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I B1-9 Campaign Adyenture for Character Level&-3 .


Official Game Adventure

t of the B-series modules, p

n epic adventure series set '
and Duchy of Karameikos

TSR, h e .

DUNGEONS G DRAGONS, DGD. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR. lnc.

' I .

8 Goblin 7 1-1 4 , 1 -6 20; NM 7 C

Wandering Monster Table: Level 2

Die Wadering
Roll Monster No AC 3D- hp 1 bm Save ML AI.
1 Eat,Giant 7 6 2 9 1-4 60' .P1 8 N

Wandering Monster Table: Level 3

Save ML AI.
Welcome to the D&D” adventure g:ame and, optionally, gazetteer GAZ1. party actions will have on the setting. This als,0
world! You have in your hands a compiladon eivcs thc DM a chancc to evaluate the D h V C l5
of the best of the D&Dmadventures, froml t h e &d make any desired adjustments i o ‘the
earliest days of the game to the present. The
How to use this book overall balance of the campaim.
whole has been reorganized and re-editeo TO
provide a continuing set of adventures for Adventure Flow Cbart to undcntand how the adventuresare summarized in aspecial section
characters of levels 1-3. adventures fit together. Next, look at the just before the map section. They include: the
This book is intended as a companion vol- descriptionsof the Duchy of Karameikos and Archer Bush, Chameleon Man, Crone of Cha-
ume to the gazetteer G a l , The Grand the town of Threshold to learn about the os, Cynidiceans, Decapus, Wailing Fey, Bone
Duchy of Kameikm. That book covers the world in D&D adventures! Golem, Haunt, Lava Lizard. Werefox (lycan-
affairs of the Duchy in depth, this one pro- thrope). Pirhana Bird, Polymar, Sirenflower,
vides a series of detailed adventures taking Getring started Steam Weevil, Vampire Roses, Water Weird,
place in that setting. The gazetteer is not and the Witch Sisten. The section starts on
required to play these adventures, but its Ask your players if they want to spend a ses- page 124.
background material is useful for extended sion leaming about the town or whether they When a monster is described in an individ-
campaign play. want tn adventurc immediately. The intro- ual encounter description. its abilities are
Most of the material in this b k has been duction to the town can wait always wait if the given in abbreviated form. While the exact
previously published in the B-series of advcn- playcn are d o u s to begin play. Ifthc playcn statistics chosen and thcir order vary from
Nre modules. To keep as much of the original are ready for an in-depth campaign. tell them adventure to adventure, the general form is:
material in punt as possible, we have created as much as the general background informa-
an antholngy of connected advcnnrres. much tion on the duchy as you think they should Name (number appearing): Armor Class; Hit
like a ~ollectionof short stories. In sclccting know, then play out their arrival in town. Dice or Class and Level; hit points; Move-
the material for this anthology, we have tried Introduce the main NF’Cs they will meet and ment per turn (per round); Number of
to gather as many different types of adven- show them the general map of Threshold. Attacks per round; Damage per attack;
tures and styles of play as possible. The overall If the session will emphasize play over set- Save as Class/Lcvcl; Morale; Alignment;
campaign framework herein allows a high ting, read the selected adventure thoroughly Other abilities (where appropriate)
degree of player choice and flexibility for the before running it for tbc players. Note the Spells (listed by level)
DM, while gcncrally keeping the adventures important monsters. probable routes of tra- Weapons and equipment
in order of difficulty. vel, and any special traps or challenges the
party will have to overcome. Be sure you
The early adventures are mostly exploratory
understand how each piece of the adventure Abbreviations
in nature, while the last is a challenging
adventure of political intrigue, with the char- works to make the gaming session fun. AC = Armor Class
actcn likely to be working for opposing fac- The Dungeon Master’s “Adventure Back- HD = Hit Dice
ground explains the pu’pooc of the adventure, hp = Hit Points
tions. All of the adventures are designed for
5-8 characters of level 1-3.
and may include secret information about the MV = Movement
d g or major “CS in the advenue. ?his #AT = Number of Attacks
The setting of the adventures is the Grand
Duchy of Karameikos. a wild land overmn information is not availableto the player charac- D = Damage
with monsters that is only nominally under ters at the heginning nf the adventure, hut they SA = Special Attacks
the sway of its ruler, Duke Stefan Karameikos. may &over romc of it during play. Save = Save As
Towns are few and often isolated by hostile The “Players’ Background” gives the infor- MI = Morale
humanoids. Small farms and hamlets dot the mation that the player characters are assumed AL = Alignment
counuyside. threatened on every side. Only to know before the adventure begins. L = Lawful
Most of the adventure is text that is keyed to N = Neutral
by the efforts of the powerful and heroic few
a map of the area in which the adventure takes C = Chaotic
can the Grand Duchy survivc, grow, and pros- place. The number of the encounter matches
per. It is among this powerful elite that the XP = Experience Points
the location of thc encounter on the maps. F = Fighter
player characters strive to take thcir place. Encounter information that appean in a box
The players’ characters will begin in the M = Magic-User
can be read aloud to the playcn at the proper C = Cleric
small town of Threshold in the northern pan
time. This material represents what the char- T = Thief
of the Duchy. From here they will be able to
acters can see, hear, smell or otherwise detect D = Dwad
proceed on any one of several adventures that at the beginning of an encounter. The rest of
will take them to the far comets of the Duchy E = Elf
the encounter information may or may not be H = Halfling
and beyond, to return at last to the capital city
revealed by the DM. based on the actions of NM = Normal Man
of Specularum to prepare for even higher level the player characters. The DM can add more
adventures yet to come. Str = Strength
details to the encounter information, as Int = lntclligence
In order to play the advenruresin this book. desired: room dimensions, smells, rounds, Wis = Wisdom
the players should have suitably low level monster acuons if the party does nothing, etc.
characters, thc D&DO Basic Playen Book, Dex = Dexterity
Many adventures have a concluding sec- Con = Constitution
pencils, dice, and some graph paper for map-
tion. This gives the long-term results of the Cha = Charisma
ping. The DM should have in addition to the- players’ actions and any notes any changes the
se, the D&Dm Basic Dungeon Masten Book
d = type of die


cp = copper piece dent. The Kingdom of the Thieves is strong in on page 129. The local points of interest
sp = silver piece Speculanun. It is for neutral thieves, specialir- include:
ep electrum piece ing in complex burglaries. The Iron Ring is a
gp = gold piece secret society of slavers and assassins (mostly Town Hall. This is a very large building in the
pp = platinum piece chaotics of any class) that is very widespread. center of town, used for confiscated weapon
Tnes and Tithes. Four times a year, a 2 1 % storage. town meetings, public declarations,
Maps and Handouts tax is levied on everyone in Karameikos by the trials and entertainments.
Duke. Sales taxes run 5 % , merchantspay 1% Fogor Isle. This island is the seamy side of
The general maps for Threshold and the on all valuable cargoes. Clerics are expected to town; it is not patrolled at night. On the north
Grand Duchy, the adventure maps for all the tithe 10% tothechurch, andmanygivemore. end of the island is the blackened tuin of the
adventures, and some handouts for the play. This may seem harsh, but that is what pays for Old Mill, burned 11years ago. The ruin often
e n are combined into a single section at the the military and for developing the Duchy. becomes infested by giant insects and must be
back of this bwk. These pages are perforated The situation is much the same in other parts cleaned out periodically.
for easy removal if desired. To remove, fold of the D&Da campaign world. k s k e e p . Baron Halaran’s castle is a small.
the page along the perforation. then carefully In the official coinage of Karameikos, a sturdyfortress, just northoftown. It hasacur-
tear along the perforated edge (tearing against copper piece is a kopec, a silver piece is called a tain wall, four towers and a large manor
a straightedge, such as a ruler, is even better). crona, and a gold piece is a royd. house.
Each adventure lists the page numbers of its Dam and Weir The dam keeps large boats
maps and handouts. T h e following are the major points of interest from traveling upriver. The weir can be
If the players are mapping during play, you in a campaign in Karameikos: opened to allow lumber to be floated down-
might consider starting their maps for them Townsand Cities. Threshold (pop. 1,000) is stteam.
by indicating their starting location on a blank the base far early adventures and has its own Logging Camp. Most of the logs CUI locally are
piece of graph paper. section. Specularum (50,000) is the capital, floated downriver to Specularum. where they
and many details of its life and politics appear are used for building, ship construction, and
The Grand Duchy ( M 130)
~ ~ in the last adventure. Kelvin (20,000) and so on.
Luln (1,000) are major population centers, Ruins. North of Threshold, on the
The Duchy of Karameikos came into being ruled by Baron Demand Kelvin I1 and Town- west shore of the lake, are the quiet Nins of an
when Duke Stefan Karameikos I11 of the Thy- mistress Sascia (a high level fighter), respec- ancient town where no one ventures.
atian Empire traded his ancestral lands for tively. Fort Doom (10.000) is the main
control of a wild border region west of the population center of the Black Eagle Barony, The Adventurer’s Threshold
Empire known as Tralandara. For the last 30 the only place in Karameikos where slavery is
years, he has been trying to develop it into a legal. Highforge (6100 gnomes, 1000 Town Law. Threshold is usually peaceful, and
modern nation. Much wilderness remains. dwarves) is a major demihuman community its citizens want to keep it that way! Within
The population of the country is divided ruled by Dorfus Hilltopper, the Gnome- town limits, no weapons other than daggers,
between the Traladaran natives. who form the King. Rifllian (1700, mostly elves) is a trading swords, and staves may be carried. Other
bulk of the population: Thyatian nobility, post where humans and elves meet, run by the weapons must be turned in and will be kept in
who emigrated t O the Duchy with the Duke; elven Chief Trader. Prestelle. The other small the town hall, to be returned when the owner
and small communities of friendly demihu- towns and villages are fairly typical and leaves. Wearing armor, while not illegal, will
mans: dwarves, gnomes, elves, and haltlings. unlikely to figure in the adventuresin this col- result in repeated questioning of those not
Internal threats include tribes of humanoid lection. obviously arriving or leaving town. No public
monsters (goblins, hobgoblins, o r a and bug- Fom: Castellan Keep, Duke’s Road Keep, casting of magic-user spells is allowed. and
bears) and the rebellious Baron Ludwig von Radlebb Keep. River Fork Keep, and Rugalov penalties for causing property damage or inju-
Hendriks. who controls an area of the Duchy Keep are military posts that guard the borders ry with magic are severe. The laws are enforced
known as the Black Eagle Barony. of the Duchy. Each has a garrison of about 240 by the town guard. who are mostly first-level
Other important factions in the Duchy men, led by a high (8th) level fighter with fighters; high level support can be brought in
include: lower level officers. About 20% of each garri- if necessary. Most NPC adventurer’s mind
Churches: The Church of Karameikos son can he mounted, and about 20% can take their manners while in town-few places on
(21%) is the favored church of the nobility, the field with crossbows. this frontier can match the services provided
similar to religious institutions of late medie- Other places: Koriszegy Keep is haunted by Threshold!
val times. The Church of Traladara (70%) is and very dangerous. Haven is the location of Entering Town. New arrivals are met by Ser-
the favored church of the natives. similar to the Silver Princess adventure. geant Arthol of the town guard. who outlines
religious institutions of early medieval times. the local tules and regulations, collects weap-
The Cult of Halav ( 5 %) is a fringe group that ons, and issues receipts. Take this opportunity
believes Stefan Karameikos is the reincarna- Threshold to have the players identify themselves by class
tion of an ancient hero who will restore the Threshold is a logging community of about and profession, and state in tbeir own words
lost glory of Traladara. 1000. ably ruled by Sherlane Halaran. baron what their business in town is. Directions to
The Order of the Griffon is a military order and Patriarch of the Church. The town is large local inns, merchants. and other points of
open to higher level fighters and clerics that for its population, filled with widely-spaced interest can be given to the players at this
supports the Church of Karameikos. homes surrounded by vegetable gardens and time.
Thieves’ Guilds: Most thieves are indepen- livestcck pens. The map of Threshold appears Inns. Threshold has many inns. Rates vary,


hut private low-level adventurer lodgings Adventuring from Threshold are just starting out. The suggestions in this
average about 10 gp per week, including section can he used if you want more detailed
meals, while sleeping in the common room The fouowing rumors are immediately availa- wilderness play.
averages 1sp per night. hle to adventurers. Only those indicated will
Merchants. Most starting player characters lead to immediate adventures.
Movement in the Wilderness. The number of
will already have equipment when they enter miles a character travels per day in the wilder-
Threshold. For those who don’t, many indi- 1. The merchant Clifton Caldwelf has pnr-
chased the Old Antilles Castle, five miles ness equals the normal movement tate
vidual merchants sell their wares in Thresh- divided by 5 . For example, a cbaractcr who
old, and trade with Specularum is lively. west of Threshold. He has pasted adver-
moves 90’ per turn can travel up to 18 miles
Items imported into Threshold cost 150- tismenu in local taverns for “Oualied per day in the wilderness. The movement rate
200% of the list price, including: metal Eviction Personncl” (CALD-WELL‘S for mounted travel is figured in the same way.
armorlweapons, warhorses and other trained CASTLE). A character on an unencumbered riding horse
animals, oils. exotic cloths, glassware, metal can ride 48 miles per day (240’ divided hv 5
goods (locks, etc.), parchments and inks, 2. A renagade cleric named Elwyn has been equals 48)
wines and ales. Magics, rarely available, are organizing a large raiding party of OICS
three days ride to the east. The Patriarch
sold by private individuals; there are no magic
himself wants it investigated ( E m S Terrain Movement is.. .
shops. Merchants usually pay no more than
half the value of an item brought in for sale by SANCTUARY). On a good road 3 1 2 Normal
adventurers ifthey are interested at all. Ships Clear, city, trai1,grasslands Normal
other than rafts must be ordered in Specu- 3. An elvish merchant named Sindar needs Forest, hills, desert, broken 2 / 3 Normal
larum and brought upriver (these cost far too a package delivered to his partner in Mountain, jungle, swamp 1/2 Normal
much much for starting characters to buy). Selenica, far to the north (RAHASIA).
Thieves’ Guild. Nentnl character thieves A party can move through several different
can join the Thieves’ Guild (part of the King- 4. Goblins are raiding along the Black Eagle types of terrain in a single day ifits movement
dom of Thieves), which offers certain advan- Barony border. Thc Baron is suspected. rate is great enough.
tages: fairly trouble-free fencing of gods,
some expedition hacking and other sctvices, I. A merchant has been making inquiries Outdoor Scale. The basic measure of wilder-
for which the tbief is expected to turn over about something called “The Rock”. ness distance is the yard. The dungeon move-
15% of his or her income. Although most of ment rate number for is also used for outdoor
the thieves in Karameikos are independents, 6 . A foreign nobleman who owned a whole movemcot. hut is read as yards instead of feet.
character thieves who operate in town without fleetof ships was assassinated a week ago The distance moved in a combat round is also
guild consent might run afoul of the guild as in Speculanun. The Iron Ring, a secret read as yards.
well as the tnwn guard. society of thicves and slavers, is being Missile and spell ranges are also read as
Taining. Although magic-users are m e , at blamed. yards in the wilderness.
least two or three 7th level teachers should he The area affected by a spell is not read as
made available to player character magic-users 7. A missing fighter of reoown, Rogahn the yards! Thus, a fireball spell cast in the wilder-
in Threshold. These N P G can also serve as Fearless. long missing, is hclicvcd alive ness would have a range of 240 yards, but still
expedition hackers. Most other class-related and working for Baron Hendriks. affect an area 40 feet in diameter.
special training is available here also.
The Church. The Church provides needed 8. Gnomes are smuggling gems down the Horse, Riding: AC 7; HD 2; MV 240’ (80’);
support for adventurers, and is most impor- river in hollowed logs. #AT 2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save FZ; ML 7;
tant as a source of aid when the character are ALN
badly wounded or find cuned items. The Note: The elvish merchant Sindar has a part-
church can provide a useful control on excess ner named Amnlf Armbmster in Sclenica and A riding horse only fights in self defense or
cash or magical items in the campaign, and is father to the elf maid Merisa (see Rlhacia). ifguided. While guiding a horse’s attack, the
may occasionally sponsor major expeditions. Whenever the players follow up this tumor, he mounted character cannot attack orcast spclls,
Clerical aid for those not in good standing is will ask the party to deliver a package to Meri- hut can take other actions (such as changing
usually more expensive, when available. sa also (a wedding gift for Rahasia). Hc will weapons or drinking a potion). Any character
Banking: The standard fee for money- make the characters swear to do everything in class can ride a horse.
changing (including exchanging gems or jew- their power to deliver the packages. A riding horse can carry 3,000 cn of weight
elry for coins) is 10%. Funds can be stored at the normal movement rate, or up to 6,000
cn of weight at half the normal movement
without charge if they are left at least one Wilderness Movement tate.
month. otherwise there is a 10% charge. Bor-
rowing more than the most trifling amonnt ( 5 Normally, D&D” Basic adventures take place A riding horse costs 75 gp in Specularum.
only in indoor or underground settings and do and two to three times as much elsewhere in
gp) requires the starting character to put up an
not deal with long overland journeys. Charac- Karameikos. The cost io Specularum of a sad-
item of at least double value until the loan is
ters can he transported from adventure to dle and bridle is 25 gp (enc. 300) and saddlc
repaid. hags cost 5 g p (enc. 100). The saddle has a
Additional details on Threshold and life in adventure by assuming safe movement
(“After three days you arrive at the Caves of pouch that can hold 200 cn, the saddle hags
the Grand Duchy can he found in G a l , The
Chaos...”), and this is recommcnded if you can hold 800 cn.
Grand Duchy of Karameikos Gazetteer.


tun and options for the players to pume. It is Tbc second path sends the characters east-
The Adventure Flow Chart rhus pasrible for a party to stan down one main ward. primarily in the employ of the Church
The Adventure flow chart given on this page is a path, decidc TO abandon it, return to Threshold. of Karameikos. They first recover an ancient
device that allows the DM io see at a glance stan down another path, gct kiUed, a d stan up relic from the evil cleric Elwyn, then attempt
where the adventurers are likely to go next, a new group that adventurs from ?hrcshold, to r w t out an evil tcrnple from the Caves of
allowing the players to mnve from one adventure without playing the same adventure twice! Chaos far upriver by Castellan Keep. The Sil-
to the next with liule clifliculty. lhis book is While all road lcad wentually to Spmdamm, ver Princes adventure takes place in a valley
divided into advenrures, each part of an adven- two options remain open at all tima: the party far to the east. Finally. the characters are set
ture published in the B-setics, and inrcrluda, can always arrange to return to Thnrhold, and adrift on one of the central rivers. to float
which provide s p e d connecting material bar the DM can h a y s offer to take the pany to the down ro Specularum dealing with the Hoh-
ties the main arlventum together. adventure of the Siver Princess via SpKial tele- goblin King on the way.
Each of the adventures given in this book is port (as detailed in Interlude E). The third branch sends the players northward
self-contained. If you have an original module Beyond this, there a x three main routes. out nf Karameikm, as they aid an elven village
for an adventure that does not appear here in The first has the players operating west of dong the Duke's Road. Tuming eastward at the
full, you can expand the adventure in this Threshold. It begins with an elementary majortradingcentcrofSelenica in the country of
book with material from the longer work with dungeon exploration, picks up with short Darakin. they will wander the great eastern Ala-
little difficulty. overland expedition. continues tn the town of s i p Desert. discoveringthe Inst City of Cynidi-
The interludes deal with the consequences of Luln (with a wicked little surprise for the play- cea. When they have fmished adventuring
adventures just completed, set up the next ers), then comes back along the Westron Road there, they will h flownby a friendly NPC back
adventure, and suggest additional side adven- to Specularum. to Spcculanun for the fmale.



0 = Interlude

7 1 = Adventure

rhe party can return to Threshold after any adventure.

rhe DM can use Interlude E to Start the Silver Princes adventure at any time.

Clifton Caldwell, a local merchant, has There are four goblins (hp 4, 5, 3, 6) wander-
recently purchased a small castle. lacated a ing the hallways. They are armed with short
few miles out of town. The casrle had not been bows and daggers. Roll Id6 weq turn that the
occupied for some time. Clifton had pur- party is in the hallway On a roll of 1, the gob-
chased the castle for a ridiculously high price, lins appear, coming around the nearest corner.
since he had always wanted ro own one. But The goblins are cautious. hut not necessar-
when be went to visit his new home, he found ily hostile. Roleplay their actions based on the
that it was overtun by monsters! He was lucky situation and the actions of the party.
to escape with his life. The goblins live with the rest of the goblins
He has hired a party of adventurers (the in room 2. They are carrying 6 ep, 7 ep, 10 ep,
player characters) to rid the castle of its man- and 3 ep, respectively.
strous inhabitants so that bc can move in.
The adventure begins with the party standing
NOTES FOR THE DUNGEON MASTER outside the double doors leading into the cas-
tle. The doors are unlocked, and swing open
If you wish, you can roleplay Clifton's negoti-
ations with the player characten for clearing
out the castle. Although Clifton is wealthy, he
is a shrewd bargainer. and initially affcrs the
characters 100 gold pieces apiece, in addition,
of course, to all the treasure they find. If This room appears to have once been used
pressed, he grudgingly increases his offer, but as a dining room. There are tables and
in no case offers more than 250 g p apiece. If benches scattered throughout the room,
you don't want to roleplay the initial bargain- many turned on their sides or upside
Design: Harty Nuckols down. Everything is covered with cobwebs.
Editing: Michael S . Dobson ing, just tell thc playcrs that their fee is 100 g p
Graphic Design: Ruth Hoyer apiece. Half the moncy is given in advance;
the remainder when the castle is cleared out. The room is empty of monsters. but there is a
Cover Artist: Clyde Caldwell
The characten should he given an ample large sack under one of the tables. The p m y
Interior Artist: Doug Watson
opportunity to purchase supplies and equip- will find it if they take a turn to search the
Cartographer: David S. LaForce room. The sack contains 500 sp and thrcc
Typographer: Betty Elmore ment with the money they have on hand.
Clifton takes the characters to the castle gcms, one worth 300 gp and two worth 50 gp
and, if asked, furnishes them with a map of each. The gems cannot he seen unless the con-
General Notes: This module originally had tents of the sack are dumped out.
five shorr adventures, mo of which appear the outside of the castle (trace the outline of
here and two ofwhich appear later in this col- the castle for the players). You can place wan-
dering monster encounters in the forest sur- 2. GUARDROOM
lection. The former, The Clearing of Casrle
CaldweU and Dungeons of Terror comprise a rounding t h e castle if you wish. If the party listens at the door before opening
single adventure sire. The monsrcr srarisrics All the rooms on the first lcvel of the castle it, they hear sounds of an argument in a
have been pur into a special table at the end of have windows, so the party will not need strange language. If anyone understands the
the adventure, and the castle maps can he light. The windows are too high for monsters goblin tongue, they realize that there are gob-
found in the map section at the end of this to look out, and too high and narrow for the lins in the room arguing about splitting up
hook. T h e adventures The Grear Esape and party to climb through. The hallway is lit by their treasure. When the party opens the
Elwyn's Sancmary also appeared in module skylights similar to those found in room 3, 5 , door.. .
B9, along with a furrher adventure, The 14, and 18. The walls. ceilings. and floors
Abduction ofpriOcffE Sylvia, which has been (except for room 31) are made of stone. The You see four small humanoids, each armed
omitted from this collecrion. doors are all made of heavy oak. but are with a shon sword. They are arguing with
unlocked and open easily unless otherwise each other. evidently over two large piles of
Monster Statistics . . . . . . . . inside hack cover stated. The ceilings in all rooms are about 10 coins on the floor.
Castle Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 & 133 feet high, except for the four tower rooms at
Maps: The Great Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 the corners (rooms 6. 12, 20. and 26). where The room is inhabited by four goblins (hp 6,
Maps: Elwyn's Sanccuaty . . . . . . . . 137, 158 they are about 25 feet high.
Except for those monsrers that are living 6.6.4) each armed with ashomword. A trea-
sure of 3,000 cp, 4,000 sp, and one gem worth
together, the monsters don't form a group; 50 gp are sitting on the floor, sorted roughly
they happen to be using this othemise- into two piles. The goblins will fight fero-
abandoned castle by chance. If one or more of
the intelligent monsters should happen to dis- ciously to defend their treasure.
In addition to the treasure on the floor, the
cover the parry without being detected. it will
goblins carry 4 ep, 7 ep, 8 ep, and 7 ep.
probably attcmpt to flee with its lie and as respectively. in their pockets.
much treasure as it can manage.



NOTE: The traders in rooms 3 . 4 , and 5 want
to save their treasure and their lives. They pre- You see a circular room. about 40 feet in
fer to deal with the party rather than fight. For diameter, with eight openings spaced ahout seven feet from the floor. There are
example, they might be willing to trade infor- evenly about the outside wall. The win. twosmallwindowsabove the ledge. Except
mation ahout the other monsten in the castle dows extend from about waist height to for two long tables along the south wall,
in return for being allowed to leave in peace. about head height for a normal human. the room appean to he empty. As you
These are obviously ports through which enter the room, you hear the sound of
You see a man armed with a shortsword arrows can he fired. The room appears to small wings.
lying on a bed. he empty
The ledge in this room is used as a ncsting area
The room is lit by a skylight in the northeast The room is empty. by three stirgcs. The sound that the p a q
corner of the room that lets in the light, hut hean is the sound of the stirges flying to
not the rain. The man lying on the bed is a 7. UTILITY ROOM attack. The party has a normal chance to be
human trader armed with a shortsword. He is surprised by the stirges. but the stirges cannot
allied with the traders in rooms 4 and I. If he The east wall of this room has a ledge be surprised.
is in uouble, he pounds on the east wall with about seven feet from the float, with two A flying stirge gains a bonus of + 2 on its
the butt of his sword to call the others. Simi- small windows above the Icdge. The room first “to hit” roll against any opponent
larly. he will respond to a signal from room 4 appears to be empty except for a Statue of a because of i n spced in the air. Any succcssful
by first alerting the trader in room I and then shepherd in the northcast comer. hit by a stirge means that the stirge has
going to his friend’s aid. He has a large pouch attached itsclfto the victim. Each round after
with 8 gp and 20 sp in it. Thestatueismadcofstone. Ifthereisalawful the fint hit. the stirge automatically does 1-3
characterin thepartywhenit enters theroom, points of damage (blood drain) until either it
4. BEDROOM the statue says, “Greetings. May I help you?” or in victim is dead. If the victim dies, the
The statue is able to answer questions ahout stirge will attack another opponent.
I the castle and its inhabitants. It will answer Stirgcs like shiny things. On their ledge are
You see a man I \ q m a bed Hr IS Armed three gems worth IO0 gp. 100 gp. and 50 gp.
wirh an axc Thcrc 1s a dswr at thc fdf end truthfully a n y three questions put to it by law-
ful characters once per day. It will not respond respectivcly. The ledge can be easily reached if
ot ihr room O n eirhcr \,de .,f the door arr
at all to characten of other alignments. and a character of normal human size stands on
windows high up on thr wall I one of the tables.
after it has answered three questions, it will
See the note for room 3. The man lying on the not respond at all until 24 hours have passed.
The statue has 100 hit points. If it is hit by an 11. CHAPEL
bed is a human trader armed with an axe + 1.
edged weapon, there is a 15 % chance that thc
He is allied with the traders in rooms 3 and I.
weapon will break 0% chance for magical The east wall of this room has a ledge
If he is in trouble. he pounds on either the about seven feet from the floor, wirh two
east or west wall to alert his fellows. Similarly, weapons). A broken edged weapon is farcver
useless. small windows above the ledge. There is a
he will respond to a signal from either room 3
small altar on the diagonal northwest wall.
or 5 by first alerting the other trader and then There are several long benches in the
going to his friend’s aid. He has a small pouch room. Two of them have hem pushed
with three gems (worth 60 gp, 40 gp, and 10 together in the southeast corner 10 farm a
gp) in it. The east wall of this room has a ledge
about seven feet from the floor. There are rude bed. A woman wearing armor and
two small windows above the ledge. Except carrying a mace kneels at the altar.
for some trash on the floor, the room
appears to be empty. The woman is an acolyte (1st level cleric) of
You see a man lying on a bed. He is armed chaotic alignment. She is armed with a mace.
with a shortsword. She is wearing plate mail and receives an
Except for the trash on the floor (which is
worthless), the room is empty armor class bonus of + 1 for high dexterity.
See the note for room 3. The man lying on the There are religious items on the altar, but
bed is a human trader armed with a none is worth more than a few silver pieces.
shortsword. He is allied with the traders in There is a small cabinet under the altar that
rooms 4 and 5 . If he is in trouble, he pounds contains two vials. each a potion of healing.
on the east wall to alert his fellows. Similarly, The east wall of this room has a ledge
ahout seven feet from the floor. Therc are If the characten do not immediately attack
he will respond to a signal from room 4 by fint the acolyte, she offers to lead them in wor-
alerting the trader in room 3 and then going two small windows above the ledge. Except
ship. She, like the traders in rooms 3, 4, and
to his friend’s aid. He has no treasure. for some trash on the float, the room
5. is anxious to avoid fighting a large party.
This room is lit by a skylight identical to the appears to be empty.
one in room 3.
Except for the trash on the floor (which is
worthless), the room is empty.


12. TOWER ROOM gear (bedrolls, food, etc.). they have six large
sacks, each containing 500 sp. They also have
You see a circular room. about 40 feet in a small wooden box that holds six gems (worth small windows above the ledge. The room
diameter, with eight openings spaced 200 gp, 100 gp (x3). and 10 gp (x2). respec- looks as if it might have been a guard post.
evenly about the outside wall. The win- tively), and two pearl necklaces worth 400 gp There are a few beds, some pegs on the
dows extend from about waist height to each. walls for clothing, a rack to bold weapons,
about head height for a normal human. The beast is a pack mule that the bandits and a long table with a drawer that might
These are obviously ports through which keep in their room so that it will not be stolen. once have served as a desk. There are
arrows can be fired. The room appears to The mule fights only in its own defense, but is moth-eaten clothes on the bed, but the
he empty. likely to get in the way of any combat in the
room. If thc party should win a fight with the
The room is empty. bandits, they may, of course, use the mule for If the party searches the room, it will find
their own purposes. under one of the beds a small sack that con-
13. UTILITY ROOM The bandits, like the otberintelligentmon- tains 100 sp and 20 gp
sters in this castle. will try to cscape with their
The north wall of this room has a ledge lives and treasure, in that order. If they should 20. TOWER ROOM
about seven feet from the floor. with two escape and the party takes their treasure, h e y
small windows above the ledge. The room may return to take revenge. at the option of
tbc DM. You see a circular room, about 40 feet in
diameter, with eight openings spaced
16. BEDROOM evenly about the outside wall. The win-
The room is empty. dows extend from about waist height to
about bead height for a normal human.
14. BEDROOM This room contains three small humanoids These are obviously ports through which
armed with spears. There is a door at the ariows can be fired. The room appeats to
far end of the room. flanked by small win- be empty.
Except for an unoccupied bed, this room dows bicb up on the wall.
appears to be empty.
The room is empty.
The door leads to the courtyard (room 31).
This room is lit by a skylight in the southwest
The humanoids are kobolds. They have no 21. UTILITY ROOM
cnrner of the room that lets in the light, hut treasurc.
not the rain. A crab spider is clinging to the The kobolds do not speak the common The door to this room is wizard locked, and
ceiling when the party enters. and drops down cannot be opened by anyone in the party. If
tongue, and are very wary of a largc party.
on a party member (choose at random). sur- Theyknowaboutthewolvesinroom31. Ifthe the party asks the statue in room 7 about the
prising on a roll of 1-4 on a ld6. If the crab party attacks, they open the door to the court- door, it will say, "Much danger, strange mag-
spider makes a successful hit, the victim takes yard. The wolves, however, are as likely to ic, and great treasure lies behind the door, but
normal damage and must then make a saving attack the kobolds as they are the PCs. it cannot be opened by any means such as you
throw vs. Poison (at + 2 because the spider's possess." See the second part of this adventure
poison is weak) or die. for more details about what lies behind this
door. For the time being, make it an unsolva-
15. STOREROOM ble mystery for t h e party to ponder.
about seven feet from the floor, with two
The north wall of this room has a ledge small windows above thc ledge. The room 22. STOREROOM
about seven feet from t h e floor, with two appears to be empty.
small windows above the ledge. Three men
lie on pallets near the north wall. They are about seven feet from the floor, with two
armed with swords. A beast that looks like
The room is empty
small windows above the ledge. Except for
a small horse stands near the east wall. The some trash on the floor, the room appears
room contains a lot of what seems to be to be empty.
personal cear and equipment.
Except for an unoccupied bed, this room
appears to be empty. As soon as any character enters the room, he is
The three men are bandits (1st level thieves) attacked by a giant shrew. The giant shrew
who are using this room as a temporary hide- "sees" by sound, and is not affected by light
out. All three men are armed with The room is lit by an ingenious skylight in the
southeast comer that lets in the light, but not or the lack of it. The creature is very quick,
shortswords. One bandit bas a cuned shon and automatically gains initiative on the frst
sword - 1 that only inflicts 1-5 points of dam- the rain. The room is empty.
attack. It receives a bonus of + 1 on its initia-
age(ld6-1, butneverlessthan 1)andgivesits tive roll for each subsequent round of combat.
user a penalty of - 1 on hit rolls. 19. GUARDROOM
Because of the ferocity of its attack, any victim
The bandits have obviously been successful of 3rd level or less must make a saving throw
at their trade. In addition to their personal The no& wall of this room has a ledge VI. Death Ray or run away in fear.


If the party searches the room after dealing vs. Poison for half damage or receive 3-12 31. COURTYARD
with the shrew, it finds a hole in the west wall (IdlO+2) points of damage.
that the shrew used to enter and leave the cas- The chest is empty, but is worth Io gp if NOTE: The following information must be
tle. The hole is not large enough for a man- sold. It is large enough to hold 2,000 coins. changed if the party has already encountered
sized creature to c l i b through. the wolyes in room 16. If the party has already
There is no treasure here. 6. TOWER ROOM found out about the wolves (for example, by
looking through the windows into the court-
23. LIBRARY yard. or by asking the statue in toom 7). thcy
You see a circular room, ahout 40 feet in cannot be surprised here.
diameter, with cight openings spaced
The west wall of this room has a ledge evenly about the outside wall. The win-
ahout seven feet from the floor. with two dows extend from about waist beighr to You see a grassy courtyard open to the sky.
small windows above the ledge. Book- about head height for a normal human. Six doon. including the one by which you
shelves line the north and south walls; a These are obviously ports through which entered. line the walls. There are two largc
few motheaten hooks remain on them. wolves in the middle of the courtyard.
arrows can be fired. The mom appears to
Two huge beetles sit on the dusty carpet in be empty
the middle of the room. The wolves, had been using room 4 to get into^
The room is empty. the castle, hut the traders had barred the door
These are fire beetles. They have been eating when they arrived afew days ago. The wolvcs
are very hungry.
the carpet, and would love a real meal. 27. BEDROOM
There is no treasure here, hut the party
might think to remove the glowing glands This trash-filled room contains an empty
from the fire beetles to use as a light source. bed with ragged bed clothes. It appean to This is the second pan of the adventure in
The glands give off light in a 10 foot radius, be otherwise empty A door on the east Castle Caldwell. When the characters cleared
and glow for 1-6 days after they are removed. wall is flanked by two small windows about out the fmt leyel of the castle, they found a
seven feet from the floor. mysterious locked room (room 21) that was
24. PANTRY unopenahle by any means available to the
There is a large sack under the bed clothes that party. Clifton Caldwell. concerned about the
contains 300 sp and IO gp. locked room, hired a high-level magic-user to
ahout seven feet from the floor, with two unlock the door.
small windows above the ledge. Cabinets 28. BEDROOM The rmm behind the door was totally emp-
and shelves line the wall. In the middle of ty, except for a trap door in the floor. The win-
the floor lies the body of a goblin with a This trash-filled room contains an empty dows in the room had been bricked up.
horribly swollen arm. Trash and old sacks bed with ragged bed clothes. It appears to The trap door in the floor opened easily,
are scattered ahout the floor. be otherwise empty. A door on the east but the area below was totally dark. When the
wall is flanked hy two small windows about magic-user cast a Lighr spell through the trap
One of the sacks in the southwest comer con- seven feet from the floor. door, she saw an empty room with an opening
tains a spitting cobra. The cobra attacks only if ~ ~ leading to a cortidot. She was not willing to
its nest is disturbed. If the cobra is disturbed, The room is empty. explore funhcr, either on her own, or in the
it spits at the nearest party member. automati- company of a larger party. So, Clifton has once
caly gaining initiative on the fiat round of 29. BEDROOM again contacted the adventurers who cleared
combat. - out the castle to tackle the dungeons down
There is no trmure here. rmm mnr.in. _.
helow ...
This trash-filkI _"._._. ~
3" -mpty

bed with ragged bed clothes. It appears to Notes for the Dungeon Master
be otherwise empty. A door on the east
wall is flanked by rwo small windows about This adventure is designed as a follow-up to
The west wall of this room has a ledge seven feet from the floor. the previous adventure. but you may decide
ahout seven feet from the floor, with two to have a different party explore the dungeons
small windows above the ledge. The room The room is empty. (especially if the fint party did not survive!).
seems to he a kitchen. There are a number In that case, Clifton must tell the new adven-
of tables, a pump, and an old stove. There 30. BEDROOM turers what took place in the previous adven-
1 is a large leather chest in the middle of the NIC.
west wall. You can, if you wish, roleplay Clifton's
bed with ragged bed clothes. It appears to negotiations with the party for this new mk-
The chest is closed and strapped with leather be otherwise empty. A door on the east sion. Claiming that the advcnturcrs took so
belts, but is not locked. The chest is trapped. much treasure in the previous mission, and
wall is flanked by two small windows about
If opened, a cloud of poison gas issues forth. that there must surely be more treasure down
seven feet from the floor.
catching the character who opens the chest below, he offers 100 gp apiece. If pressed for
and anyone else within five feet. Anyone more money. he asks for a percentage of any
The room is empty.
caught by the cloud must make a saving throw treasure found in the dungeon.


If you don’t want to roleplay the negotia- 2. MAGIC-USER LAIR

tions, tell the players that the fee for this mis-
sion is 100 gp plus treasure found in the the same moment a (madwoman) enters This room contains a sleeping area with
dungeon. Half of the fee is paid in advance; the room from the corridor to the north. two pallets, a couple of chairs, and various
the rest when the mission succccds. (He/She) is dressed in ( r o b d a m o r / other pieces of furniture in the southwest
The characters should he given ample leather) and looks quite a bit like (inteod- comer. There is a crude laboratory along
opportunity to purchase supplies and equip- ed victim). (He/She) says, “Oh, don’t the north wall. It has a work bench with a
ment with the money they have on hand. w o q about that old trap door. There’s an few basic tools for doing experiments and
The characters can travel to the castle and exit at the end of this corridor. What arc an assortment of common chemicals.
enter room 21 without incident, unless you There is a faint odor of marsh gas in the air.
choose to add wandering monster encounters. A few candles provide light. Two men,
There are no wandering monsters on the Play the part of the doppleganger carefully. It dressed in raaged robes, sit at the bench.
dungcon level. appean to only want to help the party, and
Except as noted in the text, none of the may actually fight alongside them against oth- he men are mediums (1st level magic users:
rooms on the dungeon lcvel have light er dungeon monsters. Its objective is to find They have high dexterity, which gives them
sources. so the party will need light. The hall- an opportunity to “talk” to its intended vic- + 1 bonus to armor class. Each is armed with a
ways are also dark. tim alone. It might tell its “friend” that it dagger. The tint has a magicmissilespell, the
The walls and floors of the dungeon level knows of a special treasure that they can steal other has a s k p spell.
have been cut from the rock. Some of the together-but it will he ruined if the other These magic USCIS arc insane. They speak
rooms(including2.3,and 9-13)areohviously party members find out about it. softly and appear to he gentle. hut they have
uncompleted, All doors are made of heavy If it can get its victim alone, it attacks. If it murder on their minds. They approach the
oak. Except as noted in the text, all doors are kills its victim, it changes its shape to that of party with seeming friendliness. but if they
unlocked and open easily. The ceilings are its victim and rejoins the party, making up the get close cnough, they try to bury their dag-
about 10 feet high throughout, but the ceil- best excuse it can for what happened to the gers in someone’s ribs. They use spells only
ings in the unfinished areas are irregular in “other” person. It might even say, speaking as after mclcc has begun. Their morale is 12
height. the person it is now impersonating. that it hccause of their insanity, so they fight to the
Except for those monsters that are living killed a doppleganger that tried to impenon- dcath.
together, the momcfs 00 this level do not form ate it. Use your best judgement and skill in Each of the mediums carries a gem worth 20
a cooperative group. In general, they do not handling this, should it occur. The dopple- gp. The laboratory equipment is wonh I O gp
work together agai.n the p-. All the intelli- ganger then tries to get each member of the to a magic user
gent monsters know how to get out of rhis level. party alone in Nm. and attacks them when
but none are willing to tell the party how to they are alone. 3. U ” l S H E D ROOM
leave, men on threat of death or under tortwe. If the doppleganger should impersonate NOTE: If any party member listens at this
Ideally, the party should first clear all the one of the party members. talk to that charac- door. a low humming sound is heard.
rooms in tbii dungcon except for rooms Iand ter’s player privately and persuade him to play
14, and then fmd the key that opens room I. the pan of the doppleganger without letting
If possible, avoid letting the party into that any other player know what is going on.
This room is 80 feet wide, but only about
room until all the other areas of the dungeon The doppleganger has no treasure with it. 10 feet deep. The north wall is unfinished
have been explored. and honeycombed with natural-looking
hut it knows that a treasure of 100 g p is COO-
If the party should take heavy damage and cealcd in the west wall of this room, near the holes and indentations. The floor has sm-
seem in danger of not surviving this level, you eral coins scattered about. You hear a faint
northwest comer. It is covered np and looks so
should place scveral pmioos of h d i n g in one humming sound.
much like the rest of the wall h a t it is nearly
of the rooms. Do this no more than once. impossible to find without the help of the
Prepare copies of the ueasure map and oth- doppleganger or the treasure map that the The holes and indentations in the ootth wall
er materials to hand out to the players in characters may discover later. Even with aretheoestsoffourrobherflies.”berearetwo
advance of the game. It is best to copy them knowledge of where the treasure is, the char- exit passages that lead to the outside. but they
using a separate sheet of paper for each one. acten must spend at lrast two turns digging are much too small for any patty member to
into the wall to reveal the treasure. use.
I. DUNGEON ENTRANCE The trap door above is a magical ooc-way The flies are hiding in theit nests when the
door. Once the final party member is inside, party enters, and surprise them on a roll of 1-4
NOTE: The monster that is about to appear is on ld6 unless the party has listened at the
a doppleganger. He chooses as his fmt victim the door slams shut, and then disappears! It
does this men if special me- were used to door.
the weakest member of the party (probably a There are 10 gp. IO sp. and 100 cp scattered
magic-user). Choose the doppleganget’s vic- prop the door open. Knock spells. thief abili-
00 the floor.
tim first. then fill in the blanks when you read ties, other magic. or other skills cannot open
the trap door from the inside. The party must
aloud the copy below.
find the =ret exit from rbe dungeon a t eke
remain forever stuck.
The room appears to be empty. As the last Ihc dopplegmger’s “exape route” d m not
party member comes through the trap &. It knows of the EM cxit. but will not
reveal it to the parry under any circumstances.


4. EMPTY ROOM comer of the room is operating. third turn, and so on, as long as the party is
If the switching coffin in room 14 is searching the room, that the berserken from
This room appears to he empty. opened, the telcporter switches directions and room 10 discover the party and attack.
operates from room 14 hack to room I. The
The room is empty. illusory cabinet in room I instantly moves 10. CAVERN
from the southcast to the northeast comer and
the invisible hanier stops operating. Any NOTE: The following description is what rhe
5. TELEF'ORUT'ION CHAMBER characters see from room 9.
characterwho steps into the glowing green cir-
NOTE: The key to this room is located in cle in room 14 (see the description of that
either room 9. 10, 11, 12, or 13-whichever room) is instantly teleportcd back to rmm I, There seems to hc a feeble light coming
the characters search last-men if the room is and appears to walk out of the illusory cabi- from the westernmost of the three open-
otherwise empty. Any attempt to pick the lock net. ings in the south wall.
fails, regardless of dice roll (make the toll Whenever any characters are tefeporred
secretlyand tell the player the attempt failed). away from the rest of the party, separate those This is the lair of four hcrserkers. Three are
The door is imbued with a special dkpel mag- players from the others. Tell the rest of the armed with shonswords. One, the leader. is
ic spell that will foil any knock spell cast on it. grnup only that the teleported characters have armcdwithasword + J , +2vs. undead(D2-
mysteriously vanished. The rest of the group 9).
The door to this room is securely locked. should not h o w what happened to the van- This arca is dimly lit by a single torch stuck
There is an ornate keyhole in the door. ished characters, or whether they are alive or into the west wall. There are 7,000 cp scat-
dead. Keep the group scparated until they all tered on thc floor here.
end up again in the same room.
Characters can see nothing if they look See the dcscription of room 14 for more 11. CAVERN
through the keyhole. detail.
When the characters finally manage to The floor here is covered with rubble.
enter the room, they see the following: 6. ANTECHAMBER Except for a large. poorly defined shape
near the south wall, the area appears to he
The room appears to he empty except for Thii room appears to be empty. There is a
an open corner cabinet in the southeast door on the far wall.
corner. The shelves of the cabinet are The shape near the south wall is a chest,
heaped high with treasure-hrilliant gems The room is empty. latched hut not locked. It is trapped with
and elaborate pieces of jewelry. Three large three spring darts that fire at anyone who
sacks on the bottom shelf are overflowing 7. STOREROOM opens it unless the trap is successfully deacti-
with shiny coins. The cabinet and the area vated or other precautions are taken. The
around it seems to he bathed in a pale
green glow.
I This room appears to he emvtv. I darts (D1-4 each) hit as if they were fued by a
4 HD monster. Roll separately for each dart.
In fact, the room contains a gelatinous cube T h e chest contains 700 sp and 100 gp.
The cabinet is an illusion. Any character who thatsurprisesthepartyonarollof 1-4on ld6.
approaches within 10 feet of the cabinet is Inside thc cube are 72 sp and a dagger + 1 .
instantly relepomd to room 14. Other charac-
ten in the room see the character vanish in a 8. STOREROOM I This area appears to he empty. I
hunt of green light.
There is an invisible harrier that extends 10
feet from the northeast corner of the room as
1 This room appears to be empty. I The arca is empty.
long as the cabinet appears to he in the south- 13. CAVERN
The toom is empty.
east corner. If the invisible barrier is struck, it
yields slightly and then returns to in original A long, narrow passageway opens up into a
rough-hewn chmber in the rock. Three
Rooms 5 and 14 are connected by a special ~ ~ ~~

humanoid figures arc near the far wall.

teleportation device. The two "terminals" of The ground in this area is covered with
the relcpotter are the illusory cabinet in room tuhhk from excavation work. Quite a few
shiny coins are visible throughout the tub- The humanoids look exactly like hobgoblins,
1 and a coffin (called the "switching coffin") hut are actually thouls.
in room 14. The direction of the teleporter ble.
The northeast corner of this chamber holds
(from room 5 to 14 or vice versa) is dependent two large sacks. One sack contains 100 ep. The
on the locarion of the cabinet and the switch- If the party spends one turn gathering coins. second contains 100 ep and four gems worth
ing coffin. they find 400 sp and 100 gp. If the party
100 gp (x2) and 10 gp ( ~ 2 ) respectively.
When the illusory cabinet is in the south- spends two or more turns, they find 600 sp
east comet of room 1 and the switching coffin and 150 gp.
is shut, the teleporter operates from room 5 to There iS a 1in 6 chance the fmt Nm. a 2 in
room 14. The invisible harrier in the northeast 6 chaoce the second turn, a 3 in 6 chance the


14. TOMB escape the level. and give it to the players exit corridor. The wall returns after two turns
when they discover the scroll in the coffin. have passed, but disappears again whenever
This rectangular chamber contains ten The magic words "OWAH TAG00 S A M " the magic phrase is said.
stone sarcophagi with ornately carved lids. are pronounced "Oh, what a goose I am." The The corridor leads to a door to the outside.
Each is about seven feet long and four feet phrase must he pronounced correctly for the The door is not locked. Brush and scrub coven
wide. There are no dwrs, windows, ot visi- magic to work. the doorway, but once the characters clear it
ble exits from the room. A decorated circle Whenever any character in the corridor out- away, they are able to look up and see the cas-
is inscribed on the floor. side tooms 4 and 5 chants those words. the ten tle above them. There i s a faint path around
foot section of the east wall of the east corridor the outside of the castle. but the area to the
The coffins themselves are far COO heavy to be marked on the map disappears. revealing the east is heavily forested.
moved. The stone lids can be slid aside only by
a group of characters whose strength scores
total 29 or higher. A character attempting to
slide a stone lid must use both hands, and so
must put down weapons and shields.
The contents of the coffins are as follows:

Coffin 1 or 10 (whichever the party opens

first): This coffin is the switching coffin that
changes the direction of the releporter. When
the lid is removed, there is aflash of light and
the floor within the inscribed circle (see map)
glows a pale green for about 30 seconds. then
fades. Back in room 5 , the illusory cabinet
moves from the southeast corner of the rwrn
to the northeast corner. The coffin is cmpty.
Coffm 1 or 10 (whichever the party npem
last): The coffin contains 1,nnn sp.
Coffin 2: The coffin contains 1,200 sp.
Coffin 3: The coffin contains a wight, which
attacks immediately. It surprises on a roll of I - Whenever the characters return to town dur- only be used when playen who should h o w
3 on ld6. The coffin also contains 200 pp. ing the adventure. they will have time to rest, better start getting sloppy
Coftii 4 The coffin contains 1,000 sp. heal and so on. The players should nor he put
Coffin 5 : This coffin is trapped with a special under too much time pressure to complete the When the Castle is Cleared
spray that affects metal as ifa N S t monster. All project quickly; they should be allowed to
move at their own pace unless the action has When Caldwell'r Castle is finally cleared,
non-magical weapons and armor are affected
slowed to the paint of boredom. As long as word of the rharartrrs' exploits will spread all
unless the player makes a saving throw vs.
everyone is having fun. the other opportuni- overtown. Play up theHeroangleforrhe be".
Death Rap Magical armor and weapons and
ties from the Threshold section will remain efir of the players (small children approach on
precious metals (silver. gold, or platinum) are the street and ask if its ttue they fought a
not affected. The spray affects all metal in a 5 become available,
If the unpursued adventures must be lich.. .en.) This will lead directlNy into the Hall
ft. radius. The coffin also contains 300 gp. of Rock adventure, if the players ate inter-
Coffm 6: The coffin contains 1,onn ep. delayed or made unavailable for a short time
and you wish to maintain the illusion of cam- ested. The merchant Hakeem will approach
Coffio 7: A treasure map showing the location
paign time passing, NPC parties can try and them as outlined in the introd!uction to that
of the treasure in room 1, a scroll of floating
fail. Far example. a pan? investigating the adventure on page 14.
&c, and the piece of paper (see below) with
renegade cleric might leave with loud fanfare, If the players refuse Hakerm's offer, rhe
the instructions for escaping the dungeon
then turn up missing a few weeks latei. Like- other rumors from Threshold (p.5) are still
level. The floating disc spell can carry most of available. In addition, the following rumors
the coins found in this room. It will go wise, the local thieves' guild might steal Sin-
dar's package and later sell it back to him after can be learned:
through the teleporter circle with its owner.
Coffin 8: The coffin contains a wight, which several days or weeks of negotiation.
However, if the playen abandon the castle 1. The Black Eagle border raids must he get-
attacks immediately. It surprises on a roll of 1-
adventure on a whim foi an extended period of ting worse. il mvsterious messenger from
3 on ld6. The coffin also contains two brace- there arrived ir Specularun last week.
lets worth 300 gp and 500 gp, respectively, rime, Clifton wiil complain about cheii breaking
and 5 gems worth 100 gp (x3) and 50 gp (x2). the agreement. and +.tis word will sprad-
much to the player characters' woe! For exam- 2. A small hamlet only a day's ride to the
respectively. e a t wasoverrun by hobgoblins several
Coffin 9: The coffin contains 1,100 sp. ple. athenwho might hxe them will need much
convincing(ietthep1ay~ndotheuoa~nfart talk- days ago. Everyone was killed.
15. ESCAPE TUNNEL ing). Another variation is that Chfton might hire
an NPC party (which shortly s m bringing out 3. The frost giants in the Akan Tepe Moun-
Copy the scroll that tells the characten how to big treasures). Such gentle h i m arc- ii ume- tains have becn too quiet. Reinforce-
honored tradition of gwd judging, and should ments are being sent to C:Litellan Keep.

The following is DM information. Please read
of the talisman is ICCOY~:red, lzrkayzwill know
bow to find his hidden colleague, and Arkayz
and his collcague will work together to save
the adventure thoroughly before q i n g to N n the people of Tuma. fLlthough the talisman
it for the players. has considerable magic:al power, its secrets are
beyond the reach of th( player characters.
Adventure Background
Thousands of yean ago, Tuma was a city of STARTINGTHE
wealth and glory, and its people lived by a
code of wisdom, honor, justice. and peace.
This city of Law roused envy and hatred in the The player characters begin the adventure in
hearts of those who followed the ways of Cha- Threshold, which is several hour!i travel south
os. Many times evil armies attempted to of the Forest of C a m . When the,patty decides
destroy Tima. but irs defenders were always 10 visit The Manor, start them at the south
victorions. Finally. the enemies of Tuma used edge of the map, at any of thr! three trails
powerful evil sorceries to remove the inhabit- leading into the Forest of C a m . The player
ants of Tuma to another dimension, where characten will not have any encoiinters on thc
they are still trapped. Over the cenmries, trail leading to The Manor.
Tuma became a forgotten city, the subject of All boxed text io the “PI:iyer’s Back-
superstition and whispcrerd legends. Only ground” and elscwhere in tht: module is
one man knows its t N C story-Lirdrium encounter or event dcscription fojIthe players.
Arkayz. Boxed text usually comcs befoire thc DMs
Arkayz was once part of the ruling council information for the encounter.
of the city of Tuma. During the final defense Read the boxed “Players’ Baclkground” to
Design: Michael Malone the players to start the adventure
Editing: Edward G. Sollcrs of the city, the council decided that two mem-
Cover Art: Larry Elmore bers of the council would go into hiding, so
Interior Art: Doug Watson that if the city fell, the two hidden memhen Players’ Background
Graphic Design: Ruth Hoyer could continue the fight. Arkayz was one of
Cartography: David S. “Diesel” LaForce the two, hut he was nor allowed to know the As you’re finishing breakfast
identity of the other, so that he could not inn in Threshold, a traveler walks into the
General Notes: The original adveoture, B 8, betray his colleague if captured. The council cornmoo room. In a loud voh:e he says,
Journey to the Rock, was a one-round tourna- created a magical talisman which would give “Peace be upon you all! I. Hakcem thc
menr with three different mils ro the Rock. the chosen ones thc power they nceeded to merchant, seek worthy friends in search of
The most direct mute has been selected for fight evil. The talisman was in two p m that adventure!”
this collecrion. had to be joined for its magic to be used. The
talisman was the way the chosen ones would If anyone decides to talk to Hakeem, he says:
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134- 131 recognize each other, for no impostor would
he able to use t h e magic of the amulet. The
As I passed through Sylvanhorn
Player Handout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 amulet also kept the chosen ones from aging.
the way here, I stopped at Th<:Manor, a
Arkayz’ half was hidden in the Hall of the
fine palace owned by the wizan4 Lirdrium
Rock. Arkayz. His servantJenlar Teml in paid me
The enemies of Tuma could not find or to deliver his message here. The wizard
destroy the talisman. but they cast a spcll that
made it impossible for anyone from Tuma to needs advcnturen to undertake a quest,
and he is willing to pay well anyone who
recover it from its hiding place. Arkayz has
answers his call. The lctter of his servant
hued adventurers to get the talisman for him, explains all. Goad day, my friends.” He
but all have failed. Although he is a j u s and
lays a scroll on your table, then tums to
honorable man, Arkayz never reveals the nat-
ureofthctalismanorbisown trueidentiry. As
far as anyone else is concerned, Arkayz is a
Tell the player characten that they have heard
wise and eccentric wizard who long ago gave
up adventuring to study philosophy and write local people talking ahoutJenlar Tadin-he
has a reputation as a brave, honorable, and
poetry. If the player characters reach the Hall
of The Rock, the magic that prevents Arkayz trustworthy fighter. Then give them Jrnlar
Temlin’sletter and Jenlar Temlin’smap. If the
from entering The Rock will be broken. Hc
can then recover the talisman even iftheplay- characters follow Hakeem OUT of the inn, they
wiU see him preparing to ride away on a mule.
er characters do not. If the player characten
succeed in thcir mission, Arkayz will at last If they question him further, he says that he
belicvesJenlar Tcmlin and Lirdrium Arkayz to
have a chance to ftee his pcople. Oncc his pan


he trustworthy, hut he knows nothing else

about them. gold."' Jenlar winds up the scroll and
will pay 300 gold pieces to each of you. You adds, "Legends also say that the secret is in
Hakeem the Merchant, normal human: AC 9 ; will also he able to keep whatever treasures two pans. visible and invisible. Good luck
HD 1; hp 4 ; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1: D 1-6; you find along the way. Master Arkayz only to you all."
Save NM; ML 6; ALL; XP I wishes to have the secret of The Rock: he
Hakeem is armed with a short sword, hut he is has no need for more wealth. We will pro-
not wearing armor. He carries 31 gp. vide riding hones for all of you, if you do
If player characters ask others (such as tavern not already have them. You can s t a r t now THE FOREST TF ' --
patrons or innkeepers) about Jenlar Temlin or or rest here overnight and set out in the
Lirdrium Arkayz. they will he told that both morning."
are highly respected. Arkayz is a philosopher, ENCOUNTER TAI3LE
sage, and advisor. The characten can get direc- Jenlar Temlin, Champion (7th Level Fighter):
tions to The Manor from anyone they ask. AC 6 ; F7; hp 42; M T 120' (40'); #AT 1; DAYTIME (roll Ids)
D Id4 ( + 2 for magic weapon); Save F7; Die Roll Ootional Encounter
Combat Rolls: The "to hit" rolls of a 7th level 1 Goblins
With Jenlar Temlin's map to guide you, fighter are given in the D&D Expert game 2 Sprites (in forest only)
you head for The Manor. Soon you enter mles. If you do not have these rules. use 3 Ogre
the forest. following a narrow trail that the "4+ to I" line on the Basic G a m e 4 Boar
leads to the north. Sometimes you catch a Monsters' Hit Chart. The saving throws of 5 Wolf
fleeting glimpse of a rabbit or squirrel that a 7th level fighter are given in the Basic 6 Elves (in forest only)
flees at your approach. However, you see Game Saving Throw Chart. 7 Goblin Hunting Trap
nothing, animal or monster, that could Magical Items: dagger +2, ring ofprotection 8 Rat Pack
threaten you. The trail seems peaceful and +I
safe. As dusk approaches, the trail opens Other Notes: Jenlar Tenlin is not wearing
armor. His AC is duc to a + 2 dexterity Goblins. (2d4) AC 6: HD 1-1: hp 3 each: MV
into a large clearing. A majestic building
bonus and to his magical ring. 90' (30'): #AT 1: D ld6; Save NM; ML 7; AL
ofwhite marble stands in the middle of the C: XP I each. Each goblin carrics a spear and
clearing. The elegant house is not fortified
2 Guards (2nd Level Fighters): AC 4; F2; hp 2-12 ep. These goblins are a hunting hand. If
or protected by a defensive wall. An open the player characters take prisoners, the goh-
courtyard decorated with statues of heroic 16, 14: MV 60' (20'): #AT 1; D 1-8; Save
F2:MLS:ALL;'XP lins will tell them how to recognize and avoid
adventurers and fierce monsters surrounds the hunting trap (optional encounter 7).
the house. From the descriptions of the vil- Sprites. (6) AC I ; HD 1/2*; hp 3 each; MV
lagers, you know at once that this is The If the player characten bargain for a higher
price, you can raise the paymcnt. The maxb 180' (60') flying: #AT 1 spell: D curse; Save
Manor of Lirdrium Arkayz-the start of El;ML7;ALN:XP6each.Theseplayfuland
your adventure. mum Jenlar will pay is IO0 gp. E they ask to
speak to Lirdrium Arkayz direrctly,Jenlar tells curious creatures will tiy to get the characten
to play with them. If the party refuses. the
No one is in sight. If the charactersscout clear- them that "Master Arkayz is engaged in some
magical experiments that cannot he intertupt- sprites will scold and fly away. If any character
ing, they will find nothing threatening. plays tag with the sprites for five turns, the
When they call out or tw to enter. the doon of ed."
Whenever the characters are ready to leave, sprites will return during the next hostile
the house open silently. optional encounter and cast a curseon the par-
Jenlar Temlin speaks to them a final time.
ty's opponents ( - 2 on "to hit" and saving
THE MANOR throw rolls).
I have a warning to give you, one that Ogre. (1) AC I; HD 4 + 1 ; hp 19;MV 90'
might hclp you on your way. Master (30'); #AT 1; D l d 8 + 2 ; Save F4: AL C , XP
Two fighters answer the door. They say,
"We have expected you. Jenlar Temlin is Arkayz mote it himselfand hopes that you 125. This ogre carries 40 gp. He threatens to
will he wise enough to remember it, and attack unless the characters pay 80 gp as a
waiting to see you." They cscort you into a
use it when you need it." bribe. If they do, he attacks anyway.
lavishly-furnished room with a long table
in the middle. A middle-aged man in a red Jenlar Temlin reaches into his robe and BO~~.(~-~)AC~;HD~;MV~O'(~~');
robe sits at the head of the table. He rises brings out a small scroll. He unwinds it, D 2d4; Save F2; ML 9; AL N; XP 35 each.
clears his throat and begins to read. These animals will not attack if a character
when you enter. His hair and long, droop-
"'Golden dreams can quickly turn to throws food to them and leaves them alone.
ing mustache are red. and his eyes are
nightmares filled with flames that burn. Wolf. (1-3) AC 7: HD 2 + 2 : MV 180' (60');
green. He has the look of a tough, experi-
Dark clouds may not bring you light, hut #AT 1; D 1-6; Save F1; ML 6 ; AL N: XP 25
enced warrior. He says, "I trust you had a
watch for silver linings bright. Strength is each.
safe journey. Evil creatures have learned
not as strength might look; remember Elves. ( l d 6 + 2 ) A C 6 ; HD l*; MV lZO'(40');
not to bother us here. Welcome to The falsely-covered hooks! Simple treasures
Manor. I am Jenlat Temlin. The terms for #ATl.D 1.6;SaveEl;MLS;ALN,XP13.
won't grow old, and all that glitters is not Spell: charm person. These elves are a patrol
hiring you are these: If you go to The Rock
that keeps on the watch for bandits or large


monsters. Each is armed with a longbow, 20 from the skull and antlers of a large stag. charmed. Harpies will ignore any charmed
arrows, and a spear. They all wear leather He carries two giant spears (D ld6 + 2) as characters and attack the others first. They will
armor and have a - 1 bonus on their armor well as a d u b (D ld4+2). Ifpossihle, he still he singing even as they attack. Charmed
class due to high dexterity. The elves have will throw both spears before closing to characters will tty to prevent others from
secretly followed the parry If the characters attack. We carries 52 gp and 5 pp. attacking the harpies but charmed characters
were kind to the sprites, the elves say that the Goblins. (2d4)AC6: HD 1-1; hp 3 each; M V will not attack other player characters. The
sprites told them about it. They will also give a 90' (30'); #AT 1; D Id8: Save NM; ML 7 or fiat harpy to attack will be the one with the
potion of healing to the parry ifa character is 9: AL C; XP I each. If the characten killed most hit points. She drank a potion of growth
wounded. Otherwise, treat this as a normal all the goblins in the optional daytime before attacking. The potion doubled her
encounter. The elvcs will reveal themselves encounter, these goblins are a specially- sire, and doubles the damage done by her
and demand to know why the characters arc in organized hand out for revenge (ML9). If attacks. Her hitpointsarenotdoubled. Asshe
the forest. If the characters claim to he adven- the optional daytime goblin encounter did attacks she scrcams, "I am mighty Helganh,
turers seeking to slay evil monsters. the elves not take place or if& characten freed any queen of harpies! Who dares to attack the
will he satisfied. If the party talks to the elves prisoners, these goblins are a wandering Wings of Death?" Hclganh wears a tiara
ahout The Rock, they say that they know bandit gang (ML 7). wonh 200 gp. The other harpies have no trea-
nothing about it. The elves will then disap- Dire Wolf. ( 1 ) AC 6; HD 4+1; hp 25; MV sure.
pear into the forest. Characters will not he 150' (50'); #AT 1: D 2d4: Save F2; ML 8 ; Any character who searches the clearing for
able to follow them. XP 125. clues or further dangcrs will find a trail on the
Goblin Hunting Trap. This is a pit 20' square north side of the clearing that leads to
and 15' deep, intended to trap animals not Forest Trail Encounters encounter W2.
adventurers. Dwarf, elf, and thief characters
have an 80% chance to spot this pit: other All encounter descriptions in this section
assume that the characters are traveling in W2.LAIR OF THE HARPIES
characters have a 40% chance to spot it. Make
the spotting roll even if no one is searching for daylight. If the characters decide to travel at
atrap. becausethistrapisnothardtofind. (If night, you will have to mod+ encounter
the characters took a goblin prisoner in an ear- descriptions accordingly. row trail leading north out of the clearing,
lier encounter, he will tell them how to spot in the direction from which the harpies
this pit automatically.) If the pit is not rpot- W1.HARPY CLEARING came. This ttail is narrow. ahout I feet
ted, the lead player character automatically wide, and is overgrown with weeds and
falls in and suffers Id4 points of damage. The trail is about 20 feet wide. Overhang-
Rat Pa&. (20) AC 9: HD 1hit point each: MV ing trees block out most of the btigbt blue
60'(30'); XAT1;D 1-6(nodisease);SaveNM; Some time ago, the harpies ordered their
sky. The sun is still hidden by the tall trees, charmed victims to build a lair for them and
AL Neutral; XP 5 per pack). These rats live in and only the bright sky lights up the forest.
a hollow log in the trail. If anyone rides or cut a narrow trail from this clearing to the
Rabbits. squirrels, and other small animals monsters' lair. The harpies themselves seldom
walks over the log or tries to move it, they will run among the trees, bushes and scrub. A
swarm out and attack. Their only treasure is a used this trail, since they are able to fly. The
few deer show their faces for a morncnt,
small gem worth 10 gp. trail makes it easier to get to get the harpies'
then Nrn and tun until their white tails victims hack to the lair. Characten will have to
vanish in the thick forest. The trail seems go in single file on the trail. Those with horses
NIGHTTIME (roll ld6) to be opening up just ahead. To your right
will have to lead thcm by the bridle. A player
Die RoU ODtiond Encounter the line of the forest is moving away to the
character will not be able to take an unharded
north. You come to a clearing with bright horse along this trail, as the thorns and hram-
1 GiantBats green grass and some patches of fragrant hlcs would injure the b o w .
2 GiantRats wild roses. Suddenly, you hear singing,
3 Wolves soft, fair voices singing to you. calling you
4 Ogre to leave the m i l and come to them. The trail i s tough going. Several times,
5 Goblins fightersmust use theirwcapons toclear the
6 Dire Wolf trail ahead. After twenty minutes of travel,
All characten must roll a saving throw versus

Spells. Those who fail their saving throw will the trail opens out slightly. Blwd, feath-
Giant Bats. (2d4) AC 6; HD 2; MV 30' (IO')/ become confused and immediately stop, tak- en. and a broken mace lie on the trail.
180' (60'1: #AT 1: D ld4: Save F1: ML 8: ing no other action. They have been charmed
AL N; XP 20. by the song of four harpies (AC 7; HD 3*: hp T h e characters will find the harpies' latest vic-
Giant Rats. (2d6) AC 7; HD 1/2: hp 3 each; 19, 1 5 , 15. 12; #AT 2 claws/l mace; D 1-41 tm in the lair. Twenty minutes after the char-
MV 120' (40'); #AT 1; D 1-3 (no disease): 1-411-6;MV 60' (20')lfly 150'(50'); Save F6; acters find the signs of battle. the trail opens
Save NM; ML 8: AL C: XP 5 each. ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 50 each) hidden in the up again.
Wnlves. (ld4+1) AC 7; HD 2+2; MV 180' tall trees of the Sylvanhomc. Charactcrs mak-
(60');#ATl;D1-6;SaveFl;ML6;ALN; ing a successfulsaving throw will not have to One mile from the trail, an irregular clear-
XP 2 5 each. roll any further saving throws against the con- ing 80' in diameter has been cut and
Ogre.AC5;HD4+1;hp19;MV90'(30'): tinued singing. The harpies will charge into
#AT 1: D by weapon; Save F4; AL C; XP the clearing and atrack even if no one has been
125. The ogre is wearing a helmet made


At this point. ask the players what their char- much less sail on it. Never one to back down
burned into the forest. Broken saplings acters are doing: standing in the trail and from a challenge. Robern gathered as many
and charred logs litter the ground. A cave peering at the strange object, prcssing on trusted friends as he could. built his ram-
about 40' square stands in tbe middle of toward the mountains, or trying to conceal shackle ship (sort of a cross herween a long-
the clearing, 20' away from you. The cave themselves somehow. If the characters stick boat and a barge), and set out in search of the
is built of boulders heaped around the around to find out what the obiect is. read the Ocean. It's been several months since he left
overhang of a rocky outcropping. As you following description: the clan stronghold, and he has no idea where
study this ugly scene, you realize that you to look for an ocean, hut he isn't ahout to turn
no longer hear the sounds of small forest As the object draws closer, it begins to take back in disgrace.
creatures that were so common elsewhere shape. It's a large, flat-bottomed wooden In telling his story, Robern stresses the brav-
in the forest. Here, all is silence. ery and determination of his crew. He desper-
hull with a single mast, hitched to a dou-
ble rope harness and being pulled by sev- ately needs directions to an ocean (any large
The cave entrance is 10' wide and is on the eral dozen small humanoids Adozenorso body of water will do!), but he can't come
west side of the cave. The interior of the cave is more humanoids are picking up round logs right out and ask for help without admitting
dark. Anyone who approaches within five feet from the rear of the ship and carrying them that he's last. This puts Rohern in a somewhat
of the entrance will smell a foul stench from as quickly as they can to the front of the awkward position. He presses the characters
the fdth and rottenness within the cave. Any- ship, where they drop the logs in the ship's for "news of the ocean" or any nautical charts
one who looks inside with infravision or nor- path to serve as rollers. Even so. the weight they might he willing to sell.
mal light will see three small creatures inside of the ship pushes the logs into the soft Besides directions. Robern is interested in
the cave. earth, and the pullers are straining with all expanding his crew. Quite a few of his original
their might against the obstinate bulk. supporters have deserted the expedition. leav-
Filth, garbage, and gnawed bones are Standing atop the foredeck is a small ing him shorthanded. A few drunks and loi-
strewn about the cave. Three newborn har- humanoid with a heard almost as long as terers have been hired along the way, but
pies live amid this squalor. When they see he is tall. He is shouting through a mega- Robern really wants to buy some draft ani-
you, the ugly creatures utter shrill cries and phone, exhorting his workers to pull mals. He offers the characters 60 gp apiece for
hop toward you, feebly flapping their tiny harder and sina louder. their horses; not as much as they could get in a
winas. town, but a fair offer.
The person on hoard the ship is Robern Stern- The ship is loaded with food and water.
The little harpies (AC 9; HD 1 / 2 ; hp 1 each; slare. known to his friends as "StuhbornRoh" Robern and his crew have been pulling the
MV 15'(5'); #ATO; DNone; SaveNM; ML7; and to his detractors as "Rob the Rube:' (AC ship for several days.
AL Chaotic; XP 5 ) cannot harm anyone. How- 5 ; HD 2; hp 11; M T 60' (20'); #AT 1; D 1-4;
ever, they have all the evil instincts of an adult Save D1; ML 10; AL L: XP 10). Robern is Robern has 40 gnomes in his crew (AC 5 ;
armed with a belaying pin (trcat as club). HD 1; hp 3; MV60'(20'); #AT 1; D 1-6; Save
A dead cleric lies in the hack of the cave. Robern and his companions are gnomes, D1; ML 10; ALL; XP 10. Each crewman has a
His backDack contains three vials of holy water but they are a long way from home. As soon as boarding pike (treat as spear) but only 10 are
and a scroll with a cure light wounds spell. the ship is within shouting distance of the armed at any one time. The rest are working
The cave contains 80 gp, 700 ep, 400 sp. characten (assuming the characters are out in the rollers that keep the ship moving.
and 2 50 gp gems. the open), Robern hollers at the gnomes pull-
The characters should now return to the ing the ship to stop and take a rest. From the W4. THE CHAMELEON MEN
trail. This side trip to the harpy lair took forty foredeck he hollers down to the party. "Ahoy
minutes to travel a distance of one mile. The there! This be the Motherlode Rover! Ye The trees of the Western Bough rise up on
difficulty of traveling in untracked wilderness wouldn't by a n y chance know where I could your right, tall and beautiful. Likewise,
should be apparent to them. find an ocean round these parts. would ye? Rendwood on your left is filled with color:
I've come a long way, and have yet to run red and yellow leaves, brown tree trunks
W3. GNOMES IN THE across one!" covered with green moss, the blue of
WILDERNESS If the characters respond in a friendly man- wildflowers. deep black shadows. After 3
ner. Rohern has his bosun (asleep on the deck) 1 / 2 miles, the Westem Bough forest rolls
pipe them aboard. The bosun blows a few away to the north: one half mile away,
The horses seem to hear it first, stopping shrill notes on a whistle and tosses a rope lad- across a flat plain, stand tall mountains
and turning their ears to the wind. Gradu- der over the side of the ship. with snow-capped peaks shining in the
ally your ears pick it up. too-singing! At Robern and his crew are, in fact, searching sun. Your trail turns south and west, fol-
first the sound is hard to identify, distant for an ocean. Thcir trek began when a wander- lowing the edge of Rendwood and heading
and faint. Soon you can pick out snatches ing merchant stopped by the clan stronghold for a narrow strip of flatland between the
of melody, the sound of many voices sing- woods and the mountains. You travel for
and sold Robern a book about shipbuilding
ing what seems to be a work song. As the and ocean navigation. Being unnaturally another mile when, suddenly, 10 strange
singing grows stronger. you can barely adventurous (for a gnome), Robern decided looking humanoid creatures clamber
make out ...something big ...being pulled the ocean was something worth seeing. A clumsily out of the brush ahead of you.
along the trail by a team of several dozen group of gnomes from the clan bet him that With awkward swiftness they form a line
humanoids. he couldn't even find his way to an mean,


across the trail, blocking your path. They W5. THE CAVERN OF THE faded with age, and he hears himself with
look like living rainbows. their tall and CHAMELEON MEN digniry. Twenty armed guards protect him.
thin bodies striped with red, blue, green. He gazes silently at you, and Kanreon
orange, yellow. brown. black and white. The chameleon men disarm you, and ban- introduces him as Lemullar the Omnem-
Those closer to the trees of Rendwood are dage your wounds. All of you ate blind- besk, Lord of Shade and Hue.
harder to see; they seem to blend right in ' folded, and your hands are hound behind
with the forest. They wear loincloths, and ' you. You for what seems that a long time, TheOmnerubesk(AC 9; HD4; hp 21; #AT 1;
carry long daggers. Each has a very small but you cannot tell how long or how far. D unarmed; MV 120' (40'); Save F4; ML 9; SA
sack tied to his waist. One of thc creatures When your blindfolds are removed, you disappearance; SD + 2 on initiative die rolls;
holds up his broad hand. In halting Com- see that you are in a cave 60' long and 30' AL Neutral: XP 90) and his twenty spear-
mon, he says in a rasping voice, " T h i s wide, with thc entrance in the 30' side. armed guards (AC 9; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1;
place is ours. Strangers pass only by leave There are two torches, in brackets, on each D 1-6; MV 120' (40'); Save FZ; ML 7 : SA dis-
of the Lord of Shade. Surrender your wall. Daylight shines outside the cave's appearance; SD + 2 on initiative die rolls; AL
weapons and come with us. You cannot entrance. Two chameleon men stand guard Neutral; XP 41 each) never speak. Kanreon
escape the judgment of the Omneruhesk." within the cave. does all the talking for Lemullar; the
Omnerubesk merely nods his head to show
The thin, awkward humanoids are chameleon The two auards in the cave are named approval or disapproval of what is being said
men (AC 9; HD 2; hp 11, 11,10,9,9.9,9,8, by both the characters and Kanreon.
7 , 6; #AT 1; D 1-4; MV 120' (40'); Save F2;
SA disappearance; SD + 2 initiative bonus; appearance; SD + 2 on initiative die rolls; MI.
AL Neutral; XP 41 each). 7; ALNeutral;XP4I). Twoadditionalchme-
The chameleon men will wait for the reac- leon men (hp 9, 7 ) stand guard outside the tures, and Kanreon speaks. "You were in
tion of the player characters; they will not cave. Kanreon and Thronik will not be hos- our territory without the prior approval of
fight until the characters attack, try to force tile; they will even talk with the party, if any the Omneruhesk. This is a ctime and an
their way past the roadblock, or tty to escape. character wishes to talk with them. Allow the insult against our people. But the
If that happens, the chameleon men will dis. charactersto speak with Kanreon and Thronik Omnerubesk is generous; he offers you a
play a very unusual power. Five of the chame- as long as they like. When they are finished, chance tu win your freedom. You have two
leon men will suddenly vanish and reappear KaNeon leaves and talks to the Omnembesk choices: you can either pay a fine for what
behind the characters, cutting off any retreat; for a half-hour. When Kanreon returns, he you have done, or one of you can duel one
the other five in front will charge the p a q , and Thronik will take the characters into the of our people in single combat.
ready to attack. When combat is joined, the main cavern to he judged.
attacking chameleon men will vanish and The chameleon men demand that the party
reappear off to the left or right of the charmer The cavern is hundreds of feet wide and at pay 80-180 gp (2d6+6 x 10) for each chame-
attacked; this "vanishing move" gives the least forty feet high; you cannot tell how leon man killed in the previous encounter.
chameleon men + 2 on initiative die rolls. long it is. Sunlight streams into the cavern Characters may try to bargain, but the mini-
They will use this vanishing move every com- from shafts cleverly cut into the tocky ceil- mum the chameleon men will accept is 70- 120
hat round. There is no chance of chamcleon ing, and from these slices in the rock the g p ( l d 6 + 6 x 10). If this price is still too high
men colliding with characters or with each sunlight fills the cavern. You know you are for the characters to pay, the chameleon men
other. far underground, for the air is chilly, and will accept one player character as a hostage
Throughout the battle, the chameleon men no wind stirs. Veins of precious metal and until the rest of the party gets enough money
will call on the p a n y t O surrender or he killed gem-bearing ores stripe the walls of the to pay the fine. All characten except the bas-
for trespassing. If a chameleon man is killed, cavernlikerockyrainbows. Thefloorofthe tage will be freed. The hostage will be kept as
he will fall to the ground like a heap of old cavern is filled with many different kinds an honored prisoner and will not be mistrcat-
tags. When there is only one chameleon man of vegetable growth, from mushrooms as ed. The hostage will be released when the par-
left, he will vanish, but not reappear (unless tall as houses to rainbow-colored trees that ty returns with enough money to pay the fine.
he is killed before he can escape). touch the veq ceiling of the cavern. A If the characters are unable or unwilling to
If the bodies of the dead chameleon men waterfall r o m in the distance, and you can pay a fine and unwilling to allow a character to
are searched after the battle, the characters catch a glimmer of it as the cleverly he held prisoner. a character must fight in sin-
will find 20 ep, 10 gp. and 2 pp on each. directed sunlight dances on its tumbling gle combat. Allow them as much time as they
If the player characters agree to surrender, waters. The inhabitants of the cavern are need to decide. If they choose combat.
rhe chameleon menwill disarm them and take tilling sail, picking fruit, and running Kanreon explains further:
them, blindfolded and bound, to the moun- crrands-a typical day in the life of the
tain cavern of the chameleon men, encounter chameleon people. Thiswill bean"honordue1,"anoldwayof
W5. If the characters defeat the chameleon You are led into a small chamber off the settling disputes among our people. The
men, ignore encounter WI. main cavern. In the small chamber. a cha- two combatanrs will fight with duelling
meleon man sits on a throne carved from clubs that only wound, not kill. You will he
the rock itself. The stripes on his skin are allowed to wear armor. No spells or magic

must do.
are permitted for you. Nor can anyone else The inscription is in an ancient form of the of travel through this rugged landscape,
interfere in the honor duel. If you defeat common language. A character who casts a you hear the quiet movement of someone
our champion, you will be set free. If you read languages spell can automatically read or something else in the rocks about forty
lose, one of you will remain as hostage the runes. Howwcr, it is possible to read the yards to your right. There is definitely
until the others return to pay the fine. runes without using magic. If a character tries something moving, something that does
Which one of you will be the champion? to read the mncs without using a spell. roll not want to be seen.
3d6 and subtract 1. If the result is equal to or
After the characters choose their champion, lower than the Intelligenceability of the char- A character who goes into the rocks to inves-
they will be led out to an arena area 30' square ~ C I the
. character can read the inscription. If tigate hears the creature run briefly. then stop.
in the main cavern. The arena is guarded hy the roll is higher than the Intelligenceability, After five rounds, the creature begins moving
10 of Lemullar's guards and is surrounded by rhe character cannot understand the runes. again. This game of cat-and-mouse continues
spectators. When the chameleon champion Each player is allowed only one try at deci- for 5 rounds. At that point, roll far surprise. If
(AC9; HD 2; hp 12; #AT 1; D 1-4; MV 120' phering the inscription without magic. The the party surprises the opponent, they will see
(40'); Save F2; SA disappearance; SD + 2 on runes read: "Lcr no man cross the bridge with- him as he runs between two rocks. If the oppo-
initiative die rolls; ML 12; AL N) appears. out first giving to the water that which is its nent is not surprised, he will come out of hid-
there is a rousing cheer. The player character due." ing unless the patty has tried to use spells or
chosen as champion will he untied, and the All dwarf, elf, hallling, and female human missile weapons on him. Before he shows
two will fight it out. The chameleon champi- characters can safely cross the bridge. How- himself, he shouts, "Don't shoot! I'm coming
on will use his disappearing powers while the ever, a male human character can cross safely out!"
character is allowed armor. ?he chameleon only if he poun some water into the river ~~

champion will n6t surrender. The clubs cause when he steps onto the bridge. If he tries to You see a middle-aged dwarf with an iroo-
ld4 points of damage, but are not lethal. cross without doing this. the guardians of the gray heard emerge. He is wearing a hooded
Anyone who is reduced to 0 hit points is bridge will attack. brown cloak that matches the terrain. He
unconscious, not killed. An unconscious char- The guardians are two snake-shaped water does not seem to be waring armor. and his
acter will revive in 2d10 minutes, and damage weirds (AC I; HD 3*; hp 14. 12; #AT 1; D only weapon is a hammer. He has a small
caused by the club will heal at the rate of 1 1+ drowning; MV 60' (20') in water only; sack and a large chisel thrust into his belt.
point per hour. Save F6; ML 12; AL Chaotic.) They attack
Whatever the outcome. the chameleon from both sides of the bridge. one per side, The dwarf's name is Dunnark Ironbammer,
men will take the party back blindfolded and and they attack only human males and any (AC 9; Dw 3; hp 18: MV 60' (20'); #AT 1; D
tied up to the place they first met (encounter other characters who attack them. They will 1-4; Save Dw 3; ML 8: AL I; XP 33) and he is
location W4). If the characters left a hostage also fight any character that tries to stop them the armorer for a mall clan of dwarves living
behind, the chameleon men will watch daily from attacking the human males. in the Krayzen Mountains. He is here to mine
for the party's return. Any character who is hurt by a water weird some semi-preciousgems (value 10 gp each)
will he able to read the mnes on the arch auto- he uses to decorate the weapons and armor he
W6. THE STONE BRIDGE matically. wen if the character had tried to makes. The gem vein is in a surface layer of
read them before and failed. If such a charac- rock he simply chisels thcm out. He was mov-
The land on both sides of the trail is hard ter trics to read the inscription. read the fol- ing through the rocks to lead the characters
and rocky. Jagged boulders and sharp lowing: away from the gem vein; the characters will

stones litter the ground. The trail remains not be able to fmd it. Dunnak left most of the
smooth, however, and you have no trouble The arch, which was dull gray, is now as gems in a secure hiding place that only he can
riding along it. A swift-flowing river blue as the river and the strange monsters! fmd. but he is carrying four of the gems with
crosses your trail, spanned by a bridge You can now read the mysterious tunes on him.
made of dull gray stone. An arch made of the arch! They read, "Let no man cross the If the party attacks, run the combat normal-
the same stone stands at the mouth of the bridge without fmt giving to the water ly. Dunnak will surrender if he fails a morale
bridge. Odd runes are carved into the arch. that which is its due." check.
The runes are ancient, yet somehow fami- If the party does not attack, Dunnak will be
lar. Beyond the bridge the trail leads into a When destroyed. the water weirds lose their friendly and apologizefor frightening the par-
small stand of trees. which blocks your snake shapes and collapse into the river as a ty. saying, "I had to be sure I'd he all right
view of the terrain beyond it. spray of water. They have no u c m r e . before I showed myself." Dunnak will not
admit why he is here, saying that he is an
The bridge is guarded by IWO monsters placed w7. THE STEALTHY adventurer himself. He offers to drink with
long ago by the magicians of Tuma. Charac- CFL4lTSMAN the characters, and challenges a fighter (or
ters can cross the bridge safely only ifthey pcr- dwarf, if there is one in the patty) to a
form a simple ceremony known by all the weapon-throwingcontest. If the party agrees,
The trail narrows as you enter the rugged
people of Tuma. The arch was built as a wam- he bets his gems against the patty's money. Let
foothills of the Barkel Mountains.The trail the players decide ho the contest will he run,
ing to all who would try to cross. The charac- sometimes windsor slopes upward, but the
ters will have to fight the guardians unless as long as it is fair to both. If the character
they decipher the NneS and guess what they wins, Dunnark pays up cheerfully.


If the characten ask him about The Rock, moves until either the dagger or the character
Dunnark says only, “I’ve never been there, northern and southern sides, and only 11’ is destroyed. If a character was shown from his
hut I’ve heard that going there is a bad idea.” wide on the east and west sides. “be Rack horse in the previous round, the attacking
The DM decides if the dwarf will or will not hecomes more circular near the summit. dagger automatically has initiative and a + 2
accompany the party following this encounter The sides of the peak are steep, and it bonus “to hit” as the character gets up. The
(he should not unless the party is weak). would be difficult to climb them, ifpossi- daggers are magical coustructs; they can be
ble at all. You ride closer and see a lovely attacked and destroyed in the same way as liv-
THE END OF THE TRAIL young woman chained to The Rock. Her ing creatures. Each dagger has the following
clothing is purple and yellow, but frayed characteristics: AC2; hp 1; #AT 1;D 1-4: Save
You’re approaching the end of your jour- and tattered: her golden hair is diny, and F1. Any hit scored by a character destroys a
ney.Jenlar Temlin’smap indicates chat The she wears a tarnished silver tiara. Her face dagger.
Rock is less than two miles away. Barring is blotched with grime, her features pale As each dagger is destroyed. all characters
any trouble, you should reach The Rock and drawn with pain and loneliness. In a who fought that dagger must roll a saving
soon. The trail slowly bends until it is shrill voice she shouts to you. “Flee for throw VI. Spells. Those characters failing their
heading due north. About a half-mile your lives! An old hag who loathes my rolls become dizzy and weak for 6 rounds ( - 2
from the bridge. the trail ends in a tangle beauty has imprisoned me here until 1 die, on Hit Rolls and saving throw rolls). Charac-
of boulders and rubble. Ahead ofyou lies a old and ugly. Flee before she returns to ters who make snccesshl saving throws are
land filled with huge boulders and thou- punish you for daring to come near me!” unaffected.
The Crone Revealed. After the last of the four
The party is confronted with the tint of the is destroyed. the form of the young captive
During the final battle. the defenden of evil illusions that guard The Rock, for the woman changes. In mere seconds, the beauti-
Tuma caused avalanches and rockslides here, seeming “damsel in distress” is actually an ful young woman becomes a withered, hid.
to slow the advance of the evil armies. The inhuman monster. the Crone of Chaos (AC 7: eous old woman with sparse white hair,
rubble has heen partially cleared. Movement HD 6*; hp 20; hW 120’ (40‘); #AT 2; D 1-6/ leathery skin, fangs, long inhuman arms, and
through here is still possible, although it will 1-6; SA magical attack; Save F6; ML 12; AL large hands with claw-like fingers. The crone
take the characters three hours to exit the Chaotic; XP 500). The crone uses the illusion will attack the character ncarest her.
square in which the trail ends. They will have to disguise her true repulsive appearance. She The crone is a ancient creature, given
to dismount and lead their horses, as this area is magically aware of all who approach The unnaturally long life by the magic of the ene-
is strewn with small sharp rocks that could Rock, so the characters will see the disguised mies of Tuma. When they learned of the talis-
injure a hone’s hooves. After a slow journey crone regardless of which side they approach man and its power, they tried to destroy it and
through the mountains the party will arrive a i from. found that they could not. So they set warding
The Rock. The crone is not a true magic-user or cleric, spells over The Rock and placed this creature
but she has several magical attacks she will use there as a guard. She can exist only as long as
After their various trials and battles, the pmy on the party, in the order given below. She the talisman remains in The Rock and would
has reached its destination-The Rock itself. maintains the illusion of henelf as bound and die if it were removed. She knows this, and is
However, to gain entry to The Rock, they helpless until the final attack. The magical therefore the perfect guardian.
must first defeat the defenden. The party’s attacks are not cast in the way that normal If the characters examine the area of The
true goal is obtaining the talisman hidden spells are, and the illusion prevents anyone Rock where the crone first stood, they see nar-
within The Rock. Evil spells prevent anyone from knowing that the crone is responsible for row crack in the rock. The crone stood in front
native to Tuma (like Lirdrium Arkayz) from them (although anyone using a detect magic of this through most of the battle. Examining
entering The Rock; this is the reason Arkayz spell will see that there is some kind of magic the crack further. they find a golden sword
was forced to hire the party. However, if the in the area where the woman stands). To fur- wedged in the far end of the crack. This is The
charactersgain the talisman. Arkayz will know ther deceive the characters, the yourig woman Sword of The Rock, a magical sword + I that
immediately, and the party will magically van- will call piteously for help and shout encour- cannot be used by evil creatures. Along the
ish and reappear at The Manor. their mission agement to the player characters. blade of the sword the following wards are
complete. Animal Conrrol. The crone can control all written in the common tongue: “Broad and
The Rock is defended by elaborate illu- normal and giant animals automatically (no wide the path to nowhere; thin and narrow
sions. If the characten recognize this, their saving throw). She causes the characten’ the way co true riches. Unravel the riddle the
final battle will be much easier. horses to throw thcir riders and run away. Any riches to win.” Either write these words down
horse without a rider will also run. A character for the players to read, or read them for the
thrown to the ground must spend the next players to hear. If you choose to read them,
R1. CRONE OF CHAOS repeat them whenever the characters ask, for
round getting up and cannot attack. While
characters are getting up. the crone uses her the characters will have the sword with them
You stand before a solitary peak in the cen- and will bc able to read the words whenever
second attack.
ter of a plain one-half mile square. Your Daggers of Sorcev. This attack causes a they please.
hearts tell you this is your goal, this is The ghostly white dagger to appear in the air The riddle’s meaning is that The Rock can
Rock. This mighty pillar of stone is 150‘ before each character and attack hy itself The be entered through either of its narrow sides,
tall from the base to its flat summit. Thc attack looks as if the daggers were wielded by east orwest. The entrances are bidden by pow-
base is roughly rectangular, IO’ wide on its invisible hands. A dagger moves on its own erful illusions; no character will find a secret
and keeps up with a character as the character door or a magical door: detect magic will not


~ ~~~~~ ~~
~~ ~
penetrate the illusion. But a mere placing of es, or can read them if the character’s Intelli- The crown also determines the type of liv-
the hand on either the eastern or western face gence k high. When a character tries to read ing statue each is. For example. a statue with
of The Rock will result in the hand passing thewords.roIl3d6andsuhtranl. Iftheresult an iron crown is treated as an iron living
through solid stone. The northern and south- is equal to or less than the character’s Intelli- statue.
ern exposures are only rock. and any character eence. he or she can understand the words. In addition to its special weakness, each
touching these faces will feel only stone. The h e n translated, they read. “TEE? GREAT statue can he destroyed normally in combat,
party cannot take their horses into The Rock. PRIDE OF TUMA.” as with any other living statue.
When the party discovers how to enter The Now that the party has finally reached The Read the following description to the party
Rock. go to encounter RZ. Rock, there are 2 possible conclusions for this when they get within 90‘ of any platform or
module. each one depending on the strength any chest. Once the characters are within 90’
R2. THE HALL OF THE ROCK of the party when it reaches The Rock. The the statues will animate and attack. They con.
party may have all its original members. but tinue to attack even if the party retreats.
The stone is not solid! Anything that each character may have only a fraction of
touches this side of The Rock passes original hit points left; the party may he As you approach the platforms and the
through as if through air! Is this the small, but with each character I& alive having chests, you can see the royal Statues more
entrance you seek, ot yet another deadly all original hit points; or the party may be clearly. The platforms are the pedestals for
trap? large and strong, or small and weak. What- each statue. The king on the left is the old-
ever the case. Journey to The Rock provides est of the four, the one next to him is youn-
When the characters gather their courage and two endings: one for a strong party, and one get, the two on the right are younger still.
enter The Rock, continue with the descrip- for a weak party. Ending A will describe what a Perhaps they are a dynasty, a family of
tion strong party encounters in the Hall of ?he kings. All of them have aproud and noble
Rock; Ending B will detail what a weak party appearance, as if each fully deserved to
encounters. As DM, you choose the cnding weara crown....
You fmd yourselves in a large hall 380‘ long that is appropriate for your players.
and 240‘ wide. The hall is brightly lit, as if Wait! Suddenly the statues move! Their
Give the players their copy of the Hall of heads turn slowly as they survey you with
the light ofithe noon sun were shining The Rock Map.
down into it. The walls are IO’ high, and sightless eyes. Each raises a weapon as if to
from there the ceiling curves upward until salute you and welcome you to this great
ENDING A hall. Then, to your horror. you realize that
it is approximately 350 feet high overhead.
You stand in the center of the hall, looking In this ending, the player characters will have the salute is a challenge to you all, for the
forward. At the far end of the ball you see to fight the kings of ancient Tuma. all Statues kings are stepping off their platforms and
four raised platforms 00 the floor, grouped that are far more than they seem at first. moving toward you!
in two pairs, and seven chests between the The statues on the platforms ate living
pa& of platforms. Each platform has a statues made to resemble the kings of the The followingparagraphs describe each kingly
statue of a crowned king on it. The walls of ancient city of T m a . Although each is made statue. You can give the physical description
the hall are made of white marble filigreed ofwhite marble and looks like a normal, non- of the statue to any player character who is
with gold and silver in various natural magical statue, the four have the powers and fighting that statue.
forms: ttees, flowers, wildlife, clouds; and statistics of the type of living statue it is. Liv- King Alcidaxcs. This statue is of an old
human life: warriors, builders raising cit- ing statues normally attack with theit f m and man, full of years and wisdom. His face is
ies, market place scenes, etc. Letters of sa- get two attacks per round. These kingly living lined with the worries of kingship, and even
ver and gold are etched into the floor in statues. however. will attack with weapons his graven eyes seem to show sadness. He
front of you. They read, HUBRELIS instead. The weapon each carries is the weap- wears a plain iron crown, with no decoration.
TUMASSEN. To your left, the hall seems on that the king, a mighty fighter, gained His weaDon is a miehtv battle axe. Kine Alci-
to he run-down and battered. as if time fame with in life. As long as thcy use their
and weather had eroded the splendor of weapons, each living statue will get only one
that side. The right side of the hall, how- attack pet round. If by some means a Statue (with axe) or 2; D-1-8 (with axe)‘+ special or
ever, glows and sparkles with beauty and loses its weapon, it will then strike rwice per 1-8/1-8+ special; Save F4; ML 11: AL Neu-
wonder, as ifit were still newly made. You round. as a normal living Statue does. tral: XP 121). Attackers with non-magical
stand in a group at the very heart of this Although t h living ~ statues arc powedid metal weapons must make a saving throw ver-
magnificent hall! opponents. they have a seuet weakness that a sus Spells when the statue is hit; failure means
lucky player chatacter may discover. The magic that the weapon is stuck until the statue is
This hall is too large to he the inside of The that animateseach of t h e living statues is in the killed. If Alcidaxes’ crown is knocked off,
Rock that was seen from the outside; in tmth, crown that each statue wean. Ifa character rolls a stuck weapons can bc removed. The Sword of
The Rock is merely a concealed magical portal “20” on the die when r o h g “to hit” for a mis- The Rock will not get stuck in Alcidaxes’
lead leads to this hall. which once held all the sile ot melee attack, the blow has knocked the body.
greatest treasures of Tima. crownoff &e statue’s head. The statue immedi- Kjng Belkarar. This king has P serene. hap-
The words, HUBRELIS TLJMASSEN. are ately stopsattacking and becomes immobile. E a py, expression on his face, as though he was at
wrimcn in a srvlc similar IO the inscriprim on character is foolish enough to replace the crown peace with himself and with the world. The
rhc archrsofthc Sronr Bridgc A<hardctrrcan on the statue’s head, the statue will animate and statue is carved to show a holy symbol around
read thcm automar~callgwith a rradi3npuag- attack again! the king’s neck. His crown is of granite. carved


tolooklikeacircularcitywall. Hisweapon isa following to the players

mace. King Belkazar had the abilities of a rock
living statue (AC 4; HD I*: hp 15; M v 60’ gold metalwork. The chcsts also vary in
(20’): #AT 1 (with mace) or 2; D 1-6 (with You stand gazing at the seven chcsts lining
decoration so that the first is the simplest the wall beneath the halconies. The first
mace)or2-12/2-12; SaveF5;MLll;ALCha- chest and the last is the most ornate.
otic; XP 300). A rock living statue normally chest is elegant in its sheet sirriplicity, hut
attacks by shooting magma from his fingers. each succeeding chest surpmc:I it in value
Having read the description of the Hall of The and design. The last chest is by far the best
King Belkazar will not do this as long as he has
Rock to the players. describe the the appear- of the lot. Its jewels sparkle in I:he mysteri-
his mace. ance of the seven chests to the characten,
King Calobanes. This king is young, and ous light of the hall; its gold an,d silver glit-
using the description supplied above. After fer with light. And then, from nowhere, a
has a carefree, happy expression on his face. this, divide thc party into two groups, one
He looks like a young man who has learned deep, rich voice calls out to wek:ome you to
having the highest Wisdom and one having the Hall of Thc Rock. “You are indeed
how to enjoy life. His crown is of quartz crys- the lowest Wisdom, without telling them how
tal, with agates, and semi-precious stones set brave heroes to have reached this great
the division is madc. Take the group with Hall! To you a reward shall he given for
in it. His weapon is a long dagger. King Calo- lower Wisdom asidc and privately read them
banes has the abilities of a crystal living Statue your great courage. In one of these seven
the following description: chests lies the god of your ioturncy, and
dagger) or 2; D 1-4 (with dagger) or 1-6/1-6; much more! But you can choo$e only one
Save F3; ML 11; AL Lawful; X P 35). You h a quiet voices calling to you. They of these chests and must be ccment with
King Delophenes. This king is obviously tell you to look at the glorious side of the what you find. You have don,:well thus
the brother of King Calobanes. and the two hall, saying, “This is Tuma! Thii is the far; choosewell and your journt!y shall he a
look about the same age. Closer examination greatness that was once lost but can now he success. What you havc expcrieiiced 00 the
yours. For long y e v s its glory has waited way here will prove to he a gu,ide beyond
reveals that they are twins, but whcrc Calo-
for bold adventurers l i e yourxlves to measure. Think, then, and ch<mse; think
banes was fun-loving and carefree. and choose!” Thc voice falls silent, and
Delophanes looks studious and somber. His come and claim that which your daring
and bravery has eamed you. This is yours you are left with only your thoi
weapon is a long dagger. King Delophanes has
the abilities of a crystal living statue (AC 4; by right of valor, by might of arms. by
HD 3; hp 9; MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1 (with dag- sleight of hand and by keenness of mind. The voice’s reference to “experiimces on the
ger) or 2; D 1-4 (with dagger) or 1-61 1-6; Save Others have tried, but they have failed- way here” is meant to get the party to reflect
F3:MLll;ALLawful;XP35). all because they would not take the riches on how appearances havc hecn deceptive
they had earned. Come, now. Take your throughout the journey. Now tlle characters
If d l three statues are slain. they will ctum- must use their wits instead of thr:ir muscles.
hle into powder, leaving the parry with the due. The wealth of Tuma is youn; you
weapons and crowns of the statues. If the par- deserve it more than any othcr. Behold the For Ending B, the fighting m cotioncd 00
t y examines the pedestals from which thc folly of those who have ignored Tuma’s the golden sword refers to the ba.ttlc to make
greatness! See the worn and weary secdon the right decision. If the parry is being overly
statues came, they find the narnc of thc king
of this great hall! It has heen brought so suspicious or paranoid, explain this ioterpre-
engraved on each pedestal. From further
inscriptions on the pedestals, they learn the low by fools who mistook poverty for tation of the sword’s riddle to thcem. But this
humility, simplicity for piety, who called interpretation applics only to Endine B: in
following: Ending A the fighting is quite lit.eral.

wealth and riches greed and avaricc. These

fools thought honor meant lowering one’s There is only one chest that tlhe party can
Alcidaxes was the father of Bekazar.
self when one should have elevated one’s choose io order to be successful io learning the
Calohanes and Delophanes were Belkazar’s
greatness. Do not he a fool! Let the tmm- secret of The Rock, and that one chest is the
sons. Each of them passed suffered in lie fmt chest, the simple, wwden cllest. Should
because they were foolish and madc bad pet of your true worth ring out! The great
deserve the best! The bravest demand the the party select any othcr chesr, the voice will
judgements in time of crisis.
fmest! Yon havc made it to The Rock; do shout out in an angry tone: “Po()lish. greedy
The only treasure the kings have is their creatures! You dare presume to discover the
crowns. If a dwarf or other charactct wants to not walk away empty-handed. a pauper
forever! Be not a fool; he not a fool!” Secret of The Rock! Never shal1 so great a
know how valuable each is. estimate that each secret hc learned by the likcs of y ou! Begone!
is worth approximate 1000 gp. This is another Nothina have YOU learned from Your trouhle-
illusion. for the crowns were made to reflect Try to he as persuasive as possible in order that
the characten truly believe the words of the some j&ney ‘here! Begone and bother this
the king’s splendor. When the crowns arc place no more!” The hall will rhe‘0fade from
removed from the Hall of The Rock, each is soft voices.
To the other group, the ones with the high- view, and the characrets will fincI themselves
worth only 50 gp. outside The Rock and facing a p erilous jout-
est Wisdom, say nothing except the previous
description of the hall, except to call their ney hack to the Manor.
ENDING B Failure in this quest produce:i some very
attention again to the glorious side of the hall.
This is not the proper choice. for the chest interesting results. If the party had been cap-
The chests against the wall with the halco- containing the treasurc of Tuma and the tured by the chameleon men and had struck
nies are all made of wood; but the fmt is a Secret of The Rock is not the fanciest chest, an agreement. then payment will still have to
simply constructed chest while the 7th is hutthesimplest. Havingtried toswaythepar- he made. If the payment is too much less than
ty towards the richer side of the hall, read the what the party had promiscd, then you will


have to choose what is to be done. At the very RETURNING To THE MANOR This interlude links the Hall of R a:k adven-
best. the party will be forbidden passage ture to the Grcat Escape A (ude ti.ip to the
along the trail and will have to return to the After the party has settled accounts with the Caverns of Quasqueton s also possii>le,if you
chameleon men (if necessary), Lirdrinm
. .
Manor by another way. wish to prcpare thst adventu I<'
But this happens only ifthc wrong chest is Arkayz will find the characten (wherever they As the characters return to 'rhrestiold from
chosen. If the party picks the right chest, the are) and magically r m m them to the Manor the manor of the mage Arkaj1 2 , the)-will find
following will occur. The wooden chest will of Lirdriam Arkayz. Jedar Temlin will come I , ., i F
an om man witn a (tan camped on tiie trail. If
not be locked even though it appears to be down the wide steps to ask if the journey has t hey talk to him. they ail1 le& his st o r j of the
locked; all the other chests are locked in fact. been successful; he will ask for the Secret of I3lack Eagle Barony.
Upon opening the wooden chest the charac- The Rock. ?he Secret consists of the Talii- The old man claims to be Anton Turino, a
ters will find these items within it: 100 pp; man's last words to the characten. If someone .~~:.
spy _ i...- ~:.. - I n ~ ~ I ~ . r - r ~ -
111 I I I C SCIVICT "L V U K C Jrrlilrl. rlc'has been

1,100 gp; 4 gold wristbands worth 100 gp recites the Secret, Jcdar Tcmlin smiles and seeking evidence that Baron Heodrilks is caus-
each; a ring ofprotection + I : 2 potions of says: ing unrest in the Diichy by secietly si,onsoring
healinga rope ofclimbing; 2 daggers + I ; and goblin raids along ithe western bordc:I. He has
a curiously fashioned talisman that looks like a You have indeed done well, hut the Secret learned that spies from the Bhck Eag le Barony
capital T with a short diagonal stem hanging of The Rock is a twofold secret. What else are everywhere. Ht. is meeting a cotitact with
off the right side of the crossbar of the T. At have you brought hack from your journey the final proof he needs to expose 1 he plot at
the tip of thc diagonal stem there is a small to The Rock?" Lone Tree Hill, a day's ride east of LIh,how-
red stone, not a ruby, and whose worth can't ever. there is a problem. He can't take the
be estimated by any character. When the con- He will, in essence, hc asking for the strange proof IO Speculanim personally a nd needs
tents of the chest have been thoroughly exam- taliiman. If the characten are at a loss to help. The job doesn't pay anything. but when
ined, the voice will again cry out to the party. understand what Jenlar means. he will ask he talks to the Duke, he will arranj!e for the
outright for the talisman with the large T o n Duke to grant them a personal favor.
"Well done, brave heroes! To you shall the it. When given the talisman, Jenlar will bow, The storj is a complete tie. Anton is an agent
secret of The Rock he revealed. And this be and give each character the rcward thcy nego- for Baron Hen&, whose job, is IO oting out
that greatest of secrets: A soul falls into judge- tiatcd at the begining of the adventure. If the threats to the Baron ?here haven't bcen any for
ment when a soul climbs high enough to sit in charanen arc curious about the talisman or awhile, and Anton has devised this plan to make
judgement's seat; judge not by what is seen, The Rock, Jenlar says: himselflwk good. In fact, a goblin foi'ce. secret-
hut by what is truly there. Lct the eyes of the ly hacked by the Baron. will shortly raid Luln.
heart guide and counscl the eyes of the body. Master Arkayz is engaged in secret labor Anton wan= to uick the playen into going west,
Glitter does not make a golden prize; hidden and the talisman is necessary for the work's then turn them over to the Baron's m en as cap-
in the heart the answer lies. How a creature completion. It was to have been h i long tured spies. He has met them outside Threshold
looks rimer changes what's inside. Judge with ago, and you have restored it to him. The to avoid interfcrencc.
righteous judgement; be wise. Be wise!" Secret of The Rock is wisdom you may hen- If the p" attacks and Wlr Ant0n, (fake a
cfit from in the future. 1am glad that you combat: Anton is A.C 7 and dbs on the fourth
The talisman in ,the chest is magically intelli- have succeeded where so many others have hi-he makes all savhg throws and SIC epwillnot
gient, and it is the source of the mysterious failed. This bodes a bright future for all of work, further, he shqxld not cause more than 10
voices. The Hall of the Rock is intended to you. pin5 of damage to the party) they 1d l fmd a
deceive foolish or greedy adventurers and map marked with the note "Lone Tree Hill, meet
keep them from obtaining the talisman. The If the party entered The Hall of The Rock hut soon." If you have rraked the Cavern5 of @as-
talisman will activate the magical portal when failed to obtain the talisman, Jcnlar will be queton. Anton will have a ma>#to this location
the party tries to open a chest, hut the charac- unconcerned, since Lirdrium will he able to marked "Quasqucton? Check later."
ten will have enough time to collect the trea- obtain the talisman by other means. He This is a trap for players wh.0 taki:NPCs at
sure (if thcy choose the corrcct chest). If they praises the bravery of the player characters , face value. Anton has no identifiication or
made the wrong choice, they will not have a saying that no one else has done as well. proof that his ston is true. He will answer
second chance to re-enter the Hall of Thc The party can then leave or spend the night questions with questions and misdirection.
Rock; the talisman will keep the magical por- pausing a moment before m:h eviuion. His
at the Manor and set out for Threshold the fol-
tal closed. lowing day. story has weak points (such as how he can talk
Payment due the chameleon men, had the to the Duke if he can't go to ljpecularum). A
party hcenforced into a bargain, will he taken detect evil spell will reveal hi!; evil Iintentions
from the total of treasure gathered from the toward the characters There is 00 F,roblem if
start of the game, not from where the party the patty refuses to go with Anton, kie will just
met the chameleon men. If a set price had make another plan that doesn't invc,he them
been the bargain. then the charanen have no If the characten go with him (or decide to
problems; if the price was a percentage of the invcstigatc around Luln on their own) go TO
treasure found, then thc players will have to thc Great Escape Adventure.
B1 Note: hhdule B1. In Search :h of thl
work this ont. wn " com-
Unknown featured a "Stock-your-own " corn

p,L* -.- h.,
" D a n l l n &mh?,-F nf
," ""5L.<", 1
. iown, and
"~rrnnrvn sni
Zelligar. a powerfd mape. T h e m ;3,ps to this
adventure aTe given on page .150.

Background soldiers. They work together, and once the
alarm is raised or the escaping prisoners are who bears a strong resemblence to a hyena.
Investigating tumors of goblin raids in the sighted, they pursue the parry io the most He has brought you food and water three
vicinity of Luln, the party's camp is surprised efficient way possible. times each day. He is armed with a dagger
one night by a horde of goblins (arranged by Remember, the players cannot map the and a mace, and carries a large key ring
Anton if he is there). Tell the players as DM outpost until (or unless) their characten fmd with several keys on it. He has muttered
that their characters will probably die if they mapping implements and supplies. and complained in the common tongue
resist, and kill characters whose players force The corridors and hallways of the outpost because the commander has not let him
the issue. (This is something of an intelligence will be empty for exactly 10 turns after the t o m t e you.
test, unintelligent play will cost a character at party escapes from rwm 1. After that, the This morning, the human commander
this point. Obviously, characters who surren- men and women currently eating a meal in of the outpost and a visitor, a female offi-
der should not he killed). If Anton is there, he room 2 leave the dining room by ones and cer from another Black Eagle unit, came
will gloat ahout having caught agents of the twos, with one group leaving every other N m . into your cell and bragged about the trusr-
Duke. The characters will he force marched There is a 1 in 6 chance each turn that the par- ed Black Eagle agent. Anton Turino, hav-
several days to an outpost of the Barony. ty will have an encounter with 1 or 2 veterans ing captured you. He told the visitor that
If the players complain that their capture (Fl, AC 9, hp 7 each, dagger D 1-4, ML 8). instead of being slain as spies, you are
was unfair, gently remind them that if adven- The veterans will attempt to sound the alarm about to be taken to the slave markets of
turing was easy, anyone could do it-they if they get initiative and are not surprised. If Fort Doom, Therc, you will have no hope
can't always expect things to go their way- the alarm is raised, the chance for an encount- of escape.
and that there were clues. They will have er increasesto 3 in 6 each turn. If the party is If you are ever to see your home again,
ample opportunity to escape and recover their already engaged in combat. there is a 1 in 6 you must act soon. Soon, it will he time for
equipment, if they play well. chance each melee round that 1 additional your noon meal ...
veteran arrives to join the fight. Monster sta-
Notes for the Dungeon Master tistics are given on page 28. Give the players up to 10 minutes of real time
The party members start this adventure with tocreateaplan. Etheydecideonaplan inless
no armor or weapons. The spell hooks of any 1. PRISON CELL than 10 minutes, the jailer arrives as soon as
magic users have been taken away. However, the plan is set. If the players have not finished
all spell casters in the party have memorized The flickering torchlight barely illumi- their planning when their time is up, the jailer
spells, and can cast them normally. All obvi- nates the prison cell that you have occu- arrives anyway. When the jailer is about to
ous magic items have been removed from all pied for the past two days. Talking quietly enter the t w m , read the following:
characters. There is a 20% chance that small, amongst yourselves, you have pooled a pit-
inobvious magic items (such as rings) may ifully scant amount of information about
have been missed when the enemy soldiers your plight. You were captured by goblins the sound of a key turning in the door. It is
searched their prisoners. and brought to this outpost. somewhere your jailer, coming with your noon meal.
Once the characters have escaped their cell, just beyond the Black Eagle border. You He enters alone. grumbling about some-
they can search for their equipment (stored in were blindfolded, herded through cnrri- thing under his breath. He appears dis-
room 13) or attempt an immediate escape. If dors and finally shackled in leg irons in this tracted.
they escape without recovering their equip- nartow cell.
ment, and make it hack to Luln, the townmis- It is imponant that yon escape, and T h e jailer is a gnoll armed with a dagger and a
tress Sascia will equip the party with quickly. You have learned that a large raid- mace. It carrics a key ring with six keys on it.
non-magical weapons and armor (and possi- ing force of goblins, hacked by the Black Only two are used in this adventure: one
bly a few scroll spells for magic users) so they Eagle Barony, will soon descend on Luln. unlrxks all the leg irons. and the other opens
can go hack and clear out the enemy outpost. The town must be warned. the prison door.
They can then rccover their equipment. If this Once you were securely shackled. your The gnoll is not particularly bright. and will
occu~s.replace all the men and monsters that blindfolds were removed, and you could go along with any reasonably subtle trick,
the party killed during their escape. The see your surroundings. Your prison cell is such as feigned illness on the part of a party
entire outpost will be on alert when the party about 20 feet wide and 80 feet long. Iron member. If captured and threatened, it will
returns. and surprise will he impossible. This double doors, securely locked. are along Cooperate with the party, hut will look for the
has no great campaign effect: border skirmish- one of the long walls. The leg irons are first opportunity to doublccross them. It
es are common. attached to each other with a sturdy chain, knows the party's equipment is in room 13,
Rooms that are empty or in which someone ahout five feet long. The chain passes hut does not have a key to that room.
is sleeping are considered dark unless the through a ring that is securely embedded In order to give the party a fighting chance,
room has windows or the text specifically in the floor of the cell. The torches that the fmt magic spell that any p m y member
sates the room is lit. Rooms that are occupied light the room arc in brackea high on the casts in this adventure automatically succeeds,
by people who are awake always have light, wall-too high for you to reach. even ifthe victim is entitled to a saving throw.
either through a window or by a candle or lan- You have beard human voices from time This benetit only happcns once for the entire
tern. Doors are not locked unless the text spe- to t i e . but until this morning, the only Parry.
cifically says otherwise, and open easily. CreaNIC you have seen is a large humanoid If the party's plan does not succeed. the jail-
The occupants of the outpost are intelligent er leavcs, taking the noon meal with him. He

does not report the escape attempt because hc 3. MEN’S COMMON QUARTERS 6. MEN’S EXERCISE ROOM
doesn’t want to look bad. He returns with the
evening meal, this time very alert. NOTE: The following description assumes the
If the party does not escape within two days party enters this room from the south. If they
wardrobes. a few chairs, and a couple of come from room 5, make the appropriate
(six meals), a party of armed human guards tables. It otherwise appears to bc empty.
escorts them out of their cell, and they are tak- adjustments.
There is an open doorway on the far side of
en (in leg irons) to thc Fort Doom. the room.
Any further escape attempt are at the ds- This looks like a work-out room. There arc
cretion of the DM (remember that magic users mats on the floor. weights, and other
cannot re-learn spells without a spell book).
This room provides quarters for the male ser- equipment. A man dressed only in short
vanrs. There is no one hcrc at the moment.
One possible rescue is given at the end of this pants is doing push-ups near a rack in the
Under one mattress can hc found 12 sp and 14 near left cornet of the room.
adventure in Interlude C.
cp. Under a second matress can be found 6 sp
If the pany escapes the room. read the fol-
lowing aloud: and 15 cp. A third mattress conceals 8 sp and 6
This man is a veteran (1st level fighter). Hc is
cp. A fourth holds 3 sp and 19 cp.
AC 8 because of good dexterity. When he sea
the party, he grabs a weight from thc rack and
cell, you see a corridor stretching to the left
4. MENS BATH uses it like a mace (D 2-7, due to strength). He
and right. You hear the sounds of conversa- is too far from the dining room to call to the
tion and laughter coming from the left. In others, but he fights as hest he can. He runs to
both directionsyou see branching corridors way at the far end. There are several wood- alert the others if he can.
and several doors. en tubs on the floor, and what looks like a There is nothing of value in this room. If
stove in the middle of the room. The floor party members choose. thcy can use the
is wet, and there is a soap smell. The room weights as maces. but they are - 1 to hit rolls
2. KITCHEN AND COMMON appean to be empty. and to damage when using them.
This room is a bath. The stove is used to beat 7. WOMEN’S COMMON
NOTE: There are two openings (no doors) waterforthetubs. Theroomismrrentlyemp-
leading into the dining room, and one door ry. The floor is very slippery; any character
(closed) leading into the kitchen. If the party searching here must roll his Dexterity or less,
peers through either door into the dining using 3d6, or slip on the floor and turn an This room contains a number of beds and
room, read the following: ankle. A turned ankle cuts a character’s move- wardrobes, a few chairs. and a couple of
ment rate by half for ld6 turns. tables. It otherwise appears to be empty
There is an open doorway on the far side of
benches. About 20 people arcsittingat the the room.
tables; they are laughing, talking, and eat-
ing. Both women and men are present; all NOTE: The following description assumes the This room provides quarters for the female
are dressed in leather armor and seem to be party enters this room from the east. If they servants. There is no one here at the moment.
soldiers. There is an open kitchen io one enter from room 6, you must make the appro- Under one mattress can he found 7 sp and I
section of the room; a door leads out of the priate adjustments. The small entranceway to cp. Under a second mattress can be found 8 sp
kitchen. the east of this room is currently empty. Both and 20 cp.
doors are swinging doors, and can easily be
If the party opens the door into the kitchen, pushed open. 8. WOMEN’S BATH
read the following:
The left wall of this long, narrow room This long, narrow room has an open door-
An open kitchen reveals a dining room seems to be a curtain. The right wall is way at the far end. There are several wood-
beyond, filled with people. Two women lined with pegs. One of the pegs has some en tubs on the floor, and what looks like a
are preparing and serving a meal. A deli- clothing on it. Thcre is a basket near the far stove in the middle of the room. The floor
cious aroma of cooking meat comes from end of the room that has some cloth things is wet, and there is a soap smell. The room
the kitchen. on it. Othcrwise, thc room appears to he appears to bc empty.
The two women in the kitchen and ten of the This room is a bath. The stove is used to heat
people seated at the table are non-combatant This area is used by the men to change clothes water for the tubs. The room is currently emp-
SeNanD. The rest are fighten wearing leather before using the bath or the exercise room ty. The floor is very slippery; any character
armor and armed with daggers. (room 6). The curtain has several gaps searching here must roll his Dexterity or less,
There are 6 male servants, 6 female scr- through which one can enter room 6. The using 3d6, or slip on the floor and turn an
vants, 8 veteran fighters (1st level fighters), clothiog bclonga to the man in room 6, and ankle. A turned ankle cuts a character’s move-
and 2 warriors (2nd level fighters). Two of the includes leather armor and a belt with a dag- ment rate hy half for ld6 turns.
veterans are women. Each of the warriors has a ger. The basket is filled with wet towels.
key to the armory (room 13).

- ~

N O E : The followingdescription assumes the
party enters this room from the east. If they At the far end of this room is a window, This room contains barrels and kegs of var-
enter from room 10. you must make the and three more windows line the long wall ious sizes. Several racks around the room
appropriate adjustments. The small entrance- to the left. All are barred. The floor is cov- are filled with bottles lying on thcir sides.
way I:O the c a s of this room is currently empty. ered with straw, bales of hay, and padded
Both doors are swinging doors. and can easily This room is used to store liquor. The barrels
be pushed open. are filled with ale, and the kegs and bottles are
This room is used for combat practice. The filled with wine. A wine rack in the southwest
Thi: left wall of this long, narrow room party cannot escape through the windows. comer doubles as a secret door to the tremty
seems to be a curtain. The right wall is Two battered, but serviceable. shields have (room 42). To operate the door, one must pull
lined with pegs. There is a basket near the been tossed into the northeast corner of the on the second winc bottle from the left on the
far end of the room that has some cloth room. bottom shelf.
things on it. Otherwise, the room appean
to be empty. 13. ARMORY 17. COMMON LIVING ROOM
Both doors to this room are locked. The com- NOTE: The following descriptionassumes the
This area is used by the women to change mander and all the watriors (2nd level fight. party enters this room from the west along the
clothes before using the bath or the exercwe ers) have keys. north wall. If they enter from anothcr direc-
room (room 10). The curtain has several gaps tion, adjust the description accordingly,
through which one can entcr room 10. The
This room is full of racks on which hang a
basket is filled with wet towels.
large a s o m c n t of armor and weapons. This is an enormous room with many
tables and comfortable chairs. The wall to
10. 'WOMEN'S EXERCISE ROOM l h i s room contains leather and chain mail your left and the far wall each have four
NOTE: The followingdescriptionassumes the armor in all human sires, and a large number windows. There is a door in the middle of
party enters this room from the north. If they ofshort bows and arrows. shortswords, spears, the far wall that seems to lead ourside. Two
come from room I , make the appropriate and shields. The party's equipment is here. men dressed in leather are seated at a table
adjustments. All the party's equipment, including magic in the far left corner. rolling dice.
items, are stored here.
This looks like a work-out room. Therc arc The two men are veterans (1st level fqhters)
mats on the floor, weights, and other 14. TORTURE CHAMBER armed with daggers. They are completely
equipment. The room otherwise scems to absorbed in thcir gamc. and are surprised on a
be cmpty. roll of 1-5 on a ld6. The gambling stakes on
colored. A number of strange devices line the table consist of 24 gp and I2 sp.
There is nothing of value in this room. If party the west wall. Io the middle of the wall is a If the fighters are anacked hut not killed or
rnem'ben choose, they can use the weights as shallow pit. silenced immediately, they yell for help. Make
maces, but receive a - 1to both hit and dam- an immediate check to see if any of the wan-
age rolls when using them. This is an interrogation and torture chamber. dering fighters come to help. Wandering
fighters arrive in 1-3 rounds.
The stains on the floor are blood. The pit is a
11. I?ANTRY fire pit, with branding irons resting in the
ashes of an earlier fire. The room contains a 18. COMMANDER'S DINING
This room is lined with shelves, and two rack and rwo wicked-looking whips (D 1-2). ROOM
additional rows of shelves are in the mid-
dlc of the room. Sacks and barrels are 15. JAILER'S QUARTERS This appears to be a dining mom. There is
staclked along the left wall. a large oval table in the middle of the room
This messy hcdroom contains a bed. a surrounded by straight chairs. The floor is
The sacks contain flour, potatoes, beans, and table. a chair, and a lot of ragged clothing. carpeted. A closed cabinet is in the near
other food. The barrels hold pickles, dried left corner. Two large windows are on the
fish, ,dried meat, and other preserved food. The gnoll jailer lives in this room. He has a far wall, and there is a door in the right
The ::helves are not very well stocked, but large chcst hidden under the floorboards wall. near the entrance.
there are wooden boxes filled with vegetables beneath his bed. It is trapped with a poison
and bottles. On one shelf, together with bot- needed. Anyone who opens the chest without This room is used by the commander when
tles ofvincgar, oil, and other common liquids, first finding and removing thc poison needle entertaining visiton. Inside the cabinet is a sct
are five vials. Three contain potions of must makc a saving throw vs. Poison ot die. of silverware (worth 600 gp) and fine china
healing. one contains a potion of invisibilicj The chest contains 300 gp. (worth 200 gp). There is nobody here now.
and one contains a potion of poison.

19. COMMANDER’S LIVING tom that conceak 94 pp. 17 gp, and a cursed things are in the wardrobc. Io addition to
ROOM daggcr -1. clothing, there is plate mail armor, a shield.
and a long sword. There is also a bag ofhold-
21. VISITORS QUARTERS ingthat contains 2.000 gp and 6,000 sp.
This seems to be a living room. There are If the party goes through the open doorway
some tables and a number of comfortable
into room 23a. read the following:
chairs around thc room. The floor is car-
peted. There is a window along the lcft bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a tablc, and scv-
wall and a door in the far wall directly eral chairs. There are a few small rugs on This area appears to hc a bath. There is a
the floor. There is a large window in the small stove at the far end and a large metal
left wall, and a n open doorway to your tub nearby. Closcr to tbc door is a dressing
right. otherwise, thc room appean to be table with a mirror.
This room is empty
The room is empty. If the party goes through
theopendoorway intoroom Zla. readthefol- 24-41. OFFICERS’ QUARTERS
All the officers at tbii oupost have private
quarters. The rooms in this section are all
The three people are the commandcr. h i This area appears to be a bath. There is a identical. Thcy contain a single bed, a ward-
wife, and the visiting officer. Both the com- small stove at the far end and a large metal robe, a table with a chair pulled up to it, a low,
mander and tbc visiting officcrarc armed with tub n m b y Closer to the door is a drcssing table near thc bcd. and chair near the low
daggers. Their AC and damage reflect table.
bonuses from dexterity and strength. Thc
commander’s wife does not fight. This room is empty. 24. FEMALE VETERAN‘S
If the alarm has been raised, the com-
mander is armed with a short sword + 1 and is QUARTERS
wearing plate mail and a shield + I. Both the-
se items are located in room 20 when not
worn. The visitor carries a short sword. Thcy
This is obviously a bcdroom. with a large mail armor draped over the chair. A wom-
bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a table, and sev- an in leather armor is asleep on the bed.
cannot be surprised once the alarm has been eral chairs. There are a few small rugs on
given. the floor. There is a large window in the
The commander is wearing a gold bracelct Thc woman is avctcran (1st level fighter). The
lcft wall. and an open doorway to your sword is a short sword. She has hidden 4 gp, 4
set with diamonds, worth 710 gp. He also car- right. Otherwise thc room appears to be
ries rwo keys: one unlocks room 1, the othcr sp, and 4 cp under her mattress.
room 13. empty.
Thc room is empty. If tbe party goes through 25. FEMALE VETERAN’S
20. COMMANDER’S BEDROOM the open doorway into room 22a. mad thc fol- QUARTERS
lowing: The woman who lives in this room is currently
This is obviously a bedroom. There are two in the lunchroom. There is chain mail armor
large beds, rwo wardrobes, a desk, a table, This area appean to be a bath. There is a in thc wardrobe. There is a false bottom in the
and several chairs. There are ornatc tugs on small stove at tbc far end and a large mctal table drawer that conceals 7 gp, Isp, and 10
the floor. There is a largc window in the tub nearby. Closer to the door is a dressing
outside wall. a door directly across from CP.
tabk with a mirror.
the door by which you entered. and an
open doorway in the wall oppositc the win-
This room is empty. QUARTERS
23. VISITOR’S QUARTERS The woman who lives io tbii room is currently
If the commander was not alcrtcd, a short in tbc lunchroom. There is chain mail armor
sword + I , plate mail armor, and a shicld + 1 in tbe wardrobe.
are hanging on thc wall. This is obviously a bedroom, with a large
If the party goes through the open doorway bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a table, and sev-
cral chairs. There are a few small NgS on 27. FEMALE WARRIOR’S
into room 20a. read the following:
the floor. Thcrc is a large window in the QUARTERS
left wall. another across the room from
This area appears to be a bath. Thcrc is a the door, and an open doorway to your
small stove at the far end and a large metal right. Otbcrwise, the room appears to bc others. Set apart from the rest of the room
tub nearby. Closer to the door is a dressing in the near Icft corner is a low table snr-
table with a mirror. I ~~

rouodcd by four cornfortable chairs. Thcrc

Thc visiting officer is quartercd bere. Her
A drawcr in the dressing table has a false hot-


is a desk in the far left corner, and a sword 30. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS This rwm is empty.
hangs on the wall beside it. Seated at the
desk is a woman dressed in leather, writing There is a sword hanging on a rack on the 34. EMPTY QUARTERS
This is identical to the other bedrooms,
This woman is a warrior (2nd level fighter). In The man who lives in this room is currently in but it appears to be unused.
easy reach of her is a shortsword + 1. Because the luncbrwm. The sword is short sword.
of her strength, she does 1 extra point of dam. There is chain mail annor in the wardrobe. This rwm is empty.
age per attack. She carries a large pouch on her
belt containing 10 gp, 21 sp, and 20 cp. She 31. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS 35. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS
has a key ring with two keys: one to her r w m
and one to the armory (room 13). There is a sword hanging on a rack on the There is a sword hanging on a rack on the
wall. wall.
The man who Lives in this m m is currently in The occupant of this room is working out in
There is a sword hanging on a rack on the the Innduoom. The sword is short word. There the exercise room (rwm 6). The sword is a
wall. is chain mail m o r in the wardrobe. There are 4 short sword. There is chain mail m o r in the
~ ~~
gp and 7 sp hidden under the mattress. wardrobe.
The man who lives in this r w m is currently in
the lunchroom. The sword is shon sword. 32. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS 36. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS
There is chain mail armor in the wardrobe.
There is a sword on the low table and chain
29. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS mail annor draped over the chair. A man mail armor draped over the chair. A man
wearing leather annor is asleep on the bed.
There is a sword hanging 00 a rack on the
wall. The man is a veteran (1st level fighter). The The man is a veteran (1st level fighter). The
sword is a short sword. The drawer in the table sword is a shon sword. A pouch attached to his
The man who lives in this room is currently in contains 6 g p , 8 sp, and 2 cp. belt contains 3 gp, 4 sp, and 2 cp.
the lunchroom. The sword is short sword.
There is chain mail armor in the wardrobe. 33. E M F " QUARTERS 37. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS
The drawer in the table contains 1 gp and 3
SP. This is identical to the other bedrooms, There is a sword hanging on a rack on the
but it appears to he unused. wall.


Room Monster NO. Hit AC HD hD Mv #AT D Save Mt AL SAlSD XP

WM Veteran(F1) lor2 19 7 1 7eacb lZO'(40') 1 1-4 F1 8 N No 10

1 Gnoll 1 18 5 2 8 90'(30') 1 1-401 1-6+1 F2 8 C No 20
. - .
MaleServant 6 19 9 1 3 each lZO'(40')
..,. 0 0 NM
- ... 6~ __
N No
_. I

Veteran (Fl)
- 1
1 1-4
(F4) ST/DX
19 Wife(%?
I9 Visiting
Officer (
Veteran (.
Warrior (F2)
., 1

19 6
li" I-",
120'(40') 1

1-6 + 2 ST

N No 20
32 Veteran (FI) 1 19 7 1 6 120'(40') 1 1-6 F1 8 N No 10
36 Veteran (Fl) 19 Y(40') 1 1-6 F1 8
~~ N No 10
41 Warrior (F2) 19 Y(40') 1 1-6 F2 9 N No 20


The man who lives in this room is currently in superior strength gives him + 1 to damage in each. Six large sacks contain 500 gp each.
the lunchroom. The sword is a short sword (D any attack. He is wearing leather armor and Three large sacks contain 500 sp each. Among
1-6). There i s chain mail armor in the ward- has a dagger in his belt. The short sword and the sacks is a medium-sized iron box that is
robe. The wardrobe also holds a small pouch shield are of normal make. There is plate mail securely locked. It weighs 100 En, and cannot
containing 6 g p and 2 sp. armor in the wardrobe. A key on the bedside be opened by force. A thief can pick the lock.
table unlocks the armory (room 13). A locked or a knock spcll will open it, but it cannot hc
38. MALE VETERAN'S QUARTERS metal box in the bottom of the wardrobe con- forced open. The hax contains three vials,
tains 19 gp and 20 sp. each containing a potion of growth, a ring of
There is a sword hanging on a rack on the The west wall of this room is paneled with fire resistance. and a rod of cancellarion.
wall. wood. If the panel nearest the north wall is
pressed just above eye level for a normal
The man who livrs in this room IS currcnrly in human, the secret door to the treasury will
rhc lurichroum. Thc sword IS a short sword (D open. One of the chairs surrounding the table
1.6). 'lherc 1s chain mail armor in rhc ward-
in this corner is hacked up into this corner. so
robe the chair must be moved in order to open the

This room is empty except for a number of

rooms. Set 3pan from rhc rcsr of thr room
in the lcir corner is 3 low rablc curroundrd
sacks along the far wall.
1 hy four comfortable chiirs Thrre is a drsk

I' i n rhr far lofr corner, and a sword and 3

shield hang on rhc wall bccidc ir
This room contains most of the valuables of
the outpost. Two small sacks contain 200 pp

The man who lives in this room i s currently in

the lunchroom. The sword is a shon sword;
and the shield is of normal make. There is a
set of chain mail f 1 in the wardrobe. A small I:he resulr of the Great Escape scenario living conditions are slightly more primitive.
clepends on haw the characters do. If they fail The general services provided :ire much the
purse hiden in a chair contains 7 gp and 12 sp. same. hut the quality is generally inferior to
t o escape from theoutpost, theywill be placed
1 n a wagon under hear? guard and their jour- that of Threshold. Pan of this is due to the
40. MALE WARRIOR'S QUARTERS r~ e yto Fort Doom begins. Thc first night out. fact that the Black Elagle Barony i s close by,
t he wagon will be ambushed by a raiding force and continual humanoid raids have prevented
This room is different from the other bed- f rom Luln and the characters will he rescued. the development of the land, which is rich.
rooms. Set apart from the rest of the room 1'he forced march back to warn Luln will fail; The Baron's sole in the town.'s troubles is
in the left corner is a low table surrounded t he raid will have caused heavy damage. Sascia something of an open secret. but the fact
by four comfortable chain. There is a desk 7rill have other uses far her men-at-arms, but remains that Duke Stephan has his hands full
in the far left corner. and a sword and a vrill outtit the player characters if they want to wirh other matters and little shois of a blatant
shield hang on the wall beside it. mover their equipment from the outpost. invasion hy the Baron's regular forces will
If the party ruccessfully escapes from the bring ourside aid. The Baron's strategy is to
The man who lives in this room is currently in 0Nutpost, they will arrive a t Luln in rime to keep the area wmn down by continual harrass-
the lunchroom. The sword is a short sword: viarn the town against the attack. Sascia and ment while he builds his own forces. Then,
and the shield i s a shield + 1. There is a set of tter guards will prepare an ambush and drive when the Duke bccomes involved in a major
chain mail m o r in the wardrobe. A secret 06fthe goblins with heavy losses. The situa- conflict elsewhere. the Baron can seize the
compartment in the bottom of the wardrobe t ion will remain tense, and Sascia will make town and hopefully conclude a s'rparate pcace
conceals 8 gp and 20 sp. CNut a full report on the situation. When the with the Duke.
F,arty is ready to leave Luln. she will ask them The Duke knows this. of courie. and has
41. MALE WARRIOR'S QUARTERS t o deliver the report to rhe scribe Franr Dub- placed the ambitiou:; Townmistress Sascia (a
I<3i. who can be found with the military garri- high level fighter) in charge of the place. Her job
S on in Specularum. The party will receive a is to preserve the town and build up the local
This room is different from the other bed-
5 mall sack of gold for traveling expenses and economy in the face of the Baron's interference.
rooms. Set apart from the rest of the room
7rill be able to delivei rhe message without Theoearby Radlebb Keep assists Luln when
in the left corner is a low table surrounded it can, which is not often-the area its garrison
cIifficulty. See rhe Veiled Society adventure for
by four comfortable chain. There is a desk m u t patrol is large, and the haunted Karisze-
Inore details about Specularum.
in the far left corner, and a sword and a
gg Keep must be constantly watched. Also.
shield hang on the wall beside it. A man
dressed in leather is asleep on the bed.
The Town of Luln Sascia has her eye on a knighthood, and is
interested in proving her leadership without
I.uln is a frontier town about the size of resorting to the Duki:'s soldiers.
This man is a warrior (2nd level fighter). His 7Yhreshold, but much more crowded. and its


~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Background on the holy day, hut there have been no mirac- There will be no wandering monsters in
ulous cures since the bell vanished. The num- Elwyn’s fortress. If desired, you can add wan-
The following legend is very well known. All bers of the faithful have decreased in recent dering monster encounters in the wilderness
the player characters should he quite familiar years. through which the party travels to reach the
with it. The information in this section can be Some time ago, NmOE of a powerful hos- fortress. but it is important not to have the
freely given to the players. tile force began to spring up. It was said that party seriouslyweakened before the adventure
The Church of Karameikos is widespread someone had built a large, monstrous fortress begins! Monster stars are given on page 34.
and popular mainly among the ruling classes in a distant section of the county, and that
of the Grand Duchy. However. one of its lesser those who attempted to investigate it had not OUTSIDE THE FORTRESS
orders most popular with the common folk Is returned. Recently, rumors have been circulat-
the Order of Chardastes. The Order grew out ing that Elwyn might he behind this mystery. You have traveled far into the wilderness,
of an incident that happened more than 300 The Patriarch Sherlane is interested in having and finally you have arrived at your
years ago. At that time there were many places the fortress investigated. He will have the par- destination-the mysterious fortress that
in Karameikos dedicated to Traladaran wor- ty investigate the fortress, determine if Elwyn you suspect may harbor Elwyn and the
ship. A small sanctuary in Marilenev (later is involved, recover the sacred hell if it can be mystic bell of Chardastes. Your guide has
renamed Specularum) was one of those sites. found, and bring Elwyn to justice if possible. turned hack after pointing out the final
One day, a woman who was very sick went The p a w will be promised 500 g p apiece to direction you must travel.
to the sanctuary and prayed to have her health investigate the fortress, 1,000 gp apiece to You follow a path that leads out of the
returned. While she was praying alone in the recover the bell, and an additional 1,000 gp if forest and into a clearing. There, before
sanctuary, a being called Chardastes appeared they are able to bring Elwyn alive to justice. If you, is an enonnous building. It is nearly
to the woman. He told her that the religion of the party so requests, they are given an black, and looks as if it might he made of
her people was false, and that his way was the advance payment of 50% (250 gp each) with iron.
only true religion. To prove this, he laid his which they can buy non-magical equipment Suddenly, there is a horrid smell a four
hands on the woman and cured her of here ill- and supplies. ugly humanoids emerge from the forest to
ness. He also left behind an the altar a won- A local guide is provided to take the party your left!
derful magical bell. through the wilderness to the mysterious for-
The hell, of ordinary size and shape, had tress. The guide will not, under any circum- The humanoids are troglodytes. Because they
been made of purest platinum. What made it stances, accompany the party into the fortress. have thc abiliq to blend in with their sur-
so remarkable was that it had no clapper. The party arrives on the anniversary of the roundings, they surprise on a 1-4 on d6. Their
Instead, it rang magically whenever it was miracle. smell is nauseating, giving their opponents a
picked up. When the Thyatians settled in - 2 penalty to their hit rolls unless the oppo-
Karameikos. they incorporated the sanctuary Notes for the Dungeon Master nents make a saving throw vs. Poison.
into the Church of Karameikos. The lair of the troglodytes can be found in
The story of the bell has spread far and Elwyn is a woman, but the information above
the forest a short distance from the path. It
wide. Each year, on the anniversary of the mir- has hecn written in such a way that the party consists of a hollow in a small clearing with an
acle, hundreds of people flock to its small will asume Elwyn is male. Allow the party to
opening that leads to an underground lair.
building, hoping to be cured by Chardastes. believe thu so that they will not realize imme-
The troglodytes’ treasure consists of five large
They crowd into the sanctuary, a hundred or diately that the woman’s voice they hear when
sacks, twovials, and apieceofparchmentwith
so at a time, and pray as the clergy sings the exploring the fortress is actually the voice of some faded writing on it. Two of the sacks con-
sacred words and lifts the magical hell. Most Elwyn.
tain500speach,rwocontain100gpeach, and
are disappointed. but so many have had their Note that the fortress is built as a double
one contains 500 pp. The two vials each con-
prayers answered that the Order has flour- spiral. There is a secret corridor that runs tain potions of healing. The parchment is
ished ever since. alongside the rooms and corridors through
Treasure Map 1 1 (give a copy of the map to the
All that changed about five years ago. At which the party will travel. This corridor is
players at this time), showing the location of
that time, there was a cleric in the Order used by Elwyn to observe the party along the
the treasure in room 5 .
whose name was Elwyn. Elwyn was very dedi- way. She occasionally provides hints to the The party must defeat the troglodytes
cated to the Church, and had been well party when they get bogged down (always, of
hcfore they can enter the fortress. It is impor-
rewarded by the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of course, in a derogatory voice accompanied by
tant that they find the lair and locate the
the Church. But that, apparently, was not a diabolical laugh), feeling secure in her
potions and the treasure map. Give the play-
enough. There were rumors that Elwyn had power and ability to defeat the party anytime ers hints, or wen a little advice, to get them to
hegun practicing with edged weapons and she chooses. look far the lair.
researching the spells of the magic-users. try- Unless othcrwise stated, the rooms are not
ing to learn the abilities of the other classes. lit. The only doors in the fortress (except for 1. ENTRANCE
This was a serious charge. indeed. But before the entrance and the iron door between rwms
anyone could prove the charges. Elwyn van- 1 and 2 ) are secret. Once detected, they open
easily. As you emerge once again from the forest,
ished without a trace. And to the horror of the you finally get a good look at the fortress.
people. the sacred bell of Chatdastes that was The DM should copy the two treasure maps
ahead of time and he prepared to hand them The walls are fully 30 feet high. and the
kept in the sanctuary was gone, too!
The Order has been in a state of crisis ever out to the players. The treasure maps need not
since. The faithful still come the the sanctuary be drawn to scale (page 158).


black dragon's teeth when it opens its feet north-south by about 20 feet east- south. The area seems to be empty except
mouth to breathe. The walls are indeed west. The area seems to be empty except for an altar similar to the one your saw ear-
made of iron. There is a door visible in the for a raised area occupying the middle of lier. There is a pedestal in the middle of
southwest corner. the west wall. The raised area is about half the altar. On top of the pedestal is a bell
a foot above the floor and looks like pol. that appean to be made of a reddish
The only entrancesto the building are the visi- ished stone. There is a pedestal in the mid. metal.
ble entrance and the secret door near it. (The dle of the raised area. It is about three feet
secret door between rooms 2 and 3 on the map high and two feet square, and appcan to The altar is made of marble, too heavy to be
leads to the lower level, not to the outside.) It be made ofwood. On top of the pedestal is moved. The pedestal is a solid block of
is recommended that you not allow the party a black bell. mahogany; it can be moved, although it is
to find the secret entrance at this time-if extremely heavy. At least four party memben
they do, they avoid all the traps. tricks. and The altar is made of marble, too heavy to be are needed to move it. It would be worth 100
encounters, and fmd Elwyn at room 16a. moved. The pedestal is a solid b i d of mahoga- g p on the open market. The bell is a normal
The visible entrance opens easily. The corri- ny; it can bc moved, although it is extremely bell made of copper, and is worth about I gp.
dor behind the door is dark. heavy. At least four party memhen arc needed to
move it. It would be worth 100 gp on the open 5 . TREASURE OF THE TROGLODYTES
The corridor proceeds north from the door. market. The bell is a normal hell made of
After about ten feet, it opens up into a wrought iron, and is worth abaut 1gp. To your left you see an open area about 30
wide area to your left about 30 feet north- The secret door between rmms 2 and 3 feet east-west by about 20 feet north-
south by 20 feet east-west. The area leads to a stairway that is more fully described south. The area seems to be empty
appears to be empty. under room I. It is better if the party does not
discover it at this time. This is the room indicated on the treasure map
The area is empty. When the party has assem- found in the lair of the troglodytes. The room
bled in this room, read the following: 3. A I , is empty except for the secret treasure located
If the party has been quia as they proceed north at the spot on the map marked with an "X."
A musical, low-pitched female voice fills through the corridor, read the following: The floor in the room is hinged along the
the air, saying, "Who dares to enter the south wall. When the entire party has entered
Shrine of Elwyn unbidden? Turn back! You hear a low murmur of voices coming this room, Elwyn. who is observing from her
TURN BACK NOW, for ahead lies certain from the north. corridor, triggers a mcchanism that causes the
death!" The voice then breaks into a dia- floor to open up under the party
bolical laugh. As the party enten the room:
Suddenly, you fcd the floor begin to move
This is the voice of Elwyn, speaking from her beneath your feet. As the floor swings
To your left you see an open area about 30
secret observationcorridor. The party is free to feet east-west by about 20 feet north- down from a binge near the south wall,
take her advice and leave-but this ends the you fall into thc darkness. landing on the
south. The entire length of the west wall is
adventure. If the party continues, wait until floor below. The floor swings back into
occupied by an altar. The room is dimly lit
the entire party has crossed the area on the position abovc you, creating a strong gust
by a few candles on the altar. Kneeling at
map indicated by a dotted line (between the altar are six human figures wearing of air that extinguishes all torches and lan-
rooms 1 and 2), then read the following: terns.
plate mail armor; they are making a law,
chanting sound.
Suddenly, you hear a resounding Sa. TRAP ROOM
"BOOM!"behind you. When you turn These are six acolytes (1st level clerics) armed
around. you see that a solid iron door has No one in the party takes any damage from
with maces. They are followen of Elwyn. If the slide. Party members with infravision can
descended into the corridor. blocking your the door trap was triggered or the party was
avenue of escape. You also notice that a see. When light is restored. the remaining
noisy coming down the corridor, the acolytes
small panel in the east wall bas opened. party memben also see the following:
are aware of their coming; orherwise the party
can surprise the acolytes. If the party tries to
The opcn panel reveals an obvious keyhole. sneak past this room without alerting the =EO- You are in a room about 30 feet square. It
When the proper key is inserted into the hole lytes there is a 2 5 % chance they can do so. If appean to be empty. A corridor leads off in
and turned, the door will rise. Elwyn has the the acolytes notice the party, they attack. one direction.
only key. The lock and the door cannot be There is nothing of value in this room and
opened by a thiefs open / ~ skill,
k or with a the acolytes are not carrying any wealth. The room is empty. The party is now on the
knmk spell. lower level of the fortress. The corridor leads
4. DAIS to room Ib. and then to a series of steps that
2. DAIS will return the party to the upper level. as
shown on the map of the lower level.
To your left you see an open area about 30
I To your left you see an open area about 30 1 fee east-west you about 20 feet north-

5b. ORC LAIR (Id6 + 6 ) turns. If the user is a spell castcr. he room 5 will reveal its location to the party. As
cannot use his own spells while polymorphed. in room I , the treasure is hidden behind a
block of loose stone at waist height. Behind
and 30 feet wide. There are a number of 6. EMPTY ROOM the stone is the following treasure:
pallets about the room. Standing among A smooth stick about 18 inches long. This is
the pallets are six small, ugly humanoids actually a wand ofparalption (3 charges)-
that look like a combination of animal and feet north-south by about 20 feet east- any elf or magic-user recognizes it for what it
man. They are armed with short swords. west. The area seems to be empty. is. and only an elf or magic-user can wield it.
The command word is written on the wand.
These are five orcs armed with short swords, This room is empty. A sword. This is actually a sword + 1.
and an orc leader armed with a short sword A piece of rolled-up parchment. This is
+ 1. The orcs attack the party as soon as they 7. DAIS actually a clerical scroll containing a cure light
spot them. wounds spell and a silencc I S ' radius spell.
If the party is using light. the om cannot he To your left you see an open area about 30 The silence Ij'radius spell is described in the
surprised. Ifthere is no light, the om can be sur- feet nod-south by about 20 feet east- D&DoExpert Set. It will make an area 30 feet
prised, but all humans without infrmision west. The area seems to be empty except in diameter totally silent for 12 turns. Conver-
receive a - 4 penalty to hit rolls, and opponents for an altar similar to tbc one you saw earli- sation and spell use in the area of the silence
who can see them receive a +4 bonus to hit rolls. er. There is a pedestal in the middle of the spell are prevented. If cast on a person, the
The room contains six small sacks. One con- raised area. On top of the pedestal is a bell victim must make a saving throw vs. Spclls. or
Qins ZM) gp, the others contain 200 sp each. The that appears to be made of a shiny metal. the spell effect will move with the victim. If
ox leader carries a small pouch containing 7 the saving throw is successful. the spell still
gems (wad 200 gp, loOgp ( ~ 5 ) and . IO gp. The altar is made of marble, too heavy to he works, but it stays in one place. The victim can
respectively). The floor is littered with an mrt- then leave the area and speak normally
moved. The pedestal is a solid block of
ment of bones. mostly human and humanoid. A ring. This is actually a ring of spell stor-
mahogany; it can be moved, although it is
These are the remains of previous adventurers. hg. Its operation is fully described in the
extremely heavy. At least four party members
The corridor leads to a stairway. The stair- are needed to move it. It would be worth 500
D&DoExpcrtSet. Once the ring isputon. the
way ends in a door that opens easily This is the wearer knows what spells arc in the ring and
gp on the open market. The hell is a normal
secret door between rooms 2 and 3. Do not tell how to cast them from it. After a spell is used,
bell made of brass, and is worth about 10 gp.
the party where they are; let them discover it. the ring may be recharged by a spell caster,
As the party passes through rooms 3 and 4, who must cast the replacement spell directly
read the descriptions of the rooms, modified at the ring. The ringwill not absorb spclls cast
by whatever has happened in the meantime. at the wearer. The spells in the ring have the
For example, ifthe parry killed the acolytes in You see an area to your left about 30 feet duration, range, and effect equal t O the lowest
room 3, they find corpses. If they did not, the north-south by about 20 feet earr-west. The level of magic use needed in order to cast
acolytes are still there, praying. morn contains a mange humanoid creatllre them. This ring has two magic misilespells. a
about thrce feet tall and apparently made of web spell, and a lightning bolt spell. The
When the party returns to room 5 . they find
that there is a visible border around the collaps- wood It is moving stifflv toward you. lightning bolt spell creates a I foot wide, 60
ing floor that is about three feet wide. If they foot long bolt of lightning anywhere within its
wish, they can easily and safely move in siigle The C ~ N isRa wood golem. A golem is a man- range (180 feet). Any creature in the area of
file to the spot marked with an " X ' on the map. ster created by a high-level magic-user or cleric. effect takes Id6 points of damage. If the vic-
At the spot marked "X,"there is a loose stone Golems can be hit only by magical weapons. tim makes a saving thraw vs. Spells, damage is
about tbree feet from the floor, When the stone Magical anade will work, but the golem is halved. If the lightning bolt strikes a solid sur-
is removed, a cavity behind the stone is found, immune to sleep, charm, and holdspells, and to face before reaching its 60 foot length, it
containing the following: a clerical scroll with all gasses. &cause it is clumsy, it has a penalty of rebounds back toward irs caster until it reaches
rhree cure light wound spells, a potion of p l y - - 1 on its initiative roll, and becaux it is made full length. If it hits iu. caster, the caster takes
morph self(1abeled). a potion of growth (& of wood. it has a pcnalty of - 2 on its saving full damage (or half damage if the caster
labeled), a war hammer + I , and another trea- throw vs. &e-based attacks. If it is hit by fur. it makes a saving throw vs. Spells).
sure map (this one leading to the treasure in also takes an extra p i n t of damage per die.
room 9, Treasure Map #2). The room is otherwise empty 10. DAIS
The potion of polymorph self is from the
D&D@Expert Set. It allows the user to change 9. TREASURE ROOM To your left you see an open area about 30
shape into that of any living creature with hit feet east-west by about 20 feet north.
dice or level equal to or less than his or her To your left you see an open area about 30 south. The area seems to be empty except
own. The transformation does not change the feet east-west by about 20 feet north- for an altar similar t O the ones you have
user's ht points, hit rolls. or saving throws. south. The area seems to be emmv. seen throughout this strange sanctuary.
The user gains the physical abilities of the new There is a pedestal in the middle of the
shape, but none of the special abilities (spell The room is empty, except for the secret trea- altar. On top of the pedestal is a bell that
use. breath weapon, paralyzation attacks, sure marked with an "X" on the map. The a p ~ e a t to
s be made of a silvern metal.
etc.) The effect of the potion lasts for 7-12 treasure map (Treasure Map X2) found in


b e altar is made of marble, too heavy to be 16.BLACK DRAGON

noved. The pedestal is a solid block of
the ones you have seen before. The bell on

nahogany; it can be moved, although it is The corridor widens here to form a room
xuemely heavy. At least four party members the altar is made of a golden metal.
about 20 feet square. The corridor con.
re needed to move it. It would be worth 100 tinues off to the west. A huge, black
g p on the open market. The hell is a normal The altar is made of marble, too heavy to be
lizard-like creature with wings is asleep
Etell made of silver. and is worth about 10 gp. moved. The pedestal is a solid block of and snoring in the corner. It has an iron
mahogany; it can be moved, although it is
collar around its neck and it is chained to
11. s m extremely heavy. At least four party members
the wall. There are several large sacks in the
are needed to move it. It would he worth 500 northwest corner.
To your right you see an open area about 10 gp on the open market. The bell is a normal
feet east-west by ahout 20 feet north- bell made of gold, and is worth about 100 gp.
The creature is a young black dragon, asleep.
south. The area seems to be empty except The party gets one round of free attacks, with
15. CEJL
for a large stone statue in the northeast cor- a + 2 bonus on all hit rolls. The chain on the
ner. The statue is an image of Chardastcs. dragon allows it to move up to 30 feet in any
direction. If the party tries to sneak past the
he statue is a living rock statue. It attacks hy feet easr-west by about 20 feet north- dragon, it automatically wakes up.
quirting magma from its fmgertips as soon as south. The area appears to be empty. The area on the map marked 16a is a secret
ny party member enters the space. A wom- door leading to the cotridorfromwhich Elwyn
n's diabolical laughter (Elwyn, again) is The area is empty. If the entire party enters the has heen spying an the party. It is better if the
card as the creature attacks. There is no trca- room, an iron grate suddenly descends (trig- party does not find thc door at this time. If
ure here. gered by Elwyn. who is watching. as usual), they do, prmeed to the final encounter with
trapping the party in the room. Elwyn laughs Elwyn. Otherwise. the party will meet Elwyn
2. E M P n ROOM diabolically. A panel opens up in the east wall here after they have been to area 2 1. The final
of the corridor, across from t h e cell. Behind encounter with Elwyn takes place here when
To your right you see an open area ahout 10 the panel is a keyholc with a key stuck in it. the party tries to leave.
fect east-west by about 20 feet north- 'yust turn the key, and freedom is youts," she
south. The area appears to be empty. says mockingly. The key. when turned. causes 17-21. THE INNERMOST SANCTUARY
the portcullis to raise.
There arc several solutions available to the Read the following to the players as they enter
Uhen the fim character enters the room. a pit the corridor that leads 10 area 21.
party. A knockspell cast on the keyhole causes
rap covering the entire 10x20 area opens up. the key to turn magically. If the party has the
'he pit is 10 feet deep, and the victim takes polymorph selfpotion, one member can drink You see a large open area, about 20 feet
-6 points of damage from the fall. The room it, change into a creature small enough to slip wide and more than 100 feet long. It is
i otherwise empty.
through the ban. exit the cell, wait for the dimly lit by a few candles in sconces along
potion to wear off (or change to to a larger or the walls. There are four niches that extend
3. STATUE normal form). then turn the key. A character out from the center aisle: two ahout 30 feet
can attempt to lasso the key and turn it in the from this end of t h e hall and two more
lock by twisting the rope. This requires a suc- almost at the end. The far end seems IO
ahout 30 feet north-south by about 20 feet cessful hit roll with a - 3 penalty, but unlim- fade away into darkness. The walls rhat
east-west. The corridor continues off to the ited attempts are allowed. Characten with a you can see are painted wirh abstract
east. The room appears to be empty except combined strength of 36 or more can bend the desians in soft colors.
for a statue of a small horse in the southeast bars of the cell enough to allow passage; how-
comer. The statue is made of a yellowish ever. each character helping to bend the bars This is the innermost sanctuary of Elwyn's for-
metal. must make a saving throw vs. Paralysis or tress. The party will presumably explore the
strain a muscle. The effect of a strained muscle area as they approach area 21. Note that the
'he statue is made of solid bronze, and can- is to give a character a - 2 penalty to hit rolls woman portrayed in the murals located
Lot he moved. It is immune to any damage. If for the rest of the adventure. behind the curtains is the same in each mural.
t is struck by a hand-held metal weapon, the Creative players may come up wirh other If the party does not realize this. tell them
iielder of the weapon suffers 2-1 points of unusual methods to escape this trap. Reward after they have seen the third mural.
lamage from electrical shock (no saving clever and creative thinking by allowing any
hrow). There is nothing else in the room. reasonably g o d suggestion to succeed. Give a 17. ALCOVE
special award of 100 experience points 10 the
4. DAIS playa who comes up with a workable and cre- The west wall of this arca is covcred by a
ative solution to the trap. black curtain.
The corridor widens here to form a room
about 30 feet north-south by about 20 feet If the party looks behind the curtain, they see:
east-west. The corridor continues off to the


There is a pedestal in the middle of the
bright yellow robe with a drawn sword in raised area. It is about three feet high, five
her hand. She is surrounded by human vic- T h e east wall of this area is covered by a
black curtain. feet dcep, and ten feet wide, and appeats
tims. to be made of wood. On top of the pedes-
tal is a bell that appears to be made of a sil-
If the party looks behind the curtain. they see:
ver metal.

The altar is made of marble. too heavy to bc

The east wall of this area is covered by a black robe about to descend into a great moved. The pedestal is a solid block of
black curtain. chasm. Leading her into tbc chasm is a n mahogany; it can be moved, although it is
enonnous male humanoid figure covered extremely heavy. At least four party members
If the party looks behind the curtain, they see: with short. dark fur. Only his hands and are needed to move it. It would he worrh 100
feet are uncovered. He wears no clothing. gp on the open market. The hcll is, of courx,
You see a mural depicting a woman in a the sacred platinum hcll for which the party
lavender robe kneeling at an altar. She is The pamy member with the highest intelli- has been seeking. If someone picks it up, the
flanked by six men wearing black robes gence recognizes this being as Leptar, a chaotic following occurs:
and armed with maces. They are standing Immortal who was long ago defeated by Char-
at attention. The glint of metal armor can dates.
As you pick up the sacred bell, it begins to
be seen under their robes. ring. At almost the same time. four crea-
21. ALTAR tures appear and swoop down upon you, as
19. ALCOVE Until the party has examined all four murals, if called by the sound of the bell. Two of
this area is shrouded in darkness, caused by the creatures are ugly things with horns
the clerical spell darkness, cast by Elwyn. and long fangs. The other two are dark and
The west wall of this area is covered by a
black curtain. I (Darknessis the rwene of light, and creates a
30 foot circle of darkness.)As soon as the party
has examined the last of the four murals, the
hard to make out. Their outlines seem to
shimmer and you can almost see thraugh
Iftbeparty looks behind thecurtain, they see: following occun:
The homed creatures are flying gargoyles; the
You see a mural depicting a woman in a other two creatures are shadows. They have
white robe. She is about to shoot an arrow darkness in the area to the north dissolves, emerged through the one-way secret doors in
from a longbow at a being who is begin- revealing an area about 20 fect square. The areas 19 and 20, and immediately attack the
ning to disappear into the sky. You recog- entire area is raised about halfa foot above party.
nize the being as Chardastes. the floor and looks like polished stone. Gargoyles can only be hit with magic or
magical weapons. They are not affected by
sleep and charm spells. Shadows can only be


Room Monster No. Hit AC HD bp Mv #AT D Save ML AI. SAlSD W

- Trolodyte 4 18 1 2 12,14.10.10 120'(40') 3 1-4/1-)L/1-4 FZ 9 C Yes 30

3 Acolyte (Cl) 6 19 2 1 6 each 120'(40') 1 14 C1 7 C No 10
5b OrcLeader 1 18 1 2 9 120'(40') 1 1-6 +- 1 F1 9 C No 20
5b Vrcs I lri > I o eacn ILU (qui I I-" Fl 8 C No 10
8 WoodenGolem 1 17 7 2+2 14 120'(40') 1 1-8 F1 12 N Yes 31
11 Rock Living 1 1 6 4 1 23 60'(20') 2 2-12/2-12 F5 11 C Yes 300

- -
Mack Dragon 1
. I
10 1
-/ -"
y J,,")U, . 3
3 * </, / / 1 I"
I , 0 P Vrr

240'(80') fly
21 Gargoyle 2 16 1 4 18.11 90'(30')0r 4 1-3/1-3/1-6/ F8 11 C Yes 125
1 5 0 ' ( I O ~ )ilr 1-4
21 Shadow 2 17 7 2+2 9.12 gO'(30') 1 1-4 + special F2 12 C Yes 35
16 Elwyn(C6) 1 17 1 6 24 120'(40') 1 1-6 + C6 12 C Yes 100


hit by magical weapons. When a shadow cude of darkness 30 feet in diameter. Elwyn Following the adventure at Elwyn's Sanctuaty,
scores a hit on an opponent, it drains one has already used this spcll on the altar. the adventurers return to Threshold with the
point of Strength from its victim in addition Blight is the merx of bless. It places a - 1 bell. Word rapidl?. spreads about the party's
to causing normal damage. The loss of penalty on enemies' morale, hit mk,and dam- deeds. For the next week or so, th.. party will
Strength lasts for eight turns, but any creature age mk.Each victim may make a saving throw nor he able TO keep up r i t h the imitations -
whose Strength is reduced to zero becomes a vs. Spck to avoid the penalties. It affects all uea- this is a good time IO barre the charmers drop
shadow. Shadows, like gargoyles, are unaf- m es within a 20 fmt quare area. and lam for a few hundred gold pieces for f . n q dress.
fected by sleep and charm spells. sixturn. Elwyncamthisspcllonthepartywhen presents for the hosts. and similar :terns. This
they fim leave the altar. The DM should make a also a good time to introduce mor? NPC con-
16a. EISVYN THE ARDANT secret saving throw for each party memher tacts if rhc plarerr are interested
More they reach Ehqm. Eventuallr rhingswrll quiet dawi. The bell
If the party defeats the monsters and recovers
Hold person affects human or human-like will be put away pending a decisiori to build a
the sacred bell, they can then leave the for-
beings. Each victim must make a saving throw new shrine in Threshold or return ir to Specu-
tress. However, as they leave, Elwyn the larum (the forme1will call for a sperial tax, the
YS.Spells or be paralyzed for 9 turns. The spell
Ardent leaves her secret corridor and is wait- latter could lead io a new adventu-e). .4t this
may be cast at a single person or at a group. If
ing for the party in area 16a. cast at a single person, a - 2 pcnalty applies to t
the saving throw. If cast at a group. it will (
You see a woman standing in the corridor affect up to 4 persons (at the cleric's choice), f
to the east. She is wearing a striped robe of but with no penalty to their rolls. The paraly-
bright yellow, lavender, white, and black, sis can only be removed by its rwerse or the
and she carries a glowing shield. She is dispel magic spell. that Elwyn recenrly concluded a secret alliance
clearly the woman depicted in the murals. Curse is the reverse of remove curse. It with an e r i l temple hidden in somr caves near
There is a glint of metal m o r beneath her causes a misfortune or penalty to affect the Canellan Keep. The a m Is fdled W:th human-
robe, and on her belt is a key ring and a victim. Curscs are limited only by the caster's oids, hut thc templc rnusr be lhund and
mace. As she bcgins to speak. you recog- imagination, but if an attempted curse is too destroyed. T h e charmerr must travel upriver
nize the voice that has tauntcd you powerful, it may return to the caster! Elwyn is pan Kelvin by boar, to the military post called
throughout this expedition: considering a curse to make one of the party's Cartellan Keep. If they apree, they a,ill receive a
"In the name of Lcptar, welcome to M y hoots turn to glue and stick to the floor.The letter of inrroducrion from Shc
holy sanctuary. You have done very weU DM, of course. may think of a more ingenious T h e trip to the fort, thnugrb
much better than all the other miserable curse. The victim is entitled to a saving throw ful. T h e p m will leave the ha1
wretches that have tried to assault my for- vs. Spells against the Curse. wooded hilk and complcte thei ll,yL. y...-~.

ucss. I p m e you found their bones after The keep lmm arop a sheer-walled mount of
you ddeated my om. Oh, well. orm are easy Efwyn's suategy is to cast blight More the stone. reachable only b v m c m of a parrow rocky
to fmd, and they like working for Elwyn the party arriver. She will then casf holdpemn fol- track. In garehoux opens on an outer hdey,
hrdent. The new ones will enjoy feasring on lowed by m e . Then, she will cast came fear. w!id conmini srabln. barracks. 9 tavern, a
YOUR bones when I get through with you!" Afterward, she will puU out her mace + I and chapel. and similar .rwm~cs.Th~ou?l1 a second
attack the p m y If the black dragon is still alive. gatehouse k the inner bailey and mail keep. for-
Elwyn is wearing plate mail armor and carries she frees it from its chain and it also attacks the bidden to al! exccpr those on official b wines.
a shield + 1. The key ring on her belt opens Party. The commander will lie polite, k. i f firm91

the iron door between rooms 1 and 2. She is Unaware that the party has acquired a web He is worried about giants, not eTil temples.
m e d with a mace of draining + 1. In addi- spell, she is standing in the narrow conidor and I3e has no time, men or equipment to spare
tion to normal damage, this mace will, on can he quickly imp&ned ifthe party is clever. If fbi the conceins of a patriarch in another part
command. drain one experience level from
thecharacterhit. asawight. Itcanonlyabsorb
the party USCI the lighming bolt, they should he
cardul. beaust the rebound can caw a great
if the realm. Supplier can be drawn from the
. , . .
quartemaster at t w c e list price. SUDleCt to ..
a total of three levels. After those levels are deal of damage to their own side. ai,ailability-and it's a shame !ou didn't
used up, it becomes a normal mace + 1 . Elwyn should be a tough opponent, hut not bring some recruits with you. The interview
Note that Elwyn has superior strength. impossihlc to defeat. She will never surrender. ends as an aide inrcrrupts with some impor-
which gives her an additional + 1 to damage Once she is defeated, the party automatically rant papers to be signed. (If the party is rude,
on any attack. sees the slightly-open secret door behind her. the commander will become lesscooperative.)
Elwyn's spells are as follows: Just inside thc secret door is Elwyn's treasure: The tavern keeper can give the party the
a small wooden chest containing 11 gems location of the cave complex. which has been
1st Icvcl: cause fear, darkness (used) pretty quia lately. Since there arc no giants
2nd level: blight, hold person (worth a total of 1,650 gp), and 2 pairs of
matching bracelets (one worth 1,000 gp each there. parr& hare been few. These rumors
3rd level: curse are available from soldiers in the rmern:
and the other worth 1,100 gp each). Beside
Most of these spells are contained in the the chest is a srafTofhcding. 1. Tribesofdifferentcreaturesliveinthecaves.
D&DmExpert Set. The party can use the key on Elwyn's belt to 2. All of the cave enuanca are trapped. (False)
Cause fear is the reverse of remove fear. It open the iron door herween rooms 1 and 2. 3. If you get lost. beware the earer of men!
will make any one creature flee for two turns. and exit through the front door, or they can 4. "Bree-vark" is goblin language for "we
This reversed spell has a range of 120 feet. follow Elvn's secret corridor to the door that surrender!" (Fake)
Darkness is the reverse of light. It creates a leads to the outside. I. Theie is more than one tribe of orcs with-
in the caves.

'ART:The forest you have been passing Passages slope upwards and downwards
rough has been getting more dense, tan- herween the contours, even where stairways
:d, and gloomier than before. The thick, are not shown. Areas are rooted by at least I'
isted tree trunks, unnaturally misshapen of solid rock.
nhs. writhing roots. clutching and grasping
oms and briars all seem to warn and ward INTERIORS Except where noted otherwise,
u off, but you have forced and hacked your all undergraund areas are natural or hewn
iy through regardless. Now the strange from living rock. All surfaces are rough (and
Dwth has suddenly ended - you have easy to climb for a thief) with small ledges,
pped out of the thicket into a ravine-likc minor cracks, and small openings, etc.
..c ;. :a. The walls rise rather steeply to either side
to a height of about 100' or so - dark. RANSOMING PRISONERS: Organized
streaked rock mingled with e&. Clumps of tribes can optionally be allowed to take player
trees grow here and there, both on the floor of characten prisoner, freeing one to return to
the ravine and up the sloping walls of the can- the Keep in order to bring ransom hack to free
yon. The opening you stand in is about 200' the captives. Set the sums law - 10 to 100 gp
wide. The ravine runs at least 400' west (XN- (or a magic item which the ransoming mon-
ally 440')to where the western end rises in a ster would find useful) per prisoner. If the ran-
steep slope. Here and there at varying heights som is paid. allow the characten ro go free.
on all sides of the ravine, you can see the black Then, without telling the players, m u m e that
mouths of cave-like openings in the rock this success brought fame to the capturing
walls. The sunlight is dim, the air is dank, monsters, so their numhen will he increased
there is an oppressive feeling here - as if by 2-12 additional members, and the tribe
something evil is watching and waiting to will also be vcty careful to watch for a return of
Design: Gary Gygax pounce upon you. There are hare, dead trees the the adventurers seeking revenge for their
Revision: Dave Cook, Harold Johnson, Jon here and there, and upon one a vulture humiliating captivity. The period of extra
Pickens, Michael Price, Evan Robinson, perches and gazes hungrily at you. A flock of alertness will l a c 1-4 weeks; the increase in
Lawrence Schick, Stephen D. Sullivan ravens rise croaking from the ground, the beat numbers is permanent.
Editing: Mike Carr. David Cook, Harold of theirwings and their cries magnified by the
Johnson, Jeff R. Leason, Frank Mentzer. Tom terrain to sound loud and horrible. Amongst TRIBAL ALLIANCES AND WARFARE: You
Moldvay, Lawrence Schick, Edward G. Sollers, the litter of ruhhlc, boulders, and dead wood might allow player characters to somehow
Stephen D. Sullivan, Jean Wells scattered about on the ravine floor, you can become aware that there is a constant skir-
Art: David S. La Force, Erol Otus. Jim Roslof see hits of gleaming ivory and white - closer mishing going an between the goblins and
inspection reveals that these are hones and the hobgoblins on one side and the orcs.
General Notes: This module, originally titled skulls of men, animals and other things. . . . sometimes with giant allies. on the other -
BZ, The Keep on the Borderlands,has been with the koholds hoping to he forgotten by
the standard introductory module from the You know you have certainly discovered the all. and the bugbears picking off any strag-
earliest boxed editions of the D&Dm rules. Caves of Chaos. glcn who happen by. With this knowledge,
The adventure consisted of a derailed Keep, they might he able IO set tribes to fighting one
to he used as a base, and a cave complex NOTES FOR THE DM another, and then the adventurers can take
known as the Caves of Chaos. The latter has advantage of the weakened state of the feud-
been included here. CAVE AREA MAP There are woads overlays ing humanoids. Be careful to handle this
and rough contour lines shown on the map. whole thing properly; it is a device you may
Cave Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-131 These are only for surface movement refer- use to aid players who are few in number hut
ence, and once your playen are underground with a high level of playing skill. It will too
you should ignore these markings. easy if there are too many players, or if the
players do not actually use wits instead offorce
WOODS: The small groves and copses are when the oppormnity presents itself.
thick growths, tangled and forbidding. You
may, at your option. have characters encoun- MONSTERS LEARNING PROM EWERI-
ter occasional monsters herein - stirges, ENCE: Allow intelligent monsters (even those
humanoids (koholds, orcs. etc.) from the with only low intelligence) to learn from expe-
caves nearby, or the like. Movement through rience. If player characters use flaming oil
these wooded areas is slow and difficult. Char- against thcm, allow the monsters to use oil as
acten must move in single file. Even though soon as they can find same. If adventurers are
not shown, there arc single trees, shrubs. and always sneaking up on them, have the mon-
bushes elsewhere. sters set warning devices to alert them of
intruders. If characters run from overwhelm-
UNDERGROUND: The caves, passages, and ing numbers have the monsters set up a NSe
rooms of the complex are on different levels. by causing a few to shout and make noise as if


there were many coming, thus hopefully trap door closing or battle. They have the litter of cloth and bits and xraps of
frightening off the intruders. This method of nothing of value in their lair or on their odds-and-ends there is a piece of silk worth
handling monsters is basic to becoming a bodies. but their leader (rat #18) who will 150 gp. (If the party does not search, it will
good DM. Apply the principle wherever and be at the back of the oack. a huee fellow not be located.)
whenever you have reason. (AC 5 due ro speed and cunning,-HD 1-1,
hp 4. X A I T 2. D 2-4/2-4. i.e. 1-3 + 1, MV DM NOTE: Kobold losses will not be
EMPTIED AREAS: When monsters are 40'. Save~l.ML8)waathinsilverchain replaced, though injured kobolds will heal. If
cleared out of an area, the place will be desert- set with 5 small gems (jewelry value 400 the attacken hurl oil at the koboldr. they will
ed for 1-4 weeks, If no further intrusion is gp. chain value I O g p , each gem worth I O retreat ifposible, rather than suffcr damage.
made into the area, however, the surviving gp). The weight of a few rats will not trig- (Should they have the opportunity to find any
formcr inhabitants will return or else some ger the pit trap. flasks of oil,the kobolds will use them against
other monster will move in. For instance, a attacking characters!)
troll might move into a minotaur's cave com- FOOD STORAGE ROOM: The door is
plex (I.), bringing with him whatcver treasure locked. This place contains various SON of B. ORC LAIR:Upon entcring, the party will
he has. dried and salted meat, grain, and vegera- see that the wall 30' to the north is deco-
blcs in sacks, boxes, barrels, and piles. ratcdwith hcadsandrkulls (human, clven,
There are also bits and pieces of past dwarven) in various stages of decay. These
Encounter Areas: human victims. There is nothing of value cheerful greetings are placed in niches that
A. KOBOLD IAIR:There is a 2 in 6 chance here; even the wine in a large cask is thin checker about 100 square feet of the sur-
that as the group enters the cave-like tun- and vinegary. face of the wall. Close inspection will show
nel, 8 kobolds will come nnt from biding that one is orcisb (see g. below). Sounds of
in the trees above and attack first. GUARD ROOM: Here are 3 vcty large activity can be heard from the west, but all
Kobolds: (AC 7, HD 1/2. hp 3 each, #AT kobold guards with chain mail and bows to is quiet to the east.
1, D 1-4, MV 40'. Save NM,ML 6). Each fue down the passage at attackers (AC I,
carries d8 sp. HD1+1, bp Ieach, XAT1.D 1-6MV40'. Area g: This narrowing area is a guard
Save F1, ML 6). The guards will hide post, the watcher (Orc: AC 7, HD 1, hp 5 .
Note: 30' inside the entrance is a pit. behind the corner for cover, so all missiles # A T l , D 1-6, MV40'. SaveF1, ML8)having
There is a 3 in 6 chance that each person in the fired at them will be at - 2 "to hit". Each a small window-like opening from which be
front rank will fall in unless thcy arc probing carries an axe in his belt and a purse with can ohscmc the entrance to the lair. A piece of
ahead. There is a 1 in 6 chance that individ- 2d6 gp. gray canvas behind gives the impression that
uals in the second rank will also fall in, but the guard's head is another of the ghastly tro-
only if they are close to the fmt rank and the KOBOLD CHIEIIiUN'S ROOM: This phies that decorate the wall. If adventurers
character ahead has already fallen in. The pit huge kobold is equal to a 2 hit dice mon- enter, he will quickly duck down, slipping a
is 10' deep, and those falling in will take 1-6 ster, has 8 hit points, chain mail and shield goblin head into the place his own was, and
points damage. The pit lid will close, and (AC 4), with a large gem on a great golden alert the orcs at 7.
those persons within cannot exape without chain about his neck (value 1,200 gp). He
aid from the outside. The noise will attract has the key to the storage rwm (X3). He 7. GUARD ROOM: 4 ora: (AC 7, HD 1,
creatures from areas 1. and 2. PI& for cros- hits for 2-8 (2d4) points of damage with a hpIeach#ATl,Dl-6,MV40',SaveFl,
ing the pit are stored at Y l . , beyond. large battle axe. (AC 4, HD 2, hp 8. #AT ML 8). These guards are armed with
1, D 1-8. MV 40', Save F2. ML 8). There s p a . Each carries one for hurling and
1. GUARD ROOM: 6 kobold guards. (AC are I female kobolds in the room also, (AC one to melee with. They have d8 ep each.
7, HD 112, hp 3 each, D 1-4). They will 7, HD 112, hp 2 each, #AT 1. D 1-3. MV When alerted they will rush to engage
throw spears the first round if they have 40', Save NM, ML 8 due to the chief). intruders, raising a hue and cry when they
initiative. Each carries d6 sp. One will tun There are heaps of cloth and bits of bat- see them. There is nothing of value in their
to alert areas 4. and 6.The guards will be tered furniture in the place. Hidden in an chamber, only pallets and shabby clothing
alerted by loud noises or lights. old blanket hanging on the wall are 50 g p hanging on pegs.
(sewn inro the hem). Each female has d6
2. GIANT RATS (amidst garbage and gp. A locked chest holds 203 cp. 61 sp, and 8. The watcher (g.) will alert the 4 guards
waste): There are 18 giant rats (AC 7. HD 22 ep. here (exactly as in 7. above) who will rush
1/2, hp 2 each, #AT 1, D 1-3 plus disease, west and then south to flank or surround
MV 40'. Save NM, ML 8). Each time a COMMON CHAMBER: The bulk of the the intruders threatening area 7. or 9. or
character is bitten there is a 1-in-20 chance kobold tribe dwells here. There are 17 approaching their own quarten.
of getting a disease unless a save vs. Poison males (AC 7, HD 112, hp 3 each, #AT 1,
is made. If the saving throw fails, there is a D 1-4, MV 40'. Save NM, ML 6), 23 9. BANQUET AREA There is a great fire-
21% chance the character will die in 1-6 females(AC7,HD 1/2,hpZeach, XAT1, place on the south wall and many tables
days. Otherwise the the charancr will be D 1-3, MV 40'. Save NM, ML 6). and 8 and bcoches in this 30' x 50' chamber -
too sick to adventure for one game month. young (which do not attack). If their caves the table at the north end having a large
These monsters are the pets of the kobolds, are invaded, those able will help in its chair at its head where the orc leader usu-
living off the garbage and waste of their defense. Males have d6 sp each. females d4 ally holds court. The place is empty of orcs.
hosts. They will rush to the sound of the sp each; the young have nothing. Amidst although there is a small fue of charcoal


burning in the fireplace. after an initial attack by adventurers, four of 15. COMMON HALL: General meetings
the males at location 10. will move to area 9.. are held here, and food is likewise cooked
10. COMMON ROOM: Here are quartered arm themselves with light crossbows, and lay and eaten here. There are 6 males herc, 2
12maleorcs(AC7, hp4each. #ATl,Save an ambush for intruders. If the leader is slain. with light crossbows (AC 6, HD 1, hp 3
F1, ML 8) and 18 females and 9 young all surviving ora from this locale will scek ref. each, #AT 1, D 1.6, Save F1, ML8) and 4
(who do not fight). The males have 2d6 sp uge with the tribe at C. (see below), taking females (non-combatant), dwelling in the
each, the others have nothing of worth. everything of value with them. and B. will western forepart. Each has treasure on their
The few furnishings in the room are like- thereafter he deserted). person equal to 14. above. The males here
wise of no value. will also go to the entrance ifthey herc the
C. ORCUUR: SimilartotheorcsatareaB., noise of thc net falling, arriving in 3
11. STORAGE CHAMBER: The door is these monstes inhabit cave arm 14-16. rounds.
locked. Amidst the stacks and heaps of These ora. however, do not rely upon a
supplies and goods here (see 3.. above), continual watch being kept; instead, they 16. LEADER'S ROOM: A guard (g.) is
there are 3 shields, 17 spears, and 2 axes in have a series of nnrly invisible strings tun- always posted just inside the door, and he
excellent condition (by some quirk of ning across the entry passage, about 11' cannot he surprised. (Orc: AC 5, HD
fate). A small crate in the far northeast cor- from the entrance. When any of these l+l.hp6,#ATl,D1-6,SaveF1,MLX,
ner contains a long-forgotten light cross- strings is tripped, a heavy, weighted net carries 2d6 sp and d4 gp.) He immediatcly
how and 60 bolts. There is nothing else of suspended from the ceiling will drop upon shouts an alarm if any intruders attempt to
value in the place. the intrudcrs, and mctal picces tied to it enter. Behind him are stacks of barrels and
will create an alarm sound. (The trip boxes and sacks - extra supplies for the
12. ORC LEADER'S ROOM: This large strings will be spotted only if careful obscr- tribe. (One small wine h a r d , 400 coins in
Creature is clad in chain mail. has a magic vation is asked for, each observerhaving a 1 weight, contains a good quality wine worth
shield + 1, and carries a mace. He fights as in 6 chance of seeing the devices. The cam- 55 gp.) None of the other items here have
a 4 hit dice monster, has 15 hit points, and ouflaged net is 10' wide and 18' long, value. and the foodstufi ate not up to
adds + 2 to damage he causes when suc- made of thick tarred ropes, and will entrap human standards.
cessfully striking an opponent (thus, 3-8 thevictim for 1-4 rounds. Meanwhile, orcs
points of damage) due to his strength and from area 14. will he there in 1round. . . .) The area to the east houses the leader (AC
skill. He carries 31 gp. and wears a ring set 2,HD3, hp 16, bAT1.D 1-6. SaveF3,ML
with a gem (total value 700 gp). 13. FORGO'ITEN ROOM: Only the two a
10). He is very large orc who wears plate
The room is carpeted, has tapestries upon orc leaden (from this area and from B.) and carries a shicld, uses a sword, and
the walls (note nne of these covers the know of this place. They secretly meet here attacks as a 3 hit dice monster. At his belt is
entrance to the small cave to the west), and on occasion to plan cooperative ventures or a magic axe + 1 which he can hurl at an
battercd but still serviceable furniture and a discuss tribal problems, for although the opponent, and he can do so and still attack
cot. His two mates sleep on cushions at the separate tribes ate not exactly friendly, normally in the s a n e round ofcombat. His
foot of his resting place. The two females in both leaden are aware of the fact that there belt is of silver, with a gold buckle (total
theplacefightasmales(HD 1. bp3each. #AT is strength in numben. A small table and valuc 160 gp), and his sword has a 100 gp
l , D 1-6, SaveFl,MLX).andcachhasZd6gp two chairs are in the middle of the room. A gem set in its pommel. In his purse are 8
on her person. The chests and other furniture wooden chest to one side holds a bow. a gp, 17 ep, and I sp. His mate is equal to a
have nothing of value. quiver of 20 mows, 2 swords, and 2 dag- male orc in combat (AC 7, HD 1, hp 5 #AT
gers. Two shields are hung on the south 1, Save F1, ML IO). and she has a bracelet
If hard pressed, the leader will wiggle behind wall. There are only odds and ends other- of ivory which is worth 100 gp. Thc area is
the tapestries on the south wall and attempt to wise, exccpt that in the southeast comer, well furnished, and a small chest of
work the catch on the secret door to the south hidden beneath an old bucket (which is drawers contains a sack with 50 pp tied
and go to the rival tribe for help, but his very filled with black, stagnant water) are two shut with a rope ofclimbing. There is also
life must be io great peril before he will do so. small pouches, each holding one gem of IO a copper howl, finely wrought and chased
(Adventurers can only spring this catch by gp value, 10 gp. and 20 sp. Nesting under withsilver, on asmall table near the bed. It
rolling a 1 (on a d6) twice in a row, or having these small pouches, are 2 giant is filled with garbage and very tarnished,
two characters do so simultaneously.) centipedes: (AC 9, HD 1/4, hp 2 each, so it looks only as if it were worth 10 sp,
#AT 1, D illness, MV 20'Save NM, ML 7). rather than the actual IO gp, unless it is
Atea f: This alcove is used by the orc leader closely inspected.
to store arms and treasure. There are two 14. COMMON CHAMBm Here are quar-
complete sui- of chain mail here (man- tered 9 male om with shields and swords (DM Note: Orc losses cannot be replaced. If
sized and dwarf-sized), 4 swords, and a (AC 6, HD 1, hp 3 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, this tribe is attacked, they will have the males
locked iron chest which holds 205 cp. 386 Save F I , ML 8) and 8 females and 3 young at area 15. watching the entrance, ready for a
sp, 81 gp and 13 pp. A small niche in the who do not fight. The males have d2O sp sccond try by the adventuren. If the leader is
hack wall. with a boulder in front covering each, the females d4 cp. the young have slain, the survivors will seek safety in area B.,
it, hides a potion of healing and a scroll nothing. The place is a mess, and there is ifpossible; otherwise, they will flee the place
with a 6-die fire ball spell on it. nothing of value in it. The males will go to entirely, canying their goods away.)
the entrance if they hear the net falling,
(DMNote: Orc losses cannot be replaced, but arriving in 1 round. D. GOBLIN LAIR: The natural cave quickly


turns into the worked stone tunnels typical 20. CHIEFTAIN’S ROOM: The goblin will notice a strong, sour odor and then
of this whole complex. The passageways leader (AC 4 due to chain mail and shield, notice what appears to he a huge bear
here are very busy, and for every 10’ dis- H D 3 , h p l l . XATl.D2-7duetostrength sprawled asleep in the southwest pan of
tance covered by the party there is a 1 in 6 and skill. Save F3, M I 9), 3 guards (AC I, the cave. This is nothing more than the
chance that they will encounter a group of HD 1+ 1. hp 7 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, Save skin of a huge bear which the ogre killed
goblins (see below). Check each timc the F1, ML9due to presence ofchief), and sev- and uses as a bed, making it comfartahlc
party travels 30’ (a 3 in 6 chance) until eral females are quartered hcre. The chief by heaping leaves undcmcath. The ogre
wandering goblins are encountered, then and the guards have bows hung on the sits in the eastem portion of his lair, and
check no further. When an encounter wall. and if there is timc, they will take noises will certainly bring him ready to do
occurs, the entire bunch of goblins will them down and use them. If hard pressed, battle. This huge ogre has AC 4, due to
attack and cry out an alarm (Bree-Yark!) at 2 of the female goblins can fight as well as another thick bearskin he wears for protec-
the same time. Wandering goblins are in males,andwilldoso(AC7,HDl-l.hp2 tion. He strikes opponents for 3-12 (Id10
addition to those found in numbered each.bAT1.D 1-6.SaveNM.ML9dueto + 2) points of damage (AC 4, HD 4 + 1,
areas. the presence of the chief); the other hp 21, D 3-12, M V 30’, Save F4, M I 10).
females do not fight. The chief has a purse The ogre has grown wealthy by serving as a
Wandering Goblins: 6 males, (AC 6, HD 1- with 18 g p and 2 pp in it; each of his mercenary - generally on the side of the
1, hp 3 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, M V Z O ’ , SaveNM, guards has 8 ep and d6 sp. There is a silver goblins (and their occasional allies, the
ML 7). Each will have d6 sp. (They are patrol- cup (value 90 gp) under his bed. hobgoblins), although he has been bought
ling and carrying messages back and forth. off by the o r a and gnolls from time to
The group will also be carrying several hags This place has quite a hit of furniture in it timc. He will rush to aid the goblins when
(d6) of fairly good foodstuffs - not worth - all scaled goblin-size. of course. A low they toss him a sack of coins (see 18..
r ch, hut quite suitable for human fare.) bench near the bed has a sccrct drawer above). If anyone offers him a greater fee
door under the seat, and inside is stored - one which hc can actually see and feel
1 GUARD CHAMBER: 6 goblin guards the treasure of the goblins: a tapestry with - it is 90% likely that he will simply take
withseveralspearseach(AC6,HD 1-1,hp silver and gold threads which is worth 900 it (and the goblin’s money too!), and
3 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, Save NM, ML 7) are gp. Nearby is a stand with a pewter howl return to his lair.
alertly watching both passages here for which holds 273 sp and 321 cp.
inuuders of any son, including hobgoblins 22. The ogre sits hcre on top of a great leath-
from the south. They each have d4 x 10 cp 21. STORAGE CHAMBER: Note that at er hag. In this bag are seven large sacks
and d4 sp. The chamber has a barrel with position g there are 4 goblin guards on which contain:
60 small spears, a small table, 2 benches duty (AC 6, HD 1.1, hp 4 each, #AT 1.
and a keg watcr. D 1-6. Save NM.ML7) armed with ready #1: 287 sp; X2 a hard cheese; #3: 182 cp and
crossbows and swords. Many hales, boxes, 91 ep; #4: 289 g p ; #I a keg of brandy (value
18. GUARD CHAMBER This is the same crates, barrels. and sacks are stacked and 80 gp); #6: 303 cp; #7: 241 gp (actually lead
as 17.. above, except the goblins watch heaped in the large chamber. They contain coins with a wash of gold, so value of each is
mainly to the east. If there is a cry of cloth, food, beer. and wine - all of no only 1copper!).
”BREE-YARK” (“Hey, Rube!”). two of special worth. The hard-working but not-
these guards will rush to the secret door, too-bright goblins continually bring sup- If intruders offer him a bribe of 20 or more
toss a sack with 250 gp in it to the ogre plies of stolen and looted gwds to this gold piece value, rhc ogre will he 90% likely
(E.,22., below) and ask him to help them. place. They do not realize that their large to allow them to leave unmolested, but if he
The ogre will accept payment and will cousins, the hobgoblins at area E, below, catches them again. he will attempt to kill
enter the goblin’s lair and move to attack use a secret d w r known only to them to them, whatever the offers. Hidden under a
intruders immediately, if possihlc. The steal the best foodstuffs and drink. If the heap of old bones in the southern portion of
sack of gold coins is hidden in a watcr bar- adventurers stay in this chamber for more his cave are 6 magic umws + I , a potion of
rel in the corner by the secret door. than 1 N m , a p a q of 4 hobgoblins will invisihi/i~,and a magic scroll with 2 clerical
come through the secret door: spells - cure light wounds, find traps.
19. COMMON ROOM: There are 10 males
(AC 6, HD 1-1. hp 3 each, #AT 1, D 1-6. 4 Hobgoblins: AC 6, HD 1 + 1, hp 6 each, E HOBGOBLIN LAIR: Seldom are these
Save NM. ML 7) and 12 females and 6 #AT 1, D 1-8, MV 30’. Save F1. ML 9). Each fierce CreaNrCS troubled by marauders, for
young (who do not fight) dwelling here. carries d4 gold pieces. the entrance 10 their lair is guarded by a
Food is prepared and eaten here. and gen- stout, barred door at the back of the entry
eral meetings are likewise held here. There (DM Note: Goblin losses cannot be replaced. cave. Skulls are lined along the walls, and
are heaps of bedding, tables, stools, If they are being soundly defeated by sevcral are affixed to the oaken door to
benches, etc. all around the whole place, intruders, the goblins will attempt to hide or highlight a warning written in common
making it very cluttered. Each male has d6 flee east. Those who do 50 will go from area runes: “Come in -we’d like to have you
sp, each female has 2d6 cp. If the wander- 17. to area 23.- inform the hobgoblins, and for dinner!” (Which could be misinter-
ing group of goblins has not been encoun- join forces with them, so adjust encounters preted as a cordial invitation to dine. . . .)
tered when the adventurers enter this area, appropriately.) Careful inspection of the barred door has a
1 in 6 chance per person examining it of
be certain to have those 6 additional males
in this chamber. E. OGRE CAVE: Persons entering this place detecting a secret mechanism which allows


a person outside to slide the bar back so will seek to escape from the adventurers and the others will pass through the secret
the portal can be entered. If it is forced at fmt chance, taking whatever he can entrance (to area 31.) to alert the chief.
open, it will require three Is (on a d6) to with him, and informing his fellows at Each guard has 2d4 each of sp and ep. In
break the bar, and the noise will alert the B. (above) of what happened). the chamber are the following:
six hobgoblins in area 26. Ifa knockspell is
used to open the door, the noise of the fall- 63: A man-at-arms (AC 9, F1. hp 5 . ML 7)
who formerly served as a guard for the 1 suit man-sized plate mail
ing bar will be heard, but the guards will 1 suit of dwarf-sized plate mail
not have time to react - the inuuders will merchant. He will take service with res-
cuers for 1 year if an offer is made, for 3 suits man-sized chain mail
have w o rounds before the guards come. 2 suits elf-sized chain mail
room and board only, ifgiven annor and
weapons. 7 suits man-sized leather armor
23. COMMON ROOM: This place quarters 11 shields
5 males (AC 6, HD 1+ 1, hp 5 each, #AT #4: A normal female, the merchant’s wife, 6 daggers
1, D 1-8,MV 30’. SaveF1, ML8)with d4x in fact, who is also slated for the big 1 axe
10 sp each: 8 females (AC 7, HD I , hp 4 feast. She will personally reward her res- 4 maces
each, #AT 1, D 1-6, MV 30’. Save F1, ML cuers by giving them a magical dagger 3 swords
7) with 2d6 sp each, and 3 young which do + I she has in her room hack at the 2 bows(shon)
not fight and have no treasure. There are Keep. 1 longbow
heaps of cloth and skins for beds, some 13 crossbows
odds and ends of furniture, a small barrel #5: A crazy gnoll (AC 9 due to no armor,
HD 2. hp 9, #AT 1, D 1-6, Save F2, ML 11 score arrows (14 arrows have
of beer, buckets, etc. in the place, all silver heads)
8) who will snatch up a weapon and
worthless. The males are watching the east 9 score bolts
attack his rescuers if he is freed. (He will
door which communicates with the goblin 51 spears
cause only 1-6 points of damage due to
lair (D., above) and are battle-ready. 19 polearms
his weakened condition.)
42 helmets of various sizes
24. TORTURE CHAMBERIPLAYROOMI #6: Another man-at-arms as #3 above who
FOOD STORAGE: There are 2 very large. will behave thesameway hiscompanion Armor-type items are standing or hung from
ugly hobgoblins here. Each is equal to a will. racks. Weapons are in chests or on pegs or
2 + 1 hit dice monster, one having 10 hit racks.
points, the other 8 hit points. and both 25. COMMON CHAMBER: This large
wear chain mail (AC 7). One also has a place is used for meals, meetings and gen- 28. STOREROOM: Goods stolen from the
whip, as well as a swotd, so that be can eral rwels of rhe hobgoblin tribe. There stuoid Goblins are kent here until needed
strike at opponcnts up to 15’ distant, and are many tables and benches set out now, a
abive. %ere will he single guard (AC 6,
i f a bit is scored, the whip will jerk the vic- as the place is being readied for tbc coming HD 1 +1. hp 5 . XAT1. D 1-8, SaveF1. ML
tim off his or her feet for and stun (para- feast.4males(AC6.HDl+l.hp7each, 8)ondutyhercatalltimes. Hehas2dSep.
lyze) him or her for 1-2 melee rounds. # AT 1, D 1-8, MV 30’. Save F1, ML 8). 5 (If the hobgoblin looting party does not
However, once closely engaged the hob- females (AC 7, HD 1. hp 4 each, #AT 1, encounter adventurers in area 21., they
goblin cannot make usc of his whip, so he D 1-6. Save F1. ML 7). and 9 young (who will also be here: 4 hobgoblins (AC 6, HD
will cast it aside. Each of these monsters will not fight) are working bere. Males 1 + 1 , hp 6 each, #AT 1, D 1-8. Save F1,
bas a purse with d6 cp. sp. and ep. The have d4 g p each, females havc 2d6 sp. The ML 8). Each of the four carries d4 gp.
larger also has a silver armlet worth 135 gp. head table has a set of pewter dishes on it,
They guard 6 prisoners who are chained to and their value is 2 5 gp for the set. 29. GUARD ROOM: 2 hobgoblin guards
the walls. There are two chairs, a small with crossbows and swords stand here (AC
table, a central fire pit, and various imple- 26. GUARD ROOM: 6 hobgoblins (AC 6, 6.HD 1 + 1 , #AT1, D 1-8, SaveF1, ML8.)
ments of torture in &e chamber. The keys HD 1+ I . hp 6 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, Save With them are 2 females who will fight
to the prisoners’ chains are hanging on the F1, ML 8). 3 with crossbows which they’ll (AC 7, HD 1, hp 4 each, #AT 1, D 1-6,
wall in the southwest corner. The prisoners fue once before dropping and taking their Save F1, ML 7). Males have 2d6 each sp
are: maces for close combat. Each carries d4 and cp, females have no treasure. There
each gp, sp. c p. If they heat the door are two cots, a bench, a stool, and a large
#I: A plump, half-dead merchant. sched- being battered, or the hat falling, all but box (filled with soiled clothing) in the
uled to he eaten tonight in a special one will immediately rush to the entry, room. If attackers are seen, one female will
banquet. If he is rescued and returned while theothcrwillalertarea27.. andthen alen arca 30., the other area 31.1; then
to the Keep, the Guild will pay a 100 gp join his fellows. It takes w o rounds for both will tight.
reward, grant the rescuers honorary them to reach the entry, and the sixth will
Guild status. and exempt them for one join the other guards on round four. 30. HOBGOBLIN CHEF’S QUARTERS:
year from any fees, dues, taxes, and the This great ugly creature is particularly
like which the Guild would normally 27. ARMORY 3 hobgoblin guards (AC 7 tough (AC 2 due to plate and shield, HD
collect. due to chain mail, HD 1+ 1. hp 6 each, 5 , hp 22, #AT 1, D 3-10 due to strengrh
#2: An o n (AC 7, HD 1, hp 4, ML 8) who #AT 1, D 1.8, Save F1, ML 8) are on duty and skill, M T 30’. Save F5, ML IO). He has
will fight goblins and hobgoblins glad- here at all times. If warning comes, two 5 pp and 31 gp in his purse. He wears a sil-
ly, if handed a weapon (of course. he will move to the door to wait in ambush, ver and gem studded belt (value 600 gp).

With him are 4 large female hobgoblins, 3 Gray ooze from 33.. helow 35. GUARD ROOM: 3 hughem (AC 5 ,
eachequaltoamale(AC6,HD 1 + l , h p 6 4-6 Nothing is attracted to the noise HD 3 + I , hp 11 each, #AT 1, D 2-8, Save
each,#ATl,D1-8,SaveF1,MLlOdueto F3, ML 9) with 2d10 gp each. These crea-
the chief), and each has 2d6 gp. The room 33. SHALLOW POOL: This portion of the tures lounge on stools near a smoking hra-
is crowded with furniture and junk - all cavern is vcty wct, and all the walls and zier that has skewers of meat roasting over
of no real worth. except that there is a false floor have a sheen from the dampness. the coals. Each will ignore his great flail
botrominahugciron boxfilledwirhman- Thcrc is a large pool of shallow water (as when inuuders enter, reaching instcad for
gy animal skins. The secret portion of the shown), and a few white, blind f s h are the food. Though they do not speak com-
iron box holds 23 pp. 200 gp. 115 ep, and swimming therein. There is a jcwcl mon, they will grab and eat a chunk, then
400 sp plus a 100 gp gem and a potion of encrusted goblet worth 1,300 gp in the offer the skewers to the adventurers - and
poison. Amidst a heap of kindling wood water. There are 3 gray ooze monsters io suddenly use them as swords to strike first
near the fireplace (southeast corner) there this place (only 2 if 1 has already been blow (at + 2 bonus to hit due to surprise!)
is concealed a wand ofparalpation, with encountered in a 32.. area). Each causes 1- unless the victims are very alert. There are
only 17 charges left. 8 hit points damage on thc first round, two cots in the place and a large gong. If
unless attacking from above. because half the battle goes badly. one will smite the
31. GUARD ROOM: 4 hobgoblins (AC I of their damage will he taken up in gong to warn the others in the complex.
due to chain mail, HD 1 + 1, hp I each, destroying the foot and leg protection of
#AI 1, D 1-8,Save F1, ML 8). each with the victim. Thcreafrer, attacks cause 2-16 36. CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: This tough old
2d6 ep, sp, and cp. They are alert for dan- poinrs damage, as do any attacks from hughear is equal to an ogre (AC I , HD
get, and when notifed. they will pass the above (AC 8, HD 3*. hD 15 each, #AT 1. 4+1, hp 18,#AT 1, D 3-12(d10+2). Save
word ro a r e s 29.. 30.. and/or 27.. as D 1-8Atst round and dewoys armor, then F4, ML 9). He has a pouch holding a key,
required. The room is rather hare. having 2-16,MV 3'. Save FZ, ML 12). The air 27 pp. and three IO gp gems. With him is
only two pallets, a stool, and a large wafer always in the place are locared at the s o h a female bugbear equal to a male (AC I.
barrel. edge of the pool and the on the ceiling in HD 3+1, hp 12. #AT 1, D 2-8, Save F1,
the southwestern portion of the area. ML 8, Save F3, ML 9). She has gold ear-
DM NOTE: As usual, hobgoblin losses can- There is only a 1 in 20 chance of noticing rings worth 100 gp. The furnishings of the
not he replaced during the course of normal either unless a pole or other device is used room are battered and crude, but sweral
play, which is a period of only several days or to prod the area before the pool, or unless pieces of silk are mixed up with the hed-
weeks of action. The hobgoblins are fairly two or more torches are held aloft so as to ding, in all 6 may he found; the party will
smart. well-organized, and alert. If their chief fully light the ceiling area. The third gray he able to sell them for 20 gp each. There is
is killed, they will typically seek to escape ooze will be on the ceiling to the left of the a gray chest nuck up on a ledge near the
alive, unless their opponents are obviously entrance, if present. ceiling which will only be spotted if the
weak and inferior. Sumivan will reinforce the room is carefully searched. It contains
goblins at D., above, unless their attackers are 34. OWL BEARS DEN. Owl Bear: AC I, 1,462 sp. a 30 pound statue of alabaster
very dangerous and the hobgoblins can see HD I , hp 30, #AI 3, D 1-8/1-811-8, MV and ivory (worth 200 gp) and 2 potions of
that the whole Caves' area is in trouble. 40'. Save F3. ML 9). It sleeps in the mosr healing (which will break if the chest is
southem part of its den, digesting a meal roughly handled). It will take three or four
G. SHUNNED CAVERN: Even the normal of gnoll it just caught at dawn. If aroused, strong characten to bring this down safely.
inhabitants of this area, including the the beast will roar and tush our, striking There is a hand arrp + I on the wall. and if
ogre, stay away from here, for the creatures with its two great paws, and toothy beak the chieftain has the chance. he will take it
that dwell herein are exceptionally danger- for 1-8 poinrs of damage per hit, with down and hurl it first. then close for full
ous. Any creature foolish enough to ven- three such attacks per round, Le. a claw. melee. He knows of the secret door - it is
ture out at night becomes fair game. A another clawing attack, and then a snap of his cscape route in desperate Situations.
horrible srench is noticed as soon as crea- its beak. It has no treasure, hut amidst the
tures enter the cavern area. many sticks and bones it sleeps on is a bone 37. SPOILS ROOM: The heavy door is locked
tuhc (1 in 6 chance of noticing it for each and the key is in the pouch of the chieftain
32. E M F " GALLERY: The odor of these personsearchingthe heap. withacheck for (36.. above). Inside are a magical sbield + I
places is awful. Bones and rotting corpses each once per round) with a protection being used as a may to hold a heap of dried
are spread here and there amidst a liner of from undeadxroll within it. herbs (catnip, something these particular
dead leaves and old branches. If a careful bugbears relish), various boxes and crata of
search is made, adventuren will find a coin H. BUGBEAR LAIR: The group of hug- high quality dried or salted foodmffs, leath-
every round: 1-2 = 1 cp, 3 -4 1 sp. 5-6 1 hears is not numerous, but what it lacks in er hido in a stack, 3 barrels of ale. a tun of
ep. The sound of such searching might numbers, it makes up for in strength and wine, and a small keg of oil (20 flak capaci-
bring visitors! Roll on the table helow for cunning, There are signs beside the ty). (If all hut the shield and oil are sold at
an encounter: entrance cave in kobold, orcish, goblin, thcKeep. thevaluewillhe4oOgp.)Breaking
erc. Each says: "Safety, security and repose the lock or smashing the door will bring
1 Owl bear from 34.. below for all humanoids who enter - WEL guards from 35. and the chiefrain and his
2 2-12 giant rats (AC 7, HD 1 / 2 , hp 2 COME! (Come in and report to the first mate from 36.
each, #AT 1. D 1-3 plus disease, MV guard on the left for a hot meal and bed
40'. Save NM, ML 8) assignment.)" 38. COMMON ROOM: 3 males (AC I. HD


3 + 1, hp 12 each, #AT 1, D 2-8, MV 30'. 8), 1 (rebel) b u g h (AC 7,HD 3 + 1, hp 14, Don't wony about calling the same passage as a
Save F3, ML 9)with 2d8 each of gp and sp, MV 30'. SaveF3, ML9) and a huge human - different direction should they uavel over the
7 females (AC 6,HD 2 , hp 8 each. #AT 1, a Smning wildrran, with mighty m d e . same route twice - that's the &ect of the magic
D 1-8, Save F2. ML 8). and 3 young bug- s-hair and bcard,and stadng eyes. He is a on them. You may wish to allow the mapping
bears(AC7,HDl,hp3each,XAT1,Dl- Hem (a 4th level fighter). Hk 18 Strength and chmcter a ycret saving throw every couple of
4, Save F1. ML 7) dwell here. There are + 1for& lexlg k him a d of +4 "to hit" m.a 19 or 20 indicating that effect has been
piles of bedding and old garments here bonus and +3 damage(AC 9 due tono m o r , thrown &.)
and there. Blackened by soot, there is a sd- F4, hp 24.#AT 1at +4. D 49,ML 10). He is
vcr urn worth 171 gp neat the fireplace, pmnc m firs of k x &fury due m his emlax- 42. STIRGE CAVE: There are 13 of these
hut only close examination will reveal its ment. and if w e d and in combat it is 50% flying monsters here: (AC 7. HD 1. hp 3
true value. likely pcr round that he will d e a end each, #AT 1 at +2. D 1-3 the first round
head of afce in his lustto slay! E M ,thca plus 1-4 per additional round. MV 60'.
39. GUARD ROOM Watching here are 2 slam will attempt to flee, although they will Save F1. ML 9). After an opponent is hit,
males(AC I . HD 3 + 1, hp IOeach, #AT 1, arcark h u g b who are in the way oftheir the stirge will automatically suck blood
D 2-8, Save F3, ML 9) with 2dK gp each ocape.There arc two eaepdonr:rhc bg hug- each round thereafter, doing 1-4 hit poinu
and 3 females (AC 6, HD 2, hp 7 each, hbates his fellows. and will &e arms and nf damage until the victim is dead or the
#AT 1, D 1-8. Save F2, ML 8) each with f&ht against them or any other inhahitam of stirge is killed. The minotaur loves to catch
dlO gp. Each has a spear in addition to nor- the whole am; he will continue to do so for as and eat these creatures. so they avoid him,
mal weapons, so they can hurl this missile long as the party stays there.The hem is chaotic and they are quitc hungry. In fact, this
and thcnclose to fight hand-to-hand. The- and d, once he is m e d , and after the hade hunger makes it 90% likely that they will
se bugbean tend to the slaves as well as madnm leam him. he will either kill the he squeaking and hooting to one another,
help to guard the entrance to their lair. adwnture~who fmd him to have all their so the patty won't be surprised. They havc
There are bedrolls, a bench, along table. a masure for himszE, or e k he will steal w h - no treasnre.
water pail, and sacks of meat scattered here ever is mvaluable and thm sneak oE- but
and there in the chamber. Keys to the only ifhe knowr the party is ta, mung for him. 43. FIRE BEETLES: Three dwell in this area:
doors to 40. and 41. are on the wall oppo- (AC 4,HD 1 +2. hp 7 each. #AT 1. D 2-8
site the stairs. Both corridors to the slave (DMNote: There ate 2 hughears out hunting, (2d4). MV 40'. Save F1. ML 7).Thcy, too,
pens have meal sacks and small boxes and and they will rerum with a human corpse and are hungry and will hasten to attack any
barrels of provisions and watered wine 83 gp the day after adventurers first enter the persons cntering this area. They havc no
along their length. bugbear lair. They will be placed on guard treasure, hut two glands above their eyes
duty at 35.. if appropriate, and their statistics and one in their abdomen will glow with a
40. SLAVE PEN: The iron door is secured by are the same as the guards there. Bugbean will red light, 10'radius. for 1-6days after the
a bar. a chain, and a heavy padlock Inside stay in place until all are dead, save the chid- bcetlc is killed.
isalitterofstraw. a bucket, and thefollaw- taiu, who will seek help help from the mino-
ing slaves: 3 kobolds (AC 9,HD 1 / 2 , hp 2 taur 1.,45.) 44. FIRE BEETLES: Thcre are 2 of these
each, MV 40'. Save NM, ML 6), 1 goblin creatures here, in all respects like those in
(AC 9, HD 1-1. hp 3, MV 20'. Save NM. I. CAVES OF THE MINOTAUR: This laby- 43., above.
ML 7). 4 orcs (AC 9, HD 1, hp I each, MV rinth houses a number of nasty things. but
40'. SaveF1. ML 7), and 2 human fighters the worst is a fiendishly clever minotaur 45. THE MINOTAUR: This huge monster
(AC 9, F1, hp 4 each, MV 40, ML 7) - who abides herein. Immediately upon has AC 4 due to a great chain mail coat he
optionally add 1 dwad(AC 9, D2,hp 12. entering the place. adventurers will fed wean, and carries a magic spear + 1 (AC 4,
MV 40', ML 8) and 2 elves (AC 9, HD slightly dizzy - the effects of a powerful HD 6 . hp 3I. #AT 1012, D4-9011-611-6,
1+ 1, hp 7 each, MV 40'. ML 8) in place of spell which will cause them to lose all sense MV 40', Save F6. ML 12). When be
2 of the koholds and 1 of the ora. They are of direction. attacks, the minotaur fitst rushesand stabs
chained to the wall with a common chain The minotaur will agree to help the with the spear for 4-9 points damage
and a heavy padlock. All will fight against bugbears against invaders at the cost of one (d6+3 due to his strength). The next
the bugbears if given weapons. (Treat as human slave every three days of service - round he will gore and bite for 1-6points
AC 9 unless protection is provided.) The nf course, the slave is eaten in that period. of damage for each successful attack. The
humans will serve as those noted in E,24., The minotaur keeps only the choicest of minotaur may only use his spcar or his
above. The dwarf and elves, ifused by the treasures, tossing unwanted loot to whom- horns and bite.
DM. may agree to help the adventurers as ever happens to find it at the mouth of the When intruders cnter thc area. tbc
long as they stay in the Caves' area contin- labyrinth. minotaur immediately moves to attack. He
uously and fight. The other creatures will knows this area so well that the only way
desert at the first opportunity (DMNotes: You may allow players to find a few for victims to escape is to go through the
low-value coins, normal equipment, weapons, secret door into area 36.. or else to run out
41. SLAW PEN:hother batrcd, chained,and nr atmot at the nrrrance. After 30' past the cave of the place and climb a large tree.
padlocked imn dmr k e e p safe the following mouth. the spell of diction confusion will The cave the minotaur dwells in has
slaws: 3 hobgoblins (AC 8. HD 1+ 1. hp 6 begin to functinn, so start to misdirrct them by skulls and bones arrayed in decorativc pat-
each, M v 30',Save F1, ML 8). 2 gnok (AC 8. naming incorrect directions, i.e. soudxast terns. The secret door is acrually a slab of
HD 2, + 1, hp 9 each,MV 30'. Save F2, ML instead of no-, east instead of west, efc. stone which takcs not less than 3 humans


to move. (It will he noticed by careful sing, make noise, and act foolishly. Any of twines with bulging black veins running
checking of the walls, but discovering how their attacks will he at - 2 to hit; this will through the hewn rock walls beyond the
it is moved requires a roll of 1 on a six- continue for as many rums as they spend entrance. The wide corridors and chambers
sided die to find where it can be grasped. drinking i.e. 1-4). are deathly still. A faint groaning sound,
All of the minotaur's treasure is behind and a shrill piping may he occasionally
this slab of rock. It hides: 49. COMMON ROOM: This place quarters heard, barely perceptible even if the party
the gnall tribe - 6 males (AC I , HD 2. hp is absolutely silent and listening.
1 locked chest (with poison needle in 8each.#ATl,D2-8,MV30'.SaveF2.ML
lock) -contents 930 gp and 310 cp 8).llfemalcs(AC6,HDl+l,hpIeach, The f l o ~ nare smooth and worn by the
1 staffofhealing YATI. D 1-8, MV30'. SaveFl,ML7), and tread of countless feet of the worshipers at
1 man-sized (optionally elf-sized) magic 18 young who do not fight. Males have d6 this grim place. The footsteps of intruders
plate armor + I each of ep and sp. fcmales d10 sp each. will echo alarmingly in these vaulted halls
1 locked coffer - contents 3 potion hot- There is the usual clutter of wonhless fur- ( + 2 chance of being surprised if no pre-
tles (gasmus form, delusionary heal- niture in the room. cautions are taken), and extreme care must
ing,giant strength) be taken to muffle such sounds if the party
1 locked chest -contents 3 pieces of jew- 50. GNOLI.CHIEETAIN'SQUARTEKS: The has any hopes of remaining undetected
elry worth 1,600 gp, 900 gp, and 600 gnoll leader w m pieces of plate mail (AC 3, until the moment of their choosing. Con-
gp, respectively HD3.hp17.#P;I11,D4-10(2d4+ 2)due tinual noise will bring a group of zombie
to his sumgth. Save F3, ML 10). With him guards to investigate:
J. GNOLL LAIR: The entry into this place is are his two sons (AC 4 due tochainmail and
a small cave - and only at the end will shield,HD2+l,hp10cach.XP;I11.D3-9 8 zombies: (AC 8, HD 2 . hp 8 each, #AT 1.
worked stone be visible. If the adventurcn (2d4 + 1). Savc F2, ML 10). and 4 females D 1-8, MV 30', Save F1. ML 12). These
have a light or make too much noise, the (AC6,HDl+l,hpIeach,XAT11,D1-8, ghastly monsters are clad in filthy red and
gnoll guards 146.) will certainly be alerted MV 30'. Save F1. ML 9). The chieftain has a black striped uniforms. Each carries a
and ready. pair of silver armhands worth 50 gp each. cleaver-like battle axe. (Each wean an
and there are 39 g p in his belt pouch. His amulet of protection from turning, so
46. GUARD ROOM: There are always 4 sons have d10 each gp. ep. and sp. Each attempts by a cleric to turn them arc made
gnolls (AC I, HD 2 . hp 9 each, #AT 1. female w m as silver neck chainwonh 30 gp as if they were ghouls rather than zom-
D 2-8,MV 30'. Save F2. ML 8) on duty and has 2d6 cp in addition. The furnishings hies.)
here. Two have bows, will shoot at of the place are crude and battered. A large
intruders until melee takes place; they will m d pot h e a t h a flagstone in the fireplace 51. BOULDER FILLED PASSAGE Large
then N n for help while the other two alcove hides 200 cp. 157 sp, 76 ep. and 139 rocks and boulders have heen placed here
fight.EachgnollhasdSeachep,spandcp. €9 in order to seal off this tunnel. It will take
T h e secret door and passage to area K., 100 man-turns to open a way large enough
47. GUARD ROOM: 3 males (AC I, hp 8 63.. is unknown to all parties. Just inside for a human to pass through into the area
each, #AT 1, D 2-8,MV 30', Save F2, ML the entrance is the skeleton of a human beyond (possibly outside and southwest of
8) and I females (AC 6, HD 1 + 1, hp I thief; his leg broken. he must have died the Caves of Chaos).
each, #AT 1, D 1-8,MV 30'. Save F1, ML here trying to escape through the secret
7) are quartered here. They will he ready to door. The rotten leather armor and corrod- 52. Hw OF SKELEXlNS: This unusual
fight immediately. The males have d6 gp cd weapons are valueless. but the purse at audience chamber has a dais and throne-like
each, the females have d4. There is a scat- his belt holds 12 gems of IO gp base value chair set with 4 large red gems (500 gp each)
tering of rude furniture in the place, heaps each, and the elven b o a upon his bony at the south end. It is otherwise empty except
of bedding on the floor, several hides and feet are still in usable shape. far a dozen skeletons, clad in rags of chain
pelts on the walls (one is a valuable sable mail and bearing battered shields and rusty
cloak worth 450 gp). and a barrel of water (DM Note: Losses by the gnolls cannot be wimitan, propped against the walls. The%
in the southwest comer of the room. replaced. They have a loose alliance with the bony guards do not move, and any attempt
orcs. so any surviving gnolls will move to the to them immediatelyupon entering the
48. LOCKED ROOM: This chamber is a orc areas and vice versa. If you wish. allow the chambcr will have no & . .as they are ohvi-
store room and armory. Besides the usual chieftain to be able to escape by climbing up ously not animated However, as soon as
provisions. there are 7 shields, a suit of the chimney of the fireplace in his area.) inuuden touch the dais or throne chair, these
dwarf-sized chain mail, 12 battle ax-. 3 monsters will spring into action from their
longbows, 5 quivets of arrows (20 in each), K. SHRINE OF EVIL CHAOS A faint, foul positions on either wall of the chamber. Each
and a magic sword ( - 2 curscd). One har- draft issues from the 20' wide cave mouth has an mulct ofprotmon from turning00
rel of cxccptionally fine ale is leaking and which is the entrance to this place. The it, so they are Nmcd by a cleric as ifthey were
the odor will tempt adventurers to taste it. worn path through the copse of obscenely zombies,(AC7,HDl,hp3each,RP;Il,D
It is so good, in fact, that there is a I in 6 twisted and oddly bloated trees gives those 1-6,SaveFl,MLl2).Theyhavenoueasure.
chance per taste that he or she will draw a approaching along its length an eerie sense Once the skeletons are disposed of, it is
healthy draught and then spend the oext of unease, and as soon as they enter the an easy task to pry the 4 garnets (gems)
1-4 turns drinking. (If this occurs, be sure cave mouth a dim awareness of lurking evil from the back of the chair.
that you have the appropriate characters will pervade their senses. Red strata inter-

53. GUARD ROOM: There will always be 8 se objects, the DM should roll a secret sav- pressed, these evil clerics will attempt to
zombies (AC 8. HD 2, hp 8 each, #AT 1. ing throw vs. Spells at - 2. Any who save flee and warn their master by striking the
D 1-8,Save F1. ML 12). turned as if they successfully will get a “feeling of great great bell (58.).
were ghouls due to amulets ofprotection evil” about the object, and he or she may
from turning hulking silently here, 4 at voluntarily put it down. If the save fails. 57. HALL OF UNDEAD WARRIORS:
either end of the hall. Anyone entering the characters will rapidly fall under the There are four fdes of the undead here,
will be attacked unless they are robed (see influence of a demonic spell and within 6 two of 10 skeletons each, two of 10 zom-
area 54.. below) and have an amulet iden- days become a servant of chaos and evil, hies each. The formetface south, the latter
tical to the ones which the undead guards returning to this chapel to replace thc north.
or priests wear. There is no treasure here. relics, and then staying as a guard forever
after. If somconc attempts to destroy these 20 skeletons: AC 6 (due to chain mail tags &
54. ACOLYTES’ CHAMBER: There are 4 relics, the great bell (see 58.. below) will shields), HD 1,hp 3 each, #AT 1. D 1-6. Save
acolytes (1st level clerics) here (AC 5. C1, sound and the Sbrinc’sresidents will come F1, ML12, turned as zombies.
hp4each.XATl.D 1-6,MLS),alldressed running in 3 rounds. If a detccr evilspell is
in msty red robes with black cowls, Under cast upon these items, they will glow an 20 zombies: AC 5 (due to chain mail), HD 2.
these robes, each wean chaio mail and a ugly purple, and all good charactets will bp 8 each, #AT 1, D 1-8. Save F1; ML 12,
mace at his belt. Each carries 10 gp in his feel an instant loathing for thcm. If the turned as if they were ghouls.
purse, and the leader wean an amulet of character who has taken them has a dispel
protection from good. This amulet circles magic and then a bleaspell cast upon bim Upon the striking of the great iron bell at 58.
the wearer with a magical barrier against or her, there is a 60% chance of removing below, the skeletons will issue forth from the
attacks by characters or creatures of other the evil on the fm day, 50% on the 2d, south door of the place and march into the
alignments by subtracting 1 from the “to 40%onthe3rd,30%onthe4th,20%on temple (58.) to line the south wall, while the
hit” rolls of these opponents and adding the 5th. and 10% on the 6th. Otherwise. zombies plod out the north exit to line the
+ 1 to the wearer’s saving throws. The nothingwill be able to save the character!). north wall of the temple. If intruders enter
amulet will also keep out melee attacks room 57., are in the passage to the temple, or
from enchantcd (magical) monsters (such 56. ADEPTS’ CHAMBER: There are 4 are within the temple itself. these undead
as gargoyles), but not missile attacks from adepts (2nd level clerics)here, each dad in warriors will attack. Proper garments and
these creatures. Their room contains four a black robe with a maroon colored cowl amulets warn by the characters will prevent
hard pallets, a brazier, a table, four stwls, (AC 2, C2, hp 8 eacb, #AT 1, D 1-6, ML attack unless the cleric commands the undead
acahinetforclothing, awaterpail, a w m e 8). wearing plate mail beneath their gar- to do so. They have no treasure.
bucket, and a flagon of wine and four ments, and each bcaring a mace. Their
cups. There is nothing of value amongst waists are circled with copper chains (worth 58. TwlIpLE OF MIL CHAOS: This huge
these items. 40 gp each) with skull shaped clasps fash- area has an axbed ceiling some 30’ or more
ioned of bone. Each carries a purse with 20 in height. Thc floor is of polished black stonc
55. EVIL CHAPEL: This place is of red gold and 5 platinum pieces, and each wbich has rwirllng pattern of ted Yeins
stone, the floor being a mosaic checker- wean an amulet ofprotection from good, through it. The walls behind the draperies,
board of black and red. Thc south wall is which makes their effective annor class 2 and the ceiling as well, are of dull black rock.
covered by a huge tapestry which depicts a vs. good creatures. The fmt and second while the west wall is of translucent red stone
black landscape, barren trees, and uniden- have cause light wounds spells (does 2-7 wbich is seemingly one piece, polished to
tifiable but horrible black shapes in silhou- points of damage to creature touched; nor- mirror-like smoothncsr. A great bell of black
ette - possibly demons of some sort - mal “to hit” roll must be made to touch iron stands ocar the enuance point, with a
holding aloft a suuggling human. A gray victim), the third a light spell, the fourth a pair of mallm besidc its supporn, To the
sky is tom by wisps of purple clouds, and a cause fear spell (the victim touched must south are scvetal longbenches ot pews.There
bloody moon with a skull-like face upon it save vs. spells or flee in tenor for 1 Nm;a arc three stone alm to the west: the north-
leers down upon the scene. Four black pil- normal “to hit” roll must be made to west of p u n black. the middle one of
lars support the domed ceiling some 25‘ touch victim). They will use their spells streaked red and black. the last of red with
overhead. Between these columns, just in fmt. ifpossible. before engaging in com- black flecks. At the wcstem end of the tem-
front of the tapestry, is a stone altar of red bat with weapons. Io the mom are four ple area is a dais of black stone, with four
veined black rock, rough-hewn and beds, four small stands, a table, four lascr chairs on its lower ticr and a great
stained brown with dried blood. Upon it chain. fourchestsforclothiog, andvarious tbmnc above. The chain are of bone; the ivo-
are 4 ancient bronze vessels - a shallow -
books and scrolls of evil nature nothing ‘y h o n e is set with gold and adorned with
bowl,apairofgoblets. andanewer, avase- of value. However, on thc table are copper gem ofrcd and black (10 black s t o m cach
shaped pitcher. They are also bloodstained dshes and vessels (total weight 300 gp) of worth 100 gp. 10 rcd stones each worth 500
hut obviously worth a great deal of money. exceptional craftsmanship wbich are worth gp,and one large rcd stone worth 1,ooOgp).
(The value is 1,000 gp for each cup. and 175 gold pieces. (If the party opts to The signs and sigh upon these scats arc of
2.000 gp for each of the other items, but destroy thc evil writings. they should pure chaas and evil. The other walls arc cov-
these are relics of evil, and any character receive an additional 600 orperieoce points ered by draperies of deep purple with
possessing them will notpart with them or for the act, unless they are themselves evil, embroidcred symbols and evil sayings, done
sell them nor allow others to handle them. in which case they should receive points for in scarln and gold and black thread. As soon
For each character who picks up one of the- keeping and reading these works.) If bard 1s the party enters the place, black candles in


eight great candelabras on eithct side of the ered with silken coven of black and red its pommel.
place will come alight magically, shwting cushions and pillows. A dcmon idol leers
forth a disgusting red radiance. Shapeless from the wall to the north, directly over 63. STORAGE CHAMBER: There are many
forms of purple, yellow and grcen will dance the be bed. If anyone other than the priest piles of boxes, crates, barrels, sacks, and so
and sway on the western wall, and if anyone touches it, it will topple over upon the forth here - the supplies of the temple.
looks at them for more than a moment, they character. causing 2-12 points of damage. There is nothing of value, and if the pany
must save vs. Spells or be mesmerized into It has two gem eyes (100 gp value each). stays within the place for longer than 3
chanting a hymn to chaotic evil. Should three The evil priest will dan behind a screen in rounds, a gelatinous cube will move from
or mote voices he so raised, the iron hell will the southeast corner. enter a wardrobe the corridor into the place and block it:
sound automatically by magic, but even one there, slip throughasecretdoorinits hack. (AC 8, HD 4*, hp 22, #AT 1. D 2-8, plus
such chant will alert the guards of the head and then down a short passage and out paralyzation, MV 20', Save F2, ML 12).
cleric (see below). Zombie guards will enter into the corridor through another secret Inside the creature are d l 2 each of cp. sp,
here in 3 rounds after the party. even if the door, should his life be io danger. When ep, gp, and pp. as well as several bones -
party is quiet. the secret door in the back of the wardrobe evidently parts of a victim not yet wholly
is opened by the party, 500 gp and IO gems digested. (One of the bones is actually a
59. THE CHAMBERS OF THE EVIL of 10 gp value each will spill from the wand of enemy detection with 9 charges
PRIEST: Location 59.g is the anteroom wardrobe into the room to hopefully cause left. If it is not gotten out of the monster
where special visitors are entertained by pursuetstostopfortheloot. The priestwill within one rum. it will he ruined by diges-
the chief cleric. There are lavish furnisb- meanwhile either t q to rally his forces. or tive juices.) The secret door in the room
ings here, although none are of particular else escape (assuming that most of his fel- leads to the gnoll chieftain's cave. (50..
value except for a golden flagon and cups lows have been eliminated already). above).
(flagon worth IO0 gp, each of the nine
cups has 100 gp value). Three zombies are 60. GUEST CHAMBER: This lower rwm is 6L. CELL: The door is of iron, locked and
on guard here (AC 2 due to plate mail and for important guests of the place. It con- barred, hut a window is set in the door.
shield, HD 2, hp 13 each, #AT 1, D 1-8, tains a large bed, table, chairs. etc. There is This is the place where prisoners are kept
Save F1, ML 12). They stand unmoving nothing of value within, although the tap- until tortured to death or sacrificed in the
unless they are summoned by a chant from estries adorning the walls (things picturing atea above. There are several skeletons still
the temple area, someone enters their area. evil C N d t i e S and obscene rites) appear chained to the wall, and one scantily clad
or they are commanded by the evil priest. expensive. Beneath a velvet cloth on the female - a fair maiden obviously in need
Location 59. is the privatc chamber of tahlc is a polished mirror. of rescuing! As she is partly around a cor-
the evil priest. He is 3d level, wears magi- ner, at fust only her shapely legs and body
cal annor + 1 , has a shield + I, and wears 61. TORTURE CHAMBER There are vari- up to the shoulders can be seen. Those who
an amulet ofprotection from good which ous implements of tomre here. both large enter and approach closer are in far a rude
adds a further + 1 to his armor class when and small - a rack, iron maiden, tongs, shock! This is actuallv a medusa recentlv
attacked by good creatures (AC 0 or - 1. pinchers, whips, etc. Comfortable chairs taken by the evil priest's zombie guards'.
C3, hD 14. #AT 1, D 2-7 (staff) ot 1-6 are scattered along the walls, evidently so (AC 8, HD 4**, hp 20, #AT 1. D 1-6 plus
(macej, ML 10). He attacks kith'a snake placed to allow visitors an enjoyable view poison, MV 30'. Save F4, ML 8). An oppo-
s t a which is + 1 to hit. On command, of the proceedings. The tomret lives in nent hit by the medusa's attack has been
the staff will turn into a snake and coil the forepan of the place, and he will attack bitten by the asp-hair and must save vs.
around a person hit. The victim is held unauthorized persons who enter. He is a Poison or die. Those looking at the crea-
helpless for ld4 turns, or until the cleric 3rd level fighter. hp 19, with chain mail ture - including those fighting her from
recalls the the staff. The staff then crawls under his black leather garmenn (AC I, the front -must save versus being Turned
hack to the cleric on command. He also has F3. hp 19, #AT 1, D 3-8 ( l d 6 + 2 due to to Stone by the medusa.
a normal mace hanging from his belt. He Strength), ML 8). His weapon is a huge Not being above such things, the cleric
has a gold ring with a black gem (value axe. Hidden in his mattress are 131 gp and had plans for removing its snakes, blinding
1,400gp)andapunewithIlppinit.He a bracelet worth 700 gp. it, and then eventually sacrificing it at a
wears a black cape and cowl, with red robes special rite to a dcmon. The medusa will
beneath. His spells are: causelight wounds 62. THE CRYPT: The door to this room is spare one or two of the adventurers from
(inflicts 2-7 points of damage) and cause bolted shut. This long hall is of roughly her gaze, promising them she has magic
feu. The priest must touch the intended hewn stone, with a low ceiling. In it are which will turn their companions hack to
victim. and successfullyroll to hit, for the many coffins and large sarcophagi with the flesh again, if they will free her from her
spells to take effect. He also has a scroll remains of servants of the Temple of Evil chains. She does, in fact, have a special
with three cleric spells on it: detect magic, Chaos. Thesixthtomhopenedwillcontain dixit.a potion of stone to flesh in a small
holdperson, sifence, 1J'radius. He has a a wighr: (AC I , HI3 3*, hp 13, #AT 1, D vial. enough liquid to turn six persons back
potion ofgaseousform which he will use to drains one level, MV 30'. Save F2, ML 12). to normal, but shc does not intend to give
escape through the bouldcr-filled corridor. There is a secret compartment in the it away. If freed she will attempt to
51., when all else fails. wight's tomb; this contains a sword + 2 a "stone" her rescuers.
His room is furnished lavishly, with red scroll ofpmtecrion from undead. ahelm of
carpet, furniture of black wood with velvet alignment change, and a silver dagger
upholstery of scarlet, and a large bed cov- worth 800 g p because of the gems set into

Unlike the other adventures in this hook. this
one begins when an Immortal intervenes
Player’s Background (Read to
directly in campaign affairs. Thus, the adven. players)
tureoftheSilrerPrincesscanoccurat an? time This is narrated by the Protector, when shc
the DM desires. appears to the playen:
Direct contact with an lmmanal is an unusual ~-
and highly significant affair Special care should “The valley of Haven was a peaceful
be taken to impress the playen wirb the signal land. Its crops were abundant, iu citizens
and wonderous trappings of such contact. prosperous. Elves. Dwarves. Halflings.
and Humans lived together in harmony.
The Immortal Hidden away in the heart of the Altan Tepe
Mountains. Haven was a safe place to live.
An irrunonal is a superior being, seldom seen. The riven wcre sweet and pure; the weath-
who influences and manipulates campaign er was pleasant and warm.
evcnts in pursuit of higher goab. Some are ”One reason Haven was so peaceful was
benign. some are malerolenr, but all tend to due to my presence. I am Thendara, and 1
work indirectly, In this adventure. the p q will am known to the people of the valley as the
he contacted by Thendara, Protector of the k. Protector. I am an Immortal and patron of
ley of Haven. whose words are given at the the valley. Far years without number I have
beginning of the S i l v a Princess adventure. warded off evil and helped the crops to
The pany can be anywhere at the rime of grow and the valley of Haven to prosper.
the contacf. First. they will evpericnce a chill Hear now the tale of Haven.
wind, although there will he no visible signs “The ruler of Haven was the fair Princess
(even torches will not flicker). Motion aurside Acgenta. She lived in a palace made of
the pany starts to slow, and their surround- Design: Tom Moldvay and Jean Wells white shining marble. which, when the
ings hecome hazy and indistinct. Other peo- Development: Allen Hammack. Harold
sun set, glowed like silver. Princess Argen-
ple and creatures seem to stop, and the parry’s Johnson, Tom Moldvay, Brian Pirzer. Jean
Wells ta was hcloved by all her people. She was
own motions become dreamlike and s l o A ~ just, fair and friendly to all.
glow of light appears, growing and finally Editing: Allen Hammack, Harold Johnson.
“Onc day, the dwarves of Haven found a
resolving into a tall woman with dark brown Jon Pickens. Deborah Richic ruby tbe size of an apple while digging in a
hair and faintly green skin. Her features hare Art: JhHolloway, David S. La Force, Harry new mine. As a token of their devotion, they
a slightly elvish c z t . She has no weapons they Quinn, Jim Roslof. Laura Roslof, Stephcn D. gave the ruby to Princess Argena. The
can see, bur an aura of power overiayed wirh Sullivan, Bill Willingham dwarves named the ruby “My My’s Heart”.
gentleness emanates from her. As she smiles, Playtesting: Ken Reek, Jo La Force, Dave La The pMcess was sn pfcased with the ghthat
the light that surrounds her expands to sur- Force, Judy Elvin, Skip Williams, Dave Con- she invited all the valley to attend a celebra-
round the partv and they discover they can ant, Shirley Egnoski, Ernie G y p , John and tion to see thc wondrous gem. The dwarves
move freely within it, Upon close examina- Mary Eklund, Michael Luznicky, Blanc Fuller. were to be the guess of honor. It was to bc a
tion, the being seems slightly transparent. At Jan Kratochvil. Mark Teloh, John Bcckman.
grand day of fearring and fun.
this point the adventure begins. Bob Burgess. John Main, Gregory G . H. “The day before the cclehration a
If any of the p ” y arcepcc the Immortal’s Rihn. Doug Jones, Bryan Wendorf, Tina strange visitor arrived. He flew into the
offer, all will be inaantly transported to the pal- Pacey. Rodry Bartletr, and Hclen Cook valley riding a white dragon. The rider wzs
ace of the Silver Princess. A n y wounds will be dressed all in black. He had pale skin, long
h t l y healed. and spell casten can rechoose Special Thanks To: Frank Mentzer, Skip Wil- blond hair, and a short blond beard. Since
spells if they wish. Effectively, they will be am- liams, “Col.” Steve Austin Morely, John Haven was noted for its hospitality, thc
ing a new adventure af full strength. Laney, Robert Cole. Kevin Woods, and Tony princcss invited the stranger to stay at the
Earls. and to Harold Johnson and Walt Wells palace. She also granted his request to
for inspiration. escort her to the cclchrauon.
patty that faces total destruction. However, “At midnight, disaster Struck. Dark
such intervention must remain very rare if the General Notes: An ear!y version of thk mod- clouds hid the moon and a freezing wind
players are to remain the driving force in your ule has become a rare item: the later version blew through the valley. The crops with-
campaign. Think carefully ahout the effect of has been adapted for hi. collection. 7he spe- ered in the fields. Cattle grew sick. The
such intervention on play before you decide to cial programmed introduction has been valley began to die. I could do nothing.
use it-players lose interest i i the DM pulls replaced by boxed tm, but this adventure is “From the palace came an explosion and
them out of trouble evety time they foul up. presented intact. pans of the walls came tumbling down.
Save this for a rime when they play well. but When the dust cleared a ruby glow sur-
arc beaten by poor luck (though this, too. is Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-141 rounded the entire palace.
part of the game!) If you do use this encounfer “Haven now lies in chaos. Raiding
to save thc party and they won’t accept it. let bands of OICS, goblins, and hobgoblins ter-
them take the consequences. rorize the countryside. The disaster hap-
pened so suddenly that the people are con-


the palace, to prepare the ceremony that will the legends of Haven. She was a famous min-
fused and helpless. Without their leaden, allow Arik to cross the dimensional barriers. strel who left Haven years ago to visit the Pro-
who are trapped in the palace, they have The ruby has turned many of the palace tector. Time does not flow the same with the
no courage to fight back. The situation has inhabitanrs to stone and trapped the princess Protector as in the rest of,the world. Though
become desperate. and the mysterious stranger inside itself. she has lived with the Protector for many
“Haven is in dire trouble. I do not know Finally, the ruby has created a magical field years. she is little older than the day she left
what caused the disaster. but I do know around the palace to prevent help from arriv- Haven. Rowena knows the proper notes to
that the reason can he found somewhere in ing and stopping Catharandamus. play on the Ice Harp to shatter the ruby.
the palace. Allies of the evil that has The Protector will open a way through the If the ruby is destroyed, by any one of the
attacked Haven have challenged me and I ruby glow. and will also open a safe pasrage out, three possible means, the evil CUISC which has
am under sicgc. I cannot help Haven, hut if the party chooses to leave the palace to r e s and befallen Haven will be lifted. Those people
you can. The princess needs you; the peo- recover spek and hit points. The Protector will, turned to stone by the ruby will return to nor-
ple of Haven need you. You are Haven’s howwer, sfate that it is a drain of power and the mal. Princess Argenta and Ellis the Strong will
only hope. Find the source of the evil that way can only be o p e d a few times. hc freed and return to normal size. If Ariks-
has overtaken Haven. and destroy it. If you bane has not already been frecd, the dragon
will go, I will open the way into of the pal- EUis the Strong and Ariksbane will he freed when the ruby is destroyed. The
ace for you. I will also give you all the help hordes of chaotic monstets invading Haven
I can, but my power is limited. The future Ihe mysterious stranger in black m o r who will flcc in terror. The crops will grow again
of Haven is in your hands.” arrived just before the disaster struck is named and thc animals will hc cured. A grateful Prin-
“Please decide quickly, my time here is Ellis the Strong (AC 2; F 3; hp 21; #AT 1; cess Argenta will reward the characters with a
nearly ended. ALrcady wil forces have detect- D 1-10+3: MV20’;ML7: ALL; S18.19, W12. special medal of honor plus 3,000 gp each.
ed my sendinp. Will you come now?” D13, C16. Cbl5). Ellisis aKnight ofthewhite
Drakes, a spcual band of fighters from Thyatis DUNGEON LEVEL ONE
who tide white dragons and are dedicated to
Dungeon Master’s Background def.ting wil wherwer it 6 . T h e characters The DM may expand on the detail of this
have heard stories of them. He wean black plate adventure by describing what rooms and
The disaster that has struck Haven has been
caused by the magical ruby that the dwarves mail m o r and wields a two-handed sword. His items found look like: what do the floor and
dragon steed is known as Ariksbane (AC 3; HD walls look like, what are they made of, what is
found. While it was called ”My Lady’s Heart” in the room? He or she may also wish to
by the people of Haven. its true name is “The 6; bp 30; #AT 3; D 14/14/2d8; MV 30’. Fly
80’; ML 8: AL N). Ellis and Arikshane came to change or add things to this dungeon. But be
Eye of Erik’.
Haven becaw they bad heard of the great tuby carchl that any changes made do not make
and sucpmed that the ruby was one of the leg- the dungeon too dangerous or give the players
Arik is an ancient, mil being of great power. treasure that makes them too powerful.
He is also known as Arik of the Hundred Eyes, endary eyes of A& Before they could be sure.
and is sometimes worshipped as a god. For his they were caught by the power of the ruby and
defeated. Ellis is now trapped inside the ruby WANDERING MONSTERS
many crimes, Arik was banished to a special
dimension centuries ago to be imprisoned with Princes Argenta. Ariksbanc has been ban- Every other turn, the DM should make a check
there for all eternity. ished to another dimension. for a wandering monster. A roll of 1 on ld6
Arik has been seeking to cscapc from the indicates an encounter has occurred. The
prison dimension through the ages. And hc Destroying the Ruby monsterwill first beseen20-120(2d6xIO)feet
d& to take over Haven and enslaveall its p- The party must, at some point during the away when encountered. though the monster
ple. He bas at last managed to send one of his adventure, discover or figure out how to may surprisc the party by stepping through a
eyes acmss the dimensional barriers into the destroy the ruby Eye of Arik. There are s e v e d door, or waiting around a corner. Use the spe-
heart of the mountains. There. the dwarves clues and aids throughout the dungeon. How- cial table given helow to determine the type of
found Arik’s ruby eye and brought it to the pal- ever, if through bad luck the party appears to monster encountered.
ace, not knowing the wil they were bringing to be missing most of these, “a vision from the
their beloved valley. The ruby, though larger Protector” can be used to givc hints to steer Acolyte: Acolytes are 1st lcvel NPC clerics.
than most gems. looks like any other ruby and them in the right direction. The acolytes encountered as wandering mon-
though the Protectorwould have sensed the wil. Them are three ways that the party can stcrs will all he clerics of Arik. If there are 4 or
by the time the ruby’s intlumce was felt, it was destroy the “Eye of Arik” and defeat the evil. more encountered they will be led by either a
too late. Adk bad already struck. Ihe name Ariksbane means “the ruin of 2nd or 3rd level cleric. To determine which,
The ruby is linked to Arik. It has allowed Arii.” And if the dragon is freed it can use its roll ld6. A roll of 1-4 indicates a 2nd level
him to channel some of his evil magical power frost breath. if the dragon wishes, to destroy leader. A roll of 5-6 indicates a 3rd level lead-
past the dimensional barrien into Haven and the ruby without hanning anyone near the er. The DM can choose any clerical spells for
the power of the ruby attrzcts evil, chaotic ruby (or trapped inside it). The ruby can he the leader, or they may he rolled at random.
monsters. Arik hopes to use the ruby “eye:’ shattered by using the Sword of Arik. if this The clerics of Arik all wear blood-red robes
when the time is right, to open the way and can be found. Catharandamus is using the with large hoods that hide the faces of the cler-
cross the dimensional border. sword as part of the ceremony to free Arik. If ics. The robes are decorated with 100 eyes.
The power of the ruby has killed the crops the sword is used to shatter the ruby it will be Beneath the robes the clerics wear plate mail.
and brought disease to the animals. It has destroyed at the same time. Finally. two notes They all carry shields painted with a single
drawn orc, goblin, and hobgoblin hordes into played on the Ice Harp will summon the min- large red eye.
Haven to fight for its master. It has wen strel Rowena (see room 32). Rowena is one of
brought the evil cleric, Catharandamus into

W a n d h g Monster Table: lcvel 1(Roll ld6) Both wooden doors are shut. If the charac-
Die Wandering ters succes&lly tv to hear any noise behind
Roll Mon----

NO AC HD Damage W Save MI. AL the door, they will bear scratching and squeak-
1 Acol 1-8 2 1 1-6 20‘ ci 7 c ing behind the western door (room 3) and the
2 Ban< 1-8 6 1 1-6 40’ TI 8 C slow clank of chains behind the eastern door
3 Bear.DlacK 1 6 4 1-311-311.6 40’ F2 7 N (room 4). respectively.
4 Kobold 4-16 7
1/2 1-4 40’ NM 6 C The southern portcullises cannot be raised
I Orc 2-a 6 1 1-6 30’ Fl 8 C by hand, though they will not harm the char.
6 Skeleton 3-12 7 acter touching them. each of the portcullises
1 1-6 20’ F1 12 C
are marked with the letters “A+B” and an
Bandim Bandits are NPC thieves who have Any player characterswho enter or touch the red
arrow pointing upward. Thcse refer to the
joined together to rob othen. Bandirs will act as arm must make a save vs. Spells. If s u c c d , levers found in rooms 2 and 3. When both
nounal humans, lost and wandering in the pal- levers in these rooms are in the “up” position,
the character taka no damage. If unsuccessful,
ace, to surpri.ie their intended victims. There the character takes 1-6 points of damage. A new a grinding noise occun and the portcullises
particular bandits have been drawn to Haven by will retract into the ceiling. allowing the party
saving tbmw is required ea& round the chm-
the Eye of A r k If the DM chooses, the handits
to enter the palace proper.
fer u in the red area. Evil c r e a m nf Arik are
may be led by a 2nd or 3rd level thief immune to the &cas of the red glow.
Bear, Black: Black hears have black fur and If the player characters search the entrance,
stand about 6’ tall. They are omnivorous (will they will find a small, almost invisible wire
eat almost anything), but prefer roots and stretched across the 30-foot wide entrance, 3 You open the door to reveal a 20 foot by 20
berries. A black bear will not usually attack inches above the ground. If the wirc is tripped foot room. There is a lwer in the center of
unless it is cornered and cannot escape. This (automatic if the party just walks in without the south wall. At the center of the room is
particular black hear has wandered into the searching), a small dart shoots out of a con- a 3-foot long gray rat who regards you with
caverns below the palace and was trapped cealed niche in the rocks. If there is a target in reddish eyes.
there by the red glow from the ruby. The bear the entranceway, the dart will bit a character
is extremely hungry. If the party gives him on a 10 or better rolled on a 20-sided die, There is a single giant rat in the room (AC 7;
food, he will not attack. inflicting 1-4 paints of damage HD 1; hp 4; MV 40’: #AT 1 D 1-3 + disease;
Kobold: Thesc kobolds have been a m e d hy MI. 8; AL N). It is very hungry. If the party
the “Eye of A&.’’ They hope to join in the loot- 1.ENTRANCEHW throws the rat some food. it will ignore the
ing and pillaging when Arik takes over the valley. party and gobble dawn the rations. Otherwise
Om:Thesc om have gathcred to fight for A& it will attack.
You pass beneath the raised portcullis and
when he fmally enters Haven. They will help any enter the palace proper. The gateyard is a The lwer in the south wall can bc moved up
de& of A&.if the clerics ax in trouble. large open area surrounded by 20-foot tall or down. Its current position is down. The
Skeletons: The Eye of Arik bas released hordes rock walk. running 30 feet from east to ”up” position is marked by an “A” carved
of undead usually kept away by the Protector. west and 40 long. There are doors to the into the rock. For the effects of this Ievcr, see
east and west, 20 feet from the entryway. room 1. Remember that the gates south will
PLAYERS START raise only if both lcvers are in the “up” posi-
Both doors are made of wood and rein-
forced with iron bars. There are two tion.
Approximately a half-mile from the palace smaller portcullises in the south wall, 10’
you can see that pan of the mcture’s left side wide and 20’ high. One is set in the west- 3. WEST ROOM
has been destroyed. Stone blocks and rubble crnmost ten feet of the sourhwall, the oth-
cover the mountain side. Almnt all oftbe cas- er in the easternmost ten feet of the south
tle and many pam of the m u n d i n g land wall. Therc is 10 feet of solid stone wall room with a large wooden lever in the
glow a soh red. AU plant life, except =me between the two portcullises. southern wall. In the center of the room
strange-lookingthorn bushes with white m, are a pair of skeletons. Long iton chains
has died where the ruby glow dam. As soon as the last character enten the palace. dangle from their wrists, and they carry
As you travel closer to the palace. a trail read the following to the players: curved swords.
untouched by the ruby glow appears. The
trail leads directly to the entrance of the The two skeletons (AC 7; HD 1; hp I each;
palace. The main entryway into the palace MV20’;XATl;D 1-6:SaveFl;MI.l2;ALC)
beneath the gates, the portcullis crashes
is the only part of the palace that does not are undead, and cannot be affected by sleep or
down behind the party, removing any
glow red. The massive, barred portcullis charm magics, though thcy can he turned.
chance of escape by rhat means. The ruby
that usually blocks the entrance is raised. The lwer on the southern wall is similar to
glow you noted before now covers the path that in room 2 , except that the “up” position
There is a quick, iiutive movement to your to the palace and the portcullis, but does
right, as your party d e s a rat near the is markcd by a “B” instead of an “A”. If the
extend into the d a c e itself. levers in this room and room 2 arc both moved
e n m c e . The small beast dam out into the
glowing area, suddenly sops, shakes a hit, to the “up” position, the gates to the south
Any character trying to move the porncullis will raise.
and dies. You notice the remains of other will fmd it will not budge, and will in addi-
small unfortunate creatura inside this red tion suffer the effects of touching the red
zone. zone.


4. SECRET ROOM daylight they fight with a penalty of -1 on nately they ran into a patty of goblins who
their "to hit" rolls. Torch light, lantern light sneaked into the palace through the lower
The secret panel slides back to reveal a 10 oralightspellisnotequal tofulldaylight and caverns and were looting the barracks.
by 10 room littered with equipment: 2 sets will not affect them. Goblins hate dwarves After a short, bloody fight both men were
of chain mail, a shield, a sword, a ctos- and will attack them on sight. killed, hut not before they killed three gob-
lins. The remaindcr of the goblins, in a fit of
8 . DINING HALL rage, smashed all the furniture in the room.
The equipment is in good condition, and was The room is presently empty of treasure and
left by a previous group of adventurers as a This room appears to be a dining hall. live monsters
storage cache that they never returned to. Seated around a large table are twenty
statues. The statues look like men and 11. CAVERNENTRANCE
5 . LIBRARY women eating supper. One Statue is cut-
ting meat, another is drinking from a wine
Reed pens, dried ink wells, and scraps of cup, and so forth. The food on the table is damp cave carrying with it a musky smell.
paper litter this large room. There are sev- not stone. The food i s cold and stale, but Straw is scattered about the floor, along
eral huge oak tables overturned in the no moldy or decayed. with jagged bones. Chained to one wall is a
southeast corner. This room appears to large ape with pale white fur. As soon as it
have been some kind of study, classroom or When Arik sent h is power to this dimension sees you it begins to rattle its chain and
library. You do not see any books or scrolls, through the ruby, his power turned most of roar.
however. the palace inhabitants into stone statues. This
group of people were eating supper at the The white ape (AC 6; HD 4; hp 18; MV 40';
Hidden behind the tables is a family of five time. There is ncither monster nor treasure in #AT2;D1-4/1-4; SaveF2; ML7; ALN)used
kobolds (AC 7; HD 1/2; hp 3 each; MV40'; the room. to guard the entrance to the caverns. It was fed
#AT 1; D 1-4; Save NM; ML 6; AL C). If the regularly and became something of a pet. It
party decides to search the room, or they dis- 9. HOBGOBLIN BARRACKS would not attack anyone wearing a guard uni-
cover the kobolds by accident, the kobolds form. Unfortunately, the white ape has not
If the party listens at the door first, they will been fed for many days. If the party gives the
will fight to defend their lair. Otherwise. they hear arguing. which any who speak hobgob-
will remain hidden until the danger passes. ape food. the white ape will not attack. The
lins will recognize as that language. No roll for
Buried in the litter are I O copper pieces. ape's chain is long enough that there is not
listening needs to he made.
enough room to pass without being attacked.
6.STOREROOM This room holds six beds. Musty, tagged 2. OAKEN CABINET
blankets lie on the beds. Six footlockers
This r w m looks like a storeroom. Its (smallwooden chests) rest at the foot of the
shelves are filled with large sacks. A dozen An oaken cabinet sirs against the west wall
beds. A haEdoren creatures sit on the of this hexagonal room. The cabinet i s
beds arguing. The six creatures are human-
calved with scenes of springtime in Haven.
like and man-sized, though incredibly The floor of thc r w m is white marble,
Ifthe players examine the sacks, they will find ugly. Their skin is an earth color and they
veined with black and gold.
the sacks are filled with grain. The barrels ate appear very brutish.
filled with beer. Except for the stored goods,
the room is empty. The cabinet i s filled with pale green towels
The six Creatures are hobgoblins (AC 6; HD and pink bats of soap calved into dolphins.
1+ 1; hp 6 each; hiV 30'; #AT 1; D1-8; Save
Hidden under the towels is a spitting cobra
F1; ML 8; AL C). The hobgoblins have moved (AC 7; HD 1; hp 3; MV 30'; #AT 1; D 1-3 +
into the old barracks which once housed the poison; Save F1; ML 7; AL N). The cobra is
This area looks like a pantry. Wooden palace guards. asleep. It will attack if it i s disturbed. ather-
plates, spoons, knives, and other utensils wise it will remain quiet.
are scattered around the room. Broken 10. DESERTED BARRACKS
A spitting cobra is a 3' long, grayish-white
pots litter the floor. You see five small, snake that can spit a stream of venom up to 6'.
incredibly ugly, human-like beings open- This room contains the remains of bunks, It aims for its victim's eyes. If the spit hits, the
ing drawers and cabinets and tossing blankets. wooden tables and stools which victim must save vs. Poison or be blinded. If
things on the floor. The creatures have pale have been broken. Five corpses litter the the DM wishes, he or she can have the cobra
earthy colored skin. Their eyes are red and floor. Two of the bodies are human. bite, instead of spit poison. The damage
glow in the dark. dressed like palace guards. The other three caused (1-3 poinrs) refers only to when the
corpses are of a small human-like race with cobra bites. If the cobra bites instead of spit-
The 5 human-like creaturesare goblins (AC 6; grotesque faces and livid gray skin. ting, the victim must savc vs. Poison or die in
HD 1-1; hp 4 each; MV 20'; #AT 1; D 1-6; 1-10 turns (instead of being blinded). Next to
Save NM; ML 7; AL C). The goblins are loot- This room was a barracks for palace guards- thc spitting cobra is a large golden key worth
ing the kitchen for valuables. So far they have men. The two dead men had been patrolling 150 gp.
found nothing. As a result. they are very outside the palace when the disaster struck.
angry. They managed to rush back inside before the
Goblins normally live underground. In full red glow surrounded the palace. Unform-


13. SUNKEN BATH Silverheart. the pendant was magical because The man is an illusion and will disappear
it contained part of his spirit. The power of after 4 rounds or when it is touched by a char-
This hexagonal rnom contains a large sunk- the Eye of Arik warped the magic of the silver acter. Touch does not mean hitting it in com-
en bath filled with water. The sunken bath pendant. Through Arik's evil influence, it bat, it means touching the illusion with a bare
is made of white marble veined with black drove Silverhean insane. hand. Characters hit by the illusion will
and gold. The walls of this room are lav- At the timc that Silverheart went insane, he believe that they havc actually taken damage
ishly decorated with murals of water was in the midst of an important alchemical and will feel "hurt:' though no damage will
nymphs, ponds with long reeds, and experiment. Bccausc of his insanity, the exper- actually be taken. The illusion cannot be hit
hunters stalking water birds. Io one corner iment produced disastrous results. The entire in combat.
of the room are seven flasks and a large section of the palace (on level 2) wherc he was Once the illusion disappears. the sword will
peacock feather fan. Flying above the bath working exploded. Silverhean and those peo- drop to the floor. It still glows. All characters
you see five birdlike creatures. The crea- ple in that section of the palace at the time will immediately discover that they took no
tures resemble small feathered anteaters, were killed. All that remains of the senion of damage. and characters who may havc becn
the palace where Silverheart worked is rubble. "killed" will discover that they are actually
The only thing to survive the explosion was alive and were only asleep. If the characters
The I birdlike creatures are stirges (AC 7; HD the pendant which was teleponed to the ped- decide to touch the sword again, nothing will
1; hp I each; MV 60'; #AT 1; D 1-3; Save F2; estal by the power of the Eye of Arik. The pen- happen to them and the sword will "feel
ML9;ALN). Whenastirgeattacksacreature, dant lies and waits for more victims. good" in their hands. The sword will always
it thrusts its beak into the victim's body to glow when not sheathed. There is 00 sheath
suck out blood for 1-3 points of damage. A 15. MOSAIC ROOM for it in this room, nor will it fit into a sheath
successful bit meaos that it has attachcd itself not specifically made for it. The magically
to the victim and will automatically suck This hexagonal room is decorated with glowing sword is a + 1 weapon. It casts
blood for 1-3 points of damage per round mosaic tiles. The mosaic covets the entire enough light to see for 30'. The weapon
until either it or its victim is dead. If its victim room, the walls. the floor and the ceiling. belonged to Ellis. He still wears the sheath (he
dies, it will leave. A flying stirge gains a bonus One scene shows a man in black plate is trapped inside the Eye of Arik).
of + 2 to hit on its first attack against any one annor riding a white dragon. A young
opponent, due tn its speed. woman wearing a goldcn crown is riding in 16. STEAM ROOM
If the party investigates the seven flasks. front of the man. Another scene shows
they will find that six of the flasks contain
scented bath oil in different colors. The last
flask is a potion of ESP
elves playing in some woods while a white
dragon watches them from a hiding place
behind IWO tall pines. On another wall is a
This room is filled with a thick mist. The
room seems honer than normal. I
scene showing a pool of bright bluc water. The mist is actually steam and is safe to walk
14. PINK PEDESTAL Several mermaids swim and frolic in the through. This is a stcam room. The steam rises
water. The design on the floor shows the from a geyser underneath the room. Once
Upon entering this room, the fmt thing crowned maiden, the man in black armor, inside the room. the party will find that there
you notice is a small. pink marble pedestal and the white dragon asleep around a key are wooden benches along the walls. The
five feet tall. Light gleams from a small hole. All the mosaics look new. room holds no monsters, traps, or treasure.
object atop the pedestal. The abject is sil-
ver in color. Other than the pedestal the Once the party has entered the room. if they 17. CAVERN TEMPLE
room seems to be empty examine the mosaic. the keyhole in the floor
will emit a blue white glow which will last The cavern opens into a large cave. The
When a character gets within one foot of the until a key is placed into the keyhole. If the cave floor and walls have been polished
pedestal, a green glow will surround the ped- players use any key other than the gold key smooth. Several statues once rested on a
estal. In the midst of the glow you see the from room 12. or fail when trying to pick the raised pladorm along the wcst wall. The
transparent face of the Protector. The Protec- lock, a stone slab will $dlfrom the ceiling over statues seem to have been of three people
tor warns the party to "Beware!" then disap- the spot where the keyhole is located. Any kneeling in front of the Ptotectot. Thcy are
pears along with the green glow. character caught by the stone will suffer 2-12 bestowing gifts on the Protector Now,
On top of the pedestal is a small silver pen- points of damage. howcvcr, thc statues have been smashed.
dant on a silver chain. If a character reaches If the gold key is placed in the keyhole, In their place is the crude clay statue of a
out to touch the pendant he or she will hear another keyhole will appear on the east wall. large eye. The eye has been painted blood
hysterical laughter which seems to come from The second keyhole is also opened by the gold red.
the pendant. Any character who actually key. Once the key is placed in this second lock
touches the pendant must make a save vs. and turned, the mosaic. keyhole, and key will Hidden under the rubble of the broken
Spells or be driven insane. The insanity will vanish. A long silvery sword, floating in the statuesisagiantcentipcde(AC9; HD 112; hp
mainly consist of suicidal bravery, always air. will appear in their place. The sword glows 2;MV 20'; #AT 1; D poison; Save NM;ML 7;
charging into deadly battles, accompanied by with a bright blue white light. If a charzcter AL N). If a character tries to move thc rubble
hysterical laughter. There is no known cure for reaches out to touch the sword, the man in by hand, the giant centipede will he disturbed
the madness (unless the DM chooses tn make black plate mail will suddenly appear beside and attack. If the rubble is moved from a dis-
one up). the sword and attack the character attempting tance (with a spear, pole or similar item), the
The silver pendant once belonged to to take the sword. The man will attack like a centipede will scurry out of the room without
Silverhean. the alchemist. When used by 10 hit dice monster. attacking.


bubbles, the air here is not safe to breathe for 3 + 1 ; hp 15;MVIO'; #ATI;D2-12; SaveF1;
18. UNDERGROUND POOL long periods of time. Anyone staying in the ML 9; AL N). Tiger beetles are carnivorous
room for one full turn will begin to feel dizzy. (meat-eaters) and have been known to attack
Most of this cave is filled with a pool of If they do not leave in the next round they will humans when starving. They attack with a
water. A small ledge circles the pool, tun- take 1 point of damage for each round they pair of powerful mandibles. The hook on the
ning along the east wall of the cave. The remain in the room without getting fresh air. chair is the diary of Princess Argenta. It stops
ledge is only wide enough for one person If the party searches the rwm they will find on the day before disaster struck Haven. The
to walk along it without falling into the that some unfortunate individual once fell final entry reads:
water. In the middle of the pool you see a into the pool. The victim is now nothing hut "Today my love arrived riding his noble
disturbance in the water. There are several hones. The victim clutches a leather bag. The dragon like the great hero he is. He swept me
3' long creatures swimming toward you. hag is ffied with 133 gp and a silver wolf. into his arms and proposed marriage. Natu-
The creatures look like weasels. headed ring with two small sapphires for eyes rally I acted reluctant. It wouldn't do to seem
(worth 300 gp). too enthusiastic. But when I saw the forlorn
he disturbance is caused by 3 giant ferrets look on his face I immediately relented. We
(AC I; HD 1+ 1; hp 6 each; MV 50'; #AT 1; 21. STOREROOM kissed, then set the wedding date. We will be
D 1-8; Save F1; ML 8 ; AL N). Giant ferrets married in two weeks, when Ellis' service with
usually hunt giant rats underground. Unfor- This room contains shelves along the south the Knights of the White Drakes ends. We
tunately, they are highly unpredictable. and and west walls. The shelves are filled with will invite the cntirc valley."
they may attack the party if their reaction to wooden crates. Otherwise, the room This was one of the rooms where Argenta
the party is low enough. often went to escape the duties of court life.
The water in the cave is fresh. The pool is When the disaster struck Argenta, along with
fed by a stream which enters from the south. The crates are filled with iron rations. Each Ellis. were magically shrunken and trapped
The ledge ends where the stream enters the week's worth of iron rations is packed in a sep- inside the ruby. Both of them arc still alive
pool. The party can go no further along the arate tin. The iron rations were used by the and will return to normal if the ruby is
stream, for it has the same red glow as the land palace guards when they went on long patrols destroyed. The four statues in the room are
outside. through the countryside. Except for the iron Argenta's ladies in waiting who were turned to
rations. the room is empty. stone when the disaster struck
The walls of this roam are covered with
green. oozing slime. Except for the slime, This area seems to have been in some kind There is a small fountain of water in one
the roam appears to be empty. of explosion or e d q u a k e . Stain once led comer of this roam. Tapestries hang along
up out of this area. Ruhhlc covers the floor both the north and south walls; one shows
The oozing slime is green slime (AC can and blocks the stain. Through cracks in the a Scene of a young maiden with golden hair
always be hit; HD 2*; hp 9 ; MV 1'; X . 0 1; D rubble. you catch a faint glimpse of a red sitting on a silver throne. Upon her head
special; Save F1; ML 12; AL N). Green slime glow outside the palace. rests a crown of silver and tub&. In one
can he only harmed by fire or cold; it cannot hand she holds a silver Scepter and in the
be hurt by any other attacks. It dissolveswood This is part of the area devastated by the alche- other she holds a large ruby. The other tap-
and metal (in 6 rounds), but cannot dissolve mist Silverhem when he went insane and his estry shows a warrior in black plate mail
stone. Once in contact with flesh, green slime experiment proved a disastcr (see room 14). resting casually in a wooden chair deco-
will stick and turn the flesh into green slime. Though this area is actually below the cxperi- rated with carvings. His feet are propped
It cannot be scraped off, but must be burnt mental rooms, it was still caught in the explo- upon a stool.
off. If it is not burned off, the vinim will turn sion. Even if the characten clear the rubble,
completely into green slime 1-4 rounds after they would still have to face the red glow The two tapestries show Princess Argenta and
the green slime first came into contact with which surrounds the palace if they tried to use the warrior Ellis the Strong. Except for the
the flesh. Bnming green slime while it is on this exit. fountain, the rest of the room is empty. The
the victim causes 1/ 2 damage to the slime and fountain contains only water.
1 / 2 damage to the victim. 23. SECRET ROOM
20. SULFUR POOL Four starues dominate the room, one in
each corner. Each statue is of a young girl
This small cave is largely filled with a bub- in a different pose. No two statues look alcove. On either side of the alcove stands
bling gray pool of liquid. The cave smells alike. Between the two statues on the east the statue of a warrior.
foul. The pool is surrounded hy come red wall is a plush chair. Four smaller chairs
sand. The sandy ledgc surrounding the surround the central chair. A leather- The two statues are ~ t u a l l yliving crystal
pool on the south and west sides, is only covered book rests on the central chair. statues (AC 4; HD 3; hp 14; MV 30'; #AT 2;
wide enough for one person to stand on Between the statues on the north wall you D 1-6/1-6; SavcF3; ML 11; ALL). Livingcrys-
without touching the liquid. scc a 4' long beetle with a striped shell tal statues are life forms made of crystals,
resembling a tiper's skin. instead of flesh. While they look just like nor-
The liquid is water, hut the water has a very mal statues, thcy are actually living beings.
high content of sulfur. Because of the sulfur Thc monster is a giant tiger beetle (AC 3; HD Whcncvcr this room is entered the DM should


roll a monster reaction (2d6). On a roll of I01 deou sometimes used the library both day This room is a butchering room. Meat is
less, the statues will attack. and night, there are extra candles in the room. butchered here, then stored in the ice cavern
Clinging to the ceiling is a giant crab spider (room 31). Underneath the sand is a pit trap
26. SCHOOLROOM (AC 7; HD 2:; hp 9; MV40'; #AT 1; D 1-8 + door in the floor. The trap door stands in front
poison; Save F1; ML 7; AL N). Giant crab spi- of the butcher's block.-Anyonewho walks on
The room contains several wooden desks and ders have chameleon-like powers and can the door has a chance of accidently causing it
chain. A@ one wall is a blackboard. change their color to blend into their sur- to open. Roll ld6 for each character walking
roundings. They will surprisc the party on a over the trap door. It will open if a 1 or 2 is
This room was a schoolroom for the children roll of 1-4 on ld6. After the first attack, a crab rolled. The trap door is used to get rid of
in the palace. It is empty of monsters or trca- spider can be seen and attacked normally. refuse. The door opens to a chute which leads
sure. Crab spiders are carnivorous (meat-eaters). below to an underground river. Anyone open-
Any victim bitten by a crab spider must save ing the door will fall down the chute to the
27. TRAF'PED PASSAGE vs. Poison or die in 1-4 Nms. However, their river below. The river is only 2'deep, hut any-
poison is weak, and the victim may add + 2 to one falling down thc chute will take Id6 dam-
the saving throw roll. age from the fall.
than a room. It is very cramped and there are If the party searches the books and scrolls The underground river channel is blocked
carefully (which will take a full 3 turns), they by a heavy iron grill. Anyone falling into the
will find that one scroll is a magic-user/elf river will be swept against the grill by the pow.
The pit trap in the floor of this storage passage spell scroll. The scroll contains the second erful current. Fortunately the grill is too small
will be activated by the first person to step level spcll: web. for characters to be swept through.
onto it, and triggered by thc second one who Threegiantrau(AC7;HD 1/2;hp3cach;
steps onto it. Once triggered. the floor will 29. FIll"G ROOM MV20';RATl;Dl-3;SaveNM;MLS;ALN)
swing open and drop whatever is on it into a are also trapped in the underground passage.
10' deep pit. The cover will then swing back In the center of this room is a folding They are desperate and in a state of panic.
and lock shut. Anyone falling into the pit will screen with three panels. The screen is five They will immediately attack. There is a 1 io
take ld6 points of damage. feet high and six feet wide. From behind 20 chance that any one of the giant rats carries
If the first person who walks across thc trap the screen you hear a forlorn wailing a disease. If an individual is bitten by a dis-
door reaches the other side before the second sound. Behind the screen you see two eased rat the victim must make a save vs. Poi-
one tries, only the second person will fall in, vaguely human shadows. The shadows arc son. If the save fails, the victim will either die
otherwise both will fall in. about four and one half feet tall and have in 1-6 days or he sick in bed (unable to adven-
After one round, small openings will appear no heads or arms. Their legs are indistinct. Nre) for one month. Roll ld4; the disease is
in the pit walls, and oil will p u r into the pit. The eerie shadows dance wildly about. only deadly on a result of 1.
The oil will continue to pour forth until it f& If the underground passage is searched, the
the floor of the pit 1' deep. Another wall open- The shadows are caused by a lit lamp behind characters will find the dead body of an unfor-
ing will now appear and a torch (unlit) will fall the screen, shining on two dressmakers' dum- tunate victim. The body will be only a skele-
into the oil. (when the palace was occupied, the mies. Each dummy has a slccveless dress on it ton. The individual was carving a sack of
torch would have been lit.) ready for alteration. The dummies themselves mixed coins (IO gp. 8 sp; and 9 cp) plus a jade
The pit cannot be opened from inside. It can are merely carved wooden torsos mounted on ring with dragons carved into it worth 210 gp.
be opened from the outside using r e l m m d a - platforms of metal rods so that they stand
roughly the height of a woman. Since the 31. ICE CAVE
nisms hidden inside seaet compartments on the
inside of either doorway. Chcdr to see if any par- dummies have no heads or arms they do not
ty member discoven the smet doors of the com- cast shadows of heads or arms. The shadowy
partments. The release mechanism is a simple legs are indistinct hecause of the dress hang- rapid drop in temperature. The tempera-
button that needs to be p d . The stone cover ing down. The shadows are dancing because a Nre is nearly freezing at the bottom of the
will then slide back. If the party decides to try to breeze is blowing through the open door mak- stairs. You notice that the walls of the large
mash the stone cover, it will take 10 ~ m tosdo ing a forlorn wailing sound. cave at the foot of the stairs are covered
so;roll for wandering monsters fivetimes More The rcreen is a dresing green. Members of with a thin layer of ice. Hanging from
the pit is opened. this palace family and their retainers d r e d hooks in the ceiling arc slabs of meat.
behind it during fittings.The rex of the room
28. LIBRARY contains bolts of cloth, ribbons, pin cushions. This room is an ice cavern, a natural under-
needles. etc. ground cave which stays cold all year round.
Except for meats and other foods stored here,
You see shelves covering most of the walls.
30. BUTCHER'S ROOM the room is empty.
The shelves are filled with books and
scrolls. There are also a number ofwoodcn
The floor of this room is covered with blood- 32. ROWENA'S ROOM
tables and chairs in the room. You notice
that the room has more candles to light it stainedsand.Arackonthenorthwallholdsa
than is usual. The candlcs are not lit at number of large knives and meat deavets. In
present. Against the south wall is a fire- the center of the m m is a large wooden first thing you notice is a tapestry hanging
place which is also unlit. block about 2' high, 3' long, and 2' wide. on the wall; they show scenes from the life
The wooden block is also blaodstaincd. a female minstrel. Io front of each tapestry
This room is the palace library. Sincc the SN-


The five guards are zombies (AC 8; HD 2; hp The fwtlackcrs show signs of having been
is a couch. Pillows of various sizes are scat- 9; MV 30’; #AT 1; D 1-8; Save F1; ML 12; AL searched.
tered on the couches. Empty wine goblets C). Zombies are undcad monsten and may be One round after the parry enters the room,
and wine bottles are piled into one corner “turned” by a cleric. They are not affected by the crazed guard Travis will enter. Travis has
of the room. Dccorative candle holden sleep or charm spells or any form of mind been driven insane by the sight of the Eye of
filled with candle stubs sit on small tables reading. Zombies are slow fighters and always A r k T r a ~ i s ( A C 3 ; F 3 ; h p16;MV20’; IAT1;
near each couch. In the center of the room strike last in a round (no initiative roll is need- D 1 - 4 ( + 2 ) o t 1 - 8 ( + 2 ) ; SaveF3;ML12;AI.
is a decorative wheel painted on the floor. ed). The zombies are guarding the silver C; S17. 113, W9, D12, C11. Ch8) will attack
The wheel is 5‘ in diameter. In the middle dragon statuette and will attack on sight and the party on sight. First he will throw his mag-
of the wheel is a small lap harp made of fight to the death ifnot rurned(no morale roll ical throwing dagger +Z. The dagger is, of
crystal with strings of spun silver. necessary). coutsc, + 2 to hit. On the second round of
The silver dragon statuette is one of three combat, Travis will draw his sword and attack.
The crystal harp is known as the Ice Harp. It identical statuettes. On the base of the statu- He still wean his guard’s uniform over plate
belongs to the minstreal Rowena, Rowena is ette is the phrase “Ariksbane. Destroyer of mail (hence his armor class of 3).
one of the legends of Haven. Her music was so Evil.” If any two statuettes are brought within While Travis fights, he will scream at the
melodic that she was invited to live with the 30’ of the Eye of Arik, the dragon Ariksbane characters, “You’ll never get my treasure!
Protector. Time does not flow the same there will be released from his imprisonment and Thieves! Everywhere I look, thieves are ttying
as in the rest of the world. Though Rowena appear. The dragon’s frost breath can destroy to steal my treasure. You all must die! I’ll nev-
has lived there for many years, she is still a the ruby Eye of Arik without harming anyone er let you steal my tteasur~!”
young woman. near the ruby (or trapped inside the ruby). Travis will fight to the death. The only trea-
If the party plays two notes on the Ice Harp, The silver statuettes are worth 500 g p each. sure that can be found on him or in the room
Rowena will appeat. She will know about the If two of them are used to free Ariksbane. the is the magical throwing dagger. The throwing
Eye of Arik and will be able to tell the charanen statuettes will disappear. Ellis the Strong and dagger +Zis +2onlywhenthrown. Ifuscdin
what happened to cause the disarrer to Haven. Ariksbane will give the party 1.000 gp to pay melee it is + 1.
She also knows the proper sequence of notes to for the statuettes that disappear.
play on the Ice Harp to shatter the ruby. She will 36. SPY ROOM
show the party which notes to play. 34. C A F ” OF THE GUARD’S ROOM
Rowena cannot remain here for long or her You see a small room herc. The only furni-
real age will catch up with her and she will This room contains a bed, a small oak ture in the room is a wooden stool. There is
wither away to dust. She will explain what tahlc, awwden chair, awooden footlocker a small spy hole in the secret door that lets
needs to be done, then she will return to the and a pile of papers. The table has been someone inside the room see the corridor
Protector’s realm. If the party attacks hcr for toppled over, the chair bas been smashed outside. A rope bell pull hangs from a hole
some reason, she will return there immedi- into pieces, the footlockerhas been broken in the ceiling.
ately. The proper sequence of notes which open, the papers are scattered over the
destroys the ruby is tw complicated for the floor, and the bed coven are smeared with This is the rwm whcre Travis was hiding. The
party to accidently discover. For the short time blood stains. room is normally used as a watching post in
she is in this world, Rowena is protected times of invasion. The bell rope runs up
against all attacks. Thus it makes no differ- This room used to be the quarten for the cap- through the rock to a bell io room 78. When a
ence what her characteristics or statistics are. tain of the guard. Just before the disaster guard pulls the rope, the bell will ring. alett-
She will not attack, nor can she be harmed. If struck, the captain was murdered hy one of his ing the court of danger. The room is now emp-
the party attacks her she will leave because she own men. The murderer, Travis, had been ty. If the party should open the secret door
deems the party unworthy of her help. driven mad when he saw the Eye of Arik. He before going into room 31, Travis will still be
The Ice Harp is magical. If the phrase “For now serves Arik, leading some of Arik‘s ora. in this room and will attack. (for details of the
the memory of Rowena” is chanted, the Ice The papers scattered on the floor are weekly encounter see room 35).
Harp will play some of her most famous tunes. reports which the guard captain had to fill
Princess Argenta often held parties in this out. 37. ARMORY
room. The guests sat and drank wine while lis-
tening to the Ice Harp. 35. BARRACKS Inside this room you see ten statues of
guardsmen standing at attention. On the
33. ZOMBIE CHAMBER flwr is the corpse of a guard captain.
room. At the foot of each bed are two Along the walls of the room are empty
This room has been partly cut from the sur- footlockers. On the east wall, near one of racks which look like they might have once
rounding rock. The stone work is cruder the beds, a message has been scrawled. held weapons.
than is usual for the rest of the palace. On a The lettcrs of the message arc tw small for
table in the corner of the r w m is the small you to read at this distance. This r w m was the armory. The ten s
silver statue of a dragon readying for guardsmen who were turned into stone Dy me
flight. In front of the statue, acting as The message has been scratched onto the wall Eye of Arik. The dead guard captain was mur-
guards, are five humans. Each human with the point of a dagger. It reads: “Beware dered by Travis (see r w m 34). The room holds
guard bas a gaping wound. The wounds no treasure nor monsters.
ofTravis.” Exceptforthe beds andfootlockets,
look serious enough to kill any person who the room is empty when the party enters. The
suffered them.
footlockers contain spare guard‘s uniforms.



Directly across the room from the door in

who opened the door is attacked by a wild- the north wall is a huge wooden table. humans and dwarves have heen piled in
eyed wolf. Behind it is set an ornately carved wooden this cave. No attempt has heen made to
the table is a candlestick, a feath- store the statues in any order. Some statues
The wolf(AC 7: HD 2 + 2 ; hp 11; MV 60’; . pen,
- and several Dieces of Darch. lean against the walls. others have fallen
#AT 1; D 1-6; Save F1: ML 12; AL C) used to I ment. - 1 down. and some have hcen stacked on top
he Travis’s pet dog. When Travis was driven of other statues.
insane by the Eye of Arik, his dog was turned Travis used to hold COUR in this room. He
into a wolf. Since the dog was magically trans- would review his ox troops hcre. Since Travis The statues piled in this cave are humans who
formed into a wolf who serves Arik, the ani- had seen his captain fill out repom, he too has were turned to stone when the dismer struck.
mal has a Chaotic alignment instcad of the filled ont reports on the condition of his The om, goblins, and hobgoblins have hem
usual N e u d alignment for wolves. The wolf troops. But Travis docs not know how to write dCaring out the room and canying the statues
is as insane as Travis. Travis is the only one who hs reports. and they are a meaninglesri jumble to this cave. If the parry cakes the time to search
is safe with the wolf. The wolf will attack the ofscrihbleswhichnoonecanread (except Tra- the cave (I turns) they will fmd a chest conrain-
party on sight and fight to the death. It has vis). The room is empoi of monsters and trea- ingweapons. h e a t h apile ofstatues. ?hcchest
heard thc party outside the door and was wait- sure. holds 4 swords, 2 maces, and a hade axe. One of
ing to attack as soon as the door was open. the swords is a sword + 1. It is indistinguishable
This is a special casc where the DM need not 40. ORC BARRACKS from the rest of the swords unless a detect mzgic
roll for surprise, and even listening at doors is cast on it. If the parry decides to use the
will not he successful, since the surprise ele- This room holds four double bunkheds. swords.numbcrtheswords 14andletthemagic
ment has heen determined in advance. It is Seated on the beds are eight human-like sword be number 3. Make sure each chararter
still a good idea for the DM to pretend that he creatures who look like a combination of who is using a sword (or a n y other weapon from
or she has checkcd for surprise and/or listcn- animals and men. Despite their weird the chest) tells the DM which weapon he or she is-?
ing at doors by rolling a fewdice. If the party looks, the creatures are all wearing the uni- using. For example, sword X Z or mace XI. Any
kills the wolf and looks into the room read forms of palace guards. The uniforms do character using sword 4’3 will discover it is magi-
them the following room description: not fit properly. cal the fm time the sword is used in combat.

The human-like creatures are o r a (AC 6; HD 43. FUNGUS CAVE

western corner of this room. A wooden 1; hp 4 each; MV 30’; #AT 1; D 1-6: Save F1;
plate, a pair of eating knives, and a bronze ML 8; AL C). The orcs were led by Travis who
wine goblet rest on a table in the center of had them dress up in the uniforms of guards. pots of different sites. Plants were once
the room. Under the table is a wooden Orcs arc nocturnal, usually sleeping in the planted in the pots hut all the plants are
howl filled with meat. Several old rapes- day and active in the dark. When fighting in now dead. Withered stalks, dead Icaves,
tries have been hung on the walls. and bits full daylight, they must subtract 1 from their
of fur and other types of floor coverings “to hit” roll. The ora’ treasure totals 12 gp. Though all plant life in the clay pots is
form a makeshift carpet. A lit lantern 38 sp. and 16 cp. dead, a vile-looking yellow fungus grows
on the west walls.
This is the room where Travis and his wolf live. The yellow fungus is yellow mold (AC can
Most of the furniture in the room has heen This area is a group of jail cells. In the aisles always he hit; HD 2; hp 9; MV 0’;#AT 1; D
brought here by Travis. The wooden bowl is between the cclls you see two large apes 1-6 + special; Save F2; ML no applicable; AL
filled with food for his wolf. On the east wall, with white fur. N). Yellow mold can only he killed by fire. A
behind one of the tapestries is a peephole Tra- torch will cause 1-4 points of damage to it each
vis uses to spy out into the hallway. If the party Thelargeapesarewhiteapcs(AC6;HD4; hp round. Yellow mold will eat through wood
has not yet encountered Travis (see room 31). 18 each; MV 40‘; #AI 2; D 1-4/ 1-4; Save F2; and Icather, hut does not harm metal or stone.
he will he following them. Travis will attack ML 7; AI. N). the white apes will heat their It does not actually attack, hut if it is touched,
the rear of the p m y on round 2 of the combat the mold will squirt out a 10’ x 10’ cloud of
chests and growl as thc party enters the room.
with the wolf. For details of an cncounterwith If their threats are ignored, they will attack. spares. Anyone caught within the cloud must
Travis see room 35. Three of the cells contain xatues of men saw vs. Death Ray or choke to death within 6
Travis’ treasure is concealed in this room. dressed in cveryday clothing. The rest of the rounds.
His treasure is hidden beneath the bed, under cells appear empty. Hidden behind a statue
a loose stone in the floor. The treasure is kept inside one of the cells is a small wooden chest. 44. CAVE OF THE LOCUSTS
in a small wooden case. The treasure consists The chest holds 1.000 cp. 400 sp. and 200 g p .
of two sapphires each worth 300 gp, one large This money is used to pay the guards. Travis
emerald worth 2,000 gp, and a gold ring with hid the chcst in the cell. stalagmites that glow blue. The stalactites
the initials “DB” carved on the inside. The and stalagmites in many places have grown
treasure once belonged to his fellow guards- together to form a single column, growing

together so closely, that in some places, will bc nauseated unless they save vs. Poison.
tiny beads of water form on dothing, skin, Nauseated characters have a penalty of - 2 on
they h o s t form a wall from floor to ceil- and hair. The floor is damp and slick. theu "to hit" rolls while in mclce combat
ing. It looks difficult. but not impossible,
with the troglodytes.
Oncc thccharactrrs haw cnrrrrd thccavc thcy
will bc able tn scc the crownrd hcad of a large 48.WATCH ROOM
This cave is the home of 8 giant locusts (AC 4; xarur of a man. Thc sratuc secms IO br madc
HD 2; hp 9 each; MV 60'; #AT 1; D special; of bronze Thr cvcs of rhc statuc arc small
Save F2; ML 5; AL N). Giant locusts are 3' This room is higher than the surrounding
mbirs (valuc IO gp rach). ?hc glinr of gold
long, giant gray grasshoppers that live under- comes from a crown on top of thr statue's countryside so that guards could look out
ground. They are herbivorous (plant-carets) hcad. T h c crown appcars to bc madc nf gold on the surrounding land when standing
and often eat fungus such as yellow mold or Thr statue rcallv is btonzc, but the crown IS watch. There are windows in the west and
shrickers. They cannot be harmed by most only gold paint. south walls. You notice that the red glow
poisons. Giant locusts are stone gray and may still surrounds the palace. In the center of
Thc liquid in the pool LC a kind of mk. Thc
not be noticed until they move or until the the room is an iron ladder. The ladder
watcr oi thr pool L? hcarcd bv hot spMk Thc
party approaches within 20'. They are very hot warrr absorb color from a pardcular lund of leads to a trap door in the ceiling. By the
south wall you see a statue that looks like a
nervous and will flee most of the time rather mineral liningthcpool. Thhcrcsulr ~sadrcppur-
than fight. They flee by jumping up to 60'. cleric. He look frightened and had appar-
plr ink Anvrhmg that c o m a in contact xith thc
ently just finished scratching a message
Unfortunately, when they panic their only mk wlll bc nainrd purplc. Smcc the ink k per.
into the wall. The inscription reads:
thought is to escape. ?here is a 50% chance manrnl it will haw to w m off naturally (1-6
that thcy will try to flee by jumping right days). Irwill notnavlnon.porou~Nrfarcrwhich Evil red eye, malefaction!
through the party. If they try to jump through do not absorb watcr wry well (wch as nrcl).Thr
the party, choose a character at random and Sweet music from strings;
mk will nor harm charancrs.
Priceless Blade of Dcsttuction,
roll to see if that character has been hit. If so. Oncc rhc charactcn rcach thc statuc thcy
Salvation rides on dragon's winas!
-,the character takes 1-4 points of damage from will find rhar rhe rubirs can bc pricd nut casi-
being battered. The locust then flies away. Iv. If t h r party cucfulh examines rhc statuc.
The chief palace cleric had divined the evil
Giant locusts can also attack and hire for 1-2 rhcrc is a 50% chanre thcv will discovcr that
points (but not when they are fleeing). When thc head of thc statu? can bc unscrewed Hid- intent of Arik when disaster struck. He hur-
riedly left the inscription - clues as to how to
frightened or attacked, giant locusts make a den insidc rhc hcad, packrd in a prorcrtivr
loud shrieking noise to warn their fellows. destroy the ruby - in the faint hope that it
oilskin bag. IS a nngofprorrcrion + I . might help rescuers.
This shriek has a 20% chance per round of
46.BLADE TRAP This trap door is the only way the p m y can
attracting wandering monsters to investigate.
If cornered, a giant locust will spit a brown reach the second levcl of the dunxeon. It is
At the comct of thc rortidor is a trap. Whcn a important that the party reach the second
gooey substance up to 10' at its attacken. To
charactcr walks ovcr a p r m r c platc in the level and finish their mission, hut it is also
hit a character, the locust need only make an
floor rhr trap might bc sprung Roll id6 Thc important that they encounter a number of
attack against armor class 9, no matter what trap will bc sprung on a roll of 1. Roll scpa. monsters and m p s before reaching the second
type of armor the individual is wearing. A
ratcly for rach character that w a l k around thc level. Ifthey reached the second level too mi-
character hit by giant locust spittle must save corner If the trap IS sprung. a wucightrd hladc ly the adventurewould not be a challcnge. On
vs. Poison or be unable to do anything for 1
(likc a pillotinc bladc) will f i l l from thc ccil- the other hand, since they must reach the scc-
turn due to the awful smell. After this time he ing causing 1- 10 points of damage to rhc pcr- ond level, the DM might consider sending the
91 she will he used to the smell, but any char-
con who sprung the trap. Thc bladr is htddrn vision of a Protector to the party if they cannot
acter approaching within 5' of the victim mu= in the d i n g find the way to this trap door leading to the
also save or be violently ill. This effect will last
second level.
until the spittle is washed off. 47. TROGLODYTE ROOM
The blue glow of the stalactites and stalag-
mites is caused by a type of moss. The moss is
In the center of the room you see three
harmless. It can be used as aweak light source, DUNGEON LEVEL
casting light up to 10'. lfthe players search the human-likc reptiles with short tails, long
cave they will find a small silver statuette of a legs, and a spiny "comb" on their heads Wandering Monstea
dragon readying for flight. The statuette is in The second dungeon level has its own wander-
a niche along the north wall. The statuette ing monster table. Check forwandering mon-
looks the same as the one found in room 33 The human-lie reptiles are troglodytes (AC
5 ; HD 2*; hp 9 each; M V 40'; #AT 3; D 1-4 sters every other turn. Roll ld6: the patty will
(for more details see room 33). encounter awandering monster ifa 1is rolled.
each; Save F2; ML 9; AL C). Troglodytes are
intelligent. They hate most other CrCaNres The wandering monster will bc fxst sccn 20-
45. CAVE POOL 120 feet (2d6x10') away from the party when
and will try to kill anyone thcy mcct. Hence
they will attack on sight. Troglodytes have a encountered, in any dircction and doing any-
chameleon-like power to blend into thcu sur- thing the DM chooscs. To dctermine exactly
room. You see the glint of gold coming from which monster is encountered, use the Wan-
roundings (normally they surprise on 1-4 on
the far side of the pool. A hot wind blows dering Monster Table: Level 2.
ld6). hut thcy are not using the ability at the
through the cave. Moisture f& the air and
moment. Troglodytes secrete an oil when
fighting which smells so had that characters


Wandering Monster Table: Level 2 (Roll ld6) 53. MIRABIL1S’ ROOM

Die Wanderine ~

Roll Monster NO AC HD RAT- Damage Move Save MI. AL A plain bed and a huge wooden desk dom-
1 Ghoul 1-6 6 2* 3 1-3 ea. 30‘ F2 .~ C
9 inate this sparsely furnished bedchamber.
2 Goblin 2-8 6 1-1 1 1-6 20’ NM 7 C A broom lies in one comer near a pile of
3 Harpv 1-3 7 3* 3 1-4/1-4/1-6 20‘ F3 7 C dirt. A tattered pau of silk bedroom slip-
4 Hobgoblin 1-6 6 1+ I 1 1-8 30’ Fl 8 C pers lie on the floor near the bed. A small
5 Medusa 1 8 4** 1 l-6+s~ecial 30’ F4 8 C nightstand has been overmrned. While
6 Zombie 2-8 8 2 1 1-8 40‘ F1 12 C you watch, a small black kitten races out
from under the bed, bats one of the slip.
It is suggested that the monsters Harpy and The room is empty except for the statues. pen around, then runs back under the
Medusa be encountered no more than once as bed.
wandering monsters. If the DM rolls a wan- 50. PASSAGEWM
dering monster encounter with a second Har- The r w m is the bedroom of the palace magic-
py or Medusa, a wandering monster from the As soon as you open the dwr, bright lighu user, Mirabilis. Tbe black kitten is his familiar
Level One table should be chosen instead. flood the hallway. You see three swords and pet. Three times a day the kitten can
Both monsters are very difficult challenges, fighting each other, as if being held by transform itself into a panther (AC 4;HD 4;
might upset t h e play balance if encountered invisible men. hp 18;MV 70’; RAT 3; D 1-4/1-4/1-8; Save
too many times. F2: ML 8; AI. L). The transformation lasts 10
All the monsten on the second level wan- The fighting swords and bright light is an illu- rounds. When in kitten form the creature is
dering monster table appear in the D&Da sion placed there by the palace magic-user to harmless. Note that while panthen are usually
Basic NkS. Only those with unusual powen neutral in alignment, the kitten/panther is
frighten intruders who might enter the palace
are described below. through the tower. The illusion is triggered by lawful because this magical animal is the
familiar of a magic-user.
the door opening without the password
Ghoul: Asuccessful attack by aghoul willpar- “Argenta” being spoken. If any character If the party carefully searches the desk,
alyze any creature of ogre-six or smaller, touches the illusion it will be dispelled. there is a IO% chance that they will fmd a
except elves. unless thevictim saves vs. Paraly- secret compartment. T h e secret compartment
sis. Elves are immune to the paralysis. but still 51. LABORATORY
holds a potion of invisibiliry
take normal damage from a ghoul’s attacks.
Paralysis lasts for 2-8 turns. 54. WASHROOM
You see a i w m filed with stuffed animals,
Harpy: Any characterhearing the harpy’s song
shelves filled with books and scrolls. and
must save vs. Spells or be charmed. Charmed A mirror is hung on the east wall. In front
jars of powders and herbs. Strange symbols
individuals will move toward the harpy, resist- of the mirror is a wash stand. On top of the
are painted on the walls. An iron Statue of
ing any attempt to stop them, but not other- a warrior stands in the southeast comer of wash stand is a porcelain bowl filled with
wise attacking. If a character successfully saves watcr. A statue stands in front of the wash
the room. A polishing cloth is draped over
the character will not be affected by the harpy stand. The statue is of an old man with
the warrior’s shield.
song for that encounter. Harpies are resistant long hair and beard. The man wean robes
to magic and have a + 2 on all their saves. covered with magical symbols. The statue
Medusa: Looking at a medusawill turn a char- This rwm was the palace magic-user’s labora- lonks like a man trimming his beard with a
acter to stone unless the victim saves YS. Turn tory. The iron statue is actually a living iron pair of scissors.
to Stone. A medusa can also attack with her sratue(AC2;HD4;hplS;MVIO’;#AT2;D
1-8/1-8; Save F4; ML 11; AL N). Living iron
snaky hair. The bites of the snakes are poison- The statue is actually Mirabilis. the palace
ous (save vs. Poison or die in one turn) and
statues have bodies which can absorb iron and magic-user. who was turned into stone by the
when the snakes hit they cause 1-6 points of steel. When bit, they will take normal dam- Eye of Arik. Mirabilis was trimming his beard
age, but if a non-magical metal weapon is
damage. Anyone who tries to attack a medusa at the time.
used, the attacker must save vs. Spells or the
without looking at it must subtract 4 from
their “to hit” roll. A medusa is resistant to weapon will become stuck in the body of the
living iron statue, and can only be removed if
magic and gains + 2 on saves vs. Spells only,
other saving throws are normal. the statue is killed.
A statue of a young girl playing with a dove
52. STOREROOM is in the southeastern corner of this oddly
Key to Dungeon Level Two shaped room. A large hand-carved book-
case stands ncxt to the northcastern wall.
49. WATCH TOW!d.R I This small room appears to be empty. 1 Two wooden benches, one in front of each
of the the two southwestern windows, have
This watch tower has 6 windows overlook- The room once held stores of various som but scrolls lying upon them. Two women stand
ing the surrounding lands. There is a trap has recently been cleaned out. next to one of the benches. Both women
door in the center of the float. A stone wear leather armor and carry swords. One
statue of a guard stands lwking out each of the women has just unrolled a scroll and
window. Except for the statues the room is reading it.
lwks empty.
The statue in this rwm is one of Princess

Argenta's ladies in waiting who was turned to

stone. None of the scrolls in the room are matching rugs lie side by side on the floor. stands in front of an altar. More statues of
magical, they are merely blank parchment on The room also contains a long wooden people of many different ages, all dressed
which court officials sometimes wtitc letters. dresser, a matching chest nf drawers, and a in normal clothing, sit on the wooden
The two women appear to he fighters. but pews. Someone has splashed red paint over
are really thieves. They were trying to loot the the altar and all the statues.
rooms of Mirabilis before the disaster stmck. If the party opens the curtains to the bed they
Mirabilis caught them and put them to sleep will see an old man lying in the bed. The old This room is the palace chapel. A service was
with a sleep spell. He was going to clean up man has a long white heard and hair. He is being held at the time when the disaster
and then report them to the guards, but disas- wearing robes embroidered with magical sym- struck. The cleric Branaur and the people
ter struck first. The women thieves were not bols. If the party asks, let them know that the attending the service were all turned into
affected by the disaster. They have only man looks exactly lie the statue in room 54. stone. The bugbears in room 59 have splashed
recently awakened and are setting out to loot Even the clothing is similar. red paint on the statues. If they check, the
the palace. The two women are named Can- The creature on the bed is not really a man, party will discover that the paint is still fresh.
della(AC5;T/2;hp8;MV40';#AT1;D1-8:itisadoppleganger(ACI;HD4*; hp 18; MV
Save TZ; ML 7; AL N S12, 115, W13, D17. 30'; #AT 1; D 1-12; SaveF10; ML 10; ALC). 59. CHAPEL
Cl5, Ch 14). andDuchess(AC5;T/Z; hp 11; Dopplegangers are man-sized. shape- ~~

MV 40'; #AT 1; D 1-8;Save T2; ML 7; AL N; changing creatures that are intelligent and This room is filled with symbols holy to the
S11.112, W15, D16, C18, Chl5). Because of evil. A doppleganger is able to shape itself gods of Haven. Three large, human-like
their wisdom ability scores, both women gain into the exact form of any human-like crca- individuals are splashing red paint on the
a bonus of + 1 on magic-based saving throws. mre (up to 7' tall) it sees. The creature is imi- holy symbols using large buckets of paint.
The two thieves are both very attractive and tating the statue of Mirabilis. While the The three creatures ate extremely hairy and
will attempt to use this to their benefit. doppleganger can speak, it cannot cast spells ugly-looking.
These two thieves will act friendly toward (as Mirabilis could, ifhe were not stone). The
the party They will pretend to be young inex- doppleganger will try to join the party. Then, If the party has encountered goblins or hob-
perienced fighters in search of adventure. when it gets a chance and no one is watching, goblins, they will recognize a family resem-
They will politely ask to join the party, saying it will single out a victim. Just before it blance between goblins, hobgoblins and the
that they are not quite as tough or as prepared attacks, the doppleganger will turn into a three bugbears (AC 5; HD 3 + 1; hp 14 each;
for adventuring as they had originally duplicate of the victim. The doppleganger MV 30'; #AT 1; D 1-6 + 1; Save F3; ML 9; AL
thought. will try to secretly kill its victim so that it can C). Bugbears are giant hairy goblins. Because
If they join the party the two thieva will wait take the victim's place. of their strength, they add + 1 to all damage
for a good chance to steal whatever they can If Duchess and Candella are with the party, rolls with weapons (but not on their "to hit"
(either hy trying to pick pockas or just p h b i n g the doppleganger may choose one of them as a rolls).
any loot in sight), and then run away. victim or one of the party members. Of
If the thieves are not allowed to join the course. if the doppleganger succeeds in killing 60. SECRET CLOSET
party, hut are not attacked, they will try to get its victim. and hides the corpse, it will pretend
close enough to a character to try to pick that to be the new character. Swncr or later somc-
You see a number of clerical robes and
person's pockets, Ifdiscovered, they will claim one should notice that Mirahilis has disap- fighting gear hanging in this closet.
that the person made a mistake, that they peared. The doppleganger will continue to
merely bumped into the person by accident. kill characten secretly until caught.
Branaur keeps his spare robes and fighting
If successful they will leave with their loot. Sleep and charm spells do not affect dop-
equipment in this secret closet. His armor is
The thieves will each have the following: a plegangers. When killed, a doppleganger will
plate mail i1 and his mace is a mace + 1.
backpack, 50' rope, 12 iron spikes, mirror, turn back to its original form, that of a
wineskin, rations, 4 small sacks, 21 cp. 7 sp. human-like Cfeaturewith blank features.
61. GAMER(
15 gp, wolfsbane (Duchess only). and a string
of pearls worth 600 gp (Candella only).
When playing the roles of NPCs the DM
Agametahl~..~ ......-....
of the room. A chess set sits upon it. with a
should keep in mind that NPCs are reasonably This small alcove contains two large cush-
game apparently in progress. Two statues
normal persons. They seldom act suicidally, ioned chairs. A small book lies on the floor
sit on tither side of the chess hoard. One
usually fighting only if there is a chance to I betweenthem. StaNC is of a man. the other is of a woman.
win. While they will take risks, they will sel- On the nonh wall of the room is a mosaic
dom take unreasonable risks. In this particular The small book is a book of prayen. Someone map of Haven. The area on the map which
encounter. the two thieves want loot. They are has slashed the pages with a knife. The prayer represents the palace glows with a red
likely to try whatever method offers the best book was slashed apart hy the bugbean in room light. The red light seems to be slowly
possibilities for gaining the most loot at the 59. expanding outward. coveting more of
least risk. Haven as you watch.
56. MAGIC USER'S BEDROOM The wall map magically depicts the spreading
This large room looks like a temple where influenceoftheEyeofArik. It indicatesthat if
In this room is a large canopy bed with the patron Immortal of Haven is WOE- the player characters do not succeed in their
heavy dark red curtains, all closed. Three shioDed. A statue wearing clerical robes mission, Haven is doomed.


62. BALLROOM The garden introduces two new monsters: 65. GREAT W
archer bushcs and vampire roses. The bushes ~

This large ballroom is decorated in silver, with the sickly green trunks and thorny brown This large dining hall is panelled with
red and blue. The two huge fireplaccs are branches arc archer bushes (AC 7; HD 2; hp 9 rough wood. Wooden bracing beams Nn
stacked with logs. A bell-shaped wire each; MV 1’; #AT 1; D 1-4; Save F1; ML 12; from floor to ceiling along all four walls.
framework hangs from the ceiling, sup- AL C). Archer hushes are carnivorous and can Crossbeams run from the bracing beams.
ported by four white marble columns. The move slowly to reach dead prey. Hidden in the supporting the wooden ceiling. A large
framework is decorated with intertwined trunk, beneath the leaves. is a large mouth. fireplace is set in the north wall. A long U-
leaves and flowers. You hear the strains of The mouth holds extra hard thorns which the shaped wooden tahlc dominates the center
eerie music. Two pale, shadowy appari- archer bush uses like rceth to devour prey oncc of the room. Stuffed animal heads, obvi-
tions are dancing to the sounds of the the prey is killed. Archcr hushes attack by ously hunting trophies, hang on the walls.
strange music. The two figures are drcssed shwtingaspray ofthomsat thcirvictims. The
in clothing that was popular more than thorn spray is composed of several small This dining room was used for grand feasts.
three hundrcd years azo. thorns which become embedded in the vic- Thc wooden hrams were intended to give it a
tim’s flesh on a succcvful “to hit” roll. The “rugged” look. Hanging from thc ceiling
The ballroom had already been decorated for thorn spray causes 1-4 points of damage, and beams. waiting for the party, is a new monster,
the grand dance to celebrate the finding of the can only be dirccted at one target at a time. a decapus (which was warned of the p q ’ s
ruby when the disaster struck Haven. Thc two Archer bushes can shoot their thorn spray up approach when they stepped on the pressure
ghostly dancers have haunted the ballroom to 20 feet away. Each bush can only fxe three plate in area 64).
since their tragic deaths nearly 300 yeats ago. such sprays in a day. ThedecaDus(ACI:HD4:ho18:MVI‘or
The ghostly dancers were lovers who died on The white rose bush at the center of the gar- 30‘;#AT9;’D 1:6 or 1-3 each; Save FZ;ML 9:
the eve of their marriage j u s before a grand den is a vampire rose bush. Vampire roses (AC AL C) is a creature usually found in forests. It
ball to celebrate thcir marriage. Ever since 7; HD 4; hp 18; MV IO‘; #AT I + blood looks like a bloated, hairy globe with ten ten-
then, tbey have haunted the balltwm at drain; D 1-8; Save FZ; ML 12: AL C) look like tacles. Its hair is brown, and its body is green.
times right before a grand ball. They leave normal white rose bushes. Like the archer In the center of the decapus’s 4’wide body is a
when the dance begins, but since the cclebra- bushes, however, they can uproot themselves huge, toothy mouth.
tion has been postponed indefinitely, they to move about slowly. Each 4 hit dice worth of Decapuscs usually live alone, preferring to
continue to haunt the room. vampire roses represents a single rose bush. hunt by themselves. They bunt by swinging
. Characters who look at the ghostly dancers
must make a saving throw vs. Spells or run
There is only one vampire rose bush in this
garden. The 10‘ long thorny stalks of a vam-
through trees and scooping up their prey in
their tentacles. The tentacles are 10’ long.
from the room in fright. Anyone who fails to pire rose can whip around a victim, inflicting They m e n d from all parts of its body. The
save will run into room 63 (the garden). the 1-8points of damage on a successfulhit. Once tentacles are covered with suckers which the
ghostly dancers have no actual physical the thorn stalk has struck and wrapped around decapus can use not only to grasp prey. but to
bodies. They cannot attack, nor can they be a victim, the vampire rose will inflict 1-8 climb walls and ceilings.
hurt by weapons or magic. If attacked, they points of damage (blood-drain) each round The dccapus attacks with nine of its tenta-
will continue to dance on, completely ignor- automatically. The vampire rose also injects a cles, using the tenth tentacle to hang from the
ing the paw. hypnotic anathetic into the victim’s blood- ceiling (or trees). When the floor or ground,
stream. The victim must save vs. Spells or lose the decapus is much more helpless. Its tenta-
63. PALACE GARDEN all willpower. allowing the vampire rose to cles are not strong enough to support its
continue sucking blwd until the victim dies. weight upright for long periods of time. On
If the victim saves succcssfully, any character the ground, the decapus can only manage six
This area is the palace garden. The garden with normal strength can break free and try to
is roofless and is lit from above by a blood attacks, and these attacks do only half normal
run away. After a vampim rose has completely damage. When swinging through trees, the
red light. The garden has become com- drained a victim, the roses will be colored
pletely overgrown with weeds. Except for a dccapus can travel at 90’per turn, or 30’per
blwd rcd instcad of white for 1 day. round. On the ground the dccapus can only
large stand of white rose bushes in the cen- The archer bushes and the vampire bush
ter of the gardcn, all the flowen that once move 3’ pcr turn or 1‘ per round.
work together. Thc vampire rose needs a vic- If the party searches the room they will find
grew here have died. One type of weed tim’s blwd and the archer bushes need the
sccms most common in the gardcn. The on the mantle a hook, which the orcs who
victim’s flesh. On a pedestal 5‘ away from the serve Arik took from the library and brought
weed is a large bush. It has a dwarf-sized vampire rose bush is a silver statuertc of a
central trunk covcred with sickly-looking to the decapus to guard. The book details
dragon about to fly. The statuette is Pimilar to what happens when Arik tries to break into
green leaves. Growing out of the central the ones in rwms (33 & 43). The silver statu- anothcr dimension. The party will recognize
mound-like trunk is a tangle of many ettes can be used to return the dragon Ariks-
thorny branches. You see about a dozen of the description as similar to what has befallen
banc to Haven. Ariksbanc can destroy the Eyc Haven. The book also details methods of
these plants. Beneath the weeds you can of Arik (Ice rwm 30 for dctails). destroying an Eye of Arik. including those
just barely see a cobblestone path that methods given in the introduction. If the par-
wanders through the garden. 64.smNT ALARM ty k not alrcady aware what their true mission
Corridor: As thc party steps under this arch- is and how tbc mission can hc accomplished.
Wherc Arik rules. normal plants do not grow. the DM should take this opportunity to
The normal flowets in the garden have all way, they will step on a hidden pressure plate
inform them.
died. In their place now grow weeds and two ” an dam bell in room 65. warning
that rines -
monstrous types of plants. the monster thcre of the party’s presence.


66. WASHROOM Catharandamus has two spells: darkness The wooden chest is a treasure chest. It is
and cause feu. Darkness is the rcvcrsc of the trapped with a poison dart trap. A close
spell light. It will block all sight except infra- inspection of the chest will show that the lock
east wall. Beneath the counter top is a pair vision within a circle of darkness 30' in d i m e - is in the form of a screaming face. The two
of sliding cabinet doors. T h e mom other- fer. It will cancel a light spell ifcast against it eyes of the face can he pushed in. If both eyes
wise appears to he empty. and vice versa. If cast at an opponent's eyes. it are pushed in at the same time, the chest will
will cause hlindncss until cancelled, or until be safe to open. If not, a poison needle will
This is a room where hunters clean up after the the spell duration is reached (12 tums)..Cause shoot out of the mouth when opened. Any-
hunt. Beneath the counter are shelves filled fear is the reverse of the spell rcmove feu. It one opening the chest without precautions
with basins for holding water, bars of soap, will make any one CreaNre flee for 2 turn will he hit by the needle and must save vs. Poi-
and clean towels. The room is empty of mon- unless a successful save vs. Spells is made. The son or die within 2 rounds. Inside the chest are
sters or treasure. spell bas a range of 120'. 650 gp. 1.000 sp, and a pouch holding 10 fire
Beneath his robes, Catharandamus wears a agates (a type of gem stone) each worth IO gp.
67. LOUNGE suit of plate mail armor. He carries and will T h c ucasure belongs to Catharandamus and
fight with his magical mace +2. his bodyguard.

Standing among the remains of the fumi- 69. BEDROOM 71. SITTING ROOM
ture is a huge fearsome, human-like crea- ~

ture about 9' tall. The creature is wearing This room contains a bed, a large wooden Several chairs and tables form a semi-circle
skins for clothing. chest, a stool. and a wooden wardrobe. in front of the fueplace in this room. A
worn rug lies rolled up in one comer. A
T h e bcdclothcs are cnunpled. as i f a number
The human-like creature is an ogre (AC I; HD knitting basket sits n m to the mg. On a
4+l:hpl9:MV30';#ATl;D1-l0;SaveF4; of people had been sitting on the bed. The small table near the fueplace is a small tea
ML 10; AL C). The ogre is on a rampage and chest is f d e d with old nightshirts packed in cup on a saucer and a tea pot. Hanging
has just destroyed the furniture here for the mothballs. The wardrobe is empty. Normally over the fireplace is a portrait of Princess
fun of it. The ogre is carrying a leather sack this room is a guest bedroom. Recently, the Argcnta. She is holding a beautiful blood
with 300 gp in it. room has k e n occupied by the bodyguard of red ruby the size of an apple.
Catharandamus, the cleric in room 68. The
68. SUMMONING ROOM bodyguard is 7 large ora (AC 6 ; HD 1: hp 6 The tea cup is magical. If any character touch-
each; MV 40': #AT 1; D 1-6; Save F1; ML 8: es the tea cup it will speak, reciting a riddle-
When you open the door you see a man AI. C). The o r a all cany shields with a red eye type poem which gives the party hints on how
chanting in some unknown language. The painted on them. The leader of the om is to stop the disaster that has befallen Haven.
man is standing inside a blood red circle.
Aha. a werewolf (lycanthrope). When fmt The riddle is:
encountered, she will be in human form, hut
Strange symbols have heen painted around
the circle. The man has long black hair and she will change into a werewolf to attack ifshe Three crystal notes:
wears red robes. Hanging from his belt is a can. Alha (AC I (9 in human form): HD 4*; Two Silver drakes;
hp 18: MV 60': #AT 1; D 2-8; Save F4: ML 8; One mhy sword;
mace. A red eye has been painted in the
AL C) will also be wearing a red robe and has All will smash the Demon's Eye.
center of his forehead. Inside the circle. in
an eye painted on her forehead. And lift the curse from Havcn.
front of the man, is a strange-looking
If Catharandamus yells for help (from room
sword. The sword, which appears to be The riddle refers to the Ice Harp (room 32).
68). Alha and the ora will yell hack that they
made of ruby, rcsts on a plush black velvet the silver statuettes of the dragon Arikshane
are on their way and rush to his aid. A h a will
cushion. As the man continues to chant,
turn into a werewolf and attack. Any human (rooms33,43,and63),andtheSwordofArik
the sword begins to pulse with a crimson
character who is severely hurt by her (losing (room 68).
more than half of his or her hit points) will
become a lycanthrope of the same type in 2-24 72. BATHING ROOM
The man inside the circle is Catharandamus, a days. The victim will hegin to show signs of
cleric who worships Arik (AC 2; C3; hp 15; the disease (such as an appetite for raw meat)
MV 30'; #AT 1: D 1-6+2 or by spell; ML 7; The walls of this bathing room are painted
after only half that time. The disrasc will kill with peaceful sccnes of spring and sum-
AL C; S16, 112. W17, D12, C10. Ch14). non-humans instead of turning them into met. An ornate marble and silver bathtub
Right now, he is in the middle of a ceremony WeIecreaNreS. Howcver. if the Eye of Arik is
that will permit Arik to teleport from his sits against the eastern wall. A silver enam-
destroyed as a result of the pany's actions, any elled towel rack standing next to the tub
prison dimension to Haven. The focal point of character with the disease of lycanthropv will holds a towel and wash cloth. A soap con-
the ceremony is the ruby sword. which is the automatically be cured.
Sword of Arik. This sword will act as a gate tainer of carved ivoty sin on a stand next to
the tub. At the head of the tub is a deli-
through which Arik will enter Haven if the 70. TREASURE ROOM cately sculpted tray. Sitting on the tray are
ceremony is successful. As soon as Catharan- three small gems. One gem is red, one is
damus sees the party he will yell "Help!" A
This room appears to be bare except for a blue, the other is yellow.
voice from behind the left inner door (to room
table and four chain. A wooden chest sits
69) will answer "Hang on, we're coming."
Two rounds later the 7 ora and the werewolf on too of the tahlc. This particular bath tub Is magical. If the red
stone IS placed in rhc ruh. rhc rub will fill with
from room 69 will burst into the room.

hot water. If the yellow stone is placed in the midpoint of 2nd level. and losing one hit die Argenta, the other is Ellis the Strong, Knight
tub, the tub will fill with cold water. If both of hit points. Any person totally drained of of the White Drakes.
stones ax placed inthe tub at the same time, the life energy by a wight will become a wight in As soon as the first character touches the
tub will fdl with warm water. Ifthe blue stone is 1-4 days, and will be under the control of the ruby, red vapors will billow up from it and sur.
placed in a tub full ofwater, the water will disap- wight who drained him or her. round the dais, momentarily obscuring
pear. These gems are only worth 1w gp each, Hidden behind a loose stone in the north vision. When the smoke clears, several fight-
and they will only work in this bath tub. wall is the wight’s treasure: 2,000 gp and a ers in glowing red plate mail with red swords
crystal bdl. and shields will he standing there guarding
73. ARGENTA’S BEDROOM the dais. The number of guards will always he
75. ALE ROOM exactly equal to the number o f p a q members
present when the encounter begins.
dle of the room. The bed posts have been The glowing guards are illusions. similar to
carved to resemble twining vines. The bed room sits a cask that has been tapped with the fighter in room 11, However, they will not
is covered with dull red velvet. Tapestries a spout. A cabinet next to the cask holds go away for 10 raunds or when they are actu-
line three walls. They show typical scenes dozens of glasses. The room also contains a ally touched by a hand (not hit in combat).
of life in Haven before the disaster struck. half-dozen wwden chairs. They attack as 3 hit dice moostem (inflicting
To either side of the double door is a hand- 1-10 points per hit), and no attacks from the
carved wooden chest of drawers. Both chest This room is an ale room. It is empty of mon- party will hit or harm them. As soon as one
of drawers have mirrors on top of them. A sters or treasure at present. illusion is touched with a band, they will all
small cushioned chair and matching foot- disappear and the “dead” and “wounded”
76. THRONE ROOM characters will realize that t h e damage they
took in this battle was imaginary.
This was Princess Argenta’s room. It is cur- An ornate throne of silver and oak sits atop This is the key room in the party’s quest. Their
rently empty. a dais along the center of the north wall. mission is to smash the ruby, thus freeing Haven
On either side of the dais is a tapestry from the &mer that has overtaken the valley.
74. GUARD ROOM showing the changing seasons in Haven. Theruby can only k d m y e d i n r i u e e ways: (1)
Spring and Summer are shown on the tap- T h e parUdar notes played on the Ice Harp
estry to the left of the throne. Fall and will shatter the ruby; (2) If the party brings two
eral wooden chairs. Standing next to the Winter are shown on the tapestry to the (or more) statuettes of the river dragon into the
fireplace is a man dressed io the uniform of right of the throne. The room is filled with room. the dragon AriksLmne will k freed and
the palace guard. The man’s body has statues of men. women and dwmcs. The
the dragon’s breath will disintegrate the tuhy
more than a dozen stab wounds, which statues are arranged to resemble a typical (without harming anything else in the room);
would normally kill an individual. COUR scene (one statue heels in front of
(3) If some character touches the ruby Sword of
the throne, statues of guards flank the
Arik to the ruby Eye of Arik. both will cnunhle
throne. a Statue of a councilor is leaning into worthles powder.
The man in the guard uniform is a corpse. Liv-
Assoonas thetuhyEyeofArikisdestroycd,
ing in the corpse is a particular kind of undead over, as if whispering to a person on the
throne, etc.) Resting in the middle of the the disaster that has befallen Haven will not
spiritknownasawight(AC>;HD3*;hp13; only end, it will begin to reverse. Sick cattle
MV 30’; #AT 1; D Energy drain; Save F3; AL throne is a glowing ruby the size of a large
man’s fist. will recover, withered crops will grow green
12; AL C). Wights can only he hit by silvered
again. The OICS, goblins, hobgoblins and oth-
or magical weapons, or turned by a cleric. On er evil creatures that invaded Haven at the call
a successful bit from a wight, it will drain life This is Princess Argenta’s COUR m m . the of the ruby will flee. The forces besieging the
energy. Each hit drains one lcvcl of expcricnce heart of the palace. The statues are people Protector will be scattered. Those people tum-
or hit die and any abilities gained for that level who were turned to stone when the Eye of ed to stonewill become flesh. Only those indi-
are lost. For example, a 3rd level fighter struck Arik took control. If the party looks closely at viduals unfortunate enough to die as a result
by a wight becomes a 2nd level fighter. keep- the ruby, they will notice what appears to be of the disaster will not he restored to life. 0th-
ing only enough experience points to be at the two people trapped inside. One is Princess erwise, Haven will return to normal.
The characten can stay in Haven until they are Beginning the Adventure
completely rested. The Princess Argenta and
Ellis will be wed, and the characters will be Characten begin their adventure at Guido's
honored guests. At the conclusion of the cele- Fort, at the Lion's Den Inn. The inn has a
bration, Thendara appears. Everyone is suit- large common rmm tilled with many benches
ably impressed-there were a growing and tables, a bar. and a large fireplace. The
number of people in Haven who were begin- common room is a smoky, dimly-lit place, and
ning to doubt her existence. The princess will tends to he rather quiet. The inn also has
ask Thendara if the characters can stay. The sleeping quarters for rent. One sp per person
Immortal will smile. shake her head no, and buys a night's lodging on a straw pallet in the
back room. The quarters are so dirty that char-
ahead of them. acten who sleep here have a 75% chance of
m e n the characters are readv. Thendara will becoming flea-infested during the night!

"~h m r h a 4 rhe

enough to bald all of them, and fully provi-

transpart them to the bank of a i v e i With a
I L-+
(Fleas won't affcct a character's play; they're
just a temporary nuisance.)
At any given time of day or night. 2-12
sioned for ajourney of some days. Thendara tells (Zd6) persons can be found in the Lion's Den.
them that the way hack to civilization lies down- Player characten can learn two of the m o r s
meam She also gives them a sealed scroll. and on the table below from any of these patrons
instructs them to open it only when Karameikos or the innkeeper. For your own information
has become tw small for them. only, the table shows whether the rumors are
The scroll is the title to a ship that will he true or false. To sec which two NmOIS the
waiting for them in Specularum (to be used characters Icam, roll 2d8, repeating if neces-
for adventure X1. the Isle of Dread). If the sary until the second roll is different from the
scroll should be lost. stolen or d estroved Design: Douglas Niles first. Note that the players must state that
hefore it is used, it will reappear R,ithin 24 Editing: Laurie Mann they can begin to hear the mmon.
hnnm __
". If .ir.." ___
i c "_. T X Z ~ __
einm _..II 0-s n i A _. ..ill disap-
if YD Graphic Design: Ruth Hoyer If the charactersexpress an interest in learn-
ing more ahout The Hill, they are referred to
pear torever. Cover Art: JmRoslof
Since the characters don't know where they Interior Art: Jim Holloway the "Old Timer." Far each cold beer the parry
are, sailing downstream is thcir only option. buys him, he will divulge another NmOr,
Shortly after they set out, it begins to rain. General Notes: This adventure was originally until they have heard all eight. Note that the
The rain continues for several days, and the published as B5,Horror on rbc Hill. Is action Old Timer goes through the rumors randomly
nights are cold and wild. Worse, the food is f%Iy continuous once the playes descend (roll a Ids), and although he will not repeat a
starts t o spoil. Just as everyone is starting to past thefmtlevel, which can be dangerous for single rumor twice, he will probably repeat
feel pretty miserable, a small settlement and verylowlevelcharacrem. The adventure in the the two nunors that the party has heard else-
fort comes into view on the east side of the riv- Hill irself is presented here; nineteen minor where.
er. On the west bank is a towering, fog- encounrer areas on the slopes of the IWI have
shrouded hill of rock that rises over 400 feet been excluded. TABLE 1
into the air.
If the party tries to land at the settlement, Maps . . . . . . _ _. . _ _ _. ._. _
. _. .. . 142.145 RUMORS AT GUIDO'S FORT
they will run aground and damage their boat. ~

It will require at least a week to repair. In the Die 1h e or

meantime, they can go to the Lon's Den Inn, Roll Rumor
the only inn in town. There. they will begin
the adventure of the Hobgoblin King. Many centuries ago, an
If the party decides to continue on their way old monastery was located
to Specularum. the food will go bad (and on top of The Hill. True
must he purified daily), the weather will stay A fne-breathing dragon
bad, and all must make a successful Constitu- lives in the caves below
tion check or become ill (lose half of total hit The Hill. True
points, - 1 on all rolls for a week). The hit A hand of slave-trading
points must he recovered by bed rest, which ogres is using The Hill as a
will be possible once the characters reach the base for forays into the
Barony of Kelvin. While they are recuperat- civilized lands. False
ing, word comes that a small settlement some Man-eating ghouls prowl
distance upriver named Guido's Fort has been The Hill for food. True
OVefNn by hobgoblins and destroyed. (It will There is a haunted grave-
be a campaign year before the site is reset- yard on The Hill. True
tled.) The rest of the journey to Specularum is An evil witch lives an The
uneventful. Hill. Her house appears to


be a small hut, but in real- As long as the party is adventuring on the designed to keep the PCs on their toes. They
ity is an extravagant pal- surface of The Hill. the party may return to are not designed to be the ultimate challenge
ace where she keeps the Guido's Fort as often as they want or can. If 01 climax of the adventure. If the dice call for
tortured souls of all who they haven't bought their own boat, though, an encounter that you feel would seriously
have trespassed on the they must make arrangementsfor returning to deplete the party strength, you should ignore
slopes. False Guido's Fort before they leave. Even if they that encounter.
7 A huge orc army is choose to stay on andunder The Hill through-
entrenched on The Hill, out the adventure, they nced return passage The Mage
waiting for orders to begin when the adventure is ended. So in any case.
a massive assault on without their own boat, the party must plan At the end of the adventure the characters will
Guido's Fort. False ahcad for at least one I C N r n passage. encounter a red dragon that they might subdue.
8 A bubbling lake of lava Perhaps they want to arrange for a fsher- Because of this. and because the latter paru of
lies below The Hill. Thc man to pick them up at a specified time and the adventure m dangerous, you might set up
lake is the source of the place. Any of the fisherman are willing to do an encounter with a wandering mage who offers
steam columns that often so-for another 20 gp-but the party must be aid (or, alternately. the following items: pation
rise into the air from many on time or the fsherman leaves. of invkibilim two potions of haling, and a scroll
vents on the slopes' s u m - The party might also arrange for a fisbcr- with the spek web, dctm magic, and magic
mit. False man to pick them up when he sees a smoke &dc) in exchange for fm choice of the booty
signal the party sends. Once the party builds If attacked, be disappcan in a puff of smoke.
its smoke signal fire. there is only a 20% The mage should not aid them more than once.
Purchasing Equipment chance per turn someone in Guido's Fort sccs
The trading post in Guido's Fort is well-stocked, the signal. The fisherman begins crossing the TABLE 3
and the characters may want to purchaw some river 1-4 (ld4) turns after someone notices the
supplies there More embuking. k a m e the smoke signal. WANDERING MONSTERS IN
outpost is isolated, howwer, prices are a little If the party has talked to the Old Timer at THE RUINED MONASTERY
higher than usual; and there is no guarantee the the inn, they find him waiting for them at the
players can fmd what they need. waterfront as they are getting ready 10 leave. Die Roll C r e a ~ r Enmuntered
To determine the availability of a n y item on Impressed by the party's courage and determi- 1 RockBaboons(1-4): AC6;HDZ; hp
the Equipment List in the Basic rule book, roll nation, be offen them a bottle of clear liquid 10, 9.7.7; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1
ld4. Any result other than a one means that a as a parting gift. He tells them a drink of the cluh/l bite;D 1-6/1-3;SaveFZ;ML
character can find the item. Then roll a ld6 if liquid helps to heal wounds, and he cautions 8;ALN.
a character wishes to purchase that item. A them to use it sparingly. The bottle contains 2 Ogre (1): AC I; HD 4 + 1 ; hp I
result of one or two means that the price is the three doses of potion of healing. each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1; D 1-10;
same as that listed in the Basic Nk book; a Save F4; ML 10; AL C.
three or four means that the price is 150% of About Monsters 3 Hobgoblins (1.6): AC 6; HD 1+1;
the listed amount; and a five or six means that bp I each; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1; D
it cnsts twice as much. Note you follow this Many goblins and hobgoblins are on and 1-6; Save F1; ML 8; AL C; each car-
procedure for each item purchased: even under The Hill, organized into a loose army ries spear and shortsword.
though one player found a shortsword, for under the leadership of a hobgoblin king. 4 DireWoIf(l):AC6;HD4+1;hp
example, there is no assurance the ne- player This king lives in the dungeon under The Hill 20; MV 150' (50'); #AT 1; D 2 - 8 ;
can find one also. but is not cxrrcmcly powerful or effective. His Save F2; ML 8; ALN.
troops are numerous but cowardly; and if I Zombies (1.6): AC 8; HD 2 : hD
combat with goblins or hobgoblins goes badly 12,10,9,8,'7,j; MV 120' (40');'XAy
Getting to the W and Back forthemonsten, theytrytoescape. Ifthepar- 1; D 1-8; Save F1; ML 12; AL C.
Characters can cross the River Shrill to begin t y prevents such an escape, the monsters sur- 6 Giant Centipedes (1.8): AC 9; HD
their adventure on The Hill by seeking out render to save their own lives. 1/2; hp 4, 4, 3, 3, 2. 2, 1; MV 60'
one of the fishermen in Guido's Fort. Since Note that if the characters return to town (20'); #AT 1; D poison; Save NM;
times are hard for the fishermen, any of them between sorties on The Hill, certain monsters ML 7; AL N.
are willing to ferry the party across the river. are not idle in their absence. In particular.
Sincc Thc Hill is so dangerous, though, rhe ogres. hobgoblins, and goblins replenish their
cost of the ferry is high: 20 gp. garrisons three days after the party cleans
Key to Areas in the Ruined
The party might also try to rcnt a boat from them out. In fact, there is a 33% chance the Monastery
afisberman. but without success. Afisherman number of ogres. hobgoblins, or goblins is 20. GARRISON QUARTERS
might agree to sell the party a boat, bur no actually 50% larger than the number first
fishermen is willing to rcnt one. Everyone in cncountcred! Wandering monstets do not In ages past, this building quartered a small
Guido's Fort is convinced the party is rcplcnish themselves, however. garrison of fighters who protected the monks
doomed-and renting a boat to people you'll of the monastery. The building has wirhstood
never see again doesn't make any sense! If the Important! the ravages of time fairly well, though its
party decides to buv a boat. the cost is 50-80 insides have been looted repeatedly. In the
gp(ld4+4x10). Encounters with wandering monsters are large room. which was the dining room for the


guards, the long tables and benches have been 23. OLD TOMB have been carefully masked with hushes, but
overturned. and shattered pottery lies ovcr they may he detected by rolling for a secret
much of the floor. T h e small room off the din- door. Behind each pile of brush lurk three
ing room was a kitchen; a few cracked pots and The double doon of this building arc elah-
orately carved with a lccring face and gro- goblins, waiting to ambush the party as they
an oven are all that remain. approach the temple door to room #31. The
Each of the four small rooms off the hallway tesque torso. The creature's mouth is
gaping open to display row upon row of ambush is sprung only if the p m y is obviously
on the eastern wing of the garrison quarten moving toward the door, or if they begin to
has a pair of well-rotted wooden beds, and hideously pointed fangs. Two long. claw-
tipped arms are carved in relief: they seem inspect the garden too closely
other pieces of rot that might have been tables
and chairs in some forgotten age. almost to he reaching out to gather in any.
one standing before the doots. Goblins (9): AC 6: HD 1-1: hn
7.6,6,5,4,4.3,2,1; MVGO'(20'); XAf1; 6
21. HUGE POOL This carving depicts an old pagan deity, a fat, 1-6; Save NM; ML 7: AL C.
squatting, vaguely humanoid figure whose The goblins are armed with shortswords and
This large, dark green expanse of water is face is twisted into a hideous leer. The door it shields. The seven hit point goblin carries a
rimmed by moldy, well-worn stone, which guards are locked. Once inside, the group sees shield + I (ACS).
reveals still the pool's artificial origin. a large room lined with many doon. Occupy-
ing a position opposite the door is a large 25. INITIATES' BARRACKS
The water is uncomfortably warm to the granite statue of the same creature pictured an This long room contains the rotted remains of
touch. The poolisfed bythesamegeothermal the doors. This statue is carved in much more many wooden bunks. The room once housed
forces that yield the blasts of steam in and detail, and two gems still glitter from its 60 of the monks striving to become worthy of
around The Hill. The water's depth varies eyesockets. The statue is about 12 feet tall. the monastic order.
from about two feet around the rim to six feet but its protruding belly prevents any character
in the middle. wearing metal armor from climbing up the
Alongtheeast endofthepoolisacrumbled statue and removing the gcms, each worth
mass of stone that was at one time a luxurious 100 gp.
bathhouse. No ceiling stands over these four As soon as any character touches the StaNe This room holds rows of long tables and
rooms. and the walls have crumbled to only or opens one of the doors on the perimeter of benches, covered by a sickening greenish-
three or four feet of height. Large cracks can the room, 12 guardians of the tomb hunt yellow mold.
be seen, and many of the stone slabs that had from the dwts and attack. The guardians are
been used as the ceiling are supported by 12 skeletons. and one comes from each door. The mold is harmless
debris. Lurking in these cracks and crevices are
eight giant centipedes, which tush forward to Skeletons (12): AC 7; HD 1; hp 27. SECOND INITIATES'
attack any creatures passing the east rim of the,1,5,,1; MV 60' (20'); BARRACKS
pool. #AT 1; D 1-6: Save F1; MI. 12; AL C.
Each of the skeletons is armed with a This room is in the same condition as room
Giant Centipedes (8): AC 9; HD 1/2: hp 4.4, shortsword and carries a shield. # Z 5 . The only dlfferenceis that it contains the
3,3,2,2,1,1; MV 60' (20'); #AT 1; D poi- remains of only 20 hunks.
son; Save NM; ML 7; AL N. The doors from which the skeletons emerge
lead to 12 individual tombs, each a broad slab ADVENTURE IN THE
22. STEAM VENT of stone set in the middle of an otherwise bar- RUINEDMONASTERY
ren room. Behind the slab in room 23C is a
dagger +2, visible only if a character enters 28. MONASTERY KITCHEN
less. Greenish mold and fungi grow thickly the room and circles the slab.
along the lip of the opening. A shattered oven and much broken pottery
24. TANGLED GARDEN lies about the room. In the southeast cor-
As is true of the other vents of The Hill. there ner of the room is a large pile of what
is a S Yo chance per turn that the vent erupts in appears to be garbage. Atop this pile are
a column of steam. As usual, one round brambles-virtually impcnetrable by two giant rats. squeaking loudly upon
before it erupts, any characterstanding on the humans. Many types of plants have over-
rim of the vent can hear a gurgling sound. The run each other here.
sound gets louder throughout the round and In two rounds. eight more rats charge into the
culminates in a column of boiling steam This garden once grew the many potent ingre- room through a small hole in the kitchen wall
shooting into the sky. Any character standing dients the monks used for brewing foul that leads to the forest outside the monastery.
on the rim when the geyser erupts takes 1-6 potions, or for ingesting as pan of ghastly rit-
(ld6) points of damage for each round he is uals. Since the monastery has been ahan- GiantRats(IO):AC7;HD 1 / 2 ; hp4.,
engulfed in steam. The blast lasts 2-12 (Zd6) doned, the garden has grown wild. 2.2,2,1.1;MV 120' (40'); 1 bite; D 1-3 +
rounds. The three spots marked with Xs on the map disease: Save F1: ML 8: AL N.
are entrances to tunnels that goblins have
c m e d into the tangle. Thc tunnel entrances


The rats have been using the kitchen as a lair, would then he judged according to the effects The two secret doors leading out of this cham-
storing their pile of apparent garbage here. the water had upon him. The magical proper- her may he discovered with the normal rolls.
Most of the pile consists of tattered pieces of ties of the fountain still exist, and characten Each of them can he opened by a simple push.
leather, old bones. and many shiny pebbles. wishing to drink from it may hcnefit or suffer
hut characten willing to dig through the fdth from its effects. A derectmagicspell can iden- 32. EMPTY ROOM
can find a few valuable items: three gems (60 tlfy a strong anra of enchantment from the
gp, 40 gp, and 30 gp), 7 gp, 12 sp. 2 pp. and water in the shallow howl. The water in the The door to this chamber is stuck and must he
an arrow +2. pool, however, is quite mundane; even smashed open. Smashingthe door open yields
though it flows from the fountain, somehow a 20% chance that ogres in room Y33 hear the
29. MONASTIC LIBRARY its enchantment vanishes hefore thc water disturbance and come to investigate.
drops into the pool.
The walls of this chamber are lined with If a character takes a drink from the foun- Wooden and leather debris litters this
dehris-laden shelves. In the center of the tain. calculate the effects by rolling Id8 and chamber; a thick layer of dust covers the
floor is a large pile of garbage. comparing the result to Table 4 (see below). floor and all the room's contents.
Each character may gain only one effect from
The library was a storehouse of books and the water; any further drinks are simply thirst- 33. OGRE GUARDROOM
papers-information gathered by the monks quenching.
All effem take place immediately; they are This room is inhabited by a pair of the ugliest
over many centuries. Now the paper and and meanest ogres to ever walk Thc Hill. They
leather has crumbled; even the tables and permanent (except #3). Note that ifa charac-
ter's constitution or dexterity is changed, spend most of their time drinking and gam-
chairs have rotted and decayed. The garbage bling, so there is a 50% chance that characten
pile was once more than 100 hooks of ancient adjusunenn may need to he made to hit
points or annor class. who stop to listen can hear their mucous hel-
lore. Apparently, the rats have been using it as lows and heated arguments. The door to their
If the characters wish to rest in the garden,
a bed. No rats are currently in the room. and room is locked, and the key hangs on the belt
nothing of value is hidden in the pile. or even spend the night here, they encounter
no wandering monsters. of the largest ogre
On a shelf at the end of the room (apposite
side from the door), however, hidden beneath Ogres (2): AC I ; HD 4 + 1; hp 21,19; MV 90'
tattered works of literature. is an ivory N ~ C . (30'); #AT 1club; D 1-10; Save F4; ML 10;
worth IO gp. The tube can only he discovered
through close examination of the shelves. A THE MAGIC FOUh'TAW
screwed-in cap may be removed easily from When discovered, the ogres are seated at a
the tube to reveal a well-preserved piece of Die Roll Effect of Drink large table in the middle of the room. (It may
parchment. Upon removal. any cleric recog- he. of course. that they heard the party enter
nizes the parchment as a clerical scroll. It con- 1 Character subtracts one from all
ability scores. room #32 and went to investigate.) Because
tains the following spells: they are concentrating on rolling knuckle-
2 Character loses one hit point. Suh-
tract this hit point from the charac- hones (crude, bone dice) on the tahlc before
First Level: curelight wounds(x2); detect them, add one to their chance of being sur-
magic ter's total: the loss is not a wound!
3 Charactcr is paralyzed for 2-20 prised (ix., they are surprised if you roll one,
Second Level: bless two, or three on ld6).
(2dlO) hours.
4 Character gains two hit points. The ogres fight savagely, hut if they fail a
30. GARDEN OF THE FOUNTAIN I Character adds one to prime requi- morale check, the surviving ogres surrender.
site score. Three sturdy wooden beds are placed along
No roof hl& the sun's rays from this pan of 6 Character adds two to dexterity the north wall of the room; a jumble of old
the monastery, where the aunosphere is p e - SCOIC.
hones-some of which look disturbingly
ful and quiet. Around the perimeter of this 7 Character adds two each to strength human-are piled against the south wall, and
resdul spot, placed in an orderly fashion. are and dexterity scores. a solid bar holds a door on the west wall firmly
nine large brch mea. The ground is covered 8 Character adds one to each ability shut. The large table, three chain, and an old
by a thick whim of graa and flowen. In the SCorP
trunk are the only other objects in the room.
center is a pool at whose south end a fountain ~~ Scattered about the top of the table. among
splashes into a shallow bowl. From a spout in the knucklebones and spilled wineglasses, are
31. ANCIENT SANCTUARY 35 gp, 81 ep, and 124 sp. The trunk is locked;
the bowl, the water flows hack to the long
pool. The water is cool and cryrral-dear. The The door to this huge chamber bean the same the key is an a ring on the largest ogre's belt.
stones lining the sides and bottom ofthe pool leering visage that was found on the door of The keys to rooms Y33 and Y34 arc also on this
are glistening white, and reflections of the the tomb. ring. Inside the trunk are five huge jugs of
bipch leaves dance in the shimmering d a c e . wine, asackholding400gpand 1.000sp. and
In this room. five giant statues of a long- a dirty leather sack that is actually a bag of
This garden was a place of great sacredness to forgotten pagan god support the 20-foot holding.
the monastery's original inhabitants. As part high ceiling with their heads. The floor is
of his rite of initiation, each monk would he smooth stone and vem clean.
allowed to take a drink from the fountain. He


34. PRISON OF THE point for the supplies the hobgoblins arc and prepare for battle.
NEANDERTHALS gathering for a planned assault on Guido's
Fort. Since the destructionof this move would Hobgoblins (6): AC 6; HD 1 + 1 ; hp
The door to this room is barred on the outside he a considerablesetback to the attack plans,, 4; MV 90'(30'); #AT 1; D 1-8;
and locked. If it is opened, four male Nean- consider awarding thc PCs 200 experience Save F1;ML 9(S); AL C
derthals within are crouching belligerently, as poinrs if they successfully destroy the contents Goblins (6): AC 6; HD 1-1; hp;
if prepared to fight with their hare hands. of the room. They can do so by burning the MV 60'(20')' #AT 1: D 1-6;Save NM; ML
They are quite surprised if any creatures other supplies, but in this case the hallway outside 9(6); AL C
than ogres open the door, and wait to see what fdls with smoke two NUIDS after the fire is lit,
develops before attacking. and cannot he occupied for the next 12 turns. The nine point hobgoblin carrim a shield + I
Smoke spreads through the entire corridor, (AC 5); his morale is 9 (instead of 8). and as long
Neanderthals (4):AC 8; HD 2; hp 9 each; MV right up to the dwrs to rooms 632 and 633, as he is alive to spur the others 00, all of the hob-
120' (40'); #AT 1; D 2-8;Save F2; ML 7; hut it does not penetrate into any rooms goblins and goblins also have morale 9.
ALL. whose doors are closed.
Note that the experience point bonus is The room has plain wooden bunks along each
The% cavemen have been capnued by ogres in appropriate only if the characters take the initia- wall; in the center arr a table and two benches.
one of the frequent skirmishes between thsc tive to destroy the supplies. It's important you Each of the hobgoblins has a k l t pouch conrain-
bands of mortal enemies. The pcaccful Nean- notgivetheparcganysuggadontodoso. Evena ing ldIO gp and 2d12 sp. The goblins also have
derthals have been trying to settle on The W question such as: "What are you going to do k l t pouches, hut they hold only 2d6 sp apiece.
for several yean. but the ogres' depredations with this &" might be too suggadve. The nine point hobgoblin carries the key to the
during this time have made this d&cult. supply m m (room #31) and the access room
Since these four Neanderthals were cap- 36. ABANDONED CHAMBER (room #39) on a ring on h i belt.
tured but aweek ago, and since they doubtless
would not have survived long in the hands of 39. DUNGEON ACCESS ROOM
Except for a thick layer of dust on the floor,
ogres. they are grateful to anyone who frees this chamber appears totally cmpy.
them. Although they will not understand the ?his small room contains only a stone stairway
PCs' language, they try to communicate that leading downward into darkness. Characters
they consider the party to be valuable friends This chamber is empry. who have infravision may stand at the top of the
(assuming the party doesn't attack them, that srain and look down, but all they see is that the
is!). If the party successfully rescues these pris- 37. ANCIENT PAGAN ALTAR stairway continues for more than 60 feet. The
oners, all of the Neanderthals on The Hill are stain lead to the dunzeon klaw the monastery.
grateful, offeting aid to the party whenever an This room is dominated by the image of
opportunity presents itself. the leering pagan god, carved from a block ADVENTURE IN
of granite. The gems that occupied its
35. HOBGOBLIN SUPPLY ROOM eyesockets have already been plundered. DUNGEON LEVEL I
Before this SfaNe is a shallow stone pit, This level of the dungeon is the stronghold of
Thc door ro thir room IS lorkcd. the hobpob- about 6 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 1 foot
hn lcadcr In room X3U rarticr the kcv Thc lock the goblins and hobgoblins preparing an
deep,. anny Although the troops have not been
rnav hcpickedot t h r d w r r m ~ h e d i f t h c c h a t -
a c t m wish to gain acccss assembled yet, there are enough goblins, hob-
The bloody cult of monks who once inhabited goblins, and their large cousins the bugbean
the monastery used the pit for human sacrifice. here to keep the characters on their toes!
This room contains a collection of supplies Since these humanoids dominate this l e d of
that look sufficient for a small army. Six 38. HOBGOBLIN GARRISON the dungeon, few other monsters axe found.
bins, a dozen barrels, twocrates. and three Check for wandering monsters in the normal
racks are crammed into the lane chamber. way; if an encounter is indicated, roll a ld6 and
Three hobgoblins and two goblins are
greedily feasting on a shank of meat at a compare the result to the table below.
The bins contain many bushels of dried
beans, grain, and fruit. The barrels hold the
same cheap wine that the ogres in room 633
1 dirty table. Their weapons are close at
hand and they leap quickly to defend the
Any monster encountered automatically
attacks the party, fighting until either the PCs
are defeated. all the monsters are dead, or the
were drinking. The racks hold an array of
weapons, including 20 shortswords, 21
swords. 30 spears, 10 crossbows, and 200
-INS . .
. cnamDer scrvcs as a guaroroom and line
monsters fail a morale check. In the latter
case, any surviving creatures flee toward room
of defense to prevent unwelcome inmden 666 to alert the hobgoblin king.
quarrels. Each of the crates holds two dozen
from discovering the entrance to the dungeon
suits of leather armor. and 40 shields hang on hclow the monastery. Six hobgoblins and six
the walls of the room. All of the weapons and
goblins are on duty here, protecting the
armor are of a size that humans could use;
approach to their lair and hideout. Four of the
there is nothing to suggest that it is hobgoh- hobgoblins and four of the goblins are sleep-
tins who are collecting and preparing to use ing when the party dixovcn this room; the
these supplies. sleeping monsters require two rounds to ann
In truth. this room is a major collection


out breaking it open, however, the bugbears

TABLE 5 are armed and waiting for them on the next A shallow strcam runs through this room,
round. falling from a spout in the ceiling, running
IN DUNGEON LEVEL 1 through a trcnch in the cavern floor. and
Bugbears (3): AC 5; HD 3+1; hp 15.13.10: rushing out through an opcning in thc
MV90’(30’); XAT1:D 1-8 +1or1-8 +2; floor. The stream is about eight feet wide
Die RnII Creamrc Encountered Save F3; ML 9; AL C. and one foot deem
1-2 Bugbcars(1-3):ACI:HD3+1:hp
16.14. 13; MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1; D One of the bughean carria a battle me + 1; Lurking in thc shadows where the stream dis-
2-8; Save F3; ML 9; AL C. thc other two carry swords. appears through thc floor are threc giant cen-
3-4 Goblins (2-8): AC 6; HD 1-1; bp tipcdes. As soon as they catch sight of
7.6,5,; W 60‘(20‘): #AT intrudcn in the room, they rush forward to
1: D 1-6; Save NM:ML 7: AL C. on which lie three empty bowls, and an old attack.
5-6 Hobgoblins (1-4): AC 6; HD 1 + 1; but sturdy chest. On thrcc of the bcds lic
hp 8.6.6, 6.6.5; W 90‘(30’); #AT three large, apparently sleeping creatures. Giant Ccndpedes (3): AC 9; HD 1/2: hp 3.2,
1; D 1-8: Save F1; ML 8; AL C. 2: MV 60’(20’): #AT 1; D poison: Save
The key to the chest and the key to this room NM:ML 7: ALN.
Key to areas in dungeon level I arc on a thong around the ncck of tbc 15 hit
point bugbear. Inside the chest is a suit of Although the level of the stream is low now,
40. BUGBEARS’ SITTING ROOM leather armor; a sboruword; a bow. quiver. stains on the walls indicate that it oftcn fills
and 16 mows: a sack containing 120 sp. 30 the room to a depth of thrcc or four feet. The
In thisd q ,de-smelling chamber, a smoky ep, and 50 gp; and a backpack containing a spout in the ceiling is only one foot in diame-
fire is dying in a large fueplase. and a kmle coil of rope, two flasks of oil, and a set of ter. and the stream disappears through afour-
holding some greenih-black stew simmers thicves’ lock-picking tools. foot diameter hole in the floor. The bole in
oyer the coals. Thtee large wooden benches, thc floor drops through 60 feet of a winding,
two chairs, and a table ffi the m m . On the 43. PRISON CELL narrow shaft, before entering a large cavcrn
tahlc is a large jug and thrcc wine-stained totally fdlcd with water.
goblets, two ofwhich arr tipped over n m to In this dingy chamber is found one baplers If any characten are foolish enough to drop
a sticky pool of wine. The goblets are crusted thief, captured by the bugbears on the out- into this shaft, roll 3d6 to see how much dam-
with dried winc and dirt. skirts of Guido’s FOKthree weeks earlier. He age they take before they enter thc floodcd
used to own most of the cquipment found in chamber. If they arc still alive, they certainly
The wine goblets are made of silver, discern- the bughcan’ chest (room X43). drown there.
ible only ifa character wipes the surface clean.
Each goblet is worth 30 gp. Cullen DcFilch: AC 7; TZ; hp 7; #AT 1; D by
weapon; SaveT2;ML9;ALNS 10:18: W
13; D 16: C 9; CH 10.
41. EMPTY CELL A tonure rack, an iron maiden. and a huge
If the characten r e l m Cullen from his pdson, pot of bubbling oil all give good indication
This room is empty except for a pair of he is most gmteful, happy to join the party for of this room’spurpose. Feeding the fuc
wooden bunks. the duration of the adventure. He d o a not ask bencath the oil are two goblins.
for a s h m of the loot, d i n i n g that his freedom
At one time. this cell held a pair of dwarves is reward enough. If, however, bc should bc left Goblins (2): AC 6; HD 1-1; hp 4.3: MV 60’
that bugbears were fattcning for a sinister pur- alone with a bag of jewels for oumple. there is (20’);#ATl;D1-6;SaveNM;ML7;ALC.
pose. The secret door on the sidc of the room no guarantee that the bag remains as full as it
is simply a block of stonc the dwarvesremoved was to begin with. . . Along thc southern wall of the roam are four
to tunnel to freedom some years ago. Thc If the characters are not interested in the ccfls. each with a metal door. Each door has a
bughean don’t know how the dwarves got services of another thief. Cullen docsn’t try to bmed window, persumably to let prisonen
out. If the bughcars take any of the characters change their minds. He asks if the party has watch the “entertainmcnt.” Mercifully, all of
prisoner, thc bugbears placc at least two ofthe seen any sign of his equipment. and if they the cells are empty of living creaturcs.
characters in this cell. have he asks to havc it returned. He does not although a moldering skeleton lics on the bed
become hostile, however, feeling his position in the far cast cell. A ring bearing a large iron
42. BUGBEARS’ QUARTERS to be too precarious to risk antagonizing his key bangs on the wall of the chamber. An
rcscucrs. He simply leaves and ttics to make examination shows that the kcy opens all four
The door to thii chamhcr is locked: three hug- his way back to Guido’s Fort if he is not cell doors.
bears rcsidc within. They have just finished a invited to join thc party.
tiring shift of bullying goblins, so all three are 46. CLERIC’S OFFICE
sound aslccp.
If the characters can pick che lock. or smash
44. SUBTERRANEAN STREAM The door to this chamber is locked.
the door on the first try, thcy automatically This natural cavern is blocked by a solid w d -
gain initiative. If they hit the door once with- en door-watcmight but unlocked.


~~~ - ..

In this r w m a polished circular table, a

Save C3; AL C; S 12; I IO; 16; D 12; c The bugbear oversees the operation of the
9: CH 6: + 2 to savinp throws (wisdom foundry, cursing and bellowing at the hob.
fur-lined bench, a desk, and a chair give adjustment).

goblins and dwarf. The hobgoblins are tend.

the room a civilized look. An elaborate SDek Fint Level: DrOt&On from evil. detect ing the fires (one per fire) and carrying ingots
candelabra, made out of silver and worth magic. of iron from the pile next to the east wall. Two
I O gp, rests on the table. On the desk is a are next to the pilc of ingots, and two are next
miniature statue of the same god whose Moray uses a mace + 1 in combat. His mace is t o the northernmost fne. The dwarf is ham-
likeness is found throughout the ruined always at his side, and he is always wearing his mering at a swordblade at the southernmost
monastery. This statue has been carved plate mail armor. If discovered in his rwm, fire. The positions of all these creatures are
from pumice (hardened lava). Moray fights to the death. marked on the dungeon map as follows: D =
dwarf; B = bugbear; and H = hobgoblin.
The desk has two drawen in it. The top drawer This human cleric is a degenerate and filthy When the characten enter this room, the
opens easily, and contains an inkwell, several individual of thoroughly chaotic alignment. bugbear and hobgoblins immediately drop
quill pens, and a dozen blank sheets of parch- He has stayed so long with the goblins hc bas what they are doing and attack. The dwarf
ment. The second drawer is locked and even hegun to resemble them: his skin has does the same, as soon as he catches sight of
trapped with a poisoned needle. Any charac- taken on a gray hue, and he has filed his teeth the parry, but he directs his attacks toward the
ter picking the lock without removing the trap to points. monsters. He throws his hammer at the bug-
is pricked by the needle and must save vs. poi- Moray Vaco is one of the last survivorsof the bear (for 1-6 (ld6) points of damage) and
son or die. The small amount of poison on the black-hearted cult that founded the monas- snatches up a second hammer with which to
needle allows the character a + 3 to his or her tery centuries ago. Lacking human followers, beat the neatest hobgoblin (for 2-7 (ld6+1)
saving throw, however. he has gathered a congregation of cvil mon- points of damage-strength bonus).
In the locked drawer is a small pouch con- sters. He provides the monsters “spiritual The foundry is being used to manufacture
taining seven gems worth 200 gp each and a guidance” and ”moral leadership,’’ and they weapons for the army now being recruited.
rolled up parchment. If examined by a cleric, provide him protection. food, and an occa- The dwarf has been a prisoner for nearly a
the parchment is recognized as a clerical scroll sional prisoner to be sacrificed to Moray’s iniq- year. his skill as a smith has kept the hobgob-
on which is written a cure light wounds spell. uitous deity. lins from killing him. Given the chance, he
The parchmcnt on Moray’s desk is covered fights savagely for his freedom, and offers to
47. CLERIC’S SI‘ITING ROOM with foul chants in an ancient tongue. Hidden join the party on the rest of the adventure if
beneath his bed is a long, locked box contain- they so desire. Assuming that the PCs are vic-
The hall door leading to this room is locked, ing 120 sp, 40 cp, 30 gp. an &en cloak, and a torious in this battle and that they free the
although the secret door on the west wall of bottle filled with a potion of invisibdicy The dwarf, he takes a shield from one of the dead
the room pushes open easily.
key to this box, the keys to tooms #46 and hobgoblins (becoming AC 6). but his ham-
X47. and the key to the locked desk drawer in mer remains his weapon of preference.
The floor of this rwm is padded by several room X46 are on a ring on Moray’s belt. In addition to the fireplaces, the forge room
huge bearskins, and four soft chain sur- contains two large piles of iron ban, a pile of
round a low table. On the walls are niches 49. METAL FORGING SHOP firewood, a smaller pile of coal, and a rack of
far two dozen candles. and a shelfholding metalworking tools (tongs, hammen, anvils,
four crystal goblets and two bottles of Pryban).
wine. Four huge furnace fires bum along the
wcstwallofthislargeroom. Theairissooty
and smoky. Tbc fircs are heating various 50. D W m ’ S CELL
The goblets are worth 50 gp each, and the
wine, 80 g p per bottle. Both the goblets and pieces of metal, which are being forged This cell, at the far south side of the forge
the wine bottles are fragile, however, and into swordblades and spearheads.Working room is where the dwarf has been kept. It con-
there is a 20% chance they break each time in this forge are eight hobgoblins, one tains a simple bed, table, and a chair.
any character carrying them is involved in a bugbear, and a very dirty dwarf, impris-
violent situation (combat or fall, for exam- oned by a ball and a chain attached to his 51. GOBLIN ARENA
Bugbear(I):ACI;HD3+1; hp16;MV90’ Torches placed on the walls at frequent
48. CLERIC’S CHAMBER (3O’);#ATl;D2-8;SaveF3;MLI;ALC. intervals light this chamber. Two massive
Hobgoblins (8): AC 6; HD 1 + 1 ; hp stone columns rise from the arena floor to
The door to this r w m is not locked. (Its support the roof. The arena floor is 10 feet
inhabitant-the foul cleric Moray Vaco-feels 9.8,7,6.5, 4.3.2; M T 90’ (30’);#AT 1; D below the level of the hallway Lying in a
quite secure behind his many secret doors.) 1-6; Save F1; ML 8; AL C.
circle in the center of the arena. and hardly
2-7;SaveD2;ALL:S13.110.W9,D 12, recognizable from the upper deck, are four
A table, bed, and several chairs are visible bodies.
in this room. Seated at the table, a C 16, CH 8 .
hunched and scrawny figure is apparently The bugbear carries a large club, the hobgob-

I -
writine on a sheet of Darchment.
lins wear shortswords, and the dwarf wears a
leather apron and carries a larger hammer.
If the characters approach for a closer look.
they see that all of the bodies have been
pierced by many arrows, but they have not


been dead for long. As the characters dining hall. and into the hallway. From here,
approach, two shadowy forms advance from Bales and boxes line the entire perimeter the goblins will tush to alert the guards. The
behind one of the columns to stand by the of this room. except for the space in front guards will appear io eight rounds.
bodies and growl menacinglyat the PCs. They of the door.
are two wolves trained as war dogs. 55. PAGAN TEMPLE
Moving clockwise around the room, the boxes
Wolves (2): AC 7; HD 2 + 2 ; bp 12.11; MV The double doors to this chamber are
and bales contain: cured leather, four by four
180‘ (60’); #AT 1; D 1-6; Save F1; ML 8; unlocked and swing open easily. Any lawful
foot pieces, gtain fmm corn, wheat, and oats; cleric entering this room feels chills run down
AL N. salt; dried beans; nails; thousands of arrow-
his or her spine. This effect may be unsettling,
heads; thousands of fresh torches; 20 coils of but it is harmless.
The dogs were trained by the party of adven- rope. 100 feet to each coil; 200 woolen cloaks;
turers now lying dead upon the arena floor. 800 iron spikes; 200 backpacks; 50 wooden
The canines are very loyal creatures, remain- poles, each 10 feet long: and 100 small sacks. In this room. seven sets of hare wooden
ing here to guard their masten. The dogs look This trove is obviously valuable to the hob- benches face a raised dais, upon which sits
scrawny and underfed. goblins, so it is recommended that the charac- the likeness of the same hideous god
Certainly, the PCS can attack the dogs if ten receive bonus experience points if they encountered several other times. This
they want, but the dogs do not attack the manage to destroy it. Consider awarding 400 statue is carved from pumice, rather than
characters unless one of them actually touches points if the destruction is total; scale the the granite.
one of the dead bodies. If the party advances number down for less effective sabotage.
to the corpses, the dogs growl and bristle. but Two glittering gems adom the eyesockets of
slowly back away as long as the characters thisstatue. Each is afist-sired stone worth 300
remain calm and do not disturb the bodies. If
53. DINING HALL gp, but they are set very firmly. Any character
a character speaks to the dogs in a calm voice The doors to room Y53 are locked. not wearing metal armor can scramble up the
and offers them food, they both eat hungrily. statue to pry the gems loose, hut it takes
From that moment on, they regard the person In this latge room. four long tables, each 2d6 + 2 rounds to remove each one. Only one
who fed them as their mastcr or mistress. even bracketed by a pair of benches, easily iden- character at a time may try to loosen the gems.
to the point of letting that individual examine tify the room’s purpose. Two of the tables Each gem is hooked to an elaborate trap,
the bodies of their former masters. are covered with dirty bowls and spilled which is sprung unless removed by a thief.
From weapons, armor, and clothing, exam- wine, as if a meal had been eaten recently. Note that each gem’s trap must he removed
ination reveals the four bodies to have been individually. If a trap is sptung, the StaNC’S
two fighters, a thief, and a magic-user. Each If the characters enter this room before they mouth drops open and four robber flies buzz
fighter wore plate mail annor and carried enter the kitchen (room #54), then one round angrily into the room. They attack the charac-
swords, longbows, and 2d10 mows. The thief after the characters enter this room. the door ters randomly, although one is certain to go
wore leather armor and was armed with a to room Y54 swings open; two very small gob- after the character stealing the gems.
shomword + 1 and a dagger. The magic-user lins carrying largc, empty trays stroll in. They
was unarmed. though a ring ofprotection + I squeak with fright at the sight of the intruders Robber Flies (4): AC 6; HD 2: hp;
encircleshis little finger. None of them carried and rush back from whence they came to alert MV 180’ (60’); #AT 1; D 1-8; Save F1; ML
any monetary treasure. two other goblins in room Y54; all four then 8; AL N.
The dogs have been trained to obey the fol- tush into the hall to alert the guards in room
lowing commands: “kill,” which causes them XI7. The guards appear in three rounds. If the 56. SMALL SECRET CHAMBER
to attack ferociously, gaining + 1 to all dam- characters have already been to room #I4,the
age rolls: “stay,” which causes them to remain goblins will already have alerted the guards. This small chamber contains only a ladder
in place for at ld4x6 NmS if not counter- disappearing throuRh a hole in the floor.
manded; “fetch.” which causes them to Goblins (4): AC 6: HD 1.1; hp; MV
advance and pick up an object, without harm- 60’ (20’); No attacks or damage; Save NM; If the characters climb down the ladder. they
ing it; “guard,” which czuscs them to eye a MI. 7; AL c. see a small tunnel (three feet wide and five
creature suspiciously, without harming it feet high) leading due north for 30 feet. A
unless it moves (if it moves, the dogs respond 54. KITCHEN strong smell of carrion bangs in the air. At the
in the same was as if told to ”kill”); and end of the corridor is the cage in which the
“stop,” which negates thc “kill” and “fetch” The door to the kitchen is locked. robber flies were kept. A simple calculation
commands. The dogs also act on their own ini- shows it is directly under the statue in room
tiative to warn of impending danger. #I>. If the statue’s traps have been sprung,
stoves, and a pantry filled with dried the cage is empty except for a rotting piece of
52. SUPPLY ROOM beans, grain, some stale bread, and IO unidentifiable meat.
cheap ceramic bowls.
The door to this room is locked; the hobgob-
lin king in room #66 keeps the key. If charac- 57. READY ROOM
If the characten come into this room before
ters succeed in picking the lock or smashing The doors to this room are unlocked.
they enter the dining hall (room Y53). four
the door, they find provisions within to sup- goblins run out of the kitchen, through the
port a good-sized a n n y for several months.


A group of goblins and hobgoblins are

seated around two tables and three w o d - The door to this chamber is not locked
en benches. A few coins are scattered This room is void of furniture. The bodies
about the tabletops. of two humans who obviously died vio-
The only item in this room is a huge block
lently are sprawled across the floor. One is
of pumice. The top half of the block is
The room is a place for a complement of gob- wearing plate mail and carries a shield and
a sword whose blade is broken; the tip of carved into the likeness of the pagan god
lin and hobgoblin guards to wait while they encountered elsewhere. The bottom half is
are “on call.” The guards arc fully armed and the sword lies across the room from the
still shapeless.
armored, and respond quickly to any threat to body. Strapped to his back is a quiver hold-
their stronghold. ing a dozen arrows and a longbow. The
other dead human is wearing deeply 62.TRAPDOORS
Hobgoblins (4): AC 6; HD 1+ 1; hp 9,7,6,5; gashed, leather armor. A s h o m o r d lies
on the floor near his body. Thcx 40-foot long trapdoors are activated from
MVgO’(30‘); #AT 1; D 1-8; SaveF1; ML8; the throne m m of the hobgoblin king (room
AI. C. X66). The doon do not open as long as someooe
Goblins (4): AC 6; HD 1-1; hp 6,5,5.3; MV h e longbow is acNdy a longbow +I. Both
corpses show signs of mutilation. having been is seated on the throne. as is the case the fm
60’ (20’); #AT 1; D 1-6; Save NM;ML 7; t h e the characters come down this hall.
AL c. partially devoured by a thoul in room #60. In
fact, for every turn the party spends in room When the seat is vacant, the weight of four
Y59, there is one chance in four the thoul characters causes the doors to swing open,
If the party attacks, one of the hobgoblins plummeting those four characters down a
tries to slip out the back door to alert the hob- comes into the room from the secret door con-
necting rooms X59 and X60. If tbc thoul 300-foot chute below the trap and depositing
goblins in room X65. The other guards fight a them in room #70 (dungcan level 11) through
delaying action until reinforcements arrive. It charges in, both the PCs and the thoul should
chwk for surprisc. Chances arc one in two that a hole in the room’s ceiling. There is a 75%
takes five rounds for the hobgoblins to arm chance any characters walking immediately
thcmsclvcs and run to the fight. if the thoul comes through the secret door, he
trips over a third corpse: the invisible body of hehind the four also fall into the chute. Any
The coins on the tables include 13 g p and characters who do not fall into the chute arc
25 sp on one table and 24 g p and 51 sp on the a dead magic-user lying directly in front of the
secret door. isolated in this dead-end section of the
other. dungeon. though they can still shout to their
The dead magic-user is invisible because of
a ring of invicibilily he wean. The body can fallen compatriots below.
58. AVIARY only he discovered by using a derecr magic Characters falling through the trap acci-
spell or by stumbling into it. If the party dently take 1-3 points of damage each from
This room is actually a giant birdcage. searches the room, chances are one in five per the jostling and bouncing on the way down
Having heard the door open, a flock of character that someone stumbles into the the long, curving chute. Characters falling on
brightly colored birds have taken to the air body. Ifa character states he or she is searching purpose can slide all the way down without
from a number of perches. They utter the room’s east wall for secret doors, the char- incurring any damage. Chamten who fall on
piercina shrieks as they zoom toward yon. acter is sure to stumble over the corpse. The purpose can communicate the safety of the
magic-usct’s body has no value save the mag- slide to characters still above.
The hobgoblin king has captured a flock of cal ring. The chute is very smooth-sided; it is impos-
deadly piranha birds, and keeps them here, sible to climb back up-even by a thief who
feeding them only rarely. They are half- successfully rolls to climb sheer surfaces. A
60. LAJR OF THE THOUL leviration or fly spell could get one character
starved and ravenously attack any creature so
unfortunate as to have opened the door to the up. but getting the whole party up this way
A lone hobgoblin appears to be the only would be a slow and awkward process-even if
occupant of thii otherwise empty room. the parry has enough spells to make it possi-
Piranha Birds (8): AC 6; HD 112; hp 4 , 4 , 3, He is squatting in a corner gnawing on an ble. If some characters remain above, a long
3,2,2,1,1,;MV180’(60’)flying;#~I; coil of rope could be used to pull the fallen
D 1-4: Save NM; ML 8; AL N. characters back up, but it is much more likely
The hobgoblin is actually a thoul. all the characters will slide down the chute to
For a complete description of piranha birds. continue the adventure.
sce New Monsters. Thou1 (1): AC 6; HD 3**; hp 13; MV 120’
(40’); #AT 2 claws; D 1-3/1-3 + paralysis; 63. HOBGOBLIN HALL
On the south wall of the room is a series of Save F3; ML 10; AL C regenerates 1 hp/
closely-spaced ban that blocks the opening to round. This room is obviously a drinking and
a secret door. It is from here the piranha birds meeting hall for a degenerate band of
are fed. A small gate in the bars may he monsters or humanoids. It is empty of
opened to allow access to the cage, but it is too SIIV.artcmptlng to paralrzcasmanycnaracrcn
CICatuTeS now. but many signs of use are in
small fora character-even a halfling-to pasr as posriblc hv anachng a diffrrrnt individual
evidence. Chairs have been pulled careless-
each turn The thoul has nothinc of value in
through. ly hack from the long tables, and spilled
its room


~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~


tankards of wine lie on both the tables and 66. HALL OF THE HOBGOBLIN Two soft bcds,a table, two chairs, and a chest
the floor. A sooty fireplaceat the north end KING are the only items of furniture in this mom.
of the room holds but ashes. There is nath- The hugc double doors to this room are not The table holds a botde of wine and two
ing of value in this room cxcept for three locked. This chamber is where the hobgoblin
shields hanging on pegs on the wall. king holds sway over his minions on and in
The Hill. The chest is locked: the bodyguard who carries
This room is the rnecting hall for the hobgoh- the magical spear has the key on his belt. In
tin king and his band. The ashes in the fxc- A huge hobgoblin is seated on the throne the chest are two woolen cloaks; a large sack
place are warm to the touch. at the south end of the chamber. One hob- containing 120 gp, 60 cp. and 200 sp; two
goblin bodyguard is standing to each side swords; and a jeweled nccklacc worth 800 gp.
64. HOBGOBLIN SLEEPING of the throne. Four other hobgoblins are The wine on the table is high quality.
QUARTERS (EMPTY) seated around a huge fue burning in the
center of the room; two more hobgoblins 68. BEDROOM OF THE KING
This chamber waits behind a locked door. a x drawing liquid from a keg in the south-
west corner of the room. Apparcntly, some
In this room, 14 filthy bunks show signs of kind of party is going on bccause the atmo- chair, and two soft armchairs constitute the
recent habitation. Each of the beds has a sphere in the room is festive. furniture in this room. Three woolen tap-
mamess of moldy straw, and a blanket on estries hang on the walls.
top. HobgoblinKing(1): AC6;HDI:hpZZ;MV
90‘ (30’);#AT 1; D 1-8+2; Save FI: ML Although of rather shoddy craftsmanship. the
Any characterprodding the blankets, or pick- 12; ;u.c. tapestries arc colorful and worth 50 gp apiece.
ing them up and moving them, has a 50% Hobgoblin Bodyguards (2): A C 6; HD 4; hp They depict batdc scenes in which hobgoblin
chance of hosting a band of fleas. Characten 17.14; MVYO’(30’);#AT 1;D 1-6/1-6 + I ; exploits are prominently featured.
so infested need ld6 + 1 rounds to brush the Save F4; ML 10 (8); AL C.
fleas off. If attacked, flea-infested characten Hobgoblins (6): AC 6; HD 1+ 1; hp 9, 7. 6. 69. TREASURE ROOM
may fight normally, but nothing other than 5 . 3, 2; hfV 90’(30‘); #AT I; D 1-8; Save
combat allows them to stop brushing off the F1; ML 10 (8); AL C. A secret door to room X69 may be discovered
fleas. by the normal roll. Turning a loose stone in
If the party smashed in the door to this The king’s personal bodyguards are armed the wall reveals a key socket. If the key is used,
room before they have investigated the room with spears. one of which is a s p a + I . The or ifa thiefcan pick thc lock. the door swings
across the hall (room X65). the chances are king is wearing a ring off= resistance, so he is opcn easily.
three in four they wake up 14 hobgoblins invulnerable to normal fircs and gains a bonus
sleeping there. The hobgoblins dress and ann when saving against magical fires. This tiny mom is empty except for two
themselvcs, bunting out of room X65 and When the doots to thc room are open, the large chcsts.
into room X64 in two rounds. hobgoblin king shouts a waming and orden
his soldiers to ana& As long as the king is Thc keys to these chests are on the belt of the
65. HOBGOBLIN SLEEPING alive, the hobgoblins fight with a morale of hobgoblin king. Each chest is trapped with a I
QUARTERS (OCCUPIED) 10; if the king is killcd, they fight with a poison needle, activated if a thief picks the
morale of eight. lock without removing the trap. If the trap is
This chamber is idcntical to room 164, except The fue in the center of the room is heating activatcd. the thief must save vs. poison ot
that 14 hobgoblins are sleeping on the bunks a large kenlc of boiling liquid, which vagucly die. Using the proper key opens the chests
around the room. The hobgoblins ace armed resembles soup. In fact, it is soup, but the without activating tbc trap.
and ready for combat one round aftcr awakeo- characten find it rancid and foul-tasting, The first chest contains coins of many dif-
ing, but the PCs automatically gain initiativc though not poisonous. The smokc from the fercnt types, including I8 pp, 230 gp. 170 cp,
on that round. firc is vented through a large hole in the ccil- 480 sp. and 1,290 cp. The coins are mixed
ing. together; trying to sort them takes three N m .
Hobgoblins (14): AC 6; HD 1+ 1; hp 9 . 8 . 8 , Each of the eight hobgoblins has a belt The second chest contains four bottles of
7. 7.6,6, 5 , 5 . 4 . 4 , 3, 3.2; MV 90‘ (30’); pouch containing a few coins: 2d6 gp. murky liquid-three bonles of potion of heal-
UATl;D1-8;SaveFl;ML8;ALC. ldlocp. and 3d6 sp for each pouch. On his ingand one bottle potion of invisihdiry-and
Each hobgoblin is armed with a sword and belt, the king carries a ring of keys, including a pearl necklace worth 1.000 gp.
protectcdby a shield. those to thc doon of rooms X68 and X69. and
Since they are mistrustful wen of each other,
to the chess in room X69. The hobgoblin ADVENTURE IN
bodyguard who carries a magical spear carries
each hobgoblin’s valuables are kept in a small on his hclt thc key to the chest in room X67. DUNGEON LEVEL II
pouch around his waist. The pouch contains As explained in the description of area X62,
2d6 gp, 2d6 ep. and 2d6 sp. 67. BODYGUARD CHAMBER characten gain entrance to this dungcon level
Room X67 is the chamber of the two hobgob- by falling through the trapdoors in thc corri-
dor outside thc chamber of the hobgoblin
lin bodyguards.



king (room X66). pare the result to ’Eablc 6. 71. BUGBEARS’ CAVE
It takes a steady hand to map this level of
the dungeon-a mass of twisting and turning Key to Areas in Dungeon Level ll A rank smcll cmanatcs from this cavc If thc
tunnels. Each has rough, rocky walls, a 10- P O comc within 30 fccr of thc c a w . thc odds
foot high ceiling. and are clean of debris (a are one in threc thcy become awarc of both
gelatinous cube rcgularly sweeps all areas of 6 the smell and the cave.
this INC~). Many tunnels slope gradually up or WNYULUVU mONSTERS
down, crossing ovcr or under other tunnels
the party is not aware of. Whenever two corri-
IN DL’NGEON LEVEL 11 humanoids are squatting listlessly. As they
dors intersect on the map, onc is shown by Die Roll Creamre Enmutered see you. thcy ycll a challengc and spring to
dottcd lincs; the other is marked by the usual their feet.
solid lines. The corridors marked by dotted PiranhaBuds(4-8): AC6:HD 1 0 ;
lines pass under the corridors marked by solid hp 4, 4, 3, 3. 2. 2, 1, I: MV The trio of bugbears accidentally fcll down
lines. 180’(60’)flying; #AT 1; D 1-4: Save the trap chutc scvcral months earlier; they
If a dwarf wants to check for sloping pas- NM: ML 8: AL N. claimed thc cave and attack humans and
sages, cxaminc the party’s location on thc Rohher Flia (1.4) AC 6: HD 2: hn demi-humans on sight.
map. If the group is within 60 feet of intcr- 12, 10, 9, 7:‘MV’ 180’ (io’)flying;
secting solid and dotted lines. and ifthe dwarf #ATl:D108;SavcF1:ML8:ALN. Bugbean (3): AC I:
HD 3 + 1 ; hp 16.13,13;
is successful on his roll, consult the map again. Thonl (1): AC 6; HD 3**: hp 14; MV90’(30’):#ATl:D2-8:SaveF3;ML9:
If the passage the P O are on is underneath MV 120’ (40’): #AT 2 claws; D 1-3/ AL C.
another tunnel, the slope is down: if the pas- 1-3 + paralysis: SaveF3: ML 10: AL The bngbean fight with huge, knotty pieces
sage is on top of another tunnel, the slope is C. of wood thcy use as clubs. They have no cloth-
up. Of course, if the dwarf asks for a check at Bughean (1-4): AC I: HD 3 + 1; hp ing, armor, or anything eke of value.
time when the party is not within 60 feet of an 14, 12, 11, 9; MV W’(30’): #AT 1:
intersection. you roll for him anyway, hut the D 2-8: Save F3; ML 9; AI. C. 72. LARGE CAVERN
result is always “no slope.” Ogres(1-2): AC I; HD4+1: hp 19.
When giving the characters descriptions of 16: MV 90’(30’): #AT 1: D.l-10; The ceiling to this large chamber is 20 fect
the mists and turns of these tunnels for map- Save F4: ML Io; AL C. high. The flooris clean of debris.
ping purposes, don’t he too specific. Direc- Berserkers (1-4): AC 7: HD 1+ 1*:
tions such as: “The corridor is gradually hp 9, 7, 6.4; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1
bending to the “left,“ or “Yon come around a at + 2 ; D 1-8: Save F1; ML 12: AL 73. CHAMBER OF THE
sharp curve to the right” is adequate, unless N. MAN-EATERS
the characters ask for more specific terms. If ~~

they do, explain to the characters that

demanding such precision is slowing thcm 70. OCTAGONAL ROOM This large cavcrn appears to bc cmpry. Thc
down. Try to cstimate the angle of a curve (90
degrees, 41 degrees. etc.) as closely as possi- After humping and sliding down the
ble, but remember that thc party isn’t going chute, YOU land on the floor of an eight-
to measure the cxact angle anyway, so slight K~ is thC ]air of a band of ghouls
sided room* a door On who happily eat humans or any other vagucly
inaccuracics arc inevitable.
This level is never traveled by thc hobgoh- warm-blooded creature that they can sink
One of the doors (IOU Id8 to determine which their filthy claws into, Though the cave
l i : in fact, they havc no knowledge of the onc) opens Id6 rounds aftcr the characters appears to be empty from its entrance. around
creaturcs living here or the makeup of the land in the mom; two men. filthy and unshav-
dungeon. The creatures on this level are a the bend in thc wall lurk thc cave’s four cha-
en, run wildly into the room, a maniacal otic (and hungry!) inhabitants.
crazed and half-starved lot, E i n g a despcratc cxpressinn in their eyes. In fact, they are her-
and hungry existence: they are quick to serkers and attack the party on sight. Ghouls (4): AC 6; HD 2*: hp 13. 11, 10, 8;
assault any potential meal.
Many packs of rats scuttle about, living in MV 90’ (30’): #AT 2 claws/l bite: D 1-31
Bcrserken (2): AC 7; HD 1+ 1*: hp 7 . 5 : MV 1-3/1-3 + paralyzc:SavcF2;MLL:ALC.
tiny holes in the walls of the tunnels. Thc ratr lZO’(40’); #AT 1 at + 2 ; D 1-8: Savc F1;
are the staple food of the residents of this area. ML 12: AI. N.
The rats are nscd to running for thck lives. IO The ghouls arc squatting around a pile of mis-
One of thc berserkers is wearing lcachcr armor ccllaneous bones at the spot marked by an X
they ncver attack a charactcr. You might men- + 1 (AC 6). on the map. Unlcss thc characters are very
tion occasionally that the party hears the rats noisy, check normally for surprisc. In any case,
squcakiog or scratching, but the party nevcr These two are part of a group of humans who the ghouls a m & the characters on sight.
actually sees them. have been wandcring through the labyrinth of Garbage the ghouls have collected lies piled
Dcspcrate for food, certain creatures roam this level for many yeass. They have forgotten against the wall n m to their pile of boncs.
thc corridors. The chance of encountering a any human language they ever knew, commu- Most of the garbagc is merely old belt buckles,
group of thcsc wandering monsters is calcn- nicating in a scrics of grunts, hoots. and links from chain mail, strapless shields, and
lated as usual at the end of every two turns. If shouts. the like. A few items of valuc might he turned
an encounter is indicated, roll ld6 and com-


up. however, if the characters wish to dig gp). a fabulous jeweled necklace (400 gp). a until it slays a character. It will thcn cease pur-
through the refuse. Valuables include 23pp in bracelet (200 gp). a bejewcled dagger (100 suit and drag the corpse back to its den.
an old sack; 80 gp, 100 sp. and 200 cp scat- gp), and a golden serving tray (300 gp). Thc
tered around the floor; a jeweled necklace third chest contains potent magical items: a 78. BERSERKERS HOVEL
worth 100 gp; and a battered, corroded sword bottle each of porion of diminution and poi-
that is actually a shortsword +2. The sword is son, two bottles of potion of healing, a sword This cavern has been claimed by the small
not recognizable as a magical weapon unless + 1 , asuitofplatemail + I , andaringoffire band of insane humans struggling to survive
considerable time is spent scraping the cono- resistance. the dungeon. Two of these fellows the party
sion off of the blade. However, it functions met in room #70. Although somc of the ber-
withits + 2 bonuswhetheritiscleanedornot. 76. CAVERN OF THE GIANT serkers are out wandering the tunnels, the PCs
find five in this chamber.
Berserkers (5): AC 7 (5); H D 1+1*;hp 9, 7,
The two secret doors leading into this room, In a far-north alcove of this chamber lies a 7. 6, 5; MV 12’(40’); #AT 1 at +2; D 1-8;
and the secret door connecting the room to large pile of leather and cloth. Save F1; ML 12: AL N.
room #75, are opened by rotating a small out- The nine hit point berserker carries a shield
crop of rock in the center ofthe door. Inside the pile are three adult shrews and six iZforAC5.
young. As the leading character advances into
Several small flying creatures dan from the the room, the adult shrews bound out in fury, A large human sits on a tall stone chair
door. zooming toward you. You can see lashing at the intruders with razor-sharp pathetically resembling a throne. He is
several more of these bird-like things teeth. The young are too small to engage in wrapped in a tattered. purple carpet, hav-
immediately behind the first ones. The combat. ing donned it like a robe. Four other men
room beyond appears to be empry. kneel at his side.
GiantShrews(3): AC4; HD 1; hp6.4, 3 ; M V
When an entry door is opencd. each character 180’(60’);#AT2 bites; D 1-6/1-6; SaveF1; T h e berserker on the thrane considers himself
standing in the doorway is attacked by two ML10;ALN. Denwinki 111. Emoeror of the Lower World.
stirges apiece. The rest of thcsc blood-sucking Hc &ies a long a d e n sraff and a shield
parasites fly past the fmt rank of characten to Note that giant shrews always gain initiative +2; hc is quite mad. is booms
find sustenance from those in the r e w a r d on their fmt attack; for their second attack, mandingly if he catches sight of the charac.
ranks. All the stirges make an attack on the they gain + 1to their initiative roll. A silence ten, if they are walking past
first round out of the chamber. 15’radiusspell will “blind’ them. since they mouth his cave: **who an audience
use batllkc radar to fmd their way about the w,th DerywmkiIII? ~ ~ peons!”
~ 1 ,
Stirges (8): AC 7; HD I * ; hp 8, 7, 6, 5 , 4, 3, darkness. If the characters do not fall mmediatelv to
2, 1; MV 180’(60’); #AT 1; D 1-3; SaveF2; their knees, the emperor flies into a rage:
ML9; ALN. 77. OWL BEAR DEN “Impudent swine! You shall know the wrath
of the Emperor of the Lower World! Guards,
These birdlikc predators have been living off This long cavern winds back into darkness. arrest them!” At this command, the four
the rats that occasionally enter their chamber The air feels moist bere. kneeling berserkers, followed closely by the
through small holes. The stirges haven’t had a emperor, rise and assault the party in full ber-
decent meal in years; they try eagerly to attack This cavern contains a well of fresh, cool serk fury.
any character so unfortunate as to have water, and an owl bear. If the characters kneel before Dcrywinki. he
released the parasites from their cavern. is mollified for the time being. He asks his
Owl Bear (1): AC 5; HD 5 ; hp 22; M v 120’ “subjects” if they are happy and healthy, and
75. SECRET TREASURE ROOM (40’); #AT2 claws, 1 bite; D 1-8/1-8/1-8; why they seek an audience with his illustrious
Save F3; ML 9; ALN,can “hug” for extra self. Judge the characters’ response very care-
The secret door to this chamber is opened the fully. Remember that the berserkers truly
same way as are the two doors leading into believe they are the custodians of a mighty
room #74. From the vantage point of the The owl bear is jealously possessive of its den, underworld empirc; they are sure to be
secret door, room #75 appears empty; a char- and will attack and attempt to maul any char- offended if the characters were to state that
acter must advance down a short hallway to acters who stroll through the entrance. The the nearby owl hear is fomenting revolt, the
see the chamber’s contents. bear will be resting at the spot markcd with an emperor and his berserker subjects would
X on the maps so that it has a view of the march to slay the rebellious monster.
In an alcove along the room’s western wall mouth of its den. When it attacks, thc owl Behind the throne. a small wooden chest
lie three small, wooden chests. Each is fit- bear will direct both of its claw attacks and its contains the Empire’s treasury. The chest is
ted with a sturdy lock. bite to the same character, repeating the locked, and Derywinki lost the key years ago,
attack until that character has been killed but the lock may be picked or the chest
The first chest contains coins of all types: 38 before selecting a new victim. It will not pur- smashed. A character can smash thc chest
pp, 120 gp, 70 ep, 250 sp. and 1.000 cp. Tbc sue characters beyond the mouth of its cave if open by making a successful “open doors”
second holds valuables made of silver, gold, it has already killed one; ifnot, it will pursue roll. The chest contains 12 pp. 45 gp. and 180
and gems: a silver pitcher and 6 goblets (200 gP.


This spot in the corridor is where the parry
stumbles across the gelatinous cube. The crea-
turc is constantly on the move; when encouo-
tered, it is moving southwesterly, toward
cavern #SO.

Gelatinous Cube (1): AC 8 ; HD 4*; bp 19;

MV 60’(20’); #AT 1; D 2-8 + paralysis;
Save F2; ML 12; AL N; surprise on 1-4.

If the cube surprises the party, it attacks a ran-

domly selected character in the front rank. If
the p m y is not surprised. figure combat and
damage normally.
While sweeping the dungeon, the gelati-
nous cube bas picked up a few small treasures
it bas not been able to dissolve. Once the crea-
ture is dead, characters can remove from
inside the creature: 12 gp and 47 sp.

80. WELL
This chamber contains a well of clear water.
Twelve feet deep, the well originates from a
small spring at its base. The water is drink-
able. No creatures live in this cavern.


ROOM and doing ld6 points of damage per rount4 to This stream is the only means of escape from
characters caught in the steam. thislevel of the dungeon, other than climbing
This eight-sided room bas eight identical Residing in this chamber-reveling in the hack up the chute that spills into room ,470.
doon spaced evenly around the walls. occasional bunts of steam-are a lava lizard The stream leads to dungeon level 111.
and a swarm of steam weevils. If the characten stay on the shelf, there is
This room is identical in all respects to r w m the normal chance to encounter a level I11
6/70.When they fmt enter this room, the SteamWeevils(lswarm):AC7;HD4;hp14; wandering monster.
characters probably think they are back to MV 60’(20’): #ATbum; D 1-4 mints; Save Greenish. phosphorescent lichens grow
room 6/70. and of course vou shouldn’t t N to NM; ML ii: ALN. along the walls bounding the stream, allowing
correct th is misunderstanding! IavaLizard(1): AC 3: HD4*; hp 16; MV90’; characten to see 100 feet away. If the party
(30’); # E 1 bite + burn; Di-6/1-6; Save tries to move upstream, the force of the rapids
F4; MI 12; AL N. is too strong: it knocks them back to their
82. PIT TRAP starting spot within 1-3 rounds.
For a complete description of both these mon-
At this spot in the corridor, U ~ F ~ O Ohave
K k o ster typcs, see New Moanem Moving downstream, however, is relatively
placed above a pit, 10 feet deep. Unles the par- simple. Most of the sucam is only one or two
ty is actively looking for traps, the fm two char- If the party entets t h e cavern. the steam wee- feet deep; the bottom is smooth sand and fine
acten stepping onto the trapdcon trigger their vils immediately advance to swarm around a gravel. In a few places along the 500 feet lead-
opening. Characten immediately behind the single character. The lava lizard, however, ing to dungeon level 111, halflings may have to
fm pair musf successfully check their dmerity waits in the center of the cavern. moving to be lifted onto others’ shoulders, but there is
or fall into the pit (they must roll their dexterity attack only if the party advances to within 20 no danger of drowning or being washed
score or less on a d20). Characten that fall take feet of it. downstream.
ld6 points of damage Along the stream arc five more dry shelves
84. UNDERGROUND STREAM where the party may elect to camp or rest. If
83. STEAM VENT thcy do, they encounter no wandering mon-
sters. This area is one of the few places the
This large cavern has one of the now-familiar of rapids is about 100 feet on the characten don’t have to warty about combat!
s t m vents in the northeastern end. There is right. The rapids spill into a placid stream
10% chance per turn that this vent empts before you, which meanders out of sight to
with the usual scalding bunt of stcam, pre- the left. Stretching35 feet on both sides of
ceded by one round of bubbling and hissing, vou is a drv shelf.


Key to Areas in Dungeon Level III If these kobolds are still in the cavern, they are
ADVENTURE IN 85. LANDING in the northern portion; in the southern
alcove arc several shoddy wicker bins. The
DUNGEON LEVEL III After traveling 400 feet downstream, the par- bins contain fish and rat bodies. scaled or
This dccpesr and most dcadly of the dungcon’s ty sights this shelf of rock 100 feet ahcad. skinned, presumably for use as food.
lcrcls also holds the key to the party’s return to
the outside world. The characters havc to bypass 87. THE BRIDGES OF DEATH
many enemies to scape,however. not the ]cast cent glow, a flat shore is visible about 100
of which is a young red dragon. feet ahcad on the left. A small humanoid This large chamber is split by a 20-foot wide
k v c l nI comprises a series of winding Nn- figure stands on the shore. crevasse. The crevassc is 300 fect deep, and at
nels and several large cavern. All these arcas its bottom flows a river of molten lava. Ohvi-
were formed either by volcanoes or by the ero- Two more of these humanoids (kobolds) arc ously it’s “curtains” for any creature who falls
sivc trickling of water through the ages, a few napping in an alcove into it.
elements of artifcia1 origin were added to the The south side of the crevasse is guarded by
caverns-the steps leading to cavern X90. the Kobolds(3): AC7;HD 1/2; hp4,2,2;MV60’ five kobolds at all times. If any kohold the
dmrs to room 699. for example-hut by and (20‘);XATl;D 1-4;SavcNM:ML6;ALC. party encountered on the landing (area #as)
01 in cavern X86 had a chance to escape. an
large, the forces of nature take credit for this
alann has been sounded; all thc koholds from
grim, foreboding haunt, The kobolds arc on guard duty, instructed to
A dramatic geological fault line crosscs thc repon to their chief if they sight any crcatures caverns Y88 and 889, as wcll as any koholds
dungeon level’s middle; elevation changes coming down the stream. So many years havc cscaping the landing or cavern X86, have
suddenly along either side of the fault line: passed since the koholds have encountered arrived to support the five kobold guards.
the northcrn end of the level is gcnedly IO any intruden from this direction, however. If no alarm has been given, the leader of the
feet lower than thc southern end. Characters that the guards are not taking their duties very five guards blows a brass horn he carries at his
encounter this sudden shift in clrvation at the seriously. When thc characters fmt sight the side as w n as thc intrudes are sighted. Rein-
cliffs ncar caverns X94 and X95, and at thc kobold, there is a 20% chance the little forcements arrive within three rounds.
rockslide near cavern X97. humanoid sees them as wcll. If it docsn’t the
Check for wandering monstcn normally; if party may advance to I O feet away, when there Koholds(I):AC7;HD 1 / 2 ; h p 4 , 3 , 3 , 2 , 1;
an encounter is indicated., check Tihlc 7 t.o see
~~~, . ~is a~IO% ~chance thev are ohserrcd. If thev arc ......_
. . - #AT 1 spearorshortsword; D

1-5; Save NM;ML 6; AL C .

~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~

the typc of monster cncountcred. s d l not seen. they can reach the northcrn
cdec of the landine. hut then arc automati- Each of fwo
TABLE 7 caliy sighted. Whenthey are, the lone kobold
shouts to his fellow guards aslccp in the The five kohold guards dcfcnd bridges A and
WANDERING MONSTERS alcovc. Obviously. if any of these koholds B by standing at thc southern cnds of the
IN DUNGEON LEVEL 111 escape. they run to wam the rest of the kobold bridges and throwing thcir spears at the char-
band. In this event. the parry can hear the actets. The PCs cannot sec bridge C until they
Die Roll Creature E n m u n t e d blast of the warning horn from thc south. reach the cdgc of thc crevasse. If a character
tries to cross it, one of the koholds tires to
1 Lava Lizard (1): AC 3; HD 4;; hp block the character by standing on the south-
17; MV 90’(30’): #AT 1 bitell 86. KOBOLD STORAGE ROOM ern end of tbc bridge.
burn; D 1-6 ail; SavcF4: ML 12; AL ANDLAIR Any character or kobold who is wounded
N. while on a bridge must check against dexterity
2 Kobolds (2-12): AC 7; HD 1/2; hp As thc characters reach the point whcre the
corridor to cavern X86 branches off, they see a (roll his or her dexterity xote or less on a d20);
4 . 4 , 4 . 3 . 3 , 3 . 2 , 2 , 2 . 1 , 1 , 1;MV ifthc chcck fails, the individual is knocked off
60’(20’): #AT 1: D 1-4; Save NM; dull red light flickering ahcad of them. This
light is a volcanic glow emanating from the halancc and falls into the chasm. For purposcs
ML 6: AL C. crevasse that splits rwm 687. of this roll, all kobolds have a dmcrity of 10.
3 StcamWeevils(1swarm): AC7:HD If called by the horn, rcinforccmcnts from
4; hp 16; MV 60’(20’): #AT 1; D 1- If no guards cscaped from the landing (arca
#85), the parry hcanaclashingofswordscom- m r n 886 approach the bridges from the
4; Save NM; ML 11; AL N. north. The rcinforccmcnts from cavern X88, if
ing from cavern X86. Four young kobold sol-
4 Giant Bats (1-4): AC 6; HD 2; hp called by the horn, rcach the bridges from the
diers arc practicing their swordsmanship
13.10, 8.6: MV 180’(60‘); #AT 1:D south. The rcinforccmcnts from rmm U89
inside the cavern.
1-4: Savc F1: ML 8; AL N. reach thc bridges through thc secret doon
If one or more of the guards at the landing
5 Crab Spider (1): AC 7; HD 2’; hp did escape, the four kobolds are no longer in exiting at thc southern end of bridge C. Note
9; MV 120’(40’): #AT 1; D 1-8 + that when the kobold chieftan arrives, the
cavern X86; instead they are waiting for the
poison: Save F1: ML 7; AL N. morale of all of the kobolds is eight.
6 Piranha Birds (2-12): AC 6; HD 1/ party at thc bridges to cavern 887. along with
other kobold soldicn.
2: h ~ 4 . 4 . 4 . 3 .3. 1. 1:


88. CHIEFIXN'S COUNCIL ROOM Ifthe characters thrust a torch into the dark the kobold on top waits until the thief is half-
area, the torch seems to disappear. But if they way up, and then drops stones at him or her
In this chamber. the kobold chief and his withdraw it, it hums brightly. Only a light (roll "to hit" normally). Each stnne hitting its
bodyguards dwell in modest splendor. If dis- spell can illuminate the room. mark does 1-4 (ld4) points of damage. The
covered in the council room, the chief and his There is nothing dangerous or harmful in thief must check against dexterity if struck. If
six bodyguards are sitting in the center of the the room, and in fact characters can fmd valu- this roll fails, the thief falls. Consider his fall
room drinking a foul-smelling brew. More of able treasure here. If they have no magical to he from halfway up the cliff;give 1-6 (ld6)
this nauseating liquid is fermcnting in a large light, however, they must explore the cham- points of damage for each 10 feet fallen.
kettle at the northem end of the room. ber in darkness. For each character entering Characters helow may shoot arrows or other
Kobold Chief(1): AC 7; HD 2; hp 9; MV 60' the room. there is a 15% chance per turn a missiles at the kobolds, hut the kobolds have
(20'); XATl;D2-7;SaveF2;ML12;ALC. characterlocates the skeleton of tbc dead cler- an AC of 3 bccausc the c l i i shields them.
Kobold Bodyguards (6): AC 7; HD 1+ 1: hp 6 ic and the backpack hc carried. This chance is
each; MV60'(20');#AT 1; D 1-5; Save F1; cumulative, so if three characters search the
ML 8 or 6 : AL C. %. LARGE CAVERN
room, there is a 41% chance per turn one of
The chief carries a shomword +2. them discoven the corpse and backpack. This large chamber contains many stalac-
The backpack contains rwo rolled-up parch- tites and stalagmites. some of which are
Around the chiefs waist is a belt made of gold ments and three bottles of colored liquids.
and silver coins linked by a chain. The belt is broken and littering the floor.
The parchments are scrolls containing the fol-
worth 210 gp, hut it constitutcs all of the lowing spells:
monetary wealth owned by the entire tribe of
kobolds. If a character examines the liquid in
the kettle, it is identifiable as a kind of beer First Level: cure light wounds (x2)
made mainly from fishheads. The cliff here has gradually crumbled
Second Level: bless away, leaving a jumble of huge boulders.
Magic-User The rockslide lowen from south to north;
89. KOBOLD LAIR First L e d : magic missile the bottom is 50 feet lower than the top.
Most of the kobold tribe occupies this room. If Second Level: phanmmalforce The slope looks gcntle enouEh to climb.
Third Level: fireball
they have not been called to the defense of the
bridges, 12 kobolds arc here. languishing All characters may move both up and down
about. The bottles are magical potions. One bottle
the rockslide. but calculate movement at one-
holds nvo doses of porion of healing; another quarter the normal exploring rate. In addi-
holds rwo doses of potion of growth; and a
Kobolds(l2): AC7; HD 112: hp4., tion, a hidden menace is coiled in the exact
3, 2. 2. 2, 1, 1, 1; MV 60'(20'); #AT 1; D third holds two doses of potion of invisibi'iq center of the slide.
1-4; Save NM; ML 6; AL C.
92. and 93. EMPTY CAVERNS Giant Rattler (1): AC 5 ; HD 4*; hp 15: M V
There are 15 dirty pallets of sand and dried lZO'(40'); #AT 2; D 1-4 + poison; Save
grass in the room, a few pieces of half- F2; ML 8; AL N.
consumed rat, and several bottles of the floor littered with broken rock and dust.
fishhead beer. The room contains nothing of No tracks are visible. The snake senses any character moving ontn
value to the party. the rockslide, and immediately hcgins to rat-
tle. The snake is hidden in the rocks, however.
90. EMPTY CORRIDOR 94. and 95. KOBOLD-GUARDED sotheparty cannotseeit. Ifthecharactencon-
CLIFFS tinue to move up or down the slide, the snake
This short hallway branches off near the These two corridors expand and then drop slithen forward and tries to intercept the near-
est character. If the snake fails a morale check,
top of a 50-foot high stairway. The floor is away in IO-foot cliffs, and rock outcroppings
it disappears into the racks, bothering the PCs
littered with broken rock and other stony stud the walls. A single kobold is on guard at
the top of each cliff. no more.

Kobolds(2):AC7;HD1/2;hp3,2;MV60' 98. DEN OF THE LAVA LIZARDS

Two large, iguana-like lizards arc in the
Utter blackness consumes a 10-foot wide The kobolds are lying pmne, watching the com- middle of this natural cavern. They are
stretch of the corridor wall. You can see don bdow them that approach from camns X92 perfectly still. and their eyes seem to he
nothina but the darkness. and X93. If the party sneaks up on them h m closed.
bchind. add + 2 to the kobolds' chances of
Many yean ago, a very evil cleric met an being surprised. If the party is below the These arc lava lizards. They remain asleep
untimely end in this cavern and a strange kobolds, however, add + 2 to the characters' unless touched. Once something comes into
magical phenomena took place: the black chance of king surprised, and allow NO chance contact with one of them, however, they both
force of the nil cleric's soul took possession of for the kobolds to be surpdsed. awaken and enter into combat on the next
the cavern, causing total darkness. If a thief tries to climb one of these cliffs. round.


Lava Lizards (2): AC 3: HD 4*: hD 20.17: MV The red dragon living in this cavern is quite more curt and impolite, even hostile. If the
90‘(30’); #AT 1 bitell burn:*D 1-6/1.6; youthful by a dragon’sstandards, but it is still
Save F4: ML 12; AL N. characters still do not attack within two
an awesome and terrible opponent. Its lair is rounds. the dragon attacks anyway.
For a complete description of the lava lizard, connected to the outside by a tunnel nearly a On the fitst round, the dragon tries to hit
see New Monsters. mile long. the greatcst number of characters with its
breath weapon; after that the dragon attacks
Characters may walk around the lizards and Red Dragon (1): AC -1; HD 7; hp 22; MV as explained in the Basic Rules (roll a ld6; a
open a door at the rear of the cavern without 90’ (30’); #AT 2 claws/l bite/ + breathes one. two, or three means the dragon uses its
disturbing the creatures. Even loud noises do fne; D 1-8/1-8/4-32 + 22; Save F7: ML claw and bite attacks; a four, five, or six means
not wake them. 10:.~AL c. it uses its brcatb again).
Spells: If the players are able to kill or subdue the
99. OLD WARRIOR’S CAVERN Fintkvel: venuiloquicm, charmpctson, dragon. they fmd as much treasure as they can
detect magic. carry. The pile beneath the dragon includes
The door to this room is a sturdy slab of stone; Second Level: detect invisible. continual
add + 1 to a character’s roll to open. 7,OOOcp. 10,000sp,5,000ep,2,000gp,800
Ligb t. pp, and assorted gems (500 g p ~ 2 0 ) and. jew-
Third Level: dispel magic elry (1.000 g p , 750 gp, 600 gp. and 500 gp
It is obvious this room has been inhabited, x2). Also buried among the coins are a ring of
presumably by the poor warrior whose There is a 10% chance the dragon is asleep protection + I , a wand of magic detection
skeleton-still clad in plate mail m o r - when discovered. If the characten encounter (eight charges), a rod of cancellation, and a
rests on the room’s lone chair. A mighty the dragon, then escape and stay away for at bag of devouring.
sword lies by the warrior’s side. Also visible leastsixturns, thereisalO% chanceagainthe The tunnel exiting the dragon’s lair climbs
are a wooden table and a straw pallet bed. dragon will be aslccp when they return. gradually for a mile until it exits north of the
If some characten invisibly enter the room, ruined monastery.
These are the remains of a human warrior who the dragon is aware of their presence due to its
was trapped on this level ycan ago. On the keen hearing, unless the character is a thief TYING UP THE LOOSE ENDS
warrior’s back is a quiver holding five mows who successfullyrolls to “move silently” If the
+Z. Heweanplatemail +I,andtbeswordat dragon is aware of even one invisible charac- Since the party has arranged its return trip,
hissideisasword +1(+3againstdragons). A ter, it casts its detect ioviribile spell. The they should have no particular problem get-
broken longbow lies on the floor under the dragon is then able to see any invisible indi- ting back to Guido’s Fort-unless. of course,
table. viduals or objects in the room. As long as the they happen to be accompanied by a subdued
The secret door leading from his chamber party is not fighting the dragon, it is satirficd. red dragon!
may beopened byrotatingan outcrop of rock. however, merely to keep tabs on those who are The dragon is clearly too large and heavy to
supposedly invisible. put into a fishing boat. If the parry tries to do
100. DRAGONS ENTRY ROOM When the crafty serpent fint becomes so. the boat sinks. Another smoke signal
aware of the PCs, it does not immediately might bring another fishing boat, or the party
The winding corridor leading to this cavern is bake them with its fiery breath. Rather. it uses could build a raft.
only three feet wide, so characters must travel its ventriloquism spell to create a sound of Seeing the boat is too small, the PCs might
in single fde. The dragon is too large to move great roaring and bellowing behind the party. try to coax the dragon into swimming along-
down this corridor. When it is convinced that all the party mem- side the boat, which the dragon does, though
bers are in the room, it chuckles deeply before clumsily.
This room is empty except for six small and greeting them with the utmost politeness. It If the parry needed the mage during the
blackened skeletons on the floor. enjoys conversationalbanter and since it sure- adventure. he will seck them out and claim his
ly doesn’t feel threatened by the presence of a price. His choices are, in order: a subdued
A dose examination reveals the skeletons band of mere humans. it may spend 2-12 dragon, the rod ofcancellation. any ring, any
belonged to kobolds; any casual observer can (2d6) turns chit-chatting with t h e PCs. wand, any + 2 item.
see they have been savagely burned. The serpent is sitting upon a large collec- If the characten arc wondering what to do
tion of coins and other valuable items. It will with a subdued dragon, they can find a mage
101. LAIR OF THE RED DRAGON react very favorably to compliments and flat- at the Lion’s Dcn who offers to buy the
tery, and will even allow characten to advance dragon. He offets 5,000 gp but the PCs can
The secret door on the far east side of thii and examine the many treasures in its trove if bargain for up to 10,000 gp. the mage’s final
cavern opens into the cavern by rotating an the group is appropriately respectful. offer. It is recommended the dragon pass from
outcropping of this rock. Characters entering The dragon attacks if the charanen try to the campaign but if you choose to let them
this cavern from the secret door enter directly leave tbc cavcm, or if the party moves to keep it, the dragon will rduse to go adventur-
behind a red dragon, who is unaware of the attack thedragoo. In bothcases, roll forinitia- ing and should remain, in a campaign con-
door’s existence. tive normally; note that the dragon always text, a source of prestige for which the
uses its breath weapon as its fmt attack. characten pay heavily
This chamber is huge and dark. You feel an If the characten do not attack the dragon
aura of evil, and from the darkness ahead, and do not attempt to leave the room. be
you can hear deep, slow breathing. aware of when the dragon grows weary of con-
venation(2-12 turns): its commentsshould be


Adventure background When the PCs encounter the witches,

remind the playen that the witches are using
Deep in a lush, enchanted forest lies a pleas- the bodies of elven maidens. Encourage the
ant elven village. For yean, the whole village players to think of ways of capturing and
prospered. The people lived from the forest defeating the witches without inflicting physi-
around their mountain village and templc. cal damage. If the PCs capture a Siswa or
Four weeks ago, an evil human cleric, witch. give the PCs the appropriate experience
known only as "the Rahih," broke into the points. If they kill a Siswa or witch, subtract
temple. He was looking for a treasure-a the experience points from the PCs!
young maiden's dowry, rumored to be in the To capture, rather than kill, a Siswa or
temple. Instead, he discovered a secret cavern witch, the players must say they are trying to
under the temple. The cavern contains the capture their opponent. Then, count all dam-
tuins of an ancient wizard's tower. age toward unconsciousness, rather than
While exploring the ruins, the Rahih dis- death. NPCs fall unconscious when their hit
covered three witches whose spirits' were points reach zero. P G should usually have
trapped in Statues. The witches, Karelena. enough time to tie up unconscious enemies
Solorena, and Trilena, convinced the Rahib to before they wake up. PCs cannot capture non-
help them escape. To escape, each witch must living opponents and creatures such as the
take over a maiden's body, trapping the maid- water weird (see New Monsters).
en's spirit in the sfatue where the witch was. Certain areas in the temple and tower COO-
Using the witches' knowledge, the Rahib tain magical parrals. The portals magically
magically charmed and enslaved the S b a - connect two places. Some porrals only send,
the elven students and teachers who lived in othen only receive. When characters pass
the temple. Two nights ago, the Rahih and the through a sending portal they instantly appear
Design: Tracy and Laura Hickman charmed elves sneaked into the village and at its receiving portal. Characters cannot tell
Devela'pment:Jon Pickens and Edward Sollets kidnapped two elven maidens. Sylva and when they pass through a portal, unless they
Devefa'pment & Editing: Curtis Smith Merisa. The Rahib freed Karelena and realize they are not where they expected to be.
Graphic Design: Ruth Hoyer Solerena, trapping Sylva and Merisa's spirits. Once characters go through a portal, they can-
Cover .An:Jeff Easely The Rahih has only to kidnap Rahasia. the not come hack the same way. Objects put part-
Interior Art: Jeff Easely and Tim TNman most beautiful elven maiden. to free the last way into sending portals cannot he
Cartography: Diesel & D.C. Sutherland I11 witch. Trilena. withdrawn; they must go all the way through.
When thev are all free and together, the three The player characters can use the elven vil-
Gcneml Notes: This module was originally witches are e& much more po&M than when lage as a base during the adventure. Empha-
publisiied as the first and second modules in alone. Sa, until Trilena is freed, h k M and size that the elves are taking a great risk in
the R€GA" series, which were available only Salorena will not leave the tower ruins. hiding the characten between adventures.
to members of that organization as RPGA I While delivering a package to the village, The amount of equipment the characters can
and RPGA 2. They were re-edited and com- the PCs find a message and meet Rahasia. the get between adventures is limited to what a
bined .into a single adventure by Curtis Smith. most beautiful elven maiden. Her father and woodland community can provide. There are
appearing as B7, Rahasia. The adventure her betrothed both went to the temple, hut no local high level NPCs for training or hcal-
appcax here in its entirety in its later form. never returned. ing, although limited numbers of healing
The PCs must go to the temple and find potions can be made available if needed.
New Magical Items .................. 96 Rahasia's father and betrothed. Then they
Maps ......................... 146-149 must find thc cavern, release the imprisoned Starting the Adventure
Monstcr 'Ikhles .......... inside hack cover &en maidens and destroy the Rahib and the
Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-160 witches. The player chatacten have turned off the Duke's
Road, following Sindar's directions, when they
DM Notes notice the waods around them is somehow dif-
ferent. Elves will immediatelyrecognize that this
The S h a (&en students and teachers) who isanelvenwood. Atsomepoint intheirpayage,
were charmed by the Rahih are not really stop giving general descdptions and begin with
responsible for their actions because they are the fm boxed description.
magically controlled. Encourage your playen
to think ofways to get around the S b a with-
out killing them. The charm keeps them in a
dream-like state, hut it is possible to talk to
them. The charm also changes their align-
mcot to chaotic. When the Rahih and the about you. Leafy green trees with silver
witches are destroyed, thc Siswa change back and white trunks stand in blissful grandeur
to normal. Until then, however, they follow as far as you can see. The trail you walk
the Rahib's orders.

wirtds toward the high mountains nearby ADVENTURE IN THE TEMPLE OF GRAY MOUNTAIN
to the north. The forest's carpet of ferns
ancl deep green hushes is punctuated by
the bright reds. blues, and yellows of the Many yean ago. friendly dwarves helped thc
abundant woodland flowers. A small roadside shrine sits near the path
elves built most of the temple in recum for
Ahead. sunlight Rashes off metal lying to the temple.
protection and aid from the clves and Elyas.
in ):he path. Armor-elven armor-and The upper level chambcn are natural caverns
whoever wears it is not movine. where the elves worshipped. The passages Rahasia stops here to offer incense. The
were cawed out hy the dwarves. shrine's entrancc is in the center of the west
The elfon the trail died not long ago, perhaps Since the arrival of the Rahih, the Siswa wall. and the main room is 15 feet square. In
slain by bandits. His m o r is crumpled and rarely visit the upper level of the temple. The the north and south walls are 10-foot-hy-10-
useless. A search of the body reveals only a entire upper level is unlit and unused. Thick foot alcoves.
piece of parchment bearing a message in both dust covers most things and cobwebs are com- Before the northern alcove is a small statue
Comrnon Tongue and Elvish. mon throughout. The Siswa use the stairways of a strong-looking man with a long heard. sit-
Up the mountain path lies the elven vil- in the courtyard shrines to reach the lower ting upon an altar with his legs crossed. Raha-
lage. Beyond, a mountain of gray stone levels. sia tells the PCs that the man was, Elayas, a
thrusts up from the sweet meadow grasses. If captured Siswa are questioned about the mage ofgrcat power, the founder of the Quiet
Let the players read Rahasia's lctter on the temple, they only explain how they used to Way and the spiritual leader of the Siswa. He
pull-out page at the end of the book. use the temple, saying: disappeared in a horrible battle with three
witches who attacked his tower-home many,

many years ago. If the PCs tw to investigate

THE EISTN VILLAGE "When we come to the temple, we climb thestatue or the alcovc behind it, Rahasia tells
the steps to the temple doors (14). Passing them that they must not disgrace the Old One
In the village, the delicate elven dwellings through the doors, we turn to the right and by walking past his gaze. (This custom pre:
mimx the grace of their people. Yet the stopioasmallroom(15)toputonrobesof vents outsiders from entering the temple
faces of the villagers reveal great sadness. worship. Then we walk down the hallway unannounced, hut this reason is long forgot-
You !soon are lead to an elven maid, whose through a large cavern (16). Next. we ten.)
veiled grace and beauty outshines all oth- move along another hallway (17) past sev- The northern alcove is a magic portal that
ers present as the sun outshines the stars- eral small rooms. We then go through a tekpom anyone entering it to area 41 on the
she i!; Rahasia. magical pasage (18132) to another hall- lower level of the tcmple. The southern alcove
"Will YOU aid me?" she asks. way. From there. we enter the main temple is a receiving portal from the same area.
(31). where we worship. When we f ~ h ,
If the characters accept. the elves will provide we leave the main temple (35) and go
down a hallway, through a magical portal Courtyard and Upper Temple Level
food and shelter, hut no other aid, though
they will hide badly wounded characters from (33/21) to another hallway (22) that is Use Map 2 for areas 1-24.
the Siswa while they heal. The elves cannot strewn with flower petals. That hallway
tell the PCs very much about the temple opens into the temple of the S i a . The In the courtyard and upper level, check for
because all the elves who arc familiar with the Well of Punishment is in that room. After random encounters evciy third game turn.
temple are under the Rahib's control. The returning our roha we leave the temple." Roll ld6. A result of 6 means the PCs
elves do h o w . however, that the temple was encounter something. When an encounter
protected by a powerful guardian before the occurs. roll Id12 and use the resulting
Rahib came. They think that the Rahih must
GETTING TO THE TEMPLE encounter on liable 1 (inside back.cover).
have destroyed the guardian. They also show A trail leads from the elven village into the
the PCs sketches of the kidnapped maidens, mounrains. Before the PCr leave the village. 1. OUTSIDE THE TEMPLE
Sylva and Merisa. Rahasia accompanies the the clves give them a map of the area (Map 1)
charactm tn the roadside shrine 00 their way and warn them of wandering hands of Siswa
to the temple. who attack and slay outsiden. The PCs do not doors that are 30 feet wide overall. They
If tht: PCs refuse to h e h Rahasia and the encounter anyone on the way to the temple, are ornately carved with forest scenes, and
other elves. they are politely, but firmly, sent hut you should toll a few false encounter stand silently shut. The outer walls of the
00 their way-they are not wanted and their checks to keep the players guessing. About temple are vine-covered stone, and about
presencse could bring down the wrath of the halfway:othet~rnpi=,thePCscomeuponthe 20 feet high. At the cornets of the south
Rahih. In the woods beyond the village, the roadside shrine. wall, delicate domes rise 10 feet above the
PCs are ambushed by a large group of Siswa walls.
led by the Rahih. The PCs are showered with THE ROADSIDE SHRINE
vials of sireping gas with no chance :o make The g a t a can be opened as normal doors.
saving throws. The PCs are taken to the tem- Use Map 1 for the Roadside Shrine There are no guards. Rahasiawill not enter the
ple and locked in cells f, g, and h in area 49. courtyard. She tells the PCs she will hide in
The PCs wake up io those cells and must the brush nearby, waiting for their reNI0.
escape from there.
The double doors open into a courtyard This chamber is 10 feet wide hy 20 feet
that is 80 feet deep and 90 feet wide. Once eter. The flwr is din; the walls and domcd long. In the southeast corner of the room
well cared for, the din flwr is now choked ceiling are made of stonc. A 2-foot-high are two large brass coffers. Atop cach is a
with weeds. In thc center of the yard sirs a platform covers the far half of the room. A large. lit candle. Dozens of small pegs line
large pool. Just beyond rhc pool is a set of set of srairs leads downward on each side of the walls at about shoulder height.
stairs kading to the main doors of t h e tem- thc platform. In the center of the platform
ple itself. Four wooden sheds are attached rests a statue of a man sitting with his legs Each coffer contains >IO cp and 50 sp. Thc
to the west wall, and another four to the crossed. He appears very strong and has a coffers are not locked or trapped. Behind the
east wall. Io the southern comers of the lone beard. The statue is 15 f e n tall. coffers is a pile of dirty rags-the worthlcss
courtyard are two small octagonal stone ~ ~

remains of the Siswa's village clothing.

buildings, each covcred by a delicate- This shrine is cmpty. The scain lead to area 25 The Siswa continue to light candles daily in
lookiog dome. The buildings are about 30 on middle level. this room. Their robes have not been brought
feet wide. back since the last ceremony. Some old robes
13. SOUTHEAST SHRINE are in area 16.
3-10. SMALL SHEDS Usc the boxed description of arca 12. T h
shrinc is the same as area 12 cxccpt that thnc
mirs lead to arca 26. and a hungry gargoyle is
hiding behind the statue in this shrine. The This is a roughly diamond-shaped cavern.
a din floor and thatched roof. The shed's covered with dust. Archways in the north
rear wall is formed by the courtyard wall. gargoyle springs out and attacks when the
charactcrs enter the shrine. The gargoyle will and west corners lead to 10-foot-wide
The shed's walls are made of woven reeds arched hallways. Footprints in the dust
on a wooden framework. not chasc the characters if it is thrown food. or
has an unformoate adventurer to munch on! lead from the wcst archway out through
the north archway. Overhead, the ceiling
All of the sheds are empty, except number 7. opcns into a great dome filled with stalac-
It contains two leather sa& marked with the Gargoylc:AC5;HD4'*; hp 16;MV90'/150'
(30'/50'): #AT 4; D ld3/1d3/ld6/1d4; tites. A broad platform juts from the
word "Tithe" in Common Tongue and southeastwallinto theccnterof theroom.
embossed with two small black panthers. Ea.& Save F8;MI. 11; AL C; X P 125: can be hit
only by magical wcapons 00thc platform is a statue of a man with a
sack contains 250 cp. long beard, who sits with his legs crossed.
Scattered on the platform bchind the statue A small altar stands before t h e statue. A
11. COURTYARD POOL are 80 gp, 4.000 sp, and the remains of somc dusty pilc of folded cloth lies before the
half-chewed lcathcr sacks, A careful scarch altar.
The pool is 40 feet long and 30 feet across. reveals a scrap of lcathcr with two black pan-
Its stone rim rises three feet above thc thcn embossed on it. -The pilc of cloth is actually ten tcmple robes.
ground. The water within bas gone hrack- old, but neatly folded. The robes are long and
ish and putrid, looking almost glossy brown, with deep hoods and sleeves. Usually,
14. UPPER TEMPLE ENTRYWAY a character of roughly elven build who wears
the mbes has an 80% chance to fool any Siswa
Beyond the double doors is a IO-foot-long hemcetsintothinkingthathe, too, isaSiswa.
A water weird (see Ncw Monsters) livcs in the
enuyway. A large, ornate compass rose is Other creatures in the temple are foolcd and
pool. It attacks any living creature that dis-
caved into the center of the flwr. The do not attack 60% of the time. Adjust the
turbs the water. It ignores objects that arc
thrown into the water, though. entryway leads to an arched hallway Nn- chance of fooling by characters' sizcs and
ning east and wcst. The hallway j, 10 feet actions. In general, check only once each
Water Weird: AC 5 ; HD 3; hp 12; MV 60' wide and a total of IO feet long. At each encounter-using the worst chance for the
end, the hallway opens into a large cham- group-unless the situation requires addi-
(20'); #AT 1; D 1 + drowning; Save F6;
ber. On the north wall. immediately across uonal checks. Remember that the Siswa only
ML 12; AL C; XP 35 from the entryway. is the faint drawing of a speak Elvish.
hand pointing east. Two curtained-off
The water weird is guarding two large jars at dootways lead from the south wall of the
the bottom of the pool. Each jar contains 150
hallway. Onc doorway is just west of the
cp. 3 5 0 sp. and 200 gp. Buried io the murky entryway; the other is cast of the cnuyway. WALK
filth ai: the bottom of the pool are 6 gems.
worth 100 g p cach. Characters havc a 2 in 6 Thii 10-foot-widearched hallway runs into
chance of finding one gem in the black scum Thc hallway is empty. The hand directs the
Siswa on a countcr-clockwisecircle of the tern- the darkness. Scvcral 10-foot-wide dark
each nun they scarch. Characters may s m c h rwms branch off both sidn of the hallway.
as loni! as they like. characters who splash ple.
about in the water for more than three t u r n
The rooms are empty, cxcept for dust and cob-
attract a wandcring monster from Table 1. webs.

18. HALLJUNCTION 20. STORAGE ROOM These bandits are wearing leather armor and
There are magical portals in areas 18, 21, 31. are armed with short swords.
maps with a T (for Teleporter)or an R (for tele- long, lies on each side of the opening The bandits arc totally lost. They came into
behind the curtain. In the room to the lek, the temple to steal and went down the south-
port Receiver). When the PCs pass through
these portals, they are turned to face a new under the light of burning torches in wall eastem shrine stairs. They were seen and pur-
direcrion, without knowing it. Unless they see sconces, five brown-robed figures crouch sued, so they staned running down halls at
one of the compass roses in the temple (in area in a circle. They mutter among themselves random trying to get out. They picked up five
as they sharpen wicked-looking blades in leather sacks along the way and will gladly
14, 29, and 35). they do not know the ttue
compass directions. When they do not know the flickering light. hand some over in exchange for directions
out. Fifty ep are in each sack. The sacks arc
the true compass directions, descrihc what
they see by using their (faulty) compass direc- The figures are Skva, and they are huddled marked with two black panthers and the word
tions or, more simply, by using ”left,” around two leather sacks. They do not notice “Tithe.”
the party unless disturbed. Each sack contains Thcu encounter with the party is a com-
“right:’ “ahead,” and “behind.”
If the PCs have not passed through one of 150 gp. Embossed on the outside of these plete accident, so you should role-play their
sacks are two black panthers and the word efforts to get out (with some treasure) to the
the portals, use the following boxed dcscrip-
“Tithe” in Common Tongue. hilt.
tion as it is.
Siswa(I):AC8;El;hp3, 1,4,6,4;Mv120’ 22. HALL OF THE TRUTHFUL
figu.res and flickering lights are moving (40‘); XAT1;D 1dS;SaveEl;MLS;ALC. WAY
around far to the north. XP 13 ~

A 10-foot-wide arched hallway mns into

Area 1.9 is west of this intersection. Area 17 is 21. HALLmCTION the darkness ahead. Offboth sides of the
to the south. The hallways to the north and There is a magical portal here. The magical hall arc arched openings into several small
east are not ttue halls. they are magical por- rooms. Dust covers the hallway and old
portals are explained in the text for area 18.
tals. A.rea 21 also contains portals like these. flower petals, now brown and dry, crackle
If the PCs have not passed through one of
The north portal teleports anyone entering underfoot.
the pnnals, use the following boxed descrip-
it to area 32 on the middle level. The east por- tion as it is.
tal sends anyone entering it to area 34 on the The flower petals were strewn by Siswa before
same level. These portals are one-way only the Rahib arrived. In each alcove is a stone
(down). characters who move through one statue of a philosopher or sage of the Siswa.
junction. West and north of this junction There is nothing of value in any of the rooms
cannot return; they fmd only a cold stone wall
lie two 10-foot-wide hallways filled with except room 22e.
behind them.
dark shadows. The hallways end in stone A statue of an elven sage stands in room
However, light passes through the portals in
walls 20 feet away. 22e. Around the neck of the stone statue is a
the opposite direction (from 32 to 18 and
from 34 to 18). The light makes the portal golden pendant with a black jade stone. It is
look like a very long hallway. Sound does not As the party enters the junction, four human worth 1,300 gp. Rahasia’s fathcr carried the
pass through the portals in any direction. bandits tun out of the north wall and attack! pcndant with him to the temple. After help-
Thus, a character who goes through can be The bandits come through thc portal at area ing Ular-Taman in area 42, he was seen by the
33. The bandits are not surprised. The PCs are Siswa and hid in this dead-end room. Realiz-
seen by characters on the other side, but can-
not he heard. surprised on a roll of 1 or 2 on ld6. If the PCs ing hc would soon be captured. he placed the
are surprised, the bandits make one free pendant upon the s a m e and called on the
The shadowy figures and flickering lights
attack. Then roll for initiative for the fmt spirit of the sage to protect it. He was cap-
are the PCs themselves! The arrangement of
round of normal combat. tured, but the S k v a could not remove the
the portals allows the PCs to see themsclves After their fitst artack, the bandit leader
280 feet away. Their image goes from 18 to 21 pendant. Rahasia’s fathcr was taken to the
to 31 to 32 back to 18. At such a distance it is
yells, “They aren’t Siswa!” The other bandits Well of Punishment and thrown down to the
look confused. ImmediatelygctthcPCs’rcac- third level. The pendant has rested here
impossible to make out details. of course.
tions. The bandits stop fighting unless PCs undisturbed since then.
attack them. If the Siswa in area 20 are still Anyone not of lawful alignment who tries
19. REAR HALL active, they tun out toward the noise and to take the pendant while it is on the statue is
probably attack, If they do, the bandits join hit by a blue bok ofelectricityfrom thestatuc.
This :IO-foot-wide arched hallway is filled the PCs against the Siswa. The bandit leader’s The bolt inflicts Id8 points of damage to the
with cobwebs. It tuns into the distant name is Teikus offending character (who does not get the
Bandits (4): AC 6; T1 (leader is T3): hp 8 . 4 , Lawful characters can examine the pendant
Aside from a single curtained opening in the 3, 3: MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1; D ld6: Save T1 on the statue. The pendant is part of a talis-
center of the north wall, this hallway is empty. (leader saves as T3); M L 8; AL C; X P 10 man of power. described in the Appendix
under New Magical Items.


The only way to remove the pendant is to Spells: Within the chest are 200 sp, 110 ep, a bot-
insert the proper ring into the indentation in Fmt Level: magic missile, shicld tleandahdfoffinewineandapairofsmooth
the pendant. The ring is hidden in area 42. Alki is wearing chainmail and is armed with a stones.
After thl: pendant is removed from the statue, sword, a bow, and carries a shield.
any chaiacter may handle it safely. 27g. PRIESTHOOD CELL
Middle Temple Level
23. TEMPLE OF THE SISWA Use Map 3 for areas 21-31. A flickering light comes from this cell.
Three brown-robed figures huddle around
This is a roughly diamond-shaped cavern, In the middle level, check for random a candle on the floor. They sway back and
covered with dust. Archways in the north encountersevery third game turn. Roll ld6. A forth as they repeat a chant that makes no
and east corners lead to 10-foot-wide result of 6 means the PCs encounter some- sense to YOU.
arched hallways. Footprints in the dust thing. When an encounter occurs, roll Id8
lead from the north archway out through and use the resulting encounter on Table 1. Three Siswa are chanting here. They become
the east archway. Overhead, the ceiling Do not use encounters 9-12. most unreasonable if their chanting is dis-
opens into a great dome filled with stalac- Directly below the courtyard, on the mid- turbed. They attack outsiden.
tites. The cavern's walls are covered with dle level. are living quarten of the Siswa Each character who attempts to pass this cell
fresco paintings of the natural beauties of priests. The personal cells of the priests circle a without being noticed has a base 61% chance
the world. The frescoes are somewhat fad- central dining hall. The stonework in this area of doing so. Thieves may add their move
ed and look long uncared for. A broad is all dwmen. The floor-stones are worn silcntlyability to this base chance if they state
platform juts from the southwest wall into smooth and the ceiling is damp. T h e Great they are doing so. If any character fails, the
the cmter of the room. A 11-foot-tall Temple (area 31). however, is a natural cavern Siswa notice immediately.
statue of a strong man with a long beard within the gray stone itself. It is surrounded
sits on the platform with his legs crossed. by hallways (some are magical) that were cut Siswa(3):AC8;El;hp4,3,2;MV120'(40');
There is some sort of altar in front of the around the central cavern. #PLTl;D ld8; SaveEl; ML8:ALC;XP 13
statue's knees.
25-26. STAIRS 2711. DARK CELL
The east b w a y leads to area 14 (the enuyway).
The norh archway leads to area 22. The altar is These two stairways look identical. The stair- of this darkened cell, five fig-
armally the 4-foot-wide mouth of the WeU of way at 21 splits into rwo sets of stairs that rise ures rest upon the floor.
Punishment, whose 10-foot-diameter shaft tn the southwest shrine, area 1 2 on the upper
drops d<,wn into darkness. The shaft drops 10 level. The stairway in area 26 connects with The five Siswa in this room heard the PCs
feet to area 48 on lower level. Its damp walls are the southeast shrine, area 13 on the upper approaching and are only pretending to be
too slippery for wen a thief to climb. level. asleep. The Siswa don't know who they hear,
hut they attack at once if they discover anyone
24. CLOAK ROOM 27. PRIESTHOOD CELLS in the temple outside their brotherhood.

Dozens of pegs line the walls at shoulder this 10-foot-wide hallway. The openings (40');#ATl;DId8;SaveEl;ML8;ALC;
heigh):. Suddenly, a slender figure hurtles arc blocked by heavy curtains. XP 13
from the darkness, shouting a warrior's
challenge. Each cell contains a cot ofwoven reeds, several 270. DARK CELL
dirty rags, and a pile of stones. None of these
An elven warrior-seer, Alki, hid here when he items have any value. There is nothing else in In the back of this dark cell lie five robed
heard the PCs coming. Unless the PCs try to anyafthecells,exceptcclls27f,27g.27n,and figures.
talk to .him, Alki will fight to the death. 270, listed below.
A k i was one of the original elves summon- Thesc Siswa are asleep. Each character
cd to bclp Rahasia, but he arrived at the tem- 27f. PRIESTHOOD CELL attempting to pass this cell must roll his dex-
ple after the others. He already has used his terity or less on Id20 or awaken these Siswa.
two spells. He will gladly join the PCs if Within this cell is a woven reed cot with a These Siswa also awaken if a fight occurs in the
invited. Alki is devoted to beauty, and thus to chest under it, several rags, and a pile of next room, cell 27n.
RahasiiL. sfones.
Alki, E k n Warrior-Seer: AC 4; E2; hp 12; Darts smeared with sleeping ointment spring (40');#ATl;Dld8;SaveEl;ML8;ALC;
MY 60' (20'); #AT 1 at + 2 ; D Id8 + 2 ; from the chest thc moment the lid is lifted. XP 13
SaveE2;ML9;ALLXP20; Str 16,Int 12. Any charactcr who is in the way mmt make a
Wis 8, Dex 9, Con 13. Cha 12 saving throw vs. poison or fall asleep for ld6

28. HALL OF THE SISWA These four halls enciucle the Great Temple. A
gelatinous cube, brought here by Karelena then open into a great 40-foor-high metal
This room is 30 feet wide north to south, and Solorena, guards these halls. It moves dome. A large compass rose is carved into
and IO feet long east to west. Double doon about constantly, cleaning the halls and pro. the floor in the center of the room. There
stand in the center of the north and south tecting the Rahib's stronghold from unwant- are three doatways: one in the center of the
walls. Smoking torches dimly illuminate ed guests. The cube attacks anyone in the wcstwall, oneinthccenteroftheeastwall,
the rows of dark. stained tables and bench- halls, but it never leaves area 30. and one in the center of the south wall. A
es that fill the room. Half-woven baskets To determine where the cube is when the raised platform juts 30 feet out from the
stand on two of the tables. Two lo-foot- P G fmt enter these halls, roll ld4 on Table 2, north wall. At the back of thc platform sin
square alcoves are cut into the centers of below. Evev turn the P G stay in these halls, a 15-foot-tall clay statue of the strong man
the east and west walls. Over the western roll any die once. An even roll moves the cube with the long beard. At the front of t h e
almvc is carved the word "KESINI," while one hallway clockwise. An odd roll moves the platform is an altar. A black-robed figure
over the eastern alcovr is carved the word cube one hallway cnunterclockwise. stands behind thc altar. burning incense.
TABLE 2 T h e figure behind the the altar is the Rahib.
The alcoves are magical portals. Unlike the GELATINOUS CUBE LOCATION At the fint sign of intruders, the Rahib throws
his arms in the air and disappears in a flash of
pomds in the upper level, light cannot pass DieRoU h t i o n
through these portals. nor do they look like smoke and flame. He actually drops through a
trap door &hind the altar that lcads to area 36
halls The east alcove (KESANA) only sends; 1 NorthHall
it teleports anything in it to a garbage-filled on the lower level. There is no way the P G can
2 SouthHall prevent his escape at this time.
marsh north of the temple. Anyonc entering 3 EastHall The statue is a huge, clay-covercd bone
the east alcove materializes 15 feet abwe the 4 West Hall golem. See New Monsters for details about
garbsige and falls into the swampy mess.
this Creature. As soon as anyone not wearing a
There are no difficulties getting back to the Gelatinous Cube: AC 8; H!3 4*; hp 17; MV
Siswa robe comes within 20 feet of it, attacks
elven village from the swamp. 60' (20'); #AT 1; D 2d4 + paralyze; Save
it, or does any damage to the altar area, the
The west alcove (KESINI) only receives F2; ML 12; AI. N, XP 125 golem attacks. The golcm's dried mud cover-
things from the southern alcove in area 41. ing cracks and falls away, revealing its four
Entering it has no effect. The Siswa receive 31. NORTHWESTJUNCTION skeletal arms, each holding a wicked-looking
their food from the westem alcove (KESINI). sword. The golem fights until thc intruders
After eating, they throw their scraps into the The hallway to the nortb appears to continue
into the darkness, but it is really a magical leave area 35. Then it return to its place on
eastein alcove (KESANA) where their magical the platform. This golem hopelessly outclasses
disposal system removes the trash. portal to area 21 on the upper level.
any typical party, so the players must think of
a way past this creature (the robes work. of
The short hallway to thc south is a receiving Long ago, Elyas specially constructed this
F1icl:ering torches light this area. Ahead, p o n d from the north portal in area 18, on the golem from the bones of a giant to protect the
beyond openings to the east and west, is a upper level. temple. Karelcna and Solorena helped the
pair of double doors. An ornate compass Rahib figure out how to keep it from attacking
rose is carved into the floor in front of the 33. NORTHEASTJUNCTION him.
doors. At the openings, two brown-robed
figures step out to bat your way. Both The hallway to the north appears to continue Bone Golem: AC 2; HD a**; hp 32; MV 120'
silently raise gleaming curved bladcs. into the darkness, but it is really a magical (40');XAT4;D ld8eacharm;SaveF4;ML
portal to area 21 on rhe upper level. 12: AL N; XP 1710; can only be hit by
The north doon lead to area 30; the south magical weapons; immune to charm,
doors lead to area 27. These Siswa guards may 34. SOUTHEASTJUNCTION slmp, hold, fire, cold. elecrricirx and
not attack immediately, but thcy do attack The short hallway to the south is a receiving gases; cannot be turned
anyone they believe are not Siswa. They will portal from the east 00ttal in area 18. on the
fight to the death (or capture). upper level. Directly behind the statue, in the floor of the
temple, is a secret door that opens over a stair-
Siswa (Guards(2): AC 4; EZ; hp 8.9; MV 120' case down to the treasure room (area 44 on the
(40'); #AT 1: D ld8; Save E2; ML 10; AL
35. "HE GREAT TEMPLE lower level).
c ; XP 20
carved with forest scenes, open into a huge
30. EL"AYS OF THE GREAT natural cavern. The cavern is eight-sided
TEMPLE and 70 feet across. It is brightly lit by oil
There are magical portals at the ends of these lamps on the walls. The walk rise 30 feet,
halls. 'The portals are explained in the text for
area 18.

demands that Rahasia go with him unhin- There is a secret door on the north side of the
Lower Temple Level dered. When the elf refused, the Rahib slew alcove that leads to the Rahib's bedrwm. area
him in a fit of rage. The clfs spirit rduscs to 40.
Use Map 4 for areas 36-49
rest, however, until Rahasia is safe.
In the lower level, check for random encount- 40. THE RAHIB'S BEDCHAMBER
ers every third game turn. Roll ld6. A result of 37. LIBRARY
6 means the PCs encounter something. When This bedroom is carpeted in a plush red
an encounter OCCUK, roll Id8 and use the color that matches the spread on the large
resulting encounter on Table 1. Do not use wide alcove in the north end of the east bed in the southeast corner of the room.
encounten 9-12. wall. Shelves full of books and papers line Two black panthers lie on the bed.
The Ratdb has made his secret quarters in the north and west walls, and a thick tug
the lower level. as well as his storerooms and covers the floor. In the center of the room is The panthers attack anyone in the room
prison cell!i. a large table lit by a single buming candle. unless the Rahib commands them not to.
At the table. facing you, sirs a dark figure.
36. MECIITATION ROOM Black Panthers (2): AC 4; HD 4: hD 14. 19:
This is the most important encounter on this MV 210' (70'); #AT 3; D l d 4 / i d 4 / l d 8 ;
The walls of this 30-foot-wide octagonal level. The dark figure is the Rahih. He will try Save F2: ML 8;AL N; XP 71
room are covered with aged fresco paint- to destroy the PCs. However. if he doesn't
think he can fight the PCs and win, be tries to In the study, the Rahib learned of an ancient
ings of trees and peaceful mountain
escape to area 40, where hi panthers are. tunocl down to Elyas' tower. The Rahib dis-
Role-play the Rahib as intelligently as possi- covered the secret door in the east wall of this
ble. Thc PCs' besr moye is to rush him and room that leads to the tunnel, area 40a.
A staircasr in the north wall leads to a trap If the Rahih gets into this ronm before the
overpower him immediately. Buried under
door hehirtd the altar in area 3 1 on the middle the papers on the table is a set of keys to all the PCs, he escapes through the secret door to the
level. tower, and may hc met later. The secret door
doors in the temple.
If the PCs spend more than one round in only opcns when a magical word is spoken in
this room, the spirit of Rahasia's father the alcove. The characters can discover the
The Rahih: AC 3; CI; hp 35; h W 60' (20');
appears as a ghostly form. He is a haunt. See XATIat + 1 ; D l d 6 +l;SaveCI;MLlO; word by studying the Rahib's notes on the
New Monr.ters for details about haunts. Raha- ALC;XP200;Str12,Int11.Wis16.Dex table in the study (area 39) for 1 hour, or by
sia's father is a stately elf with piercing, yet 13, Con 12, Cha 17 studying the old books and papers in the
gentle. eyes and a melodious voice. He cannot Spells (Clerical): library (area 37) for 1 week.
cause or take damage. He identifies himself, First L e d : dcrecr magic. pmrecrion from
recites the following message, then disap-
pears. He will not reform or answer any ques-
Second Level: hold person, silence Jl'radius
tions The Rahib is wearing &ahmail + 1 under a This thin, dark tunnel winds down from area
black robe and carries a mace + 1. 40 through the gray mountain to the gates of
"By the RahlB's hanb Elyas' tower, area IO. The tunnel is 180 feet
Was I h e m Felleb long and only wide enough for one character.
anb lonq await&
38. Hw This ancient tunnel was forgotten until the
you to come. Rahib discovered it.
This is a 10-foot-wide hallway that is 20
"Rahasiak pain feet long. Double doors stand at the far 41. RECEPTION ROOM
I have bEaR1Y F d t ends. "here are single doors at the east
But you haw come
TO Cafe hER. 10-foot-squarealcoves in the north. south,
39. STUDY and west walls. These are blocked by gates
"hasan is in the bunwon south of heavy iran bars. Above the north alcove
my 401b IS tOWmb the noath. This is a 2O-foot-squareroom, with a 10- is carved the word, "KESINI:' Above the
an ally in the bRawn q w b other alcoves are carved the word
Waits WZCORE the 4olb. foot-wide alcove at the south end of the
east wall. A table in the center of the room "KESANA." A latgc gong hangs before
is covered with diagrams, drawings, and the westem wall.
"the Rahie IS ut a pawn;
a baRk€R €VI1 IIES BElOW. papers. The drawings are of Merisa, Sylva.
and Rahasia. The diagrams are plans of the The alcoves are magical pomls. The northern
the baac,on Guaab knows the slow portal is a one-way receiving portal from the
anb ~uams the way wlow.'' clven village, showing the houses, streers,
and places with thick brush and other cov- roadside shrine. The southern portal sends
er. The papers are covered with scribbled anything entering it to the receiving teleport
Rahasia's father was brought here from the in the Hall of the Siswa, area 28 on the middlc
well. The Rahib tried to force the lore of the
pendant from him, as well as repeating his

level. The western portal sends anything talisman of power. and is needed to release the
entering it to the southern alcove of the road. other part, a pendant, in area 22e. dents, known as Siswa. Now, this
side shrine. The ring is hidden under a loose stone in tain is known as Gray Mountain.
mhe Rahih brings food and treasures offered the floor. Treat the stone as a shifting wail. “I guard the way to Elyas’ tower, but I
at the roadside shrine (and shipments of food Charactersmust search the exact ccnter of the fear the Rahib has found another
that he brought there secrctly) into the temple room to have any chance of finding it. Ular- entrance”.
through the northem portal. The food is Taman knows the pnwets of the ring and pen- ~
storc:d in room 46 or sent to the Hall of the dant, but cannot speak of them unless asked, If the PCs ask how to get to Elyas’ tower. Ular-
Siswa, area 28 on the middle level. The gong and then only after the two are joined. taman tells them about the secret door in area
announces a delivery-or the arrival of 44 that leads to thc Tower Tunnel, area 44a.
unuanted guests. Ular-Taman: AC 2 ; HD 6; hp 32; MV 120’ If the PCs attack and kill Ular-Taman, it
Each time something enters through the (40‘); #AT 2 or spells; D ld4/2d6 + con- becomes a haunt and continues to guard the
northern portal. the gong rings with a thun- striction; Save F6; ML 10; ALL; XP 271; treasure and the ring. See New Monsters for
deroius noise. The iron gate is lockcd, of Except for his special abilities, Ular details about haunts. Characters that see a
course. Thieves have one try to unlock the gate Taman’s attacks (not his appearance) are haunt must make a successful saving throw vs.
before the Siswa arrive. That is the only similar to a rock python’s (giant constrict- spells or tun away. Those characten absolutely
chance the party has to avoid capture if they ing snake). refuse to enter the area for at least 1day.
enter this way. If they don’t get out. the Siswa Spells (Clerical): (each spell once per day) If the PCs entered this level as captives.
arrive and knock the PCs out with vi& of Fitstkvel: curelight wounds(X2),protec. Ular-Taman directs them to the south portal
sleeping gas. The PCs cannot make saving tion fmm evil. tight in area 41 that leads to the Hall of the Siswa,
throws. The PCs wake up in prison cells f, g, Second Level: holdperson, silcnce I>‘radius area 28 on the middle level. Then Ular-Taman
and h in area 49. gives them directions out to the courtyard. It
If the PCs talk to the reptile. they find an ally also warns them that a dangerous guardian
42. IULAR-TAMAN’SROOM and gain the black jade ring (ifthcy have the protects the Great Temple, area 31. Ular-
pendant). Ular-Taman also tells the PCs the Taman does not reveal any details of the
following story. guardian’s nature, other than that it has heen
20-foot-square room, but a rough cut tun- in the temple since the temple was built.
ne1 is carved in the west corner of the north “Many generations ago, a wizard, callet Siswa are free of the Rahih’s control while
wall. In the center of the room, a glittering Elyas, visited these elven people. He asked they are in areas 42.43, or 44. However, they
s n a l d i k e reptile weaves hack and forth. for a place to live, where he could work in fall back under the Rahib’s control when the”
peace and solitude. Because his h e m w a leave those areas
The snake-like reptile is Ular-Taman, a crea- true and he respected the elvcs and thch
ture created by Elyas long ago. Ular-Taman is customs, they gave him a place in their for. 43. TUNNEL
good, kind, and wise. It prefers characters of est where he built a tremendous tower. FOI This 10-foot-widetunnel runs northeast from
lawful alignment. Ular-Taman can never leave many years they helped him and he pm-
the room of Ular-Taman to what appeats to be
the temple. tected and taught them, for his magic and a rock slide. The rock slide is actually a secret
Ular-taman guarded the only known learning was “as.
door to room 44, where Rahasia’s treasure is.
entrance to the ruins of Elyas’ tower, the Tow. “Their friendship with Elyas was passed
er Tunnel, area 44a. Out of respect for Elyas from father to son, until even Elyas grew
after he died, the elves never entered the old. Then disaster struck. Three horrible 44. TREASURE ROOM
ruins. After several generations, they forgot witches attacked his tower. They sought a
that the ruins existed. The Rahib discovered magical gem Elyas owned-the Black Opal
another way into the tower, from area 40. Eye-for its power could make them deep room holds a treasure of tremendous
%:en the Rahib took over the temple, almost invincible. wcalth! A solid metal door is set into the
Ular-lman fought a terrible battle with him “None of the witches dared face Elyas east end of the south wall.
and his panthers. Ular-Taman was wounded, alone, but together they were very power-
but m.anaged to drive the Rahib out of areas ful. In a fiery battle, they called down a The metal door leads to area 41, the stair of
42,43,and44. Sofar, theRahihhasnotdared gray mountain to crush Elyas. As the locks. No one can open the door unless its lock
face Ular-Taman again. mountain slammed down onto his tower, is picked or unlocked with the keys from area
Rahasia’s father helped Ular-Taman recover Elyas drew the witches inside it, where he 37, the library.
its strength. In return, Ular Taman is guarding trapped them. Unfortunately, Elyas him- The treasure is in the center of the room. It
Rahaxa’s father’s measure until it is claimed selfperished. includes: 800 gp, a sword + I , a snake sr&, a
for Rahasia. Until it is claimed, Ular-Taman “In his mcmory, the elves began to r;lg of animal control. a potion of healing, a
will not leave areas 42.43, and 44. build this temple on that mountain. Many marble jar with 6 inlaid gems (worth 1.000
Ular-Taman also guards a black jade ring, years later a group of dwarves helped com- gp). 2 platinum birds (worth 700 gp each),
which it was to keep for Hasan, but will also plete the temple. The temple hecame a and 12 gems (each worth 100 gp).
entrust to Lawful PCs who speak well of Raha- place of quiet meditation and learning. A secret door in the north wall leads to the
sia, her father, or Hasan. The ring is pan of a Many younE elves spend a Year here as m- Tower Tunnel, area 44a.

44a. TOWER TUNNEL 48. WELL BOTTOM thief might pick the door lock with a piece of
scrap metal, a very strong character may work
Thii 200-lbot-long tunnel leads from area 44 a d w r bar Iwse, or the PCs may plot to sum-
on the lower temple level to the gates of Elyas’ mon and ambush the guards. Captured PCs’
tower, area IO. The tint 30-foot length of the shaft that extends straight upward into
darkness. It is sealed off from the hallway weapons and other equipment is piled in
tunnel is cight feet wide. From that point on, cells, which is not locked. Other prisoners can
the tunnel quickly narrows so only one charac- at its base by a heavy iron gate. Piled at the
bottom of the well are stuffed leather mats only be freed by picking the locks to their cells
ter can squeeze through. or using the keys,
that prevent damage from a fall down the
shaft. The walls of the well are damp and Locked in cell h is a tall human fighter
45. STAIR OF LOCKS tm slippery for wen a thief to climb. named Baik Telor. He wandered into the road-
This stairway descends from the secret trap side shrine and was caught by the Siswa. He
door behind the statue in area 31 (the great will gladly join the party if he is given weap-
The iron gate is locked. Trging to smash ons. He is wearing chainmail. and his dress is
temple on the middle level) to area 44 on the through the gate alerts the guards. The alert-
lower Ieval. This stairway is blocked by not somewhat Arabian-turban and loose silk
ed guards use vials of sleeping gas to capture breeches.
one, but three sttong metal d w n . The only the PCs before they can break through. To get
way to pa^ them is to pick their locks or open through quietly, the PCs must pick the lock.
them with the keys in the library, area 37 on Baik Telor. Human Fighter: AC 5 ; F4; hp 24;
the middle level. The Rahib does not know M V 120’ (20’); #AT 1 at + 1; D unarmed;
about thiii stairway or the secret trap d w r in
Wis 12; Dex 10; Con 9; Cha 13
the great temple. A long, dark hdway NUNeast and west. Baik Telor is wearing chainmail.
Heavy wooden d w n with barred windows
46.STONAGEROOM line both sides of the central hallway. A Hasan is locked in cell 49q. He has no wcap-
similar d w r stands at the cat end of the om or armor. Although he is tired, he is ready
hallway A gate of iron ban blocks the west and willing to join the FCs against the Rahib.
boxes and several broken jars on the floor. end.
The room also contains crude ovens and Hasan: AC8;E2;hpS;MV120’(40’); YATI;
casks of wine. The cells are 10 feet square and empty except D unarmed; Save E2; ML 10; ALL; XP 20;
as noted below. The keys to all the cells arc Str 12; Int 16; Wis 10; Dex 13; Con 10;
This is where supplies are kept and f w d is carried by the guard leadcr in arca 47. Cha 13
cooked for the Siswa. One of the boxes con- Another set of keys is in the library, a n a 37.
tains brown robes. Eight giant ran prowl in If the PCs are captured, they are locked in Cell I is filled with old hones. The Rahib gives
this room. They attack anything that moves cellsf,g,andh.Iftheentirepartyiscaptured, them to Karelena and Solorena. They use the
into this i:wm unless distracted with food. encourage them ro plan thcirown escape. A n y bones to create skeletons that sometimes
reasonable plan will work-for example
Giant Rats (8):AC 7; HD Id4 hp; hp 4.4.4,
4 , 2 , 1 , 1 , l;MV120’(40’);#ATl;Dld3
+ disi:ase; Save NM; ML 8;AL N; XP 3 ECYA:
47. GUARDROOM The adventure in Elyas’ Tower fonm the se
ond hdfof this adventure. The characters can
he allowed to rest in the elven village before
Double doon open into this guardroom. T h e tunnel opens into a dark, dry cavern.
continuing. deep within the mountain. No sound
Four Sima guards in chainmail are posted
here. Directly auoss the r w m is another breaks the silence in the cavern. Gray stone
set of double doon. Halls of Grandeur walls rise up 60 feet to the cavern’s rock
Use Map 5 for areas 50-84. and earth ceiling. This SttuCNre appcan to
The guards’ orden are to let no one pass unless be an ancient tower, buried under the
the Rahih is present and instructs them other- The upper flwn of Elyas’ tower werc com- mountain. Only tbc lowest story of the
wise. The guard leader carries the keys to all pletely destroyed in the battle between Elyas tower is intact. What little of the upper
the cells in area 49. and the three witch sisters, Karclena. stories is visible is destroyed. Cut stones
If the PCs are escaping from the cells, you Solorena, and Trilena. Much of the remaining from walls and battlements lie scattered
may reduce the number of guards in this area tower was scorched hv fries that raged
. after the ahout the cavern floor. The cavern has
to make their escape possible; assume the oth- combat. caved in around the sides of the tower so
er guard!; are with the Rahih. In the Halls of Grandeur, check for random only the front is visible. Darkly stained
encounten every third game turn. Roll IdG. A doors stand in the tower’s front wall.
Siswa Guards (4): AC 4; E2; hp 10, 8. 6. 4; result of 6 means the PCs encounter some- Unrecognizable engravings cover those
MV 120’(40’); #AT 1; D Id8; Save E2; MI. thing. When an encounter occu~s.roll Id6 metal doors.
8;ALC; X P 20 and use the resulting encounter on Tahk 3
(inside hack cover).

The ‘doorsare the only entrance to the tower. 53. INNER HALL
The ~dootsare unlodred. but difficult to open; “Come wooblanb Folk anb W ~ M Rnem.
chamctcts must apply 25 strength points to the Id€ OF the WizsRbk keep to h a R .
open the doors far enough to enter area 5 1. Whmc~.long GO in a younmx aw,
ing. Two alcoves are set in the east wall,
the Black Opal was heIb BY Was the
andtwointhcwestwd. Thcalcovesare10
51. CORRIDOR OF THE fcct high and 10 fcct deep. A plush, red maw.
UNEXPECTED velvet curtainhangs across the north end of
”the Oval 1ncGesfa his mdcicdl g w e .
the hall. But he kept the n o n e in an opm place.
thR€e WItCheS. wishinq to heiqhten
dor. Its walls rise 30 feet to an arched ceil- This hall is 50 feet long, and slopes gently thElR WWeR.
ing. The walls and the ceiling arc streaked downward to the north. Dwarvcs havc thcir Ran& $lama anb n o n e upon his TOWER.
witti soot. The corridor leads north into thc normal chance to detect the slope. The curtain
darlmess of the tower. blocks all light from area 54, but is easily “Was t w p e b W h Witch in a baaqonk
movcd aside. eye.
The corridor is 40 feet long. Two thiwes hide But without the oval. they bib not bie.
in the shadows near the north end of the corri- 54. TOMB OF SOUIS AS ElYS W e b M R ~ R I E V Ethe Stone,
dor. Wbcn the PCs enter, the thievcs try to a qhniw mounrain cnusheb t h e maw
surprise them and attack. If the thiwes do not Most of this room is taken up by a plat- an6 his home.
surprise the PCs, or are captured, they uy to form. Thme steps lead up to the platform.
bluff thcir way out. A brsicr. standing in the middle of the “the SWl nE”a COmplET~.the thR€€
platform blazing with bright blue flame, WtCheS wait
Bandits (2): AC 6; T1: hp 6, 4; MV 40’; #AT illuminatcs this room. Tbrce stone coffis In a e n b l suspmsion until BY some @.te
1; ;D Id6; Save T1;ML 8 AL C XP 10 are arrangcd in a triangle around thc bra- Z h e i ~souls aRe ~ ~ l a s upon
e b innocence
These bandits are wcaring leather armor and zier. Thc largest c o f f i stands at the front SWEET
are anned with shon swords. of thc platform. The coffins are covcted thm rmrmqe They will R€W upon all
with mystcrious carvings. At the back of that they m a . ”
These thicves followed the Rahib into the the platform, is an omatc cast-ironthrone.
templs: to the tower. They have not been in To thc I& of the thronc, a mctal stand Thc quill answcn up to five yeslno questions
the towcr very long. They wcot down the west supports a large, ancient, leather-bound with an 80% chance of accuracy. Windscribe
corridor where all they found was a burned book. The book is dosed, its cracked covcr only answers questions for Lawful characters.
libraty and some wine. held by a mctal clasp. A long quill pen lies If asked about the tower floorplan, the quill
One bandit carries 30 sp in a pouch. The on top of the book. Thc stand is turned so flies to the parchment the PCs are mapping on
other carries 200 gp in a leather back pack and that thc book, ifopcned, facesthe throne. and draws a rough map of area 100,and areas
a 400-i;p gem hidden in the hollow hilt of his 87, 102, and 105. Windscribe docs not
dagger. Each bandit is carrying a bottle of ’he coffm arc marked A, B. and C on the include secret doors in its map.
Sour Wine. Sec area 72 for an explanation of map. See encounter areas 14A. 14B. and 54C
the use and effects of drinking this wine. for dctails about thcse coffins. The brazier is 54A. KARALENA’S CRYPT
fued to the floor and cannot be removed. Tbe
52. HIW OF RUBBLE flame burns without heat or smoke and can- This is the largcst of the crypts. It is covered
not he extinguished. The coals continue to with unknown symbols. The lid is sealed to
This is a tremendous hall, tilled with hro- bum &er being removed from the bra2icr. the base on all four sides with lead. Each
ken ;md charred beams and ruhhlc. The ea& coal lighting an area 10 feet in diameter. lead seal is inscribed with a mysterious
rubble has been moved to the ccnter of the The throne is a receiving tclcport from thc symbol.
room. Overhead. the ceiling is hrokcn throne in area 100. Sitting on the throne here
through by beams and stones. has no dfcct. All PCs attempdng to lift the lid of the coffm
Tbc Book of Y m and its quill. Windxribc must add their strengths together. Roll 2dZO.
The nomhcmmost 10 feet of this mom slopcs have been waiting here for quite some timc. If thc PCs’ cornbincd strengths total more
gently downward to the north. Dwarves have Thcy are both intelligent and protected by a than thc rcsult of the dice roll. they break the
their normalchance to detcctthe slope, if thcy spell that allows only I a w f d rharactm to seals and open the lid.
look for sloping pwages. touch them. The skeleton of a woman covered with thc
Each Nrn a character searchcs the rubble, The book. when opened, says. “Receive the tattered rcmains of a deep blue robe lies with-
roll ld6. If the rcsult is a 1 or a 2, the character tale of years!” But the pages of the book are all in the coffin. A secret panel in the bottom of
finds one of 10 100-gp gems hidden in the blank! The book then recitcs thc following the coffm conceals 1,000 cp, 800 ep. and 100
rubble. Characters may search as long as they story. The book docs nothing clse.
wish, but searching is noisy. Aftcr 4 NILISof
searching, roll for a random encounter on
Table 3 every turn until thcy stop searching.



This vault is empty.
unfami1i;u design. The seals ofi all four 57. WEST STAIRS
This long dark staircase slopes down to the
All PCs anempting to lift the lid of the coffin north. I r i s safe to move on.
must add their strengths together. Roll 2d20.
If the PC:;' combined strengths total more 58. OUTER EAST VAULT
than the result of the dice roll. they lift the
lid. The walls of this 30-foot-square room are
A woman's skeleton wearing rusting chain meticulously clean. A ladder leans against
mail armor and rotting furs lies in the coffin. the south end of the west wall. A 10-foot-
One hand holds a nicked non-magical sword square cube sirs in the center of the room.
across its rihcage. The other hand holds a
scroll acro:;s the sword. The sword cannot he A gclarmour cuhe is hidinr: behind rhc stonc
removed from the skeleton's hand by the PCs. cube 11 arracks thc P L on sight. Thrrc arc 60
If the xroll is read, the skeleton attacks the PC ep. 40 gp. and one I 0 . g Rem
~ inside rhr crra-
reading the scroll. turc

"A second chance is seldom found Cxlatinous Cuhc: AC 8 , FII) 4"; hp I ) . M V

To reveqe those beneath the ground. 60' (20'); #AT 1; D Zd4 + paraiysis; Save
On ye this fate I do intone F2; M 12; ALN; XP 125


Skeleton: AC 4; HD 1; hp 8; MV 60' (20');
#AT 1; D ld6; Save F1; ML12; AL C; XP After the PCs find and open the secrct door to
10 this vault. they see a closed chest on the floor
against the far wall.
When any character steps on the floor of the
54C. TRILENA'S CRYPT vault, a secret panel in the ceiling opens and a
pendulum blade swings down, directly in line
This coflin is covered with mystical runes. with the door. Any character standing in the
There are unbroken lead seals on each of 60. EAST STAIRS
vault must roll his dexterity score or less on
the four corners of the lid. Id20 to avoid being hit by the blade. When it This long, dark staircase slopes down to the
hits, the blade causes Id8 poinrs of damage. north. When any PC steps anywhere on the
All PCs attempting to lift the lid of the coffm The blade swings once every round that there top 10 feet of the stairs, the stain suddenly
must add their strengths together. Roll 2d20. is a character on the floor of the vault. When swing flat, forming a slide to area 18. Each PC
If the PC:s' combined strengths total more the vault is empty, the blade swings hack up on the stairs must roll his dexterity score or less
than the result of the dice roll, they break the into the secret compartment and the panel on Id20, with a -4 penalty to the dexterity
seals and ,open the lid. closes. score, to avoid falling. Characters not on the
The skeleton of a woman covered with the The locked chest contains: 5,000 cp, 100 stairs are in no danger. Characters at the bot-
tattered remains of a flowing red dress lies gp, 20 pp. and three bottles of Superb Wine. tom may use a rope to climb up the slide if
within the coffm. There is no treasure here. The numbers 00 the wine labels are a code someone at the top (who is not on the stairs)
that can help the PCs pass safely through area holds the rope.
55. OU'CER WEST VAULT 92 (see the champagne label).
Anyone, monster or character. who drinks 61. WEST CORRIDOR
the Superb Winefallsunconxious for 2 NmS.
mond tires cover the walls and ceiling of After reviving, the character remembers a This 10-foot-widearched corridor extends
this 30-foot-square room. In the center of nightmare in which a large black gem was east and west. The floon. walls, and 30-
the room sirs a 10-foot-square cube of hanging in a setting on the end of a chain. foot-tall arched ceiling are all coated with a
stone, A. ladder leans against the south end The character also remembers a sense of dizd-
of the east wall. ness and being in an empty room with a silvel
arch (area 105). The double doors at the west end of tbc corri-
The floot in this room is level. On the west Characters who drink this wine remain dor are bronze. All other doors are wood and
side of the cube is a secret door to area 56. drunk for ld4 N r n S after they awaken. Dur- badly scorched.
Another :secret door, at the top of the ladder, ing that time, they attack at -4. Drunk char.
leads to area 14. acters cannot move quietly.


62. EMPTY PRISON CELLS 65. MAGICIAN‘S CELL The dragon is only an illusion. All characters
who see the dragon must make saving throws
These prison cells are 20 feet square. Walls in
As the door opens, you hear a metallic VS.spells. Characten who make their saving
the (centen of the cells make them U-shaped. throws do not believe the illusion and are not
Two of the cells have fresh straw bedding and clank and something moving in the cell.
affected by it. Those who fail their saving
unspoiled food inside. The other cells appear throws actually believe that they were blasted
long unused. The Rahib imprisoned Merisa A magician named Merdiz is chained by leg
irons to the wall in the northwest comer of the by the flaming breath of a dragon and faint on
and Sylva in the rwo cells closest to corridor 61 the spot, believing they are dead.
before the witches took over their bodies. cell. He casts a sleep spell at the PCs on sight.
Then he uses his spells, as needed, to defeat They revive on their own within ld6 game
Merisa hid a silver bracelet under the mattress
the PG. turns. If another character tries to revive
in the southernmost cell as a clue for anyone them, the unconscious characters revive with-
trying to rescue her. The name “Merisa” is in Id6 rounds. Once a character has been
engraved on the inside of the bracelet. Merdiz. Human Magician: AC 8; M4; hp 9;
MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1; D Unarmed; Save “killed” by this illusion. he disbelieves the
M4; ML 10; AL N XP IO illusion.
63. MJRYALA’S CELL This illusion and the one in area 67 are per-
First Level: sleep, light manent illusions created long ago by Elyas.
Pit(:ous weeping comes from within this They distracted anyone who sought to enter
Second Level: web, wizard lock
cell. Elyas’ laboratory uninvited.
If Merdiz defeats the PCs. he uses their weap-
An elvcn maiden, Miryala, is chained to the ons to break his chains, robs them, and then 69. CURTAIN OF LIGHT
wall ,with leg irons in the southeast pan of the escapes. If the PCs defeat him. Merdiz apolo-
cell. She cowers in fear when the PCs gizes and asks fot help. The entire southern wall of this 20-foot-
approach. She is tired, dizzy, and hungry. She Merdiz was exploring the tower when Karc- square room blazes with red light.
currently bas no spells. lena and Solorena surprised and captured
him. Unless the P G explain otherwise, Mer- This room is really 30 feet deep. Thc southern
Mirj”la: AC 9: El; hp 6; MV 120’ (40’); #AT diz thinks that they work for the witches. He wall is an illusionary curtain of light. Cbarac-
1; D Unarmed; Save El: ML I: AL N has not bad anything to eat or drink for 3 ten who walk forward through the curtain of
days. If asked about the tower, he knows only light see a blinding flash, then find thcm-
Miryilla’s kidnapping was not discovered until that there is a magical book in room 54 that he selves walking hack out of the curtain into the
after the P G left the elven village. The Rahib cannot touch. same place they left. Only characterswho walk
is kecping her here until she recovers enough The witches were eventually going to feed backward through the curtain of light pass
for Trilena to take over her body. Trilena Merdiz to the spider in cell 64. through to the southern part of the room and
would prcfer someone with a higher charisma area 70.
(such as Rahasia), but doesn’t want to wait
much. longer. Miryala knows nothing about
her captors or the tower. This is a hare corridor, 20 feet long and 10feet 70. ELYAS’ LABORATORY
Two rows of tables covered with lab equip
64. !SPIDER LAlR ment stand in the center of this room.
67. WEST ILLUSION ROOM Dust covers the ancient glass beakers; the
brass coils are tarnished with age. Cobwebs
of this cell. Within the cobwebs, some- hang like lace between the cracked jars on
thing movcs slowly. 30 feet to the vest. Against the west wall. a the shelves. Two alcoves ate in the east
glittering pile of gold and jewels beckons. wall. A woman’s hat with a pink feather on
A black widow spider in the web attacks any- it hanes on a Dee bcwcen the alcoves.
one who approaches the web. This room is actually only 20 feet square. The
west wall is an illusion. All characters must The alcoves are teleportets. The northern
Black Widow SDider: AC 6: HD 3*: hD 20: make a saving throw VI.spells each round they alcove is thc receiving end of the teleporter in
M’V 60’ (20’); #AT 1: D 2d6 + piison; look at the wall. Those who fail tun recklessly room 89. Elyas dccided to add some variety to
Save F2: ML 8; AL N, X P I O into the wall, wing to get at the imagined his teleportet system, and used a flashy hat to
treasure, taking Id4 points of damage from activate his lab teleporter. If a character puts
The bones and clothing of a dead adventurer the collision. PCs can avoid this rrap by not on the hat and enters the southem alcove. the
hang in the web in the northeast corner of the looking at the illusion. character magically appears in the alcove in
room. The adventurer was a woman wearing room 90. The hat then reappears on the wall
leather m o r . There are two daggers and a 68. EAST ILLUSION ROOM peg. The hat is needcd to operate the teleport-
leather pouch on her belt. The pouch contains er leading to room 90. It has no other magical
50 gp, 20 pp, and 10 IO-gp gems. power.
The Rahib eventually throws his unwanted head and belches a searing blast offlame at The ancient contents of the jars crumbled
prisoners to the spider. The adventurer in the you! into useless dust long ago. The lab equipment
web was not a prisoner-just unlucky. is also useless.


71. LIBRARY This kitchen is 20 feet wide by 30 feet long.

Examinationof the cupboards reveals that the
remains of a long, elegant plates and cups are all clean. The shelves are
table tun the length of the room north to well stocked with roasted meat, cheeses,
south. Broken bookcases. also burned, breads, and fruits-all fresh. There are obvi-
cover the north, west, and south walls. The ous signs of recent use. The cleaver can bc
used as a weapon. inflicting ld4 points of
burned leather coven of books are scat-
tered in thc shelves and on the floor. damage per hit.
If the PCS spend more than 2 turm in this
room. one of the witches. Karelena arrives
If PCs spend 3 turns searching the shelves, with her panther. Karelena and herpowcrs are
they find a single page of parchment under a described in the Appendix under New Mon-
scorched book cover. The page itself is sten. She orders her panther to attack, then
scorched and. stained, but parts of the writing
casts a hold p o n d spell to lock the door
are still legible. The text that can be read is: behind her as she escapes. If the PCs pursue
her. Karelena uses the blue disk in room 84 to
“Once the three are snared in the trap I escape. Remember that she is using Merisa’s
have prepared for them, I . . . after this, I body.
will take it to the throne and . . . the
destruction shall signal. . . banished for all Karelena, Witch: (AC 9; M I ; hp I; MV 120’
eternity.” (40’): #AT 1: D ld4: Save M1: Morale 6:
Soells: (2 of the followine)
72. MAPBOOM Fits;Level: shicld, hoTdpona/. sleep
The walls of this room are lined with racks Black Panther: (AC 4; HD 4; hp 14; MV 210’
holding map cases. This room was not (70’); #AT 3; D ld4/ld4/ld8; Save F2;
touched by the fires that gutted much of Morale 8; AL N, XP 71
the rest o:! this level. An elegant solid
wooden table stands in the center of the 77. GAS-FILLED ROOM
Shelvesline the walls of this 20-foot-square
Seventy-five bottles of Sour Wine are hidden room. The shelves are filled with dusty jars
in various map cases. Each time a charactcr and bottles of all types. The room is full of
opens a map case, secretly roll ld6. If the a strange, sickening odor that makes
result is a 1 or 2 , the characterfinds one of the tooled bronze. The carved shapes have no breathing difficult. Torch flames dim in
bottles (see the “grapemash” label). meaning, however. this room. Tiny red eyes gleam from the
The numbers on the labels are a code that back of the room.
can help the PCs pass safely through area 94. 75. OBSTRUCTED STAIRWAY
Anyone who drinks the Sour Wine falls This room is full of explosive gas from leaking
unconscious for ld6 turns. Upon waking up, This fine marble staircase circles upward. bottles. If the FCs extinguish all fires (except
the drinker lrmembers a nightmare in which lanterns) or keep the door to the room open,
Great blocks of stone and splintered tim-
three dragoils stand in a circle glaring at a the gas is not dangerous. Each turn the PCs
bers block its passage to the levels above.
smaller dragon with only one eye. (These are burn an open flame and keep the door closed,
actually the ‘itonedragon heads in room 100.)
All thc upper levels were gutted during the thcre is a chance that the gas explodes. Each
battle between the wizard Elyas and the three turn the PCs burn an open flame in the closed
73. WESTERN STAIRS witches. The contenci and furnishings of the room, roll ld6. If the result is 1. the gas
Cobwebs line both sides of this staircase. upper level were totally destroyed. The debris explodes. Everyone inside the room suffers
There are morc and more webs farther in, but that blocks this stairway is from the upper Zd6 points of damage from the blast. Charac-
this staircase is pedcctly safe. walls. The PCs cannot clear the stairway. tcts who make successful saving throws vs.
death only suffer half damage.
76. KITCHEN The gleaming red eyes belong to a pack of
14. EAST PASSAGE giant rats. The rats attack anyone who enten

this room.
This passage extends 20 feet east to a pair
of carved metal doors. A north-south hall- the center of the room. a cleaver imbedded Giant Rats (8): (AC 7; HD ld4 points; hp 4,
way crosse!; this passage just in front of the in its surface. The pleasant smell of good
. . . 2; MV 120’(40’);#AT 1; D
~ 3.. 3. ~3. 3.2,
doon. food hangs in the air. ld3 + disease;SaveNM;M8;ALN;XP3

The jars are filled with old chemicals and 82. WINE CELLAR This hall is I O feet long. At each end of the
potion ingredients. The contenn are all now corridor stand pain of bronze doors, carved
worthless. with delicate designs.
filled with wine bottles line the north and Each alcove contains one or two life-sized
78. EMF" STOREROOM south walls. platinum statues of adventurers: humans,
dwarves, elves, and halflings. All of them are

LEmpty shelves line the walls of this room.

There is a musty smell in the air.

This room has been unused for a long time.

There are 125 bottles of Good Wine here (see posed in running positions, their hands and
arms outstretched. Broad smiles cover their
faces. The sculpting is very skillful, with
extremely lift-like detail work on each Statue.
Therlt is nothing herc of interest. The statues are surprisingly light; they weigh
about as much as an average person. The plat-
79. :BLASTEDROOM inum is only a surface layer, as each of the
statues is composed of layers of different
~ ~

metals: platinum, gold, electrum, silvcr, and

A hole large enough for a man to pass copper, with most of the metal being copper.
through has been blasted through the Each statue is worth 2d6 x 20 gp.
northernmost p m of the east wall. All the There statues are all converted thieves and
walls are scorched and pitted, as from a adventurers who stepped through the magical
massive explosion. transmuten in room 87. When the witchcs are
~ ~

destroyed. these adventurers change from

The hole in the wall leads to the stain, area statues hack to normal.
81. Characters will have no trouble passing
through here. 84. WELL OF WHISPERS
Its domed ceiling is 30 feet overhead. The
Torches in sconces illuminate this 20-foot- entrance to this room is a pait of bronze
squre room. Huddled in the southeast doon in the west wall. A IO-foot-diameter
corrier of the room, five dark, hunched fig- well drops down into darkness from the
urer argue among themselves At the center of the room. Stone statues stand to
nonheast corner of the room lies an open the north, south, and east of the well. Soft
stnne box. moans whisper through the room.
O n rhc wall between the c a t e m statuc
The (dark. hunched figures are o m . Thcir and the northern statue is carved the single
argunient is so loud and intense that they are word "Pah." The word "Nwad" is carved
surprised an a roll of 1-4 on ld6. on the wall between the the eastern statue

Orcs (I): (AC 6: HD 1; hp 8, 7 , 7, 6. I:hW ii-\ P ~ i r : ~ . - xn ho Srinki &s Good ii :ne

120' (40'); #AT 1; D ld6; ML 8 ; Save F1; falls unconscious far 1 or 2 rums. Upon ~ C Y I V - Natural air movements over the statues'
AI. C; XP 10 ing, the character remembers a vision of a mouths make the moaning sounds. The wcll
stone obelisk demanding the answer to a is 1,000 feet deep. It is the shaft of a magical
Each orc is carrying Id10 x 10 sp. The stone question. The character feels as ifthe answer is elevator that connects this level and the lowcr
boxcontains 1OOgp. 500ep. IOpp,amace + known, but he cannot remember it. level of Elyas' tower. At the bottom of the
I and three bottles of Good Wine. See the After reviving. the character is drunk and shaft, in room 85, a glowing blue disc, 2 feet
description in room 82 far the use of this wine clumsy for Id4 turns, making all attacks at - in diameter. rests on an ornate stone pedestal.
and the effects of drinking it. 2. Make a random encounter check every turn T h c words "Pah" and "Nwad" carved in the
due to the noise drunk characters make. walls of rooms 84 and 81 activate the elevator.
81. EASTERN STAIRS T h e numbers on the label are a code that When the word "Pah" is spoken, the disc ris-
can help the P G pass safely through the west- es from the p c d d in room 85 to the top ofthe
The southern flight of stairs is covered with ern teleport maze, area 93. well-shaft in room 84. As it nem the top, it
rubble, though it is passable. The corner slows down and gently floats to a stop. When
wall collapsed here. It is possible to climb 83. UPPER Hw OF STATUES the word "Nwad" is spoken, the disc descends
gently and comes m resf atop the pedestal in
L Two alcoves are cut into both sides of this Ioom 85. The disc is cool to the touch and easily
Io-foot-wide hall. Several shadowy figures supporn 20,ooO coin weight. Passengers are in
The hole leads tn area 79. Characterswill have
stand silently in each alcove. no danger of falling off the disc. The dw cannot
nn trouble passing through here. k removed from the shaft.

Use Map 6 for arcas 81-91.
Three alcoves are cut into each sidc of this This dark corridor is 30 feet long. A pair nf
Buried deep undcr ground, this lcvel housed IO-foot-widchall. Several shadowy figures steel doon arc in the cast end, and a pair of
the wizards treasury. This INCI was the most stand silcntlv in each alcove. bronze doors arc in the west end. The
secure part of his tower. It was to this place north and south walls each contain a single
that Elyas thc Wizard lurcd thc thrce witches, This hall is 70 feet long. At each end of the wooden door, reinforced with iron hands.
and here that he trapped them. conidor stand pairs of bronze doors, carvcd Those doors are directly across from one
In this Icvcl, check for random cncountcrs with delicatc dcsigns. Each alcove contains anothcr.
every third game turn. Roll ld6. A result of 6 one or two life-sized platinum ~ N C SIikc
means the P G cncountcr somcthing. When those in area 83. Sec area 83 for dctails about
an encounter occurs, roll Id12 and use the these statues. 89. KARELENA’S BEDROOM
resulting encounter on Tahle 3.
87. TRANSMUTER TRAP This is an extravagantly furnished bed-
85. BOTrOM OF THE WELL room. A gilt framed bed stands in thc mid-
This 20.foot.squarc room is bathcd in soft d k of the room. Tapestrieshang on all four
If the P G enter this room from area 84. use goldcn light. Glowing 15-foot-widcsilvrr walls. A large wardrobe stands in the
the first boxed description. If the PCs enter southwcst corner. A vanity and mirror sit
archer opcn through rhc nonh and south
this toom from area 86, usc thc second hoxcd next to the wardrobe. Six small jan and a
walls. A pair of omatc bronze doors stands
description large glass vial lie on top of the vanity. An
in thcccntcr of rhcran wall. A pairofrrccl
doors. carved with runilir dccorarions. LS iron gate is set in the north end of the west
x r in thc west wall. wall. Thc gate leads to an empty lo-foot-
Thc hluc disc comes to rest atop an ornate Elvas’ trcasurc room licr bcyond rhc square alcove. A I-foot-long lever is
carved pedestal in the center of a 30-fwt- nonh arch. Lighr from irs glowing domcd attachcd to the wall near the gate. A wom-
diameter room. This room is idcntical to cciling rcflccrs off thc polished marblc an’s wide-brimmed feathered hat hangs on
the room ahovc; the three statues and the floor, brightening this room. Thcrc must a peg near the lever.
bronze dims are copies of the ones in that bc thousands of gold picccs in rhc trcasurc
room. The word “Pah” is carved in the room. spilling from ornatc chcsis! The alcove is a teleportcr to Elyas’ laboratory.
wall bcwccu the east and north statucs. Thc room through rhc south arch is Anyone who puts on the hat and steps into the
The word “Nwad” is carvcd in thc wall idcntical ro t h r rrcasurc room. bur it U alcovc appears in the northern alcove in room
between ihe south and east statues. cmpw. 70. Thc hat rcappcars on thc peg here. The
hat has no other magical power.
If any characters passes through cither of the The lcvcr raises and lowers the iron gate.
In the cen.ter of this 30-foot-diamctcr room arches, a burn of light flashes in the archway The lever is currendy down. The lever cannot
stands a short round pcdcstal covered with and they turn into platinum statues just like hc sccn or rcachcd by anyone in thc alcove.
ornatecarvings. Aglowing blue disc, 2 feet the statues in areas 83 and 86. Victims do not Karelena keeps the gate lowered when she is
in diama:ct. lies atop the pedestal. Thrcc make saving throws. in the room or whcn shc is gone and will not
15-fwt-t:~lstatues of men stand around The statue remains in the archway for only a be using the teleporter for a whilc.
the p e d e d at the north, south, and cast momcnt. Thcn the castcrn doors swing opcn The tapestries, clothes, and jars havc no real
sides of the room. They seem to stare at by themselves. The statue PCs risc up and value, hut thc vial contains a magical per-
you with hollow eyes. Each statue makes float through the doors into an alcovc in area fume. The charisma of any female character
an ecric moaning sound, as if in pain. On 86. who uses thc perfume increases to 18 for ld6
thc wall between thc castcrn statue and the Whcn thc witches are destroyed with the turns. The perfume has no other effects.
northern statue is carved the single word Black Opal Eye as cxplained in area 100, all
“Pah.” ‘The word “Nwad” is carved the statues in areas 83 and 86 change back into 90. SOLORENA’S BEDROOM
between , h e eastern statue and the south- the peoplc they were. You can run those pco-
ern Statu,:. A 10-foot-diamctcr shaft rises ple as NpCs. They may or may not bc friendly The door to this room from area 88 is locked.
from thc ,domed ceiling. directly above the to the P G . If you choose not to run them as
pedestal :and the glowing disk. The shaft NPCs, assumc that they are so shaken by thcir The walls and floor of this room are COV-
extends upward as far as you can sec. experience that thcy lcavc the tower immcdi- ered with rarc and expensive carpers. Pil-
atcly. lows and cushions lie scattered around the
Natural a r movements over the statues’ The Black Opal Eyc is hanging from the room. In the centcr of thc mom is a large
mouths causc the moaning sounds. The disk is center of the the domed ceiling in the room to c q c t with a phoenix embroidered on it.
an elevator that rnovcs up and down in the the south, area 105. However. it is not visible A largc pile of pillows sits in the southwest
shaft. The shaft rises 1,000 fcct to room 84. from area 87 k a m e the archway between thc comer of the rwm. An arch in the west
Thieves can attempt to climb the shaft. See rooms is much lowcr than the ceiling in arca wall leads to a IO-foot-squarealcove. Near
,101. thc alcove, a I-fwt-long lever projects
area 84 for an explanation of how thc clcvator
works. from thc wall.

Maze Arena Number Save XP
Area Monster Appearing AC HD MV #AT Damage As ML AL Value
A Skeletons 5 7 1 60'(20') I Id6 F1 12 C 10
B on s 5 6 1 120'(40') 1 Id6 F1 8 C 10
C" Tai&tellaS~id& ' f 5 4' fZO'(40') 1 Id
U n ' Id0 I' L"
2 5 4.1 90'(30') 1 ldl0 F4 10 C 125
2 4 4 210'(70') 3 ld4/Id4/ld8 F2 8 N 75
G Mt ""taurr ? b 6 1?0'(40') 2 ld611d6 Fh 12 C 275
H Gwen Drayon 1 1 8" 90 (30 3. ld6/ld6/3d8 Fa 9 C 1750
240'(80') breath

When the PCs appear in this arena, mon- If the same character gives a reasonably the character passes this test, the obelisk
sters also alspear to fight the PCs and keep accurate explanation of the PCs' quest, the answers three. and only three, questions that
them from reaching the north platform. T h e obelisk asks. "do yon know thc fm name of character asks it.
type and number of monsters that appear the last creature you killed?" The t N C m e r If asked bow they can complete their quest,
depends upon where the PCs stepped through to this question is ahnost always "No." Once the obelisk tells them:
the wrong :uchway. Use Table 4 to determine
the monsters that appear in the arena. The "Beyonbthe thnee trmples of the elemmts.
monsters disappear when they or their oppo-
nents are defeated. the Black bRXPl's 'ZJ€ WaltS WR t h e .
The Inner Sancnun cinb its secm thmuqh n w s y maqical ways
Use Map 8 for areas 96-100
that have waiteb WR many lonq y w s .
Bewm the micb of olb Elyas.
You suddenly appear inside a 10-foot-
square alcove. An archway in the west wall anb R€WRn h€R€ Wlth the Black Opal Eye. M qlV€ I t POW€R.
opens intn a 30-foot-squareroom.
Two otlner identical alcoves are also set then,sa i t in its phcc anb wholb
into the east wall of the large room. Gold-
en doors xand in the centers of the nortb,
south, and west walls. In the center of the the m b of q t a t sabnesS: the wiinnmq of I i k
room, a 15-foot-tall stone obelisk restson a
short, stone pedestal. There are no mark- the &StRUCtlOn Of Evil Mb the m b Of StRlf€."
ings on eiither the obelisk or the pedestal.
The high, domed ceiling is covered with a The obelisk also knows the names of the three 97. TEMPLE OF
fresco of a night sky. Many constellations temples, "Earth," "Wind," and "Fire," but
are markcd on the fresco. only discloses them if asked about them This room's ceiling arches I O feet above the
directly. stone floor. The ceiling and walls are cov-
The alcoves; are receiving points from the final If the Black Opal Eye is brought into this ered with frescos depicting raging flames
teleports in the teleport mazes, area 92, 93. room, the point of the obelisk begins to glow. and fuenorms. At the west end of the
and 94. There is a small deDression at the top of the room an altar stands atop a platform.
When any question is asked in this room. obelisk where theABlack Opal EyLcan be Behind the altar, the life-size shape of a
the obelisk speaks. Its deep, hollow voice fills placed. Once the gem is placed there, a dim human right band is engraved into the
the room, :;ayiflg, "answer me and I'll answer spark appears within the gem, after which the Wall.
thee in trurh. If but to questions three; What obelisk point ceases to glow. The gem is then
is your name?" ready to be placed in the Dragon Throne in
If the character who asked the question room 100.
replics trui:hfully, the obelisk asks, "what is
your quest?''

When any PC places his right hand into the saving throw vs. spells. The first characterwho
engraving. a deep, hollow voice speaks, mountains, canyons, and other rock for- fails her saving throw rushes to the western
“Answer me and I’ll answer thee. By what mations. At the front of the room an altar statuc and places her hand in the carving on
name call ye these temples three?” stands atop a pladorm. Behind the altar, the statue’s neck. Other characters may try to
The correct answer is, “Earth, Wind, and stop her if they react quickly.
Fire.” If this answer. or one with the same As her fingers touch the carving, she and
meaning (such as “Earth, Air, and Flame”) is If the P O did not encounter Karclena in room the statue are bathed in red light and she falls
spoken, the secret door behind the hand 27, or ifshc a p e d from them there. she is hex unconscious. After a few seconds she revives,
silently opens. with a panther. She stands at the altar with her apparently unhurt. The gem thcn glows blue.
If a wrong answer is given, a column of fire hack to the door. When she hean the % enter, That character’sspirit is now imprisoned with-
hursls from the ceiling, striking the PC whose she orden the panther to a d . Then she tde in the gem and her body is inhabited by the
hand: is in the engraving. This flame causes to escape. Remember she is using Merisa‘sbody. spirit of the witch Trilena.
2d4 points of damage, hut only half damage if A complete description of b k n a is in the Trilena pretends to be the character whosc
the character makes a successful saving throw Appendix under New Monsters. body she is using. Once Trilena is free, all the
vs. spells. witches’ power increases (see New Monsters).
The flame strikes each time a PC answers Karelena, Witch: AC 9; M1; hp I ; MV A n y male character or any female character
the q.uestion incorrectly. Answering the ques- 120’ (40’); #AT 1; D ld4; Save M1; with charisma of less than 15 who places a
tion correctly is the only way to open the secret M o d e 6; A L C XP 10 hand in the impression in the westem Statue
door. Spells: ( 2 of the following) hean a mocking female voice say: “Fool!
First Level: shield, hold portal, Think ye that your feeble wits and strength
98. ‘TEMPLE OF WIND sleep can overcome my powers?” Then a small
lightning bolt streaks down from the glowing
Black Panther: AC 4; HD 4; hp 14; MV eye, giving the character 2d4 points of dam-
This room’s arched ceiling is IO feet high. 210’ (70’); #AT 3: D ld4/ld4/ldS: Save
The walls and ceiling are covered with frcs- age.
F2; M o d e 8; ALN; XP 71 Any PC who touches thc hand carving in
cos depicting racing clouds and trees bent
over under the force of a hurricane. At the the northern statue instantly communicates
There is a small passageway in the rubblc telepathicallywith the imprisoned elf, Merisa.
west end of the room an altar stands atop a behind the altar that halflings or dwarves can
plaiform. Behind the altar, a life-size Any PC who touches the hand carving in the
crawl through. The PCs can open a passage southern statue communicates telepathically
shape of a human right hand is engraved in large enough for all the PCs. if they clear the
I the wall. I with Sylva. In both cases, the PC hears faint
rubble for Id6 turns. However. clearing the cries for help and feels the pain and sadness of
rocks makes a great deal of noise. Check for the trapped spirit.
When any PC places his right hand into the random encounter every turn the PCs spcnc
engraving. a deep, hollow voice speaks. If Solorcna’shand is forced into the carving
enlarging the passage. in the southern statue, she becomes trapped
“Answer me and I’ll answer thee. By what
name call ye these temples three?” in the statue again and Sylva is set free. If
The correct answer is, “Earth. Wind, and 100. INNER SANCTUM Karelena’s band is forced into the carving in
Fire.” If this answer, or one with the same the northern statuc, she becomes trapped and
meaning (such as “Ground, Air. and Flame”) This drcular room is 30 f m in diameter. I o Merisa is freed. If the witches are imprisoned
is spoken, the secret door behind the hand domed ceding is 30 feet above the floor. in the statues. the color of the eye gems
silently opens. Three 10-foot-wide alcoves are set into the changes from blue to red.
If a. wrong answer is given. a tomado forms north, west. and south walls. Three 20-foot- When the Black OpalEye is purified by the
tall stone statues stand in front of the alcova obelisk in room 96, and inserted in the right
in this room. The tornado causes Id4 points of
damage to everyone in the room during the around a smaller statue in the center of the eye socket of the small dragon, all three witch-
mom. All the statues a x carved dragon heads es are destroyed, no matter where they are.
round after the wrong answer. The tornado
inilicis Id8 points the next round. and gives on long necks. Gems in the right eyes ofthe The trapped spirits of Sylva and Merisa and
everyone Id4 points of damage in the third southan and northern s t a glow ~ ~with~ dim any spirit trapped by Trilena (see above) are
round. After the thud round. the tornado dis- blue light. The gem in the right eye of the freed. In a flash of blue light, their bodies a n
appears. Each round, characters who make a m e m starue glows with a pulsing, bright restored to full health, wen if they were killed
ted light. The imprcsim of a hand is carved while the witches wcrc in them.
successful saving throwvs. spells only take half Anyone who steps into the northern alcove
damage. in the neck of each large dragon, withh
reach of normal humans. is teleported to the platform in room 101.
Thl: tornado forms every time a wrong
The neck of the smaller ccnfer Statue is Anyone who enters the southem alcove is tele-
answt‘r is given. Answering the question cor-
hollowed out to form a niche. Within this ported to the pladorm in room 104. The west-
rectly is the only way to open the secret door. ern alcove is a receiving point from the
niche sits an iron throne.
A black stone is set in the smaller statue’s telcporters in rooms 103 and 106.
99. TEMPLE OF EARTH left cye &et. The rieht eye &et is empty. The iron throne looks exactly like the
throne in room 14. Anyone who sin in the
This room is IO feet tall. Its arched ceiling Every female character who enters this room throne is instantly sent to the throne in room
and walls are covered with frescos of great with a charisma of 15 or more must make a 14.


Elyas' Treasury (Continued) 104. SOUTH TREASURY 106. SOUTH TREASURY EXIT
Use Map 6 for areas 101-106. ENTRANCE
This room is 20 feet square. Against the
This is a 20-foot-square mom. A semi- east wall is a large semi-circular platform.
101. NORTH TREASURY Apairofsteeldoorsisin thewestwall. The
circular platform stands against the wall

opposite a pair of steel double doors. T h e doors are closed.
doon are closed.
This is a 20-foot-square room. A scmi- Anyone who steps upon the platform instant-
circular platform stands against the wall The doors open casily to room 105. The plar- ly telepom to thewestern alcove in room 100.
opposite a pair of steel double doors. The form is a receiving tcleport from the southern
doors are closed. alcove teleport in room 100. Standing on the Aftermath
platform here has no effect. The adventure ends when the player charac-
The doors open casily to room 102. The plat-
form is a receiving telepott from the northern ten have rescued Hasan, recovcrcd the trea-
105. SOUTH TREASURY sure, captured or driven off the Rahih, and
alcove teleport in room 100. Standing on the
platform here has no effect. banished the witch sisters. Although the char-
This room is an octagon. 40 feet across. acten are expected to turn over Rahasia's trea-
Both the east and west walls have a pair of sure, they may keep Elyas' hoard and
102. NOIITH TREASURY steel doon in them. Both pain of doors are anything clsc they find. If the adventure suc-
closed. A glowing silver arch. 20 feet wide, ceeds, Rahasia and Hasan will be wed amidst
This room is a 40-foot-wide octagon. The is set in thc south wall. Some words in an much celebration and the characters will he
entire room is bathed in bright golden ancient script are carved above the arch. treated as honored guests. If many elves have
light from the glowing ceiling. 50 feet T h e entire room is lit by bright golden been slain. the celebration will be much sub-
overhead. Ornate carvings cover the ceil- light from the ceiling, 50 feet overhead. dued and the feelings towards the player char-
ing. Both the east and west walls have a The ceiling is covered with decorative c m - acters will he mixed. The characters can fulfill
pair of steel doors in them. Both pairs of ings. A large gem in a setting hangs from their word to Sindar hv delivering Merisa's
doors are closed. Set in the south wall is a the end of a chain suspended from the cen- package to Rahasia.
glowing s:ilver arch, 20 feet wide. Some ter of the ceiling.
words in an ancient script are carved above
the arch. Iarge treasure chests are scattered The words are the same as in room 102. The
across the highly polished floor. Some of gem is the Black Opal Eyc. It is hanging in a
them are open and full of coins! setting at the end of a 10-foot-longchain. 40
Anyone who passes through the glowing arch- hle from area 87).
way turn i.nto a platinum statue. See the Thcrc are many ways the PCs can reach the
explanation of room 87 for details about the opal. If they use any of the following three
archway and its effects. methods, they automatically succeed. You
The treasure chests contain 4,000 cp. 3,000 must decide if any other method they use
sp. 1,500 cp, 5,000 gp, 500 pp, 3 100-gp works. First. a thidcan safely climb the walls
gems, and 1.0 50-gp gems, as well as a potion and go across the ceiling, using ropes to
ofgascoushm. andascrollofrcadlanguages anchor himself to thc carvings. The carvings
and levitarc. are solid enough to support a character's
PCs have a 40% chance to read the ancient weight. Second, if the PCs throw a n y kind of
script as: grappling hook it will snag on one of the carv-
ings in the ceiling. Then they can climb a rope
from the grappling hook to the gem. Third, a
Make no mistake, magic-user can cast a levitate spell to rise to
A pan of my treasury you will make:' the opal. Once a PC reaches the opal, it is casi-
ly pried out of its setting.
Anyone who passes through the glowing
103. NORTH TREASURY EXIT archway turn into a platinum statue. Scc the
explanation for room 87 far details about the
archway and i n & e m .
doors in the west wall face a semi-circular
platform :against the east wall.

Anyone who stands upon the platform is

instantly teleportcd to the western alcove in
room 100.


APPENDM After delivering Sindar's package in the elven

village the party returns to the Duke's road
and continuer north. An uneventful journey
brings them to Selenica. As the western end of
a trade route that crosses the Altan Tepe
NEW MAGICAL ITEMS Mountains and the vast sandy Alasiyan Desert
to the east, its crowded streets have vendors
RAHASIA'S PENDANT THE BLACK OPAL EYE selling many wares that are rarely seen in the
Grand Duchy. The streets are strange and con-
Generations ago. the mage Elyas created a tal- The Black OpalEye is a stone of great magical fusing, and in t y i n g to foilow Sindar's direc-
isman of power over evil magic. He gave it to power. usable only by those who know its tions the party hccomes hopelessly lost.
the elves, who passed it from generation to secret. The three witches draw power from it Finally, they manage to #discoverArnulfs
generation until it came to Rahasia's father. and will increase in power if all of them are dwelling, an expensive mansion in the Mer.
The talisman is made of two parts. a golden freed. They do not need to possess the opal, chants' Quarter. A new problem arises. They
pendant and a black jade ring. A black jade but only need to know where it is in order to are met at thc door by Praxci. a snobbish sei-
ston? is set in the pendent, which is worth use it. The witches will not be able to use 2nd vant of Arnuli. He looks a t the dusty and
1,300 gp alone. There is a flat golden space and 3rd level spells if the stone is stolen and travel-stained advenrurers and is convinced
with an uneven circular indentation the sire of they do not know where it is. they could not possibly have anything to give
a ring on the hack of the pendant. Also, these Elyas planned to use the Black Opal Eye's his master. Encauragc the players to role-play
verses are inscribed on the hack of the pen- power to destroy the witches, hut was killed their attempts to ger Arnulfs whereabouts
dant before he could do so. To destroy the witches, from the haughty servant. Among things that
the PCs must place the opal on the obelisk in will work: a) a bribe of 100 gp 01more; b) tak-
S t O I E OF POW€R/StOn€ Or BRlGht room 96, then place the gem in the Dragon ing rooms somewhere, cleaning up, and pre-
GlVlI'tG IllEnithElR Rays OF LlGht Throne in room 100. If they do this, the fol- sentin
Conces baRkiwiLL Thou make small lowing happens: clothii
wakninq meniop nlGht'S bank call being
pUtl:lnG RInGilntD The Back 1. Thespiritsofthethreewitchesareperma- Tyiug w grr m c miormarion eisewnere will
vennciance G I V ~ ~those
O in Black nently locked within the gem eyes of the reveal only that he "left town" secretly, as he
larger dragons. often does and that he is probably off trading
The ring exactly matches the impression in the somewhere. Asking for information about
pendant. When the ring is pressed into the 2. The spirits of the wirches' victims return Praxes will reveal rhat he is vain, gtccdy, and
impra:ssion, there is a bright flash of light as to their original bodies. treats his underlings badly. h u t is also very
the 0-0 become the talisman. efficient and loyal to Amulf. Armed with this
When the ring and pendant are joined, the 3. The three large dragon heads crumble information, the party should succeed.
writing on the hack of the pendant changes to away, and the eyes are banished forever to Praxes will reveal that Arnulf left on a trad-
the single word "RAHASIA." When the an unknown dimension. ing cxpedition to the city of Y h N m with a
holder of the talisman says "RAHASIA," an slow-moving caravan the day beforc the party
invisible 30-foot-radius circle of power Is cre- 4. All the adventurers transformed into ariived. They mighr he ahlr to catch him if
ated. No evil magic works in this circle, platinum statues are restored to normal. their horses are fast enough. If the party
including the Rahih's curse. Spells cast by evil The PCs may not have rescued all the doesn't have them, Praxes will sell them fast
beings in the circle automatically fail. hut prisoners (the elves Hasan, Merisa, Sylva, desert ponies for 300 gp each (he can bc bar-
existing spell effects and permanent items and Miryala: the magician Merdiz: and gained down to 100 gp each:,.
used by evil beings still work outside the cir- the fighter Baik Telor). The adventurers If the party gires up and rerums to the
cle. l h e circle does not affect the hone golem who were platinum statues rescue anyone Grand Duchy. they will not find Sindar again.
or the water weird. The circle of power lasts 10 the PCs don't. When they finally reach Specularum. they
rounds. It moves with the talisman. The talis- will meet him and be accused of rohherv. They
man will work only three times, after which 5. The Black OpalEyeshatten into dust. will be acquitted. hut will have to pay court
the ring and pendant separate and become costs of about 10% of their wealth.
non-magical. 6. If the Rahib is still alive and free, he flees Once mounted for desert travel, the charac-
from the &en forest forever. ters have no trouble catching Amulfscaravan.
Amulf is delighted with Sind.ar'sgift, a magi-
cal jeweled songbird. and invites the party to
accompany him to the exotic capital of Yla-
mam. He offers to hire them :acaravan guards
at 100 gp each plus expenses, and give them a
healthy bonus lithe trading is good.
Whether they accepr 01 nor. a day or two
later they will he caught in a. sandstorm, and
be lost in the desert until they stumble onto
the Lost City.

Players' Background chanced upon the lair of a strange monster

called Zargon. Zargon was roughly humanoid
Days ago. your group of adventuren joined a in shape. though larger than most humans. In
desert caravan. Halfway across the desert, a place of arms and legs it had twelve tentacles.
terrible sandstorm struck, separatingyour par- Its head was that of a giant lizard, with a large
ty from the rest of the caravan. When the black horn in the middle of its forehead.
storm died down, yon found you were alone. Zargon killed most of the worken, then
The caravan was nowhere in sight. The desert began hunting prey at night through the
was unrecognizable, as the dunes had heen streets of Cynidicea. The city guard was not
blown into new patterns. You were lost. able to kill the monster. At last, the city rulers
You headed east, the same way the caravan began sending criminals from the jails into
was headed hefore the storm. Days passed. the pyramid for Zargon to feed on.
Your mounts died and you soon drank the last In time. a strange cult arose that wor-
of yourwater. The end of the desert was not in shipped the monster as a god. The cult viewed
sight. the monster's victims as religious sacrifices.
The second day after your water ran out, The worship of the Immortal patrons of Cyn-
you stumbled upon a numhcr of stone blocks dicea -Germ, Usmigaras. and Madarua-
sticking out of sand dune. Investigation was forsaken in favor of the worship of the
showed that the sand covered the remains of a monster Zargon. Finally, most of the citizens
tall stone wall. On the other side of the stone of Cynidicea worshipped it.
wall was a ruined city. The worshippers of Zargon began to look
The stone blocks of the city had toppled for strange pleasures. They sought oblivion in
and cracked with the pasing of time. Sand rare wines and bizarre drugs. Workers no long-
had covered most of the buildings. The stones er repaired the irrigation ditches. Rich land
that remained uncovered had heen scoured turned into desert. The army lost its disci-
Design: Tom Moldvay smooth by the blowing sands. pline. People outside the city rebelled, or
Editing: Harold Johnson, Jon Pickens In the center of the city towered a step-
Art: Jim Holloway, Harry Quinn, Stephen D. movcd away as chaos spread outward from
pyramid. It had five step-like tiers. each 20' Cynidicea.
Sullivan high. The bottommost tier was almost com- Later, barbarian warriors stormed over the
Playresting: Dave Cook, Helen Cook, Clint pletely covered with sand. On top of the high- walls and destroyed the city. The only people
Johnson, Steve Kaszar, Bill Wilkenon, Jeff est tier were three 30' tall statues. of Cynidicea who survived its destruction were
Wvndham. and The Kent State Univetsitv The statue on the left was of a strong, those who had fled Underground to the vast
Gamer's Guild bearded man holding a balance in one hand catacombs under the city. There. led by Priests
SDecial Thanks: To Ion Pickens for his invalu- and a lightning bolt in the other. The middle of Zargon. the Cynidiceans tried to rebuild
able assislance statue was of a winged child with two snakes the city.
twined ahout its body. The child held a wand The surviving people based their new life
General Notes: In its original form, this in one hand and a handful of coins in the oth- around a huge Underground lake fed by chan-
adventure had a fully detailed tve-tierpyra- er. The statue on the right was of a beautiful nels cut through solid rock. Built in the reign
mid, an outline of a second five tiers. and a woman. In hcrhandsshe heldasheafofwheat of King Alexander. the lake had heen the
map to the lost city The concept was to and a sword. original city's water supply. On its shores. the
encourag,: the DM to expand the latter sec- On the south side of the pyramid, a ramp people grew mushrooms and other edible
tions intc' a full blown campaign. The upper with stairs led from the ground to the top of fungi. They built houses using stones from
pyramid levels were selected for inclusion in the highest tier. A quick search of the ruins the ruins above. The new underground city
this collertion. revealcd no source of food or water. so you was much smaller than the ancient capital,
decided to climb the pyramid. In the side of but it was safer because it was hidden beneath
Maps ......................... 151-153 the ramp, level with the floor of the top tier, the desert sands. Above, drifting sands cov-
you found a secret door. . . . ered the original city, and Cynidicea was lost
in the vastness of the desert.
DM's Background
The Cynidiceans
Centuries ago, Cynidicea was the capital of a
rich and fertile kingdom. Its people reclaimed Generation after generation of Cynidiceans
much land from the desert, especially during have lived out their lives underground.
the reign of King Alexander-the last and Though still human, their skin has become
greatest king of Cynidicca. Upon King Alex- very pale and their hair is hone-white. The
ander's death, a huge pyramid was raised in Cynidiceans have developed dravision and,
his honor. This pyramid was the largest and likegohlins, attackwithapenaltyof - 1 tohit
most important building in the city. when fighting in full daylight.
The fall of Cynidicea began on the day that Every Cynidicean wears a stylized mask.
worken, digging under the great pyramid, usually of an animal or human face. Some are

made of wood, some of paper machk. and small, sickle-shaped scar on the inside of her Remember that the characters are out of
some of metal. Most Cynidiceans wear fancy left wrist. Madarua has a spccial holy day at food and watcr. They musr have these supplies
clothes, flashy jewelry, and carry short swords. the beginning of each of the four seasons. soon or they will die. In your descriptions,
Some paint their bodies with bright colors. The three factions do not get along well. keep reminding the party that they are bun-
The Cynidiceans are a dying race. Each new Each faction is sure that only its members gry, thirsty, and tired. This will help the plav-
gener,ationis smaller than the last. Most Cyni- know the proper way to restore the lost great- ers role play
diceam have forgotten that an outside world ness of Cynidicca. Often. when members of
exists, living most of their lives in weird different factions meet, they argue or fight. It Wandering Monsters
dreams. The times when they scem normal, is possible for the three factions to cooperate.
rending their fields and animals, are becom- but such cooperation is rare. Wandering monsters are encountered on a roll
ing fewer and fewer as the dreams replace real- The bickering between the three factions, of 1 00 ld6. Chcck for wandering monsters
ity. Their unusual costumes and masks only and their attempts to restore sanity to Cynidi- once every 2 game turns. Roll Id8 on the Wan-
strengthen their dream worlds. Typical Cyni- cean society, give the DM thc chance to add dering Monster Tabable: Level 1 table for the
diceati encounters are given in the New Mon- characrer interaction to the advcnture. Whdc monster encountered, or choose one.
ster section. the factions can be playcd as simple monsters Giant h t . Giant locusts are 3' long gray
with treasure. tbe DM and players can have a grasshoppcn. They arc immune to poison and
Factions of Cgnidicea yellow mold. If disturbed. giant locusts will
lot of fun with the plots and feuding of thc
factions. If this is done, the DM should plan panic and jump up to 60' in a random direc-
A few Cynidiceans are nearly normal. These tion ( S O % chance to jump toward the party.)
Cynidiceans are trying to restorc the worship in advance what the faction members may say
ordoifthepartytriestotak, attack,otwaitto Anyone hit by a jumping locust takes 1-4
of the old Immortals-Gorm. Usamigaras, points of damage. Giant locusrs may hitc for
see what the NPG do fmt. It is important for
and Madarua. They hope to stop the slow 1-2 points of damage. They also shriek when
death of their society and regain the past glory the DM to avoid forcing the action to a pre-set
conclusion-the actions of the playas musr he frightened, having a 20% chance to attract
of Cytridicea. wandering monsters. If cornered, a giant
The Brotherhood of Gom. Their Immor- able to make a differencc.
locust will spit a brown goo up to 10' (any tar-
tal. G x m , rules war, storms, and justice. The If the player characters join one of thc fac-
get is AC 9 for this). A character hit by the goo
followers of Gorm are male fighters of Lawful tions, it will hc easier for them to get supplies
must save YE.Poison or be too sick to do any-
alignment. All wear goldcn masks of the face and resf between advenrurcs. All the factions
thing for 1 NIn. Other characters coming
may accept player characters as members.
of Goin. a long-haired, bearded man with a within 5' of the victim must save vs. Poison or
The Brotherhood of a r m will take male
stern $:axEach. Brother also wears iron chain also become violcntly ill for a turn. The victim
fighters. male dwarves, male halilings, and
mail over a blue tunic. Under the armor, each has this cffect until the goo is washed off.
male elves as full members. The Magi of
has a small blue lightning bolt tattooed on his Usamigaras will take any magic-user, elf. cler- Cynidicean. Cynidiceans live underground
right shoulder. The Brothers believe in justice in the Lost City. They are pale-skinned, white-
ic, or thief. The Warrior Maidens will take
tempered by mercy. They worship Gorm on haired humans with large eyes and infravis-
female fighters, female elves, female dwarves.
the fourth day of each week and consider and female halflings as full members. Also. ion. Cynidicrans wear masks and brightly
lightning storms to be holy. colored robes. They will be acting out strange
any character may become a lesser member of
The Magi of Usamigaras.This faction wor- dreams when encountered (see the DM's
a faction, if desired. Factions will not do as
ships :Usamigaras, ruler of healing, messen- Background information). A dozen Cynidi-
much for lesser members. and a lesser mem-
gers. and thieves. They are all Neutral cean encounters. usable for all dungeon
ber can never become powerful within a fac- levels, are given under Cynidicans in the
magic-users, wearing silver masks of the face tion. The DM should decide how much a
of Usamigaras, the smiling child. The Magi monster section. The DM may use these
faction will do for its members.
also carry silver daggers and wear rainbow- encountcn or make up his ot her own.
T h e Priests of Zargon are a fourth faction. Ferret, Giant. Giant ferrets look like 3' long
colored robes. They are found mainly in areas outside the
The right palm of each is marked with small weasels. They hunt giant rats underground.
basic adventure. The Priests of Zargon serve Ferrets are highly unpredictable and some-
silver lines in the shape of a five-pointed star. the evil monster Zargon and control the
The Magi are usually friendly toward clerics, times attack humans.
underground city. Gnome. These gnomes have traveled
thieves, elves. and magic-users, but look
down upon fighters, dwarves, and halflings. underground to the Lost City through the
Usamigam is worshipped on certain days TIERSlAND2 tunnels and canals that empty into the under-
when the heavenly stars and planets are in the eround lake that lies ncar the undercround
right patterns. The Magi record the positions
(Dungeon Level 1) L

ciry map.

of the stars and planets so that they will know The pyramid is made of large, smooth stone Goblin. The goblins live in caves across the
when irheir holy days are. blocks. The rwms are made of bare stone underground lake from the Cynicidcans. The
The Warrior Maidens of Madarua. The slabs, except where noted otherwise. Passage goblins serve Zargon. If no Cynidiceans vol-
Maidens worship Ma*, ruler of bh. ceilings arc usually 10' high. Room ceilings inteer to go to Zargon, the goblins kidnap
death, and the changing seasons. They are are 15' high. Most doors will be stone slabs victims to feed the monster. Otherwise, the
Neutral female fighters. The Warrior Maidens that push inward to open. Doon will tend to goblins do not usually harm Cynidiceans.
wear bronze masks of Madarua, a beautiful close unless held. jammed, or spiked open. After all, if the Cynidiceans died out, Zargon
woman. They also wear bronze chain mad Unless otherwise stated, the pyramid will be would start eating goblins!
m o r over green tunics. Each Maiden has a unlit.


KEYTOTIER1 ing damage, the party will realize it is getting The rwm is an old storage room that has long
hard to breathe. Rags or iron spikes jammed been abandoned. The food once in the craccs,
1 . STATUE ROOM into the holes will stop the gas from filling the and the clothing once in the bales, is now rot-
room. If both the room's door and the secret ted and worthless. Otherwise, the r w m is
The slab of stone that hid the secret door are jammed open, the gas will escape empty.
entrance to the pyramid is now held open without hanning the party.
by the dead body of a hobgoblin. The 3. SECRET ROOM
body has a large crossbow bolt sunk deep The bronze cylinders are actually the hollow
in its chest. The hobgoblin has been dead bases of the statues of the Cynidiccan Immor- Inside this rwm you see seven birdlike
several weeks. tals on top of the pyramid. The cylinders will creatures with long beaks like tubes. A
sound hollow if tapped. T h e doon into the faint glitter catches your eye from the cen-
Thcrr is nothing of interest around the body, cylinders are also trapped (IC, Id, and le). ter of the room as the birdlike creaturesfly
and all its equipment has been taken. Beyond Trap IC is in the west wall next IO the base of toward you.
the stone slab is a 10' wide passage. leading the left statue (Gorm).Four darts will fue out
into the pytamid. The passage floor is covered of the wall when the door's handle is pulled. The attacking birdlike creatures are stirges
with dust. Sweral pairs of footprints can he The darts can only hit someone standing (AC 7; HD I*; hp 4 each; Mv 60'; #AT 1 at
seen leading inward. In a niche in the wall directly in front of the door. Roll to hit as if + 2 ; D 1-3; Save F1; ML 9; AL N). A flying
opposite the secret door, the party will see a each dart was fxed hy a 1 HD monster. Each stirge gains a bonus of + 2 to hit due to its
large ctosshow (la) pointed at them. The dan that hits does 1-3 points of damage. speed.
crossbow is not loaded. The crossbow trap was Trap Id in the base of the center statue Once a stirge's attack hits, its beak attaches
triggered by a hidden pressure plate in the (Usamigaras) is harmless. If the party searches to the victim. The stirge sucks blood for an
floor just inside the secret door. The hobgob- this area, they will find dried blood in front of automatic 1-3 points of damage evcty round
lin stepped on the plate, springing the trap. the cylinder. The trap was triggered by an ear- until either the victim or the stirge is dead.
The secret door to the pyramid will swing shut lier party. (Normally, two spears would shoot T h c glitter comes from four gems lying in a
behind the party unless they jam it open. It out when the door is opened. Each attack pile of dust. The gems are worth 100 gp, 100
can he forc8:d open normally. would be rolled as if a 1 HD monster was gp. 100 gp, and 1000 gp. The room also has a
throwing the spears at characten standing small hole high in the north wall. The stirges
directly in front of the door. Each character hit flv throueh the hole when thcv, eo
The highcst tier of the pyramid is a single L. _ out hunt-
40' squan: room. The room smells old and would take 1-6 points of damage. The DM ing at night.
musty. The dust on the floor has been dis- may have this trap reset if the party leaves and
turbed, though no special details can be comes back.) 4. PRIEST'S QUARTERS
made out. Three huge bronze cylinders Trap le is a special hinged paving stone in
reach from the floor to the ceiling in the front of the base of the right statue (Mada- The room is sparsely furnished with rotting
middle o.F the rwm. In the center of each Na). The stone will drop open when the d w r furniture. This includes a bed, a desk, a
cylinder, facing you at flwr level, is a handle is pulled. Anyone standing in front of chest, a writing table with wooden chair,
bronze door. Each door has a bronze han- the door will fall to rwm 6 below and take 1-6 and a wooden holy symbol shaped like a
points of damage. lightning bolt. All of the furniture is cov-
ered with a thick layer of dust. On the floor
DM Note on Traps: Normally the characters The bronze cylinders are hollow. A ladder lies the body of a dead hobgoblin. The
won't find traps unless they are looking for going both up and down will bc found inside body looks several weeks dead. Its left arm
them. Traps that work automatically can he each cylinder. Anyone climbing up a ladder is swollen and discolored.
avoided b:r taking special precautions. The will find that it goes up insidc one of the
DM rolls the dice whenever characters are statues on top of the pyramid. Each statue has
This room was once the quarters of a high
looking for (or thieves are removing) traps. a special speaking tube which allowed its
priest of the Brotherhood of Gorm. The hob-
More information on traps can be found in the priests to speak the Immortal's will. The char- goblin was killed by a giant bee from room 7.
D&D Bask rules. acter will also see a number of Ievcn. These
His body has a full water bottle and a punc
levers can be used to move pans of the statwe with 131 sp and 40 gp in it. Otherwise the
(arms, head, eyes, and so on). A character
' h p lb. The door to the room, as usual, will room is empty.
wing shuc unless held or jammed open. In climbing down any ladder will enter rwm 6.
e:ich comcr of the room are small holes that 5. FIREWORKS STOREROOM
rclease gas into the room. The gas trap is trig-
gered by opening the door. The gas is odor- KEYTOTIERZ This room seems drier than the rest of the
less, tastekss. and invisible. An elf or thief has 2. STORAGE ROOM pyramid. In the center of the room are a
a 50% chance to hear the hiss of escaping gas. half dozen mall crates. Seated on the
The gas will take one round to build up in This room contains rotting bales of what crates are nearly a dozen 1' tall winged
the closed room before doing any damage. might be cloth, and dusty crates. The people. They are talking a strange musical
During this round the characters will feel a lit- room smells like it has been closed off for a lanwage and laughing merrily.
tle dizzy. Each round after the first, the gas
does 1point of damage. When they start tak-


These :smallwinged people are sprites (AC 5 ; recover Iflasks of oil that will bum p r l y and cold. It dissolves wood and metal in 6 rounds.
HD 112; hp 3 each; MV 20’. fly 60’; #AT 1 make thick clouds of smoke if lit. It will take 2 If it touches flesh, it will turn the victim to
spell; I1 special: Save E l ; ML 7; ALN). There NmS to recover dl the oil. There is also a small green slime in 1-4 rounds after the fint 6
are 10 of them. They will be friendly and chat- foundry here for f u n g broken statue parts. It rounds. Green slime can be burned off, but
ter merrily if approached in a friendly manner. has a forge, an anvil, tongs, hammers, and so this does 112 damage to the slime and 1/2
They are interested in everything, but nothing on. damage to the character.
holds their attention long. They will not join
the party, but the DM may use them to hint 7. TREASURE ROOM 9. ABANDONED PRIEST’S QUARTERS
about what lies ahead. If attacked, five sprites
acting together can cast one cntse spell. The In the center of the room you see a 10’tall The room contains an old bed, writing
curse will take the form of a magical practical cage. In the bottom of the cage is a pile of table, chair. and a chest. From the looks of
joke (like suddenly making a fighter’s armor coins and gems. Hanging from the top of the furniture. the quarten have been long
turn into a pile of tust, or gluing a character’s the cage is a giant beehive. Several large. 1‘ abandoned. From behind the bed comes
boots to the floor). The sprites will cast one or long bees are buzzing around the room. scuffling sounds. Suddenly you see the
two curses, then fly away through a 1’ X 1‘ The mesh of the cage is wide enough for head of a large, pale blue lizard with
concealed door high in the northeast wall. If them to fly through. There is also a 1‘ orange spots bunt suddenly into view.
punue,d, they will try to escape by flying over square hole hieh in thc south wall.
the green slime in room 8 . The lizard is a Gecko (AC I; HD 3 + 1; hp 15;
The crates contain fireworks packed in saw- The locked cage holds the treasure of the MV 40’;#AT 1; D 1-8:Save F2: AL N). It is
dust. There is only a 1 io 6 chance that a crateBrotherhood of Gorm (rooms 11 and 12). The munching on the body of an unfortunate
of fireworks is still usable after all this time.
treasure is guarded by Igiant bees (AC 7: HD Cynidicean. If the party entcrs the room with-
Any usable crate of fireworks is worth 100 gp 1/2*;hp2each:MVIO’:#ATl;D1-3+ spe- out looking up, they will be surprised by a sec-
resale value. The ancient priests of Cynidicea cial; Save F1; ML 9; AL N) flying around the ond Gecko that drops down from the ceiling
used the fueworks to help fake "miracles." If room. The giant bees have learned that per- (hp 12). The mask worn by the Cynidicean is
the playen decide to keep the fireworks. a usa- sons wearing a mask of Gorm are friendly. of some birdlike creature. It is inlaid with gold
hlc crate contains 1-6 charges of flash powdcr, They will not attack anyone wearing the mask and worth 80 gp.
2-8 roman candles, 1-4 skyrockets, and 3-12 of Gorm unless attacked fiat.
strings of small firecracken. The DM should The giant bees will automatically attack any 10. ABANDONED PRIEST‘S QUARTERS
only allow these firecracken to make a lot nf other persons who go into the room. If the bee
smoke, bright lights, and noise. The fuecrack- attack is successful, the stung victim must save i This room might once have been the quar-
ers should not do any damage or cause hlind- vs. Poison or die. The bee will die after sung- ters of a cleric, but it looks like it has been
ness. ing. Even characten who save must take 1 abandoned for a long time. It contains
round to remove the stinger. Otherwise the musty, dust-covered furniture; a slccping
5a. POITERY JARS stinger will continue to work its way into the pallet, a writing desk with a wooden stool,
These Three pottery jan are 4’tall. The fmt victim doing 1 point of damage per round. a chest, and a wooden holy symbol that
c0ntain.ssand. The others, which used to store The treasure lying on the bottom of the looks like a balance.
water, are now dry and empty. The contents of cage is 2000 sp. I00 gp, 2 gems each worth
the jars, were to be used if a fue broke out in 100 gp and one piece of jewelry worth 700 gp. The room holds nothing valuable.
the fireworks room. The bees inside the hive will not attack the
parry unless the hive itself is attacked. Inside 11. BROTHERHOOD OF GORM
6. SPECIAL STOREROOM the hive are 4 more bees with 1 hit die each
(4hp). and a 2 hit die queen bee (9hp). The
The room contains three double hunk
A 10’radius circle at the foot of each ladder queen, unlike all other giant bees. can sting
beds. Five men are seated on the lower
is lit by a glowing, 2’ long beetle. Each repeatedly without dying. A special kind of bunks talking. Each man wean iron chain
honey is found inside the beehive. If eaten, mail over a blue tunic. All wear steel hel-
heeth: has three glowing spots.
the honey a m as nne half-strength potion of mets. and each man’s face is covered by a
healing, curing 1.4 points of damage. All the
The thiree beetles are fue beetles (AC 4: HD golden mask. All their masks are the same.
honey in the hive is needed to cure one charac- They show a long-haired. bearded man
1+2:h1p6each;MV40’:#ATl;D2-8;Save ter of 1-4points of damage.
F1: ML7: ALN). Each beetle hasthreeglands with a stern gaze.
that glow and give off light for a 10’radius.
The glilnds will continue to glow for 1-6days The five men belong to the Brotherhood of
after they are removed. The beetles are hun- Gorm(AC5; F1; hp I each; MV20’;#AT 1; D
gry and will attack if disturbed. The entire floor of this room is covered 1-8; Save F1: MI 8: ALL). The Brotherhood
This room holds spare parts far the machin- with grccn, wzing slime. Otherwise the of Gorm controls rooms 11, 12, and 24.
ery inside the statues. There are also several room appears to be empty. If the party docs not attack. the men may
large, covered, clay pots. These pots held oil ask them to join the Brotherhood, The DM
to lubnicate the machinery. Ihe oil has almost The green oozing slime (AC n/a: HD 2*;hp may decide this or roll 2d6. A roll of 9-12
evaporated over the centuries, even through 9: MV 1‘: #AT 1; D special; Save F1; ML 12; means the party will be asked to join. A roll of
though the pots were sealed. The party can AL N). Green slime can only he hurt by fue or 6-8 means the party membcn may join, but


will not be asked. A roll of 2-5 means the There is a secret trapdoor behind one of the
Brothers will assume the characters are thieves beds in the southeast comer of the room. If
or spies and attack or drive them away. Only the party attack and is winning, Kanadius (Dungeon level 2)
male fighters, dwarves, haMings. and elves of may try to escape through this door. It leads
The second level of the dungeon consists of
Lawful alignment may become full members, down into the secret chamber next to room 24
Tier 3 and Tier 4 of the pyramid. Tier 3
but any character may become a lesser mem- on Tier 3. Unless their morale fails. the Broth-
includes rooms 13-24. The third tier contains
ber. Characters who want to join the Bmther- ers will fight ro help Kanadius cscape.
the headquarters for the Brotherhood of
hood will be taken to room 12. If Kanadius is attacked and escapes. the
DM may create a special encounter for later in
Gorm.the Magi of Usamigm, and the War-
If fightin;! starts, the Brothers of Gorm in rior Maidens of Madarua. These can become
room 12 will hear the fighting and rush to the adventure. The encounter would be with “safe” areas for characters who join these
help their f d o w Brothers. Kanadius and a dozen Brothers of Gorm who
groups. Tier 4 includes rooms 25-40. It holds
This room contains the Brothers’ equip- try to revenge their fellows. The special
the burial chambers of King Alexander,
ment, including food and water. The only encounter would replace a wandering monster Queen Zenobia and many important court
treasure is the Brothen’ masks, which are encounter, or it could happen at some place officials from their time.
worth I00 gp each. the DMchooses. The Revolving Passage. The central area is
Thii area contains the equipment of the the most unusual feature of the third tier. It
Ila. STATUE OF M R M Brothers, including food and water. The houses a passage on a turntable. A machine-
Brothers’ masks are worth 100 g p and Kana- like system of weights and counter-weighu
At the end of the corridor you see a glitter- dius’ fancy helmet is a helm ofrelepadq usa- makes the passage turn.
ing statue. The statue appears to be a ble three times each day. On the wall inside each of the revolving
smaller version of the bearded man wield- If the party does not attack: the Brothers in passage is a row of eight buttons. They match
ing a lighining bolt you saw on top of the this room may ask them to join (scc room 11).
the burtons in the halls. When one of the
ovramid. This happens if the DM rolls a 9-12 on 2d6. If inside buttons is pressed. that end of the pas-
this is the fim time the party has met the sage will swing clockwise to line up with the
The statue :may appear at first to he made of Brothers, the Brothers may become suspicious proper hall.
gold. Actu;dly it is a wooden statue painted and attack (a 2d6 mll of 2-5). They stay neu- A door to the central area will open only if
with golderi paint. It is man-sized and firmly tral on a roll of 6-8. the revolving passage is lined up with it. Next
set into a heavy stone base. This statue of Before any charaners actually join. Kana- to each door to the revolving passageway is a
Gorm has no g p value. dius will secretly test their sincerity with the button with a symbol on it. When the buttom
helm of relepathp As DM. ask the player is pressed, the passage swings clockwise to line
whether his or her character is sincere. Make it up with the door. making faint grinding nois-
BROTHENHOOD OF M R M clear that you, as DM, may forbid the charac- es. If the passage is already lined up with the
ter to take certain acdons later that go against dwr, nothing happens.
what the olaver decides now. Then ask for the
The rooni has three double bunk beds _ I

player’s decision.
along the walls. Six men stand around the Wandering Monsters
Onlv male fiehters. dwarves, haMings, and
room talking. All wear chain mail armor elves of Lawfur alignment may become full Wandering monsters are encountered on a roll
over blue tunics. Each man also wears a members of the Brotherhood of Gorm. They of 1 on ld6. Check for wandering monsters
steel helmet and a golden mask. The will be taken to rwm 24 on Tier 3 for a simple onceevcry2gameturns. Roll IdSon thewan-
masks look lie a long-haired, bearded initiation ceremony run by Kanadius. Other dering Monster Table: level 2 table for the
man with a stem caze. characters, if accepted as lesser membcrs, will monster encountered. or choose one.
he given a necklace with a small golden mask
Five of the men are Brothers of Gorm (AC 5; of Gorm attached (worth 20 gp). Bat, Giant. Giant bars “sce” by echo-location
F1; hp 5 each; M v 20’; #AT 1; D 1-8; Save F1; Regular members will be given tunics, (like radar). One of the giant bats encoun-
ML 8; AL I.).The tallest. oldest man is Kana- masks,and any normal armor or weapons they tered is a giant m p k e bat. Any character
’; dius, the Grand Master of the Brotherhood of might need. The Brotherhod has another bitten by this bat must save vs. Paralysis or fall
Gorm (AC 4; F3; h p 25; #AT 1 at + I ; D 1- stronghold deep io the underground city. unconscious for 1-10 rounds. Any character
8+1; SaveF3; ALL; S 14,112, W9, D 12, C Extra masks and necklaces are stored there. It killed by the bite of a giant vampire bat must
10,Ch 12). He wean a fancier helmet. He also will take about halfa day for a messenger to go save vs. Spells or become an undead creature
gives all Brothers a morale of 9 when they are to the stronghold and return with extra masks 24 hours after death. The DM chooses which
with him. and necklaces. While the party Waits, the uodead creature the victim will become.
Kanadius is stern-looking but basically Brothers of Gorm will aid the parry against Brotherhood of Gorm. This encounter will
kindly. Hc prefers to out-maneuver oppo- wandering monsters. The DM may also treat he with a parry of the Brothers of Gorm travel-
nents, hut is brave if fighting is necessary. He the Brotherhood’srooms as “safe” (free from ing to their shrine in room 24. For more
is somewhat abscnt-minded with unhport- wandering monsters). The party can m t , details about the Brothers see rooms 11 and
ant details, but not with major ones. He leads rcmemorizc spells, and so on if they stay long 12.
his men ra.ther than orders them. Under his enough. Cynidicean. See the encounters givcn
leadership. morale is high. under “Cynidicean” in the New Monsters sec-
Ifthe party ana& the Brothers in room 11 tion or make up new ones.
will tush to the aid of their fellow Brothers.


Hn8bgnhlin.These are on a mission for the KEYTOTIER3 hide this under a pleasant manner. While he
Priesci of Zargoo (capturing prisoners. raiding will welcome the patty, he will also do his best
another faction, or so on). 13. ABANDONED CEREMONIAI to insure that he, personally. retains the most
Malgi of Usamipras. This is a party of Magi CHAMBER power in the cult. However, if it comes to a
tra+ng to their shrine in room 14.For more choice hetween the Magi of Usamigaras or the
detiik about the Magi, see room 14. This room is a tuhcd chapel of some kind. personal power of Auriga Sirkioos. he will
Rack Baboon. Rock baboons are larger, Tattered tapestties hang from the walls. A choose personal power.
more intelligent versions of normal baboons. dusty altar along the north wall is covered If the parry attacks the twelve first level
They will eat anything, hut prefer meat. Rock with a rotted altar cloth. The candlesticks, magic-users each have a different spell. Each
baboons do nor make twls but use bones or offering bowl, and holy symbol on the has one of the twelve first level spells listed in
branches as clubs. They are ferocious and have altar are carved out afwood. The holy sym- the D&D Basic rules: charm person, detect
vicious tempers. These are hunting for food. bol looks like an eye. Next to the altar you magic, floating disc, hold portal, light, magic
Snake, Spitting Cobra. A spitting cobra is a see a 6‘ long lizard with wide flaps of skin missile,protection from evil, read languages,
3’ lon,g, grayish-white snake that can squirt a hetween its leas. readmagic, shield, sleep, and ventriloquism.
streaniofvenomadistanceof6’. Itaimsforits Auriga Sirkinos has the spells derccr magic,
victim’s eyes. If the venom hits, the victim The giant lizard is a Draco (AC I ; HD 4+ 2; hold portal, and phantasmal force. Those
must save vs. Poison or he blinded. While the hp 20; M V 40’.fly 70’;#AT 1; D 1-10; Save with attack spells will cast them at‘the party.
snake will usually spit its venom, it may bite F3; ML 7: AL N). Behind the altar is the Those with defensive spells will cast them. All
insteaqj. If a victim is bitten, he or she must remains of a human thief. The body has a full will attack the patty hand-to-hand, though
save vi;. Poison or die. (Note on Blindness. In canteen and a sack containing 400 g p and 2 Auriga will tun through the door and cast
the D&D Basic tules, a blinded character can gems, each worth 100 gp. The candlesticks, hold pond on it if things are going badly.
attack at -4.T h e DM may create special ways howl and holy symbol are made from rare Hidden inside the stone altar is a secret
to curt blindness. For example, the DM might teakwood. They are worth 50 gp, 21 gp, and compartment. It is protected by a poison nee-
allow washing the victim’s eyes with holy 25 gp respectively. dle trap (save VI. Poison or die). Anyone who
water, then casting a cure light wounds spell tries to open the compartment without find-
on thevictim. Thecurespellwould not restore 14.THE MAGI OF USAMIGARAS ing and removing the trap will trigger it.
any loiit hit points if it was used to heal hlind- Inside the compartment is a mace + I and a
This corridor has been painted black with tiny wand of magic detecrioo with 1charges. The
ness. Instead of being immediately cured, white stm to resemble the night sky. The door
sight might return in 1-6 turns.) silver masks are worth 20 gp each and the
on the north wall to chamber 14a is iron and crown is worth 200 gp. Each magic-user also
Warrior Maidens of Madam. This party of has a star carved into it. If the party opens the
Warrior Maidens is traveling to their shrine in has a silver dagger worth 30 gp.
door, a hell will begin to ring. If the parq doesn’t attack: they may learn
room :13.
DM NOTE: The outcome of an encounter that the Magi of Usamigaras is another cult
14%.THE CHAMBER OF THE MAGI trying to restore the lost glory of Cynidicca.
with one of the three factions often depends
on previous encounters. For cxample, charac- All current members are Cynidiceans, but the
ters who have joined the Brotherhood of Magi are willing to let outsiders join in. The
Gorm, and are wearing its masks or necklaces, room hangs a large tapestry showing the DM can decide this or roll 2dG. On a roll of 9-
will likely find a group of Warrior Madens major constellations. You have interrupted 12 the party members will he asked to join.
unfriendly, if not openly hostile. a rcligious service. Thirteen figures in On a roll of 6-8 the party members may join,
rainbow-colored robes and silver masks but will not he asked to. On a roll of 2-5 the
REVONDIG PASSAGEWAY SYMBOLS stand in front of a stone, star-shaped altar. p;up! will be attacked or driven off as enemies
The masks match the face of the middle or spies from one of the other cults. Subtract 3

s -- 2 Statue on the pyramid, the winged child.

The center-most figure of the group w e m
a silver crown.
from the roll if the party shows any signs of
belonging to one of the other groups (such as
wearing a mask of Gorm). Add 2 to the roll if
the parry can convince the Magi that the party

sw -- \ The worshippers are the Magi of Usamigaras

(AC 9: MI; hp 3 each; MV40’;#AT 1; D 1-4:
Save MI: ML 8; AL N). Twelve of them are
first level magic-usets. The one wearing the
has defeated members of another cult.
Only magic-users. clves, thieves, and clerics
may become full members. Other classes may
only become lcsscr members. Full member
silver crown is Auriga Sirkinos, Chief Mage of will hc initiated by placing their right hand os
Usamigaras (AC 9; M3: hp 10;MV 40’; #AT the center of the altar. palm down. They the-
w -- ;3 1; D 1-4;S9.118. W 10,D 12, C 10, Ch 15).
Each Mage has silver lines forming a small star
recite the pledge: “I, (ctiaracter s name), c
hereby pledge to serve and obey the gre:’17
symbol on the palm of his or her right hand. Usamigaras.” When he c>rshe says the “ai,,
Stout Auriga Sirkinos appears to be jolly “Usamigaras,”a five-pairited star will be my
and fun-loving. His mirth actually hides a ically burned into the ctiaracter’s palm. F
Nw-- f; SE - tuthless personality. He is a fanatic who will members will he given silver masks, dag@ ,
do anything to promote the cult of Usami- and rainbow-colored rob,3.
g a m and his own powct. He tries his best to Lesser members will nNot he initiated, ,ut


will bc given a silvcr ring carved with Usami- or choke to death wirhin 6 rounds. There is statue (the Magi recharge the statue whcn ncc-
gara's face. The robes, masks, daggers, and nothing of value in the crates. cssaty).
rings are kept in a stronghold in the under-
ground cicr. It will take about half a day for 17a. WATER TRAP 1%.STOREROOM
them to be fetched. While thc party waits, the
When a human-sized character crosses the
Magi will aid thcm against wandering mon- The room is filled with crates and barrels.
room, the DM rolls ld6. On a roll of 1 or 2,
sters, and will provide food and drink. Thc the trap is sprung. Both doors slam shut and Four large brown beetlcs, each about 3'
DM may nwkc this a "safe" area. water pours into the 10' x 10' area from vcnts long, are brcaking into thcm.
high up in the walls. Unless the uappcd char-
15. QUARTERS FOR THE MAGI OF acter forces opcn a door within three tries, or The bcctlcs are oil beetlcs (AC 4; HD 2'; hp
USAMIGAUS 9;MV40';XAT1+ oil;D1-6;SaveFl;ML8;
thinks of some way to breathe, he or she will
drown. AL N). Oil bectlcs can squirt an oily fluid at
This room contains six double bunkbeds. Once the room fdls with water, contcalcd one victim up to I' away. If the oil hits, it
At the f w t of each bunkbed arc two wood- drainsintheflooropen. Thewaterdrainsout. raises painful blisters, causing the victim to
cn chests. The room looks clean and well and the trap automatically resets. If a charac- fight with a penalty of - 2 on his or her "to
kept. ter opens thc door to room 18 while the watcr hit" rolls until a CUR light wounds spell is
is pouring in, the wafcr will rush into room uscd or until 24 hours have passed. If the spcll
The woodcn chests arc foot locken. They con- 18. The water will ovemm the basket and is uscd to cure the blisters, it will not also curc
tain spare robes and various penonal belong- free the pit vipers inside it (see room 18), then poinrs of damage. Oil beetlcs also have a bite
ings, but nothing of great value. Thc fmt disappear down concealed drains. attack.
level Magi in room 14 stay here whcn away The cratcs arc filled with dried food and the
from their faction's Lost City stronghold. 18. SECRET ROOM casks are filled with wine. This food was
recently stored here by thc Magi of Usami-
16. QUARTERS FOR THE CHIEF MAGE garas and is edible. As long as thc crates and
This room looks empty except for a large
OP USAMIGARAS wicket basket in the middle of the room. casks havc not been broken open by the bce-
des. the food and wine will be good, even if

1 I
This is a comfortable-looking bedroom the crate or barrel has been sprayed with the
Coiled atop the pile of treasure in the basket beetles' oil.
that shcNwws signs of recent occupation. are two I' long pit vipers (AC 6; HD 2'; hp 9
Chained to the foot of the bcd is a gray each; MV 30'; #AT 2; D 1-4 + poison; Save
wolf. The wolf growls whcn the door is 20. ABANDONED CEREMONIAL
F1; ML 7; AL N). Thc bite of these snakes is CHAMBER
opened. poisonous. Pit vipers always attack first. due
to their quickness. No initiative roll is necdcd.
The wolf(AC 7; HD 2 + 2 ; hp 11; MV 60'; The wicker basket contains 3000 sp and I This room looks like a mined chapel. It has
#ATl;D1-6;SaveFI;ML6;ALN)wascap- gems (10 gp, IO gp. 100 gp, 100 gp, and IO0 been looted and deliberately wrecked. The
sone altar has been smashed. and no cer-
tured as a cub and has becn traincd to act as a
watch dog:. It is guarding the personal funds
a). emonial equipment can be secn. The word
of Auriga Sirkinos: 2500 sp and 200 gp kept in 19. SHIFIWG WALL "Zargon" has been scrawled on one wall in
large letters.

a locked metal chest under the bed.
At the end of thisshott corridor is an 8' tall
17. ABMiLlONED STOREROOM This cercmonialchamber of the old Immortals
bronze statue of a winged child with two
of Cynidicea was wrecked by the followers of
snakes twined around its body. It holds a
Zargon centuries ago. Except for thc wreck-
wand in one hand and a handful of coins in
these are empty, but some contain old age. the room is empty.
the other. The statue looks firmly connect-
r s . The shelves are covcred with dust ed to the wall.
I a .vile-looking yellow fungus that
ws in large. thick clusters. This statue of Usamigaras is hollow and hides A 20' long section of the floor in the southem
a shifting wall. If the wand is pulled left, the part of the room has been hinged to swing
ThC yellow fungus is ycllow mold (AC n/a; wall shifts westward to the cnd of the hall. It down to the west when anyone steps on it. It
HD 2 per 10 square feet; hp 9 per 10 squarc
~ will block the last 10' scction of the hall. Thc swings slowly down to rest against a ramp in
cct; MVO; #ATl;DI+b+sporcs;SaveF2; wall will stay there for 3 turns, then move back room 38. The hingcd floor section is the
111n,/a;ALN).Themoldcovers shclves along to its original position. entrance to Tier 4. Characters can walk down
\'I four walls. Each 10' square of the room has If the wand is pulled right. the statuc will the floor section into room 38.
,HJJ worth of mold covering it. Hence, there breathe out a doud of choking gas. The gas
IIC six separatc sections of mold. each with 9 cloud coven the 30' length of thc corridor. 21. ARCH OF THE WARRIOR MAIDENS
~ pYello,wmold
. canonly be killed byfuc. Ifit Anyone who stays in the area will rake 1 point
is touched, there is a 50% chance the mold of damage per round from the gas. Youxetwo 1O'tallstatuesofwomenfight-
"ill shoot out a 10' X 10' X 10' cloud of The gas will disappear after 2 turns (120 ers. The fighters wear masks with the face
spores. Anyone caught in the cloud takes 1-6 rounds). There is only one gas charge in thc
points of damage and mnst save vs. Death Ray


stone block that falls from thc ceiling. The All other charactcn may only bccomc Iescr
stone block will not fall if the key is used or the members.
The two statues stand with spean out- lock is successfully picked. The stonc block Characters wanting to hecomc full mcm-
stretched to form an arch. The only way docs 2-12 points of damage. The Warrior bers will undcrgo a short initiation ceremony.
down the corridor appem to he in single Maidens in rwm 23 will hear any loud noises Thc character draws her sword and pricks one
file under the crossed spcm. in this room (see room 2la). The treasure of of her fingers with it. She smem thc blood
the Warrior Maidens of Madarua is 600 cp, from herfingcr on thesword blade. The sword
Just beyond the arch formed by the spean is a 1000 gp. and 300 pp. is then placed on the altcr of Madarua. Thc
hidden pressure plate in the floor. Each time character swem to uphold the honor of Mada-
someone steps on the plate, a hidden chime 23. WARROR MAIDENS OF MADARUA ma, even with her own blood if necessary.
rings in room 23. The chime warns the War. Finally, a small sickle is branded on the inside
rior M:aidcns that someone is approaching the Ten women are seated around a table. of the initiate's left wrist. Full members will
shrine and reveals how many are in the parry. Thcy all wear bronze chain mail over grcen he given bronze masks and green robes.
tunics. Each woman's facc is covered by a Lesser members will not he initiated. They
21a. THE CHAMBER OF MADARUA bronze mask of thc face of thc woman will hc given a bronze bracclct showing Mada-
The door to this room is locked. If the patty whose statue is atop the pyramid. tua's face. The bracelets, robes, and masks arc
cannot unlock the door, it can hc battered kept in a stronghold in the underground city.
down in 1 turn. If the door is battered down, The womcn are all Warrior Maidens of Mada- It will take about half a day for thcm to bc
the Wurior Maidens in room 23 will come to ma. Seven are 1st level fighters (AC 5: F1;hp fetched. While thc party wain, the Warrior
investigate. 5eacb:MV20';RAT1:Dl-8;SaveFl;ML8: Maidens will aid them against wandering
AL N). Two arc 2nd level (AC 5 hp: hp 9: MV monsters. Food and drink will hc provided,
20': #AT 1: D 1-8:SaveFZ). Theleaderofthe and this may he a "safe" area.
Near the northeast corner of this rwm is an
altar covered with a green and whitc cloth. Warrior Maidens is Pandora, Madarua's
Champion. thc tallest and oldest of the wom- 24. DOOR TRAP
On the altar sirs a 3' tall statue of a woman
holding a sword and a sheaf of wheat. To en (AC I: F3: hp 20: MV 20'; #AT 1at + 3: D
each side of the statue hums a large whitc 1-8+3;ALNS17,112,W11,D12.Cl~,Ch
candle. In front of the altar itself, incense 14). She wields a sword + I , has a + 2 bonus dor. B c door has three lightning bolts
burn!; in thrce small braziers. White drapes in combat from Strcngth, and raiscs the engraved on it.
hang on all thc walls and the floor is cov- morale of thc Warrior Maidens ro 9. She also
ered by a green carpet. The room is dust- carries the key to thc treasure vault in m m The door guards the ceremonial chamber of
free and has been scrubbed clean. Except 22. Gorm (room24a.). When anyonecomes with-
for the ceremonial equipment, the room Pandora prides herself on being a simple in 10' of the door, it glows with a crackling
appem empty. fighter. She c l a i m that swift action is the hcst blue light. The door is locked. Once the words
solution to a n y problem. "When in doubt, "By thc Immortal Gorm" ate spoken, the
The Warrior Maidcos of Madarua keep their attack" she often says. Actually shc is more door stops glowing and it is safe to enter. Any-
shrine ,clean, with candles and incense hurn- subtle than shc leads people to believe. She one who touches the door without saying the
ing all !year round. From tiny holes in the wall, always keeps track of the odds. Whilc she proper words automaticallytakes 1-4points of
hidden by the white cloth hanging. the War- often uses force to settle problems, she tries to electrical damacc while twinc to Dick the
rior Miidens in room 23 can hear any loud make sure that the odds are with her. Shc lock.
noises. The sound carries through room 22, raises the morale of any Warrior Maidens she is
which also has been fitted with listening with to 9. 24a. THE CEREMONIAL CHAMBERS OF
holes. The Warrior Maidens will investigate If the p a q doesn't ana&: they may find GoRhl
any loud noises. If any party member has des- that the Warrior Maidens of Madarua are
another group trying to restore the lost glories
ecrated the shrine, the Warrior Maidens will
attack. of Cynidicca. All the current members are have been painted sky blue. A golden mar-
Cynidicean female fightcrs, but they are will- hlc altar, surrounded by golden candlc-
22. TREASURE ROOM OF THE WARRIOR ing to take outsiders as mcmhers. The DM holders and braziers, rests along the
may decide or roll 2d6. On a roll of 9-12 parry middlc of the east wall. On top of the altar
members will be asked to join. On a roll of 6-8 is a small stone statue of a bearded man
thc pmy may join. hut will not be askcd. On throwing a lightning bolt. Next to the
The rcmm appcan to hc empty cxcept for a a roll of 2-5, the parry will be attacked or driv-
large stone vault in the middle of the east statue rcsrs a golden howl.
en off as enemies and spies. Subtract 3 from
wall. The vault has a kcyhole. It looks like the roll if any characters show signs of belong-
the stone slabs that make up the vault arc These are the ceremonial chambers of Corm.
ing to another group. Add 2 to the roll if thc No non-members arc allowed in this rwm.
too hcavy to he moved. party proves that &cy have defeated another New members of the Brotherhwd are initi-
Nlt. ated here. The initiation is simple. The char-
The stone vault contains the treasure of the Female fighten, female dwarves. female acta dresses in a white robe and ritually
Warrior Maidens. It is trapped. Any character halflings, and female elves can become full washcs his hands in thc bowl (which contains
standing in front of the keyhole who tries to members of the Warrior Maidens of Madarua. water). He draws his weapon and kneels
open the vault and fails will he hit by a large

~~ ~

before Gorm's altar. He then swears, in Law. 26. TOMB ANNEX

to uphold the ideals of the Brotherhood and to kings and queens. In the center of the
to promote the worship of Gorm. Finally, the The floor of t h i s long, narrow room has a room lies a wooden coffm. Large holes have
new member receives a tattoo of a blue light- red and white checkerboard pattern of 2' k e n w w e d in the sides of the coffi.
ning bolt on his right shoulder.

X 2' squares. Court scenes are painted on

The sectet door in the west wall conceals a the nonh and south walls. In the east wall. The holes in the coffin and the door have been
ladder up to room 12 on Tier 2. there is a 2' high opening at floor level near gnawed by 3 giant shrews (AC 4; HD l*;hp 4
the routhcast comer. each hW30'; RAT2; D 1-611-6; Save El: ML
KEYTOTIER4 IO; AJ. N). The giant shrews have made the
Room 26 is the annex to the burial chambers coffin their lair. The coffi is empty except for
Tier4 holds the burial chambers of King Alex- the giant shrews. The body and any treasurc
ander, Queeo Zcnobia. and major nobles, of King Alexander and Queen Zenobia. This
corridor was kept open when the pyramid was have been stolen.
clerics. arid others who lived during their The giant shrews have burrowed through a
reign. built in order to bring in the bodies of the
king and queen. After the funerals, the corri- weak spot in the door and use the hole as an
exit when they go hunting in the pyramid cor-
25. NOBLEMAN'S BURMI ROOM dor was sealed from the outside.
Like bats. giant shrews depend on sound
This room has scenes ofwarfare painted 00 "echoes" to "see:' As soon as the giant shrews
the walls. It also has a large wooden sar- Three pendulum blades are hidden in the sense anything nearby, they will attack.
cophagus standing upright along the south ceiling. If a character walks into any of the Because of their quickness, they always gain
wall. Painted on the outside of the sar- three marked squares, roll ld6. On a roll of 1 initiative on the first attack, and are + 1 on
cophagus is the picture of a warrior in the nap is triggered. Victims caught in the initiative far the second attack. Thcit ferocity
armor. Squatting 00 each side of the s a - trap, or characters who try to run through the is so great that any character of third level or
cophqus is a large ape with white fur. swinging blades, will be unhurt if they roll less attacked by them must save vs. Death Ray
their dexterity score or lower on id20. Those or run away in fear. A silence, 15' spell will
These twci creatures are white apes (AC 6; HD who fail each take Id10 points of damage. blind them.
4;h p 18 each; M y 40'; #AT 2; D 1-4/1-4; The pendulum shafts are covered with a sticky
Save FZ; ML 7; AL N). The white apes have green goo that lmks likc green slime. The g m 27a. TRAP DOOR
made this room their lair. When the room is harmless. The blades will swing for one
door is opened. the apes will beat their chests tum, then automatically reset. In the middle of the floor at this point is a
and threaten the party. If their threats are Special 10' square ceiling blocks were large stone slab with a bronze ring bolted
ignored, ithey will attack. designed to fall and block the passage after deeply into it.
White apes sometimes throw rocks for ld6 the burials. The 2' high opening in the east
points of damage each. These have gathered a wall was formed when one block failed to fall The slab is a trap door. When the trap door is
p l e n t h l supply of rocks IO defend their lair. all the way. A 2' high crawl-space remains opened the party will see an iron ladder lead-
Inside the sarcophagus is a mummified between the floor and the bottom of the ing down to room 44 on Tier I.
body wearing full plate armor and holding a block. The block looks like it will fall no fur-
sword. The sword is a magical sword + 1. ther. But the party cannot be sure. The DM 28. HIGH PRIEST'S B U W ROOM
should increase the tension by telling the par-
25a. GHOSl" HAUNTS t y that they hear creaking noises coming from The door to this room is scorched, as is the
the stone block as they are crawling under- end of the corridor. The outline of a man-
As you walk down the corridor, the shim- neath it. sized humanoid form is etched into the
The next obstacle the pany must overcome
mering, ghostlike figures of a man and a scorched wall section. The door to the
woman appear before yon. They are are two stone blacks that cracked into tubble rmm is slightly open, but not enough to
when they fell. It wfif take the party a full turn see into the room.
dressed in costly clothing, and both wear
to clear away enough rubble so they can go
golden CIOWN.The man raises his hand
and gestures for you to stop. The man-sized outline is that of a ghoul. The
"Go 00 further," he warns. "lest the
The final obstacle is a narrow, twisting cor-
ridor, wide enough for but one person at a ghoul was blasted to ashes when it accidently
curse of King Alexander overtake you!" triggered the magical trap guarding the door.
"I am Queen Zenobia," the woman rime, The corridor was formed when several
stone blocks fell crookedly. Now that the trap has been triggered, the
says. "Turn back; only death awaits you!" door can bc opened safely.
The shiromering figures of King Alexander Along the walls are paintings of a priest
nd Qncen Zenobia are haunts. Characten Thc door to this room has a 2' wide hole performing ceremonies. On a raised dais in
rho see the haunts must save vs. Spells or try gnawed in it near the floor. the middle of thc room lies an open bronze
j run away io fear. The fear lasts for 1-4 t u r n . sarcophagus. Here. three hideous, beast-
.le haunts are otherwise harmless. Since they Painted on the walls of thisroom are scenes like humanoids are tearing a mummified
ve no ireal physical existence, haunts cannot of a throne room with a man giving advice body *Dart with their sham claws.
t. hurt by physical attack or spells.


The three crcatures are ghouls (AC 6; HD 2;; ~

This is not the real tomb of King Alcxandcr

hp 9 rach; MV 30’: #AT 3; D 1-3 all: Save F2; against the west side of the south wall. and Qucen Zcnohia. This is a fake tomb to
ML 9 AL C). Any non-elf Creature hit by a Grouped around the mummy are nine f w l grave robbers. The bodics insidc thc sar-
ghoul must makc a save vs. Paralyzation or be skeletons holding swords, also at atten- cophagi are actually those of royal slaves. The
paralyzed. Tossed inside thc sarcophagus are a tion.
real burial chambets of the king and queen are
jewekd necklace worth 1500 gp and two jew. rooms 32 and 34.
eled bracelets each worth 600 gp. Thc ghouls The mummified body is one of thc guard cnp- The sarcophagi are made of wood, paintcd
have stripped them from the body and thrown tains from the reign of King Alexander. It is to look l i e gold. The chests contain small
them away. not an undead monster and its armor and i t e m a king and queen might nccd in the
weaDons are normal. The skeletons arc aftcrlife. All the items have hcco ritually
29. EMBALMING ROOM undLdmonsters(AC7;HD 1: hp4each:MV “killed” (brokcn, ripped. or smashed) just
20’: #AT 1; D 1-6: Save F1: ML 12: AL C). like the largcr items littcring the floor. The
This room contains several large tables. They will attack the party as,n as ;he ch&- piles of bones arc the remains of royal slaves
Around thc walls are a number of large jan acters enter and will fight until destroyed. and royal animals killed after the funeral.
and ‘casks. There is a bin in the northwest There is no trcasure here. Four chests apparcntly contain 5000 sp.
6000 gp, 3000 ep. and 2000 pp. In the sar-
32. QUEEN ZENOBWS BURIAL cophagi are 50 gems and 12 pieces of jewclry.
This nom was used for embalming (preparing CHAMBER All coins and treasure are cheap counterfeits.
bodies for b u d ) . Concealed in the room are 5 The actual valuc of all the items in the room is
shadow (AC 7; HD 2*; hp 11 each; MV 30’: only 410 gp. Dwarves or thieves will notice
#ATl;D1-4 + dolinstrength:SaveF2:ML12: oblong box made from stone slabs l i e in thai the gems. jewcls. and coins are fake on a
ALC). They will surprise the party on arollof 1- the center of the room. Written in several roll of 1-5 (on ld6, one roll only). If thc party
5 on ld6. Thcse intekgent ghost-like U C Z N ~ ~ F languages on the side of the box arc the does not have a dwarf or a thief, they will only
1ookWi:erealshadows.Ifashadowscoresahit,it words: “May the curse of darkness destroy notice the deception on a roll of 1-3.
will drain 1 point of Strength in addition to all who dare desecrate my resting place:’ If the party taps on the walls (using a ham-
doing normal damage. This weaknes will last 8 The box is 3’ high, 7’ long, and 3’ wide. mer. woodcn pole, or some similar object)
turn. ,Shadows cannot be affmcd hy deep or they will notice hollow sounds where the
&ann spells. They can only bc hit by magical The stone box contains the wooden coffi of secret doors open into the bidden corridors. If
weaptu. Ifthe party has no magical weapons, it Queen Zenohia. If the coffm is opeocd, the the party cannot open the secret doors, they
is suggested that the DM let thcm m away after party will find that Zcnohia is now a wight can try to break them down. This will take 6
the fmt shadow attack. The shadows will not (AC 5; HD 3*: hp 24: MV 30’; #AT 1; D turns plus ld6 turns. The DM should hint by
leave this room. energy drain: Save F3; ML 12: AL C). She will description that the party is making progress
If the party destroys the shadows they can attack on sight (roll initiative normally). A (though slowly) until they finally break in.
search the room. The jm and casks are filled wight can only be hit by silvered or magical The DM should describe all the noise the par-
with various spices used in embalming. The weapons. Each hit by the wight drains one ty is making as well. Wandering monstcrs are
spices have hccn stored in this room so long level of experience (including one hit die) rolled for normally
that they are now worthless. The bin is fdled from the victim. The queen’s chamber once
with rotten h c n winding cloths. Underneath contained a treasure trove. Howevcr. the only 34. KING ALEXANDER’S BWUAJ.
the rottcn linen is a potion of invisibility and a treasure left is the jeweled crown she wem CHAMBER
chest filled with 3000 sp. (1000 gp) and her sceptrc (actually a wand of
paralyzation with 8 charges). Sincc becoming Thc walls of thii room are bare. In the cen-
30. LADY-IN-WAITING BURIAL ROOM a creature of darkncss. she has forgotten how ter of the room is an oblong box made
to use the wand. from stone slabs. Suddenly, rising out of
A white ivory coffin lies in a niche in the the stone box is a translucent, ghost-like
east wall. Painted on the walls are scenes 33. FALSE TOMB figure. The pale figure has glowing rcd
from court life, focusing on the life of eyes and a large. dark mouth.
ladies-in-waitingto Qucen Zcnobia. This room contains two large sarcophagi.
Both gleam with golden highlights. One Thc rranrluccnt, ghost-like figure IS a wallrng
The coffin is empty. Except for the coffin, the sarcophagus is marked “Alexander,” the fcv IAC 3 , HD 5 ‘ . h p 26. MV IO’, RAT I . D
r w m is empty. other is markcd “Zcnobia.” Surrounding wailfor 1-4: SavcF>;-ML12; ALC). Thcwail-
the sarcophagi are a number of large wwd- ing fcy is a new monster. A wailing fey is a
31. GUARD C W S BWUAJ. ROOM en chests. The rwm is littered with broken supernatural creaturc that warns certain fami-
objects: two smashed thrones. a broken lies of an approaching death or mourn for
chariot, smashed potrery, broken weapons, certain individuals after their deaths. Wailing
A mummified human in plate armor and and tom clothing. Piles of bona cover the feys can only be hit by magical weapons or
holding a halberd stands at attention floor. 00 the walls is a mosaic showing harmed by magical spclls.
famous events from the reign of King The wailing fey is guarding King Aleran-
Alexander and Qucco Zcnobia. der’s gravc. It attacks by wailing. The DM
should describe the wailing fey’s piercing wail

and tell the party they can feel an icy dearh- toward them), the DM should let the party
like chill. Then the DM should roll initiative. comer of the room. Rustling and faint escape after a close shave-into the room or
If the party wins initiative and N ~ out S of squeaking noises seem to come from the around a comet. The DM should describe the
range, they take no damage. Otherwise, all rolling boulder as graphically as possible:
individuals within 30’ of the wailing wailing crashing sounds echoing down the corridor.
fey take an automatic 1-4 points of damage Ten 3’ long. gray rats have made a nest in the stone chips flying where the boulder smashes
per rpund from the wailing attack. If the party cornerofthcroom. Thescaregiantrats(AC7; against the wall, the corridor floor shaking
can gapuciide the room, and close the door HD 1/2; hp 2 each; MV40’; #AT 1; D 1-3 + from the force of the boulder, etc. Thc
between’themselves and the wailing fey. they disease; SaveNM;MLS;ALN). Eachgiantrat encounter should be exciting, but not deadly.
will be safe i:even ifstill within the 30’ range of has a 1 in 20 chance of having a disease. A If the boulder strikes a character, it will do
the wail). The wailing feywill attack as soon as character bitten by a diseased rat must save vs. 3-30 points of damage. The boulder will stop
the tomb door is opened. Poison or be infected. The disease has a 1in 4 after it strikes one character or reaches the end
King Abrxander’s tomb was looted long chance of being fatal in Id6 days. otherwise of the hall.
ago, except for the treasure inside the wooden the character will be sick in bed (no adventur-
coffin (wbi,ch is inside the stone box). King ing) for one month. 3%. NOBLE LADY’SBURIAL ROOM
Alexander .wean a jeweled crown worth 5000 The rats’ nest conceals a small hole in the
gp. He has plate armor + 1 and a sword +2. west wall. This hole is j u t big enough for a A sarcophagus rests on a dais in the center
giant rat to crawl through. It leads to the corri- of the room. The dais is 10’ square. From
35. SLAWS BURIAL ROOM dor to the west. inside the rat’s nest are 300 gp each comer of the dais rises a slender, 6’ tall
and four 100 gp gems. column. The tops of the columns meet the
This room is fded with skeletons.The boner cornets of an arched dome above the sar-
38. JESTERS BURW. ROOM cophagus. On the dais at each end of the
lie in piles on the floor. They cover the floor
so thiddy that it is impossible to walk across The floor from the tier above (ZW)hinges sarcophagus is a brass jar from which
down to meet a ramp in chis room. flames dance. Finally, the walls of this
room are painted with scenes from the life
The skrlctons are the remains of household Painted on the walls of this room are court of a noble lady.
slaves belonging to the various individuals scenes sbowing King Alexander and
buried in !:he pyramid. Upon the deaths of Queen Zenobia being entertained by a The noble lady’s mummified body rests in the
their masters, the slaves were herded together dwarven jester. A small coffm rests in a sarcophagus. The jewelry once worn by the
and killed, then tossed into this room. ?he niche in the east wall and in each comer of corpse has been stolen. The brass jars are bolt-
skeletons am not undead. They are merely the room is a large brass jar. ed to the floor and thcir flames cannot be pur
bones. out. However, behind one of the brass jars Is a
If the lid of the coffin is touched, it will spring small bronze tube. It conrains a piece of
36. CHAMIBERLIN’S BURW. ROOM off. An oversized wooden model of the head parchment. The parchment is a map of the
of the dwmen jester, painted in bright colors, southwestpart of this tier marked with a large
The walls of this room show painted scenes will jump up. The head is attached to a coiled black “X.” The “X” represents the location of
of a man signing documents and organiz- spring l i e a jack-in-the-box. The coffin also the trap door at 27a. The DMcan either make
ing tax collection. A wooden coffm that contains the ashes of the jester. The brass jan a map or guide the party to the trapdoorwhen
has been. smashed open is lying on the look empty, hut any irem pur completely into they get close.
floor. Six pale-skinned humans stand any of them will be instantly teleported into a
around the coffin. They all have wounds large concealed hollow beneath the coffin. 40. MASTER THIEF’S BURIAL ROOM
had enough to kill a normal person. The jars were used by the jester as his mmer
trick, in which he made items disappear to
The six humans are zombies (AC 8;HD 2 ; hp amuse the court. The party can get IO the hol- ter of the room. Next IO the coffin is a
9 each; MV 30’; #AT 1; D 1-8; Save F1; ML low by removing the coffm. worn-like creature. 9’ long and 3’ high. It
12; AL C:I. Zombies are undead. They will has many legs and its mouth is surrounded
atrack tbt. party on sight and fight until 39. ROLLING BOULDER TRAP by eight tentacles. Each tentacle is 2‘ long.
destroyed, always striking last. Zombies are Any character who teaches the west door to
immune to deep and charm spells. The coffin T h e creature is a carrion crawler (AC 7; HD
room 3% will trigger this trap. The wall in the 3 + l*; hp 13; MV 40’; #AT 8; D paralysis;
‘-asalready been looted. north corridor opens and a 10’ wide, round SaveFZ;ML9;ALN). Ahitbyacarrioncrawl-
boulder rolls nut of rhe hidden area. The er paralyzes the victim unless a save vs. Paraly-
j GIANTRATLAIR boulder will roll down the long corridor at 40’

sis is made. The paralysis can be removed by a
pcrround. Whenitstops. itwill block thecor- cure light wounds spell. but any spell so used
T h ~ room
r appears to he empty except for ner near room 40.
an odd-shaped mound in the southwest will have no other cffcct. Without a spell, the
This boulder trap is not meant to kill player paralysis will wear off in 2-8 turns. The jewels
characters, only scare them. Unless the party on the coffin are worth 3000 gp. A search of
does something obviously m p i d ( l i e stand- the body will discover a set of lockpicks.
ing and arguing while the houldct is rolling


A master thief from the reign of King Alex- round. The thouls serve the Pricsu of Zargon. anycreatureof 10HDorless. orany objectup
ander and Queen Zenobia used his skills to They hunt for prisonets to take back to the to 10' x 10' x IO' in size. The polymar will not
steal a place near the King and Queen in the Underground City. have any special abilities, only the shape of
afterlife. He managed to exchange his own the object or creature copied.
coffin for that of the nobleman who was sup- KEYTOTIER5 A close examination will show that the tap-
posed to be buried in this room. estry is not actually made from woven threads.
41. STORAGE ROOM There is a 1 in 6 chance that one of the player
charanen will notice something suspicious,
TIER 5 Shelves line the walls of this room. Stored wen without a close examination ( 2 in 6 ifan
((DungeonLevel Three) on the shelves are items used in religious elf is present). For example. the tapestry will
ceremonies (candles, incense, clerical not move in the hrceze created when the door
The third dungeon level consists of Tier I r o b . etc.). Three huge, fearsomehuman-
(rooms 41-58). This tier, including the pyra- is opened because the polymar is much heavi-
like creatures wearing animal skins have er than a real tapestry. If the polymar is not
mid's: main entrance, is buried under the smashed open a box of candles and are eat-
sand. Hidden in the main entry chamber detected, it will attack with suqxisc.
ing them. The treasure in the locked chest is 3000 gp.
(room 50) is a secret door to a passage leading
to the underground city. a potion of invisibility. chain mail + 1 , and a
The three human-like Creatures are ogres (AC dagger + I .
Wandering Monsters I: H D 4 + 1 ; hp 19each: MV30': #AT 1: D 1-
8 + 2 : Save F4: ML 10; AL C). Ogres are not 44.SECRET ROOM
too bright. They thought the candles looked
Wandering monsters are encountered on a roll Tbc ladder from the trap door at 27 leads
good to cat sn they started eating them. They
of 1 on ld6. Check for wandering monsters down into this room. The toom is empty.
once every 2 turos. Roll Id8 on the Wandering have three huge leather sacks holding IO0 gp,
I00 gp. and 400 gp, a ring offie resistance,
Monster Table: Level 3 table for the type of 45. BEDROOM
and a magic-userielf scroll (continual light,
momter encountered. or choose one.
levitate, read languages).
Tiger Beetle. Tiger beetles are 4' long and lantern, and a wooden holy symbol of two
have striped carapaces that look like tiger intertwined snakes. The furniture is made
skins. They are carnivorous and will attack if of wood. A hooded white robe is draped
hungiy. This room contains three bunk beds. Lying
on them arc humans dressed in bright yel- over the chair. Except for the furniture and
Cynudicean. As usual. the DM may use the the robe. the room amears to be emmv.
encounters given later, or make up a new one. low robes. They wear masks of a hoar, a
This could also he an encounter with members This was once the bedroom of Demetrius, a
of onc of the factions. 6th level cleric. Demetrius was an elder in the
Giant Ant. Giant ants are huge black ants The masked humans are armally dopple-
cult of Usamigans. His twin brother. Darius,
ahout 6' long. When hungry, they will eat gangen (AC I; HD 4*; hp 18 each: MV 30'; was a 6th level cleric in the cult of Zargon.
anything in their path. Funher. once in com- #AT 1; D 1-12; Save F10: ML 10). The dop-
plegangen took the forms of three Cynidi- Years ago, Demetrius vowed to destroy thc
bat, they will fight to the death with no cult of k g o n . especially his evil brother. But
moralme checks. The DM can add a special tun- ceans, then killed the originals. They will try
Demetrius was assassinated before he could
nel to their lair, if desired. to join the party, choosing one victim each.
even hegin his quest.
Tuatara. A tuatara is an 8' long giant lizard When they have achance to do it secretly, they Demetrius made a dying wish that his spirit
that looks like a cross between an iguana and a will change shape to look like the victim, then
live on until D a h was destroyed. The spirit
toad. It has pebble-colored olive skin and try to kill the victim and take his or her place.
of Demetrius now rats in the white robe. Any
white spikes along its back. It is carnivorous They are immune to sleep and cham spells. character touching the rohc must make a save
and attacks when hungry. A tuatara has a The dopplegangets carry 9 gems worth a total vs. Dragon Breath or be taken over by the spir-
membrane over its eyes which, when lowered, of 1500 gp.
it of Demetrius. Demetrius will only possess
gives the giant lizard 90' infravision. thc character long enough to kill Darius (see
Rust Monster. This monster escaped from 43.TREASURE ROOOM room 58.
the M:xgi of Usamigaras. Though outwardly unchanged, the pos-
Thad. A thoul is a magical combination of A slight breeze stin in t h e room when the sessed character is now a 6th level Lawful cler-
a ghoul, a hobgoblin, and a troll (for molls, door is opened. A large, padlocked wood- ic. The character will have Demetrius's
see D&DExpen rules). Thouls look like hob- en chest sits near the north wall of the Wisdom (16). Intelligence (10). and hit
goblins. The party will think these thouls are room. Behind the chest is a huge tapestry poinrs (31). His saving throws will become:
hobgoblins until they attack. In combat. a of a desert scene. DeathRay orPoison = 9, Wands = 8, Turn to
character hit by a thoul must save vs. Paralysis Stone = 12, Dragon Breath = 14, Spells =
or be paralyzed. (This is like a ghoul's touch. The tapestry is actually a new monster, the 10.
wen though thouls are not undead.) A thoul plymar (AC 9: HD 10; bp 45; MV 20'; UAT If Demetrius is reduced to 0 hp. the pos-
regenrrates lost hit p i n t s while it is alive. 3: D 1-6/1-6/1-6; Save FI: ML 10; AL C). A sessed character will die.
After :L thoul is hit, the DM adds 1 to its hit polymar is a semi-intclligent, many-celled
points at the beginning of each combat creature that can reshape its body to look like

Demetrrus has the following spells: or charm spells. The desk has three drawen and a
1st level: cure light wounds, detect evil room. Everything ir covered by a thin layer
laked cabinet. Inside the cabinet are 2WO ep, a
2nd level: bless, hold person of dust. mace + I , and a p i m n potion. Hidden in the
*3rd level: striking cushion of thc plush chair are 18 gems cdch
*4th level: cure serious wounds The statues are actually living iron statues (AC worth 1W gp. The ums and lion head contain
2; HD 4'; hp 18 each; MV Io'; D 1-9/ 1-8 + nothing of value.
(*If uskg the D&D Expert tules only.) special; Savc F4; ML 11; AL N). They will
The DM s:hould allow the player whose char- attack if the p q enten the room and allows 4%. PIT TRAP
acter has been possessed to play Demetrius. the d w r to swing shut. While the door is held
Take the player aside and tell him or her what or jammed open, the statues will not attack. This floor section conceals a hidden 10' deep
is happening, with as much background as If a statue is hit by a non-magical metal pit fdled with spikes. The DM should roll for
you think is needed. Encourage the player to weapon, the attacken must save vs. Spells. each character entering this area-the trap is
role play Demetrius as much as possible. Be Failure means the weapon sticksto the body of triggered on a roll of 1or 2 on ld6. Characters
ready to remind the player, if necessary, that the iron statue and cannot bc pulled away falling into the pit will take 2-12 (2d6) points
Demetriui;' only goal is to kill his brother until the statue is destroyed. Living iron of damage. Remember that Demetrius does
Darius, and consider disallowing player statues are not affected by sleep spells. not know about this pit.
actions that are out of character.
Lkmetrius knows the way to room 58, 48. HIDDEN GUARDROOM 50. MAIN ENTRY CHAMBER
including any secret doon on the way. He does ~

not know about any of the traps on this level. Four humans wearing stylized rat masks
As long as the parry moyes by the quickest and red robes trimmed with rat fur leap to supported by a double row of pillars. Each
route to Darius (room 58). Demetrius may their feet and look at you. In thc northeast pillar is carved into a statue of a king 01
help them defeat monsten. corner of the room are stain going down. qucen of Cynidicea. A series of mosaic pic-
Demetiius will depart once Darius is dead, tures decoratethe walls of the rwm. These
and the white robe will disintegrate. The pos- The four men are actually wereiats (AC 7; HD stat in the northeast corner and continue
sessed chuacter will he magically restored to 3*; hp 13 each;MV40';#AT 1; D 1-4;SaveF3; clockwise around the room. In the center
his or her own full hit points when Demetrius ML8; ALC).Thexlycanduopaaredisguiscdas of the north wall is a pair of huge stone
leaves. Cynidiceans so they can safely rob the citizens doon. At the base of the double doon. the
when they get a chance. Ifrhreatened. the were- floor is partially covered with sand.
46.KITCHEN-DINING ROOM ran will change into giant rat form and fight or
run.Like other lycanthropes.werents in animal The mosaics show scenes from the history of
appears to he an abandoned formcanonlyhehit bysilveredormagicalweap- Cynidicca. From the northwest corncr. the
kitchen and dining room combination. ON. They have a small chat with 2000 sp and 4 mosaics show:
The cupboards, table, and chain are cov- gems worth a total of 700 gp. 1. A tribe of squat, heavy-browed human-
ered with a thin layer of dust. Near the The stairs end in a bricked-up wall, unless oids wielding crude stone weapons wor-
table, IWO large snakes with brown and yel- the DM wants to add the underground city. ship a lizard-headed god.
low scaks are coiled around the body of a 2. A large band of tall, black-haired people
woman wearing a rabbit mask. 49. CONSUJXATION ROOM battle the humanoids and take over their
hunting grounds.
The two :;nakes are rock pythons (AC 6 ; HD T h e room is paneled with wood, and a dusty 3. Avillagerixroverthesneofthe battle. In
I*; hp 23 each; MV 30'; #AT 2; D 1-4/24; carpet coven the floor. A large, heavy desk the add lands around the village are fields of
Save F3; MI. 8 ; AL N). They will attack the sirs in the center of the mom. Swcra! w d c n grin and van her& of cattle and sheep.
party on, sight. If a python's bite attack is suc- chain are grouped north of the desk. Behind
cessful. it will coil around the victim and con- the desk is a large plush chair, while bchind 4. A great leader a r k in time of need and
strict in the same round for 2-8 points of the chair on the south wall is a mounted gathen the villagers into an army that
damage. Thereafter, the constriction attack lion's head. Four large painted urns stand in d o r o p an enemy army of snake-headcd
automatim:ally hits each round. Around the the cornets of the mom. Finally. on both humanoids.
neck of the dead Cynidicean is a necklace sides of the north dooway are stone pedestals I. The victorious leader ir crowned king, thus
worth 700 gp. Concealed in her robes is a full with stone S ~ X Nof~ Swinged bedm with founding the line of the iden of Cynidicea.
water bottle and a small pouch of food. daws. fangs. and horns. 6. The stone city of Cynidicea is built on the
site where the village stood.
47. I I W i G ROOM The two sfatue~are gargoyles (AC 5 ; HD 4*; hp
7. Scenes of the splendor of the kingdom at
18 each: MV 30'. fly IO'; #AT4; D 1-3/ 1-3/1-
6 / 1 4 Save F8; ML 11; AL C). If the party is its height.
looks like a living room. It con-
tains wall hangings and ornate divans. e g gargoyles when they see the statues, 8. The births of King Alexander and Queen
There are several pieces of sculpture in the roll initiative normally. If not, the p a q will be Zcnohia.
room, ;LS well as an iron statue of a warrior surpdscd. Thegargoyleswilladasmnasthe 9. The grcat pyramid is built.
on each side of the doorway just inside the party enten the room. They canonly be hit with 10. Slaves digging under the pyramid uncov-
magical mpons and are not &med by deep er the foundations of an ancient temple.


11. The death of King Alexander and Queen Thew werefoxesmay bargain with the party or gelartnous cube r n u i make a saw VI Paralysis
2,:nobia and their burial in the pyramid. try to charm them. Thcy wiU uy to ui& the party or bc paralyzcd tor 2-8 rums (unless the para-
12. Tile worship of thc old Immortds Germ, out of as much treasure and magic as possible. pis is rcmowd hy 3 L U ~ CLghr woundc ~ p c l l )
Usmigaras, and Madarua is replaced by The two will not take risk they can avoid, or Thc cubc mag bc harmed by firr or wraprms,
the worship of a large humanoid with fight stronger opponens unlesr forced ro. They hut nor by cold or lightning 'l'herc is nothing
many tentacles. rely on rheu win ro nuvive. If anackcd, the two of raluc ~n rhc room. Irc rorrcd mnrcnt\ will
will tllm into foxes to fight or "pc. If bard crurnhlu whcn touched.
13. LilC becomes a year-round carnival for the pressed, they may turn back into human form
Cjnidiceans. All Cynidiceans are now and surrender. ?he werefoxes will lie, cheat, and 54. STORAGE ROOM
masked. bribe the party if necasary IO survive. 'Il~eyare
14. The Cynidiceans meet a barbaric, golden- carrY;ng three pieces of jewelry worth a total of This room is lined racks of wine bottles.
haired people (the ancestors of the 3000 gp, a sword + l , ass light on command Along the west wall are large casks and bar-
HI:ldann tribes). (30'radius), a helm ofalignment change, and a rels. Several casks have been smashed open
15. The final picture is not a mosaic. It is a potion. So far, they have k e n afraid to rest the and their contcnts drained. Suddenly,
cnidely painted sketch that shows the potion and don't know what it is. It is a potion from behind a srack of barrels, a huge
tribesmen looting Cynidicea. of levitation. If foxed to fight as humans, the bear-like creature with the head of a giant
female will use the magical sword in combat.
There is room on the wall for more picrures. This rmm was once the main chapel for
butthr: space is blank. The huge doon. which Cynidicea. It is seldom used now. The foun- The crearure is an owl bear (AC 5; HD 5; hp 30;
open oucwatd, are blocked by sand and can- tains are fed by an underground lake. These MV 40'; #p;T 3; D 1.8 each;Save F3;MI 9; AL
not be opened. There is no treasure here. will provide all the water the party needs to N). It is complerely drunk and ravenously hun-
drink or to fill their water skins. gry If not fed immediately it will attack. It
5Oa. SECRET ENTRANCE TO THE atracksat -Ztoh~t,butitsmonleis10.Ifboth
UNDERGROUND CITY 52. TRAP ROOM paws hit the same opponent in one round, the
~ ~
owl bcar will "hug" for an additional 2-8 poina
This semcret trap door leads to a passageway to The entire m m is a large sunken pool filled of damage. The room contains 400 bodes of
the underground city. The party can fmd this with a bubbling liquid. In the center of the wine worth a total of 1W gp
door only if the DM is continuing the adven- rwm is a box made of stone slabs. The lid of
ture past the upper pyramid.
the box is about a fmt above the surface of 55. PARTY ROOM
the liquid and is Inked with a laree iron ad-
Nine men and women in bright costumes
and fancy masks are drinking, talking, and
Thls largc room icohviously a placc ofwor- T h e bubbling liquid is acid. It will d m o y any dancing in this room. It appears to be a
<hip. On cich sidc of a broid crnrrr a d c m a t e d except stone and will do 2-8 poinrs of masked hall. Mast of the people are danc-
are rows ot higI,-bz<krd woodcn bcnrhe, damage ach round to creams that f d into it. ing as if they had invisible partners. You
Narrow aisle, along thr walls run pas1 The arid is 6' deep. Thc stone box is on a spccial hear snatches of conversation, most of
ornate! mosaics 10 wo small fount31nsic'r
pedestal.Thepedestalwillsinkatarateof1/2" which makes no sense. The people seem to
into rhc walk Just pact rhr founrains. 3 per melee round if any weight is placed on the be talking to themselves.
largc dais fills rhr sourhrm end of [he box. If the weight is removed the pedestal will
room. On thc dais near a stone altar Iic risc at the same rate (though never higher than These nine people are Cynidiceans (AC 9;
rhrec largc srarucs thar look likc rhr oncs 1'above the d a c e of the acid). Inside the box
on rop of rhc pyramid 'She ~ t m mhave
NM;bp 4 each MV 40'; #AT I; D 1-6; ML
are 20,000 sp and a d e r i d mll @I& fwd special; AL C). As usual. the Cynidiceans are
bccn toppled from thcir baso A man and and water, remove c u m ) . in their own dream world. They will assume
a w o n a n sand nCzr rhc ropplcd ~ratues
that the characters are merely pan of the
and talk sofrly ro cach other. Thcy w a r 53. ABANDONED CLERICAL QUARTERS
brightlv colorcd rlorhing and m a l l bronzc dream. There is no treasure here.
fox masks. Horh haw rcd hair and rhere
This rwm seems oddly damp. A strange 56. CRASHING WALLS
=em, IO be a rcxmhlancc brwcen rhcm.
mokt odor f& the air. ?he m m conrains a
low bed, some wooden shelves. and a small
This brother and slster are actually werefoxes chest. The contents of the room seem to the hall triggers this trap. The walls just
(AC 9, 6 as fox; HD 3+2*; hp 16 each; MV shlnmcr, as if seen through dear water or a
40'. 60 as fox; #AT 1; D by weapon or 1-6; thick pane of glasr.
Save F3;ML 8; AL N). They are disguised as apart. The trap is automatically triggered
Cynidiceansto be better able to hunt for trea- the first time the party passes.
Just inside the dmcway is a gelatinous cube
sure and supplies. Werefoxes are a new type of (AC 8; HD 4*; hp 18; M V 20';Y A l ' 1; D 2-8
lycanthlope (see Monsters). Each werefox can This trap has two pupses. First, it alerts Da~im
try to charm a petson of the opposite sex in
+ paralyzation; Save F2;ML 12; ALN). The in room 58 that someone is coming. Second, it
party is viewing the room through the gelati- WiLl k a dangerous hazard to a parry leaving
one round. This ability is like a charm person
nous cube. The monster will move toward and rwm 56a if everyone forgets it is here. (In dur
spell, but lasts only one day A werefox can
amack the pany immediately. Victims hit by a cax it is niggered by a Id6 mll of 1 or 2. and
charm up to three times per day.

docs 3-18p3incc of damagc IO rhararrcm k h m d he plans to take most of the money as "taxes." when the c h ~ e r no s longer wish to a d v e n m
thc riggcring chmrrr) Ihc pnssurc plate will A character possessed by Demetrius will go in the Lost Cirg, they can prepare for the trek over
bc casily sen and avoidcd if rhc characrcn arc immcdiately to the proper wall section and the trackless wastes in an &on to reach civiliza-
looking for i r on rhc way out. srart looking for the sccret door. He will know rion. U e careful note of their prep;mrionS and
his enemy is very close. award some eytra experience if they comidet the
564. LOBBY The gambling r w m contains 3000 sp, IO00 problem of d a r t suMval carefully (nich bonum
gp. 26 gems worth a total of 3100 gp. and six should not exceed ZW XP earh. although a vev
pieces of jewelry worth 6000 gp total. good idea-ke getunp m charts from the Magi
masks of fcarsomc, imaginary monsrcn sir of Usmigaras-might be worth 100 X
in a rirclc in this room. Thty arc staring 58. CLERIC'S CHAMBER Even with the ben of preparariom.
straight ahcad. but don't sccm to bc look- not be able to find a map giving CynidiLL.. t"aL-
This room contains the cvil cleric Darius and tion, so their odds of h o m i n g lost ":main high.
ing ai anyrhinR in pamrular. his hobgoblin guards. They will be ready for
The PZKY will he fortunate enoiieh durine
the party to enter, but it is more likely they
ThrCvnidi:rans(AC9;NM: hp4cach: MV40'. their des,& trek nor to have &y hostiG
will come charging out of the room as thc par- encounters. nos to have to endure any of the
#AT I: D I d ; MI rpcaal.AL C) arc in thcirom ty tries to take the treasure in roam 57. If the
drtam world. Thsc panicular Cyudiccans. how- common sandstorms. The dags will be hlaz-
party has tried to steal the treasure, the Cyni-
cvtr, arc ffl nighmarc wodds. ?hnwill ICM ru ingly hot, rhe nights bitterly cold.
diceans in rwm 57 will join Darius to fight the
The third dag out. the p a y will
parry miors. and may even a& thc pany. but
the Cpdxrans will ncvcr speak. m n ifthcv arc
party. Otherwise.these will do nothing unless
attacked. T h e forces of Darius include:
dot in the distance, flying through.-._ -
approaching quickiy. It turn out to be h u b -
woundcd. lhcv mighr scrram ar random from ~

mmc m w n rerror l h xrcanung. howcvcr, will and on a flying carpctl The trading in Specu-
Darius:ACI;hpZZ;MV20';XllTlat+1,or larum has been wire p o d . When he recognizes
nor match rrality (that is. thcy wlll nor scram if
rouchcd ur anxkcd)
spell; D 1-6 + 1; Save C6: ML 10; AL C S
13, 19, W 16, D 9. C 13, Ch 14.
the party he is detightrA HP. I

... r_.
~ ~ ______
... i s ~ n i n fn m~er
Sindarin SDeC u' l m . and would bC more than
Darius has the following spells: pleased to 2<e them all with him. The magic
57. GAMIILMG ROOM 1st level: curc light wounds, light**
2nd level: bless'*, silence U'radius
il, a secret command makes it grow
xire group.
brightly ~ x mrn d and womrn *3rd level: striking

maskcd as vanom m a l s arc playng gama *4th level: caw= serious wounds
of chanrc. Card gama arc king plavcd ar onc *Only ifusing the D&D Expcrt NkS.
rahlc. diic gama ar anothrr. In the rrntcr of **Reverse if using the D&DExpert N k S .
thc room IS a largc whccl of formnc. Many d.
vcr~andg~ldcoins, grm. andprcesofjmclq 6 hobgoblins: AC 6; HD 1 + 1; hp Ieach; MV this bit of sport pales, Arnulf will settle down
arc rhang5ng hands as pcoplc win and losc 30': #AT 1: D 1-8: Save F1: MT 8: AL C. and head for Specularum in a fairly straight
The DM may change the numhcr of hob- line-he i s not above buzzing unfriendly
Bccauu t h arc ~ sharing a common d m . [ h a c eoblins as desired. humanoids if the opponunity presents itself.
Cymidiccars act morc normally than rhm in 12 &dinans: AC 9; NM;hp 4 cach; MV
though. As the group neass Specularum. the
rooms 54 .md 55. Thcy will mntinuc gambling 40'; #AT 1; D 1-6: ML 8: AL C. party should be v e y glad to get down to the
and a r g abour gambhg unless phy;icallv Suggested spell use for Darius: (safe!) ground once more.
a m k c d . :%cy may m n mvirc rhc panv 10 jrm Before melee: bless the hobgoblins (or Should the parry try to steal the carpet. they
in. If am:kcd, thcy will 6ghr back. Ihcv d blighr the party) will discover thar they cannot make it work
aaumcrh;ragdngofrobk~harbrokeninmchc properly (emtic maneuvers. r e d s to roll up
gamc r w r n to ncal thcir monq. lunhn. d rhc Round 1: silencc a party magic-uscr. in flight unless held open, and so on). Also.
pany rria to takc thc moncy wthour h n g 11. Round 2: s&ng on his own mace. Arnulf has had a powerful wizard put a secret
thc denc and his hobpblin pards from m m 58 Round 3: other spells as appropriate, mark on it so it can be traced if it is ever stolen.
will rntcr thmugh rhc sccrcr door in thr wuth wall When rhe party neilrs Specularum, Arnulf
and ana&. Darius may use spells in different order as the will set the party down outside t h e city gates.
If thc player rharacrcrc want to join thc fight develops, but he will always use his spells As the adventure in Speculanun is the last
gamcc and gamblc. thc DM may usc any sun. as intelligently as possible. iegular adventure in thf hook, most of the
plc sysrcm io work out thc rcsulu. Fnr cxam- Except forDariusand thc hobgoblins. there characters should be around 3rd-4rh Iwel. If
plc. the IIM and rhc plavcr mighr cach roll is nothing of interest in this rmm. they are not, you might want to have the
ld2O. 'ITc highcsr roll wins and rhc plavcr Immortal, Thendara, take rhem I:O the palace
loscs all t m . Wagcn arc ccr bcforc rhc dicc arc of the Silver Princess if rhev have not been
rollcd (a minimum of SO gp and a maximum here already. If so, go to In&rlude E (p 46).
of 1000 gp arc suggcsrrd) Thc rharactcn can- If the party ever wishes to reruin to the Lost
nor win m y more monrv rhan rs rurrcntly in :it?, Arnulf will know the way.
rhis rooni. If rhc charactcrs bcgin winning
largc suns. thc clcric from room 58 is likclv rn
attack sirrc hc considcn all the moncv in this
r w m to hclong to him-as a pricsr of Zargon

owner living upstairs.
Water is drawn from public wells, or from
the river when the tide is flowing out.
The Veiled Society is an adventure that takes Crime and gangs are not uncommon. The
place in the city of Specularum. Player charac- gangs meet neat the city walls and in thc
ters become involved in the power struggles of squalid sections late at night.
the city.
Before playing the first encounter, read this Running a City Adventure
introduction and the encounter carefully. It is
not necessary for you to read the entire mod- Most of your adventures have occurred in
ule before you play. The adventure will last dungeons. This adventme is much dZerent -
many nights; read only those parts you. will the action taka place in a city. Players will often
play in one session. q r i x you with their decisions and actions. As
they h o m e involved in the evens of this
Speculanun adventme. their characters will go places and do
things that are not e x p h e d here.
Specularum, the capital of the Grand Duchy Allow the characters to visit places not
of Karameikos, is the most important city in shown on the maps. Have the player write
the area. Speculanun and the Duchy are ruled down the name of the place, its location. and
by Duke Stefan Karameikos the Third. Specu- any important facts about it. If the character
larum is the Duke's home, and the trading returns to this place. have the player remind
center of his dukedom. About 50,000 people you about the important details. This makes
live in or very near the city. They are farmers, your job easier and encourages the players to
craftsmen. sailors, and traders. pay attention and rcmemhcr details.
Design: David Cook The city is acccssed by a port. The port is Characterswill also deal with NPCs that are
Editor: Anne C. Gray protected on the seaward side by two long not detailed in the adventure, Do not panic!
Cover Art: Steve Chappell breakwaters. A large river east of the city Have fun with your duties as DM - take the
Interior Art: Jim Roslof allows ships to carry cargos inland to other role of the NPC and play it like an actor. Give
Paper Sculpture: Dennis Kauth towns of the dukedom. thcsc people character and emotions. Give the
The city keeps 5,000 soldiers ready for any players reason for remembering NPCs. Again,
The original module had cutout buildings emergency. The Duke also has an elite troop, if the NPC is important, have the player note
andstand-up characterpieca, as wellasa very the Elvenguard, who go on special missions facts abour him - where he c a n be found,
different map ofSpecularum. me text here is and sometimes act as his bodyguard. The what he is like. and what he knows.
little changed from the ten of the original. entire Elvenguard often patrols the forest
lands to the north. THE FAMILIES OF SPECULARUM
Maps . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 154- 1I7 Just to thc south of the city is the private
estate of the Duke, managed by a loyal cous- Encounters
in. This land is mostly well-tended woods and This adventure i s divided into a series of sepa-
gardens. It is surrounded by a low (15') wall.
rate encounters. All encounters, when linked
The Duke uses the escate as a summer palace
together and played in order. make a com-
and hunting preserve. Anyone found on the
plete adventure. The encounters are unlike
grounds is treated as a poacher.
many other D&Da adventures. In these
Poor workers and petty thieves Live just out-
encountcrs, it is likely that the players will not
side the city walls. They work outlying farms
always act as a group. Some of the characters
and the Estate of Marilenev, a holding that may side with one family. whilc others may be
surrounds the city. The city itself has all stand- drawn to another. If this happens, characters
ard services that the characters need; place the
may find themselves in conflict with each oth-
service businesses wherever you wish. er. This is allowable; however, do not force the
The city is a crowded. noisy, d m y place. player characters into situations where they
It is like the m e d i d cities of Germany and Ira- must kill each other. Allow them to escape the
Iy. Reading about thesc cines will pmvide infor-
situation. but do not make it easy for them.
mation usdul in dacribing S p l a n u n . Some encountcts take place on the streets of
The streers are vcty narrow, twisting, and the city. Since the meets are narrow. muddy, and
dark. Thcre is no sewage system, except for crowded, characters move at normal dungeon
trcnches in the centers of streets. Pigs. chick-
ens, geese, and goats are not uncommon in
the poorer sections of the city.
Most buildings stand one or two stories. Random Encounters
They are made of dried clay brick or mud and There are no random encounters in this
wattle, constructedonawwdenfme. Afew adventure. If the characten need to find a fair-
buildings are made of stone or fued brick. ly common person (a street urchin, beggar.
Most businesses are on the gmund flwr, the merchant, tic.). they will not have much trou-


hle. If they want to find a unusual type of per- The Torenercu Sdll have a great deal of political also encourages the players to join different
son (a cleric, fighter, magic-user. noble, etc.), influence and diwm control of “The W,”the sides of the power struggle. Allow the players
they must go to a place where that person can noble district of town. Others siding with to ask questions and learn about their sur-
he found (a temple, for example) or spend Toren- includeIady Magda, Yam (one of the roundings as they play. Be ready to create
time and money visiting inns, markers, and Duke’s Privy Coundoa), and “Lord” Dimitros answers to common questions: Is there an inn
taverns asking questions. If the characters (the xlf-styled prince of beggars). nearby? How much does it cost? What time of
want to find or speak to a particularly power- day is it?
ful or important person, their chances are Vorloi
almost nonexistent unless they have impor- The gate is open. A few soldiers with spears
tant information or reason. Considered by the other factions to be an lounge near the entrance. They wear tab.
The city has several churches, most for Law- u p m , the Vorloi family has refused to fit the
political mold. The faction is openly controlled ards of red and blue with a dcvice of a ship
ful clerics. ‘There are a few Neutral churches, on the front. Beyond the gate is a narrow
hut not many people attend. There are even hy Baron Vorloi. Drawing on his rmurces as a
muddy street. It Is choked with people.
Chaotic Chorches; these are very secret and do succesful merchant prince, Baron Vorloi main-
Most dress in their best clothes and many
not advertix their existence in any way. If the tains a fleet of merchant ships in d d m c e of the
wear brightly-colored outfits. Jugglers and
characters need healing or similar help. they Radu family. He resim all their attempts to con-
trol his businex (or the busin- of thm who fue-eaten are scattered throughout the
may obtain it if their cleric goes to his church. crowd. The noise from whistles, drums,
Of course, the player characters are required side with him). The Torenercu are no more
singing, and happy chater make normal
to make some type of offering (anything from pleased with the Vorloi, since the Baron &
talk difficult.
flowers to magic items) and may he required to side with them simply k a m e the Torenercu
“Halt! Do you wish to enter Specu-
to do some service for the church. represent nobiliry.
larum?” shouts a guard inside the gate.
Vorloi prefers t h a t hc and those who side “The tax is 8 silver pieces, each of you. All
NOTE: NP’C‘slisted as Normal Humans have with him he left alone. He has been able to hut daggers must he hound with cloth.
a - 1 chanor to hit and a - 1 on saving throws. maintain privacy through his influence in the Unbound weapons are fined. Murder by
They save as a 1st level Fighter. military circles around the Duke. He hopes to unbound weapon is punished by confKa-
Characters are healed 1 hit point per day of gain more power and wring important trade tion of property, or death for t h e landless.
rest. Rest means no fighting, magic using. or concessions from the Duke. To reach thisgoal,
Interference with the Duke’s men gets you
more travel than within an inn (upstairs, he tries to prevent open strife and silence any prison. Treasonous activity is especially
downstairs, etc.). bad news that might reach the Duke. Prevent-
nice - it gets you one day of slow torture
ing any problems keeps other families from and then we draw and quarter you. So
gaining favor from the Duke. enjoy yourselves.”
Radu Other members of the Vorloi faction
At a still-spritely 63 years. Anton Radu con- include the Baron’s daughter Marianna, Mike1 The guard appears quite bored. He tries to
trols his family and organization with an iron, (the Commander of the Guard Phorsis), and
watch the festival out of the corner of his eye
but hidden, hand. He is assisted by his broth- Admiral Hyraskos. He also has a son, Grygori.
as the characters talk to him. He recites his
er Cartba, his own sons Zweis and Antonito. Unfomnately, the boy is simpleminded and
speech from memory, becoming interested
and their sons Theodosius. Emil and Pieter. fwlish, much to his father’s disgust
only when he begins talking about the pun-
They are also the leaders of the secret Veiled ishments doled out for crimes.
Society, which uses terror and crime against all THE FESTNM OF LUCOR The guard collects the tax from the player
enemies. C d y some members of the society characters (3 sp of the 8 goes into his pocket).
know them as its leaders. Anton Radu leaned forward, resting bk bony
arms on the table. Hc lwked carefully at the He checks all weapons to see that they are
The Radii family has many conram in the secured. He lashes swords with thongs and
others -Zweis, Anronito, and Carrha - try-
husines and market areas of the city. Their wraps spears and the like with rags. It will take
strong conttol over the waterfront and wall dis- ing to guess their hidden doubts. “It i. m e
that Lady Magda will be in the festival?” characters one round to remove the bindings
uim of Speculanun greatly influences the ship- from their weapons. After binding the weap-
“Yes, father,“Zweisquicklysaid. “Shek to
building arid imponlcxport businesses. The ons, the guard forgets about the characters
Radu are attempting to gain control of the lead the Parade of Maidens from the castle.”
“The members have bccn informed. All and turns his attention hack to the festival.
money-lending instimuons and business of The guard has lived here all of this life and can
will be ready,” Carrha softly rumbled.
the city so they may dictate to the Duke. m c r most questions asked about the city
“And our friends, Anronito, do they sus-
pect?” and what is going on.
Torenescu “My spies report nothing, Father. No one
Once a powerful faction controlling the every- susppcrs.” Antonito quickly dropped his gaze Beyond the gate swirls a crowd of people.
day businel&of the city, the Torenescu Family from bls father’s eyes. Mud churned up by stumbling dancers
has been wmdened by the death of its leader, ‘Wry good. Then at the Festival of Lucor, cakes on the crowd’s hoots. People jostle
Christoph Torenescu. It is currently headed by we will proceed.” each other, straining for a look at acrobats,
his son Aleksandar. a youth of 26. Because of knife-throwers, dancing hears, and min-
Aleksandar’s young age an internal squah- Entering Speculanun strels, The smells of sewage, grilled meats,
bling (especially between Aledsandar and his breads. sweat, and wine mingle in a
The player characters enter thecity forthe fitst strange, hut inoffensive odor.
uncle, B0ri.s). the Torenescu family has lost time. This encounter will acquaint the players
power and followers. Suddenly, the crowd sways to the sides of
with the city and how things are done here. It
The family wants to return to its former gloty.

Finding a Room Second Event
the !street. The music fades and changes to
hells and chanting. Statues carried by sev- When the characters decide to get rooms Read the following to a thief or character
eral men seem to float above thc heads of (remind them by asking where they intend to standing just outside the inn,
the crowd. A sedan chair, borne on the sleep), they fmd all inns very crowded. Whcr- ~

shoulders of clerics, follows. ever they ask, only one room is available, a Outside the inn, a man walks by. He lurch-
“The procession is coming!” shouts a tiny thing that cannot hold more that 3 peo- es drunkenly along. He smiles and nods as
young boy. ple. Ifthey want it, they may have the room he passes. Suddcnly. three hooded men
for 1gold piece per petson. Point out that oth- step nut of the shadows and the drunken
Advancingtoward the gate is the Procession of er charanen might he able to get a room for man around. None of the men carry
Lucor. The procession k a religious celebration everyone. but it means that several characten weapons openly.
honoring a legendary local cleric named to the must slccp at another inn. If the characten “So, new to town, he?“ asks the drunk-
harbor, where the statue of Lucor is floated rcfuse to take any rooms, they must spend the en man, who now appears quite sober.
out to sea. Each year a woman of notable rank night sleeping in the mud of the streets. “You look like you need some work. Now,
and importance leads the procession. This When the characters pay for their room, wc have some things that need to be done
year Lady Magda, a member of the Torenescu tell one of the characten that some of his and you look fairly s m m . I’m sure you
faction, has this honor. money is missing. He has been pickpodreted. would want to help us. You staying here?”
T h e festival is of great importance. This fact Not much should he missing, only enough tn he asks. pointing to the inn. “Be a real
well suits the Radu - if the festival has prob- remind the characters to be careful. good idea if you didn’t leave for a while.
lems, problems that look like they were Druing the evening, one of the following We’ll see you tomorrow night. Here,
caused by the Torenescu supporters. the events will happen to each player character or catch,” he says. He throws a small bag.
Torencscu would be disgraced. group of characters. I f p i b l e , do not have the With that, the men slip into the
same event happen m all the characten. The fim shadows and tun away The bag holds 20
event should he used for fighter and strong- gold pieces.
The procession stops. Something is hap-
looking characters. the xcond for thievs or a
pening at its ftont. Three men are arguing. character sonding outside the inn.
A general bush falls over the crowd as The men are members of the Veiled Society of
everyone moves back from the procession. the Radu. Ifattacked. they immediately run.
First Event However, the Veiled Society will treat the
Two men. one small, plump, and pock-
marked and the other tall and lean, are Read the following to strong-lookingcharac- player characters as enemies from then on. If
arguing with the lead bearer of the sedan ten as they relax inside an inn the characten ask about these men. NPCs
chair. answer evasively. The people do not lie talk-
Angrily,the small. plump man says to The citizens have fmally slowed their cele- ing about the hooded men. If they ask the
the Icead hearer, “Bald-headed fool, do you bration of the festival. although it has tak- innkeeper, he explains, that he has a quiet
Torenescu think you own the street? en much time, food. and strong drink. business and likes the idea of it staying quiet.
There’s space for all of us, without your From nearby in this smoky common room He d m n ’ t create trouble and no one creates
ape-l.ike behavior!” comes a loud, tipsy voice. trouble for him.
The lead hearer comtemptuously waves A scarred man points. “Hey you there! If the characters attempt to go to the
a rod. in the small man’s face. “Out of the Want some work? Here. sit and drink. I authorities. it does not help them. City offi-
way (ofthe Procession of Lucor. Radu rab- cials will shuttle the player characten to differ-
need strong bodis. Theosius is my name.
You look brave. Do you want to cam -
ent ofticials the magistrate sends them to
The tall, lean man, spitting on the money!” the warden. the warden to the constabulary.
Statue of Lucor says, “Thar old fool? You the conscahulaty to the bailiff, the bailiff to
make me laugh!” t h e magistrate. etc. The PCs will not fin help
Theosius explains that he is looking for trust-
The lead hearer strikes the tall man, - not because of fear. hut because of
worthy people to perform occasional duties for bureaucracy, protection, and bribes. None of
knocking him into the filth. The smaller him. None of the missions involve doing any-
man tenses, ready to lunge. the officials are evil.
thing illegal, but there may be danger
After meeting the members of the Veiled
involved. He will press very hard tn get the Society, the player characten are watched dis-
If the player characten act, they can prevent player characters to seal the bargain. If they
violence. If they favor the two men, the Radu creetly by the innkeeper. merchants, and
do, as a sign of good faith, Theosius gives each memhets of the Society. If a player wishes to
seek their following. If they side with the player character who agrees 3 gp. He will get
hearer they are sought by Torenescu sup- determine ifthe party is being watched, hav
in contact with them when they are needed. him roll 1d6 and add all wisdom bonuses. H
pottec;. Stories of the incident circulate the (Theosius will artcmpt tn contact the players
city If the characten continue to watch with- notices someone watching if the result is 5 .
in the “EMPLOYMENT“ section.) highcr. The player characters can attempt 3
out becoming involved, two men in green liv- Theosius works for the Torencscu and 50 do
ery break up the argument and pa& both lose anybody trailing them, but will not knr
any player characters working for him. If the if they succeed. They will not succeed.
sides. ‘Thesemen are Vorloi servants. player characters ask about him, they lcam
After this scene, the charactencan leam more that Theosins is a respcctcd wood sculptor and
about the f m i h a hy asking any of the p p l e craftsman in the city. It is known that he does a UNDER THE FLOORS
there. Some will reply neutrally, while othets great deal of work for the nobles of the city, Zweis nervously looked at the others around
fiercely support one fanion or the other. Once and it is rumored he has a small hoard of the table. Antonito casually studied his fin-
the incident is over, the procession m o m on. money. gcrnails. Anton, hunched beside a candle,


flipped through papers. “Zweis lwks a hit parry’s help. Behind her, the innkeeper qui- ers reveal themselves, the two men attempt to
uncomfoitable,” thought Cartha. “Good.” etly holds up a gold piece and poinu to it. flee. In the bundle is the body of a young
“So, it didn’t work as you planned,” Anton If the party still rdurer to help, the hkeeper woman, recently murdered. See “The Investi-
said, fkgashapeyeonZwek. “Afechleplan leads one charaner aside. “I’ll throw you into gation,” for information about the woman
and it didn’t work. What do we do now?” the sueet, heartless dogs, and spread your names and the house above.
“Makea staremenr,”Anrotu~to said, grinnhg. as debtors to aU the innsin the dry, too, if you The men advise the characters to release
“A knife io the night would r a d the Vorloi don’t calm &us old lady’s nema! Don’t think them, ifcaptured. Otherwise, they say, mem-
peach-makena lor. Themembersaxe impatient. my guild can’t make you miserable.” bers of the Veiled Smiety will harm them.
l l e y wanr to act, no more little work.” The old woman leads the chacvterst c ~a house Lawful characters should not allow the men to
Anton looked at him calmly, “I then a Skw feet away from the inn.She shows them he murdered. They must turn the murderers
assume you would lead them? We must he the entrance to her mot cellar. It is a trapdoor at in or suffer an alignment change to Chaotic.
cautious. There will he no more mistakes. the back of the kitchen, beside the brick and
Carha, what do you say?” plaster oven. She rduses to go any further. Two men (3rd level thieves): AC 7; MV 40’;
”No. we cannor”saidAnton &ally, ”Itisrw T3;hDS8,7;#AT1;D1-8:SaveT3:ML6.
swn. fiere is no more ro say Gwdnighr, see 1. Under A Garden 10 du-ring questioning; AL C
yomelvg our.” Anton srwd and held our a
trembling ann to Zweis. The younger man rwk A large earthen cavern is covered with a 3. Kobold Exploration Party
it and they both &&led out of the m m . pool of ankle-deep mud. The room is c i s - ~~

‘‘Well, what do you feel in your h e m ? ” crossed with supporting beams and planks This dug-out cave is dimly lit by torches.
asked Cartha. ”The merchant Formnaro is cover the roof. Large blobs of mud seep From the cave comes the sounds of several
where I would start, Antonito.” down between the cracks. Across the creatures. In the middle of the room is a
Antonito looked to the closed door. “I chamber, three thin and naked men show1 group of kobolds struggling to place a
agree. When shall it be done?” by the light of a feeble lantern. Three ugly, wooden support beam. One turns toward
armored creatures watch them work. you and begins to jibber. The beam slips a
A t the Inn few inches and a small hail of dirt falls over
If the characters gather at one inn the next Ifthecharacterscnterrbechamber, oneofthe the room and the kobolds.
morning. read the following. If the group workers drops his shovel and mns toward the The Nnnel to the room collapses in bil- ,
does not gather in one place. read the follow- characters. The hohgoblis shout foul curses lows of choking dust. One of the koholds
ing to either group. at the characters and charge. hisses in common. “Come help us, or we
will all be traDDcd!”
It is morning at the inn. A cat stalks some- Hobgoblins (3): AC 6; HD 1+ 1; hp 7 each; ~~~

thing in the cornet of the room. The inn- MV 30’; #AT 1; D 1-8; Save F1; ML 8; AL If the Chanrtcrs mist, the kobolds let go of the
keeper’s daughter sweeps last night’s C; carry I sp each beam when the characten approach. A success-
dinner off the floor. From the back comes ful initiative roll allows thc characters to grab the
the clicking of dishes and the splash of If the characters defeat the hobgoblins, the bcam.If h e y arc unable to grab the bcam. the
water. A traveller snores loudly in the cor- naked men rush forward and fall at the charac- ceiling collapses. doing 1 bp of damage to each
ner. Suddenly, the door swings open and ters’ feet and thank them profusely. The men PC. The charancrs can free themxlva from the
an elderly lady frantically looks about. were caprured almost a yeat ago and have rubble in one round. The kobolds attack while
“Please, some kind sir. come quick to been digging tunnels under the city ever the charanen cannot fight back.
help nle!” she pleads, panic overcoming since. The naked men do not fight, but do not The cave-in behind the charactcrs can be
leave the characters until the party goes to the dug clear in one turn. Near t h e bcam arc scv-
her. She looks about for anyone to answer
surface again. era1 kobold-sized tools, a bag of spoiled food.
her. “C )h save me! There are demons in my
and a small pouch containing I gp.
house, I know it! 1hearthem at night talk-
in@ to each other. They want to catch me
please! ” she says, falling to her knees.
2. Formnato’s Cellar
Koholds (10): AC 7 ; MV 30’; HD 1/2; hp 2
The innkeeper runs in, kneels beside the A light wooden panel covers a dimly lit cel- each;#ATI;D1-4;SaveNM;ML6;ALC
man, and tries to comfort her. lar. The air is dry and smells of meats.
,,,,wife Thanato,” be says. sounding Cured hams and sausages hang from the 4.Refuse Pit
concerned, “what are you doing? Sit down beams. In the center of the cellar, two
proper.” He turns. saying, “Could anyone hooded men busily dig up the floor. A
help this poor old woman? Could anyone large bundle lies nearby. The walls are slimy and oozing.
b o k in her cellar to find the problem?” “Come on,” says one man. “I think this A sudden scraping noise is followed by a
is deep enough. Lct’s get it buried and go.” loud, wet plop. A wave of sulphurous
If the party does not ignore the hysterical “No,” says the second man. “I want to fumcs fdls the oassaee.
woman, she clings to them, telling her story. make it deeper. Nobody can ever find this ~~

Something, she swears, is in her root cellar. but us.? The chanrteo fmd themselves knee-deep in mt-
She can hear it moving about - sometimes Mg, m y garbage from an inn.An old &ern
during the day, but mostly at night. Things If the men are not disturbed, they dig a little above the mom has collapsed. There is now a
are moved and food is missing. Just minutes more and load the bundle into the hole. They hole in the ceiling where it has collapsed.
ago was the worst. This time she heard voices fin the hold with dirt, move some items over
and they were calling ro her She begs for the the spot, and then leave the cellar. If the play-


5. The Goodwife’s Cellar Zombies(3):AC8;MV30’;HDZ;hpIcach; check and palm is dried blood.

#AT 1; D 1-8;Save F1; hfL 12; AL C After proving their innocence, the charac-
At the bottom of the ladder is a dry din ten are ordered to accompany a tribunc (a
cellar. Bags are piled against the walls, and 7. Turaoo’s Cellar high level fighter) to the scene of the crime.
cobwebs fill the comen. A sack of dried With them are two important clerics of the
apples is spilled across the floor. Along the south wall of this cellar is a large city. They start by going to the Vorloi House.
A squeaking and scratchingnoise comes pile ofdin. Near the open runnel mouth is
from the southeast corner. a small wheclbanow. It is loaded with Vorloi House
shovels and picks. Wooden beams are piled
A well-to-do merchant, Fortunato Vorloi, and
If the party tums to look, they see a big rat run neatly in the center of the room. In the his daughter Lucia live here. Formnato has
along the wall and scuttle out of sight. If the southeast comer is a ladder leading to a
been at sea for several weeks now. The house is
characten follow, they see a shadow move in trapdoor in the ceiling. empty Inside thcre are signs of violence - a
the southwestcorner of thc root cellar. Careful There is a scraping of wood on wood. A
dagger and bloodstains on the floor, broken
investigation of the corner reveals a hidden ray of light shines into the rwm from a dishes and furniture. and torn clothing.
entrance to a small passage. Characten taller crack in the ceiling. Someone is opening
Several drops of a brownish liquid are scat-
than a halfling must stoop to use the passage. the trapdoor. tered amongst the bloodstains. If the liquid is
tasted. it proves to be a particularly strong
A hooded man comes down thc ladder. Hc is type of winc. Sevctal items of value (jewelry.
A clattering noise and whispery sounds fill not expecting anyone, but notices characten money, etc.) are obviouslymissing. None ofit
the room, hut there is no apparent sourcc. in plain sight. If he notices the charactcn. he is traceable.
flees. If not, he takes a shovel and goes up the If the characters carefully examine thc
If rhe chararrcn Iistrn carchlly whrlc moving tunnel to room 2. He is a member of the Veil- bloodstains, they find a small section where
3bOur. rhcv find 1t IS loudcri m rhc northwest ed Sockty. He knows the tunnels are being the stain seems to have been rubbed away.
corncr Carcful examination rcvcal, anorhcc dug to enter the houses of their enemies. See Something may have been written there. It is
Small passage bchind d sack ofgrain Charac, “The Investigation,” for information about hard to tell but the letten could be BAD . . .,
rcn rallcr than a halfling must croop 10 usc the building above. BAO . . ., RAD. . ., FL40 , . . The message is
p a s a p . also obviously incomplete.
Fighter(l)(Znd level): AC 5 ; MV 40’; FZ; bp The daggger is crusted with dried blood. A
6. The Unburied D a d 12; #AT 1; D 1-8;Save F2; MI. 8; AI. C; few strands of red hair are dried in the blood.
carries 20 g p Near the cellar entrancc is a signet ring of the
This chamber was apparently once the cel- Torenescu family. A short length of blood-
lar of a house. It is now choked with rub- INVESTIGATION stained hemp ropc lies near the trapdoor.
ble, burned beams, and dirt. Several paths If the characters discover the murdered wom- Careful examination by a character looking for
can be carefully picked across the room. an and report it to the authorities. they are clues reveals small bits of pitch stuck to the
A chuckling sound continually echoes held for questioning. The characten have no tungs of the ladder.
throughout the room. A glowing light, tak- difficulty proving their innocence if they agree
ing the vague fnrm of a penon, floats about to an examination by a clcrical tribunal. If the Turano’s Guest House
the room. It passes through beams. The charactcn do not agree. they are considered This house is deserted, although someone was
sound seems to come from it. The form guilty and hanged in a week. living here recently. It is a small building at
passes through a wall and disappears from If the murder is not reported, a servant of the rear of a larger house owned by Turano, a
sight. the Vorloi housc discovers it the same day. He butcher. He rented the house to a man named
fmds the tunnel leading to the widow’s basc- Skcvlos. a black-baited, portly young man
If the characten search the rubble, they find ment. The widow tells about having the char- who was a travelling blacksmith. Skevlos left
pieces of bone, perhaps once a person. As acten investigate and their descriptions are the bnuse the day before.
soon as the bone is found, the glowing light circulated. If the characten do nothing spe- Ihc small house bas no f u d i n g other than
and laughter comes again. Whether the char- cial, they are arrested immediately. They can an old bd,a desk, and one &air. Muddy tracks
acters strike at the light or not, it does not prove their innocence as explained above. If on the floor lead to a uapdoor. On the desk is a
harm them. Hidden under a loosc beam. in a the characters hide, they are contacted by near-empty bottle containing a thick brownish,
charred box. are 3 pieces of half-melted jew. memben of the Veiled Sociery. They offer sweet, strong wine. There is no label on the bot-
elry worth zoo gp each. food, shelter, and safety in rerum for service. tle, but near the rop is the remains of a wax d.
The murdered woman is Lucia Vorloi, a This seal s t i l l clearly bean the imprint of the
A faint sliding sound follows a loud snap- niece of Baron Vorloi. It is said she spurned Trouscan h t e s . Anyone in the city can idenufy
ping. the advances of Stephanos Torenexu, rudely the seal, even though the Trouscan M e is not
insulting him for his pompous and conceited local. AU wines from there arc sold to a few
The legs of three characten (determine ran- behavior. Examining the body shows the waterfront inns. In the desk is a black leather
domly) are grasped. Roll for surprise. The woman was strangled from behind. possibly hood. Srrandsofredhaircankfoundinsidethe
gripped characten are thrown to the floor as by a ropc or thick cord. She has no other inju- hood.
three zombies bum up from the rubble- ries on her body. Under her fingernails are a The trap door leads to a cellar. Digging imple-
covered floor. few strands of red hair Lucia Vorloi is blond. ments. beams,and piles of dirt cover the cellar
Stephanos has light brown hair. On her right floor. The runnel entrance is collapsed but the


secret entrance is not. In one comer of the know! Only because you aremyson do you sit
room is a mound of bloody bandages. Slipped here! Only hecause you are my son will you are still in the market. An orator stands on
down between the beams is a roll of parch- walk our ofhere today! You may have ruined the edge of the central fountain. The
ment, a map of this area of the city. Several ourplans. Now wemustf~yourmess.” crowd gathers around him.
buildings have crosses marked on them. Anton rumed to Cartha. “What about Theoratorshonrs. “Andltcllyou, these
Marked are &is house, Formnato’shouse, the you?” C m h a flinched, thinking he was Torencscu are dangerous. Do they care for
Rattlebone Inn, Zweis Radu’shouse, and Bar- doomed. “Can you correct my headstrong yon? Do they care for the safety of com-
on Vorloi’s guest house. A careful search of son i error?” mon workers? Who declares the taxes?
these places shows that no tunnels exist other “He doesn ’t suspect me. Maybe I can con- Who steals food from your children’s
than those already found by the PCs. vince him to do what1 want,” C d a thought. mouths to fatten themselves in luxury?”
“Anton, theremay be those who will talk.” The crowd is getting restless. Several
said Cartha. ”They musr be found and dealt men shout cries of agreement. Men raise
The Actual Events their fists and their voices grow in number.
with. Then there are others asking questions.
Lucia Formnato was alone in her father’s The authorities we can s a ti
e ,but others may The speaker attracts more and more people
house. Late at night, two members of the Veil- dig too deeply Thismust he prevented. And - some merely curious and others in
ed Society, acting under Antonio’s orders. attention must hc diverted fmm the Smiety. agreement with him.
entered the house through the cellar to kill Let us do what we can to stir up trouble for the The clatter of horse hooves makes the
Lucia. They made noise moving about the Torenescu.” crowd turn.
first floor, awakening Lucia. She came down Anton leaned back, the tension slowlyleav- Ringing the outer edges of the market-
to investigate and discovered the men. Seeing ing his face. “Good,” thought Cartha, “he’s place are 30 of the Duke’s horsemen. The
them, she attempted to escape and get help. thinkingaboutit. Go with it, Anton, do what orator and the crowd glow silent. Three
The men caught her. She slashed one with a Iwantyou to.”Heforrrdasmallsmilc. “Now riders slowly bring their mounts toward the
dagger she carried. While she was fighting with Zwcic and Antonito in shame, you will center of the crowd. Suddenly, a hoarse cry
him, the other got behind her and strangled depend more and more on me,” he said to erupts from the crowd and something
her with the tope. The two men fled in panic, himsell: flashes through the air. The lead riderfalls,
leaving her lieless body on the floor. Antoni- “Yes.Cartha,”agrcedAnton. “Antonim, tiy struck by a rock.
to, on hearing their report, ordered them to ro redeem y o m l f Find the killers and deai
return to the house and dispose of the body. with than. Zweis. the public m m be made Allow the player characters to move to the
The two men were recruited from the wharf aware of the threat the %rmm~DSCFto their edge of the crowd, if they wish. They are not
area of the city. One man was a ship builder sate9 Spread the word m them. Cartha, you allowed to cross the line of horsemen. After
and left faint traces of pitch on the ladder. The wiudcalwith thosewhoaskmmanyqumons. the rider falls. there is total silence for a sec-
red hairs were from the man Lucia slashed. I want no mom inquisitive n m . ” Anton stood ond. Then the crowd surges at the riders. The
andpadded~owlyoutofthenam. riders respond by drawing swords and charg-
RIOT Across the table Antonito glared at Canha, ing. As soon as they charge, their h e is hro-
his eyes showing his hare. ken and the characters can attempt to escape.
Cartha Iookedhardat Anromm. whosatsmiling The commoners take up poles. rocks, rotten
confidendy ”I’ll be aU right,” Cartha thought. fruit, and daggers. A vicious riot breaks out. The
“so long as that worthies rat of a nephew keeps The Mood in the Streets honcmen hit the crowd, blindly slashing with
hismouthshut. Thelittlefooldmn’tcvcnrral- If the charmers proceed with their investiga- theirsabcrs. The people respond. swinging sticks
ire the rmuhle he5 in. I do not need to concern tion, they notice a growing m w d in the city and hurling stones. H o r n , dragged down hy
m y d w i t h Zweh for now.” - hotheads speak out against the actions of the weight of clinging p a n t s . fall with fright-
CarthawatchedasAnronleaned backinhis the Torenescu family. They are quick to blame ened screams.Women, children, and men run
&ai “Mygod,“ thought Cartha, “he>smil- the Torencscu for the murder of Lucia Vorloi. in panic from the charging riders.
ing. Does he approve ofAntonito? What’s he Some even accuse the Torenmu of being the If a character attempts to escape without
up to? Well. I best fmd out.” Cartha glared at maneminds behind the Veiled Society. fighting there is a 30% chance a horseman
Anton and finally said, “So brother, you These hotheads become bolder as time attacks him. The character can continue to
called us here. Please explain I’m very busy.” passes. They start by talking among friends in move and escape, even if hit.
“I will get to you in due time, Cartha,” inns and taverns, and proceed to gather small If the character stays to fight. two more hor-
Anton said pleasantl~‘‘First.I would like to groups of people. Their voices become louder semen arrive in the next two rounds to assist.
ralk about Antonjro.” and stronger as more people listen to rhem. If these horsemen arc defeated, the characters
“Antonito isstillsmiling,” thought Cartha. By the end of the day, the speakcn become and the crowd are not bothered by any other
“What is he up to?” quite bold. Not only do they connect the riders. After defeating the horsemen. the
At the mention of his name, Antonito’s Torencscu with the murder. they also play on charactersarc swept up by the commoners and
smile wavered a little. “Ah, now he’s wor- the common folk‘s dislike of the nobility. hailed as heroes of the common people. The
ried,” Cartha decided. ”Good. Mayhe brother which the Torenescu represent. characters must think and speak quickly to
dearwillcrushhim. Tharwouldsuitme well.” As the characters cross a marketplace to avoid becoming the lcaders of the rioters.
“Antonito, there was a killing a few nights rerum to their inns sometime before nightfall,
ago. Did you know that?“ Anton leaned for- read the following: Horsemen:AC6;MV40’(onfoot);Fl; hp4;
ward. #AT 1; D 1-8: Save NM: MJ. 9; A L L
“Yes, father, I heard.” It is late in the afternoon. Most of the stalls The hones have AC 7, HD 2, 9 hp and move
“Ah, you heard. Indeed, I’m sure you did. have closed for the day. hut many people 80‘.Six characters working together can pull
Are you such a fool to think that I would not I I down one horse and rider.


Escape onlyentrance he knowsabout. He is surethere guarding this street; f6ty men attack here
are others. while the rest protect the sides and rear. etc.)
If the characters break free of the horsemen There are normally 20 members present at Have them write it down in the order thar ir
and theriot. theycanmndownanystreetthey the meetings he attends. All members are will happen.
wish. All public buildings (inns, shops. etc.) hooded and robed with clothing provided 2. Have the character with the hiehest Cha-
on the market square are closed and shut. shortly after entering. Hc provides rhc charac- risma roll 1-3 and add or subtra; his Cha-
tered. The characters see the orator running ten with a rough map of the layout, but risma adjustment. This is the number of
down a side street. No matter what street thcy unknown to them it is incorrcct. Use the commands followed by the people.
go down, use the Riot Map. Chambers section of the Map 5 to prepare a 3. Let thecharactendecidewhere theywill he.
rough sketch for the players. hut lcwe out In the front ranks, they are attacked by two
If the characters do not follow the orator, they some key details (secret doors, passages, etc.). soldiers each. If in the rear, they are not
encounter a line of 15 soldiers with polearm
and an officer halfway down the street. The
He knows there is a meeting tomorrow night.
Also, he knows the names of Lucia’s mur-
attacked. but the commoners do not fight as
soldiers advance in an even line. turning back derers - Akarios the Shipwright and Zacha- 4. Have the Dlavers roll two dice for a morale
any who try to pass. The same thing happens riab Boestes. If asked. he tells the characters to check for th; commoners. The morale of the
on all streets leading to the market. look at the Blue Water Mead HaU for them. commoners is 9.
A young woman lets the characters in if 5 . Roll two dice. If the charmers fight in the
they pound on a door. She hides them until Orator (2nd lcvel thief): AC 9; M T 40’; T2; front rank, add two; if not, subtract 1. if the
the soldiers pass. While they are hiding, the hp 6; #AT 1; D 1-4; Save T2: ML 6; AL C chatacten made a plan and the commoners fol-
characters hear shouting, screams, the occa- low all of it, add two. If the commonen fallow
sional noises of fighting, and the harsh cries of He carries 200 gp, his pay for rabble-rousing. some hut not all of the plan, add one. If the
orders. The air is stale and smoky. After sw- chamten did not make a plan, subtract 3. If
eral hours, Coelina (the young woman) tells commoners fail their morale check, subtract 2.
the characters that all is clear. They can then
Leading the Riot
If the modified die roll is I or greater, the
move on the streets again without fear of sol- If the characters nay with rhe rioters. the com- commoners have won the fight. There are no
diers. The area of the riot is very still. The dim moners make them the military leaders of the surviving soldiers present and only 20 com-
glow of fires rises from that area riot. In the initid fight, the thirty horsemen moners remln.
were defeated. The commoners loot the Ifthecommonerslosethcfight(adierol1of
Soldien:AC6;MV40’;HD 1;hp4;XATl;D bodies. The characters may commandeer the 4 or lower). the characters can still escape by
1-10; Save NM; ML 8; A L L horses if they wish. fighting. The characters must defeat 10 sol-
Meanwhile, other commonen gather nones, diers before an escape route is open and they
The soldiers fight whoever tries to break throw bricks at nearhy buildings, and collect may flee. However. vague descriptions of
through their line. wood for firs. If the charactcn attempt to them are sent throughout the city by criers.
If the characters follow the orator, he ducks i m p ~ corder on the crowd, a large vixious-
into a small hovel halfway down the street. looking thug challenges them. Waving his saber. Soldiers:AC6;MV40‘;Fl;hp4;XATl;D1-
The door slams hehind him. Ahead the char- he demanh a fght with one of the rharaaers. 10; Save NM; ML 9; ALL
acters can see the 15 soldiers with poleanns The longer the characten let him talk,the more
advancing (statinics above). support he gea from the crowd.
The door is barred, hut any two characters
After the Riot
can break it down. Inside is a bare room (no l h u g (3rd level fighter): AC 7; MV 40’; F3; If the characters decide to leave the market-
map required) with a trapdoor in the center of hp 14; #AT 1; D 1-8+2; Save F3; ML 12; place after defeating the soldiers. they can
the floor. The trapdoor opens easily It drops AL C leave in the general confusion. If they want to
down 10‘ and becomes a passage running continue as leaders, they must flee as quickly
roughly northwest. Far down the passage, a He does not fight fair, using any d q trick in as possible. Each turn ten soldiers arrive. The
bobbing glimmer of light disappers. The tun- the hook he can get away with. characters can recruit five commoners each
nel extends for 300 feet before ending in a lad- Fiftcen rounds after the characters defeat turn. up to a total of 1,000. No more than 400
der leading up. the horsemen, 60 armed soldiers with soldiers arrive. However, the player characters
The ladder leads to a room similar to the paleanns arrive at the square. They have can never command more than 100 rioters.
other entrance. If the characters pursue quick- orders to stop therevolt by capturingor killing The orhers mn rampant. looting, burning
ly, they catch the orator in this room attempt- those involved. The characters have 100 poor- buildings and causing much destruction. The
ing to drag a large chest over the trapdoor. If ly armed rioters on their side. If anyone is cap- soldiers stay organized and fight savagely.
the characters try to capture him, he resists, tured (including the characters). they are They protect the Duke’s castle at all costs. Thc
hut if they wound him he immediately sur- treated as traitors - slow torture followed by Duke also has acccss to higher-level magic.
renders. Totally panicked, he tells the charac- drawing and quartering. There is no appeal. Describe the scene as general confusion -
ters anything he knows, if they ask. However. the characten do have a chance to fueballs. ScrCaming, buildings burning, etc.
He is a member of the Veiled Society. He fight their way out of the situation. If they N o w the players to continue as long as they
was to stir up trouble for the Torenescu by decide to make an attack on the soldiers. do like, but make it clear that they will not win in
making speeches against them, He does not nottty tofighttheentirecombat. Instead, use the long NO. Other rioters challenge t h c u
know who leads t h e Veiled Society. The Veiled the system below: authority and the players will have lide conuol.
Society meets in an underground chamber. The Duke immediately begins gathering
There is a secret cntrance in the Blue Water 1. Have the characten dcscrihe how they want troops from the surrounding area. By the n c n
Mead Hall near the waterfront. This is the the commoners to attack. (Chargc the men day, he has 2,000 men ready to enter the city. i


Anyone still rioting or suspected of rioting is

killed. “I am Simion Torenescu,” says the other five at each end of the street. They all wear
man. “I am a statesman. It is important black hoods. Thev. stoD. 10’ away from the
EMPLOYMENT that I reach the Senator’s house in secrecy. I booth. I
Since you are new to town, you will not
As the second day wears on, the tensions of the draw the attention his bodyguards would. If the characters do nothing, one approaches.
riot slowly subside. The tensions are not gone, Will you help?”

only hidden, and waiting for a new spark. The Suddenly, a number of ragged-looking “Here:’ says the hooded man, holding
mood in the city that evening is grim. men approach the base of the gangplank. something out. “Take thcse and put them
Read the followingsection to player charac- The men carty swords and clubs, but do on. You are armed? Then come with us
ters hued by Theosius (of the Torenexu fac- not raise them. One man steps forward quickly.’’
tion) when they return to their inn. and kneels on one knee.
In a slightly mocking tone he says, “Oh The men wait for the characters to join them and
Lord Simion, our sovereign master Prince then lcad them through many twisting alleys to
“Excuse me, but a gentleman called for Dimitrios, Ruler of the Beggars, sends us a dark meet comer. Here a h d c d man. p i -
you while you were out. He gave me a mes- as his solemn oath of homage to the bly the same one, turn to the characters
sage, let’s see. Uh, you were to go to . . . It Torenescu. Receive us into your service,“
was to go someplace and get a package, At this, Simion laughs uproariously,
clapping his hands and stamping his feet. “You are now one of us:’ says the man. “If
that I know. The Senator Eipistlo’s house, they catch you, they kill you. If you betray
that’s where you’re to take it. Ah, from the “Well said, dog of a beggar,” says
Simion. “And so you shall join my body- us. we kill you. Act in our name but with-
Jade Sea, a boat down at the wharf. And out our blessing, we kill you. Work hard
there was a warning, too, gentlemen? He guard!”
for us and you will prosper. Once with us
said that there were those who would try to you cannot leave us.”
If the characten try to advise Simion against
A boy runs up to the group and speaks
taking these men on, he does not listen to to one of the men. At his word the group
Characters contacted by the Veiled Society them. Statistics for these men follow ‘”The
tuns through the twisting alleys. The
receive the following message as they are out Ambush” section.
group arrives at a section of a street. They
on thc strects. The party may recommend any route
throw hoods over the street lamps. The
through the city they wish. Simion wishes to
leader of the group motions the men into
reach the Senator’s bousc as quickly as possi-
From somewhere along the street comes a three different Dositions.
ble but settles for a reasonable compromise.
whistling noise and a loud thunk. Quiver-
ing in the wall nearby is a dagger. A sbad- He has a map of the city. Allow the players to
owy figure slips into the crowd and is gone. see the city map if you wish. There are Veiled The Ambush
Society spies on each road.
A note tied to the dagger reads: Be at V i - The points marked by an “X” on the Ambush
ter’s lane tonight before the second bell. Map arc the three points where the Veiled
Go to the wine shop on the comer. Be Veiled Society Men Society men are located. Allow the characters
ready. Do not fail. The next message will When the characters contacted by the Veiled involved with the Veiled Society to select
he more pointed. Society reach Vinter’s Lane. read the following where they will place themselves. With them
encounter. are five other membcn of the Veiled Society.
The following encounter is for the characters
headed for the “Jade Sea”. Vinter’s lane is a dark and lonely place thii Play this part of the encounter in two separate
late at night. The lane is narrow and foul, groups - one group of characters acting as
The ’yadc Sea” is finally visible ahead. It is l i e most of the smaller streets of the city. bodyguards and the other group as Veiled
late. The sun has set and the remaining Small tented booths and little shops line Society men. Each group should not be
dusklight is fdtering out of the sky. The sea both sides, The air smells heavy of yeast allowed to bear what is said to the other or to
wall and the city are behind. The deck- and wine. Ahead, a lantern shines outside know what its members are doing. If this is
hand, a wizened old man, does not look a small booth. It is the only place that is not possible, do not allow player characters on
friendly. open, The banner along the side says, one side of the fight to take actions based on
He snaps in a screechy voice, “What do “Aristo. Wine Merchant.” information known only to the other side.
vou want? Who sent YOU here?” The only person in the booth is a fat, Simion, the 10 beggars, and the player
sweaty old man of about 60. Around him character bodyguards enter the street from the
Whcther the party answers him honestly or arc bottles and jugs of wine. The air has a north end. The group may be arranged how-
not, his mood changes and he becomes very sour-sweet smell. ever. the DhVcn want, so lone as Simion is
_ I I

helpful “Gentlemen, you have chosen well to protected.

come to me,” says the man in the booth. The Veiled Socicty player characters receive
The old man scampers off.In a few min- “I, Arino, am the fmest dealer ofwines in orders to be ready to.a&k on the leader’s sig-
utes he returns with another man. The the city! What would you . . .” He stops in nal. They must attempt to capture or kill
deckhand grins and nods. a fit of coughing and hacking. Simion. He must not he allowed to try to
Before he can continue, 10 men appear. make peacc among the factions. A good
“Here’syour package, mateys! Hee-hee,
have fun, y’luhbers!” description is given of Simion. Simion is the
only one that matters. The characters may


deal with with others as they see fit. Torenescu family has red hair. No one in the investigation, it is impossible to know whcre
When the bodyguard reaches the middle of Radu or Vorloi familics has red hair. they will want to go in the ciry. Do not try to
the street, the Veiled Society attacks. All restrict them. Allow the characters to go where
anacks made by the Society members are Pitch: This is common-naval pitch used in they wish, within reason. The only placc the
intended to reach and kill Simion. If possible, sealing boats. Some pitch was found on the characters cannot go is the Duke's castle. Fur-
they avoid fighting other characters (NPC or rungs of the ladder leading to the cellar. The thermore. except for minor assistance. the
player). Unless the characten have made prep- characten can check for places that have or sell characters cannot get any help from the city
arations, it takes them one round to remove pitch. There are 4 major suppliers. all down officials. Remember, the characters have no
their bindings. All NPCs use fake bindings on thc waterfront. All have seen at some point official title and arc conducting the invcsdga-
that can be removed without loss of a round. ared-hairedman. Theyallsell pitch toanyone tion on their own.
who wants it - fnbermen, boarbuildcrs,
Simion: AC9; MV40'; HD 1; hp I; #AT 1; D housewives, etc.
1-4; Save NM; ML 9; ALL
Blood: The blood is from the rcd-haired This encounter occurs as the characters make
Beggars(lO)(lstlevelthievcs): AC7; MV40'; theirinvestigations. As they move about. they
attacker. Characters may be able to deduce
HDl;hpI;#ATI;D1-4or1-8;SaveTl; this because the hairs were found mingled are indentified by agents of the Veiled Society.
ML6; ALN with the blood. The red-haired man has been Following tbe instructions of the Radu, the
Veiled Society Men (15) (1st level fighters): injured badly as indicated by the amount of Society prepares an ambush for the characters.
AC4; MV40'; F1; hp I; #AT 1; D 1-401 1- dried blood found in the Vorloi house. The During the cncountcr, the characten are not
8; Save F1; ML 9; AL C injured man left no trail of blood. able to get help from the constabulary or sol-
If the characters capture any of the men, they diers. All are currently occupied in preventing
have one chance to break his morale. If any are Ring: The ring is a falx clue, planted by the a new riot. If the characters try to get such
successful, the member says that a red haired attackers when they returned. If presented to help, make it clear that this will be no use.
man hired them. No one knows this man. the Torenescu. it takes them a day to deter- The PCs may decide to chase their attack-
mine who it belongs to. It is the property of ers. if these arc not killed imrnediatcly. It is
Veiled Society Leader (3rd level cleric): AC 3; Stephanos, cousin of Aleksandar. Stephanos important that you know bow fast the player
MV 40': C3; ht, 13; #AT 1 at +3; D 1- was the youog man spurned by Lucia not long chamrets can move in a round. During the
6 +3; Save C3:-kL 10; AL C; Spells light, ago. He claims the ring has been missing for chase, if both sides move at the same rate.
protcction from evil; Magic Items macc nerly a month. He also has an alibi for the there is only a slight chance the pursuer will
+ l , gauntlets ofogrepowet time of the murder. catch the pursued. Each third round of rhe
chase. roll Idlo. On a roll of 1-2. the spacc
If captured, this man makes a show of resist- Writing: Lucia was attempting to spell betwcen the two groups closes by one round's
ing and then apparently breaks down. His "Radu:' <ice she recognized one of thc worth of movemcnr. Keep track of the dis-
name is Flaviare. He has red hair. He "con- anackcrs as a Radu man when she tore his tance between thc two sides. There are delays
fesses" that the Torenescu hired him to kill hood off. in the encounter that cxpand thc distancc and
Lucia. and that they control the Veiled Socie- could allow the NPCs to escape.
ty. But he is not the murderer. He has no Wine: Wine was found dribbled by the Cbaractcrs may possibly capture the NPCs
wounds orher than those he may have bloodstains in the Vorloi house. The wine is bdote they reach the secrcr entrance at E (Map
obtained struggling with the P G . brought into the city on Radu ships and is sold 6). If this happens. the characters can still
At the end of the fight. if Simion is still mostly in small inns in the wharf area. Aristo. lean the location of this entrance by qucs-
alive, he continues to the Senator's house. The the WineMerchantonVinter'sIane,alsosells tioning their captive. If all the NPCs are
characters escorting Simion are paid IO0 gp this type of wine. If confronted. be gives the killed, the characters will fmd a message on
each and sent away. characters the names of those buyets he can one of the bodies. The message says, "Bc at
If the Veiled Society kills S i i o n , those remember. The names are Heranthes the Coh- the Blue Water Mcad Hall tonight."
characters will be paid only 200 gp each. They bler (innocent), Goodman Christos (inno- Read the following encoutner as the charac-
are told they will be contacted as needed. cent), Akarios the Shipwright (red-hairedand ters head for the Blue Water Mead Hall.
guilty), Theodoric Angulsta (innocent), and
FURTHER INVESTIGATION Seraphim the Minstrel (innocent). He says The sounds of shouting and screaming
there are undoubtedly others who also buy the fade, the scene of pandemonium behind.
After the ambush the characters can continue wine, but he cannot remember. The streets are deserted of all sensible peo-
the investigationinto Lucia Vorloi's murderer. ple. Suddenly, an arrow flashes past. A
They should have several clues to work with. Rope: The rope was uscd in the murdcr. It is a hooded man is standing on a side strcer
Each clue and where it leads is listed below. type of rope used in ships and other heavy lift- and furiously cranks his crossbow for
ing situations another shot.
Red Hair: These rn hairs from one of the two
attackers. Red hair was found under Lucia's Do not give the information above to the chanc- Because of the suddenness of the anack. thc
fingernails and dried in the blood of the dag- ten roo rapidly They must &over the meaning player characters must roll for surprise. If the
ger she uscd on one of her anackers. More was of the clues for themxlvcs. confirm obvious parry is surprised, the man fires another shot
found in a black hood lying in Turano's guest infomtion (Is this the type of rope uwd on at the group. He conrinucs to do this until the
house. As a clue it does not provide much boars?): however, do not tell the characters they characters anack or charge him. He then NIX
information to the characters, but it will help are c o r n if their questions are vague. in the direction shown on Map 6.
them identifv one of the men. No one in the When the characters are at this stage of the

Crosrbowman (1st level fighter): AC 4; F1; hp Chambers of the Vcilcd Ones. He is guarding escapes behind the curtain
7; Running Speed 90'; #AT1; D 1-6; Save the secret entrance at the end of the alley. If
F1; M L 7 ; ALC the characten do not advance or attack the 2. Beyond the Curtain
man, he stands immobile. Otherwise, he
A. Arrow Ambush fights to the death. Hc is mute, Two men sit on the floor near the curtain.
If the characters run after the man. havc the playing dice. Both look up curiously.
Giant Guard (1) (3rd level fighter): AC 6; MV Behind the curtain is a short hallway that
group roll normally for surprise as they round 40'; F3; hp 19; #AT 1 at +3; D 1-10+3;
the corner. If the characters advance with cau- ends in a Dutch door. The top half is open,
Save F3; ML 12; AL C showing the street beyond.
tion, they notice three hooded bowmen, one
at each of the positions marked by an "X". This is the fmal encounter. If the players hm-
Thcsc men are waiting for the crossbowman to If the party asks about Akarios. the men point
dle the encounter correctly, they learn who to the back door. On the street there is no sign
lead thc player characters around the comer. murdered Lucia Vorloi and who is in charge of
The bowmen shoot once and flee. They do of him. The men try to prevent the characters
the Vciled Socicty. k s s succcssful play will from searching the hallway that hides the
not melee with the cbaractcn unless forced. only give part of this answer.
They run in the direction shown on the map. secret passage. One of the men is a cleric who
There arc several ways characters can enter casts a silence spell to cover any ooisc of fight-
Bowmen (3) AC Running Spccd 90'. F1.
this encounter. If they have pursued the
ambushers. they may find the secret entrace to
ing. The other is a fighter who tries to make
his first attack whcn the characters turn their
h p I , #AT 1. D 1-6,SavcNM. M L h . ALN Room 6. If they have captured the orator or hacks. After this he fights normally.
the ambushers, they havc informationto go to
B. Booth the Blue Water Mead Hall. Careful observa- Cleric (3rd Ivel): AC I; MV 30'; C3; hp 14;
As the last fleeing bowman passes this hwth. tion here allom them to find the entrance to #AT 1; D 1-6; Save C3; ML 10: AL C;
he grabs one of the polcs. pulling the fabric thc Society's chambers. Spells light, CUIC light wounds
down. Thc h w t h collapses in a billowing Fighter (3rd level): AC I; Mv40'; F3; hp 17;
heap that blocks the path for two rounds. The 1. The Blue Water Mead Hall XATlat +l;Dl-S+I;SaveF3;ML9;AL
vendor stands next to his booth, screaming C; potion of invisibility
curses and angrily trying to stop anyone The Mead Hall is a bright, clean building.
around him. Inside, several sailors in the center of the 3. Robing Chamber
t w m strike up a rousing hut badly off-key
C. Crowd chorus of a sea chanty. One plays a simple This chamber is barely large enough for
bagpipe at a furious pace. near them, ser- two people to stand in. On one wall is a
This street is very busy. People flecing the area val men link arms and begin a noisy step-
of the new riot clog the thoroughfare. All shelf piled with red robes and black leather
dance. Their stomps punctuate the ribald hoods. Otherwise, thc room is hare.
characters (pursued and pursuing) are only words of the snng. There is much clatter of
able to move at half their normal Running mugs and tdk. The tavern keeper asnd SN-
Speed while on this street. The doors to this room are designed to prscrve
era1 potbnys whik through the crowd, the secrecy of anyone robing in the chamber.
slamming down drinks and catching Each door automatically locks when closed
D. Cart thrown coins. near the back are two cus- and cannot open again until the other door in
This stfeet has a slight inclinc. At the top of tained dwrways. the room is opened and closed. This cffective-
the indine is a fishmonger's cart. The fleeing ly prevents more than one person or group
men stop at this cart and spend one round A red-haired man sits near the back of the from using the rwm.
pushing it down the slope. The cart moves at room. If the characters have a description of
30' per round. The cart strikes a character on a Akarios, they recognize him. If it is near eve- 4. Siredower Passage
die roll of 20. All player characters can he ning, the man leaves the rwm, and goes
struck, unless the character takes a specific through one of the curtained doorways. If the
action to avoid the can. Characters struck by characters appoach the man, he springs to his
feet and runs for the cuttained doorway. He the faint smell of incense and a faint glow
the can take no damage, but spend two of light. The other passage is black.
rounds being knocked down and standing up. holds hir right ann close to his side.
If the characters do not stop the cart, it rolls
into thc busy thoroughfare. and plows into Akarios:AC9;hW40';HDl;hp4;#ATl;D The dark passage leads to Room 5 , the Meet-
1-4;SaveNhi;ML6;ALN ing Chamber. The passage that smells of
the crowd. Several people are badly injured. incense and shines with light leads to a
If the party catches the man and accuses him sircoflower (see New Monsters). Halfway
E. Guard down the passage. the first tendrils of the
of murdering Lucia, he attempts to bluff. If
the party presents any reasonable proof (uuc plant grow on the wall. When the characters
or not) or threatens torture. make a moral reach the end of the passagc. the sirenflower
quarry is not these, but there is nowhere closes behind them. In the soots of the
check for Akarios. If he fails the check, he
they could havc gone. Standing at the far sirenflower are a fcw bones and rusted items.
talks, saying that the Veiled Society ordered
end of the alley is a huge, half-naked man him to murder Lucia. He tells about the secret Searching among these reveals 500 gp and a
holding a two-handed sword. potion of diminution.
entrance to the chambers from the Mead Hall.
If the party does not catch Akarios, he
The man is the guard from Room 6 of the
Shenflower: AC 9; MVNil; HD I; hp 24; #AT Veiled Society Members (20): AC 9; MV 40‘; 7. The Secret Chamber
0; D 1-4; Save FI; ML 12; AI. N HD 1; hp 4; #AT 1; D 1-4; Save NM; ML
9; ALC The chamber is brightly lit by hundrcds of
5. Meeting Chamber
Leader (3rd level magic-user): AC 8; MV 40’; sputtering candles that give the room a
Ifthe characters have not made no& from chop- HD 2; hp 7; #AT 1 at +I; D 1-4+1 Save warm, yellow glow. In the center of the
ping down doors, loud fighting, arguing noisily M3 + 1; ML 8; AL C; Spells c h m peison, room is a table piled with books and
amongst themselves, etc. and they are cautious, slcep. invkibiliqr; Magic items dagger + I ; papers. On the floor is an old man. He lies
read the following description to them. ring ofprotection + 1 face down in a small pool of blood. Stand.
The leader is Antonito M u . If cap&, he ing over him is a middle-aged swarthy man
The glow of light and a droning sound tries to place the blame for all evens on Zweis holding a sword to a younger man’s chest.
comes from down the passage. Ahead is an Radu. The younger man shouts, “Stop him!
archway shining with a red light. If the characters did not dcfeat the guard in He has slain our father! He is a murderer!”
A large room is gloomily lit by smolder- thc alley in the previous encounter, he is in “Get back you fools or die now!” says
ing fires. Standing along the walls of the this chamber. He is mute and attacks anyone the middle-aged man. “I’ve had cnough
room are 20 men, all dressed in red robes hc does not recognize. He does not recognize meddling and foolishness.” He leaps for.
and black hoods, At the far side of the the player characters. He is slavishly loyal to ward to attack you.
room is a man wearing a red and gold robe the Radu and docs not reveal anything about
and a large wooden mask. His face does them willingly. The younger man is Zweis Radu, the middle.
not show under the mask. He is speaking aged man, Cmha Radu. Cartha will attempt
Giant Guard (3rd level fighter): AC 6; MV
to the crowd in a hollow echoing voice. to kill the playcr characters, then escape. If he
40’; F3; hp 19; #AT 1 at +3; D 1-10+3;
Behind him is a large bronze gong. is severely wounded, he attempts to fight his
Save F3; ML 12; AL C
The masked leader booms, “And now is way past the characten and flec. During this
our time! The city will lie helpless before fight Zweis assists the characten.
6. Cell If Zweis is still alive after the fight, he
us! The people will side with us.Our ene-
mies can be ctushed. The Duke will feel thanks the characters and offers them a
our power, will hear only out voice. Those reward. The reward is a position within his
who oppose us are weak, those who betray crackles underfoot. There is a shuffling of
chains from one comer.
organization the Veiled Society. If the char-
us are traitors. We know what to do with acters accept, those of Lawful alignment will
traitors.” Shouts of agreement fill the air. change to Chaotic. If the characters rduse,
“Then take him, take the mitor!” he Held prisoner in this roam is Estaish. a mem- Zweir tries to hrihe thcm. He offers each char.
shouts, and poinrs to one of the robed men. ber of the Duke’s Elvengard. He is chained to acter 500 gp in jewels from a small wooden
“He will d e r for disobeying our orders. the wall. The manacles are locked around his box in the desk. If the characters still refuse.
The woman should not have been killed!” feet and hands. No key is in sight. He is weak Zweis lets them go and immediately makes
At this the other masked men spring and has been tortured. He can harely talk. plans to flee the city.
toward the accuscd. an inarticulate growl If rescued. he shows the parry all sccret If the characters search this room, they find
of rage in their throats. His screams of pan- doors out of the room. He comes with the par- 3000 gp worth of gems in a small box and
ic rise above all. ty, bur cannot fight and can only walk with Estaish’s equipment. The dcad man on thc
support. If the characters succeed in getting floor is Anton Radu.
Ifthe characters do nothing hut watch, theywit- him outside, he accompanies the player char- If the characters try to examinc the papen
ness the horrible death ofone ofthe membcrs of mers as an NPC on future adventures. There or take these with them, Zweis attacks. The
is no question of his loyalty, although he does papers are a complete account of the Radu
the Veded Society. lawful characters will not suf-
not accept unreasonable orders. He serves the family’s actions and the Veiled Society.
fer an alignment change, however. Unless one
character watches the leader, he is gone when characters in the best and wisest manner.
Hc has no equipment with him other than Cmha (6th level fighter): AC 1; MV40’; F6;
they look for him again.After the traitor is dead. hp39; #AT lat + 4 ; D 1-8+2; SaveF3+3;
clothing. H i s remaining equipment (chain
the members turn to leavc, one at a time, the
m o r , sword. and bow) is in Room 8. ML 11; AL C; + 4 on all hit rolls duc tn
secret meefingohviouslyover. Halfthemembers magic weapon and high level; ring ofpro-
Estaish learned a great deal about the Veil-
leave by the passage to the Blue Water Mead tcction + I; sword + 2
ed Society during his imprisonment. He can
Hall. The others leave hy the =ret entrance that idenufy the murderer of Lucia Vorloi and Zweis (3rd level fighter): AC 3; MV 40’; F3;
leads to the blind alley.
knows thc murder was done on the orders of hp21;XATlat +l;D1-8+1;SaveF3;
If the characters act during the confusion,
the Veiled Society. He knows that the Radu ML9;ALC;swordil
the Society members anack them. If any
family is involved in the Veiled Society and is
member of the party watches the leadcr dur- responsible for inciting the riots in the city. If
If the papers are placed in the hands of the
ing the commotion, he sees the leader slip used as a witness to the Duke concerning the
Duke or any other family. all mcmbcrs of the
behind the gong and disappear. Veiled Society and Radu faction are declared
Radu and the Society,he can destroy the Radu traitors and sentenced to death.
The traitor slain by the members was the
as a power faction forever.
man who assisted Akarios with the murder of Not all members of the Veiled Society arc
Lucia. If the characters check his body, they Estaish (1st level elf): AC 9; MV 20‘ due to captured. Those that escape learn of the char-
find nothing of interest. weakness; E l ; hp 3; #AT 0 ; D 0; Save E l ; acters’ involvcment in the family downfall.
Searching the room reveals nothing of use ML 12; ALL; Spells None This can be a starting point for adventures as
or value. the Radu faction tries to take revengc on the
player characters.

AFTERWARD ful sponsor. If not, they will still have devel- If the players enjoyed a c&n adventure.
oped other contacts in the course of their there is no reason nor to use the same setting
After ithe adventure in Specularum has been adventures-Lirdrium Arkayz, Sindar. Arnuif 01 NPCs as a springboard for more adven-
cornpls:ted, it's time to step back and decide Armbruster, and perhaps even the Protector. tures. For example. the hapless Caldwell
what to do next. Are the players happy with (And they may need these contam to leave might buy anorher castle-mcl have no better
the course of the campaign? Have the charac- Specularum quickly!). luck than he did the fi.rsr time! A new adven-
ters advanced beyond the lower levels of pia?? If the characters are not yet powerful ture can also be created by rckeying existing
Have ithe players mastered the game at this enough for ocean adventures, and there are maps. changing the location of the complex
levels? Do they want to take a stronger role in still adventures in this series left unplaved, the and the denizens found then:. Such "new"
the development of the campaign setting? players can be seni back into them. For e x m - complexes should iernain comistent with the
If so, they will probably want to try the pie. if the part- caused the fail of the Radu human, demihumm. and monxter popula-
D&D" Exppcrt adventures for character levels faction in Specularum, the survivors of that tions for the locale. Recognizable territories
4.14. 'The next adventure recommended for faction might arrange to have them kid- (and even indiridual tribes) mikc a campaign
the party that has completed this series of napped by slavers (icading to the "Great world more real.
adventures and gained 4th level or so is the Escape" adventure) or spirited away by desert Finail?, for those wanting even more adven-
ocean voyage to X1. The Isle of Dread. HON nomads (bringing the- to the "Lost Ciyv"). mures. GAZ1, The Grand Duchy of Kara-
the characters begin this adventure will be Likewise. if the player charactcis' faction has meikos has suggestions for furiher adventures,
decided by how a d they did in Specularum. last, they might flee into the woods, and and future Gazetreers will enable the players
If their faction won, they will be in a good encounter a village o f elves with a problem. . . to do even more!
position to simply propose the trip to a power-
Axher Bush liding. Attacks: 1
Armor Class 7 A chameleon man cannot attack in the Damage: 1-6
same round that it uses the vanishing move, No. Appearing: 1-6
Hit dice: 2
Move: 3' (1') because of the mental concentration required Save As: Fighter: 1
Attacks: 1 thom spray
to vanish. A group of chameleon men will Morale: Special
Damage: 1-4 usually use the vanishing move to surround Treasure Type: A
No. Appearing: 1-20 opponents. Alignment: Chaotic
Save As: Fighter 1 The warriors of this race are usually armed
Morale: 12 with daggers or clubs. They never wear m o r , Cynidiccans are a special type of normal
Treasure Type: V since they cannot carry much weight while humans who h i: in the Lost City. They have
Alignment: Chaotic using the vanishing ability. pale skin, white hair, large eyes, and infravis-
Chameleon men usually live in deep ion. They wear :olorful masks, bright cloth-
Archer bushes have sickly-looking green caverns or in dense forests far from civiliza- ing, and carty sfiott swords. The Cyoidicean
tion. have lived under!:round so long that they have
leaves. dwarf trunks and thorny brown
branches. The trunk looks like a 3' tall mound a -1 to hit wht:n attacking in full sunlight
of leaves. Hidden under the leaves is a huge Crone of Cham (like goblins). TIley spend most of their time
mouth. Archer hushes are carnivorous and can living in strange dream worlds. Special Cyni-
Armor Class: 7
uproot themselves and move slowly towards Hit Dice: 6* dicean characterri can be set up j u s like nor-
mal NPCs. Mort; details on the Cynidiceans
their prey. The mouth is fdled with extra hard Move: 120' (40')
will he found in the DMs Barkground in the
thorns which the bush uses like teeth to Attacks: 2
devour prey once the prey is dead. Archer Damage: 1-611-6 lorn Citg advennire. A dozen encounters with
Cynidiceam are <autlined here. The DM may
bushes attack by shooting a spray of several Special Attacks: Magic use
small thorns at their victims, causing 1-4 save As: F6 use these or make up his or her own.
points of damage. Archer bushes can shoot Mode: 8
Cynidlicean Encounters
their thorn spray at one target up to 20 feet Alignment: Chaotic
away. Each bush can only fire three such sprays XP Value: 100 1. One charactel' in a wolf mask (AC 9; NM;
in a day. hp 3; MV 40' ; #AT none, ML 7; AL C) is
The crone of chaos is an intelligent, evil- encountered. This Cynidicean believes he
Chameleon Man natured creaNre that uses deception to cause is a werewolf When he sees the party, he
pain and suffering. In its true farm. the crone will drop to idl fours. howl. sniff. circle.
Armor Class: 9 has wrinkled. leathery skin,sparse hair, long and generally behave 'like a wolf. H e may
Hit Dice: 2*
crooked arms. fangs, and large hands with try to bite if approached too closely. He
Move: 120' (40')
claw-likefingers. It normally lives alone in evil thinks he can1lot hc harmed, and will only
Attacks: 1 weapon forests or desolate wilderness, often in a cave. he afraid of IIiagic or silver weapons.
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 2-8 (1-20)
The crone has unusually keen hearing and 2. Three charai:tm approach the patty,
eyesight, and is surprised only on a roll of 1 on dressed in d:irk robes and devil masks.
Save As: F2
d6. Thcv cami in<:ewe burners. These Cvnidi-
Morale: 7
The creature has several magical attacks
Treasure Type: (Q+S)E c a s thihk tlley are powerful cleric; (AC
available. These are natural powers. not spells 1;c3, c2, c1;hp13,9,4;MV30';#ATl:
Alignment: Neutral (although they can he revealed by derectmag-
XP Value: 41 D 1-6; ML 8; Af C). Theysce the party as
ic and destroyed by dispel magic, a 3rd level
demons and vrill try to drive thcm off with
magic-user spell). The most imponant of the-
Chameleon men are 7 feet tall and quite thin. loud cries anai foul-smelling smoke. The
sc powers is an illusion power that allows the
They have spindly arms and legs, and move leader's name is Brother Theodeus.
crone to look like a human or demi-human
with a gangly, awkward stride. Their multi- character. The crone usually disguises itself as 3. One Cynidici:an dressed in bright green
colored skin has with tiger-like stripes of red, a beautiful young woman to fool unwary vic- robes and a bi rd mask approaches the party
blue, green. yellow, brown, orange, hlack and tims. In this form it uses the animal conrrol (AC 9; NM;kip 3; MV40'; #AT 1; D 1-6;
white. and daggers of sorcery powers to attack. The ML 11; AI. C ). She will walk slowly up to
Each round, a chameleon man can vanish, crone fights in its true form only if surprised, one party mi:mber, hand him or her a
and reappear in another place. It can reappear small pouch. smile. and walk on. She will
or if the other attacks have failed to destroy
up to 120' from the spot where it vanished. the opposition. not notice an1i attempt the party makes to
This vanishing move is instantaneous. The The crone's animal control and daggers of talk to her. The pouch contains a strange
control of this ability is so precise that they sorceq powers are desuibed more fully in powder that SInells like cloves. The powder
never reappear in mid-air or inside solid encounter R2 in The Hall of Rock. has no special properties at all.
objects. However. since the use of the ability is
instantaneous, a chamelcoo man cannot reap- 4. Six Cynidiceans in striped robes and camel
cynidiceans masks zigzag slowly down the hall in sin-
pear in the exact spot where someone else is
standing when the chameleon man vanishes. Armor Class: 9 gle fde. They are trying to avoid the invisi-
If several chameleon men use this ability in Hit Dice: 1 ble snakes onI the floor. They will tty to
the same area, they all reappear without col- Move: 120' (40') show the p aty the invisible snakes and


warn the party to walk around the snakes. payment. They will attack if they are not very wide and has long yellow teeth and a hor-
There are, of course, no snakes. paid. (AC 9; NM; hp 4 each; MV 40’; #AT rible foul breath.
5 . This party of four wear insect masks.carry
i;D i-6; ML 8; ALC) Decapuses usually live alone, preferring to
hunt by thcmsclvcs. They hunt by swinging
large clay jars, and hum like bees. They 10.These five Cynidiceans are a NPC Party. through trees and scwping up their prey in
will stop and ask the parry to drink from They will rhiak the player characters are
theit tentacles. The tentacles are 10’ long and
the jars. Everyone who does has 1-4 points some kind of monster. Turn to the Wander- extend from all p a n of their bodies. The ten-
of damage cured, as these jars contain hon- ing Monster: level Z table in the D&D
tacles are covcred with suckers that the deca-
ey from the lair of killer bees. If the Cyni- Basic rules and roll for the type of monster pus can use not only to grasp prey but to climb
diceans are attacked, or if someone tries to the Cynidiceansthink the player characters walls and ceilings.
drink twice the Cynidiceanswill smash the are. The Cynidicean party has: The decapus attacks with nine of its tenta-
jars and attack berserkly (AC 9; NM; bp 3 E3 (AC 5; hp 14; MV 20’; #AT + 1 at 1; D cles, using the tenth tentacle to hang from the
each;MIV40’;#ATlat +2;D1-6;ML12; 8+1:SavcF3:ML8:)
ceiling (or trees).
AL C). FZ (AC 5 ; hp 10; MV 20;; #AT 1; D 1-8;Save On the flwr or ground, the dccapus is
FZ; ML 8; AL C) much more helpless. Its tentacles are not
6. This P ~ ofYfour wears animal masks; F2 (AC hp 8; M v 20,; #m1; 1.8; save
Hawk, Fish, Cat, and Fox (these are also strong enough to support its weight upright
F2; ML 8; AL C) for long periods of time. On the ground, the
the characten’ names). They are carrying a hi2 (AC 9; hp 6; MV 40’; #AT 1 or spells; D
stretcher with a gourd on it. These charac- decapus can only manage six attacks, and the-
1-4; Save MZ; ML 8; AL C) Spells: hold se attacks do only halfnormal damage. When
ters are rushing their ‘sick friend’ (the portal, magic missile
gourd: Dog) to a cleric. If the party has a swingingfrom tree limbs, the decapus can tra-
C2 (AC 5 ; hp 8; MV 20’; #AT 1; D 1-6; Save vel at 90’ per N m , or 30’ per round. On the
cleric, the Cynidiceans will insist that the C2; ML 8; AL C) Spell: cure fight wounds
cleric cure their friend. ground, the decapus can only move 3’ pcr
1I .This group of five Cynidiceans is dressed in turn or 1’ per round.
7. This group of six in bright yellow robes and brightly colored robes and masks with
human masks will stop and starc at the par- human faces. They will think the party is Fey, m g
ty. They will ‘recognize’a party member as the same band of barbarian raiders who
the King or Queen of Cynidicea. They will Armor Class: 3
lwted the city centuries ago. They will flee Hit Dice: 5*
follow the character, sing songs of praise, in panic as the party approaches.
and wait on the character hand and foot. Move: 150’ (IO‘
In general. they will smother the character 12.The party encounters a Priest of Zargon Attacks: special wail
with attention. However, they will not (AC 5; C3; hp 12; MV 20’; #AT 1; D 1-6; Damage: 1-4lround
fight for their King or Queen. They are Save C3; ML 8; AL C) Spell: cure light No. Appearing: 10)
more likely to grab the character and try to wounds x2). H e has twelve followers (AC Save As: Fighter: 5
rush him or her to safety. They are: AC 9; 9 ; F1; hp 4 each; MV 40’; #AT 1; D 1-8; Morale: 12
NM;hp4each;MV40’;#ATl;D1-6;ML SaveF1;MLlZ;ALC). Theyareonaholy Treasure Type: C
7; AL C. Their spokesman is Poficrates the quest and will insist the party come along. Alignment: Neutral
Herald. (The priest will try to trick the party and
take them prisoner.) Wailing feys are pale ghost-like figures. Their
8. A group of four Cynidiceans in feathered shape is toughly humanoid, though longer
robes and bird masks approach. On seeing Deepns and thinner than most humans. They have
the party, the Cynidiceans will ‘fly’ (run) glowing red eyes and a large. dark mouth.
forward, flapping their arms and squawk- Armor Class: 5 Wailing fcys are supernatural creatures that
ing, They will invite the party to fly along Hit Dice 4 haunt certain familics. They warn the family
and will lead them on a merry chase Move: 90’ (30’) in trees or that one of its members will soon die. Wailing
through the pyramid. If the parry refuses 3’ (1‘) on ground feys may also mourn for a person after his or
to join the Cynidiceans, the Cynidiceans Attacks: 9 tcntacles her death. Thus, they may he found guarding
will insult the party as p w r creatures who Damage: 1-6 each graves. catacombs, or tombs.
cannot fly (“Thou land-hound slugs!’’), No. Appearing: 1 Wailing feys can only be hurt by magic or
circle three times, and ‘fly’ away. If Save As: Fighter 2 magical weapons. They are immune to sleep.
attacked, the Cynidiceans (AC 9; NM; hp Morale: 9 charm, and hofdspells. They arc not undead,
4;MV 40’; Save: F1) will ‘fly’ away. Treasure Type: C and cannot he mmcd. Disturbed wailing feys
Alignment: Chaotic attack with a special wail. All those within 30’
9. A group of six Cynidiceans with their
bodies painted black and wearing vulture of the wailing fey take 1-4 points of damage
The decapus is a Creature usually found in for- each round automatically. Doom or walls will
masks walk quietly toward the party. They ests. It looks like a bloated hairy globe sprout-
carry long wooden boards. hut seem block the sound. A wailing fey will attack any
ing ten tentacles. T h c hair is usually brown. living CreaNIC it sees. It will continue to wail
friendly and normal. They will follow the hut sometimes it is black. The body is normal-
party, waiting for something to he killed. u n d it is destroyed or until the intruders have
ly green. although some purple or yellow run away.
When it is, they will rush over and start decapuses have been found. In the center of
building a coffin to fit the body. When the decapus’s 4’ wide body is its mouth. The
they are done, they will demand a 10 gp mouth of a decapus is terrible to behold. It is


Golem, Bone No.Appearing: 1 lasts only one day. In fox form, the werefox
Armor Class: 2 Save As: Fighter 4 can charm animals. The werefox can charm
Hit Dice: n** Morale: 12 any one normal or giant animal for one day. A
Move: 120’ (40’) Treasure Type: Nil creature or person who saves vs. Spell willnot
Attacks: 4 Alignmcnt: Neutral be charmed.
Damage: each arm by weapon Once a creature or person is charmed. it will
No. Appearing: 1 The lava lizard is a bizarre reptile that dwells remain charmed for that day, even if rhe were-
Save As: F4 in subterranean caverm among pools of hub. fox changes form. The charm ability can he
Morale: 12 bling lava. The creature has a rocklike outer used only three times per day. For exmplc. a
Treasure Type: Nil shell that helps to maintain the high body werefox could try to charm two humans and
Alignment: N temperature a lava lizard must have to sur. one animal in thc same day.
XP Value: 1710
vive. Werefoxes are clever and cunning. They live
The lava lizard fights hy trying to birc a mainly by their wits. If combat is going
A golem is a powerful monster, created and creature with its quick but relatively weak against them they will prefer to trick or bribe
animated by a high level magic-user or cleric. jaws. A bitten creature takes 1-6 points of their opponent rather than fight to the death,
The bone golem is made of bones, hound damage from the lizard’s bite and must save
together in a man-like form. It has four skele- vs. dragon breath. If unsuccessful, the crea- Piranha Bird
tal arms. with which it wields four one- ture is gripped momentarily by the lava liz-
ard‘s jaws and takes an additional 1-6 points Armor Class: 6
handed weapons or two pole arms. It attacks Hit Dice: 112 (1-4 hitpoints)
u p to two opponents each round. of damage from heat. (For magical types of
fire resistance such as rings and spells, treat Move: 30’ (IO’) on ground
Bone golems can only be hit by magical 180’ (60’) in flight
weapons. They are immune to sleep, charm, the bite as red dragon breath in terms of sav-
ing throws and reduced damage). Attacks: 1 bite
and hold spells, as well as all gases, fire, cold, Damage: 1-4
and electrical attacks. They cannot be turned. The lava lizard has a special defense as well.
Whenever the CreaNre is struck by a nonmagi- No. Appearing: 4-24
cal metal weapon (such as a sword blade or Save As: Normal Man
Haunt Treasure Type: Nil
dagger), the owning character must save VI.
Armor Class: Special magic wands ot the weapon melts from the Alignment: Neutral
Hit Dice: Special intense heat of the creature’s interior. Note
Move: Nil that a melted weapon still inflicts damage on The piranha bird is a one-foot long, garishly
Attacks: Special that round, but not thereafter. colored bird always hungry for fresh meat.
Damage: Nil Although these creatures dwell in hot sub- Individual piranha birds may have green,
No. Appearing: 1-2 terranean caverns, they have been known to blue. red. brown, black, or even purple
Save As: Special travel several miles from the lava they need to feathen-the entire variety of colors displayed
Morale: Nil survive. As they feel their body temperature in a single flock. Their beaks are sharp and
Treasure Type: Nil cooling. they will attempt to return to the pointed, and have razorlikc edges so that the
nourishing fucs. There are a fcw unconfirmed bird can stick its beak into the flesh of a crea-
Alignment: h Y
XP Value: 100 when laid to rest reports of lava lizards being found in sta- Nre, bite, and fly away with a snack.
ruelike immobility, presumably having been Piranha birds can fly with humming-
A haunt is a ghost-like spirit of a dead charac- caught too far from their source of heat. birdlike maneuverability; they can make sud-
ter or creature. There is some reason why the den changes in direction, or even hover in the
spirit cannot rest, usually a message to be Lycanthrope, werefm air. When one piranha bird catches sight of a
delivered to those who enter the haunted potential meal, it utters a high-pitchcd whis-
area. The haunt cannot be destroyed, only Armor Class: 6 (9) tle, thus alerting the entire flock. They always
Hit Dice: 3+2* attack warm-blooded creatures, and do not
laid to rest by some means decided by the
DM. Move: 180‘ (60‘) have to check morale until half of the flock has
Attacks: 1 +charm been eliminated.
Haunts cannot attack or cause damage,
Damage: 1-6 They do not like bright sunlight. hut
though certain haunts may require characters
to make a saving throw YS. spells or run away. No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-6) piranha birds may he found in all climates
Save As: Fighter: 3 except the very coldest or those barren of any
Characters who fail their saving throws will
not willingly go into the haunted area again. Morale: 8 shade. They prefer to live in regions of dense
Treasure Type: C forest or in underground caverns, and seem to
A haunt always stays in one area.
Alignment: Neuual have developed limited infravision that allows
Lizard, Lava them to detect prey up to 30 feet away even in
Werefoxes are foxes that can change into total darkness.
Armor Class: 3 human form. In human form, the werefox
Hit Dice: 4* will have fox-like red hair and an Armor Class
Move: 90’ (30’) of 9. A werefox in human form has the ability
Attacks: 1 bite to charm a person of the opposite sex. This
Damage: 2-12 ability works like a charm person spell, but


Pnlgmar can still fight but have a - 4 penalty on all hit vampire ROKS
rolls. Armor Class: 7
Armor Class: 9 When the sirenflower reacbes 0 hit points,
Hit Dice: 10. Hit Dice: 4
it is not dead, but all the branches have been Movement: 30' (10')
Move: 60' (20')
. . choppcd away. The only way to totally kill a
Attacks: 3 Attacks: 1 + blood drain
sirenfloweris to dig up and hum the root. The Damage: 1-8
Damage: 1-61 1-6/1-6 CfCaNrC grows back at the same ratc as a nor-
No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-3) No. Appcaring: 1-8
mal plant. Savc As: Fighter 2
Morale: 10
Savc As: Fighter: 5 Morale: 12
steam weevil Treasure Typc: Nil
Treasure Typc: B
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 7 Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dicc: 4
The polymar is a scmi-intelligent crcaturc that Move: 60'(20') Vampire roses look like normal whitc rose
can changc its shape. It can look like any crea- Attacks: 1 swarm bushes. Thcy can, however, uproot them-
ture with 10 hit dice or Icss. or any ohjcct no Damage: 4 sclvcs to move about slowly. Each 4 HD wortb
largcr than 100 cubic feet (10'X 10'X 1'. for No. Appearing: 1 swarm of vampire roses rcprcscnts a single rose hush.
example). The polymar gains no spccial ahdi- Save As: Normal Man The thorny stalks of vampire roses can whip
ties by changing. Morale: 11 around avictim, inflicting 1-8 points of dam-
This change ability is physical, not magical. Trcasure: Nil age. The thorns arc hallow. Once a thorn stalk
Thus a detect magic spell will not detect thc Alignment: Neutral has stuck and wrapped around a victim, the
polymar. The change. however, is not perfect vampire rose will drain 1-8 points of blood per
Characters, including NPCs. have the same Stcam weevils arc tiny flying insects that round automatically. Thc vampire rose also
chance to dctcct the polymar as they do to find thrive on the intense heat and pressure of sub- injects a hypnotic anesthetic into the victim's
secrct doon. Thus, elves are more likely to terranean arcas of geothermal activity. They bloodstream. the victim must save vs. Spells
notice polyman than othcr character classcs. If have developed a way to turn the hcat of a or lose all willpower, allowing the vampire
thc polymar is not detected heforc it attacks, it pool of lava directly into usable energy (much rose to continue sucking blood until the vic-
will attack with surprise. the way plants derive energy directly from the tim dies. After a vampire rose has completely
sun), and many gcncrations of stcam weevils drained a victim, the roses will be colored
SirCnflOWeI will live thcir lives without ever leaving the blood red instead of whitc for one day.
deep caverns that are their preferred cnvimn-
Armor Class: 9 mcnt. Water Weird
Hit Dice: 5 Occasionally, howevcr, hccause of volcanic
Move: 0 Armor Class: I
activity. a swarm of steam wccvils may be car- Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 0 ried to the outside world in a blast of steam or
Damage: Special Move: 60' / / (20')
lava. Thcy cannot live long in the relative cold Attacks: 1
No. Appearing: 1-2(1-6) of thc aunosphcrc, but they can be a dangcr-
Save As: Fighter I Damage: 1 +drowning
ous enemy in the 1-4 houn that passcs before No. Appearing: 1-2
Morale: 12 they die.
Treasure Typc: V Save As: F6
Stcam wccvils glow undcrground or in Morale: 12
Alignmcnt: N shade, hccause of tbc intense hcat of their
XP Value: 175 Treasure Typc: 1
hodics. A person caught in the midst of a Alignment: Chaotic
stcam weevil swarm takes four points of dam- X P value: 35
The sirenflower is a large carnivorous fungus agcfrom burnsifthcswarmisatfullstrength.
that has developcd the disguise of a normal- Damage is cut in half if thc character is ward-
looking plant. It captures its prcy by luring Water wcird arc magical CreaNreS made of
ing the insects away. (See "Insect Swarms" in water that live in hodics of water. such as
CreaNICS toward its center. To do this, the the monstcr section of the Basic rules book).
plant emits scents and lights. The sccnts are pools. Thcy attack all living things that dis-
Smoke and fire does not bother steam wccvils. turb them, feeding on their lifc forces in some
similar to those near the plant, particularly hut water damages them if it is splashed on
fragrant flowen or rotting meats. The light is a unknown way. Water weirds appear in nearly
the swarm (roll to hit AC7.) Characten may any shape, though the form of a giant snake is
pale glowing, no brighter than a candle at its xoop watcr from a puddle or stream with
hest. common.
thcir hands, or they may uncover a water con- In combat. weirds attack singlc enemies
Once a crcaturc rcaches the ccnter of the tainer and attempt to douse the hugs that way.
plant, a web of branching arms closc in, trap- within 10 feet of their pool, They form from
For each hit to thc swam, the damage that thc water in 2 melee rounds. Instead of mak-
ping the creature and slowly crushing it. The- tbc steam wccvils can inflict is reduced by onc.
se hnnches squeeze with great force, causing ing a normal attack, water weirds makc their
Therefore. if two splashcs have hit thc swarm victims make a saving throw vs. paralyzation
1.4 points of damagc per round. In addition, and it is surrounding a pcnon who is warding
the branches also ooze an enzyme that dis- (Dexterity bonuses apply). Victims who fail
them off,the swarm docs only one point of their saving throw take damage, and are
solves flesh. This is vcty slow-acting and only damage. Note that the swarm can only attack
does 1-10points of damage cach rum (not seized and dragged into the water. When
one creature or character at a t h e . weirds trap and drag a victim under water,
round). Crcaturcs trapped by the sirenflower


they ignore other opponents until the trapped Karelena Trilena

victim is dead. A trapped character can attack
the weird with a -4 penalty to hit. Once in Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 9
the water, victims take damage each round Lcvel: M1/M4 Level: MlIM5
and must make a saving throw vs. death each Hit Points: 3/11 Hit Points: 6/13
round or go unconscious. Unconscious victims Move: 120' (40') Move: 120' (40')
die after 3 rounds unless rescued. Attacks: 1 (with dagger) Attacks: 1 (with dagger)
Sharp weapons cause only 1point of dam. Damage: ld4 Damage: Id4
age; blunt weapons cause normal damage. All Save As: M1/M4 Save As: Ml/M5
strength and magical bonuses apply. Damage Morale: 6/12 Morale: 6/12
equal to a weird's total hit points disrupts it, Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
but it reforms in 2 melee rounds. Cold slows XP Value: 10173 XP Value: 101175
weirds (half movement and attacks every sec-
ond round), but fire-based spells do half or When alone, Karelena can cast two of the fol- At the beginning of the module, the witch
none of their normal damagc. F'urfifood and lowing spells: hold portal, shield, slmp. Trilena is imprisoned in one of the stone
water spells kill water weirds immediately.All When with her sisters, she can cast any two of dragon heads in room 100. During the play of
other attacks do not harm them. They may the above spells, plus any two of these spells: the module. Trilena tries to inhabit any
retreat to the bottoms or far comets of their levitate, web,wizard l ~ k . female character with charisma 15 or higher.
pools if hard pressed. Karelena is using the body of the elven Trilena cannot use any spells until she escapes
Larger water weirds are possible. For every maiden, Merisa. She appean dark and power- from the stone prison.
additional 3 hit dice, the weird's AC is ful. wearing gaudy clothing. She is always If encountered alone, she can cast one of
improved by 2, damage increased by 1, attack accompanied by a black panther. Karelcna the following spells: light, magk missile,
range in increased by 5 feet, and saving throws orders her panther to attack the PCs whcncver shield. If encountered with hcr sisters. she can
and trapped victims' attacks made with addi- she sees them, then attempts to escape while cast any two of the above spells, plus any two
tional penalties of -2. the PCs fight the panther. of the following: continual light, levitate,
mirror image. She may also cast one holdper-
Witch-Sisters,Three Solorena son spell per day.
The three sisters are unlike any other magic- Armor Class: 9
users. in that their powers work in combina- Level: MlIM4
tion, and require the Black Opal Eyc as a Hit Points: 4/10
focus. Individually,they are weak, but togeth- Move: 120' (40')
er they become stronger. Use the higher levels Attacks: 1 (with dagger)
and hit points listed for each only when the Damage: Id4
witches are together in one place and when Save As: M1/M4
they know where thc Black Opal Eye is. If the Morale: 6/12
sisters are separated, or if one of them dies, or Alignment: Chaotic
if they do not know wherc the Black Opal Eye XP Value: 10175
is. do not use their higher spells and hit
points. When alone, Solnrena can cast one of the fol-
The Black OpalEye also enables the witches lowing spells: charm person, floating disc,
sleep. When with her sisters, she can cast any
to communicate telepathicallywith their pan-
two of the above spells, plus a ny two of the
then. It also gives them enormous additional
power when the stars are in proper conjunc- following spells: invkihilig ESr: phantasmal
tion. It was during a conjunction that the
witches attacked Elyas. A similar conjunction Solorena has taken the body of the elf Syl-
va. She appears as a tall and willowy girl with
helped them give the Rahib power over the
long, golden hair. She looks, however, as
though she has not been able to sleep for
Thc three sisters despisc one another and
weeks. Solorena bas a black panther as a pet.
often argue among themselves. When the The cat is never far away, and she can summon
three are together and not under attack. there
is a 20% cummulative chance per round that it tclcpathically.
they will stop whatever they are doing and If the PCs capture Solorens, she pretends to
be Sylva.
bicker among themselves. If attacked, how-
ever. they always co-operate to defend thcm-

I. P

3 . I:
4. .(

5. P .-.,.., _. ~

6. R a O u KCFRRilOW I 4. Hall ' 11: ORWR 1hF GRiffON

7. KORFNFSCU KFRRilOR9 1 4 .M a G i c i a N s ' GuilO H a l l


01987 TSR, Im. All Rlghls Rwrfed.











Treasure maps on page 158

01987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed
:--. -+”..

THE CAVES OF CHAOS O1987TSR, Inc. All Rights Rerewed.


~~ ~














THE CAVES OF CHAOS 01987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.

FIRST LEVEL (Entrance)

01987TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Secret Door


Trap Door
in Ceiling
Trap Door
in Floor






Door POOi Garden crevasse and
Steam Vent c7 Column HRuined Wall
Secret Door Tree Statue Stairway ;;:in Furniture and
EY Ruined Furniture
O1987 TSR, Inc. All Rlghts Resewed.

I Door

I SecretDoor
Statue I
j Stream --

I BarredDoor

I Bars Stone Columns

I Pot Over Fire Locked Door

I Cast iron

I Furnlture

I Scale: 1 square = 10 feel

01987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
01987 TSR, Inc. AI1 Rights Resarved.

O1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.


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scuarz '

Tier 4
..ole in Floor
I and- Ce-ilino
- U

loor El Hole in Ceiling .>

Gecret Door
U Low Ceiling F
l Ladder

kcret Trap Door I I Pit Hinged Floor

rrap D O O ~
n Floor Fountain Rubble

'rap Door
n Ceilinq Curtain Altar


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01987 TSR, h e . All Rights Resewed.

Tier 5
Numbers refer to Ch

'1987 TSR, Inc. An I

I @ Gate and wall I

01987 TSR, Inc. All RlghU ReWNed.

- ~


To exit from this awful place, I

The eastern corridor you must pace
And chant the magic words: i-

N CAP#2 1


01987 TSR, Inc All Rights Rewwed

RAHASIA Wandering Monster Tables
Die Wandering Number Save XP
Roll Monster Appearing AC HD MV #AT Damage As ML AL Value
1 Spitting Cobras Id4 7 1 90'(30') 1 Id3+poison F1 7 N 13
2 Black Widow Spiders Id2 6 3* 60'(20') 1 2d6+poison F2 8 N 50
3 Gelatinous Cube
- . 1 8 4* 60'(20') 1 Zd4 +paralysis F2 12 N 125
4 Crargoyle 1 5 4** 90'1 3 33/1d31 F8 12 C 125
150 -16/ 1d4
Giant Rats
r . ~
Jlawa r . -2.
("'1 .I d l o
A .
I .'
liU'(4U ) I
j3 + disease
r ^
.I 8U^ -
^ ^
7-8 Skeletons ld6 7 1 60'(20') 1 Id6 F1 12 C IO
9-10 Siswa ( E l ) Id8 8 I* lZO'(40') 1 Id8 El 8 C 13


Die Wandering Number Save XP
Roll Monster APpea%! AC HD MV #AT Damage As ML AL Value
1 Orcs 2d4 6 1 120'(40') 1 Id6 F1 8 C 10
2 Elf 1 5 I* 120'(40') 1 Id8 El 8 N 13
3 Goblins 2d4 6 1-1 90'(30') 1 Id6 NM 7 C 5
Mi notaur 1 6 6 120'(40' 16/ l d 6 F6 12 C 275
oe,re 1 5 4+1 OO'(30' ill0 F4 10 C 125
Ra hib (C5)-Roll 1 3 c5 60'(20' 16 + 1 c5 10 c 200
.. g c .
f .
h._ ."
p sr hp33
already defeated
7 Panthers Id2 4 4 ld4/ld4/1dR
.- - ._. F7
.- I.
( N
. 75
8 Gelatinous Cube 1 8 4* 60' 1 2d4 +paralysis F2 12 N 125
9 Giant Rats 3d6 7 '12 120 . . 1 Id3+disease F1 8 N 3
10 Giant Bats Id10 6 2
30'( IO')/
1 Id4 F1 8 N 20

11 Zombies 2d4 8 2 90'(30') 1 Id8 F1 12 C 20

12 Black Widow Spiders ld3 6 3* 60'(20') 1 2d6 +poison F2 8 N 50


Room Monster No. Hit AC HD hp MV #AT D Save ML AL SAISD XP
WM Goblin 4 19 6 1-1 4,5,3,6 90'(30') 1 1-6 or 1-4 N M 7 C No 5
lrader (ri)
I l
- 7'140')
4 Trader(F1) 1 1 9 6 1 8 12cIf(.iogi 1 1-6 + 1 axe F1 f N No 10
5 Trader(F1) 1 1 9 6 1 6 12cI,(.$0') 1 1 F1 7 N Vo IO
10 Srirge 3 1 9 7 1 8,6,5 30'1:I(1') or 1 1-3 FZ 9 N Yes 13
LoJ'(cl" ,
'n'i n
11 Acolyte (Cl) 1 1 9 2 1 6 120'(40') 1 1-6 CI 8 C No 10
14 Crab Spider 1 1 8 7 2 10 lZO'(40') N 1-8 + poison F1 7 N Yes 25
15 Bandit (TI) 2 1 9 6 1 6,6 12cl'(407 1 1-6 TI 8 C No 10
15 BandirLeader(T1) 1 19 6 1 120l'(40 7 1 1-6-1 sword T1 8 C No 10
16 Kobold 3
" J 1
.I - D, i.1-0
, NM
No 5
23 Fire Beetle 2 18 4 1+2 6.8 lZO'(40') 1 2-8 FI 7 N No 15
24 Spitting Cobra 1 1 9 7 1 6 90'(30') 1 1-3 + poison FI 7 N Yes 13
31 Wolf 2 17 7 2+2 11,12 ISO'(60') 1 1-6 F1 6 N No 25

Room Monster No. Hit AC HD hP MV #AT D Save ML AI SAISD XP
1 Doppleganger 1 1 6 5 4 18 90'(30') 1 1-12 F8 8 C Yes 125
2 Medium(M1) 2 1 9 8 1 3.3 lZO'(40') 1 1-4 MI 12 C Yes 13
3 Robber Fly 4 1 8 6 2 7.10,11.8 90'(30')or 1 1-8 F1 8 N No 20
ISO'(60') fly
7 Gelatinous Cube 1 1 6 8 4 20 60'(20') 1 2 + 8 paralvsis F2 12 N Yes 125
10 Berserker Leader I 18 7 1+1 9 120'(40') 1 1-6 + 1 sword FI 12 N Yes 19
10 Berserker 3 18 7 1+1 9.6.6 120'(40') 1 1-6 F1 12 N Yes 19
13 Thou1 3 1 7 6 3 9.14.15 120'(40') 1 1-311-3 F3 10 C Yes 65
14 Wight 2 1 7 5 3 18.15 90'(30') 1 Energy dram F3 12 C Yes 50
Hit Roll is that needed to hit ACO
POB 756
Lake Geneva,
WI 53147

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