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By Jeff Robinson, Shubho Ghosh, Nancy Greenlee, Brad Massey, and Lauren Donaldson

R evenue assurance is the systematic

application of tools, processes, and
people to stop revenue leakage—the
sulting Group, 45% said revenue leakage is
a systemic problem facing their companies.
Their practices show why. Almost three-
problem of unrealized revenue from quarters of companies do not have auto-
products sold or services performed. In our mated revenue assurance processes. Anoth-
experience, revenue assurance can contrib- er 64% do not have standardized revenue
ute as much as 10% to a company’s total assurance tools as part of their enterprise
revenue without the need to sell additional data systems, and 59% do not devote any
products or services. Revenue assurance full-time staff (or full-time equivalents) to
programs can be implemented and scaled revenue assurance. (See Exhibit 1.)
quickly, typically generating financial
returns within the first one to three
months. A mature revenue assurance Companies That Are Vulnerable
function, supported by machine learning Some companies are at greater risk of reve-
tools, automated processes, and dedicated nue leakage owing to the nature of their
full-time employees, can identify and stop business. Our experience indicates that the
revenue leakage on an ongoing basis, there- magnitude of potential revenue leakage
by maximizing realized revenue for tends to be greatest among:
companies that choose to invest in these
areas. •• Companies that have a contractual
relationship between the buyer and
Notwithstanding the potential payoff, most seller (as opposed to those that use a
companies do not provide their revenue as- “cash and carry” model, with payment
surance functions with the necessary collected immediately).
resources—even when they know it is an
issue. In an international survey of more •• Companies that use manual processes
than 2,000 business leaders by Boston Con- to create or audit invoices.
Exhibit 1 | Companies Don’t Do Enough to Address Revenue Leakage

45% 73% 64% 59%

Companies that see revenue Companies without Companies without Companies without full-time
leakage as sometimes or always automated processes to standardized technology tools employees dedicated to
a problem for their business address revenue leakage to address revenue leakage revenue assurance

Source: BCG international revenue assurance survey, 2020.

•• Companies that have a high proportion •• Automotive. At a fleet management

of service-based revenue. company, revenue leakage was driven
by gaps in processes, systems, and data.
•• Companies that allow invoicing discre- Sources of revenue leakage included
tion in client-facing roles, such as sales service fees that were not applied to
or account management. customer invoices, contracted add-on
and penalty fees that were not enforced
•• Companies whose invoiced prices and (such as for reissuing lost service cards
quantities are dependent on categoriza- and for early lease terminations), and
tion of the type of product or service state sales tax refunds that were not
offered; this is often the case in compa- collected for vehicles purchased on
nies that must invoice for noncontract- behalf of customers.
ed or out-of-scope services.
•• Logistics. A postal service provider
The following are some examples of reve- erroneously provided discounted rates
nue leakage that we have observed across to customers that had not met contract
industries: terms. Processes and systems to com-
pare actual to contracted work were
•• Technology. At a technology services inadequate and audit capabilities were
company, billing analysts did not insufficient.
invoice for all the hardware units being
serviced because of a lack of visibility •• Health Care. A health insurance
into frequently changing contract terms provider collected lower-than-contract-
and hardware counts. Additionally, ed premiums owing to gaps in data
out-of-scope services were often systems and quality checks.
charged incorrectly because billing
analysts struggled to manage the •• Travel. An airline’s data systems could
variations in scope across thousands of not distinguish duplicates when custom-
service agreements. ers double-booked flights from the same
destination on the same day using
•• Industrial Goods. A chemical services different third-party vendors. Addition-
company propagated outdated prices in ally, the airline’s agents had significant
its invoices because contracts were not discretion to double-book passengers.
digitized. In addition, frontline employ- This was not tracked in the data sys-
ees had significant freedom to manually tems, and corrective measures, such as
change prices and specify the grade or training or policy enforcement, were not
volume of chemicals used. There were in place to resolve the double-bookings.
no validation processes to catch errors When passengers inevitably failed to
in these manual inputs. board both flights, the redundant

Boston Consulting Group | Achieving Rapid Topline Growth with Revenue Assurance 2
bookings led to lost revenue from with our clients to simplify and auto-
unsold seats. mate processes. In doing so, we take
into account best-in-class industry
examples, as well as the client’s specific
BCG’s Revenue Assurance business requirements.
With our revenue assurance solution, we •• Capabilities. A key differentiator of our
efficiently identify sources of revenue solution is our focus on organizational
leakage and potential ways to implement capability building. To that end, we
quick wins, scale solutions, and build work with clients to develop solutions
capabilities—giving our clients the know- that are tailored to their business and
how to sustainably capture value. We use people. We conduct training, implement
best-in-class digital tools enabled by performance tracking and incentives to
robotic process automation, machine maximize productivity, and introduce
learning, natural language processing, mechanisms for continuous improve-
predictive modeling, and other next- ment so that revenue leakage can be
generation technology to help clients excel continuously monitored and mitigated.
at revenue assurance.

•• Levers. We assess systems and process- A Three-Step Approach to

es to identify common root causes of Revenue Assurance
revenue leakage. Some of these root Our three-step approach diagnoses sources
causes are consistent across industries, of leakage, implements small-scale solu-
such as charging the wrong price for a tions to quickly capture value, and then
specific quantity or quality of service. scales up those solutions. (See Exhibit 2.)
Sources of revenue leakage can also be In the scaling-up phase, we also lay the
specific to an industry, as in the exam- foundation for clients to develop the capa-
ples above. Our firsthand experience in bilities needed to sustain their revenue as-
various industries enables us to effi- surance programs for the long term.
ciently identify and prioritize the most
effective levers for revenue recovery. Step 1: Diagnostic. We work with our
clients to diagnose sources of leakage and
•• Tools. We apply customizable digital prioritize revenue assurance levers for
tools that can plug into standard quick wins. This data-driven process
enterprise systems for billing, pricing, evaluates multiple factors, such as the
contracting, and account management. magnitude of revenue leakage, the feasibil-
These tools help diagnose potential ity of implementing specific levers, and the
sources of leakage and accelerate value organization’s current capabilities and
capture. Once we confirm opportunities appetite for change. We also consider
to capture value, we scale the solution extrinsic factors, such as industry trends,
by integrating these tools into existing economic headwinds, and customer
enterprise systems so that they become behaviors that can impact our clients’
business as usual. We have also devel- ability to recover leaked revenue.
oped a proprietary cloud-based solution
for rapid data processing that allows for For instance, our diagnostic work at one
efficient knowledge transfer and client—a European postal service company
integration into standard enterprise —made it clear that the majority of the cli-
systems. ent’s customers (77%) were not meeting
contracted terms. Based on the findings
•• Processes. We conduct an audit of the from the diagnostic, we helped the client
end-to-end quote to cash process to develop a robotic process automation tool
identify manual or nonstandardized that was then integrated with its customer
processes that are likely to be contribut- relationship management system to auto-
ing to revenue leakage. We then work matically alert sales representatives to

Boston Consulting Group | Achieving Rapid Topline Growth with Revenue Assurance 3
Exhibit 2 | BCG’s Revenue Assurance Solution and Approach


Diagnostic Quick wins Scaling

Conduct audit of data Develop and iterate Enable people and roll
and processes to quick solutions to out standardized tools
determine sources and demonstrate value and processes across
magnitude of geographies, segments,
OUR SOLUTION revenue leakage and/or products

Deep knowledge of root causes of Identify levers and

Test and customize Apply levers across
Levers revenue leakage and industry determine size of
levers company
specific revenue assurance solutions opportunity

Customizable, next-generation Deploy interim tools Integrate tools with

Tools technology-enabled tools to Audit current tools to capture immediate existing systems and
accelerate value capture value processes

Best-in-class methodologies to Standardize processes

Processes facilitate standardization and Audit current Pilot process
that have proven
automation of revenue assurance processes changes
their value

Assess internal Identify any new Build required teams

Enable continuous adaptation and
Capabilities innovation ability to address capabilities needed and capabilities
revenue leakage

Source: BCG project experience.

leaked revenue and provide a fact base for ties continue to have a material payoff long
the reversal of unearned discounts. after our involvement has ended.

Step 2: Quick Wins. We implement small- For instance, a global technology company
scale solutions to quickly identify and incorporated robotic process automation
recover leaked revenue within the first one and machine learning tools and processes
to three months of a revenue assurance to identify revenue leakage. The tools al-
program. This starts with the conception lowed the company to increase its annuity
and testing of changes to existing tools and revenues and out-of-scope billings by $54
processes. For instance, at one chemical million annually. (See sidebar, “How One
services company with revenue leakage Company Dramatically Upped Its Revenue
from inconsistent pricing, we piloted initial Assurance Game.”)
process changes on the largest accounts.
The economic value of the changes became
apparent in the first month, generating the When to Start a Revenue
momentum needed within the company to Assurance Program
roll out these changes more broadly. There are three ways in which a revenue
assurance program makes sense. The first
Step 3: Scaling. Following testing and is as a standalone effort to unlock incre-
improvements to tools and processes in the mental revenue. With no additional selling
quick-wins phase, we scale solutions and cost, the newly realized revenue is largely
enable client capabilities for sustainable profit. In these cases, we generally see com-
revenue capture. At the scaling phase, panies’ revenues increase 3% to 5%.
revenue assurance works its way into the
DNA of the company, typically within the A second type of revenue assurance pro-
first six months of a program. We ensure gram is connected to a broader initiative
that the new tools, processes, and capabili- around pricing. In these engagements, the

Boston Consulting Group | Achieving Rapid Topline Growth with Revenue Assurance 4
We helped a global technology company Another potential source of unrealized
improve its revenue assurance function. revenue was inaccurate recording of
The company—which provides equip- service work. Field technicians often did
ment and services to thousands of not categorize their work accurately,
businesses worldwide—was not invoicing resulting in situations where they were
for all of its earned contracted revenue. doing noncontracted work but not
It was also not invoicing for some invoicing for it. Again, it fell to billing
uncontracted after-sale services. As a analysts to identify the categories of work
result, it had a substantial amount of that should be billed as out-of-scope.
unrealized revenue. With BCG’s help, the company imple-
mented a machine learning-enabled
While the company employed a sizable natural language processor that identi-
team of billing analysts, the team’s fied the categories of work to be billed at
processes were largely manual. The the out-of-scope service rate. The billing
billing processes were inconsistent, analysts increased the volume of work
varying by region, business segment, classified as out-of-scope by 8%.
and, in some cases, account.
Having seen the value of the robotic
We first looked at potential unrealized process automation and machine
annuity revenues. Annuity revenues for learning tools on a limited number of
this company derive from service accounts, the company expanded their
contracts. To bill accurately, the company use and trained its billing departments
needed to know how many units of all over the world—and across different
equipment each customer had, which lines of business—to use them. In
was complicated because of nonstandard addition, the company created a func-
contracts and rapidly changing equip- tional center of excellence to continuous-
ment counts and model types. We ly manage and improve revenue assur-
helped the company replace manual ance tools, processes, and capabilities.
review processes with robotic process More than 100 full-time employees
automation tools, which accelerated the currently work in the center, identifying,
time to review each customer contract recovering, and preventing revenue
by a factor of 16. leakage.

Value Captured by a Global Technology Company Using Digital Revenue

Annuity revenue Out-of-scope billing

Robotic process Sales team notified Prioritization via Automatic review Tracking processes
automation tool identifies of need to capture machine learning- using natural- and tools to ensure
revenue leakage leaked revenue enabled tool language processing billing discipline

$42 million 40% $12 million 8%

recurring revenue increase in ROI revenue increase in out-
increase per billing analyst increase of-scope billings

Source: BCG project experience.

Boston Consulting Group | Achieving Rapid Topline Growth with Revenue Assurance 5
Today, the company is seeing $54 million five percent of that revenue flows directly
in recurring annual value as a result of to the bottom line. Furthermore, the
these initiatives: $42 million from the improvements in invoicing processes
capture of previously lost annuity have reduced customer billing disputes
revenues and another $12 million from and increased customer satisfaction, as
revenues associated with out-of-scope reflected in a 7 point improvement in the
services. (See the exhibit above.) Ninety- company’s net promoter score.

new discipline surrounding revenue assur-

ance ensures that companies capture all
the benefits of the pricing transformation
R evenue assurance solutions can
drive significant value for companies—
up to 10% of revenue. And the impact of
initiative. This type of program can sub- efficient revenue assurance goes well
stantially increase the impact from pricing, beyond revenue capture. With more
driving incremental revenue of 1% to 10% efficient audit processes, employees can
in our experience, including the capture of focus on creating value for their companies
revenue leakage. in other ways. Additionally, more accurate
invoicing can reduce customer pain points
A revenue assurance program might also and dissatisfaction, thereby creating
make sense—even for companies with positive momentum.
minimal revenue leakage and well-
established revenue assurance capabili- Integrated tools and processes can help
ties—as part of a new product or service your company develop its own capabilities
launch. Revenue leakage is common with in this important area. Once you have built
new products and services (especially in these capabilities, the returns from revenue
adjacent industries) because of the need assurance become cumulative. Revenue as-
to link together new systems and the use surance can be a significant driver of value
of limited-time promotional discounts. for your company, which we can help you
Companies that strengthen their revenue achieve.
assurance practices in advance of product
launches can prevent revenue leakage in
these situations.

About the Authors

Jeff Robinson is a managing director and senior partner in the Atlanta office of Boston Consulting Group.
You may contact him by email at

Shubho Ghosh is a managing director and partner in the firm’s Atlanta office. You may contact him by
email at

Nancy Greenlee is a project leader in BCG’s Dallas office. You may contact her by email at

Brad Massey is a project leader in the firm’s Atlanta office. You may contact him by email at

Lauren Donaldson is an associate in BCG’s Atlanta office. You may contact her by email at

Boston Consulting Group | Achieving Rapid Topline Growth with Revenue Assurance 6
The authors wish to thank Adam Gordon, Aljoscha Zahner, Jake Simon, and Rolf Erik Tveten for their con-
tributions to this article.

Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important
challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. BCG was the pioneer in business strategy when it was
founded in 1963. Today, we help clients with total transformation—inspiring complex change, enabling or-
ganizations to grow, building competitive advantage, and driving bottom-line impact.

To succeed, organizations must blend digital and human capabilities. Our diverse, global teams bring deep
industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives to spark change. BCG delivers solutions
through leading-edge management consulting along with technology and design, corporate and digital
ventures—and business purpose. We work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and through-
out all levels of the client organization, generating results that allow our clients to thrive.

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Boston Consulting Group | Achieving Rapid Topline Growth with Revenue Assurance 7

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