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The presented bar graph delineates the proportion growth in average property

costs in 3 selected nations namely algeria, china, argentina from 2007 to 2010

From an overall perspective, Algeria and Argentina suffered a progressive

decrease over the given period while the reverse fact was true for China

In 2007, Algeria ranked first in real estate prices growth at over 6% which was
twofold that of Argentina and threefold that of China. In the next year, the
figure for China and Argentina observed a dramatic boost with the former rising
to roughly 4% and the latter increasing to nearly 5%. During the same time
frame, the percentage property costs growth in Algeria spiralled down to
precisely 4.5%.

Looking at the remaining datas, China experienced an incresing streak and

reached its culminant point at approximately 7% in 2010. On the contrary, the
figure for Algeria took a downswing to around 3 % in 2009 then prevailed
consistency thereafter. Addtionally , the rate of land prices development in
Argentina exponentially declined to nearly 1% in 2009 after which recovered to
approximately 2.5% in 2010

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