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Q1:- Despite the enormous scope of E-Governance, it has failed to bring the meaning

result. Discuss in the light of National e governance Plan (NeGP) 2.0?

Q2:- Does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ensure effective mechanisms for
empowerment and inclusion of the intended beneficiaries in the society? Discuss

Q3:- Digital technologies have boosted growth, expanded opportunities, and improved
service delivery but Digital Dividends have lagged behind. Comment in the light of Digital

Q4:- SBM has brought in a remarkable transformation and traceable benefits to the society
as a whole but it needs to incorporate environmental and water management issues for
long term sustainability and improvements. Comment

Q5:- The Aspirational District Program(ADP) aims to address governance issues by using a
combination of approaches, but not free from challenges. Suggest some innovative
mechanism to make ADP a Success.

Q6:- The role of NGO in Developmental process can’t be denied but has always been in
question because of its undemocratic Functioning. Comment in the light of Foreign Control
Regulation Act (FCRA) Guidelines. Also Suggest Measures to bring transparency and
Accountability in their Functioning.

Q7:- Despite its limitations, Social Audit is a useful tool to provide assurance to the
stakeholders. Discuss

Q8:- Nursing and Midwives are the first point of contact for health care in the Community.
Highlight the issues faced by them and the need for regulation of the entire sector

Q9:- India has made significant progress on access to schooling but dropout rates and low
levels of learning remain challenges for the state and central government. Suggest some
innovative Models to increase the quality of Education at Primary level.

Q10:- Despite the consistent experience of high growth, India still goes with the lowest
indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced and inclusive
development elusive.

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