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Sir Lawley’s Ghost

Name: Anwesha
Class: 5-D
Roll No. 10
The story which was believed in the
boarding school was that Sir Lawley was a
rich man who was murdered by his greedy
cousins. Later Sir Lawley’s mansion was
converted into the school and that was the
reason why all the students believed that
Lawley's ghost roamed the school holding a
white blood stained pillow and a pair of
hands floating in the air.

A newcomer boy named Arjun, when

listened this story, made fun of it in front of
other boys and told them that he didn't
believe in ghosts.
Rohan, after hearing Arjun’s comments about
the story became furious he made a plan to
scare Arjun.
Rohan took a pillow and stained it with red
ink and attached a broom to it. He also
smeared some mud on the broom so that it
could become invisible at night.
He also instructed the other boys to act
surprised and horrified when Rohan did his

On the night of the ‘ghostly visit’ , Arjun slept

early as he was tired because of an
exhausting long day. When he woke up then
he realised that he overslept. It was 3 O’clock
in the morning and he thought that it's still
dark out there so he could go ahead with his
But as soon as he woke up,
he heard the dormitory gate
open and then he hearn
faint footsteps.
Chills ran down Rohan’s
spine when he saw a pillow
in the air held with ghostly
hands floating in the air. He
also checked below his bed
to see if his pillow was there
or not but it was there so it
became clear that none of
his friends were not doing
the prank.
He shouted ‘ghost’ ‘ghost’! Seeing the
bloodstained pillows everyone thought that
Rohan’s plan was working and they all shouted
to show that they were afraid. Because of a lot
of confusion no one even saw that Rohan was
sitting on his bed and he was not the one doing
the prank.
When the boys remembered that the main aim
was to horrify Arjun and when they saw Arjun
then they saw that his eyes were turned to
saucer-shaped with horror.

This experience turned out so horrifying for

Rohan and he was not able to forget the
haunting of that night. He was so afraid of the
ghost. He looked tired and forlorn and was
always distracted. The memories of that night
were not the ones that could be easily vanished.
One day Arjun saw the matron shout at the
washerman because some of the shirts of the
students looked pale and bluish. Then the
matron saw that there was a pillow stained with
red. The washerman said that it was red ink and
he tried to get it off but it was hard to take off
the red ink.
As all the students' items were named so the
matron checked the name. Shockingly the name
was ‘Arjun Krishnaswamy’!
The matron got very angry and exclaimed that a
few days ago Arjun stole white gloves from the
band room and filled it with clay and when the
clay dried the gloves looked like a hand.

Rohan after figuring out what Arjun did laughed

in relief and the matron and washerman
watched him while being puzzled.
Thank you!

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