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Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

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3D printing – A review of processes, materials and applications in industry

Anketa Jandyal, Ikshita Chaturvedi, Ishika Wazir, Ankush Raina, PhD, Mir Irfan Ul Haq, PhD∗
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir 182320, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: 3D printing, unlike other manufacturing processes, being an additive process has emerged as a viable technol-
3D printing ogy for the production of engineering components. The aspects associated with 3D printing such as less material
Materials wastage, ease of manufacturing, less human involvement, very less post processing and energy efficiency makes
the process sustainable for industrial use. The paper discusses numerous 3D printing processes, their advantages
Industry 4.0
and disadvantages. A comprehensive description of different materials compatible for each type of 3D printing
Additive manufacturing
Applications process is presented. The paper also presents the various application areas of each type of process. A dedicated
Manufacturing section on industry 4.0 has also been included. The literature studied revealed that although the field of 3D print-
ing has evolved to a great extent, there are still issues that need to be addressed such as material incompatibility
and the cost of the materials. Future research could be undertaken to develop and modify the processes to suit a
broad range of materials. To broaden the range of applications for 3D printed parts, more focus needs to be laid
on developing cost effective printer technologies and materials compatible for these printers.

1. Introduction stance. Let’s say if we want to bake cupcakes, we take an empty bowl
and add ingredients, one by one until we get the finished batter, this is
The very basic question that comes to our mind regarding the field an additive way to make it. Another way to make a cupcake is, we can
of manufacturing is that how do we make stuff or how do we proceed buy a big cake and cut away everything to give it the shape of a cupcake.
from materials into something that we want to use, buy or consume in This is a subtractive process, wherever we tend to begin from a bigger
any way. The first way to make something is subtractive manufacturing- part and take away everything that’s not needed. Examples of subtrac-
where we begin from raw material and proceed towards the desired tive manufacturing would be manual wood carving, CNC machining or
product. Then the next type of manufacturing is called forming- in which laser cutting, etc.
a block of material undergoes changes into its dimensions when force In 3D printing, which is basically an additive manufacturing process,
is applied. The third type of technology of making things is casting- we start with the fundamental design of the part we want to model [55].
where the material in solid form is melted into liquid form, the liq- The said design is created on a computer software that is attachable to
uid metal is then poured into a specific mold to obtain the object. The 3D printers. This software then generates a special type of file to be sent
fourth way of manufacturing is Additive manufacturing (AM) wherein to the printer. The 3D printer reads that file and creates the product
the parts are developed additively layer by layer [54,56]. AM and 3D by adjoining one layer over the other [22]. Almost every process in 3D
printing are umbrella words that cover a wide range of processes for printing uses layers to form a part. 3D printers read the parts as a single
creating three-dimensional prototypes and structures from digital files. two-dimensional layer at a time rather than a whole single part. The
The solid modelling component of Computer-Aided Design is the basis working of 3D printers as shown in Fig. 1 is based on the fact that they
for additive technologies. This solid modelling data is used by additive are designed to read Standard Tessellation Language (STL) file type.
models to create layers of extremely thin cross-sectional areas, which The sustainable aspects of 3D Printing such as less material wastage,
entitle manufacturing of intricate and complex shapes and surfaces that less post processing and very less cost even for manufacturing complex
are very difficult to achieve by using conventional methods [1]. parts makes 3D Printing a technology of the future. The other sustain-
One will conclude a machine as a 3D printer if it comprises the three able aspects include the potential of 3D printing to reuse plastics, recycle
properties that are, three-dimensional, additive, and layer-based. An ad- and reduce emissions. The technology is also capable of producing de-
ditive process is adding different substances to make the desired sub- signs with complex and optimized geometries, which help in developing

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.I. Ul Haq).
Received 28 May 2021; Received in revised form 11 August 2021; Accepted 8 September 2021
Available online 7 October 2021
2666-4127/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

Fig. 1. Basic process of 3D printers to create 3D object.

parts with light weight and better strength to weight ratios. Therefore, gets immersed in the liquid tank. As the table moves downwards, the
the use of 3D Printing helps to produce designs which are sustainable. liquid polymer encounters the table through the perforated holes. The
instant the liquid comes in contact with the table, the UV laser hits the
2. Types of processes in 3D printing upper surface of the photo liquid polymer making it hardened instantly.
This table then again moves downward, to create a layer-by-layer ge-
In order to satisfy the need for printing intricate models with high ometry and each consecutive layer is fused starting with the base layer.
resolutions, methods of AM have been developed. Rapid Prototyping After the completion of the last layer, the 3D printed part is immersed
has played an important part in the advancement of AM technologies. into another resin so that the 3D printed model gets separated from the
AM Technologies are based on three main types which are sintering- liquid polymer. After this process, the bonding between all the layers
whereby the temperature of the material is raised without being liqui- gets strong in that particular resin and this 3D printed model is now
fied to compose complex sharp resolution prototypes, melting- where allowed to bake in a UV curing oven. Inside this oven, at the prede-
electron beams are used to melt the powders and stereolithography- termined temperature, all the layers harden up, strength increases, and
which uses a method referred to as photopolymerization, which uses the desired surface finish is obtained. Thus, all these processes finally
an associate ultraviolet laser. This laser is dismissed over a photopoly- lead to the finished object. Now, we are in a position to define the term
mer resin vat so that torque-resistant ceramic components are ready SL, stereolithography (SL) is outlined as a method of 3D printing dur-
to encounter utmost temperatures [2]. As per ASTM (American Society ing which liquid photopolymer is born-again into 3D objects with the
for Testing and Materials), AM have been divided into seven processes assistance of a Stereolithographic/ SL machine.
which include VAT Photopolymerisation, Material Jetting, Binder Jet-
ting, Material Extrusion, Powder Bed Fusion, Sheet Lamination, and Di- 2.2. Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
rect Energy Deposition [3]. Some of the main methods have been ad-
dressed in depth in the subsequent sections focusing on the work in- FDM is a procedure that uses thermoplastic filament that has been
volved in each process, benefits and drawbacks, materials used in dif- parched to its melting point and then thrust out layer upon layer toform
ferent processes, and applications of various 3D printing processes. a 3D object [5,50]. FDM technology was introduced by Scott Crump
during the early Nineteen Nineties by Stratasys INC, USA introduced
2.1. Stereolithography (SL) this. The 3D printers used for FDM contain a support base that is related
to some degree of freedom and it has an arrangement such that it will
Era of 3D printing started in the late 20s and SL is the earliest 3D move in a vertical direction. Aboard with the bottom plate, there’s an
printing process ever introduced in the market and the first ever 3D associate extruder that connects the filament and is liable for heating
printers set in motion were stereolithographic/ SL machines that were of the filament up to its freezing point and so extrudes it layer by layer
used to manufacture 3D models, 3D prototypes, 3D parts and patterns. with the assistance of a nozzle to form the required object. The extruder
Although many studies in the area of 3D printing were conducted in has the supply to maneuver in all three directions (x, y and z). The
the 1970s, this process was introduced and patented by Charles Hull in reason that it’s called fused deposition modeling is that the adjacent
1984 [4]. layers get consolidated to one another whereas deposition is completed
Before defining the term Stereolithography, one needs to understand by the extruder and therefore the 3D printer is liable for modeling of the
how the SL process works. To begin the process, a CAD file is generated item [57]. Counting on the surface end needed, the ultimate product is
on the system and this file is converted into STL file type. This STL file dipped in resin as similar in the SL method.
type provides the geometric data required by a 3D printer to manufac-
ture an object. The four main parts which contribute to the formulation 2.3. Powder bed fusion (PBF)
are ultraviolet (UV) curable photopolymer liquid, perforated table, laser
source, and a computer to control the process. After reading the STL file A PBF process uses a thin layer of powder to build a plate and energy
type, 3D printers start working in such a way that the perforated table source, such as a laser or an electron beam fuses, to fuse the powder in

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

accordance with the geometry of the component made [6]. This pro- kept on a platform and in some cases, inert gas tubing is also present.
cess allows the laser to selectively deliquesce powders layer-by-layer, The direction of the deposition head (which is depositing the powder
resulting in three-dimensional sections. PBF processes unfold pulver- beam and conjointly the laser beam) is a 4 or 5 axis machine. The DED
ized material over the antecedently joined layer, preparing it for the process uses a centered heat supply (electron beam or laser) and then as
subsequent layer’s process, resulting in a distinct rather than contin- it solidifies, the material is affixed layer by layer, repairing and making
uous output (nevertheless every layer is conjoined to vicinal layers). new material objects on the already present products.
A hopper delivers the pulverised powder, which is then spread evenly
over the powder bed to create platform space by a roller or brush. Con- 2.7. Laminated object manufacturing (LOM)
ditions of processes and content used determine the best thickness of
each sheet of unfolding powder. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Elec- Helisys Inc.(now Cubic Technologies) in 1991 headquartered in Cal-
tron Beam Melting (EBM) Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Direct Metal ifornia, commercialised LOM [13]. It is a rapid prototyping process that
Laser Melting (DMLM) and Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) are all fabricates models by paper, plastic, or metal laminates which are suc-
names of Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) [6]. cessfully epoxied together, and therefore the desired form of the item
or model is cut employing a laser cutter. The process starts with a sheet
2.4. Selective laser sintering (SLS) joined to a substrate with a heated roller and maneuvering a laser or a
mechanical cutter, the following layers are cut accurately and then glued
Dr. Carl Deckard and Dr. Joe Beaman of the University of Texas at successively i.e (forming followed by bonding) or vice versa (i.e bond-
Austin invented this method in the mid-nineteen eighties [7]. Selective ing followed by forming) [1]. The platform which has the completed
Laser Sintering (SLS) is a rapid prototyping method that enables the cre- layers move downwards and the contemporary sheet of metal is rolled
ation of detailed geometry by consolidating consecutive powdered ma- into the position while the platform goes back to its original position to
terial layers over one another [8]. The solidification of layers takes place receive the next layer. The method is to be continued till the prototype is
with the help of CO2 / Nitrogen lasers counting on the sort of surface end produced. UAM may be a subset of LOM that combines lamination with
and fusion needed. During this method, the chemical compound pow- ultrasonic metal seam connection and CNC milling [14]. Table 1 below
der is employed for the aim of producing the object. The powder may comparatively lists down the processes, advantages and disadvantages
be of thermoplastic, ceramics, glasses, metals, etc. If the powder used associated with it.
is created from metal, then this method is thought of as Direct Metal
Laser Sintering (DMLS). SLS printers are composed of two chambers, the
3. Classification of materials used in various 3D printing
transfer of power takes place from the first chamber to the second one,
where actual manufacturing occurs. The powder is heated at a temper-
ature below the melting point of the equivalent substance. The leveler
After going through the various types that are incorporated into 3D
or roller present at the top surfaces the powder by forming layers. After
printing the next question that comes to our mind is what are some
the manufacturing gets completed, finishing operations are required.
of those materials that are used in these processes and what are the
viability of those materials, what kind of properties do they provide,
2.5. Binder jetting (BJ)
and for which process and applications we use them. Therefore, based on
these parameters material aspects have been elaborated in the following
Binder Jetting uses a modified version of Inkjet technology. Mas-
sections specific to each 3D printing process.
sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) introduced this process [9].
Instead of using lasers to bind this process, it uses an inkjet to bind the
3.1. Materials used in stereolithography
objects. It uses a 2D printer technology in inkjet and goes up in lay-
ers forming a 3D project. In this process, with the help of a printhead,
Stereolithography, as the term itself explains, is an optical manufac-
moving on two axes, a liquid binder is precisely deposited. This process
turing method in which UV rays are applied to liquid monomers, also
also begins like any other 3D printing process, that is by creating a 3D
called photopolymer resin, to tie them together to form polymers (en-
drawing and then importing it into printer software. Since constant sup-
abling them to cross-link together). These polymers are then solidified
ply is required during printing, thus, a dispenser ensures that supply by
layer by layer to keep the pattern according to our wishes.
placing powder in it that is to be used. Following the application of a
In a method called photopolymerization, SL uses a UV laser to curate
powder sheet of varying thickness, the printing head attaches the binder
liquid resin into hardened plastic [15].
according to the specification. Before continuing onto the subsequent
Stereolithography consists of additives namely stabilizers, flexibili-
layer, the solvent containing the binder is desiccated using fluorescent
ties, monomers/oligomers, solvent, photo-initiators, and reactive dilu-
or electric lamps. After that, the powder bed is de-escalated and a new
ents etc. Table 2 groups together, the materials and their properties
sheet of powder is applied. The binder is then placed in a furnace after
along with their applications [16].
the completion of the cycle. Factors such as temperature and time re-
quired are dependent on the nature of the binder used. The metals and
ceramic parts must undergo sintering, in-filtration, heat treatment, or 3.2. Materials used in fused deposition modeling
hot isostatic pressing before being used. However, most of the metals
and plastic materials do not require any post-processing and are ready These materials have resistance to UV radiation, hardness, translu-
to use as soon as they come out of the printing systems [10,11]. cency, and biocompatibility, among other characteristic properties. This
is a widely used AM process that needs a continuous filament which uses
2.6. Direct energy deposition (DED) thermoplastic content as input [16]. Table 3 details the properties and
applications of several material classes and their examples.
Unlike alternative 3D printing processes, this method is employed for
repair and maintenance instead of producing components. DED meth- 3.3. Materials used in selective laser sintering
ods make it easier to create materials by melting material when it is
deposited [12]. The equipment used for the DED process consists of the A laser is used in this method as the power source for the sintering
deposition head which is an integration of energy source and two pow- of granulated material (usually polyamide or nylon), as detailed by a
der feed nozzles. In this process, either the metal powder is fed or a thin three dimensional model the laser is automatically directed at prede-
wire can also be fed. The particular part which is to be fabricated is fined places in space, binding the material together in order to create a

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

Table 1
Comparison of benefits and limitations of different processes in 3D printing.

S.No. Process Advantages Disadvantages

1 Stereolithography High surface finish. Less surface area is exposed to Laser (about 0.15mm) which makes it
Complicated parts can be easily manufactured. a slow process.
High accuracy. High initial investment cost.
High thermal durability. Overhanging parts are difficult to manufacture.
3D printed parts made by this process can serve as patterns for casting. The photosensitive resin is difficult to handle.
2 Fused Deposition High surface finish. A slow process, although the time taken depends on the part to be
Modelling Less initial investment cost. manufactured.
Complex shapes can be easily made. Quality is not as good as SL or SLS.
No scrap generation.
High flexibility
3 Powder Bed Fusion Low cost. Post-processing is required.
No external support is required. Weak structural properties of materials formed by this process.
Wide material choice. Time-consuming process.
Powder recycling.
4 Selective Laser Complex parts which cannot be manufactured by the above two The high cost of manufacturing
Sintering processes can be manufactured easily using SLS. Requires post-processing
Does not require any external support. Large surfaces, tiny holes are difficult to manufacture accurately.
Suitable for mass production.
Good accuracy and precision.
5 Binder Jetting High resolution. Limited materials are available.
High surface finish. Low part strength.
No need for post-processing. The substrate is required for printing.
Printing can be done over a large area.
Multiple printings at one time.
6 Direct Energy Denser parts creation is possible. Time-consuming process.
Deposition Allows directional solidification which enhances features. Poor resolution and surface finish.
Utilized effectively for repairing and refurbishing components. Limited material is available.
7 Laminated Object External support is not required. Post-processing is required
Manufacturing Inexpensive. Poor dimensional accuracy.
Quick process. Poor surface finish
Suitable for large parts. Complex parts are difficult to manufacture.

Table 2 3.4. Materials used in powder bed fusion

Materials, properties and applications in SL method.
The method consists of fine layers of quiet minute particles of pow-
Materials Properties Applications/ Industries der, which are dispersed and tightly bound on a platform [1]. PBF is
one of the rapid manufacturing processes in which a thermal source for
DC 100 Lesser shrinkage with higher Used for the casting of patterns
accuracy. for pieces of jewelry. example a laser is used to initiate partial or complete merging between
DC 500 Like wax in nature and can easily For the making of precise and particles of powder and is rolled over with a roller or blade re-coater to
burn out. thinner wire patterns of jewellery further smoothen the powder layer. The combining process of the PBF
which can’t be easily copied using
method includes melting and sintering [16]. Examples of PBF methods
methods for molding rubber.
DL 350 Highly flexible and resistant to Used to produce parts for
are SLS process [30,31], Electron Beam Melting (EBM) method [32,33],
fatigue and chemicals etc. Similar industrial as well as general and selective laser melting (SLM) method. The materials, properties, and
to polypropylene. purposes. applications incorporated in PBF are mentioned below in Table 5 and
DL 360 Strong and transparent in nature. Produces parts for general Table 6 [16].
purposes and industrial uses
which require transparent
properties. 3.5. Materials used in binder jetting
AB 001 Provides good strength and Used for producing parts that are
stiffness and electrical strong and smooth in nature. Binder jet AM process that is also known as "Powder bed and inkjet" &
"drop-on-powder" printing. Their examples of material are summarized
GM 08 Highly flexible, strong and Produces parts that don’t require
elastic, along with transparency further finishing operations.
in Table 7 below [16].
comprises its nature.
DM 210 Great surface qualities and Used for jewellery patterns that 3.6. Materials used in direct energy deposition
including ceramic-type require liquid silicone that can be
properties. extracted quite easily from
In one fundamental aspect, the operating concept of a DED process
differs from that of PBF in that, here the high dense and powerful laser
concentrates on a steady stream of powdered material that are laid down
on the substance itself instead of a layer of metallic powder that are pre-
deposited [16]. The following Table 8 presents the comparative study
strong structure. It is comparable to Selective laser melting (SLM), work- of materials and their properties [34].
ing on the same principle but requiring different technical conditions.
This laser is used over powders which have lesser melting or sintering 3.7. Materials used in laminated object manufacturing
temperature, on the other hand, a liquid binder is otherwise used. SLS
is used with various polymers, alloys, and metal powders while SLM is The two major types of sheet lamination methods are defined as fol-
generally applicable in case of certain metals like steel and aluminum lows, first one is such that in this process laser is used to cut the mate-
[25]. Table 4 presents a comparative study of materials incorporated in rial sheets and the process is known as Laminated Object Manufacturing
this process. (LOM) or the second one in which these sheets are joined by ultrasound

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

Table 3
Materials, properties, and applications in FDM method.

Material class Materials Properties Applications

Thermoplastic Polylactic acid (PLA), Acrylonitrile butadiene Properties associated with this include toughness Because of their great thermal resistance
Polymer styrene (ABS), ABSi, High Density Polyethylene and strength, UV stability, good chemical properties, they are suitable for aerospace
(HDPE), Polyphenylsulfone (PPSF), resistance, and high fatigue resistance along with and aerodynamics application.
Polycarbonates (PC), Polyethylene terephthalate the high impact strength. They possess high tensile
glycol-modified (PETG), Ultem 9085, and flexural strength etc.[16]
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Polyether Ether
Ketone (PEEK), Recycled Plastics, Acrylonitrile
Styrene Acrylate (ASA), Nylon 12, etc.[16]
Polymer Matrix Glass Fiber Reinforced plastic (GFRP), Carbon Compatibility with toughness, ductility, yield Constructional applications.
Composites Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP).[17] strength, etc.
Ceramic Slurries and Alumina, Zirconia, Kaolin.[18] Chemical and physical stability, heat resistance, General purpose uses along with the
Clay and compatible thermal conductivity, strength and applications in dental field as well.

Green Ceramic/ Zirconia, Calcium phosphate.[19] Resistance to chemicals and corrosion, great Structures suitable for bone substitute
Binder Mixture compatibility with respect to fracture toughness, scaffolds[19], and for making
hardness, wear-resistance, and thermal resistance piezoelectric components.
good frictional behavior, lower electrical and
thermal conductivity and non-magnetic in nature
Green Metal/ Binder Stainless steel, Titanium, Inconel.[21] Providing binder viscosity, flowability, greater For the manufacturing of mechanical
Mixture sintered density, leads to the homogeneous parts used in tooling and fixtures etc.
microstructure of parts.[21] Results in strong,
light and corrosion resistant properties etc.
Food pastes Sugars and Chocolates Flowability Cooking
Biological Materials Bioink [23] Easy to print, with desired mechanical properties, Bioprinted organs and scaffolds.
can be easily biodegraded, and we can easily
install modifiable functional groups on the surface,
the better ability of post-printing maturation,
biologically compatible and capable of retaining
the 3D printed structure after it is printed.[24]

Table 4
Materials, properties, and applications in SLS method.

Laser Materials Properties Applications

CO2/N2 Polymers including Polyamides [26], Characterized by an ideal sintering behavior like a Prototype making in the early design process, automobile
Polycarbonates, Polystyrene (PS), semi-crystalline thermoplastic [26], high toughness, parts, hardware, etc.
Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), thermal stability, etc.
Polyaryletherketone (PAEK)
Nd:YAG Ceramics Great hardenability, mechanical strength, better thermal Aeronautics, biomedical, metallurgical application.[28]
and chemical stability, and usable thermal, electrical,
optical, and magnetic characteristics.[27]
Yb-Fiber Glasses such as fused Silica, Borosilicate Chemical resistance, thermal stability, etc.[29] Glass filters, medical and chemical field.[29]
Metals Good thermal conductivity hence, used in case of selective Varied applications in various industries.
laser melting

Table 5
Materials, properties and applications in SLM method.

Materials Properties Applications

Titanium (Ti ) Resistance to Corrosion and thermal expansion with great biological Its applications are included in but not limited to design, medical, automotive,
compatibility, along with the high strength and lower density. aerospace, marine industry, and jewelry industries, etc.
Stainless Steel Increased resistance to wear and tear, corrosion, along with compatible These materials have extensive application in automotive industry, maritime and
ductility, hardness, and hardenability. medical technology, toolmaking and in varied areas of mechanical engineering.
Aluminium (Al) Light metal with lower density and better electrical conductivity along These components are used in aerospace engineering, automotive industry, in the
with alloying properties and easy to process abilities. area of prototype construction, marked with complicated geometries.
Cobalt-Chrome Biologically compatible, with increased hardness, corrosion resistance In the medical and dental field, and industries requiring greater thermal resistant
with comparable strength and ductility. properties for example in jet engines.
Nickel based alloys Great weldability and hardenability along with the resistance to Used in aerospace engineering and fields requiring thermal resistant properties also
corrosion and outstanding mechanical strength. have applications in tool making.

Table 6
Materials, properties and applications in EBM method.

Materials Properties Applications

Titanium Resistance to Corrosion and thermal expansion with great biological Building of prototypes for aerospace and racing fields, in the marine, chemical
compatibility, along with high strength and lower density. industry and also used in medical applications such as orthopedic implants and
Cobalt- Chrome Increased strength and wear resistance, biologically compatible, with In power generation, orthopedics, aerospace and dental fields.
thermal capabilities.

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

Table 7
Materials, properties and applications in BJ method.

Materials Properties Applications

Stainless steel Resistant to heat and corrosion with greater tensile strength. Used for parts of pump, drilling and mining machinery.
Ceramic beads Highly permeable as well as better thermal properties. Steel alloys are casted using this and can also be used for printing of cores that have to
bear high metallostatic forces and subsequent stress conditions during casting.
Inconel alloy Supplementing the product with good mechanical properties and Used for the manufacturing of gas turbine blades, for producing steam generators used
even greater density. in pressurized nuclear water reactors, seals and also in pressure vessels, these are widely
applicable in the aerospace industry.
Iron Provides better mechanical properties and is also excellent wear Applications are in the production and repairing of automotive components, tooling, and
resistant. also in machine tools, along with this they are also popular in decorative hardware.

Table 8
Materials, properties and applications in DED method.

Materials Properties Applications

Titanium Resistance to corrosion and thermal expansion with great biological Used for repairing works in the automation and aerospace industry.
compatibility, along with high strength and lower density.
Aluminium Light metal with lower density and better electrical conductivity with Filling of cracks and refitting of manufactured parts.
alloying properties and easy to process abilities.
Stainless steel Resistant to heat and corrosion with greater tensile strength. Repairing of turbine engines, and other such complex applications.
Copper Malleable, ductile, and better surface finish. Industrial applications.
Inconel, Ceramics Good mechanical properties and greater density. Aerospace, biomedical applications.

Table 9
Materials, properties and applications in LOM method.

Materials Properties Applications

Polymer Good thermal conductivity, adhesive bonding. Paper industry.

Composites High modulus, low density, excellent resistance to fatigue, etc. Paper industry etc.
Ceramics Chemical and physical stability, resistance to heat, and compatible thermal Foundry and forging industries.
conductivity, strength, and hardness.
Paper Good conductor of electricity. Electronics industry.
Metal Filles Tapes, Metal Rolls Better mechanical properties. Applicable in smart structures.

and the process is described as ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM) of a body rejecting them are high. Thus, this new technique overcomes
[16]. The following Table 9 is the culmination of some of the materials these limitations [35].
along with their properties and applications [1].
4.1.2. Fabrication of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic for dental applications
Natural teeth, resulting in a certain degree of translucency, partly
4. Applications of 3D printing
refract, absorb and relay light. The lack of transparency in metal ce-
ramics in the previous field is particularly noticeable and therefore
Each of the processes discussed so far is of utmost use to achieve
unfavourable, leading to the creation of all-ceramic bridges. Materials
the manufacturing of products in the least possible time with minimum
made of glass and ceramic are usually used in the dental industry for per-
wastage. Also, the processes aid in forming complex structures with
sonalized and cosmetic restorations. It is usually processed with the AM
supreme quality at enormous ease. Industries are being modernized and
technology processing of lithium disilicate providing highly dense (>99
revolutionized with the help of 3D printing. The mode of manufacturing
percent), complete ceramic components that meet the criteria for den-
is gradually shifting from traditional to non-conventional processes (3D
tal restoration use. Lithium disilicate glass-ceramic is synthesized by
printing). It requires intensive knowledge of materials and their respec-
using the melting technique in the SiO2-Li2O-Al2O3-K2O-P2O5 glass
tive properties. With the current knowledge of materials and processes,
system and heated treatment samples at the crystallization tempera-
some modifications have been done in the traditional techniques using
ture of that glass. The fabricated glass has excellent mechanical prop-
3D printing. In this section, we will discuss in brief some of those appli-
erties, such as high strength, which allows for repeatable printing and
cations of various processes discussed so far. Fig. 2 collectively lays out
de-binding of crowns and bridges, especially in the anterior tooth area
the applications discussed in the text.

4.1. . Applications of stereolithography 4.2. Applications of fused deposition modeling

4.1.1. Fabrication of heart valve scaffold 4.2.1. Drug delivery

Tissue engineering of heart valves is reflected in a new experimental The term "drug distribution" refers to nanoparticle-based procedures,
principle to manufacture viable and functional heart valve tissue from formulations, systems, and technologies that are used to safely distribute
autologous cells. In order to make a heart valve scaffold, a polymeric medicinal substances within the body as required to achieve the desired
material is used. SL is an integral technique of tissue engineering of the therapeutic result while remaining healthy. In the manufacture of indi-
heart valve. It forms feasible tissues which are capable of growing inside vidualized tablets, FDM based 3D printing provides major advantages
the human body just like the actual tissues. The stereolithic models are such as simplification of manufacturing processes, enhancements of in-
created using X-ray computed tomography and other software to create herent properties, and distribution of dosage types. FDM is an inexpen-
biodegradable and biocompatible scaffolds. These are human-like and sive 3D printing technique based on extrusion that produces solid ge-
accepted by the human body easily. Presently, non-living mechanical ometries by depositing layer-by-layer materials. Since FDM is a thermo-
valves are used which do not have the ability to grow thus the chances based process, heat transfer characteristics and melted polymer rheol-

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

Fig. 2. Various applications of 3D printing


ogy are critical factors to consider when selecting a material for the job. as high hardness and strength have been achieved. In a single devel-
Thermoplastic polymers dominate FDM applications due to their low opment stage, the lightweight finger exoskeleton with the joints was
melting point. The most widely used polymers are polyvinyl alcohol for manufactured. It is also shaped with all the mechanical properties that
FDM drug delivery systems [37,38]. are desired [40].

4.2.2. Production of patterns for investment casting 4.3.2. Fabrication of smart parts using PBF
Nowadays, the specifications of the users are premium quality of the Energy device modules with embedded sensors or smart components
inexpensive components that too in a reduced span of time, which is can be a route to feedback on the performance of the real-time sys-
a major challenge such that the operating parameters of the respective tem and in situ monitoring during operation. Due to improvements in
machines need to be streamlined. The FDM process has been used effec- the component design needed for sensor positioning, conventional sur-
tively in industrial casting to produce wax and wax forms at reasonable face contact or cavity sensors increase the risk of disrupting the regu-
prices. In investment casting and component assembly, it’s crucial to lar functioning of energy systems. Smart parts manufacturing using AM
have a good surface finish and dimensional precision. The mould du- technology will make it possible to flexibly incorporate a sensor into
plicates whatever surface state the master pattern presents. As a result, a structure without sacrificing the structure and/or functionality. The
in order to manufacture good castings, the master pattern created by layer-by-layer approach enables sensors to be mounted inside a part at
FDM must have a good surface finish. The most popular non-wax ma- any desired location, providing unparalleled access to previously inac-
terial used to produce casting patterns in FDM is styrene-acrylonitrile- cessible areas within the volume of a part. Issues such as component
butadiene. The wax and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene patterns cre- registration and bond strength of the interface resulting from the stop-
ated using the FDM system have both proved to be effective at burning and-go process are also being studied to further refine the process of
out the ceramic shell with minor improvements to the foundry’s nor- smart part manufacturing. AM technology will revolutionize the design
mal processes. Wax gates and vents are connected by foundry by ABS of metal parts by enabling embedded sensors to add functionality within
pattern in investment casting and are made as an integral part of the sensitive areas of a part that are usually exposed to high temperatures
pattern [39]. [41].

4.3. Applications of powder bed fusion 4.4. Applications of direct energy deposition

4.3.1. Direct metal laser sintering in order to fabricate lightweight robotic 4.4.1. Repairing stainless steel
structural parts For manufacturing 316L stainless steel parts, PBF, a 3D printing tech-
One of the AM techniques, direct metal laser sintering (also known nology, is frequently used. Where these PBF pieces are seriously de-
as laser powder bed fusion), utilizes a laser source to manufacture near- graded or worn during operation, traditional repair processes can help.
net-shaped parts directly by using CAD data by melting various layers However, there are many disadvantages to these techniques, such as the
together. Metals formed via near-net type processing technologies yield formation of a large zone that is affected by heat and repair defects. In
materials that are almost identical to the final size and shape, requir- contrast, DED gives strong metallurgical bonds, minimal dilution, and
ing just a few finishing steps. This approach is used in an aluminum a small heat-affected region. Due to uneven nucleation, the microstruc-
alloy to manufacture robotic lightweight components. Thanks to the ture of the restored region consists predominantly of complex dendrite
very fine microstructure, very interesting mechanical properties, such structures. Also, the deposition zone micro-hardness is greater than that

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

Table. 10
3D printing process, applications, materials, benefits and drawbacks.

Methods Materials Applications Benefits Drawbacks

Fused Deposition Modelling Continuous filaments of Rapid prototyping of Reduced cost, Poor mechanical properties,
thermoplastic polymers, advanced composite parts and increased speed, confined materials.
fiber-reinforced continuous toys. easy to use.
Powder Bed Fusion Compressed fine powder Medicinal, High resolution, Prints slowly,
components, electronic, good quality. expensive cost,
limited polymerics, metals & aviation and high porosity.
alloys . lightweight structures.

Laminated Object Manufacturing Polymer,metal-filled tapes, Paper making, Reduced tooling, Low consistency of the surface
ceramics, metal rolls and foundry sector, economical, and
composites. smart structures. perfect for generating dimensional precision,
larger systems. manufacturing restriction
of complicated forms.
Direct Energy Deposition Alloys and metals in the form of Aerospace, Low cost and time, Low accuracy,
wire or powder, retrofitting, good mechanical properties, poor surface finish,
polymers and ceramics. repair, cladding, accurate regulation of limitation for complex printing
biomedical. composition, with fine details & shapes.
outstanding for repair
Stereolithography A photo-active resin Biomedical High resolution, Very few materials,
monomers, polymer- ceramics models. premium-quality results. prints slowly,
hybrid. expensive costs.
Selective Laser Sintering Nylon, thermoplastic, Electronics, packaging, Durable functional parts with Thermal distortion, rough
flame retardant nylon. connectors. high complex surface, shrinking, and warping
geometries. of fabricated parts.

Binder Jetting Metals, sand and ceramics that Fabrication of full-color Low-cost, quick, simple and Low density, shrinkage without
are granular in shape. prototype and wide sand casting cheap. infiltration.
cores and moulds.

of the original hot-rolled specimens and is comparable to the PBF spec- area of biomedical engineering that is increasing in depth and rele-
imens [42]. vance. Temporary three-dimensional scaffolds are often used to direct
cell proliferation in anchorage-based cell types. Because of their poten-
4.4.2. Repairing automotive dies tial to produce structures of complex macro- and micro-architectures,
Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding has long been used to restore dies computer-controlled manufacturing techniques like Rapid Prototyping
used in the manufacture of vehicle engines, but it only lasts 20.8 percent (RP) procedures have been recognised as having an advantage over tra-
of the original die life span before needing to be repaired again. A hybrid ditional manual-based scaffold manufacturing techniques. Despite the
repair method has been developed, which entails removing damaged ar- enormous RP processing capacities for scaffold building, commercially
eas and then reconstructing them additively using powder-blown DED. available RP modelling materials are not biocompatible and are not
The DED-repaired die lasted the same amount of time as the original ideal for direct use of scaffold development. Poly Ether Ether Ketone
die. Since further maintenance was needed earlier, DED repair limited (PEEK), Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA), Poly CaproLactone (PCL), and Poly
the need for emergency repairs and unplanned downtime on the line. L-Lactic Acid (PLLA), as well as a bioceramic, hydroxyapatite, are among
The restored DED dies now last as long cycles as the original die, thanks the biocompatible polymers being produced. The parameters of the SLS
to this invention [43]. technique have been tweaked to work with these materials. A scanning
electron microscope is used to examine SLS-fabricated scaffold speci-
mens. The micrographs show that they can be used to make TE scaf-
4.5. Applications of selective laser sintering
folds and that the SLS method can create highly porous scaffolds for TE
applications [45].
4.5.1. Applications for rapid tooling
Rapid development has emerged as a primary enabler for shortening
4.6. Applications of binder jetting
product time to market and as a productivity-boosting technique. The
SLS process is one of the most common rapid prototyping techniques.
4.6.1. Binder jet in pharmaceutical manufacturing
The SLS approach is used to quickly prototype the modules using a va-
Binder jet printing is the pharmaceutical industry’s most promising
riety of techniques. The material used for the manufacture of tooling
three-dimensional printing technique to date. In 2015, the Food and
inserts is copper polyamide (they are cheaper than the other materials),
Drug Administration (FDA) revised the binder jet process to facilitate
on the other hand all the nylon-based materials are used to make pro-
the production of Spritam (the first 3D printed tablet) as an alternative
totypes for manufacturing or parts with functional features like hinges,
mass manufacturing technique. Over the next decade, binder jet print-
chips, and so on. The SLS technique used to create copper polyamide
ing is expected to have a major effect on formulation production. Binder
tooling inserts can be used to make a limited number of pre-production
jet printing, in particular, has the benefit of allowing manufacturers to
parts using the same material and manufacturing methods as the final
produce oral dosage forms with a wide range of release characteristics,
production parts. Effective use of the rapid instrument process requires
from rapid dissolution to controlled release platforms. Despite its posi-
detailed knowledge of design characteristics [44].
tive characteristics, it does have some drawbacks [46].

4.5.2. Selective laser sintering of biodegradable polymers for tissue 4.6.2. Bone scaffold and implant application of binder jet process
engineering applications Scaffolds are biocompatible three-dimensional structures that mimic
Tissue Engineering (TE) has progressed due to the potential to use the extracellular matrix’s properties (mechanical support, cellular activ-
biological substitutes to repair destroyed or damaged tissues. It is an ity, and protein production) and provide a platform for cell attachment

A. Jandyal, I. Chaturvedi, I. Wazir et al. Sustainable Operations and Computers 3 (2022) 33–42

and bone tissue growth. Their findings are based on chemistry, pore 7. Future recommendations
size, pore volume, and mechanical ability. Stainless steel and tricalcium
phosphate are combined to produce a hybrid d and used in various vol- Future studies can be undertaken to improve the 3D printing process
ume fractions to make sections of various densities using the Binder Jet and to make the processes more efficient and compatible with a wide
AM technique. Metals and alloys, ceramics, and polymers are the most variety of materials.
popular biomaterials for implants. Calcium phosphates have the greatest The effect of various process parameters in different technologies can
biocompatibility and properties similar to natural bones. However, they be studied on the mechanical properties of the developed parts.
have poor fracture toughness and tensile strength that limits their appli- The applications of these parts can be widened by making the 3D
cation to bioimplants. The main manufacturing strategy for the binder printing processes more user friendly, efficient and cost effective.
jet process is as follows: (a) The CAD file is separated into layers, and an
STL file is generated from each layer. (b) A thin spread of powder sprin-
Declaration of Competing Interests
kled over the surface of a powder bed marks the start of each layer;
(c) A binder material selectively binds particles where the product is
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
to be formed using ink-jet printing technology; (d) A piston that covers
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the powder bed and lowers the part-in-progress so that the next pow-
the work reported in this paper.
der sheet can be extended and selectively joined; (e) This layer-by-layer
procedure continues until the component is complete; (f) After thermal
treatment, the unbound powder is separated and the metal powder is References
sintered together.[47].
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