Quran aur Kainat by Haji Ghulam Hassan r.a.

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“ky OF (THE QURAN AND UNIVERSE) LEU, ALHASAN. (Diameter 7049 rales) NEPTUNE ORBIT OF PLANETS ABOVE THE EARTH PLUTO ALHASAN, 3660. 11285 million — milion ’ miles miles » ORBIT OF THE EARTH a ORBIT OF PLANETS BELOW THE EARTH Sin set oleh 15, Seeyenothowallahhath created a oe, ike tease Ji Fae abn a pet cgleleiar iueNeediir 16. And hath made the moon a light glee Ose rile eulhegs aoViigs terein, andmadethe sun a lamp? ay e eory (LXXI - Nooh) 2 12, And We have built above you Sa se + seven strong heavens. etal Date legalenteat 13. And have appointed a dazzling . OAS KH 1 tore ent 4 (LXXVIII - The Tidings) wi Al-Quran Haji Ghulam Hasan Haji Ghulam Hasan was born in 1924 in the district of Jutland har (India) and migrated to Pakistan after the partition of subcontinent. He passed. his matricuvation examination: in 1941. He studied Structural Engineering through corres pondence courses offered by the Bennet College Shettield, England, and later obtained a certificate in Structural Enginee- ring from the prestigious City and Guilds Institute of London, England. He served the Lahore Development Authority in various capacities culminating into the post of. Technical Officer (Engineer). The study of Astronomy has been a life long passion with him and after his retirement from service he conceived a book entitled “The Quran and Universe” elucidating the meaning of various Quranic verses in the light of modern science. It 100k him nine long years to evolve this book which contains new insights into the mysteries of the universe The author claims that no one in the world-has been able to produce the mentioned discoveries during the current or past centuries. Wie orig Cnc sTiGeytt EE en att tLueld Walrad EL Jedd aPin Se Shah idlale Ube corm sete Sy! Und 6 ke Usnz lt ot Poet nS, ore ewig LecuseriA of a nage Slie uli Soar ts, Sele Ge ose Busi Pete Jub at £ PK S Une L Us? une ty St pe She CPV 26 SIF GehG Be ol IG PAA IUS UL AY} Astronomical Data Ve BAL et Leth rb dy fHeMhL ss MOA IV AY Er OLS tee Ft Sel Wt SE 2 of 2 Ee HE V3 & Astronomical Data — Modiefied 2, 282 FLL A Wi gb Se ILICSES fF (Calculation Ob See boy 66 e Inet Gar 6b te Lt fe VW oy JLo LBL KuvlbvL Ub ewer se bee GO Ie oxy wl ott ANGEL Ep Sel Stil Modified ol yg Shel & We UFR wie lee LE Si SAF eg LG ALG ¢ Crate 6 66 he Pt Tg Gothen tip LY Se He LF ply SE lel LAMP p Suna 6B NEES EGS PR Ue eo Eby tt SMILES Movi Ne ete We SILT SI I PLS aE Bor Sot} setbeat 6 Ma Sets dull LS 6 LE WL le Soe Loew LL II 6 eti stud Se VL Ww tet rela a Bled yr ur B Shy Mle Hed S t ‘ $7, Assuredly thi the heavens and En Pot a iW gol TM bas? AL AEG uSepe Kroc Li Lege, HL PSM Se le eit oe - q ; oy AF be ee as Sibel 49 AF pupPrse 70 Sheesh 4g ies ”" Aah side got CAL pel SE Si Potted 7 Sarg Pn fslsp foe Lah PEL bspaly eee fr7 80 Betiw il a Lbby a ENG O ML shy steer RO PI Sour @2 belie 1st ete gel Gl SLowtti 9g vee aw es Linlartit ighot 66 Joi 8s Wig RE gl GhLi ay bee Ml Jwalhces ” terE Sar Sybalstloti 45 unmretedL LiSo0) 92 nett EM Ge HW Li ay De ttdebe pub oti 94 Mba pti yy Ab SSngeti 85 Age bGble sertti 4 Cheverly Fug Swi weer feK at Fug Sti 4g Eker SiS bhi eS 7 rr ee Sat Ab aur 103 CLS Le Sf LEO Fo! EGA Se Suh wget 109 NeSeor slog JO! SMybcthrrety 109 ey tel fur a Le juste 256 Hag ster ae tuber /Le wk, m EP SELAH. tts Ln LUPE Ue! 12 ftir wal ot Bate nL oti 4 et SEW En dea! 6s Beisba titre us CML ALLEGE SEI ge AP LL wer 7 ge ai gr ieavrtntti oa Sie e® Sane got ne PSL ise os terete Ute Sele 120 eede-1ifF! 66 theo CLS fro WIL ie Ute 120 the F ti! ee ol 163 BPE je Ley forbsioi te, 170 BLS fpewure Ly. is AES plu Je wa Onditesl Maio gE Weauty 6 181 BIE Site niilet 189 Erie We uyhelL joi Tok 193 IE Stilt) 194 efia! 195 ete fir ae SU ci bh)! 198 So Ne el! 198 sete Gesa wi MWe FiyL out 8 CaF lb Pb in3L okt 205 tr 208 Bulb Oi di reneslott 207 Ae Sunt fe8 208 Hei rkepositivet 28 Pe KheG a (BiSbhe Groowe 219 eed 9 222 ut pF - 120 121 122 123 ean ee view! sot =| Jere eRe ea tial uieta! FSe 5 Bhar 4a bn eB hits Lacwegtit eded titi, Freed JIL sl PrceciodsheB ey etsE Jian SMA Eto eV SiE WW aerat hr et Lotz! Serpe! etunativugue a Sot Z} URE HL, 1 St 10 AB he AL ibe Ey reba cthoie Mo uK bey 299 302 (eter oar 04 wr Boi PLES Hh SFL IS an jy 224 SiS Fok 308 bar Sis GF Sot, 309 OBS S Stillen 313 OB SES Sey SE: o% tt PO iy 327 SPs Luteo 333 ot ‘ans ase ou. 3 a73 eb 386 te! fe ov 260 Selita AV U) TL Jab! Prow sSGp Sours uk Lear al PY SG NGad Solseat, SE Pugh rsle ELIS Pugin eta OU FO Gp tee CHO pw tee SPH Pre eI K Lip HU ss 10 WF Pr Sauratyi FA SAIC Ut mun Se ters SV ef OP Whee Lt yl PEGE IY Re ASS Sok be fe VLG aglow oti tLe UPL IF tS gust Sol UIT Bs Sp i Ie ali EA 5 oF 9g Oi te ALF C19 SUL HF or te Pail § 3B Ht UBL erly AB eh MSL Is Sl Ky Zee Punter ha SW 2 go a! LIBS IL pate Vig LotR EL Bivluat Aad Wi it SG an Dba HPL AS! -2 ok FFE Se G2 Luiducig _ 12. And He hath constrained + power ee the a and the day and the Wysererield eri gi RSS as 4 scree cin ye eebgeeseesfesiuts ERED command, ral nein indeed Gude Sea ciabnats Chae Voss have sense. i XVI The Bee ny ase cle h on Gh pot Be 16 PSSST ei pla Pe poate Sbon Pia wie Mitt FL SOP Le tg Ie Feb ew! ne SSeS B Sle SRS # Mae Nd posi Lele, tofu Se pi O fir d Wo sal pf BA Sn WSF LIS He NWI SIAL AUPL wit te 2 Lot Lot Dou Fea fb LU by de 71 SUS Ba a foe Fy Sse Soh Jo CABELL yb AP SB ots ul eT Bet ge ule te £ (eB) LP ale wl Senet Cinu Sst Lu? big 30, And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not. 31. And He taught Adam all the names,* then showed them to the angels, saying : Inform me of the names -of these, if ye are truthful. 32, They said: Be glori fied! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us, Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the’ Knower, the Wise. 33, He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did Tnot tell you that I know the secret of the heavens. and the earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide. mun bbe IF Zt! Maglio Efecto) Bf Ord, SEOESLS beh ferciMbure tsb pen uy tilt Poe pbs Obert Hidde persf poh ePehys Ot buses lertio ct EERE testa! SEI OLAS OsertLye Eg Kph ee De uA eg lc EeihsiBusigoaen Sesh A PTs DL NN Uriheeteerl wipe Ke edie x37 See en nbpiidleyl ste Eip Lip Upsdtea steer IG ESI OGPLISCLTG) SOSA OBpo eS CSE I SCH hg LBs estas ese bee estos ICEL a SAE CEOTELES Gseenese hess OCS 34. And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate your- selves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever. 35. And We said: O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and eat ye® freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye will; but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrong- doers. 36. But Satan caused them to deflect therefrom and ex- pelled them from the (happy) state in which they were; and We said: Fall down,” one of you a foe unto the other! There shall be for you on earth a habitation and provi- sion for a time. _ 31, Then Adam received from his Lord words (of reve- lation), and He relented toward him. Lo! He is the Relenting, the Merciful. 38. We said: Go down, all of you, from hence; but verily there cometh unto you from Me a guidance; and whoso followeth My guidance, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. 39. But they who disbelieve, and deny Our revelations, such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein. (11- The Cow 59. Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him : Be! and he is. 60, (This is) the truth from thy Lord (O Muhammad), so be not thou of those who waver. (1. The Family of Imran 17 WLLL Fz peal BERS Okc sMtnpnser Seta FYE fist OL sb Binut pecs a MS IRS5 eG B 558 SESSA ite teers Rakzstestsaeg) wir leLeinn CSSA a has Ook BIG2 A pints CEng kiero ail fees alters, etiberplnAL aioe gia SEIS 354 ORLEANS © RV ElnFse% ASR LM Inet te SBMS Sh HE OPPO LIL ZEN ISIs SA. NA We wn Phila Gyesate srl VALGESipohewhSe RISB SIS ES WALSMRS NS BSaSE BS OBS 8 Lop Shs: Wile UIs cen BENS si stgsshe see OU othe gt hes rash (rer: VEL Liston SSIs ote eG Goi Nivie diene Booth seals og} o£s (Aer Ib (oly Ba Ge ap Lburzedli Otte LEf rod OCSISUIE og wit Sir ln AFSC ET 1. O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord ‘ho created you from a single soul and from it created its ‘Mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multi- tude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in Whom ye claim (your tights) of one another, and toward the wombs (that bore you). Lo! Allah hath been @ Watcher over you. (IV - Women 11, And We created you, then fashioned you, then told the angels: Fall ye prostrate before Adam! and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of those who make prostration. 12. He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not. fall prostrate when I bade thee? (Iblis) said: Tam better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud. 13. He said: Then go down hence! It is not for thee to show pride here, so go forth! Lo! thou art of those degraded. (VIL The Heights 26. Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered, 27, And the Jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire, 28. And (remember) when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter’s clay of black mud altered. 29. So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him. iss Hiperiatng § GOS SO — Wilt le ia e SiS MBSE 4 hyeprye oe Vindg GB nb 55| Es 49 Leblaiegngics PBbaG Sec, sistaitehebLare CAMeSsiiehar — SIG fpetiSd oBEsKle seals) ae ie rey Fit buedicnvfige Mises sg: iG iis tyes Aes were Onde fro CLM BIS AS vizio news SAVES FUP ise ds sf sacgciSerecemectye OFtedevie Kees Ope ils Li Liwiviestwiyy SOE Oe Bis Sealiess uote re yur rt Ae) Herc rL lod gy) Selo SNSS KS byrale yw Ossie) Que Wet Bagetices SEPT Nias Kis ete gies CBsrscs Oe fpssTEi sess OG ye Wins 30. So the angels fell pros- trate, all of them together, 31. Save Iblis, He refused to be among the prostrate. 32. He said:O Iblis! What aileth thee that thou art not among the prostrate? 33. He said: 1 am not one Prostrate myself unto a mortal whom Thou hast created out of potter's clay of black mud altered? 34. He said: Then go thou forth from hence, for verily thou art outcast. 35. And lo! the curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgement, (XV -AL-Hiie 61. And when We said unto the angels: Fall down prostrate before Adam and they fell prostrate all save Iblis, he said: Shall I fall prostrate before that which Thou hast created of clay? 62. He said: Seest Thou this (creature) whom Thou hast honoured above me, if Thou give me grace until the Day of Resurrection I verily will seize his seed, save but a few. 63. He said: Go, and whosoever of them followeth thee—lo! hell will be your Payment, ample payment. 64. And excite any of them whom thou canst with thy voice, and urge thy horse and foot against them, and be a partner in their wealth and children, and promise them. Satan promiseth them only to deceive. 65. Lo! My (faithful) bond- men- ver them thou hast no power, and thy Lord sufficeth as (their) guardian. (XVII - Childern of lsrat 116. And when We said unto the angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, they fell prostrate (all)save Iblis; he refused. a 19 ® hia Lei Ee he vifobek OVbiery Lr GE A dts) OM totus Mri ds HEE B5E8 c SITS AY Oe RAKES EL QUE E - ORs Os Oviheite ttre Maer ING Og vyteKeulidsss Odaeper fy leriin eh E MELAS fezs| Oe KG, 292 GAG Qe PNM SESS ro-né wr) Saeteasreilys Dest Keohe Biri cs Beene any, eth ie pg EL dois) Peis Ewtiles @bepthe Sui edo Sock Ceti Arle wiles OQpproueesri Boog ESSE SSEIIE LENE oA EES Balle Leite tole) Berle BE Ai LENS BoVCrOab storied aol Oph sls rate aaghaidyhienp igs Og MLB Nase leo! FfogLiL Me Fs Ove fps! Zo7 hee Use. STs, ONES Gee hs (sty SSS w-nirlon) SSSA US OSES ae eas Therefor We said: O é lal. This is an enemy unto _ thee and unto thy wile, so “let him not drive you both _ out of the Garden so that thou come to toil. nis It is (vouchsafed; unto thee that thou hungerest not therein nor art naked, 119. And that thou thisstest not therein nor art exposed to the sun’s heat. vee 120, But the Devil whis- ered to him, saying : O Adam! Shall I show thee the tree of immortality and power that wasteth not away? 121. Then they twain ate thereof, so that their shame became apparent unto them, and they began to hide by heap. ing on themselves some of the leaves of the Garden, And Adam disobeyed his Lord, So went astray.¢ 122. Then his Lord chose him, and relented toward him, and guided him, 123. He said: Go down hence, both of you, one of you a foe unto the other. But if there come unto you from Me a guidance, then whoso followeth My guidance, he will not go astray nor come to grief.5 124. But he who tumeth away from remembrance of Me, his will be a narrow life, and I shall bring him blind to the assembly on the Day of Resurrection. 125. He will say: My Lord! Wherefor hast Thou gathered me (hither) blind, Unto thee but thou didst for. get them, In like manner thou art forgotten this Day! OXX-Ta Ha 127. Thus do We reward him who is prodigal and be- lieveth not the revelations of his Lord; and verily the doom yon EMoanguscels 8 te Hike Og SSSR OTENG flee. SLI a pel Pease ewet Pisce chiye OSGi! Wahedohn fs ORS Saibind bis aatgeset aualtie Sieg wate: ede colton sof. @StsSesliiet @Grss Pew re avec vite 506 Ob deireho iseAL HA essary ie Mel Ce abe neers AOE EGE z3 OF SAREE SS DSS Si ae a i el BERS eessckch OL leche! Sus baclole gle steabse se et Lec Shsly Rssushecheet ee LiL Sestlokel CID AEE Cis bre edge SNES AGH OL ieeiker ostashgucser HBL S55 MES SOAIE Ow bubs oses LSE SOE anaes PIS SIA LSS v: Daisies 5 of the Héreafter will be sterner ‘and more lasting. x Tan 71, When thy. Lord said unto the angels: Lo ! Tam about to create a mortal out of mire, 72. And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My Spirit, then fall'down before him prostrate. 73. The angels fell down prostrate every one, 74. Saving Iblis; he was scornful and became one of the disbelievers. 75. He said: O. Iblis! What hindereth thee from falling pros- trate before that-which I have created with both My hands¢ Art thow too proud-or art thou of the high exalted? 16. He said: T am better than 1. Thou createdst me of fire, ‘whilst him Thou didst create of clay: 77. He said: Go forth from hence, for lo! thou art outcast, 4) 78: And lo! My curse is on thee till the Day of Judgement. ‘19. He said: My Lord! Reprieve sme til the Bay when they are raced, 80: He said; Lo! thou art of those reprieved. _ 81; Until the Day of the time appointed, 82, He said! Then, by Thy ‘might, surely will’ beguile them every one, 83. Save Thy single-minded slaves among them. 84. He said: The Truth is, the Truth I speak, That I shall ‘fll_hell th thee and with such of \. them as follow thee, together. CEXXVIT - Sad Fe HL taba Oupbetolie Sethi tisk Orb hte LE in Over 2 uAoes tuts! Be 6 bah ous ape ies) Biber fer bibhue ux Febereutie ss MCL a Saute vite Oke Ge ihe Oph Fee all eitertshaLoniges Shins thal @eensen Ox desea Oe Phin Bites ersat al Ovewrbe rll Ot Lepage “f Libasetdele hel Osea ra LG ede SIL BNI L BFS nts? Pig SAIL gti lore = oats Seaisticheeoey OPS Ceseease Beeeess i OQ LOS SEES HEEZ AIG eas IRS ieeeO ECS ASKENG ISIC ONier - Sear Soewnatissens PRA GES 5IE @Oke SG LehSe8iIs & Opscicsteza Ese ao OKA EE OU porelyf tre) x BVI) 2.5L ERA bE Ser AK rmgeU thew d ; ain Sit aa er 2 bP a La dit Ble ssl-ln ited i SUF eo 9 Sty Lele pH ah sr a Fe UND vt nt Sol ABD Spe Ew eit oP tes DUP Al Sle an fp! bathe? waist sli EF Se eee tE Li se Ofek secs Sre 0G BT Boy SbF Ht olF Ee NEE re a Voth slo CG oot wef so Sr Es! FUE GA A) Sst Gilat HEE MPG Lee a- woe g Wa Lut gyi £ ais bP ser IF Liv sha FP Lathe phew BL e Us pt E fhL ar? | GL ALL EZ SOIL NZL oy ZES L2 i Sg hap -ELS ety PE LG NE EE oot MI NA RSE cle wg 2 SF la etl (ty ER Le fos tofa tit let gi Lette ow nfo FSP Jone Vo eV Se ee 6 Az iet He Kody sleted ikett pet et AL dy Sot L We ale SE PSL oe WEE 0223760 aut te rel et Mik av FE oi -e bel fate So wl dV Lite wit Eo} 2-e AS in Oe ob nde yuck gb MSP -ut Sv Million Lop SSP iote CFLS ML yp Ln so Fe h sl pon be AI tuna SEE dof or Det OVE Sr vi bf tx Lube un Sle atl Le Lo SE 175. 0 mankind! Now RUiehtesr Brule SEE 55, HOE - hath a proof from your Lord come unto you, and We ha 33 jit ye | ae. CAG Sy 3575 2B ah < S 23, And if ye are in doubt awed! 2 ep ticthy WEF CFS SE SaKSLs concerning that which We reveal unto Our slaved SCs in Bde Mi dieeisees PA DAISUL AE (Muhammad), then produce a Sirah of the iike thereof, and Epi-S uss Meer CARA WE sees 3! Ae call your, witnesses — beside Allah’ if ye are truthful, ere, i FN Kol nts ORS SE) etl tes 24. And if ye do it not FL,E( fC Liovh Mose reseg / and ye can never do it—then i E cEaslecreh A < 2alticseeochd ger gama: aes he Exgasieauceneht & ba Gissssrsgy whose fuel is of men and stones, ee Hel uwien CAMILA ES (T= The Cow ria Herr Ate) . pe - 4 5 an eg Nh 27 Pyar eee, Seer rea aie ee te confirmation of that whic AIRE Wr AZte INGLIS silos doubt from the Lord of the Hs 2 ne) ered ; wel Pe nec ac thy eine utasuehl ya, eee Alan, it ye are teuthful, seeps Cn EN Gil BBR AE (0% = Jonah wey rare Site) 13. Or they say: He bath Kido tia Apel SORELLE invented it. Say: Then bring ten sdrahs, the like thereof in. ALeslidi cnet tive oP sks lea vented, and call on everyone ye. Dees ri icp saan can, beside “Alla, if ye are Ost rEure Batya some “14, ‘Hf then they (your false gods) LenLiicisinch iS THRE Eis answer not your (call) know yet that fe oe AC Leena red BVIGT AAT that thue is no god but Hel will ye op (saa see even then submit (to Islam) (ALY. Ali) Oe vpn? OCPLARIAG 0X1 Hud ur etn fee) “14 And if they answer not your praver then know that i revealed only in the knowledge of Allah: and that there is mo God save Him, Wil ye then be (a those who surrender” IM.D.Piekthall (Notes: SURAH XE 3 Ar Mustimin) oe e aoe. ___88. Say: Verily, though man- kind and the Jina should as- semble to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not pro- duce the like thereof though ‘they were helpers one of an- other. (XVII Childern of Israit 33. Or say they: He hath invented it?) Nay, but they will not believe! ~ 34, Then let them produce speech the like thereof, if they are truthful (LU The mount 28 un elvigaiotnt le rtcit enh AL Le ite af Lys 8 unt» wey ts Dicer ges LANA Last RRC MeO) Li Sie EAE & SSeS SS ein purnet Breas ory! aoc bie Solr reer Pree) phow sb ar SAvif Let We Ly Ser Sg tS Sec Sut SEZ Ela ah Jo a EWS LT sl ty Felt ole re we Wi ga Leh Le UA 2 PSS So USA MS MIL ok WY Fed Joie Ghul Fete we SuL ays Beis 26 atl 2 LSS Lin Ja itl st Ob by teu SEs rl Pek KO bb ter fin wun biel et Lay (WP St HS Pg So! 52. This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and Sat men of understanding may’ ake (XIV - Abraham ~ 2.'He sendeth down the angels with the Spirit of His command unto whom He will of His bondmen, (saying): Warn mankind that there is no godsave Me, so keep your duty unto Me, (XVI-The Bee 52. He who obeyeth Allah and His messenger, and feareth Allah, and keepeth duty (unto Him): such indeed are the Victorious. sty tight 56. I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me, (LI= The Winnowing Winds 12, Obey Allah and obey His messenger; but if ye turn gues YES Mis wan pisle PVE ph Sirig wo | Ete Oude thane ified! nv BSNL as Mal Oere Aas Ceol hush Sbolbrceut wa sirshan tec opin! Leis ei Lesbifhens rephatie, 139438) % (ooh leies (Sites ries erable SLOW IRIS as or Bld) ASSO Nils wR se OTH ree ANGE SSS 2 SAAS Baths Orsi) Bea Ass ghatiss ovebliree) SSOsensibbcalsiels one 29 SS as Meet SNES (the message) plainly. boo le oh 13, Allah! There is no eee ae God save Him. In Allah, LsleS Live ctivernle eu BI Zeil therefore, let believers put z their trust. OS pegssalEr Kart nic @dseHh (LXIV - Mutual Disiltusion vw win brn) BPI MEDIA SB a7 Fi heh ire $C tie 27 I LT ~aut ec ec” OB ys SL oe 2g br LOU ES PF EN we be NIV LHL ea worl Wr liP Ble steal (FOZ e eS see Leh tof ee Sp ew TS edt a fro ear iL We Sour RL AAV wl suender Le? BV bel tar Fle I BI 2 S Surrender $8 “YU | pu” 5B Bc fs Se Muslim | Abisiam BGP f yl at ol BNE gp B27 Ene 27 Bay Vol Ut Bi! Proper Noun 5° (12 SLE tip Be az EAI SFI US isle Vn ee? Ole Su Ser 6 bw Ged Be fe " we Ub? pil sumender Bt 27 byfi-< Goes Lae Sa Mile ud Cole gut LAPS V fit F Ce Muslim | Abisam I te) Me Je LF GF Out E Le BSD EOP LOS eh Se Eb 20 Ue -LY Bt S50 EF ERE ME rE Ned Lila ciyas ANP EN bay te eel Lvere ef HY ALLS Se tear ; Sys Serer A Lav miZ€ pula l Ssubstime Be Vo/en gtls eb Sb Fed PE AV SAL Foot Note yp 2S pb $23 Lf 2h SB Cel BL sath Fide we OF Foil YBa, SL oi spre hl lel op Ait PB feu EN lor & Bats Maes fol Bi Se AF Lob GF ob & ST ot Li te! We we PALL TS ol Sunt Si Ft LO Spe oe gt AT Z eke ee Dina baie i ee 31 t dip ob Sell lg byez LI YS LIF Bure es Para or Part No. 1 ee LE Eby Name of Verse pret Pot Surah No. The Cow 132 wr ' ~ 136 ry é 208 ren - r ‘The Family of Imran 19 8 ow I r The Family of Imran 80 n : ‘The Family of Imran 84 ar Z ‘The Family of Imran 85 No es The Family of Imran 102 or i ° The Cattle 4 " coil ‘ = 126 - - A n 2 19 20 2 23 24 26 27 28 The Heights Jonah Hud The Bee The Ant The Clans The Troops The Fusilat Wind Curved Sand Hills Private Apartments The Winowing Winds The Ranks 32 42 al 35 2 15 n a tr or ro rt ete Sete SN re tr r id te tA : WEL sea! Tokens of Almighty Allah seu 2k Cur y CRN eee Sy Let 66 oi slo -Ur Sibel 2) ae shes erBn Ee S5cEErS) 54. Lo! your Lord is Allah GB trshaba nlite S la SI) Who created the heavens and wy asa Miag Mohit the earth in six Days, then iT, ¢ weftial ak J mountel' He the Thine ie “lebeteg atone hetia seed soins covereth the night with the day, which is in haste to follow it, and hath made the sun and the une ? i =) fe | moon and the stars subservient" EAL LNs tts 5 IS ication nd commend: SPB Sok E bi ge rE 2t Seite i Aw aoanae rd of the Worlds! | Gatbehglediottiens OR aSssds (VIL The Heights esiu orp ne) . Lo! your Lord is Allah ZMalol- TL x elt oy | Who rested the heavens and fie oe coe arth six Days,? then He shed “Himself sen piifinslt eAtectiten Gite!

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