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General Review

Preparation Strategies for Mg-alloys for Biodegradable Orthopaedic

Implants and Other Biomedical Applications: A Review
G. Chandra ∗ , A. Pandey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462003, India

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

• Mg-alloy Implants likely to minimize/elim-

inate secondary surgeries in orthopaedics.
• Appropriate design of biodegradable im-
plant is of critical importance.
• Density function theory can be employed
to predict elastic properties of alloys.
• Surface modifications help delay the pro-
cess of biodegradation.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biodegradable materials offer many advantages over the conventionally used non-biodegradable bioma-
Received 28 February 2020 terials. A number of biodegradable material-based (BMB) alloys have been developed for biomedical
Received in revised form 1 June 2020 applications. Such alloys are increasingly used for manufacturing orthopaedic implants. The elimination
Accepted 11 June 2020
of secondary surgery depends on the efficacy of the BMB implant which needs to fulfill two essential
Available online xxxx
requirements. While such an implant has to be strong enough to provide adequate support to the dam-
Keywords: aged structure in skeleton, it should also be capable of maintaining just the right balance between rate
Biodegradable of healing of the damaged structure and rate of degradation of the implant. The complexities involved
Biomedical in striking a balance between these two apparently conflicting requirements makes it imperative to op-
Biomaterials timize the design and preparation strategy of the BMB alloy. Many biodegradable metals, ceramics and
Orthopaedic polymers have been investigated for this application and the Magnesium (Mg)-based alloys have been
Implants found to be amongst the most suited ones. This review focuses on preparation techniques employed in
development of Mg – alloys for biodegradable orthopaedic implants (fracture fixation implants). The pro-
cess can essentially be split into: material optimization, processing techniques, and surface modifications.
© 2020 AGBM. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction different cases in fracture surgeries. The biological motivation for

choosing biodegradable implants over non-degradable metallic im-
The design of BMB implants is quite involved. It almost al- plants has its genesis in issues arising out of stress shielding, metal
ways requires identifying a set of relevant properties that need to ion release, secondary infection, etc. The long healing time and
be idealized/optimized to make the implant adequately suited for non-degradability of the implant necessitates a secondary surgery
operation to remove or replace the implant after healing [1–3].
Some drawbacks of metallic implant materials are shown in Ta-
* Corresponding author. ble 1. Out of the various metals tested for this purpose, Mg and
E-mail address: girishcd.3003@gmail.com (G. Chandra). its alloys have shown great potential and emerged as strong con-

1959-0318/© 2020 AGBM. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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2 G. Chandra, A. Pandey / IRBM ••• (••••) •••–•••

Table 1
Major drawbacks of some metallic implant materials.
Element Characteristic Value Drawbacks Details Ref.
Stainless Steel/Fe - Elastic Modulus 190–200 GPa Very High May give rise to stress shielding. The [22–24]
Alloys heavy implant may cause bone
Density ∼7.9 g/cm3 Very high
compared to Bone
Degradation 0.1–0.5 mm/year Very Low May require secondary surgery.

Ti - Alloys Elastic Modulus 113 GPa High Stress shielding occurs due to brittle [22,25]
Degradation - Negligible Secondary surgery needed.
(almost zero)
Pure Mg Elastic Modulus 43 GPa Low Lower elastic modulus of Mg proves [22,26–28]
advantageous in stress shielding.
Degradation - Very High May go through complete
degradation before bone healing.
Hydrogen >1 mL H2 /cm2 /day High The released H2 gas accumulates at
Evolution the surrounding soft tissues.
Density 1.74 g/cm Low Nearly equivalent to cortical and
cancellous bone.
Cortical and Density 1.5 - 2.0 g/cm3 Low - [3,29,30]
Cancellous bone
Elastic modulus 22.4-132.32 MPa and 7.7 to Low -
21.8 GPa respectively

tenders for use in developing biodegradable metal implants [4–7]. ture. The design of the implant plays its own role in controlling the
Mg is a low-density material (1.8 g/cm3 ). Its remarkable strength- degradation rate. In orthopaedic applications, implant devices are
to-weight ratio, compressive yield strength, and elastic modulus subjected to acute dynamic loadings during normal physical activ-
are comparable to the natural bone and makes it a preferred choice ities and get exposed to physiologically - stressed environments.
over commonly used metallic implants materials [8,9]. Mg, in its This may result in stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue
pure form, is not capable of serving as an ideal implant material [3,14,9,18]. The intrinsic maximum alloy stress of or threshold
because not only it degrades quickly during the process of healing, stress of stress corrosion cracking are the main agents usually re-
it also oxidizes rapidly. However, it can be an ideal biodegradable sponsible for early failure of the device [3,14].
material if alloyed with some bio-active alloying elements. An ideal biodegradable implant must have low rates of degra-
Some elements like Calcium (Ca), Zinc (Zn), and Strontium (Sr) dation to provide appropriate mechanical support until the com-
are found important alloying elements for Mg-based material for pletion of the healing process. A regenerated tissue is likely to
orthopaedic applications. Zn is found mainly in muscles and bones start providing strength to the fractured bone but this process
and helps improve the yield stress in implant, reduces H2 gas evo- has a close connection with the mechanical integrity and degrada-
lution during bio-corrosion due to Mg, and also helps avoid the tion behavior of the biodegradable implant. Delay in degradation
adverse effect of iron and nickel impurities that might be found in of the metallic Mg-alloys by using surface modification offers sig-
Mg [10]. Sr can enhance strength and corrosion resistance by refin- nificant benefit over a non-delayed degradation process (like pure
ing the grain size. It provides a passive layer on Mg alloys which Mg). However, sometimes immediate degradation can also provide
can improve the human bone mass and osteoblast formation. Ca satisfactory healing outcomes [19]. An important parameter for a
is a vital bone element and potentially essential for maintaining biodegradable implant is its biocompatibility which can be con-
bone health [1,11–13]. Mg alloys have set a new benchmark in or- trolled by using nutrients, bioinert elements, etc. [1]. Structure of
thopaedic implant materials due to its high corrosion resistance, medical device is another important parameter for controlling the
especially in In-vitro (electrolytic and aqueous environments). In overall cycle of healing process.
In-vivo, non-toxic hydroxide is harmlessly excreted due to soluble A biodegradable implant goes through typical healing process
formation in urine that can make it useful for biomaterial applica- stages including inflammation, granulation, and remodeling, be-
tions [14]. fore its complete degradation. Localized corrosion and stress cor-
Biodegradable material has to stay in the body for reasonably rosion cracking interfere and delay the healing processes locally
long durations and should ideally dissolve completely upon ful- [20,21]. This review essentially focuses on identifying key prepa-
filling the intended design objectives. But it must maintain its ration points and chart a path for developing Mg-alloys for or-
mechanical integrity for a minimum of 12 to 18 weeks during frac- thopaedic implants. Fig. 1 is a flow chart representation of all three
tured bone tissue healing process. Mg-based alloys are biodegrad- critical material development stages involved.
able materials that offer extra advantages over Fe-based, Ca-based,
Sr-based, and Zn-based alloys [1,2,8,15–17]. During the healing 2. Evolution of orthopaedic implants
periods, biodegradable implant materials exhibit unpredictable be-
haviour due to continuous degradation with varying degradation Stainless steel and pure titanium are well - explored and fre-
rates in the complex physiological environment which is one of quently discussed as metallic biomaterials for implants since 1940
the major challenges. Biodegradable implant may lose its strength [31]. However, they started getting widely used in fracture surgery
quite early because of localized corrosion behavior that is depen- of damaged tissue/bone from 1993 [32]. An acute need of exten-
dent on pitting, corrosion fatigue, etc. sive research was later felt to explore new alloys/materials to avoid
The mechanical loading factors and associated biodegradation secondary surgery due to allergy, bacterial reaction, stress shielding
process make it rather complex to develop better alloys and im- effect in the bone due to higher density, or the incomplete degra-
prove the structural design. An implant, like other medical devices, dation of the implant even after complete healing of the tissue.
have to be stiff and offer considerable resistance to cracking/frac- Biodegradable metallic materials and their alloys are now increas-
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Fig. 1. Flow Chart of Critical Material Development Stages.

ingly used in fracture surgery for development of implant devices 3.1. Biological behaviour of Mg-alloys
like pins, bone plates, screws, etc., that will degrade simultane-
ously with accompanying loss of mechanical integrity and tissue The primary motive of biomaterials/biodegradable materials is
healing [33,34]. to become compatible with physiological environment they have
The evolution of Mg and its alloys as biomedical implant ma- to serve in (In-vivo/In-vitro). Biodegradable, non-toxic nutrient el-
terials in In-vivo applications is largely due to their good degra- ements can be synthesized and allowed to participate in many
dation, biocompatibility, strength, and light weight. Mg2+ and its enzymatic reactions and cofactors or regulators within the human
alloying elements like Zn and Ca carry essential nutrients that con- body. Mg and some alloying elements like Zn, Ca, etc., have been
tribute to the biological regeneration of damaged tissue in the hu- found to be involved in more than 50% of the cellular activities
man body. Mg, as resorbable ligature, was first used in the form of like replication, transcription, translation process, stabilization of
wire to stop bleeding from blood vessels in 1878 [35]. Biodegrad- plasma membrane, etc. Most of the biodegradable metal elements,
sequestered in bone, act as reservoir for quick change in levels of
able materials like Pure Mg or Mg - alloys (AZ91 and AZ31) have
serum. Some of them are contained in soft tissues and repossessed
shown their benefits in terms of improved biological properties
in levels of serum. Mg2+ ion content in bone mineral is around
over the previously used non-degradable implant materials like
six molar percentage but it decreases during re-generation of bone
Stainless Steel, Co-Cr alloys, and Ti – alloys for clinical applications
[43,44]. The blood serum level, parts in human blood and parts
[36]. For Mg - alloys, rapid corrosion associated with the release
in human bone for Mg are about 0.73–1.06 mM, 900 mmol/L and
of H2 gas with accompanying loss of mechanical strength has been
1.7 mg/g, respectively. Total amount of Mg usually present in the
observed. It has also been reported that its degradation and me-
human body is 25 g, out of which about 30%–40% is present in
chanical dynamics must be controlled over the healing cycle. Due muscles and soft tissues, although its daily requirement in adults
to many distinct advantages of Mg-alloys, new generation medical is only up to 0.7 g (∼0.5 g in male and ∼0.4 g in females) [45,46].
devices like biodegradable vascular stents have also emerged, along Though the concentration of Mg2+ depends on aging, it is ob-
with orthopedic plates, screws, fixator pins, etc. These are fast be- served that Mg2+ is in higher concentration in cartilage and im-
coming the finest examples in usage of biodegradable materials mature bone tissues. Moreover, the presence of Mg in bone com-
for usage other than orthopaedic applications; the common feature position affects the osteoblast cells and increases the elasticity of
being their disappearing ability after serving the purpose [37,38]. bone. The bone formation process stimulates healing during degra-
For achieving ideal time line in controlling the primary parameters, dation of implant by releasing Mg2+ ion. Mg, in pure form, exhibits
an adequate strategy is needed for preparing the material to avoid high rate of formation of hydrogen gas cavity which may decrease
the requirement of implant removal by secondary surgery. The sec- the survival time in in-vivo. Higher amounts of hydrogen gas start
ondary parameters of biodegradable implant are also evolving in swelling in the periphery of implant site near damaged position of
the design for orthopaedic applications. The biodegradable metallic the bone by filling the loose compartments and then dispersing
alloys, especially Mg-alloys with adequate alloying elements, have subcutaneously to other areas. It leads to improvement in cor-
the ability to replace the non-degradable metallic alloys, specifi- rosion performance of biodegradable Mg-alloy and consequently
cally for the purpose of developing orthopaedic/fracture fixation decreases the risk of gas accumulation. It also improves the me-
implants for orthopaedic application mentioned in Table 2 that chanical properties, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics
also lists the advantages and disadvantages of some metallic bio- that need to be optimized [14,47].
material alloys used in orthopaedic implants [1].
3.2. Alloying elements, alloy systems and element compositions for
3. Material optimization of Mg-alloys for biodegradable
orthopaedic implant applications Appropriate design for biodegradable orthopaedic implant ap-
plications involves selecting the alloying elements, alloy system
and element compositions for development of Mg-alloys. The ad-
Material optimization, as employed in biodegradable orthopae- vantages (biological and mechanical) and disadvantages of some of
dic implants design, aims to control and balance performance the commonly employed elements are listed in Table 3 that may
– affecting factors like number of alloying elements/the alloying serve as a useful aid in selecting the alloying elements.
system, alloying elements’ compositions and microstructure, func- The selection of alloying elements in Mg-alloys should be based
tional characteristics, mechanical and biological behaviour and cor- on their non-toxicity, solubility, absorbability, and dissolvability by
rosion/biodegradation characteristics. the adjacent tissues as nutrients to help in healing while allow-
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Table 2
Metallic materials and their alloys: advantages and disadvantages.
Material Advantages Disadvantages Ref.
Stainless Steel Biocompatibility High Elastic Modulus [1,39]
(Not Degradable) Easy Availability Insufficient Wear Resistance
Cheap Allergic Behaviour in Physiological Conditions
Excellent Fabrication Stress Shielding Effect (SSE) in Bone

Co-Cr Alloys Biocompatibility Expensive [40]

(Not Degradable) Fatigue and Wear Resistance Poor Machinability
Resistance to Corrosion SSE
High Strength High ElasticModulus
Toxic in Physiological Environment due to ions released
by Co, Cr and Ni
Ti-Alloys Biocompatibility Expensive [41]
(Not Degradable) Resistance to Corrosion Low Wear Resistance
Light Weight Low Bending Ductility

Mg-based Alloys Biocompatibility H2 evolution during Biodegradation [22,42]

(Degradable) Biodegradability Inadequate Corrosion Resistance
Light Weight

Zn-based Alloys Biocompatibility Low Mechanical Strength [1]

(Degradable) Biodegradability Less Soluble with Mg, Ca, Sr and Fe
Bioabsorbability Low Ductility
Ideal Corrosion Rate

Fe-based Alloys Long-term Biocompatibility Low Degradation Rate [1]

(Degradable) Bioabsorbability
High Strength

Ca-based Alloys Biocompatibility Low Degradation Rate [1]

(Degradable) High Strength

Sr-based Alloys Biocompatibility Slow Degradation Rate [1]

(Degradable) Good Compression Very Fine Micro Structure

ing excretion of the excess amounts [8]. Toxic elements (in red), Mg–1Y and Mg–1Zr alloy showed no considerable effects on tox-
allergic elements (in orange) and nutrient elements (in green) indi- icity to osteoblasts [50]. An example for binary Mg - alloys with
cating solubility limits of different alloying elements for Mg-alloys different alloying elements has been shown in Fig. 3. The mechani-
have been shown in Fig. 2 (the toxicity of remaining elements is cal properties and corrosion characteristics of some of these binary
not known) [1,50,56–58]. These solubility limits may serve as the Mg-alloys are listed in Table 4.
indicators for deciding the compositions for alloying elements. In ternary alloy system in Mg-5Znalloy, Sr has been taken as
For better optimization of Mg-alloys, many potential alloy sys- the 3rd element and minor Sr addition of 0, 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 (wt.
tems such as binary, ternary, quaternary, and more than four el- %) have been used. It is observed that Sr refines the grain in all
ements are discussed here which may be helpful in appropriate compositions but the best composition of Sr is 0.2% (Mg-5Zn-
design of material for biodegradable orthopaedic implants. 0.2Sr) that exhibits significantly improved mechanical properties
Binary Mg-Ca alloys with different Ca contents (wt. % of 1 to 3) with UTS and elongation of 233 MPa and 15% respectively. It is
have been taken as two phases in fabrication, pure Mg and Mg2 Ca. also observed that there is an adequate corrosion resistance in
It is observed that tensile properties can be controlled by Ca con- In-vitro (0.9%NaCl and Hank’s solution) [11]. Similarly, Mg-Zn-Ca
tent. The implantation in rabbit femoral shafts for up to 3 months alloys were developed with Ca as a third element and found to
indicates that the Mg-1Ca alloy pins gradually degrades in In-vivo have improved superior biocompatibility. It was observed that im-
within 90 days whereas a newly formed bone is clearly seen in provement in mechanical properties happened via additional age
the 3rd month of implantation [59]. The mechanical properties of hardening for 2–5 hours and corrosion also got reduced to half of
Mg/Ca composite with 1, 5 and 10 wt.% of Ca have been compared the predefined rate [61]. As ternary, Mg – alloys (as-cast and ex-
with Mg-1Ca alloy and it is observed that the UTS and elonga- truded), Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca shows improvement in mechanical prop-
tion of this composite decreases with increasing Ca content [60]. erties; the tensile yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and
The observation concludes with the recommendation of Mg-1Ca elongation values being 240 MPa, 297 MPa and 21.3%, respectively.
alloy as an orthopaedic biodegradable material [59,60]. Many re- After 30-days in SBF solution, good biocompatibility and decreased
search findings have shown improved bio-absorbable properties of degradation rate are observed, with YTS, UTS, and elongation of
binary Mg - based alloys. All in all, 9 different types of alloying 160 MPa, 220 MPa and 8.5%, respectively. These values may be
elements (Mn, Si, Sn, Al, Ag, In, Y, Zn and Zr) have been identi- adequate to support the fractured bone [62]. The mechanical prop-
fied individually with different weight % of alloying elements. It erties and corrosion characteristics of some of these ternary Mg-
is observed that improvement in strength is due to Al, Si, Sn, Zn alloys are listed in Table 4.
and Zr whereas decrease in corrosion rate is due to Al, In, Mn, In the quaternary alloys system, Mg72-x Zn23 Ca5 Pdx , with x
Zn or Zr, in both SBF and the Hank’s solution. However, some el- ranging from 0 to 6 %, shows Pd free ternary Mg72 Zn23 Ca5 alloy in
ements like Si and Y have shown negative effect on the corrosion amorphous state, but the addition of Pd lowers the glass-forming
behavior. In cytocompatibility observation, Mg–1Al, Mg–1Sn and ability due to formation of crystalline phases. This quaternary alloy
Mg–1Zn alloy have shown no considerable reduction in cell via- system also shows that increased Pd content results in increased
bility to fibroblasts, although Mg–1Al, Mg–1Si, Mg–1Zn, Mg–1Sn, hardness and young’s modulus (2.71 GPa for x = 0, to 3.9 GPa and
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Table 3
Biological advantages, mechanical advantages and disadvantages of some commonly used elements.
Element Biological Advantages Mechanical Advantages Overall Disadvantages Ref.
Mg 7th Macro mineral for human body; Outstanding strength to weight ratio, High degradation rate; Hydrogen gas [1,5,8]
65% of Mg is found in bones; 33% and 77% lighter than Al and evolution; undesirable in pure form
promotes bone formation during Steel, respectively; improves damping
healing capacity.
Zn 85% of Zn is found in muscles and Improves the strength and ageing - [1,7,48,49]
bones; Reduces the hydrogen gas strengthening effect; up to 5% by
evolution; decreases the degradation weight can be used for better
rate; Helps to overcome the harmful mechanical properties.
corrosive effects of impurities found
in Mg-alloys
Sr Favors the growth of osteoblasts and Results in grain refinement; - [1]
prevents bone resorption; Improves Improvement in strength and
bone mass and reduces the chance of Reduction in elongation with up to 3
micro fractures. Enhances corrosion % by weight.
Ca 99.5% of Ca is found in bones; Results in grain refinement; Improves - [1,5,48,49]
Improves bioactivity and corrosion strength and creep resistance
Mn Helps in assisting metabolic activity; Results in grain refinement and - [1,50,51]
Prevents osteoporosis and decreases improved tensile strength
rate of debilitating disease
Sn Encourage the synthesis of proteins Improves both tensile and - [50]
and nucleic acids; Improve corrosion Compressive strength
Fe Necessary for proper function of - Higher amounts may be harmful; [1,51]
enzymes and oxygen transport. Very slow degradation
Zr Low toxicity; improves corrosion Improves tensile strength, ductility - [6,1]
resistance. and elongation; High specific
damping capacity; Powerful grain
Si Corrosion resistance; non-toxic. Significant improvement in - [50,52]
mechanical properties
Li Low-toxicity. Ultra-light weight; Improvement in monotonically accelerate the [53,54]
plasticity corrosion rate
Al - Improves UTS Probability of occurrence of [50,1,54,55]
neurological disorders such as
Alzheimer, Dementia and Senile
Dementia diseases
REE Anti-carcinogenic; Corrosion Improves creep properties; - [1]
resistance. strengthening ability

for x = 6). At x = 2, the wear resistance becomes maximum due UTS,YTS and elongation of 144.1 MPa, 114.4 MPa and 4.9%, respec-
to the formation of high-strength phases. It does not show dead tively [66]. Mg-3.0Gd-2.7Zn-0.4Zr-0.1Mn (GZKM-1) alloy contain-
cells even after culturing for 27 hours in a mouse pre-osteoclasts ing traces of Gd and Zn shows improved mechanical properties.
and delays the bio-degradability of this alloy due to addition of However, little amount of Zr and Mn results in increased corro-
Pd [63]. Mg–Zn–Ca–Sr alloy, are treated as bulk modulus glass sion resistance due to refined grains. The best mechanical property
(BMGs) due to good glass-forming ability, significantly improved values of UTS, YTS, and e% of 341.5 MPa, 315.2 MPa and 21.3%, re-
mechanical properties, good corrosion performance, and reduced spectively, are obtained with cast, hot extruded, and heat-treated
hydrogen evolution with minor Sr additions. The fracture strength material [67]. The mechanical properties and corrosion character-
and specific strength are above 827 MPa and 2.8 × 105 Nm/Kg, re- istics of some of these Mg-alloys are listed in Table 4.
spectively, which is higher than Sr-free ternary Mg–Zn–Ca BMGs
Density functional theory (DFT) can be used to arrive at the
[64]. The Mg-Zn-Zr-Sr (Mg-3.2Zn-0.8Zr-0.3Sr) alloy, made by cast-
alloy systems in Mg - based or Fe - based alloy system, as well
ing using magnetic agitation, is homogenized at 300◦ C for 2 h and
as composition of alloying element. DFT has been used to investi-
goes through hot extrusion at 300◦ C with extrusion ratio of 1:56.
gate the influence of biocompatible elements of Mg and Fe crystal
This improves the mechanical properties as shown in Table 4. By
lattice alloying elements and their effect on general elastic prop-
immersion tests and cytocompatibility tests (In-vitro), the Mg-Zn-
Zr-Sr alloy is found to have good corrosion resistance and helps in erties. Some studies of Mg - alloy with binary alloy system of
proliferation of cell [65]. The mechanical properties and corrosion elements like Zn, Ca, Li, Ag, Sr, and Zr, as well as ternary and
characteristics of some of these quaternary Mg-alloys are listed in quaternary Mg-based alloys, have been carried out and indicated
Table 4. improved ductility of alloys, especially alloying of Mg with Zn,
More than four elements, e.g. as cast Mg-4.2Zn-1.7RE-0.8Zr- Ca, and high percentage of Li. DFT is immensely useful in deter-
0.2Ca(wt.%) alloy with Sr, contains increased fluidity (122.8%) as mining the best alloying elements and their respective proportions
compared to the quaternary alloy system and refined grains with with the objective of improving the ductility of Mg-based and Fe-
reduction in oxides formation and melt viscosity. The Mg-4.2Zn- based bioresorbable alloys for cardiovascular, Broncho-tracheal and
1.7RE-0.8Zr-0.2Ca-0.2Sr alloy exhibits mechanical properties with orthopaedic applications [68].
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Fig. 2. Solubility limits of some alloying elements in Mg. (For interpretation of the colors in the figure(s), the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Maximum elongation, UTS and degradation rates of Mg-alloys with adequate binary alloying elements (Zn, Ca, Sr and Y) by wt. % [1].

3.3. Microstructure of Mg-alloys cles of different elements can build porous microstructure. Further
pressure is applied to a specified mold shape followed by sintering
Microstructure of Mg-alloys plays a vital role in the design of to engage intermediate bond. The porosity and pore size can be ad-
Mg-alloys and is briefly discussed here. justed by the type of content and its particle size to adopt spacer
particles for pulverized pressed shape of metal, ceramic or mixed
3.3.1. Porous structure powders with detachable spacer particles (i.e. Carbamide) [70,71].
Porous microstructure of biodegradable implant can help in or- Porous structure obtained vide laser additive manufacturing (LAM)
thopaedic applications because it has better bone regeneration and of Mg-Ca alloys exhibits the effect on porosity as shown in Fig. 4.
degradation capabilities. It allows the circulation of body fluid in The porosity of a LAMed Mg-Ca alloy mainly depends on three fac-
bone tissue, and hence contributes to its growth. Apart from this, tors: energy density, pulse width, and frequency of the laser input,
it prevents loosening of the implant [69]. A porous structure can be and the porosity of porous Mg-Ca alloy decreases gradually with
created by some manufacturing techniques like powder metallurgy, the increase in laser energy input [72].
additive manufacturing, negative salt-pattern molding process, etc. Many research findings indicate that the mechanical proper-
Very finely milled and uniformly distributed spacer powder parti- ties and corrosion resistance get reduced in Mg-based porous al-
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Table 4
Compositions and Corresponding Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials and Bone (Red, green, blue and grey are shown binary, ternary, quaternary and more the four elements
systems respectively for Mg-alloys) [112–116,118,119]. (For interpretation of the colors in the table(s), the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Tissue/Implant/ Density US YS e (%) E (GPa) HV Corrosion Ref
Alloys (at. %/wt.%) (g/cm3 ) (T/C) (T/C) properties
(MPa) (MPa) (CV/CC/CR)
Bone 1.8-2.1 110-130 104-121 0.7-3 15-25 - - [29]
Pure Mg 1.74-2.0 90-190 65-100 2-10 41-45 - 0.011 mg.cm−2 .h−1 [8]
Pure Zn 5.4 33 - 16 9.1 18 −0.85V/138 × [112]
10−6 A.cm2 /
2.71 mm/year
Mg-1Ca - 71.38 40 1.87 - - 320 mV/1.63- [59]
12.75 mm/yr
Mg-1Zn - 134 25.5 18.2 - - [49]
Mg-1Sn - 194 79 20 - -
Mg-2Sr - 213.3 147.3 3.15 - - 300 mV/ [113]
0.87 mm/yr
Mg-1Mn - 86.3 28.5 7.5 - - [49]
AZ31 1.78 263 185 15-23 45 - 0.0065 mg.cm−2 .h−1 [114,8]
AZ91 1.81 230 (T)/160 (C) 45 0.0028 mg.cm−2 .h−1 [8]
Stainless Steel 7.9 490 190 40 200 - - [23]
Titanium alloys 4.43 950 880 14 113.8 - – [25]
(Ti-6Al-7Nb) 4.52 900 800 10 105 - -
Chromium 7.8 450-960 240 - 450 50 195-230 - - [115]
cobalt alloys
Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr - 142 62 - - 8.9 - [116]
Mg-4Zn-0.5Sr - 169 104 - - 3 -
Mg-6Zn-0.5Sr - 200 128 - - 3.6 -
Mg-5Zn - 212 120 10 - 52 −0.56 V/ [11]
33.80 μA cm−2
Mg-5Zn-0.2Sr - 233 117 15 - 56 −0.51 V/
22.40 μA cm−2
Mg-5Zn-0.6Sr - 215 115 13 - 59 −0.53 V/
31.62 μA cm−2
Mg-5Zn-1.0Sr - 194 107 9 - 65 −0.54 V/
26.61 μA cm−2
Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca - 297 240 21.3 45 −1.67 V/ [62]
243 μA cm−2 /
1.98 mm/yr
Mg-1.2Zn-0.5Ca - 116.1-126.5 57.2-63.4 3.07-3.33 - 44.5-53.1 −1.83 V/ [61]
(as-cast) 695 μAcm−2 /
8.2 mm/yr
Mg-1.2Zn-0.5Ca - 142.2-159.2 77.2-91.4 4.66-5.14 - 56.4-64.6 −1.81 V/
(Heat treated) 420 μAcm−2 /
4.8 mm/yr
Mg72 Zn23 Ca5 2.84 - - - 50.38 - −1.15 V/ [63]
1.7 mAcm−2
Mg70 Zn23 Ca5 Pd2 3.01 - - - 64.2 - −1.04 V/
2.1 mA cm−2
Mg66 Zn23 Ca5 Pd6 3.40 - - - 72.98 - −0.93 V/
2.7 mA cm−2
Mg66 Zn30 Ca4 Sr0 2.940 ± 0.003 - - - 48.8 ± 0.1 2.45 ± 0.01 −1.15 V/ [64]
10 μAcm−2
Mg66 Zn30 Ca3.5 Sr0.5 2.952 ± 0.004 - - - 48.5 ± 0.2 2.49 ± 0.01 −1.15 V/
10 μAcm−2
Mg66 Zn30 Ca3 Sr1 2.964 ± 0.005 - - - 49.1 ± 0.2 2.51 ± 0.02 −1.15 V/
10 μAcm−2
Mg66 Zn30 Ca2.5 Sr2.5 2.980 ± 0.004 - - - 49.4 ± 0.2 2.51 ± 0.02 −1.15 V/
10 μAcm−2
Mg-3.2Zn-0.3Sr - 278.002 ± 5.352 187.324 ± 4.015 19.8 ± 3.6% - - 24.92 mm/yr [65]
Mg-3.2Zn-0.8Zr - 306.052 ± 4.588 227.509 ± 5.009 20 ± 2% - - 17.05 mm/yr
Mg-3.2Zn-0.8Zr-0.3Sr - 376.400 ± 7.526 322.363 ± 4.547 16 ± 1% - - 24.2 mm/yr
Mg-1.0Ca-0.5Sr - 307.4±1.8 304.3±2.2 10.4±2.2 - - - [117]
(Extrusion Temperature
275 ◦ C)
Mg-1.0Ca-0.5Sr - 234.9±1.2 202.7±2.4 18.3±3.4 - - -
(Extrusion Temperature
340 ◦ C)
Mg-1.0Ca-0.5Sr - 215.1±0.9 157.2±2.3 18.7±2.7 - - -
(Extrusion Temperature
400 ◦ C)
Mg–Zn–Y–Nd - 242 170 20.9 - - −1.753 V/ [118]
139 μAcm−2
Mg–1.5Y–1.2Zn–0.44Zr - 236 178 28 - - −1.667 V/ [119]
75 μAcm−2
(continued on next page)
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Table 4 (Continued)
Tissue/Implant/ Density US YS e (%) E (GPa) HV Corrosion Ref
Alloys (at. %/wt.%) (g/cm3 ) (T/C) (T/C) properties
(MPa) (MPa) (CV/CC/CR)
Mg30 -Fe70 (673K) 5.25 - 1120 - - 398.1 - [120]
Mg30 -Fe70 (723K) 5.262 - 1130 - - 422.7 -
Mg30 -Fe70 (773K) 5.321 - 1380 - - 424.3 -
Mg30 -Fe70 (823K) 5.209 - 1100 - - 298.8 -
Mg-4.2Zn-1.7RE- - 144.1 114.4 4.9 - - - [66]
0.8Zr-0.2Ca-0.2 Sr

Fig. 4. Porosity variation curves of different processing parameters. (a) energy density, (b) pulse width, (c) frequency [72].

loys due to adopted increased porosity, pore size, and thickness inforcements have been used to prepare Mg - based MMCs. On
of porous layer [73–75]. For making a porous structure in as-cast the other hand, biodegradable polymers like polylactic acid (PLA),
Mg-Al alloys, electrochemical de-alloying process may be used via polylactic co-glycolic acid (PLGA), as well as PLA/phosphate com-
neutral aqueous 0.6M NaCl solution, to form coarse as well as posites, can also be used as reinforcement biomaterials [85,86].
fine pores. A single-sized porous structure can be made by an Mainly two methods are used to make MMCs, namely - powder-
annealing–electrochemical de-alloying approach [76]. metallurgy and stir casting. Matrix of Mg-3Zn-0.2Ca alloy, with
reinforcement MgO as spherically shaped, nanoparticles, in (0.1,
3.3.2. Composite structure 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 wt.%) using high shear melt solidification, solution
For composite microstructure biodegradable implant, a matrix treatment, and hot extrusion, shows significant increase in yield
is required to perform as a base element and reinforcement ad- stress (T/C), ultimate stress (T/C), and corrosion resistance [84].
ditives (different from matrix element) like metal particles, poly- The HA micro particle can also serve as reinforcement but has a
mers, ceramics, etc., are incorporated in it [77]. This can be used deficient load carrying capacity which makes its application re-
to control the mechanical and corrosion properties, which are ad- stricted, although it has significantly better biological properties
justed as per the desired requirement. Appropriate reinforcement [87]. Biodegradable Mg-3Zn alloys matrix with dried 5 wt.% of
material selection may lead to improved specific stiffness, abrasion HA is reinforced as a functional bioactive and osteogenic ceramic,
resistance, specific strength, creep resistance, thermal conductiv- and causes an improvement in the corrosion resistance by ∼72%.
ity and dimensional stability, and the ability to perform better in It also improves the YCS of biodegradable Mg alloy by∼23% [88].
organic or physiological fluids environments. A group of biodegrad- Hot extrudedAZ91D alloy with HA (reinforcement) also shows good
able materials (like Zn, Ca, hydroxyapatite (HA), etc.) used as rein- corrosion resistance and leads to re-iteration of the porous mi-
forcement in orthopaedic applications has shown similar charac- crostructure to promote bone cell adhesion and proliferation due
teristics as the mineral required for bone. Composite structure of to HA fiber [89]. PM is used as a traditional pressing-sintering
Mg/Ca binary with 1, 3 and 5 wt. % of Ca has been found to exhibit technique to prepare the MMC alloys. It also accounts for better
significantly improved mechanical and biological properties [60]. operation and ease of preparation of composite to obtain homo-
Many types of composites like ceramic matrix composites, poly- geneous and uniform distribution of reinforcement, like - ceramic,
mer matrix composites, and metal matrix composites (MMCs), are metal oxide, and polymer in matrix [90,91,80]. Biodegradable pure
available but MMCs are the most commonly used composites for Mg with 20 wt.% of ZnO in the form of nanoparticles, made by PM,
orthopaedic applications. MMCs play a very important role in con- is reported to improve the UTS and surface hardness, although cor-
trolling the mechanical and degradation properties of biodegrad- rosion rate and elongation decreases in Mg matrix [91]. AZ91/FA
able material - based alloys, through factors like content type, dis- MMCs, fluorapatite (FA) nanoparticles, etc., affect the mechanical
tribution, shape, size, and orientation of the reinforcements. Many properties when FA nanoparticles increase up to 20% with UCS of
compositions of calcium phosphate (CPP)-based ceramic [78–83], the AZ91/FA and accompanying reduction in degradation rates [80].
bioactive glass [77], magnesium oxide [84], calcium particles [60], Biodegradable Mg/MgF2 with continuous network of MgF2 re-
and many more oxides formed with bioactive materials as re- inforcement using SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering) to form a particle
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interface thickness of 3.5 μm, results in improvement in mechan- 3.3.4. Amorphous (Glassy) structure
ical properties and corrosion resistance by ∼70% (0.7 mm-y−1 ), Mg–Zn–Ca–Sr master alloy is characterized as a biodegradable
compared to pure Mg [92]. A Biodegradable Mg-2Zn/PLA compos- BMG due to ultimate glass formation ability. It has improved cor-
ite rod made by hot press and self-reinforcement effect of PLA rosion performance and is deficient in hydrogen evolution. It is
after hot drawn process, leads to improvement in grain orienta- also observed to have better mechanical properties and compat-
tion, crystallinity, and melting temperature, as well as strengthen, ibility with cell culture to fulfill the criterion of biodegradable
toughness, and interfacial bonding strength by MAO- treated Mg- materials [64]. Biodegradable Mg–Zn–Ca BMGs, when compared
2Zn wires [93]. Mg-6%Zn alloy matrix and β -Ca3 (PO4 )2 reinforced to traditional Mg alloys, have an extraordinary strength but inef-
particles have been used to make homogeneous distributed com- ficient plasticity of ∼2–4%. It was also shown that Mg66 Zn30 Ca4
posites by PM followed by hot extrusion and aging treatment. This BMGs have very high UCS of∼716–854 MPa compared with re-
resulted in improved bio-safety, corrosion resistance, and mechan- crystalline AZ91D alloys of UCS ∼400 MPa. Mg67 Zn28 Ca5 BMGs
ical properties [94]. CPP particles (<750 nm) up to 5 wt.% have reportedly have very high UTS of ∼675–894 MPa compared with
been used to improve the mechanical properties (YTS of 319.5% crystalline WE43 alloy with UTS of ∼270 MPa [110]. Master alloys
and elongation of 30.5%) for ZK60/CPP MMCs [95,79]. Stirring cast- of as-cast Mg66 Zn30 Ca4−x Srx with variable value of x (wt.%) from
ing method has also been used but only sparingly to develop 0 to 1.5 have excellent glass forming ability by minor Sr addition
MMCs, where it can be seen that 1 wt.% nano - HA particles addi- compared with its Sr - free version, and exhibit enhanced fracture
tion in Mg–Zn–Zr alloy is appropriate [96]. strength of ∼827 MPa with specific strength of 2.5 × 105 Nm/Kg
[64]. The specific advantage of these Mg-based BMGs has been
3.3.3. Ultrafine-grained structure found in minimized galvanic corrosion effect due to its single-
Ultrafine-grained structure (nano-crystalline microstructure) phase structure and chemical homogeneity. A good correlation is
can play a key role in providing mechanical stability to the observed regarding H2 evolution and bubble-less gas cavities in In-
biodegradable implant. It may be obtained in an ultrafine state vitro test of Mg95−x Znx Ca5 BMGs compared with Mg60 Zn35 Ca5 in
in BMB alloys by severe plastic deformation (high-pressure torsion In-vivo.
(HPT)) [97], equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) [98], accumu-
lative roll-bonding [99], etc. Cyclic extrusion - compression (CEC) 3.4. Mechanical and biodegradation/corrosion characteristics and
and accumulative channel-die compression [100] can improve the behaviour
mechanical strength by ultra-refining the grains in any material
or alloy in accordance with the Hall-Petch relationship. They also The contributions made by the base element and alloying el-
serve to reduce the biodegradation rate in In-vivo and In-vitro ements are truly important for orthopaedic application as they
mechanisms [101]. Mg–3Ca alloys of grain size 200–500 μm have influence mechanical, biological, and biodegradation properties, as
been made by rapid rate of cooling and solidification [56]. Fast so- shown in Table 3. Apart from this, a secondary important parame-
lidification of Mg–Zn–Ca alloy has been reported to result in very ter is the manufacturing method for all such enhancements. Some
fine microstructure and considerable improvement in corrosion re- of the impurities present in alloys can react with the base or
sistance as compared to as-cast Mg–3Ca alloy [48]. Mg–2Zn–0.5Ca alloying elements to form secondary phases and deteriorate the
composite with 1 wt.% of β -tri-CPP reinforcement made using high mechanical integrity [111,1]. Table 4 illustrates the details of some
solidification rate followed by ECAP. It is shown to have very high common pre-defined biocompatible and BMB alloys that can be
hardness and corrosion resistance due to ultra-refined grains [102]. used for orthopaedic applications.
Very fine grains have been obtained in as-cast pure Mg by friction Biodegradable materials must have optimum biodegradation
stir processing (FSP) using 3 simultaneous passes and good me- rates for design and manufacture of successful biodegradable im-
chanical, and biodegradation properties in the nugget zone have plants. Biodegradation rates are found variable at different im-
been observed [95]. Mg–Nd–Zn–Zr alloy made by CEC have very plantation sites in the human body due to difference in blood
fine grains which can also be compared with its extruded version flow. Many researchers have reported that biodegradable materi-
in terms of improvement in UTS ∼300 MPa, 71% increased YTS als, especially Mg-alloys, do not have uniform biodegradation rates
and increased elongation (154% increase) [103]. throughout the life cycle of healing process. Biodegradation rate is
Using HPT has been very useful in ultra-refined grain structure basically a rate of corrosion reaction that occurs within a phys-
of Mg–Zn–Ca alloy towards enhancement of corrosion resistance iological environment either in In-vivo or in In-vitro mode. The
compared with its extruded version [61]. AZ31 alloy as ECAPed biodegradation rate in In-vitro mode can be determined by either
with back pressure is shown to have considerable enhancement in of the two commonly used techniques, namely - the electrochem-
UTS of ∼380–420 MPa and elongation of ∼27–35% [104]. As-cast ical test and immersion test. In electrochemical corrosion test, the
WE43 billet after heat-treated (solution treated) at 525◦ C for 16 h, common reactions occur in such a manner that electrolyte (that
quenched for rapid cooling in water, and 8 passes - processed by produces oxides), hydroxides, hydrogen gas, or other compounds
ECAP, resulted in ultra-refined grains and substantial precipitation. are evolved in physiological environment. For Mg, the expected re-
It also showed average grain size of ∼340 nm, highest density of actions are as below [1,121]:
Mg5 RE precipitates (size of ∼150 nm), and YCS of 427 ± 10 MPa
[105]. Some other considerably improved factors like fatigue and Mg→ Mg2+ + 2e− (anodic dissolution reaction of Mg metal)
degradation performance are found enhanced inAZ31/ECAPed as 2H2 O + 2e− → H2 + 2OH− (cathodic reduction reaction)
compared to its hot-rolled version [106]. For Mg – alloys, it is M2+ + 2OH− → Mg(OH)2 (corrosion product layer formation in
reported that after incomplete degradation, if ultrafine-grained or Mg metal surface)
nano-crystalline structures are found on pits with superficial depth
in microstructure, then it’s a different version e.g. extruded or hot- There exist many different, unbalanced, influencing factors like
rolled [103,61,107]. Rapid solidified Mg- RS66 ribbon with recipro- inorganic ions (influenced by presence of Cl− , etc.), buffering sys-
cal extrusion has also shown ultra-refined grain (size of ∼1.3 μm) tems (influenced by pH values), organic molecules (influenced by
[107,108]. Ultra-refined Mg alloys have the capability to achieve absorption of proteins), dissolved oxygen (influenced by oxygen
improved mechanical properties up to a UTS value of 400 MPa, concentration in electrolyte), and stress (influenced by load bear-
elongation of 23.5% and also reasonable corrosion behavior in In- ing capacity). In Mg-alloys, with different alloying elements and
vivo mode [109]. respective compositions, the rate of reactivity of each element may
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be different according to alloying system contaminants. Some of above or close to the melting point of base material and prepare
these alloys’ corrosion properties have also been listed in Table 4 the mould for its transfer and solidification. Traditionally, addi-
as corrosion characteristics in electrochemistry [1,28]. tive manufacturing techniques have incorporated this feature in
All alloying elements and/or other metallic impurities in Mg - biodegradable material preparation for orthopaedic applications.
alloys work as local cathode, and may provide extra advancements After pre-processing, mechanical properties can be further con-
by improving all desired characteristics. The base element (Mg) trolled by post-processing techniques like heat treatment, hot/cold
works as anode, due to intermetallic phases. All these intermediate working process, etc. [125–127].
phases interact with each other in mainly two aspects during gal-
vanic corrosion. The first one is due to individual electrochemical 4.1. Pre-processing techniques
potential difference of the cathodic and the anodic sites, whereas
the other one is due to different kinetics existing on the same. In After the material’s optimization, the pre-processing techniques
Mg-alloys, compatible alloying elements with higher over-potential are used to fabricate and shape the alloys. Some major pre-
are better than lower over-potential due to lower hydrogen - evo- processing techniques used for BMB alloys are discussed herein.
lution reaction. Similarly, over-potential difference may also occur
due to hydrogen reaction for surfaces modified via various sur-
4.1.1. Liquid state (casting)
face modification methods, due to pigmentation of different impu-
Liquid state casting is the most commonly used technique to
rity particles, oxides, etc. These reactions can directly affect/alter
prepare alloys. However, biodegradable Mg-alloys are easily oxi-
the existing uniform corrosion and load bearing capacity due to
dized during melting. To avoid oxidation, inert gases like argon,
continuous mechanical loading and its microstructure reshaping.
etc., or vacuum can be used to provide a protective environ-
This makes life prediction of BMB/Mg-alloys quite difficult due to
ment. Successful execution of this process depends on selection
non-uniform dissolution than for layer-by-layer removal (Biodegra-
of microstructure, number of alloying elements, their composi-
dation) on material surfaces during continuous corrosion. Overall,
tions, temperature, time for melting, etc. Relatively recent research
these non-uniformities in corrosion/biodegradable rates make it
work has shown that biodegradable Mg-alloys composites have
very difficult to accurately predict the degradation of biodegrad-
adjustable degradation rates and mechanical properties [27]. To
able implant [1,28,45].
develop new composites for BMB alloys with various alloying el-
Apart from this, BMB implant must have a unique design for
ements and systems, this can be a promising route to meet the
better support and minimum degradation to stand up to complete
demand of appropriate quality in casting for biodegradable im-
healing in physiological environment (PE). This is an important fac-
plants [128,129].
tor that deserves careful scrutiny and optimization in orthopaedic
applications. The biodegradable alloy degrades over the healing
time span of the damaged bone in contact with body fluids. It is 4.1.2. Solid state {powder metallurgy (PM)}
necessary to know the rates of mass/volume loss and evaluation of PM is especially used for highly porous, dense, brittle structures
strength over the implantation or immersion time in In-vivo and that are employed in different applications. This process consists of
In-vitro test. The biodegradation scenario in In-vivo orthopaedic smallest possible refining by repeated fracturing and re-welding.
applications has always been very complex than in glass exper- This is accomplished by sintering and compacting to obtain the
iments (In-vitro). The hydrodynamic environment i.e. cell, blood finest microstructure alloying of powder particles for better qual-
culture, etc., and modes of transfer of nutrients could be different ity and applications [14]. PM can ensure the integrity of composite
on different implantation sites [122,123,28]. The fine, concentrated, structure and porosity. Usually two PM techniques, namely: the
and continuous distribution of secondary and intermetallic phase pressure - assisted sintering and cold compaction are used [130].
have been found to play an efficient role in enhancement of cor- An example of green compacts is WE43 powder, which is com-
rosion resistance in internal galvanic corrosion [124]. Some of the pacted by hot vacuum press in cylindrical pattern at 425 MPa and
low solubility limits alloying elements in biodegradable material 350◦ C for 1 h. Recrystallized structure of WE43-PM has slightly
- based alloys, like Mg-alloys, Zn-alloys, etc., act as cathode and finer grain size (majority of grains lying in the range 1–2 μm), im-
have been observed under dynamic condition (In-vivo) to induce proved mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and homoge-
corrosion that generates higher corrosion rates than those in static nously dispersed secondary phases compared to as-cast extruded
condition (In-vitro). WE43-IM [131]. There are many influencing factors that affect the
To conclude, adequate alloying elements (or alloy system), ap- final quality of the implant obtained through PM. For powder for-
propriate composition, and microstructure play their own signif- mation, ball-milling is commonly used with variable parameters
icant roles in material design optimization. The solubility limits, like ball-to-powder ratio, milling time and turning speed. For com-
DFT and functional characteristics, are certainly of help in selecting pacting and sintering, operating pressure, preventive atmosphere,
adequate Mg-alloys but the desired/requisite microstructure can and temperature must be taken into due consideration. Achiev-
only be obtained by controlling the alloying elements and process- ing the finest possible grains is an efficient method to compact
ing techniques. two or more metallic materials grains. The hexagonal structure
of biodegradable Mg-alloys and their limited slip systems makes
4. General processing techniques for Mg-alloys it rather difficult to produce deformation due to the poor ductil-
ity existing. Ultra-fine grained structure made by PM can provide
All critical properties of biodegradable implant materials are very high strength, high strain rates, and super plasticity at low
primarily based on base-element and alloying elements but they temperatures and high pressures [132,3]. Biodegradable Mg-Fe al-
do get affected by the processing methods to ensure desired qual- loy powders using SPS techniques at sintering temperature 773 K
ity for the orthopaedic implant. For BMB alloys, pre-processing with compacting at high pressure (600 MPa) and simultaneous
techniques are divided into solid state and liquid state techniques. 10 minutes of holding time can provide reduced biodegradation
The solid-state processing synthesis technique involves blending rates with ultra-high strength (1380 MPa), high hardness and den-
the form powders for desired compaction, distribution and spec- sification [120]. Overall, PM has the ability to ensure uniform and
ified composition, and further sintering the material below its homogeneous distribution of particles for any alloying technique.
solidus or recrystallization temperature. The liquid-state process- Some significant tensile properties of Mg-1Ca obtained with dif-
ing, on the other hand, involves superheating in a furnace to melt ferent techniques are shown in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5. Comparison of Tensile Properties for Mg-1Ca obtained through Different Processing Techniques [59,60].

4.1.3. Additive manufacturing (AM) 4.2.1. Extrusion

Traditionally, AM has been frequently used in various types of Extrusion is the most efficient method used to improve the
manufacturing industries (mainly in biomedical, construction and mechanical properties and microstructure. Of late extrusion has
prototyping) as it consumes less time and material. 3D printing been used in BMB alloys to control mechanical and biodegrada-
is one of the conventional and most widely used AM techniques. tion properties with the help of controlling factors like working
It is widely used for fabricating a complex structural geometry temperature, extrusion rates and extrusion ratio [59,125]. Billet of
which is otherwise very tough to manufacture through casting and Mg-1Ca-0.5Sr has been extruded with extrusion ratio of 25:1 to
powder metallurgy. 3D printing/AM offers various advantages like impart a high degree of deformation by a large driving force for
less waste, less cost, less time, design flexibility, etc. Any specific microstructure refinement and mechanical properties. Yielding and
3D design can be obtained from 3D CT - scanned geometry or flow behavior mainly depends on extrusion temperature wherein
a computationally designed model. 3D printing/AM is especially maximum UTS of 304 MPa has been obtained with the lowest ex-
useful in biomedical engineering to make 3D organs, tissues or trusion temperature of 548 K [117]. An extruded Mg-3.0Gd-2.7Zn-
any internal body parts as part of the preliminary planning for 0.4Zr-0.1Mn (GZKM-1) alloy, with extrusion ratio of 8:1 at 350◦ C
surgery [133,134]. 3D printing/AM can also be used to analyze using ram speed of 4 mm/s, has been observed to have enhanced
the biodegradable material - implant design by making internal mechanical properties as compared to as cast and heat-treated
real time structure which is so useful for the manufacturer to version [140]. The reasons behind all such improvements in hot
adequately conceptualize the final product for orthopaedic appli- or cold extrusion are transformation of microstructure in eutectic
cations for all implantation site regions, different types of bones, compounds and directional distribution along the extruded por-
fracture types, age groups, and vastly differing human body sizes tion. These multiscale microstructure formations may be helpful in
[135]. Biomedical applications using AM have great potential in improving the corrosion resistance due to grain boundary strength-
making it possible to evolve patient-specific and customized or- ening and precipitation strengthening effects [67,44,141]. One ex-
thotics to prostheses from biomedical implants to drug dosage and ample has been shown in Fig. 6 that shows how the mechanical
hearing aids [136,137]. properties of GZKM-1 alloys change due to post - processing tech-
Another important and commonly used AM technique is fused niques [140].
deposition modeling (for hot continuous filament of a thermoplas-
tic polymer). The challenge in 3D printing of composite parts is 4.2.2. Rolling
to develop fiber-reinforced composites with desired fiber orienta- This is the second most effective method that results in con-
tion, bonding between the fiber and matrix, and void formation. siderable improvement in mechanical properties, surface hardness
Some other methods have also been used such as selective laser and refined-microstructure. An example of this is two - stage
sintering, selective laser melting (energy directly used to prepare rolling for LX41 alloy aimed at spontaneous characteristics through
any structure by fine metal powders), etc. There are many limi- grain refinement at the first stage of rolling at 350◦ C for about 50%
tations for selection of materials in 3D printing in order to meet working. Further refined grains are obtained at the second stage
the demands imposed by metals, alloys and composites. Currently, of rolling carried out at 200◦ C, about 12% above the recrystalliza-
ceramics and polymers are used in stents and scaffolds for tissue tion temperature [142]. Mg-3Zn alloy in as - cast, heat-treated,
engineering [138,139]. and right-angled state, bi-directionally rolled at 310◦ C by two high
with 10 passes, exhibits dynamic recrystallization of new grains
4.2. Post-processing (secondary) techniques with increase in grain boundary area and grain refinement up to
83% at reduced thickness of 57%. It is also observed that the re-
Such processing techniques are basically used to achieve the fined grains result in enhanced UTS and YS values that are about
requisite mechanical properties and corrosion characteristics by 77% and 65% more, respectively, and with 264% improved ductility
adequately modifying the microstructure. This happens with ac- represented via toughness [88].
companying improvement in intermediate phases or refinement
between elements with the help of different hot and cold work- 4.2.3. Heat treatment
ing processes. Some of these techniques are discussed in brief for Heat treatment is mainly used to recrystallize grains and ensure
biodegradable Mg-alloys. intermetallic precipitation to enhance the mechanical properties of
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Fig. 6. Mechanical Properties of GZKM-1 Alloys with Post-processing Techniques [140].

biodegradable material - implant alloys using different tempera- human body and simultaneously avoid the synergetic effect of bac-
tures and time durations for respective specified alloys. Heat treat- terial, cell and bloody culture.
ment process mainly involves annealing, homogenization, solution
quenching, and age hardening treatment [7]. As a post-processing 5.1. Surface coatings
method, heat treatment can also result in improvement in bio-
corrosion behaviour and mechanical treatment characteristics as in The physical and chemical properties of coatings regulate the
case of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys [143,144]. In as-cast, homogenized Mg-Sr cell behavior to determine their bio-compatibility. To alter and ad-
alloys at 450◦ C for 12 h and quenched in water, enhanced duc- just the degradation rates of BMB alloys, the surface coating is
tility and corrosion resistance are observed but the strength is employed that acts as a barrier between external biological envi-
reduced. Aging treatment at 160◦ C with periods of 30–300h fol- ronment and implant material substrate. The addition of a coating
lowed by water quenching shows enhanced strength, marginally on outer surface of the implant is required to protect from some
reduced corrosion resistance and ductility [132]. metal ions creeping into the human physiological culture [43].

4.2.4. Other hot/cold working processes 5.1.1. Deposition coatings

Other techniques are also available and used to refine grain Deposition in outer surface layer of any biodegradable metal
size and improve mechanical properties. Some of these are forg- surface solution to enhance osteointegration in In-vivo culture
ing, drawing, and other conventional thermo - mechanical pro- and In-vitro (hemocompatibility, cytocompatibility, etc.) provides
cessing techniques. Few others are high pressure torsion, multi- protection from exposure to oxidation [150,151]. An organic coat-
directional forging, twist extrusion, accumulative, equal-channel ing can be applied by various techniques like powder coat-
angular pressing, roll bonding, repetitive corrugation, straightening ing, e-coating, sol–gel coating, and plasma polymerization. In a
compression and cyclic extrusion [145,146]. hybrid coating system, organic coating is used mainly on the
Pre - processing techniques, though quite efficient, fail in top. The component used in organic coatings is a resin - like
achieving all desired characteristics qualitatively and/or quanti- acrylicpolyurethane, vinyl, polyvinyl butyral, epoxy and baked phe-
tatively. Post - processing techniques fill this void and, in their nolic compound containing zinc chromate or strontium chromate.
own way, constitute a truly important class of secondary opera- Polymers are organic components that are essentially based on the
tions. They have the ability to affect the functional capability by solution of organic solvent, monomeric metal or metalloid alka-
changing every minor variable, controlling parameters like applied loid precursor in alcohol [152]. Polymers do serve as a protective
pressures, temperature, etc. They serve the purpose of refining the coating (a layer separating two materials) or as a substrate for
micro-structure adequately and play an important role in control- the medical device [153,154]. Polymeric implant materials based
ling the biodegradation rates and mechanical properties that are on polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid (PGA), etc., and their
so critically important for a biodegradable - material implant. co-polymers are available for bone fracture repair applications.
Polymers have good biocompatibility and biodegradability but the
5. Surface modification techniques for Mg– alloys accompanying inadequate mechanical performance acts as a bar-
rier for a bone with low load bearing capacity [155].
To delay degradation in PE, surface modification is the most In an organic coating, sol-gel formation plays a major role in
effective tertiary way that enhances biocompatibility, controls cor- processes condensation, hydrolysis and polymerization of mono-
rosion properties, and ensures adequate degradation rates for mers. The monomer particles and their chains create polymer
any BMB implant. For Mg-alloys, in particular, fluoride treatment, structures by improvement in particle growth and agglomeration,
Micro-arc oxidation (MAO), dip-coating, and electrodeposition can and occurrence of formed network throughout the liquid medium
help in resisting excessive corrosion by providing protective, anti exhibits better gel formation by increase in viscosity [156]. Syn-
– corrosion layers which can boost its functional capabilities too thetic aliphatic polyesters, such as PLA, poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid
[147]. There are many techniques that have been proposed for (PLGA), polycaprolactone, polyethyleneimine, etc., have been used
better surface finish and quality, such as, MAO [148], sol - gel in biomedical applications [157]. In polymeric deposit coatings, it
deposition [149], etc. It is quite important to delay the biodegra- is observed that non-toxic biodegradable elements have the abil-
dation process of biodegradable implant after implantation in the ity to provide enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion re-
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sistance; and also stay compatible in osteo-inductive and osteo- 5.1.2. Reactive coatings
genic environments [158]. The natural polymer is observed as ex- Reactive coatings in biodegradable implants are of two types;
traordinarily biocompatible in comparison to sol-gel and synthetic fluoride coating and metal oxide coating. Fluoride coating can de-
polyesters due to their biomimetic nature [159]. velop a protective layer due to its non-toxicity, chemical inertness,
It is also observed that natural polymer-based coatings has- and easy preparation techniques [181]. Magnesium fluoride (MgF2 )
ten the regeneration of tissues to enhance the intermediate in- is used to improve intermediate corrosion resistance and bioactiv-
teractions between biodegradable implant and cell/tissue matrix ity, which can result in beneficial growth of potentially essential
environment. Overall, polymers can be used for hydrogel scaffold nutrients for growth in dental and skeletal due to stimulation
synthesis and housing drugs delivery [138,160,161]. In inorganic of osteoblast proliferation and new mineral deposition. In MgF2
coatings, CPP coating on BMB alloys shows better compatibility treatment, improvement in osseointegration and corrosion resis-
with cell culture, bone inductivity and toxicity. Apart from this, tance have been observed during inflammatory phase of healing
it can promote wear resistance between bone tissue interface and [182–184]. Its treatment mainly proceeds in two stages. The first
one is chemically produced MgF2 whereas the other one is flu-
partially avoids bio-corrosion too [162,163]. CPP - coated metallic
oride salt or a hydrofluoricacid contained solution. The fluoride
biodegradable implants exhibit a combination of improved me-
- treated Mg-Ca-Zn-Co alloys have improved corrosion resistance
chanical strength and better biological properties. They also play
and desired mechanical properties for biomedical applications in
a significant role due to superior initial rate of osseointegration to
Mg–alloys [185]. Fluoride-coated AZ31B has been immersed in hy-
promote clinical fixation process and promotes the shortening of
drofluoric SBF solution for 45 days for different time durations, and
healing duration in comparison to uncoated implants [154]. Most
observed to have improved corrosion resistance and mechanical in-
of the natural minerals are in the form of calcium apatite where
tegrity than the uncoated alloy version [186]. Fluoride - coated
HA has the ability to increase osteoblast response by promoting
AZ31 alloy has also shown enhanced corrosion resistance and
osteointegration [164,165]. Di-CPP dihydrate is the most easily de- growth of osteoblastic cells in biological validation [187]. Two-step
posited coating which has enhanced bio-corrosion resistance when fluoride coated (10–20 μm thickness) biodegradable Mg-Ca alloy
used on Mg-alloys [166,167]. has shown enhanced mechanical properties, corrosion resistance,
Amorphous CPP has better osteoconductive properties than HA and good compatibility with vascular cells culture [188]. Apart
in In-vivo and higher biodegradability than tri-CPP, although it from this, metal oxide coatings generally developed by micro-arc
lacks in long-range and periodic atomic scale order of crystalline oxidation (MAO) have been conventionally applied to provide ox-
CPP [168]. Amorphous CPP is generally produced by pulsed laser ide - protected layer of their own in biodegradable metallic al-
deposition or plasma spraying at high temperature and energy loys [189,166]. MAO is an effective way to detract corrosion of
[169]. Tri-CPP is generally used in orthopaedics and maxillo-facial biodegradable Mg-alloys and also shows good wear resistance to
surgery where α -Tri-CPP constituent is used in hydraulic bone ce- sustain better stability, improved hardness, and control of H2 evo-
ments whereas β -Tri-CPP constituent is used in bio-ceramics and lution [190,191]. In MAO, high voltage generated discharge with
composites. However, it may be deficient in resisting biodegrada- plasma-assisted anodic oxidation can react as localized plasma
tion rates compared with HA in-vivo [170,171]. AZ31 alloy with which causes sintering, followed by surface melting, oxidation and
β -Tri-CPP coating has been observed to have improved surface re-solidification to densify grown oxides [162,192]. There are three
compatibility with cell culture, osteo-conductivity and osteogen- layers that have been reported in MAO - coated AZ31 alloy, where
esis with better corrosion resistance than its uncoated version thickened, rough porous structure is found in outer layer, dense
[172,173]. It is usually combined with HA in the formation of compact found in inner layer and intermediate thin layer is found
CPP mixture with optimal degradation and improvement in bone between the inner layer and AZ31 Mg alloy substrate [193]. Factors
growth rates [174]. There are various methods to develop CPP coat- affecting the MAO coatings properties in biodegradable implant
ings in deposition mode on biodegradable metals implants like alloys are voltage, current density, pulse frequency, duty cycle,
sol–gel (spin coating, dip coating, etc.), biomimetic precipitation, treatment time, electrolyte solution, and other additives like NaF
plasma spraying, electrophoretic, ion beam dynamic mixing depo- and Na3 PO4 . Although post treatments could be performed like or-
sition, electrochemical deposition, etc. [175]. ganic, inorganic sealing, and sometimes ion implantation can also
be used over the MAO [193].
Addition of metallic coating offers electromagnetic shielding
Cu – containing, MAO - coated, extruded Mg-2Zn-1Gd-0.5Zr al-
due to small electrical resistance while showing improved corro-
loys have been observed to have enhanced corrosion resistance,
sion resistance and surface mechanical damage resistance [176].
insignificant difference in cell viability and anti-bacterial character-
Many deposition techniques such as physical vapor deposition (ba-
istics (up to 96%) [190]. There are many combinations used with
sically used in metal deposition), sputtering and plating have also
MAO to incorporate with titanium dioxide, hydroxyapatite, elec-
been used for coatings in BMB metallic alloys. They also provide
trophoretic deposition, etc., to enhance corrosion resistance and to
high hardness and wear resistance which may improve its corro-
ensure antibacterial properties [191]. In reactive coatings, tanta-
sion resistance [177]. Hybrid coating is a combination of two or
lum (Ta) has the ability to form a self-passivating surface oxide
more coatings that mainly includes ceramics, polymers or metals. layer (Ta2 O5 ) and observed as biocompatible, osteogenesis, bio-
It serves to provide desired properties in a better manner than safety in In-vivo. Ta2 O5 is one of the best formed insulating films
a single coating [178]. HA has extraordinary biocompatibility and for anticorrosion resistance and shows rapid attachment with bone
bioactivity and can also be used as a second or third constituent and soft tissues. Ta contains films on biodegradableZK60 alloy
coat on BMB alloys [179]. Chitosan, on the other hand, has also to improve the corrosion resistance and cytocompatibility, which
been shown to have considerable biocompatibility, corrosion be- contains favorable surface for proliferation, cell attachment and
havior, non-toxic and adsorption properties, but not better than spreading [194,195]. Ta (High purity) nitride films are deposited
HA [180]. Using high velocity oxy-fuel, MgO and HA powder coat- onto the Mg-Y-RE (WE43) alloy by DC reactive magnetron sputter-
ings on Mg-1Ca-1Zn alloy, the amount of H2 release may decrease ing system with a pressure of 6.0 × 104 Pascals. The power used
in the initial stage of corrosion of the biodegradable Mg-alloys. HA for deposition is 100 W for 3 h without substrate heating. WE43
coating can reduce H2 evolution up to 84% as observed in immer- Mg-alloy with deposited TaN film also shows reduction in corro-
sion in In-vitro for 29 h [179]. sion [196].
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5.2. Ion implantation Osteoblasts are necessary on nano-scale, μ-scale and submicron-
scale structural features with Ti substrate. In the case of biodegrad-
Ion beam processing/ion implantation is a process of injecting able alloys, there are many ways to enhance surface hardness and
ions into the surface layer of substrate via bombardment, with- induce nano crystallization on nano-scale, such as - surface me-
out detrimentally affecting the substrate. It gives high adhesive chanical attrition treatment (SMAT) [188,208], laser shock peening
strength between the high degree controllable modified layer and (LSP) [209,210], and high-velocity oxygen-fuel flame supersonic
substrate to maintain quality of the modified layer. Ion implan- microparticle bombardment [211]. Surface self-nano crystallization
tation is used to control degradation rates, surface strength, and induced by severe plastic deformation is also an effective technique
biocompatibility to modify the surface properties. Generally, micro- for grain refinement on conventional bulk material on a nano -
electronic processing has been used during the favorite bulk char- scale [207].
acteristics [178,197]. Some elements like Zn, Ti, Fe, Al, N, Ta, Zr, Cr, SMAT can produce a very hard layer with nanocrystalline struc-
Y have been ion-implanted into the BMB Mg – alloys [198,31,199]. ture by repetitive multidirectional impact of flying balls [187].
Fe and Zn has been used to influence mechanical properties and SMAT has been applied on LA36 with vibration frequency of
ensure better corrosion behavior to ensure delay in degradation 20 kHz. The average grain size was quickly refined by about 80
and perform surface modification using ion implantation on ZK60 nm on the top surface and the hardness gradually decreased with
alloy [200]. As-extruded Mg-1Ca alloy using the compound coat- the increase of depth; the maximum hardness reaching 1.6 GPa
ing machine coated Zn II&D with MEVVA ion source at voltage due to the presence of the nanostructured layer and high den-
8 keV and current 25 mA for 60 min during implantation, shows sity of dislocations [188]. SMAT has been applied in commercially
increased corrosion potential and current density. It is comparable available rolled AZ31 at vibrating frequency of 20 kHz for 10 sec
with coated Mg-1Ca alloy and exhibits improved cytocompatibil- on each side and results in nano-size refined grains with im-
ity of Mg-1Ca by Zn ions with better cell adhesion and growth proved surface microhardness. Tensile fracture of nano-structured
in cell culture. Ion implantation Mg-Ca alloy with Zn immersed in AZ31 Mg alloy may exhibit fine/coarse grains and deformation lo-
SBF for 18h is followed by a test in electrochemical polarization calization. The strain concentration is effectively suppressed and
and morphological examination. This test exhibits improvement in alleviated in fine grain microstructure of gradient; the plasticity
surface hardness, modulus and corrosion resistance [201]. GZ91K mainly depending on the matrix [212]. In SMAT-induced disloca-
alloys have been ion - implanted using metal ion implanter with tion, precipitation strengthening effect offers another possibility to
following parameter values: dose of 1×1016 ions/cm2 in Sn ca- improve aging precipitation in Mg-RE alloy [213]. For many metals,
thodic arc source, accelerating voltage of 50 kV, and base pressure LSP is a promising surface nano-crystallization method, where en-
of 2×103 Pa. Its modified layer, composed of SnO2 and MgO, re- hancement in the corrosion resistance and wear resistance occurs
sulted in almost double the hardness value and modulus of elastic- with improvement in surface hardness, UTS and fatigue strength
ity than Mg - alloy substrate. It also improves corrosion resistance [214,210]. LSP with intensity 2 GW/cm2 , overlap ratio 75% and
and abrasion resistance [199]. beam size 1 nm, has been used in AZ31B alloy. It resulted in
improvement in surface hardness, wear resistance and fatigue per-
formance due to plastic deformation in outer surface layer made
5.3. Laser surface modification
up of sub-grains and twins [209]. It is believed that the biodegra-
dation performance of surface nano-crystallized BMB implant is
Laser surface modification (LSM) is an anti-corrosion technol-
influenced by various factors such as the micro-strain, density, re-
ogy for BMB alloys where the surface melting during laser irradi-
fined grains and secondary phases dissolution.
ation provides significantly improved surface properties (viz., cor-
In short, surface modifications do play an important role in
rosion resistance and wear resistance) in comparison to other sur-
that they considerably improve corrosion resistance performance
face modification techniques such as chemical conversion, anodic
by various techniques, such as fluoride treatment, MAO, etc., and
oxidation, micro-arc oxidation, organic coating, thermal spraying,
thus may be useful in biodegradable orthopaedic implant develop-
etc. Significant advantages of LSM are low cost, lack of contam-
ment. It may be an optional step in preparation of a biodegradable
inants, high surface integrity and high quality surface [202,203]. fracture fixation implant for orthopaedic applications because ade-
LSM-treated Mg alloys and AZ91D with dissolved surface inter- quate material optimization and achieving desired functional char-
metallic secondary phases provide better corrosion resistance and acteristics may not be possible without it.
finer grain boundaries with precipitates that favor anchoring and
retention of the Mg(OH)2 film [202,204]. Mg-6Gd-0.6Ca alloys with 6. Preparation strategies for an ideal BMB/Mg-alloy implant
continuous wave fiber laser spot irradiation modify the surface
with the power density 2.04 × 106 W/cm2 and scanning speed 70 Pure form of biodegradable Mg, like many other metals, has in-
mm/s in 50% overlapped beam striking twice in the same direction. adequate mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and other prop-
This results in changed solidified thick layer (360 μm) microstruc- erties for orthopaedic application [47]. Preparation of an ideal BMB
ture to alpha-Mg phase, and no beta-phase grains are observed to alloy requires identification of the targeted parameters or control-
be precipitated in grain boundaries. Laser surface melting has also ling parameters. The major parameters for an ideal implant are
shown good adhesion property, spreading performance, and pro- long – term biocompatibility, optimal mechanical properties, and
liferation capacity [205]. Laser melting controls the surface wetta- adequate biodegradation rates. All these parameters primarily de-
bility, structure, homogeneity, and changes the surface topography pend on material optimization wherein base material and selection
of the polymer surface layer, thereby influencing the degradation of proper alloying elements, selection of alloying systems (binary,
behavior of the biodegradable alloy substrate [206]. ternary, quaternary, and so on), and respective compositions and
microstructures (porous, composite, amorphous, etc.) play an im-
5.4. Surface nano-crystallization portant role. Base Mg element with some nutrients mentioned in
Table 3 can result in getting rid of some of the limitations of the
Surface modification of bulk material on nano-scale basis biodegradable implant. It may minimize the impact of higher rate
greatly enhances the surface properties, wherein the grain size can of implant degradation and early loss of strength of the implant;
be reduced without changing the chemical composition [207]. For and may also improve the regeneration of biological tissue(s) by
the synergistic effect between high surface energy and topography, use of nutrients, via primary design optimization of BMB alloys.
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Fig. 7. Ideal Cycle for a Biodegradable – material Implant showing various stages involved.

The secondary methods that are employed to optimize the 7. Conclusion

properties are the processing techniques. There are various pre-
processing techniques, such as casting, powder metallurgy and To completely eliminate secondary surgery, preparation of BMB
additive manufacturing under different processing conditions. alloy plays a major part in the scheme of things. Preparation of
Further, the post-processing operations like heat treatment and biodegradable alloys for optimized property parameters mainly de-
hot/cold working processes, do play a significant role too. Mg-Fe pends on three preparation steps that are listed below:
alloy made by the spark plasma sintering technique has ultra-high (1) Material optimization is the most important and primary
strength. It enhances the strength of the biodegradable implant perspective of biodegradable materials for material design. Selec-
by improving the stiffness and reduces the probability of breakage tion of base elements and number of alloy elements for the prepa-
before complete healing. ration of an alloy system is the key to emergence of a success-
The tertiary method having the objective of optimizing the ful implant. This is essentially based on analyzed biocompatibility,
properties is surface modification. Many techniques have been biodegradability, absorptivity in PE, and solubility limit of each al-
used in biomedical applications for achieving optimal surface prop- loying element in connection with the respective base elements.
erties. Some of these techniques also improve the corrosion resis- Further, the proportions of all elements can be defined in accor-
tance for existing PE using hybrid coating. They help in avoiding dance with the density function theory and microstructure type,
high decay rate of implant during inflammation and callus growth; so as to ensure optimization of mechanical properties.
and atmospheric reactions leading to osteolysis to balance the nec- (2) Processing techniques provide another major perspective
essary strength and biocompatibility. The use of biodegradable Mg in the design and manufacturing of BMB alloys. Selection of
- alloys may result in elimination of secondary surgery. pre-processing techniques has a definite linkage with microstruc-
An overview of the ideal cycle for a biodegradable - material ture and mechanical properties. Post-processing techniques, on the
implant, depicting all stages from preparation to complete dis- other hand, are quality optimization techniques that are executed
appearance, is represented by Fig. 7. For an ideal biodegradable with the objective of attaining an improved microstructure, as also
implant that is designed and employed to serve as an internal fix- better mechanical and biodegradation properties.
ation device, the mechanical properties should be the best possible (3) The last important aspect of this design process is surface
and corrosion rates have to be the lowest possible to allow the modification. The main objective is to achieve requisite surface
BMB implant stand its ground till the completion of healing pro- quality that influences the biodegradation rate for orthopaedic ap-
cess, followed by eventual degradation [215,216]. plications.
This work is an attempt to elaborate all aspects and facets in- These three are the critically important steps that help achieve
volved in the design of biodegradable materials for orthopaedic ideal quality of alloys for orthopaedic applications. This strategy,
applications. Various biodegradable materials have been employed coupled with validated experimental results pertaining to biologi-
and developed with the best possible mechanical properties by cal, mechanical, and bio-corrosion behaviour of different BMB al-
resorting to different processing techniques. Conscious efforts loys, will be of significant aid in evolving an effective structural
have been made to ensure the minimum possible biodegradation design for a BMB implant for orthopaedic applications.
rates/corrosion rates in actual PEs through various processing and
surface modification techniques. The ultimate objective is to attain
Human and animal rights
the highest possible mechanical strength with conforming biocom-
patibility and biodegradability. The biodegradation rate must be
adequate or controllable due to the complex time management The authors declare that the work described has not involved
during different phases of the healing process. The task becomes experimentation on humans or animals.
more involved due to different age groups of patients, their spe-
cific response to injury, different implantation sites, and differing Funding
biodegradation rates. Biocompatibility, desired mechanical proper-
ties, and controllable biodegradation rates have to be there in a This work did not receive any grant from funding agencies in
perfect mix to ensure a successful design of the BMB implant. the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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Author contributions
Symbols Stand for
GPa Giga Pascals
All authors attest that they meet the current International Com- Li Lithium
mittee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for Authorship. Mg Magnesium
Mn Manganese
MPa Mega Pascals
Declaration of competing interest
Pd Palladium
Si Silicon
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- Sn Tin
cial or personal relationships that could be viewed as influencing Sr Strontium
the work reported in this paper. Ti Titanium
Y Yttrium
The authors declare that the current research work does not Zn Zinc
involve any conflict of interest in any manner whatsoever. They ZnO Zinc oxide
are thankful to Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Zr Zirconium
(MANIT), Bhopal (INDIA), for the facilities extended.
Appendix. Abbreviations
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