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To be confident in speaking English, we must practise using the language.

Share some of the

Disadvantages or drawbacks that you have encountered in your practice of language.

The disadvantage of practice English is lack of real-life experience. As a person who do not
use English as their mother tongue, it is hard to encounter the real situation where people are
actually interacting with a native speaker. Thus, people cannot make an improvement in a
short time as they do not have sufficient experience. Furthermore, because of the lack of
hands-on experience, people tend to make mistakes and it can lower their self-confidence in
speaking English. These things happen because no one was able to correct them if they
pronounce or use the vocabulary wrongly. However, it does not stop them from practicing, as
they can use other methods such as they can learn and improve their English by watching
English movies and listen to English talk shows. By doing this, they know how to pronounce
and use the correct vocabulary in daily conversation. Furthermore, it also can help to increase
knowledge about the idiom and learn new vocabulary. To conclude, although there are
disadvantages of practice English, people can still overcome using other method.

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