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emerging foreign policy challenges for


All foreign policy objectives are interconnected and contribute to a single, comprehensive
foreign policy for each state. Unlike domestic policy, foreign policy issues tend to arise
suddenly in response to developments and major events in foreign countries.

 What is foreign policy
 Importance of foreign policy
 A quick revision of Pakistan’s current foreign policy
 The challenges faced due to the policies stated
 conclusion

What is foreign policy:

Foreign policy is the set of policies which are used to interact between other countries. There
are several reasons that influence a country’s foreign policy. Among other reasons, foreign
policy may be directed for defense and security, for economic benefit, or to help states that
need it. As we have studied previously geopolitics and the geostrategic importance of all the
neighboring countries of a region also plays an immense role in the formation of the regions
foreign policy. Variables like area studies, climate, topography demography, natural science
and applied science of the region also affect the foreign policy (with the neighboring

The relationships between the two countries are established based on the principle of
equality. It is the choice of a state to have relations with other state. For example, Pakistan
and Israel are two sovereign states but the foreign policy of Pakistan states, not to have any
diplomatic relations with Israel. At domestic front Pakistan, does not approve any zionist
state in occupied land of Middle East. That is why Pakistan has never accepted Israel as a
sovereign state. Thus, termed these non-existent relations as a reflection of domestic politics.
At domestic level Pakistan, considerds India as a threat for its security, survival and
existence. That is why the foreign policy of Pakistan towards India is aggressive in nature and
vice versa. At domestic fronts, we have good relations with Muslim countries and they are
reflected in our foreign policy.

Importance of foreign policy:

1.It is not possible to safeguard the country's interest unless necessary policies and strategies
are to be formed, which is the result of adopting firm and practical foreign policy.
2.To attain honor and security of one state and its political stability from other states, through
which a country can become friends from one country and the vice versa, by dealing with
diplomatically to attain state's protection

Pakistan’s current foreign policy objectives:

Quaid-e-Azam, in a broadcast talk to the people of the USA in February 1948, outlined the
following goals of Pakistan’s foreign policy:

“Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world. We
do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the principle of
honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our
utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world.
Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the
oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world, and in upholding the principles of the United
Nations Charter.”

The foreign policy objectives of Pakistan are stated below:

– Promotion of Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and democratic Islamic


– Developing friendly relations with all countries of the world, especially major powers and
immediate neighbours.

– Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests, including Kashmir.

– Consolidating our commercial and economic cooperation with international community.

– Safeguarding the interests of Pakistani Diaspora abroad.

– Ensuring optimal utilization of national resources for regional and international


The emerging challenges due to Pakistan’s foreign policy:

Pakistan has been facing serious foreign policy challenges since its creation. Indeed 21st
century challenges are lot more serious. Challenges like the event of 9/11, globalization,
extremism, terrorism and economic decline have prevent the effectiveness of the foreign
policy of Pakistan. Pakistan is considered as the world most dangerous place, it is usually
referred as a terrorist hub. The changing geo-strategic, geo-political and geo-economic
environment of the South Asian region has posed new kind of security, economic challenges
to the foreign policy of Pakistan.

Kashmir issue
Pakistan as a Muslim country always supported Kashmir and considered it as it's part. It is
another great challenge to the foreign policy of Pakistan. The issue of Kashmir has a lot of
significance for Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan have fought wars of 1965, 1971, and 1999
(of Kargil) due to Kashmir. In 1998 both countries started testing their nuclear weapons
which has increased the risk of a nuclear war. Kashmir conflict remains unfinished business.
In recent development in the relation of Indo-Pak, CBM (Confidence Building Measures);
where the issue of controlling nuclear arm race in the region and exchange of information
regarding terrorists’ activities was highlighted, is a positive sign. Leaders of both countries
wanted to maintain peace but the tensions still remain because Pakistan wants Kashmir issue
to be alive.

Globalization challenges
Globalization is a challenge rather than opportunity for under develop countries like Pakistan.
According to the critics of globalization only those countries which are economically strong
and politically viable can survive in this world. Pakistan is experiencing both positive and
negative effects of the globalization. Pakistan’s industry has to compete with foreign
competition so they need improvement. Pakistan in order to improve its economic
performance, and to set out the essential elements like good governance and maintain rule of
law Pakistan has to reform its political system. India is a threat for Pakistan not because of
weapons but because of economic competition. India is an emerging economic giant with
china in South Asia, all of which affect Pakistan’s policy.

Internal and external security is the most important factor in Pakistan's foreign policy.
Historian Paul Kennedy named Pakistan as one of the nine pivotal states whose future
evolution would not only determine the fate of their region, but also affect international
stability. Pakistan has developed as a principal actor and a vital personality of its own. So, it
is supposed to secure and protect its all vital interests, at all costs.

Issue with Afghan

The most gigantic challenge to the foreign policy of Pakistan is the issue of Afghanistan, and
war against terror. Afghanistan is a Pashtun state and about 16% Pashtun live in Pakistan.
Pakistan and Afghanistan didn't start on positive term. Afghanistan refuses to recognize
Pakistan in UN because of its partial claim on the Pashtuns populated areas of the North-
Western region of Pakistan.
Pakistan has been trying to improve relations with Afghanistan over the years. Pakistan was
hoping for a peaceful end to the 40-year unrest in Afghanistan that held back the country's
development. Recent talks in Doha between the Afghan government and Taliban, the
prospects of a peaceful end to the war are grim. President Ashraf Ghani and certain leaders
continue to blame Pakistan for the Afghan mess. The USA also decided not to expand any
more cooperation with Pakistan because of Afghanistan.

Anti-terrorism Movement
Pakistan has helped the United States in its battle against terrorism since its inception, even
before 9/11, when it held the distinction of being the most sanctioned country in the world.
Because Pakistan shared a long border with Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the
Pakistani government was under enormous pressure to collaborate with the US. Following
9/11, India discovered that the world, notably the West, was more sympathetic to its appeals
for tough action against terrorism in Kashmir, while Pakistan was accused of aiding terrorist
activities in Kashmir and India

Economy of Pakistan
The people of Pakistan in general, and the Pakistani military and political establishment in
particular, felt betrayed by the US. Pakistan was left to deal with the ramifications of the
Afghan war against the Soviets on its own. Later, after a terrorist assault on India's
parliament, India massed its soldiers on Pakistan's border, causing issues for Pakistan's

Iran and Saudi Arabia

Iran Saudi conflict is an old issue and it is also referred as middle-eastern cold war. The main
conflict between both countries is Shia and Sunni issue. Pakistan has to make such terms with
both countries that cold war didn't affect Pakistan. When this issue will resolve then it will
prove beneficial for Pakistan, as Pakistan will have positive relations with both countries.

China and USA

China and USA are considered as two great power thus both the countries are on negative
terms. USA declares that China is committing crimes against humanity and genocide against
Uyghurs. USA was the first countries to imposed such terms to china. China is the direct
neighbor of Pakistan and china always supported Pakistan no matter what. This makes it
difficult for Pakistan to form policies that supports both countries. Having deteriorating
relations with any of these two countries would cause a lot of hardships on Pakistan
especially economic challenges.

Pakistan's Nuclear Program

The most significant problem confronting Pakistan's foreign policy is connected to its nuclear
capabilities, particularly now that the US has launched a campaign against countries
developing weapons of mass destruction. In reality, the United States has been opposed to
Pakistan becoming a nuclear power from the start, whereas it has been unconcerned about
India's nuclear programme.
Traditionally, Pakistan has been a security-driven state and that's the reason why more
emphasis has been on state-building over nation-building. However, changing regional as
well as world dynamics present our foreign policy makers with a set of complex challenges.
This is perhaps the most opportune time that Pakistan should reap the benefits of its
geographical location and its importance to the whole world. Our foreign policy makers
should move forward with extreme prudence. The Foreign policy of Pakistan is directly
influenced by military and intelligence agencies of the country which causes failure for
democratic governments and lack of political leadership. The biggest cause of failure in
Pakistan foreign policy is too dependent in terms of economy and military assistance on
superpower countries specially America. For example, Pakistan has insufficient ability to
produce electricity according to demand. Pakistan can contact central Asian states to fulfill
the demand of electric supply because these states have extra power generation capacity in
summer seasons while Pakistan faces excessive demand in this season but Pakistan is unable
to take indicative due to foreign influence.

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