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Coordinate Systems

Part-1 Basics Addition,
of Vectors: . **** . 1-2B to 1-6B
Subtraction and Multiplications

Part-2 :Cartesian, Cylindrical,..

.. 1-6BB to 1-14B

Spherical Transformation

Part-3 Vector Calculus: 1-14B to 1-16B

Differential. * ***

Length, Area and Volume

Part-4 : Line, Surface and Volume . 1-15B to 1-17B

Part-5 Del Operator, Gradient..
********************* 1-17B to 1-19B

Part-6: Divergence of a Vector, 1-19B to 1-23B

Divergence Theorem

Part-7 Curl of a Vector. ************************"***** 1-23B to 1-25B

Part-8 Stoke's The orem. ********

1-25B to 1-26B

Part-9 Laplacian of a Scalar. ****************************

.1-26B to 1-27B

1-1B (EN-Sem-3)
1-2B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems

Basics of Vectors:Addition, Subtraction and Multiplications.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.1.What do you understand by scalar and vector quantity ?

What is unit vector ?

Scalar quantity: A quantity that has only magnitude and not direction
is called, scalar quantity.
Example: Mass, time, density, temperature etc.
B. Vector quantity:A quantity that has both magnitude and direction
is called vector quantity. A vector has starting point and end point.
Example: Force, displacement, velocity etc.
C. Unit vector:A unit vectoris defined as a vector whose magnitude is

unity. Unit vector in the direction of vector A is

Que 1.2. Explain addition and subtraction of vectors.


1. The vector A and B can be added together to give another vector C;

C A +B
2. The vector addition is carried out component by component.

=(A. Ay. A, )and B =(B, B, B,)


then, C=A, + B,)â, +(A, + B,)a, + (A, + B_)à,

Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-3 B (EN-Sem-3)

(a) Parallelogram rule (6) head-to-tail rule.

Fig. 1.2.1. Vector addition C A+B.
3. Vector subtraction is similarly carried out as,

D AB =A +- B)
(A-B)à, +(A, -B,)a, +(A,-B)a,

(a) Parallelogram rule (6) head-to-tail rule.
Fig. 1.2.2.Vector subtraction D A-B
4 Graphically, vector addition and subtraction are obtained by either
parallelogram rule or the head-to-tail rule in Fig. 1.2.1 and 1.2.2

Que 1.3. If A = 10a. -4a, +6a, and B =2a, + a,,find:

i. The component of A along a,

ii. The magnitude of 3 A -B

i. A unit vector along A +2B.


Given, A 10a-4ay+6a, B=24tay

i. The component of A along ay is

A, =
A.a, =-4

3A B 3104-4ay+6a:)-(2a,+ay)
1-4B (EN-Sem-3)
Coordinate Systems

= 28a-13ay+ 18a

Magnitude of |3 A - B| = (28) + (13)2 +(18)2 =35.74

iii. A +2B 10a-4ay+64.)+2 (2a,+ ay)

14a-2ay+ 64,
Now, A+2B|= V14 +(2 +(6 =15.36
Unit vector of A +28 = A+2B 14a,-2ay+ 6a
0.91ax -0.13 ay +0.39 a
Que 14.What is a dot product ?.Also mention its properties and
A Scalar (or Dot) product
1 The scalar or dot product of the two vectors A and Bis defined as the

product of the magnitude of A, the magnitude of B and the cosine of

the smaller angle between them.

A-B =
|A|1B | cos
2. In dot product

( ii =ii cos 0 =1 since 0 =0)


(: . =ij cos 6 = 0 since

i'j = 90°)
B. Properties of dot product:
1. Ifthe two vectors are parallel to each other, i.e. 0 = 0° then cos 0AB =1

then, AB A||B| for parallel vectors

2. If the two vectors are perpendicular to each other, i.e., 0 = 90° then
cOs AB0 thus,

AB = 0 for perpendicular vector

Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-5B (EN-Sem-3)

C. Applications of dot product:

1. To find the angle between the two vectors.

0= cos AB

3. Physically, work done by a constant force F over a straight displacement

d can be expressed as a dot product of two vectors.

W- Fd-1F||d|cos ®
Que 1.5. What is a cross product ? Also mention its properties.

A Cross (or vector) product:
The cross or vector product is defined as the product of the magnitudes

of A and B and the sine of the smaller angle between A. and B. But
this product is a vector quantity and has a direction perpendicular to

the plane containing the two vector A and B.

AxB-14||B|sin ®
where ay = Unit vector perpendicular to the plane of A and B.

Incross product i xi =
jxj =kx k =0
and ix k, T = i, kxii
Also jx ik, kxj = -i, i k -
B. Properties of cross product:
1. If cross product of two vectors is zero then those two vectors are parallel.

AxB Á||B]sin 0 =0 (since 9 =0°)

2. The cross product of a vector A with itselfis zero as 0= 0°

Ax A =0
3. Cross product in determinant form: Consider the two vector in
the cartesian system as,
A- Aa, +A,4,+ A4,
and B B,a +B,à, +B.à,
1-6B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems

Que 1.6. If A = 3a, +24g -6a, and B =4a, +3a^. Determine:

i. A B

Given, A 34,+24g-6à,.B =
44, +3a,
AB (3â, 2àe -6â,). (4a
+ +
0âg +3a,)
A B = 12+0-18 s - 6

ar do a
AxB=3 2

a16-dg 9+24]+ a-8]
6Gr33ag -8a,

AxB6 +33+8 =34.48

Cartesian, Cylindrical, Spherical Transformation.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.7. Write a short note on cartesian coordinate system.

1. It is also known as
rectangular coordinate system.
2. In rectangular coordinate system, three coordinate axis, i.e., x, y anddz
are set up mutually at right angles to each other.
3. A point Pin cartesian coordinate system is represented byPlr,y,2)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-7 B (EN-Sem-3)

The ranges of the coordinate variables x, y and z

4 are

0 < o, - 0 <y < o a n d -o <z <o

Vector A in cartesian coordinate system can be written as (A, A,, A,) or

A, à, t A, ày +A, à. where a, dy and a, are unit vectors along the x,

y and z directions respectively.
Que 18. Give a brief description on eylindrical coordinate system
Convert the cartesian coordinate system into cylindrical coordinate
A Cylindrical coordinate system:
1. A point P (p, ¢, 2) in cylindrical coordinate system represents p the
radius of the cylinder, ¢ the azimuthal angle and z is same as in cartesian
2. The ranges of variables p, ¢ and z are
0 sp< o, 0 s ¢ < 2r and o <2 <o

3. Vector A in cylindrical coordinate is written as (Ap A, A) or

A, a, +A, a t A, ä where p, a, and a are unit vectors in the p, o

and z directions respectively.
B. Relation between cartesian and cylindrical ocoordinate system:
P= y + , = tanyla, a =z .18.1)

1 Eq. (1.8.1)is used for transforming a point from cartesian to cylindrical

T p cos 9, = p s i n o, z= z ..(1.8.2)
2. Eq. (1.8.2) is used for transforming a pointfrom cylindrical t rtesian.

3. In matrix form, we write the transformation of vector A from

A, Ay, A)>A,A, A,) is obtained as
cos sin 0
-sin cos 0
4. The transformation (AAA) (A,A, A,) is obtained as

cos-sin 0 A,|
sin o cos
1-8 B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems

Que 1.9.Explain a point coordinate and all possible surfaces in

vector form in cylindrical coordinate system.
AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
1. The cylindrical coordinate systems involve sets of three mutually
orthogonal surfaces.
2. For the cylindrical coordinates system, the three surfaces are a cylinder
and two planes as shown in Fig. 1.9.1.

Fig. 1.9.1.
3. One of these planes is z (constant plane). The second plane contains the
z-axis and makes an angle ¢ with reference plane. This plane is defined
by which is a constant.
The cylindrical surface has the z-axis at its axis. Since the radial
from the z-axis to point on the cylindrical surface is a constant, this
surface is defined by which is equal to constant.
5. Only two of these coordinates (p and z) are distances and the third
coordinates (¢) is an angle. The entire
space is spanned by varying p
from 0 to co, Ùfrom 0 to 21t,
and z from-o to o.
6. The origin is given byp= 0, ¢=0,
is given by the intersection of three
and z 0. But any other point in space

mutually orthogonal surfaces obtained

by incrementing the coordinates by appropriate amounts.
7. The three vectors are
represented as dp, a, and a .

i. a, is directed radially outward normal to cylinder surface.

. as is perpendicular to ¢=Constant plane and directed outward in the
advance direction.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-9 B (EN-Sem-3)

ii. a, is perpendicular to z = constant plane.

8. To obtain expressions for the differential surfaces in the cylindrical
coordinate system, we now consider two points P(p, o, z) and
Qp + dp, ¢ + dÙ, z + dz), where Q is obtained by incrementing
infinitesimally each coordinate from its value at P as shown in
Fig. 1.9.2.


Fig. 1.9.2
9. The differential surfaces formed by pairs of the differential length
elements are

t dS a =+(dp\p d p) ä, = tdp a, x pd o a

dS a, = +(p d %d,)a, Ftp d a, x dz å,

d S äs = (dz\dp) a, = tdz a: x dp üp

Que 1.10. Write a short note on spherical coordinate system.

coordinate system, a point P can be represented as
1. In a spherical
P(r, 0, 0).
r represents radius of sphere,
0 is the angle between 2-axis and
2. Here,
the position vector of P and o is same as in cylindrical coordinate system.

3. The ranges of variables r, 0, ¢ are given by

OSr<o, 0 s0Srand O s o < 27
1-10 B (EN-Sem-3)
Coordinate Systems
4. The space variables (x, y, 2) in cartesian coordinate can be related to
variables (r, 0, ¢) of spherical coordinate system as

* +y° +2', 0= tan" , ¢ =tan' ylx
or xsr sin 0cos , y = r sin 0 sin ¢, z =rcos
In matrix form, the (A,, A,, A,)> (A, Ag, A) vector transformation is
performed according to
sin 0 cos ¢ sin 0 sin ¢ cos A
=cos cos cos 0 sin -sin A,
sin cos 0 JL4,
6. The inverse transformation (A,, Ap. A) A,A,, A,)is obtained by

sin 0cos ¢ cos 0 cos sin | | A

sin sin cos 0sin cos A

cos sin 6 0
Que 1.11.Given vector field G = 8 sin â , is in spherical
coordinate, transform it into :
i. Rectangular coordinate
ii. Cylindrícal coordinate.


Given, G 8 sin a
Spherical coordinates to rectangular coordinates:

G sin 6 cos cos cos s i n 8 sin ¢

G,= sin 0 sin o cos 0 sin cos 0
cos sin 0
G = 8 sin ¢ sin 0 cos ¢ .(1.11.1)
8 sin 0 sin 0 sin
G, =
= 8 sin Ùcos 0 .(1.11.3)
2. We know that
r y+y+z"
tan- ya
and tany

3. COs 0= 2.
sin = v1-cos*0 =
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-11 B (EN-Sem-3)

r Sin 6 yx*+y2
4. Substituting all these values in eq. (1.11.1), (1.11.2) and (1.11.3), we get


+ya ++22

Hence, G
G,+G, a,+G, d
Spherical to cylindrical coordinates:
sin cos 6 O8 sin
0 0
cos -sin 0 0 0
G, = 8 sin ¢ sin 0
= 0
G, = 8 sin ¢ cos 0
2. We know that,
and tanP

3. Thu8, sin 0 T

cOS 0
G.=psin o
G, 2 8in ¢

1-12 B (EN-Sem-3)
Coordinate Systems8

5. Hence, G =p Sin o 82 sin


Vp+2 p+22
Que 1.12 Transform the A =
r a, into cartesian and cylindrical
coordinate system.
AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
The procedure is Q. 1.11, Page 1-10B, Unit-1.
same as
A Spherical coordinate to cartesian coordinate
ay az
B. Spherical coordinate to cylindrical coordinate,

Que 1.13. Convert a point P (4, -3, 6) anda vector R =

za, +y a,
into cylindrical coordinate systems. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
1. At point P, x = 4, y =-3, 2 = 6

p a+y =
yaj* +(-3 =16+9 =5
tan (tan
= tan -i(-0.75)
= - 36.86
Thus P(4,-3,6) =P(5,-36.86, 6)
2. Forvector R, R, z, R, =0 R, =y. Hence, in
the cylindrical system
cossin ¢ 0
R, -sin cos o
R, 0
R, = -z 8in .1.13.2)
R =y
3. But , y p sin o, put the value
x =
p cos =

of y in eq. (1.13.3), we get
R, R, R)
lz cos pl a, + [-z sin ¢l a, + lp sin pl a,
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-13 B (EN-Sem-3)

. At point P
p 5 tan d =

cos o5


6 -6 5
5. R 4.8 a + 3.6 a,-3 a,

the values of X, Y and Z. If

Que 1.14. Investigate

A = (2a, + 4â, + 5a,) is transformed as A = (Xâ, + Ya, + Zâ,)

AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10


1. Vector A expressed in the cartesian system as,

A 24,+4a, +54,
2. The component of A in a, direction is given by,

A, = A.à,

(2à, +4a, + 5à,).à,
24,.à, + 44,.â, +5à, .à,
2 sin 0. cos + 4 . sin 0. sin o+5 cos 0

The component of A in a, direction is given by,

A = A.a

(2a, + 4â, + 5â,).a
26,.a, +4â, .àj +5a, .
2 cos 0. cos o + 4 cos 0 sin O-5 sin 0

4. The component of A in a, direction is given by,

A, = A.a,
(24, + 4à, + 5á,).a,
1-14B (EN-Sem-3)
Coordinate Systems

2a,.à, +4à, .à, +5a, .a,

A =-2 sin o + 4 cos o
5. Collecting these results, we have
A A, + Ap +A,
(2.sin0.cos +4sin0. sin¢ +5 cos0).aà,
+(2 0.cos+4 cos 0.sin 0- 5 sin 0).4

+-2 sin ¢+4 cos ¢).a, ..(1.14.1)

Given, A Xa, + Ya, +Za, ...(1.14.2)
6. Comparing eq. (1.14.1) and (1.14.2), we get
X 2 sin 0.cos ¢ + 4 sin 0. sin
¢ +5 cos

Y= 2 cos 0. cos + 4
cos 0.sin 6-5 sin 0
Z= -2 sin ¢ o+4 cos

Vector Calculus:
Differential Length, Area and Volumne.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.15.|Define the following quantities:

i. Differential length ii. Differential area
iii. Differential volume.

i. Differential length:
It is the smallest part of
length l. It is denoted by 'dl'.
2. In cartesian coordinate
system, dl is
length given by
dl dx à, dy à, +
3. In
= + dz à
cylindrical coordinate system,

dl dp a, + p dh a,
4. In spherical coordinate system,
dl =
dr a, + r d0 ao +r sin 0 do a
ii. Differential area:

1. It is the differential part ofsurface area S. It is denoted by *ds

Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-15 B (EN-Sem-3)

2. In cartesian coordinate system, surface dS is given by

dS = dy dz a, = dz dx a, = dx dy a,

3 In cylindrical co0ordinate system,

dS = p dÙ dz a, = dp dz a, = p dp do a.

4 In spherical coordinate system

dS = r2 sin 0 de do à, =r sin 0 dr dÙ ao = r dr dê a,
iii. Differentia volume :
1 It is the differential part of volume v. It is denoted by de.
2. In cartesian coordinate system differential volume is given by
du = dx dy dz

3. In cylindrical coordinate system,

du = p dp do dz

4 In spherical coordinate system,

du = r sin 0 dr d6 do

Line, Surface and Volume Integrals.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.16. Define following quantities :

i. Line integral
i. Surface integral
ii. Volume integral.
Explain all possible forms of surface vector, line vector and volume

integral in spherical system. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

Line integral:
is defined integral which is to be evaluated along a
1. Line integral as any

2. The line integral, A dl is the integral of the tangential component of

A along curve L
1-16 B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems

3. The line integral of A around L is defined as:

J di -
flá|cos 0 dl ..(1.16.1)

where, dl = elemental length.

Ifthe path of integration is a closed curve such as p-q-r-s-p in Fig. 1.16.1,
eq. (1.16.1) becomes a closed contour integral.

A dl =
Circular integral 1.16.2)

5. If A:dl =0, then the vector field is said to be conservative.

path L

Fig. 1.16.1.
i. Surface integral

The surface integral or the flux of vector field A through surface S is

defined as

where, a,= Unit vector normal to thesurface S.

It becomes a double integration while solving the problems.
3 For the closed surface,
v = pA dS

This represents the net outyard flux of vector field Á from surface S.
ii. Volume integral:
Volume integral of the scalar p, over the volume is defined as,

Jp, du
2. Since, volume is a three dimensional quantity hence it becomes a triple
Que 1.17.|Determine close path line , +
integral of A =
p cos

sin a , around a circle which is placed in x-y plane with origin as a

center. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
1-17B (EN-Sem-3)
Electromagnetic Field Theory


Given:A = pcos p +sin

To Find: Closed path line integral = A.dl.

1. Here dl =
dpp+ pdo o + dz i
(dpp+ pdo 6 dz)
¢lpcos o p+ sin 6)-

fA.di =

p cos p. (dpp+ pdo d+ å)


sin . (dpp+pdo o+dz
p cos.(dop) f sin o.(pedo o)

= p cos dp + ^p sin ¢ do

3. X-y plane

Fig. 1.18.1.

4 Around circle, dp =0
6A.di =

Jp sino do pl-cos
= =0

Del Operator, Gradient.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.18. What is Del operator?

1. It is also known as vector differential operator.
It can also be nanmed as

"nabla" and is represented by symbol V.

2. The del operator is Useful in delining
1-18 B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems

i The gradient of scalar V, written as VV

ii. The divergence of vector A , written as V A

ii. The curl of a vector A , written as V xA

iv. The Laplacian of a sealar V, written as v2.
3. In cartesian coordinate system,

dy t uz

4. In cylindrical coordinate system,

V =
a, + z
dp po & z
5. In spherical coordinate system,
1 a
V ar +
or rsin 0 do
Que 1.19. Deseribe the gradient ofa scalar field.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 3.5

Write the properties of the gradient of a scalar.

A Gradient ofscalar field:
The gradient of a scalar field M is a vector that represents both the
magnitude and the direction of the maximum space rate of increase of
2. The operation of the V(del) operator on a scalar function is called gradient
of a scalar

So gradM VM =|

3. In cylindrical coordinate system,

Op p ôb
4. In spherical coordinate system,

VM= á , +0M 1 a,
ôr a,+2A rsin0 c¢
B. Properties of gradient of scalar
1. The gradient VM gives the maximum rate of change of M per unit
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-19B (EN-Sem-3)

2. The gradient VM always indicates the direction of the maximum rate of

change of M.
3. The gradient VM at any point is perpendicular to the constant M surface,
which passes
through the point.
4. The directional derivative of M along the unit vector a is VM. a , which
is projection of VM in the direction of unit vector a.

Que 1.20.| Find the gradient of the following scalar field

V=e sin 2r cosh y
U= p z cos 20
i. Given,
V=e sin 2x cosh

2ei 2x
cosh ya,+e sin 2x sinh y a,
ii. Given, V=

e sin 2x cosh y
p*z cos 20
vU p
2pz cos
20a-2pz sin 20a+p cos 20a.
Divergence of Vector, Divergence Theorem.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer
Type Questions

Que 1.21.| Explain the divergence of a vector ? Also write the

physical significance of divergence.
A. Divergence of vector:
ol F
1. The divergence at a
given point P is the outflow of flux per unit
volume as the volumne shrinks about P.
1-20 B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems

2. The divergence of F is defined as

div F = v. F =
3. Divergence of F in cartesian system is given by

4. Divergence in cylindrical coordinate is given by

v. (pF) +1 .
5. Divergence in spherical coordinate is given by
V-F F ) + (sine E,)+ 1
rSine ce6 rsine d0

6. V F =
0 for F to be solenoidal.
B. Physical significance of divergence: "Divergence of a vector function

Fat each point gives the rate per unit volume at which the
entity is issuing from that point.

Que 1.22. Prove that the total outward flux of a vector field A
through the closed surfaces S is the same as the volume integral of

thedivergence of A.
State and explain the divergence theorem.

Divergence theorem:
Gauss's divergence theorem states that "The volume integral of the

divergence of a vector field A taken over any volume v is equal to the

surface integral of A taken over the closed surface S surrounding the
volume u."

2. Mathematically, Gauss's divergence theorem for any vector field A can

be written as,


where, dS = An element of area on surface S

B. Proof:
1. Taking L.H.S. of eq. (1.22.1),
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-21 B (EN-Sem-3)

Iddy 0z d
Take the first integral part ofeq. (1.22.2),

L.e, d dy de 1.22.3)
3. Consider the Fig. 1.22.1 in which a strip ofcross-section which extends
from, to Q2

A d [A.I
dAaA ..(1.22.4)

Fig. 1.22.1.

4. So,
F J A , - A , ldy dz

Or d dy de = IA, ds, (1.22.5)

Similarly, - dx dy dz JA, ds, .(1.22.6)

J.d dy ds |JA, ds,

and - ..(1.22.7)

5. On adding eq. (1.22.5), (1.22.6) and (1.22.7),

fLA, ds,+A, ds,+A, ds1 fI4dS

1-22 B (EN-Sem-3)
Coordinate Systems

f (-A) do -

J.Ada ..(1.22.8)

6. Eq. (1.22.8) shows that the total outward flux of a vector field A through
the closed surface S is volume
same as
integral of the divergence of A.
Hence, divergence theorem is proved:
Que 1.23.Find the divergence of a vector
8i+6 xi, +syi,
and del (V)
of a scalar function *yz. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 3.5
1. Divergence of a vector A is given by,
ix+5x+y=16x +5x+ary z3
2. Del (V) of scalar function
yi yi, +yai,
Oz (B=r y2)
V B 2xyz is +x'z iy +r'yi,
Que 1.24. Given that A= is in spherical coordinates, solve
both sides of the divergence theorem for the volume enclosed by
r:4m, and 0 shown in below Fig. 1.24.1.


Fig. 1.24.1.
AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-23 B (EN-Sem-3)

We know that

HAds- h«v. Adv

where, A has only a radial component. A.ds has a non-zero value on the
surface r = 4 m.

hAds=[[,14sin odad4a,
= 589.1 CC

Divergence theorem gives

V.A or5r 4 =
5r and

JvAdu J6r)r sin 8drde

= = 589.1C


Curl ofa Vector.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.25. What do you mean by curl of a vector ? Also write the
properties and physical interpretation of curl.

A. Curl of a vector:

1. The curl of A is an axial or rotational vector whose magnitude is the

maximum circulation of A per unit area as the area tends to zero and
whose direction is the normal direction of the area when the area is
oriented to make the circulation maximum.

A dl
curl A = Vx A=| lim 6Adl
L.e., an

where the area AS is bounded by the curve L and a, is the unit vector
normal to the surface AS.
1-24 B (EN-Sem-3)
Coordinate Systems

2. In cartesian coordinate
system, the curl of A is

3. Incylindrical coordinates,

VxA- - + 1apA)_CA,
4 Inspherical coordinates,
Vx A1
r sin 6 |
A, sin8)aA,

rsin 0 00
1 arA) 2A.
B. Properties of the curl:
1. Vx (A B)
(Vx A)+ (V B)

2. Vx (A x
B) = A(V B)- B (V A)+ (B V )A -(À V) B
3. VxVV= 0, i.e., the curl
of the gradient of a scalar field vanished.
4 VxVx A = V(VA)-v?A
C. Physical interpretation of curl: The
curl of a vector field is that the curl
physical interpretation
of a
provides the maximum value of the
circulation of the field per unit area and indicates the
direction along
which this maximum value occurs.

Que 1.26. Given a vector function:

A =
(&r+ez)a,+ (cz-52) a,+ (4r-ey + ea) a
Caleulate c, Cy ey C, if A is irrotational and

1 For A to be irrotational, V x A =0

A ax +C2, A, =c2t- 5z, A, = 4x - cgy + c2

VxA à, + lc, -41 à,

-e +5) +
le,-0] d, =0
6 , C =4, c = 0
2. For A to be
solenoidal, V A =0

V.A A, , CA, A,_

Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-25 B (EN-Sem-3)

3+0+C =0 ca=-3
Stoke's Theorem.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.27. Explain and prove stroke's theorem.

AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
A Stoke's theorem:
1. It states that the circulation of vector field A around a closed path L is

to the surface integral of the curl of A over the open surface S

bounded by L provided A and Vx A are continuous on S.

2. This theorem is only applicable when A and Vx A are continuous on

the surface S. Mathematically, it is expressed as,

B. Proof of Stoke's theorem:

Assume a surface S which is divided into a number of incremental
surfaces AS as shown in Fig. L.27.1.


4s 4S
4 4s


Fig. 1.27.1.
1-26 B (EN-Sem-3) Coordinate Systems
2. From the definition of curl,

(VxA)N Ádi
N normal to AS.
dAsperimeter of surface AS.
3. According to right hand rule,

(V x A)= (VxA).a,
Put this value in eq. (1.27.1),

A-d (VxA)-a, As
Adi. = (vx (1.27.2)
4. For obtaining the total curl, add the closed line integrals for each AS.
From Fig. 1.27.2, it can be observed that there is a common boundary
between the two incremental surfaces.
5. The line integral is
getting cancelled as the boundary is getting traced in
two opposite directions. All interior boundaries are
cancelled; only outside
boundary cancellation does not exist.

Fig. 1.27.2.
6. Hence, summation of all closed line integrals for each and every AS ends
up in a single closed line integral to be obtained for the outer
of the total surface S. So, boundary
eq. (1.27.2) becomes,

Laplacian of a Scalar

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type
Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-27 B (EN-Sem-3)

Que 1.28.What do you mean by "Laplacian ofscalar"?

1. The composite operator of 'divergence of a vector' and 'gradient ofscalar
is called Laplacian of a scalar.
2. IfA is a scalar field, then Laplacian of scalar A is denoted as VA.
3. It is defined as the divergence ofthe gradient of A. v4 is called Laplacian
4. In cartesian coordinate,

5. In cylindrical coordinate,

6. In spherical coordinate,

vPA nsin in
Que 1.29. Find the Laplacian of thescalar fields
V=e sin 2x coshy
Given, V = et sin 2 coshy

e s i n 2xcosh )+ i n 2x cosh ')

s i n 2x cosh )
=(2e cos 2x cosh y) (e sin 2x sinh y)
-esin 2x cosh y)
=- 4e sin 2x cosh y +e sin 2r cosh y + e sin 2x cosh y
= - 2 e sin 2x coshy

Part-1 Coulombs Law and Field.. ***** *************
2-2B to 2-7B
Intensity, Electric Field Due
to Charge Distribution

Part-2 : Electric Flux Density.

***************************** 2-7B to 2-8B

Part-3 Gauss's Law-Maxwell's Equation. ******* 2-8B to 2-17B

Part-4 :Electric Dipole and Flux Line. 2-17B to 2-18B

Part-5 2-18B to 2-21B

Energy Density in..
Electrostatic Fields

Part-6: Electric Field in Material Space.2-22B to 2-24B

Properties of Materials,
Convection and Conduction urrents

Part-7 Polarization in Dielectrics,

P***************** 2-24B to 2-26B

Part-8 : Continuity Equation and. ************** 2-26B to 2-28B

Relaxation Time

Part-9 : Boundary Conditions .. ******** 2-28B to 2-32B

Part-10 : Electrostatic Boundary Value. 2-32B to 2-39B

Problems : Poisson's and Laplace's
Equations, Methods of Images

2-1 B (EN-Sem-3)
2-2 B (EN-Sem-3)

Coulombs Law and Field Intensity, Electric Field Due to
Charge Distribution.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.1. State and explain the Coulomb's law.

1. Coulomb's law states that the force F between the two point
and Q is charges
directly proportional to the product of two charges and is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them.

2. The constant of
proportionality k is written as

47T E
where, E Permittivity offree space
So 8.854 x 10-12 = 10-° F/m
Coulomb's law is given as

3 If vector r, locate
Q, while r^ locate then
Q,, R, =
r- and

4. The vector form of Coulomb's law is

R2 "12

where, F12 Force on Q due to Q, (shown in Fig. 2.1.1)

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-3 B (EN-Sem-3)


(origin) 2 F2
Que 2.2.What do you mean by electric field intensity ?


1. The electric field intensity E is the foree per unit charge when placed in
an electric field. Thus

2. It is measured in Newton per Coulomb or volts per meter

3. The electric field intensity at point r due to point charge located at r is

4T 5 r - r *

4. For Npoint charges Q, locatedat distancen,

the electric field intensity at point F is

E -R -)+. T ***** Qr-ry)

4xl-P 4nel- P
2-4B (EN-Sem-3)
Que 2.3. Point charges 1 mC and 2 mC are located at (3, 2, -

and (- 1, 1, 4),
respectively. Calculate the electric force on a

10 nC
charge located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field
intensity at that
AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

1 F k,2 4me,R
k1,2 4TE, | r - r P
10 0, 3,1)-(3, 2,-1)) 2x10 (0,3,
4te|0, 3, 1) - 3, 2, - 1) 1)--1-1,4)
(0,3, 1)--1,-1,4)
10 10x 10-
-3, 1, 2) 4, -3) 1
4T> 10 (9+1+4) (1+16 +9)32
36T :

=9x1023,1,2)-2,-8, 6)1
14V14 26/26
F=-6.507a, -3.817a, + 7.506a, mN
2. Atthat point, F
E =

-6.507, -3.817,7.506) x 10
E=-650.7a, -381.7a,+ 750.6a, kV/m
Que 24.Evaluate the electric field intensity in space due t
charged finite length wire having uniform charge density.

AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

Derive expression for electric field intensity in space
due to
infinite length uniformly
charged wire. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
1. Let us consider a line charge with uniform
from A to B along z-axis. The
charge density Pz extending
dl = dz of the line is
charge element dQ associated with element
dQ = Pz dl = Pz dz.

2. The total charge, = PL da .2.4.1)

3. From Fig. 2.4.1,
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-5 B (EN-Sem-3)

dl = dz'

R = (x, y, z)-(0, 0, z')

*a+y ay + (z-z')a,
R p, +(a-z) à,
R= | R 12 = x?+y2+ (2-2)P = p+ (z - z?

R pa, +(2-z')â,
aR RP Ip+a-2*

(0, 0, 2) T

(x, y, z)

(0, 0, z)

Fig. 2.4.1.Evaluation of the E field due to a line charge.

4. Putting the value of a n d dl in E = L a


E = P L (PG, t(2-z)â ...(2.4.3)

we get
4T Ip +(z-z)?1/2
5. As R = lp+ (2-z] = p sec a
and z'= OT-p tan a
dz' = - p sec a da

6. Puting values of R and dz' in eq. (2.4.3)

- P 7 P sec" alcosa a, + sin a a, lda

4t p sec a

4n P à, +sin aâ,lda ...(2.4.4)

7. Thus, for a finite line charge,

E =PL-(-(sina2-sina,)a, + (cosa-cosa,a, ...(2.4.5)

4Tt E P
B is at (0, 0, o) and A at (0, 0, o), so
charge, point

8. For infinite line

(2.4.5) becomes
TU2, a=- Tt/2; the z component vanishes and eq.
2-6 B (EN-Sem-3) Electrostatics

E ..2.4.6)
2 2T Eo P

Que 2.5.Find an expression for electric field intensity for an

infinite sheet of charge.

P(0, 0, h)

Fig. 2.5.1. Evaluation of the E field due to an infinite sheet of charge.

1. Consider an infinite sheet of charge in the xy plane with uniform
charge density Ps
2. The charge associated with elemental area dS is
dQ= Ps dS .2.5.1)

3. The E field at point P (0, 0, h) by the charge dQ on the elemental

surface l is

dE dQ_R .(2.5.2)
47T R
4. From the Fig. 2.5.1,

R P-a,)+h ä,
R IR]=p+2
g d=Pg dS =
Ps Pdy do
5. Substituting the values of ág and R in eq. (2.5.2)
+h â,]
dE PsP do dpl-pa, ..(2.5.3)
4t lp+h2j3/2
6. In the symmetry of the charge distributions, for every element 1,
there is a corresponding element 2 whose contribution along , cancels

that of element 1. Thus, the contribution to E, add up to zero so that E

has only z components.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-7B (EN-Sem-3)

. This can be shown by replacing a, with cos a , + sin ¢a,. Integration

cos and sin ¢ over 0 << 2t gives zero.

4T e lp' +h*ga
4t E

8. For an infinite sheet of charge

where n is a unit vector normal to the sheet.

Electric Flux Density.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.6.What is electric flux ? Explain the concept of eleetrie

flux density.

A. Electric flux : The total number of lines of force in any particular
electric field is called electric flux. The unit of electric flux is coulombs
(C) and represented by a symbol y.

Electric flux density
The net flux (line of force) passing normal through the unit surface area
is called the electric flux density.

2. It is a vector field quantity and represented by D. It has a specific

direction which is normal to the surface area.
3. Consider a sphere with a charge Q placed at its centre and there are no
other charges present around. The total flux distributes radially around
the charge is y = Q.
2-8 B (EN-Sem-3) Electrostatics
4 Let, y =Total flux
S= Total surface area
of sphere
Then electric flux density is defined as

D C/m2
5. It is also called displacement flux density or displacement density.
6. In vector form,

D a , C/m2
= Total flux lines crossing normal through the differential area dS.

n=Unit vector in thedirection normal to the differential surface area.

Gausses Law-Maxwell's Equation.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

9ue 2.7. State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from

Gauss's law.
Prove that the net flux passing through any closed surface is equal
to the charge enclosed by that surface.

1. Gauss's law states that the total electric flux y passing through any
closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by that surface.
Thus, y= en
2. Total flux passing through the entire closed surface is

v pdy = D.ds ...(2.7.1)

3. Such a closed surface over which the integration in the eq. (2.7.1) is
carried out is called Gaussian surface.

y 9 DdS = Qene Total charge enclosed.

4 For volume charge distribution

V =ane6 .da = Ja,«do ..(2.7.2)

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-9 B (EN-Sem-3)

5. By applying divergence theorem in eq. (2.7.2)

6. Comparing the volume integrals in eq. (2.7.2) and (2.7.3), we get

7. This is the first Maxwell's equation.
Que 28. Explain the applications of Gauss's law for point charse
line charge and coaxial cable.

Applications of Gauss's Law:
i. For point charge:

1. Let a point charge Q is located at the origin. To determine D at a point

P, a spherical surface containing point P is chosen. Thus, a spherical
surface centered at the origin is the Gaussian surface in this case.

2. Since D is everywhere normal to the Gaussian surface, ie., D = D,a,

Applying Gauss's law gives

Gaussian surface
Fig. 2.8.1. Gaussian surface about a point charge.

Q Dda =D,f ds=D,4nr

where, ds= sin 0 de do= 4ur2
is the surface area of the Gaussian surface.


ii. For infinite line charge

Let the infinite line of uniform charge p, C/m lies along the z-axis. To

dotermine D at point P, a cylindrical surfacecontaining point Pis chosen.

2. As, the electric flux density D is constant and normal to the cylindrical
2-10 B (EN-Sem-3)

D = D,â,

Line charge pz C/m

Gaussian surface

Fig. 2.8.2. Gaussian surface about an infinite line charge.

3 Applying Gauss's law to the lengthl of the line

Pl Q= D.dS =D,odS D, 2np =

where dS =
21npl is surface area of Gaussian surface.

D ,27tp
For coaxial cable:
1. Let us consider two coaxial
cylindrical conductors, having'a' as the inner
radius and 'b as the outer radius.
2. Let us assume a charge distribution
of ps on the outer surface of the
inner conductor. Here, a circular
cylinder of length L and radius p,
where a < p<b is chosen as the Gaussian surface.

Ds21plL .(2.8.1)
Thus, the total charge on a length Lof the inner conductor is

Ps adh dz 2na LPs


p a

Fig. 2.8.3.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-11 B (EN-Sem-3)

From eq. (2.8.1), ..(2.8.3)

Ds =o
Putting the value of Q from eq. (2.8.2) in eq. (2.8.3), we get

2nal Ps -Ps
Ds 2mpL P

a Ps
Que 2.9.Define electrie potential.

1. Let's consider a point charge Qwhich moves from point A to point B in

an electric field E as shown in Fig. 2.9.1.



Fig. 2.9.1. Displacement of point charge Q in an electrostatic field E.

2 From Coulomb's law, the force on Q is F =QE so the work done in

displacing the charge by dl is

dW= - Fdi=-QEdi ..(2.9.1)

Here negative sign indicates that the work is being done by an external
Thus, the total work done or potential energy required in moving Q
from A to B is

W-Ë.di (2.9.2)

4. Dividing Wby Qin eq. (2.9.2) gives the potential energy per unit charge.
This quantity, denoted by VAg is known as potential difference between
points A and B.

VAB -E.di
2-12 B (EN-Sem-3)
5. Ifthe E field is due to
point charge Q located at the origin then
E =
Thus eq. (2.9.3)
can also be written as,

AB d r á,

ARe , J
VR and V are potentials at points B and A.
The potential at any point is the potential difference
between that point
a ch0sen point at which the potential is zero.

7. For n point charge Q, Q2 ,located at points with position r

2 . , , the potential at r is

V) .
********* ***
4Ts-FI 4T|F-T,|
Que 2.10. Derive the relation between E and V
using Maxwell's
1 The potential difference between point A and B is independent of path
taken. Hence,
ie., VBA+ VAB =
6 E.di ..(2.10.1)

2. The eq. (2.10.1) shows that the line

integral of E along a closed path
must be zero as shown in Fig. 2.10.1.

Fig. 2.10.1. The conservative nature of an electrostatie field.

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-13 B (EN-Sem-3)

3. It also implies that no net work is done in moving a charge along a closed
path in an electrostatic field.
4. Applying Stoke's theorem to eq. (2.10.1)

Edi Jcv E).da=o

VxE = 0 .2.10.2)
(2.10.1) and (2.10.2) referred to as Maxwell's equation for static
5 Eq.
electric fields.

As V- di
dV= - E.di
dV= -E, dx - E, dy -B, dz ..(2.10.3)
Since a total charge in V(x, y, z) is the sum of partial charges with
respect tox, y, z variables :

dV = dx+dy+dz .(2.10.4)

7. Comparing eq. (2.10.3) and (2.10.4), we get

E =-VV ...2.10.5)
The eq. (2.10.5) indicates that the electric field intensity is the gradient

of V and negative sign shows that the direction of

E is opposite to the
direction in which Vincreases.

placed at (2,-1, 3)
Que 2.11. Two point charges -4nC and 5nC are

and (0, 4, -

2) respectively, find the potential at (1, 0, 1), assuming

F'ind electric forces
zero potential at infinity. Right angle tiriangle.
at the corners of the triangle. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

A Calculation of electric potential:
- 4 nc, Q2 = 5 nC
1. Let

4TEIr-l 4te,|r-r| C
2. If Vlo)=0, C=0
Ir-l= |(1, 0, 1)-(2-1, 3)|
|-1, 1,-2)| =v6
|(1, -4, 3)| 26
r-ral= |(1, 0, 1)-(0, 4,-2)|
= =
2-14B (EN-Sem-3) Electrostatics

3. Hence V1, 0, 1) = 101 0 -4,5-5.872

6 -5.872 V

4 TX 367
B. Calculation of electric force:
1. Assume a charge of 1 nC at point Cx, y, z).

5 nC

Cx, y, z)
-4 nC

F2 Fig. 2.11.1
2. Force on C due to A,

(1x10)(4 x 10"*)
4Telx-2 +(y+ 1 +(a-3]
This force acts along CA.
3. Force on C due to B,
1x10) 6x 10)
This force acts along BC.
24TE(x-0 +(y -4 +(2+2]
Resultant force acts at point C,

F- +F
Que 2.12. Given the 560
potential V= 3r sin20 cos .
Find the electric
flux density D at (2, 90°, 0).Also calculate the work done in
10 uC charge from point A(1, 30°, 120) to B(2, moving a
60°, 30°).
AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

1. Potential V= ob sin 20 cos ¢

2. The electric field is
given by
E=- VV
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-15B (EN-Sem-3)

560 560 x 2
3. sin 20cos ou sin 20 cos
orl 3r 3r3

4. aV 560
sin 20 cos 5603r2x cos 20.cos
5. oV 560 Sin
sin 28. cos = - s i n 20. sin
63 3r2
6. Electric field is given by,
E = - VV

1. 3Sin 20. cos ¢ à, - cos 20.cos ,

bo sin 20.sin a,
8. Electric flux density,
D e E
Eo sin 20.coso ä, .cos 20 cos a,

At (r
3r2 n20sin ,
2, 0=90°, ¢ =
11zsin 180°.cos , 1120
cOs 180. cos 0°
o8(2 3(2
3(2)n180°.sin 0°a,
0 +93.33 +0 =93.33 e, 4, C/m*
9. Work done,
Since V is known, so0

-QE. dl QVAB

= QV-Va

sin 120.cos 30- 560
10x 10" sin 60.cos120
(3x4 3x1
10x 10 (34.51+ 80.26)
= 1147.76 x 10-5 J =
1147.76 uJ.
Que 2.18. Find the potential function and electrie field intensity
for the region between two concentric right circular oylinder where

V= and V= 0 at
Vatr= a r = b (b>a).
AKTU 2017-18, Marke 07
2-16 B (EN-Sem-3)
1. Consider the spherical shells (top of cylinders) and assume that Vdepends
only on 'r.
Here Laplace equation becomes
2= 1

3. Since
Fig 2.13.1
r # 0 is the region of interest,

Integrating once gives,

2 = A

or dv A
Integrating again gives,
V= +B ..(2.13.1)
A and B are integration constants,
. When r=b, V = 0 =- +B
B A ..(2.13.2)
5 Substituting eq. (2.13.2) in eq. (2.13.1), we get

6. Also, when r V=
a, Vo

A o

7. Substituting value of Ain eq. (2.13.3), we get

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-17 B (EN-Sem-3)


Electric Dipole and Flux Line.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.14. Write short notes on following:

Electric dipole
Flux lines


Electric dipole:
1. An electric dipole is formed when two point charges ofequal magnitude
but opposite sign are separated by a small distance. Let us consider a
dipole as shown in the Fig. 2.14.1.

d cos 0

Fig. 2.14.1.
2. The potential at point Plr, 0, 4) is given by

V= ...(2.14.1)
2-18 B (EN-Sem-3)

where r and r are the distances between P and +Q, andP and -Q.
3. Ifr >> d, 7 -

ri = d cos 0, r =r then eq. (2.14.1) becomes

V= _dcos ..2.14.2)
4T E r
4 Since d cos 0 =
d.a, where d =
dà, and ifwe consider p= Qd
moment then eq. (2.14.2) may be written as
as dipole

V= P.a, ..(2.14.3)
5. If the dipole center is not at the origin but at r', eq. (2.14.3) becomes
47 ,l7-
6. The electric field due to the
dipole with center at the origin is given as

- V =-,
E dcose Qd sin 0

2 cose â, +sin 0 å,) Here p=Qd)

47t r

ii. Electric flux line: An electric flux line is an

imaginary path or a line
drawn in such a way that its direction at any
point is the direction of the
electric field at that point. These are the lines to which electric flux

density D is tangential at every point.

Energy Density in Electrostatic Fields.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.15.Derive energy density in electrostatie field.

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-19 B (EN-Sem-3)

1. Consider the volume charge distribution with uniform charge density
P, C/m". Therefore total energy stored is

W .V d .(2.15.1)

2. Since, PV.D

W - D ) V de

3. For any vector A and scalar V, the identity

v.VA = A-VV +V(V A)

or (V AV V.VA-A VV ..(2.15.3)
Applying the identity in eq. (2.15.3) to eq. (2.15.2), we get

W -vD)dofD vv)do ...2.15.4)

4. By applying divergence theorem to the first term on the right-hand side

of eq. (2.15.4), we have

f«vD)-ds-5 Jö.vv)d» .(2.15.5)

5. We know that V varies as 1ir and D as 1/r2 for point charges; V varies

as 1/ and D as 1r for dipoles; and so on. Hence, VD in the first term

on the right-hand side ofeq. (2.15.5) must vary at least as 1/r while dS
varies as
6. Consequently, the first integral in eq. (2.15.5) must tend to zero as the
surface S becomes large. Hence, eq (2.15.5) reduces to

W-DV) do =5fö Ed ..(2.15.6)

7. Since, E =- vV and D= e E


8. From this, we can define electrostatic energy density wg in JIm°) as

D .(2.15.8)
Wg du 2ED
So eq. (2.15.6) may be written as
2-20 B (EN-Sem-3)
W Jwg do

Que 2.16.| Derive the mathematical expression for energy stored

in electric field. If V
=ya* + 2* + xy V. Do the analysis of E at
(2, 3, 7) and the electrostatic energy stored in a cube of side 4 m
centered at origin.
AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10
Energy stored in electric field: Refer Q. 2.15, Page 2-18B,
B. Numerical:
1. V= yx* +2x + *yV
OV yx+2x + xy] = 2yx +z +

OV y x * + 2x + *y] =*+*
aV yx+zx +xy =x
2. The electric field is given by
E= =-O
-(2yx +2+y)à, + (x* +x)ây + xa,l
-(2yx + 2+ y)â, (r* + x)ây- xâ,

Ele,3,7 -(2 x3 x2+7+3), -(4+2)ay-2,
= 2 , - 6â, -24, V/m

3. Taking mod of |E| in eq. (2.16.1)

E = (2yx +z +y*+(r + +2
|E|2 x*+2x3+ 2x2+4yx+ y2+22+ 2yz + 4yx +4xyz

The cube of 4 m side is centered at origin, so -2 Sx,y, z S2. .

4. The energy stored is given by,

Wg E av

(x+ 2x3+2x2+ 4y2 +y2 +z2

+2ya + 4y+ 4xy2) drdydz

11010.13] =505.6,J
2-21 B (EN-Sem-3)
Electromagnetic Field Theory

2 nC, 3 nC and
1 nC, e,
Que 2.17. Point charges ,
= = -

order at
4 -

4 nC positioned o n e at a time in that

Calculate the energy
(0,0,0, (1,0,0), (0, 0,-1) and (0,0, 1) respectively.
in the system after each charge is positioned.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07


E 0, hence W = 0J.
placed, the work done is
zero as
When is
2. WhenQis placed, there is field of & present.
W- Va1- 4R
2 x10
x1x 10 -17.9754 nJ
R21 1, W,
Ra11, =

W2 4 Tx8854 10

and both.
3. When is placed, there is field due to
W=Vs1+9 32
and Rg1 =
1, Rga=2
4Tt R 4,Ra
3x10 |1x10 2x 10=-11.168 nJ
4 TCE0 1
4. When Q, is placed, there is field due to Q. Q2 and Q3
W V+,V2+,Vs
4Te,R 4Te,R 4mBsJ
and R41=1, Rg= 2,Rg=2
-4x10 1x10 3x10
2 =-39.03 nJ
4TE0 2

2 (1,0,0)

(0, 0,-1)
Fig. 2.17.1.

5. Total energy, Wg =W+Wa+ Wg+ W

= 0-17.9754-11.168-39.035-68.178 nJ
2-22 B (EN-Sem-3)

Electric Field in Material Space:
Properties of
Convection and Conduction Currents.Materials,

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.18. Discuss some properties

of material.
1 Materials may be classified in terms of their
conductivity o, in mho per
meter (U /m) or Siemens per meter
2 The conductivity of a material
usually depends on temperature.
Amaterial with high conductivity (o>>1) is termed as metal whereas
one with low
conductivity (o << 1) is termed as insulator.
4. At temperatures near absolute zero
(T 0 K), some conductor exhibit

infinite conductivity and are called as

Que 2.19. Write short notes on
i. Convection current
ii. Conduction current

i. Convection current
1. Convection current does not involve conductors and
not satisfy Ohm's law. It occurs when current consequently does
flows through an
medium such as liquid, rarefied gas, or a vacuum. insulatingg
2. Let us consider a filament, if there is a
flow of charge of density
P,, at
velocity u =u, a, then the current
the filament is

P,AS u,

Fig. 2.19.1. Current in a filament.
3. The y-directed current
density J, is given by
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-23 B (EN-Sem-3)

A S P,,
Hence, in general

J = P, uu

Here, I = Convection current and J = Convection current density.

ii. Conduction current :
Conduction current requires a conductor. A conductor consists of large
number of free electrons that provide conduction current due to an
impressed electric field.

2. When an electric field E is applied, the force on an electron with charge

-e' is given as

F= - eE mu

3. If an electron with mass m is moving in an electric field É with an

average drift velocity u , according to Newton's law, the average change

in momentum of the free electron must match the
applied force. Thus,


-er E

where m = Mass of electron, u = Average drift velocity and t is the

average time interval between collisions.
4. If there are n electrons per unit volume, the
electron charge density,
Po -ne
5. Conduction current density is

j = p,u = E=G E
where, n e l m is the conductivity
of conductor.
Que 2.20.If the current density,
j-cos 0a,+ sin 6a,) A/m.
Find the current passing through a
sphere radius of 1.0 m.
2-24 B (EN-Sem-3)

1. Given, (cos a,+ sin 0a)
r =lm, 0 seS T
2. We know, I = JJ-dS

where, dS = r2 sin 0 do d6 a,

(cos 0a, + sin 9ag).r* sin0 dÙ ded,

cos6 rsin8 do de
2.cos sin 0 dÙ de

2 d0
2 T sin 20

cos (2n) cos (0] -1+1]=0

+ =

Polarization in Dielectrics, Dielectric-Constants.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.21.| Explain the phenomena of

polarization and its types.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07
Discuss polarization in dielectric medium.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-25 B (EN-Sem-3)

A Polarization: It is defined as the property of electromagnetic radiations
where the relationship between the direction and magnitude of the

vibrating electric field is explained.

Types of polarization:
Dielectric polarization: This type of polarization occurs when a dipole
moment is formed in an insulating material as an external electric field
is applied there is a change in the behaviour which is known as dielectric
lonic polarization: When elements like NaCl and KCI contribute to
the relative permittivity, ionic polarization occurs. In this polarization,
the net electric field is zero.
3 Orientational polarization: This occurs due to the permanent dipole
moment in a material. It occurs in elements such as HCl and H20.
C. Polarization in dielectricmedium:
1. The charges in dielectrics are bound by the finite forces and hence called
bound charges.

Charged nucleus

Negatively charged
electron cloud

Fig. 2.21.1 Unpolarized atom ofa dielectric.

2 The process due to which separation of bound charges results to produce

electric dipoles, under the infuence of electric field, is called polarization
of dielectric.

3. When electric field E is applied, the symmetrical distribution of charges

gets disturbed. The charges experience a force F = QE

4. So, there is separation between the nucleus and the centre of the
electron cloud. Such an atom is called polarized atom.

Center of
electron cloud
Polarized atom Equivalent dipole
Fig 2.21.2. Polarization of a molecule.
2-26 B (EN-Sem-3)
Mathematical expression for polarization:
1. Electric dipole moment, p=Qd ..(2.21.1)
where, Q =
Magnitude of of the two
d =Distance vector from negative to positive charge
2. Let, n =
Number of dipoles per unit volume
Av = Total volume of dielectric

N= n.Av =Total
Total dipole moment,
3. The polarization P is defined the total
dipole moment per unit volume.

P= lim
It is measured in Coulombs
per square meter (C/m*).
Que 2.22. What do you mean by dielectric constant

1. It is also known as relative
permittivity, denoted by eIt is the ratio of
the permittivity of dielectric to that of free space.
2. It is given by

E 1+e
where, E=
Permittivity of dielectric
Permittivity of free space.
Here e, and , are dimensionless whereas e and E are in Farads per
3. For free space and non-dielectric
materials, E, =1.

Continuity Equation and Relaxation Time.
2-27 B (EN-Sem-3)
Electromagnetic Field Theory

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.23. Derive and explain continuity equation for electrostatic

in detail. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
1. This equation of current is based on the principle of conservation
charge. The principle of conservation of charge states that "The charges
can neither be created nor be destroyed."

I= hj.ds ..(2.23.1)

2. Now, let Q, = Charge within the closed surface.

- Rate of decrease of charge inside the closed surface.

3. According to principle of conservation of charge, this rate of decrease is
same as rate of outward flow of charge. Flow of charge is current.

So, I= pJda=dQ ...(2.23.2))

4. Eq. (2.23.2) is the integral form of the continuity equation of current.

Now, using the divergence theorem,

6J.ds J(vJ)do

S0, de f(vJ) dv =


But . 2.23.4)

where, P Volume charge density

5. Substituting eq. (2.23.3) and (2.23.4) in eq. (2.23.2),

v.jdo= - d
6. This is the point form or differential form of the continuity equation of

the current.
short note relaxation time.
Que 2.24. Write a on
2-28 B (EN-Sem-3)

1. Let us considera
conducting material
The current density for this
which is linear and homogeneous.
type of material is,
J oE

But D eEË-2

2. The differential form of the continuity equation states that,


v.D= ot

But v.D P

3. Eq. (2.24.1) is the differential equation in p, whose solution is given by,
PPoeelr =Po e
where, PoCharge density at t 0
This shows that the charge density decays exponentially with a time
constant t= elo sec. This time is called relaxation time.
5. The relaxation time (t) is defined as the time required by the charge
density to decay to 36.8 % of its initial value.
T= Relaxation time = ElG sec.

Boundary Conditions.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.26.Explain the term boundary conditions.

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-29 B (EN-Sem-3)

1. If the field exists in a region consisting of two different media, the
conditions that the field must satisfy at the interface separating either
media are called boundary conditions.
. To determine the boundary conditions, Maxwel's equations are used.

E.dl 0 and D.ds =Q

3. The electric field intensity E can be decomposed into two orthogonal

components; i.e., E = B, + E,

E to the
where E, and E, are the tangential and normal components of
4. Some boundary conditions at an interface are:
i Dielectric (e,) and dielectric (E,2
i. Conductor and dielectric
i. Conductor and free space.

Que 2.26. Explain dielectric-dielectric boundary condition.


1. Consider the E field existing ina region that consists of two different
dielectrics charactterized by E ¬oE1 and E2 ¬02 as shown in
= =

Fig. 2.26.1
2 Da/B
(a) (6)
Fig. 2.26.1. Dielectric-dielectric boundary:
(a) Determining E E2 (6) Determining Din D2n
2. The fields E, and E, in media 1 and 2, can be decomposed as

E, Eu+ Ein (2.26.1)

E, Eut Ean

3. Applying E.dl = 0 to the closed path abeda and assuming that the

path is very small with respect to the spatial variation of E . We obtain

2-30 B (EN-Sem-3) Electrostatics

E, Aw-En B2n9 E,A+Ean+n Ah2 ...2.26.3)
whereE E,| and E, =|E,| and term 2
Eq. (2.26.3) becomes, 0 =

(E,-Ez)Aw ..(2.26.4)
As Ah 0, eq. (2.26.4) becomes, , =E2 .(2.26.5)
4. Thus the tangential components of E are the same on the two sides of

the boundary. Here E, undergoes no change on the boundary and is

said to be continuous across the boundary.
5. Since, D =eE =
D, + D.
Therefore, eq. (2.26.4) can be written as,
D =
E, E= D
or Da D ..(2.26.6)
Here D, undergoes some change across the interface. Thus it is said to
be discontinuous across the interface.

6 Applying D.dS = enc to the cylindrical Gaussian surface of

Fig. 2.26.1, we get

AQ = Ps AS = D,, AS -D2n AS

If no free charges exists at the interface i.e., Ps= 0
Pan Dan ..(2.26.8)

8. Let us consider D, or E, and D, or E, making angle 0, and , with the

normal to the interface as shown in Fig. 2.26.2.

in Dn

E2 2n
9 D2
. D2t
Fig. 2.26.2. Refraction of D or E at a dielectric-dielectrie boundary
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-31 B (EN-Sem-3)

9 From Fig. 2.26.2,

E, sin 0, =
E,= Ez, E, sin B

E, sin 0, = E, sin O, ...(2.26.9)

Similarly, e,E, cos 0, = e E, cos e, ....2.26.10)
Dividing eq. (2.26.9) by (2.26.10), we get
tan 6 tan 8,
1 2

Since, E =e0F1 and e2= ¬0Er2, eq. (2.26.11)becomes

tan 0,
10. Thus, an interface between two dielectrics produces binding offux lines
as a result of unequal polarization charges that accumulate on the
opposite side of the interface.

Que 2.27. Discuss the concept of conductor-dielectric boundary

condition and conductor-free space boundary condition.
Derive and explain boundary conditions for static electrie fields.

AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

A. Boundary conditions: Refer Q.2.25, Page 2-288, Unit-2.
B. Dielectric-dielectrie boundary condition : Refer Q. 2.26,
Page 2-29B, Unit-2.
C. Conductor-dielectric boundary condition:
1. In order to determine the boundary condition for a conductor-dielectric

interface, we consider that E =0 inside the conductor

2. Applying E.dl =0 to the closed path abcda ofFig. 2.27.1 gives

0 0.Aw + +E. E,.Auw -B,

Ah 0.Ah ..(2.27.1)
2 2
As, Ah 0,
E, = 0 .(2.27.2)

E Dielectric ( e = eg,)

Conductor (E =0) Aw
Fig. 2.27.1.
2-32 B (EN-Sem-3) Electrostatics

3. Similarly, applying ) D.dS = ne to the cylindrical Gaussian surface

as shown is Fig. 2.27.2 gives
AQ = D,AS - 0.AS
because D = eE =0 inside the conductor.

Dielectric (e = ¬g ¬

Conductor (E =0)

Fig. 2.27.2.
4. Eq. (2.27.3) may be written as

D,- Ps
D. Conductor-freeDPs
space boundary conditions:
The conductor-free space boundary conditions are represented in
Fig. 2.27.3.
2. As we know,
D, E E, E,
= = 0
Eothe and D,=
, interface
Ps between
By replacing e, by 1, the boundary conditions at
a conductor and free space can be obtained


Free space
(¬= ¬,E,)

Conductor (E = 0)

Fig. 2.27.3.
3. The eq.
(2.27.3) implies that E field must approach conducting surface

Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems:
Poisson's and Laplace's
Equations, Methods of Images.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-33 B (EN-Sem-3)

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

the Poisson's and Laplace equation in all

Que 2.28.| Derive
coordinate systems. AKTU 2021-2, Marks10
A. Poisson's and Laplace's equation:
Poisson's and Laplace's equations are used to solve the boundary value

problems. Poisson's equation can be derived from the Gauss's law in the
point form.
2. Gauss's law in the point form is,

V.D= Pu
3. We know that, D=eE

V.eE P, .(2.28.1)
4. Now, from the gradient relationship,
E=-VV ...(2.28.2)
5. Substituting eq. (2.28.2) in (2.28.1),

Ve-VV)= P
- ElV.VV= Pu


Eq. (2.28.3) is called Poisson's equation.
6. Now, in dielectric medium, where volume charge density is zero
(P. 0), the Poisson's equation takes the form,

V2V 0 (for charge free region)

This is special case of Poisson's equation and is called as Laplace's
B. Poisson's equation in different coordinates systema:

1. Cartesian coordinates system,

2-34 B (EN-Sem-3)
2 Cylindrical coordinates system,
1 a'V 0*v
rr = - po

3. Spherical coordinates system,

v2V= O sin6

1 - pleo
rsin 0 c6
C. Laplace's equation in different coordinate systems :
1. Cartesian coordinates system,
V 'V, aV

2. Cylindrical coordinates system,

3. Spherical coordinates system,

vV r* sine 6 in
= 0
r sin 6 c$°

Que 2.29.Calculate the capacitance formed by two back to back

cones separated by infinitely smal distance.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07

1. Consider a capacitor is formed by two back to back cones.
Let 20 Angle of cones
D Adjustable distance between apexes of cones
h Height of inside cone A from its apex to the
pase of its effective meshed surface.

Cone B
Cone A
Fig. 2.29.1. Right cone continuously adjustable capacitor.
2. The potantial gradient is perpendicuar to the two metal surfaces nearly
everywhere in the space between them.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-35 B (EN-Sem-3)

Cone A

Cone B **~---~-.

Fig 2.29.2. Cross-sectional dimensions of conical capacitor.

3. Since the conical conducting surfaces are parallel and coaxial, it follows
that the lines of force in the dielectric space (assumed to be air) are
everywhere normal to both surfaces.
E.n = E =-
=Constant ..(2.29.1)
where E =Potential gradient or the electrie field intensity
n= Unit vector normal to the surfaces.
4. E is constant over either one of the two conducting surfaces as well. So,
En Ko ..(2.29.2)
where G- Surface charge density
K Constant.
5. Referring to Fig. 2.29.2 and taking the surface S,
of any other
frustum of half-angle 6, located between the two conical electrodes and
applying Gauss law to this surface, we have
D.ds eES,= Q ..(2.29.3)
where the dielectric constant of the interelectrode space is e.
. The surface of the frustum of altitude hj and base radii R, and R, is

S= mR +R,) JA +
7. In order to express capacitance values in terms of D and h, we have
from the geometry of the Fig. 2.29.2:
R= r cos 6, h, =l cos 6, R, =r cos e-I sin 8
and S= M2r cos 0- sin 0)JP cos 0 +/ sin 0
Td(2r cos 0-I sin 0) .(2.29.4)
where r= Length of the normal from the axis to this
surface at its larger base
l= Length of the meshed conical surfaces.
8. Substituting eq. (2.29.4) into eq. (2.29.3)
Q= enlE2r cos 0-1 sin 0)
and E = Qlled(2r cos 0-l sin 0)1 .(2.29.5)
9 Because of conical aymmetry, the potential at the surface of this frustum,
aswell as of all others, depends only on r; thergfore, the potential
difference V, between frustum A and B is
2-36 B (EN-Sem-3)

Edr =- 2{ dr
T(2r cos 0- l sin 0)

I n (2r cos -l sin 6)
2e nl cos 0

(2r, cos 0- l sin0)

2 e Td cos 6 ...(2.29.6)
(2r, cos - l sin 0)
10. Rearranging to obtain the capacitance we have
c 2n el cos 0
In 2, cOs8-l sin
2r, cos 6-l sin 0
11. Expressing ra and r, in terms of h and
D, we have
2n el cos
In 1+ 2D cos 0
12. When the internal electrode is a
cone, it may be considered
having a infinitely small separation with outer cone and an a cone
h =l cos 6. altitude

Then 2T Eh
In 1+2(D/h) cos* e] 2.29.7)

Que 2.30. Derive an

expression for
capacitance of spherical a

shaped capacitor. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

Fig. 2.30.1 shows a spherical capacitor formed by two concentric
spherical shells A and B of radii a and b charged with +Q and
charges respectively. Q -

2. These charges attract each

outer surface of the inner
other, and spread out uniformly on the
shell and the inner surface of the outer
3. They produce an electric field E between the two shells, radially
4. Consider a Gaussian surface which is a concentric
radius r.
The electric flux
spherical surface of
through it is

: (E.dS =E dS cos 0 = E dS)]
= EpdS
( E is constant)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-37 B (EN-Sem-3)

hds-4 ..2.30.2)

B Gaussian

Fig. 2.30.1. Spherical capacitor formed by two concentric shells.

5. According to Gauss's law, the electric flux D must be equal to times

the charge contained within the surface

E(47r2) =

or E- ..(2.30.3)
6. The potential difference V between the spheres A and B is given by

VA-VB=-J E. dl .(2.30.4)

where dt is the differential vector displacement along a path from B to

A. E is radially outward while dl (along the direction of motion) is

inward and the angle between E and dl is 180.

E .dl = Edl cos 180° = - E dl

dl = - dr

So, E.dl Edr ..(2.30.5)

7. Put the value of eq. (2.30.5) in eq. (2.30.4) then we get,
2-38 B (EN-Sem-3) Electrostatics

V= - E d r ..(2.30.6)
8. Put the value of eq. (2.30.3) in eq. (2.30.6) then we get,


(1. .4rb
4T E a
b E
-ab .(2.30.7)

9. But the capacitance of capacitor is C = , 0 0 put the value Vfrom eq.

(2.30.7) then we get,

C 4 o ba
Que 2.31.
Explain methods of images.

1. Methods of images helps us to find V, E, D and ps due to charges in

the presence of conducting surfaces which are equipotential, wíthout
solving Poisson's or Laplace's equation.


Perfectly conducting plane V =0

7771T777 7T7T7777TT77T77T 777T777

(a) Charge configurations above a perfectly conducting plane


Equipotential surface i.e., V = 0


- PL +Po
(b) Image configuration with the conducting plane replaced by
equipotential surface.

Fig 2.31.1.Image system.

Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-39 B (EN-Sem-3)

2 Let the plane, exists midway between the two charges, is a zero potential
infinite plane. The conductor is an equipotential surface at a potential

V= 0 and E is only normal to the surface.

. If there is a charge above a conducting plane same fields at the points
above the plane can be obtained by replacing conducting plane by
equipotential surface and an image of the charge at a symmetrical location
below the plane.
4. To apply the method ofimages, following conditions must be satisfied:
i The image charges must be located in the conducting region.
ii. The large image charges must be located such that on the conducting
surface the potential is zero or constant.
Here, the first condition is to satisfy Poisson's equation, while the other
to satisfy the boundary conditions.


Following questions are very important These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as wellas

Q.1. State and explain the Coulomb's law.

Ans: Refer Q. 2.1.

Q.2. Point charges1mC and-2mC are located at (3, 2,-1) and (-

1, 1, 4), respectively. Caleulate the electric force on a
10nC charge located at (0,3, 1) and the electric field intensity
at that point.
Ans Refer Q. 2.3.

Q3. Derive an expression for electric field intensity in space

due to infinite length uniformly charged wire.
Ans Refer Q. 2.4.

equation from Gauss'ss

Q4. State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's
Ans Refer Q. 2.7.

Two point charges- 4 nC and 5

nC are placed at (2,-1, 3) and
(0,4,-2) respectively, find the potential (1, 1), assuming
at 0,
z e r o potential at infinity. Right
angle triangle. Find electric
forces at the of the triangle.

Ans Refer Q. 2.11.


3-2B to 3-8B
Part-1 Magneto-static Fields,.. ******************************

Biot-Savart's Law

Part-2 Ampere's Circuit Law-Maxwell's... 3-8B to 3-14B

Equation, Applications of
Ampere's Law

3-14B to 3-17B
Part-3 Magnetic Flux Density-Maxwell's ..
Equation, Maxwel's Equation for
Static Fields

and 3-17B to 3-19B

Part-4 Magnetic Scalar
Vector Potential

3-1B (EN-Sem-3)
3-2B (EN-Sem-3)

Magneto-static Fields, Biot-Savart's Law.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type
Que 3.1.What is magnetostatic field ?
1. A
magnetostatic field is produced by a constant current flow (or direct
2. This current flow may be due to
magnetization currents as in permanent
magnets, electron beam currents as in vacuum tubes, or conduction
currents as in
current-carrying wires.
3. There are two major laws
governing magnetostatic fields:
i. Biot-Savart's law
ii. Ampere's circuit law.
Que 3.2.State and explain the Biot-Savart's law.
1. Biot-Savart's law states that the differential
produced at point P, as shown in Fig. 3.2.1, magnetic
field intensity dH
by the differential current
element I dl is proportional to the
between the element and the line
product I dl and sine of angle (a)
joining point P to the element and is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between P and
ie., dHr U sin a
or, dH Rldlsin a ..(3.2.1)
where, k 1/4n, is the constant of proportionality.

then, dH d l sin a
2. In vector form, 4TR

dH= d xan_Idlx R
47rR2 4TR
Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-3 B (EN-Sem-3)

where, R= |R| and an =and dl is shownin Fig. 3.2.1.

dH (inward)
Fig. 3.2.1. Magnetic field dH at P due to current element I d.
3. Biot-Savart's law in terms of distributed current sources is given as :

H 4nR (Line current)

K dS xan (Surface current)


H [av x aR (Volume current)
where, a is a unit vector pointing from the differential element of

current to the point of interest, K is surface current density and J is

volume current density.

Que 3.3. Explain Biot Savert's law for magnetic fields. How this
concept can be used to determine magnetie field in space due to a
close loop current carrying wire ? AKTU 2019-20, Marks10

i Biot Savert's law: Refer Q. 3.2, Page 3-2B, Unit-3.
ii. Magnetic field due to a close loop current carrying wire
1. Fig. 3.3.1 shows a current carrying loop of radius a. P is a point on the
axis of the loop distant x from the centre, at which the field is to be

2. Let dl be a current element at the loop. Let Ris the displacement

vector from the current element to P. Biot-Savart's law gives the
magnetic field at P due to the current element as dl as,

dH=1dxR ..3.3.1)
3-4B (EN-Sem-3)
The magnitude of dH is,

dH= dd sin 90°Ho! dl

dH 4AT R 4T R2 ..(3.3.2)

: Angle between dl and R is 90°1

dH sin a


Fig. 3.3.1
3. Consider another current-element dl of the same
bottom of the coil length dl at the
perpendicular into the page.
4. The magnetic field dH due to this element is
equal to dH in magnitude.
5. The components of dH and dH , in
direction perpendicular to the
axis of the loop, are equal and
opposite. Therefore, they cancel each
6. The components of dH
and dH along the axis are in the same
direction and hence they are added.
7. The magnitude of the field
H= [dH sin a
Putting the value of dH from eq. (3.3.2) in eq. (3.3.3) then we get,
- dl sin a
4TR2 3.3.4)
From Fig. 3.3.1, sin a
8. Put the value of sin a in eq. (3.3.4) then we get,
H- 4nR3d
dl =
2na (circumference of the coil)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-5B (EN-Sem-3)

R= (a+2)32

Put the value of | dl and R in eq. (3.3.5) then, we get

a +23/2
9. If there are N turns in the coil, then

H= Nia
2 a +*)2
Que 34. A single turn circle coil of 50 meters in diameter carries
eurrent 28 x 10 amp. Determine the magnetie field intensity H at a
point on the axis of coil and 100 meters from the coil. The relative
permeability of free space surrounding the coil is unity.


Given: Diameter 50 m, i.e, Radius, a =25 m,I = 28 x 10 amp,

Distance from center (x)= 100 m, o=
To Find:Hat 100 m distance.

X = 100 m

25 m

Fig. 3.4.1.


28x10 x(25 =79.89 a, A/m

2(25 +(100
Que 3.5.Evaluatemagneticfield intensity in space due to current

wire. AKTU 2018-19, Marks07

Explain Biot-Savart's Law. Also derive an expression for a magnetice
field intensity in space due to an infinite uniform current carrying

wire. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

3-6B (EN-Sem-3)
Explain Biot-Savart's law. Find the magnetic field intensity for
infinite line current. AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10
Determine the magnetic flux density B at a distance d meter from an
infinite straight wire carrying current I. Also find out when the
length of the wire is semi-infinite.
AKTU 2017.-18, Marks 10
A Biot-Savart's law: Refer Q. 3.2, Page 3-2B, Unit-3.
B. Magmetic field intensity due to current carrying wire :
1 To determine the field due to a straight current carrying filamentary
conductor of finite length AB is shown in Fig. 3.5.1

H into the page)

Fig. 3.5.1. Field at point P due to a straight filamentary conductor.
2. Let the conductor is along the z-axis with its upper and lower ends,

subtending angles a, and a, at P, the point at which H is to be determined.

3. Here the current flows from point A, where a
a, to point B, where

4. The value of dH at P due to an element dl at (0, 0, z) is.

dH I dl xR ..3.5.1)
but dl = dz à, and R = pa, zà

0, dlx R =
pdz a
Ip dz
H Anlo+2 ...(3.5.2)
5. Let z =
p cot a, dz = -

p cosec a, thus eq. (3.5.2) becomes

Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-7B (EN-Sem-3)

p cosec a da
p cosec a

á, sin a da

47p a-cos a) a .(3.5.3)
6. If conductor is infinite in length, then point A is at (0, 0,-o) while B is
at (0, 0, o); a, = 180° and a = 0°, thus eq. (3.5.3) reduces to


7. For semi-infinite, ag = 0°, a = 90°

H (cos a,

Cos a,) a ATO

B H =pll4npa
Que 3.6. Derive an expression for a magnetie field intensity in
solenoid having length L, N numbers of turns of wire carryingI
current. While the length of solenoid is much larger then it's radius.

AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

A solenoid of length P and radius '* consists of N turns of wire
carrying current I. Show that at point P along its axis

cos -cos , a
where, n =NIl, 0, and 6, are the angles subtended at P by the end
turns as given in Fig. 3.6.1. Also show that ifl >>a, at the centre of

the solenoid,


---0- -0-04

Fig. 3.6.1. Cross-section of a solenoid.

3-8B (EN-Sem-3)
1. As the solenoid consists of circular
the magnetic field H at P loops, therefore the contribution to
an by element of the solenoid of length dz is
I dl a* Ia' n dz
a 2a? +223/2 2a2 + z22 .(3.6.1)
where, dl = n dz = (NIl) dz.
2. From Fig. 3.6.1, tan 0 = al/z

2-a cosec2 0 de =- l2+aT2 sin 0

3. a2
Putting the value of dz in eq. (3.6.1), we get
- nl
dH, =

sin 0 de
H= - [ sin 0 de

Thus, H
(cos , cos ,)a: -

Substituting n = Nl gives,
62- cos 6,) a
4. At the center of the
cos la+14ra- cos 6
and H nll
Ifl>>a or
0, =0° and 6, =

H = nl a, =

Ampere's Circuit Law-MaxwelW's Equation, Applications
Ampere's Law.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.7.What is Ampere's circuit law?

Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-9B (EN-Sem-3)

State and prove Ampere's circuit law and derive Maxwell's equation

for it.
single turn circle coil of
State and derive ampere circuital law. A
50 meters in diameter carries current 28 x 10 amp.

Determine the magnetic field intensity H at a point o n the axis of

coil and 100 meters from the coil. The relative permeability of free
space surrounding the coil is unity. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07

A Ampere's circuit law:
a. Statement:
1. The Ampere's circuit law states that, "The line integral of magnetic field
intensity around any closed path is exactly equal to the direct
enclosed by that path".
2. The Ampere's circuit law is given by

where, H Magnetic field intensity

dl = Infinitesimal small (differential) element of wire

eneCurrent enclosed.
b. Proof:
a current I in the
1. Fig.3.7.1 shows a long straight conductor carrying
direction shown. Biot-Savart's law gives the magnitude of the magnetic
field intensity at a distance R from it.


Fig. 3.7.1. Amperë's circuital law

2. Its direction is given by the tangent to a circle of radius R centred on the
current carrying wire.

3. The magnetie field H is constant in magnitude at all points of this circle

and its direction is parallel to the circle element dl.

3-10 B (EN-Sem-3)

.dl - 27 R Rdo do
. 2n
H.dl = I

4. Thus, the line integral. H.dl is equal to the current through the area

bounded by the circles. It is Ampere's law.

B. Maxwell equation from Ampere's law:
1. Applying Stoke's theorem in eq. (3.7.1), we get


As, ene-da ..(3.7.3)

2. Comparing the surface integral in eq. (3.7.2) and (3.7.3) clearly indicates

VxH j zit, ..(3.7.4)

3. Eq. (3.7.4) is the third Maxwell's equation.
C. Numerical : Refer Q.3.4, Page 3-5B, Unit-3.
Que 3.8.Explain the applications of Ampere's law for infinite (i) line
current, (iü) sheet of current (ii) long coaxial transmission ine.
Derive an expression for magnetic field intensity in space due to
current sheet having current density Ka, A/m.

AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

Derive an expression for magnetic field of a coaxial cable.

AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

Explain the Ampere circuital law. Derive two applications of ampere
circuital law. Also, derive modified Maxwell's equations.

AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

A Applications of ampere eircuited law:
Infinite line current:
1. Consider an infinitely long filamentary curront I along the z-axis as
shown in the Fig. 3.8.1.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-11B(EN-Sem-3)
To determine H at point P, consider a closed path passing through
point P. This is the path on which Ampere's law is applied and it is known
as Amperian path.
3. Since this path encloses the whole current I, then according to Ampere's
JH, a,pdo a,
I= H, Jo d6 = H, 2mp

H = a

Amperian path

Fig. 3.8.1.
ii. Infinite sheet of current:
1Consider an infinite current sheet in the a = 0 plane.

2 If the sheet has a uniform current density K =K, à, A/m as shown in

Fig. 3.8.2, applying Ampere's law to the rectangular closed path
1-2-3-4-1 gives
H di = Ine K, b .(3.8.1)

Amperian path

Fig. 3.8.2.

H,a. z >0
3 As ..(3.8.2)
-H,a. ; z <0

Evaluating the line integral of H in eq. (3.8.2) along the closed path as
shown in Fig. 3.8.2, gives
3-12 B (EN-Sem-3)

+(-H,) (-b) + 0 (a) + (H,) b)

H dl = 21,b
From eq. (3.8.1) and (3.8.3), we get
K, b = 2H,

5. Substituting the value of
H, in eq. (3.8.2), we get


6 For an infinite sheet of current density K A/m


where, a, is unit normal vector directed from the current sheet to the
point of interest.
ii. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line:
Consider an infinitely long transmission line consisting of two concentric
cylinders having their axis along the z-axis as shown in the Fig. 3.8.3.
2 The inner conductor has radiusa and carries current I, while the outer
conductor has inner radius b and thickness t and carries return current

3 Since, the current distribution is symmetrical, we apply Ampere's law

along Amperian path for each of four possible regions:0spsa,a spsb,
b spsb+ t and p 2 b +t.
4 For region 0 s p Sa, we apply Ampere's law to path L,, i.e.,

Hdl ene JdS ..3.8.6)

Amperian paths


- - -

Pig. 3.8.3, Cross-section of the transmission line.

5. As the current is uniformly distributed over the cross-section,

Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-13 B (EN-Sem-3)

ene -d5- Jpde dp= np -

6. Thus eq. (3.8.6) becomes, H, | dl = H, 2mp = Ip

or, ...3.8.7)
2 ma
7. For region a [ psb, path L, is used as an Amperian path

H dl = ene

H, 2mp =


For region b s p sb+t, path Lg is used
6H-di = H, 2np = Iene ...(3.8.9)


9. Here, J is the current density of outer conductor and is along- a , i.e.,


(b+t¥ - 1 , pdo d
ene 1 +2bt
10. Substituting the value of lene in eq. (3.8.9), we get
H,2 +2b
For region pzb+t,L4 pathis chosen, i.e.,
H di =1-I= 0


;a spsb
So H 2rTp
2mp +26 bspsb+t

3-14 B (EN-Sem-3)
B. Ampere Circuital law and Maxwell equation : Refer Q. 3.7,
Page 3-8B, Unit-3.
Que 3.9.Derive an expression for magnetic field intensity due to
long hollow conducting cylinder.

1. Consider an infinitely long cylinder of inner radius 'a' and outer radius
b'. Let T be the current.
2. Suppose that the current is uniformly distributed over whole
cross-section of cylinder.

Fig. 3.9.1.
3. For p <a,
pH, dl =
*ror a <p<b, H, 27p = TP"-a)

2plb -a*)
5. For p>b, H 2mp I

H 2P
1 -0 a<p<b
. So, 2tp (8-d
I p>b

Magnetic Flux Density-Maxwell's Equation, Maxwell's Equation
for Static Fields.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-15 B (EN-Sem-3)

Que 3.10.What do you understand by magnetic flux density ?

Derive the Maxwell's equation for flux density.


1. The magnetic flux density B is related to magnetic field intensity H as

B HH ..(3.10.1)
where, H is constant known, as permeability offree space.
1e., Ho 4 Tx
10- H/m
2. The magnetic flux through a surface S is given by

V= JB dSS ...(3.10.2)

where y is magnetic flux in webers (Wb), B is magnetic flux density in

Wb/m or tesla (T).

3. A magnetic flux line is a path to which B is tangential at every point on

the line.
As an isolated magnetic charge does not exist thus the total fux through
a closed surface in a magnetic field must be zero, i.e.,

B:dS 0 (3.10.3)

5. Eq. (3.10.3) is referred to as the law of conservation of magnetic flux or

Gauss's law for magnetostatic fields.
6. Applying divergence theorem to eq. (3.10.3), we get

V B 0 .(3.10.4)
7. Eq. (3.10.4) is the fourth Maxwell's equation.

Que 3.11.| Discuss Maxwell's equations for statiefield.

A Maxwell's first equation :
1. It is derived from Gauss's law for electrostatie fields.
2. According to Gauss's law

eneoDds ..(3.11.1)

In terms of volume charge density p,

3-16 B (EN Sem-3) Magnetostatics

6D dS = p, du (Integral form) ..(3.11.2)

3. By applying divergence theorem to eq. (3.11.2)

6Dds =f«v.D) dv

4 Comparing the two volume integrals in eq. (3.11.2) and (3.11.3)

results in

V.D P,(Differential or point form) .(3.11.4)

5. Eq. (3.11.2) is the integral form, and eq. (3.11.4) is the differential
(or point) form of Maxwell's equation.
B. Maxwell's second equation:
1. Itis derived from the conservative nature of electrostatic field. A vector
field whose line integral does not depend on the path of integration is
called conservative vector field.

oE dl = 0 (Integral form) ..(3.11.5)

This implies that no net work is done in moving a charge along a closed
path in an electrostatic field.
2 Applying Stoke's theorem to eq. (3.11.5) gives

E-di =fv E)-da =o

VxE =0 (Differential or point form) .3.11.6)

3. Any vector field that satisfies eq. (3.11.5) or (3.11.6) is said to be
conseryative, or irrotational.
4 Eq. (3.11.5) is the integral form, and,eq. (3.11.6) is the differential
(or point) form of Maxwell's equation.
Maxwell's third equation :
1. Itis derived from Ampere's circuit law, according to this law,

.hHdi =1n=J dS (Integral form) ..(3.11.7)

2. Applying Stoke's theorem in eq. (3.11.7) gives

3. Comparing the surface integrals in eq. (3.11.8) gives

VxH J (Differential or point form) .(3.11.9)
4. Ea, (3.11.7) is the integral form and eq (3.11.9) is the diferential (or
point) form of Maxwell's equation.
D. Maxwell's fourth equation:
1. It is derived from Gauss's law for magnetostatic fields, accordingto this
Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-17 B (EN-Sem-3)

B-dS 0 (Integral form) .3.11.10)

2. This is because it is not possible to have isolated magnetic poles
(or magnetic charges). Eq. (3.11.10) is referred to as the law of
conservation of magnetic flux.
3. Applying divergence theorem to eq. (3.11.10) gives

B dS Jv Bdv
= 0

or, V.B 0 (Differential or point form) ..(3.11.11)

Eq. (3.11.10) is the integral form and eq. (3.11.11) is the differential
(or point) form of Maxwell's equation.

Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potential.

Long Aswer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.12. Explain the terms magnetic sealar and vector potential.
Explain convection and conduction currents. Derive mathematical
equations also. Also derive the magnetie vector potential.

AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

A. Magnetic scalar potential:

1. The magnetic scalar potential is written as V and is related to H as

- VV
The curl of the magnetic field is given as

Vx H J =Vx(-VVR ..(3.12.2)
3. As the curl of the gradient of any scalar identity is zero, therefore it is
observed that if magnetic field intensity is to be defined as the gradient
of magnetic scalar potential then current density is zero throughout the
region in which scalar magnetic potential is defined. Thus,

H =- V V, (for J = 0)
3-18 B (EN-Sem-3)
Since, V satisfies the Laplace's equation just as V does for electrostatic

. The characteristics
of scalar magnetic potential (Vm) are
The negative gradient of V,, gives , ie., = -

ii. It exists where J =0

ii. It
is directly defined as
V= [H di
B. Magnetic vector potential:
1. Vector magnetic potential exists in regions where Jis present. It is
defined in such a way that its curl gives the magnetic flux density, i.e.,

B Vx A
where, A = Vector magnetic potential (Wb/m).

2. A can also be defined for line current, for surface current and for
volume current as;

aId (for line current)

A KdsS (for surface current)


(for volume current)

3. The characteristics of vector magnetic potential are:

i. It exists even when J is

i. Vector magnetic potential A has applications to obtain radiation
characteristics of antennas, apertures and also obtain radiation leakages
from transmission line , waveguides and microwave ovens.
i. A is used to find near and far fields of antennas.
C. Convection and conduction current: Refer Q. 2.19, Page 2-22B,

Que 3.13.Given the magnetic vector potential A = -pl 4ä, Wb/m.

Calculate the total magnetic flux
crossing the surface r/2, =

1sps2m, 0 szs5 m.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-19 B (EN-Sem-3)

1. Given, A = - p/4 a,

dS = dpdz a,

v-Bd- Jpdpda z=0p=

5) = 15/4 = 3.75 Wb


Following questions are very importan. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as wellas

Q.1. Explain Biot Savert's law for magnetic fields. How this
concept can be used to determine magnetic field in space
due to a close loop current carrying vire ?
Ans Refer Q. 3.3.
Q2. Evaluate magnetic field intensity in space due to current
Ans Refer Q.3.5.
3 . Derive an expression for a magnetic field intensity in
solenoid having length L, N numbers of turns of wire
carryingI current. While the length of solenoid is much
larger then it's radius.
Ans Refer Q. 3.6.

Q4. Derive an expression for magnetie field of a coaxial cable.

Ans Refer Q. 3.8.
Q5. Diseuss Maxwell's equations for statie field.
Ans Refer Q. 3.11.

Q.6. Explain the terms magnetic scalar and vector

Ans Refer Q.3.12.
Magnetic Forcess

Part-1 Materials and Devices,. ..4-2B to 4-5B
Forces Due to Magnetic Field

Part-2 : Magnetic Torque and . . .. 4-5B to 4-8B

Moment, a Magnetic Dipole

Part-3 :
Magnetization in Materials . . 4-9B to 4-11B

Part-4 Magnetic Boundary Conditions.. 4-1iB to 4-14B

Part-5 Inductors and Inductances, . .*

.. ....
*** 4-14B to 4-19B
Magnetic Energy

4-1B (EN-Sem-3)
4-2 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

Materials and Devices, Forces Due to Magnetic Fields.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que4.1.Discuss the ways in which force due to magnetic
can be experienced.

There are three ways in which force due to magnetic fields can be


1. Force on a charged particle:

electric charge Qin an
The electric force F. o n a stationary or moving
electric field is given by Coulomb's law and is related to E as

F = QE ..4.1.1)

eq. (4.1.1) indicates that if Q is positive, F, and E has the same

exert force only on a moving charge. It is known
1. The magnetic field can

that magnetic force F,", experienced by charge Q moving with velocity

u in a magnetic field B is

F = Qux B) ..(4.1.2)

to both u and B.
The eq. (4.1.2) indicates that Fm is perpendicular
both electric and magnetic field,
ii. For a moving charge Q in presence of
total force on the charge is given by

F Q(E+ u xB)
iv. This is known as Lorentz force equation.

2. Force on a current element:

To determine the force on a current element I dl ofa current carrying


conductor due to magnetic field B, we will use fact of convection current

Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-3 B (EN-Sem-3)

The relationship between current elements is given as

Idl = K dS = J do
where, K dS = Surface current element

and J dv =Volume current element.

ii. Combining eq. (4.1.3) and (4.1.4), we get

Idl = p, u dv = dQu

Alternatively ldi ddt i =dQ-dQu


ldl = dQ u ..4.1.5)
iv. The force on a current element I dl in a magnetic field B is

dF Iai x B 4.1.6)
If the current I is through a closed path L, the force on the circuit is
given by

3. Force between two current elements:

Consider the force between two elements 1,dl, and I,dl,. According to
Biot-Savart's law, both current elements produce magnetic fields. Thus

the force d (dFi) onelement 1,dl, due to field dBa produced by element

1dl,is as shown in the Fig. 4.1.1.

d dF) 2d2

Fig. 4.1.1.

ii. As dd F) = I,dl, x dB,

But from Biot-Savart's law,

dB, =Ha l,dlz xán,

ddF)= Hoddls x(d,dl 2x
4-4 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

i. Total force P on current loop 1 due to current loop 2 is given as

F = Hod2 6f dd i x(dl 2 x ar, )

Que 42.A charged particle moves with a uniform velocity 4 m/s
in x direction in a region where E = 20 a, Vhm and B B,a, Wb/m
Determine B, such that the velocity of the particle remains constant.

AKTU2018-19,Marks 3.5
1. If the particle moves with a constant velocity, it implies that its
acceleration is zero. In other words, the particle experiences no net

F = ma = Q(E + u x B)=0
2. Hen ce,
Q(20a, +4a, B, a,) 0
x = a , x a, a,)

20a, =-4B,a,
B, = 5.

Que 4.3. A charged particle of mass 2 kg and charge 3 C starts at

point (1, - 2, 0) with velocity 4 a, +3 a, m/s in an electric field
12 a+ 10a, Vim. At time t=1 sec, determine the acceleration of the
particle, its velocity, kinetie energy of the particles and its position.

AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

1. According to Newton's second law of motion,
F= ma =QE
where, a is the acceleration of the particle. Hence,
(12, +10a,) = 18a, + 15a, m/s2


dt 4,,u,u,)= 18a, + l5a,

a =

2. Equating components and then integrating, we obtain

du 18u, 18t +A =
du, = 15> u, = 15t + BB ...(4.3.2)

= 0
>u, =C ...4.3.3)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-5 B (EN-Sem-3)

where, A, B and C are integration constants. But at t = 0,

u = 4a, + 3a,. Hence,

u(t = 0) = 4 4 = 0+A or A = 4
u,(t = 0) = 0 > 0 =0+B or B=0
u t = 0) = 3 3 =C
3. Substituting the values of A, B and C into eq. (4.3.1) to (4.3.3) give
u(t) = (u,, u,, u,) = (18t +4, 15t, 3)
4. Hence, ult = 1 sec) = 22a, + 15a, + 3a, + 3a, m/s

5. Kinetic energy (KE) :

muf (2)
(22 +15* +3)
= 718 J

6. d y, z) =(18t + 4, 15t, 3)
dt dt
7. Equating components yields

u , = 18t +4>x = 92 + 4t + A, .(4.3.4)

iy u 15t > y 7.5t
= = + B ...(4.3.5)
1z 3
= >z = 3t =3t +C ...4.3.6)
8. Att = 0,(x, y, 2) = (1, -2, 0); hence,
xt =0) 1>1=0+A

yt =0) = - 2 - 2 0+B or B =-2

A =1
z(t = 0) = 0-0 =0+ C or C, = 0
Substituting the values of A, B, and C, into eq. (4.3.4) to eq. (4.3.6), we
(, y, 2) = (9t + 4t +1, 7.5t2-2, 3t) 4.3.7)
9. Hence, att = 1, (x, y, 2) = (14, 5.5, 3).
10. By eliminating t in eq. (4.3.7), the motion of the particle may be described
in terms ofx, y and z.

Mugnetic Torque and Moment, a Magnetic Dipole

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 44.What do you understand by magnetic torque and

moment ? Derive their equations.
4-6 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

A Magnetic torque:

1 The torque T on the loop is the vector product of the force F and the

moment arm r.

ie, T rx F
2 Let us consider a rectangular loop lies in xy-plane as shown in Fig. 4.4.1.
The dimensions of this loop are sides AB = DC = dx and sides
AD = BC = dy.

3. The value of magnetic field at the centre 'O' ofloop is given as B,. Since,
the loop of differential size, so the value of magnetic fields at all points

can be assumed as B,. Therefore, there will be no force on the loop.

Fig 44.1
4 Two forces are applied on side DC and AB. The vector force on side DC
can be calculated as

F = Idxxa, x B,

OF = ldx xà, x[B,,â, +B,a, + B,à,1

IdelB,, xa, +B,a, xa, + B,,à, xà,
Idxl0+ B,à, -

OF = Idr |B,,a, - B,a,l
5. Since this force is applied at the mid-point of side DC. Thus, from
Fig. 4.4.1, it is clear that

6. Thus, torque on the side DC is given as

dTpc -dy å, xldx |B,i, - B,à,

Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-7B (EN-Sem-3)

2 dy IB,,â, xà, - B,a, xá,
dx dy I B,,à, -01

dTpe B,dr dy å,
7. The force side AB is
opposite in direction to force on side DC, therefore
the torque on side AB will be opposite in direction þut will be of same

dTAR I B,dr dy á,
8. If the forces F and F, on side AD and BC are applied then torques on
their sides can also be calculated in similar way.

dTacI dx dy B, á,
and dTAD dx dy B, a,
9. Therefore, the total torque can be written as

dT =I dx dy lB,.a, -B,,á.l
10. The quantity within the bracket be
can represented by a cross product
in the form as given below
dT =I dx dy (â, x
or, dT = I dS xB
B. Magnetic dipole moment:
1. It is the product ofcurrent and area ofthe loop. The direction of magnetie
dipole moment is perpendicular to the loop. It is given as

m ISäa, ...(4.4.1)
where, I= Current
S= Area of loop
a, = Unit normal vector to the plane of the loop.
2. The eq. (4.4.1) can be written for small area as

dm = I dS
3. In terms of magnetic dipole moment, the torque is given as

dT = dm xB
As we assumed earlier that for small loop the magnetic field will be
constant throughout the loop.
4. Therefore, for uniform magnetic field, the torque will be given as
dT =I dS B,
4-8 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

or simply, T= IS xB, = m x B,

Que 4.5.Write a short note on magnetic dipole.


Prove that B = 2 cos 0a, +sin 8as) for magnetic dipole.

1 Any magmetic dipole has two distinct poles a north pole and a south pole.
Hence, a simple bar magnet is called as magnetic dipole. Ifthis magnet
is broken into small pieces then every piece will be a dipole.
2 Similarly, a small current carrying wire or loop is called as dipole, because
it has the magnetic poles like bar magnet.

(r, 8, ¢)

Fig. 4.5.1.
3. Due to current carrying loop, the magnetic vector potential at point 'PP

4n r

A Hna à, Ho m x a,

4Ttr 4Tt
where, m Magnetic dipole moment
= I rna a,
4 We know that
a, xa, = s i n a,

5. The flux density B can also be determined as

=Vx A
B Po (2 cos 0 a, +
sin a,
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-9 B (EN-Sem-3)

Magnetization in Materials.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.6. What is magnetic susceptibility ? What is

magnetization ?

M»gnetic susceptibility:
In the magnetic materials, the magnetic dipoles are present corresponding
to the atoms. These magnetic dipoles are assumed to be oriented
randomly at rest (initially).
The electron by spinning about its own axis creates a magmetic field and
magnetic dipole moments are also created by the electron orbiting about
the positive nucleus.
When the external magnetic field is applied to the material, the magmetic
dipoles inside the materialare re-oriented according to the direction of
applied external magnetic field.
The application of external magnetic field affects the velocities of the
orbiting electrons. Thus, a small magnetic moment for the atom is created
that according to Lenz's law will oppose the applied magnetic field.
5. The measurement of this re-orientation is called magnetic susceptibility.
This is denoted by the symbolx

Fig 4.8.1. Randomly oriented magnetie dipoles in a materials.

6. The materials which come under this category are known as
paramagnetic materials. These materials are iron, nickel, cobalt, etc
B. Magnetization (M)
1. It is simply given as total magnetization, the values of this is given as the
magnetic dipole moment per unit volume of a material in a volume Av.
4-10 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

If there are n atoms in a given volume. The total magnetization is

defined as Av and h atom has a magnetic moment (m).

M lim m, Am2 (4.6.1)

m = I,dS



Fig. 4.6.2. An alignment of magnetic dipole moment

due to external magnetic field.

3. From Fig. 4.6.2

nddS di M di
dl, = = ...4.6.2)

then Md
4. By Ampere's circuital law, the total current I

5 From eq. (4.6.3), (4.6.4), and (4.6.5)


6. Compare eq. (4.6.6) with the expression of Ampere's circuital law

I=H dl

For linear, is0tropic magnetic

M m
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-11 B (EN-Sem-3)
The quantity x,, is dimensionless and is called magnetic susceptibility of
the medium.

Magnetic Boundary Conditions.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.7. What is magnetic dipole ? Find magnetic vector potential

Explain the
complete magnetic boundary conditions. Derive all
tangential and normal components. |AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10
Explain magnetic boundary conditions.
A Magnetie dipole : Refer Q. 4.5, Page 4-8B, Unit-4.
B. Magnetie vector potential : Refer Q. 3.12, Page 3-17B, Unit-3.
C. Boundary conditions on magnetic fields: In a single medium, the
magnetic field is continuous. Here we will find the boundary conditions
for magnetic fields at an interface of two media.
i. Condition for normal component of magnetie field:
Let consider two different media with permeabilities and
H, u. Both
media are linear, isotropic and
2. In Fig. 4.7.1, we have two different media with
4, and u, respectively.
We choose an elementary cylindrical Gaussian surface at the
of two media so that half of cylinder is in media-1 and other half in

Media-1 Pnl


Fig. 4.7.1.
4-12 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

3. Now apply Gauss's law for magnetic field.

V B = 0

B dS 0
B an AS- B,, ana AS] = 0
(B1-Ba2)AS = 0
4 Since, AS represents small area enclosing volume which cannot be equal
to zero, i.e.,
AS *0
or HyHH2H, = 0 ..4.7.1)

i.e., normal component of magnetic flux density ( B ) is continuous across

the boundary interface between two media.
5. From eq. (4.7.1)

ie., normal component of magneticfield intensity is discontinuous.

ii. Condition for tangential component of magnetic field:
1. At the boundary, there exists a sheet current of density K shownin
Fig. 4.7.2.

H- Current sheet

DH,, C
Fig. 4.7.2.
2. Apply Ampere's circuital law,

3. Considering the closed path ABCD, we have

CD +0+0= K N

H-H= K

H and H,, = a
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-13 B (EN-Sem-3)

BBa = K ..4.7.3)
Tangential component of magnetic field intensity is discontinuous across
the boundary and the value of
discontinuity is equal to the surface
current density (k ).
5. If current density k is zero,

H-H =0

Thus, thetangential component of H is continuous across the boundary

between two media provided that the boundary has no current sheet.

6. From eq. (4.7.4),

Ba B

Thus, tangential component of Bis discontinuous since , is not

to H

Que 4.8.Given that H ,= 2a,+6a,+ 4a, A/m in region

y-*-2 <0, where =540 Calculate M, and B.
1. If let the surface of plane be described
by flx, y) =

x -2, a unit
vector normal to plane is given by

M,= XmH,= (41-1) H

1)-2a,+6a, +4a,)
-8a,+24a, +16a,) A/m
4nx 10-5) (-2a,+6a,+ 4a,)
(-12.57a,+37.7 a,+25.13 a ,) uWb/m
Que 4.9,Write down the boundary condition for eurrent density.
4-14 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

1. When current obliquely crosses an interface between two media with
different conductivities, the current density vector changes both in
direction and magnitude.

2 The equations for steady currentdensity J are

Differential form Integral form

J-ds -0 .4.9.1)


3. The divergence equation is same and the curl equation is obtained by

gE) with V E 0.
combining Ohm's law (J = x =

two ohmic
4 By applying eq. (4.9.1) and (4.9.2) at the interface between
media with conductivities o, and og, we obtain boundary condition for

normal and tangential component J.

5. The normal component ofa divergenceless vector field is continuous.

Hence from V J = 0, we have,

Similarly tangential component of a curl free vector field is continuous

across an interface. We conclude V x (J/o) =0, i.e.,


of an
7. It states that the ratio of tangential component of J at two sides
interface is equal to the ratio of conductivities.

Inductors and Inductances, Magnetic Bnergy.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-15 B (EN-Sem-3)

Que 4.10.| Write short notes on

. Inductor
ii. Magmetic materials.

1 An inductor is a passive component that stores energy in the form of
magnetic field and is also called as inductance.
Example: Coil and solenoid.

Inductance (L) =otal magnetic flux linkage N

Current passing through it
2. There are two types ofinductances:
A. Self inductance : Self inductance of a circuit is the property of the
cireuit by which any change in the circuit current induces an e.m.f. in
the circuit to oppose the change of current.
We know that

I (current)
Total flux
B. Mutual inductance:
a. Mutual inductance occurs in at least two circuits. Flow of current in a
circuit due to change in current in neighbouring circuit is due to mutual
b. Let I= Current incircuit 1
I = Current in circuit 2
= Magnetic flux linkage in circuit 1 by the
current (1,) flowing in circuit 2.
2 Magnetic flux linkage in circuit 2 by the
current (,) flowing in circuit 1.

M Mutual inductance between circuit 1 and 2.

M Mutual inductance between circuit 2 and1.
M and Ma
3. Mutual inductance between circuit 2 and 1 is defined as flux linked with
a circuit when a unit current flows in neighbouring circuit.
i. Magnetic materials : There are three types of magnetie materials:
4-16 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

Diamagnetie : When a diamagnetic material is placed in a magnetic

field, it becomes weakly magnetized in a direction opposite to the
direction of external magnetic field. This property of material is known
as diamagnetism.
Examples: Bismuth, silver, copper and hydrogen.
2. Paramagnetic:
a. In paramagnetic materials the
magnetic dipoles are already present.
These materials permanently magnetized but dipoles are randomly
oriented and have a low net
b. When these materials are placed in external
magnetic field, the dipoles
orient themselves in the direction of external magnetic field. This
property is known as paramagnetism.
Examples: Aluminium, platinum and oxygen.
3. Ferromagnetic: When a ferromagnetic material is placed in external
magnetic field, it strongly attracts the magnetic lines of force and the
domains orient themselves in the direction of the field to increase the
flux produced by the external field. This property is known as
Examples: Iron, cobalt, nickel.
Que 4.11. Derive an expression for inductance of solenoid and

A Expression for inductance of solenoid:
1. A solenoid is the cylindrical structure wrapped by wire. It is of infinite

Fig. 4.11.1.
2. Suppose dl Differential length of coil.
N= Number of turns in a solenoid.
r= Radius of coil.
I= Current hrough the coil.
3. Using Ampere's circuit law, we have

a i H dlcos 0 =H d

H and dl parallel
are to
each other]
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-17B (EN-Sem-3)

di HJdl=I ..4.11.1)
4. For N number of turns in the
solenoid, the current enclosed by the
circle is
total NI
Therefore, from eq. (4.11.1) we get
Hdi =
H(2r) NI =

or, H= NI
2Tr ..4.11.2)
5. For a constant current carrying conductor

It means that the magnetic field due to solenoid is
a zero at all points
except within the core.
6. Let l =2tr, then eq. (4.11.2) will become


Or, B| = uH =
7. The total flux linkage by a long solenoid, ¢ Ny = = N BA
where, A is area of solenoid.

8. Selfinductance of coil is L =

L = N2.
B. Expression for inductance
of toroid:
a long solenoid is bent into a circle and closed
on itself, a toroid is
obtained. LetI be the current flowing in the toroid and B is the
field produced at every point of circular path of radius R.

Fig. 4.11.2.
2. According to Ampere's circuit law, flux produced at a distance R is
B= Wb/m2
4-18 B (EN-Sem-3) Magnetic Forces

3. As toroid has N turns, then

4. Flux linkage is Nv,, =NBA

2rtR 2rtR

2TtR 2R

5. Selfinductance of toroid isL = ¥ N


Que 4.12 Explain the concept of magnetice energy.

Prove the magnetostatic energy is given by

W.* AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07

A. Energy stored in magneticfield:
An inductor stores energy when a current through an inductance coil is
gradually changed from zero to the maximum value I.
2. The energy change of inductor is opposed by the selfinduced e.m.f.,
produced due to this change. This energy is stored in magnetic field of
the coil and is later on recovered when that field collapse.

Energy stored = Work done = W=|P dt joules.

where, P is the power and is equal to V.

So, W=VIdt 4.12.1)

3. From circuit theory, voltage across an inductor is given by

V=L ..(4.12.2)
From eq. (4.12.1) and (4.12.2), we have

4. Energy stored in magnetic field, W=
Electromagnetic Field Theory 4-19 B (EN-Sem-3)

B. Consider
Energy density in magnetie field:
a small unit cube of side Al and volume Av = (Al" as shown in
Fig. 4.12. 1. Each cube can be considered as magnetic field celll
transmission line of length Al.

Fig. 4.12.1
2. Each cell has an inductance AL uAl =
3. The field H is related to the current Al by

H= ..4.12.4))
4. We know that the energy stored in
each cell is given by

AW AL (an joules
From eq. (4.12.3) and (4.12.4), we have

6. The magnetostatic energy density w, (in Jm°) is defined as

im AWAu

Hence - B H-
7. Thus the energy in a magnetostatic field in a linear medium is

W d


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q.1. Discuss the ways in which force due to magnetio fields can
be experienced.
Waves and Applications

Part-1 Maxwell's
Equation, Faraday's. .5-2B to 5-4B
Law, Transformer and
Motional Electromotive Forces

Part-2 :
Displacement Current. o .. D-4B to 5-6B

Part-3 : Maxwell's Equation in.... 5-7B to 5-9B

Final Form

Part-4 Electromagnetic Wave . ******************** 5-9B to 5-12B

Propagation : Wave Propagation
in Loss Dielectrics

Part-5 Plane Waves in Lossless. 5-13B to 5-21B

Dielectrics, Plane Waves in
Free Space, Plane Waves in
Good Conductors

Part-6 : Power and the Pointing Vector . .

5-21B to 5-23B

Part-7 Reflection of a Plain Wave.

********** 6-24B to 5-27B
in a Normal Incidence

Part-8: Transmission Lines and ..... . 5-28B to 5-37B

Smith Chart

5-1B (EN-Sem-3)
5-2 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Maxwell's Equation, Faraday's Law, Transformer and Motional
Electromotive Forces.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer TypeQuestions

Que 5.1. Derive and explain differential form of Faraday's law

of electromagnetic induction in vector form."
AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
Derive Faraday's law of induction. Explain the concept of
transformer and motional electromotive force.
Write a short note on
Magnetie scalar and vector potential, Faraday law of
electromagnetic induction.
AKTU 2018-13,Marks3.5
A Faraday's law:
1 Faraday discovered that the induced emf, Vem in any closed circuit is
equal to the time rate of change of magnetic flux linkage by the circuit.
2 Let y is the flux due to electromagnetic field. If there is the variation in
fields then there will be changes in the magnetic flux and an emfwill be
induced ina coil and it is given as

dy .(5.1.1)
om volts
3. If there are N turns in a coil then the induced emf will be,

emt- volts ..5.1.2)

4. Negative sign signifies that the induced emf always opposes the cause
due to which it is produced.

5. Suppose E is applied electric fiold and di is small length ofcoil. Then

induced emf will be

Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-3 B.(EN-Sem-3)

6. The magnetic flux y, due to magnetic field B ,passing through a specified

area dS is given as

7. Using eq. (5.1.3) and (5.1.4), the eq. (5.1.1) can be written as

emf E di: .(5.1.5)


B. Transformer emf (stationary loop in a

1. Theemfinduced by the time varying current time-varying B field):
(producing the time-varying
B field) ina
stationary loop is referred to as
due to transformer action. transformer emf, since it is
2. Let us consider a
stationary conducting loop in a time-varying
field B (Fig. 5.1.1) then
eq. (5.1.5) becomes,

em E: dl .


Inereasing B(t)

Induced B
Fig. 5.1.1. Induced emf due to a stationary loop in a
time-varying B field.
3. By applying Stoke's theorem to the middle term in
eq. (5.1.6), we get

For the two integrals to be equal, their integrands must be equal,
i.e. VxE =OB
ot ..(5.1.8)

C. Motional emf (moving loop in a static B field):

1. When a
conducting loop is moving in a static B field, an emfis induced
5-4B(EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

in the loop. The force on a

charge moving with uniform velocity u in a

magnetic field B is given by

F Qux B .(5.1.9)
2. The motional electric field
E is given as


3. If conducting loop is considered moving with uniform velocity u,


consisting of large number of free electrons, the emf induced in the loop

This type of emf is called motional emf because it is due to motional
action. It is a kind of emf found in electric machines such as
generators and alternators.
D. Magmetic seslar and vector potential: Refer 3.12, Page 3-17B, Unit-3.

Displacement Current.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Qque 5.2. Explain the concept of displacement current in an

electrical circuit. Also determine the condition when conduction
current becomes equal to displacement current.

AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

A. Displacement current:
1. In order to understand the concept of displacement current, let's consider
Maxwell's curl equation for magnetic fields for time-varying conditions.
2. Thus, for static EM fields,

VxH= .5.2.1)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-5 B (EN-Sem-3)

Taking the divergence of each side of eq. (5.2.1)

V (Vx H) =
0 =
V. J .5.2.2)
3 As we know, the divergence of the curl of a vector is zero, so V J is
also zero. However, the equation of continuity is
#0 ...5.2.3)
As eq. (5.2.2) and (5.2.3) are
incompatible for time-varying condition,
thus we modify eq. (5.2.1) to agree with eq. (5.2.3) by addinga term to
eq. (5.2.1)

VxH J+ Ja ..(5.2.4)
where, J, is to be determined and defined.
5. Again taking the divergence of eq. (5.2.4), we get
V (Vx H) = 0= V J+V J ..5.2.5)

vJ--V - ot

6. Substituting eq. (5.2.6) into eq. (5.2.4), we get

VxH , 3D ...(5.2.7)
Eq. (5.2.7) is Maxwell's equation (based on Ampere's circuit law) for a
time-varying field.

7. The term J is known as displacement current density and J

is conduction current density.
8. Based on displacement current density, the displacement current is
defined as,

Condition: The displacement current in the space between the plates
of capacitor during charging is equal to the conduction current.

Que 5.3.A parallel plate capacitor with a plate area of 5 em and

plate separation of 3 mm has a voltage 50 sin 10t V applied to its
plates. Calculate the displacement current asuming e 4¬0"
5-6B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Given: d=3 mm, S=5 cm, e= 4E,and V= 50 sin 10t V
To Find:
. We know that,
D = eE = e-
2. The displacement current density is given by

oDE dV
Jaad dt
Hence, displacement current

d dt

a **105x10
36T 3x10
10 x 50 cos 10°t (e=4%)
I= 2.9473 x 10- cos 10tA
Que 5.4. In a material for which o=5 S/m and e, = 1, the electrical

field intensity is Ë = 250 sin 10t Vim. Find conduetion and

displacement current densities and the frequency at which both
have equal magnitudde.

Given: E 250 sin 1010 V/m, e,=1,c 5/m
To Find:J, J and f.
1. The conduction current density is,

e oE =5x 250 x sin (100)

1250 sin (1010 2) A/m2
2. The displacement current density is

= 8.85x 10-12 x 1 x 250 x 101 cos (100) = 22.125 cos (1010) A/m
3. The displacement current density in frequeney domain is,

J joe E
The two current densities are equal, when oE = a

O 12
2rE2x1x 8.85 x 10
= 90x 10 Hz = 90 GHz
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-7B (EN-Sem-3)

Maxwell's Equation in Final Form.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.5.Write and explain all forms of all Maxwell's equation in

detail. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
State and explain Maxwell's equations for time varying fields in
differential and integral form.

A Maxwell's equations for static fields: Refer Q. 3.11, Page 3-15B,

Unit- 3.
Maxwell's equations for time-varying fields:
a. Maxwell's first equation:"
ODdS Jo, do (Integral form) ..5.5.1)

2 V D = P, (Differential form) ..5.5.2)

3. The derivation is same as for the static fields.
b. Maxwell's second equation:
1 It is derived from Faraday's law. According to this law

dS (Integral form) ..5.5.3)

2. Applying Stoke's theorem to eq. (5.5.3) gives


3. Comparing the two surface integrals in eq. (5.5.4) gives

VxE =
-o(Differential point form)
or .5.5.5)
4. Eq. (5.5.3) is the integral form and eq. (5.5.5) is the differential form of
Maxwell's equation.
Maxwell's third equation:
1. Itis derived from Ampere's circuit law. According to this law
5-8B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Hdl =

J -dS .5.5.6)

2 On adding displacement current to right side of eq. (5.5.6) we have

di i.00dadategral 5.5.7)

3. Applying Stoke's theorem to eq. (5.5.7) gives

h di - fvxd=f|3. ..5.5.8)

4. Comparing two surface integrals in eq. (5.5.8) gives

VxH +OD(Differential
orpoint form)..(5.5.9)
5. Eq. (5.5.7) is the integral form and eq. (5.5.9) is the differential (or point)
form of Maxwell's equation.
d Maxwell's fourth equation:

B dS = 0 (Integral form)

2. V B 0 (Differential or point form)

3. The derivation is same as for the static fields.
C. Maxwell's equations for time harmonic fields: Assuming time
factor e , the Maxwell's equation is given by
Point form Integral forma
VD, Pus 6D,dS ý
B =00
Vx E , - j o B,
E,dl- -jof B, ds
H, =d, +jo D, 4i,di- ju,+ jo D,rda
Que 5.6.Explain all forms of Maxwell'sequations in time varying
conditions with its physical significance.

AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

State and explain Maxwell's pquations for time varying fields in
differential and integral forms and their signifidance.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07

Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-9 B (EN-Sem-3)

A. Maxwell's equation time
B. Physical significance:
varying fields: Refer Q. 5.5, Page 5-7B, Unit-5.
1. Maxwell's first equation: This Maxwell equation implies that the
electric flux lines
are not continuous;
they originate from the positive
charges and terminate on the negative charges.
2. Maxwell's second equation: This Maxwell
equation inter-relates the
magnetic and electric fields and shows that a time-varying magnetic
field can produce an electric field.
3. Maxwell's third equation : This Maxwell
equation signifies that
conduction current as well as a changing electric field
produces a magnetic
Maxwell's fourth equation: This implies that the number of magnetic
flux lines of force
entering any region must be equal to the number of
lines of force coming out of that region.

Electromagnetic Wawe Propagation: Wave Propagation
in Loss Dielectric.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer

Type Questions

Que 5.7. What do you mean by lossy dielectric and explain the
propagation in lossy dielectric.
Discuss the solution of plane wave
equation in conducting media
(lossy dielectric).
Derive an
expression for attenuation constant,
constant and intrinsic
impedance of an EM
wave when it is
propagating through a lossy dielectric medium.

AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

1. It is a medium in which an EM wave, as it propagates, loses power owing
to imperfect dielectric.
2. A lossy dielectric is a partially conducting medium
(imperfect dielectric
imperfect conductor) with a #0.
5-10 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

3. Lets consider a linear, isotropic, homogeneous, lossy dielectric medium

that is charge free (p, =0).
4. Considering the time factor eo, Maxwell's equations become

VE, = 0 .5.7.1)

VH, =0 ..5.7.2)

VxE -jop H, .5.7.3)

VxH, = (o + joc)E, .5.7.4)

Taking curl on both sides of eq. (5.7.3), we get
Vx (VxE,) =
-jou (V x
H,) 5.7.5)

5. As we know V x (V x A) = V (V.A)-V A, thus applying this vector

identity to eq. (5.7.5) and invoking eq. (5.7.1) and (5.7.4), we get

v(VE)-v2E, -joula +joe) E,

As V(V E) = 0 and joula +joe) = 2
6. Thus, eq. (5.7.6) becomes

Here, y is in reciprocal meters and known as propagation constant of the

Similarly v H,- H, =0 .5.7.9)

Eq. (5.7.8) and (5.7.9) are known as Helmholtz's equations or vector
wave equations
7. Let's assume Y a+JB ...5.7.10)
We obtain attenuation constant (a) and phase constant (B) from
eq. (5.7.7) and (5.7.10)
- Re=B-a?=ope ..(5.7.11)
and ...5.7.12)
8. From eq. (5.7.11) and (5.7.12), we get



9. Considering only E,, component of E, varying w.r.t. x

Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-11 B (EN-Sem-3)

VxE, OBys = e)=-iy E,"

Substituting in eq. (5.7.3), we get
-joyH, = -YE,er

H, has H2, component corresponding to ,s

H Jou
10. Hence, the intrinsic impedance

H Ejo
Putting y in eq. (5.7.15), we get


joye1 1H
jo e

G +joe Inl 40, =

271/4 t a n 20, = -

Que 5.8. Define the following terms :
i. Attenuation constant (a)
ii. Phase constant (B)
iii. Loss tangent (tan 0)

i. Attenuation constant (a):
1. It is defined constant which indicates the rate at which the
as a
amplitude reduces
as its propagates from one
point to another
2. It is measured in nepers per meter
(Np/m) and can be
expressed in
3. An attenuation of 1neper denotes a reduction to
e of the original value
whereas an increase of 1 neper indicates an increase by a factor ofe.
1 Np = 20 log10 e = 8.686 dB
ii. Phase constant (B): The quantity ß is
unit length in
measure of
the phase shift per
radians per meter and is called the phase constant or
wave number.
5-12 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

where, u = Wave velocity
iii. Loss tangent (tan 0): tan 0 or 0 may be used to determine how lossy
a medium is. A medium is said to be a good (lossless or perfect) dielectric
if tan 0 is very small (G < oe) or a good conductor if tan 0 is very large
(o >>0E).
tan 0 a/wE
where, tan 9= Loss tangent
Loss angle ofthe medium.
Que 5.9.A uniform plane wave propagating in a medium has

E 2e sin (10* t - Bz) a , Vhm. If a medium is characterized by

E,= 1, 4,
= 20 and o =3 S/m, determine a, B and H.
We need to determine the loss tangent to be able to tell whether the
medium is a lossy dielectric or a good conductor.
E 107 3393 >>1
Showing that the medium may be regarded as a good conductor at the
frequency of operation.
47 x 10 x 20(10* %3)
2. Hence, a =p
= 61.4 Np/m

3. Also, Inl = -4Tx10-x20(10*)2



a n2 0 =
3393 8,, = 40
4. Hence,
H-He sin|t-e-
where, a ay x úg =û, x a, =-d,

E 3 69.1x 10*
and H, n2 800r
Thus, H= -69.1e-61.4# sin| 10t-61.422 ( à , )mA/m
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-13 B (EN-Sem-3)

Plane Waves in Lossless
Dielectrics, Plane Waves in Free Space,
Plane Waves in Good Conductors.

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.10. Diseuss the propagation of plane waves in

Lossless dielectrics
ii. Free space
ii. Good conductors.
Derive all expressions of an EM Wave like
attenuation constant,
phase constant and intrinsic impedance
when it is propagating
through a free space. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
. Lossless dielectric
1 In a lossless dielectric, o <<
oe. In this case o = 0, E
=¬gE, H= Hor
2 The equations for a, B, n are



JO ...(5.10.3)
3. So, we get,

Ralson= 2 0

4. Thus, E and H are in time phase with each other.

ii. Free space:
1. Propagation of plane waves in free space comprise of
G 0, E
Eg and = Ho
5-14 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

2. Thus, replacing e by eg» H by H and putting G =0 in eq. (5.10.1) and

(5.10.2), we get


3. If we substitute the conditions a =0, ¬ = ¬o, 4=Hand 0, =0,

No» in the eq. (5.10.3)

t a n s

then we obtain, =1207 = 377 9

i. Good conductor:

1. A perfect or good conductor is that in which o>>oe so, >»1

2. Plane waves in
good conductor comprise of o , E E and = Ho H =

3. Putting the above conditionsineq,(5.10.1), (5.10.2) and (6.10.3), we get

Que 5.11.Explain depth of penetration and skin effect.

Depth of penetration and skin effect:
The depth of penetration is defined as that depth at which waves
attenuates to 1e of its original amplitude. Depth of penetration is also
called skin depth.
2. It is a measure of depth to which an
electromagnetic wave can penetrate
the medium.

3. The depth of penetration, 8 =

where, a = Attenuation constant.
The phenomenon whereby field intensity in a conductor rapidly
decreases is known as skin effect.
5. It is the tendency of charges
tomigrate from bulk of conducting material
to the Burface, resulting in higher resistance.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-15 B (EN-Sem-3)

Que 5.12. Explain Skin effect. Derive the expression for a and p in

a conducting medium.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07
A Skin effect: Refer Q. 5.11, Page 5-14B, Unit-5.
B. Expression for a and B in a conducting medium:
y is called the propagation constant of the medium. It is given as

7 jou (o+ jo e) ...5.12.1)

2. Since y is a complex quantity, we may let
Ya +jB
( a +JB¥ = u?-B2 +2jaß ..5.12.2)
3. From eq. (5.12.1) and eq. (5.12.2) we, have
o-B +j2a8) =jouo- o*uE
Comparing real and imaginary parts we have
o-p-oue ...5.12.3)
LOO = 2 a ß or aß =

28 andB= Hoo
2a ...(5.12.4)
4. From eq. (5.12.4) and eq. (5.12.3), we have

42 =-0 E
4a-uoo =

4aou E
4u'+ou e(4a)-u*o*o=0

a +o ea3)-Lofoi-O
a +o4 ela) ...5.12.5)

5. Adding the term on both sides of eq. (5.12.5), we get

a +o*ue +
5-16 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications


-1 1 neper/meter
6. Now substituting eq. (5.12.6) in eq. (5.12.3), we get

- oE- =- o'ue

Que 5.13.A 10 GHz plane wave

travelling in free space has an

amplitude of E. = 10 V/m. Find v, n. B, a and the amplitude of H.


Given: E= 10 V/m andf= 10 GHz

To Find:v, n. P,7,H
. c af
= /3x10 = 0.03 m
10 x10

. 8 21=4 =209.43 rad/sec

A 0.03
4 T x 10-7
3. HO 376.7
V 8.854 x 10-12

U = 3 108 m/ sec

5. H =0.02652 V/m

Que 6.14. A plane electromagnetia wave propagating inz direction

in a dielectrie medium of permittivity 6, = 5, the electric field is in
x-direction and has an RMS value 0.1 Vm. What is the direction and
magnitude of magnetic field? Also caleulate the frequeney of wave.

AKTU 2018-19,Marks10
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-17B (EN-Sem-3)

Given: ,= 5, E m =0.1 V/m

To Find: Direction of
magnetic field, H , magnitude of magnetic field,
H and frequency of wave, f
Direction of magnetic field:

ExH Direction of propagation


Direction of magnetic field = y axis.
Magnitude of magnetic field:
As we know,


2. Here Ho
120T = 168.60 2
3. So, H 0.12
A68.60 168.60
= 839x 10-4 A/m
. Velocity of propagation,

1= 3x10 3x101.34
u x 108 m/s
VHE VA,E, 1x5
We know that,
Assuming A 5 m

f 26.83MHz
Que 5.16.|A uniform plane wave propagating in good conductor.
If the magnetie field intensity is given by

H =0.1e-l6 cos (2m x 10#1- 152) A/m,

determine the conductivity and corresponding component of E field.
Also caleulate the average power loss in a block of unit area and
thickness t.
AK'TU 2017-18, Marks 07
5-18 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications


1. Given, H= 0.le- l62

cos x
10* t- 15z) a,
On comparing with the general equation for H we
Ho= 0.1, a = 15, ß = 15, w = 2n x 10* radVs
2. Also,

0.57 S/m
Ty Tx 4T x 107x 103=
t= 1
and t
E =0.067 m
3. Assume & E
D& 2T x 10 x 8.85 x 10-
2Tt x 8.85

tan1(1.025) =22.85
337 =315Q
Inl 1.20
Ez, t)-31.5e-l cos (2nt x 10t-152 +On) a, V/m
5. Average power can be given as:

Pavg ExH*)= x 0.1 x81.5e cos 22.85

1.45 e-30 W/m2
Atz=0, Pav 0) = 1.45
At z =8, Pavg (6) = 1.45e = 1.45 x 0.135
6. Average power loss is given by
Power loss = Pavg (0)-Pavg(6) = 1.45 [1-0.135) =1.254 W

Que 5.16. Derive the wave equation for electric field.

Write wave equations for conducting medium.

1. The Maxwell's equations for fields are given as

V B =0 ...5.16.1)

V D Po ...(5.16.2)

VxE OB ..(5.16.3)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-19 B (EN-Sem-3)

VxH oE +, aD ..(5.16.4)
2. Concerning the characteristics of medium, three equations are given as


B uH .5.16.6)

E ..5.16.7)
Wave equationfor electric field (free space):
Since e and u are independent of time so diffèrentiating eq. (5.16.5) and
(5.16.6) w.r.t. time

we get,
ot ..5.16.8)

B -
2. For free space,
o =0
Therefore, eq. (5.16.4) will become

VxH = D .6.16.10)
3 From eq. (5.16.8) and (5.16.10), we get

Differentiating eq. (5.16.11) w.r.t. time, we get

ot ot
Taking curl on both sides of eq. (5.16.3), we get

Vx (Vx E) = -Vx OB 5.16.12)


4. Using eq. (5.16.9), we get V x (V x E) =-uV OOt

x ..5.16.13)

Putting value of V x from eq. (5.16.11) in eq. (5.16.13), we get

Vx(VxE) = - H Ex-0 E .5.16.14)

5. From the identity equation, we havve

Vx (V x E) = Vx(V x Ë) - v2 E ..5.16.15)
5-20 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Replacing Vx (V xE) from eq.(5.16.15) into eq. (5.16.14)

Vx (V E)-v2E = -ue ...(5.16.16)

For free space, eq. (5.16.2) will give

vD =0
Or, E E =0

V E =0 .(5.16.17)
1. From eq. (5.16.17) and (5.16.6), we get

v(0)-V E = -
u e2

Or, ..(5.16.18)
Similarly, we can obtain

v2H He 5.16.19)

Eq. (5.16.18) and (5.16.19) are known as wave equations.

8. For free space u =
H, and e =
Then wave equations for free space will be


H ..(5.16.21)

Wave equation (for eonducting or lossy medium):

1. Taking eq. (5.16.4),

VxH aE +

(:D= ¬E) ..5.16.22)


V x= _OB
2aking eq. (6.16.3),

Vx E =-
OH .(5.16.23)
Or, ot
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-21 B (EN-Sem-3)

Taking curl on both sides of eq. (5.16.23), we get

Vx (V x E) = OH
- u VVx-

Putting Vx OH from eq. (5.16.22), we get

Vx(V xE) = -ue E ..5.16.24)

or, .(5.16.25)

3. Since, we have V«D = 0

VEE =0

E =0
4. Therefore, from eq. (5.16.25)

E = -u0 E
=-H OE
2P t

Or -v- -ue 0E OE

or, - =0

Similarly, equation for H can also be obtained as


Eq. (5.16.26) and (5.16.27) are the wave equations for conducting media.

Power and the Pointing Vector.

Questions-Ans ers

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

5-22 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Que 5.17.| Explain Poynting vector. Derive an expression of

Poynting theorem for EM wave. Also explain the significanceof
each term of the expression. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07
State Poynting theorem. Derive the mathematical expression for
Poynting theorem. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07
Derive the mathematical equation for poynting vector.

AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

Answer 1
1. Energy can be transported from one point to another point by means of
EM waves. The rate of such energy transportation can be obtained from
Maxwell's equations:


Vx H =oE+e (5.17.2)

2. Taking a dot product on both sides of eq. (5.17.2) with E gives

E ( x H)= ak?+ Ë .
3. For any vector fields A and B
(A xB) =B (Vx A)- A :(x B)
Applying this vector identity to eq. (6.17.3) (letting A =H and B = É)

H (Vx E)+V (H x
E) =oE3+ Ë e
aE+ ..5.17.4)

4. Taking a dot product on both sides of eq. (5.17.1) with H,


5. Thus eq. (5.17.4) becomes,

Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-23 B (EN-Sem-3)

2 Ot - V( E x H)= oF2 + 1,OE

Rearranging terms and taking volume integral of both sides,

v E ) d =- E do-o'do ..6.17.6)
Applying the divergence theorem to the left-hand side gives

E -d-
Rate of
decrease in
Total power leaving=energy storea
(and magnetic n ee Ohmic
6. Eq. (5.17.7) is referred to as
Poynting's theorem. The quantity E xH is
known as the Poynting vector P, measured in watts per square meter
(W/m); i.e.,
It represents the instantaneous power density vector associated with
the EM field at
given point.

The integration of Poynting vector over any closed surface gives the net
power flowing out of that surface.
Poynting theorem states that the net power flowing out of
volume is
a given
U equal to the time rate of decrease in the
energy stored
within u minus the Ohmic losses.

Reflection of a Plain Wave ina Normal

Long Answer Type and Medium Amswer Type Questions

Que 5.18, Explain the reflection of plane wave for the normal
incidence. Discuss about reflection and transmission
coefficient for
E and H.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07
1. Ifload impedance
(Z,) is not equal to characteristic impedance (Z) then
mismatch occurs. In this case the
part of the wave gets absorbed the by
5-24 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

load while the rest part is reflected back to the source. Thus, due to
mismatch in impedance the reflection occurs.
2. Suppose that a plane wave propagating along +z direction incident
normally on the boundaryz = 0 between medium 1a< 0) characterized
by a. E H, and mediunm 2 (z>0) characterized by oa, S2 H2 as shown in
Fig. 5.18.1.
Medium 1

Medium 2 (2 ¬2 H2


(Transmitted wave)

(Reflected wave)

Fig. 5.18.1
3. Incident wave: (E;, H,) is traveling along +à in medium 1. Ass ume
then H 2)= Ho a , =ne* â, ..(5.18.2)

4. Reflected wave: (E, H,) is traveling along a in medium 1. If

E.)= E,e à ..(5.18.3)

then, H. e) = H T (-å,) â, ...(5.18.4)

5. Transmitted wave : (E, H) is traveling wave along + à, in

medium 2.

f E.a)= E, e . .5.18.5)

H,(2) = H,, e" à, =eT* à, ..5.18.6)

6. In eq. (5.18.1) to (5.18.6), E, E,o E are respectively, the magnitude of

the incident, reflected and transmitted electric fields' at z = 0.
As seen from Fig. 5.18.1, the total field in medium l comprises both the
incident and reflected fields, where as medium 2 has only transmitted
field, ie.,
E, -E, +E, . - B,+
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-25 B (EN-Sem-3)

8. At the interface =0, the

boundary conditions require that the tangential
components of E and H must be continuous.

9. Atz=0, Etan E2tan and H,an

I tan
H2tan imply that
E, 0)+ E,(0) =
E0 Bo+ BoB0 .5.18.7)

H, (0)+H,(0) =

Å, (0) (E, -E,)= 12 .5.18.8)

10. From eq. (5.18.7) and (5.18.8),

E a E
. Reflection coefficient, r= o - 2 0 .5.18.10)

and transmission coefficient, T=

0 na +
k- ..5.18.11)

Que 5.19. Explain the reflection of a plane wave at oblique

incidence. Calculate reflection and transmission coefficients.

Reflection of a plane wave at oblique incidence:
1. Reflection and transmission of a wave depends on :

The type of polarization of wave.
The medium
of boundary.
2 Generally, there are two types of polarization:
a. Parallel polarization :

1. Fig. 5.19.1 shows parallel polarization, where E field lies in the x-2
plane, the plane of incidence.
2. Hence, in medium 1, we have both incident and reflected fields given by

Bis = E;g(cos 0, , -sin 0, â,) e-jßia sin + z cos 0)


Hi =
0e-B; (xsin 0,+z cos9, ..5.19.2)

Ers= E,glcos0, à, + sin0, â,)e ih r sin 0,-z

cos0, .5.19.3)

Hr -0JMxsin 0,-z con 0,)ä. ..(5.19.4)

5-26 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

where, p, =

Z = 0
Medium 11 Medium 2

Fig. 5.19.1.
3. The transmitted fields exist in medium 2 and are given by

B Eocos0, a,-sin 0, &,)eJsa (xsin 8, +z cos ,) (5.19.5)

H- 12
ianin9,troos,a ...(5.19.6)

where P2 oj42

4. Requiring that 0,=0, and that the tangential components of E and H

be continuous at the boundary z =0, we obtain
( 0 +E) cos = B,o cos , ..5.19.7)

- E ) =E0 .(5.19.8)

5. Now expressing E, and E,o in terms of E;o, we get reflection coefficient,

E02 cOs n cos ...(5.19.9)

Bio n2 cos 6, + n1 cos ,
and transmission coefficient,

2n, cos B .5.19.10)

I E n cos ,+ 1 cos
b. Perpendicular polarization:

1. Fig. 6.19.2 shows perpendicular polarization where the E field is

perpendicular to the plane of incidence (r-2 plane). This may also be
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-27 B (EN-Sem-3)

viewed as the case in which H field is parallel to the plane of incidence.

z = 0
Medium 1 Medium 2

Fig. 5.19.2.
The incident and reflected fields in medium 1 are given by

E= Ee"JP4 (xsin 8,+2cos0,) ..5.19.11)

H = -cos0; a, +sin0; â,)e } ix8in 0,+2 cos.(5.19.12)

E EePilain , - z ez 0 , ,
Hr(cos, 4, +sin6, â,)ehrain,-o) .5.19.14)
3. The transmitted fields in medium 2 are given by

Es= Eo e-lalrain d,+#os6 5.19.15)

Hu -cos 0, a, +sin 0, àea # sin j +z0s9,) ..5.19.16)

4. Requiring that the tangential components of E and H be continuous

at z =0 and setting 0, equal to 6 we get

(E-E,o)cos E, cos0, .5.19.18)

5. Expressing E,, and E,0 in terms of E;0, we get

r = B0 22 cos0, -n cos
cos 6, + cos

and Bo 21, cos ..5.19.20)

Bio 2 cos, +n, cos0,
5-28 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Transmission Lines and Smith Char

Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.20. Derive expressions of voltage and current in a

transmission line. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

Derive a general expression of voltage and current of a transmission
line. AKTU 2018-19,Marks 07
What is transmission line ? Derive all the supporting mathematical

equations of the transmission line AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

A Transmission line : A transmission line is a means of transfer of
information from one point to another. Usually it consists of two
conductors. It is used to connect a source to a load. The source may be a
transmitter and the load may be a receiver.

B. Expression of voltage and current in a transmission line:

1. By applying Kirchhoffs voltage law to the outer loop of the cireuit in
Fig. 5.20.1, we obtain
RA zllz, t)
L Az - V(z + Az, t)
Vz, t) = +


V(z+ Az, t)-V2,t)=

Rl2, t) +L ol(2,t) ..(5.20.1)

2. Taking the limit ofeq. (5.20.1) as Az >0 leads to

aV(2,t) RI(2,t)+ t ...(5.20.2)

3 Similarly, applying Kirchhoff's current law to the main node of the

circuit in Fig. 5.20.1 gives
I2, )= 1z + Az, ) + A

= lz + Az, t) + G Az Vz + Az, t)+ CA * ,t)

Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-29 B (EN-Sem-3)

Iz+ Az, t)- 1\2,t) =G Vz + Az, t) OV(z+ Az, t)

+C- ..(5.20.3)

I(z, t) RAz
T(z +Az, t)
To generator
To load
V(z + Az,t)
Viz, t) CAz

z+ Az

Fig. 5.20.1. An L-type equivalent circuit model of a

two-conductor transmission line of differential length Az.
4. As Az 0 , eq.
(5.20.3) becomes
olz,t)GV2, t)+Ct 5.20.4)
5. If we assume harmonic time dependence so that
Vz, t) = Re [V (2) e ]
Iz, t) = Re lI,(2) elor]
where V,2) and I,(z) are the phasor forms of V(z, t) and I(2, t)
respectively, eq. (5.20.2) and (5.20.4) become
(R +joL)1, ...5.20.7)

dz V, ...5.20.8)
6. Take the second derivative of V, in eq. (5.20.7) and employ eq. (5.20.8) so
that we obtain

d*V( R +
dz j»LXG +joC) V,
-V,-0 ...5.20.9)

where, Y = a +jß = JR + joLXG+ joC) .5.20.10)

By taking the second derivative of 1, in eq (5.20.8) and employing eq.
(5.20.7), we get

Thus, yin eq. (5.20.10) is the propagation constant, a is the attenuation,

and p is the phase constant.

5-30 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

9 The wavelength and wave velocity u are, respectively, given by

27t ..(5.20.12)

u= f ...5.20.13)
10. The solutions of the linear homogeneous differential equation (5.20.9)
and (5.20.11) are
V2)= Vo* eR + Vo" e
+2-z (5.20.14)
z ) = 16* e +16 e
+2-26 .(5.20.1 5)
where o Vo, 16 and 1o" are wave amplitudes; the + and - signs,
respectively, denote waves traveling along +z and-z directions.

Que 5.21.| Define characteristic impedance.

Define propagation constant and characteristic impedance. Derive
the boundary conditions for electrie field between two dielectrics
having different permittivity interfaces
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07
A. Propagation constant: The measure of the change in amplitude and
phase unit distance is called the propagation constant.
B. Characteristic impedance:
1. The characteristic impedance Z of the line is the ratio of the positively
traveling voltage wave to the current wave at any point on the line.
2. The characteristic impedance is given by

R+joL Y ..5.21.1)
Y G+joC

or G+ R+jo Ra+ jXo

j o c = R,+ jX% .5.21.2)

where, R, and X, are the real and imaginary parts of Zg

C. Derivation : ReferQ. 2.26, Page 2-29B, Unit-2.

Que 5.22, Discuss the concept of lossless and distortionless line.

i. Lossless line:
Atransmission line is said to be losslessif the conductors of the line are
perfect (a, ») and the dielectric medium separating them is lossless
(o 0).
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-31 B (EN-Sem-3)

2. For such a line, when o, = o and o = 0.

R 0 = G
This is necessary condition for a line to be lossless.
3. Thus for such a line,
a 0, 7jß =jolLC

X 0, ZRo =

ii. Distortionless line:
1 A distortionless line is one in which the attenuation constant a is
frequency independent while the phase constant B is linearly dependent
on frequency.
2. A distortionless line results if the line parameters are such that
3. Thus, for a distortionless line,

7 RG1 R

a RG, = ovLC
Showing that a does not depend on frequency, whereas ß is linear
function of frequency
4 Also,
2= R1+ joL

Que 5.23.|A transmission line operating at 500 MHz has Z, = 80 9,
a - 0.4 NP/m, ß = 1.5 rad/m. Find the line parameters R, L, G and C.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07

1. Since
Z, is real and a 0, this is a distortionless line.
5-32 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Z=VRIG ..(5.23.1)

L_C (5.23.2)
and, d = VRG ..5.23.3)

and, B L G/R .(5.23.4)

2. Multiplying eq. (5.23.1) and (5.23.3), R Z, =0.04x 80 3.2 = a

3. Dividing eq. (5.23.3) by (1), G= a/Z = 0.04/80 5x 104 /m

PZg=.5x 80 =38.2 nH/m
4 Multiplying eq. (5.23.1) and (4), L

5 From eq. (5.23.2), C= .1210
T 0.04 x 80
= 5.97 pF/m

Que 5.24.Derive an expression for characteristic impedance,

input impedance of a transmission line. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10

A Characteristie impedance: Refer Q.5.21, Page 5-30B, Unit-5.
B. Input impedance:
1. Input impedance is defined as the ratio of voltage and current at the
sending end.
2. Let the transmission line extend from 2 = 0 at the generator t
2 =lat the load.

Vo in (7, 40) Zin

z = 1
Z = 0
Fig. 5.24.1.
3 We know, V2) = V,'e"" + V, e" ..(5.24.1)

V,e"V,e" ..5.24.2)
4 If the conditions at the input be
V VCz 0),, = = Iz = 0)

then, VVZ,1,)and V, -v, -z,4,) ...(5.24.3)

5. Ifthe conditions at the load be

V=Vla=),1, =
la =D)
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-33 B (EN-Sem-3)

then, .5.24.4)

andV, =(V, -Z,I,)e" ..(5.24.5)

5. From eq. (5.24.1) and (5.24.2),

in V)2,V+V,)
12) V -V, ..5.24.6)

e" +e""
7 We know that,
2 = cosh yl, Sinh y!
tanhe -
Substituting eq. (5.24.4) and eq. (5.24.5) into eq. (5.24.6) we get
+Zg tanh (lossy) ...5.24.7)
+Z Lanh ylj
8. For a lossless line, y =jP, tanh jpl =j tanfßl, and Z, Rg,
= so eq. (5.24.7)

a-Z 4,tan 2dossless) ..5.24.8)

Showing that the input impedance varies periodically with distance l
from the load.
9. When output impedance is short, i.e., ZL =0,
Z o jZ,tanß
Que 5.25. Derive the relation between reflection coefficient and
voltage standing wave ratio (VsWR).

Relation between reflection coefficient and
wave ratio:
voltage standing
Ifthere is proper impedance matching at the load side, then the
energy will be transmitted to the load but if there is any mismatch in
load impedance then some part of
energy is reflected back towards the
transmitting end. This reflected wave forms a standing wave of definite
maxima and minima.
2. The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the reflection wave to
the incident
wave, that is

5-34 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

3. The voltage standing wave ratio is defined as
s =VSWR =aximum voltage or current
Minimum voltage or current

4 The

5. Therefore, the voltage standing wave ratio is given by

s V-V

S ..5.25.2)
6. From eq. (5.25.1) and (5.25.2), we get

VSWR 1-T 5.25.3)

Que 5.26. | Relate short circuit, open circuit and characteristic of

transmission line.

1. If the line is open-circuited, Z, =*

ocim Z lim o Z
Z jtan
jtan - j Z ,cot p

2. If line is short-circuited, Z, = 0

e z , 4 tan
Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-35 B (EN-Sem-3)

jZ, tan B ...5.26.2)
Using equation (5.26.1) and (5.26.2)
Zoxs=Z, tan Bl)(-jZ,cot B/)

4 Characteristic impedance
Z= Zoe Zse
Que 5.27.| What is Smith chart ? Explain how it is constructed.
Explain uniform plane wave. Derive uniform plane waves in lossless
dielectrics. What is skin effect ? Explain the smith chart in detail.

AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10

A Uniform plane wave : A uniform plane wave is defined as the
magnitude of the electric and magnetic fields. The electric and magnetic
fields are
orthogonal to the direction of propagation.
B. Uniform plane
Page 5-13B, Unit-5.
wave in
lossless dielectrics: Refer Q. 5.10,

C. Skin effect:
Refer Q. 5.11, Page 5-14B, Unit-5.
D. Smith chart:
It is a
graphical method used for solving lossless
transmission line
2. It consists of a group of concentric
circles, i.e., circles corresponding to
the constant resistance and conductance.
3. This chart comprises of the values of impedance and admittance in the
normalized form.
Normalized impedance:
characterstics impedance
Normalized admittance

Drawing of Smith chart:
The Smith chart is
graphical means of obtaining line characteristics
as T, s and Z,n: It is constructed within a circle of unit radius
TI s) as shown in Fig. 5.27.1.
5-36 B (EN-Sem-3) Waves and Applications

Ir =
1,s =

I r =0, s = 1/

Fig. 5.27.1. Unit circle on which the Smith chart is constructed.

2. The construction of chart is based on a relation as

Z +Z0
or T |T|20, r,
+j T ..5.27.2)
where , and T, are real and imaginary part of reflection coefficient.
3. The normalized impedance z, is given by


4 Substituting eq. (5.27.3) into eq. (5.27.1) and (5.27.2) gives

T= r, +jr, = .5.27.4)
r+jx= ,)+jr,
zr*JX (1-r,)- jTi ..5.27.5)
5. Equating real and imaginary components of eq. (5.27.5), we get

1-r, +r2
2 .5.27.7)
6. Rearranging terms in eq. (5.27.6) and (5.27.7) leads to



Here centre at (,, r,) =i

Electromagnetic Field Theory 5-37 B (EN-Sem-3)

Radius =
For each r and x, there are two explicit circles (the resistance and
reactance circles) and one implicit circle (the constant s-circle).


Following questions are very important. These questions

may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q1. Derive and explain differential form of Faraday's law of

electromagnetic induction in vector form.
Ans Refer Q. 5.1.

Q.2. Explain the concept of displacement current in an

electrical cireuit. Also determine the condition when
conduction current becomes equal to displacement
Ans Refer Q. 5.2.

Q.3. Explain all forms of Maxwell's equations in time varyingg

conditions with its physical significance.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.6.

4 . What do you mean by lossy dielectric and explain the wave

propagation in lossy dielectric.
Ans Refer Q. 5.7.

9.5.i. Discuss the propagation of plane waves in

Lossless dielectrics
ii. Free space
ii. Good conductors.
Ans Refer Q. 5.10.

Explain Skin effeet. Derive the expression for a and p in a

conducting medium.
Ans Refer Q. 5.12.

Q7. Explain Poynting vector. Derive an expression of Poynting

theorem for EM wave. Also explain the significance of each
term of the expression.

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