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ENT Question Bank

Key: Major: 6 marksMinor: 4/5 marks Underlined q came in Jun 13 uni, 1st number indicates freq
in sess., 2nd number indicates freq in unis.
2012 papers not included.
Updated till June 2017. (Modified – 16/12/2018)
ENT papers known to have bouncers, so not very reliable.
Section 1: Ear
1. Noise Induced hearing loss. Acoustic trauma (0,2)
2. Seroma of pinna (0,1)
3. Mastoiditis etiopathlogy, Clinical fx, and management (0,2)
4. Acute coalescent mastoiditis: pathogenesis, clinical fx, management, differentiate
acute mastoiditis from furunculosis (2,1)
5. Impedance matching mech. of middle ear (1,1)
6. Keratosis obturans (6,1)
7. Eagle Syndrome (0,1)
8. Recruitment (1,0)
9. Hematoma auris (1,0)
10. Classify otitis media (0,1)
11. Complications of suppurative otitis media (1,0)
12. Otospongiosis (1,0)
13. Impedence audiometry advantages (1,0)
14. Sigmoid sinus thrombosis: etiopathogenesis, clinical fx, management (1,0)
15. ASOM: etiopathology, stages, clinical fx, investigations, treatment, complications
16. Secretory otitis media: definition, etiopathogenesis, clinical fx, investigations,
management, complications (4,8)
17. Otosclerosis: definition, etiopathogenesis, clinical fx, investigations, treatment (4,7)
18. Otomycosis (4,5)
19. Reffered otalgia (0,2)
20. Eustachian tube: functions, child’s vs adult’s (1,0)
21. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis/thrombosis (0,2)
22. Organ of corti diagram (0,1)
23. Perichondritis of pinna (1,3)
24. Tympanic plexus (0,1)
25. Lucs abscess (0,1)
26. Osteomeatal complex (6,1)
27. Carhart’s notch (0,1)
28. Facial nerve anatomy (0,1)
29. Tympanic membrane perforation types, traumatic perforation (0,3)
30. Fistula test (3,1)
31. Absolute Bone Conduction test (1,1)
32. Weber’s test (0,1)
33. Anatomy of membranous labyrinth (1,1)
34. Grommet (0,1)
35. Classify otitis externa. Malignant otitis externa: classify, etiopathology, clinical
features, management (10,3)
36. Myringotomy (0,3)
37. Labyrinthitis (1,0)
38. Bells palsy (5,1)
39. Weber’s Test/rinne’s test/tuning fork tests (5,3)
40. Cholesteatoma: definition, types, theories, etiopathogenesis, clinical fx,
management, mechanism of complications (3,3)
41. Tympanic membrane diagram (0,2)
42. 4 peripheral causes of vertigo. Meniere’s disease: clinical fx and management (2,3)
43. Caloric test (5,1)
44. Cerumen (3,1)
45. Presbyacusis: definition, etiopahtology, symptoms, management (1,1)
46. Deaf mutism (0,1)
47. CSOM: etiopathogenesis, complications (0,3)
48. Tubotympanic: clinical fx, investigation, treatment (3,1)
49. Pure tune audiometry (1,1) – merits and demerits
50. Mastoid antrum (0,1)
51. Atticoantral disease: etiopathology, clinical fx, investigations, surgical
management (3,2)
52. Middle ear cleft anatomy (4,2)
53. Exostosis (0,3)
54. Osteoma (0,1)
55. Gradenigos syndrome (1,1)
56. Mechanism of hearing (0,1)
57. Lateral wall of nose, surgical anatomy (2,2)
58. Ototoxic drugs (2,2)
59. Furunculosis of ear (2,0)
60. Sensorineural hearing loss: causes, investigations, management (0,1)
61. Indications and complications of cortical mastoidectomy (0,1)
Section 2: Nose and Paranasal Sinus

1. Epistaxis – classify, enumerate causes, clinical fx, management, management of
recurrence (5,7)
2. Septoplasty (0,1)
3. Rhinolalia (0,2)
4. Septal abscess (0,2)
5. Septal hematoma (0,1)
6. Allergic rhinitis: definition, clinical features, management (2,1)
7. Chronic rhinitis: etiopathology, clinical fx, management (0,1)
8. Nasal septum (2,1)
9. Differential diagnosis of unilateral nasal mass (2,0)
10. FESS: principals (1,0)
11. Rhinitis medicamentosa (3,0)
12. Rhinitis caseosa (0,1)
13. Vasomotor rhinitis (1,1)
14. Chronic infective sinusitis: investigations, treatment (0,1)
15. Atrophic Rhinitis – Etiology, types, clinical features, treatment, investigations
(primary atrophic rhinitis also) (7,6)
16. Rhinosporidiosis (2,5) - lifecycle
17. DNS: Type, etiology, secondary effects, clinical fx, investigations, management
18. Maxillary ca: etiopathology, clinical fx, investigations, treatment (0,2)
19. Acute sinusitis (0,1)
20. Nasal polyp: types, etiology, clinical fx, management (of both ethmoidal and
antrochoanal), differences between ethmoidal and antrochoanal (8,3)
21. Foreign body in the nose (0,2)
22. Fracture of nasal bone (0,1)
23. Septal hematoma (0,1)
24. Choanal atresia (1,0)
25. Furuncle (0,1)
26. Nasal diphtheria (1,0)
27. Oroantral fistula (0,2)
28. Rhinoscleroma: definition, etiopathology, clinical fx, management (2,3)
29. Frontal sinus (0,1)
30. Malignancy of paranasal sinuses: etiopathology, clinical fx, management (0,1)
31. Ethmoidal polyp (1,1)
32. Antrochoanal polyp: management, clinical fx (2,1)
33. Rhinolith (1,2)
34. Septal perforation (0,2)
35. Little’s area (6,3)

36. Chronic and acute maxillary sinusitis: etiolopathogenesis, clinical fx, management
37. Obstructive sleep apnea
38. Le fort fractures – type 1 (0,1)
39. CSF Rhinorrhea (0,1)
40. Rhinophyma (0,1)
41. Mucus blanket (0,1)

Section 3: Pharynx and Esophagus

1. Tonsillar Bed: Describe, illustrate (0,1)
2. Esophagoscopy including indications, contraindications (0,3)
3. Achalasia cardia (0,2)
4. Adenoid facies/clinical fx, management (1,3)
5. Ludwig’s angina (0,2)
6. Tonsillectomy: indications, contraindications, procedure, complications,
management of post op hemorrhage (check larynx and trachea chapter too) (2,8)
7. Plummer Vinson syndrome (2,3)
8. Tonsilolith (0,1)
9. Blood supply of tonsil (0,1)
10. Sleep apnea syndrome (2,0)
11. Blood supply of faucial tonsils (0,1)
12. Bloody supply of palatine tonsil (0,1)
13. Paraphryngeal abscess (0,2)
14. Keratosis pharyngis (1,1)
15. Dysphagia lusouria (2,0)
16. Esophageal foreign body (0,1)
17. Diphtheria: clinical fx, management, diphtheritic tonsillitis (1,1)
18. Chronic Adenotonsillitis: etiology, clinical fx, management (0,3)
19. Retropharyngeal abscess, differences between acute and chronic (2,4)
20. Retropharyngeal space anatomy (1,0)
21. Globus hystericus (0,1)
22. Faucial diphtheria: clinical fx, management, difference from acute follicular tonsillitis
23. Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy): etiopathology, clinical fx, management (8,3)
24. Differential diagnosis of patch on tonsil; acute tonsillitis: clinical fx, complications,
management (3,2)
25. Chronic tonsillitis: clinical fx, management, differential diagnosis (1,2)

26. Tonsil blood supply, waldeyer’s ring including function(1,1)
27. Oral submucous fibrosis(0,1)
28. Leukoplakia (0,1)
Section 4: Larnyx and Trachea
1. Anatomy of Larynx: describe, labeled diagrams (0,1)
2. Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (0,1)
3. Causes, clinical fx, mgmt of unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (0,1)
4. Tracheostomy/elective tracheostomy: Indications, contraindications, procedure,
complications, post op care,nonobstructive indication(9,8)
5. Rienke’s edema (1,1)
6. Acute laryngotracheal bronchitis (0,2)
7. Stridor: definition, causes (4,1)
8. Laryngeal tuberculosis: clinical fx, treatment (0,2)
9. Cartilages of larynx (1,0)
10. Acute epiglottitis/supraglottic laryngitis (2,4)
11. Waldeyer’s ring (0,1)
12. Puberophonia (0,1)
13. Chronic laryngitis: types, etiopathology, management, nonspecific laryngitis (0,2)
14. Tracheostomy tubes (0,1)
15. Singer’s nodules (2,1)
16. Vocal nodule (9,0)
17. Bilateral abductor paralysis: clinical fx, management, etiopathogenesis (1,0)
18. Vocal cord palsy/left vocal cord paralysis: causes, investigations, management (0,2)
19. Mention causes and management of hoarseness. Vocal cord malignancy
management (2,3)
20. Foreign bodies in the bronchus (0,2)
21. Vocal polyp (1,1)
22. Laryngeal cancer etiopathology, clinical fx, glottic cancer (3,2)
23. Bronchoscopy: indications, contraindications (1,2)
24. Direct laryngoscopy: indications, complications (1,0)
25. Laryngomalacia (2,1)
Section 5: Head and Neck
1. Thyroglossal cyst (6,4)
2. Cervical lymphadenopathy (0,1)
3. Acute parotitis (0,1)
4. Glomus jugulare (1,0)
5. FNAC in management of head and neck neoplasm (0,1)
6. Sialolithiasis (1,2)

7. Pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland/pituitary (2,4)
8. Differential diagnosis of midline swelling of neck (4,1)
9. DDx lateral neck swellings
10. Lingual thyroid (0,1)
11. Structures resected and preserved in radical neck dissection (1,0)
12. Ectopic thyroid (2,0)
13. Ramula (6,4)
14. Branchial cyst (0,1)
15. Branchial fistula (0,1)
16. Facial palsy: etiopathology, clinical fx, investigations, management (0,2)


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