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Advisement: You have 30 minutes to complete the test

English Test
Multiple choice

I wonder how many children is going on the school field trip this month.

(a) are
(b) has
(c) is

Has anyone seen Laura? does she come to work today?

(a) Is she coming

(b) Does she come
(c) She come

I was out when you called. I went to the store to buy some milk.

(a) for
(b) to
(c) order to

I haven't talked to Nicole recently. When did you talk to her last?

(a) does
(b) was
(c) did

The forecast isn't good for tomorrow. It's going to rain so don't forget to
bring your umbrella.

(a) having
(b) going
(c) seems

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Put the following sentences in the correct order.

1) you have had holiday yet a ?

Have you had a holiday yet?

2) what since have I you been saw last doing you ?

3) suitcases how carrying many he was ?

How many suitcases he had carrying?

4) he got quite has few friends a.

He got a few quite friends.

5) do eat enough you fruit not.

Do you not eat enough fruit?

6) 20 it to get takes minutes to work.

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Read the story. Then click on the letter of the answer you think correctly completes the

I do not think it possible for many people at the age of six to be able to predict their
future with (1)_an accuracy. However, at that age I felt confident enough to inform my
mother that I intended (2)_to have my own zoo and moreover, I added, I would give her
a cottage in the grounds to live (3) - If my mother had been an American parent, she (4)
would have rushed probably me to the nearest psychiatrist; however, being fairly
phlegmatic, she merely said she thought that it (5 had been lovely and promptly forgot
(6)all about it. She should have been warned since, from the age of two, I (7) filled
matchboxes and my pockets with a wide variety of the smaller fauna that came (8)_on
my way, so the progress from a matchbox to a zoo (9)_could be predicted. It is nice to
record though that, before she died, I had fulfilled my promise and (10)__take her to live
in my zoo, not in a cottage but in a manor house.

1. _____
a) an
b) an
c) the
d) no

2. _____
a) on having
b) that I would have
c) to have
d) having

3. _____
a) -
b) in
c) at
d) by

4. _____
a) must have rushed
b) would have rushed probably
c) should probably have rushed
d) would probably have rushed

5. _____
a) would be
b) was going to be

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c) had been
d) was to be

6. _____
a) -
b) all about
c) all about it
d) about

7. _____
a) was filling
b) have filled
c) filled
d) had been filling

8. _____
a) on
b) by
c) -
d) at

9. _____
a) could be
b) could have
c) could have been
d) may have been

10. _____
a) taking
b) have taken
c) taken
d) take

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