VARC 12 _ Class Notes __ CAT Essentials 2024 Batch

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Mixed Bag Questions - Verbal Ability

Lecture No.- 12


of previous lecture
1) Intro – Para Completion
2) Strategies to Ace
3) Step by Step Approach to Solve
4) How to Eliminate Wrong Answer Choices
5) Practice Questions
to be covered
1) Mixed Bag Questions - Verbal Ability
2) Practice Questions
I am Amit Rohra Sir
✓ VARC Expert

✓ 14+ years of experience in

coaching/mentoring for Entrances like

✓ Trained Call getters in Personality &

Profile Building for IIM Interviews & that
of other Premier B-Schools

✓ Visiting Faculty for HR at various

renowned B-Schools (National &
International MBA)

✓ Rockstar Creator
❖ Practice Questions
#Q. Statement:
The Indian Navy will not allow the Yuan Wang-6, a Chinese spy ship to enter the country’s
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that extends up to 200 nautical miles into the sea. The
only problem is if the Chinese vessel receives permission from Sri Lanka to enter their
territorial waters which are contiguous. Sri Lanka is neck deep in debt and has been forced to
lease away the Hambantota Port to China. In August this year, the Yuan Wang-5, another spy
ship from China, docked at Hambantota despite India’s reservations.
I. Chinese spy ships seek to collect classified information about India by entering the EEZ.
II. If a country is in debt to another, it is more likely to yield to demands made by it regarding the
movement of vessels across territorial waters.
A. Only I is implicit
B. Only II is implicit
C. Both (I) and (II) are implicit
D. Neither (I) nor (II) is implicit
Solution : (B)
❖ The given statement tells us how India has denied entry to the EEZ to a Chinese spy
ship, however, if the vessel obtains permission from Sri Lanka, it might be able to
enter the zone despite India's reservations, since Sri Lanka is in debt to China. This
rests on the assumption that countries that are indebted to others are liable to
accede to such demands made by them. Only II is implicit. Thus, B is the right
❖ The purpose of the spy ship is not known, which will make I incorrect.
In 2017, Chromebooks and other Google devices made up 58% of all devices purchased for US
classrooms, according to Future source data. That figure was a mere 5% in 2012. Apple's
presence in the classroom, meanwhile, has tumbled. Apple's market share in mobile devices for
education sank by 33 percentage points from 2012 to 2017.
#Q. What could be the possible reason behind the fall in the Apple’s market share in mobile
devices for education?
1. Parents believe that exposing their children to technology does not have any effect on
the learning outcomes so they do not invest in mobile devices for education.
2. Children find a using Apple product difficult which often acts as a disincentive for the
teachers to use them in a classroom while Google devices are easy to use.
3. When it comes to education software, which teachers and students use to manage
assignments, deadlines, and documents, Apple is lacking - particularly compared to
the super-popular and easy-to-use Google Classroom software.
A. Only 1
C. Only 1 and 2
B. Only 2
D. Only 2 and 3
Solution : (D)
❖ D is the right answer as both 2 and 3 are correct. 2 is correct as the difficulty in the
usage of Apple products might be a reason behind the fall in Apple market share in
mobile devices for education.
❖ 3 is correct as it again points out that Google Classroom software is easy to use
which makes it a better option and this might a reason behind the fall in the Apple’s
market share in mobile devices for education.
❖ 1 is incorrect as it does not talk about Apple products it talks about technology in
general, which does not explain why Apple’s market share in mobile devices for
education has fallen.
❖ Thus, (D) is the right answer.
#Q. In the question given below, a premise is given followed by three statements which may or
may not be inferred from the premise. Select the correct combination of statements that can be
Scientists studying the bones of an extinct otter, Siamogale melilutra, have found that it had
strong and firm jaw bones, so that it could have been one of the major predators then. The
study in Scientific Reports says that the jaw would have been strong enough to crush big shells,
bones of birds and even small mammals.

1. Strong and firm jaw bones indicate whether the animal is a predator or not.
2. Siamogale melilutra was not a herbivorous animal.
3. Siamogale melilutra might have eaten birds and small mammals.

A. Only 1
B. Only 1 and 2
C. Only 1 and 3
D. All 1, 2 and 3
Solution : (D)
❖ All the three statements can be inferred from the given premise.
❖ The premise attributes the reason why the otter can be said to be a major predator
was that it has strong and firm jaw bones. So, 1 follows. If an animal is a predator, it
can either be a carnivore (meat-eater) or an omnivore (animal which eats both meat
and plants). Ergo, it cannot be a herbivore (plant-eater). So, 2 follow. 3 follow as we
know that the otter was a predator and it had a jaw strong enough to crush the
bones of birds and small animals, so it might have consumed these animals as well.
3 follow. Thus, (D) is the right answer.
• CAT Sentence Rearrangement: Solving Economic Problems
#Q. A. But that would require a tough look at the economy, at the dearth of productivity,
and at how it might be possible to restore conditions of growth. It would require
serious investment, risk-taking, and nerve.
B. If those currently carping about the tax affairs of the rich really did care about
raising tax revenues, they would concentrate on raising the volume of wealth that
can be taxed.
C. The problem with the eagerness to recast economic problems, from a failure to
cut the deficit to the continued inability to restore conditions of growth, as a
moral issue and an erring on the part of selfish individuals who just aren’t giving
enough back, leaves the real problems untouched.
D. These are not qualities today’s political class have in abundance. So, instead, they
continue to project blame, singling out individuals for moral censure in the hope
that they will increase their payments to the state.
Solution : (CBAD)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Sentence D starts off talking of qualities that “today’s political class”? does not have in
❖ We see that Sentence A talks of risk taking and nerve. So it is likely that D follows A,
possibly immediately after A.
❖ But A does not make a good start to the paragraph.
❖ At the outset, B and C both look like good sentences to start the paragraph.
❖ Sentence C asserts that recasting economic problems as “moral”? issues and an “erring on
the part of selfish individuals who just aren’t giving enough back”? leaves the real issues
❖ There are 3 aspects to this statement- one, economic problems are a result of a failure to
cut the deficit to the continued inability to restore conditions of growth; two, economic
problems are wrongly recast as a moral lapse on part of selfish individuals who aren’t
giving enough back; and three, this wrong approach does not solve the “real problems”?.
❖ Sentence B talks of the tendency to cavil at the tax affairs of the rich. It also suggests that
those “carping”? about the tax affairs of the rich would be better rewarded in raising tax
revenues by increasing the volume of wealth that can be taxed.
❖ We see a link emerging between B and. C talks of economic problems, the moralizing
approach towards the rich (selfish individuals not giving enough back) and this not solving
the real issue. Sentence B suggests than instead of complaining about the rich taxpayers, a
different approach (raising taxable wealth) can increase tax revenues. This will provide a
possible solution to the “real problem”? mentioned in sentence C. B follows C.
❖ We already saw the link AD, and noted A does not make a good start to the paragraph.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is CBAD
❖ Hence, the answer is CBAD
#Q. Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put
together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of
the sentence as your answer:
A. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental
disorder with both genetic and environmental factors contributing to its etiology.
B. Twin studies have shown that the heritability of ADHD is estimated to be around 70-
80%, indicating a strong genetic component in the development of the disorder.
C. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several candidate genes
associated with ADHD, including those involved in dopamine and serotonin
neurotransmitter systems.
D. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be an effective treatment for
ADHD, helping patients develop coping strategies and improve executive functioning.
E. Rare copy number variations (CNVs) have also been implicated in ADHD, providing
urther evidence of a genetic basis for the disorder.
Solution : (D)
❖ The subject here is about the genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). The paragraph begins with Statement (A), which introduces the complex
nature of ADHD and its genetic and environmental components. Statement (B)
discusses the heritability of ADHD based on twin studies, highlighting the strong
genetic influence. Statement (C) mentions the findings of genome-wide association
studies and their identification of candidate genes associated with ADHD. Statement
(E) delves into the role of rare copy number variations in ADHD, further supporting
the genetic basis of the disorder. Although Statement (D) is related to ADHD, it
diverges from the main topic by focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy, a
treatment approach for the disorder, rather than discussing the genetic aspects.
Thus, (D) is the odd-one-out.
#Q. Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put
together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of
the sentence as your answer:
A. Effective leadership in management is crucial in guiding an organization towards its
goals and inspiring employees to perform at their highest potential.
B. Transformational leaders motivate their followers by creating a vision of the future,
fostering a sense of shared purpose, and providing individualized support and
C. Motivation plays a significant role in management by driving employees to stay
engaged, focused, and committed to achieving organizational objectives.
D. Open communication within an organization can lead to a more inclusive workplace
culture, contributing to overall employee satisfaction and retention.
E. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are two key components that drive employees to
perform, with intrinsic motivation stemming from personal satisfaction and extrinsic
motivation originating from external rewards.
Solution : (D)
❖ The subject here is about the roles of leadership and motivation in management. The
paragraph begins with Statement (A), which emphasizes the importance of effective
leadership in management. Statement (B) discusses the characteristics of
transformational leaders, who inspire and motivate their followers. Statement (C)
highlights the significance of motivation in driving employee engagement and
commitment. Statement (E) outlines the two key components of motivation: intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation. Although Statement (D) discusses open communication, it
diverges from the main topic by focusing on workplace culture and employee
satisfaction, rather than directly addressing leadership and motivation in
management. Thus, (D) is the odd-one-out.
#Q. Each of the following questions is followed by four summaries. Choose the option
that best captures the essence of the text and mark it as your answer.
The main duty of the shaman is the maintenance of clan coherence. He does this by
role changing – i.e. embodying the Spirit. In so doing, the shaman uplifts the
individual out of the harsh realities of existence and at the same time makes
individuals more connected to each other. Likewise in the western world, where
material conditions are much more comfortable but where the sense of community is
weaker than in primitive societies, one of the roles of the performer – if not the key
role, even in light entertainment – is to overcome existential loneliness,
disconnectedness. If society benefts in this passive way, how much more beneft can
be derived from engaging actively in processes such as the shamanic exercises.

A. Shamans are responsible for the well being and cohesion of their clans.
B. Shamans and actors are similar to each other in terms of their craft.
C. Performers, just like shamans, increase camaraderie in their society.
D. A performer’s main duty is to remove disconnectedness from the western society.
Solution : (C)
❖ Option A is partially true. Option B changes the main idea of the paragraph.
❖ Option D does not mention the role of performer being similar to a shaman.
Choose the Sentence that completes the Paragraph
#Q. What happens to our brains as we age is of crucial importance not just to science but to
public policy. By 2030, for example, 72 million people in the US will be over 65, double the
figure in 2000 and their average life expectancy will likely have edged above 20 years.
However, this demographic time-bomb would be much less threatening if the elderly were
looked upon as intelligent contributors to society rather than as dependants in long-term
decline ____________
A. The idea that we get dumber as we grow older is just a myth, according to brain
research that will encourage anyone old enough to know better.
B. It is time we rethink what we mean by the ageing mind before our false assumptions
result in decisions and policies that marginalize the old or waste precious public
resources to re-mediate problems that do not exist.
C. Many of the assumptions scientists currently make about ‘cognitive decline’ are
seriously flawed and, for the most part, formally invalid.
D. Using computer models to simulate young and old brains, Ramscar and his colleagues
found they could account for the decline in test scores simply by factoring in experience
Solution : (B)
❖ Choice (B) continues the line of thought about not wasting public resources based on
existing assumptions about cognitive decline with age.
❖ Choice (D) is also eliminated right away as it talks of a “decline in test scores?, the test
not detailed here.
❖ Choice (A) is incorrect as it doesn’t talk of the aged in the society, just lays down the
basic premise that they are not on the path of mental decline. This would have been
discussed before the paragraph we are trying to complete begins.
❖ Choice (C) builds on the idea discussed by choice (A) and doesn’t fit as well as (B) to
complete the paragraph.
#Q. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has come out with the dismaying
prediction that the southwest monsoon this year will be below normal. If this prognosis
holds true, it may mar the prospects of redeeming the rabi crop output losses through
bumper harvests in the later kharif season. India's farm sector has certainly acquired a
degree of resilience when it comes to the monsoon - as reflected in the positive growth
numbers in all the weak monsoon years since 2009. However, monsoon rainfall and its
distribution still remain crucial _________
A. They impact supplies and prices of most farm commodities, especially coarse cereals,
pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruit and livestock products, as well as the rural sector
demand for consumer goods.
B. A poor monsoon and subsequent food inflation might well throw off the Reserve
Bank of India's schedule for rate cuts.
C. Nevertheless, the first stage monsoon forecast of the IMD should normally be taken
with a pinch of salt, as the weather agency's accuracy record on this count is none too
D. The monsoon’s behavior this year seems to bear out the notion that climate change is
affecting the Indian monsoon and altering its rainfall calendar.
Solution : (A)
❖ Option A- This discusses the impact “they? have on supplies and prices of most farm
commodities and rural demand for consumer goods. The penultimate line talks of monsoon
rainfall and its distribution. “They? could refer to these two factors. Hence option A seems to
be a good conclusion to the given paragraph.
❖ Option B- This discusses the effect of the poor monsoon and subsequent food inflation on RBI
rate cuts. This statement introduces a new, related idea, i.e, the indirect impact of the
monsoon on inflation and rate cuts. This cannot be the line that completes the given
paragraph, which is discussing the monsoon and India’s farm sector.
❖ Option C- This talks of the accuracy of IMD’s forecasts. It looks like a possible contender to
complete the paragraph, as the paragraph started with the prediction of a bad monsoon.
However, this statement refers to the “first stage monsoon forecast?, while there is no
indication in the given paragraph whether the forecast discussed is the first stage one or the
second stage forecast. Furthermore, the paragraph has focused on the impact of a poor
monsoon on the farm sector. The given statement does not continue that line of thought.
❖ Option D- This option talks of the climate change and the possibility of that affecting the
Indian monsoon. This is a completely different idea and can hence be ruled out as the right

2 Min Summary

1) Intro – Para Completion

2) Strategies to Ace
3) Step by Step Approach to Solve
4) How to Eliminate Wrong Answer Choices
5) Practice Questions

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