Quantum Mechanicalmolecular Mechanical Approach for the Simulation

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Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

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Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical approach for the simulation

of UV–Vis absorption spectra of p-conjugated oligomers
Md Al Mamunur Rashid a,1, Kyusang Ahn b,c,1, Jonggu Jeon b,c, Minhaeng Cho b,c, BongSoo Kim d,⇑,
Kyung-Koo Lee e,⇑, Kyungwon Kwak b,c,⇑
Department of Smart Cities, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea
Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemistry, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), 50 UNIST-gil, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemistry, Kunsan National University, Gunsan 54150, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is crucial to understand the light absorption features and electronic structures of conjugated organic
Received 13 May 2021 materials for their optoelectronic applications. However, neither reliable interpretations of reported
Revised 23 July 2021 ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) absorption spectra nor correct predictions of new organic materials have
Accepted 26 August 2021
been made because of the absence of proper calculation methods. To date, excited-state quantum chem-
Available online 28 August 2021
ical calculations, such as configuration interaction singles (CIS) and time-dependent density functional
theory (TDDFT), have provided such information by overlooking the facts that many conformational iso-
mers of conjugated organic molecules can exist at a given temperature and the resulting distributions of
Organic photovoltaic cells
p-conjugated molecules backbone structure can modulate p-conjugated electronic structures. In this study, we introduced a
QM/MM MD simulation computational method combining the quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical molecular dynamics
Molecular conformations simulation (QM/MM MD) and the excited-state electronic structure calculation to include various con-
UV–vis absorption spectrum formers distributed due to the finite temperature and present a near-perfect simulation of experimen-
tally obtained UV–vis absorption spectra. The simulated UV–vis spectrum of 3,6-bis(5-(benzofuran-2-
yl)thiophen-2-yl)-2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione [DPP(TBFu)2], a p-conjugated
organic material for organic photovoltaic cells (OPV), shows excellent agreement with its experimental
spectrum, and each absorption band is assigned to the different conformers with characteristic excitation
energies. We believe that our new method provides an improved interpretation of the electronic struc-
tures as well as the conformational variations of p-conjugated organic materials under ambient
Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Conjugated organic molecules and polymers are essential for

Abbreviations: PES, potential energy surface; DPP(TBFu)2, 3,6-bis(5-(benzo organic electronics, such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs), organic
furan-2-yl)thiophen-2-yl)-2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione; transistors, organic light-emitting diodes, and organic photodiodes
PCE, power conversion efficiency; PDOS, partial density of states; TDOS, total [1–7]. The electronic and optical properties of p-conjugated
density of states; REBG, rotational energy barrier gap; AM1, Austin model 1; PM3,
organic materials originate from the structure of their molecular
parameterized model 3; C-PCM, conductor-like polarized continuum model; TP-
BFU, thiophene-benzofuran; TP-DPP, thiophene-diketopyrrolopyrrole; B3LYP, Becke orbitals, particularly the highest occupied molecular orbital and
3-parameter Lee–Yang–Parr; RMSD, root mean square deviation; FMO, frontier lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO/LUMO) levels, which
molecular orbitals; FWHM, full width at half maximum; EBE, exciton binding are governed by the chemical structure and p-conjugation
energy; LHE, light harvesting efficiency. strength. For instance, the solar energy conversion process in
⇑ Corresponding authors at: Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics,
Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea (K. Kwak).
OPV devices starts from the light absorption in the photoactive
E-mail addresses: bongsoo@unist.ac.kr (B. Kim), kklee@kunsan.ac.kr (K.-K. Lee), layer composed of p-conjugated organic materials. The energy of
kkwak@korea.ac.kr (K. Kwak). absorbed light correlates with the electronic structure of the con-
The authors contributed equally to this work.

0167-7322/Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Md Al Mamunur Rashid, K. Ahn, J. Jeon et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

stituent p-conjugated molecules. Moreover, the detailed light from the MD sampling, which yielded the simulated UV–vis
absorption features are largely affected also by the molecular absorption spectrum reproducing the details of experimental one.
structure along the p-conjugated backbone. The molecular confor- As isolated oligomers are typically used to model the electronic
mation of the conjugate backbone is tightly associated with the properties of OPV materials by ab initio methods [14], we validated
spatial extension of p-conjugation and molecular packing or aggre- our approach using 3,6-bis(5-(benzofuran-2-yl)thiophen-2-yl)-2,5
gation, which influences the electronic structures. Therefore, con- -bis(2-ethylhexyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione [DPP(TBFu)2] as
siderable experimental and computational approaches have been an example, which consists of diketopyrropyrrole (DPP), thiophene
devoted to studying the molecular structure–absorption property (TP), and benzofuran (BFU) moieties, as shown in Scheme 1(b). DPP
relationship of known or newly developed conjugated materials. (TBFu)2 is an efficient donor molecule developed by Nguyen et al.
[8–10] [15] for OPV applications, with a power conversion efficiency
A reliable analysis of the ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) absorption (PCE) of up to 4.4% and an open-circuit voltage of 0.9 V when
spectra is important for obtaining detailed electronic and struc- paired with a fullerene derivative acceptor in an OPV device. DPP
tural characteristics of the p-conjugated molecular structures. This (TBFu)2 was purchased from the Merck and was used without fur-
information is essential to elucidate the dependence of the photo- ther purification. The UV–vis absorption spectrum was measured
voltaic properties of OPVs on the molecular backbone geometry in the solution of CHCl3 using a Shimadzu UV-2401 diode array
and electronic structure. Thus, the accurate and reliable modeling spectrophotometer. The UV–vis absorption spectrum of DPP
of the absorption spectra can be an important tool for inferring (TBFu)2 in solution exhibits a major doublet band in the range of
experiments, classifying molecular species, demonstrating the 550–650 nm with two small peaks at 420 and 350 nm. In the pure
change of electronic and molecular structures in different environ- solid or mixed states with a fullerene derivative acceptor or in TiO2,
ments, and predicting photochemistry. To analyze the UV–vis the absorption at 600 nm increased to varying degrees; however,
absorption feature, various factors should be considered, including the overall band structure was maintained in the range of 300–
the energies and intensities of electronic transitions (maximum 700 nm [15–17]. It indicates that the intermolecular p-p interac-
absorption wavelength and strength), and the finite lifetime of tions affects little the absorption feature and the intramolecular
the excited state and distributed structures (absorption line properties mainly determines the asymmetric and complex
shape). absorption spectrum of DPP(TBFu)2. Thus, we focused on the sim-
To understand UV–vis light absorption at the molecular level in ulation of the solution-state DPP(TBFu)2 using QM/MM MD and
terms of the relevant electronic structure, excited-state calcula- excited-state electronic structure calculations to investigate the
tions, such as configuration interaction singles (CIS) and time- origins of the experimentally observed absorption bands.
dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) are required. In most MD simulations with a semiempirical potential, such as Austin
cases, excited-state calculations have been conducted based on a Model 1 (AM1) and Parameterized Model 3 (PM3), are known to
single conformation determined by the geometry optimization at underestimate the activation energy for the rotation of a single
the ground state [11–13]; however, the comparison of the single bond between conjugated building units [18,19], potentially lead-
excitation energy with the experimental maximum absorption ing to inaccurate rigidity or planarity of the conjugated systems. In
wavelength (kmax) can be problematic because many factors that contrast, full QM calculations with ab initio or DFT methods can
contribute to the spectral shape and kmax value, including temper- provide satisfactory results for conjugated systems of small mole-
ature effects, are omitted from the theoretical model [13]. A zero- cules, although the QM/MM MD simulation is impractical because
temperature optimized geometry with the highly planar backbone of its high computational costs. To simulate the structure of conju-
of a calculated conjugated molecule has been typically assumed as gated molecules, we calculated the rotational energy barrier gap
the representative structure of the energy minima due to the sta- (REBG) between the DFT and AM1 methods, as shown in Scheme 1
bilizing effect of extended p-conjugation. However, there must (a), and applied this difference to the AM1 potential in the MD
be a structural distribution of a given conjugated molecule at a simulation.
finite temperature because the potential energy surface (PES) con-
tains many shallow local minima, and this structural distribution
should be deliberately considered to correctly interpret the exper- 3. Results and discussions
imental results. For example, various p-conjugated conformers
with different planarity modulate the effective conjugation length To investigate the energetics of internal rotation in DPP(TBFu)2,
and produce a distribution of electronic structures and transition first, we calculated the potential energy surfaces (PESs) with
frequencies. The simulated UV–vis spectrum considering con- respect to the two types of single-bond rotations, as shown in
former mixtures reflect the finite temperate effect and may exhibit Scheme 1(b), using truncated thiophene–benzofuran (TP–BFU)
asymmetric peaks or shoulders which cannot be reproduced only and thiophene–diketopyrrolopyrrole (TP–DPP) units. The 2-
with quantum calculation based on a single optimized structure. ethylhexyl group on the DPP moiety was replaced by the methyl
group to facilitate the PES calculation. The dihedral angles between
O–C–C–S for the TP–BFU unit and S–C–C–N for the TP–DPP unit
were denoted as u1 (u1 ) and u2 (u2 ), respectively. Using the DFT
0 0

2. Materials and methods method with the B3LYP functional and the 6-311G (d, p) basis
set, the PES was generated using the scan coordinate method
We introduce a computational method to obtain the UV–vis implemented in the Gaussian 16 package [20]. An implicit solva-
absorption spectra of conjugated organic molecules with confor- tion model based on the conductor-like polarized continuum
mational manifolds at a given temperature, presenting multiple model (C-PCM) was used to include the solvation effect of chloro-
bands with asymmetric line shapes. In this method, the important form. Here, the dihedral angle between each unit was scanned with
conformers of a conjugated organic molecule were sampled by a step size of 10°, and the geometry was optimized at each angle.
molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with quantum mechanics/- Fig. 1(a) shows that there is almost no energy difference between
molecular mechanics (QM/MM) potential. Afterward, excited-state the E and Z forms of the TP–BFU unit. Thus, these two conforma-
electronic structure calculations were carried out for the set of pre- tions should be considered as initial structures with equal weight
dominant conformers, and their excitation energies and oscillator in the MD simulation because the calculated rotational barrier of
strengths were combined with the appropriate weight determined ~4.5 kcal/mol would not allow easy transition between them. Con-
Md Al Mamunur Rashid, K. Ahn, J. Jeon et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

versely, the internal steric hindrance between the methyl group on

the DPP moiety and the hydrogen atom on the TP moiety makes
the E form of the TP–DPP unit less stable than the Z form by
1.5 kcal/mol, as presented in Fig. 1(b). Based on the calculated
energy difference, the population of the Z form was predicted to
be more than eight times larger than that of the E form at room
temperature. Thus, it is reasonable to consider only the Z form
for the TP–DPP unit.
Based on the calculated PES, we identified three conformers of
DPP(TBFu)2, which are expected to have the largest populations
in solution. They exhibited the common Z-Z conformations of the
two TP–DPP units and adopted the E-E, E-Z, and Z-Z conformations
of the two TP–BFU units, as shown in Fig. 1(c). Hereinafter, these
three conformers of DPP(TBFu)2 are referred to as E-E, E-Z, and Z-
Z, depending on the conformations of the TP–BFU units. In addi-
tion, quantum calculations for the original DPP(TBFu)2 of all con-
formers with a planar structure were conducted to determine the
relative molecular energy, including energetically forbidden struc-
tures with the E form of TP-DPP unit. As expected, the molecules
with the E conformation of the TP–DPP unit possesses a higher
energy than those with the Z conformation of the TP-DPP unit.
Thus, it is reasonable to consider the conformers with E-E, E-Z
and Z-Z of TP-BFU unit and Z-Z conformer of TP-DPP as the repre-
sentative structure of DPP(TBFu)2 in solution. Unlike the PES calcu-
Scheme 1. (a) Rotational energy barrier gap (REBG), as the difference between the
lation for the truncated TP–BFU units, there exists a difference in
potential energy surfaces (PESs) obtained from the density functional theory (DFT) the energies of the E-E, E-Z, and Z-Z forms, which may have origi-
and Austin Model 1 (AM1) methods. (b) DPP(TBFu)2 molecular structure showing nated from the structural change due to the steric hindrance
the two types of single-bond rotation for which REBG is calculated: (i) one between between the backbone and the bulky side chain. The obtained
the thiophene (TP) and benzofuran (BFU) units (u1 and u1 ), and (ii) the other

energy difference was converted to the Boltzmann factor, which

between the TP and diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) units (u2 and u2 ).

will be discussed later.

Fig. 1. Rotational energy profile at the B3LYP/6-311G (d, p) level of the (a) TP–BFU and (b) TP–DPP units. (c) Three energetically favorable conformations of DPP(TBFu)2 and
their Boltzmann factors determined from DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311G (d, p) level for the ground state.

Md Al Mamunur Rashid, K. Ahn, J. Jeon et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

To obtain the REBG between the DFT and AM1 methods, we where b ¼ 1=ðkB TÞ with the Boltzmann constant (kB ) and the abso-
repeated the same rotational PES calculations for the truncated lute temperature (T), and Ex is the calculated energy of each con-
TP–BFU and TP–DPP units at the AM1 level. As described in former. The F2 values of the three conformers determined from
Figs. S1–S3, the REBG was obtained by the difference in the PESs this calculation are shown in Fig. 1(c). To confirm the contribution
from the two methods and modeled by a quadratic function of from less-frequently observed structures, we also displayed the
the dihedral angles. By applying this DFT-based correction to the oscillator strengths of 45 structures (15 from each conformer) and
potential energy in the AM1/MM MD simulation, we could 60 structures (20 from each conformer) in Figs. S9 and S10, respec-
describe the DPP(TBFu)2 backbone structure more accurately than tively. Figs. S8–S10 show that the overall spectral features are sim-
the AM1 method. This approach provides the advantage of compu- ilar regardless of the number of structures considered. Therefore, 30
tational time saving and increased accuracy, simultaneously. All structures (10 for each conformer) can be used to accurately predict
the MD simulations with the AM1 method were performed by the UV–vis absorption spectrum.
applying the obtained REBG using the Amber 17 program [21]. It In Fig. 4(a), we present the experimental UV–vis absorption
should also be mentioned that the PES at the AM1 level in spectrum (red line) in solution [14] and the simulated UV–vis
Figs. S1–S3 was obtained with the AM1 method implemented in absorption spectrum (black line) of DPP(TBFu)2 in chloroform.
Amber. This ensures that the REBG is consistently applied in the The simulated spectrum was plotted by convoluting the oscillator
MD simulation based on the implementation of the AM1 method strengths of 30 representative structures of the three conformers
in Amber [22]. The details of the MD simulations are described in (from Fig. S8) using a Gaussian function with a bandwidth of
Supporting Information. 0.038 eV. To cover almost all the UV–vis regions, we performed
Histograms showing population distributions along the dihe- TDDFT calculations up to the 10th lowest singlet excitation (S10)
dral angle are presented in Fig. 2 for the E-Z form and Figs. S4 for all 30 representative structures. Fig. 4(a) clearly shows that
and S5 (Supporting Information) for the E-E and Z-Z forms, respec- the simulated spectrum successfully reproduces the main features
tively. The dihedral angle distributions of the two TP–BFU units, of the experimental UV–vis absorption spectrum. In particular, the
u1 andu1 , are close to the Gaussian function (bell-shaped curve),
main peak positions and asymmetric line shapes at approximately
and the population distribution of the two TP–DPP units, u2 and 350, 425, and 600 nm obtained from our simulation show good
u02 , for the E-Z and Z-Z forms show two superimposed normal dis- agreement with those of the experimental spectrum. The simu-
tributions (Mshaped curve). This is because the ethylhexyl alkyl lated absorption spectrum shows the dual main peaks around
chain on the DPP unit prevents the thiophene unit from forming 600 nm, which originated from the electronic transition from the
a conjugated planar geometry with the DPP unit due to steric hin- ground state to the 1st excited electronic state in different con-
drance. For this reason, the relative populations of the TP–DPP unit formers. It was also observed that the broad and asymmetric peak
whose u2 (u2 ) is near zero degrees are relatively small for E-E and
0 around 425 nm originated from the S3–S4 excited states, whereas
Z-Z conformers. the peak around 350 nm was due to the higher (S8–S10) excited
To perform excited-state quantum chemistry calculations, a set electronic states. It is evident from the simulated absorption spec-
of representative structures for each conformer (E-E, E-Z, and Z-Z) trum that the asymmetric line shapes and main peaks with high
of DPP(TBFu)2 was selected from the MD trajectories using the intensities can be obtained from the distribution of the p-
ensemble cluster method, where the structural samples from MD conjugated structures of the three conformers, which cannot be
simulations were classified into different clusters based on the root obtained the TDDFT calculation of a single structure.
mean square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions as imple- The simulated spectrum is the sum of spectra from 30 represen-
mented in the UCSF Chimera program [23,24]. A representative tative structures which include 10 representative structures of
geometry was identified for each cluster whose population is dis- each conformer. To find out the origin of the peaks of the simulated
played in decreasing order in Fig. 3 for the E-Z form and in spectrum of DPP(TBFu)2, we also plotted the UV–vis absorption
Figs. S6 and S7 for the E-E and Z-Z forms, respectively. Ten repre- spectrum of E-E, E-Z, and Z-Z conformers in Fig. 4(b). The dual
sentative structures of each conformer were selected and used as peaks at around 600 nm (636 nm and 590 nm) and 350 nm
the initial structures for the excited-state calculations. TDDFT cal- (333 nm and 350 nm) come mainly from the E-Z conformer, while
culations with the B3LYP functional and the 6-311G (d, p) basis set Z-Z conformer has minor contribution on those peaks. The peak at
were conducted to obtain the absorption spectrum of the selected 536 nm represents the E-Z conformer. Two small and broad peaks
representative structures, using the PCM to introduce the solvation at around 425 nm (422 nm and 440 nm) also mainly originate from
effect (chloroform, e = 4.7). the E-Z conformer. Thus, the simulated absorption spectrum of DPP
The oscillator strengths of 30 representative structures (10 (TBFu)2 is mainly represented by the E-Z conformer due to its lar-
structures from each conformer) of the Z-Z, E-Z, and E-E conform- gest Boltzmann factor as shown in Fig. 1.
ers are displayed in Fig. S8. To consider the relative contribution of In Fig. S11, the iso-surfaces of selected frontier molecular orbi-
each structure to the ensemble-averaged absorption spectrum, the tals (FMO) (from HOMO-2 to LUMO + 2) of the most highly popu-
oscillator strength from the TDDFT calculation was scaled by the lated structure of the E-Z form are presented. The HOMOs and
relative population at the given temperature using the following LUMOs are mainly contributed by the backbone atoms, while there
equation: is no contribution from the attached side chain. The theoretical
results indicate that the electronic transition that governs the opti-
f scaled ¼ F 1 F 2 f TDDFT ð1Þ cal properties of the target molecule is mainly determined by the
Here, fTDDFT is the calculated oscillator strength, F1 is the ratio of structure of the backbone [25,26]. However, it should be noted that
the cluster size of a structure to the total cluster size of represen- the bulky side chain can induce a conformational change in the
tative structures, and F2 is the Boltzmann factor of each conformer backbone, resulting in a change in the molecular orbital energies.
(E-E, E-Z, or Z-Z), which is determined by the energy of each con- To investigate the energy of the molecular orbitals with respect
former in the ground state, as expressed in Eq. (2): to the structures with slightly different planarity, the HOMO/LUMO
molecular orbital energies of the 30 representative structures of
expðbEx Þ DPP(TBFu)2 are shown in Fig. 5. In addition, the main transition
F 2;x ¼ P ðx ¼ E  E; E  Z; Z  ZÞ ð2Þ
x¼EE;EZ;ZZ expðbEx Þ and its contribution to the excited state of the most highly popu-
lated structure of the E-Z, E-E, and Z-Z conformers, including their
HOMO/LUMO energies, are tabulated in Table S1. The contribution
Md Al Mamunur Rashid, K. Ahn, J. Jeon et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

Fig. 2. Population histograms of the four dihedral angles (u1 , u1 , u2 ,u2 ) for the E-Z conformer from the MD simulation.
0 0

ing down [27], do not achieve the most stable geometry. However,
one selected structure that might be the globally optimized struc-
ture has been used to reveal the underlying optoelectronics by
quantum chemistry in general, which leads to a mismatch between
experimentally measured and theoretically estimated HOMO/
LUMO energies. The calculation method tends to underestimate
the energies compared to the experimental results [28]. This might
originate from the cyclic voltammogram (CV) method widely used
to measure the HOMO/LUMO energy level because the HOMO
(LUMO) level can be determined by the species with the worst
oxidative (reductive) stability. In other words, the experimental
HOMO (LUMO) level measured from molecules with different con-
formational structures will increase (decrease) relative to those
estimated from a molecule with a most stable conformational
Fig. 3. Population histograms of the representative structures of the E-Z conformer
in decreasing order as determined by the ensemble cluster method. Each bar stands
structure. In addition, the inaccuracy may be due to the intrinsic
for a single cluster or the corresponding representative structure, and the limit of quantum calculations.
percentage values are the accumulated population up to 10, 15, and 20 most The suitable electronic structure of the materials is crucial for
frequently observed structures. determining the fundamental photophysical features of OPVs. To
understand the electronic structure of all the conformers, the total
density of states (TDOS) of the orbitals and partial density of states
of the main transition to the excited state differs depending on the
(PDOS), which is based on the s-, p-, and d-orbitals (Fig. 6) of the
type of conformer, which might be the origin of the diverse excita-
most probable structure of all three conformers were analyzed
tion energies and oscillator strengths. The most populated struc-
using the Multiwfn software package [29], within a certain range
tures of the E-Z, E-E, and Z-Z conformers indicate that the
of energy that covers all the nearby FMOs. The DOS was deter-
conformational change did not significantly affect the FMO ener-
mined by convoluting the molecular orbital data with Gaussian
gies. Although the structures of the three conformers possess
curves and a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.25 eV.
almost similar HOMO/LUMO energies, ~ 5.14 eV/~ 3.06 eV,
The DOS plot shows the orbital population and validates a simple
and HOMO/LUMO energy gaps, ~2.09 eV (see Table S1), Fig. 5
assessment of the character of the molecular orbitals. In all the
clearly shows that slightly different structures produce a wide
conformers, it is observed that the d-orbital shows negligible
range of HOMO/LUMO energies. At room temperature, the p-
PDOS (Fig. 6). However, the PDOSs of the s- and p-orbitals domi-
conjugated oligomers in the solution phase exhibit diverse struc-
nate the TDOS of the unoccupied orbitals (LUMO, LUMO + 1,
tures due to thermal motion. Moreover, all the oligomers in the
LUMO + 2, etc.), whereas the p-orbitals are the main
film state, which are usually prepared by the spin coating method,
contributors to the TDOS of the occupied orbitals (HOMO,
accompanied by the rapid vaporization of the solvent or swift cool-
HOMO-1, HOMO-2, etc.).

Md Al Mamunur Rashid, K. Ahn, J. Jeon et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

Fig. 4. (a) Experimental UV–vis absorption spectrum (red line) and simulated UV–
vis absorption spectrum (black line) at the B3LYP/6-311G (d, p) level of 30
representative structures taken from the MD simulation. Spectral lines were
broadened using a Gaussian function with a width of 0.038 eV. (b) Simulated UV–
vis absorption spectrum (red line) was decomposed into the contribution of each
conformers. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 6. Total density of states (TDOS) and Partial density of states (PDOS) of the
most probable structures of the E-E, E-Z, and Z-Z conformers based on the s, p, and d

efficiency (LHE), regeneration energy (DGregen), coupling constant

(|VRP|), exciton binding energy (EBE), oxidation potential at excited
state (E*) and excited-state lifetime (s), have also been investi-
gated. The theoretical background of these properties can be found
in Electronic Supporting Information. The DGinject, E*, LHE, DGregen,
of the 10 representative structures of each of the E-E, E-Z, and Z-Z
conformers are plotted in Fig. S12. The DGinject values of all the con-
Fig. 5. Distribution of the frontier molecular orbital (FMO) energy levels (HOMO/
LUMO) of each 10 representative structures of three cis-trans conformers. formers are distributed roughly from 0.45 to 0.95 eV. The E-E
conformer show higher negative DGinject values comparing to E-Z
and Z-Z conformers ensuring that the former will exhibit fast elec-
Several electronic and optical properties, chemical reactivity tron injection, which eventually influences the JSC. A wide range of
parameters, and certain crucial factors that affect the short- DGinject indicates that the driving force for electron injection can be
circuit current density (JSC) and open-circuit voltage (VOC), such changed depending on the structural changes of the representative
as the electron injection driving force (DGinject), light-harvesting geometries of the conformers. Moreover, a high LHE increases the

Md Al Mamunur Rashid, K. Ahn, J. Jeon et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 341 (2021) 117406

light-capturing ability and improves the efficiency of the OPV by CRediT authorship contribution statement
increasing the JSC. Evidently, the LHEs are distributed between
0.89 and 0.98, which implies that the LHE is affected by not only Md Al Mamunur Rashid: Formal analysis, Writing – original
the conformational change but also the structural change of the draft, Writing – review & editing. Kyusang Ahn: Methodology,
same conformer. The representative structures of the E-Z and Z-Z Software, Formal analysis. Jonggu Jeon Methodolog: . Minhaeng
conformers show higher LHE values (0.96 ~ 0.99) than those of Cho: Writing – review & editing. BongSoo Kim: Visualization, Con-
the E-E conformers (0.89 ~ 0.97), indicating that the former will ceptualization, Validation, Writing – review & editing. Kyung-Koo
enhance the JSC more than the latter. The DGregen values of the rep- Lee: Visualization, Writing –review & editing, Supervision. Kyung-
resentative structures of the three conformers show that the DGre- won Kwak: Visualization, Conceptualization, Writing – review &
gen values are not widely distributed for each of the representative editing, Formal analysis, Supervision.
conformers, although their population ranges from 1.05 to 1.14 eV
based on different types of conformers. The eVOC, EBE, |VRP|, and s
Declaration of Competing Interest
values of the 10 representative structures of each of the E-E, E-Z,
and Z-Z conformers are plotted in Fig. S13. The overall eVOC values
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
expanded from 0.63 to 0.69 for all the conformations of DPP
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
(TBFu)2. The E-E conformers show a low eVOC, whereas the E-Z
to influence the work reported in this paper.
and Z-Z conformers show high eVOC values, indicating that the lat-
ter structures are more favorable for achieving a high VOC. A wide
range of EBE and s values are displayed for the various conformers, Acknowledgments
which shows that the EBE range and s vary based on various con-
formational structures. The E-E conformers show a wide range of This work was supported by the National Research Foundation
EBE and s values compared to the E-Z and Z-Z conformers. The of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT)
reorganization energies of the most probable structures of the (NRF-2020R1A5A1019141).
three conformers were calculated, and the results are presented
in Table S2. The total reorganization energy, ki (summation of kh+ Appendix A. Supplementary material
and ke-), is the highest for the E-E conformer, while ki is the lowest
for the Z-Z conformer, indicating that the Z-Z conformer will exhi- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
bit faster electron transfer and higher JSC than the E-E confirmer, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2021.117406.
consequently affording better PCE. Based on the above observa-
tions, we, therefore, recommend that a number of representative
structures from the various stable conformers of a molecule should References
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