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DR. A.P.J.



Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus

B.Tech. Minor Degree
Energy Engineering
Eligible Branches:
All Branches EXCEPT Mechanical Engineering & allied branches

As per NEP 2020

[Effective from the Session: 2023-24]

Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme B.TECH. MINOR DEGREE

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Minor Degree in Energy Engineering

Eligible Branches: All Branches EXCEPT Mechanical Engineering & allied branches)

(Effective from the Session: 2023-24)

Practical End

Theory End


Theory Sessional

Sl. No.

Subject (TS)

Energy Science
1 IV MNEE401 & Engineering 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3

Nuclear &
Advance Power
2 V MNEE501 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 VI MNEE601 Efficiency in 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
Power System
4 VII MNEE701 Operation 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4

5 VIII MNEE801 Management 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3

Total 750 18

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The Students will be able to Blooms
CO-1 To Explain the Various Laws of Energy and Energy Storage Systems. K2

CO-2 To Explain Various Non Conventional Energy Resources and their Usage. K3

CO-3 To Explain the Concept of Solar Energy, Solar Devices and Systems. K3

CO-4 To Learn the Concepts of Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion with Applications. K2

CO-5 To Discuss the concept of energy audit and techniques to optimize energy K4

Unit Topics Lectures

1 Fundamentals of Energy
Energy and its Usage:
Energy and its definitions, Classification of energy, Various forms of energy,
interrelation between work, power and energy, Basics concept of electrical :-
Current, Voltage, Power and Power Factor ,Fundamentals of Thermodynamics:
1 Conduction, convection, radiation, Enthalpy, Entropy, Laws of Thermodynamics,
Various energy units and their conversions, Electromagnetic energy: Storage, 8
conversion, transmission and radiation, Introduction to the quantum, energy
quantization, Energy in chemical systems and processes, Heat engines, Heat
Pump, Refrigerator

Conventional & Non-Conventional Energy Source:

Biological energy sources and fossil fuels, Fluid dynamics and power in the wind,
available resources, fluids, viscosity, types of fluid flow, lift, Wind turbine 7
dynamics and design, wind farms, Geothermal power and ocean thermal energy
conversion, Tidal/wave/hydro power.
Solar Energy:
Introduction to solar energy, fundamentals of solar radiation and its measurement
aspects, Basic physics of semiconductors, Carrier transport, generation and
3 recombination in semiconductors, Semiconductor junctions: metal-semiconductor
junction & p-n junction, Essential characteristics of solar photovoltaic devices,
First Generation Solar Cells, Second Generation Solar Cells, Third Generation
Solar Cells.
Nuclear Energy:

Fundamental forces in the universe, Quantum mechanics relevant for nuclear

physics, Nuclear forces, energy scales and structure, Nuclear binding energy 6
systematics, reactions and decays, Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission and fission
reactor physics, Nuclear fission reactor design, safety, operation and fuel cycles.

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Systems and Synthesis:

Overview of World Energy Scenario, Nuclear radiation, fuel cycles, waste and
proliferation, Climate change, Energy storage, Energy conservation. Engineering
5 for Energy conservation: Concept of Green Building and Green Architecture; 7
Green building concepts, LEED ratings; Identification of energy related
enterprises that represent the breath of the industry and prioritizing these as
candidates; Embodied energy analysis and use as a tool for measuring
sustainability. Energy Audit of Facilities and optimization of energy consumption

1 Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, World Energy Assessment, UNDP, New York, (2000).
2 Introduction to Modern Physics, H.S. Mani and G.K.Mehta, East-West Press (1988).
3 Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J. Griffiths, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall (2013).
Physics of Solar Cells: From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts by Peter Wurfel, John Wiley & Sons,
4 2016
Principles of Solar Engineering, D.Y. Goswami, F.Kreith and J.F. Kreider, Taylor and Francis, Philadelphia,
5 2000.

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The Students will be able to Blooms

To Explain the Concept of Energy Release in Nuclear Reactions,Fertile Materials
CO- 1 K2
and Breeding.

CO- 2 To Discuss the Classification and Working of Various Nuclear Reactors. K3

CO- 3 To Explain Various Types of Nuclear Wastes and their Disposal. K2

CO- 4 To Discuss Futuristic Technologies of Energy Generation. K3

CO- 5 To Explain Various Processes of Energy Storage. K4

Unit Topics Lectures

Introduction of Nuclear Engineering:

1 Mass – Energy Equivalence, Binding Energy, Release of Energy by Nuclear

Reaction, Nuclear 8
Cross – section, Moderation, Fertile Materials and Breeding.

Nuclear Reactors:
Introduction, General Components of Nuclear Reactor, General Problems of
Reactor Operation, Different Types of Reactors, Pressurised Water Reactors
2 (PWR), Boiling Water Reactors (BWR), Heavy Water – cooled and Moderated
CANDU (Canadian Deuterium Uranium) Types of Reactors, Gas-cooled Reactors, 8
Breeder Reactors, Reactor Containment Design, Location of Nuclear Power Plant,
Nuclear Power Station in India, India’s 3-stage Programme for Nuclear Power
Development, Comparison of Nuclear Plants with Thermal Plants.

Nuclear Waste & Its Disposal:

Introduction, Unit of Nuclear Radiation, Types of Nuclear Waste, Effects of
Nuclear Radiation,
3 Radioactive Waste Disposal System, Gas Disposal System.
Safety Rules: Personal Monitoring, Radiation Protection (Radiation Workers,
Non-Radiation Workers, Public at large), Radiation Dose (Early effect, Late effect
hereditary effect)

Futuristic Technologies : Fuel Cells ; MHD-steam plant ; Thermoelectric – steam

4 8
plant : Thermionic steam plant.
Energy Storage :
Objective and scope- energy management ; Methods of energy storage – pumped
5 hydro, ompressed air energy storage, flywheels, electrochemical ,
magnetic,Thermal and chemical energy storage ; Hydrogen energy – production,
storage and utilization.

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1 P.K.Nag “ Power Plant Engineering “, Tata McGraw Hill

2 Arora &Domkundwar “ Power Plant Engineering “, Dhanpat Rai & Co.

3 Combined Power Plants by J.H.HorlockPergamon Press.

4 Power Plant Technology – M. M. EI – Wakil

5 V.Ganesan: Gas Turbines; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi,2003.

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The Students will be able to Blooms
CO- 1 To Explain Various Electrical Utilities Systems. K2
CO- 2 To Discuss the Working of Various Electric Motors. K2
To Explain Types of Fans, Blowers, Pumps and Compressed Air
CO- 3 K3
To Discuss the Concept of Lighting System and Energy Efficiency
CO- 4 K3
in Buildings.
To Explain Various Types of Refrigeration Systems and Factors
CO- 5 K4
Affecting their Performance.
Unit Topics Lectures
Electrical Utilities System
Overview of electrical utilities systems, Electrical load
1 management, Maximum Load Demand, power factor and its
improvement, Role of transformer, Assessment of Transmission 7
and Distribution Losses in Power System, Demad side
management, Harmonics and their impact
Electric Motors
MOTORS:- Types of motors, Motor efficiency, motor
2 characteristics, Motor Selection, Energy Efficient Motors, Factors
affecting energy efficiency and minimizing the motor losses, Speed
Control of AC Induction Motors.
Fan, Blowers , Pumps and Compressed Air System
Fan types, Efficient fan operation and saving opportunities, Pump
3 types and their characteristics, Efficient pumping System operation
and energy conservation, Compressors, types of compressors and
applications, Efficient operations of Compressed Air System
Lighting System and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Light Source and Lamp types, Illumination level for various
activities and location, Lighting design for industrial, commercial
4 and domestic purposes, Energy Saving Opportunities in lamps,
Control strategies for efficient lighting, Standards and Labelling,
Building Definition, Energy Conservation Building Code, ECBC
guidelines, Star Ratings of Buildings
HVAC Refrigeration, Cooling Towers
Types of refrigeration systems, Selection of a suitable refrigerant
system, Performance assessment and energy efficiency of
5 refrigeration plant, Factors affecting performance and energy
efficiency of refrigeration plants, cooling tower performance,
Energy saving opportunities in cooling towers, Application of VFD
for cooling towers fan.

Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, World Energy Assessment, UNDP, New York,
1 (2000).
2 Energy efficiency in electrical utilities , guide book for BEE, New Delhi, (2015)
3 Electrical Engineering , B.C kuo , PHI publication
Art and science of utilsation of Electrical Energy, H.PARTAB, Dhanpat Rai and Company
4 (2017)

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The Students will be able to Blooms

CO -1 To Explain the Representation of Powers System and Load Flow Studies. K2

To Study the Concept of Economic Operation of Power System and Modelling of
CO -2 K3
Synchronous Machine.
To Discuss Fundamental Theory of Load Compensation and Modern Controllers in
CO -3 K2
Power Network.
CO- 4 To Study the Grid Faults and Restoration. K3
CO -5 To Study Factors Affecting the Power System Stability. K4
Unit Topics Lectures
Representation of Power System
Single line diagram, per unit quantities and its advantages, Impedance and
Reactance diagram, bus admittance(Y bus) and Impedance (Z bus) matrices 4
and their formation.

1 Load Flow Studies: Power flow in a transmission system, bus classification,

data for load flow studies, power system equation , solution techniques-Gauss
iterative method, Gauss-Seidel method, 6
Newton-Raphson method, Fast decoupled load flow (FDLF) method,
comparison of load flow solution techniques.

Economic Operation of Power System

Station performance and operating characteristics, Incremental rate theory,

optimal Load distribution within generating station and between various
generating station in a region. Transmission loss equation. Calculation of
2 losses. Generation scheduling. Unit commitment.

Modelling of a Synchronous Machine: Modelling of a synchronous

machine, modeling of excitation system and AVR, Performance of AVR,
Transient behavior of synchronous machine. Capability curve of alternators
and different limits of AVR
Fundamental Theory of Load Compensation

Fundamentals of load compensation, power factor correction, voltage

regulation, phase balancing and p-f correction for unbalanced load,
representation of 3-ph delta connected unbalanced load. Some practical aspect
3 of compensators used as voltage regulators.

Modern Controllers in Power Network: Control complexities in integrated

power network,
Application of FACTS, FACTS devices- Static VAR system(SVS), 4
Controllable series compensator(CSC) and Unified power flow

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Grid faults and Restoration
Cascade tripping of generating stations, general restoration methodology,
Survival/startup of thermal power plant, , load restoration , transmission 4
4 network and grid building.
Power System Control: MW-frequency control, models of single area &
multi area MW frequency control, Reactive Power-Voltage control.
Power System Stability
Steady state stability and transient stability- stability problem, rotor dynamics
5 and swing equation, power angle equation and diagram, equal area criterion
and its application, critical clearing angle, fault clearing time, stepby- step 5
solution of swing curve, factors influencing transient stability, methods of
improving stability.

1 Elgerd,O.I., “Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction”,Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edn,. 1982,
Stagg, G.W.and EI-Abaid ,A.H.,”Computer Methods in Power System Analysis”. McGraw Hill
International Edition
3 Kundur, P., “ Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw Hill Inc., 1994.
Kimbark , E.W., “ Power System Stability, Vol.I. Elements of Stability Calculations” John Wiley &
Sons, 1948.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, “ Electrical Transmission and Distribution reference book East
Pittsburgh , Pa., 1964.
6 I.J.Nagrath and D.P.Kothari,”Power System Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill 1994.
7 Wadhwa, C.L. “Electric Power Systems”. Second Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1985.
8 HadiSaadat, “Power System Analysis”. McGraw Hill,1999.
9 Stevenson – Power System Analysis.

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The Students will be able to Blooms

CO- 1 To Learn the Concepts of Energy Transformation and Load Curves. K2

CO -2 To Discuss Energy Wastes and their Impact on Environment. K2
CO- 3 To Study the Process and Equipments Required for Energy Audit. K3
CO- 4 To Discuss Energy Audit of Mechanical and Electrical Equipments. K3
To Learn about Energy Conservation Techniques and Concept of ABT for Safe Grid
CO -5 K4
Unit Topics Lectures
Introduction to Energy Transformation
Classification of Energy Resources & Conservation Techniques 3
Energy Economics, International / National Electrical System, Global Energy
scenario, Energy Price Linkage, Energy pricing procedure and load curves. 5

Energy Wastes & Energy Environment Linkage

Station performance linked losses like Working Voltage, Power Factor, Fixed Costs, 4
2 Transportation of Resources, Insulation loss, optimum plant load selection criteria
Energy-Environment Linkage , present emission norms and ambient air quality
standards, emission control equipments, climate change control initiatives – 4
National and global status, Kyoto protocol

3 Energy Audit need in coal/Gas/Oil fired T.P Stations. Energy intensity of Indian 8
Industries, Preliminary and Detail Audit procedure for TPP; Equipment required for
flow, level, temperature, pressure , current, voltage, p.f.; harmonics measurements.
4 Energy audit of mechanical / Electrical equipments and Auxiliaries 8
Energy Conservation techniques, energy conservation opportunities, and programs
5 in power generation Transmission and distribution, concept of ABT and safe grid 8

1 Energy Management Audit & Conservation – B.K.De; Vrinda Publications Ltd
2 CEGB Manual on power plant operation & Performance
3 Power Station Engineering and Economy – Bernhartd G.A. Skrotzki&W.A.Vopat, TMH Publn.

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