mass disaster

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33 - Demonstrate ability to use local

resources whenever required like in mass
disaster situations (Community Preparedness)

FM2.34 - Demonstrate ability to use local

resources whenever required like in mass
disaster situations (Hospital Preparedness)
Plan for todays class
• All students will be divided into 6 groups (5 or 6 in each group)

• Every group will be given a topic for discussion

• All group will be given 5-10 minutes to prepare for the given topic. U can use Text
books, notes, internet sources to prepare for the discussion.

• The discussion.

• The discussion should be based on the points mentioned under each topic.
Group 1
• What is mass disaster?
• Examples of mass disaster
Group 2
• Who are the Team members involved?
• What is the role of each member? (Pls do not include the doctors
role-discussed by group 3)
Group 3
• What is the role of doctor in mass disasters?
Group 4
• How will you plan infrastructure requirements in mass disaster?
You are a doctor working in trauma triage in a hospital. A bus with 20
passengers meets with an accident (falls into a ditch). All 21 patients
(20 passengers + 1 driver) come to your hospital.
3 are brought dead
2 have severe head injuries
8 have fractures of bones
8 have minor injuries
Group 5
• Discuss what are the Logistic requirements
Group 6
• Discuss the health care team with role of each member

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