Crpc Paper Monday

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University of Sargodha Law College

Final-Term Examinations Session 2019-2024

Paper CRPC

Total Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 2 Hours

Note: Objective Part is Necessary. Attempt only 3 Questions From Subjective Part.


Q. 1: Under which section of the CrPC is the procedure outlined for disputes concerning land
that are likely to cause a breach of peace?

A. Section 116 B. Section 355 C. Section 176 D. Section 145

Q. 2: The basic ingredient to exercise power under section 145, by a Magistrate regarding
immovable property is likely to cause:

A. Breach of peace B. Breach of trust C. Breach of Contract D. None

Q. 3 Under section ______ temporary orders in urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended

danger can be made

A. 134 Cr.P.C B. 140 Cr.P.C C. 144 Cr.P.C D. 145 Cr.P.C

Q. 4 Section 145, Cr.P.C deals with dispute regarding

A. Moveable property B. Immovable property C. Both D. None

Q. 5 Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC) empowers the _______________ of
any state or territory to issue an order that prohibits the gathering of four or more persons in
an area.

A. Executive Magistrate B. Session Judge C. Justice of peace D. Civil Judge

Q. 6 Situations Where Section 144 may be imposed

A. Political rallies, sport events or processions may lead to clashes or violence between
rival groups
B. Religious gatherings have a history of turning into violent confrontations.
C. Protest movements or sit-ins that have the potential to disrupt public life and cause
property damage.
D. All of the above

Q. 7 Which section of the CrPC deals with the power to issue orders absolute at once in urgent
cases of nuisance or apprehended danger?

A. Section 145 B. Section 144 C. Section 116 D. Section 176

Q. 8 Record in __________of certain cases by first and second class Magistrates.

A. Proceedings B. Inquiries C. trial D. None

Q. 9 Under section ______ Cr.P.C the Magistrate may, if he sees sufficient cause, dispense with
the personal attendance of any person called upon to show cause why he should not be
ordered to execute a bond for keeping the peace, and may permit him to appear by a pleader

A. 115 B. 116 C. 117 D. 118

Q. 10 Section 176 of the Cr.P.C deals with

A. Inquiry by a police officer into cause of death.

B. Inquiry by Magistrate into cause of death.
C. Inquiry by Session Judge into cause of death.
D. Inquiry by High Court into cause of death.

Q. 11 In order to discover the cause of his death, the Magistrate may cause the body to be
disinterred and examined.

A. True B. False

Q. 12 Under section 116, the Magistrate may dispense with the personal attendance of
___________called upon to show cause why he should not be ordered to execute a bond for
keeping the peace, and permit him to appear by a pleader.

A. Accused B. Complainant C. Any Person D. Defendant

Q. 13 Section 512 deals with record of evidence in absence of:

A. Accused B. Complainant C. Any Person D. Defendant

Q. 14 Under Section 512 the High Court may direct that any Magistrate of the
___________shall hold an inquiry and examine any witness who can give evidence concerning
the offence.

A. First Class B. Second Class C. Third Class D. None

Q. 15 What does Section 176 of the CrPC address?

A. Inquiry by magistrate into the cause of death

B. Procedure where dispute concerning land is likely to cause breach of peace
C. Evidence to be taken in presence of accused
D. Record in trials of certain cases by 1st and 2nd class magistrate

Q. 16 Section 540-A deals with the provision for inquiries an trial being held in the ___________
in certain cases.

A. Absence of accused
B. Presence of accused
C. Absence of complainant
D. Presence of Complainant

Q.17 Under section 353, all evidence shall be taken in the presence of the accused, or, when his
personal attendance is dispensed with, in presence of his_________.

A. Lawyer B. Pleader C. Defendant C. None

Q. 18 Which section provides the manner of recording evidence in criminal trials?

A. Section 540A B. Section 353 C. Section 354 D. Section 355

Q. 19 Magistrate shall make a memorandum of the substance of the evidence of


A. Accused B. Witness C. Defendant D. Document

Q.20 Section 354 covers summary trials:

A. True B. False
Note: Attempt Three Questions from the Following. Each Question Carries 10 Marks

1. What is the significance of Section 144 of the CrPC, and how does it empower authorities in
urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger?

2. Explain the procedure outlined in Section 145 of the CrPC when a dispute concerning land is
likely to cause a breach of peace.

3. What is the purpose of Section 176 of the CrPC, and how does it empower a magistrate in
conducting inquiries into the cause of death?

4. How does Section 116 of the CrPC provide authority to dispense with the personal
attendance of an individual?

5. Describe the provisions outlined in Section 512 and Section 540A of the CrPC regarding the
recording of evidence and conducting inquiries and trials in the absence of the accused in
certain cases.

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