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 VJC AMO Procedures  

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Question Maintenance records

Select one:
a. shall be retained for 24 calendar months
Mark 0.00 out from the date the aircraft or aircraft
of 1.00 product to which the work relates was
released from the AMO
b. shall be retained for 12 calendar months
from the date the aircraft or aircraft
product to which the work relates was
released from the AMO
c. shall be retained for 24 calendar months
from the date the aircraft or aircraft
product to which the work relates was
completed from the AMO  19 07 26/4/24
Trang 1 / 13
Question Each registered owner or operator of an
2 aircraft desiring to use a progressive
inspection program shall submit a written
Incorrect request to CAAV, and shall provide:

Mark 0.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. A licensed AMT holding an inspection
authorization in accordance with Part 12,
an AMO (Part 5), or the manufacturer of
the aircraft to supervise or conduct the
progressive inspection;
b. A licensed AMT holding an inspection
authorization in accordance with Part 7, an
Part 12, or the manufacturer of the aircraft
to supervise or conduct the progressive
inspection; 
c. A licensed AMT holding an inspection
authorization in accordance with Part 7, an
AMO (Part 5), or the manufacturer of the
aircraft to supervise or conduct the
progressive inspection;

Question AMO holder shall report to the AOC holder

3 any condition affecting the aircraft or aircraft
Select one:
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 a. Where the AMO holder is contracted by
an AOC holder to carry out maintenance
b. Must report to CAAV directly. 
c. Report to the aircraft design
organization. 19 07 26/4/24
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Question Privileges of AMO
Select one:
a. An AMO holder may not contract out the
Mark 0.00 out maintenance, preventative maintenance,
of 1.00 modification or alteration of a complete
type-certificated product, and it may not
provide only approval for return to service
of a product following contract
b. An AMO holder may contract out the
maintenance, preventative maintenance,
modification or alteration of a complete
type-certificated product, and it may not
provide only approval for return to service
of a product following contract
c. An AMO holder may contract out the
maintenance, preventative maintenance,
modification or alteration of a complete
type-certificated product, and it may
provide only approval for return to service
of a product following contract
maintenance. 

Question A Part-145 approved maintenance

5 organization is authorized to.

Correct Select one:

Mark 1.00 out a. approve major modifications.
of 1.00 b. issue certificates for work completed in
aircraft maintenance or overhaul. 
c. originate repair schemes and
manufacture parts. 19 07 26/4/24
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Question How long shall QA Department submit MOR
6 to CAAV since the occurrence after
identifying the condition to which the report
Incorrect relates?

Mark 0.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. It is not later than 24 hours
b. It is not later than 48 hours 
c. It is not later than 72 hours

Question Who is responsible for performing inspections

7 using CAAV approved data:

Incorrect Select one:

Mark 0.00 out a. Authorized person
of 1.00 b. Qualified person
c. Qualified and authorized person 

Question What is responsibility of Maintenance Director

8 and Store Manager:

Incorrect Select one:

Mark 0.00 out a. Communicating with customer and
of 1.00 informing all content of contract or
purchase order to all other managers to
performing the work.
b. Checking the availability and adequacy
of tools and equipment required for any
maintenance activities, provide
maintenance records to VJC, operator
upon completion of maintenance tasks.
c. Both a & B  19 07 26/4/24
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Question Tools and Equipment which are used in VJC
9 AMO included:

Correct Select one:

of 1.00 TOOLING 

Question Aircraft Certifying Staff is:

Select one:
a. CAT A, B1
Mark 1.00 out
b. CAT A, B1, B2 
of 1.00
c. CAT A, B1, B2, ARS

Question When performing the operator’s work order,

11 VJC AMO uses maintenance documentation
provided by:
Select one:
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 a. Operator
b. CAAV 
c. Airbus 19 07 26/4/24
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Question In situations involving unscheduled aircraft
12 un-serviceability, persons performing
maintenance functions for aircraft may be
Correct continued on duty for:

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Up to 16 consecutive hours; or 20 hours
in 24 consecutive hours 
b. Up to 32 consecutive hours
c. Up to 48 consecutive hours

Question When VJC AMO performs any maintenance,

13 preventative maintenance, modifications for
an air operator having an approved
Correct Maintenance Program, VJC AMO shall
perform that work in accordance with
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 Select one:
a. The air operator’s manuals, procedures,
and approved maintenance data. 

Question Will VJC AMO use unapproved parts and

14 materials for maintenance:

Correct Select one:

Mark 1.00 out a. Yes
of 1.00 b. No  19 07 26/4/24
Trang 6 / 13
Question Who is responsible for tasks preparation,
15 scheduling, process, launching and follow-up
of maintenance work.
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. Production Planning Control (PPC)
Leader 
b. MCC Manager
c. Maintenance Director

Question Shall Certifying staff CAT A, CAT B2

16 performing CAT A mechanical tasks
personally perform the work specifically
Correct disallowed on the certification authorization:

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Yes
b. No 

Question When VJC AMO performs any maintenance,

17 preventative maintenance, modifications for
an operator having an approved Maintenance
Incorrect Program, VJC AMO shall perform that work in
accordance with:
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 Select one:
a. The operator’s procedures
c. CAAV, EASA/FAA  19 07 26/4/24
Trang 7 / 13
Question Choose the correct answer following:
Select one:
a. If any maintenance work can not be
Mark 0.00 out completed during the shift, the team
of 1.00 leader shall fill out the shift hand over
book to denote information that need
incoming shift take over
b. If any maintenance work can not be
completed during the shift, certifying staff
shall fill out the shift handover book and
notify to MCC
c. If any maintenance work can not be
completed during the shift, certifying staff
shall fill out the shift handover book and
feed back to MCC duty Manager 

Question Can Qualified Mechanic issue a release to

19 service for aircraft/ aircraft component, if
he/she isn’t holding a “certifying staff
Correct privilege”

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Yes
b. No 

Question Who is responsible for implementing all work

20 in accordance with operator requirements
and company policy
Select one:
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 a. Maintenance Director
b. QA Director 
c. MCC Manager 19 07 26/4/24
Trang 8 / 13
Question VJC maintenance staff, before performance of
21 maintenance works as required by operator,
shall be familiar with:
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. the operator’s requirement/ procedures
by a Quality Notice or a Documentation
and Procedures training course. 
b. CAAV requirement/ procedures
c. EASA/FAA requirement/ procedures

Question Working time, rest time and annual leave of

22 employee will be stipulated in accordance
with VJC working regulations, line
Correct maintenance working shift is:

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. 8 hours
b. 10 hours
c. 12 hours 

Question Who is responsible for performing component

23 maintenance in accordance with the VARs
requirements, manufacturer’s maintenance
Correct documents, VJC MOPM, shop SOP:

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Workshop Manager 
b. Store Manager
c. Maintenance Director 19 07 26/4/24
Trang 9 / 13
Question Any person performs maintenance functions
24 for aircraft shall have a minimum rest period
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. 8 hours prior to the beginning of duty

b. 10 hours prior to the beginning of duty
c. 12 hours prior to the beginning of duty

Question VJC will only allow qualified and authorized

25 personnel to perform maintenance actions in
its fleet, in accordance with
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. VAR Part 5 
b. VAR Part 7
c. VAR Part 12

Question Who is responsible for production and

26 maintenance scheduling based on customer
work request. He is also responsible for
Incorrect checking the availability and adequacy of
tools and equipment required for any
Mark 0.00 out maintenance activities.
of 1.00
Select one:
a. Standard and Compliance Manager/ QA
b. MCC Manager
c. The Maintenance Director  19 07 26/4/24
Trang 10 / 13
Question Who is responsible for performing aircraft
27 maintenance and alterations in accordance
with the VARs requirements, manufacturer’s
Incorrect maintenance documents, VJC MOPM, SOP.
He is also responsible for assuring every
Mark 0.00 out article under their management is properly
of 1.00
returned to service.

Select one:
a. Standard and Compliance Manager/ QA
Director 
b. MCC Manager
c. The Maintenance Director

Question When will the maintenance document is

28 signed off:

Correct Select one:

Mark 1.00 out a. Before completion of related
of 1.00 maintenance work.
b. Within maintenance work time.
c. After completion of related maintenance
work. 

Question Shall VJC Supply Department purchase all

29 aircraft component, material, tool, test
equipment from unapproved Supplier?
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. Yes
b. No  19 07 26/4/24
Trang 11 / 13
Question What is the purpose of the VJC-MOPM?
Select one:
a. To provide compliance to continuing
Mark 1.00 out airworthiness of VJC fleet
of 1.00
b. To provide guidelines and procedures
on all VJC Line Maintenance Activities
c. To provide policies and procedures to
VJC Maintenance organization
procedures 

Question Who is responsible for making request for

31 manpower, facilities, GSE, tools & equipment,
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. Station Manager 
b. MCC Manager
c. MCC Controller

Question Who is responsible for ensuring a hidden

32 damage inspection is conducted on an article
involved in an aircraft incident/accident, as
Correct requested by operator

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. QA Director 
b. MCC Manager
c. Maintenance Director

Question Can certifying staff CAT A supervise Un-

33 authorized person performs work
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. Yes
b. No  19 07 26/4/24
Trang 12 / 13
Question Who may perform maintenance, preventive
34 maintenance or alterations and approve an
article for return to service, as prescribed in
Correct the VAR Part 7:

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Qualified person
b. Authorized person
c. Qualified and authorized person 

Question In some unforeseen circumstance that VJC

35 procedures cannot be followed, who has
responsibility for applying the concession
Select one:
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 a. QA Director or his delegate 
b. MCC Manager
c. Manager of Department or Maintenance

Next page ▶ 19 07 26/4/24
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