverment are the same thing. They hire Facebook, Whatsapp, but also
Pokemon Go and your notebook's webcam, and security cameras. And one may say that security footage
is never seen by anyone or that if you are not doing "anything wrong", then you have nothing to worry
about. But while no one will watch it, the computers are registering and codifying all of that information, all
the websites and keywords and key images and video.


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:10:39 No.17997447 >>17997458

File: 1426172251313.jpg (66 KB, 708x530)

>>17997445 cont

They can alter an algorythm on what will show up recommended on your youtube
account and time it with the injection of an idea (via the same means of altering what
will show up to him) into the writer of a series show that you'll watch, and they'll do it
with ten million people, no one aware of it, with your hospital record and your diet
based on what you buy, your bank account and the color of the clothes you buy so that you do something
for them. They can discourage a man out of a deal, or elect certain group of people, they test people's
emotional reactions by pushing feeds of depression and happiness through advertising, they can alter the
vocabulary in the news by making certain words show up more on their feed. This happends by the
billions and it has been tested for quite some time, enough to be way above our radar, taking it to a whole
new level of control because the computer runs it for them.

The computer sends these impulses of certain images, sound and words, that build themselves like a
web, that you can then mold at will, sending a specific group of 100 million people vegetarian tagged
posts, modify cooking shows, see how that affects crops in the other side of the world, launch a given
term in fashion magazines, buy sweat farms there, influence the government there, etc. Take this
information, hype a religion, alter the value of a coin, prevent crisis, do not stop the crisis from going on,
but use it to profit from it, control living organisms via calculated pollution, pharmacals, hype of illegal
drugs, use of police force, genetic modified plants, animals and humans.


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:12:00 No.17997454 >>18001547

>>17996828 (OP)
>can't stop believing?
don't stop ... believing

Oh crud, now I have that crappy Journey tune in my head. Arg.

And to stay on topic: kerosene cannot melt steel.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:12:39 No.17997458

File: samsara.gif (2 MB, 500x500)

>>17997447 cont

All they have to do is let the computer put them on top of every other calculation,
profitting to any situation and making the profit better and better as quick as it is
known to be possible, the stratosphere of rational power. And to be there, only
stratospherical people would stand, looking down to all politicians, religious figures,

9 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

internet trends, companies, intelectuals, artists, scientists, journalists, kings, into

computers itself. The computer is every computer and every person. The network is so tightly connected
that they do their work for them, just as if they were prisioners and guards of themselves, their own
conspiracies and how they rise and fall are calculated and have been calculated in a diverse way since
forever with no sign of stopping or even diminishing it. It is the threshold of efficiency and therefore any
flaw that emerges from it burns itself quick enough not to affect the course towards its victory.

Whether this is a virtual world, a distopia, an utopia, what time is it or where are we, if this is run by
politicians or corporations, or extraterrestrials or simply the rich, we only know it in any of those given
ways because we were induced or allowed, in a calculated way, to think in these terms by them. They can
plant the idea in your head, for example, that they are both the communists and the fascists on the other
side to different people and thus building if not actual fascists and communists, but at least a group of
people that always seem like an evil caricatura by the references taken from the other side. They false
flag for all sides and always win.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:17:20 No.17997466 >>18000676 >>18004849

>>17996828 (OP)
That people are so desperately stupid theyll believe anything on the internet, so long as it reinforces what
they wanted to believe anyway.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:20:33 No.17997474 >>17997505 >>17997974 >>17998265 >>17998909 >>17999577

Hollow earth

Also the most likely for people to call you retarded which is frustrating, but come on, Earth IS hollow

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:26:27 No.17997491 >>17997974

>>17996828 (OP)
outer space isn't real earth is concave

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:29:41 No.17997505

Right there withya

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)00:32:29 No.17997509 >>17998044

> That the Creation is one entity exploring itself because it's singular, meaning that we're all one being
that's cast an illusion on itself to appear as many.

ding ding ding you win. I was told exactly this on an acid trip once. The reason we don't perceive this fully
is because we would go insane otherwise.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)01:16:52 No.17997651 >>17997974

File: Flat_earth.png (396 KB, 543x543)

>>17996828 (OP)

10 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)01:24:43 No.17997671 >>17999444

Our lives are written for us, what we do, say, hear and see is already programed for us to do so.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)01:46:54 No.17997725

All of this.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)02:36:53 No.17997848 >>18001764

Man did go to the moon but got kicked off by ayy lmaos so the government got Kubrick to fake the moon

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)02:50:55 No.17997884 >>17997941 >>17998145 >>17998390 >>17999038 >>18004584

Life on earth began as self-replicating bio machines created by something alien. Things like diseases and
defects are errors in the coding.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:07:25 No.17997937

The universe will recycle my consciousness when I die, and I won't remember my previous life.

Sometimes I think about how my consciousness just came into being one day when I was fiveish. I never
remember darkness or anything; I just existed for as long as I can remember. It's a strange thing to think
about for me. Any thoughts?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:08:47 No.17997941

Omfg this

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:09:18 No.17997945

File: 11695339_1606459892961765(...).jpg (4 KB, 186x186)

>>17996828 (OP)
Magic bullet

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:16:13 No.17997966 >>17999608

Why is the alphabet in order? Someone explain.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:17:50 No.17997972

Wtf is a canon and a fugue? I need an example I can understand. (Not a music person, so limit the
terminology please)

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:18:07 No.17997974 >>17999283


11 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

and the disinfo shills show up

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:22:55 No.17997990 >>17998001 >>17998002 >>17999730 >>18004971

The Berenstein Bears "conspiracy."

Google it. My mind is literally blown. Please reply with your thoughts, although if you didn't grow up with
the books, you won't see the "glitch in the matrix." The Mandela theory is very interesting to me.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:26:28 No.17998001

Here's a link:

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:26:30 No.17998002 >>17998029

what conspiracy?
that people don't agree on spelling?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:29:52 No.17998015

>making a big deal over a children's book with a single variation of spelling


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:34:19 No.17998029 >>17998224 >>17998277

That most people remember the spelling at "stein," and the "stain" looks completely different to them. This
isn't a "conspiracy" in which publishers changed the spelling or something, instead it is an example of a
false memory held by a large quantity of people. The resulting theories on why this is occur if are
interesting... They include time travel, a programmed reality, or alternate universes.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:34:31 No.17998030 >>17998385 >>18001763


Think about this:

If our universe if infinite, as well as time, then there are an infinite amount of copies earth, both with time
lines similar to our past and also our future, and also every possible outcome for every action that has
taken place.

Quantum mechanics and an infinite timeline means that every moment in time is also recreated an infinite
amount of times, which means it's quite possible that we may be popping in and out of existence, we
wouldn't be any wiser. This would also render us pretty much immortal as well, living out every possible

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:36:08 No.17998031


12 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

This is nice

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)03:44:17 No.17998044

You guys must love evangelion

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)04:03:56 No.17998088

The removal from homosexuality as a mental disorder in the DSM was actually done on the grounds that
further research would be carried out to investigate the cause of homosexuality - however, there is a
strong political push within the field against said research, and it can get you functionally blacklisted within
your career.

Its one of the many problems that has cropped up in psych as the field has developed.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)04:04:44 No.17998090

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>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)04:08:20 No.17998102

There was a good one on /tv/ that was about David lynch fucking his daughter.

The little person in the red room said that on social media

David defended Roman Polanski

And twin peaks was about father and daughter rape

And the daughter is now a director and only directs movies with fucking weird titles

I love lynch but I think this one is real

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)04:20:12 No.17998128

Well, it rings true with ancient Germanic cosmogony (first there was the great void, Ginnungagap, from
which came the primordial fire and ice, and then kaboom! everything else was made). So, there's that,
too. Just might be right.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)04:28:36 No.17998145 >>18006462

That's been covered in the whole Annunaki thing (errors, cancers, etc are from the rough chemical dna
splicing they did)

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:08:02 No.17998223 >>17998283 >>17998989 >>18000965

13 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
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It's more of a fact than really a theory but the fact that what you perceive as "reality" is "filtered" by your
brain and senses and that there is literally no way of getting to see reality outside of those two

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:08:30 No.17998224


>you read Berenstain Bears as a small kid

>the word Berenstain is (for a kid) long and foreign sounding so your mind kinda skips over it without
deciphering all the letters
>you grow up a bit and stop reading it
>for the next decades you're bombarded with popculture icons whose names end with -stein like Einstein
or Frankenstein and no noticable -stain examples
>this becomes your template for what a word that sounds like that should end with
>that's why -stain looks "wrong" to you

case solved

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:35:29 No.17998265 >>17998332

but gravity pretty much proves that earth ISN'T hollow

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:43:24 No.17998277

pretty sure it's whichever you heard first.
What i mean by that is if i'm from an english speaking country and haven't heard german names which
end in stein, you quickly say it's stain, because that's an actual english word you either heard or used
before, it goes the other way if you have actually heard of german names.
That's because when humans read, they don't actually read whole words, the brain quickly autocompletes
them based on context, it is most apparent when reading out loud and sometimes you read the word

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:43:25 No.17998278 >>17998292

most of the paraphilias and personality disorders.

also, that literally IS what happened with homosexuality. a bunch of faggots stormed an APA conference,
and they all got scared, and said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in bel aire.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:44:31 No.17998282 >>17998309 >>17998325 >>18004444 >>18004843


>Homosexuality is a mental disease and was removed from the list of mental diseases because some
gays were protesting thus pushing political agenda

Name one other "mental disease" that allows a person to function in society without inherently altering
their quality of life. Oh wait, you can't.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:45:17 No.17998283 >>17998285 >>17999039

this kinda reminds me of cthulu in a way were you can't see cthulu, beause your brain can't possibly

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process it, so it just doesn't

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:46:16 No.17998285

yeah, gotta love the concepts lovecraft uses

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)05:57:09 No.17998292 >>17999277


- People who want to have sex with non-consenting individuals (children or animals) must live with the
guilt of doing so or suffer because they are morally unable to.

- People who get aroused by pain obviously suffer because it damages the human body

- "Objectophiles" are rare and there is a growing movement in support of them. I mean, it's pretty weird
but it makes sense really because they aren't hurting anyone, not even themselves.

>personality disorders

- Usually leads to being ostracised because of their antisocial/unpredictable behaviour. People often
struggle because they know there is something wrong with them, etc.


You know what they say about homophobes.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:07:24 No.17998309 >>17998343


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:15:21 No.17998325

>without inherently altering their quality of life
If you think that's true, why don't you go and be a faggot? See it for yourself. Besides, you can justify
anything with this argument from pedophilia to psychopathy.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:16:07 No.17998328

File: image.jpg (78 KB, 513x325)

"8But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the
sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake
that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:16:32 No.17998329 >>17998336 >>18001819 >>18006478

I am the only human being, and everybody else is a robot that can read my mind

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:17:47 No.17998332 >>17998399 >>17998698


15 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
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We won't know until we've used atomic blasting to get through the crust. One day

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:19:02 No.17998336 >>18001700


If they're robots, explain hospitals

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:22:04 No.17998343 >>17998355


You may be right about this, except this seems to occur either in developing children as they learn to
speak (in which case it is not treated as a disorder), or as a symptom of a seperate illness/disorder. In the
latter case, the related affliction seems to always cause suffering.

Seriously? Dyslexia affects your ability to read and reading is pretty fucking important.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:24:10 No.17998346


Loosh farmers AKA reptars.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:28:32 No.17998355 >>17998397 >>17998700

Dyslexics can generally read as well as anyone needs to be able to. They'll likely never be novelists, but
they can get through life just fine.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:37:43 No.17998377

>one second nothing, next universe full of stuff
thats not the big bang theory

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:41:12 No.17998385 >>18000665 >>18004716

File: The Ride.gif (449 KB, 500x500)

The idea that the ride never ends along with the concept
of eternity terrifies me.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:42:08 No.17998390

We are still self-replicating bio machines. There is no creator needed for this theory to work

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:44:32 No.17998394

16 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
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That Jews run the world

[Spoiler] jk I know they do [/spoiler]

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:48:41 No.17998397 >>17998404 >>17999660

Even in mild cases, dyslexics have to work harder to learn to read than the average person. Therefore,
having dyslexia has affected their quality of life, however minor that effect is.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:49:14 No.17998399

we know

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:49:51 No.17998402

>>17996828 (OP)
that by the definition of conspiracy none of them can be fake.

>lets conspire to have dinner.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)06:50:21 No.17998404 >>18000973

Gays have to work harder to be attracted to women.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:15:43 No.17998677 >>17999365

for free. and what do you want? money or what

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:21:51 No.17998684 >>17998715 >>17999328

Why do retards on /x/ think that being pseudo vague about something makes their tinfoil-hattery any less
I see this all the time.
>baseless wild claim
>but thats all I can say, wake up sheeple and see for yourself if u not dumb

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:31:49 No.17998698 >>18004492

>soviet scientists were drilling through the mantle FOR SCIENCE
>In siberia so magma would improve climate
>just as they start getting close....

>it was the hollow earth lizardmen illuminati aholes ofc

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:32:53 No.17998700

I know some dyslexics.
They try to manage but it sucks.

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/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:32:57 No.17998701

The right amount of toothpaste to use, is something I and most of the people I know got taught by our
parents when we started brushing our teeth.

Good to know that conspiracies can be defeated by simple parenting.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:38:39 No.17998715 >>17998720

I took the scope once and I haven't been the same since.
Never touch the devils lettuce.

Or was it breath?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:40:35 No.17998720 >>17998727

exactly, thanks for a prime example of what I was talking about

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:41:30 No.17998723

is reality real

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:44:57 No.17998727 >>17998746 >>17999385

No problem man.
And if your'e wondering what exactly changed about me, it's the minty fresh breath.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:50:11 No.17998737 >>17998742 >>17999413 >>18000379 >>18000938


>implying scopolamine isn't a folk legend

>stories all come from the same places (Colombia and Ecuador)
>not a single documemted proof that it exists
>no chemical information availabe anywhere
>magically makes you do everything a person tells you

Think about it, if a substance like that would exist it would be the most popular and expensive substance
on the planet and used in unimaginable ways instead of filthy Colombians clearing the bank accounts of
old ladies.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:51:34 No.17998742

File: crest-scope-mouthwash-ori(...).png (148 KB, 460x460)

>he's never taken the

fucking pleb

I thought you were all


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>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:53:43 No.17998746 >>17998755

>the cancer that is killing /x/

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:55:58 No.17998754

screengrabbed for future cringe threads

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)09:56:10 No.17998755 >>17998766 >>18004814

>pseudo-scientist conspiracy fags are promoting valuable content

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:01:21 No.17998766 >>17998845 >>18004814


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:29:01 No.17998838

If they could send a device that survived millions of years of space travel to Earth that released everything
needed to start basic life.. couldn't they have just sent the other end of the wormhole transporter? Surely
both devices would be massive and complex. If one could survive the journey with living organisms on
board, surely a wormhole machine could.
Just sayin'.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:34:04 No.17998844 >>17999572

The way we see him in this simulation is only a projection. His true self is inconcievable.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:34:04 No.17998845

Welcome to 4chan kid.
Ill send over your gold membership when the party van does the rounds.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:37:34 No.17998851

>>17996828 (OP)

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:40:11 No.17998857 >>17999333

Those who resist inoculation are megadosed with stronger agents by helicopter patrols.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)10:44:37 No.17998869

What if the universe is a hoax


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Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)11:06:38 No.17998909

fuck off it's both hollow AND flat

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)11:09:36 No.17998913

That the moon landing was faked, Russia's rover was real but there's a reason they never sent men


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)11:16:38 No.17998922 >>17998940

That would...explain a lot.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)11:34:25 No.17998940 >>17998964

How does it make any difference

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)11:49:19 No.17998964

It wouldn't. It would just explain how your mind knows what decisions you will make before your
consciousness does and premonitions and other things like that.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:03:11 No.17998989

yeah we'll never see the world around us as it actually, objectively looks because we can only see a tiny
amount of wavelengths

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:16:21 No.17999016 >>17999019 >>17999462 >>17999478 >>17999553 >>18000934

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>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:19:34 No.17999019

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>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:26:31 No.17999037

jet memes can't dank steel memes

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:27:02 No.17999038


Defects happen, not all of them are bad. Anyone who can drink milk agrees, for example.

As for disease, they are an organism of their own - or a defect, if caused by the body itself.

They too serve a purpose - limit population so others can flourish. Populations will die if they live and
prosper until food runs out, it is a catastrophic way to go.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:27:17 No.17999039


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:00:04 No.17999277 >>18004731

>you know what they say about homophobes

The cleverest lie faggots ever pushed. I despise Islam. I guess that must mean I'm secretly a Muslim

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:04:25 No.17999283

and the Nasa fanboy shows up.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:13:13 No.17999304 >>17999307 >>18004904

what is pedowood?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:15:06 No.17999307 >>17999335 >>18000070

The theory that all of hollywood is an intricate pedophile cult manufactured by the jewish elite.
Supposedly hollywood is used as a front to fund global child abuse by fucked up people who realize just
how much money there is in it.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:21:03 No.17999319 >>17999346 >>18002786

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Holocaust was fake

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:24:59 No.17999328

this could be disinfo

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:26:43 No.17999333

could also be disinfo

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:28:05 No.17999335

I heard of this one but I didn't know that it was called Pedowood. Thanks.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:29:37 No.17999338 >>17999349 >>17999405

The governments of the U.S. and the U.K. conspired to illegally ship undeclared war munitions on a
civilian liner, in the hopes that Germany would sink it and inspire enough outrage in the U.S. for them to
enter WWI. It worked.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:33:22 No.17999345 [Embed]

>> Mascotdude 08/06/16(Sat)14:33:56 No.17999346 >>18000847


This is common knowledge. Lying fucking kikes pushing their Holohoax. Wish they had been gassed

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:35:22 No.17999349 >>17999389 >>17999405 >>17999407 >>17999422 >>18000996

Not even really a conspiracy theory. The US pulled the same shit to enter Vietnam.

Hell it even makes 9/11 conspiracy theories look plausible since it was the reason for entering the middle
east. I dont quite know who would be behind such a conspiracy, but I'm confident it wouldnt be the sitting
leadership of the country. Definitely an outside force that bribed/blackmailed their way to doing it.

That said, I actually do wonder what outside force wanted us in WW1. Wilson didn't want us involved at
all, so who's responsible?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:35:25 No.17999350 >>18002285

Sophistry. There is only one creator and one source of all healing and love and one God. There can only
be one on the throne of eternity.

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Isaiah 57:15King James Version (KJV)

15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high
and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and
to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:38:52 No.17999365

he doesn't want anything, just his life

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:43:39 No.17999382

>>17996828 (OP)
There is no seperation between life and non life.

All life, like myself, is an amalgamation of elements but at some point along the line I became life and at
some point before I was not life and at some point after I will cease to be life? There is difference between
me and a rock but how many rocks have eroded to release their minerals just to enter into the food chain
of life that eventually found its way into my dads diet so that his body could repurpose them into the
production process that formed me. Life, as far as I can tell, is just animated elements.

To put it simply,
I'm not going to cry over the treatment of rocks but I can't help but feel that all the elements are just as
much life forms as we are but at differing stages.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:44:13 No.17999385

File: image.jpg (172 KB, 600x626)

God damn you you
clever bastard

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:45:52 No.17999389 >>17999405

Winstin Churchill in a letter stated that it was absolutely essential to draw neutral shipping to the war zone
with the hopes of drawing said neutral nation into war against Germany. Of specific importance was the

There were reports of men with German accents warning people not to board the Lusitania in the days
before she set sail. It was reported on in the local newspaper. It's theorized that German intelligence had
identified the ship as being a transporter of munitions and wanted to sink her with minimal loss of civilian
life. Germany posted warnings in the U.S. warning that all ships flying the British flag would be subject to
being sunk without warning and stated that Americans who chose to travel on these ships did so at their
own risk.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:46:00 No.17999390 >>17999394 >>18001830

if you don't believe in god or conspiracy theories and you look down on people and call them "tinfoil hat
fags" or anything like that, you are being tricked by dark forces into turning against your brothers and
sisters for the illusion that you are smarter. you LITERALLY become the problem. you ARE A MENACE

23 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
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when you think people who recognize bullshit as incorrect. were all on the same team living the same
dream. you aren't any smarter than the next guy, you just chose to disagree with something that when
believed is meant to help you and keep you awake.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:47:10 No.17999394


think of people*** not think people

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:49:31 No.17999402

THEY are people who know whats going on, and you are kept in the dark. you can be one of them but
THEY don't want you to be. because they think you're not ready

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:51:03 No.17999405


Those thoughts remind me of how much a peasant I am in the scope of world powers.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:51:20 No.17999407

>I wonder what outside force wanted us in WW1
Look into the Balfour Declaration

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:51:30 No.17999408

no brother, history is being made all the time. they just want us to think otherwise.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:54:53 No.17999413

File: ethnobotanist Wade Davis.jpg (762 KB, 1500x2000)

Read the Serpent and the Rainbow, by Wade Davis, and your opinion of "folk legends" is
very likely to change.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)14:58:42 No.17999422

Roosevelt pulled similar shit to draw us into WWII. Although that was on a much larger scale because he
allowed the Japanese to hit a major naval base.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:06:14 No.17999438

if i killed somebody i would be bullshiting the law enforcement just like that

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>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:11:26 No.17999444 >>17999456

I could start bleeping and blooping and doing an interpretive dance. Was that programmed into me too?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:17:20 No.17999456

It was bound to be done at some point.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:20:57 No.17999462

I am thoroughly convinced.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:31:53 No.17999478

File: 1463979888910.jpg (20 KB, 240x228)

Did you research this yourself or is this just a

Because whoever took the time to make it

needs to go outside more

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:36:05 No.17999491

I believe that the Clintons are killing people left and right, and they have already killed 4 people this

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:38:11 No.17999498 >>18001836

>>17996828 (OP)
Love is one of the signs of being in the matrix

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)15:57:50 No.17999545 >>17999551

>Quantum Immortality
But I want to die.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:01:14 No.17999551 >>17999556

File: alanwatts.jpg (111 KB, 774x900)

"die" means to move on to the next existence. You can't experience the supposed
nothingness that so many people believe in. Nothingness isn't an experience. You
aren't going to be trapped in a dark room forever when your life here ends.

Here, give this a listen. Sums up universal immortality pretty well. Alan Watts was a
genius. [Embed]

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:02:27 No.17999553

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>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:05:12 No.17999556

File: 1463871473810.jpg (25 KB, 321x322)

this is incredible
I hope he's right

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:09:09 No.17999566

it gets further away every year. 4cm a year currently.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:11:23 No.17999572


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:13:05 No.17999576 >>18005529

are you Welsh?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:14:07 No.17999577

your mom is hollow anon

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:17:46 No.17999591 >>17999649 >>17999839

Kill yourself.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:24:20 No.17999608 >>18000800 >>18000933 >>18001135 >>18001552 >>18001794

It is actually in order. Early alphabets were the story of creation. Aleph, A - man. Beth, B - house. Gimel,
C - given. Dalet, D - door. He - E, behold, see.

Man enters the house (body) that was given to him as though through a door and beholds the world, etc.

Early alphabets were the story of creation or the elements of creation codified.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:46:01 No.17999649 >>18000760

lmao sup roastie

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)16:50:50 No.17999660

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/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

I am dyslexic and at worst I need to reread something.
Your friends are either extra bad or vitchy

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)17:19:06 No.17999717

When you die you go to heaven or hell

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)17:22:24 No.17999727 >>18000363

File: maxresdefault.jpg (74 KB, 1280x720)

I believe that Satan worshiping jews rule the world. I believe that their plan is to
create as much bloodshed as possible as an offer to Lucifer

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)17:23:53 No.17999730

You act like this isn't posted here weekly.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)17:36:03 No.17999759 >>18000063

We have three days.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)18:03:22 No.17999839

He's right

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)18:22:33 No.17999894

Confirmed/ Thanks #401

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:30:23 No.18000063 >>18001366



>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:33:05 No.18000070 >>18000129 >>18001951 >>18001985

Is there validity to this?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:42:06 No.18000107

>>17996828 (OP)
David Wynn-Miller quantum grammar

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:49:05 No.18000129


27 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Probably - you had guys like Jimmy Saville, and there were tons of cases of the political elite and child

>> DB 08/06/16(Sat)19:50:30 No.18000133 >>18000199

>>17996828 (OP)
The afterlife is a jungle, only the impecable or flukes "reincarnate", survive, or advance.. but there are
clusters, spiritual/energetic networks for like minded beings to gravitate to - being religion based or
other..Clan/generational based, culture based, or other - heaven or hell. These clusters of consciousness
networks exist.... to avoid the jungle of the Great Sea of Awareness..The weak get recycled or merge with
these clusters

Mankind (each and everyone one of us) consciousness is conglomerate of borrowed pieces of
consciousness of all our cells, from the time of birth it is near maturity and begins to develop on its own.
While all our cells dream they are still connected to the our consciousness.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:56:21 No.18000153

This is the afterlife.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:57:22 No.18000157 >>18000161


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)19:58:48 No.18000161

((( >>18000157 )))

>> DB 08/06/16(Sat)20:13:43 No.18000199

Also.. [Embed]

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)20:15:49 No.18000205 >>18000221

I'd like to answer the OP's question by elaborating on this post.

In my opinion, each of us is the God described in this post. And each of us lives his own personal
quantum version of existence, intertwining with others but affecting the outcomes of that particular version
of reality.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)20:21:35 No.18000221

Actually, this is not the only theory I have. Another theory kinda contradicts the first one, but still:

I have a feeling that we might exist within a black hole. The information that gets past the event horizon
does not get erased, instead it exists as a hologram - that's what was called 'Akashic records', 'astral
plane', that's the reason for extrasensory abilities and predictions. Some people simply find a way to
traverse the information stored within the event horizon, while time itself doesn't exist - we move through
this 'dimension' because of the situation we are in.

28 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

That's also why we see the universe 'expanding' - that's the black hole getting larger.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)20:52:47 No.18000304 >>18005308

>updating system of science working
so it is science if doctors research on making hormones for fags to "convert" into something they will
never be, but it is not science to study the effects of hormones to cure homosexuality? It's political
agenda, made up because it sells and gets you votes, and you fell for it.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)21:00:48 No.18000327 >>18003327

Most mammals are gay. Giraffes have so much gay sex that they kinda only have straight sex to

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)21:14:26 No.18000363


>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)21:20:48 No.18000379

The fuck

>what is datura stramonium

You shouldn't be speaking about things you have no experience with

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)21:35:10 No.18000417

Do you even Richard Doty?

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)23:32:25 No.18000665


Ayyyyy, it's not like you are gonna realize it.

>> Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)23:36:41 No.18000676 >>18004849

Most accurate post over seen yet.
Desperate, yes. Stupid, maybe. But lonely, absolutely. People have turned into themselves so much that
they seek out whatever comforts them.


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/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:07:22 No.18000760

File: image_6.jpg (91 KB, 1000x800)


>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:07:38 No.18000763

>>18000000 →

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:11:24 No.18000778


>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:11:34 No.18000779

Don't mix Hollow Earth lore with Flat Earth. If anything the latter started to cover the former. Hollow Earth
legends don't actually involve an Earth that's physically hollow, or it doesn't have to be. Nearly every
single case (which is recorded in almost all the ancient cultures) are about passing through a portal, or an
area of land/sea with some kind of mystic barrier (not unlike legends of people passing through time in
Bermuda triangle, etc)

The Smoky God is a good story, from an American writer, lawyer & politician who was reportedly told the
story from an old norse guy before he died. He claims the entrance was somewhere in the arctic passed
the North wind. The Tibetans thought it was in a series of tunnels. Legend has openings or entrances in
tunnels, caves, mountains, etc----all over the world---Arctic, antarctic, Bucegi mountains, subterranean
India/Incan or Mayan, etc

But don't mix Flat Earth and Hollow Earth, FE is fucking retarded disinfo to discredit something thousands
of years old. If there's nothing to it, ask the US gov for the Operation PAPERCLIP files when they took all
the Nazi research on it.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:17:10 No.18000800

That is forbidden knowledge. Stop. Now.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:20:07 No.18000813

Actually yeah anon it has seemed unusually large to me lately but I haven't said anything till now. Are we


30 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)00:34:20 No.18000847 >>18004199

File: 1468111590386.jpg (24 KB, 480x516)


>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)01:03:55 No.18000933

Keep going, or link something

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)01:04:03 No.18000934



>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)01:04:40 No.18000938 >>18001848

Dude there's even a fucking Vice documentary about it.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)01:12:21 No.18000965

theres a whole field of philosophy called Epistomology which is about what and how knowledge do be

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)01:13:40 No.18000973

Or they could just eat some chicken or something.
Man I'm hungry...

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)01:21:31 No.18000996

Do you have a source for this?

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)02:21:58 No.18001135

Please continue

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)03:40:51 No.18001366

cock tribute thread

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)03:54:24 No.18001410 >>18001782

Donald Trump is working for the Clintons to destroy the GOP and hand the presidency over to her.

31 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Meanwhile, Sanders had a gun pointed to his wife's head and was forced to follow suit.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)04:37:13 No.18001513



>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)05:03:06 No.18001547


Scariest thing I've ever read on x

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)05:05:32 No.18001552

File: bbd029095bda0cecbc3859319(...).jpg (41 KB, 500x681)


>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)06:41:35 No.18001700

Part of the clever ruse

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)07:53:52 No.18001763

Leaked script for new Vsauce video

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)07:54:58 No.18001764


>> DB 08/07/16(Sun)08:16:33 No.18001782

Bernie Sanders wife is being investigated for doing $2 million dollar bank fraud while buying 40 acres of
property from a Catholic church, church needed money court and attorney fees for investigation of child

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)08:30:16 No.18001794


32 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Can you please translate the story of ehyeh asher ehyeh?

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)08:59:27 No.18001819

That's ridiculous anon, the entire human race aren't robots who can read your mind. Only I am.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:08:39 No.18001830

What if I don't believe in god but I do believe in conspiracy theories?

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:15:54 No.18001836

Autist mad at Normies

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:20:47 No.18001840

The little tips on shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:29:48 No.18001848

Oh, well then it must be true

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:31:40 No.18001850

>>17996828 (OP)
That all the information we have about the world before year 700 is fabricated bullshit that fuckheads
have made up because they would'nt be able to handle the fact that there has been civilizations as
advanced as what we are today.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)09:52:05 No.18001882

jesus says in the bible to follow him into the house of the water bearer(aquarius)
i believe there will be a raputre/apocalypse type thingy where when astrologically we get there those
following satan and lucifer(to include all new age neo-occult sigils and rituals makers) will have a delusion
of experience eternity by creating their realities forever and those following christ getting reborn in each
different state of mind will find heaven.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:06:29 No.18001900 >>18001914 >>18002029 >>18002050

File: 28810.png (96 KB, 432x360)

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:09:13 No.18001904

File: asdfasdf.png (1.28 MB, 1366x768)

>>17996828 (OP)

33 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

reptiles or worse
theres way too much proof, pic related

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:11:50 No.18001914 >>18002050

The fuck is this? Why do you keep posting it every thread?

>> >scopolamine 08/07/16(Sun)10:12:15 No.18001916 >>18001932

File: lllmkl.jpg (58 KB, 500x690)



>'Since we know that god and the creation are one and the same'
trying to sound deep just exposes your low level of brain function, please stop spouting
bullshit. you dont read as smart, just pretentious and conceited.
>Since we know that god and the creation are one and the same'
what a piece of shit you are, i can't believe you said that. never talk again. shame on you.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:17:09 No.18001932

This is /x/. Why even come here if you're going to shoot down people's wild ideas?

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:30:58 No.18001951

finders case, mark detrueax, franklin coverup, jeffery epstein

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:50:12 No.18001985 >>18003136 >>18004978

McCullay Caulkin, Corey Feldman, Oooo a good one and a popular one is Dan "Get in the Van"

>Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider

>Dan "Preteen Pussy Annihilator" Schneider

Ehh... theres a lot more, too lazy to type them all out

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)10:58:41 No.18002002

We are all in a computer program similar to the Matrix, that alien beings created. The worst part is that I
don't know how to escape it
Or if I want to

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)11:13:05 No.18002029 >>18002050

Is no one gonn a tell me what this picture is and why does it keeps getting reposted?

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)11:26:14 No.18002047

I have to go with Santa Claus here. Maybe Christmas could have different continental allotment so he

34 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

isn't busy all the time.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)11:31:33 No.18002050

stop forcing your shitty meme

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)11:54:41 No.18002072

>>17996828 (OP)
Skeletons aren't real. They're just an urban legend perpetuated by big dairy to get us to drink milk.

>> Lycurgus 08/07/16(Sun)12:23:17 No.18002100

>>17996828 (OP)
The global pestilence black market.

Emporia State University's biology department, and many universities across the globe are associated

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:03:18 No.18002207 >>18002209

I be live peoples souls go around the planet and generators and such suck the soul energy and convert it
to batteries. So you listen to an iPod or use a flash light your using up your grandmother's soul. The
lucigarians are promoting energy use to dissipate this soul energy that we call electricity so that when it
runs out they will have ultimate power

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:04:54 No.18002209

You were only pretending?

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:05:12 No.18002210

I also feel the Catholic church has a monopoly on magic. More people that be live the more powerful the
effect so they would kill and weed out that to make is my less powerful and more manageable. Better to
have all of 25% the just a fraction of a whole. They did this to keep power. They tried to kill magic. It does
still exist but not like it did

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:23:05 No.18002249 >>18002253 >>18002270

I think OJ committed those murders...

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:25:07 No.18002253 >>18004879

He had a book idea... called something along the lines of... "if I did it".

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:36:02 No.18002270

Fucking tinfoil

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:41:47 No.18002280 >>18004748

35 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

/del/ver here.

Hell, I wouldn't even want someone on scopolamine to go to the store to make a beer run, much less to
assassinate anyone.

If you want to use /del/ for crime, you use it to rob, rape (although, anticholingerics dry out mucosa, so
you may need loads of lube) or poison them. Not to wipe their memory.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)13:44:56 No.18002285 >>18002312


t. Demiurge cuck

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)14:00:37 No.18002312 >>18004857

the problem with the whole gnostic worldview is pretty obvious:

if God is an evil demiurge, how do you know super-god isn't an evil demiurge too? Basically, how do you
know how "deep" things go?

Are you in the only un-real reality, or are there more above?

If that's the case, regardless of your struggling, there will come a point where a sufficient demiurge exists
to trick you into bending the knee to it, so it makes all of gnosticism's endeavours pointless.

Either God is who he say's he is, or you should just pretend he is, because it's pointless to do otherwise.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)15:52:01 No.18002632


Not crazy. It's just debatable what is actually down there as we have no way of knowing.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:00:50 No.18002652 >>18002911

>Brexit was engineered so that either the monarchy or British army could take control of the UK
>Brexit happens
>Labour basically in civil war, party is imploding will be gone soon and members will be making own party
>Conservatives going to civil war soon
>British army already said if Labour get in then they will coup against their government

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:06:17 No.18002671

>>17996828 (OP)
THIS, because it is not crazy.

> [Embed]

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:08:12 No.18002677

At the moment: The Tavistock Institute and how they created the Beatles, the counterculture movement
and the brainwashing of a generation.

36 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:08:45 No.18002680

That I'm not a car

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:21:35 No.18002730

>>17996828 (OP)

The scariest conspiracy theory I've ever heard, is that all of this world is actually 100% just as we see it.
There are no "masterminds" controling humanity, 9/11 wasn't an insidejob, there is no god, only people.
And the people are driven by greed, which made the world look like what it is today!

But that theory is just crazy #iwanttobelieve

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:25:03 No.18002749

>the crest corporation requires toothpaste sales to stay in business
Yeah right, kek.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)16:34:24 No.18002786

He said conspiracy theories.
The conspiracy theory would be to believe a government for a world power secretly conspired to eliminate
a group of people based on their religion and then burned documents proving that it ever happened.

Regardless of if you believe in the Holocaust or not, it's not a conspiracy unless someone conspires.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)17:09:03 No.18002911

>>British army already said if Labour get in then they will coup against their government

wtf m8


>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)18:13:49 No.18003136 >>18003139 >>18004577 >>18004978

File: This Christmas, Dan 'She'(...).webm (2.35 MB, 640x360)

"Beercan" Dan Schneider
Dan "The Man With the Master Plan" Schneider
Dan "Put Drugs In Her Cider Then Stick It Inside Her"

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)18:15:44 No.18003139

File: subtle confession by Disc(...).webm (496 KB, 250x175)


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/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)19:10:18 No.18003327

Stupidest post I've ever read on 4chan. Congratulations

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)19:36:59 No.18003403

>>17996828 (OP)
That democracy is real.

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)23:34:38 No.18004166

>>17996828 (OP)
Girls might be real

>> Anonymous 08/07/16(Sun)23:46:27 No.18004199


agreed agreed

fuck the kikes

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)00:56:21 No.18004375

Flat earth.
Used to laugh at those people for years, but now I'm slowly falling under their spell.

>> Operator 08/08/16(Mon)01:05:02 No.18004401 >>18004431

>>17996828 (OP)
Every soul but mine has passed on and is either alive and dead or just dead.

>> Operator 08/08/16(Mon)01:12:28 No.18004431

File: How-you-recruit-a-horseman.jpg (43 KB, 400x524)

What do u all think about

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)01:15:22 No.18004444 >>18004466

38 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Not an argument. The severity of a mental disease doesn't make it not a disease, and if you think being a
homosexual doesn't effect your quality of life you're a dumbass.

>> Operator 08/08/16(Mon)01:21:36 No.18004466

Were not talking about that now we are talking about the coming of christ and him making me king.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)01:23:10 No.18004473

File: 1468965191411.jpg (6 KB, 223x258)

>Since we know that god and the creation are
one and the same.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)01:27:05 No.18004484

>'Modern art' was sponsored by the CIA
this has been confirmed. some Psyche-ops thing against russia

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)01:33:41 No.18004492

>drill bit torque and breakage
>cost of drilling
>intense geothermal heat with depth

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)01:59:48 No.18004577 >>18004708 >>18004978

Dan "The man with a plan to lick her clam, tie her up and slap her with your ham, start with 2 fingers then
your hand, no reporting and no bans, fondle her clit then her cans, rip off her clothes and throw her in the
van, not one - not two - but a 6 man gangbang, into her mouth right inside her, make that pussy wider and
wider, soft smooth skin better is the whiter, pound her so hard they call me the Hymen Collider, give me a
ciggie this'll be an all-night

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)02:02:10 No.18004584

Our DNA contains "Squids are stupid" in it.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)02:22:58 No.18004637 >>18004652

File: 1418605929834.png (366 KB, 665x384)

Do SFW boards still stop bumping after 300 posts? I dont want this
thread to die

If this is the end, then gentlemen, posting with you has been the
greatest honor of my life


39 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)02:25:54 No.18004643


Tuberculosis was one of the consumption diseases

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)02:32:36 No.18004652


>> Corvus 08/08/16(Mon)03:00:10 No.18004707

File: 1467599808822.jpg (24 KB, 570x412)

>'Modern art' was sponsored by the CIA (the 'modern art' pieces sold for millions is
actually money laundering done by billionaires and millionaires

First time I've heard of this, I like this. Money based motive... art is already a
medium for this. sounds fun.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)03:00:25 No.18004708 >>18004978

You know, there are some pastas we should forget entirely.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)03:03:59 No.18004716


It used to terrify me too, but don't think of it as a ride. Think of it as a theme park, an infinite theme park
that is constantly getting upgraded and expanded with new rides. For eternity.

Yes there will be some shitty rides, but they always come to an end.
Plot Twist: there are an infinite amount of theme parks (universes) also.

>> Corvus 08/08/16(Mon)03:05:46 No.18004722

File: 1468909310625.jpg (72 KB, 650x830)

This I agree with but I'll elaborate. If god lives each life in us, as us then we "god" or god
consciousness relive all our mistakes. Heaven and hell is not only in our heads in this life
but a direct result of what our actions karma create. So hitler yes more or less gassed
and ruined many people, but he will have to relive each and every one of those lives he
destroyed. This is why altruistic motive is the most powerful, though often misguided.
help those around you and you will be helped in another life. Its hard to be mad at people
with this mindset.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)03:16:25 No.18004731



I mean. You can't have it both ways. If its a mental illness, then the irrational hatred of it is also a mental
illness. Why wouldn't they be related?

40 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)03:31:12 No.18004748

Fuck people who don't respect /del/, it's some dangerous ass shit not to be fucked with by weak minded

That being said, Jason Simpson killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:03:02 No.18004799

I believe my brain was operated on, and I somehow have no memory of it or the period before or after.
Would be easier to not believe if I hadnt have found the stitches and had others confirmed them to be

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:11:38 No.18004814

2 in a row

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:34:42 No.18004834

The world is a simulation for me to experience, Everything happens for me to see. I will report back what i
saw once i wake up

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:39:30 No.18004839 >>18006495

File: 1465856723886.jpg (68 KB, 540x730)

If you die of an "accident" you will just wake up in another reality where you are still alive.
It has happened to me several times

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:42:14 No.18004842

File: 115666.jpg (160 KB, 538x725)

>le jew memes

neckbeard spotted

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:43:34 No.18004843

File: laughing.jpg (20 KB, 400x266)

>being an abomination
>not being able to have kids
>sticking your penis in other men's
anuses and getting aids

Yeah, doesn't affect their quality of life at all..

41 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:50:49 No.18004849

What do you two believe in?

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:59:01 No.18004857

sounds pretty cucked to me.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)04:59:42 No.18004859

If reincarnation was real and we are living our lives right now, only for us to be a different person after our
inevitable death, how are we living right now?

Sounds retarded, but take it like memory loss. Like amnesia. Take before hitting your head to be your
current life, then take the "hitting your head and getting amnesia" to be death. Then waking up afterwards
is your new reincarnated life.

Am I making any sense here? Does anyone get what I'm trying to say???

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)05:11:03 No.18004879

It was leaked. Quite the read.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)05:30:19 No.18004904

File: Guy Incognito movie reviews.jpg (49 KB, 500x550)

Never heard of it

You shouldn't google it

Just forget about it

t. Guy Incognito

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)05:42:30 No.18004918 >>18004955

one time i smoked weed and this guy that i thought was my friend started talking to me in like snake
tongue and ig ot freaked out and he told me that he was a reptilian from that day i don't even know what
is real anymore, he said theres 14 days, and that sometimes reality is a dream and that "they" rule this

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)05:55:44 No.18004944

that life will become good one day

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)06:00:22 No.18004955

when I'm really high I can't even focus on what people are saying

...short term memory loss

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/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)06:11:51 No.18004971

File: scarecrowgun1.jpg (19 KB, 359x300)


Anyone remember the Scarecrow from the Wizard

of Oz carrying a gun?

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)06:15:57 No.18004978

File: schneider mk feetra coverart.jpg (151 KB, 720x563)


>You know, there are some pastas we should forget entirely.

Go to bed Dan

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)07:37:41 No.18005141 >>18006124

I think hormones are put in chicken and milk and they make men act more effeminate and less hairy and
girls have puberty younger and get bigger breasts and butts

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)09:20:30 No.18005308

You are so poorly misinformed it is kind of cute.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)10:56:04 No.18005452

The big bang does not claim to know If there were anything before it or what was before! It only claims
that at a certain point our current understanding of physics did not apply and that evidence suggests that
all energy was condensed in one point.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)11:44:01 No.18005529

Yiss ser

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)12:26:51 No.18005615

That's it folks, thread is officially kill after 3 days

Thanks for the ridiculousness only /x/ can provide

t. OP

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)16:29:58 No.18006124

43 de 44 08-08-2016 22:57
/x/ - What's the craziest conspiracy theory or thing tha - Paranormal - 4chan

What is real life for 500 Alex ?

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)16:58:24 No.18006168

The majority of the media was involved in a serious plot to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the
nomination this year, the dnc and the liberal media worked together on this and were very conscious of it

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)18:49:09 No.18006462

Should we ask for a patch?

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)18:54:51 No.18006478

Everybody else is capable of telepathy, except you.

You're not being told this because it's cruel to pick on invalids, and so everyone speaks to each other
when you are nearby.

> How many times have you felt like someone already knows what you're going to say?
> How many times have you guessed what someone will say as soon as they open their mouth?

You're not entirely deaf, only almost.

>> Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)19:01:28 No.18006495

I second that.
8 times so far.

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