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MAN Diesel

CbCb8- ED3 Q.Iick fufere:oce

Ehgine Ilagmstics System

\\hat &I-Dw: Change to Chief or Crew Mode ..1

Make Performance Measurement .. 2
Input I View Performance Data .. 3
Perform Manual Diagnostics Evaluation .. 4
View Diagnostic Details I History .. 5
Store Line Recorder Data Dump .. 6
Make Measurement from Line Recorder Zoom .. 7
Calculate Fuel Oil Consumption .. 8
View !.Dad Diagram .. 9
Monitor Parameters Over Time .. 10
Copy lVIeasurements to Excel ..11
Zoom with Mouse ..12
View I Set Display Attribute .. 13
Print Pages to PDF..14

Special Input I Adjust Operating Hours ..15

lVhintenance: Assign LCV, Density &Static Values .. 16
View System l.Dg- Errors & Warnings ..17
Set Up New Display Group ..18
Modify Existing Display Group .. 19
Export I Import Measurements .. 20

Gew: 'lla:irring .. 21

System System Overvievv: EDS &PlVll .. 22

();ervi.ews Mode Indicators: On-line &Off-line .. 23
Function & Keybo anl Shortcuts .. 24
Click Section to Open

3 (of 20)

MAN Diesel

Change to ilief or Gew :M>de 1

• Change to Chief mode, by selecting:
System> Enter Password ... in main menu
and typing Chief (not chief nor CHIEF)
• Change back to standard use~; ie. Crew mode, by
System> Passwords > Back in main menu.

lVhke Thrfo:rmaree l.VEasmerrent 2

A. Open PMIAna]yzerifnot already running
and make performance measurement based
on one of the following:
• Recent P:Mlmeasurement- In Crew
mode select
Measurements> Read Pressure Curves
a~cfukOK I ~
EDS automatE ally merges PMI data with
'llend data with same the time stamps.
• Old P:MI measurement- Note time stamp
of old PMI measurement and select:
Monitoring> line Reconler
orcfuk tool button. Next zoom in on the
I """I
. .,
line recorder measurement consistent with
date and time of old PMimeasurement (ie .
drag mouse over it as in section 12) and
click the green tool button2 •
Now go to Chief mode and select:
Measurements >Read Pressure Curves 1
Click Read Old Curves, select PMI Read Q.ld curves I
measurement and click OK QK I
Click OK and Add to Current. QK I
I. Add to g_urrent .. I
Verify Time stamps match and click OK QK I

4 (of 20) 1 &2 See Notes on next page

MAN Diesel

• Without P:MI measurement- select:

Measurements >
Manual Input> Filtered Values
EDS now returns to the offline mode to show the
measured values :in the Standard Report.
CD Note that the mode :ind£ator has changed
co :bur to red :in upper right comer of EDS. See
secti>n 23.
B. Input off-line values from local gauges, such as
Ptrmp/VIrindex, VIr air pressure, ship speed, etc.,
in the report by clicking in the appropriate field and
keying in the correct value from the keyboard.
CD Manually :input values are mallied with the ~
adjacent sjgn. 1f a manual value jg deleted its
field will be reset to its original on-line value.
C. Store measurement by selecting:
Measurements> Store Measurements ... ,
Go to Chief mode and key in or set correct s_ave 1 1

date and/oroperating hours forthe meas- · -

urement and click Save followed by Close. I ~rose I
EDS might prompt you to save an earlier mea-
surement. Often it can be ignored, ie click No to
E the P:MI measurement lies ~~~i~~tor ~: ·'~
outside the line recordertime -:::::;:!£::====
Lines _ _
11 :%4 PM 11 :21 PM 11 :21 P

span, a compatible trend mea- '""'""""''""'"

surement with similar time
stamp can be chosen by click-
ing on its grey indicator line
in the 11end >Time Plo t view.
Thereafter; select the entry in
the dialogue that is opened
and click load.

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MAN Diesel

Input I \1.ew Perfonrnree Th.ta 3

A Open Performance Report sheets:
Select Reports >
1 Performance_Sheets ....
H' necessary:
• Use% Box in Tholbarto resize dis-
play and/or click tool button when in
Chief mode.
• Click tabs shown to view other pages
in report.
B. Switch to Off-line mode by double-click-
ing the mode indicator in the upper right -
corner of EDS - see •Mode Indicator Table•,
section 23.
EDS :is now ready for manual input of measurement
C. Select relevant field and input data:
Use Thb (or Shift Thb) keys to step forward (or
back) and type in text from keyboard.
CD Switching back to on-line mode will not de-
Jete nor save data. Store measurement to save it
-see section 2 c.

PerformlVbnualllagmstics El1aluation 4
A Select:
Measurements > Measurements ...
and from the dialogue load the stored engine
performance measurement to be diagnosed.
See Note 1 in section 2. -~,_o-ac1---.

B. Select:
Measurements> Diagnostics.
EDS now evaluates the performance according to
the Instruction Book for the engine (Operation -

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MAN Diesel

Chapter 7) and :returns to the Diagnosis overview

to give:
• diagnosis headlines if any- to view details see
section 5B, or
• status line prompt if no :in:egularities INo diagnoses!j
are present.

View Ilagmstic Thtails I Hsto:ry 5

A. View cunent on-line diagnosis (if any)
Diagnosis> Pending, 111 open diag.l

or double-click the on-line diagnosis

status indicators at bottom right
of screen- see table opposite.

B. Rjght-click diagnosis of interest and select one of

the following in pop-up menu to:
• acknowledge diagnosis, or I Acknowledge
• view diagnosis values (see Note!, ILoad operating values I
section 2), or IDetails
• view Instruction Book advice for
:res to ring normal operation.
C. View past Diagnosis - Select:
Diagnosis > Closed
for a bar view of diagnosis history.

Store line &corder Thta ll.unp 6

A. Open the line :recorder database:
System> line Recorder Database ...
B. Click Add button to store new line 8.dd 1
:recorder dump.

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MAN Diesel

CD Manual records are cob ure d green,

auto-mate records are black
C. Click the new record to select it.
D. Click in comment field, key in a suitable
description and click Update to store and !Jpdate

OKto close. QK

lVhlre l.Veasurerrent from lire &corder 7nom 7

A. Open line recorder database:
System> Line Recorder Database ...
B. Select desired record/dump and click
~how _I
C. Define measurement period by zooming
with mouse - see section 12.
D. Click green tool button.
CD EDS returns to Off-line mode to show standard
report giving average values for the zoomed pe-
rnd. The start/stop times (pernd) are also stored.
E Remember to store measurement if needed
- see section 2C.

Chlculate Fhel Ol Cbnsumption 8

A. Make Performance Measurement- see section 2.
B. Open Performance Report for above Eft. Fuel
measurement and click Consumption consumption
link or relevant page tab. or Ill
C. Input/verify fuel properties and flow meter/mass
D. Click Performance Sheet link to go !Pettormance Sheet\
to Performance Report, page 1.
E Remember to store measurement if needed
-see section 2C.

8 (of 20)

:MAN Diesel

View load llagram 9

A. Go to the 'fi-end view:
1lend >Time Plots or click tool button.
B. Do one or both of the following: irend

• Right-click in the view to open the r Short

P' Long
Display Attributes dialogue and
check at least one of the check r
, r Measurements
boxes opposite, or
• Mouse zoom to define the period of interest
- see section 12.
C. View !.Dad Diagram:
Monitoring > !.Dad Diagram
CD The dots shown in the In ad Diagram are the
points se1ected in the 'llend view.

lVDnitDr Pararreters CNer 'Ihre 10

A Go to '!lends view:
'1le nd > Time Plots
B. Right-click in any operating value plot to open its
Display Attributes dialogue and set up its display.
As an example select Value option Ir. Act!Nom - DeHa J

opposite to see how the magnitude

deviates from the no rninal value over
time or set Ambient Conditions as
shown to see equivalent 180 values.
C. Click tool button to reset (i.e. un-zoom)
display and view all trend entries.

Cbpy ~asureJrnnts 1D EXcel 11

A. Go to the Performance Thble view:
Monitoring > Pe1fo rmanc e Thble s
and select appropriate page tab.

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MAN Diesel

B. Right-click with mouse in any field to open Me a-

sure me nt ... dialogue.
C. Use the mouse to select one or more individual
• wft-click to select single entry
• Press Shift and left-click start and end
to select group of entries, or
• Press Ctrl plus left-click to select non
adjacent entries.
D. Click lDad button to display selected data I 1..oad d- I
in the performance table.
E. Press Ctrl + C to copy.
CD EDS copies all values in performance tab:E to
clipboanl in comma separated format (CSV).
F. Open an Excel sheet, press Ctrl + Vorchoose
Edit> Paste to paste copied data directly into the

~mwithlVbuse 12
The Zoom function works with
• line Recorder (Sideways & Up/Down)

• Model Curves (Sideways &Up/Down) m

• 'Ihmds (Sideways & Up/Down) l:l:J
• Pressure Cmves [K
• lDad Diag:ram (Sideways & Up/Down)

• Bar Charts (Up/Down only)

• Closed Diagnosis (Sideways only)

10 (of 20)

MAN Diesel

Th zoom:
A. Click and hold down left mouse button
while moving mouse:
• sideways for zooming time period, or
• up or down for zooming magnitude.
B. Release mouse button to magnify Ci.e. zoom in) on
defined area.
Click tool button to zoom out and restore
view to original size.

View I Set llsplay Attributes 13

In most views right-clicking the mouse within a
cUIVe opens a Display Attributes dialogue box.
Examples of some of the attributes that may be
chosen are shown below, but may differ to suit the
partie ular view:
• Monitor particular cylinders, .cylinder 1
1JCs or bearings, etc.

• View time as running hours or r· Time !;l_ase - - 1

calendar time.
I (.' Calendar time i
I r Operating hours i
L __________ _

• Set display limits. ,.·c

1140 Upper I
i. -715- - - Lower I
• Show Actual or ISO corrected
ambient conditions.
I,._ A
l r.
J {
- __ mbient conditions

11 (of 20)

MAN Diesel

• Show Actual values or deviation Y'_alue · - - - . .

(.' Actual
fru m nominal r Nominal

r Act/Nom - Delta

CD 1lend data are often most re:Evant in dev:ia-

tD n from nominal (Act/Nom. - Delta) value.

Print Pages to PIF 14

A Select
System> Print ...
B. Select a PDF Printer I Writer in the
'Print' dialogue .
1I;"' ct Prin~er
Add Pr,ter
CutePDF Writer

CD The Cute PDFWriteris supplEd as ~~d~

with EDS. It is freeware availab:E from www.
C. Click Print and select or create a folder for I _ ~rint
the pdf file in the 'Save PDF File' dialogue.
Next type in a name for the file or accept the de-
fault file name 'EDS_ Printing pdf'.
D. Click Save to copy the cunent measure- I ~ve
mentor report sheet that is displayed to the
specified folder ready to be archived or sent
as e-mail


12 (of20)

MAN Diesel

Input I Mjmt Ehgine Q>erating Hrurs 15

A Change to Chief mode and open Operating
Hours dialogue:
Thols > Setup > Operating Hours ...
B. Key in operating Hours plus minutes and I. QK I
click OK
C. Verify that the counter at the bottom left of 111058=43 1
the screen shows the same operating hours.

Assign LCv," Thnsity &Static Values 16

A Change to Chief mode and open Static Values
Thols >Setup> Static Values ....
B. Click'+' symbols to open main parameter lists at
top of dialogue. Double-click individual parame-
ters to select and add them to the static value list.
C. The appropriate static values may now be
keyed-in in the static value list at the bottom
of the dialogue. Press the Enter key at the
end of each entry.
D. Click OK to save your data and exit. QK . I
E Click the Standard Report tool button and
verify that the correct static values have
been input in the Standard Report.
CD Sta~ values are mallied by a Padbck fi

View System log- Ehors & Wunings 17

A. Checkforerrors and warnings:
lnok for status line prompts at bottom
right- hand comer of screen, e.g. 11 error I

13 (of 20)

MAN Diesel

B. Open system log:

Select 'Thols >System lDg or double-
click status line enororwaming prompt. Ntrerr« I
C. Copy and send details:
• Make screen capture of system/warning
log by pressing Prt Scr key on keyboard
and pasting via clip board into word
processing or paint application.
Send above information to :MBD if trouble-
shooting is necessary.
D. Acknowledge enor and warnings:
Right- c lie k within eno rl warning
details field and click pop-up but-
ton to acknowledge and close. IAcknowledgesystemerrorl

Set lP ~w Ilsplay Goup 18

A Select the view requiring a new
display group, e.g. Line Recorde:r;
Standard Report, TIBnd, etc.

B. Change to Chief mode and open

'Display Groups' dialogue:
'Thols > Customise
> Display Groups
C. In Operating values field, double-
click one or more parameters of
interest in turn to highlight them and
click the Select button. ~elect I
A new group is created at the bottom
of Display Groups field.

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JVIAN Diesel

D. Click the Ready button to close the B.eadv J

dialogue and use the Page Up/Down
keys or tabs to select the last page GJ [iliJJ
containing the new display group.
M)(lify Ekisting Ilsplay Goup 19
A. 'Th edit a Display Group:
Select (click) any group other than the
one to be modified.
B. Change to Chief mode and open Display
Group dialogue:
'Thols > Customise >Display Groups ...
C. Click the group to be modified in the Dis-
play group field and click the Elit button. ~dn I
D. 'Th add new parameters:
Double-click one or more items in turn in
the Operating value field above the •ois-
play group' and click the Add button. I 8.dd I
The parameters are added to the appropri-
ate group in the Display group field.
E. 'Th remove parameters:
Click to select a parameter in the Display.......------..
group field and click the Delete button. I Qelete I
Alternatively, to delete an entire group QK I
click OK to return to the group selec-
tion view, click the group to be deleted

and then c lie k the Delete button. Qelete ·

F. Click the Ready button to close the B.eady I

dialogue and use the Page Up/Down
keys or tabs to select the page con- ITJ[il[!]
taining the modified display group.
CD EDS cannot change the active display group :in-
dicated by a red page nmnbe r: 'Th change group you
must s elect another page.

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MAN Diesel

EXport I Import :I.Veasure:rrents 20

A Open hnport/Export dialogue:
> hnport/Export Measurements ...
B. Open/Create archive:
• Open existing Archive file, or Qpen

• Create new one by clicking Ne\v button. ~ew

Key in relevant file name for archive and ~ave
click Save button.
CD For easy location save the file in the root of
the Co CoS EllS directory.
C. Export/hnport measurements:
• Export single or all measurements from
EDS (left-field) to Archive (right-field) by n. .> o.
c lie king buttons opposite L..:.J L..:.:J
• hnport single or all measurements from
archive to EDS to Archive by clicking... DEJ
D. Click OK button to finish. QK . I


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:MAN Diesel

Gew 'lraining 21
1. Operating values shown in standanlrnport
• User Access levels/passwonl (Chief & Crow leve])
• Check limits (alarm limits), Display limits
• Actual and nominal values (from model curves)
• EDS filtering
• On-line and off-line modes of EDS
• 'fransfer on-line to off-line data (ie. storn measurn-
• Engine Ove:rview, Standanl Report, line Reconler
• Characteristic Maps (Model Curves I Nominal Val-
• Bar Charts, lD ad Thagram, Pe rfo rmanc e Curves
and Thbles
• Display groups, attributes , customising groups
3. 'llend operation
• Short trend, lDng trend
• Diagnostic trend &Manual trends (measurnments)
4. Measurnments
• Line recorder zoom, filtered and non filtered values
• Updating measurnments with local :rnadings and
• Storing and loading measurnments
• Printing me a sum me nts
• Exporting to file, exporting to Excel
5. Adjusting values
• Fuel oil properties and static values
• Engine running hours
6. Line rnconlermeasurnment dumps
7. Diagnosis
• Pending, closed
• Thggering and acknowledgement
• Measurnment fon::ed diagnostic calculation
8. Backup and :rnstoration of data

17 (of20)

System Connections CoCoS-EDS and PMI
• PM/


lr-- -------~
AJE cocos-Eos4 1
ll ----------
AMS: Alarm Monitoring System MIE : Main Engine
1 ME engines only ECS : Engine Control System! AlE : Auxiliary Engine
MOP : Main Operating Panel EDS: Engine Diagnostics System
1 Optional MAN B&W AlE ER: Engine Room PMI Pressure Measurement llstrumentation
ECR: Engine Control Room CoCoS : Computer Controlled Surveillance

Syste1n Overviews CbCbS- FIE Q.rick Reference

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