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Moisture relationships in composting processes

Article in Compost science & utilization · September 2002

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4 authors, including:

Tom L Richard H.V.M. Hamelers

Pennsylvania State University Wetsus


Adrie Veeken


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1372 Biotechnol. Prog. 2004, 20, 1372−1381

Air-Filled Porosity and Permeability Relationships during

Solid-State Fermentation
Tom L. Richard,*,† Adrie H. M. Veeken,‡ Vinnie de Wilde,‡ and
H. V. M. (Bert) Hamelers‡
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, and
Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University, 6700 EV Wageningen, The Netherlands

An experimental apparatus was constructed to measure the structural parameters of

organic porous media, i.,e. mechanical strength, air-filled porosity, air permeability,
and the Ergun particle size. These parameters are critical to the engineering of aerobic
bioconversion systems and were measured for a straw-manure mixture before and
after 13 days of in-vessel composting. Porosity was measured using air pycnometry
at four (day 0) and five (day 13) moisture levels, with each moisture level tested at a
range of different densities. Tested wet bulk densities varied with moisture level, but
dry bulk densities generally ranged from 100 to 200 kg m-3. At each moisture/density
combination, pressure drop was measured at airflow rates ranging from 0.001 to 0.05
m sec-1, representing the range of airflow rates found in both intensive and extensive
composting. Measured air-filled porosities were accurately predicted from measure-
ments of bulk density, moisture, and organic matter content. Reductions in air-filled
porosity at increasing moisture content were accompanied by an increase in perme-
ability, apparently due to aggregations of fines. This aggregation was quantified by
calculating an effective particle size from the Ergun permeability relationship, which
increased from 0.0002 m at 50% moisture to 0.0021 m at 79% moisture. The range of
airflow velocities reported in composting systems requires consideration of the second-
order drag force term, particularly at velocities approaching 0.05 m s-1 for the higher
moisture treatments tested. Calculated permeabilities for the matrix ranged from 10-10
to 10-7 m2, varying with both air-filled porosity and moisture. Mechanical strength
characterization provided a means to predict the effects of compaction on air-filled
porosity and permeability of porous media beds. The results of this investigation extend
porous media theory to the organic matrices common in solid-state fermentations and
help build a framework for quantitative and mechanistic engineering design.

Introduction substrate, which determine the size, shape, and con-

Solid-state fermentations include a variety of microbial nectedness of a network of gas-filled pores. A better
processes engineered for food and biotechnology applica- understanding of the engineering properties of these
tions (1), feed and forage preservation (2), and solid waste solid-state matrices is important for further advances in
treatment (3, 4). The gas phase is important in all these process control and analysis.
systems, as evidenced by their fundamental categoriza- Three of the physical parameters of particular impor-
tion as aerobic or anaerobic processes on the basis of tance are the air-filled porosity, permeability, and me-
oxygen availability. In all anaerobic processes oxygen chanical strength of the matrix. Air-filled porosity char-
must be excluded, while those that produce methane or acterizes the volume of gas in the system at any given
hydrogen need mechanisms for gas recovery. Airflow is time, whose component gas concentrations will change
essential in aerobic processes, providing mass flow for depending on the rate of biological activity. Replacement
oxygen replenishment and moisture and carbon dioxide or extraction of these gases typically requires convective
removal and serving as a heat transfer fluid for temper- air movement, as diffusion is rarely sufficient in full-scale
ature management through energy redistribution and biologically active systems (6). Permeability determines
heat removal. In aerobic systems regulation of airflow airflow rates at different pressure gradients, and thus
thus provides the primary means to manage and control gas transfer and heat exchange under both natural (7,
biological activity (5). Gas transfer in all of these systems 8) and forced convection conditions (5, 9). Air-filled
is strongly affected by the physical properties of the porosity and permeability relationships are different for
different substrates, as each substrate will have a dif-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tlr@ ferent mix of particle sizes and shapes, and these Address after October 1, 2004: Department of Agri- mixtures can be compacted to various bulk densities (10).
cultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity, State College, PA 16802-1909. Phone: (814) 865-7792. Fax:
Mechanical strength determines the resistance of the
(814) 863-1031. matrix to compaction, thus determining bulk density, air-
† Iowa State University. filled porosity, and permeability, as overburden stress
‡ Wageningen University. increases with bed depth.
10.1021/bp0499505 CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society and American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Published on Web 07/31/2004
Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5 1373

Although these engineering parameters and their of the relationships between compaction, porosity, and
relationships with other matrix properties apply to all permeability, which can provide the framework for more
of the solid-state fermentation systems previously men- comprehensive engineering analysis. Such a framework
tioned, much of the recent effort to characterize these can address critical design issues such as the effect of
parameters for organic matrices has focused on compost- bed depth and moisture on gas transfer phenomena,
ing systems. These systems often include a wide variety blower sizing, and required aeration frequency.
of feedstocks, including lignocellulosic plant material,
high protein bacterial and fungal biomass, and industrial Theoretical Relationships in a Porous Organic
fats and grease (5). There are also diverse approaches to Matrix
process control, from intensive systems with mechanical Porosity. Air-filled porosity, a, is the volume fraction
ventilation to more extensive systems that rely on of air (usually reported on a percentage basis) in a porous
diffusion, natural convection, and wind for aeration (3, matrix and can be defined by the following equation:
5). The combination of diverse feedstocks operating under
a wide range of airflow velocities makes composting a Vg
useful model system for analysis, as the results should a ) (1)
have broad applicability to other solid-state fermenta- Vg + Vw + Vs
Air-filled porosity (a), also referred to in the compost- where Vg, Vw, and Vs are the volumes of gas, liquid, and
ing literature as free air space (FAS), has been attracting solids in the matrix respectively, which sum to the total
increasing interest as a key design parameter for com- volume, Vt. Solid-state fermentations can include both
posting systems. In recent years researchers have re- absorbed and free water, both of which are considered
ported the relationship of air-filled porosity with moisture part of the liquid phase Vw in our analysis, facilitating
(11), with packing density and state of decomposition (12, conversion from mass to volume units since the density
13), and with moisture and density (14-16). The rela- of water is well-known. This conversion assumes the
tionship between air-filled porosity and biodegradation mass of dissolved compounds in this liquid solution is
rate has also been examined by several investigators small, which is a reasonable approximation for compost-
(16-18) and incorporated in kinetic models of the com- ing but may not hold in all solid-state fermentation
posting process (5, 19). systems. Conversion of the solids mass to the volume Vs
In full-scale composting systems adequate air-filled is accomplished using the measured gravimetric dry
porosity is necessary but not sufficient for good process matter content (DM) and solid-phase particle densities.
control, as air must also flow for the necessary heat and To facilitate these conversions we divide the dry matter
mass transfer to occur. The resistance to air movement content into two fractions, organic matter (OM) and ash
increases at higher airflow rates and greater path lengths (1 - OM), differentiated by combustion at 550 °C. On a
(20) and is thus normally reported for a specific flow rate decimal basis, the gravimetric water content is 1 - DM.
and normalized for a standard path length. Resistance Air-filled porosity can then be calculated directly on a
to airflow can be either reported directly as pressure drop theoretical basis from easily measured values of DM and
under a set of specified conditions or transformed into a OM, if the material densities of water, organic, and ash
permeability value using equations provided later in this (Fw, Fom, and Fash) and the total bulk density are known
paper. Permeability is considered a property of the (12):

( )
material and thus applies within a much broader range
of flow conditions. However, some caution must be used (1 - DM) DM‚OM DM(1 - OM)
a ) 1 - Fwb + +
in both the calculation and use of permeability values Fw Fom Fash
depending on whether one is operating in laminar, (2)
intermediate, or turbulent flow regimes, as in the latter
two situations it is necessary to consider form drag force In eq 2 the total bulk density (Fwb) and dry matter (DM)
effects (21, 22). Permeability is also only constant when are on a wet basis (w.b.) while organic matter (OM) is
the porous media remains constant. In solid-state fer- on a dry basis (d.b.).
mentation, important changes in the permeability of the Using eq 2, a first-order approximation of the air-filled
porous media will occur as a result of biomass growth, porosity and maximum bulk density can be made by
biodegradation of the organic particles, changing mois- assuming the organic fraction (OM) has a particle density
ture content, and compaction. Biomass growth can have of 1.6 × 103 kg m-3 and the inorganic fraction (1 - OM)
a particularly strong effect in processes that involve fungi has a density of 2.5 × 103 kg m-3 (12, 16, 25).
(23), whose hyphae have been shown to fill up to 34% of Air-filled porosity can also be measured directly using
the initial air-filled porosity (24). a gas pycnometer, whose measurement principle is based
The effects of compaction on porosity and permeability on the pressure-volume relationships of Boyle’s law. Gas
have important implications for the design and operation pycnometers have been extensively used in measuring
of solid-state fermentation processes. Current design soil porosity (26-28) and have also been applied to other
procedures generally use rules of thumb or empirical porous materials (29-31). In this study we compared this
relationships that require extensive measurement of each direct measurement technique with theoretical approxi-
parameter (15, 20). The investigation reported here mation described above.
examines these relationships by applying porous media Permeability. Permeability is a measure of the ability
theory to data from a new experimental apparatus. The of fluids to flow through a multiphase material. For
apparatus allows measurement of porosity and perme- laminar flow situations Darcy’s law (10) relates the
ability of a single substrate under various applied change in pressure (P) across a matrix to distance (x),
stresses and resulting bulk densities. By varying the superficial velocity (v), and viscosity (µ) by defining a
moisture content of a straw-manure substrate before matrix permeability (κ), as indicated in eq 3:
and after composting, the effects of these variables on
κ dP
porosity and permeability can readily be observed. The
objective of the study is to develop a better understanding
v)- ( )
µ dx
1374 Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5

Where flow is not fully laminar, pressure drop is collaborated by more recent investigators, who estimated
usually expressed with a Dupuit-Forcheimer relation- it at 181-182 (33, 34). The particle diameter (dp) is an
ship (10, 22, 32): effective particle diameter, defined as the weighted
average surface-to-volume ratio (42).
dP By relating pressure drop and permeability to physical
- ) Rv + βv2 (4)
dx characteristics, the Ergun equation and related theoreti-
cal relationships can be used as a basis for analyzing heat
This general second-order equation includes a first- and mass transfer in porous media systems. Although
order viscous force term that incorporates Darcy’s perme- this approach has not to our knowledge been incorporated
ability, while the second order form drag force term in composting system models, this framework has been
incorporates the density of air (Fa) and a parameter η used to model heat and mass transfer in other biologically
sometimes called the passability (33): active porous media where air velocities require consid-
eration of the drag force term (7, 43-45).
dP µ Fa Compaction. Compression affects both air-filled po-
- ) v + v2 (5) rosity and permeability of a biological matrix such as
dx κ η
compost by reducing or ultimately eliminating air chan-
The dimensionless Reynolds number is often used to nels between the solid particles. This occurs when exces-
differentiate the relative importance of these first- and sive external force is applied to a composting pile or when
second-order terms in various flow regimes. However, the pile itself becomes so large that the overburden
Lage and Antohe (22) point out that this transition can compresses the material at the base (12, 20). In this
be better identified directly from eq 5, using the ratio of analysis we have adapted Terzaghi’s theory of primary
the viscous and form drag forces (L): compression (46, 47), using wet bulk density instead of
pile height as the independent variable, which allows the
Fa 2 calculation of a maximum bulk density as indicated
v Faκ below. We then define a mechanical strength term (the
L) ) v (6) resistance to deformation), so that the resistance to
µ µη
v compaction is an exponential function of the ratio of
κ applied stress (σ) to the mechanical strength (M) of the
material. The bulk density under any particular applied
Thus when L ≈ 1 or L > 1 both terms are important,
stress (Fwb,σi) can therefore be calculated as a function of
whereas when L , 1 viscous forces dominate and the
the minimum (σ ) 0) and maximum (a ) 0) bulk
simpler eq 3 can be used. This is similar to the criteria
densities (Fwb,0 and Fwb,max, respectively) and the mechan-
used with the Reynolds number, where values <1 are
ical strength M:
used as an indication that viscous forces are dominant
(10, 21, 34). At the other extreme, where L . 1, the
second-order form drag force term would dominate, as
may occur under high airflow, low permeability situations
Fwb,σi ) Fwb,max - (Fwb,max - Fwb,0) exp (-σ
such as compacted or saturated solid-state fermentations.
Although some previous investigations of permeability The maximum bulk density can be extrapolated from
in composting systems neglected the form drag term, experimental results under extreme compaction. Alter-
particularly when examining passive aeration systems natively, a theoretical maximum bulk density can be
(8, 35), other results indicate second-order terms can be calculated from material characteristics by rearranging
important (5, 9, 20, 36-39). In this study we compare L eq 2 and setting a equal to zero:
to the permeability-based Reynolds number (Reκ) often
used for porous media analysis (8, 21). Reκ is defined as 1

( )
Favκ1/2/µ . The Reynolds number can also be calculated Fwb,max ) (10)
(1 - DM) DM‚OM DM(1 - OM)
on the basis of particle size, sometimes adjusted for + +
porosity in the form Re ) Favdp/[µ (1 - R)], which we Fw Fom Fash
use as Ergun (40) did to report the dimensionless
resistance to airflow. The minimum bulk density (Fwb,0) and mechanical
Ergun (40) related the coefficients κ and η to fluid, stress can then be obtained from eq 9 by nonlinear
matrix, and particle properties, with two constants A and parameter estimation, using experimental observations
B that appear applicable over a wide range of materials of substrate bulk densities at various applied stresses.
and flowrates. Equation 7 results from the Kozeny- The results presented below were estimated using the
Carmen analysis (41), which predicts permeability as a Solver function in Microsoft Excel (version 2000).
function of air-filled porosity and particle size.
Materials and Methods
dp2 a3
κ) ‚ (7) In this study we use a new experimental apparatus to
A (1 -  )2 measure compaction, air-filled porosity, and permeability
on a single composting sample, applying to these mea-
dp a3 surements the theoretical framework of porous media
η) ‚ (8) analysis described above. With this experimental ap-
B (1 - a) paratus the same sample can be subjected to varying
degrees of compaction without repacking, allowing
In Ergun’s original analysis A and B were found to be straightforward investigations of the effect of compaction
150 and 1.75, respectively. Using additional experimental on porosity and permeability without the complications
data, Macdonald et al. (42) found a better fit for A of 180, of reproducibility encountered when repacking is re-
with B estimated at 1.8 for smooth particles and 4.0 for quired. Previous investigations of the effect of compaction
rough particles. Macdonald’s estimate of A has been on compost matrices have examined either permeability
Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5 1375

Table 1. Characteristics of Fresh and Composted Manure-Straw Mixtures

sampling day, moisture %
0, 79% 0, 77% 0, 74% 0, 69% 13, 77% 13, 73% 13, 69% 13, 58% 13, 50%
total solids (kg kg-1) 0.207 0.232 0.260 0.307 0.225 0.270 0.313 0.421 0.498
organic matter (kg kg-1) 0.852 0.852 0.852 0.852 0.816 0.816 0.826 0.818 0.829
effective particle size (m) 0.00210 0.00147 0.00116 0.00095 0.00214 0.00095 0.00060 0.00025 0.00022
initial wet bulk density (kg m-3) 488 545 416 576 577 277 262 203 194
maximum wet bulk density (kg m-3) 1108 1087 1137 1171 1158 1118 1158 1115 1058
mechanical strength 8437 9577 12917 NA 11 064 26 212 28 809 81 957 44 398
(wet bulk density basis) (m2 N-1)

(12, 20) or air-filled porosity (14, 15) but not both on the
same samples.
Substrate Sample Preparation. The substrate tested
in these trials was a swine manure-straw mixture. The
swine manure was fecal solids collected from a belt-
separator (48), which included a small fraction of straw
bedding (16% of manure dry weight). An additional 61
kg of chopped straw was combined with 777 kg of manure
on a belt conveyor and conveyed through a finger flail
twice to achieve thorough mixing and an initial moisture
content of 69% (wet basis). In all cases in this paper
moisture is reported on a wet basis (w.b.) and was
determined by drying in a 105 °C oven to constant weight
(49). A 650 kg portion of the manure-straw mixture was
remixed with 217 kg of additional water to a moisture
content of 77% and composted for 13 days, during which
time the moisture content dropped to 50%. Organic
matter content decreased from 0.852 ( 0.006 gOM/gDM
to 0.821 ( 0.006 gOM/gDM, as measured by ashing at
550 °C (50). This concentration reduction indicated that
17.9% of the organic matter mass was converted during
the 13 days, as calculated using a constant ash assump-
tion (51). Samples at a range of different moisture
contents were then generated from both the 69% mois-
ture fresh mixture and the 50% moisture composted
mixture by adding additional water to 30-50 kg samples,
soaking in plastic tubs until the moisture was absorbed,
and remixing through the same conveyor apparatus. For
the fresh (day 0) mixture the resulting moisture range
was 69%, 74%, 77%, and 79% moisture (21-31% DM),
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the CPP measurement
whereas for the partially composted (day 13) mix the device (numbers are explained in the text).
resulting range was 50%, 58%, 69%, 73%, and 77%
moisture (23-50% DM). Dry matter and organic matter controller [7] (Brooks Instruments, model 5853S, The
content for each of these samples is presented in Table Netherlands). A load cell [8] (STS 500 C2, Sun Scale Inc,
1. Testing each material in the apparatus required Taichung, Taiwan) on the compression screw indicated
several weeks, so to minimize changes in the fresh or compaction pressure on the compost bed.
composted materials the samples were sealed in plastic Each sample was loaded in the apparatus and com-
bags and stored frozen at -20 °C and then thawed as pacted to six or seven different bulk densities. The
needed with a maximum of 2 weeks refrigerated storage starting measurements were on a sample that nearly
at 5 °C. filled the chamber under minimal compaction, and the
Experimental Setup. The apparatus developed for sample was compressed after each set of porosity and
characterization of the compaction/porosity/permeability pressure drop measurements until the screw completed
relationships combines features of an air pycnometer (15, its travel, which typically occurred at a final applied
16) with those of an air permeameter (20, 52) and is stress of 60-100 kg m-2. The initial dry bulk density
illustrated in Figure 1. The 45-L sample chamber [1] ranged from 81 to 113 kg m-3, and the final dry bulk
includes a perforated bottom plate over an air inlet densities ranged from 151 to 205 kg m-3. On a wet basis,
plenum [2] and a perforated compression plate under a these same bulk densities ranged from initial values of
top air outlet plenum [3]. The depth of the compression 182-563 kg m-3 to final values of 352-918 kg m-3. Any
plate can be adjusted by means of an airtight screw [4] drainage water that was produced during compaction was
to increase the density of the mixture at a known volume removed after each compaction cycle by a drain valve [9]
(VS). Although the apparatus is designed to allow heating (Figure 1).
of the test chambers, in this study all measurements were Air-Filled Porosity Measurement. For free air
made at temperatures between 20 and 24 °C. Pressure space measurements a compressed air chamber (VB) [10]
gauges were used to measure pressure drop across the (Figure 1) was pressurized, the sample chamber inlet and
compost bed [5] and the change in pressure during outlet closed, and free air space calculated from the
porosity measurements [6] (Testo GmbH, models 525 and difference in pressure observed in the compressed air
520, respectively, Lenzkirch, Germany). Airflow was chamber when the valve between it and the sample
controlled and monitored using a 0-15 m3 s-1 mass flow chamber is opened. For a pycnometer with headspace
1376 Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5

above the sample within the sample chamber, Boyle’s law

can be used to derive the general equation for the
pressure volume relationships under these two pressure

VBPi ) [VA + VB - VS(1 - a)]Pf (11)

where Pi is the initial pressure in the compressed air

chamber (VB), VA is the sample chamber (initially at
atmospheric pressure), Pf is the final pressure in the
connected compressed air and sample chamber, and VS
is the volume of the sample within the sample chamber
A (26, 14). The air-filled porosity, a, is then given by

a )
( )
- VA - VB + VS
Figure 2. Air-filled porosity as a function of wet bulk density.
Percent values in the symbol legends refer to percent moisture
in this and all subsequent figures and tables.
The pycnometer was calibrated by adding known
amounts of water (VS) in approximately 2 L increments, time required to reach equilibrium ranged from 1 h to 3
with the exact volume determined by weight, and then days. Under our experimental conditions, with applied
measuring initial and final pressures as indicated above. stress decreasing under conditions of constant bulk
By plotting Pi/Pf versus VS, VB can be determined directly density, equilibrium was more rapidly achieved, and the
from the slope and VA from the intercept, which were load cell readings were deemed stable by the end of the
done using a least-squares fit of the calibration measure- 25-45 min permeability measurement period.
ments to the following equation:
Results and Discussion
Pi 1 (VA + VB) Air-Filled Porosity. Measured air-filled porosity data
) - VS + (13)
Pf VB VB at various measured wet bulk densities are presented in
Figure 2. The linear nature of this relationship has been
For each compost sample and at each moisture/density noted by previous investigators, some basing their analy-
combination, porosity was measured six times: three sis on eq 2 (16), whereas others derived empirical
before and three after the pressure drop measurements. relationships (14, 15). Comparing data for a variety of
Average ratios of Pi/Pf from these six measurements were organic feedstocks and matrices, Agnew and Leonard (15)
used to calculate air-filled porosity using eq 12. proposed a general relationship of a ) 1.0-0.0009Fwb,
Organic matter and ash content were measured in which is shown as the solid line in Figure 2. Our
triplicate (49, 50), allowing comparison of the measured experimental data and theoretical predictions of a from
air-filled porosity values with the theoretical values from eq 2 fit this relationship well, with intercepts of 1.014 (
eq 2. 0.031 and 0.997 ( 0.002 and slopes of -0.00090 (
Permeability Measurement. The superficial velocity 0.00006 and -0.00087 ( 0.00004, respectively. However,
of airflow in composting systems can vary over several eq 2 indicates a significant effect of dry matter content
orders of magnitude. In extensive composting systems on this relationship, which is not evident in the empirical
the flow velocities can be quite low, with Fogiel et al. (53) analysis. The dashed lines in Figure 2 show this effect
reporting velocities ranging from 0.0002 to 0.0011 m s-1, for a hypothetical compost with an OM concentration of
whereas Veeken et al. (54) reported velocities ranging 80% (d.b.) and DM contents of 20% and 50% (w.b.).
from 0.002 to 0.018 m s-1 in naturally ventilated pilot- Although the relationship predicted by eq 2 for a DM
scale static piles. In more intensive, mechanically ven- content of 20% is consistent with Agnew and Leonard’s
tilated systems, velocities can be considerably higher. In equation, a significant deviation is predicted as solids
two full-scale agitated bed sewage sludge composting content increases, especially at high bulk densities. Thus
systems, measured velocities ranged from 0.008 to 0.02 Agnew and Leonard’s equation (15) should only be
m s-1 (55). applied in the high-moisture and/or low-density region
In this study, pressure drop for each sample at each where their relationship appears applicable.
moisture/density combination was measured at seven The theoretical values of air-filled porosity calculated
superficial velocities, ranging from 0.001 to 0.05 m s-1. from eq 2 correlated well with measured values for all
Pressure drop stabilized within a few seconds after the conditions in this study, with r2 values of 0.988 and
adjusting flowrates using the mass flow controller, which 0.987 for days 0 and 13, respectively (Figure 3). Although
had been calibrated prior to the start of the experiments. there is likely to be some variation in the particle
Compaction Measurement. Applied stress on the densities of different composts, the assumed component
compost sample was measured at the start of each set of densities of 1.6 × 103 kg m-3 for the organic fraction and
porosity and permeability measurements at a particular 2.5 × 103 kg m-3 for the inorganic fraction appear
bulk density and again at the completion of those porosity accurate within the range of measurement error of this
and permeability measurements. The semi-elastic nature experimental system. Equation 2 thus appears to provide
of the composting material deformed to absorb some of an accurate means of predicting air-filled porosity for the
the applied stress, so that load cell readings dropped full range of solid-state fermentations, subject to verifica-
during the initial part of the 25 to 45 min required to tion of these component densities for other substrate
make the porosity and permeability measurements. matrices.
Agnew and Leonard (15) report that under conditions of Pressure Drop and Permeability. Pressure drop
constant applied stress (and increasing bulk density), the increased with respect to both superficial velocity and
Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5 1377

Figure 3. Correlations between theoretical and experimental

(measured) air-filled porosity for days 0 and 13. Figure 4. Pressure drop as a function of superficial velocity
at different wet bulk densities for day 0, 69% moisture.
increasing bulk density, as illustrated for the day 0, 69%
moisture condition in Figure 4. This relationship was
linear in the lower velocity range, where eq 3 was
generally valid, but as velocities approached 0.5 m s-1,
the form drag influence became evident. In this transi-
tional region it is important to evaluate whether second-
order terms are needed, which we did by calculated the
Lage number L, based on eq 6 (22), as well as the
permeability and porosity based Reynolds numbers (Reκ
and Re, respectively) as previously defined. Because the
Lage number was seen to sometimes exceed 1 under our
experimental conditions, a second-order polynomial least
squares curve fit was used to estimate the R parameter
in eq 4, which was then used to calculate the permeability
κ as indicated in eq 5. For each sampling date and Figure 5. Calculated permeability values for various air-filled
moisture treatment, the range of results for R, β, L, Reκ, porosities for the different days and sample moisture contents.
Lines indicate theoretical permeabilities across the full range
and Re are presented in Table 2. R2 values are from the of air-filled porosities, as predicted by eq 7 based on the effective
second-order polynomial curve fit of R and β. particle size in Table 1.
As expected, the high end of the range for the dimen-
sionless numbers occurred at the higher velocities tested. as with increasing moisture content of the matrix.
At 0.5 m s-1 the Lage number L exceeded 1 for both day Because of the inverse relationship between air-filled
0 and day 13 samples under high moisture conditions, porosity and wet bulk density (eq 2), a corollary to this
while the porosity-based Reynolds number Re was result is that permeability increases with decreasing wet
consistently above 1 and also increased with moisture. bulk density. The increase of permeability with increas-
In contrast, Reκ was relatively constant with respect to ing air-filled porosity and decreasing bulk density is
moisture, with values consistently less than 1. These intuitive, with increasing air volume facilitating air
results are consistent with Lage and Antohe’s analysis movement, but the effect of moisture warrants additional
and demonstrate the advantage of their approach over discussion.
the use of Reκ to evaluate flow regimes in this transitional Holding air-filled porosity constant, increases in volu-
region. metric moisture content correspond to a decrease in the
Permeability values for selected experimental condi- solids volume. Because the organic particles are hydro-
tions are indicated in Figure 5. Measured data points for philic, capillary forces draw this water into the fine pores,
four of the samples are illustrated, along with the effectively combining small particles into larger, smoother
theoretical curve from eq 7 using the average dp calcu- aggregates, each composed of both solid and liquid
lated as described below. Although our experimental data phases. The increasing size of particle aggregates is
coincides with the relatively straight central section of reflected in a corollary increase in pore sizes as well. Thus
the curves, Ergun’s equation indicates more rapid changes for any particular air-filled porosity, the resulting in-
will occur at the extremes of the porosity range. Perme- creasing proportion of large pores increases the perme-
ability increased with increasing air-filled porosity as well ability of the matrix. This phenomenon has previously

Table 2. Range of Matrix Transport Parameters for Each Sample Material

Dupuit-Forcheimer parameters and fit dimensionless numbers
expt R β R2 L Reκ Re
day 0, 69% 883 to 10 144 12 665 to 175 460 0.9994 to 0.9999 0.086 to 0.22 0.003 to 0.51 0.1 to 11
day 0, 74% 1186 to 42 371 15 281 to 230 369 0.9981 to 0.9994 0.014 to 0.10 0.002 to 0.36 0.1 to 12
day 0, 77% 2314 to 16 020 6132 to 223 503 0.9985 to 0.9998 0.003 to 3.70 0.001 to 0.31 0.15 to 10
day 0, 79% 1142 to 12 226 21 781 to 499 406 0.9997 to 0.9999 0.016 to 6.17 0.001 to 0.45 0.2 to 15
day 13, 50% 1419 to 58 748 NA 0.9982 to 0.9995 na 0.001 to 0.40 0.03 to 6
day 13, 58% 1195 to 33 641 5244 to 27 150 0.9987 to 0.9999 0.001 to 0.22 0.002 to 0.44 0.03 to 7
day 13, 69% 1063 to 28 783 970 to 49 196 0.9973 to 0.9996 0.001 to 0.09 0.002 to 0.46 0.06 to 9
day 13, 73% 786 to 20 655 4193 to 105 590 0.9976 to 0.9998 0.031 to 0.06 0.002 to 0.40 0.07 to 12
day 13, 77% 826 to 26 700 6334 to 602 497 0.9982 to 0.9998 0.007 to 1.13 0.002 to 0.53 0.09 to 15
1378 Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5

Figure 6. The relationship between dry matter and effective

particle size for day 0 and day 13 samples. The curve is fit to
the combined data set; error bars indicate standard deviations
Figure 7. Comparison of the modified Ergun equation with
from mean values.
all experimental data.

been observed in other biological materials including

biomass (56) and grain (57). Although this study did not
include measurement of particle or pore size distribu-
tions, an effective particle size can be estimated from eq
7 for each combination of air-filled porosity and perme-
ability data. Figure 6 plots the effective particle size
calculated for each moisture level tested, with the mean
values also presented in Table 1. This effective particle
size increases dramatically near saturation as small
pores fill due to capillary forces, partially compensating
for the effect of reduced air-filled porosity at high
moisture levels.
It is also possible to define a dimensionless resistance
to airflow φ, which can be used to evaluate the consis-
tency of the Ergun equation with the experimental
results (40, 58). Figure 8. Effect of applied stress on wet bulk density. Points
are experimental data, and lines indicate curves fit to eq 9 using
dP dp 3 the mechanical strength values in Table 1.
φ) ‚ 2‚ (14)
dx Fv 1 -  mechanical strength parameters were then obtained by
nonlinear parameter estimation using eq 9.
Figure 7 illustrates φ as a function of Re/(1 - ), with There was a significant increase in mechanical strength
experimental data from all samples shown. A linear least- with increasing dry matter for the day 0 samples, with
squares fit to this log-transformed data results in the the linear regression having an r2 of 0.94. A similar trend
equation ln(φ) ) 8695 ln[Re/(1 - )], with an r2 value of was evident for the day 13 samples, although here the
0.977. The deviation on the lower right is from the day regression r2 was only 0.52 due to the high dry matter
0, 79% moisture sample, which had the highest Lage treatment results. The day 13, 58% moisture sample
number. This result is consistent with theory, as the peaked at about 82 000 m2 N-1, over 7 times the
Ergun equation predicts a horizontal deviation of this magnitude of the day 13 high moisture treatment.
curve as the drag force term begins to dominate (40). However, the even drier day 13, 50% moisture sample
Permeability has a significant impact on the costs of was only 44 000 m2 N-1. It is not clear whether one of
aeration in solid-state fermentation systems (38), affect- these two low moisture points is an outlier, or if there is
ing both capital costs in blower sizing as well as operating a local maximum for mechanical strength, since our day
power requirements. Thus the ability to predict perme- 0 treatments were not tested in this drier range. Com-
ability as a function of matrix and fluid characteristics posting for 13 days did not appear to affect the mechan-
can provide important opportunities for more efficient ical strength of the substrate relative to the day 0 results,
engineering design. although the number of datapoints are limited.
Mechanical Strength and Compaction. The bed The increased mechanical strength observed with
depth of solid-state fermentation reactors is often limited increasing dry matter is consistent with other evidence
by excessive compaction, which can reduce pore space and that lignocellulosic material softens and weakens as it
restrict permeability. The effects of applied stress on bulk gets wet (59). For solid-state fermentations, this means
density of the compost samples are illustrated in Figure that drier matrices have considerably greater structural
8. Data points indicate the wet bulk density and stress stability, resisting compaction and maintaining porosity
after equilibration. Solid and dashed lines illustrate the and permeability much better than they do when wet.
predicted wet bulk densities at each stress using the
estimated values for mechanical strength (M). Table 1 Conclusions
summarizes the initial and maximum wet bulk densities A combination of experimental measurement and
and mechanical strength parameters for each sample. application of porous media theory can be used to develop
The maximum wet bulk densities were determined from an analytical framework for the gas transfer phenomena
the x-axis intercepts (a ) 0) extrapolated from the associated with solid-state fermentation. The air-filled
experimental air-filled porosity/wet bulk density data porosity of composting materials can be predicted from
illustrated in Figure 2. The initial wet bulk densities and relatively simple measurements of bulk density, mois-
Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5 1379

ture, and organic matter content. With one set of mea- design parameters from relatively simple experimental
surements, the effects of changing moisture and packing results. Future research will apply these methods to
density on air-filled porosity follow well-defined relation- practical design issues of bed configuration and depth
ships. constraints, matrix blending requirements, critical design
Interestingly, the reduction in air-filled porosity that constrains for naturally ventilated systems, and efficient
accompanies increasing moisture content coincides with design of mechanical aeration systems.
an increase in permeability, up to points very near
saturation. This appears to result from changes in Acknowledgment
particle and pore size distributions as moisture facilitates This work was partially supported by Iowa State
the aggregation of fines into fewer larger particles with University and the Dutch E.E.T. (Economy, Ecology and
corresponding larger intraparticle pores. This aggrega- Technology) program from the Ministry of Economic
tion was quantified by calculating an effective particle Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences,
size from the Ergun permeability relationship, which and the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
increased exponentially as moisture increased near satu- Environment.
ration. Under the tested conditions, this effective particle
size increased a full order of magnitude from 0.0002 m Notation
at 50% moisture to 0.0021 m at 79% moisture. A Ergun viscous component constant, dimension-
The effect of moisture on particle and pore size less
distributions has clear physical impacts on permeability B Ergun inertial component constant, dimension-
and may have important biological implications as well. less
The deductive model of biodegradation kinetics proposed db dry basis, presentation of moisture, dry matter,
by Hamelers (19) implies an important role of particle organic matter and ash fractions, kg kg-1
and pore size distributions on biological activity. Under- dp particle diameter, m
standing the physical mechanisms by which moisture DM dry matter fraction, dry basis, kg kg-1
affects solid-state fermentation kinetics can provide
L Lage number, dimensionless
important insights for process design and control (16).
Within the range of airflow velocities reported in M mechanical strength, m2 N-1
composting systems, this study indicates that several OM organic matter fraction, dry basis, kg kg-1
scenarios require consideration of the second order form P pressure, Pa
drag force term. Form drag becomes significant at veloci- Pf final pressure in the connected compressed air
ties approaching 0.05 m s-1, especially under high and sample chambers, Pa
moisture conditions. The dimensionless analysis proposed Pi initial pressure in the compressed air chamber,
by Lage and Antohe (22) provides a direct assessment of Pa
the importance of this second-order term. Permeability Re porosity based Reynolds number, dimensionless
values were between 10-10 and 10-7 m2 for the range of Reκ permeability based Reynolds number, dimen-
matrix conditions tested. sionless
Permeability data plotted using Ergun’s dimensionless v superficial velocity, m s-1
resistance to airflow φ generates a linear relationship on Vg volume of gas in a sample or unit volume of
a log-log plot, permitting estimation of permeability sample, m3
values based on velocity and effective particle size. Vw volume of water in a sample or unit volume of
Although these relationships need to be tested with other sample, m3
organic matrices, this method offers important potential Vs volume of solids in a sample or unit volume of
for aeration system design. sample, m3
This study demonstrated the key role of the effective Vt total volume in a sample or unit volume of
particle size parameter in advanced engineering design sample, m3
of solid-state fermentation systems. Further research is VA volume of sample chamber, m3
needed to develop accurate methods to estimate this
VB volume of compressed air chamber, m3
value from particle size distributions or other simple
tests, without extensive experimental work. Possible VS volume of the sample within the sample cham-
ber, m3
approaches include correlations with particle size distri-
butions (10), using tracer gases to generate breakthrough wb wet basis, presentation of moisture content, kg
curves for displacement analysis (60), and new nonde- kg-1
structive technologies such as nuclear magnetic reso- x depth of bed, m
nance. R Forscheimer viscous term coefficient, kg m-3 s-1
Mechanical strength characterization provides a means β Forscheimer inertial term coefficient, kg m-2
to predict the effects of compaction on air-filled porosity a air-filled porosity of compost matrix, m3 m-3
and permeability of porous media beds. Compaction is φ resistance to airflow, dimensionless
one of the most critical design parameters in full-scale η passibility, m
solid-state fermentations, whether to ensure air move- κ permeability, m2
ment in aerobic systems or to limit it in anaerobic
µ kinematic viscosity, Pa s
designs. Increased moisture appears to reduce the me-
chanical strength of biological matrices, although detailed Fa density of air, kg m-3
understanding of this moisture effect as well as the Fash particle density of mineral fraction, kg m-3
impact of substrate degradation will require additional Fom particle density of organic matter, kg m-3
research. Fw density of water, kg m-3
The results of this investigation extend theoretical Fwb total bulk density of organic matter, wet basis,
porous media analysis to the organic matrices common kg m-3
in solid-state fermentations. The theoretical relationships Fwb,max maximum total bulk density ) density at zero
have been shown to apply and allow prediction of key porosity, wet basis, kg m-3
1380 Biotechnol. Prog., 2004, Vol. 20, No. 5

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