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Senior Software Engineer (AI/ML)

\csuse {emailsymbol}: \csuse {phonesymbol}: +8801622036597 \csuse {linkedinsymbol}: afroza-nowshin-100 \csuse {githubsymbol}: Afroza2
\csuse {mailaddresssymbol}: RAJUK Uttara Apartment Project, Sector-18 \csuse {locationsymbol}: Dhaka, Bangladesh

ML Engineer Co-lead • Implemented a real-time, map-based tracking system
Omdena India Local Chapter Project (Website) for users and riders using the React-Leaflet library,
Date: Feb 2024 - Mar 2024 accessible only to admins.

• Co-lead a team in model-building tasks using LLMs Software Engineer

for mental help assistance. Misfit Technologies Ltd. (Website)
Senior Software Engineer (AI/ML) Date: Mar 2019 - Dec 2019 Location: Banani, Dhaka

BacBon Limited (Website) • Worked on data analysis and report generation.

Date: Dec 2023 - Location: Banasree, Dhaka • Worked in the front end of three flagship products
and client websites.
• Working as a Senior Engineer in developing ML projects.
• Worked in building a cross-platform mobile applica-
tion on client demand.
Full-stack Software Engineer
ADN Diginet Ltd. (Website)
Date: Nov 2022 - Nov 2023 Location: Gulshan-1, Dhaka Intern
• Worked in web development of various in-house Misfit Technologies Ltd. (Website)
products. Date: Nov 2018 - Feb 2019 Location: Banani, Dhaka

Volunteer Data Scientist EDUCATION

Omdena Port Harcourt Local Chapter Project (Website)
B.Sc. in Computer Science
Date: Feb 2023 - Aug 2023
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
• Contributed to the data preprocessing of highway Date: July 2014 – Oct 2018
road data sets.
CGPA: 2.97/4.00

Contractual Software Engineer ACHIEVEMENTS

HOLO Tech Ltd. (Website)
• Google Data Analytics certification - link
Date: Mar 2022 - Oct 2022 Location: Dhanmondi, Dhaka
• My team project Help! was among the top 10 finalists
• Created and organized the company website. in UNDP WDI Hackathon.
• Created dashboards for app admin and BRTA.
Instructor IELTS Score - 7.5
Songjog | Connecting People (Website) R-7.5, W-6.5, S-7.5, L-7.5
Date: Dec 2021 -

• Working as the instructor of Python for Kids course

• Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS,
Python, R
Software Engineer
• Frameworks: React Native, Bootstrap, Gatsby JS,
mPower Social Enterprises Ltd. (Website) Nest JS, Flask, Django, Fast API, LangChain, LlamaIn-
Date: Feb 2020 - June 2020 Location: Banani, Dhaka dex
• Worked on the web development of the client’s project. • Library: React JS, Pandas, Numpy, Spacy, Scikit-learn,
Tensorflow, Beautiful Soup
• Visualization Tools: Seaborn, Matplotlib, Highcharts
PERSONAL PROJECTS • Specialization Tools: Generative AI, Docker
• Database: MySQL, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, Neo4j,
• I have written a series on how to learn Javascript ef- MongoDB
fectively. Blog link - here. • Version Control System: Git, Bitbucket
• My work on production-based ML applications can be
found here. You can find my blog on MLOps on DEV
Community where I am currently writing a series on Bikri is an inventory, orders, and customer management
Deployment of Machine Learning Projects on produc- tool for F-commerce (Facebook commerce) owners. The
tion. page admins can create orders, track their inventories,
• My team’s Kaggle notebooks can be found in this and make broadcasts to their targeted group of people
repository. using this tool. In Bikri, I worked mostly in HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and React JS.
• Created an option to create an order from the user-
PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS sent product image, which is also mobile responsive.
• Created the mobile view for product inventory.
Video Transcoder
• Improved the product display for ordering by remov-
Based on the available bandwidth, I developed a video ing products with less than one stock in inventory.
transcoder API that transcodes a video in either 360p, • Made the order creation page mobile responsive.
480p, 720p, or 1080p resolution. I developed the API • Change control in the order page and create an op-
using Fast API. tion to download the order list as a CSV file for ad-
mins. It is also mobile responsive.
Omdena Port Harcourt Local Chapter Project
Omdena Projects arrange various types of local chap-
ter and innovation projects where one can contribute Alice is a social media-based customer relationship
as a volunteer. In Omdena PHC, I worked mostly with management tool. Using this tool, the clients can man-
Python. age the conversations on their Facebook page or Viber
• Analyzed the UAPD and Tongzheng image datasets group from one place. I worked mostly with HTML, CSS,
and merged these datasets. I worked in the prepro- JavaScript, React JS, and JQuery in Alice.
cessing pipeline. • Created an action control that provides options to
view user responses, visualize the analytics, push a
GPT-based Essay Feedback
new survey, pause an existing survey, or export all
I developed an API using FastAPI and Langchain frame- user responses as CSV files.
work on OpenAI to automatically grade, correct and • Added a feature to the dashboard where one can see
the visual representation of the user data analytics.
rewrite an input English essay.
I got all the data from the APIs and created the view
SmartBees using React JS.
SmartBees is a market research tool where clients can • Created a user input system for the Pepsodent bot
create surveys and send them to a verified user base to where users can book an appointment with the den-
collect real-time data. In SmartBees, I worked mostly tist from cascading menus (First district, based on a
with Python, Pandas, and Numpy. district - thana, based on a thana - area) using JQuery.
• Analyzed the data from the submitted answers to find This user input system is used as a template later in
the insights. Data was pulled from MySQL and Dy- other bots to book appointments or make reserva-
namoDB databases and preprocessed, parsed and tions.
analyzed using libraries like pandas, numpy, Fuzzy- React Native Star Cineplex App
Wuzzy, Bag of Words and Count Vectorizer.
• Prepared reports based on the findings for Uber & I created a React Native app for Star Cineplex’s ticket
Unilever. booking system.

Holo is an emerging ride-sharing application that is
starting to change the problems of ride-sharing culture Marjan Ferdousi Orthy
in Bangladesh. I worked as a contractual front-end de- @ Managing Director, HOLO Tech Ltd.
veloper to facilitate data visualization for the authority. Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
• Developed and launched the company website using #
React JS, available at Holo.
• Engineered dashboards for app administration and
BRTA, featuring user and ride statistics and incorpo-
rating JWT authentication with React JS.

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