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2016 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA)

Use of MASW and Electrical Resistivity in

Assessing a Small Earth Dam in Remote Area

Maalouf, Y., M.S. and Khoury, N., Ph.D., P.E.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Notre Dame University-Louaize
Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

Abstract— Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), 2015). MASW has also been used to assess earth dams (Sirles
Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) and Dynamic et al., 1990, Ivanov et al., 2009 and Cardarelli et al., 2014).
Cone Penetration (DCP) test were conducted to assess any
anomalies in an earth dam. ERTs were recorded using AGI Recent studies by El Hajj, T. et al. (2015) and Saad L., et
Supersting R1/IP equipment - a total of 28 electrodes, spaced at al., (2015) have assessed the health of earth dams in Lebanon
one meter, were used in the resistivity setup - and then analyzed using visual and electrical resistivity. Additional studies are
with EarthImager 2D. The MASW testing was performed using needed, however, to provide Lebanon’s communities with a
24 geophones at one-meter spacing using Geometrics’ GEODE better understanding of earth dam monitoring and inspection,
G24 seismograph; the recorded data were analyzed using hence the use of MASW, ER and DCP.
Geopsy for 1D and SeisImager for 2D profiles of the shear wave
velocity. DCP test was conducted on the crest at various II. METHODOLOGY
locations. Findings showed that the embankment of the dam The earth dam used in this study is located in Laqlouq, a
consisted of three layers up to 5.8 meters of depth investigation.
mountainous village having an altitude ranging from 1800 to
ERT also showed the existence of an area with low resistivity,
indicating the potential for internal seepage. The shear wave 2000m, located in Jbeil District, Lebanon. Approximately 200
velocity and DCP confirmed the existence of three layers, which earth dams have been identified in a remote area in Laqlouq
was consistent with the resistivity results. as depicted in Figure 1.

Keywords—Electrical Resistivity; MASW; Geophysical; Earth

Dams; Seepage; Shear Wave Velocity.

Earth dams have been used extensively throughout the
years to store water for various purposes. Designs should
consider three criteria: leakage, partial settlement and strength
(Poomvises et al., 2010, Hickey and Sabatier, 2011). In Figure 1 Photographic of Laqlouq Earth dams
Lebanon, the first earth dam was built in the early 1930’s
under the French mandate authority. It was the beginning of The field testing included electrical resistivity and seismic
an irrigation plan to help farmers in their agricultural projects tests as shown in Figure 2. One survey line was performed on
(Amery, 2002). Unfortunately, farmers have been counting on the crest of the earth dam using AGI Supersting R1/IP. A total
community services and trial and error techniques to build of 28 electrodes were laid on the crest of the earth dam with 1
their earth dams. This practice recently resulted in internal m electrode spacing. The configuration of sources and
erosion and the ultimate failure of an earth dam in Aqoura, a receivers was initialized by the use of the dipole-dipole array.
village in the Jbeil district, Lebanon, flooding the surrounding Data acquired from the field were analyzed using EarthImager
region and destructing large cultivated areas (MTV, 2015). 2D. Seismic investigation was carried out using the MASW
technique which consists of laying 24 vertical geophones (4.5
The investigation of old earth dams for strength and soil Hz) at a spacing of 1m. The geophones were connected to a
properties is sometimes hard to manage using regular seismograph then to a laptop. A Geometrics Seismodule
geotechnical techniques (e.g., standard penetration test, Controller was used for data acquisition. The sample interval
boreholes) (Poomvises et al., 2010). Electrical resistivity adopted was 0.125 ms. Shots were performed using a
tomography (ERT) and Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface sledgehammer of 5Kg at the spacing indicated in Figure 3.
Wave (MASW) have become well accepted techniques to The blue dots represent the location of the shot; yellow dots
detect any anomalies (e.g., soil strata) within the structure of represent the geophones. Each shot was repeated 5 times for
an earth dam (Chiemeke, 2014). Electrical resistivity is a well- better analysis of data. In addition to the geophysical
known technique for identifying seepage (Sintuboon et al., techniques, DCP testing was conducted in accordance with the
2015, Kim et al., 2011, Ikard et al., 2014 and Ikard et al., ASTM D 6951 at 21 m from the survey line.

978-1-4673-8523-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 78

2016 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA)

Figure 2 Field electrical resistivity and MASW tests setup Figure 5 Misfit Crossplot

ER (Ohm.m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Depth (m)
Location 1
3 Locaiton 2
Location 3

Figure 3 MASW Geometry Profile 6

Figure 6 Variation of ER values with depth at three locations

A. Electrical Resistivity Technique Previous ERTs were performed on the same location at
different dates. The ERT shown in Figure 7 represents data
A smooth model inversion, the most stable and gathered a year ago when the earth dam is at its minimum
recommended inversion method, was used for analysis of data capacity. The anomaly showing a possible area of seepage is
inversion in the ERT. It represents the data in a smooth way also present in Figure 7.
and fits them to a prior Chi-squared statistic. This type of
inversion is based on the assumption of the Gaussian
distribution of data errors.
The 2D inverted model obtained at the crest of the dam is
shown in Figure 4. RMS value of 2.34% for the investigated
profile indicated that the data fit with the computed response.
Figure 5 shows a crossplot for the predicted apparent
resistivity versus the measured apparent resistivity. The Figure 7 ERT at the Crest Conducted Previously
resistivity values ranged between approximately 10 ohm.m
and 89 ohm.m, indicating clay-type soil. Figure 6 indicates the B. MASW Technique
variation of the Electrical Resistivity (ER) values at three
Figure 8 summarizes the seismogram obtained when the
different locations. It is obvious that the crest contains three
shot was performed at 1 m from the first geophone. It shows
distinct soil layers: 1) top layer, up to a depth of 1.5m, of dryer
a clear delay in the time of arrival followed by a ground roll.
soil with an ER up to 89 ohm.m; 2) wetter area, up to a depth
For each location, data of the 5 shots were staked to increase
of approximately 3m, with resistivity values ranging from 30
the accuracy of the recorded signal. Figure 9 indicates
ohm.m to 50 ohm.m; 3) Lower values of ER (below 30
multiple 1D shear wave velocity profiles corresponding to
ohm.m) beyond a depth of 3m represent saturated areas. The
ranges of misfit values. The red profile, which possesses the
presence of an anomaly at a depth of 4.5m is clear due to the
least misfit value of 1%, was chosen for the analysis. It clearly
low resistivity values of this area (10 ohm.m) which could be
shows a two layer strata with the first layer having a shear
the location of possible seepage.
velocity of approximately 70 m/s reaching a depth of 2.2 m.
The second layer has a higher shear velocity of 250 m/s. These
Possible Seepage values are common for a soft clay-type soil in earth dams for
a similar depth (Karl et al., 2011).

Figure 4 ERT Results of the Crest Setup

2016 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA)

Figure 10 2D Shear Wave Velocity Profile

Shear Wave Velocity (m/s)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Location 1
Figure 8 Seismogram of a Shot 1
Location 2

2 Location 3

Depth (m)

Figure 11 Variation of Shear Wave Velocity with depth at three locations

C. Comparisons among Geophysical and Geotechnical

Data are summarized in Figure 12. Average DCP data in
mm/blow reveal the presence of three layers. The first layer of
2.5mm/blow reaching a depth of 1.5m, a second layer of
approximately 2mm/blow up to 2.5m and a third layer of 1.5
Figure 9 1D Shear Wave Velocity Profile mm/blow up to a depth of 3.5m.

The data gathered from the shots at different locations Corresponding ER values at the same location are shown
were analyzed using SeisImager software modules (i.e., in Figure 13. Changes in the ER values also reveal the
Pickwin, Wave Eq, Surface Wave Analysis and GeoPlot). The existence of three layers at approximately the same depth
dispersion curves obtained were combined and inverted to mentioned previously. Figure 14 shows the changes of shear
obtain the 2D shear wave velocity shown in Figure 10. Results wave velocities with depth at the location of the DCP testing
reveal increased shear wave velocities with depth (Goff et al., (Bauer, 2007 and Iodice et al., 2015). The same soil strata
2015). The shear wave velocity obtained from 2D varied from identified in the MASW testing is shown in the DCP data. The
40m/s to 250m/s compared to 70 m/s to 250m/s in the 1D increase in the shear wave velocity is evident with the increase
analysis. Figure 11 summarizes the variation of shear wave in the density of soil which is shown by the decrease in the
velocity with depth at three locations. The layers can be DCP data (from 2.5 mm/blow to 1.5 mm/blow).
identified by the high change of velocities. The first layer is
represented by values ranging between 40 m/s and 80 m/s up
to a depth of 1.7 m. The shear wave velocity of the second
layer ranged between 80 m/s and 190 m/s up to a depth of 3.5
m. The third layer had a shear wave velocity higher than 180
m/s. The values correspond to a soft clayey type material
which is consistent with laboratory testing for soil
classification (CL).

2016 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
This study was undertaken to identify areas with anomalies
and the strata of an earth dam using geophysical and
geotechnical techniques. Results of electrical resistivity

revealed the presence of an area with high water content which
DCP Values
could be a possible seepage zone. The results of the MASW
150 Average DCP Values testing identified the soil strata of the earth dam which consists
of soft clayey soil with different densities as indicated by the
Depth (cm)

DCP testing. The use of MASW did not reveal any anomaly
that can be correlated to the presence of seepage within the
structure of the embankment. The authors recommend further

testing that would identify weaknesses in the earth dam. The
recommended tests include: (1) additional ERTs and MASW
350 survey lines (2) conducting geotechnical testing such as split
spoon test and borehole shear test and (3) develop
mathematical approaches to correlate ER, shear wave
Figure 12 DCP Results velocities, N-values and shear strength parameters of soil.
This paper is made possible by the generous support of the
ER (Ohm.m) American people through the United States Agency for
0 20 40 60 International Development (USAID). The contents are the
0 responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of USAID or the United States Government. The
1 authors are thankful for this generous support and would like
to acknowledge the students, namely Louis Junior Saad, Roy
Hajje, and Mr. Elie Lahoud the lab technician at Notre Dame
2 University-Louaize who assisted in this project.
Depth (m)

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