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University of Tripoli/ Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

ME 312 Fluid Mechanics (I) Tutorial # 3 Fall 2016
Problem 1:
The system in the figure shown is at 20°C. If atmospheric pressure is
101.33 kPa and the pressure at the bottom of the tank is 242
kPa, what is the specific gravity of fluid X?

Problem 2:
In the figure Shown, both the tank and the tube are open to the atmosphere.
If L= 2.13 m, what is the angle of tilt of the tube?

,Where (atmospheric pressure

Pa = 0 gouge)
Problem 3:
Find the pressures at points A, B, and C, in the system shown, and in the
two air cavities.


To get pressure at point B, you should get pressure at air

cavity (1)

To get the pressure at point C

Problem 4: The gage pressure of the air in the tank shown is measured to
be 65 kPa. Determine the differential height h of the mercury column.
Problem 5: Consider a tank containing mercury, water, benzene, and air as
shown in figure-5, find the air pressure (gage). If an opening is made in the
top of the tank, find the equilibrium level of the mercury in the manometer.

Use table A-1 to find the specific gravity of Mercury and Benzene.
To find the gage pressure of the air in the tank,

If an opening is made in the top of the tank, the level in the manometer will
decrease by a distance x , and the level of the mercury in the tank will
increase by an elevation y
volume decreased in the manometer = volume increased in the tank

Then, the manometer level will be

Problem 6: An engineering research company is evaluating using a
sophisticated $80,000 laser system between two large water storage tanks.
You suggest that the job can be done with a $200 manometer arrangement.
Oil less dense than water can be used to give a significant amplification of
meniscus movement; a small difference in level between the tanks will
cause a much larger deflection in the oil levels in the manometer. If you set
up a rig using Meriam red oil as the manometer fluid, determine the
amplification factor that will be seen in the rig.

Find: amplification factor in the rig

Use table A-1 to find the SG of Meriam red oil

F.Gseaa +A.Naas

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