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A: Hello.

What was your last trip

k: I travelled to Cusco with my cousin.

A: I also want to travel there next month. Could you give me some advice?

k: Sure. It depends on the month. When I was thereThe weather was cloudy and rainy so
you should bring Winter clothes. Like sweaters, coats boots and an umbrela.

A: Good advice. Whad did you I visit there?

k: I went to Machupicchu and I went sightseeing. I

I travelled by train. I went to Sacsayhuaman and Koricancha. You should buy the tickets to
Sacsayhuaman in advance.

A What is the best time to go to Machupicchu?

k: The best time is in June or August

A: Was it expensive?

k: Well, going by train was expensive but it is worth it. Also you enjoy the landscape.

A:I’ll take the train too then. What kind of food would you recommend?

k: I ate typical food at the hotel because the restaurants were very expensive. So our hotel
had a special prize and we ate there.

A: What dish would you recommend?

k: You should try Fried Trout and Chairo. It was delicious.

A: What language do people speak there?

k: Well most of the people speak Spanish and some of them speak English. So you should
talk to them in Spanish or English.

A: That sound good. Where can I buy souvenirs?

k: You could go to the San Blass Market. There you will find many crafts and Alpaca textiles.
k: Thanks for your advice

1: What is the weather like in the sacred valley?

2: It's actually quite nice. In some seasons it is cold and in others it is hot. but it's always
perfect for exploring.

1: Is that place famous for some reason?

2: It is famous for its many platforms, rivers and natural crops.

1: Any recommendations for food?

2: You should definitely try the Chiri Uchu and quinoa soup. Both are delicious traditional

1: I'll be sure to try them! What is transportation like here?

2: It's quite convenient. You can take buses or taxis to get around, and guided tours are also
available to visit different sites.

1: Good to know. Is Spanish the main language spoken here?

2: no, the main language is Quechua, because many people speak it, especially in more
rural areas.

1: And what about purchases? Any must-see places in the Sacred Valley of the Incas?

2: Definitely check out the Pisac and Ollantaytambo markets. There you can find beautiful
crafts, textiles and souvenirs.

1: I can't wait to explore more of the Sacred Valley.

1 : Hey everyone, I'm so excited to be here in Cusco! The weather is amazing,
isn't it?

2 : Yeah, it's perfect. I heard we don't have to worry about rain this time of

3: That's right. We can take trips. And there are so many famous sites to visit.
Machu Picchu is a must-see!

4: Definitely! And we can't forget about the delicious local food. I heard we
have to try the ceviche and the alpaca steak.

1: Yum! I can't wait to try everything. How should we get around the city? Can
we walk everywhere?

2: We should probably take a taxi or a bus for longer distances. Walking can
be tiring with all the hills.

3: Agreed. And if we want to explore further, we can take a tour bus to nearby

4: Speaking of exploring, do you think we should learn some basic Spanish

phrases? It could help us communicate better with locals.

1: Yeah, we should definitely try. I heard it's polite to at least know some basic

2: Plus, it can be fun to learn a new language while we're here.

3: Absolutely. And it shows respect for the local culture when we make an
effort to communicate in their language.

4: For sure. And what about shopping? Are there specific markets we should
check out?

1: I heard the San Pedro Market is a must-visit for souvenirs and local crafts.
2: And we can haggle for better prices, right?

3: Yes, but remember, we shouldn't haggle too aggressively. It's all about
building a friendly relationship with the sellers.

4: Sounds like a plan. I can't wait to experience everything Cusco has to offer!

1: Me neither. This trip is going to be unforgettable.

2: Absolutely. Let's make the most of our time here and soak in all the culture
and beauty of Cusco.

3: Agreed. And let's remember to take lots of photos to capture these

memories forever.

have to
don't have to

famous sites
local food

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