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Q.1 Two charged particles placed at a distance of 1cm. What can be the minimum force
between them?[2.3 x 10-24N]
Q.2 Two positive point charges 0.1m apart repel each other by a force of 18 N. If the sum
of two charges is 9 C, find the charges. [5 C, 4 C]
charge Q be placed between them so that the entire system is in equilibrium? What
will be the magnitude and sign of Q? [Q= - 4q/9 at 2a/3 from +4q]
Q.4 Two similarly and equally charged identical metal spheres A and B repel each other
with a force of 2 x 10-5 N. A third identical, uncharged sphere C is touched with A
and then placed at the mid point between A and B. What is the net electric force on
C? [2 x 10-5 N towards A]
Q.5 Charges q1 = +1.5 mC, q2 = +0.2 mC and q3 = 0.5mC are placed at points A, B and
C respectively of a triangle right angled at B. If AC = 1.2m and BC = 0.6m, calculate
magnitude of resultant force on q2. [3125 N]
Q.6 Two opposite corners of a square carry Q charge each and the other two opposite
corners of the same square carry q charge each. If the resultant force on q is 0, how
are Q and q related? [q = - 2 2 Q]
Q.7 A pith ball A of mass 9 x 10-5 kg carries a charge of 5 C. What must be the
magnitude and sign of the charge on another ball B held 2 cm above ball A, such that
A remains suspended stationary above the ground? [7.84x10-12C]
Q.8 Two point charges of 6.5 x 10-7 C each are separated by a distance of 50 cm. What is
the force of repulsion between them if (i) they are placed in air? (ii) they are placed in
water? [1.521 N, 0.019 N]
Q.9 Four point charges 2 C, 5 C, 2 C and 5 C are placed at the corners A, B, C and
D respectively, of a square ABCD of side 10 cm. Find the force on a charge of 1 C
placed at the centre O of the square.
Q.10 A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3 x 10-7 C.
(i) Find the number of electron transferred and state whether electrons are transferred
from wool to polythene or otherwise. (ii) Is there a transfer of mass?
[2x1012 from wool to polythene, yes]
Q.1 A test charge 2nC, placed at origin, experiences a force of 8 x 10-4 N in the positive y
direction. Find electric field at origin. What would be the force on charge 4nC
placed at origin? [4x105 N/C, -16x10-4 N]
Q.2 Find the magnitude of electric field which can balance a deuteron of mass 3.2 x 10-27
kg. [19.6x10-8N/C]
Q.3 A charged particle of mass 1.0 g is suspended through a silk thread of length 40 cm in
a horizontal electric field of 4.0 x 104 N/C. If the particle stays at a distance of 24 cm
from the vertical line passing through its point of suspension, find the charge on the
particle. [1.8 x 10-7 C]
Q.4 ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 5 cm. Two charges 50/3 x 10-3 C are placed
at A & B respectively. Calculate magnitude and direction of field at C.
[6 x 104 N/C, to AB]
Q.5 Two charges 10 C are held at 5 mm apart. Calculate their dipole moment. What is
the electric field intensity at a distance of 15 cm from the centre of dipole on its axial
line? [5 x 10-8 Cm, 2.7 x 105 N/C]
Q.6 An electric dipole of length 2 cm is placed with its axis making an angle of 30 with a
uniform electric field of 105 N/C. If it experiences a torque of 10 3 Nm, calculate (i)
magnitude of charges on dipole (ii) potential energy of dipole.
[1.732 x 10-2C, - 4.64 J]
Q.7 In a certain region of space, electric field is along the positive z direction whose
magnitude increases uniformly at the rate of 105 N/Cm along the positive z
direction. What are the forces and torque experienced by dipole of dipole moment 10-7
Cm in the negative z direction? [-10-2 N, 0]
Q.8 An oil drop of 12 excess electron is held stationary under a constant electric field 2.55
x 104 3
. Find the
radius of the drop. (Take g = 9.81 m/s )2
[9.81 x 10 mm]

Q.9 A copper ball of density 8.6 g/cm3, 1 cm in diameter is immersed in oil of density 0.8
g/cm3. If the ball remains suspended in oil in an electric field of 36000 N/C acting in
upward direction, what is the charge on the ball?
Q.10 Calculate the electric field intensity at point P ( 0, 3, -1 ) due to a charge of 2 C
placed at point A ( -3, 0, -4 ). [ 2 3 10 ( i j k) N/C]

Q.11 A charge 4 x 10-9 C is distributed uniformly on a ring of radius 0.3 m. Find field
intensity at a point on the axis of ring at 0.4 m from centre and also at the centre.
[115.2N/C, 0]
Q.12 Two point charges of +3 x 10-19 C and + 12 x 10-19 C are separated by a distance of
2.5 m. Find the point on the line joining them at which the electric field intensity is
zero. [5/6 m from 3 x 10-19 C]
Q.13 Two point charges 3 C and 3 C are located 20 cm apart in vacuum at point A and
B respectively. (i) What is the electric field at the mid point O of the line AB. (ii) If a
negative charge of magnitude 1.5 x 10-9 C is placed at this point, what is the force
experienced by this charge?[5.4x106 N/C along OB,8.1x10-3N along OA]
Q.14 Two charges 10 C are placed 5 mm apart. Find the electric field at (i) point P on
the axis of the dipole 15 cm away from its center O on the side of positive charge, (ii)
point Q, 15 cm away from O on a line passing through O and normal to axis of the
dipole. [2.7x105N/C along BP,1.33x105N/C along BA]

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