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List of Important Words

Words Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Notes

Amiable, Cordial,
1 Amicable Friendly Rude, Unsociable, Hostile
Amenable, Yielding,
2 Obdurate Stubborn Adamant, Obstinate
Deceive, Misguide,
3 Delude Mislead ---
Hoodwink, Swindle
Foment, Flame, Incite,
4 Instigate Provoke Calm
a. clear
Luminous, Limpid,
5 Lucid Obscure, Unclear, Vague
b. easily Pellucid, Intelligible

6 Vex Irritate Vex, Annoy, Bother Calm, Soothe

Contradict, Counter,
7 Refute Oppose Support, Agree, Endorse
Rebut, Disprove
Pastoral, Rustic, Agrarian,
8 Bucolic Rural Urban
Abstruse, Arcane, Obvious, Manifest, Plain, Manifest can be both a
9 Recondite Little known
Obstruse, Esoteric Straightforward verb and an adjective.
On the surface, Cursory, Slight Deep, Detailed, Thoughtful,
10 Superficial
not very deep Perfunctory, Casual Genuine
Wordy, Verbose,
Concise, Brief, Terse,
11 Laconic Using few words
Pithy Long-winded

12 Frugal Not wasteful Thrifty, Economical Wasteful, Spendthrift

13 Seemly Decent Befitting, Becoming Inappropriate, Indecent
14 Insolvent Bankrupt Broke, Indebted Solvent, Moneyed
15 Deleterious Harmful Detrimental, Injurious Harmless, Aiding
16 Gregarious Sociable Outgoing, Social Unsociable, Introverted
Rebuke, Condemn,
17 Censure Criticize Praise, Approve, Ratify
18 Malignant Harmful Fatal, Letha, Deadly Harmless, Benign
Zealot, Extremist, This word has several
19 Fanatic Bigot Nonmilitant
Radical, Maniac meanings.
Colossal, Immense,
20 Enormous Huge Small, Tiny, Minuscule
Massive, Gigantic
21 Yearn Desire Covet, Long, Crave Dislike, Despise
Precise, Clear-cut, Uncertain, Doubtful,
22 Definite Exact
Specific, Well-defined Obscure, Ambiguous
23 Extraneous Irrelevant, Unnecessary Relevant, Pertinent
Irregular, Random, Regular, Constant,
24 Sporadic Scattered
Intermittent, Isolated Repeated

25 Vigorous Strong Forceful, Robust, Vital Weak, Tender, Delicate

26 Despise Hate Abhor, Deride, Detest Accept, Admire, Adore

Amenable, Yielding, A hot prospect word,
27 Obstinate Stubborn Adamant, Obdurate
Submissive read it in details.
Distrustful, Trustful, Credulous,
28 Skeptical Unconvinced, Unsure
Doubtful Gullible
Diligent, Productive,
29 Industrious Hard-working Lazy, Lethargic
30 Epicurean Fond of luxuries Gourmet -
Dejected, Morose,
31 Despondent Sad Cheerful, Spirited
32 Rapacious Greedy Voracious, Ravenous Satisfied

33 Unremitting Eternal Ceaseless, Unending Transient, Intermittent

Reduce, Shorten,
34 Curtail Cut back Enlarge, Expand, Extend
Disentangle, Liberate,
35 Extricate Clear, Detach Attach, Connect, Unite
36 Mediate Arbitrate, Intervene Contend, Fight, Argue
To take money
37 Extort Extract, Coerce Surrender, Yield
by force
38 Pragmatic Practical Realistic, Logical Impractical, Irrational
Impenetrable, Impassable,
39 Impervious Inaccessible Susceptible, Vulnerable
40 Agog Eager Avid, Highly interested Indifferent, Apathetic
Adamant, Headstrong,
41 Dogmatic Opinionated Open-minded
Fanatical, Bigoted
42 Blithe Glad, Heedless Sad, Depressed
43 Emblematic Symbolic Typical, Representative Non-symbolic
44 Reluctant Unwilling Averse, Hesitant Eager, Enthusiastic
45 Ascetic Abstinent Austere, Abstemious -

This word has several
46 Wanton Shameless, Wayward, Decent, Moral

Detrimental, Injurious, Aiding, Benign, Innocuous,

47 Deleterious Harmful
Baneful, Baleful Safe
48 Amorous Romantic Erotic, Enamored Cold, Unfriendly
Astute, Cautious,
49 Judicious Prudent Careless, Unwise, Idiotic
Circumspect, Sane
Foolish, Absurd, Asinine,
50 Inane Silly Bright, Intelligent
Hot Prospect Words:

1. Pacify: allay, appease, placate, soothe, mitigate, mollify

2. Malicious: malevolent, malignant, spiteful, virulent, vicious
3. Trite: banal, dull, hackneyed, boring, cliché/ clichéd, common/ commonplace
4. Stubborn: adamant, tenacious, headstrong, obdurate, opinionated
5. Zealous: ardent, avid, dedicated, fanatical/ fanatic
6. Meticulous: precise, thorough, cautious, scrupulous, finicky, fussy,
7. Laudable: commendable, creditable, praiseworthy, deserving
8. Apex: top, peak, pinnacle, zenith acme, apogee, summit, climax
9. Gregarious: sociable, outgoing, extrovert/ extroverted, friendly, amiable
10. Garrulous: extremely talkative, loquacious, logorrheic, wordy, verbose, prolix
11. Spoil: harm, destroy, impair, mar, tarnish
12. Unravel: clear up, sort out, resolve, loosen, disentangle, unriddle
13. Paucity: dearth, deficit, deficiency, inadequacy, paltriness, scarcity, shortage, scantiness
14. Barrier: barricade, blockade, hurdle, impediment, obstacle
15. Exaggerate: overemphasize, overestimate, inflate, magnify, distort, fabricate
16. Dexterous: (a.) skillful, expert, masterful, adroit, adept, deft;
(b). clever, artful, canny
17. Seditious: incendiary, inflammatory, disloyal, anarchistic, mutinous, treasonable
18. Feasible: practicable, attainable, viable, possible, suitable
19. Cosmopolitan: cultured, urbane, sophisticated, worldly, universal, global
20. Riveting: fascinating, enthralling, captivating, absorbing, mesmerizing, compelling
21. Decimate: slaughter, obliterate, exterminate, wipe out, massacre
22. Inert: dormant, inactive, immobile, passive, apathetic, asleep
23. Spurious: false, fake, bogus, phony, specious
24. Chaotic: disorganized, turbulent, tumultuous, lawless, anarchic
25. Inexplicable: baffling, puzzling, incomprehensible, indescribable, inscrutable
26. Diversion: deviation, detour, aberration, deflection
27. Elucidate: to make something lucid or clear, enlighten, illuminate, explain, interpret
28. Capricious: characterized by caprice, impulsive, unpredictable, fickle, erratic
29. Wanton: (a) malicious, unjustifiable
(b) headstrong, willful
(c) careless, reckless
(d) lewd, lustful, promiscuous, shameless, vulgar
(e) extravagant, unduly lavish
30. Underpin: support, strengthen, substantiate
31. Idealistic: related to idealism, utopian, starry-eyed, romantic, impractical
32. Inhibit: hinder, restrain, prohibit, obstruct, impede, avert, check
33. Prolific: 1. productive, fruitful, fertile,
2. abundant, copious, proliferant, profuse
34. Adept: adroit, proficient, skilled, deft, expert
35. Intriguing: absorbing, appealing, captivating, enthralling, exciting
36. Trivial: insignificant, inconsequential, frivolous, negligible, unimportant
37. Diminish: decrease, decline, curtail, dwindle, lessen, reduce, subside, weaken, wane
38. Squalid: (a) sordid, dirty, filthy, fetid, shabby
(b) disgusting, abominable, despicable, base
39. Superficial: (a) cursory, perfunctory, off hand
(b) outward, apparent, external
(c) insignificant, unimportant
(d) shallow, not deep/ depthless
40. Insubordinate: disobedient, defiant, unruly, obstreperous, incompliant, intractable
41. Unavoidable: inevitable, ineluctable, certain, sure, fated ineludible,
inescapable/unescapable, inexorable
42. Significant: important, powerful, compelling, momentous
43. Admonish: 1. warn, counsel
2.censure, scold, berate, rebuke, reprimand

44. Augment: increase, enlarge, amplify, enhance, intensify, strengthen, multiply, boost
45. Slump: fall, drop, slide, downtrend, recession, crash, collapse
46. Repeal: abolish, abrogation, annulment, nullify, revoke
47. Flamboyant: dazzling, glamorous, conspicuous, showy, ornate
48. Eccentric: bizarre, erratic, peculiar, odd, whimsical
49. Insipid: tasteless, vapid, dull, banal, unimaginative
50. Vivid: Animated, lively, picturesque, bright, energetic

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