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Leadership is the cornerstone of any kind of organisation, regardless of its size. Effective
leadership involves guiding and inspiring a team toward a shared goal, making informed
decisions, setting clear directions, and motivating collective efforts for success. However, the
often-overlooked element in this dynamic is the leader's mental health, which is integral to
sustainable and effective leadership. Effective leadership transcends mere decision-making
and direction-setting; it involves creating an environment where mental health is prioritised
and destigmatized, no one is shut down,left out or bullied but they are are watered, nurtured
and allowed to grow beautifully bearing aesthetically pleasing flowers and also bearing
healthy and beneficial fruits. So by valuing mental well-being, leaders not only enhance their
own effectiveness but also contribute to a healthier, more supportive organisational culture
and society.


Mental health struggles are not signs of weakness; seeking help is a profound act of bravery
and self-awareness. This stigma stems from cultural beliefs, misconceptions, and a lack of
awareness about mental health conditions. Moreover, societal pressure to appear strong and
resilient discourages individuals from seeking help or discussing their struggles openly.

Everyone faces mental health challenges at some point, whether chronic or acute.
Unfortunately, societal pressures often force individuals, including prominent leaders, into
silence. They are urged to appear strong, to 'suck it up,' leading many great men and women
into the depths of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

In Nigeria, the older generation's denial and silence about mental health issues further
complicate the situation, preventing individuals, including leaders, from seeking the
necessary support. Prioritising mental health within leadership roles can potentially trigger
broader societal healing. An organisation that prioritises mental health can influence wider
societal norms and attitudes, promoting a culture of openness and support.

Leaders must recognize that addressing mental health is a strength, not a vulnerability. By
doing so, they not only help themselves but also set a powerful example for their teams. A
mentally healthy leader is characterised by self-awareness, resilience, and empathy, and
such qualities can significantly impact organisational growth and societal progress. To
eradicate mental health stigma in Nigeria, promoting positive portrayals of mental health in
media and popular culture can reshape societal attitudes and perceptions. By highlighting
stories of resilience, recovery, and empowerment, the media can challenge stereotypes and
inspire hope for those struggling with mental health issues.

Moreover, engaging religious,social, political and traditional leaders in discussions about

mental health can leverage their influence to promote acceptance and support within their
communities. By incorporating mental health into religious teachings and traditional
practices, these leaders can help break down barriers and encourage help-seeking
behaviour. Leaders can also set great examples by showing people that taking care of your
mental health is not a weakness but a brave step. Seek help wherever and whenever you
can without fear of judgement or retribution.


✓ Mental framework: For a leader's personal growth, this framework emphasises self
awareness through steps like analysis and realisation which just means thorough search
from childhood until the point the work started, going to the source of you, confronting your
past, start the work of healing and shedding negative pattern and behaviours, and picking up
new ones until you can build a stronger, better and healthier mental foundation. This
framework allows you to learn, unlearn and relearn all the patterns you've picked by means
of coping and survival of everything that has happened to you, ultimately reaching a place of
self-actualization and fulfilment.

✓ Self Care: Effective leaders prioritise self-care for their mental well-being and the team's.
Practices like mindfulness, healthy diet, athleisure activities and exercises boost their
energy, focus, and decision-making, creating a culture of wellness within the organisation.

✓ Guardianship: Imagine a leader not as a commander on a battlefield, but as a lamp

illuminating the path for others. Their radiance comes not just from external knowledge, but
from a vibrant inner flame, their spirit. Just as a flickering lamp casts uncertain shadows, a
leader with a dimmed spirit can struggle to guide their flock.

✓ Spirituality: The pursuit of a connection to something larger than ourselves, is the

wellspring that nourishes the leader's inner flame. It offers unwavering tranquillity that is
when storms rage, a leader grounded in their spirit finds a deep calm, allowing them to make
clear decisions amidst chaos.The connection to something larger gives work purpose,
motivating everyone to contribute their best selves. A leader who prioritises their spiritual
well-being becomes a beacon for others. It shows that strength comes not from outward
displays, but from a quiet inner power.

✓ Self Security: Mental well-being hinges on self-security. It's not about superiority, but
self-improvement. The real competition is with your past self. This journey of self-discovery
embraces both strengths and flaws, building self-worth and inner peace. With this security,
you can confidently face life's challenges and find fulfilment.

✓ Intentional Relationships: Invest in quality friendships! Surround yourself with

supportive people who love you, uplift you, help you grow and want to see you win. True
connection involves giving freely, not keeping score. By nurturing these intentional
relationships, you'll build mutual respect, clear communication, and a strong support system
that fuels your overall well-being. Be both accountable and consistent too with them. Always
remember, the reason why God gave us THE GIFT OF MEN is so SELF WORK would
become easier for us. Great relationships take us farther than brains, brawns and
capabilities could ever take us.
✓ Intellectual Investment: Effective leaders are lifelong learners. They invest in
conferences, courses, and resources to develop their skills and inspire innovation. Learning
from successful leaders and prioritising, understanding and fulfilling their team's needs help
build trust and a safe environment for everyone to thrive.

✓ Forgiveness and Gratitude: These are essential for a leader's well-being. Letting go of
resentment and appreciating the good brings about a positive outlook. Letting go of past
mistakes, they built you into the strong and resilient person that you are. You're human, no
one's perfect, you did the best that you could at that moment. Reflection on both successes
and failures allows for learning and growth. By taking care of your mental health in this way,
leaders can be better equipped to guide their teams. Also, spirituality makes you realise
everyone that has hurt you, God loves them too so there's only so much you can be able to
do all on your own. Vent to God about your anger, let it go, God is the only one that could
compensate and give you so much more than you lost. It's easier on you and your heart to
be quick to let things fly.

✓ Good Communication: Leaders in this region need to prioritise communication skills.

Effective listening and avoiding outbursts are crucial. It's better to learn and heal than resort
to anger and insults. Positive reinforcement motivates more than negativity. In Dale
Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People, “Understanding people is a lot more
profitable, intriguing and productive than criticism and condemnation”, “Most people are just
what we would be in similar circumstances”. Give grace in your dealings with people. The
Trial and Error kind of training works effectively too.

✓ Service and Selflessness: “Goodness is the reward in itself” means there's no particular
reward for goodness, the only reward is the tingles and accomplished feeling you get when
you're done with doing good. Philanthropy should just be about donations and wire transfers,
be of good service. Actually serve people, a great leader should learn how to serve first,lead
by example not just for the sake of other people alone, but also for the ease and peace
needed in their own heart.

✓ Intentional Mentoring: A leader who weaves humour and openness into conversations
about mental health is the leader that can get his team to open up to him. They are able to
break down stigmas, offer resources, and also champion well-being. By prioritising self-care
and leading by example, they cultivate a thriving team environment where everyone feels
valued and empowered. This is the power of charismatic leadership for mental well-being. It
doesn't have to be a solo act, delegate and teach these tasks to team leaders sincerely and
hold them accountable, but the vision starts with you.

✓ A Third Home: Leaders tend to drown in pressure from work and family demands. This
is where the "third home" comes in, this is a mental and emotional refuge, free from
judgement. Here, leaders shed their leadership mask, vent frustrations, and recharge. This
isn't just self-care, it's a power move. For example, hanging out with friends and playing
sports boosts morale and physical health. Sharing thoughts and feelings with siblings or
one's tribe offers a sense of belonging and support. Also, talking to a therapist or life coach
provides valuable guidance for dealing with the challenges of leadership.
✓ Healthy Boundaries: Boundaries serve as essential guidelines that define theirs and
other people's acceptable behaviours, responsibilities, and interactions, ensuring that
individuals maintain a sense of control, autonomy, and balance in their lives. Healthy
boundaries are crucial for leaders' mental well-being. They define expectations, create
work-life balance, and prevent burnout. By also setting limits on work hours and distractions,
leaders can prioritise tasks, improve focus, and make better decisions. Additionally, avoiding
negativity structures a more supportive and productive environment.

✓ Compassion: Their connection to something greater fosters empathy, allowing them to

see beyond themselves and lead with a heart full of understanding.

✓Unquenchable Will: The spirit reminds them of their purpose, igniting a powerful will to
see their goals through, even in the face of immense challenges.

✓ Vulnerability: Team members feel safe to share their own struggles, knowing their
leader embraces their full humanity.

✓ Intuition : The leader trusts their inner voice, inspiring others to listen to theirs, building a
more creative and innovative environment.

In conclusion, the mental health of leaders is not just a personal concern but a fundamental
aspect of effective leadership. Mentally healthy leadership is about creating a culture of
empathy, resilience, and openness. It's about recognizing that seeking help is a sign of
strength and that addressing mental health is essential for both personal well-being and
organisational success. Leaders who embrace this mindset can drive significant positive
change, building environments where everyone feels seen, supported and valued which in
turn gives utmost output and effective result. In this way, mental health in leadership
becomes a catalyst for both organisational excellence and societal progress.

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