Witcher Fighting Overview (Printer Friendly)

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Witcher trpg

An overview of fighting options

I hope this can help fellow DM’s and their players.
Round walkthrough ............................................................................ 3
Attack walkthrough ............................................................................. 4
Attack actions ..................................................................................... 5
Ranged attack actions ....................................................................... 13
Magic attack actions ......................................................................... 14
Defence actions ................................................................................ 16
Taking damage .................................................................................. 18
Round walkthrough
A round in combat

1d10 + REF stat
Order NPC’s and PC’s to see whose turn
goes first and last.

The table to the left is an overview of

actions to do on your turn in combat.
Below is described the details of taking
one fast draw, extra attacks against one
target and more on actively dodge
Attack walkthrough
Are you aiming for a specific body part?
Yes – Look at the location table and add the
penalty to the attack roll
No – Remember to roll 1d10 after rolling
damage to determine the damage location

Attack roll vs defense roll

If attack roll ≥ defense roll = Hit
If attack roll ≤ defense roll = Miss

Roll damage.
If the target is wearing armor they subtract
their armor’s SP from the damage roll. On a hit, if the attack roll
After subtracted, add the location modifier beat the defense roll with
more than 7 it does critical
Ex.: damage.
Player rolls for an attack with their Iron long sword. See the table for bonus
They roll: damage.
1d10(7)+REF(5)+Swordsmanship(3) = 15.
While the enemy rolls for dodge/escape:
1d10(2)+REF(6)+Dodge/escape(4) = 12.
Player hits and rolls damage 2d6+2(12).
Then the damage location is found 1d10(8) they the hit R.
The enemy had an SP of 5 to this location. This is
subtracted. 12 – 5 = 7 and then the DMG mod is added.
7 x ½ = 3,5 = 3.
The enemy takes 3 damage.
Attack actions

Magic attacks
WILL stat + Spell Casting skill + 1d10

Melee weapons
REF stat + Weapon skill + weapon modifier
+ 1d10
Weapon modifiers
Some weapons grant aditional accuracy. If your Bombs
weapon has this, it is added to the attack roll.
DEX + athletics + 1d10
Ranged weapons
DEX stat + Weapon skill + RNG modifier + 1d10 Missing
For misses use
the scatter table
Attack actions
Shield attacks
REF stat + + Weapon skill + Body modifier + 1d10

The damage dealt is equal to a punch but deals

lethal damage
Medium shields do damage as though your
punch were 2 levels higher
Heavy shields do damage 4 levels higher
Attack actions
Melee weapons
Ref stat + Weapon skill + 1d10

Fast Strike Strong Strike

Two attacks w/ no One attack at -3
penalty Damage x2

Fast Strikes
You deal 2 attacks. These can Strong Strikes
be dealt to the same target or You one attack with a -3
two separate targets. They penalty to the attack roll. On a
must both be next to you so hit you deal the double
you can’t attack-move-attack. damage. This is added before
Additionally, if the first attack is the armor SP is subtracted.
blocked the next attacked has
failed. Bows
When using strong strikes you
Crossbows deal double the damage but as
You cannot make strong it takes a while to shoot with a
attacks or fast attacks with bow you cannot attack twice in
crossbows as they have one a fast strike.
draw length and draw weight.

Hitting harder
The stronger your Body
stat is the harder you
hit/throw (See the
This modifier is added to
the damage you deal
with the weapon
Attack actions
Special attacks

Charge Pommel strike Disarm

Spend 1 round to A non-lethal strike against Attempt to disarm an

run(Speedx3) then a target. Halves the opponent
strong strike weapon’s damage roll

Charge Pommel strike Disarm

By taking a full round, you can By making a weapon By making a weapon

execute a charge against a attack, you can non- attack, you can attempt to
target. A charge allows you to lethally strike against a knock an opponent’s
move up to your run speed target by bashing with weapon out of their hand
and then make a strong the pommel of your with a well-aimed strike. If
strike. This strike still suffers a weapon. Halve the you succeed, you knock the
-3 to hit, but if the attack is weapon’s damage roll opponent’s weapon from
blocked you can make a and apply it as non- their hand and send it
Physique check against the lethal. flying, 1d6 meters away in
opponent’s Physique roll to a random direction (see the
knock the target prone. Scatter table).

Trip Confuse the target before
Attack a target’s legs to making the first fast strike
knock them prone and gain +3 to second strike
By rolling Deceit instead of your first
By making a weapon attack, you
fast strike, you can attempt a feint. If
can attempt to strike the target’s
your opponent fails an Awareness
legs and knock them prone. If you
check against your Deceit roll, you
succeed, the opponent is falls at.
confuse them and can make your
second attack at a +3.
Attack actions
Special attacks

Dual Wielding
Joint attacks have a -3 to attack rolls.
-2 to attack and
The opponent must have two weapons
defence rolls
(or 1 weapon, 1 shield) to block/parry
both attacks.

Dual Wielding
When knocked prone you take a -2
Dual wielding allows you to make a joint attack
to your attack and defence rolls
with two weapons you hold at the same time.
until you take a move action to
This Joint Attack replaces a Fast or Strong Strike.
stand up. After standing, you can
When making a joint attack, roll two attacks
take your remaining action to move
with a -3 to both of them. Your opponent must
as far as you normally would have.
have two weapons (or a weapon and a shield) if
they want to block or parry both attacks. If they
can’t, they must dodge or reposition to escape
the second attack. You can make a joint attack
with any two weapons you can hold in one
hand, including two hand crossbows.
Attack actions
Brawling and wrestling (Hand to hand)

Push kick Disarm

Punch Kick
Try to push a Attempt to knock
A strike with A strike with
target back Body/3 away or grab an
your fist, palm your foot or
meters. opponent’s weapon
or elbow. knee

Kick Push kick Disarm

You can kick or Instead of doing You can roll Brawling
You can punch or
strike with damage, you can try against your opponent’s
strike with your
your foot or to push a target back Dodge/Escape to attempt
fist, palm or
knee, dealing with a powerful to disarm an opponent.
elbow, dealing an
an amount of forward kick. If you Unlike disarming with a
amount of non-
non-lethal succeed, you push the weapon, you can try to
lethal damage
damage equal opponent back a either knock the
equal to your
to your kick number of meters opponent’s weapon away
Punch damage.
damage. You equal to your Body/3. (1d6/2 meters in a
You can choose
can choose to You only do half random direction) or to
to make strong
make strong or damage, and this grab the weapon with a
or fast strikes
fast strikes attack always hits the free hand. Trying to take
with punches.
with kicks. torso. the weapon imposes a -3
Attack actions
Brawling and wrestling (Hand to hand)

Move your run speed Trip
(Speed x 3) and make Try to trip the target to
a strong punch. -3 to knock them prone

Charge Trip
Much like armed You can attempt to kick
charges, you can move the target’s legs out
up to your Run speed from under them and
and then make a strong knock them prone. If
punch or kick. This strike you succeed, the
still suffers a -3 to hit opponent falls prone.
but if the attack is
blocked you can make a
Physique check against
the opponent’s Physique
roll to knock the target
Attack actions
When a target is grappled

Grab hold of a target.
This can lead to Pins, Pin Choke
chokes and throws Immobilize an Try to suffocate the
opponent opponent
You can roll to grab hold of
Pin Choke
a target.
While grappling, you After grappling a target,
While grappled, a target
can pin your opponent. you can roll to attempt
cannot move away from
to choke them. The
you and takes to -2 to all If you succeed, the
opponent is suffocating
physical actions. This is a opponent is
until they are able to
prerequisite to pins, immobilized and cannot
chokes, and throws. move or act until they
escape with a
Each turn, your opponent Throw
Dodge/Escape roll
can attempt a
against your Brawling. Try to throw the
Dodge/Escape roll against
your Brawling to slip loose.

While grappling, you
can roll to throw your
opponent. The
opponent is thrown
to the ground
(prone), takes
damage equal to
your punch damage,
and must make a
Stun save at -1.
Ranged attack actions
Ranged weapons
Dex stat + Weapon skill + RNG modifier + 1d10

Unaware target Crossbows and loading

If you’re attacking an A bow can be stringed as part

unaware or inanmate of an attack action but as the
target you must beat crossbow is mechanical it
its DC argumented by takes an entire action to
its size modifier string

Traps Bombs

To craft a trap, you roll: To throw a bomb you roll:

Cra + trap crafting +1d10 Dex + athletics + 1d10

These are placed in an area Everyone in the area feel

and when a person enters the bomb’s effect and takes
the area they trigger the the bomb’s damage to every
trap and they (or anyone in part of their body.
the trap’s radius) feel the On a fail the bomb lands off
traps effect and take the target (see scatter table)
traps damage to every part
of their body.

Magic attack actions

Magic attacks
WILL stat + Spell Casting skill + 1d10

Magic Targeting Vigor

Depending on range spells/invocations Casting spells takes up stamina and your
can effect a number of targets. vigor threshold shows the maximum of
stamina you can spend during one action
• Direct: Direct spells affect one or
more targets specifically, but do on casting without taking damage.
not affect you or the area nearby.
These spells act much like standard Vigor overexertion
ranged attacks. If you use a spell that takes more stamina
• Area of effect: Area of effect spells
than your vigor threshold allows
fill a certain area and affect anyone
overexert yourself and start to take
inside it. These spells act much like
direct spells, except that anyone in damage.
the area must make a defensive roll For every 1 pointer STA above your vigor
against your Spell Casting roll. threshold you take 5 HP of damage.
• Self-Affecting: Self-affecting spells
only affect the caster of the spell.
To cast a self-affecting spell, you
only have to roll above the casting
DC of the spell.

If you fumble (when rolling a 1)
while casting a spell you must roll
another 1d10 to determine the
magic fumble outcome
Magic attack actions
Rituals Being interrupted
Rituals require more focus and If you are interrupted by
precision than the average spell or something before you can finish
incantation. Casting a ritual the ritual, you must make a Ritual
requires specific components for Crafting roll to keep focus and
the ritual, and significant time. continue. The DC to continue the
Much like crafting, you must spend ritual is 15 if you were shaken,
the amount of time listed for the bumped, yelled at, or had
ritual first. Next, roll a Ritual something tossed at you. If you are
Crafting check against the DC of attacked and physically harmed,
the ritual. If you succeed, the ritual the DC to continue the ritual is 18.
is successful. If you fail, the ritual If you are physically removed from
has no effect, and the ritual the ritual area, you can continue if
components are used up. If you you get back to the area in 1 round
fumble a ritual, you take 1 point of and make a DC:16 Ritual Crafting
damage for each point of STA check.
Group rituals Hexes
Other people can help you Hexes function a bit differently
perform a ritual. from both spells/invocations and
These people don’t have to be rituals. To weave a hex you must
magically potent, but they must draw not only a certain amount
be able-bodied enough to help of magic, but also personal
draw chalk circles, place ritual hatred for the targeted person
items, or recite text. or place. Failing to cast a hex
does nothing. There is no
Every person you have helping backfire unless you fumble. If
you (maximum 4) lowers the DC of you do fumble, you have a 50%
the ritual by 1. chance of inflicting the hex on
Defence actions

Dodge Block

(Reflex + Dodge/escape) (Reflex + weapon/melee/brawling)

Standard ”Get out of the way”-

Place a shield/weapon/body part
between you and the attacker to block.
Reposition Weapon/shield gets a -1 to reliability. A
body part take the damage the armor
(Dexterity + Athletics)
doesn’t block
Jump/move/flip out of the way
equal to half speed in any direction Parry
(Reflex + weapon/melee/brawling)

Blocking with style! Roll this with -3

Defending more than once
penalty. If succeed you defend again the
Whenever you must use a defence attack – weapon/shield/bodypart
action more than once during a round it doesn’t take any damage and
costs 1 stamina point. additionally the enemy becomes
staggered. Giving them a -2 penalty on
their next action.
Defence actions

Defence against magic Dodge (Reflex + Dodge/escape + 1d10)

It can differ between a simple dodge, a Resist magic (Will + Resist magic + 1d10)
resist magic check or can only be
countered by the ”Dispel” –spell.
Look under ”Defence” for the spell used
to see the options available.
You successfully defend if your defence
is higher than the enemy’s Spell casting

Ganging UP
When a person is attacked by
multiple assailants in melee range
(adjacent or within 2m with a reach
weapon) they take a -1 penalty to
defence for every assailant beyond
the first.
For example, if you were surrounded
by four Nekkers you would take a -3
to your defense.
Taking damage
Damage locations and SP Wound Threshold

A person probably has armor on You find your wound threshold by finding
either some or all parts of his body. your max health on the table. If your
Depending on the armor in the health goes below the threshold you are
certain areas the SP(Stopping only just standing and must halve your
power) varies. REF, DEX, INT and WILL

When an attack hits and damage is

rolled you subtract the SP number
from the damage roll before
multiplying with the Location

Armor takes damage

If the damage is more than the SP
of the armor it’s SP is reduced by 1.

Enemy has an attack roll higher that player’s
defence. The enemy hits.
Enemy rolls damage equal to 3d6(9) and rolls
for a random location 1d10(7).
He hits the right leg.
The player wears ”padded trousers”(SP 5).
So the damage is: 9 – 5 = 4
Then the location modifier(R. leg) is added
4 x ½ =2
So the player takes 2 damage to their HP and
their padded trousers’ SP is reduced by 1 so
their current SP is 4.

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