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Direct Control Valves (DCVs) that aren’t working correctly can cause problems with
your customer’s hydraulic system. You can troubleshoot some DCV problems on the
fly, when the hydraulic system is online. This article provides information on 3 DCV
problems your end-user should watch for.

There are many ways for DCVs to degrade system performance. Most common are
Sticking/will not shift, Internal Leakage and External Leakage.

Problem No.2 : Sticking or Will Not Shift

Most DCV valves use a sliding spool/bore design. When a valve sticks, the spool
cannot change positions when an operator applies normal force. Several factors can
cause this sticking action, including contamination, silting, mechanical failure or
operator failure.

Let’s look at some common causes.

When hard particle contamination gets between the bore and the spool, the normal
amount of force required to move the spool increases beyond the limits of the
operator. The spool becomes jammed and will not move unless the contamination is
removed. Forcing the spool to move will damage the bore and spool, causing
gouges and wear. This sets up a circle of contamination, which causes increasing
damage until the valve begins to leak excessively. Taking apart the valve and
removing the contamination before it causes more damage is the best way to fix the
sticking action.

Silting is similar to contamination but usually involves soft contamination like sludge
and varnish. Silting causes the sliding force to move the spool to increase and the
operator does not generate enough force to move it past the silt in the hydrostatic
lands and bores. Taking the valve apart and cleaning all the parts is the best way to
correct a silting action.

Mechanical Filure
There are many small parts inside of a DCV and some are prone to breakage.
Springs, pins, washers, and detent devices can break and cause the valve to jam or
stick. Replacement of the broken parts or the complete valve will be required.

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