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ChatGPT What are the acid dissolved parts of determination of crude fibre of
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Today The determination of crude fiber in feed involves a series of steps, one of which is the acid digestion
phase. During this phase, certain components of the feed are dissolved, leaving behind the crude
Acid Digestion of Feed
fiber. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the acid dissolution step:
Crude Fibre in Feed

1. Acid Digestion: The sample is boiled with a strong acid solution, typically 1.25% sulfuric acid
Yesterday (H₂SO₄). This process hydrolyzes and dissolves various components of the feed.

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2. Dissolved Components:

Previous 7 Days Hemicellulose: This is a complex carbohydrate found in plant cell walls that is more easily

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Avian Urinary System Overview Some Pectins: Pectins are a group of polysaccharides found in plant cell walls and are also
partially dissolved during acid digestion.
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Non-Fibrous Carbohydrates: These include simple sugars and starches, which are readily
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hydrolyzed and dissolved by the acid.
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Protein and Nucleic Acids: Some of the protein and nucleic acids in the feed may also be
hydrolyzed and dissolved during acid digestion.
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Cellulose: A major component of plant cell walls that is resistant to acid hydrolysis.
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Lignin: A complex organic polymer that provides rigidity to plant cell walls and is also
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After the acid digestion step, the sample is typically filtered, washed, and then subjected to an
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alkaline digestion step with a solution such as 1.25% sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This further
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RBC, Hb, PCV Relationship lignin. The residue is then dried and weighed to determine the crude fiber content of the feed.

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In the determination of crude fiber in feed, the alkaline digestion step follows the acid digestion step.
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During alkaline digestion, the sample is treated with a strong base, typically 1.25% sodium hydroxide
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(NaOH). This process dissolves additional components of the feed, leaving behind the crude fiber.
Cell Organelles: Key Functions Here’s a detailed breakdown of the alkaline dissolution step:

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1. Alkaline Digestion: The sample, having already undergone acid digestion, is boiled with the
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2. Dissolved Components:

Remaining Hemicellulose: Any hemicellulose that was not fully dissolved during the acid
digestion may be further broken down by the alkaline solution.

Pectins: Similar to hemicellulose, remaining pectins are further solubilized by the alkaline

Proteins: Proteins that survived the acid digestion are typically hydrolyzed by the alkaline

Non-Fibrous Carbohydrates: Any residual non-fibrous carbohydrates, including some

starches, are further dissolved.

Lignin-Carbohydrate Complexes: Some parts of the lignin-carbohydrate complexes may be

broken down, although lignin itself is generally resistant to both acid and alkaline digestion.

3. Remaining Components:

Cellulose: This remains largely undissolved and constitutes a major part of the crude fiber.

Lignin: Lignin remains mostly intact through both the acid and alkaline digestion

Silica and other inorganic materials: These remain undissolved and can be part of the
residue that is considered crude fiber.

After the alkaline digestion, the sample is again filtered, washed to remove any dissolved materials,
dried, and weighed. The residue left after these treatments, primarily composed of cellulose and
lignin, is what is measured as the crude fiber content of the feed.

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