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Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :

12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,09.44 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Complete Blood Count 5part-CBC & ESR

Complete Blood Count (CBC),Haemogram - 5PART
Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
Complete Blood Count
Haemoglobin (Hb) 14.5 gm/dl 13-18
Iron deficiency& therefore of hb leads to anemia and decreased ability to carry oxygen to body tissues.
Red Blood Cell (RBC) 4.38 million/cum 4.5-5.5
Low levels cause anemia and are associated fatigue.
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) 42.6 % 36-46
Percent of whole blood that is comprised of red blood cells.

Red Blood Cell indices

MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) 97 fl 83-99
The MCV shows the size of the RBCs.
MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hb) 33 pg 27-32
The MCH value is the amount of hbin an average RBCs.
MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hb Concn.) 34 % 31.5-34.5
The MCHC measures the concentration of hb in an average RBCs.
RDW CV 13.5 % 10.6-14.9
Shows if the cells are all the same or different sizes or shapes.
RDW SD.,Automated Calculated 52.5 fl 35.0-56.0
Total Leucocytes (WBC) Count 10500 / cumm 4000-10000
Low levels associated with risk of infection. High levels indicates possible infection.
Neutrophils 67 % 40-80
These cells provide primary defense against bacterial infection.
Eosinophils 03 % 0-6
Cells that kill parasites and contribute to allergic reactions.
Lymphocytes 26 % 20-40
Determine specificity of immune response to infectious microorganisms & other foreign substances.
Basophils 00 % 0-2
Cells that release histamines during allergic reactions.
Monocytes 04 % 1-10
Cells that consume dead or damaged cells. They are the "clean-up crew"

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,09.44 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Complete Blood Count 5part-CBC & ESR

Complete Blood Count (CBC),Haemogram - 5PART
Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
Absolute Neutrophils Count 7035 /uL 2000-8000
Absolute Eosinophil Count 315 /uL 0-400
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 2730 /uL 1000-5000
Absolute Basophil Count 00 /uL 0-100
Absolute Monocyte Count 420 /uL 100-1000
Platelet Count 199000 / cumm 150000-450000
Helps blood clotting in order to stop bleeding from injury.
PCT (Platelet Haematocrit) 0.18 % 0.19-0.39
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) 9.1 fl 6-9.5
Describes the average size of platelets in blood.
PDW (Platelet Distribution Width) 19.2 11-18
WBC Morphology Leucocytosis
RBC Morphology Normocytic Normochromic
Platelets on smear Adequate
Mentzer Index Formula 22 Index <13 : Strong suspect of Thalassaemia.
People with thalassemia make less hemoglobin and have fewer circulating red blood cells than normal, which results in mild or
severe anemia .Thalassemia will be present as microcytic anemia.Thalassemia can cause significant complications, including iron
overload, bone deformities, and cardiovascular illness. However, this same inherited disease of red blood cells may confer a degree
of protection against malaria.
PLCR 47.4 15-35
PLCC 118.6 10-120
------------------------------------------------- End Of Report ------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 9
Results relate only to the sample as recieved. Kindly correlate with clinical condition
Note : If the test results are alarming or unexpected, Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,09.44 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Complete Blood Count 5part-CBC & ESR

Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 18 mm/hours 0-15
Method :- Automated Westgren Method

------------------------------------------------- End Of Report ------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 9
Results relate only to the sample as recieved. Kindly correlate with clinical condition
Note : If the test results are alarming or unexpected, Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,09.44 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :


Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
Bilirubin Total 1.5 mg/dl Adult : Upto 1.2
Bilirubin Direct 0.8 mg/dl 0-0.6
Bilirubin Indirect 0.70 mg/dl 0-0.6
Method :- Calculated
Large amounts of bilirubin in the blood can lead to jaundice
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) 25.4 U/L Male :- Upto 46
Method :- IFCC
SGOT levels may rise during pregnancy and after exercise.
Alanine Transaminase (ALT/SGPT) 54.9 U/L Males :- Upto 40
Method :- IFCC
This test is used to determine if a patient has liver damage.
Alkaline Phosphatase 100.7 U/L Male :- 30 - 90
Method :- DGCK -SCE

Total Proteins 7.9 gm/dl 6-7.8

Method :- GPO PAP

Albumin 4.6 gms/dl 3.2-4.5

Method :- Bromocresol green Method

Globulin 3.30 gm/dl 2.3-3.5

Method :- Calculated

Albumin/Globulin Ratio 1.39 0.9-2.5

Method :- Calculated

------------------------------------------------- End Of Report ------------------------------------------------- Page 4 of 9
Results relate only to the sample as recieved. Kindly correlate with clinical condition
Note : If the test results are alarming or unexpected, Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,09.45 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Renal Profile Mini (5 Tests)

Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
Uric Acid 7.27 mg/dl Males :- 3.7 - 7.0
Method :- Uricase PAP

Calcium 10.98 mg/dl 8.5- 11

Phosphorus 3.86 mg/dl 2.7 - 4.5
Method :-Phosphomolybdate

Urea 27.02 mg/dl 10-50

Method :- Urease/GLDH Methodology

Creatinine 0.96 mg/dl 0.5-1.5

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 12.63 mg/dl 8-23
Bun / Creatinine ratio 13.16 Ratio
Gromerular Filtration Rate ( GFR ) 117 MI/min/1.7 90-120
Method :- Calculated
The efficiency or function of your kidneys can be estimated by means of different formulas. All these formulas include thelab-value "serum creatinine",
because the concentration of creatinine in your blood correlates inversely with your kidneyfunction: If kidney function declines, serum creatinine rises. Thus,
kidney function can be estimated from a routinemeasurement of creatinine in your blood. Defined by the level of GFR, there are 5 stages of chronic kidney
disease (according to NKF-KDOQI Guidelines [1]). Stage 1 is the earliest, while Stage 5 represents kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD),
respectively. Stages of chronic kidney disease on the basis of GFR1) >90ml/min/1.73m2: Kidney damage with normal GFR or elevated
GFR2)60-90ml/min/1.73m2: Kidney damage with mild dicrease in GFR3)30-60ml/min/1.73m2: Moderate dicrease in GFR4)15-30ml/min/1.73m2:Severe
reduction in GFR5)0-15ml/min/1.73m2:Kidney FailureMethod: Calculated Using MDRD Study Equation
Urea/creatinine ratio 28 Ratio
Acute renal failureThe ratio is predictive of prerenal injury when BUN:Cr exceeds 20 or when urea:Cr exceeds 0.1 and urea is greater than 10.In prerenal
injury, ureaincreases disproportionately to creatinine due to enhanced proximal tubular reabsorption.Gastrointestinal bleedingThe ratio is useful for the
diagnosis of bleeding from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in patients who do not present with overt vomiting of blood. Inchildren, a BUN:Cr ratio of 30 or
greater has a sensitivity of 68.8% and a specificity of 98% for upper gastrointestinal bleeding.BUN level increases inupper GI bleeding since blood, which
consists largely of the proteinhemoglobin, is broken down by digestive enzymes of the upper GI tract intoamino acids, which are then reabsorbed in the GI
tract and broken down into urea.Advanced ageBecause of decreased muscle mass, elderly patients may have an elevated BUN:Cr at baseline.

------------------------------------------------- End Of Report ------------------------------------------------- Page 5 of 9
Results relate only to the sample as recieved. Kindly correlate with clinical condition
Note : If the test results are alarming or unexpected, Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,09.49 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Widal Test (Slide Test)

Widal Slide Test
Salmonella Typhi "O" 1:160
Method :- Slide method
Salmonella Typhi "H" 1:80
Method :- Slide method
Salmonella Typhi Paratyphi "AH" No Agglutination
Method :- Slide method
Salmonella Typhi Paratyphi "BH" No Agglutination
Method :- Slide method
Result Significant
The test is put up with doubling dilutions of serum from 1:40 to 1:320. Repeat testing with increasing titre is suggestive of infection in the recent past.
Limitations: The test may be negative in the first week of fever with Salmonella infection. Anamnestic responce may be seen in viral infections. Previously
vaccinated individuals will show a positive test. Positive result will also seen in patients who have suffered from salmonella infection in the recent past. Positive
results obtained in the slide test should be confirmed with the tube test to establish whether the titers are diagnostically significant or not. Agglutinins usually
appear by the end of the first week of infection, blood sample taken earlier may give a negative result. TAB vaccinated patients may show a high titer of
antibodies to each of the antigens.Similarly, an amnestic response to other vaccines and unrelated fever in case of patients who have had prior infection or
immunization may give false result. Generally antibody titers of 1:80 or more are considered clinically and diagnostically significant. However the significant
titer may vary from population to population and needs to be established for each area. It is recommended that the results of the tests should be correlated
with clinical findings to arrive at the final diagnosis.

------------------------------------------------- End Of Report ------------------------------------------------- Page 6 of 9
Results relate only to the sample as recieved. Kindly correlate with clinical condition
Note : If the test results are alarming or unexpected, Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,10.02 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Urine Routine
Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
General Examination
Appearance CLEAR
Reaction (pH) ACIDIC
Specific Gravity, Urine 1.015 1.010-1.030
Method :- Bromthymol blue/Strip Method

Protein (Albumin) ABSENT Absent

Glucose (Sugar) ABSENT 0-1
Method :- Glucose oxidase/Strip Method

Acetone (Ketones) ABSENT

Nitrite ABSENT Negative
Leukocytes ABSENT Negative
Blood (RBCs) ABSENT Absent
Bilirubin. ABSENT 0-3/HPF
Bile Salts ABSENT
Bile Pigments ABSENT
Urobilinogen (qualitative), Urine ABSENT <1.0
Microscopic Findings
R.B.C per h.p.f. ABSENT 0-3/HPF
Method :- Microscopic

Pus Cells per h.p.f 3-4 0-5

Method :- Microscopic

Epithelial cells 2-3 0-5

Method :- Microscopic

Casts, Urine ABSENT Nil

Method :- Microscopic


Method :- Microscopic

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.
Patient Name : MR. AVNISH SHARMA Registered On : Received On :
12/05/2024,08.29 PM 12/05/2024, 8.30 PM
Lab No. : NM016120524001
Collected On : Reported On :
Age/Gender : 19 Years / MALE 12/05/2024,10.02 PM
12/05/2024,08.25 PM
Ref. Doctor : - Normal Range For : Report Status :
Referred By :
Centre Code : NM016
Barcode : *NM016120524001*
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Contact No : Aadhar No :

Urine Routine
Parameters Value Unit Biological Ref Range
Amorphous deposits ABSENT Absent
Method :- Microscopic

Mucous Threads ABSENT Absent

Method :- Microscopic

Bacteria ABSENT Absent

Method :- Microscopic

Yeast Cells ABSENT Absent

Method :- Microscopic

------------------------------------------------- End Of Report ------------------------------------------------- Page 8 of 9
Results relate only to the sample as recieved. Kindly correlate with clinical condition
Note : If the test results are alarming or unexpected, Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

Sample Type : PLAIN Sample Type : EDTA Sample Type : URINE CON
Sample ID
23005934935 23005811463 OP154719

Dr. Sunil M. Kode


Processed At :- HSCP Laboratories Pvt Ltd

SANPADA Processing Lab : HSCP House Plot No 59 Sector 6 Sanpada .
This report is system generated and electronically authenticated.

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