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bene fits of the product

The well-liked Filipino dessert known as halo-halo offers a lot of benefits to customers. Because of its
crushed ice base, it's the perfect snack to keep you cool in the tropical heat. It's a delightfully cool way
to cap off a dinner or take as a merienda (afternoon snack). Customers can enjoy a variety of items, such
as ice cream, beans, and fruits, blended to their chosen texture. A key of Filipino culture, halo-halo
conveys the depth of the food. It is thought of as a comfort food that, when consumed, leaves diners
feeling content and joyful.

the ingredients of the product

Certainly! Here's a list of the ingredients typically found in the delightful Filipino dessert, halo-halo:

**The Base:**

- Shaved Ice


- Sweetened Beans (red, white, or garbanzo)

- Fruits (sweet saba bananas, ripe Manila mango slices, and jackfruit)

- Purple Yam Jam (Ube Halaya)

- Leche Flan (caramelized custard)

- Young Coconut (Buko)

- Sweet Corn Kernels

- Sago (tapioca pearls)

- Agar-Agar Jelly (Gulaman)

- Rice Crispies (Pinipig)

**The Toppings:**

- Evaporated Milk

- Ice Cream (choices of ube, vanilla, or mango)

- Additional Pinipig for extra crunch

Each ingredient adds its unique flavor and texture, making halo-halo a rich and diverse treat that's both
refreshing and satisfying. Enjoy creating your own mix! 🍨

production process

Certainly! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make halo-halo:

1. **Prepare the Shaved Ice**: Begin by finely shaving ice until you have enough to fill a large glass or

2. **Layer the Sweetened Beans**: Scoop in your choice of sweetened red, white, or garbanzo beans as
the first layer over the ice.

3. **Add the Fruits**: Place slices of sweet saba bananas, ripe Manila mangoes, and jackfruit over the
beans for a fruity layer.

4. **Spread the Ube Halaya**: Gently spread a generous layer of purple yam jam (ube halaya) over the

5. **Top with Leche Flan**: Carefully lay slices of leche flan on top of the ube halaya.

6. **Sprinkle Young Coconut**: Scatter slender segments of young coconut (buko) across the leche flan.

7. **Add Sweet Corn Kernels**: If you like a bit of savory with your sweet, sprinkle some sweet corn
kernels next.

8. **Drop in Sago**: Add a spoonful of sago (tapioca pearls) for a chewy texture.
9. **Insert Agar-Agar Jelly**: Place chunks of agar-agar jelly (gulaman) for a jiggly sensation.

10. **Crunchy Rice Crispies**: Sprinkle rice crispies (pinipig) for a crunchy contrast.

11. **Pour Evaporated Milk**: Drizzle evaporated milk all over the ice, allowing it to seep through the

12. **Choose Your Ice Cream**: Top everything off with a scoop of your favorite ice cream - ube, vanilla,
or mango.

13. **Final Crunch**: Add more pinipig on top for an extra crunch.

And there you have it, a beautifully layered halo-halo, ready to be mixed and enjoyed. Remember, the
beauty of halo-halo lies in its versatility, so feel free to adjust the ingredients and their quantities to suit
your taste. Enjoy your delicious creation! 🍧

distribution and logistics

Certainly! Here's how customers can purchase your delicious halo-halo:

**Visit Our Facebook Page:**

- Simply search for **Halo Bite** on Facebook.

- Once there, you can browse through our menu, see customer reviews, and stay updated with our
latest offerings.

- To order, send us a message directly through the page, and we'll guide you through the process.

**Come to Our Store:**

- We'd love to welcome you at our physical location. It's a great opportunity to experience our halo-halo
freshly made, right in front of you.
- Our store is a hub of delightful tastes and friendly faces, ready to serve you with the best halo-halo in

Whether you choose to visit us online or in person, we guarantee a treat that will make your taste buds
dance with joy. So, come on over or reach out to us on Facebook at **Halo Bite** and dive into the
world of halo-halo goodness! 🍧


Our halo-halo will be packaged safely in environmentally friendly, insulated containers for delivery or
pickup, guaranteeing the dessert's freshness and quality. For the purpose of keeping the shaved ice from
melting into the mixture of sweet beans, fruits, and milk while in transportation, each serving will come
in a robust, sealed plastic cup with its own unique compartment. To preserve their flavor and texture,
the toppings—like leche flan and ube halaya—will be put in separate containers. In addition to having
assembly instructions and clear labels, the package will be covered with bright visuals that capture the
essence of halo-halo, guaranteeing a joyful and genuine experience when it arrives at your house or is
picked up at our hub. 🍧.


The popular Filipino treat halo-halo, which is distinguished by its vibrant blend of sugary ingredients and
shaved ice, is facing a number of business obstacles. The **preservation of quality during delivery** is
one of the main concerns. To preserve their integrity, the dessert's component parts, such the delicate
leche flan and ube halaya, must be handled with caution. Furthermore, the shaved ice component is
prone to melting, particularly in the tropical temperature of the Philippines, which means that the final
product may be diminished upon arrival.

A major additional obstacle is **competition**. There are a ton of vendors in the market, ranging from
upscale restaurants to streetside carts, and each one is selling halo-halo in a different way. In order to
stand out in this competitive market, creative flavoring, presentation, and marketing techniques are

Consistency of ingredients** is another challenge. It can be challenging to maintain a consistent taste

and quality throughout batches of halo-halo because of the variety of ingredients that go into it.
Customer satisfaction and brand dependability may be impacted by this discrepancy.

Moreover, **seasonality** has an impact on revenue. Even while halo-halo is typically enjoyed in the
summer, merchants still need to figure out how to make ends meet in the off-peak months. This might
be adding new items to the menu or making desserts that are appealing to customers all year round.
Finally, **economic factors** can affect profitability, including changes in ingredient prices and
operating expenses. One of the main selling points of halo-halo is its affordability, which vendors must
maintain while navigating these financial difficulties.

In summary, the halo-halo market has a great opportunity, but it also has a unique set of problems that
need to be solved strategically and creatively.

target market

Halo-halo sticks out as a classic dessert that appeals to a broad spectrum of patrons within the busy
Philippine food market. The correct target market must be chosen for a halo-halo firm in order to create
marketing strategies that connect and increase sales.

The joy of halo-halo is in its ability to adapt and popularity. It's suitable for kids who are attracted by its
multicolored layers and adults who want a nostalgic treat on a hot day. Family-oriented marketing
strategies are so very effective because the target market is multigenerational.

A portion of the target market is looking for healthier solutions due to the growing trend of health
consciousness. This market can be drawn in by serving sugar-free or low-sugar halo-halo options and
emphasizing the use of natural, fresh ingredients.

The adventurous foodies, who are constantly searching for new and exciting foods, belong to a different
category. You may capture their attention by introducing novel halo-halo variations with unique
components or fusion ideas.

Convenience is essential in the fast-paced lifestyle of today. Ready-to-eat halo-halo cups can be
marketed to busy professionals and students who are looking for quick, on-the-go solutions. These cups
can be found in strategic places like transportation hubs or commercial centers.

Cultural lovers who value traditional Filipino food comprise a substantial portion of the intended
audience. Highlighting the historical significance of halo-halo and its place in Filipino celebrations helps
stoke the people's sense of pride in their country and affection for regional food.

Lastly, possible clients include travelers looking for a genuine Filipino experience. You can take
advantage of this market by working with local tour operators and travel agencies to promote your halo-
halo business as a must-see location.

In summary, a halo-halo business has a broad target market, and success depends on knowing the
subtleties of each market niche. Making products and marketing strategies specifically tailored to these
groups' preferences will guarantee that the sweetness of halo-halo hits the correct palate.

Certainly! Here's a SWOT analysis for your halo-halo business:


Unique Product Offering:** What distinguishes halo-halo from other sweets is its special combination of
flavors and textures.

* **Cultural Appeal:** This classic Filipino dessert is well-liked both domestically and abroad.

- **Adaptability:** Changing the ingredients around accommodates a range of palates and dietary


**Perishability:** The ice in particular can melt quickly, affecting the dessert's quality when it is

- **Seasonality:** The colder months may see a decline in halo-halo demand, which could affect sales.

**Competition:** There are a lot of well-established competitors in the industry, making it difficult to
stand out.


Health Trends:** Introducing better options may draw in customers who are concerned about their

**Marketing:** You may raise brand awareness by leveraging influencer relationships and social media.

- **Expansion:** There is room to grow into new markets, particularly those where the Filipino
population are growing.


Economic Fluctuations:** Shifts in the economy can have an impact on how much consumers spend on
desserts and other non-essential goods.

**Ingredient Costs:** Variations in ingredient pricing may have an effect on profit margins.

- **Shifting Customer Preferences:** As trends change quickly, innovation is necessary to stay relevant.


Flavor Small (12oz) Medium (16oz) Large (20oz)

Classic PHP 100 PHP 120 PHP 140

Ube PHP 110 PHP 130 PHP 150

Mango PHP 110 PHP 130 PHP 150

Buko PHP 105 PHP 125 PHP 145

Mixed Fruit PHP 115 PHP 135 PHP 155


We tWe want to make a strong online presence by making a good website and using social media to
promote our halo-halo in the Philippines. Put up nice pictures and videos on Facebook, Instagram, and
TikTok to get people interested. Give discounts, especially in the summer or during local events, and ask
customers for their thoughts online. To get more attention, partner with nearby businesses and popular
people, take part in events, and do things to help the community. Keep up with the trend of online
shopping by using ads on Google and Facebook and selling on meal delivery apps. If you do these things
to fit what your customers like, you will sell more and more people will know about your brand. 🍧


Ingredient Unit Price (PHP)Total Price (PHP)

Shaved Ice 5.00

Sweetened Beans 10.00

Fruits 20.00

Purple Yam Jam (Ube) 20.00

Leche Flan 15.00

Young Coconut (Buko) 10.00

Sweet Corn Kernels 5.00

Sago (Tapioca Pearls) 5.00

Agar-Agar Jelly 5.00

Rice Crispies 5.00

Evaporated Milk 10.00

Ice Cream 20.00

Additional Pinipig 5.00

Total 130.00


Description Net Sales (PHP) Net Income (PHP)

Gross Sales 20,000

Less: Sales Returns and Allowances 500

Less: Discounts 1,000

Net Sales 18,500

Less: Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) 7,000

Less: Operating Expenses 5,000

Net Income 6,500

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