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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University)

Academic Year : 2023-2024 (ODD)
Year/ Sem : II Year / III SEM
Subject Code : MB4302
Common to : MBA
Conceptual framework for strategic management, the Concept of Strategy and the Strategy Formation Process –
Stakeholders in business – Vision, Mission and Purpose – Business definition, Objectives and Goals - Corporate
Governance and Social responsibility-case study.
Q.No Questions CO BT Competence
1. Define ‘Strategic Management’? CO1 BTL-1 Remember
Strategic management is the management of an
organization’s resources to achieve its goals and
2. Differentiate strategy and tactics? CO1 BTL-2 Understand
A strategy describes the long-term vision of what a
product or service will look like and how it will serve
customers’ needs. Tactics are short-term actions that
are designed and prioritized to help the product
development team achieve the product strategy.
3. Identify the various features of a strategy. CO1 BTL-1 Remember
Creation of a Plan, Adaptability, Direction Toward
Common Objectives, Resource Mobilization.
4. Classify the different types of strategies. CO1 BTL-2 Understand
Competitive Strategy,Corporate Strategy,Business
Strategy,Functional Strategy and Operating Strategy

5. Discuss the concept of strategic intent. CO1 BTL-1 Remember

Strategic Intent refers to the long-term vision and
direction of an organization. It is a statement of purpose
that goes beyond financial objectives and outlines the
organization’s aspirations for the future.
6. State the term Corporate Governance? CO1 BTL-2 Understand
Corporate governance is a set of rules, practices, and
processes used to direct and control an organisation.
7. Compare strategic fit and leverage. CO1 BTL-2 Understand
Strategic fit refers to the alignment of a company’s
resources (capabilities and assets) with its external
environment. strategic fit ensures alignment between
internal resources and external requirements, while
leverage capitalizes on existing strengths to create a
distinct advantage.
8. State the importance of Stakeholders in business. CO1 BTL-2 Understand
Stakeholders give your business practical and financial
support. Stakeholders are people interested in your
company, ranging from employees to loyal customers
and investors. They broaden the pool of people who
care about the well-being of your company, making
you less alone in your entrepreneurial work.
9. Classify planning. (Tactical planning, operational CO1 BTL-1 Remember
Operational planning is done by the lower layer of
management and directs the everyday operations of
business departments. Tactical planning, on the other
hand, emphasizes the current operations of various
parts of the organization and links strategic goals and
objectives to specific tactical goals
10. ‘Ethics related to the strategic management’ -Define CO1 BTL-3 Apply
Findings indicate a definite gap between the
implementation of strategy and the moral and ethical
obligations of corporations. Given the decline in
business ethics and recent corporate scandals it is
proposed that ethics be brought back to the forefront of
strategic management and integrated into the strategic
management process.

PART – B & C
1. List the different levels of strategies with examples. 13 CO1 BTL-3 Apply
2. Explain in detail about the components of strategic 13 CO1 BTL-4 Analyze
management process.
3. Why is strategic planning necessary? Discuss the steps 13 CO1 BTL-4 Analyze
involved in strategic planning process.
4. Elaborate corporate governance in Indian industry. List 13 CO1 BTL-6 Create
the significance of corporate governance.
5. Describe the steps in strategic process 13 CO1 BTL-5 Evaluate
6. Several campaigns and demonstrations followed the CO1 BTL-6 Create
publication of a report issued by the Indian NGO Centre
for Science and Environment (CSE) in 2003. With that
evidence at hand, the CSE called on the Indian
government to implement legally enforceable water
Questions: a) How would you relieve Ms. X’s anxiety? 8
How is the course in going to help her?
b) How does a course in economics differ from other 7
External Environment –Porter’s Five Forces Model-Strategic Groups Competitive Changes during
Industry Evolution-Globalization and Industry Structure - National Context and Competitive
advantage Resources- Capabilities and competencies–core competencies-Low cost and differentiation
Generic Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage- Distinctive Competencies Resources and
Capabilities durability of competitive Advantage- Avoiding failures and sustaining competitive
advantage-Case study.
Q.No Questions CO BT Competence
1. State the meaning of ‘Competitive advantage’. CO2 BTL-1 Remember
Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a
company to produce goods or services better or more
cheaply than its rivals.
2. Explain globalization and industry structure. CO2 BTL-2 Understand
Globalization is the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide. Industry structure refers to
the underlying characteristics and competitive
dynamics of a particular industry.
3. Define ‘Environment’ CO2 BTL-5 Evaluate
A simple definition of an environment can be stated as
a system encompassing all biotic and abiotic elements
affecting human life. The biotic or living components
comprise all flora and fauna, and abiotic components
include water, sunlight, air, climate, etc.
4. List elements of Porter’s Five Forces. CO2 BTL-2 Understand
Competitive Rivals, Potential for New Entrants in an
Industry, Supplier Power, Customer Power, Threat of

5. Illustrate about Environmental scanning? CO2 BTL-2 Understand

Environmental scanning is a process of collecting,
evaluating, and delivering information for a strategic

6. Highlight the advantages of national CO2 BTL-2 Understand

competitive advantage?
The Porter Diamond Theory of
National Advantage, or the Porter Diamond
Model, is a model that describes the
competitive advantage that nations or groups
possess based on factors available to them. The
theory explains how governments can act to
improve a country's position in a globally
competitive economic environment.
7. Define SWOT analysis? CO2 BTL-1 Remember
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis is a
framework to help assess and understand the internal
and external forces that may create opportunities or
risks for an organization.
8. Explain differentiation strategy. CO2 BTL-2 Understand
A differentiation strategy is a business strategy that
revolves around making your company, product, or
service unique, so it stands out from other businesses
in your industry or market segment.
9. Do political, social and technological CO2 BTL-1 Remember
factors in the environment affect
PEST analysis is a strategic tool for organizations to
identify and assess how Political, Economic, Social,
and Technological external factors impact operations
so that they can gain a competitive edge. A PEST
analysis helps you determine how these factors will
affect a business's performance and strategy in the
long term.

10. Examine the term distinctive competitive advantage. CO2 BTL-1 Remember
Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a
company to produce goods or services better or more
cheaply than its rivals.

PART – B & C
1. Discuss the porter’s Five Force Model used in external 13 CO2 BTL-3 Apply
environmental analysis.
2. i) Explain the internal environment’s influencing 7 CO2 BTL-3 Apply
ii) Explain the external environment’s influencing 6
3. Identify and discuss the effects of globalization on 13 CO2 BTL-4 Analyze
strategic management.
4. i) Describe the determinants of national 6 CO2 BTL-5 Evaluate
competitive advantage (Porter model).
ii) What are the three generic strategies or 7
four generic strategies?
5. Explain the components of internal environment 13 CO2 BTL-3 Apply
6. Not just selling Pepsi. Remember what the then President of CO2 BTL-6 Create
America, John F Kennedy was greeted with when he posed a
question to the janitor working at the Kennedy Space Centre,
Florida, „what do you do here?‟ She replied “I am helping
America put a man on the moon!” And that is what is called as
Vision sharing. When employees share the vision, they can
scale new heights continually and put the company on top of
the world, quite easily.
a).How PepsiCo India did have won the war with Coke? 8
b).What kind of strategy had adopted by Mr.Suman to get 7
success for PepsiCoIndia?
The generic strategic alternatives – Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and Combination strategies -
level strategy- Strategy in the Global Environment-Corporate Strategy Vertical Integration-
Diversification and Strategic Alliances- Building and Restructuring the corporation- Strategic analysis
and choice - Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP) - Organizational Capability Profile
- Strategic Advantage Profile - Corporate Portfolio Analysis - SWOT Analysis - GAP Analysis - Mc
Kinsey's 7s Framework - GE 9 Cell Model - Distinctive competitiveness - Selection of matrix- Balance
Score Card- case study
Q.No Questions CO BT Competence
1. Define Strategic Alliance. CO3 BTL-2 Understand
A strategic alliance is an arrangement between two
companies to undertake a mutually beneficial project
while each retains its independence.
2. Compare vertical integration with horizontal CO3 BTL-3 Apply
Horizontal integration occurs when a company
acquires or merges with another business that operates
at the same level in the industry value chain.
Vertical integration involves growth through the
acquisition of a producer, vendor, supplier, distributor,
or other related company that operates at different
stages in the value chain.
3. Show your understanding towards conglomerate CO3 BTL-1 Remember
diversification with two examples.
Examples of conglomerate diversification include
General Electric, Virgin Group Ltd. and The Walt
Disney Company. Conglomerate diversification is a
growth strategy that involves expanding a company’s
business into an area, or areas, totally unrelated to its
core business.
4. Mention the various “S” in 7’S McKinsey frame CO3 BTL-2 Understand
McKinsey 7S model is a tool that analyzes company’s
organizational design by looking at 7 key internal
elements: strategy, structure, systems, shared values,
style, staff and skills, in order to identify if they are
effectively aligned and allow the organization to
achieve its objectives.
5. Define Stability strategy. CO3 BTL-2 Understand
Stability strategy defined as a business strategy
adopted by a business to maintain its market share,
current position in the market, and growth and Profit
in the present market environment.
6. Give your opinion about Cost leadership strategy. CO3 BTL-2 Understand
Cost leadership strategy, as a specific type of
business-level strategy, emphasizes becoming the
lowest-cost producer or provider. This strategy
requires meticulous efforts to streamline internal
processes, optimize the supply chain, and minimize
operational expenses.
7. Define Turnaround strategy. CO3 BTL-1 Remember
Turnaround strategy is a process of restructuring and
transforming the company from loss to profitability. It
allows the company to stabilize its performance by
getting back the industrial units to their original units.

8. Compare harvest and liquidation? CO3 BTL-2 Understand

A harvest strategy is a business approach to extract
maximum profit from a product shortly before
discontinuing it. This strategic maneuver optimizes
short-term gains, eliminates resource-draining
elements, and generates cash flow to support new
Liquidation in finance and economics is the process
of bringing a business to an end and distributing its
assets to claimants. It is an event that usually occurs
when a company is insolvent, meaning it cannot pay
its obligations when they are due.
9. Discuss the aspects to be considered before merging CO3 BTL-2 Understand
Outstanding Liabilities, Corporate Culture, Human
Capital, Intellectual Property, Regulatory
Requirements etc.
10. Define the term ‘balance score card’ CO3 BTL-3 Apply
The term balanced scorecard (BSC) refers to
a strategic management performance metric used to
identify and improve various internal business
functions and their resulting external outcomes.

PART – B & C
1. i) Define what is a diversification strategy? 4 CO3 BTL-4 Analyze
ii) Describe the diversification strategies in the
Indian context. 9

2. i) Outline the concept of corporate portfolio analysis. 7 CO3 BTL-5 Evaluate

ii) Explain the different techniques in

corporate portfolio analysis. 6

3. i) State the use of 7s Model for strategic management. 7 CO3 BTL-4 Analyze

ii) Can you explain BCG growth share matrix? 6

4. Analyze the concept of strategic analysis & 13 CO3 BTL-5 Evaluate


5. i) Can you assess the importance of GE matrix? 7 CO3 BTL-3 Apply

ii) Explain the significance of the Balance score
card? 6

6. Assume a Company of your own and conduct a ETOP 15 CO3 BTL-6 Create

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