Mycotoxin binders evaluation of efficiency by the in vitro

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Mycotoxin binders –

evaluation of efficiency
by the in vitro method
by Lakshmibai Vasanthakumari Bindhu making the control of mycotoxins critical to this variation could be due to the set-up of
and Koh Thong Jin, Kemin Agrifoods the feed manufacturers and livestock pro- the assays used to evaluate the toxin
Asia. ducers. binders.
Field studies have also confirmed the syn- Since adsorption is the mechanism of
ycotoxins can be considered as nat- ergistic effects of different mycotoxins in action of majority of the toxin binders, it is

M ural products synthesised as sec-

ondary metabolites by certain
filamentous fungi which cause a toxic
causing more severe toxicosis in animals.
The risk of mycotoxicosis can be reduced
by adopting an integrated mycotoxin man-
agement system incorporating the use of
very important to understand the influence
of factors that influence the adsorption of
toxins by the binders and to design in vitro
assays that could simulate their in vivo per-
response – mycotoxicosis – when adminis-
tered into the animal’s system by a natural mould inhibitors and toxin binders in feed formance.
route in low concentrations. production and animal nutrition.
Mycotoxins are probably the most unfa- An extensive range of toxin binders con-
miliar and least studied of the disease caus- taining adsorbents, such as clays and other The adsorption mechanism
ing substances that affect both humans and ingredients like yeast extracts and enzymes,
domestic animals. have been used to prevent toxicosis in birds. The most important and effective toxin
The two main mechanisms of action pro- binders that demonstrate consistent efficacy
posed for toxin binders include binding to are the clay minerals and hence the key
Wide range of species mycotoxins and the chemical or enzymatic mode of action for mycotoxin removal is by
conversion of mycotoxins to harmless deriv- the physical process of adsorption.
Although some of the mycotoxins are pro- atives. In clay minerals, the adsorption process
duced only by certain species of fungi, there occurs because of the charged nature of
are many others which are produced by a both the mycotoxins and the toxin binders.
wide range of species from different genera. In vitro methods Adsorption of mycotoxin by the toxin
In fact, many of the foodborne and feed- binder will take place when these charges
borne fungi are capable of producing one or There are numerous ways to demonstrate neutralise each other.
more mycotoxins. the in vivo activity of mycotoxin binders. However, this adsorption process is
Aflatoxins, ochratoxin and zearalenone are However, animal trials are costly and time reversible and sensitive to pH changes. At
a few of the more common mycotoxins consuming. Although a variety of in vitro low pH conditions similar to that existing in
found in animal feed. The presence of myco- methods are being used to evaluate the effi- the foregut, an excess of positive charge is
toxins in animal feeds poses adverse effects cacy of mycotoxin binders, inconsistent created by the presence of acidic protons
including a decrease in feed intake, retarded toxin binding performance was observed. (H+) and at higher pH conditions, which
growth and adverse animal performance, One of the most important reasons for Continued on page 15

Fig. 2. Relative binding efficacy of various toxin binders for ochratoxin A (left), zearalenone (centre) and aflatoxin B1 (right).
The length of the ray is proportional to the relative binding efficacy. Mycotoxin challenge levels used: aflatoxin B1 20ppb,
ochratoxin A 100ppb, zearalenone 300ppb.

International Poultry Production — Volume 18 Number 1 13

Fig. 2. In vitro biphasal method simulating the gastrointestinal conditions of animals.

occur at the lower part of the intestine, toxin binding efficacy. The toxin binders
there are more negative charges (OH-). used for the study consisted of a wide range
These changes in the environment can of active ingredients including magnesium
influence both the mycotoxin and the sur- sodium-calcium alumino-silicate base, yeast
face of the toxin binder, modifying the inter- extracts, anti-fungal compounds, enzymes,
action between the two. phytobiotics and phycophytic substances.
This explains the inconsistency in the Evaluation of the binding efficacy of the
observed performance of the toxin binders different toxin binders was performed by
using in vitro assays which are not designed selecting three toxins based on their
to mimic the physiological pH changes potency and occurrence in animal feeds.
occurring in vivo and the influence of these These include aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A
pH changes on the mycotoxin/binder inter- and zearalenone.
action. The challenge level of the mycotoxins was
selected based on the sensitivity and detec-
tion limit of the analysis.
Two phase binding assay The binding efficacy of the toxin binders
evaluated using the in vitro two phase
The above mentioned factors necessitates method demonstrated the broad spectrum
the design of an in vitro method for evaluat- toxin binding efficiency of TOXfIN
ing the efficacy of mycotoxin binders based brandDry (see Fig. 1 on the previous page).
on the adsorption mechanism and the effect Its unique formulation enhances the bind-
of pH on adsorbent/adsorbate interactions. ing of the three molecularly different myco-
Hence, an in vitro two phase binding assay toxins – aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A and
was developed by Kemin that mimics the zearalenone.
change of the pH conditions along the gas- Furthermore, TOXfIN brandDry espe-
trointestinal tract of animals. cially at 3.0 kg/tonne, exhibited exceptional
First, the adsorption of mycotoxins by the binding efficacy for ochratoxin A, for which
toxin binder is measured at a low pH of 3 the majority of the competitor’s products
mimicking the foregut condition. This is fol- failed to perform.
lowed by incubation in a more neutral
medium (pH 6.8) mimicking the hindgut
conditions (Fig. 2). Outstanding efficiency
The overall binding efficacy is dependent
on both the adsorption and desorption of The outstanding binding efficiency of
the mycotoxins. TOXfIN brandDry is attributed to its excep-
This in vitro two phase test method pro- tionally high toxin adsorption at pH 3 and
vides more accurate evaluation of myco- low desorption at pH 6.8, thus demonstrat-
toxin binders since an important parameter ing its capacity to sequester mycotoxins
which determines the efficiency is the myco- from the gastrointestinal tract before
toxin retention ability of the toxin binders absorption occurs in the small intestine.
until excreted from the bird’s body. Animal studies have indeed proven the
Kemin developed TOXfIN brandDry with broad-spectrum mycotoxin binding efficacy
broad spectrum mycotoxin adsorption effi- of TOXfIN brandDry which establishes the
ciency based on the in vitro two phase bind- reliability of the in vitro two phase test
ing assay using a range of mycotoxins. method as a useful tool to evaluate the per-
The product consists of a synergistic blend formance of toxin binders.
of specific clay minerals which were modi- As illustrated by our results, the in vitro
fied and activated to assure superior myco- method based on the mechanism of toxin
toxin binding activity and enhance broad binding provides the livestock industry with
spectrum mycotoxin adsorption. a reliable method to critically evaluate the
efficiency of the mycotoxin binders.
Livestock owners must be aware of the
Challenge study significance of using the in vitro test to evalu-
ate toxin binders for their broad spectrum
The in vitro two phase test method was mycotoxin binding capacity since feeds are
used to evaluate different toxin binders often infected with different varieties of fungi
including TOXfIN brandDry for their myco- producing a wide range of mycotoxins. I

International Poultry Production — Volume 18 Number 1 15

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