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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in Present Simple.
(Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo en presente simple).

a) She _______ (like) to read books.

b) They _______ (go) to school every day.

c) My brother _______ (play) football on Saturdays.

d) We _______ (not/watch) TV in the morning.

e) It _______ (rain) a lot in autumn.

f) You _______ (be) my best friend.

g) He _______ (have) two sisters.

h) The dog _______ (bark) at night.

2. Write the sentences in Present Continuous. (Escribe las oraciones en presente


a) I (study) ______________ for the exam right now.

b) She (cook) ______________ dinner at the moment.

c) They (play) ______________ in the park.

d) He (not/work) ______________ today.

e) We (watch) ______________ a movie right now.

f) The children (sleep) ______________ in the bedroom.

g) I (not/listen) ______________ to music.

h) You (read) ______________ a very interesting book.

3. Put the verbs in the Past Simple. (Pon los verbos en pasado simple).

a) Yesterday, I _______ (go) to the cinema.

b) She _______ (have) a great time at the party.

c) We _______ (see) a beautiful sunset.

d) He _______ (not/finish) his homework.

e) They _______ (be) very tired after the trip.

f) I _______ (buy) a new phone last week.

g) The cat _______ (sleep) all day.

h) We _______ (eat) dinner at 7 PM.

4. Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous. (Completa las oraciones con el
pasado continuo).

a) I (read) ______________ a book when the phone rang.

b) They (play) ______________ football at 5 PM yesterday.

c) She (not/sleep) ______________ when I called her.

d) We (watch) ______________ TV all evening.

e) He (work) ______________ on his project all night.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb (can, could, must, should). (Rellena
los espacios con el verbo modal correcto).

a) You _______ finish your homework before playing.

b) _______ you help me with this?

c) She _______ speak three languages.

d) We _______ go to the doctor; you look very sick.

e) He _______ be at the office now, I think.

f) _______ I leave early today?

g) We _______ eat healthy food to stay fit.

h) They _______ practice more to improve.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun (who, which, that,
where). (Completa las oraciones con el pronombre relativo correcto).

a) The book _______ I read was very interesting.

b) The girl _______ is sitting over there is my sister.

c) This is the place _______ we met.

d) I have a friend _______ plays the guitar.

e) The car _______ broke down is mine.

f) He is the person _______ helped me yesterday.

g) The house _______ we bought is very big.

h) The city _______ they live is very beautiful.

7. Write sentences using the First Conditional. (Escribe oraciones usando el primer

a) If it (rain) ______________, we (stay) ______________ at home.

b) If you (study) ______________ hard, you (pass) ______________ the exam.

c) If they (invite) ______________ me, I (go) ______________ to the party.

d) If she (not/hurry) ______________, she (miss) ______________ the bus.

e) If we (have) ______________ time, we (visit) ______________ the museum.

f) If he (call) ______________ me, I (answer) ______________ the phone.

g) If you (not/eat) ______________ breakfast, you (be) ______________ hungry later.

h) If it (snow) ______________, we (make) ______________ a snowman.

8. Write sentences using the Second Conditional. (Escribe oraciones usando el
segundo condicional).

a) If I (have) ______________ a lot of money, I (travel) ______________ around the


b) If she

(be) ______________ taller, she (play) ______________ basketball.

c) If we (live) ______________ in New York, we (visit) ______________ Central Park


d) If they (know) ______________ the answer, they (tell) ______________ us.

e) If he (study) ______________ more, he (get) ______________ better grades.

f) If you (be) ______________ a superhero, what (you/do) ______________?

g) If I (not/have) ______________ to work, I (spend) ______________ my time


h) If it (rain) ______________ tomorrow, I (stay) ______________ at home.

9. Change the sentences to Present Passive. (Cambia las oraciones a presente pasiva).

a) The chef cooks the meal.

b) They clean the classroom every day.

c) People speak English all over the world.

d) The students take the exams in June.

e) Someone delivers the newspaper every morning.

10. Change the sentences to Past Passive. (Cambia las oraciones a pasado pasiva).

a) They built the house in 1990.

b) The teacher corrected the exams.

c) The police caught the thief.

d) Someone stole my bike yesterday.

e) The mechanic fixed the car.

11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in Future Simple.
(Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo en futuro simple).

a) I (help) ______________ you with your homework.

b) They (go) ______________ to the beach next weekend.

c) She (not/come) ______________ to the party.

d) We (visit) ______________ our grandparents next month.

e) He (buy) ______________ a new car next year.

12. Circle the correct form of the verb (Past Simple or Past Continuous). (Rodea la
forma correcta del verbo - pasado simple o pasado continuo).

a) While I (watched / was watching) TV, my mom (called / was calling) me.

b) He (played / was playing) football when it (started / was starting) to rain.

c) They (were walking / walked) to school when they (saw / were seeing) an accident.

d) She (was cooking / cooked) dinner while he (read / was reading) a book.

e) I (slept / was sleeping) when the alarm (went off / was going off).

f) The students (studied / were studying) when the fire alarm (rang / was ringing).

13. Circle the correct form of the verb (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
(Rodea la forma correcta del verbo - presente simple o presente continuo).

a) She (reads / is reading) a book every night before bed.

b) Right now, they (play / are playing) in the garden.

c) I usually (eat / am eating) breakfast at 7 AM.

d) Look! He (rides / is riding) a bicycle.

e) We (go / are going) to the park every Sunday.

14. Circle the correct form of the verb (First Conditional). (Rodea la forma correcta
del verbo - primer condicional).

a) If it (rains / will rain), we (stay / will stay) at home.

b) She (helps / will help) you if you (ask / will ask) her.

c) If they (don't hurry / won't hurry), they (miss / will miss) the bus.

d) We (go / will go) to the beach if it (is / will be) sunny.

e) If he (studies / will study) hard, he (passes / will pass) the exam.

15. Circle the correct form of the verb (Second Conditional). (Rodea la forma
correcta del verbo - segundo condicional).

a) If I (had / would have) a lot of money, I (travel / would travel) around the world.

b) She (would buy / bought) a new car if she (had / would have) enough money.

c) If we (lived / would live) in New York, we (visited / would visit) Central Park often.

d) They (told / would tell) us if they (knew / would know) the answer.

e) If he (studied / would study) more, he (got / would get) better grades.

16. Circle the correct form of the verb (Present Passive or Past Passive). (Rodea la
forma correcta del verbo - presente pasiva o pasado pasiva).

a) The cake (is made / was made) by my mom every week.

b) The letters (are delivered / were delivered) yesterday by the postman.

c) The house (is cleaned / was cleaned) every day.

d) The homework (is done / was done) by the students last night.

e) The movie (is watched / was watched) by many people every month.

17.Present Perfect (Rellenar los espacios)

Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando el Present Perfect de los verbos entre

1. She ________ (write) three books this year.

2. I ________ (never/see) such a beautiful sunset before.
3. They ________ (move) to a new house recently.
4. We ________ (know) each other since we were children.
5. He ________ (finish) his homework already.
18. Present Perfect (Escribir oraciones)

Escribe oraciones en Present Perfect usando las palabras proporcionadas:

1. I / travel / to Japan.

2. She / learn / French / for five years.

3. We / not / eat / breakfast / yet.

4. They / be / married / for ten years.

19.Modales de Probabilidad (Might, Must, Can, Could)

Elige el modal correcto (might, must, can, could) para completar las siguientes

1. She ________ be at home now, but I'm not sure.

2. You ________ be tired after such a long trip.
3. He ________ speak three languages fluently.
4. They ________ have taken the wrong bus; that's why they are late.
5. This ________ be the correct answer. I checked it twice.

20.Going to" (Planes Futuros)

Completa las siguientes oraciones usando "going to" y el verbo entre paréntesis:

1. They ________ (travel) to Spain next summer.

2. She ________ (start) a new job next month.
3. We ________ (have) a party on Saturday.
4. I ________ (buy) a new phone tomorrow.
5. He ________ (visit) his grandparents this weekend.
6. You ________ (study) for the exam tonight.
7. It ________ (rain) later today.
8. The children ________ (play) in the park after school.
9. My friends and I ________ (watch) a movie tonight.
21. Modales (Have to, Should, Must, Shouldn't)

Elige el modal correcto para completar las siguientes oraciones:

1. You ________ see a doctor if you're feeling really sick.

2. She ________ finish her homework before going out to play.
3. They ________ leave early to catch the first train.
4. You ________ eat so much junk food; it's not good for you.
5. He ________ wear a uniform at his job; it's mandatory.
6. We ________ go to the meeting tomorrow; it's very important.
7. You ________ be so hard on yourself; you're doing great.
8. I ________ finish this report by tomorrow; the deadline is strict.
9. She ________ take a break; she's been working non-stop for hours.
10. You ________ drive without a seatbelt; it's dangerous.

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