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A comprehensive study on the photophysical and

non-linear optical properties of thienyl-chalcone
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2022, 24, 21927 derivatives†
Qin Ai Wong, *a Ching Kheng Quah, *a Xin Ai Wong,b Yip-Foo Win,c
Huey Chong Kwong,a Parutagouda Shankaragouda Patil, d
Neelamma B. Gummagole and Venugopal Rao S. f

The impact of the substitutional position of the chorine atom on the non-linear optical (NLO) response
of chalcone derivatives is reported in this paper. Two thienyl-chalcone derivatives, (E)-3-(2,4-dichloro-
phenyl)-1-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (3A25D2) and (E)-3-(2,6-dichloro-phenyl)-1-
(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (3A25D4), are synthesized, and their crystal structures were
determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The photophysical and third-order NLO
properties of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 were investigated experimentally and computationally. The third-
order NLO properties of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) were studied
using Z-scan technique with 800 nm, 70 femtosecond (fs) pulses, and 532 nm continuous wave (CW)
laser excitation. Closed aperture data recorded with fs pulses revealed positive non-linearity of both the
compounds, while a strong negative non-linearity was observed in the CW regime. Open aperture data
revealed that both the compounds exhibit positive non-linear absorption in fs pulsed and CW domains.
Several wave function analysis methods, such as the inter-fragment charge transfer (IFCT) analysis,
hole–electron analysis, (hyper)polarizability density analysis, and decomposition of the (hyper)polarizability
contribution by numerical integration, were carried out to study the optical properties and charge transfer
Received 10th May 2022, mechanism. In addition, the influence of the medium (liquid and crystalline) and external field wavelength
Accepted 13th August 2022 on the optical properties of the two molecules were analyzed. Thermal and electronic contributions
DOI: 10.1039/d2cp02127g toward NLO properties were studied experimentally. The theoretically calculated cubic hyperpolarizability
g(o; o, o, o) in liquid for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 were 4.69  1034 and 2.68  1034 esu, whereas the corresponding femtosecond regime Z-scan results gave 4.35  1034 and 3.78  1034 esu, respectively.

1. Introduction fast response, ease of molecular design, and the advantage of

high transmission at low intensity for fundamental optical
Organic non-linear optical (NLO) materials play an important frequencies well below the bandgap frequency.1 In contrast,
role in fields such as photonics and optoelectronics due to their inorganic NLO materials are costly and relatively hard to be
integrated into photonic materials. The functional modules,
Pusat Pengajian Sains Fizik, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Pulau Pinang,
Malaysia. E-mail:,
e.g., electron donor, p-conjugated linker, or electron acceptor,
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur are generally altered to tailor the photophysical and NLO
50603, Malaysia properties of organic compounds.2–5 A chalcone is constructed
Department of Chemical Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, by two aromatic rings connected through an electron-acceptor
Perak Campus, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia
a,b-unsaturated carbonyl system, and the functionalization of
Department of Physics, B.L.D.E. Association’s S.B. Arts and K.C.P. Science College,
Vijayapura 586103, Karnataka, India
chalcones by different electron-donor or acceptor substituents,
Department of Physics, K.L.E Institute of Technology, Opposite Airport, Gokul, Hubballi allowing charge transfer within the molecule, hence leading to
580027, Karnataka, India noticeable optical non-linearity. Several chalcone derivatives
Advanced Centre of Research in High Energy Materials (ACRHEM), University of have been investigated theoretically and experimentally for
Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500046, India
their NLO properties.6–12
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Full details of the struc-
ture determinations of compounds 3A25D2 and 3A25D4. CCDC 1952930 and
Besides the electron-donating/withdrawing strength of sub-
1952931. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see stitutional group(s), molecular aggregation was reported to
DOI: enhance the NLO property of their individual molecules.13–18

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 | 21927
Paper PCCP

The molecular aggregation interplayed via the intermolecular comparison of the NLO properties between (i) vacuum, (ii) liquid,
interactions, i.e., dipole–dipole interaction, p–p stacking, and (iii) crystalline environments is yet to be reported. In this
hydrogen bonding, or halogen bonding.19 Virkki et al. reported paper, the photophysical and non-linear properties of 3A25D2
the non-linear responses of azobenzene chromophores increased and 3A25D4 molecules were calculated in different environ-
in association with the stronger halogen bond.20 Virkki et al. ments, namely, vacuum, polarizable continuum model as the
reported that ‘‘the halogen-bonded supramolecular system is solvent model, and supramolecular approach as the crystalline
superior to a hydrogen-bonded one even when the bonding environment, and in-depth discussion has been carried out. The
strengths are essentially equal’’, i.e., halogen bonding leads to computed electronic absorption spectrum and cubic hyperpo-
the enhancement of NLO in poled supramolecular polymers.21 larizability results are compared to the experimental data. The
Yushina et al. computed the second-order susceptibilities (w(2)) of effects of external field wavelength on NLO were studied theo-
2-iodo-3-hydroxypyridine polymorphs and found linear correla- retically. We also conducted theoretical studies for the aroma-
tion between the lengths of halogen bonds and the calculated ticity, electron delocalization, and vibration spectra, which are
w(2).22 The high electron-affinity of the halogen atom leads to the important molecular characteristics at the electronic level.
attraction of electrons in the C–X bond; hence, the carbon atom
bears a partial positive charge, and the halogen atom bears a
partial negative charge.23 The polar covalent bond results in 2. Experimental
molecular polarity and thereby manifold NLO property. This 2.1. Characterization
paper presents the synthesized and characterization of two
chalcone derivatives compounds, namely, (E)-3-(2,4-dichloro- The NMR spectra were recorded on a JEOL JNM-ECX 400
phenyl)-1-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (3A25D2) FT-NMR spectrometer in deuterated chloroform (CDCl3) with
and (E)-3-(2,6-dichloro-phenyl)-1-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)prop- tetramethylsilane (TMS) as the internal standard. The 1H and
2-en-1-one (3A25D4), which possess the chlorine moiety at the C NMR spectra were measured at frequencies of 400 MHz and
2,4- and 2,6-positions of the phenyl ring. Both compounds were 100 MHz, respectively. The FT-IR spectra were obtained in the
characterized from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectro- range of 4000–450 cm1 using a PerkinElmer Spectrum 400
scopic analyses. The intermolecular interactions among crystal with ATR technique. The UV-Vis absorption spectra were mea-
packing were investigated through Hirshfeld-surface analysis. sured in 1  104 M of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution
The cubic (second) hyperpolarizability, g, is the third-order by a Varian Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer with
electric susceptibility per unit volume.24 The third-order NLO 10 mm quartz cells.
effect is the lowest order NLO response apart from the second- Single-crystal X-ray analyses was carried out using a Bruker
order NLO effect, which is restricted to non-centrosymmetric APEX II DUO CCD area detector diffractometer with a fine-focus
symmetry.25 The nonlinear optical polarizabilities of various sealed tube graphite-monochromated Mo Ka radiation (0.71073 Å).
frequency mixing schemes can be determined via the real and The collected raw data were reduced using the SAINT program,43
imaginary parts of the non-linear susceptibility, w, which are related and empirical absorption correction is applied using the SADABS
to the non-linear refractive index coefficient (n2) and non-linear program.43 The structures were solved by direct methods and
absorption coefficient (a2), respectively (see Appendix).26 Currently, refined by full-matrix least-squares techniques using the SHELXTL
the most popular techniques for the determination of the cubic software package.44,45 All non-hydrogen atoms were refined aniso-
NLO properties of molecules are a third-harmonic generation tropically. Hydrogen atoms were placed geometrically and refined
(THG), Z-scan, and degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM), which using a riding model with Uiso = 1.2 or 1.5 Ueq (C). Molecular
are derived from different frequency combinations.27 Among them, graphics and publications materials were prepared by OLEX2,46
the Z-scan technique is the simplest experimental arrangement Mercury,47 and PLATON.48 Hirshfeld atom refinement (HAR) was
with high sensitivity, providing information about the real and implemented to optimize the H-bonded length of the crystal
imaginary parts as well as the sign of g(o; o, o, o).28 This structure relative to the independent atom model (IAM) by Olex2:
technique measures two technologically relevant NLO parameters NoSpherA2 (Non-spherical atoms in Olex2)49,50 with an ORCA
of a sample—the non-linear refractive index coefficient and the version 4.2.1 program at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level.51 The wave-
non-linear absorption coefficient.29 Recently, most of the research- function output was used to perform charge distribution and
ers have measured the optical properties of chalcone derivatives by electrostatic potential calculations.
Z-scan techniques in the solution forms30–32 and under one con-
dition of laser pumping.33–35 In this paper, we have studied the 2.2. Computational details
optical non-linearities of two chalcone derivatives under the con- Hirshfeld surface analysis and 2D fingerprint plots were pro-
ditions of pulsed (femtosecond) and continuous wave (CW) pump- duced using the CrystalExplorer 3.1 program.52,53 TONTO
ing. Significant variations are observed in the non-linearity when application was employed to calculate the Hirshfeld surface
the pump source is switched from pulsed to CW. with the DFT method at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level.54,55 dnorm,
This paper includes the theoretical calculations based on the curvedness, and shape index surface were mapped in the range
density functional theory (DFT) method to study the optical of 0.100–1.100 Å, 4.000–0.400 Å, and 1.000 Å, respectively.
properties. There are numerous computational studies regarding Energy frameworks calculations were performed using the
the solvent effect on the NLO of molecules,36–42 however, the CrystalExplorer 17 program56 at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of

21928 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Fig. 1 Model of the supramolecular approach for (a) 3A25D2 and (b) 3A25D4 compounds. The asymmetric unit at the center (magenta spacefill style) is
embedded by a molecular shell (first layer: cyan ball and stick style; second layer: capped stick style).

theory, where the total interaction energy (Etot) relative to the step i) was employed for spectroscopic analysis. The vibrational
reference molecule is given in terms of four components— frequencies were assigned using potential energy distribution
electrostatic (Eele), polarization (Epol), dispersion (Edip), and (PED) analysis by the VEDA 4 program.61 The computed
exchange–repulsion (Erep) with scale factors of 1.057, 0.740, chemical shifts were carried out using the GIAO approach with
0.871, and 0.618,56 respectively. solvent chloroform and referenced with respect to the standard
Gaussian 09 software package57 and Gaussview 5.058 are TMS, which is optimized at the B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) level.
used for quantum chemical calculations with the functional
B3LYP using the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The computational
linear and non-linear optical properties of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 2.3. Z-Scan studies
crystals were evaluated in (i) vacuum, (ii) liquid, and (iii) crystal- Third-order non-linear optical susceptibility, w(3)(o; o, o,
line environments. The optimization processes are as follows. o), are measured experimentally by open and closed aperture
(i) The initial geometries were retrieved from the crystal- Z-scan technique.28 The Z-scan technique is a simple method
lographic data, which normalized the X–H bond lengths by the for measuring two technologically relevant NLO parameters of a
Mercury program and were fully optimized in vacuum, sample, i.e., non-linear refractive index coefficient (n2) and non-
(ii) A similar procedure of step (i) within the solvent reaction linear absorption coefficient (a2). This technique involves the
field of the DMF solution (e = 37.219) via Integral Equation scanning of the sample along the propagation axis of the
Formalism Variant Polarizable Continuum Model (IEFPCM), and incident Gaussian laser beam (z-direction). The translation of
(iii) The supramolecular approach was used, where the the sample creates varying light intensities. A plano-convex lens
asymmetric unit of title molecules is embedded in a crystalline was used to focus the laser beam and a computer-controlled
environment (double layer of molecular shell) (Fig. 1). The translation stage was used to move the sample. The transmittance
atoms of the molecular shell were modelled as a partial atomic of the sample was evaluated as a function of the sample position
charge obtained using the CHELPG scheme. Then, these atoms (z) measured with respect to the focal plane. The non-linear
were replaced with its partial atomic charge previously obtained, refraction was observed through an adjustment to achieve 40%
and the hydrogen atoms of the central molecule were optimized. of the power transmitted through the sample by placing a finite
The optimized molecules were utilized for molecular (hyper)- aperture in the far-field (closed-aperture Z-scan), whereas non-
polarizabilities (using coupled-perturbed Kohn–Sham (CPKS) linear absorption was observed by removing the aperture (open-
method) and excitation energy calculation (using time-dependent aperture Z-scan).
density functional theory (TD-DFT) method). Each calculation was In this study, the use of CW lasers may lead to thermal
carried out in distinct environments, i.e., (i) vacuum phase, (ii) non- artifacts and in the present work, this issue has been addressed
equilibrium liquid with external iteration approach, and (iii) by comparing the results between the 532 nm continuous wave
supramolecular approach. The Grimme’s third-generation disper- (CW) laser and the 800 nm femtosecond (fs) pulse laser. The
sion with Becke–Johnson damping (D3BJ) correction was included samples were dissolved in DMF solution and contained in a
in crystalline DFT calculations. The information of (hyper)polariz- quartz cuvette with 1 mm thickness (L) for all the experiments.
abilities was parsed out by analytical third energy derivatives, as The first setup was made from the fs pulse laser, which is
implemented in the Multiwfn 3.8 code.59 The isosurface maps and produced by a Ti–sapphire regenerative amplifier (Libra, coher-
real space functions were rendered via Visual Molecular Dynamic ent) operated at a wavelength (l) of 800 nm with a 70 fs pulse
(VMD) software.60 The detailed formulas for molecular (hyper)po- width and a 1 kHz repetition rate. The Z-scan experiments were
larizabilities are given in the ESI.† carried out with typically 0.1–0.2 mW input power with the
In order to compare with the experimental FT-IR and NMR corresponding pulse energy being 0.1–0.2 mJ. The focal length
results, the vacuum phase-optimized molecule (calculated in of the plano-convex lens was 20 cm. The beam waist (o0) of the

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 | 21929
Paper PCCP

Table 1 Experimental and calculated (DFT) 1H NMR chemical shifts (d in ppm) of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4

3A25D2 3A25D4
H Exp. (multiplicity, J) DFT Exp. (multiplicity, J) DFT
3 7.20 (s, 1H) 7.32 7.23–7.19 (t, 2H, J = 8.0 Hz) 7.33
6 7.36–7.32 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz) 7.82 7.60–7.56 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz) 7.95
7 8.08–8.04 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz) 8.78 7.88–7.84 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz) 8.48
10 7.46 (s, 1H) 7.60 7.39–7.37 (d, 2H, J = 8.0 Hz) 7.53
11 7.23–7.19 (t, 2H, J = 8.0 Hz) 7.36
12 7.30–7.28 (d, 1H, J = 8.0 Hz) 7.37 7.39–7.37 (d, 2H, J = 8.0 Hz) 7.51
13 7.64–7.62 (d, 1H, J = 8.0 Hz) 8.10
For 1H NMR data, s, d, and t refer to singlet, doublet, and triplet, respectively. Coupling constants in Hertz are given in parentheses.

2f l (400 MHz, CDCl3, d, ppm): 7.88–7.84 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz, 7CH),
focal spot was calculated through the relationship o0 ¼ ,
pD 7.60–7.56 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz, 6CH), 7.39–7.37 (d, 2H, J = 8.0 Hz,
where D is the diameter of the incident beam (4 mm), and its 10
CH & 12CH), 7.23–7.19 (t, 2H, J = 8.0 Hz, 3CH & 11CH); 13C NMR
corresponding Rayleigh range (zR) was estimated to be 2.55 mm (100 MHz, CDCl3, d, ppm): 183.41 (C5), 138.59 (C7), 137.31 (C1),
using ZR = po02/l. The peak intensity at the focus (I0) was 135.45 (C9), 135.45 (C13), 132.36 (C8), 132.16 (C2), 131.39 (C11),
estimated to be 182 GW cm2. The sample solution was 130.24 (C3), 129.04 (C10), 129.04 (C12), 127.26 (C6), 127.18 (C4);
prepared at 5 mM concentration. FT-IR (ATR (solid), n, cm1): 3109 (Th, C–H), 3086 (Ar, C–H),
For evaluating the NLO properties at a wavelength of 1662 (CQO), 1602 (CQC), 1579, 1557 (Ar, CQC), 1524, 1425,
532 nm, the CW diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser with 1363 (Th, CQC), 1079, 751(Ar, C–Cl), 973, 628, 521 (Th, C–Cl),
200 mW output power and 1.2 mm s1 scan speed was used as a 668 (C–S).
light source. The concentration of the sample solution was
0.01 M. A lens with a 25 cm focal length was used to focus the
laser beam with a diameter of 7 mm. The I0 was 23.7 kW cm2 3. Results and discussion
at the focal plane. The o0 and zR were determined to be 23.2 mm 3.1. NMR analysis
and 3.17 mm, respectively. The thin sample approximation was
satisfied for both fs pulses and CW laser Z-scan experiment as The H and 13C NMR spectra are shown in Fig. S1–S4 (see the

the sample thickness (L) is less than the Rayleigh range (zR). ESI†). The sequential assignments of protons and carbons was
carried out by means of DFT theoretical calculations (Tables 1
2.4. Synthesis and 2). The dH values obtained are 7.20–8.08 ppm for 3A25D2
Compounds 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 were synthesized according and 7.19–7.88 ppm for 3A25D4. Two vinylic trans protons
to Claisen–Schmidt condensation. 1-(2,5-Dichlorothiophen-3- (H6 and H7) were resolved as two doublets and easily differentiated
yl)ethan-1-one (0.28 g, 1.4 mmol) was added to a solution of by their coupling constant (J = 16.0 Hz). A downfield shift of
dichlorobenzaldehyde (2,4-positions for 3A25D2; 2,6-positions 0.02–0.38 ppm was discovered for the aryl protons from thienyl
for 3A25D4) (0.25 g, 1.4 mmol) in methanol (8 mL). The mixture and phenyl rings, which suggests the deshielding effect of
was catalyzed by an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution (15 M) electron-withdrawing Cl substitutions. The number of protons
and stirred vigorously for 6 hours at room temperature. The in both the compounds is in accordance with the postulated
crude product was rinsed with cold water, filtered, and then structure in terms of the integration value. In the 13C NMR
dried. A single crystal was grown by the evaporation technique. spectra, the alkene/aromatic carbon signals were observed in
2-en-1-one (3A25D2). Solvent for growing crystals: acetone– Table 2 Experimental and calculated (DFT) 13
C NMR chemical shifts (d in
methanol (1 : 3); yield 81%; m.p. 136 1C; 1H NMR (400 MHz, ppm) of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4
CDCl3, d, ppm): 8.08–8.04 (d, 1H, J = 16.0 Hz, 7CH), 7.65–7.62 (d,
3A25D2 3A25D4
1H, J = 8.0 Hz, 13CH), 7.46 (s, 1H, 10CH), 7.36–7.32 (d, 1H, J = 16.0
Hz, 6CH), 7.30–7.28 (d, 1H, J = 8.0 Hz, 12CH), 7.20 (s, 1H, 3CH); C Exp. DFT Exp. DFT
C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3, d, ppm): 183.44 (C5), 139.89 (C7), 1 137.55 150.83 137.31 132.97
137.55 (C1), 136.99 (C9), 136.37 (C11), 131.76 (C8), 131.46 (C2), 2 131.46 145.90 132.16 146.02
3 127.75 133.18 127.26 132.97
130.33 (C13), 128.67 (C10), 127.75 (C3), 127.36 (C4), 127.23 (C12), 4 127.36 145.72 127.18 144.73
126.30 (C6); FT-IR (ATR (solid), n, cm1): 3112 (Th, C–H), 3093, 5 183.44 186.66 183.41 186.77
3068 (Ar, C–H), 1653 (CQO), 1599 (CQC), 1581, 1470, 1385 6 130.33 127.61 131.39 134.05
7 139.89 146.62 138.59 147.73
(Ar, CQC), 1520, 1424, 1360 (Th, CQC), 1107, 1048, 789, 657, 8 131.76 136.11 132.36 138.59
(Ar, C–Cl), 978, 598 (Th, C–Cl), 668 (C–S). 9 136.99 151.63 135.45 151.44
(E)-3-(2,6-Dichloro-phenyl)-1-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)prop- 10 127.75 135.54 129.04 133.61
11 136.37 151.43 130.24 134.85
2-en-1-one (3A25D4). Solvent for growing crystals: dichloro- 12 126.30 131.98 129.04 134.25
methane–methanol (1 : 1); yield 79%; m.p. 142 1C; 1H NMR 13 128.67 133.32 135.45 148.14

21930 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Table 3 Experimental and calculated (DFT) FT-IR vibration bands’ assignment (wavenumber in cm1)

3A25D2 3A25D4
Band assignment Exp. Unscaled Scaled Exp. Unscaled Scaled
nC–H (sp , Th) 3112 3235 3099 3109 3235 3099
nC–H (sp2, En & Ph) 3093, 3068 3211, 3189 3076, 3055 3086 3211 3076
nCQO 1653 1713 1684 1662 1717 1688
nCQC (En) 1599 1638 1610 1602 1646 1618
nCQC (Ph) 1581, 1470, 1385 1617, 1496, 1415 1590, 1471, 1391 1579, 1557 1617, 1587 1590, 1560
nCQC (Th) 1520, 1424, 1360 1565, 1462, 1379 1538, 1437, 1356 1524, 1425, 1363 1565, 1463, 1375 1538, 1438, 1352
gC–H (trans) 1025 1026 1009 1024 1018 1001
nC–Cl (Th) 978, 598 991, 612 974, 602 973, 628, 521 991, 633, 532 974, 622, 523
nC–Cl (Ph) 1107, 1047, 789, 657 1118, 1063, 796, 666 1099, 1045, 782, 655 1079, 751 1100, 780 1081, 767
gC–H (Ph) 870, 806 884, 829 869, 815 772, 690 787, 710 774, 698
gC–H (Th) 859 866 851 852 865 850
nC–S 668 684 672 668 685 673
Th: thiophenyl ring; En: enone bridge; Ph: phenyl ring; n: stretching; g: out-of-plane bending.

the downfield region in the range of dC = 126–140 ppm experi- Table 4 Crystal data and refinement parameters for compounds 3A25D2
mentally and 128–152 ppm theoretically. The remarkable sig- and 3A25D4
nals with the highest chemical shift (183 ppm) are assigned to 3A25D2 3A25D4
carbonyl carbon (C5). The different dC values of the aromatic
CCDC deposition number 1952930 1952931
carbon C11 and C13 in the spectra of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 reveal Molecular formula C13H6Cl4OS C13H6Cl4OS
the alternatively bound H/Cl in these two positions. For 3A25D4, Molecular weight 352.04 352.04
the carbon signals C9/C13 and C10/C12 were synced into 2 Crystal system Orthorhombic Monoclinic
Space group P212121 P21/n
signals due to the symmetric nature of the phenyl ring. a (Å) 3.9858 (7) 3.8532 (7)
b (Å) 13.451 (2) 14.632 (3)
3.2. FT-IR vibrational analysis c (Å) 25.545 (4) 24.278 (5)
b (1) 90 93.236 (3)
The experimental and calculated infrared spectra of 3A25D2 V (Å3) 1369.5 (4) 1366.7 (4)
and 3A25D4 are presented in Fig. S5 and S6 (see the ESI†). Z 4 4
Vibrational frequencies calculated above and below 2000 cm1 Dcalc (g cm3) 1.707 1.711
Crystal dimensions (mm) 0.34  0.23  0.05 0.46  0.10  0.06
were scaled by 0.958 and 0.983, respectively.62,63 The vibrational Crystal color, shape Plate, colorless Needle, brown
assignment of several main modes along with the observed and m (mm1) 1.00 1.00
calculated wavenumber are listed in Table 3. The scaled and Radiation, l (Å) Mo Ka, 0.71073 Mo Ka, 0.71073
Tmin, Tmax 0.672, 0.747 0.690, 0.777
observed frequencies show good agreement, confirming the Measured reflections 7501 17 830
functional groups and substituents of chalcone derivatives. hkl range 4 r h r 5 4 r h r 4
17 r k r 14 18 r k r 18
3.3. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Hirshfeld surface analysis 32 r l r 26 30 r l r 30
y limit (1) 1.6–27.0 1.6–27.0
The crystal data, data collection, and structure refinement Unique reflections 2968 2962
details of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 are summarized in Table 4, and Observed reflections 2323 2315
Parameters 172 172
their asymmetric unit diagram is depicted in Fig. 2. Compounds Goodness of fit on F2 1.03 1.11
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 are crystallized in the non-centrosymmetric R, wR(F2) 0.040, 0.084 0.115, 0.050
orthorhombic space group P212121 and the centrosymmetric
monoclinic space group P21/n, respectively. The enone moiety
of both the structures adopts trans-(s-cis) conformation, indicated of 0.6456 Å and a maximum deviation of 1.2691 Å (Fig. 3). The
by the O1QC5–C6QC7 torsion angle of 1.1(7)1 and 7.8(6)1, and structure 3A25D2 exhibits an intramolecular C6–H6A  Cl1
the C5–C6QC7–C8 torsion angles of 179.5(4)1 and 177.1(3)1. hydrogen bond with the S6 graph set motif.
The dihedral angle between the constituent planar fragments The intermolecular interactions of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 were
is relatively small for 3A25D2 compared with 3A25D4. The least- elucidated with Hirshfeld surface analysis and the associated
square plane of thienyl and phenyl rings forms a dihedral 2D fingerprint plots. The decomposition fingerprint plots facil-
angle of 12.1(2)1 for 3A25D2 and 31.97(9)1 for 3A25D4. The ities rapid comparison between the related molecules in the
a,b-unsaturated carbonyl moiety of 3A25D2 are syn-periplanar title crystals (Fig. 4 and Fig. S7, ESI†). Besides, the 3D-topology
to the thiophene and benzene rings by 12.5(3)1 and 0.4(3)1, energy framework is generated from the pairwise interaction
whereas the syn-clinal configuration is observed for 3A25D4 energies between the molecules within a representative cluster
with dihedral angles of 30.7(1)1 and 41.7(1)1, respectively. The from the crystal lattice.
large deviation in the conformation is revealed by the super- The role of halogen atoms is to direct the architecture
imposition of both the structures with molecular overlay RMSD of molecular crystal structures. The calculation of contact

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 | 21931
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Fig. 2 The ORTEP diagram of the asymmetric unit of (a) 3A25D2 and (b) 3A25D4 shown in 50% probability displacement ellipsoids with labels for non-
hydrogen atoms.

aggregate 21 helices propagating along the b-axis (Fig. 6). These

interactions are estimated to be 19.2 kJ mol1 for Etot (Fig. S8
and Table S1, ESI†). The 2D fingerprint plot for 3A25D4 features a
narrow green stripe on the diagonal of the plots, starting from de =
di C 1.72 Å due to the three-center Cl  Cl halogen bonds (Fig. 4d).
The Cl1 atom is involved in one symmetrical contact (Cl1  Cl1ii)
and one bent contact (Cl1  Cl4iii), where Cl1  Cl1 = 3.4586(15) Å,
+C1–Cl1  Cl1 = 128.54(12)1 and Cl1  Cl4 = 3.4833(14) Å,
Fig. 3 Molecular overlay diagram for non-hydrogen atoms excluding the
+C1–Cl1  Cl4 = 113.73(11)1 and +C13–Cl4  Cl1 = 168.70(11)1 [symme-
4-position and 6-position chlorine atom in 3A25D2 and 3A25D4,
try codes: (ii) 1  x, 1  y, 1  z; (iii) 2  x, 1  y, 1  z]. The three
small red spots on the dnorm surface of 3A25D4 near the Cl and Cl4
atoms are also indicative of the Cl  Cl halogen bonds (Fig. 4b).
contributions to the relative Hirshfeld surface areas suggests The Cl  Cl halogen bonds between inversion-related molecules
that the most prevalent interactions in the title compounds are assemble a zig-zag chain propagating along the a-axis (Fig. 7) with
H  Cl/Cl  H contacts (20.7% and 28.0%) (Fig. 4b). However, an Etot of 9.7 and 7.4 kJ mol1 (Fig. S9 and Table S2, ESI†).
the H  Cl/Cl  H contact fingerprint plots are overly broad due From the over distance (relative to vdW separation) of certain
to the low angle contact and long distance relative to the van der characteristic patterns, there are no Cl  Cl contacts in 3A25D2
Waals (vdW) separation. Both crystals feature halogen bonds and no O  Cl contacts in 3A25D4, but C  C contacts occur in
that are shorter than the vdW separation, and the particularly all cases. C  C (i.e., p  p) close contacts is an evident from the
close contacts are highlighted via decomposition fingerprint blue-green region on the fingerprint plots (Fig. 4e) centered at
plots. The existence of the O1  Cl1 halogen bond for 3A25D2 is de = di C 1.8 Å, which comprises 11.9% and 10.6% of the surface
shown clearly from the very sharp O  Cl/Cl  O fingerprint area in 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, respectively. The adjacent blue and
spike at de + di C 3.10 Å (Fig. 4c). The dnorm surface of red patches on the shape index surfaces (highlighted by dashed
3A25D2 (Fig. 5a) shows two relatively large distinctive red spots circles in Fig. 8a) and the large flat region (green) (Fig. 8b) on
in the regions of close O1 and Cl atoms. The O1  Cl1i halogen curved surfaces reveal the p  p stacking arrangement in the
bonds (3.131(3) Å) [symmetry code: (i) x, 1/2 + y, 3/2  z] crystal [3A25D2/3A25D4: Cg1  Cg1iv = 3.986(2)/3.853(2) Å,

Fig. 4 (a) The 2D fingerprint plots and resolved into various intermolecular contacts: (b) H  Cl/Cl  H, (c) O  Cl/Cl  O, (d) Cl  Cl, and (e) C  C with
relative percentage contributions to the Hirshfeld surface area for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4.

21932 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Fig. 5 Hirshfeld surfaces of (a) 3A25D2 and (b) 3A25D4 mapped with dnorm, highlighted the intermolecular halogen bonding motifs.

Fig. 6 Partial crystal packing of 3A25D2 with intramolecular C–H  Cl hydrogen bonds (orange dashed lines), intramolecular O  Cl halogen bonds
(blue dashed lines), and p  p interactions (magenta dashed lines).

Fig. 7 Partial crystal packing of 3A25D4 with intramolecular Cl  Cl halogen bonds (blue dashed lines) and p  p interactions (magenta dashed lines).

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Fig. 8 Hirshfeld surface (front and back views) mapped with (a) shape index and (b) curvedness for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4.

offset = 1.676/1.363 Å; Cg2  Cg2iv = 3.986(2)/3.853(2) Å, offset = (2) The variation in the fragmental charges for the dichlor-
1.872/1.499 Å; Cg1 and Cg2 are the centroids of the S1/C1–C4 othienyl ring and enone groups demonstrates that the atomic
thienyl ring and the C8–C13 phenyl ring, respectively; symmetry charges are influenced by the conformation.
code: (iv) 1 + x, y, z]. The p  p contacts are found to be the (3) A comparison of the fragment charges of dichlorophenyl
most stable interactions present in the crystal packing of rings of the title molecules with the monochlorophenyl ring of
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 with an Etot of 49.5 and 50.6 kJ mol1, 3C25D shows that the charge shifts induced by the para-Cl to
respectively. An in-depth crystallographic investigation on the phenyl ring are positive (DqADCH = 0.029), while by the ortho-
3A25D2 has been reported by Sanjeeva Murthy.64 Cl are negative (DqADCH = 0.016).
These values show the influence of the substitutional position
3.4. Charge distribution and electrostatic potential on the charge distribution. The electron-withdrawing inductive
3.4.1. Charge distribution. Atomic Dipole Moment Corrected (–I) effect along the s bonds are dependent on the proximity, the
Hirshfeld (ADCH)65 population can manifest the electron-donating –I effect of the para position of chlorobenzene is less than that of
and accepting abilities of substituents. In order to define the the ortho position. Therefore, the electron-releasing resonance
effects of para/ortho-Cl substituent for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, the effect along the p-electron system appears to overcome the electron-
entries in Table 5 contain the ADCH atomic charges (qADCH) for withdrawing inductive effect along the s bonds for the phenyl ring
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 along with the qADCH of (E)-3-(2-chlorophenyl)- in 3A25D2 and inversely in 3A25D4. This makes the para-Cl of
1-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (3C25D)66 (as a 3A25D2 a donating group, while the ortho-Cl of 3A25D4 is a
comparison), which was reported by Sanjeeva Murthy et al. withdrawing group.
and further HAR-refined. Some consensuses can be summarized 3.4.2. Electrostatic potential (ESP). ESP plays a crucial role
as follows. in elucidating the natures of intermolecular interactions. Fig. 9
(1) The electron-withdrawing ability of Cl atoms and carbo- provides the ESP mapped on the molecular vdW surface (range:
nyl groups are demonstrated by the negative qADCH, whereas the 0.03 a.u.) and surface extreme,67 in which the electrophilic
sulphur of the thienyl group acts as an electron-donating due to and nucleophilic reactive sites are displayed as red and blue
its positive qADCH. regions, respectively. To better understand the electrostatic

Table 5 Atomic dipole moment corrected Hirshfeld (ADCH) charges and the charges of the functional groups

Atom 3A25D2 3A25D4 3C25D Atom 3A25D2 3A25D4 3C25D

Cl1 0.018 0.009 0.022 H6A 0.071 0.216 0.065
Cl2 0.017 0.012 0.02 C7 0.080 0.016 0.099
Cl3 0.028 0.035 0.041 H7A 0.094 0.119 0.092
Cl4 0.063 0.352 C8 0.004 0.398 0.007
S1 0.093 0.178 0.108 C9 0.033 0.039 0.01
O1 0.289 0.269 0.291 C10 0.156 0.143 0.035
C1 0.073 0.036 0.099 H10A 0.131 0.123 0.074
C2 0.009 0.103 0.044 C11 0.122 0.062 0.103
C3 0.149 0.197 0.016 H11A 0.146 0.127
H3A 0.159 0.236 0.084 C12 0.279 0.576 0.1
C4 0.006 0.032 0.057 H12A 0.165 0.153 0.116
C5 0.173 0.254 0.188 C13 0.055 1.138 0.103
C6 0.093 0.391 0.029 H13A 0.094 0.124
Dichloro-thienyl ring 0.046 0.025 0.01 (Di/mono)chloro-phenyl ringa 0.078 0.033 0.062
Enone 0.124 0.055 0.074
Denotes the C6H3Cl2 part for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, while the C6H4Cl part for 3C25D.

21934 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Fig. 9 Electrostatic potential (ESP) mapped on the vdW surface (isosurface r = 0.001 a.u.) of (a) 3A25D2 and (b) 3A25D4 molecules. Minima and maxima
of ESP on the surface are drawn as magenta and cyan spheres with the corresponding ESP value in kcal mol1, respectively.

potential characteristic of the respective fragment of the mole- 3.5. Experimental UV-vis spectroscopy
cules (i.e., enone bridge, dichlorothienyl, and dichlorophenyl A larger non-linearity and a small linear absorption coefficient
rings), the quantitative molecular surface analysis module68 are (a0) are critical for optical devices because a high a0 can cause a
partition calculated and plotted in Fig. 10. For 3A25D2 and decline in the device performance and significant thermal loss.
3A25D4, the polar surface areas (|ESP| 4 10 kcal mol1) are The UV-Vis absorption spectra of compounds 3A25D2 and
77.12 and 73.10 Å3, which occupy 23.95% and 23.20% of the 3A25D4 are investigated in DMF solution with a concentration
overall vdW surface, respectively. This reveals that the substitu- of 1  104 M at room temperature (Fig. 11). The maximum
tion of Cl at the para-position causes the molecule to be more absorption peak induced by strong p - p* electronic transition
polar than that at the ortho-position. From the ESP maps, we of the conjugated system is observed at 319 and 298 nm for
found that the negative areas of ESP are located around the side- 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, respectively. A small bathochromic shift
on portion of the Cl surface, while a small region of positive ESP and a significant hyperchromic shift is displayed from 3A25D4
is localized at the outer tip of the Cl. The positive areas reveal to 3A25D2, demonstrating that the relative positioning of the
the chlorine’s positive s-hole, which can essentially form linear chlorine group (ortho- or para-) at the phenyl ring induces a
interaction with the negative sites of another molecule.69 The change in the optical characteristics. The cut-off wavelength of
enone group constitutes a majority of vdW surfaces containing absorptions is about 400 nm, showing transparency in the entire
larger negative ESP values (i.e., o10 kcal mol1) (Fig. 10). The visible range similar to the reported chalcone derivatives70,71 and
ESP maps also show that the lone pair of the carbonyl oxygen hence assuring their suitability for optoelectronic applications.
leads to the global surface minima (about 33 kcal mol1), The optical gap (Eg) is estimated from the Tauc plot extrapolation
reflecting the oxygen-forming interactions with Cl1 in the using the following relation.
3A25D2 crystal. The surface area with positive ESP for dichlor-
othienyl and dichlorophenyl rings are much larger than that  1
a0 hv ¼ C hv  Eg 2 (1)
with negative ESP. These positive ESP regions mainly belong to
the sulphur and hydrogen atoms. The global surface maxima for where C is a constant, h is Planck’s constant, v is the frequency of
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 are +28.35 and +24.98 kcal mol1, which the incident photons, and a0 is the optical absorption coefficient,
correspond to the H13A and H11A atoms, respectively. which is calculated with a = 2.303  (A/d), A is the absorbance and

Fig. 10 Surface area distribution of different ESP intervals on the vdW surface of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 molecules. The partition between three fragments
is displayed in different colors (i.e., dichloro-thienyl ring: pink, enone bridge: green, and dichlorophenyl ring: blue).

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d is the thickness of the sample. The Tauc plots for both the
structures are shown in Fig. 11 (inset graph), and the Eg values
are deduced to be 3.50 eV and 3.67 eV.

3.6. Z-scan analysis

3.6.1. Non-linear absorption (NLA) and non-linear refraction
(NLR). We conduct closed and open aperture Z-scan experiments
under both femtosecond (fs) pulses and continuous-wave (CW)
excitation to determine the non-linear coefficients and to better
understand the mechanisms for the observed optical non-
linearities. The normalized non-linear transmittance for both
compounds recorded using fs pulses (800 nm) and CW (532 nm)
Fig. 11 UV-Vis absorption spectrum of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 and Tauc lasers are presented in Fig. 12 and 13, respectively. The experi-
plot of the directly allowed energy band gaps (inset graphs). mental data are fitted by the Sheik Bahae’ model.28
The open aperture (OA) Z-scan data are fitted with the
eqn (A.1) (see the Appendix) to determine the non-linear absorp-
tion coefficient (a2) and the imaginary part of the third-order

Fig. 12 (a) Open aperture (OA) and (b) closed aperture (CA) Z-scan curves of 3A25D2 (green) and 3A25D4 (magenta) compounds at a concentration of
10 mM, under a 532 nm CW laser. The dotted lines denote the theoretical fits of eqn (A.4)–(A.8) while the symbols represent the experimental data.

Fig. 13 (a) Open aperture (OA) and (b) closed aperture (CA) Z-scan curves of 3A25D2 (green) and 3A25D4 (magenta) compounds at a concentration of
5 mM under a 800 nm fs pulsed laser. The dotted lines denote the theoretical fits of eqn (A.4)–(A.8) while the symbols represent the experimental data.

21936 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
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5.07  1016
5.03  1016

8.59  1023
9.74  1023
sex (cm2)
9.30  1021
8.63  1021

4.25  1021
6.68  1021
sg (cm2)

4.82  107
7.16  107
s2 (GM)
4.35  1034
3.78  1034

1.76  1027
1.19  1026

Fig. 14 Plot of ln(1  TOA) vs. ln(I0) of 3A25D2 (green) and 3A25D4
g (esu)

(magenta) under CW laser illumination.

Non-linear optical parameters of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 in DMF solution under fs pulsed (800 nm) and CW (532 nm) excitations

susceptibility I(w(3)(o; o, o, o)) (Table 6). The presence of a

4.39  1015
3.82  1015

3.56  108
2.40  107

valley at z = 0 in the OA scans implies positive non-linear

w(3) (esu)

absorption. The NLA is attributed to multiple-photon absorption

(MPA), excited-state absorption (ESA), free carrier absorption,
non-linear scattering, or a combination of these processes.72 The
efficiency of a molecule to transit from the ground-state to the
9.23  1016
8.51  1016
I (w(3)) (esu)

1.72  109
2.55  109

excited-state through the 2PA process is described by the 2PA

cross-section (s2). The values of s2 of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 are
calculated by eqn (A.4). The plots of ln(1  TOA) vs. ln(I0) for
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 under CW domain, as shown in Fig. 14,
3.55  108
2.40  107

displays a straight trendline with a slope of approximate unity,

4.30  1015
3.72  1015
<(w(3)) (esu)

indicating that the main process NLA in the case of CW laser is

contributed from 2PA.73 However, the NLA observed at the fs
pulsed laser would be a result of the cumulative effects from ESA
and 2PA. The RSA induced by the ESA can be determined as the
6.80  1010

value of the excited-state absorption cross-section (sex), which is

4.59  109
n2 (cm2 W1)
8.23  1017
7.12  1017

greater than that of the ground-state absorption cross-section

(sg). The values of sex and sg are calculated by eqn (A.5) and (A.6)
and listed in Table 6. The condition of sex 4 sg is not met in the
CW Z-scan experiment but in the fs pulsed Z-scan experiment.
Thus, we may propose that the non-linear absorption for both
2.78  1012
2.56  1012
a2 (cm W1)

7.76  106
1.15  105

Z-scans could result from a different process, which is 2PA along

with ESA for the fs pulsed laser and 2PA alone for the CW laser.
By fitting the closed aperture Z-scan data with eqn (A.7) and
(A.8), the non-linear refractive index coefficient (n2) is extracted
and the related real part of third-order susceptibility <(w(3)(o;
a0 (m1)

o, o, o)) are calculated. The impact of pulsed and CW mode



illumination on the non-linear behavior is outlined from the

comparison of the CA Z-scan results. The valley before peak

configuration arises as a result of fs-pulsed laser being a light



source, which demonstrates the presence of a self-focusing effect

consequently to a positive non-linearity (n2 4 0). Under CW laser
excitation, the experimental results are completely opposite to
those of the pulsed laser mode, which is the configuration of
fs pulsed laser,

a peak followed by a valley, expressing a self-defocusing

CW laser,

effect indicator to a negative non-linearity (n2 o 0). The physical

800 nm

532 nm
Table 6


origins that contribute to the non-linear refraction include elec-

tronic polarization, molecular reorientation, electrostriction, and

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 | 21937
Paper PCCP

thermal effects.27 The thermal and electronic non-linearities

possess same effects in Z-scan measurement; however, their
underlying physical mechanisms are different. In electronic
polarization, the optical field distorts the electron cloud around
an atom or molecule, triggering the non-linear electronic polar-
ization of the medium, in turn modifying the refractive index,
which is known as the optical Kerr effect. The refractive index of a
material depends on the intensity of the optical beam (n = n0 +
n2I). In the thermal effects, the laser energy that passes through
the medium is absorbed, resulting in the formation of a diverging
thermal lens within the sample and a variation of refractive index
with temperature n ¼ n0 þ T . A phase shift (Df0) in the
laser beam is generated by the thermal lens, hence resulting in a
diffraction ring pattern when Df0 4 2p radians and a self-
defocusing effect when Df0 o 2p radians.74 This explains the Fig. 15 Optical limiting of 3A25D2 (green) and 3A25D4 (magenta) with
femtosecond pulsed laser domain. Symbols represent the experimental
occurrence of the phenomenon of self-defocusing under a CW data while the dotted lines are the theoretical fits.
laser. The heating of the medium caused by the CW laser is more
than the heating caused by the fs pulsed laser. Consequently, the
effect of thermal non-linearity is more considerable in the CW 4 0 -fluoro-3,4,5-trimethoxychlocone (3TF) and 4 0 -chloro-3,4,5-
laser domain than in the fs pulsed laser. Besides, the peak-valley trimethoxychlocone (3TC)79 (130 fs and 780 nm laser pulses)
differences (DZpv) of the CA Z-scan traces can also identify the and three bis-chalcone substituted with methoxy (V1), methyl-
origin of non-linearity, DZpv is 1.7 times ZR in the case of purely sulfanyl (V2), and dimethylamino (V3) groups80 (170 fs and
Kerr effect, while it is larger than 1.7ZR in the case of the thermal 800 nm laser pulses). However, the n2 and w(3) of 3A25D2 and
lens effect.75 The DZpv of the CA transmittance data are found in 3A25D4 are one order of magnitude smaller than those reported
nearly 1.7ZR with an fs pulsed laser mode, suggesting that the for the chalcone derivatives. 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 have the same
larger electronic contribution to NLR is observed. The extremely order of magnitude of the CW laser NLO parameters with 2,3,4-
weak thermal lens in the fs pulsed laser domain is a consequence trimethoxy-4 0 -nitrochalcone (2,3,4TMNC),81 4-bromothiophenyl
of the low laser repetition rate, i.e., 1 kHz. The CA Z-scan curve of chalcone (2AT4B),82 and 4,5 0 -dibromothiophenyl chalcone
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 shows a DZpv 4.4 and 3.5 times the ZR as the (B5B2SC).83 To appraise the contribution of third-order optical
CW laser is used, which agrees with the finding of self-defocusing non-linearity per molecule, the molecular non-linear property is
characteristic and lends support to the non-linear effect that is defined as the cubic hyperpolarizability (g), which is related to
predominantly thermal in origin. The thermal-optical coefficient the third-order susceptibility and given by eqn (A.1). The g(o;
(dn/dT) is the change in the thermally induced non-linear o, o, o) is determined in B1034 and B1026 esu in fs pulsed
refractive index coefficient against temperature. For the steady- and CW domain, respectively. The experimental results at fs
state case, it can be calculated from the n2 value achieved from pulsed laser with 800 nm wavelength are comparable to our
the CW Z-scan trace using the expression.76–78 theoretical studies (see Section 3.6.5).
      Tsuboya et al. studied the quadratic hyperpolarizability of
dn Ia0 t dn a0 o02
n2 ¼ ¼ (2) para-, meta-, and ortho-carborane-ferrocene-conjugated dyads,
dT rc dT 4k
and found that the para-carborane dyad exhibits relatively higher
where I is the incident intensity, r is the density, c is the specific NLO response than ortho- and meta-carborane analogues84 due to
heat capacity, t (= o02rc/4k) is the thermal relaxation time, and k its longer effective conjugation length.2 Therefore, we predict that
is the thermal conductivity of the solvent. The k value of DMF is higher NLO properties will be determined for 3A25D2 in our
0.184 W m1 K1 at room temperature. 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 study due to its para-substituted chlorine. From Table 6, it is
exhibit a negative thermal lens, and their dn/dT are found to be worth noting that 3A25D2 shows a stronger non-linearity than
3.64  105 and 1.57  104 K1, respectively. The accumula- 3A25D4 in the fs pulsed regime, which corroborates our postulate
tion of thermal effects with CW excitation leads to the values of n2 and the theoretical studies (see Section 3.6.5). Even though the
and w(3)(o; o, o, o) that are extremely high as compared to inverse relationship is found in the CW laser domain, the a2 and
that with pulsed excitation. n2 of 3A25D4 are much larger than that of 3A25D2. The opposite
The estimated values of a2, n2, and w(3)(o; o, o, o) are results in CW laser Z-scan might be attributed to the different
found to be of the order of 1012 cm W1, 1017 cm2 W1, and thermal diffusivity of both the compounds; 3A25D4 becomes
1015 esu at the fs pulsed laser mode and 105 cm W1, hotter than 3A25D2 after absorbing the energy of the laser. The
109 cm2 W1, and 107 esu at the CW laser mode (Table 6). thermal lens effect is dependent on temperature, denoting that
The measured values are comparable to some chalcone deriva- the hotter compound will have higher non-linear refraction; thus,
tives reported. Under the fs Z-scan method, the a2 of 3A25D2 the third-order NLO susceptibility of 3A25D4 is approximately 6
and 3A25D4 are within the same order of magnitude with the times that of 3A25D2 in the CW domain.

21938 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

3.6.2. Optical limiting and figures of merit for all-optical in vacuum, solvent (DMF solution), and crystalline (CHELPG
switching. A material’s non-linear response is useful in the scheme) environments. The graph of bond length and bond
application of optical limiting due to its ability to block the angle variation for each optimized geometry is plotted in
penetration of high-irradiance light, thus restricting the output Fig. S10 (ESI†), showing that each geometry along with the
laser to safe levels. The materials displaying strong 2PA and HAR-refined structure have quite close bond lengths and
NLR properties with a low limiting threshold, a larger dynamic dihedral angles. However, the considerable deviation of
range, and a broad spectral response, have great potential for C1–C4–C5–C6 (t1), O1QC5–C6QC7(t2), and C6QC7–C8–C9
limiting devices. Considering that a2 and n2 are irradiance- (t3) torsion angles indicates that the optimized geometries
dependent, short input pulse operation promotes the limiting are twisted to each other, as seen in Fig. 16. In the vacuum
response.85 Here, we measured the optical limiting performance and liquid, 3A25D2 is deformed to a bending structure, while
of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 in DMF solution with an increasing the thienyl and phenyl rings of 3A25D4 are inclined to the
incident energy of an fs pulsed laser at 800 nm wavelength. enone group in an opposite direction relative to the crystalline
Fig. 15 shows the normalized transmittance of both the solutions structure. The single point energy of distinct environments
against the input laser fluences and fitting with the equation. optimized structures is calculated and given in Table S3 (ESI†),
  implying that the crystalline optimized structures have the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ein
FðzÞ ¼ 4 ln 2 3=2 oðzÞ2 (3) highest energy. Besides, the computation environments lead
to changes in bond length alternation (BLA), which is defined
where F(z) is the input laser fluence, Ein is the laser energy, and as the difference between the average lengths of the single and
o(z) is the beam radius at a given z-position along the beam, double bonds along the linear p-conjugated backbone.86–88 BLA
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi is a good predictor of linear and non-linear optical properties.
which is given by oðzÞ ¼ o0 1 þ ðz=z0 Þ2 . The threshold fluence
BLA = rC6QC7  (rC5–C6 + rC7–C8)/2 is determined (Table S4, ESI†)
for optical limiting is determined at the point where the input and the highest (less negative) BLA are found in the liquid
fluence falls to 50% of the linear transmittance, viz., 2.20 and among the computational environment, which in turn predicts
2.16 mJ cm2 for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, respectively. Because of that both the molecules exhibit the highest NLO properties in
their strong ESA and MPA processes, the title compounds have a the liquid.
lower optical limiting threshold than previously examined com- 3.7.2. Frontier molecular orbitals. The energy of the high-
pounds; thus, these compounds are accountable for the limiting est occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), the lowest unoccupied
devices. molecular orbital (LUMO), and energy gap could replicate the
A non-linear material that can be used for all-optical switching structure’s chemical activity, which affects its electrical and
in waveguides can define by figures of merit concerning a2 and n2. optical characteristics, which motivates us to perform TD-DFT
Two limits are needed for switching, which is one-photon FOM: calculations to determine the HOMO–LUMO gap.89 Fig. 17 shows
W = (n2I0)/(a0l) 4 1 and two-photon FOM: T = (a2l)/(n2) o 1. The W the energy level map of the 11 highest occupied and 11 lowest
is observed to be more than unity with fs pulsed and CW inputs unoccupied molecular orbitals at different states, and also the
due to the strong non-linear refraction of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4. The HOMO–LUMO gap. Hirshfeld weighting function is used for
T are o1 in the CW domain but 41 in the fs pulsed domain; decomposing the orbital to the fragment composition,90 namely,
hence, the title compounds are only used successfully for all- enone bridge, dichlorothienyl (Cl2-Th), and dichlorophenyl (Cl2-
optical switching devices with CW inputs. Ph) rings. Each energy level in Fig. 17 is divided into three colors,
which are contributed by the corresponding fragment composi-
3.7. Theoretical studies of molecules at distinct environments
tions. The HOMO and LUMO maps are also depicted in Fig. 17
3.7.1. Structure deformation induced by distinct environ- along with the corresponding orbital delocalization index (ODI).
ments. In order to study the electronic and optical properties P 2
The ODI is expressed as ODIi ¼ 0:01  YA;i , where YA,i is
distinctions in the structures of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, a DFT A
computational study was performed to optimize the structures the composition of atom A in orbital i.91 The stronger degree of

Fig. 16 Overlay diagram of vacuum (green), liquid (red), and crystalline (blue) optimized geometries of (a) 3A25D2 and (b) 3A25D4 molecules at the
B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The C1–C4–C5–C6 (t1), O1QC5–C6QC7(t2), and C6QC7–C8–C9 (t3) torsion angles are listed with respective

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Fig. 17 HOMOs (where blue and green represent positive and negative phase, respectively) and LUMOs (where red and yellow represent positive and
negative phase, respectively) of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 calculated in vacuum, solvent (DMF solution), and crystalline (CHELPG scheme) phases, along with
the corresponding energy level (color blocks), orbital delocalization index (magenta texts), and HOMO–LUMO energy gap (EH-L) (dark arrow).

orbital delocalization (localization) is indicated by the lower Table 7 The aromaticity index of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 molecules, viz.,
(higher) ODI. The HOMOs present p-bond located in the thienyl multicenter bond order (MCBO), para-delocalization index (PDI), and electron
localization function-p (ELF-p) calculated in three distinct environments
rings and the LUMOs present p-bond conjugated in the enone
bridge and partially in the phenyl rings, signifying their electron- MCBO PDI ELF-p
donating and accepting abilities, respectively. It is clearly 3A25D2 0.0608 0.0831 0.8330
observed that the HOMOs are found to be of the highest energy 3A25D4 0.0625 0.0857 0.8507
in liquid and possess stronger orbital localization (higher ODI).
The LUMOs are found in a contrary manner, which shifts to a
lower energy in the liquid with stronger orbital delocalization molecules consist of a Cl4 atom each attached at different
(lower ODI). Thereby, the HOMO–LUMO energy gaps in the positions of the phenyl ring, which in turn slightly influences
liquid (EH–L = 2.65 eV for 3A25D2 and EH–L = 2.89 eV for its aromaticity. We elucidated the aromaticity of both the
3A25D4) are smaller than that in the vacuum and crystalline compounds, such as multicenter bond order (MCBO), para-
phases (EH–L = 3.90/3.97 eV for 3A25D2 and EH–L = 4.02/4.09 eV for delocalization index (PDI), and electron localization function-p
3A25D4), as a noteworthy result to the solvent effect of high polar (ELF-p). These molecular structures are optimized without the
DMF solution. It is worth mentioning that the lower the EH–L, the diffusion function in a vacuum. The aromaticity indices are listed
better the non-linear optical property of the medium. Based on in Table 7. MCBO is known better as the two-center Mayer bond
the EH–L values, we can know that the molecules may have the order, which determines the degree of conjugation.92 PDI is
highest (hyper)polarizability in liquid. Besides, the small varia- essentially the averaged delocalization index of para-related
tion in EH–L in the vacuum and crystalline phases demonstrate carbon atoms in a six-membered ring.93 The larger aromaticity
that these CHELPG schemes marginally affect their individual of the 3A25D4’s phenyl ring is indicated by its larger MCBO and
HOMO and LUMO energies. The HOMO–LUMO energy gap of PDI values compared to that of 3A25D2. ELF-p is an electron
3A25D2 is evidently smaller than that of 3A25D4 in all the three localization function that solely contributed to p-electrons, which
computing phases environments, implying that it has higher well reveals the delocalization of p-electrons in the molecules.94
reactivity and optical polarizability. In addition, the weight of the Due to the optimized title molecules being non-planar, the ELF-p
phenyl ring in the HOMO for 3A25D2 is significantly larger than are calculated based on the p type localized molecular orbitals
that for 3A25D4, suggesting that the substitution position on the (LMOs). The molecule possesses the p aromaticity characteristic
phenyl ring could affect the electron-donating ability. if ELF-p is larger than 0.70. The isosurfaces of ELF-p (isovalue =
3.7.3. Aromaticity and electron delocalization. Aromaticity 0.70) along with the bifurcation points, which are defined in the
and p-conjugation topology can act as fundamental terms to topology analysis framework, are shown in Fig. 18. The bifurca-
dictate the linear and non-linear optical properties. The decrease tion points of ELF-p correspond to the positions where an ELF-p
in the aromaticity is accompanied by the decrease in the HOMO– domain begins to divide into two with the isovalue increasing. If
LUMO gap, which in turn affects a bathochromic shift in the UV the ELF-p value at the bifurcation point is larger, it demonstrates
spectra and an increase in the NLO properties. The aromaticity that the electron has more degree to delocalize between the two
can be defined by many criteria based on magnetic, geometry, split ELF-p domains. The quasi-doughnut-shaped ELF-p domains
and electron delocalization. In our study, 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 of the phenyl rings are connected with a high bifurcation value

21940 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
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Fig. 18 ELF-p isosurfaces (vacuum phase) of (a) 3A25D2 and (b) 3A25D4 molecules with an isovalue of 0.70. The orange spheres highlight the positions
of the bifurcation points, and the black text indicates the exact ELF-p value at these points.

ranging from 0.83 for 3A25D2 to 0.85 for 3A25D4. The slightly (52%/26%), and HOMO - LUMO+2 (35%/62%), whereas it is
larger ELF-p index for 3A25D4 exhibits that its phenyl ring has a attributed to S0 - S6 and S0 - S7 excitation for 3A25D4 from the
higher aromaticity than that of 3A25D2 under the influences of electronic transition from HOMO4 (65%/26%), HOMO3 (16%/
the position of the chlorine substituents. The disconnecting of 26%), and HOMO2 (8%/37%) to LUMO. Band II corresponds to
ELF-p domains and the low ELF-p index are found on the thienyl the S0 - S6 and S0 - S8 excitations in vacuum and crystalline
ring and the enone bridge, indicating that the electron is difficult environments for 3A25D2. S0 - S15 and S0 - S16 excitations
to be delocalized over the whole molecule, and hence reduced its contributed to band II for 3A25D2 in liquid. The band II for
non-linearity. 3A25D4 is mainly made up of the multiply degenerate excitations,
3.7.4. Electronic absorption spectra. The first 20 excited viz., S0 - S6, S0 - S16, and S0 - S18 (vacuum), S0 - S15 and
states of the title molecules are calculated in three environ- S0 - S20 (liquid), S0 - S6, S0 - S9, and S0 - S14 (crystalline).
ments, i.e., vacuum, liquid (DMF solution), and crystalline The oscillator strength of S0 - S6 in vacuum and crystalline
(CHELPG scheme) using the TD-DFT method. The electronic environments are relatively higher than other excitations under
absorption spectra are simulated by Gaussian broadening band II, hence leading to a hyperchromic shift. All electronic
function with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.667 eV transitions with their primary contributions to the UV-Vis
and recorded in the range of UV-Vis-NIR, as shown in Fig. 19. The spectrum are listed in Table 8, along with their corresponding
ghost-hunter analysis is carried out to omit the ghost excited states excitation energies, excitation wavelength, oscillator strength,
that resulted from the erroneous asymptotic behavior of the and orbital contributions.
exchange potential of the low Hartree–Fock exchange composition The hole–electron analysis96 is conducted to determine the
hybrid functional.95 The UV spectra of the title molecules consists charge transfer path of excitation.97,98 During the electronic
of two major absorption maxima, namely, band I (prominent band transition, the electrons leave ‘‘holes’’ and go to ‘‘electrons’’.
located in 290–340 nm region) and band II (relatively minor band Fig. 20 and 21 show the hole–electron distribution isosurface of
situated in 220–260 nm region). As seen in the spectra, the solvent the excitations listed in Table 8; holes and electrons are
effect of the DMF solution causes an abrupt absorption shift, band displayed in grey and yellow isosurfaces, respectively. Besides,
I is 17–22 nm blue-shifted, while band II is blue-shifted for 3A25D2 the amount of charge transfer between various fragments in the
and red-shifted for 3A25D4. The solvent effect also causes an electron excitation process is evaluated by the inter-fragment
increase in the band I absorption intensity and a decrease in the charge transfer (IFCT) method. The heat map of the charge
band II absorption intensity. The closer results in vacuum and transfer matrix is a data visualization technique that shows the
crystalline phases indicate that the CHELPG scheme only margin- condition of charge transfer, and the charge-transfer spectrum
ally affects the electronic properties. The band I in the liquid are in graphically presented the contribution of the electron transfer
close agreement with the experimental absorption peaks (Fig. 11) component and the redistribution component to the UV-Vis
at 319 and 298 nm for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, respectively. Band I for spectrum. The heat maps of charge transfer are generated in
3A25D2 is slightly red-shifted compared to 3A25D4, meaning that Fig. S11 and S12 (ESI†), and the charge-transfer spectrum are
3A25D2 requires less energy for electronic transition, which is incorporated with the simulated absorption spectrum in
consistent with the result of its smaller HOMO–LUMO energy gap. Fig. 19. During the excitations assigned to band I, the electrons
The electronic transition attributed to the absorption bands are found to be highly originated from the cinnamoyl system
is shown as discrete spikes below the spectra. The electronic (leaves the p-orbitals on the phenyl ring and goes to the
transitions attributed to the band I are found in the same p*-orbitals on the enone group), except for 3A25D2 in the
excitations in vacuum and crystalline environments, which are liquid, S0 - S5 excitation is resulted from the p–p* transition
S0 - S3 and S0 - S4 excitations for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4, throughout the overall molecule and the S0 - S6 excitation is
respectively, mainly assigned to the electronic transition ascribed to p–p* transition from the thienyl ring to the cinna-
HOMO1 - LUMO. The band I in liquid originates from doubly moyl system. From the charge-transfer spectrum, the band II
degenerate S0 - S5 and S0 - S6 excitations for 3A25D2 corres- for 3A25D2 are involved in the mixed character of p–p* and
ponding to HOMO3 - LUMO (10%/5%), HOMO2 - LUMO n–p* transitions, but the major contribution is the electron

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Fig. 19 Electronic absorption spectra (black) of molecules 3A25D2 (left) and 3A25D4 (right) at vacuum (top), solvent (middle), and crystalline (below)
environments. The charge-transfer spectrum is shown in the color lines and plotted with zoom-in (inset graphs). The peak positions of the absorption
bands (lmax) are labelled in blue text. The oscillator strength of the selected excitation transitions (major contribution for absorption bands) is shown as
distinct spikes and labelled in red text.

redistribution within the thienyl ring. The band II for 3A25D4 (vacuum), charge transfer from the thienyl ring to the phenyl
also shows mixed charge-transfer character but with different ring (liquid), and redistribution within thienyl (crystalline).
major contributions, i.e., redistribution within the phenyl ring From the hole–electron distribution maps, we can conclude

21942 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Table 8 The excitation energy (Eex, in eV), absorption wavelength (lex, in nm), oscillator strength (fo), and contribution of FMOs (in %) for 3A25D2 and
3A25D4 compounds on different excited transitions (S0 - Sn)

Environments S0 - Sn Eex lex fo mtran Major contribution (410%)

Vacuum S0 - S3 3.7110 334 0.5684 6.35 H1 - L (79%), H - L (10%)
S0 - S6 4.7323 262 0.2028 3.36 H - L+1 (84%)
S0 - S8 4.9514 250 0.0716 1.95 H - L+2 (37%), H2 - L+1 (23%), H1 - L+2 (19%)
Solvent S0 - S5 3.9041 318 0.3536 4.89 H3 - L (10%), H2 - L (52%), H - L+2 (35%)
S0 - S6 4.0115 309 0.3350 4.69 H2 - L (26%), H - L+2 (62%)
S0 - S15 4.9729 249 0.1000 2.30 H6 - L (17%), H2 - L+1 (54%), H1 - L+2 (14%)
S0 - S16 5.0103 247 0.1079 2.38 H - L + 5 (59%)
Crystalline S0 - S3 3.7765 328 0.4577 5.65 H1 - L (88%)
S0 - S6 4.8421 256 0.2379 3.60 H - L+1 (90%)
S0 - S8 5.0840 244 0.0863 2.12 H - L+2 (43%), H1 - L+2 (20%), H1 - L+1 (17%), H3 - L+1 (12%)
Vacuum S0 - S4 3.9319 315 0.3626 4.93 H1 - L (82%)
S0 - S6 4.8442 256 0.1448 2.81 H - L+1 (95%)
S0 - S16 5.4821 226 0.1073 2.27 H2 - L+1 (48%), H1 - L+2 (30%)
S0 - S18 5.6072 221 0.1136 2.31 H2 - L+2 (52%), H1 - L+3 (14%)
Solvent S0 - S6 4.1111 302 0.0710 2.13 H4 - L (65%), H3 - L (16%)
S0 - S7 4.1881 296 0.3448 4.66 H4 - L (26%), H3 - L (26%), H2 - L (37%)
S0 - S15 5.0833 244 0.1208 2.50 H1 - L+2 (16%), H - L+5 (68%)
S0 - S20 5.3273 233 0.1017 2.24 H8 - L (26%), H2 - L+2 (61%)
Crystalline S0 - S4 3.9472 314 0.3023 4.49 H2 - L (22%), H1 - L (66%)
S0 - S6 4.9750 249 0.1471 2.79 H - L+1 (95%)
S0 - S9 5.2393 236 0.0756 1.95 H5 - LUMO (17%), H1 - L+1 (66%)
S0 - S14 5.4949 226 0.0793 1.95 H6 - LUMO (88%)

Fig. 20 Hole–electron distribution maps of main excitations that contributed to bands I and II for 3A25D2 at three environments. Grey and yellow
isosurfaces represent the hole and electron distributions, respectively. The blue arrow represents the transition dipole moment vector.

that the solvent effect changes the characteristics of the excited system with low aromaticity and narrowed HOMO–LUMO energy
states significantly, especially for the excitations contributing gap potentially shows higher strength of non-linear optical
to band II. properties. The formula of isotropic average polarizability hai,
3.7.5. Non-linear optical properties. The molecular non- anisotropic polarizability Da, projection of quadratic hyper-
linearity of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 molecules in the frequency- polarizability on dipole moment bvec, and the average of cubic
dependent field (l = 532, 637, 655, 800, 1064, 1200, 1310, and hyperpolarizability hgi are expressed in the Appendix A.2.
1600 nm) and the zero-frequency limit (l = N nm, which is set The total dipole moment at three distinct environments is
as 999 999 nm of the incident wavelength in the Gaussian 09 found in the range of 2.96–5.23 Debye. We further analyzed the
software) computed at different environments are listed in Tables fragment dipole moment based on the Hirshfeld weighting
S5–S11 (ESI†). The computational results reveal that 3A25D2 function to clarify the characteristic of their polarity. The
possesses larger (hyper)polarizabilities relative to 3A25D4. It optimized structures are partitioned into fragments, viz., enone
indeed supports the postulate made in Section 3.7.3 that the bridge, dichlorothienyl, and dichlorophenyl rings. Fig. 22 presents

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Fig. 21 Hole–electron distribution maps of main excitations that contributed to bands I and II for 3A25D4 at three environments. Grey and yellow
isosurfaces represent the hole and electron distributions, respectively. The blue arrow represents the transition dipole moment vector.

Fig. 22 The optimized 3A25D2 (top) and 3A25D4 (below) molecules in (a) vacuum, (b) solvent, and (c) crystalline environments with the fragment dipole
moment (m) vector that contribute to the dichlorothienyl ring (green arrow), enone moieties (red arrow), and dichlorophenyl ring (blue arrow). The longer
arrow represents a larger m.

the fragment dipole moment vector that is directed toward the

positive charge part. The direction and magnitude of the fragment
dipole moment are nearly identical in vacuum and liquid environ-
ments, whereas all the vectors in the crystalline point in different
directions with a larger magnitude of the fragment dipole
moments. This could be due to the induction effect of the crystal-
line environment polarization. However, the vector of the dipole
moment of the enone moieties are opposite to that of the aromatic
rings at both the ends of molecules; thus, the dipoles are cancelled
out and result in a reduced total dipole moment for the crystalline
environment compared to liquid environments. The induced
dipole moment is related to the (hyper)polarizabilities; therefore,
the (hyper)polarizabilities in the crystalline environment are less
than that of the liquid.
The trend of frequency-dependent (hyper)polarizability in
various environments is clearly depicted by the graph of the 3D
trajectory (Fig. 23–25). Generally, the (hyper)polarizabilities in
various environments decrease with the increase in the external Fig. 23 Isotropic average static polarizabilities hai(0; 0) and dynamic polariz-
field wavelength and exhibit convergence at the zero-frequency abilities hai(o; o) in vacuum (V), solvent (S), and crystalline (C) environments.

21944 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Fig. 24 The projection of quadratic hyperpolarizability on dipole moment (bvec) associated with the functions of (a) electro-optic Pockels effect (EOPE)
b(o; o, 0) and (b) second harmonic generation (SHG) b(2o; o, o) along with static quadratic hyperpolarizability b(0; 0, 0) in vacuum (V), solvent (S), and
crystalline (C) environments. Some of the bvec(2o; o, o) values are negative (Tables S8 and S9, ESI†) due to the deviation of the total hyperpolarizability
away from the dipole moment. The negative signs are omitted in the graph for clarity.

limit, which is close to the static values in vacuum and crystal- static g (Table S12, ESI†). Following previous work,100,101 the
line environments. The convergence value and static value average hyperpolarizabilities are derived for small frequencies
show a significant discrepancy in the solution. A comparable as follows.
situation has been reported by Hua et al.99 Fig. 23 shows the
hg(o; o, o, o)i D 2hg(o; o, 0, 0)i  hg(0; 0, 0, 0)i (4)
lower slopes of hai(o; o) against the wavelength, implying
the weak relationship between the dynamic polarizability and hg(3o; o, o, o)i D 6hg(o; o, 0, 0)i  5hg(0; 0, 0, 0)i (5)
the external field. The polarizability of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4
molecules is influenced by the calculated environment; the The changing trends of g(o; o, o, o) and g(3o; o, o, o) are
order of hai is solvent 4 vacuum 4 crystalline. consistent with the g(o; o, 0, 0) variable but are more obvious due
The strong optical resonance effect is shown in quadratic to the non-proportional relationships. The considerable solvent
and cubic hyperpolarizabilities. The electro-optic Pockels effect effect on the cubic hyperpolarizabilities of the 3A25D2 and 3A25D4
(EOPE) b(o; o, 0) and dc-Kerr g(o; o, 0, 0) concave decrease molecules implies that the NLO properties of the molecules can be
with the increase in the electric field wavelength (Fig. 24a varied by altering the environment. The g(o; o, o, o) of 3A25D2
and 25a). The hyperpolarizabilities in the DMF solution are and 3A25D4 molecules in DMF solution is 18.41  1034 and
markedly higher than the values in vacuum and crystalline 8.97  1034 esu at 532 nm wavelength and 4.69  1034 and
environments, showing that the non-linearity is enhanced 2.68  1034 esu at 800 nm wavelength. The DFT computed values
due to the solvent polarity and weakened by the crystalline for g(o; o, o, o) are consistent with the experimental values by
environment polarization. The NLO properties of a conjugated fs pulse Z-scan at 800 nm wavelength (both are of the order of
molecule could be induced by the changes in the BLA para- 1034) but approximately 107 times smaller than the values
meters in different environments. Fig. 24b and 25b illustrate obtained by CW Z-scan at 532 nm wavelength. This difference
the hyperpolarizabilities related to the second harmonic reflects that the non-linearity in the CW-laser Z-scan experiment is
generation, i.e., b(2o; o, o) and g(2o; o, o, 0). Anomalous predominately thermal in origin.
outliers appear at wavelengths of 637 and 655 nm. It proved the The Lorentz–Lorenz relation expresses the linear refractive
two-state model, which expects high NLO responses when the index of a solid material in terms of the atomic polarizability
incident light is twice the maximum absorption wavelength of (SI units) as follows.
the molecules. n02  1 N hai rNA Z
In order to compare the cubic NLO properties for Z-scan ¼ ¼ hai ¼ hai (6)
n02 þ 2 3e0 3e0 M 3e0 Vuc
experiment, we have evaluated the value of intensity-dependent
refractive index (IDRI) g(o; o, o, o) and third harmonic where N is the number density of molecules (N = rNA/M = Z/
generation g(3o; o, o, o) from dc-Kerr g(o; o, 0, 0) and Vuc), r is the density of the crystal, NA is Avogadro’s constant, e0

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Fig. 25 Average of cubic hyperpolarizability hgi associated with the functions of (a) electro-optic Kerr effect (dc-Kerr) g(o; o, 0, 0), (b) electric field
second harmonic generation (EFISHG) g(2o; o, o, 0), (c) third-harmonic generation (THG) g(3o; o, o, o), and (d) intensity-dependent refractive index
(IDRI) g(o; o, o, o), along with static cubic hyperpolarizability g(0; 0, 0, 0) in vacuum (V), solvent (S), and crystalline (C) environments.

is the permittivity of free space, M is the molar mass, Z is the predict the n0 and w(3) of the title molecules in the crystal form
number of formula entities per unit cell, and Vuc is the volume by substitution with the values of ha(0)i and hg(o; o, o, o)i
of unit cell. r, Z, and Vuc are obtained through crystallographic calculated in a crystalline environment. The calculated w(3)
results (Table 4). The third-order NLO susceptibility w(3) of the value approach the result of the reported crystal BRC.7 (Table 9)
crystal can be determined by the relation with the number
density of crystal and its cubic hyperpolarizability (SI unit) as
Table 9 The third-order optical nonlinearity of 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 in a
ð3Þ L4 N hgi crystalline environment (esu)
w ¼ (7)
ha(0)i n0 hg(o; o, o, o)i w(3)(o; o, o, o)
4 2
where L is the Lorentz local field factor (L = (n0 + 2)/3) (see 3A25D2 3.67  1023 1.86 2.12  1034 7.61  105
eqn (5.2.3a) and (5.2.4a) of Boyd102). The equations allow to 3A25D4 3.46  1023 1.79 1.15  1034 3.47  105

21946 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

Table 10 The static cubic hyperpolarizability is estimated by numerical

integration (NI) and by the analytical derivative method (AD) (1034 esu)

3A25D2 3A25D4
Static g NI AD NI AD
gxxxx 4.39 4.09 2.65 2.48
gyyyy 0.19 0.18 0.21 0.22
gzzzz 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

We have further investigated the spatial distributions of the

cubic hyperpolarizability density and the decomposition of the
cubic hyperpolarizability contribution by numerical integration
in order to understand the characteristic of non-linearity.103–105
The vacuum phase optimized structures are utilized in the DFT
calculations with an electric field applied along each Cartesian
axis. The cubic hyperpolarizability density diagonal tensor
- (3) - (3) - Fig. 27 Decomposition of the cubic hyperpolarizability components into
xxx(r ), ryyy(r ) and rzzz(r )] are determined via finite difference each fragment by integrating the local contributions of ir(3)
- iii (r ). En: enone
method (see Appendix A.3). The integrand function of r(3) iii (r) is bridge, Th: thienyl ring, and Ph: phenyl ring.
(3) -
iriii (r) [i = x, y, z], which is defined as the local contribution
to the static giiii. The numerical integration of the ir(3) iii (r)
function agrees well with the static giiii obtained by the CPKS for other fragments, the x-component of g is much larger than
method (Table 10), showing the validity of the hyperpolarizability that of the y- and z-components. The contribution of each
density analyses. Fig. 26 shows that the isosurfaces of ir(3) iii (r) for
fragment is nearly equal for both molecules, except for the unit
3A25D2 and 3A25D4 molecules with an isovalue of 200.0 a.u., of Cl4. The Cl4 in 3A25D2 contributes a considerably larger
where red and blue isosurfaces represent the positive and nega- x-component of g relative to that for 3A25D4, while the
tive local contributions, respectively. The x-component is respon- y-component is slightly lower from 3A25D2 to 3A25D4. This
sible for a substantial portion of the local contribution function, observation could because the gxxxx of 3A25D2 is 2-fold larger
followed by the y-component, and then the z-component, which than that of 3A25D4 and the approximate gyyyy values among
is consistent with the results of gxxxx 4 gyyyy 4 gzzzz. them. It shows the importance of para-substitution rather than
The hyperpolarizability decomposition analysis is useful in ortho-substitution on cubic hyperpolarizability, and conse-
explaining the effect of the substitution position on NLO quently affords the higher third-order NLO response than
response.106 The contribution of molecular fragments to giiii 3A25D4. Thus, the substitution at the para-position of the
is measured by integration to the ir(3) iii (r) function, where all
phenyl ring is preferred on the designed high-performance
the atoms are based on the Becke atomic space.107 Fig. 27 chalcones for NLO application.
illustrates the decomposed giiii values of each fragment, e.g.,
enone bridge (En), thienyl ring (Th), phenyl ring (Ph), and four
4. Conclusion
Cl substitutions (Cl1–Cl4, labels see Fig. 2). The contribution of
En is low in each cartesian axis with a negative contribution in Two thienyl chalcones (3A25D2 and 3A25D4) are synthesized
the x-axis and positive contribution in the y- and z-axes, while and characterized through FT-IR, NMR analyses, as well as

Fig. 26 Diagrams of the local contribution functions of cubic hyperpolarizabilities tensor ir(3)
iii (r ) of 3A25D2 (top) and 3A25D4 (bottom) molecules
(isovalue = 200.0 a.u.).

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structural determination by the SCXRD method. The consider- Appendix A

able variation of crystal packing, charge distribution, photophy- A.1 Equations of Z-scan measurements
sical, and NLO properties among two compounds with chlorine
atom (Cl4) attached at the para- or ortho-position of the phenyl In order to extract the non-linear absorption coefficient (a2) (in
ring are comprehensively studied. The effect of the media (e.g., cm W1), the normalized OA curves are fitted by ref. 108.
vacuum, solvent, and crystalline) on the optical and electronic
a2 I0 Leff
properties of the two molecules are studied theoretically using TOA ¼ 1  "  # (A.1)
the (TD)-DFT method. The absorption spectra of the two mole-
pffiffiffi z 2
2 2 þ1
cules calculated with the solvent model correlate well with those zR
observed in the experiment. The solvent effect induced by the
high-polarity of the DMF solvent results in a considerable blue- where TOA is the normalized transmittance for OA Z-scan,
shift of the electronic absorption spectra in the solution com- I0 = 2P/po02 is the on-axis irradiance at focus in W cm2, z is
pared with that in vacuum and crystalline environments. On the the distance of the sample from the focus, Leff is the effective
contrary, the CHELPG scheme of the crystalline environment length of the sample, and zR is the Rayleigh range, which is
leads to a weak absorption shift when compared to the vacuum. given by the following equations.
Electronic transition analysis revealed the influence of the med-
ium and substitutional position of Cl4 on the intramolecular 1 
Leff ¼ 1  ea0 l (A.2)
charge transfer process. The induced strengthening effect on the a0
response properties of solvation and weakening effect owing to
the CHELPG scheme (crystalline) to the system was revealed by
the overwhelming (hyper)polarizabilities in the liquid relative to po02
zR ¼ (A.3)
the vacuum and crystalline environments. The cubic hyperpolar- l
izability (g) of theoretical and experimental Z-scan with fs pulsed
laser (800 nm) are of the order of 1034 but extremely different where a0 is the linear absorption coefficient of the sample in
with the data in the CW domain (532 nm) due to the high cm1, l is the sample length, o0 is the beam waist radius at the
accumulation of the thermal effect contribution toward the focus, and l is the wavelength of the laser.
experimental non-linear refraction. The role of each moiety of The absorption cross-section of two-photon absorption (s2)
the two title molecules to its g component are illustrated by g can be calculated from a2 using the following equation.
density analysis and quantified by g contribution decomposition.
The Cl4 in 3A25D2 possesses a devastating contribution to its x- hv
s2 ¼ a2 (A.4)
component of g relative to that for 3A25D4, while the y- NC
component of g only differs slightly between the two molecules.
The results have well explained the influence of the substitutional where hv is the energy of the excited photon in joules and
position of the chalcone on g and the corresponding third-order NC = NAC is the molecular number density in unit volume, NA is
NLO property. A higher NLO effect for 3A25D2 than 3A25D4 may Avogadro’s number, and C is the concentration of the sample
be attributed to its narrow optical gap, the electron-donating solution. The s2 is usually quoted in the units Goeppert–Mayer
ability of para-Cl, and the low aromaticity of the phenyl ring. This (GM), where 1 GM is 1050 cm4 s photon1.
paper shows the impact of the substitution position and the Using the OA Z-scan data, the excited state absorption cross-
medium toward the photophysical and NLO properties, thereby section (sex) can be determined by the following relation.
promoting the design of chalcone derivatives with superior NLO
2 2 3 3
6 q0 7 6 q0 7
6 7 6 7
TOA ¼ ln61 þ  2 7 6  2 7 (A.5)
4 z 5 4 z 5
Author contributions 1þ

Conception and writing: Q. A. Wong and C. K. Quah; synthesis
and SCXRD: Q. A. Wong, H. C. Kwong and C. K. Quah; spectro- with q0 = sexa0F0Leff/2hv where F0 is the on-axis fluence at focus.
scopies: Q. A. Wong, X. A. Wong, Y.-F. Win; NLO data collec- The ground state absorption cross-section (sg) value is
tion: P. S. Patil, N. B. Gummagol and S. V. Rao; NLO analysis: Q. calculated by the following relation.
A. Wong, C. K. Quah and P. S. Patil; DFT computational studies:
Q. A. Wong and C. K. Quah. All authors reviewed the results and sg = a0/NC (A.6)
approved the final version of the manuscript. Non-linear refractive index coefficient (n2) is determined by the
following equation.
Conflicts of interest 


n2 ðcm2 W1 Þ ¼ (A.7)
There are no conflicts to declare. 2p I0 Leff

21948 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21927–21953 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022
PCCP Paper

where Df0 is the one-axis phase shift at the focus and it is A.2. Static and frequency-dependent (hyper)polarizabilities
extracted by fitting the normalized closed aperture curve with The energy of a system can be written as a Taylor expansion
the following equation. with respect to the external electric field F.
  X 1 XX
z EðFÞ ¼ Eð0Þ  mi Fi  aij Fi Fj
4Df0 2! i j
z i
TCA ¼ 1 þ " 2 #"R 2 # (A.8)
z z 1 XXX
þ9 þ1  bijk Fi Fj Fk
zR zR 3! i j k

where TCA is the normalized transmittance for the CA  g Fi Fj Fk Fl  .. . ; i; j; k;l ¼ fx;y; zg
Z-scan. 4! i j k l ijkl
The third-order non-linear susceptibility (w(3)) is a complex (A.15)
quantity, the absolute value of w(3) can be calculated using the
2 2
where mi, aij, bijk, and gijkl are tensor components of the dipole
formula wð3Þ  ¼ ½<ðwð3Þ Þ þ½=ðwð3Þ Þ . The real and imaginary moment, polarizability, quadratic, and cubic hyperpolarizabilities,
part of w(3) are determined by inserting the a2 and n2 values into respectively.
the equations.109 The electronic properties discussed in this paper are
expressed by the following equations. The magnitude of electric
   4e0 cn02  2 1  dipole moment is described as follows.
< wð3Þ ðo; o; o; oÞ m2 V2 ¼ 104 n2 cm W qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
(A.9) jmj ¼ mx2 þ my2 þ mz2 (A.16)

The averaged isotropic polarizability and anisotropy polariz-

 ability are defined as follows.
  2e0 c 2
= wð3Þ ðo; o; o; oÞ m2 V2 ¼ 102 a2 ðcm W1 Þ 1 
3o hai ¼ axx þ ayy þ azz (A.17)
(A.10) 3

Da ¼
where e0 is the permittivity of free space, c is the speed of
light, n0 = 1.4305 is the DMF linear refractive index at room qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1  2  2 
temperature, and o is the angular frequency of the light field pffiffiffi axx  ayy þ ayy  azz þðazz  axx Þ2 þ6 axy2 þ ayz2 þ axz2
(o = 2pc/l). In our experiments, we quote the non-linear (A.18)
susceptibilities in the Gaussian unit (esu).
Eqn (A.11) is used to convert the third-order susceptibility The magnitude of quadratic hyperpolarizability b and the
between the SI and Gaussian (esu) systems. projection of b on the dipole moment vector are determined
as follows.
  4p qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
wð3Þ m2 V2 ¼ wð3Þ ðesuÞ (A.11) jbj ¼ bx2 þ by2 þ bz2 (A.19)
ð3  104 Þ2

X mi bi
Therefore, the relation can be expressed numerically as follows. bvec ¼ (A.20)
ð3Þ n02  
wR ðo; o; o; oÞ ðesuÞ ¼ n2 cm2 W1 (A.12) where bi (i = x, y, z) is given by,
1 X 
bi ¼ b þ bjij þ bjji (A.21)
3 j¼x;y;z ijj
I (o; o, o, o) (esu) = 201.71ln02a2 (cm W ) (A.13)
The averaged isotropic cubic hyperpolarizability hgi is defined
The molecular cubic hyperpolarizability (g) are calculated by as follows.
the following equation.
hgi ¼ g þ gyyyy þ gzzzz þ 2 gxxyy þ gxxzz þ gyyzz (A.22)
w ðo; o; o; oÞ ðesuÞ 5 xxxx
gðo; o; o; oÞ ðesuÞ ¼ (A.14)
Nc L 4 All DFT calculations for 3A25D2 and 3A25D4 molecules are
accomplished via the Gaussian 09 software. The (hyper)polar-
where NC = NAC  103 is the molecular number density in izabilities are evaluated by analytical third energy derivatives.
unit volume, NA is Avogadro’s number, C is the concentration of The conversion factors of the polarizability, quadratic, and
the sample solution in mol L1, and L is Lorentz local field cubic hyperpolarizabilities between the SI and Gaussian systems
factor. are as follows.

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