Theres No One Like You

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There's No One Like You

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Category: F/F
Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Relationship: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Luz Noceda & Willow Park & Gus Porter,
Hunter | The Golden Guard & Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne & Luz
Character: Amity Blight, Luz Noceda, Boscha (The Owl House), Skara (The Owl
House), Eda Clawthorne, Amelia Blight, Lucía Noceda, Camila Noceda,
Willow Park, Gus Porter, Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House),
Raine Whispers, Odalia Blight, Emira Blight, Edric Blight, Terra
Snapdragon, Masha (The Owl House), Philip Wittebane | Emperor
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Lesbian Amity Blight, Bisexual Luz
Noceda, Angst, Trans Luz Noceda, Drama & Romance, Enemies to
Friends to Lovers, Bullying, Classism, Weight Shaming, MTF Luz
Noceda, Top!Luz, Bottom!Amity, School Dances, Bathroom Sex,
Underage Smoking, Bisexual Disaster Luz Noceda, Gay Disaster Amity
Blight, Masturbation, Mutual Pining, Drunken Shenanigans, House
Party, Luz Noceda Has PTSD, Amity Blight probably does to, Public
Sex, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Secret Relationship, Past Rape/Non-con,
Past Sexual Abuse, Luz Noceda Needs a Hug, Bad Parent Odalia
Blight, Child Abuse, Good Parent Camila Noceda, Good Parent Eda
Clawthorne, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Face-Sitting, Face-Fucking, Praise
Kink, Breeding Kink, trauma processing, Sapphic, Amity Blight Needs a
Hug, Come Swallowing, Autistic Amity Blight, Luz Noceda has ADHD,
Happy Ending, ACAB, Angst with a Happy Ending
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-10-09 Completed: 2023-03-18 Chapters: 45/45 Words:

There's No One Like You

by ElfieAfterDark


Amity Blight is the queen bee of Hexside High School, a prestigious private school in
Bonesborough's richest neighborhood.

Her perfect life gets thrown into chaos when a delinquent named Luz Noceda, a recent
transfer, comes crashing into her life.

CONTENT WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER: bullying, racism, mysogny, classism,
panic attacks and implied self harm.


A new multi-chapter fic for y'all! This AU popped into my head a few weeks ago, and I
cannot get it out.

So, enjoy some angsty teenage drama, angst, smut, and eventually fluff!!
The New Girl
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It’s a beautiful morning, there isn’t a cloud in the sky above Bonesborough Connecticut. It looks
like the perfect day to start a new chapter of your life, or pick up an old one where you left it.

The birds are singing in the trees, readying to fly south for the winter. The ground already dusted
with the earliest of fallen leaves. A gentle autumn breeze blows by, keeping you cool while the sun
keeps you warm.

Amity Blight, on the other hand, is in a bad mood. She's been awake for all of 2 minutes and she
has a splitting headache, and her thighs are sore.

She winces as she pulls herself out of bed, hissing through her teeth when something pops. Okay
it's not just her thighs and head that hurt. Why does everything hurt? She's so sore.

She didn't even have rugby this weekend, she had been out of town on a business trip with her
mom. Sitting around listening to dull people talk about dull shit. Sreadsheets, business figures,
quarterly reports, terrible presentations on how to “improve your business without affecting your
bottom line.” The trips were so boring that she didn't even remember what she did during them.
Literally nothing important ever happened during them, yet her mother always insisted on bringing

She hated it.

Amity gingerly stretches, testing her range of motion as best she can. Her large bedroom is dark
and quiet. Her enormous and enormously pink king size bed is pressed into the wall furthest from
her door right in the middle.

Her custom-made desk, neat and orderly, is a little ways away from the bed, against the same wall.
A low armoire is on an adjacent wall, various aesthetic decorations, hand chosen by her mother,
line its smooth wooden surface. All very classy, none of it her own choice.

Except her hot pink covers and pillows. She smiles as she spies the little touches that make her
room hers . Little things her mother never notices, or are so insignificant that they're not worth her
Amity groans as she stretches out her legs, then she stiffly walks over to her closet. It’s a huge
walk-in lined with almost everything you could ever wear. It’s all organized, categorized, and

There several outfits are already assembled and hanging, some picked by her mother, but most are
copies of her school uniform. White dress shirt, dark dark blue sweater vest, creme and black plaid
skirt that goes down to her knees. Her school was actually very lax on their dress code, as long as
you wore most of the right things the right way you were fine.

She slips her white dress shirt on, buttoning it up. She feels a thrill of fear jolt through her when she
secures the last button, the collar clinging to her neck. Her skirt is next, and she grits her teeth when
the zipper grinds to a halt most of the way up, the waist of the garment is pressing into her sides

Amity keeps telling her mother that she needs the next size up, but Odalia keeps insisting that she’s
putting on too much weight. What a bitch, but she’s the bitch in charge of Amity’s life, legally. At
least for now.

One more year, just one more fucking year, She reminds herself as she sucks in her stomach,
managing to get the zipper up. It’s uncomfortable, but then again most things in her life are, she’s
used to it. She growls as she walks over to her accessories cabinet. She needs to spruce up her look,
Amity needs to look fantastic today.

After all, it is the first day of school, and Amity Blight absolutely will not start her senior year off
on the wrong foot.

She skips a bra, slips on her leggings, grabs her stomping boots, her usual assortment of rings, and
a bright pink choker. Last of all she grabs her black leather biker jacket, a brand new one she
ordered just for this year. It reads “Hecate” on it In stylized lettering. It’s her favourite band,
named after her favourite character from her favourite book series. Not that most people knew it,
the books were criminally underappreciated, and her mother hated them.

Amity looks over her appearance in the mirror, she likes it apart from the uncomfortable collar and
waistband. She may have to wear her school uniform, but that doesn’t mean she can’t bring a little
bit of herself into the outfit. Add a little bit of winged eyeliner, make her cheekbones really pop,
and she’s sure she’ll be ready to slay. She feels hot.
Pretty, feminine, powerful.


Satisfied, she stalks back out into her room before tearing off all of her clothes and having a long
hot shower in her private bathroom.

The searing water reminds her of something, the sound of it pattering off the imported stone
flooring stirs a vague impression of a similar shower in the past but someplace else… she can't
figure out why.

Probably just a weird case of deja vu or whatever.

Once she's clean, and relatively less stiff, Amity puts on her uniform. Then she quickly applies her
makeup, taking extra care with her eyeliner, packs her bag, and struts down to the kitchen. Hoping
to avoid any unnecessary interactions if she can.

"Morning mittens!" Her older brother Edric calls from the table, scarfing back some horrible
looking cereal. His dark green hair is like a rat's nest. His blonde roots peeking through.

"Heya Mittens." Emira, Ed's twin sister waves tiredly, staring at her toast but not seeing it. Emira
has never been a morning person.

Amity grumbles something that isn’t even a sentence as a reply.

It's not that she doesn’t like the twins, she just doesn’t like them. They’re wild, unpredictable in the
worst way, and they love causing chaos anywhere they can. Even if it hurts people. Sometimes
especially if it hurts people.

Amity's relationship with her entire family was kind of strained. Her mother demanded so much,
and was so overbearing. Her father? Amity didn't even know who he was or what he was doing
anymore. She never talked to him.

The twins were… the twins, they tried their best but their best wasn't very good. The twins and her
had never gotten along, only a surface level relationship.

In fact, the only member of her family she actually liked didn't live here anymore, which was
tragic, because Amelia was the best sister Amity could have asked for. She was heartbroken when
Amelia had moved out.

But Amity couldn't blame her, what with all that lawyer money? Did she really think that her big
sister would stay? It didn't help that Amelia was significantly older than the rest of them, ten years
older to be exact. Not to mention that if Amity's relationship with her parents was strained, then
Amelia’s was downright hostile. She was still welcome, but their parents would make a stink.
They’d be rude, and passive aggressive. Amelia never reacted to their thinly veiled vitriol, she was
always stoic, indifferent to the bitter hatred that resided within their parents.

Truth be told she missed her biggest sister a lot, not that she would admit that to anyone's face.
After all, a Blight can't show weakness, she reminds herself; her blood starting to boil at the

Amity drifts over to the fridge, unaware of the third person sitting in the kitchen.

"Good morning Amity." A cool calm voice drifts over the room. Her Auburn hair is a wild wavy
mane cascading over her shoulders. Golden eyes look out sharply from behind round wireframe
glasses. She’s one of the best lawyers in the state, and she's dressed to fit the part.

She looks good, but most of all she looks tired. Very tired .

"Morning Amy! Good to see you." Amity acknowledges her favorite sister with a smile, before
grabbing a half of a grapefruit in the fridge. She hates grapefruit, she wants to eat more filling,
something that tastes better… but her mother insisted. Amity needed to ‘ keep in shape’ , and she
was getting to be a little ‘too much around the waist’ , and so on.

She sat down next to her big sister, not noticing how Amelia eyes her. She digs into her bitter
breakfast, feeling fairly bitter herself. Neither of the twins ever say a damn word in her defense,
and if Amity tries to eat something else this early her mother will…

The sound of a plate sliding across the table draws her attention, she looks over to see Amelia
offering her a croissant with a soft smile. It’s still warm, and it smells so good. Amity’s mouth
"I can't, Amy… I'm-" Amity sighs, rubbing her temples with her finger and thumb. Already
imagining what her mother would do if she found out.

"On a diet again, yes I heard, Emira texted me last night." Amelia says, her usually cool voice even
colder. Her biggest sister’s smile vanishes as she says it.

Amity's eyes quickly dart to Emira, who still hasn't looked up from her toast. But Amity thinks she
doesn't look quite so tired.

Amity nearly squeaks as Amelia gently grabs her wrist for a moment, before looking her over top
to bottom. She feels like she's under a microscope. Like she's going to get in trouble. Amelia
relaxes in her chair, scoffing slightly.

“Why is she even putting you on a diet? You look perfectly fine, a vision of beauty even.” Her
sister smiles softly at her, and Amity can feel a blush running across her face. She appreciates her
sister's kindness, but at the same time she feels anger flashing up in her gut.

"Try telling that to Mom, I went up one size over the summer and she's been on my ass ever since."
She recalls bitterly, Amelia's expression darkens at her words. The air in the kitchen is tense, even
Ed seems to pick up on it.

It only lasts for a few moments before Amelia sighs. She reaches slowly to grab her plate and pull
it back. Amity blinks as she notices the 50 dollar bill sitting on the table.

"Buy yourself something on the way to school." Amelia says flatly, it's not a request.

"Amelia, I have a credit card."

"You said Mom was on your ass right? I assume you mean she reviews your statements…”
Amelia’s eyebrow raises as Amity sputters. It’s true, her mother is the primary card holder, and can
view any purchase Amity makes with it. It's gotten her in trouble before.

“You can't track cash" Her sister points out, once again effortlessly making her point so obvious
that there's no room to argue.
Her big sister is always like this, not that Amity minds. Honestly, she's relieved that she's here,
making these hard decisions for Amity. Things have been so tense at the house lately, the stress of
their big business trip was still looming over them.

The trip. He was there, wasn’t he? The old man who smiled too much at her. One of mom’s
business associates, who not only bored her to tears but was obviously simping hard over her.

Disgusting. She rarely bothered giving him the time of day when she saw him.

For some reason, Amity feels an inexplicable need to leave the house, right now. Amity nearly
begs her sister to take her away from here, to let her move in with Amelia. She doesn’t know why.

She doesn't ask those things. Of course she doesn't. It's not like her mother would let her go
anyway. Amity frowns a little more, why is she so hard on her mom today? Amity doesn't know.

She doesn’t ask her sister those things, but she does take the money, muttering thanks.

"I think I'm going to head out early." Amity says, listening to the strange feeling in her gut.

"Need a ride?" Amelia offers, and Amity is about to refuse out of reflex. But then she hears it, a
telltale clack of her mother's heels storming down the hallway. She sounds mad.

"Yes please, can we leave right now?" Amity smiles grimly as she notices Amelia already striding
towards her. Amity lets her big sister take her hand.

"Let's use the back door, it’s closer to where I’m parked." Amelia says casually, both of them
slipping out the door leading out onto the patio.

They both run once the door is shut, giggling. She doesn't see her mother that morning, and for
some reason she's relieved.

Amity doesn't end up using the $50 sister gave her, because Amelia stops to buy breakfast. Two
breakfast sandwiches, hash browns, and some fruit. Real food. Amity is so fucking hungry. Maybe
she should get a part-time job? Just for spending money. But what could she do that her mother
would say yes to? She wouldn’t, not if she found out Amity was buying cheap fast food with that

Amelia sits across from her, frowning slightly as she taps a message away on her work phone.

Amelia is late for work, but she flatly refuses to go until she sees Amity eat everything on her
damn plate. Amity is grateful, but a little ashamed, for some reason. When she finally finishes,
having eaten everything on the plate of her own volition, she pushes the dishes away and sighs.

"Thanks Amy…" Amity says with a soft smile, her sister nods curtly, though Amity notices that
her lips curl up slightly.

"Anytime," Amelia says, leaving money to pay the bill before reaching out to touch Amity's
shoulder, "I mean that, anytime, anything, you can call me."

Amity nods, not sure what to say. Not sure how to thank her sister, for yet again helping her. She's
grateful, but she knows that everything Amelia does is something that her mother should do.
Amelia is doing it because Odalia doesn't. She knows her big sister loves her, that she would do
anything for her, but you can't help but feel like it's an agenda. A way of getting back at Odalia.

She’s sure it’s not Amelia’s intention, probably, but she can’t help but feel it anyway. That she’s
Amelia’s blunt instrument to get back at their parents.


Amelia drops her off, and she feels better than she has in a few days. Not having breakfast sucks,
and Amity's only just realizing how much it weighed on her. For a single fleeting moment, she
wonders why her mother has started caring so much about her figure. It never used to be a big deal.

And then she hears a familiar, grating voice. Instantly her mostly pleasant morning crashes back to
earth. Her headache even comes back as Skara squeals in "excitement", dragging Amity off to find
their other "bestie" Boscha.

It was bright and sunny. The perfect first day of a new school year for the students of the many
schools in greater Bonesborough.

But no school was like Hexside highschool, The most prestigious private school in the county
housed in a grand old stone building located on a sprawling campus in the north east end of the

The main path was lined with well-kept ponds, fountains tinkling away. Flanked by old oak trees.
The leaves are already starting to turn vibrant shades of red and orange and yellow. The brass front
doors gleam in the sunlight.

Students in matching uniforms mill about, The only differences being their hair, their outerwear
and their shoes. Everyone is talking and catching up with each other as they wait for the day to
start. There's an air of uncertainty hanging over them all, the customary first day anticipation of not
knowing exactly what the year has in store for you.

Then the bell rings, and students trudge off to their classes, some eager, some indifferent.

They find a Boscha almost immediately, wearing her usual rugby jacket and sporting her plain

"Ams, did you gain weight?" The pink haired idiot that's supposed to be her "friend" asks in her
usual abrasive tone.

"Shut up Boscha." Amity snaps before storming ahead. She hears Skara gasp behind her.

"Whoa chill, it's a compliment." Boscha retorts, crossing her arms as she follows Amity into the

Amity does not have the patience for Boscha's bullshit today. The way she tries to spin her dumb
assholery is especially grating. Amity checks her schedule, trying to locate her homeroom.

"Where are you guys stuck this year?" She asks in a monotone, barely paying attention to anyone
around her.
"C204." Skara answers.

"Same." Boscha says a moment later. Amity feels her heart sink, but it's also lighter? She’s in

For the first time since she started attending Hexside, she does not have homeroom with these two
morons. She's not sure if she should be thankful or worried.

"I'm in A wing." Amity says, a moment before her friends explode in outrage. The second warning
bell goes off, and she mutters something apologetically before running. She needs to hurry, A
wing on the other side of the school.

It's not that she doesn't like hanging out with those two, she doesn't like them at all. They're loud,
insensitive, they're rude and crass in a way that Amity finds very off-putting. They’re merciless and

It's true, Amity isn't the nicest person on the block, but that comes with the status. She only lashes
out if she has to remind someone of the pecking order. Her friends will go out of their way to pick
on those beneath them.

Amity's honestly surprised that Boscha hasn't made someone cry already, Maybe she has? They're
supposedly Amity's friends, mandated by her mother, just like everything else in her life. She hates
them, but can’t spurn them now. She’s so close. One more year.

Then she never has to deal with her mom again.

The thought of her mom puts her even more on edge for some reason. It bothers her, she can't quite
put her finger on why but she feels extra mad at her mom today.

Even more irritatingly, and seemingly for no reason at all, Amity feels like her skin is made of
angry bees. It's a familiar, and yet unfamiliar feeling. All she knows for sure is that she's had it
before, but today it's especially bad.

She's on edge, and when Amity is on edge, her problems become everyone’s problems.
That's just the way it worked in the social hierarchy, those underneath you were lesser. And
Amity? Amity was the queen bee, the cream of the crop.

The fierce and terrifying ruler of Hexside's social hierarchy. Everybody knew to stay out of her way
when she was in this kind of mood, Amity was never sure if they could see something on her face,
or if they could just feel the energy she puts off.

Even the freshman, who likely had no idea who she was, darted to stay out of her way. She glared
at a tall boy standing in the middle of the hallway like a fucking idiot, and he squeaked as she
barrelled past him.

She cursed herself for dawdling so long with her “friends”, she was going to be late to class unless
she hurried. There wasn't a penalty, considering it was the first day. But Amity Blight was not late
for things.

At least, until today.

"S'cuse me." A girl Amity had never seen before calls out to her in the now empty hallway. Amity
slides to a halt, barely looking at her.

"What?" She snaps, pointedly checking her watch to let this stranger know how important her time

"Do you know where, uhh D305 is?" The tanned girl asks, scratching the back of her neck

Amity spares the girl passing glance, noticing that she's pretty, but Amity doesn't have time for

"You at the wrong end of the school, need to go back down this hallway and straight across." She
explains as quickly as she can, turning and stalking away before the other girl can even thank her.

Amity Blight is a minute and a half late for her first class of that year, she's furious, but seeing her
expression, the teacher doesn't say a damn thing.

Homeroom is boring, she doesn't know anyone in the class, only a few people she recognizes but
never associates with. She doesn’t try to talk to anyone in the class, and everyone's too afraid of her
to bother.

Her next class, Chemistry, is boring, they don't actually do anything. The teacher just drones on
about effort and how they shouldn't expect to just get a free pass in this course.

The same shit every teacher says, it doesn't matter to Amity, she's going to get an A+ in this class,
and every class.

She always does. Every year, or else.


Amity heard it during the first break. She was walking with her friends and their extended social
circle, the aristocracy of the school, when one of the girls mentioned it.

There's a new girl. That in of itself isn't very interesting, plenty of students come and go. Hell,
there's an entire year of new freshmen.

That's not what's interesting, what's interesting is that this girl is from Southside . From what little
Amity knows of that side of Bonesborough, the girl has to be here on some kind of scholarship.

No one knows anything about her, except her name.

Luz Noceda. They say she's Spanish or something. They say she wears a maroon beanie and a beat
up old Letterman jacket. They say she’s short but kind of scary.

It doesn't take long for rumors to start flying, and between 3rd and 4th period Amity starts to hear
This girl beat up a teacher. She’s been to jail. She's poor. She set a school gym on fire once. She
stole $20,000 from a school. She started a riot. She's related to the head librarian. She smokes.
She's killed someone. She's an immigrant. She sucked the principal's cock to get into Hexside.

Amity seriously doubts most of what she hears, especially the last one. Principle bump is many
things, but a creep is not one of them.

The one thing everyone can agree on, is that Luz Noceda is a total psycho bitch. Apparently she
gives one word answers to almost everyone around her. She's blown off most people's attempts to
get to know her.

They say she’s only gotten friendly with a few people, with the school rejects. The losers. Why
would she destroy her social life so quickly?

By lunch Amity is curious, the more she hears about this mystery girl, the more she sounds like
trouble for Amity.

Boscha complains that the new girl stood up to her when she was trying to "persuade" a smart kid
to help her with an assignment.

"I told her it was no big deal, we help each other out all the time." Boscha whines at their lunch
table, the perfect spot, not too close to the front. Not too close to the bathrooms.

"Well you don't actually help him ever…" Skara points out unhelpfully. Amity smirks as Boscha

"Well she doesn’t know that, so I say that to her, then she stands right up in my face and tells me to
back off." Boscha sounds like it's the most outrageous thing in the world, and Amity supposes that
it is.

"So what did you do?" Amity asks, fidgeting with the remaining bits of her lunch. At least at
school her mom can't stop her from eating, but that's the least of her concerns right now.

In the world of Hexside, Boscha is one of The Elite , and what's more she's in Amity's inner circle,
if someone showed her up then Amity has no choice, lest the school forget how things work
around here.

"The bell rang, I told her to watch herself and then I went to class." Boscha finishes lamely. For all
her bark, Bosca will usually fold if she thinks someone is a big enough threat. Amity wonders just
how this short new girl managed to intimidate the tall and strong athlete.

Amity grimaces, she does not have the patience for this today. Why? Why today of all days? Why
couldn't this new girl have waited? Why couldn't she have antagonized Boschha next week?

Amity stands up, she has to let this new girl know who's in charge around here.

"Where is she?" She asks, scanning around the cafeteria. Boscha stretches her head up a little, eyes
zeroing in at the far corner of the cafeteria. She sneers.

"With the loser brigade." She says after a moment, and Amity feels a small metal ball form in her

Willow .

Willow is laughing, along with that smart kid who moved up a few grades, that blonde trust fund
kid, and…

The pretty girl from the hallway. She's the already infamous Luz Noceda. Amity watches her, the
tanned girl who doesn't know her place yet. Her curly hair juts out from under a maroon beanie.
Two little pins are stuck in the side of it. Her tie hangs loosely from her undone collar, Amity
absently tugs at her own. She lets her eyes follow the girl's curves until she notices she's wearing
pants instead of a skirt …hang on…

Jeans, she's wearing jeans. Her dress shirt is tucked into a pair of back jeans. Then Amity spots the
beat up red Converse she's wearing. Ridiculous.

No ridiculous, Amity reaffirms.

Maybe she can't afford the full uniform… Amity drags her eyes back up the girl's body, resting on
her round face.

Her full lips. The bright light gleaming from her dark brown eyes. The way her eyes scrunch up
when she smiles.


"Amity? Yo Earth to Ams!" Boscha shouts as she snaps her fingers under Amity’s face.

Luz looks over and their eyes meet for just a moment. Amity shivers before she looks over at


"I said we got to teach that punk a lesson right?"

Amity looks back at the girl, who has returned to her conversation, smirking over at the blonde

"Yeah, I guess we do." Amity says, feeling a strange weightless sensation as she stares at the new


Amity makes her move when Luz and her friends finish their food and start leaving the cafeteria.
Her entourage in tow, as they enter the hallway.

Luz splits off, stalking down the halls with a determined expression.
Amity motions for most of her posse to leave, except for Boscha and Skara, they can handle one

Eventually Luz stops, opening a locker and reaching inside.

"Hey new girl."Amity calls out, stomping her boots as best she can. Luz turns, eyeing Amity
cautiously. Then her expression turns sour when she spots Boscha.

"Yeah?" She answers shortly. One word answer. She surprised to see that the girl is shorter than
her, based on all the hype surrounding her, she imagined her to be bigger.

Luz raises her eyebrow, and Amity spots a large scar bisecting it. She drags her gaze back down to
the girl's pretty face.

"I haven't seen you around." Amity starts, taking an innocent step closer. Luz doesn't budge.

"Yeah." Luz answers plainly, her arms hovering by her sides.

"Heard that you gave Boscha some grief." Amity says, picking at her nails as she glares down. Luz
stands her ground.

"Oh you mean pointing out to pinkie here that she's a coward for bullying someone two years
younger than her?" Luz says evenly, easily, as if she's telling Amity the weather.

"Listen. You're new, so you don't know how things work around here . This… is our school, we
can make your life very painful , got it?" Amity hisses her words, using the signature Blight venom
she learned from her mother.

Luz barely reacts, her eyebrow simply falling from its raised position. She shuts her locker so
loudly Skara jumps. She scratches her back, and then walks away.

Just…walks away from a conversation. Stoic. Automatic.

"Jeez is she a fucking robot or something?" Boscha scoffs, The other people slowly filling the
hallway hear her, some of them laugh. Amity doesn't.

After lunch people are saying new things about the new girl. She's a robot. She's stupid. She
doesn't understand when you're being rude to her.

You can say anything you want to her and she won't react.

Luz is in quite a few of Amity's classes, but she always sits at the back. She's quiet. It seems like
she isn't even paying attention, her nose always buried in her sketchbook.

Later Amity overhears a jock asking Luz why she doesn't straighten her hair, how she would look
so much nicer that way. Luz just raises her eyebrows and walks away.

By the start of last period, some of the crueler students had made a game of it.

"How much dick did you have to suck to get here?" Says one guy, a disgusting grin plastered
across his face.

"You'd better not steal anything out of my locker." A girl sneers at her.

"Why do you have such a flat nose? You should get work done." A girl says with mock

"How much for a couple rounds out back with you?" Another guy asks, waving several hundred
dollar bills in Luz's face.

"So where are you from, Mexico?" One dude asks, laughing with his friends immediately after

"Connecticut." Luz answers, but they don't believe her.

"I think it's so sweet that they accepted her here." A tall girl sneers as Luz walks to the last class of
the day. Amity is amazed, the girl really is a robot, If Amity experienced all of that? She would
have killed someone by now.

Luz is in Amity's last class too, how did they end up in so many classes together? Again, she barely
pays attention, scribbling in her notebook without ever looking up. Amity watches her out of the
corner of her eye.

She's pretty, Amity can admit that, but she smells like smoke, and the bags under her eyes are

As is the way her right fist clenches and relaxes in a steady rhythm all class. About 20 minutes
before class ends, she just stands up and leaves.

"Miss Noceda! I haven't excused you yet!" The teacher calls out. Luz doesn't say a word, she just
shuts the door behind her.

The class erupts into excited murmuring. The legend of Luz Noceda was likely going to be even
more absurd by tomorrow morning.

Amity isn't quite sure what to think of her, sure she seems a little weird. But she knows so little
about the girl that she can't really form an opinion.

So why is she thinking so much about her?

In truth, Amity feels kind of bad for her, even though none of it seems to affect her. Luz had to deal
with a lot of shit today. Eventually, the bell rings, and Amity makes her way to her locker, once
again cursing her bizarre schedule as she has to walk all the way back across school.

Maybe she should just take her things with her before heading to her last class?

The halls are nearly empty by the time she manages to haul herself all the way to her locker, before
heading all the way back in order to meet her chauffeur.

Amity rounds the corner, and nearly crashes straight into someone.
"Watch it, nit-" Amity's indignant rage fizzles as her eyes fall on the subject of her wrath.

Her maroon beanie is missing, her dark curly hair is wild and sticking out strangely. Like someone
tried to pull the curls taut. Her eyes are red

And then Amity notices Luz's posture, the way she's hunched. She's holding her forearms, clinging
to them almost.

"Sorry…" Luz says, her voice is hoarse. Scratchy. Amity is speechless, she can see red lines
peeking out from her sleeves.

The instant Luz realizes where Amity is looking, she darts around her and sprints away before
Amity can say another word.

Amity watches Luz, red Converse squeaking on the floor, and feels her stomach drop. The entire
day… Luz has endured some of the worst that Hexside had to offer on her first day.

Everyone thought it didn't get to her… But maybe it did…

Maybe, the new girl wasn't a robot after all.

Chapter End Notes

Welp, Amity's first day of school has been successfully derailed by a pretty new girl.
Unfortunately rich kids are the fucking worst, and Luz's school life isn't gonna get

Let me know what you think of the fic and the AU so far! I'm really excited to develop
this more!

And don't y'all worry, the next chapter of I'll Always Be By Your Side will be coming
The Rich Bitch
Chapter Summary

Luz's first few days of school are hell on earth, but it's almost background noise
compared to the enigma that is consuming her mind.

Just what the hell is Amity Blight's deal?

Chapter Notes

CONTENT WARNING: PTSD Flashbacks, implied/sort of explicit self harm, implied

past abuse. Wild unadulterated gay panic and confused bi feelings.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz ran as fast as she could, tear tracks still wet on her face as she did so. She had expected her first
day at Hexside to be bad, she just didn't anticipate how bad it would be.

Her forearms stung, from where she had clawed herself. Her throat was sore from screaming. Her
eyes burned from tears.

The noise was the worst of it, the noise inside her head. An amalgamation of every bad thing
everyone's ever said to her, and despite her best efforts, A lot of people have said a lot of bad
things to her.

Done a lot of bad things to her.

For fuck's sake Luz, now is not the time. She rubs her nose with her forearm, hissing as the pain
flares up from her scratches. She needs to get out of here, and fast. She can't wait for Auntie Lilith,
she’ll text her later.

She rounds a corner that she thinks leads to the entrance, this place is so fucking confusing, and she
nearly barrels straight into someone.

"Watch it nit-" a familiar voice snarks out before stopping short.

Amity Blight, queen bee of this horrid school. The admittedly very pretty, but very bitchy, girl that
her new friend Willow had warned her about.

After Luz had already pissed off Amity's best friend. The stupid pink-haired one.

Luz realizes that Amity is staring at her and feels anger flare up in her chest. Great, another person
who's come to gawk at her weird nose and ugly hair and…

The look on Amity's face isn't one of disdain… that would be easier, simpler even. But that's not
how she's looking at Luz, she isn't quite sure what to call the expression actually.

Concern? Confusion? Pity. She's never been great at reading other people, but Luz is pretty sure
about that last one.

Exactly what she doesn't need from this rich bitch. She feels hot anger claw at her throat, she tenses
her fists. It's too much, too much too soon.

This might be your last chance kiddo… her stepmom's words echo in her mind. Her last chance at a
normal childhood… As if she ever had a chance at that.

Still, Eda and Auntie Lily had to pull quite a few strings to get her in here. She can't let them

Not again.

Luz finally lets her fists relax, "Sorry." She manages, before all of the feelings inside her rush to
the surface again. She's going to cry, she might have another attack…

She can't do that, not in front of… in front of Amity. She notices Amity looking down at her arms.
She feels shame mix with her anger.

It's too much.

So Luz runs, like a weird idiot, down the hallway. She doesn't see Amity watch her go.


A single bus ride away from Hexside stands a little consignment boutique. The squat building is
made of old brick, with a tattered old awning, and a big slit eye painted near the top of the facade.

An intricately decorative sign reads "The Owl House Consignment". Luz smiles as she looks at it,
it is very impressive If she does say so herself…

After all, she's the one who designed it. Replacing the horrible original sign, with that awful, weird
bird tube sculpture thing. Luz always hated looking at that thing (Eda called it hootie, but no one
else did). She felt like that weird thing could swallow her whole.

So when Mama had made Eda get rid of the old sign, her step mom had suggested that she design
it. It was the most fun she had in recent memory… The thought makes her frown.

And with that the swell of emotions return. She strides into the cramped business, pointedly
looking forward. She's nearly there, weaving through the furniture and other odds and ends that are
stacked in no obvious order.

Luz reaches out for the door to the back.

"Hold up there kiddo." A familiar voice stops her in her tracks. Luz groans softly to herself, she
loves her stepmom, but she's not in the mood for company right now.

Yet Luz allows herself to be turned around by thin fingers, attached to a thin arm, attached to a thin
lady, attached to an enormous mane of silvery hair.

Edalyn Clawthorne, or Eda the Owl lady as Luz used to call her when she was younger, looks
almost exactly the same as she did when Luz first met her, except for her hair color.
And a few more wrinkles. But she's still surprisingly foxy for her age. She's wearing… well it's
clothing. Luz wonders how she can ever do business in this part of town wearing pajamas.

"School was rough huh?" Eda asks in an even, understanding tone that Luz knows holds no

"Iiit…wasn't great." Luz admits. Eda curls her nose, Like she's smelling something foul.

"Yeah I was worried about that, rich kids can be the fucking worst." She snorts, her hands gently
bracing Luz's shoulders. "Ya didn't get into any trouble did ya?"

"No mom, I even made a few friends, I think." Despite her current mood, Luz can feel a tiny mote
of excitement bubble inside of her at the thought.

Willow, Gus, and Hunter seemed to genuinely like her, which was… refreshing and unexpected.

As was her encounter with Amity Blight, she wouldn't call it pleasant… something about the way
she looked at Luz after class stuck in her brain.

"Good for you kid, You just got to find your people you know?" Eda ruffles her hair, the same way
she has since they met..

"Thanks, I'm going to go lie down until you're done." Luz says, allowing her tough act to fall, her
voice small and tired.

"Looks and sounds like you need it, go on." Eda nods to the back door before hesitating for a
second, "Hey Luz."

Luz turns slowly, not looking her stepmom in the eye. Eda states for a long moment, before
sighing, looking sad.

"Grab the first aid kit before you get too comfy okay? By the water heater." Eda gives Luz a small
smile before turning back to the counter.
Luz feels both shame and gratitude well up inside her at the same time. Of course Eda would
notice immediately, and of course she wouldn't judge her. But every time she hurt herself, she felt

She tried, she really did. Luz tried so hard to not, but a lot of the time things were just too much, too
big, too loud.

She steps into the back, walking down a short hallway before turning right and opening the door.

Back when Eda had started becoming a more permanent fixture in Luz's life, she had converted the
break room into a safe hangout spot for the troubled teen, and her equally troubled big sister.

Two big bay windows line the wall, letting in a generous amount of light, a wide assortment of
pillows are stacked high on the wooden sills.

Two low, comfy couches, one red and one green, stand the edges of a dingy old rug. A low black
entertainment unit stands across from the Red coach, a big TV resting on top.

The coffee table is simple, but sturdy. There's a basket full of blankets. A bookshelf full of DVDs,
music, video games, and books stands against the wall.

Luz has spent a lot of time here, as has Lucia. Especially since Lucia started working for Eda. She
flicks on a switch, and a large string of LED Edison bulbs, zigzagging across the ceiling, spring to
life. The room is bathed in a warm yellow glow.

Luz breathes a sigh of relief, tossing her backpack down next to the couch. She strides over to the
water heater to grab the first aid kit. After cleaning up the worst of her scratches, and taking a pain
med, Luz crashes into the red couch wrapping herself in the soft blanket that had already been
lying there.

'I'll give you $100 to blow me. You need money right?'

'Hey robot, I hear that you're a stupid whore'

'We can make your life very painful…'

Luz pulls her beanie down, covering her face. Not again, not right now… Shes so tired already.

'You are menace, and you're not welcome here anymore.'


' welcome to reality check camp! We're going to learn about the modern world and have some fun
while doing it'

Luz feels it, she can feel her heart pounding in her chest, a dull thumping in her ears. She can feel
it, her breathing, getting faster, frantic, less of a breath, and more of a gasp.

Luz reaches for a pillow, pressing it over her face. Any second now, it's always the same.

' you're doing so good sweetie…'

A ragged scream rips out of her throat against her will. It feels like she's there again, in that cabin.
Wishing, hoping that someone would save her.

But nobody ever came. No one ever helped her. They took one look at her and they saw a freak, a
delinquent, a target.

Luz's frantic breaths turn into frantic crying, before she completely slips under she grips the
blanket hard, hoping to lock her treacherous fingers before they could do anything else.

Another scream, and then she's crying. He's here, they're both here. They can't be. They are.
They're hands are…

She sobs loudly, clenching her hands so hard her knuckles pop. She can't… she doesn't... Nothing
is real, except a clear burning fear. She isn't safe. Luz isn't safe.

She cries and cries and cries, her body cycling through trembling and curling tighter into itself.
She's winding up, too wound up.

Luz can't be safe, not when they're… when there's… someone's sitting on the arm of the couch.
She doesn't know how long they've been there, or how long she's been here. All she knows is that
they're going to hurt her. She's sure of it. The figure leans slightly, and Luz shuffles further into the
opposite couch arm, looking but not seeing.

"Estás seguro. Ellos no estan aqui." A familiar voice says, soft and smooth. She knows that voice.

"L-L-Lucia?" Luz manages between shuddering sobs.

"Yeah I'm here Cariño…" her big sister says sadly. Luz feels a rush of relief, if Lucia's here… then
she must be safe. Lucia is safe.

Luz is safe.

She cries again, but this time it's soft and quiet. Lucia shifts over on the couch, and Luz rests her
head in her sister's lap.

"I'm sorry…" she whispers so quietly, and Lucia just shushes her, cooing at her.

"You didn't do anything wrong sweetie… You don't have to apologize. It's okay." Luz finally feels
the tension leave all of her muscles as she slumps fully into the couch. She's so tired, and her
muscles are so sore. Exhausted.

Lucia cards her fingers through Luz's hair, and Luz hums, scrunching closer to Lucia.

They stay like that for another hour, before Eda comes in.

"Hey you two, I'm closing up for the night, let's head home?" She asks, eyebrow raised.
Luz nods, slowly climbing off her sister. Lucia stays close as they head to the front of the shop,
Luz honestly doesn't mind at all. She feels safer, knowing that someone she trusts has her back.

They climb into Eda's old Toyota pickup all squished into the bench seat, Lucia included.

"Did you not bring your car?" Luz asks, confused, her sister doesn't usually ride home with Eda.

"Nah, I came in with the old bird today." Lucia says with a grin, Eda scoffing as the truck springs
to life.

"Call me that again and I'll steal your tongue." Eda says, grinning madly as she does so. Luz
chuckles, as the two older women bicker and banter the whole way home.

Dinner is quiet, Camila obviously being informed of Luz's bad day.

"I think I'm gonna hit the hay early everyone." She says, staring down at the floor. Trying to bite
back her shame.

"Of course Mija, you go ahead." Camila says, a warm smile on her face. Luz feels a little ball form
in her stomach at the sight.

"Night." She hesitates before adding, "Te Amo."

"Te Amo!" Everyone responds.

And Luz storms up the stairs. Sure, her mom wants what's best for her, but after sending her to that
hellscape that was camp…

Luz goes to bed early, but she doesn't sleep for a long long time.

By the time the first bell rings, Luz is already done with today. All of these rich idiots talking at
her, calling her a robot. Trying to test her limits, see if they can make her react.

See if they can make her snap.

Luz felt the panic surge in her veins like molten metal, and the next thing she knew her fist
connected with Mr Wrath's face.

But she isn't going to snap, not this time. She's managed to get to her locker, and as she's storing all
of her books for the day, she spots a familiar sight.

Green hair, school uniform, stomping boots. Cute… fuck it, it's a cute pink choker. She looks like
a million bucks, even if she acts like 25 cents.

Amity 'I'm the queen' Blight, quickly followed by her two stooges, Pinkie and Loudie.

Luz hadn't bothered to remember their names. But something about Amity stuck in her head,
maybe it was the way that she had mostly left Luz alone? Besides their one altercation of course.

And after school…

Luz was honestly surprised, she was expecting everyone to be attacking her for her breakdown.
Maybe Amity didn't say anything. It only made her more confusing to Luz.

The warning bell rings, and Luz realizes she's been staring at Amity for way too long.

"Shit!" She dashes away, her shoes squeaking on the floor as she madly sprints for the other side of
the school.

Amity isn't in her first class, So Luz can fully focus. She's quickly doodling whatever her hand
decides while she listens to the teacher droning on.

Luz can't explain why, but it helps her remember what they cover in class. She usually writes real
notes at home.

She does pretty well in school, well… as best she can considering.

PTSD was a bitch sometimes.

Her second class of the day is thankfully in the middle of the school, instead of all the way at the
other end. Luz stares at the board, trying her darndest to focus.

Instead, she finds herself constantly having to pull her eyes away from the greenette two rows in
front of her.

It's such a pretty minty green color, shame about the person it's attached to. To be fair, Amity didn't
rat Luz out for having a breakdown at school, so maybe she isn't that bad.

Or maybe she's just waiting, biding her time, gaining Luz's trust or something. Wouldn't be the first

When the bell for first break finally rings, Luz realizes she hadn't paid attention at all, far too busy
staring at Amity's back.

It looked strong.

Luz swallowed hard, pulling out her phone and hoping to meet up with her friends for a few.

She really needed a smoke.

"You should stay as far away from her as you can. Trust me." Willow says, yet again, when Luz
asks for the fifth time.

"I know, I know…" Luz grumbles, she hasn't been able to get Amity out of her head, and that
aggravates her.

"She's a serious bitch, let's leave it at that." Willow says, a sour look on her face as she blows out a
puff of smoke.

"But she's only gone after me once, everyone else is… well…" Luz gestures to the two football
idiots across the field, cat calling at her as they made their way to wherever they were going.

"Yeah, everyone's being extra awful." Gus says, sympathetic, "it took a few months for them to get
tired of me."

Luz grimaces, it's day two… can she handle "a few months" of this without going insane? Without
losing her cool?

She had heard the rumors, many of them were brought directly to her by people wanting to try and
hurt her.

The one that made her laugh was the rumor that she had set a gym on fire. Ridiculous. As if.

It was a math classroom.

"Fuck em," Hunter says, coughing slightly as he leans against the school. Luz snorts out a laugh,
glad that there were a few miscreants at this awful school.

"Yeah fuck em…" Luz agrees, taking another puff. Her mind turns once again to the pretty rich
bitch she can't stop thinking about.

She's gonna lose it. She's going to lose her mind. Luz stalks down the hall, face a mask of
indifference as some tall guy looms over her, dogging her every step. Way too close.

"Were you dropped on your head or something? Cuz you're kinda slow." Some idiot says to her.
Luz doesn’t even acknowledge it, how fucking awful this guy is. She’s neurodivergent, what about
it? Just because she's different doesn't mean she's any lesser, not that she expects this moron to
understand that.

"Oh come on Noceda, it's just a joke. Why aren't you laughing? I'm a funny guy." He reaches out
and grabs her shoulder, squeezing hard. She whirls around in his grip, eyes wide, a snarl at her
throat, ready to knock this dickweed’s goddamned head off.

"Brandon!" An icy cold voice yells out, and dickweed freezes. So does Luz.

Amity Blight storms over to them, her golden eyes like molten fire. Dickweed backs away.

"Oh! Hey… 'sup Blight?" He says casually, eyes wide as he takes a step away from Luz. Amity
just continues glaring at him. For one minute, then another. Luz almost laughs at how
uncomfortable the guy is.

"Uh Blight? Wh-" Dickweed starts, before he’s silenced by Amity holding up a single finger.

"Oh I'm just wondering if I saw Skara's boyfriend putting the moves on the new girl?" Amity's eyes
flicker over to Luz, and she feels a thrill as they make eye contact.

Said golden gaze flits down and up before turning back to Dickweed. Luz shivers.

"And by the looks of things, not doing a very good job at it…what would Skara think if her
boyfriend was getting so close and personal with someone?” Amity’s smile turns sickly sweet, ”Oh
it would be a shame if we had to…" Amity takes a step towards him, and Dickweed takes a step

"Do. Something. About. It." Amity says, each word fire spitting off her tongue. Each step has
Dickweed tripping over himself trying to backpedal, literally and figuratively.
"What? No. I was just giving the old robot here a hard time." He says, as if that's any better.

Maybe in a different world, Amity Blight would point out how horrid it would be to go out of your
way just to give someone a hard time. But Luz knew better.

Amity sighs, pinching her nose between her finger and thumb. Luz stares at her black nail polish, a
little glitter sparkling in the paint.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your time, Brandon? Or is picking on people the only
thing you're good at…?" Amity's golden gaze once again flickers down and up, but not over Luz's
body, over Dickweed's. Her smirk widens as she looks up from his crotch.

To Luz's utter amazement, The tall guy crumbles. His face is a blushing mess, he's unable to get a
word out edgewise.

"Sorry… don't tell Skara?" He finally manages, and Amity stares him down again. He whimpers.

"If I ever see you doing this shit again, your life will be a living nightmare. Do not fuck with my
people. You hurt Skara, and I'll hurt you a thousand times worse… Got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Now get the fuck out of here Brandon, maybe work on that… endurance… that Skara keeps
complaining about." Amity's grin is straight savage, and Luz isn't sure if she should be amazed or
horrified. Amity’s like a dragon who's just found a huge horde of treasure, guarded by a little

Brandon gets out of there as fast as he can. Amity scoffs before turning for a moment, looking at
Luz with a strange expression.

"Hi." She says quietly.

"Hey, thanks, that was amazing by the way." Luz says, tentatively grinning at Amity.

Amity stares at her, saying nothing, her eyes wide for a single moment.

Then the cool queen of Hexside is back. "Don't be ridiculous, I was doing it for Skara. Don't make
the mistake of thinking I care." Amity says a little too quickly, then she turns and walks away.

A little too quickly to be casual.

Luz's grin doesn't disappear. She watches the “queen bee” walk all the way down the hallway. She
grins wider and almost cackles each time she catches Amity glancing back.

That girl's something , and Luz is more curious than ever.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter 2 BB!

If you haven't noticed, I've kind of been on a roll with writing lately, and I'm going to
keep riding that train until it rolls into the station.

Another chapter down, and already Luz is suspicious of Amity's "Queen Bee" act... but
just what the hell is going through her mind?? Stay tuned to find out! (As if you didn't
already know!)

I have a lot of writing projects on my plate right now, and I'm very eager to do all of
them. I have chapter three of this one mostly done, I just need to fill it out a bit more
and edit the shit out of it. Fright at the Colonial is going to occupy most of my time
until Thanks to Them premieres, but I have a LOT of spare time thanks to PTSD /hj.
Anyway we slice it, Auntie Elfie is going to deliver.

See y'all soon!

Simple Biology
Chapter Summary

Amity struggles with strange new feelings about the mysterious delinquent that fate
keeps seeming to throw her way...

Chapter Notes

CONTENT WARNING: body image stuff (Odalia says one thing)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Amity Blight wasn't sure why she did what she did that day? All she knew for sure is that it
absolutely was not for Skara’s sake.

That vapid bitch deserves someone like Brandon, in Amity's humble opinion. But it doesn't make
sense, objectively it does not make sense. Amity is queen, why should she care about some
random girl who had sunk to the bottom of the barrel the instant she started hanging out with

Amity has made people cry, Amity has made teachers cry. She's the top of the food chain, and
Amity Blight doesn't care.

She'll do whatever it takes to stay there.

‘A Blight always gets what they want, Mittens.’ Her mother’s voice rings out in her head.

She knows what she wants.


It's been a week since she reamed Brandon out for being a disgusting pig, and Amity can't quite
shake this weird feeling she's had since. That her only reason for doing it was to get him off of
Luz’s back.

It seemed that Luz appreciated it, and Amity started seeing glimpses of what was really behind The

Luz wouldn't wave or talk to Amity, but she would grin like an idiot sometimes if they passed each
other in the hallway. Wagging her eyebrows on occasion.

The sight would make Amity’s heart patter, and she’d get confused. It must be a flight or fight
response right? Maybe?

Amity wasn't sure what to make of it, it was unexpected. And she hated unexpected things.

Does she hate Luz? She wonders this over and over again as she stares at Luz. Taking in every
detail, every little expression.

She nearly jumps out of her skin when the bio teacher clears his throat. Amity sits ramrod straight
and faces forward. Instantly in top student mode.

She doesn't notice Luz glance over at her with a smirk.

"All right everyone, it's time to assign partners for the group project." The teacher drones out,
clearly bored with his life. Amity is shocked to find her concentration slipping.

Before long, Amity isn’t even listening as he lists off partners, normally she would just pull out her
phone, but it’s on silent at the bottom of her bag.

She does not want to look at it today.

Her mother had been especially awful this morning. Screaming at her about her apparently
“ballooning” waist.
Amity just… couldn't today.

"Amity Blight…" The teachers monotone catches her attention, and she looks up just as her
fucking biology teacher throws the biggest wrench of her life directly into her face.

"... and Luz Noceda." He finishes, and Amity doesn't quite process it right away. Did she hear that
right? She has to work with Luz? The robot? The robot who might not be a robot? The girl who
makes her feel so weird, like no other girl has before?

Why are her palms so sweaty? Her heart is pounding too fast? Is it fast? Is it too hot in here?

The class "ooohs", excited murmuring spreading throughout the classroom. The queen bee and the
robot, it sounded like a shitty kid's book.

Amity shoots glares around the room until the murmuring settles down, doing her best to avoid
Luz's even gaze.

She fails spectacularly of course.

Eventually, the teacher names off all partners "All right, you have the rest of your class to start
work on it. Get to it." And the classroom is a cacophony of noise.

The scraping of stools, the clattering of pencils and the wrestling of paper, and the incessant
endless chatter.

Amity doesn't move, she's not sure her legs would work right now. What are people going to say?

What is she going to say?

"Uh hey." a quiet voice says from next to her, and Amity nearly falls off her stool as she comes
face to face with the object of her obsession.

Luz smiles softly, almost a smirk, as she opens the single notebook she brings to school. Amity
shouldn't, she knows she shouldn't, but she does it anyway.

She leans in closer, to see her notes of course. Amity Blight isn't trying to get closer to this
mysterious girl who smells like honey and smoke. Whose lips inevitably draw Amity's eyes, like
gravity. Inexorable.

She looks in the notebook. There isn't a single goddamn note in it. Instead it's full of amazing
drawings, sure, some of them are obviously quick doodles, but there's a consistent style that is wild
and carefree.

Amity isn't sure if this girl is stupid, but she sure is good at drawing.

"Bet you're wondering how I'm still in school?" Luz says, her scarred eyebrow shooting up.

"Uh a little…" Amity admits, hardly believing that she's making small talk with the school's
punching bag. Hardly believing she can barely think of what to say while talking to said punching
bag. Luz chuckles and jumps her stool a little closer.

"Right? So I have dyslexia, and writing notes quickly is super hard. But doodling really helps me
focus, so I just doodle and listen." Luz's cadence is smooth and confident, her voice is a little
gravely, low and husky.


It's nice.

It takes Amity a few moments to realize that this is the most she's ever heard Luz Noceda speak.
Amity usually tunes people out when they talk too much, unless it's something that's very
interesting to her.

So does that mean Luz is some special exception? Or…?

"And that's enough?" Amity manages to hit the incredulous tone she was aiming for, barely. She's
totally nailing this, with all of the finesse that Amity Blight should be nailing a conversation like
this with.

"Oh god no! I write down real notes of what I can remember when I get home." Luz says, as if it's
the most obvious thing in the world to not scrawl every single word the teacher says down in class,
"Basically whatever I can remember, then I fill in the gaps with the textbook or Google."

"That's…" Amity starts, trying desperately to find words. It's like she's forgotten how to speak
English. What the hell is wrong with her? She's never felt like this before. She's never been at a
loss for words before.

Luz answers quickly, "Weird right? That's me. The weirdo." She hunches her shoulders a little, as if
curling in on herself while staying seated.

"I wasn't going to say weird. I was going to say unconventional." Amity finishes. She stares at the
wonderful doodles, some detailed, some simple, most stylized.

Luz clearly put a lot of effort into some of these. She wonders what Luz's grades are like. Once
again Amity's understanding of this new girl is shaken.

A slacker certainly couldn't learn to shade like that.

Amity realizes she's been wondering a lot about Luz lately. What she's really like under that cold
exterior? What shampoo or whatever she uses, because it smells amazing-pleasent…

She smells better than Amity cares to admit out loud. The vaguely earthy tone of tobacco and
maybe weed actually mixes quite well with the citrusy honey smell of her hair.

Not that Amity has smelled her hair… on purpose… Amity rests her head in her hands, covering
her face.

"Blight? You good?" Luz asks after a moment. Concern, pity? No. There has to be something
underneath it.
"Yeah, I'm just a little tired." Amity lies, running her hands through her hair, ignoring how Luz
watches her do it. The sparkle in her eyes.

Amity ignores the weird fluttery feeling in her chest. It's weird, and she doesn't understand it.

"Woof, I get that." Luz says, yawning loudly as she stretches a moment later. Her neck pops and
she lets out a little noise.

It's cute.

Amity can admit that she's cute. Very cute. That doesn't mean anything.

Amity giggles, purely for the humor of the little noise.

No other reason

They end up talking for the rest of class, about their assignment (They're going to do a project on
otters, apparently because "they hold hands when they sleep and that's super cute").

When the bell rings, Amity is shocked, class is over already? How long were they talking? And
why was it so easy? The ease at which she got lost in conversation with Luz alarmed her. She
doesn't usually let herself be that open. Especially not with somebody she shouldn't even be
associating with.

Amity stands up, packing her books into her bag. Her and Luz stand there awkwardly for a
moment. Neither sure how to end the interaction, both probably surprised at how smoothly it went.

"Uhh see you in lit class?" Luz offers and Amity nods numbly, unsure of the weird feelings in her

Kiss her. Her brain says suddenly, to her complete shock, there's no way she'd do that.
Kiss her, and let her take you… the voice says again. Amity feels a thrill run through her body, it
almost feels like these aren't her own thoughts. And yet…She watches as Luz turns around and
slings her backpack over her shoulder.

Her shoulder looks… strong. Her back looks… Nice.

And yet some part of her wants Luz to corner her in an alley and just do whatever she wants to her.
Amity nearly knocks over her stool as she stumbles away from the work table.

That's out of the question, there's no way she could ever do that. But something is drawing her to
this new girl, and they have an assignment due next week.

"Hey, Luz wait!" dark brown eyes meet hers, and Amity nearly loses her nerve.

For the assignment, it's for the assignment. Amity chants in her brain over and over again, hoping
to drown out this weird new side of herself.

"Yeah Amity?" Luz says, hesitantly.

"Give me your phone."


"Give me your phone."


"We're going to need to plan for this project," Amity explains, feeling a weird rush as she gets a
little sassy with Luz, "What? you expect me to hunt you down every time I want to work on it?"
She hopes it sounds like a joke. It's a joke. She's joking.

Luz chuckles, pulling her phone out of her pocket and handing it over. The case has a little bat
wings, It's stupid, but cute.
"Who said anything about you doing the hunting, hmm Blight?" Luz says, that dark husky voice
shooting straight through Amity's body like a bullet.

She mistypes her phone number three times, laughing a little too loudly at Luz's joke. It was a joke

Amity sort of hopes it isn't… She takes a steadying breath, and lets whatever the hell this is go
wherever the hell it's going.

"I doubt you could handle me… Noceda." Amity smirks, genuinely enjoying the shocked look that
flashes across Luz's face.

She decides that she likes expressive Luz better than stoic Luz. Amity's heart flutters as Luz takes a
step closer. Amity doesn't step back.

Luz looks at her so intensely, that Amity almost falls into her arms. What's happening? What is

Amity keeps asking versions of the same question to herself, but she knows the answer.

She can feel it.

The heat growing in her body.

Luz takes another step. Time seems to be dragging on. An agonizing delay.

"Amity…" Luz husks out, and Amity's breath nearly hitches.

"Yes?" Amity asks, a little too breathing for her liking, if she had the cerebral faculties to notice.

Luz looks at her for a long moment, brown eyes starting down and back up again. The slightest
flicker of movement, then she smirks, scarred eyebrow shooting up. She plants her hands on her
round hips.

Amity is so hot. She's nearly panting. This is insane. And she barely understands it. How is Luz
doing this? No one's ever gotten Amity this worked up before.

"You done with my phone?" Luz's smoldering look turns into a teasing cackle. Amity takes a
moment to reboot her brain, before she lightly punches Luz's arm.

To get back at her for making a fool out of her. For no other reason,

"Yeah yeah take your fashion disaster phone back." Amity scoffs, adopting her aloof tone she
usually uses.

Luz grins, "sure thing, Princesa. Catch you later?". Amity isn't sure, but it looks like Luz just
winked at her.

"Yeah, um whatever." Amity tries to recover, but even Amity doesn't believe it.

Luz just chuckles and walks away.

Amity watches her, totally dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. Overwhelmed. She feels like she just ran
up 12 flights of stairs.

This is stupid. Amity is the queen bee, she doesn't get flustered. It's ridiculous, this delinquent is
tricking her somehow.

Amity continues to reassure herself thought she's totally in control, that this new girl doesn't make
her feel any strange ways that she isn't familiar with.

Then her heart flips in her chest when Luz looks back for a moment, before darting out the
classroom door.
Amity Blight is late for her next class, but for the first time in her life she doesn't care. She's far too
busy. Contemplating everything about the strange beautiful girl who easily tore holes in her facade
without even trying.

She was unaware, that said delinquent was wondering just the same thing.

Chapter End Notes

Hi hello!

This came out a lot more gay panic than I intended it to. This is still going to be an
enemies to friends to lovers, but I couldn't resist a little bit of disaster or lesbian amity.

Probably going to have to update the tags.

This is a shorter chapter, but that means you're going to get another chapter sooner!

Love y'all byyyYYYEE

Better and Worse
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity both try to keep it together when they meet up to work on their group

Chapter Notes

CW: Mild unintentional classism, underage smoking?

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz takes a long drag, before letting out the puff of smoke with a long sigh. Thank the fucking
gods it's Saturday.

She could have done with a few more hours of sleep though, and she once again wonders why she's
standing outside the northeastern branch of the library at 9:30 a.m

A huge building that is actually quite fun to look at. There were so many little details in the marble
work, and Luz could really appreciate the artistry. She honestly couldn't believe it was a fucking
library, considering it felt more like a Roman forum or something, but at least it's nice on the eyes.

Luz shivers, pulling her beanie down as a breeze stairs up the chilly air. She pointedly ignores the
older lady walking past, glaring at her for smoking on the library steps.

It is too fucking early for this… yet here she is. And the worst of it is that Luz is well aware of the
reason why she's up this early.

She rolls her neck, groaning as something pops, a satisfying relief rolling through her body.

Damn what's taking her so long?

Luz is just about to pull out her phone when a very fancy car pulls up right in front of the library.
Luz watching it from halfway up the stairs.

A woman with long auburn hair steps out of the driver's side, she looks very fancy. If Luz didn't
know any better, she'd say she was some kind of like professional assassin or something. Luz
snickers at the idea, and a sudden idea for a Good Witch Azura hit woman AU pops into her brain.

Quick as a flash she pulls out one of her notebooks from her faded satchel bag. Her fingers run
lovingly over the many patches and buttons attached to it.

She quickly jots down initial ideas,, and is halfway through deciding whether Azura or Hecate will
be the hit woman when a bright flash of green draws all the synapses in her brain away from her


The tall assassin woman was driving Amity? Luz promptly forgets about the tall woman as her
eyes fall on the subject of her recent obsession.

Amity looks good, she looks great even. Luz still isn't sure what she's all about, but that doesn't
mean she can't appreciate the queen bee from an aesthetic standpoint.

She's wearing a very large and very comfortable looking flannel jacket. The kind that has so many
pockets that you lose track of what you put in where.

Luz can see she's got off black tights on with some kind of polka spot pattern on. She's got stompy
combat boots. Luz watches as she runs her hands through her hair, and she spots the girl's undercut.

Luz is sure of it now, this girl is gay as hell. Not that that's important, she wasn't wondering that's
for sure.

Amity is talking to the tall woman who doesn't matter, and Luz realizes she's been staring for a
little too long, staring at her lips moving for a little too long…

She turns back to her notebook, blowing out another cloud of smoke as she reads over her ideas so
far. It's going to make a good story, she can tell already.

A wild impulse runs through her, and before she can really think about it, she jots down an
additional note next to Hecate.

Green shoulder length hair. The note says, and Luz feels her cheeks heat up the slightest amount.

"Hey." a familiar voice calls out, and Luz looks up, pretending to just notice Amity. She doesn't
want to seem too interested in the prissy bitch.

Because she isn't. Amity's just nice to look at. Like a painting. Yep, nothing homoerotic about that.

Instead of answering, Luz sucks on her cigarette, holding it in her lungs for a moment before
blowing it back out.

She flicks what's left of it off to the side, before grinning at her biology partner, "sup Blight?" Luz

"You know those things are bad for you, right?" Amity asks, curling her nose. Luz laughs, standing
up to still look slightly more upwards at Amity. She's tall.

"Yeah yeah, if it makes you feel any better I only have one or two a day" Luz says, stretching out
before tucking her notebook away.

"That's better, but it's still going to kill your guts." Amity says evenly, her voice the pinnacle of

Luz snorts,"I can pull out my weed if you want?" And to her everlasting confusion and delight,
Amity cracks a smile.

"No, I'd like to get inside actually. It's cold as fuck out here."

"Fair enough, Princesa." Luz feels an unusual giddy sensation as Amity smiles again… her face
must be flushed because of the cold. "Lead the way, I don't know this branch at all."

"That doesn't surprise me, you don't seem like the library type." Amity smirks, crossing her arms
as they walk the last of the steps.

"Ding dong!" Luz shouts in a sing-song voice, "You're wrong. I love the library. I just go to my
local branch because it's closer."

"You… love the library?" Amity asks as the automatic doors slide open, and a torrent of warm air
soothes Luz chilly arms.

They're still sore too… from her latest episode on Thursday. Someone spray painted her locker
with 'for a good time call' followed by her phone number.

She had preemptively turned off her notifications, except for a few individual contacts. Yeah she
had to be very cautious when opening her texting app.

For some reason or another, Amity Blight had made the approved for notifications list.

Maybe if Luz kept telling herself that it was for their homework, she'd believe it.

Still, the surprise in Amity's voice stung a little bit. Nothing like a little casual classism to get the
morning started right. Luz tries to be amenable, "Yeah, I do. I know it's hard for you to believe, but
I'm actually pretty well read."

"You don't look it." Amity says, golden eyes scanning as she leads Luz through an enormous room.
Stone pillars hold up the domed roof, Luz can see all three stories from here. The open concept
central room has an information desk near the front doors, before it tapers off into the nonfiction

"Well looks can be deceiving Princesa. " Luz says, again working her hardest to keep any snark
firmly in her head. She slows her pace, spinning around to take it all in… "This place smells a lot
better than my branch of the library…" Luz says, momentarily awestruck at the sheer size of it.
"What does yours smell like?" Amity asks, a delicate pale hand covering her mouth to stifle a
giggle Luz definitely heard.

Luz shrugs, "I don't know? Old books and carpet that probably needs to be deep cleaned? It's nice,
but it smells.." Luz pauses, and ignores her pounding pulse as Amity looks back at her quizzically.

"Dusty." Luz settles for, rubbing her upper arm. She feels like she's under scrutiny for some reason.

Amity nods, turning and motioning at Luz to follow, "sounds kind of nice, now come on, study
rooms are on the second floor."

Luz stares at Amity, trying her hardest to wrap her head around Amity Blight.


Did I hurt her feelings? Amity wonders, As she sits across from the last person she expected to be
spending a Saturday morning with.

Luz had been quiet since their discussion about different library branches. And Amity can't quite
figure out what went wrong.

I must have, shit… But it's okay, we can still get this done. She reassures herself. Their plan was to
bang out the whole assignment in one go, however insane that might be.

With homecoming week fast approaching, neither of them wanted to be snowed under with school

The room was quiet, there's enough space for the large round table and about six chairs. There's a
whiteboard on one wall.

It was quiet, and a little too chilly. So why did Amity feel so hot? Every time she looked at Luz a
little too long, she felt uncomfortably warm.
"So what do you think about this section?" Luz says suddenly, knocking Amity out of her thoughts.
She drags her attention back to her brand new MacBook air, her mother always insisting that she
have the newest tools for her schoolwork at all times.

Sometimes Amity wondered if it was just her way of buying forgiveness for all of the shit she does.

Luz's laptop, by comparison, is ancient. The fan is loud, it's chunky, and the back is plastered in
colorful stickers of Azura characters. All in all, very Luz. Amity kind of finds her endearing.

It, she reminds herself, Amity finds it endearing. The laptop that is.

Amity finally focuses on the words, scanning through the paragraphs Luz added with a critical eye.
Amity expects to find something wrong, something incorrect, or missing. But there's nothing. It's
really well done.

Amity scolds herself, she shouldn't let her assumptions dictate her actions. Luz may look like she
knows exactly nothing about anything… no… she's doing it again.

Since when it appearance tell you anything about intelligence?

Amity is suddenly uncomfortable, she's never thought this hard about her own thoughts before.
She's never stopped to consider why people act the way they do in reaction to her.

She always leaves people in her wake without a second thought.

Amity didn't want to be that way, but she had to. She had to, to stay on top…

That's what she wants… right?

"Earth to Blight! You in there Amity?" Luz asks, a playful smirk on her face. The sight brings heat
to her face. She can't let this delinquent get the better of her though, she's already becoming
painfully aware of how awkward she gets around Luz.
"Yeah I'm here, just making sure everything's up to my standards." Amity says, grinning at Luz.

"Ha! The impeccable standards of Amity Blight" Luz does a warbly falsetto voice, and Amity

"My standards aren't that unattainable, I am here with you after all." Amity says, enjoying the
banter. It's nice.

Until it isn't.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luz asks, her playful tone freezing over.

"Uh, I.. I thought… um… I didn't… I just." Amity's feeling, sputtering like an idiot. Trying to
figure out where the line between playful teasing and hurtful commenting lies with Luz.

Every time she thinks she has it, this happens. They've started talking more throughout this week,
mostly over text, and Amity messes up like this pretty frequently.

Yet Luz keeps engaging, keeps talking to her. It might be an hour or two, or maybe a day, but she
always texts back.

Amity doesn't get it.. Does Luz want to hang out? Or does she hate her? It's driving Amity crazy.

"You know what Blight? Forget it, let's just finish this." Luz says, her shoulders around her ears as
she slouches down. Tapping away at her keyboard.

"Okay…" Amity says, feeling so small. Why can't she get this right?

After about an hour, Luz lets out a huge yawn. Stretching her arms above her head until her
shoulders pop.

Amity pretends not to notice the sliver of tan skin that appears beneath Luz's white and purple
striped shirt. Though she definitely notices her own heart rate skyrocketing.
"I need a puff, coming?" Luz says cooly, dark brown eyes gazing straight into Amity's soul.
Pinning her to the spot.

It's almost the end of September, it's bloody cold outside. She hates cigarettes. She hates the smell.
And she's still unclear on how she feels about this girl.

"Sure." She finds herself saying. Packing up and following the grumpy delinquent out of the room.

Walking through the library is comfortable and soothing, a welcome comfort for her jangled

Sometimes she misses those simpler days, back when Odalia only cared about her grades. And
who she hung out with.

Maybe her mother's always been overbearing… At least she had the library job then. Now she's too
busy interning . Amity isn't sure why she thinks of the word with such venom. Objectively
interning is a good opportunity.

Luz stalks ahead without a word, and Amity follows behind. Working her hands nervously.

Before long they're out into the crisp air, but it's not as cold as it was earlier. The weak sunlight
warms Amity just a little.

Luz pulls out a cigarette, and a shiny metal lighter. It has a very detailed owl design on the side.

"Where'd you get the lighter?" Amity asks as Luz lights up. She wrinkles her nose for a moment as
the smell hits her.

A vague notion swirls in her mind like the clouds of smoke swirling in the cool Autumn air.
Cologne…why can she smell cologne? She can hear music, but she can pin down what song.

A grunt brings her back to reality.

"Huh? Oh it's just a Zippo lighter." Luz says, shrugging before holding the little block of metal out.

Amity hesitates, unsure if she should. Is she going to hurt Luz's feelings if she takes it? No. She's
literally offering it.

Amity takes it, examining it. Running her thumb over the smooth cool metal.

"It's beautiful, where did you find one with this design?"

"I didn't, I engraved that." Luz says, like it's the least interesting thing in the world. Amity can't
make anything, other than perfect papers and people cry. Yet here Luz is, nonchalantly saying that
she made something amazing.

"You… made this?" Amity struggles to find her words. Struck by just how wrong her initial
impression of Luz was. How wrong everyone's impression of her is.

"I know it's hard to believe Blight, but yeah I actually do worthwhile things okay?" Luz barks out,
Amity jumping at the response.

"It's not hard to believe." Amity says quietly, almost not attending to out loud.

"What?" Luz asks harshly, facing Amity front on, towering over her despite the fact that she's

Focus… don't think about that…

For once, Amity meets her gaze evenly. Her nerves dissipating. "I said it's not hard to believe,
anyone who's seen any of your doodles would know that your art is amazing." And Luz blinks

Then twice, then a few more times for good measure. It's almost comical how taken aback she is.
Like she expected Amity to double down, Like she expected Amity to say that Luz's efforts are

Just like her? Is that what Luz thinks? Is that why she gets upset? Does she think I'm actually…?
Does she think I look down on her?

Amity realizes that yeah, she kind of does. And she suddenly looks over every interaction they've
had over the last few weeks in her mind.

Every time Luz gets upset, it's because somebody's implied that she's worthless. She bottles it up at
school, but she isn't afraid to show it with Amity.

She isn't afraid to call Amity out, even indirectly. Amity shivers, and she isn't sure if it's the cold
air or a strange thrill running up her spine.

Luz trusts her? Maybe?

Does she even deserve it?

"Thanks, Amity…" Luz says, staring with an unreadable expression. Her scarred eyebrow furrows,
and then it relaxes.

Amity tilts her head, then blinks as Luz takes off her Letterman jacket, and wraps it around Amity.

Amity is only now aware that she hasn't put her jacket on, it's tucked into her backpack.

Luz's jacket is warm, it smells like smoke, lemons, honey, and old leather. She stares back at Luz,
who's grinning at her with her cigarette between her teeth.

She looks a little wild, a little dangerous. But mostly she looks like a tired kid doing her best.

Amity's cheeks must be crimson from how hot she feels.

"You looked cold." Luz says simply, shrugging before blowing out a large cloud of smoke and
tossing her cigarette.

"Thanks…" Amity says, Not bothering to point out that Luz should throw away her cigarettes
properly. She can't find the energy to harp on her right now.

Something is swimming in her gut, in her mind. Luz doesn't want to be seen as worthless. Luz
doesn't want Amity to see her as worthless.

Luz isn't worthless, she's a person. A cool, if defensive and sensitive, person who's had it hard… if
the rumors about her or anything to go off of.

"Wanna head back? I think we can finish it before lunch." Luz asks, her dark husky voice rattling
through Amity's entirely empty brain.

But what if I don't want this to end by noon? Amity finds herself thinking, her knees nearly
buckling as she processes her own thought.

Luz just chuckles, shaking her head softly. Amity nearly dies when she feels warmth surround her
wrist and she looks down numbly.

Luz has a delicately wrapped her hand around Amity's wrist, and is a gently dragging her down the

"Okay Blight, let's get you a coffee first. Can't have you spacing out and dragging my grade down."
Luz smirks up at her. And something happens. Amity's heart pangs, it feels like she's been
skewered through her midsection. But not by anything dangerous, maybe.

She feels giddy, and dare she admit, excited?. Luz touching her like this makes her heart pound,
and her head spin.

She wants Luz to keep doing it, and some corner of her mind howls in protest when Luz drops her
hand a few moments later.
What if she…?

She shouldn't.

What if someone sees?

What if her mom finds out?

She wants to…

Amity reaches, her fingers just about to intersect the path Luz's are swinging on. She hesitates…

What if Luz doesn't want that? She might not want it… maybe Luz doesn't feel the same way. The
feeling that Amity still can't name, but she's afraid she might be able to. Maybe Amity is reading
into the touch too much?

Maybe… Luz doesn't want her?

Why does that thought disappoint Amity so much?

Luz's fingers brush her hand, and Amity's heart nearly stops when she spots the blush and sheepish
grin on this gorgeous girl's face.

Oh no…

Chapter End Notes

Amity's got it bad, and I think she's starting to understand that XD

I have the next two chapters outlined already, but today's premiere might derail my
focus a wee little bit! I'm so excited for season three!!! Can't wait for all my angsty
Luzs to become just a little closer to canon!Luz!

Keepin' the note short this time, see y'all for Chapter 5~~

Love ya, byyyYYEEEE!!

Homecoming Part 1: Your Lips Close to Mine
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity are worried about tonight's Spirit Week's fundraiser dance.

What does the night have in store for them?

Chapter Notes

CONTENT WARNING: Sexual Assault Flashbacks (brief, not detailed). Panic

attacks. Self Harm.

Everything is fairly mild. Mostly alluding to the things. Enjoy teen nonsense~

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz chews her nails, this is impossible. She’s not going to make it this time. She’s in deep shit.

"Willow, what am I supposed to wear? " She asks, unable to keep her rising panic out of her voice
as she tosses another dress that isn’t “good enough” for tonight. Desperate, she pulls out a graphic
tee of a wolf, holding it up so her bestie can appraise it. “What about this?”

"Luz no." Willow size, pinching her nose between her finger and thumb, "this is a formal event,
you gotta wear something fancy."

"Why do I even have to go? I don't want to go to a stupid fancy rich person dance?" Luz whines,
stamping her feet as she does so, “no offense.” Willow shrugs.

"None taken, and you have to go because it's a fundraiser for the Bonesborough Children's
Hospital…" Willow says, and Luz groans, growls, kicks at the wastebasket in her room. Her queen
bed is pressed in one corner, a striped duvet is piled high with pillows, squishmallows, and heaps
of discarded outfits. The top of her dresser is loaded with Azura memorabilia. Her Papi gave her
the first book before he died, and she’s loved it ever since. Not even summer camp had been able
to take that away from her.

But sadly, she can’t wear her Azura cosplay, she already asked and Willow had given her a look
that would wither away a forest.
Luz doesn’t usually struggle dressing herself. She knows exactly what style she's most comfortable
with. Her letterman jacket, her beanie, comfy pants. The works. She’s made her school uniform
work, and no one’s noticed she doesn’t wear the school supplied pants. It’s not that she doesn’t like
skirts and dresses.

She just needs to be in the mood for them, and the chilly autumn weather is not doing her any
favors in that department.

Not to mention that she's not really comfortable in formal wear. It reminds her a little too much of
her dad’s funeral.

That's it really, the only reason.

The deep-seated trauma she hasn't fully addressed, there's no other reason that she's nervous about
dressing up all fancy.

There's no other reason… It's not that she's worried about looking good. Luz knows she always
looks good, in a disheveled sort of way.

Plus the fact that Amity and the rest of the student council planned this event for Spirit Week.
Amity will absolutely be in attendance (she’s said as much over text).

Luz isn’t worried about Amity seeing her…

She's not worried that Amity is going to think whatever outfit she picks is stupid. No way. She’s
not concerned that her decision now will somehow change what’s going to happen tonight.

Not that anything is going to happen tonight, she reminds herself with a laugh.

Regardless of her reason why, Luz has spent longer trying to decide what to wear tonight than she
has during her entire school year so far combined. And that fact concerns her.
"You know what? Let me have a look." Willow says, pulling herself up off of Luz's bed. Luz feels
a wild fear grip at her for half a moment, she's worried that Willow is going to laugh at all of the
stuff in her closet. Like her otter onesie.

Of course, Willow doesn't. Instead, she starts yanking out everything that could be acceptable for
the event. Luz looks them over with a knot in her stomach.

None of them feel right. Even the dresses that Luz loves to wear, the ones she can't pretend remind
her of her dad's funeral. They just don't feel right for tonight.

A soft knock on the door interrupts them, "Kiddo? You decent?" Eda calls in a sing-songy voice.

"Always am Eda" Luz deadpans, running her hands through her hair. They're running out of time.
They're going to be late. And Amity…

Wait, does she actually want to go to this thing? Maybe Amity's high society bs had been rubbing
off on her. They aren't friends, but they aren't acquaintances either. Amity hasn't come after Luz
since the first time, and she smiles or says hi in the halls.

She remembers last weekend, when Amity's fingers brushed against hers repeatedly on their way to
the coffee shop.

The wild thrill of Amity's skin touching hers. Luz feels goosebumps form on her arms, and she
shakes herself out of her stupor, She realizes Eda has been talking to her.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said," Eda says, wagging her thin eyebrows as she holds up a dress, "what's the holdup? All of
these look great on ya Luz."

Luz lets out an anxious sound as she runs her hands through her hair, "I don't know? None of them
feel right. Can't explain it…"

No one says anything for a moment, then another. Then another.


"What if you wear something other than a dress?" Willow offers, and Luz feels her stomach tighten
even as her heart leaps.

A suit. It would be perfect. She’s nervous, it’s stupid. She likes to wear pants and jackets… It’s
just.. she used to have to wear suits, only for a little while but still. Luz made sure to wear dresses
every chance she got after she came out to her family.

She hasn't worn a suit in a long time, but it might work. It might fit what she's looking for. What
she’s hoping for.

"Maybe? But where the heck am I going to find a suit that fits me? The dance starts in an hour."
Luz whines, gesturing at the growing darkness outside as the sun sets.

"Iii wouldn't worry about that Kiddo." Eda says with a grin, leaning out the doorway and shouting,

Luz and co wait for a moment, then hear a distant “what?”

“BRING YOUR OLD SUITS TO LUZ'S ROOM, CHOP CHOP." Eda shouts down the stairs.

Luz can't help but crack a smile when her older sister stumbles into the bedroom a few minutes
later, Her arms full of all her old formal wear. Lucia and Eda bicker all the while about manners .
Both women are grinning stupidly the whole time they argue.

15 minutes later Luz looks at herself in a mirror. She likes the way she looks in this one.

She looks good, great even.

She turns to her friend, her sister, and her mom; She can't help but feel a bit bitter that Mama isn't
here as well… but her duties as a nurse call, again .
She takes a slow breath in, a giddy sensation spilling out of her and onto her face, "Oh yeah, this
one's a winner."

Eda wolf whistles, Lucia snaps a picture.

Then Eda is driving them to Luz's first school dance in years. A school dance where Amity Blight
will also be there… dancing… maybe… with…….. Luz…

Holy fuck is she nervous.


Amity Blight feels like she's going to throw up. Her outfit is fantastic (as usual), but every other
decision in her life leading up to this moment?

Yeah she has plenty of doubts. She was excited when she had managed to talk the student council
into hosting a charity dance as part of Spirit week. She insisted it would be good visuals for the
school to be donating to a worthy cause. That's why she wanted the school to host it.

It was for the good of the school. For the good of the Children’s hospital.

There wasn't any other reason she wanted a bunch of teenagers crowded together in a dark room.
Dancing. There certainly wasn't a particular teenager that she wanted to dance with in said dark

If anyone implied otherwise, Amity would kill them, socially of course. She shivers, staring at
herself in the mirror. Okay maybe there’s a reason beyond charity…

She might not even go… That treacherous part of her brain reminds her.

Maybe, it's not like I care either way, she lies to herself, again. She’s been like this all week.
They've been texting. Every message Luz sends has her scrambling for her phone. Amity's heart
leaps in her chest when she hears the special notification sound she's picked specifically for Luz.

She feels sweaty, clammy. She feels this way anytime she sees Luz in the hallway. Anytime she
sees Luz smile.

Thump thump

Yeah yeah I know, Amity growls at her own heart, fully aware of her hypocrisy in doing so.

She's going to do something about it. Tonight. She's going to… oh fuck what is she going to do?

What does she even want? Why is Luz so fascinating to her? She's just a slightly grungy girl who
smells like smoke… and citrus… and honey…

She has a bright smile. And a brighter mind. She appreciates a good book… She even likes Azura!!
She listens to Hecate! Her treacherous mind has started supplying more and more reasons for
Amity's fascination as of late. Amity could barely contain her excitement when Luz had agreed that
Hecate was an awesome band, she must have sent a thousand starry eyed emojis.

Amity sighs, lost in thought. Worried that she’s slipping, worried that she’s more than curious
about Luz.

And maybe, just maybe… remembering how her and Luz had maybe sort of almost held hands last

"Mittens! Are you ready yet? The chauffeur's waiting?" Emira calls out, and Amity almost jumps
out of her skin.

She looks at herself in a full length mirror, wearing nothing but lacy, black underwear. no bra.

Yeah… Amity knows exactly what she's hoping for tonight. She even shaved for fuck's sake. She
pulls up her favourite dress, a dark pink skirt, off black bodice, and light pink sleeves.
One of the few dresses she bought herself. She thanks the gods that her mom isn't in tonight. Amity
managed to dodge this business trip because of her student council duties.

For some reason, her mind conjures up burning blue eyes. Exactly why she’s thinking of her mom’s
eye color right now isn’t clear. She shimmies into her dress.

"Almost!" She calls out.


Luz can hear the base of the music. Luz and her friends are standing outside the gym. Luz can’t
keep still.

"You know what? I changed my mind. I think I'm just going to go home." Luz says, pulling at the
collar of her sister's purple suit jacket. She feels too hot, and she’s pretty sure her skin is made of

"Come on Luz, it'll be fine," Willow takes her by the arm, Gus elbows Hunter as the latter blushes
and grumbles. Willow grins at Luz and she feels her nerves settle a little, "Let's just check it out

Deep breaths Luz…

"Okay. Let's do this." Luz says.

"Yyeeaaayehhh!" Gus shouts out, rushing in and pushing the doors open and leading the way into a
foggy dark room full of flashing light, throbbing baselines, and booming music.

Oh and people. People all over the gym, with most of them concentrated in the centre. A writhing
mass of people jumping, dancing, grinding and otherwise getting close and personal.

A bunch of rich kids getting really close together in a dark loud room.
Luz's worst nightmare. She swallows.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Hunter and Willow say at the same time, laughing and
charging into the crowd.

Leaving Luz and Gus standing on the edge near the door. Gus has his hands behind his back
looking around, taking in the sights. Pointedly not looking at her.

She appreciates it, but she knows he's been excited for this.

"Hey Gus, you go on ahead, I just need a minute." Luz says, smiling, warmth spreading in her
chest. This school might be horrible, but at least there's a couple of cool people.

Cool teens who actually liked her, it’s outrageous but true.

"All right, see you on the other side." Gus says with a wide grin. He disappears into the swarm,
with his arms raised up. Luz admires his enthusiasm, she chuckles at his antics as she watches her
three friends goof off and dance together.

Luz starts to relax, acclimatizing to the noise, the ear plugs Eda gave her are certainly helping.

People dancing. People laughing. People smiling. They almost look like actual kids instead of trust
fund monsters.

Lights flash, illuminating the darkness while also obscuring people. No one’s even looked her
way. Lights flash.

Bright White. Purple. Green.


Green, shoulder length hair. A pink and black dress. Amity's hair is up. She's wearing a black
choker with a heart shaped ring at the front of her neck. Luz stands ramrod straight without
realizing it.

Her winged liner is sharp. Her makeup looks extra fancy, Luz appreciates the extra effort Amity
has clearly put into it.

Not that Luz has memorized Amity's daily makeup routine… That would be insane.

Oh she’s wearing a different shade of blush. It's nice.

Gold. Gold eyes fall on her. Her heart almost jumps out of her throat. Luz can't quite read the look
on her face.

She swallows loudly. Her palms are clammy. She no longer wants to hide on the corner. Luz lets
her gaze linger, as she heads in the general direction of her friends.

She shouldn't, but she does. She lets her gaze flicker down for a moment. She takes in Amity's lithe
legs. Fishnet leggings contrasted by her alabaster skin.

Woof, forget dancing, Luz might need to sit down. Amity smiles softly, but There's something else
to it.

Luz smiles weakly back, her insides feel like they're entirely made of butterflies.

I am not going to survive the night… she thinks, as she looks around for her friends. Trying not to
think about the greenette she can’t stop thinking about.


Amity surveys the gym. It all came together really well. Everything has gone off without a hitch.
Amity scans the crowd, there's a good turnout already. The dance only really just started in the last
hour. Yet everyone got to dancing really quickly.

It's so hard to recognize anyone in this room, with the darkness and the lights.
It's perfect, perfect for the dance that is.

Amity has absolutely no ulterior motives. She's certainly not hoping to, accidentally run into a
certain someone. A certain someone who makes her heartbeat faster.

A certain someone who's low husky voice haunts her dreams.

No way.

Absolutely not. Amity doesn't care at all if Luz is…


There she is.

Standing near the other door, staring out over the crowd. From what little Amity can see from the
entryway lighting she's wearing a suit.

It's certainly unconventional, but she looks great. She cuts a good line in it, and that fact
completely scrambles Amity's mind.

She's only ever seen Luz wear her uniform, which is definitely cute, but this?

This isn't cute, this is something more.

Amity feels a primal hunger. She wants to pull at that suit jacket.

She wants to pull off that suit jacket, She wants the shorter girl to press her against a wall and…
"Ams!" Basha shouts directly next to her ear. Amity jumps, before scowling at her "friend".

"What?" She snaps loudly, and Boscha chuckles before pointing directly at Luz. For a moment,
Amity is terrified that she was caught. Can Boscha read minds? Amity hopes she can't.

"Luzer came, is she wearing a full suit?" Boscha grins, despite the fact that she's wearing her dress
shirt, vest, and dress pants.

"All you're missing is the jacket Bosch" Amity points out, and her pink haired friend scowls at her.
Amity isn't listening.

Luz has vanished, much to Amity's disappointment.

Amity cruises for an appropriate amount of time with her friends, waving and greeting various
people in her social circle as she finds them.

The music is loud, with a baseline rattles her bones. It's a bit much, she's a little on edge today.

Maybe she's just been anxious about the conversation she had with her mother about skipping the
business trip this time.

Odalia was not pleased, but she didn't try to stop Amity. For some reason, Amity was grateful for

Amity stretches her neck as she weaves through the crowd. She's about to head for the bleachers,
for a seat, have a little rest, maybe try and come up with a plan, wondering how she could "run"
into Luz…

Come up with an excuse for why she would ask to dance with Luz.

"Heads up Blight" The voice of her literal dreams says from close by. Amity doesn't register it
right away, and the next thing she knows. Firm hands grip her shoulders. Stopping her from
careening directly into their owner.
Brown eyes and tan skin and a dark purple suit fill her view. Her brain goes all fuzzy. Luz is so

Or I'll just run into her right away, it's fine. This is fine. Amity. You can do this. Put on the charm.

"Hi" She squeaks out, immediately cursing herself for existing.

"Hey, quite the shindig here." Luz observes, She hasn't removed her hands yet.

Amity nods, suddenly deeply uncomfortable. Two different parts of her brain are in an epic battle,
one telling her to run for the hills, the other telling her to move a little closer.

But Luz does first, pulling Amity just a little bit. Luz is looking at her, searchingly.

"Where are your friends? Your little posse?"

"Not here, dance with me?" She finds herself saying, speaking rapidly before she can stop.

She claps a hand to her mouth immediately. She didn't mean to say that out loud.

But she did exactly that. The moment stretches out between them. Luz is looking at Amity,
meanwhile Amity is looking at the floor.

Luz's hands still don't move from where they are around her shoulders.

Amity is about to apologize, about to say it was a prank. A joke, you know how she's such a


"Yeah, sounds cool. Is that okay for your social status?"

"That's why we went with the lights." Amity's mouth once again betrays her. And Luz's expression
widens into surprise.

"Ms. Blight, did you set up this whole party just so you could dance with me under the cover of
darkness while preserving your social status?" She says with a smirk.

Amity is reeling, her heart is pounding so hard she can feel it in her ears. Every single inch of her
face feels red hot.

"Not.. what… no…" She intelligently replies. Luz chuckles, tugging Amity gently by her wrist. It's
a really pretty sound, Luz's laugh. It definitely doesn't do anything to Amity though.

If only Luz would just lower her hand a little bit more. Amity's eyes finally tear away from Luz,
only to realize exactly where she's being dragged.

She pulls Luz close and hisses in her ear "Wait… not with your friends." Brown eyes cast a critical
glance her way,

"Listen, I know they're not your crowd but they're really cool." Her voice is soft but husky in her
ear, Amity shivers.

The music is loud. That's why Luz's lips are so close to Amity's ear. Amity shivers again when
Luz's lips tickle her sensitive skin. She instinctively clutches at Luz's shoulders.

"I know…" Amity admits softly, Her heart pounding for more than one reason. Is she really going
to say it?

"I… used to be friends with Willow…" she whispers into Luz's ear, a thrill running up her body as
she feels Luz tense.

"You were?" Luz's voice has heat rushing to her face. Shame boils up, mixing with everything else
storming around inside her. Luz is so close. She smells like smoke and honey, it's so hard to think.
"Yeah, we were best friends until, until my parents made me cut ties…" Amity's rambling
explanation of how she wasn't strong enough to stand up for her friend, how Amity is a terrible
person because of it, is cut off when Luz holds her close, and she lets herself be wrapped in those
strong arms.

"L-Luz?" She says, nervous that someone will notice them. It was a stupid idea. It's not dark
enough. Someone's going to notice Amity like clinging to this Delinquent.

"I understand…" is all Luz says, pulling away slightly to look at Amity, and all her worries melt
away. People surround them, eyes closed or fixed on their partners or staring vacantly.

Lost in the music.

"So, still wanna dance?" Luz asks, shyly. Her eyes flit away, seemingly looking anywhere but at

It's the most vulnerable she's ever seen Luz, and the little spark in her chest catches. There's so
much more to this girl than she first realized.

And Amity wants to know her better.

"Yes." She breathes out, and Luz pulls her close again for a moment. She can feel her. Feel her
fingers grip a little tighter.

Amity practically swoons. Luz is all but enveloping her. They aren't even moving yet.

Then, to Amity's infinite frustration Luz pulls away. Amity is about to protest. About to pull Luz
back in.

But then Luz starts dancing. She flails her arms, she sways her hips. She lets herself move however
she wants. It's… ridiculous… She's not even doing real dance moves.
It's barely even dancing technically…


Yet Amity finds herself following along, watching this strange girl move to the music. Her feet are
just going, leading her body effortlessly.

Amity stops following along, she's swept up in the music. The melody thrumming through her
body as the base rattles her to her core.

She smiles, Luz chuckles, Amity blushes. Both of them grinning wide. Flashing lights and deep
shadows flickering across their faces.

Luz beams, laughing. Amity looks at her lips. Luz smirks. Amity blushes again.

They get closer.

The music crashes over them and for just a moment Amity doesn't have to worry. About her status,
about how this looks, about what her mother would say, about burning blue eyes bearing down on

All of it washes away, Luz filling in every crack in her confidence. Amity feels her heart beating.
The beat of her own tune.

She sways, letting her arms swing freely. She brushes against Luz, who's eyes widen.

Luz gazes up with lidded eyes, Amity feels a surge of bravery.

She takes Luz's hand.

She places it on her waist.

Luz mirrors with her other hand. Amity drapes her arms over Luz's shoulders. They slow their
movements. It's not a slow song. Neither of them care.

Amity breathes deeply, she pulls Luz closer. The music raises in tempo. Luz's gaze flickers down,
then up.

Then down… and it stays. Amity looks at Luz's scar… then her eyes. Her cute nose. Her lips.

The beat is frantic. People move and jump and sway and grind around them. A multicolored
mosaic of light and sweat and sound.

Luz leans up, Amity stoops slightly.

Luz's grip tightens. Amity sighs.

Bolts of electricity shoot through her as their lips brush. It's perfect. It's terrifying. Only lasts an
instant. It lasts a lifetime.

Then a new song comes on. A man starts shout-singing about how he's going to conquer all the
bitches and hoes he meets.

Luz's eyes fly wide, her face flushed. Amity laughs, for nerves more than anything. Luz laughs
along with her, neither has let go of the other.

Amity is floating. Nothing can go wrong, she's on top of the world. She pulls at Luz's shoulders,
dragging her away from the dance floor. She wants more.

Her heart hammers as Luz lets her.

The song is ridiculous. The lyrics are loud. And then the singer says: I love you like a drug baby.

Amity rolls her eyes, so cheesy, so crass. She doesn't notice at first. Until Luz freezes, Amity looks
And the music fades away, Luz's face is twisted. Her brow furrowed. She's tense. Her eyes dart
around frantically.

Amity lets go. She doesn't want to, but something's wrong.

She takes a step closer. Luz's eyes snap to her.

"Luz?" She asks, trying to keep her voice soft despite the volume. Luz teeters, it's almost like she
can't hear Amity.

' I love you!' the singer calls out as the instruments drop for a moment.

Luz runs straight for the gym doors. Barreling through people on her way out. Amity stands frozen
for a moment.

Was the kiss that bad?

What just happened? Did she mess up again? She's going to make it right this time if she did.

Amity dashes after her without a second thought.


'You're so good for me Luz, I love you so much.' The man's voice torments her, playing over and
over again. One moment she's on the dance floor, completely swept up in a beautiful girl. They
kissed. Amity was dragging her away from the crowd… maybe looking for some privacy.

The next she's back in that cabin , in that woman's lap .

The man, glasses slightly askew, leans in. His stubble is scratchy. Luz cries, and the woman grips
her throat hard. Luz gags.
Crying isn't what people do when they love each other . They tell her.

Luz crashes through the gym doors. Running blindly. Her heart is pounding so loud. She needs to
hide. Find a place to fall apart.

Where the fuck was the nearest supply closet? One of the custodians gave her a key last week,
saying she could hide out if she needed to.

At least someone other than Aunt Lily had her back around here.

She can't see where she's going… all she can see is them . The man holding her down as the
woman shoves her fingers in…

A ragged noise squeezes out of her throat, and she crashes into the lockers. Her legs shake, she
sinks to her knees.

They used her. They're still using her. Eda never saved her. She's at their mercy again. Her hands
hurt Luz, his hands hurt Luz.

They use her.

They're touching her. Slapping and threatening if she fights back or tells anyone.

"If you tell anyone about this, we'll kill you." He says when Luz tearfully declares she's gonna tell
on him.

Someone touches her shoulder. She screams.


Amity isn't sure what to do. She found Luz curled up on the floor.
She screams when Amity touches her shoulder. And Amity jumps at the sudden noise. What's
wrong with her? Why isn't she listening?

"Luz, it's okay. What's wrong?"

Luz just groans, slumping to her side. Literally lying on the floor. She's curled up into herself.
Amity can see her shaking.

This. Is this a panic attack? Amity's never had one, because of course Blights are always in control
of their emotions.

She sits on the cold stone floor. Deciding to guard Luz, trying her best to offer comfort. Amity
doesn't even wonder what her mother would say if she saw.

Her mother doesn't matter right now.

"You're not alone, you're safe." Amity says over and over. Luz mutters something. Then cries
louder. Her fingers grip her arms hard.

Then Luz's hands glide to her sleeves. She pulls them up, and Amity sucks a breath in.

Her forearms are covered in scars. Small, fairly straight, criss-crossing. Some of the marks look
pretty fresh.

She suddenly remembered the first time she ran into Luz after school, how she had clung to her
forearms. How she had to run as soon as she realized where. Amity was looking.

Amity's heart breaks even as her stomach rolls.

Amity Blight has hurt people, she's made people cry. She's seen people cry. She's never seen
something like this.
Her shame nearly swallows her, she caused this. They all did. Amity was finally seeing the other
side of her little game. Keeping order. Keeping the pecking order.

Was this the cost? Was it really worth it? Was Amity's status as queen bee worth this much pain?

Luz whimpers, digging her nails into her skin. Amity moves without thinking. Queen bee be
damned, she can't let Luz hurt herself.

Amity might just care about this weirdo, for reasons she doesn't fully understand yet. But even if
she didn't she wouldn't let someone go through this.

She places her hands overtop of Luz's, gently.and ever so delicately. Luz gasps and tenses.

"Please don't hurt me…" Luz begs, and Amity's heart is so tight.

"I'm not going to, I'm just going to hold onto these for a bit okay?" Amity says, prying Luz's hands

Luz whimpers again, nodding.

Luz heard her.

"Luz, it's me, it's Amity… I'm…" she chuckles, there's no humor in the sound, "I'm probably the
last person you want here with you right now, but I am here with you."

"You are?"

"I am."

"I'm not… back at that cabin?" Luz asks, her voice is so small. She's shivering, but at least she isn't
violently shaking anymore.
Amity doesn't know what cabin Luz is referring to, but the way she says it fills her with dread.
What happened to this girl? She pushes aside her vague horror.

"No, you're at Hexside right now." Amity says softly, shuffling to a full sitting position. Her back
pressing against the cool lockers.

Luz takes a long shaky breath in. Suddenly she shifts away, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Sorry…" she says, and Amity can't help it, she snorts. Luz turns to her, eyes blazing. Ready to
lash out.

Amity doesn't care. She shifts closer. Luz freezes up, Amity cards her hands through Luz's hair.
She pulls this beautiful, stupid girl closer. Luz lets her.

Amity's lips press into Luz's, on the dirty floor of the school. Luz's tears wet her lips. She doesn't

The fire inside her burns brighter. It's perfect. Its horrible. It is the way it is, but it's nice. Luz's lips
are soft. Luz kisses her back, a hand pulling at Amity's back.


After a few minutes Luz pulls away to wipe her nose with her sleeve, making an awful sniffling
noise as she does. But Amity doesn't care.

Luz is smiling, and a minute later she opens her mouth to speak.

"Don't, don't apologize." Amity says softly.

"But." She tries.

" Don't… " Amity says, firmly, adamantly. Luz relaxes a little. "Let's get you cleaned up?"

Amity does her best to focus as she helps Luz up to standing. Her mind is wholly preoccupied with
the fact that she just kissed Luz.

And Luz didn't pull away. Luz kisses her back. She made Luz smile. Amity doesn't care right now,
she doesn't care about what her mother would think, what this will do to her social standing.

Luz turns, offering a hand. Amity takes it. They walk through the dark halls, away from the music.

Neither let's go of the other as they go.


Amity saw her. She saw her break down. And she didn't laugh. Or judge. Or call her too sensitive.

Instead she stayed, trying to comfort her. Every time she thought about the moment she nearly
clawed her arms again, she tears up.

Amity saw. She saw my arms, the scars. She didn't freak out or try to touch them, the two most
common reactions in Luz's experience.

She usually wraps them, to keep her nails away, but some days she forgets. Or takes them off on

Now she's in the girls washroom, washing her face as Amity hovers nearby.

They danced… before it went to shit at least. Amity touched her, Amity hugged her. Once her
mind settled down it was all she could think about on a loop.

Amity hugged me.

Amity danced with me.

Amity kissed me.

Luz dries her face off. Casting a glance at Amity, waiting a polite distance away.

Luz is fairly certain Amity is interested in her somehow… for a fearsome queen bee she was kind
of dopey and easily flustered. It was cute.

She was cute.

Luz doesn't even remember them becoming sort of friends. But Luz weirdly trusts this girl, even
though she really shouldn't. She's come across dozens like Amity before, those rich bitches who
think they're better than everyone else.

But it's a facade with Amity, She knows it is.

Shit. maybe it's a facade for all of them. Maybe every popular girl is just a normal person.

Luz continues speculating on her entire world view on school and classmates, unaware that Amity
is fidgeting uncomfortably under her gaze.

"What's up?" Amity says, her voice cracking. Her blush deepens, and Luz's pulse quickens.

She's so pretty.

"Hmm? Just thinking about you." She says, the warm feeling blooming in her chest, the feeling
turning red hot as Amity sputters.

"Me?" She says, and the sound has Luz completely forgetting her panic earlier.
Something, or rather, someone else is occupying her brain. Right now. Amity kissed her.

And Luz wants to return the favour. Luz might just need to return it.

"Yeah…" Luz lets her voice drop in pitch a little bit, smirking as Amity visibly trembles. Maybe
the perfect princess isn't so perfect after all?

That works for Luz.

"Thinking about how you're not at all like you seem." Instead of using words, Amity just sort of
hums. A high pitched noise, almost a whine.

It's beautiful.

Luz stalks closer, practically looming over Amity even though she's technically a few inches

"And…" Amity pauses to squeak as her back bumps into the fancy tiled wall, "that's good?"

"Yeah, very very good, Princesa." Luz growls as she frames Amity with her arms, the cool tile
soothing Luz's hot palms. Her entire body is radiating heat.

Amity shudders, her mouth hanging ever so slightly open. Her hands shoot to Luz's hips, Luz leans
closer. Amity tenses, Luz stops. Looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Amity… I would love to kiss you, if you want?" Luz asks, she wants to be sure she's not
misreading it. Luz can be pretty intense.

"Yes… please…" Amity breathes the words out, a high and needy sound. And that's all Luz needs.

Amity gasps as Luz presses her body fully into Amity's. Gripping Amity's round hips, sinking her
fingers in a little.
Amity is panting, eyes locked on Luz's lips. And then Luz kisses her hungrily, desperately even.
Sparks inside, bolts of pleasure shooting straight through her.

Luz's skin tingles. She deepens the kiss. Amity grips Luz's suit harder, and makes a small sound.

A moan.

Luz feels herself sinking deeper at the sound. She needs more. She has to have more.

"You sound so pretty…" Luz husks out as she pulls back, Amity whines, trying to meet Luz's lips
again. Luz chuckles, a hand gently holding Amity at bay.

"So needy…" Luz coos, moving within a hair's breadth of her lips. Nearly kissing Amity, who he
grumbles, but stays still.

"Please…" Amity begs, eyes blown wide, her hands fisted in Luz's dress shirt.

"Good girl." Luz says, smirking into Amity's lips as she whimpers and moans and mumbles.

Luz deepens the kiss, savoring how Amity feels pressed against her. Amity's hands start to wander
across her back.

Amity brushes her ribs, Luz shivers. Amity grabs her ass. Luz groans. Luz presses harder into
Amity. A whine.

Amity's tongue swipes across Luz's lips, and then they're making out, frantically. Urgent need
sweeping Luz up. Luz shifts her position, one leg slotted in between Amity's.

Luz brushes her lips against Amity's jaw, smiling as Amity mewls out. She kisses her pulse point,
Amity sighs. She kisses harder. Amity moans.
She sucks on that pale skin, Amity's hands shoot to Luz's head.

"Mmm! No… ah no marks…" Amity manages, and Luz grumbles.

"Of course." She tries not to sound disappointed. She's practically consumed by the desire to mark

Until… Amity's hand leaves her hair, and pulls at the collar of her dress, exposing her upper chest.

"Here…" Amity says, "somewhere I can hide i-it." Luz doesn't overthink the words, instead she
dives into the newly exposed skin. Pecking lightly, totally enthralled with Amity's little sounds.

Nipping at Amity's collarbone, Amity moans low and loud. Then she sucks on her skin. Amity
bucks her hips against Luz's leg.

Luz shifts, pressing Amity’s hip against the wall. “Luz… please… I need…” Amity groans in
disapproval, her words cut off as Luz tuts at her. Appreciating the dark hickey she left on Amity,
then she drags her tongue all the way up Amity’s neck, a cascade of stuttering moans leaving
Amity’s mouth as she does.

“I know, but let me~” Luz whispers into Amity’s ear, nipping at the shell as she drops her hand,
reaching for the hem of Amity’s dress. She frowns, and tries to bunch the fabric up, it’s too long.
After a few moments of struggle, Amity giggles, and the dress is suddenly out of Luz's way.

“There…” Amity sighs, eyes fluttering as Luz stares at her. Amity gods-damned-fucking Blight is
pressed against a bathroom wall, panting, her dress is bunched in her pale hands.

For her.

Her legs are spread, Luz sees lacy black panties, and the rest of her rational brain shuts down.
“You are so fucking pretty Amity.” She mumbles, then she’s kissing Amity again.

Amity is putty in her hands, if Luz wasn’t so fucking turned on right now she might worry that the
Amity might just keel over. Instead, Luz drags her fingertips up Amity’s thigh. Amity hums into
her lips. Luz goes wide, narrowly missing where she thinks Amity’s clit is.

Then she brushes her fingernails across the other thigh in a downward stroke, before turning and
dragging her fingers up again. This time she passes under Amity’s clit, and Luz grins into their kiss.

“You’re so fucking wet for me hmm?” Luz says, a condescending edge to her voice. Amity is so
high and mighty all the time, Luz wants to give her a taste of her own medicine. And judging by
her response, so does Amity.

“So wet…” She mumbles, face flushed, eyes downcast. No. Not downcast, watching. She’s
watching Luz tease her. Luz places her free hand on Amity's chin, tilting her head up before
pressing firmly into her body.

“Eyes up here Blight.” She growls, and Amity whines.

“Yes.” She says, biting back a moan as Luz ghosts her fingers past her heat again. Luz changes
gears, circling the very edges of Amity's panties, alternating between pressing firmly and barely
touching. Always avoiding her clit, working Amity up into a needy mess.

And what a mess she is, she's panting, hiking her dress up to give Luz access. She’s perfect,
moaning and being so fucking pretty.

Luz is ready for more, almost.

“You want me so badly don't you?” She whispers in Amity’s ear again, running her tongue along it
a moment later. Amity’s breath hitches before she moans loudly.


“How badly?” Luz’s voice is low and dark, she watches as Amity's eyebrows work mindlessly as
her flutter shut.

“So bad-ba-badly!” She manages between ragged gasps. Luz presses hard into her clit, once. She
“Do you want more?” Luz asks.

“Yes.” Amity’s answer comes instantly.

“Beg for it.” Luz orders, and a spike of excitement jolts her when Amity complies.

“P-Pll… please Luz, please touch me.. Fuck, I need it. I need you. So fucking badly, please!”
Amity sounds so desperate, she’s staring at Luz. Her hips seem to have a mind of their own.

Every fiber of her being is laser focused on the feeling of her hand finally rubbing exactly where
Amity needs it.

Amity moans, eyes wide, then she blushes, turning her head away.


“Princesa?” Luz asks, watching Amity work out her thoughts.

“A little to the left?” Amity says, still not looking. Luz smiles, and does what she asks, Amity
groans, and her legs actually do give out.

Luz has her though, she pulls her hand away from that tantalizing heat to scoop Amity up. She feels
so giddy, and she smiles wide when Amity squeals in surprise.

“Luz!?” She asks, giggling as she wraps her arms around Luz’s neck. Kissing at her jaw as Luz
walks over to the sinks.

She sets Amity down, then pulls her close by her hips. Amity gasps, and lets out a low, quiet moan.

Luz doesn’t waste any more time, kissing Amity fiercely as her hands dive straight in. Pressing her
entire hand into the space between Amity’s legs, rubbing and grinding it all at once. Fabric
moving, Amity’s wetness spreading on Luz’s hand.

Amity moaning, arms draped around Luz. Her head resting on Luz’s shoulder. Bright flashes of
pleasure shoot through Luz as Amity kisses and sucks at any skin she can reach. Sucking and
licking and nipping like a needy little kitten.

She's so hot.

The panties keep slipping. Amity is rolling her hips, looking for friction as she moans and whines
wordlessly. Luz growls, and pulls Amity’s panties to the side.

“Hold these for me.” She says, and she feels Amity’s fingers brush against her own.

“Okay.” Amity says into Luz’s skin, before her other hand starts working at the buttons of Luz’s
dress shirt. She pulls out the first button, and Luz tenses. An all-too-familiar worry racing through
her veins.

“Uh Amity?” Luz asks… Amity stops, looking at her questioningly.

“Luz? What-wh-ahhhnn?” Amity’s eyes roll up, and Luz realizes she’s still teasing Amity’s pussy.
She stops fully, and a tension forms in her slacks when she hears the keening noise Amity makes at
the loss.

Luz swallows.

Here goes nothing…

“I uhh, just wanted to let you know that I'm trans.”


“I’m trans.” Luz says, her voice is quick and she’s doing that thing where she scrunches her
shoulders up to her ears. Luz is trans?
“Are you MtF?” Amity asks softly, tamping down her own need for a moment. She doesn’t have
full access to her brain, she knows that. She knows some parts of it shut down when you’re

And god damn is Amity Blight aroused. If being overwhelmed by Luz is a drug, then Amity never
wants to quit.

But first she needs to make sure Luz is okay. She doesn’t bother correcting her care for Luz.

“Yeah…” Luz says quietly, her expression is downcast. Amity realizes that on top of everything
else this girl is going through, Luz has likely been going through transphobia too.

Amity takes a leap, she can't exactly use words good right now. So she scoots closer, leaning in,
nipping Luz’s ear gently. Sucking on her helix piercing. Luz hums, and moans as Amity traces the
buttons of Luz’s dress shirt.

“I don’t mind at all,” Amity whispers, biting down again as she unbuttons Luz’s shirt.

“You don’t?” Luz asks, and Amity’s heart nearly bursts at the hopeful tone she uses. Amity smiles,
and finally traces a hand down Luz’s bare chest.

“I really really don’t.” Amity says with a low chuckle, and then she kisses Luz’s skin. She’s a little
sweaty, and fuck does that taste good. It isn't long before Amity is absolutely lavishing her with

Luz's moans are pitched, but they have a resonance to them that Amity finds so tantalizing. She
palms Luz’s small breast, savouring the softness, how it fits perfectly in her palm. Luz groans,
leaning into Amity.

Amity sighs as Luz kisses her neck, licking and nipping and sucking. Always gentle, heeding
Amity’s request about marks. Amity moans, and tugs at Luz’s hair. Their eyes meet, Amity is
panting, trying to catch her breath.

They look at each other for a long moment, just taking in the sight of each other. Then Amity leans
in at the same time Luz does. Their teeth clack as they kiss, and they both laugh into each other's
mouths. Hands grip at each other, heavy breathing and the sound of fabric shifting fill the

Amity pulls away, staring hungrily at Luz. “Believe me now?” She smirks as Luz nods dumbly,
Amity looks her over, she looks so good in that suit, especially with her jacket hanging on her
elbows, her dress shirt pulled open. A few dark marks decorate her collarbone.

“So are you gonna fuck me now? Or are we going to dance around it for a few more weeks first?”
Amity husks, and Luz snaps out of her stupor. Her eyes are practically gleaming, she pulls Amity’s
panties off in a single motion. Amity groans as she watches Luz tuck them into her pocket.

“Is that what you want Princessa? You want me to fuck you?” Her voice is dark and low, and so so
hot. Husky, growling, it cuts straight through Amity.

She gasps as Luz’s fingers press firmly on her clit. It’s like sheet lighting spreading across her
body, a fiery glow that has her tensing as her mind slips further under.

“Yes…” She breathes out, breathing in sharply as Luz pulls her hand away before tapping lightly.
The light shock gives way to a pounding pleasure from the gentle impact.

“Yes what Cariño? You can use your words right?” some small corner of Amity’s brain zeroes in
on that, a challenge.

“Please fuck me Luz. I need you.” She says clearly, almost sharply, and Luz smirks. Another tap,
and Amity squeaks.

“Good girl, my good little princess. Just relax.” Luz coos, and her words wash over Amity, she
relaxes just as Luz presses into her clit hard, rubbing her sensitive skin in a steady rhythmic motion.

“OOOhhhh…” Amity can’t hold back her voice, not when it feels this good. For an inexperienced
burnout… no, she's doing it again. Amity has no idea if she's experienced. Regardless, she is good.
Very good.

“Ffuuuckk…” Amity grits out as her hips shudder under Luz’s fingers. She moans loudly when
Luz kisses just under ear.
“Is that good baby?” Luz growls, and Amity nods, her heart pounding against her ribs. The tension
rises, then sinks, then rises higher, then sinks a little less.

Amity feels dizzy, the world slips away. The only thing that exists is Luz’s fingers, and an
inescapable pleasure that wracks her body entirely.

Amity Blight, the queen bee of hexside, the promising prodigy of Blight Industries, simply doesn’t
exist in this moment. She’s just Amity.

“Lu-Ahn. Mmm Luzz…” words are so difficult, how does she word right? Luz chuckles against
Amity’s neck.

“Whenever you're ready Princesa.” Luz coos, pecking Amity’s lips, never once slowing the pace of
her hand. Amity rocks her hips, a wildfire spreading under her skin.

She can’t stop.

“Luz!” She cries out, and then they’re kissing. Passionately, desperately. Tongues intertwined as
Amity squeaks and whines into it. For a single instant, Amity wonders what this means, she knows
everything is going to change after this.

There's no going back after this.

She's not sure she'd even want to go back to before this moment happened.

And then she comes undone.

She screams, clamping a hand over her own mouth to muffle the sound. The chances of someone
finding them are low, they went to a very distant bathroom to ensure that, but better safe than…

“No you don’t.” Luz says darkly, still pushing Amity to her peak, she grips Amity’s wrist hard and
pulls her hand away.
“AHHHN!” Amity yells, eyes closed, the tension inside her flooding out of her body as Luz drives
her wild.

Amity Blight comes hard, very hard. When she finally slams back to earth she falls into Luz’s


Luz Noceda made her come. She had sex with Luz. Amity leans against her, panting. She sweeps a
few stray locks of green hair off her face. Both girls shine with sweat. Luz kisses her lips
delicately, and Amity’s heart flips in her chest.

She had sex with Luz… She kisses Luz back, fiercely, she can’t stop herself. She’s so happy, she’s
so relaxed and that's a big deal for Amity Blight.

But something is creeping into her chest, dampening her excitement. A growing cloud is looming
over her as Luz buttons up her shirt. The shirt she pulled open. Because…

‘A Blight only associates with the best society has to offer’ A stern but vacant voice drones out in
her mind.

‘get rid of her, and if you don't…’ a cold and high voice starts. Amity wipes tears from her eyes,
her birthday ruined already,

‘Then we will.’ The first voice finishes.

Amity’s heart is in her throat. A wild panic settles in her mind. Only the best…

I had sex with Luz. I…

Her parents…
Oh fuck…

Oh no…

“Amity?” Luz asks, handing back Amity’s panties. She stares at them, and she comes crashing
back to reality.

She can’t… her mother won't allow it. She’d be in so much trouble. She fucked someone in the
school bathroom.

Not just anyone, a "problemed" student. Her mother might just kill her. Amity looks up at Luz,
alarm bells sounding endlessly in her head as she does.

Run, danger, danger run!

Amity opens her mouth to speak, then she wavers, the look on Luz’s face is so happy.

Her worry shifts from herself to this weird and wonderful girl who just made her feel so so good.

“I-I have to go.” Amity says suddenly, tears stinging her eyes. She runs away without a word.
Leaving Luz shocked and holding her soaked panties.

Amity doesn’t really see where she’s going. She doesn't know if anyone sees her. Her mother's
going to find out. Amity can't be seen doing stuff like this. She can’t be seen like this.

If Odalia Blight found out about what just happened… about Luz. About how Amity feels about

Amity grips her hair by the roots, and she shakes as she sinks to the ground outside the school. She
manages to remove a hand, pulling her phone out. She taps a message.

Amity Blight - 9:36PM:

Can you come pick me up? I don’t feel well.

She hits send, then sinks further into herself. What she wants isn't right, it's not part of the plan.
The plan Odalia has for her. She doesn't have a choice. She's afraid.

Amity Blight is afraid.

Her mother wouldn't literally kill her if she found out. Amity takes a shaky breath as she feels her
phone vibrate.

Amy Blight - 9:36PM

Of course, be there in five

Amity takes a shuddering breath in, then cries. Tonight was so weird and wonderful… but… while
Odalia wouldn’t actually kill Amity.

She might just kill Luz.

Chapter End Notes

Well... that was gay (in the best way). They kissed! They had bathroom sex (good
thing Hexside's bathrooms are immaculate).

Both of them have... stuff... going on though, hopefully Amity's outburst doesn't mess
anything up! Who knows what's going through their heads after a night like that. Also
Amelia and Lucia are the best big sisters ever (and definitely aren't modeled on any

I'm still working on my other in progress fics, so doncha worry~ This one is just my
little darling.

See you all soon

Love yah!

Homecoming Part 2: The House Party
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity have to navigate the questioning of their older siblings, and a
homecoming house party changes everything.

Chapter Notes

CONTENT WARNING AS ALWAYS: PTSD flashbacks, implied abuse, drunk

minors (house party, it's kind of on the tin)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz wakes up late, and that's unusual. More often than not she's up an hour or so before her alarm.
She can't help it, for one reason or another she'll just wake up.

People have told her to try basically everything. Don't drink water before bed. Have you tried
closing your eyes? You just need blue light glasses.

None of it helps, sometimes her mind just won't let her. Like sleep is a room in her brain that is
sometimes locked behind a steel door.

She stares at the bunk above her, the plastic stars and sun and moon barely glowing after a long
night. She reaches for them, easily touching them all. They're familiar and comfortable.

Her room is one of her safe spaces. Surprisingly quiet considering where their apartment was
located. A bonus was that her room backed onto the fire escape. So she could chill out there if she

Her little desk was full of clutter and jars of pens and pencils. Half finished sketches and fully
finished pieces surrounded a laptop and a little drawing tablet.

The top of her dresser is loaded with Azura memorabilia. Her favourite series. Her dad left her the
book when he died. She loved it. For more than just the flowery prose, and the convoluted magic
system, and the extremely sapphic rivalry between Hecate and Azura.
It wasn't just a cool series. It was the only piece of her Papi she had left.

Luz groans, rolling over to her side. Trying to remember in her groggy haze why her wrist is so

'Lu-Ahn. Mmm Luzz…'

Luz leaps to her feet, banging her head on the bunk.

"ACK!" She rubs at the painful spot, glaring back at her bed like it's the furniture's fault she's an

It's not a big deal, not really. She shouldn't be worrying so much about it. It's not like she… had…
sex with Amity or anything…

She did, she totally did. She had sex with Amity.

It's too fucking early still for her heart to be beating this fast. Luz sits back on her bed, recounting
last night's wild end. She made out with the queen bee. Said queen bee begging for it, saying she
needed Luz.

Luz felt a tremble in her core, she flopped back down into her comfortableness of blankets, closing
her eyes as she replayed last night in her head.

Amity kissing her. How good it felt to hold her close, how hot she sounded moaning and gasping.

Luz huffs out hot breaths as she slips a hand into her pajamas.

Amity looked so good under Luz, the way she made the greenette moan sent goosebumps crawling
across her skin.
Luz sighs as her hand gently brushes her hard clitty, a slight buzzing rolls through her body at the

Strangely enough Luz doesn't really mind what she has down there. That was never the issue for
her. She actually really likes her girlcock.

Luz palms herself, moaning into her pillow as she works herself up.

Amity tasted so good, her lips, her tongue, her skin. Luz wants more. She groans as her hips snap
involuntarily, the pleasant buzzing washing over her in waves.

She made Amity come.

Luz whines as her feet clench.

She made Amity feel so good.

Luz is panting, gulping down air as fast as she can.

She wants to make Amity feel good again.

Luz cries are muffled by her pillow, the tension inside reaching a peak. A blissful, blinding
pleasure burning inside her as she finally tumbles over the edge.

"Amityyy…" she whispers as she rides out her orgasm, totally lost in the pleasure.

She goes limp on the bed, catching her breath. That was intense. More intense than usual.

A minute passes. Then another.

Then Luz remembers. Amity ran away, and Luz couldn't find her. Why did she run? Was Luz that
bad at it? Did Amity fake it? Did she assault Amity?

Despite the panic, Luz isn't sure about that last one. Seems like an odd thing to do, to ask someone
to fuck you if you didn't want them to.

Still she isn't sure about what the hell Amity Blight's deal is.

Her phone buzzes, and she nearly falls flat on her face reaching for it. Luz tries not to let her
disappointment get the better of her when she sees a message from Willow.

Willowwww 8:33AM -

Morning, where did you go last night??

Luz stares at her phone, unsure how to respond. Willow had warned her time and time again to stay
away from Amity, so naturally Luz ignored her.

Would Willow even believe her? 'Oh hey Willow, sorry I ditched you. I had sex with the most
popular girl in school instead!' Yeah, for some reason she didn't think that would go over very

Willow would either laugh at her funny joke, or would kill her.

Luz types a response, then deletes it. Then she types another one, and then she deletes it. This goes
on for several minutes.

She finally settles for something non-committal.

Luzura 8:34AM -

Heyyy Sorry for ghosting. It was a little too loud for me. ADHD ya know??

Her heart pounds in her chest again, But for a very different reason this time as she sees the three
dots going.
Willowwww 8:35AM -

Oh that's too bad…

Willowwww 8:35AM -

I did hear a funny rumor though…

Luzura 8:35AM -

Oh? You know rumors are so crazy! Remember when people thought I blew the principal to get
into Hexside??

Willowwww 8:36AM -

Yeah, that was horrible. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Willowwww 8:36AM -

But no, I heard that someone saw you leave the gym…

Luzura 8:36AM -

Yeah, it was too loud. I had to leave.

Luz's heart is going to explode… Did someone see? Was someone watching them? She types out
of frantic message, erasing it after realizing how crazy it makes her sound. Willow beats her to the

Willowwww 8:37AM -

I know Eda gave you ear plugs, I was there remember?

Shit, her and Willow did get ready together, didn't they? Luz takes a moment to curse her horrible
working memory, then,

Willowwww 8:37AM -
I heard that Amity Blight followed you out…

Luz nearly smacks her head again as she stands up in alarm. She stares at her phone, as a single
thought rattles through her empty head, someone knows.

Someone saw? Is that a problem? Maybe?

Luzura 8:40AM -

That's a funny coincidence.

Willowwww 8:40AM -

Luz… I stg… What are you doing later? Backroom?

Luzura 8:41AM

Okay sure. I'll text ya when I get over to the Owl House.

Luz plonks her forehead against the wall. Shit. No hiding it now. She wonders who was circulating
this rumor?

She wonders if there even was a rumor, Willow can be quite devious when she needs to be. She
would absolutely fib about a rumor if it meant good. An honest answer.

It's entirely possible that Willow is the one who saw. But that doesn't really comfort Luz at the
moment. A banging at her door snaps her out of her thoughts.

"Yo! Luz! You up?" Lucia shouts, and Luz can't help but grin as her worries drift away.

"Yeah yeah!" She calls out, opening her door wide. Her sister looks beat, long chops of hair frame
her tired face, her little mane on top is wild and disheveled. She's wearing a white tank top and big
green sweatpants. She looks like a tired, but cool, punk rocker.

Minus her cute owl slippers.

"Got those from the shop?" Luz asks, wagging her eyebrows as Lucia snorts.

"Yeah, new merch. My idea of course." Lucia grins wide, winking dramatically. Luz giggles.

"It's kind of hard to believe that someone ss terrifying as you pushed so hard for something so

"What? Who doesn't like adorable, comfy slippers?" Lucia retorts as she ruffles Luz's hair. Luz
hums and leans into the touch slightly.

"Coffee?" Luz asks hopefully.

"Coffee." Lucia confirms with a grin. Luz following her big sister down the hall. The main living
space of the apartment is a joint living room/dining room. With a galley kitchen off to one side.

Home. It's not huge, but it's big enough for Mama, Mom, Lucia, and Luz. And Raine when they
were in town of course. Luz's third parent is so cool, but they're so busy performing.

Luz flops down at the dining room table pulling out her phone. She scratches the back of her neck,
no new messages.

After a few minutes of idle chatter, Lucia glides into the seat next to Luz, before passing a mug of
steaming goodness towards Luz.

"Thanks Luci." She says.

"No problem." Lucia responds, Then she shifts, eyeing Luz's phone, "You waiting for your
girlfriend to text or something?"

"She's not my girlfriend." Luz corrects before what she just said hits her like a freight train. "I
For the second time today, Luz is busted. Is there anybody in the goddamn world who doesn't
already know? Lucia eyes Luz for a few moments, Luz fidgets under that stern gaze.

" Please tell me it wasn't a faculty or staff member this time." Lucia sounds tired. Not just
physically, Luz is a little miffed that her sister doesn't have more faith in her.

But then again, she does understand her sister's concern. Luz's track record is against her in that

Not that it was entirely her fault, but still.

"No, don't be stupid, Amity's my age well… my grade."

Lucia visibly deflates, breathing a long sigh and finally seeming to relax, "Oh thank goddess."

Luz sips her coffee, feeling her blood rush to her cheeks, she pointedly avoids her sister's gaze by
staring at the grain of the wooden table.

"Who's Amity? Pretty name by the way." Lucia sips her coffee, and Luz risks a peek. She doesn't
see any judgment, or malice, or any indication that Lucia might be teasing her.

Despite their sisterly bickering, Lucia is always there for a Luz. For thick and thin, through thickest
and thinnest.

It was Lucia who would comfort her when Dad died, it was Lucia who fought off the bullies back
in the day.

And it was Lucia who picked her up from Reality Check after, after everything happened. Luz
chooses to ignore the dull fear rising inside her at the thought.

"She's, a girl at school… She can be a little bit intense, but she's really cool I think."
"Yeah?" Lucia says, a soft and warm smile on her face.

"Yeah, She's pretty and smart, she's cool, she's classy… and uhhh… she's.." Luz feels herself

Lucia looks at her expectantly, and Luz realizes that she's talked herself into a corner, again.

"She's a pretty good kisser…" Luz admits, flushing all the harder.

"Kissing huh?" Lucia's grin grows wider and she wags her eyebrows, "sure you didn't do anything

Luz tries her hardest to keep her expression neutral. Schooling her face and her emotions. She's
definitely not thinking about how it felt to touch Amity. To make her feel good. Luz tries to be a
mask of neutrality.

She fails miserably, of course. Lucia's scrutinous expression boring straight through her. When
Lucia arches one eyebrow Luz crumbles completely.

"Okay, okay, I'm.. we may have uhh.. Done more." Luz babbles, shuffling in her seat. It seems that
Lucia decides to spare her, she smiles and ruffles Luz's hair.

"Dope, I'm happy for you."

The conversation carries on, but Luz finds herself thinking more and more about Amity.
Eventually a comfortable silence falls over the table.

Lucia groans as she stands up, "I'm going to go work out. What are you up to today?"

"Hanging out in the back room with Willow and Gus." Luz answers, mirroring her sister.

"Sounds awesome, we'll catch you later. Te amo."

"Yeah, Te amo Lucia."

Luz changes into her comfort sweats and a Hecate band tee. She doesn't even try to deny that it
makes her think of the feeling of a certain greenette in her arms.

Hot breath on her neck…

Luz frowns, pulling out her phone and opening her camera app.

A large, dark bruise peeks out from her collar. She zips up her letterman and heads out the door,
heat rushing to her face.


The first thing Amity notices when she opens her eyes is that she's in a strange bedroom.

Amity looks behind her, almost expecting someone to be with her. But she's alone, thank goddess.

She looks around, and as her eyes adjust she recognizes a photo of herself and her oldest sister.

Amelia, this is Amelia's house. That's right, Amelia picked her up from the dance last night. The
dance where Amity… and Luz…

Memories play in her mind, memories of Luz's hand touching her just right, of the blooming heat
spreading through her body. Of Luz's lips on her neck.

Amity closes her eyes and falls back to the mattress, letting herself enjoy the memory of their
bodies pressed together. Amity's hands drift down her arms, and then she remembers.

Luz's scars. Her scarred arms. Luz had trusted her enough to show them, trusted her enough to
show that vulnerable side of herself. It was horrible, knowing that she had likely done it to herself.
Feeling so low that she had no other option but to hurt herself.

But good or bad, they were a part of Luz.

Amity wants to touch them again. She wants to trace every single line on her arms, every curve of
her body. She wants to know Luz.

Her hand drifts lower.

She wants to feel Luz.

She sighs softly, rolling onto her stomach. She wants Luz to know her. Wants Luz to feel her too.

"Luuuz~" Amity moans softly as she rubs gentle circles around her clit. Before long her heavy
breathing fills the room.

Her eyes drift close as a lazy heat starts to build inside of her.

Soon she slips a finger inside herself, as she fantasizes about all the ways Luz could take care of

She's trans? Has she had bottom surgery? Maybe Luz would hold her down and rut against her?

But if she hasn't had surgery, then Amity would spread her legs wide.

Amity spreads her legs.

She'd pant and beg.

And Luz would climb on top of her, a palm pressed into Amity's chest.


Luz would hold her down and fuck her, slowly at first, enjoying every second of filling Amity up.
Amity would love it, Luz’s tanned body pressed into hers.

Amity curls the finger she's pumping inside, and mewls out. She’s so close already. Luz would
moan her name, clamping a hand around Amity’s neck and squeezing hard.

Amity’s next moan is a little strained, and the pleasure inside her spikes.

Then she comes undone.

She doesn't stop, even as relief washes through her, the hunger is persistent.


Luz could take her any way she wanted.


Luz could use her like a little toy.

"You're such a good little slut aren't you?" Imaginary Luz teases in her mind.

"All for you…" Amity gasps.

Then her second orgasm hits. Harder than the first. She sees stars.
Amity breathes heavily, before rolling onto her back. She stares vacantly at the ceiling until she
finally calms down enough.

Then it happens again. The wash of shame, of fear.



So easy…

I'll have to fix that…

Amity leaps out of bed, sweating intensely. The door is halfway open before she realizes she isn't
wearing pants.

She shuts it slowly, sliding against it as she sinks to the floor. What was that? She could hear it so
intensely, It was like someone was talking to her.

Amity shifts, and hisses as something wet and cold touches her warm thigh.

Right, she might need to change her panties.

That awkward revelation knocks the wind out of whatever she was just feeling.

It was so weird, for just a moment. She could almost see something that wasn't there.

Burning blue eyes.

But why would she think of her mom after touching herself? Amity rifles through a small dresser
that Amelia purchased specifically for her.

It was unfortunate that she couldn't live here full time with her sister, but she spent as much time
as she could away from the Manor. Doing her homework in peace, having a break from the rest of
her family, or spending time with her big sister.

It was more of a home than her actual home. She sighs as she slips on pajamas and heads out into a
dark hallway. How early is it? What time is it? Is Luz up yet?

Amity turns around, heading back to the bedroom to grab her phone. So she can check the time. No
other reason.

She's expecting it to be the crack of dawn considering how dark it is outside. It is, in fact, 8:30.

There are no new messages on her phone. She swipes a text from Boscha off her screen. Seeing
only the slightest bit of the message 'where'd you go last night?'. Amity slips her phone in her
pocket, at least there are no new messages from anyone she cares about.

She pads down the hallway, Appreciating the soft and comforting atmosphere. A stark contrast to
Blight Manor. Pictures line the townhome's hallways.

Pictures of the siblings, pictures of Amelia and Dad, pictures of people Amity doesn't recognize.

Amelia is reading, sitting on one of her comfy couches in the living room. Unlike at home,
everything in Amelia's home is warm and nice and welcoming.

Even the owner, in her own way.

"Morning Amity, there's coffee and I cut some fruit, help yourself." She says, eyes lingering for a
moment, before turning back to her book.

Amity does just that, scooping berries and sliced apples, melons, pears, and bananas. She grabs the
tallest mug she can find, and fills it entirely with coffee.
She plops down in an old white wingback chair. Amity remembers when Amelia first moved, their
mother huffed and puffed when Amelia informed her that the chair had been bought from a thrift
store. Muttering about filth and second hand commoners.

She hated it.

So naturally, it was Amity's favorite chair.

Amity pulls out her phone, opening up TikTok. Ready to relax. She's usually not allowed to do so
at home, so she's not going to waste a second.

She hears a snapping sound, and sees Amelia put her book down on the coffee table.

"Can I ask about last night?" Amelia says. Amity shrugs, taking a long sip of her coffee.

"It was eventful." Amity says, unsure of what she should even say that wouldn't give away the
truth of what a pervert Amity was. "Sorry for bugging you last night."

"You're never a bother Amity. That's not what I mean, did something happen?" Amelia says, her
voice even but her lips are tight. Amity chokes on her coffee, there's no way she could know? But
she is a lawyer, maybe she figured something out?

Amity is quickly reviewing everything she said and did, trying to puzzle out just how her sister

"Uhh.." she tries, and looks to meet her sister's gaze. Amelia is tense. Play it safe. "Something? A
lot of things happened."

"I mean did anyone… try to take advantage of you?" Amelia says quietly, her knuckles tightly
clasping. Everything clicks for Amity, She messaged her sister last night during a social event. She
seemed distressed, she had felt distressed at the time too.
"No nothing like that, promise!" Amity says, and despite her best attempts she feels heat rushing to
her cheeks. Amelia's eyes narrow, staring down ever so slightly before returning to look at hers.

Then she relaxes a little, "so who left that Hickey on your neck?" She asks, sipping her coffee with
a small smile.

Hickey? She remembered Luz leaning in, the electric contact as the Latina sucked on her neck,
teeth grazing her skin.

A shiver runs through her body.


"Don't tell Mom?" Amity asks quietly, as if Odalia could hear her even now.

"I promise, nothing that we talk about will ever reach her ears." Amelia says solemnly, the
juxtaposition of such a serious statement coming from a woman wearing cat pajamas was funny.

Amity almost giggles, relaxing into her chair.

"There's this girl…" she starts, and then Amity talks about Luz, about how Amity thought she was
a no good delinquent, about how everyone bullies her, how circumstances let Amity get close
enough to see under the facade.

Then she gives a very brief and sanitized summary of last night.

All the while. Amelia gazes from over the top of her glasses. Her expression inscrutable.

"And then you felt unwell?" Amelia asks, and Amity nods. Her big sister stares for a moment, then,
"Amity, I don't think it's a bad thing to be a teenager. Odalia chooses everything for you, why not
choose something yourself?"

Amity's heart pounds in her chest, sure, her fashion choices sort of fly in the face of her mom's
wishes, but to openly go against her? Even not so openly… she wouldn't approve of Luz…

"You might not have known her very long, but the way you talk about her already… It means
something if you ask me." Amelia offers an empathetic smile on her face as she stands up. Amity's
spiral is stopped when a warm hand lands on her shoulder, she looks up at matching golden eyes.

"It's okay?" She manages, failing to keep her voice steady.

"Absolutely, but yeah maybe don't tell Mom." Amelia says, stretching and heading for the coffee

Amity sits quietly, contemplating what her sister had suggested. Could she? How would that work?
What if Luz doesn't want her like that?

Her phone buzzes, and she pulls it out so fast that she nearly drops it.

Skara 10:13AM - Hey girl! Party at my place tonight~ everyone's invited

Amity rolls her eyes, about to scoff at the notion. She knows when Skara says everyone, she means
everyone . Unlike Amity's own parents, Skara's actually let her do cool things.

Probably let her do too much if you were to ask. Amity.

She's about to offer something non-committal, but then she rereads the words.

Everyone's invited

Everyone, the scent of smoke and honey and citrus stirs in the back of her mind. She quickly taps a

Amity 10:14AM - I'll be there ♥️✨

Amity scrolls through funny videos for a few minutes before her phone buzzes again, it's Luz.
Amity smiles, snorting at some dumb Azura meme.

She mulls over Amelia's words, as her sister sits back down with a fresh cup of coffee, reading her

Everyone will be there.

Amity taps out a message, hitting send before she can think better of it.

Everyone will be there, and Amity's going to make sure of it.


This is a bad idea. Luz thinks as she and her friends walk up a fancy driveway, leading to an
enormous fancy house, filled with pretentious fancy people.

Twice, twice in one weekend people have convinced her to go to things that she would never have
gone to before.

First the dance… now a house party? Is it part of that coming of age bullshit? The heroes of her
favorite stories need to fight dragons or demons or genocidal liches.

Maybe instead, Luz needs to face the trials of social interaction. She'd take a dragon or a demon
over it any day.

"I still can't believe we got invited." Hunter comments, his hair is slicked back, and he's wearing a
collared shirt and slacks. A lovely little red cardinal pinned on his lapel. What a fancy boy.

"Me either." Gus chirps, vibrating. The boy loves music and dancing, no matter the context. Gus is
far more casual, just jeans and a nice shirt.

Willow has a skirt and sweater combo. Maroon and plaid, but she says nothing.
Luz wanted to be wearing her usual, Letterman jacket, sweats, converse, and a graphic tee. Instead,
she's wearing a white tank top with a plaid long sleeve over top, her black high waist jeans, and her

She even put on makeup.


Luz Noceda, putting on makeup like a lovesick schoolgirl. Luz reminds herself that she is, in fact, a
school girl. No matter how much the term makes her want to vomit.

The house looks brand new, maybe it was? It's all boxes and angles and huge glass windows. This
place is bigger than the entire fucking apartment building she lives in.

Loudie lives here apparently. Good for her.

They knock on the door, and an honest to God Butler answers the door .

"Ooh." Luz says out loud, grunting as Willow digs an elbow into her ribs.

The Butler looks them all over, before holding the door open and gesturing wordlessly inside. They
can hear the music from here. Along with a cacophony of voices.

"Let's do this." Willow says confidently, and Luz nods, deeply unsure.

'There's a party tonight… u gonna be there?' Amity asked over text this morning, And after a quick
verification that Luz would in fact not be charged with trespassing if she showed up, she agreed
without hesitation.

Luz isn't even trying to correct her brain anymore, she wants to see Amity. Maybe more
As if she can read minds (the jury's still out on that in Luz's opinion) Willow stops suddenly, and
the boys turn to look at her, "go on ahead guys, we'll be right there." Luz stands beside her, shifting
uncomfortably as Willow stares her down.

"Remember what we talked about." Willow says, it's not a question.

"Mmhmmm!" Luz nods along, knowing for a fact that she remembers but isn't going to heed her
friend's advice.

"I'm telling you Luz, Amity is trouble. You're lucky she hasn't pinned you to the wall for what you
did last night. It could be a trap."

Amity pinning me to the wall actually sounds great.

"I know Willow." Luz says, adamantly tamping down on her very active imagination.

"I'm just making sure, because-"

"I got it Willow, the rich bitch is bad news." Luz cuts her off, Willow stares for another moment
before nodding.

And off they go.

Not only is the house huge, but the party seems to be happening everywhere. An enormous living
room, kitchen, dining room, art gallery combo is the centre of the event, featuring a veritable hoard
of people, muttering and laughing and talking and shouting and screaming and making out.

It's madness. Luz has been here for an hour or two and she's about to burst.

She hasn't seen Amity, and Willow hasn't let Luz out of her sight. Almost like she knows. Luz
jumps as a dude bro laughs so loud that all other sound vanishes.
She and her friends are leaning against a concrete wall, watching the party unfold around them. To
Gus's infinite disappointment, no one is dancing yet.

The noise is so loud, two other frat Bros have each other in a weird sort of headlock hug, screaming
at each other.

"I love you bro!"

"NO I love you bro!"

Luz's stomach flips, and she nearly falls over. "Luz?" Hunter asks, and Luz holds a hand up.

"Just need a little space and air." Luz manages, stumbling off without looking back at her friends.

She weaves through the crowd, making for the back wall which is entirely glass, leading to a very
large patio.

Luz spots an uninhabited area near the railing and makes for it.

The night is quiet, the noise of the party is only a small hum now. She breathes deeply, placing her
hands on the stone. The cool sensation grounding her. She's not there, they are not here.

She's safe.

She pulls a carton of smokes out, and with a click, her lighter flares to life. Cigarettes taste horrible,
but she feels a calm wash over her as she inhales.

She blows the smoke out into the sky, leaning against the stone railing. She kind of hates it, the
way that she can't hear those words, can't say those words…

There are so many ways those two ruined so many things for her. Luz hates how she can be having
a normal day, a good day, and something completely innocuous can send her spiraling.
If only her Mama hadn't sent her to that bloody camp…

She shivers, not from the evening air. Taking another long drag, holding it for a moment breathing
out. It's been hard, but it's not all bad.

She wouldn't have met Eda, or Raine. Or even Gus or Willow.


Luz stares at the well manicured lawn, time slipping away, a mix of smoke, memories, and cold air
lulling her into an almost trance.

Replaying and examining memories in her mind, some fragmented and murky, others clear as day.

So many things happened, camp, Eda, that very brief but very dangerous time in her life when she
was spending time with the wrong people… her new friends…


"Luz?" A voice calls out from behind her, and Luz nearly jumps out of her skin.


She turns around, and sees her approaching She's wearing a hot pink cropped off hoodie, pale skin
showing in the gap between it and her short skirt.

A black choker… no… a fucking collar around her neck. Holy fuck. Luz can't help but admire the
thin gold embroidery on the leather piece, it reads Kitten . Luz swallows thickly as Amity drapes
her arms over Luz's shoulders.

"III've been looking for you No-Noceda!" Amity slurs out, and Luz finally manages to drag her
attention away from the coller to take in her… friend's? Condition.

She has a dopey grin on her face. She's had a few drinks. Luz can smell them on her breath as
Amity leans down, and their lips meet before Luz can fully process.

Amity pulls away after a few moments, giggling as Luz stammers out ,"h-hey AMity haha." She's
here, Luz reminds herself that Amity said she would be here, but she's here.

Looking for Luz.

"Neat party huh?" Amity says, and Luz nods. Amity hasn't let go of her, and even pulls Luz in

"Neat." Luz parrots back, utterly dumbstruck. The entire day she had been half wondering if the
night before was a dream?

But no, the queen bee of Hexside was here, giggling into her shoulder. Luz flicks her ciggy off in a
random direction, before returning Amity's hug more fully.

Amity hums, and they stay like that for a while. Minutes pass, and Luz relaxes. Tucked away from
the part and the rest of the world.

Finally, she looks around again and notices that the party has seemed to shift. People are dancing
inside now.

How long has Luz been on the patio?

"Are you cold?" Amity asks quietly, shrinking into herself for a moment.

"A little bit yeah." Luz admits, looking at the slightly taller girl.

"We should go back inside." Amity says, her golden eyes are sparkling as they meet Luz's.
"Uh sure, it's a bit too loud for my taste though." Luz says, scratching the back of her head with a

"Oh, I think I have the perfect place in mind then." Amity says, leaning close and whispering in
Luz's ear, "somewhere nice and quiet."

Luz shivers again, and this time it is definitely not from the cold. Something inside her is hesitant,
it's waving flags at her, but she isn't paying attention to them. Amity drags her away from the main
patio, into a side door. Through the modern art hallway, and into…

A bedroom.

Oh goddess…

Amity shuts the door, giggling as she locks it. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a bottle that's
only half full.


Luz's alarm bells are going off much louder now.

"Wanna drink?" Amity offers, before taking a swing without a chaser. She hisses, then giggles

"Nah I'm good." Luz says evenly. Wary.

"Want to get right to it then huh?" Amity purrs, crossing the distance between them an instant, her
lips crashing into Luz's with a ferocity that nearly bowls over Luz's self control.

Amity is breathing heavily, she pulls away to practically moan out, "I've been thinking about you
all day."
Jesus fucking christ. Luz feels her legs nearly give out.

Luz wants this, desperately. But Amity hasn't just had a few drinks. She's likely had half a damn

Amity whimpers, her pupils blown wide when Luz grips her shoulders firmly, prying the taller girl
off of her.

"Oh so you want it rough huh~?" Amity asks in a husky voice, and Luz tightens her grip
instinctively. Amity moans, "you can be as rough with me as you want Luz~" Amity mewls,
slipping through Luz's grip. Luz goes rigid, and Amity giggles as she runs her fingers over Luz's
tank top.

Pale fingers grip her jacket.

"Or… do you want me to be rough with you?" She husks, yanking Luz and sending them both
crashing into the mattress.

Panic rears up in Luz's mind and body as Amity straddles her, and lidded gold eyes fly wide as Luz
bucks her off.

Amity crashes into the mattress with a ragged gasp, and Luz is on top of her, eyes wide, her heart
pounding in her chest.

She stares down at Amity, her mind at war.

Take this desperate girl right now, she wants it. Don't, she's drunk… she can't consent. She's trying
to hurt me.

These three thoughts battle inside her, crashing and writhing in the others grips. Her fingers tighten
around Amity's wrist.

"Luz…" Amity croaks, "Luz.. can't really breathe…

Luz snaps out of it. She's practically sitting on Amity's stomach, leaning over her. Her hands
wrenching Amity's arms above her head. Amity's breathing is laboured and Luz acts instantly.

She rolls off, and Amity takes a long breath in. "Maybe not that rough…" Amity admits with a
chuckle. Luz whirls around, grabbing Amity gently by the shoulders.

"Blight, how much have you had to drink?" Luz asks, her tone leaving no room to deny her.

"I uh… a bit." Amity's tone changes, she seems to shrink

"Amity." Her voice drops low.

"Half a Mickey or so?" She admits, her voice so small. Luz exhales shakily, Holy hells. Yeah, no
this isn't happening.

"I'm not gonna fuck you Amity." She says softly.

"Why not?" She says, desperately.

"You're drunk babe"


Amity's question rings in Luz's head, over and over again.

"You can't consent right now, I'm not going to do that to you." She says slowly, cautiously.

Amity says nothing, staring at Luz but not seeming to see her. She visibly deflates, her body
sagging as she curls in on herself.
"Do you not want me?" She says in the quietest voice Luz has ever heard from her. It pierces her

"That's not what I said…" Luz starts, Amity's sniffling stops and she looks at Luz with hope. Luz
surges forward.

"I didn't say I don't want you, I really, REALLY want you. but I don't want to take advantage of

Amity stares. Then.

"Do you promise?" She says so softly.

Luz stares, why would she say that? She was just trying to get in Luz's pants. Why? Why does Luz
have to have a crush on such a confusing human being?

She physically sways from the admission in her brain. That's it. Isn't it, she has a crush on Amity.

That in itself isn't unusual, Luz knows she's got some issues, and mean people usually attract her, at
least initially.

But this isn't initial.

She takes Amity's hands in her own, rubbing a thumb gently over the soft pale skin. She looks
Amity in the eyes, and her heart flips in her chest.

"I promise."

And then Amity cries, it's slow and soft at first. Then it's louder, and wetter. Luz shifts, taking
Amity in her arms, letting the girl work through whatever shit she's dealing with.

Her heart sinks, and a lead ball forms in her stomach. Girls don't just get absolutely plastered with
the intent of being taken advantage of if they're doing alright.
Amity's got baggage too, and even though the thought sends a pang of sympathetic pain rippling
through Luz, It's also comforting.

In a weird way.

Luz wordlessly hugs Amity, quickly typing out a message telling Willow that Eda needed help
with her chronic pain, Eda liked calling it her "curse".

A lie, but Eda's pain was acting up this weekend. Willow offers her sympathies and tells her to get
home safe.

Luz turns back to the sobbing girl in her arms, and she notices a patch of auburn hair peeking out
from her roots. It's pretty. She's pretty.

Without realizing it, Luz is carding her fingers through her mint green hair. Enjoying the warmth
and closeness.

Luz hasn't been close with anyone like this… at least since Kyle. She frowns, remembering when
she had found out that Kyle was married.

That was NOT a fun night…

What feels like hours later Amity finally settles down, snuggling close to Luz's chest.

Maybe it was a combination of anticipation, the party itself, and having a near heart attack at
Amity's advances, before finally lying down in a comfortable, quiet room with a pretty girl… but
Luz is tired. Not sleepy tired, just body tired.

It's pretty normal to crash at people's houses during a party, right? Shit, chances are good that no
one will even now she's here, considering how big this house is.

It takes a lot of effort, she's able to pry herself away from Amity for just a moment, "Going to grab
you some water okay?" Luz turns to sneak out, hyper concerned of being spotted by Willow, she
hesitates… Amity is still wasted, and she's lying alone in a bedroom.

The football bros from earlier cross her mind, and Luz turns right around, opting instead to go to
the bathroom that's one door down. She pulls her travel mug out of her satchel bag and washes it
out. Once she fills it, she trudges back down the hallway.

Luz makes Amity drink most of it before finally relaxing.

"Luz…" Amity mumbles, making little grabby motions with her hands. Luz snorts before
squawking as Amity pulls her down with a surprising amount of strength. The momentary flash of
fear instantly melts away as Amity simply snuggles up next to her.

"You good Blight?" Luz asks, smiling as Amity hums. Into her shoulder.

Mhmm… Tired… stay?" She asks, and Luz nods, shifting on the bed to kiss her forehead.

"Sure. I'll stay, get some rest, okay?" Luz says. Luz feels a sudden and powerful urge to keep this
girl safe. Amity is so vulnerable right now. She watches the pale girl sigh and relax further into

"G'night…" Amity slurs, and Luz grins.

"Night Amity…" Luz says, flipping over the duvet cover over Amity. Then she settles in herself.

But she can't sleep

Her mind buzzing.

Amity's trouble, stay away .

Way to go, Cariño, she sounds cool.

You promise?

Amity's words keep playing in her head over and over again.

Luz isn't sure if Amity is trouble, but she can't help but feel like Amity might be in trouble.


Amity shifts, a vague dream of brown eyes and a soft smile lingering on the edge of her mind as
she takes in an unfamiliar room.

Her heart patters in her chest, picking up its pace as she wonders why the hell she’s lying in a
stranger’s bed.

Just like last time.

Last time? What?

She hears a little huff to her left, and her head whips around, eyes wide, fingers clenched into the
blanket. A messy mop of dark brown hair,

Burgundy beanie notably missing, her letterman draped over her like a blanket. Her face peaceful,
her eyes closed. Her chest rising and falling slowly.


Amity feels herself relaxing as she watches Luz sleep. She knows that they're only barely friends,
and… maybe something else… but for some reason she trusts this girl. For some reason that she
doesn’t fully understand, she shuffles closer, now that she’s sure she's not in immediate danger, the
bed is cozy.

She could always use a little bit more warmth.

Amity delicately places an arm over Luz’s still form, tucking her head into the girl’s shoulder. She
has to unburrow slightly from the blankets, but the warmth Luz radiates is more than worth it. She
stares sleepily at the girl.

Did they… do anything last night?

Amity breathes deeply. The smokey smell is almost gone, but Luz still smells like honey and
citrus. Amity tucks in a little closer, breathing a little deeper. A few more moments pass, and
Amity just breathes, almost basking in Luz’s scent. In her comfort. Her eyes droop closed, and
without thinking, she places her lips against Luz’s jaw.

Pressing a few soft kisses as she closes her eyes, smiling.

“Gay.” Luz says softly, but suddenly after a few more moments. Amity snorts, but doesn't move.
Her heart flutters as Luz shifts to wrap an arm around her.

"I know I am, how long have you been awake?" Amity murmurs, too comfortable to bother being
angry at Luz for her sass.

"Honestly? I haven't really slept much." Luz admits, burying her face into the top of Amity's head.
Amity frowns.

"What? Why?" Luz shuffles, looking down at Amity with a raised eyebrow.

"Had to make sure you were alright." She says simply, and that does something to Amity. What
little worry she has left fades away, and she crawls further up to look into gorgeous chocolate
brown eyes.

"You did?" She says in a small voice, hardly daring to believe that somebody actually cares about
her, not as a tool, or a prize, but as a person.

Amelia does of course, but she's a busy adult, running her law firm.
"Course, I wasn't about to let you wander around the party drunk as hell. You coulda hurt
yourself." Luz says matter of factly.

Amity shivers when Luz kisses her forehead. An act which reminds her…

"Did we do anything last night?" Amity asks cautiously, Luz breathes in deeply.

"Well, you tried to do something, but no we didn't." Luz says, and Amity can't detect a trace of
malice or deception in her voice.

Luz is telling the truth, somehow she's sure of it.

"Did… I do anything embarrassing?" Amity asks, and after a few moments Luz chuckles.

"Oh yeah." She says, and Amity can almost hear the smirk on her face. Her heart picks up, her face
feels hot, and she isn't quite sure if it's from embarrassment…

Or something else.

Amity teeters on the edge, This is such a nice moment and she doesn't want to ruin it.

"Did you…" She pauses to fidget nervously with her shirt. Brown eyes gaze at her, nearly derailing
her, "Did you want to do anything?"

A beat of silence.

"Ohhh uhhh.." Luz stammers, Amity finds it endearing to see this tough girl so flustered.

Then, "Yeah, I'd love to." Luz answers.

Amity shifts again, swinging her leg over Luz to straddle her.
Amity needs it, she needs this. She needs to be closer. She needs her.

Luz's eyes flutter closed, Amity follows suit.

Their lips meet, and it's electric. Amity's skin comes alive like a powerline. Buzzing pleasantly as
they kiss slowly and sweetly.

Amity savors this, letting her mind slip into a comfortable quiet as she kisses Luz again and again.
Luz's hands wander, with no urgency. Just touching for the sake of feeling.

Amity hums into Luz's lips, Luz smiles. Luz lightly traces Amity's hip, Amity moans.

Luz's lips pull away as she slumps down, and Amity pouts.

"Where are you going?" She says, her eyes are almost fully closed, she's so comfy.

"M'sofuckintired…" Luz mumbles.

Amity's displeasure fades, the feeling of safety easing her jarred nerves.

"Me too…" Amity agrees, resting her head on Luz's chest, practically purring as Luz clumsily runs
her hands through her hair.

They stay quiet for a while, both of them dozing. Amity feels safe, for once. Luz shifts under her.

"Hey…" she says, her voice thick and slow. Amity forces her mind out of sleep just enough to

"Wanna hang out sometime?"

Amity opens her eyes, to see Luz's eyes looking at her.

Luz wants to spend time with her. Amity is thrilled, there's nothing she wants more than to spend
time with this girl. To know her better.

Some small corner of her mind reminds her she shouldn't. A voice that sounds a lot like her

She wouldn't approve, even if there was no romance involved, she still wouldn't. Odalia would
simply see Luz as beneath Amity, unworthy of her because of things she couldn't control.

Odalia made the choices for Amity. Amity doesn't get to choose.

The thought brought the tiniest mote of fire sputters to life in her gut, Not at all like the hot and
pleasant sensation she felt when she thought of Luz.

This was fierce, out for blood. Anger. Something Amity hasn't let herself feel towards her mom in
so long.

Amity snuggles up closer to Luz, relishing in how warm she is, how soft her skin is, and how she

"Yes, please." She says softly, before yawning loudly, "can we figure out the details later?"

Luz just hums, and Amity lets herself relax fully again. Before long, Amity feels the rise and fall of
Luz's chest slow, before reaching an even pace again.

Amity falls asleep a few moments later, smiling.

Chapter End Notes

Well that was a close call for Luz Amity was ON HER...

Gonna be honest, this fic is developing in unexpected ways. It's very different
compared to the twitter blurbs I've written in the AU. I still think we'll get somewhere
similar, but the context will be slightly different.

Secondly, this fic is consuming all my thoughts. I am so motivated and excited to get
to the meat and potatoes of this one, which I'd say starts next chapter. Once again
restating my commitment to working on I'll Always Be By Your Side. Shoutout to
ShamelesslyPineapple for helping me brainstorm some fun stuff for that one, I think
you all are gonna like it

Lastly, thanks everyone, for all the support! Especially you folks who comment. Y'all
make this all worthwhile! Oh and if you notice mistakes and have the energy, I'd really
REALLY if you let me know on twitter @ElfieAfterDark or in a comment!

Love yah,

The Start of Something
Chapter Summary

Luz has a wholly expected encounter that she should have seen coming, and Amity is
all nerves, waiting for her... date? with Luz.

Chapter Notes

CW: Some half assed bullying. Public Sex.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz hops off the bus, adjusting her beanie as she looks around. The first frost came early this year,
and the roofs are sparkling in the dim morning light.

This part of town might actually be pretty, if it wasn't so fucking pretentious. People with too much
money living it up.

But not even wealth inequality could get her down today, sure, it was Monday, after one of the
weirdest weekends she's ever had in her life, but things were different.

Amity was her friend now, a friend, and possibly more? Luz wasn't sure, but after school today
they were going to hang out.

She hadn't told Willow yet, a prospect that terrified her more than anything she's done in her life.
Including being in that courtroom all those years ago.

Nope, she's not going to let those memories ruin her day. Luz confidently navigates the winding
streets, heading towards Hexside with confidence.

She only slipped a few times, so that was a bonus. Luz could wear shoes with better grip but she
isn't going to. Her converse are her babies, and she loves how bright and colourful they are amid
the dreariness of their uniforms.
Finally, she crosses the grounds of het pretentious school, leaves crunching under her feet as she
goes. Soon she's staring at the brass doors.

She takes a deep breath in, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Trying to hype herself up. For the start
of another week of a terrible people doing terrible things.

"You had an awesome weekend, and you're going to ride that high through any bullshit they throw
at you." She tells herself, ignoring the few students who walk by.

Luz strides through the front door, students crowd the hallway, escaping the cold before classes
begin. Luz fully expects the usual suspects to descend on her like they always do.

Luz walks quickly, trying her hardest not to draw attention to herself, and for once it works. Not a
soul bothers her, but she catches quite a few people staring, their eyes darting away as soon as they
realize they've been found out.

That's weird.

But what's weirder is when she crosses paths with a few of her "regulars". Again, they avert their
eyes as if they are going to burst into flames by looking at her too long..

Okay, that's really weird…

Not that Luz's complaining about whatever is happening right now. She almost makes it to her
locker before disaster strikes, in the form of a familiar voice.

"LUZ!" Willow calls out, her short hair practically sticking up on end, matching her mood like an
angry hedgehog.

She's mad, and Luz has a terrible notion that she might know why.

"Willow! Hey, how was the rest of… uh… How was your Sunday?" Luz tries to lean against the
lockers but slips, nearly face planting. Willow just glares at her for a few seconds, her face one of
incredulous anger.
"What did I tell you? Over and over again?" Willow growls, very clearly trying to keep her voice
down but only partially succeeding.

"Ummmm...Measure twice. Cut once?" Luz tries, already knowing playing dumb isn't going to fly.

"For fuck's sake Luz, I told you to stay away from Amity!" Willow yells, definitely drawing
people's attention now. Just what Luz doesn't need right now.

"Okay okay. Can we not talk about this here?" Luz hisses, her eyes darting around. Willow glares
at her, before grabbing a fist full of her Letterman jacket and dragging her on ceremoniously back

"W-Willow it's cold out there!" Luz stammers.

"Don't care." Willow dead pans as she throws open the doors.

Next thing Luz knows Willow has yanked her all the way down the steps and over to their usual
smoking spot.

"What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do?" Willow snarls, punctuating each word with a jab of her finger.

"Nothing! Well maybe not nothing…" Luz stammers, backpedaling hard. She's dealt with a lot of
shit in her life, but nothing in said life could have ever prepared her for Willow Park's fury.

Willow pinches the bridge of her nose between her thumb and finger, forcing air out through her

Luz opens her mouth to tell her everything when Willow follows up with "Well, whatever you did,
you're on her shit list now."

Luz's words die in her mouth. As she processes Willow's.

"Shit list?" Luz asks.

"Yeah, The news is spreading like wildfire. Amity said that starting today you're her personal
punching bag." Willow says ominously.

"What, Amity's going to corner me and punch me?" Luz asks, cocking an eyebrow. "I could take
her Willow."

Don't think too hard about what you just said. Don't think too hard about what you just said.

"Luz, she's going to ruin your life! She's done it before. Trust me." Willow says, fiery anger dying
at the words. Luz frowns as her best friend shrinks in on herself a little bit.

Luz places a hand on her shoulder, "Yeah, I remember her mentioning that you used to be friends."

"She mentioned me?" Willow said, her expression suddenly unreadable.

"Yeah, we were talking a few days ago… during the dance." Luz muses, momentarily, forgetting
the lie she had established over the weekend.

"I thought you didn't see her at the dance?" Willow says with a cold edge. Luz's heart pounds in her


"Okay… yeah we talked…" Luz says, intending that to be the end of her statement, but Willow's
withering glare drags more words out of her, "and we maybe, kind of, sort of… MAAYYYBE had
sex in the bathroom…"

"You… You had… Amity? You? Had?" Willow stammers, eyes wide, staring at Luz like she's an
alien or something.

"Heeeey guys, why are we standing outside in the cold?" Gus chirps out from the steps, trotting
over to them. He hasn't noticed that anything is amiss yet.

"Sup Luz?" Hunter asks, a step behind his bestie.

"Oh hi, I broke Willow." Luz says numbly, starting to sweat despite the cold. Willow's mumbling
and muttering is concerning.

"Why would you do that??" Gus moans, dragging his fingers down his face.

"What happened?" Hunter asks stoically. Luz notices that Hunter is wearing a turtleneck under his
dress shirt.

Okay. Have they been allowed to wear whatever shirts they want under their dress shirts? There
are so many opportunities that Luz's missing out on. Nah she has to focus.

She's about to tease Hunter for obviously hiding something on his neck when she gets a better look
at his face.

He looks…Not good.

"You okay dude?" Luz asks, reaching out to lightly punch Hunter's shoulder. Only to hit air as he
shifts back, curling in on himself slightly.

Luz frowns. They always playfully punch each other. That's not good.

"I'm fine." He says shortly. She doesn't believe him for an instant, but she doesn't push it.

"Sooo what's going on?" Guys asks, either oblivious to everything going on, or choosing to not talk
about it.

Too bad Willow has other ideas. "Luz fucked Amity at the dance."
"YOU WHAT?" Hunter yells.

"Nice!" Gus says with a grin at the same time. Willow whirls around, descending on Gus.

"No Gus, it is not nice! Luz's on Amity's shit list now." Willow barks out, Luz wincing at the
words and volume.

"Oh shit…" Gus says quietly.

"Yeah, that's, that's not good." Hunter agrees.

"Were you that bad at it?" Gus asks, and everyone glares at him. "I mean don't worry we've got
your back!" He laughs, but it's too fast and a little too high-pitched.

The first bell rings, sparing Luz from more of her friends' scrutiny.

"You gotta watch yourself Luz, I'm not kidding when I say she can ruin your life." Willow starts,
but Luz has already turned around and run away.

"Yep definitely noted! I'll talk to you later. byyyYYYEE!" Luz calls out as she dashes inside.

She loves her friends, but she couldn't have taken much more of that attention. What does it even
mean to be on Amity's shit list? And why was she on it?

They were hanging out after school, literally today. It didn't make any sense. Amity texted her
'good morning' with a little squiggle after it for fuck's sake

Why is Luz's life so confusing? How did it get this way? Especially considering that she tries to do
everything in her power to keep things simple.

Luz's deep in thought about whether the powers that be have it out for her, and how she can
alleviate that when she slams head first into someone.
"Watch it! Nitwit!" Amity snaps out from the floor, pulling herself up before she finally looks at

There's a flash of surprise, then a moment where her expression softens, but an instant later it's a
hard mask of indifference.

Luz just blinks a few times. Entirely unsure how to react.

"Oh, it's you." Amity says with a venom that Luz doesn't quite believe. Though it's convincing
enough to fool her two stooges, Luz still hasn't bothered to learn their names. They shall forever be
Loudie and Pinkie to her.

"Guess the garbage truck hasn't come by yet." Pinkie says with a sneer.

"Ooooh!" Loudie says… loudly.

"Oh come on girls, it's not her fault she's trash in human form." Amity sneers, But it's not quite as
sharp as Luz has seen it in the past.

It clicks when Amity's gaze lingers for a moment, her face falling into an apologetic frown for just
an instant.

Luz snorts, "Ehh solid three out of seven, keep at it and maybe you'll get me one day." Luz winks
and all three of them before shouldering past Amity. She lets her fingers brush across the
greenette's arm a little longer than necessary as she does so.

She stalks away, cackling at the sound of Pinky blubbering and stammering like an idiot.

Luz sits in the back of her first class, luxuriating in the fact that no one has even tried to bother her,
no one has implied she's a whore, no one has called her dirty, and no one has solicited her for sex.
It's a win in her books.
She doodles away, letting the lecture wash over her. Of course, she's drawing her Azura OCs. She's
currently working on the jawline of one.

The rival to her Luzura.

She pauses, tilting her head. Realizing that from a certain angle it kind of looks like Amity. She
nearly screams when her phone buzzes, and she seriously considers it when she sees Amity pop up
on the screen.

Holy sweet kentucky fried Jesus. Can everyone read her mind?

She ever so casually unlocks her phone, sneaking a peek at the message.

Amity 9:45AM - Hey, sorry about that. I didn't get a chance to tell you that I've got everybody off
your back. If you go along with it, everyone will leave you alone.

PS, can't wait to hang out. Meet at the library?

That confirms it, Luz was pretty sure something fishy was up. But she wasn't expecting full out
shenanigans. Amity Blight used her considerable influence to get all the harassment and abuse and
bullying to disappear. And all she had to do was phone it in herself.

She's actually quite impressed, though still a little confused. It suddenly occurs to Luz that Amity
could lose quite a lot if things go wrong. It could be her instead of Luz getting dogpiled constantly.

Gods how do people live like this?

She does her best to discreetly tap out or reply, ignoring the teacher the first time he tells her to put
her phone away.

Luz 9:45 - Hey! No worries. You really tried to go for the jugular and missed hard eh? Thanks, it
means a lot to me.
Luz 9:46 - Yeah can't wait! See you there ♥️

Luz sends the message before she realizes what she's done. Her eyes fly wide and her heart leaps
into her throat.

"Ms Noceda! Put your phone away before I take it away!" The teacher barks out, Luz waves her
hand non-committedly before tucking her phone into her pocket.

The class murmurs, but nobody says anything audible. She doesn't pull her phone out again, the
last thing she needs today is a lecture from Auntie Lily. Her mind turns to Amity, She mulls over
everything she's heard about the girl and compares it to everything she knows about the girl.

They are two very different people, and Luz feels giddy, knowing that she knows the real Amity.
Well, she's starting to at least.

Class slows to a crawl, time seeming to stretch out before her. All she wants is to get out of here
and run full sprint to the library. Even though she knows Amity wouldn't be there yet if she did that
right now.

Oh shit, she has it bad doesn't she? And what's worse, Willow might just kill her for real if she
finds out.

Luz sighs, staring at the pencil drawing of the girl she can't get out of her mind. Waiting patiently
for class to end.


Oh goddess, Oh shit.. oh fuck. Did she mean to send that? Was it an accident? A misclick. Was
that meant for someone else??

Amity is in a full spiral, sitting at the back of her class with her phone in plain sight. Almost daring
the teacher to mention something. Conveniently he doesn't seem to notice.

That's because he knows better, and Amity is far too busy to listen to… maps or whatever the fuck
he's talking about.

Luz Noceda sent her a heart, a fucking heart. And Amity's heart would not stop beating against her
ribs. She felt antsy, like she needed to move or she'd explode.

Boscha gave her the side eye more than once during the lecture, before finally leaning in close to
whisper at her during the practical portion of the class.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Basha asks, frowning. Amity finally remembers that her
"friend" is her lab partner.

Also, this class is not about maps.

"What do you mean?" Amity says, suddenly hyper aware that someone might have been able to
read her phone.

Not that she cares, but she knows that Odalia certainly would.

It absolutely sucked that she had to be a jerk to Luz in the hallway, But after waking up in her arms
on Sunday and planning their… date? Hangout? Thingy?

Yeah, after planning this afternoon, Amity had spent the rest of Sunday wondering how she could
help Luz at school. It wouldn't do to order everyone to leave her alone, that would be way too

Why would the queen bee give a shit about a burnout nobody? Amity mentally chastises herself,
Luz isn't a nobody. And she's certainly not a burnout.

She sees the world differently, and Amity thinks that's actually kind of beautiful.

"Yo Ams!"

"I said, you've been staring off into space all fucking day." Boscha says, and Amity recovers

"Yeah, I'm tired today. Didn't get a very good sleep." Amity scoffs, remembering once again why
she hates Boscha.

She's an asshole, just a mean person through and through. No wonder Odalia thought she was
great. Her lie seems to work though, as her friend backs off with a sympathetic muttering.

The day drags on, what makes it worse are the classes with Luz. Amity wants to be friendly, she
wants to hold her hand maybe, but she can't. She needs to keep the facade up, otherwise they'll both
be in deep water.

After a literal (not really) eternity, the last bell finally rings. Amity rushes to her locker, once again
cursing the school and whoever was insane enough to come up with the layout.

She told her mom she was going to be studying at the library tonight. Something Odalia seemingly
approved of highly.

Amity reflects on the weekend, and how nice it was to not have Odalia around. It had been
peaceful, serene even. Though Blight Manor was still horribly empty and lonely.

She spent most of the weekend with Amy.

Maybe she shouldn't be so harsh on her mom, but then again, maybe her mom is a heinous bitch.

Amity frowns as she walks, she hasn't told a goddamn soul about it, but privately she's concerned.

Concerned about why every time she… has alone time, she remembers burning blue eyes. It's very
alarming. Amity storms down the steps, straight to the usual black sedan that picks her up.

"Take me to the library please." Amity says to her driver, who grunts an affirmative and starts up
the car. Amity scrolls through her phone quickly, making sure she mentions to Luz that she should
wait inside for her.

It is a silent 17 minute drive, and Amity makes a show of looking around for her "friends".

"They must have gone inside already, I'll call you when I need you." She says, and the driver nods.

"I hope studying goes well." The driver says. Amity thanks him, and then heads up the stairs, doing
her best to conceal her excitement.

It suddenly occurs to Amity that telling Luz to wait inside was a moot point, because Luz takes the
bus, and she isn't there yet.

Amity ruffles her skirt, trying to flatten everything, killing all of those imaginary creases. Holy
fuck she's nervous.

Because this is kind of… It's a date right? Sort of… As much of a date as Amity Blight is allowed
to have in her life. Because after all, her schooling comes first.

Amity sits down in a quiet corner of the second floor, texting Luz her approximate location. About
a second later she gets a response, a single thumbs up.


Amity starts to wonder if this is a good idea, What the hell are they even going to do at a library?
Read books together? It was a stupid idea. They should have gone to a movie or something.

What if Luz thought she was stupid, and just didn't show up. What if…

"Hey." A familiar voice whispers in her ear. Amity shrieks, falling out of her seat before she
realizes she recognizes the cackling delinquent smirking down with her.
"What the fuck Luz?" Amity squawks, swatting playfully at the shorter girl's shoulder. Luz feigns
horrific injury, collapsing onto the chair with a dramatic groan.

"Is that really how you want to start our date?" Luz asks, cocking that scarred eyebrow as she does

"I… umm.. This is a date?" Amity squeaks, heat rushing to her cheeks. Luz jerks in her seat.

"Wait? Is this not a date? Did I misread it?" She stammers, fidgeting with her beanie, Amity cuts
her off before she can spiral.

"Well...I-I really want this to be a date." Amity manages. And Luz brightens up noticeably.

"Oh thank goddess, me too!" She laughs, standing up and waltzing over to Amity.


"Yeah, cool."

They both stand facing each other, about an inch apart. Amity isn't sure what they should do next.
Now that they've spoken it into being, Amity feels the weight of their words set in.

Amity wants to date her, but they need to be careful.

Luz, throwing caution to the wind, makes the first move.

"Do you want a hug?" She asks.

"Yes." Amity answers immediately, throwing her arms around Luz's neck. A moment later, Luz
wraps her arms around Amity's waist.
Their lips crash together a moment later, Amity's heart beating at a mile a minute, gasping as Luz's
hands wander.

"Luz!" Amity whisper-giggles, "down girl, down!" Luz pouts, an expression that does things to

"What? Can't I make out with my…" She pauses suddenly, looking anywhere but Amity's face,
"my uh date?" Amity can't help it, she laughs.

"Sure, you can, just not here." Amity whispers, pressing her forehead against Luz's.

"Oh! W-where would you want to -um- go??" Luz's blush is so cute. She looks so pretty. Amity
thinks for a moment, and then it hits her. She kisses Luz, softly but firmly.

"I think I know a good spot."


Amity leads Luz through the winding shelves and up another set of stairs to the third floor. If the
second floor was quiet, then the third floor was deathly silent.

"This is the reference section, people don't usually come up here." Amity explains matter of factly,
guiding Luz expertly through the labyrinth, before eventually coming to a little alcove. Two comfy
looking wide armchairs, several large windows overlooking the nearby park.

Since arriving at the library, Luz has been vibrating with energy. Amity likes her, Amity wants to
date her. It's outrageous, it's amazing.

Her heart nearly stops when Amity turns to her. Gold half-lidded as she looks at Luz through her
lashes. All of Luz's confidence from earlier is gone. They're alone, Luz hasn't seen a single soul
since they came to this floor, and the way Amity is looking at her has her brain full of static.

Amity closes the distance quickly, chuckling darkly.

"I thought you wanted to make out with your… date ?" Amity says in a low voice. Luz swallows,
nodding mutely. Amity smirks, "Well go on then," she says before she presses a kiss just under
Luz's ear, and exhales a breath directly onto it, "You can do whatever you want to me~"

Luz grips Amity's shoulders hard, feeling herself sway. Her mind is suddenly cloudy, head empty,
no thoughts.

Only Amity.

"Y-you sure? I can be intense…" Luz grunts, trying to hold back as Amity trails her tongue across
Luz's jaw.

"I am so sure Luz… I want this… I want you." Amity purrs in her ear, holding Luz even closer, the
scant distance between them.

"Gods I want you so bad Ams…" Luz groans out, Amity's hands glide from her shoulder to her
hips. The sounds coming out of Amity's mouth shoots straight through Luz's spine.

" Then have me~" Amity whispers, and Luz’s brain shuts off entirely. She surges forward, unable
to hold herself back. Amity gasps as she bumps into the wall behind her.

Then Luz kisses her, passionately, desperately. Amity lets out a soft noise as Luz pins her against
the wall, their bodies pressed flush together.

Amity's arms wrap around Luz. One gripping her rear firmly and the other carding through her
hair. Luz hums, and Amity whines.

Luz brushes her tongue across Amity's lip, then Amity's tongue meets hers.

Amity grips Luz's hair, and Luz presses her thigh forward. Amity moans softly into Luz's mouth, a
sound that shoots fire straight to Luz's core.
She wants to hear it again…she needs to hear it again.

"You sound so pretty." Luz coos, Then she makes an educated guess, based on how Amity went
straight for her ears. She stretches up and pants into Amity's ear, huffing hot breath over one.
Ghosting her lips on the very edges.

Amity nearly falls over, and her moans get louder and higher pitched. She clutches tighter, Luz

"Fuck you're so hot Ams," Luz growls, nipping at Amity's earlobe as the pale girl whimpers,
trembling in her arms as she whispers, "I want you…"

"Mm! Want you too, so bad." Amity mumbles, she starts slowly rolling her hips back and forth
against Luz's thigh.

"There you go Princesa , make yourself feel good for me hmm?" Luz says, smirking into Amity's
cheek as the greenette moans loudly.

Too loudly.

Amity mewls when Luz places a hand delicately on her mouth, "shhhh, we need to be quiet, can
you do that for me Princesa?"

"Mmhmmm…" Amity moans into Luz's palm, grinding herself harder as her pupils grow wider.

"Think you can keep quiet? Or do you need my hand?" Luz asks softly, kissing Amity's jaw.

"Mmmph!" Amity "answers" right away, so quietly that Luz can barely hear it. She removes her
hand and Amity whimpers.

"Good girl, are you enjoying this?" Luz asks, sucking at Amity's skin as she huffs out sweet little
"Mmhmmmm ohhh fuck~" Amity moans softly, her hips shuddering as she does so, " Luuuuz~
fuck it feels so good."

"I bet it does," Luz grins into Amity's neck before licking all the way back up to her lips. Amity
whimpers as Luz explores her mouth, Luz marvels at Amity's surprisingly sharp canines. Amity
gasps when Luz pulls away just far enough to look at the girl she has at her mercy.

"Luz…Luz please…" Amity begs softly, the sound driving Luz on, at this point she doesn't even
care if Willow's telling the truth.

"Do you want more? Is my needy little Princesa ready?"

"Yessss, fuck yes… I need you.. please! Take me Luz." Amity's voice is all breathy. Luz is so
fucking desperate to give her what she wants.

To give her what Luz wants too. She pulls away slightly, smirking as Amity tries to pull her back

"Patience baby. Let me.." Luz pauses as she tries to get into Amity's skirt, but the hem is tight, and
there’s too much fabric going on.

"Take your time…" Amity giggles, still clinging to Luz like a scrap of wood in a shipwreck.

"How..? Ugh! Sorry.." Luz stammers, feeling her momentum slip away. As hard as she tries, she
can't get her hand into the hem of Amity's skirt. It takes her a moment to realize her hands are
trembling .

Soft lips press into her cheek, drawing her attention away from the accursed clothing. Gold stares
slightly downwards at her, Amity's smile is soft and her eyes are hazy.

"It's okay Luz, no one is perfect." Amity says, and Luz's heart flips in her chest when Amity simply
lifts her skirt up. Luz is temporarily stunned. Has Amity not been wearing her tights the whole
Luz leans back slightly, drinking Amity with her eyes. She drags her gaze up Amity's pale legs, to
her thighs, to her…

Luz's eyes widen, and her breathing becomes a little strained.

"Amity Blight, you're not wearing underwear?" She says, delighting in the fierce flush that spreads
across Amity's blush as she looks away.

"S-shut up." Amity huffs, "I was, I figured it would be good to be prepared…"

Luz's eyelids droop and she presses back into Amity, " prepared huh?" She drags her finger tips up
Amity's partially exposed thigh.

"Yes~" Amity sighs.

"You really need this, don't you?" Luz says, feeling the last dregs of her self control slipping.

"Yesss…" Amity moans, twitching as Luz's fingers tease her neatly shaven patch of hair. Luz takes
a shaky breath in.

"You're gorgeous Amity, fuck you’re so hot baby."


"So good for me, holding your skirt up hmm?" Luz croons, skipping Amity's heat to wrap around
and grip her bare rear hard.

"Good…" Amity parrots, rolling her hips against nothing, her eyes screwed shut. Her brows
twitching at every touch.

Every caress.
"You gonna be good for me Princesa? " Luz huffs out, her fingers tracing so close to Amity's…

Holy hells.

"I'll be good~ so good for you~" Amity coos, gripping Luz's shoulders hard. Luz growls into her

"I know you will, Hermosa~ how do you want me to take you?"

"Ummm… ughhh…" Amity moans, slowing her movements. She sounds unsure, and Luz puzzles
for a moment.

Oh duh, she probably doesn't know what's going on in the downstairs department. Okay no

"Do you want my hand? Or…" Luz lets her voice drop low, and smirks as Amity murmurs nothing
into her hair.

She lets her words hang for a moment, enjoying Amity paw at her.

"Or?" Amity finally huffs out, her breaths a mix of desperate whining and hot exhales.

"Or do you want me to fill you up with my girlcock?" Luz whispers in her ear.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh~" Amity's grip tightens, and her hips jut forward.

"Yeah?" Luz asks, "Do you want me deep inside you? Making you feel so good?"

"Yesssssss… gods yesss." Amity whispers, her hands scrambling at Luz's jeans.

"You know Princesa, we should really use a condom." Luz says, grinning at the prospect of
making Amity wait even longer.

"It's fine, I'm on the pill, just fuck me already. Please… please Luz~" Amity is rubbing her crotch
on Luz, craning her hips for more friction.

Luz plants a hand on Amity’s hip and forces her back against the wall, Amity mewls. Luz's hands
are shaking as she tries to undo the button of her pants, in her defense, It's very difficult to focus
while Amity is kissing her neck.

She finally gets the button, she pulls down her pants just enough..

"Hold your skirt up more for me, Princesa." Luz orders, keeping her voice low and husky. Amity,
moans and complies immediately. "Such a good girl…" Luz whispers.

She lines herself up, Her heart in her throat as she rubs herself on Amity. She’s so wet, her heat
enticing Luz.

"In…" Amity demands.

"Patience…" Luz growls out, and Amity whimpers at the sound. Luz continues to tease the queen
bee, delighting in every twitch and every whimper.

"Please Luz… please, I need you…" Amity begs, gripping at Luz's hips.

Luz lines herself up, Amity gasps. Luz pushes herself slowly, Amity grips her tighter.

Inch by inch, Luz slips further inside Amity, lost in the feeling of velvet and heat. What the hell is
Willow talking about? Amity is amazing in every way.

"Fuuuck…" Luz groans, squeezing Amity's hip mindlessly as she bottoms out inside Amity. She’s
inside Amity… Luz is inside Amity.

"Finally…" Amity says breathlessly, and they both giggle. Suddenly aware of the situation they're

"You good Ams?" Luz asks, she can't stop laughing.

"Yeah, this is so fucking hot." Amity giggles, looking shyly at Luz from behind her lashes.

"You ready for more Blight?" Luz asks, dropping her voice just a little. Watching his Amity's
blush deepens.

"Fuck yeah~" she says, and Luz's breath hitches. Slowly, so slowly, she backs her hips up. Amity
mumbles something into her shoulder.
Then Luz presses forward, groaning. Amity is so soft and warm, Luz feels herself melting into it.
She almost forgets that Amity is there, until she feels a sharp pain in her shoulder.

"Mmmnghghhh!" Luz lets her voice go, not caring if anyone can hear her.

"Is that good?" Amity asks the instant she pulls her mouth away, before she licks at the bite mark
she left.

"Yeahhh." Luz mumbles, slowly moving her hips. Amity moans every time Luz ruts against
Amity, the pale girl grinding her hips into Luz in turn.

They set a slow pace, and before long, they're kissing again. Soft and slow, Luz savoring every
moment. Every touch leaves her wanting more, every point of contact a beacon in her nerves.

The smell of cinnamon and sweat, soft panting, quiet moans. And a rising pressure in her abdomen.

"Oh gods Luz… Ahn! Y-you're so fucking good…" Amity croons, and Luz curls her toes.
"Shit! So are you, fuck.. You feel so good Amity. You're so pretty, and cool. And smart and
classy…" Luz is rambling, she knows she is, but she can't stop.

She can't stop.


"Ams, Amity, wait! Wait, wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!" Luz pins her to the wall just in time. She
teeters on the edge, nearly losing it before she breathes deeply, biting her lip hard. Finally the
tension subsides. Just a bit.

"You're close~" Amity giggles, "am I really that good?"

Luz groans when she feels Amity clench around her, and Luz whines.

"Too close… so good" Luz whispers, shuddering violently as she fights her orgasm. Is Amity just
going to drag her there anyway?

The thought is both so hot and so terrifying. But to her relief, Amity stops moving and stops
flexing. Luz huffs and moans, as Amiry giggles.

"That's fine…" she coos out, kissing Luz's cheek before shifting slightly, "Don't worry…" Amity
pause, ghosting her teeth on Luz's neck, drawing pitched moans out of Luz's throat.

"I'll keep you nice and warm while we wait~" Amity whispers into Luz's ear before nipping at it.

"Hahhhh…" Luz gasps and shivers as Amity lavishes her neck and ear and jaw with her mouth.

Amity sucks on her neck for what feels like hours, time melting away as little sparks shoot through
her body.
Luz lets her hands wander, feeling Amity's skin, her curves, hearing her noises, feeling her warmth.

Amity bites down, Luz jerks her hips. Amity moans, and Luz thrusts again. Her thumb finds
Amity's clit, and Amity squeaks.

Luz picks up the pace, wanting Amity to make more sounds. Needing her to make more sounds.
Their lips meet, a wild and slightly sloppy kiss as they both race towards the edge.

"Luz…" Amity moans into Luz's lips.

"Ams…" comes Luz's reply.

"Nngh Fuck! Luz!! Luz!!!" Amity's movements become erratic, her hips trembling.

The coil winds even tighter inside Luz. It takes all of her effort to focus, to lean close to Amity's

" Ven Hermosa , whenever you're ready. Ven per mi ." Luz husks out, and Amity's body snaps taut,
a strained groan escaping her lips.

But she doesn't come, She whines, moans, gasps, and ruts her hips desperately, but she doesn’t

Amity is trapped right there, on the very edge. Words seemingly lost to her as she babbles a string
of incoherent nonsense. Luz swallows hard, taking another leap.

"You can let go, I've got you." She whispers, kissing Amity's cheek softly.

And then Amity Blight finally comes undone, she shoves her face into Luz's jacket, muffling her
screaming. Amity’s clenching Luz so hard, her heat flooding into Luz’s. Driving her recklessly

Luz groans, biting her lip hard to stifle her own noises. "Amity, I'm close…"
"Inside." Amity affirms breathlessly. Luz hesitates for a moment, but then Amity wraps her arms
around her hips and pulls her in.

The pressure rises to an almost unbearable level, Luz's toes curling and her body shaking, before
release finally slams into her.

"Fuckkk… gods!" Luz growls out, Amity mewling and gripping her hips hard. Luz spills out into
Amity, filling her heat up with her seed, marking her insides. Her body tenses and shudders, jutting
out, pressing Amity firmly into the wall.

"Yeahhh, mmhmmm… fuuck" Amity's moans rise again, and Luz nearly dies on the spot when she
realizes Amity is coming again. Amity’s eyes screw shut, and she moans out loudly as she comes
around Luz’s cock, clenching and trembling as she comes undone.

"Good girl Amity~" Luz coos, rolling her hips forward. Lazily, helping Amity ride out her second
orgasm. Shorter but seemingly more intense than the first. Amity Blight mewls wordlessly, each
wave of shaking a little less intense than the one before… until she finally falls slack against Luz.

"Ughhh, fuck Luz! That was amazing." Amity says with a grin, kissing Luz's nose.

"You are… you are so fucking hot." Luz chuckles, pulling her… date? Closer.

"So are you." Amity says simply, resting her forehead on Luz's shoulder. And they stay like that
for a bit, holding each other. Half naked in the library.


"I guess we should…" Luz starts, as Amity shifts in her grip.

"Yeah we should probably…" Amity says at the same time, both of them giggling. "Hang on."

"Okay, here we go." Luz says, slowly pulling herself out. Amity gasps out.
"Shit." Amity says, laughing.

"What's wrong?" Luz asks, and Amity's blush returns.

"I umm, wasn't sure what you had down there, and now I'm realizing… Not wearing panties wasn't
my best move…" she says, looking anywhere but directly at Luz.

"Oh? Ohhhhh." Luz feels heat rushing to her own face as she realizes what Amity is implying.

"Yeah, I just need to clean up a little." She says, "I think there's a bathroom not too far from here?"

"Sure, do you want me to wait here or?" Luz stammers, the realization of what just happened
finally settling in her mind. They had sex, again.

Luz came inside Amity goddamn Blight, and she made Amity come twice…

Yep, Willow is absolutely going to kill her once she finds out. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of

Luz squeaks when she feels pressure on her right hand, she looks up to see Amity smiling brightly.

"Keep me company?" She asks, and Luz smiles back.

"Sure thing Princesa. " Luz replies, smirking as she sees Amity shiver at the word.

They walk through the halls, one of Amity's hands in Luz's and the other… well let's say it's under
her skirt.

"Luz…" Amity says after a few minutes, just as they approach a women's bathroom.
"Yeah?" Luz is still grinning, but there's something about the shift in tone.

"I really really like you, but…"

Luz's heart drops into her stomach, "But?"

"My life is really complicated right now, we.." Amity pauses to take a shaky breath in, "We should
talk about it a little bit."

"Sure!" Luz replies immediately, wincing at her volume, "I mean I get it, you're on…. You're the
top of the social thing. And I'm kind of, well I'm me."


"I mean I like you too Amity, but I understand that you need to maintain your whole deal. So I
mean I get if we can't… umm.."

"Luz." Amity says more firmly, slowing as they reach an open bathroom stall.

"And I mean I'm kind of a huge loser, so like it would probably be embarrassing if we were
girlfriends, right?"

"Luz!" Amity yells, grabbing Luz by the shoulders.

"Weh?" Luz squawks, surprised by Amity's suddenness.

"Shut up and go out with me or I’ll literally kill you, socially of course." Amity says firmly, but
she's smirking. And Luz feels herself relax.

"Pffftt you wouldn't stand a chance Hermosa~" Luz teases, grinning as Amity slips into a stall.
"I think you're underestimating me Noceda, I can be absolutely feral when provoked."

"So, So we're going out?"

Amity sighs, "Yeah, and I'm so so happy. But we need to be careful."

"Social status right?"

"Well yeah… but no. We uhhh… how do I words?" Amity stammers.

"Take your time Ams, we've got the whole evening ahead of us." Luz reminds her, a warm feeling
spreading through her body at the thought.

Amity lets a long breath out, and then,

"I want to be your girlfriend so bad, and I'm going to be. But my parents can't find out."

"Let me guess, Dad with a shotgun routine?" Luz laughs, and is met with dead silence. "Shit you're
not serious?"

"No, my dad isn't the shotgun type. But my parents aren't good people, Luz." Amity says slowly,
As if she's struggling to get the words out. She emerges from the stall and runs straight into Luz
wrapping her arms around her.

"I mean everybody's parents make mistakes…"

"No, I mean my parents are bad. Really bad…You don't want to cross them." Amity whispers into
her chest. Amity is gently rubbing Luz’s back, but that won’t calm her down.

“What? They’d kill me?” She laughs, and again, Amity doesn’t laugh along.
“Doubtful, but they could ruin your life…” Amity’s words rattle around In Luz’s head, bouncing
off her other thoughts.

At this point, a rational person might be worried, they might actually heed their best friend’s
warning that Amity Blight might ruin your life.

She didn't really take stock of those words, Luz has always been about forming her own opinion on

But she never considered that the source of ruin might not be Amity herself… Just who are these
people that the queen bee of Hexside is so terrified of them?

A normal person might back out, but Luz isn't normal. Her Mama had made sure she knew that
during that summer.

And now she could never forget it.

"Okay, so we'll be extra careful. So like keeping it on the down low?" Luz says, combing her
fingers through Amity's hair. Rubbing small circles on her shoulders and back.

Finally, Amity relaxes again, before whispering in the smallest voice, "yeah, sorry…"

Luz smiles, kissing Amity's nose. Squeezing her girlfriend (girlfriend!) closer.

"We'll make it work, promise." Luz says, once again wanting nothing more than to keep this girl
safe. Now she finally has a notion of what she's keeping her safe from.

Amity sighs deeply, squeezing Luz a little tighter. "Thank you, it's just until my 18th birthday.
Then my mom can't make me do anything anymore."

"When's that?"


They stand in silence, just holding each other. Finally, Luz pulls away, taking Amity's hand in her

"As much fun as it is hugging you in the bathroom, you want to grab some food or something?"

Amity smiles, and it reaches her eyes. Luz could die happy knowing that she made Amity smile
like this.

"Yeah that sounds good." Amity says softly, but she drops their hands once they leave the
bathroom, it stings a little, but Luz is determined to keep her new girlfriend safe.

As they pass the alcove where everything changed, Luz glances back for a moment.

And spots a bubble camera on the ceiling.

Her heart patters hard, before she notices the camera inside is pointing away from where they had

Okay, we'll be careful starting now.

"So where are you taking me?" Amity asks with a smirk.

"What? Because I have a dick you assume that I'm in charge around here?" Luz retorts, grinning

"You're the one who suggested it, so you're the one who has to pick." Amity points out, Luz really
can't argue with that logic.

Or maybe she can't really argue with Amity. Is she whipped already?
"Good point, I know a really good diner that isn't too far."

"Sounds perfect." Amity sighs, as they reach the first floor landing.

Luz has absolutely no idea what her future has in store for her. But as she leaves the library in
lockstep with Amity, for the first time in a long time, Luz feels like she just might have an idea.

Chapter End Notes

There you have it! They're girlfriends... but they need to keep it secret, for now.

This was so much fun to write, shoutout to my wifey for suggesting several
improvements to the smut. These two are in quite the predicament, crushing so hard
for each other surrounded by so many precarious situations.

I'm loving this AU so much, and I'm already spinning ideas for chapter 8.

Love y'all!

Diners and Deep Dives
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity finish their date, and Amity learns a few truths.

Chapter Notes

CONTENT WARNINGS: Brief mention of body shaming, implied self harm, implied

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The Redstone Diner occupies the first floor of an office building, maybe four blocks from the
library. Closer to the center of town than Hexside, but still in the area of town that has kept

The interior was, well exactly what Amity expected from a diner, bright red benches made of what
she assumes is pleather lining two of the walls while a sprawling breakfast bar cuts the kitchen off
from the seating area.

The floor is made of black and white linoleum tiles. Pop music blares over the speakers. The diner
is about half full, and surprisingly peaceful.

It looks tacky, but smells amazing. The savory smells of fried food mixing with the sharp smell of
strong coffee both have Amity realizing just how hungry she is. When was the last time she ate?
She frowns at the thought, worried that her mother's badgering about her figure is starting to get
through to her.

A podium with a sign reading “please wait to be seated” are both promptly ignored by Luz as she
strides straight up to the breakfast bar and leans over.

"Salty!" Luz calls out into the back, drawing the attention of several of the patrons. Amity feels
tense, someone's going to yell at them, they're going to get in trouble, and then someone's going to
call her mom.
Of course, none of that happens, the patrons go back to their meals, and a very large man with a
very large scar on his face waltzes out of the back with a very big smile.

"Hey hey Luz! Nice to see you finally made a friend." he says in a gruff voice. Amity is about to
fly off the handle on this man for bad mouthing her girlfriend, when said girlfriend cackles in

"And might I say that you look just a little less ugly today Salty?" Luz wags her eyebrows, and
Amity is entirely unsure what's happening. Someone definitely lost the plot in this conversation.

In her world, people say mean things to hurt each other, but neither of these two seem hurt… It’s
almost like they’re saying these rude things… endearingly? If so, Amity knows she can’t risk
trying it with Luz. Then she remembers the scars on Luz’s arms, she worries why they’re covered

"What can I get for you two?" Salty asks, apparently unaware of the turmoil inside Amity's brain.

"How about a seat for starters?"

"Sit wherever you’d like! I'll be back out in a minute." Salty rushes into the back, shouting at
someone about something.

Amity isn't really paying attention, instead, she's staring at Luz's hand.

This is ridiculous, they've held hands before, and they just finished fucking in the library, so why
is she so nervous?

Luz beats her to the punch, lacing her fingers between Amity's before dragging her across the
diner. Amity's heart pounds in her chest. She’s stupid, this is stupid.

She loves it.

Luz chooses a booth near the window, and hunkers down immediately. Amity isn't sure which side
to sit on, and she contemplates for a single moment sitting next to Luz.
Being close to her, feeling her warmth. Speaking of warmth, Amity's cheeks feel hot. She sits on
the opposite side of the booth.

"So is that guy's name really Salty?" Amity asks, looking over the menu but not really seeing it.

"No, I'm pretty sure his name is Sal or something, I always call him Salty though. Cuz he's a big
grump." Luz chuckles, she hasn't even picked up the menu, instead, she's staring at Amity.

And Amity Blight, the queen bee of Hexside, heiress to the Blight Industries empire hides behind
her menu.

"Sounds like you know him pretty well though…" Amity says, desperate to take attention off of
herself. Luz chuckles again,

"Yeah well, I worked here for a summer, so I'd say I know him pretty well."

"You did?"

"Yeah, me and my sister. We wanted some spending money so we agreed to get a job together."
Luz smiles, seeming to look at something far away.

Amity can't imagine having to work for money, she knows people do it, she just doesn't have to. It
really makes her think, she doesn't really know how to do anything.

Everything in her life is done for her, her fashion choices, her career path, the friends she gets to
keep. Amity sighs, remembering when she had to tell Willow to leave because she didn't want her
around anymore.

It hurt so bad. Instead of bearing her soul on her first date, Amity decides to go for the low-hanging
fruit. "Cool, you have a sister?"

"Yeah, Lucia, she's my big sis. Maybe you've seen her around?"
"Maybe, does she look like you? I don't know if I can handle two of you." Amity grins, the
melancholy feeling slipping away.

"Sort of, but taller, and the front of her hair is long but the back is short. It's kind of hard to explain
but she's got like two thingies that like droop way down, Like big bangs but they hang beside her

"Okay so she's got hair, what else?"

"Right right, so she's taller, I already said that, I don't know if she's kind of taller me with weird
hair. She always wears a maroon beanie, and Dad's old surplus army jacket." Amity finally relaxes,
watching her girlfriend ramble on.

So energetic, there's so much passion in her movement and voice. Not at all like when she's at

"So did your dad get a new jacket?"

"Oh, uh no…" Luz's entire demeanor changes, it's like she goes rigid, and she's fidgeting suddenly.
An alarm sets off in Amity's head, That was a bad question to ask.

"Sorry! Sorry, you don't have to tell me anything." Amity stammers out, desperate to get back to
where they were a second ago.

"No, it's fine, it happened a long time ago. Well I mean not that long ago but you know… My dad
was sick for a really long time." Luz's voice wavers, and despite her fear, Amity reaches out
grabbing her hand and squeezing.

"That's why we moved here actually, to get Dad into a better hospital. The one in Gravesfield was
kind of shitty." She chuckles, but there's no humor in it.

"But it wasn't very long after that… that ummm… Dad left us." Luz sniffles, wiping her eyes with
her sleeve, The action pulling her jacket up a little, and Amity can see the off-white clothbandage.
She's wrapped her arm in.

This girl has suffered so much, and Amity had no idea when she first met her. Amity had thought
she was just another nobody. Amity had thought everyone not immediately useful to her were

It occurs to her, embarrassingly for the first time, that the people not immediately in her life are
people. With lives, regrets, friends, hopes and dreams.

Objectively she knew that this was true, she's not stupid. But it's settling in some other way, a more
real way.

"I'm so sorry." is all Amity can think to say. Luz squeezes her hand again, smiling softly.

"Me too…" Luz replies, before blowing her nose loudly with a napkin. She giggles, rubbing her
eyes a little bit before she looks out over the diner, "where the hell is Salty?"

"I'm sure he'll be here soon enough."

"Maybe have to go drag him out by his fat nose."Luz really laughs at that, and so does Amity..

"Come on his nose isn't that big."

"You kidding? It's enormous," Luz cackles, but her face falls into a soft smile, "suits him though."

They sit in silence for a couple of minutes, Amity is deep in thought, her entire worldview is
beginning to crumble. She can hardly believe this date started with them fucking. Didn't they do
this all in reverse?

Finally Salty arrives, and to her total shock, Luz doesn't order for her. Which is silly, Amity didn't
really expect her to, but maybe some small part of her did.
She isn't quite sure why.

In the end, Amity chooses the classic, figuring picking the basic option was safe. She turns her
attention back to her… to her girlfriend.

"I'll get that to ya!" Salty says, lumbering back to the kitchen.

Amity watches Luz for a moment, neither of them speaking. She's so pretty, her long lashes
fluttering as she blinks.

"What about you?" Luz says, smiling softly. Amity blinks, caught off guard.

"Sorry, what?" Amity squeaks, wincing immediately, gods she's so smooth.

"Got any siblings? Family?" Luz asks, giggling. Amity smiles as her chest starts to swell. She
loves that sound.

Her smile droops down, as she thinks on how to answer the question. "Yeah, I have three siblings
and my mom and dad." Her thoughts turn to mom, who would absolutely flip her lid if she knew
Amity was here..

"Big family!" Luz chirps, oblivious to Amity's fear.

"That's not necessarily a good thing though."

"Yeah?" Luz's voice is small, sympathetic. Amity realizes that her girlfriend is always like this,
underneath the surface she has this accepting, understanding energy.

Amity's walls are thick, well constructed, built as a defense against her overbearing mother. But
Luz? Luz Noceda can waltz right through them.
"Honestly? My mom sucks." It feels both good and bad for her to say that out loud. Her mother
gave birth to her, Amity should cut her some slack, right?

She isn't so sure. She's never been sure.

"She's overbearing… My older brother and sister, they're twins, they just sort of gave up. They got
tired of trying to please her so they just stopped."

"That must have been hard to watch."

"I'm not sure, I don't really remember much of it." Amity replies, not noticing the frown that
appears on Luz's face. What Amity does notice is a sudden warmth and pressure on her clenched
hand, tanned fingers wrap around her palm, Luz’s thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

"Family can be complicated, I understand." Luz says gently.

Amity is appalled to realize that she's choking up, "I-I don't really talk about it…" She admits.

"Yeah, well talking about shitty things isn't fun." Luz replies with a smile that doesn't reach her
eyes. "But, If you want to talk…"

Amity's eyes are stinging as she wipes away stray tears. Part of her is reeling at how easily Luz tore
down these walls, or did she take them down herself?

But another part of her wants to come clean, to admit that things at home aren't good. That her
mother has gotten worse, and that Amity is scared.

That's too much, that's too much for a first date right?

"There's kind of a lot… how do I even? It's too much."

"You don't have to talk about anything," Luz interrupts, scratching the tensor bandages on her
arms, "We can talk about something fun, like the new Hecate album coming out soon!"
Amity would love to talk about that, to talk about the new album that's been teased for about a
year. Talk about how excited she is to hear the new songs, to really dive into the meaning of the

She watches Luz's hands, and the question bubbles up. The question she knows she shouldn't ask.

But she does anyways.


"Yeah Amity?"

"Wh-when… why… uhhh…"

"Take your time Blight, don't hurt yourself." Luz jokes, cackling at her own terrible sense of

"Can I ask about your arms? I guess I just did…" Amity says before she can stop. The conversation
freezes, she sees Luz's body tighten again. Her girlfriend doesn't reply.

A minute passes.

Then another.

And another.

Salty brings out the food, and Luz grunts a thank you. The large man seems to think better of
lipping her off right now, but he shoots Amity a suspicious glance.

"Uhh sorry…" Amity says, unsure of what to say.

Luz takes a big breath in, holding it for a moment with her eyes closed, before releasing it with a
sigh. She looks tired, her eyes are a little unfocused when they meet Amity's.

"Sorry Luz, we don't have to talk about this either. I-" Amity stops her rambling apology partway
when Luz rolls up her sleeves.

Her forearms are covered in wrapped bandages. She twists her arm around to show Amity.

"I put these on so I don't scratch at them." She says flatly, all of the energy and emotion that's
usually in her voice is gone.

"I'm sorry…" is all Amity can seem to say.

"No, it's okay, I get why you'd be curious… I hehe… I had a rough childhood. If you couldn't tell
from my dad…" She's fidgeting with something, a silver tab that's on her wrist as she talks. Her
demeanor seems to change, a little bit of the life coming back into her, much to Amity's relief.

"I know this may come as a shock, but I've never been very popular." She says with a sideways

Amity laughs softly, but her words cut deep. She implicitly knew that Hexside wasn't the only
school that had mistreated Luz…

She still felt terrible being a part of that.

"But that was fine, my big sis was my friend… But yeah, I started scratching when I was maybe
14?" Luz presses on the tab and pulls it off the bandage. Amity's breath hitches.

"Luz… you don't have to do that."

"It's okay, I promise. You've accepted everything about me so far." Luz says with such genuine
adoration that Amity feels her breath catch in her throat. She watches silently as Luz finally pulls
away the long strip of bandage and holds her arm out.

Amity's fingers tremble, "Can I touch you?" She asks in a small voice, Luz nods. Amity gently
runs her fingers across Luz's forearm. Staring at the criss-cross pattern of scars all across the skin.
She can feel them, little ridges on the soft skin of her arm. Luz shivers from the gentle touch, and
Amity looks at her, words completely failing her for a moment.

There are so many. So, so many.Some of them are fresh, they aren't even scars… But most of them
have long since faded.

"I don't do it as often as I used to, only when I have really bad days." Luz says sadly, slowly
withdrawing her arm. Amity's fingers drift across her skin as she does so. Her girlfriend looks at
Amity out of the corner of her eye, as if she’s afraid of how Amity will react.

Luz used to hurt herself, Luz still hurts herself, and all Amity can feel is a stinging, burning shame.
Amity really is hopeless isn't she? She's only known this girl for a little while, hardly any time at
all in the grand scheme of things.

Yet, in the month she's known her, Luz Noceda has already changed her life more than anyone or
anything has in years. She finds that her words are spilling out.

"Luz, I'm sorry for how everyone treated you, how they’d still treat you… for how I have to act…
for everything I did and said… " Amity scrunches her eyes, feeling a dizzying nausea inside her.
The sound of Luz’s snort yanks her out of her head.

"Oh Princesa, you barely did anything." Luz says with a grin, putting her sleeve back just before
Salty arrives with their food.

"On the house." Salty says gruffly, turning and walking away before anyone can reply. Luz smiles
softly, popping a fry in her mouth before looking up at Amity.

Amity feels like Luz can see everything with that stare, that she can see straight through Amity. It's
ridiculous to think, obviously she can't, but it feels that way. Her irrational fears are furthered when
Luz pipes up, "I promise it's okay." She says, before diving into her burger.

"Okay." Amity says, following suit. The food is good, really good. It might be the best food she's
had in the last year. Simple, but flavorful. And that is an accurate description of the rest of their
date. They talk about anything, about Hecate's next album, about Azura book 7, and about exactly
how they're going to date in secret.

Neither of them are really sure how they’ll accomplish it, but they agree to be patient and work it
out as they go.

Luz kisses her goodbye, dashing for the bus that’s already pulled up to the stop. Amity laughs,
shaking her head as she speed dials her driver.


Amity stares at the ceiling of her bedroom, lying flat on her bed.

She can't get the image of Luz's arms out of her head, it was hard to tell If there was more scar than
skin on her arms. She remembers how they felt to touch.

"I started scratching when I was 14…" Luz's voice rings out in Amity's head. She stares at the
ceiling a moment longer, and then she grabs her phone, a wild energy seizing her.

She looks at the blank screen for a moment, then opens up her browser and begins searching.

‘Luz Noceda’, Amity finds her birthday via an old (and seemingly unused) Facebook profile …
August… so she just turned 17 recently.

Next Amity searches 'Gravesfield 2019."

The first hit is a news article from Luz’s home town. Amity reads the headline, and her eyes widen.
Her heart hammers in her chest…

Abuse at Local Summer Camp Shocks Connecticut.

Did Luz mention something about summer camp? She reads over the article, horror creeping up
her chest the further in she reads.

There's no direct mention of Luz in the article, but “Camila” and “Lucia Noceda” are quoted.

“My sister Lucia…”

Gods… Luz was there wasn’t she?

She rereads it, and then she finds more. Before long she's reading court documents. The names of
certain witnesses are redacted. Children. Minors. It doesn’t take her long to suspect which witness
is Luz by the way the transcript reads.

Her horror steadily grows as she mulls over what she learned. Amity doesn't fall asleep for a long
while, her thoughts are racing, haunted by what happened to Luz three years ago. She can’t
imagine it…

For some reason, Amity can see those burning blue eyes…

And a voice, distant and muddied in her thoughts, ‘let's get you nice and clean…’

Chapter End Notes

Amity knows something about Luz's past, but exactly what is that something?

I have chapter 9 drafted already, just need to edit it! OOO and I've made progress on
Chapter 8 of I'll Always Be By Your Side too!

Love y'all! byyyYEEEEE!

Reality Checked
Chapter Summary

Amity learns exactly what happened to Luz during her stay at Reality Check Summer
Camp, and she wishes she hadn't.

Chapter Notes


MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS: heavily implied NON CON (not fetishized), SELF

I've said this before about chapters I've written, but I mean it this time: DO NOT

I'll write a summary in the End Notes, and I'll also give you all a gentle reminder that
just because you START the chapter doesn't mean you HAVE TO FINISH it!

I love you all, and for those who can stomach this stuff, I hope you... well... enjoy is
the wrong word. But I hope it's a compelling read.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"I hope you have such a good time mija, I love you." Mama says, her voice almost apologetic. As
if. Luz doesn't want to hear it, she hums an affirmative before slinging her bag over her shoulder as
she climbs out of the car. She slams the door behind her.

She looks around at the cabins, and they seem nice enough. Other kids are starting to arrive too,
including a cute goth girl with a tooth gap. Goth girl smiles shyly as she meets Luz’s gaze.

Then Luz spots the nonbinary pin on their bag. She lightly scolds herself for assuming, but she
feels a little less tense… knowing there was at least one other queer person here.

Maybe she'd make some friends if this camp brought all the weirdos together? Luz can certainly

"Hey there new camper!" A man with neatly trimmed facial hair and glasses walks up to her. She
nods, hearing her mom's car drive away. Leaving her here, shipping her off.

Fixing her.

"My name is Jake, Jacob Hopkins, and we're going to have a lot of fun this summer."

"Doing what? Balancing checkbooks?" Luz grumbles, and the man laughs, putting his arm on her
shoulder as he steers her towards the other campers.

It's a little uncomfortable, but it's only a moment before he lets go, turning to talk to the other
leaders. Wearing their signature badges. Luz spots one woman, bright orange hair and pale skin
standing a little ways away.

Another woman laughs, she has bright blonde hair and a dazzling smile. Luz feels her heart
thumping in her chest as she looks at the pretty lady.

"Attention campers! I think that's everyone. My name is Tara! So why don't we settle down and
get busy?" Her blue eyes fall on Luz, who feels a shiver run up her as the woman smiles softly.

Okay, maybe camp isn't going to suck too bad.


It turns out camp isn't sucking too bad, she has a few friends… okay maybe not friends, but people
who tolerate her, and that's new. The goth friend seems nice though, their name is Masha.

They're out on a hike, thick forest surrounds them. It's surreal, yet so plain. It's peaceful. It's nice.

"This sure beats taxes huh?" Masha whispers in Luz's ear, she jumps at the sound. Masha grins,
wearing a loose fitting black T-shirt tucked into high waisted jeans. Luz is wearing her cat hoodie
(obviously) and jean shorts.

She probably should have worn better shoes though… her flats are not doing well.
"All right up there sprout?" A familiar voice asks from behind them, and Luz feels her heart leap in
her chest.

"Yes Miss Tara! Well.. I guess my feet are a bit sore… wrong shoes…" Luz stammers, going rigid
even as Masha giggles next to her.

Tara smiles, and ruffles Luz's hair. "A well-earned lesson, I suppose. Come on, we're nearly done."
She presses a hand on the small of Luz's back, ushering her along with a soft chuckle.

Masha falling in tow behind, wagging their eyebrows stupidly, teasing Luz for her crush on the
gorgeous counselor.

"All right, crew. Ready to roll? Then let's get moving!" Eda calls out from the trail head, another
few cabins are about to start their hike. Tara may be pretty, Jacob's funny… sometimes, but Eda?
Luz likes Eda, she's cool, but not mean. She always listens to what Luz has to say, and never makes
fun of her.

She even sneaks Luz extra snacks, because some things aren't allowed at the camp. Snacks, their
phones, and "other distractions". Like her Azura book (which Eda also found and returned to her a
few days ago).

"Edalyn." Tara says stiffly, dropping her hand from Luz as they pass, Eda's golden eyes flickering
down to Luz's for a moment before she answers.

"Tara." She says, and turns to lead her troupe onward.

"That's all for now children, why don't you all have a break and wash up in your cabins?" Tara says
smoothly, smiling at the group, And maybe Luz imagines it, but Tara has been looking at her a lot

Her heart patters in her chest when… "Just a moment Sprout!" Tara calls out as the group
disperses, walking up to her with a dazzling grin.

"Yes Ms Snapdragon?" Luz says, standing straight as the pretty camp counselor stares at her for a

"How are your feet?"

"My… feet? Oh I guess they're a little sore."

"Well we best take a look at them then, shouldn't we?"

"Oh.. uhhh… I mean… they're fine…" Luz stammers, flushing like an idiot, Tara’s an adult, she
definitely just views Luz as a kid.

Besides, it's not like she wants anything to happen. Tara’s just pretty.

"Nonsense, I insist, I have to ensure my favorite camper is in tip top shape.” Tara says, turning and
gesturing with a wave.

Luz nods dumbfounded, she’s Tara’s favorite? The pretty lady likes Luz? She follows Tara


"I'm not supposed to do this, but here." Jacob says with a smirk, holding up a small bottle of clear

A few other kids sitting around the propane fire gasp, whispering amongst themselves.

"Do you want to try some?" He asks, looking directly at Luz as he holds out the bottle.

"Oh! I don't know… I don't think it's a good idea…" she says, suddenly nervous. She doesn't really
like Jacob, he gets too close to her sometimes and his jokes aren’t really that funny anymore.
"Boo! Don't be a chicken Noceda!" One of the kids calls out.

"Yeah, he's giving you booze! You gotta try it!" A girl says. Luz shakes a little, but she takes the

"Careful. It's kind of intense." Jake says with a chuckle as Luz tips the bottle to her lips. It burns, it
tastes terrible. She spits it out. Everyone laughs, and Luz chuckles along with them.

Just a funny little joke… she thinks to herself as Hopkins passes the bottle to another girl in the

Luz watches as she takes a sip and keeps it down. Everyone cheers.

Except Luz…


"I don't think this is a good idea…" Luz slurs, sliding down on the couch, giggling as Sandra, the
other girl that Jacob and Tara like to hangout with, takes another swig of beer.

"Nonsense Sprout! We learn such stuffy material all day. It's only natural to want to let loose and
relax." She sips her wine, and Luz follows suit, emulating her crush.

"Too warm…" Luz mumbles, and Tara giggles.

"Then take off your hoodie Sprout! We're all friends here!"

Luz can't argue with that, and slips her hoodie over her head. Somebody whistles, saying she looks

Luz blushes, not quite able to understand. She gulps another mouthful of wine, laughing and
wagging her eyebrows at Tara.
Luz squeaks when Tara winks back…


"This one’s called a shield fern!" Eda says, pointing at the leafy plant as Luz stares amazed.

"Eda how do you know all of these? There are so many."

"Years of practice kiddo!" Eda grins, with her hands in her pockets as they walk down the trail. It's
just the two of them.

But nothing happens, Eda doesn't offer her any drinks, Eda doesn't playfully touch her, Eda doesn't
suggest truth or dare.

Instead Eda listens, and also talks.

"Pop quiz! What is this one? Now think carefully…" she says and Luz stares at the plant.

The leaves, the little green nubs that will grow into berries.

"Wild raspberries?"

"Bingo! Ya see kid? You're great at learning, you just gotta do it your way."

Luz smiles, and the knot in her gut loosens a bit. She misses her mom and her sister. She wishes
she could talk to them right now. But they still aren't allowed to have their phones.

Her and Eda head back, and blissfully… nothing happens that night. Except vague nightmares that
Luz doesn't remember when she wakes up.

"Stop, I don't like this game anymore." Luz begs, panic rising in her voice as Tara frowns, looking
so sad.

"Oh Sprout, are you going to ruin the fun? You're breaking my heart…" she sniffs and tears up.

"I… I don't…" Luz stammers, struggling to think clearly. She doesn’t want to disappoint Tara.

"Come on Luz, trust us." Jacob says from directly behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist
as she sits in his lap.

Her heart is pounding, and her brain is foggy. "O-okay…" and Tara smiles widely, pulling Luz's
boxers down as she does so.


"What's wrong Luz?" Masha asks softly, and Luz curses her poor choice of hiding spot.


"Come on, we've been together every day for 2 months…" They remind Luz, but that doesn't stop
the swelling panic inside her. Masha reaches out with a hand "you can't fool me that easily girl."

"I SAID IT'S NOTHING MASHA!" Luz yells out, scrunching up closer against the tree.

Masha says nothing, tears forming in their eyes.

"Please, just go away…" Luz bites out, hating herself. It's her fault. She's dirty. They said so.
Masha is better off without her.

Everyone is… except them.

At least, that's what they tell her.


"No… please…" Luz begs, struggling against the restraints Tara assured her she'd take off if Luz

"Good girls don't fuss Luz." Jacob reminds her, brandishing the flogger with a flourish. Luz
whimpers and settles, keeping still while Tara climbs on top of her.

“Don’t worry Sprout, this is going to feel so good.” Tara coos with a smirk.

"...please…" Luz tries, tears falling down her face as the woman who promised to keep her safe
takes her first time, and the man who promised the same flogs her body every time she resists.


"Fell in a thornbush eh?" Eda asks, slowly cleaning the long bleeding cuts on her forearms. Luz
nods silently, dirt still clinging to her barely dried tear tracks.

"You know kiddo, if you ever need to talk to someone… I'm here, okay? Any time." Eda says
softly as she wraps a bandage around Luz's arm. The pressure is comforting.

Luz looks up at this adult. Her bright orange hair and her sharp gold tooth… She shouldn't trust
this woman, she shouldn't trust anyone.

But she can't help herself.


"It hurts!" Luz cries out, before shrieking as a sharp stinging slap hits her back.

"Why are you being so difficult, Sprout? You know we’re doing this because we love you." Tara
says, lightly brushing her fingers through Luz's hair, putting the flogger back down on the side

Luz whimpers as Jacob moves behind her.


Luz cries into her pillow all night, as quietly as she can. Shaking, afraid of anyone asking what’s
wrong. Afraid of Tara and Jacob. The threats her "Master" and "Mistress" told her would happen if
she told anyone ringing in her ears.


Luz sits on the porch of an old rundown shack she found in the woods, knees to her chest. She’s
crying. Soaked from the rain.

She doesn't care. She hates it here. She hates it everywhere. She hates that she walked right into
this situation like the big idiot she is.

She hates this, she hates everything.

She wishes she didn't exist.

The thought only leads to more tears, then her fingernails dig into her forearms.

"Luz!?" A familiar voice calls out, and Luz doesn't move. It doesn't matter, she can't tell Eda what
happened. What's still happening.

"Kiddo! Thank goddess, I was so worried." Strong arms scoop Luz up, and Luz tenses, her breath
"Hey, hey it's just me, you're safe now. What happened, why were you running off into the
woods?" Eda asks, frowning at Luz.

Luz doesn't answer, she just clings tightly to Eda, letting the woman carry her back to her own
personal hell.


It happened again last night, just before bed. They said they needed to talk to her in private. They
took her back to their cabin, and…

Tara moaning on top of her as she…

Luz clutches her shoulders tighter, curling up in her bed.

Jacob grabbing her by her chin, forcing her jaw open.

Luz whimpers through gritted teeth. Ignoring the hushed whispers starting as her cabin mates

She wishes that this would all end.

She wishes she was dead.

"DING-DONG-DING!" A familiar and comforting voice calls out, opening the cabin door with a
Eda, the only camp counselor Luz trusts… But can she trust her? What if she's one of them? What
if she's just playing the long game to trick Luz?

“Don't you dare tell anyone Luz, we wouldn't want to have any accidents on our next trek would
we?” Tara hisses, and Luz tries her hardest to ignore Sandra’s muffled crying…

Or worse, what if Eda doesn't believe her?


Eda Clawthorne is sitting at her desk, trying to get the jump on her stupid paperwork for the day.
Sure, maybe it's unconventional to start and finish your paperwork at 4 a.m, but then again she's
always been an unconventional person.

This is her first summer working at Reality Check, and so far it's been... Fine? Well not fine really.
She doesn't really get along with her co-workers but that's not what’s bothering her this morning.

The truth is that Eda hasn't been sleeping well.

Part of it is her curse, her chronic pain flaring up again, but… She can't shake the feeling but
something's not right here. Most of the kids are fine, even having fun apart from the boring classes
on checkbook balancing…

A few of them seem off. Sandra keeps trying to run off, Tom keeps wetting his bed, and hell even
Luz ran off once a few weeks ago.

Luz. She's been trying to hide it, but she's been scratching her arms again. Luz has been crying so

Eda does everything she can, but Luz isn't her camper. She's theirs. That group. Those counselors
who spend too much of their personal off time with the kids. She doesn't know what their whole
deal is, but it gives Eda major bad vibes.
She hears a knock on her door as she's finishing up. She grumbles, wondering who the hell is
bothering 5:30 in the morning? A low rumbling growl escapes her lips as she pushes back her
chair. Wood scraping against wood

She stalks up to the door, and sees a little tanned girl and a blue and white cat hoodie waiting
outside her door. Luz, the girl who sort of latched onto Eda immediately after camp started, but
wouldn't budge on telling Eda what the heck was happening in her head.

"Heya kiddo, what's..." Eda pauses as she really takes in the young girl's appearance.

It's obvious she's been crying again, and she's fighting back more tears. Even now. Her body
language is closed and her arms are wrapped around herself tightly. She's wearing a long sleeve.

Then Eda sees it, it's almost hidden, would have been hidden if Luz's hoodie was sitting properly
on her trembling shoulders.

A bruise, a big one by the looks of it. The girl's lips tremble, and Eda's heart sinks.

Oh shit…

"H-hi... E-E-Ed-da..." Luz tries to smile but falls short. The sight sends an icy spike through Eda's
heart. "Can... C-can I.. um.. c-c-c..." Luz is struggling to form words, and Eda is sure she's going to
cry again.

Eda moves to reach out to her, then thinks better of it. Instead she holds the door open and gestures
in with her hand.

"Come on in kiddo, stay as long as you need."

Luz starts bawling the instant Eda's words are out of her mouth.

Eda feels anguish grappling with a burning rage inside her as Luz flings herself at Eda, sobbing and
gripping at her hard
She's comforted the girl before, but this? This is different. Something happened. Something bad.

"Luz..." Eda croaks, Still wary of actually touching her in case she's triggered.

Luz just whimpers and clings tighter, Eda swallows and sets her jaw. She can do this.

"Luz... Is someone hurting you?" She asks, feeling more tense than she ever has in her life.

"....." Luz's breath hitches wildly, and her grip on Eda becomes painful for a minute.

Then… glacially slowly, like time is passing through thick honey. Then Luz nods. The tension that
has been building in Eda's gut drops full force.

It's them… those two… Eda focuses, stowing her rage for a different time.

"It's alright, I'll keep you safe, okay?"

The girl nods, and then cries into Eda for 20 more minutes

Eda frowns..

She had promised her mom she would keep this job, she wouldn't get fired again… That she would
stay out of trouble this time.

"I t-t-told you… I told someone and now they're going to kill me… They’re going to leave me in a
ditch…" Luz cries keenly, and Eda clutches at Luz,

Then the girl whimpers, "Eda I-I'm so scared!"

And Luz is crying again, and Eda's rage grows all the brighter.

“I’m sorry…” Luz whispers.

“It’s not your fault Luz.” Eda says adamantly, her tone leaving no room for debate.

“I-I-I… They’re going to… Eda, please!” Luz can barely form a full sentence.

"I won't let anything else happen to you Luz, I won’t let them get near you. They won't hurt you
ever again." Eda resolves, already planning how she's gonna go about this. She’s going to need as
much proof as she can get… but how? She can’t let this continue… and Luz is in no condition to
be answering probing questions.

"Promise?" Luz says, and her usually bright voice sounds broken and exhausted.

"I promise."


Amity blinks away tears, her hand covering her mouth as the horror rises in her throat again. It’s
been hours since she read everything she could find about what happened at that camp, and she
still can’t sleep.


Six children were repeatedly abused, assaulted, and raped by counselors at that camp.

Six kids had their innocence torn away through violence and cruelty.

And Luz was one of them.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

SFW Summary: Luz was sent to a Summer Camp to teach her how to be normal,
instead she was groomed and severely abused by several counselors there until Eda
saved her.

This was a hard one to write and edit, there's definitely personal experience that shaped
this chapter. I want to let you all know that I'm safe, and the "camp counselor" who
hurt "Luz" can't get to her anymore.

Love y'all, next chapter should be a lot less upsetting!

Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity have horrible mornings, but start the afternoon off with... an interesting
little game.

Who said coping couldn't be fun?

Chapter Notes

Content Warning: PTSD Flashback, Reference to Selfharm, Explicit Child Abuse, and
Semi-public sex.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz wakes up with a sharp inhale, it's pitch black in her room.

They're here.

Tara is straddling her hips, and Jacob is looming over her, touching everywhere he can reach.

Squeezing her neck just to hear her choke. Luz knows they aren't actually there, but it feels like
they are.

She can feel them, and if she lets herself slip, she can see them.

She whimpers, trying not to gag as she fumbles for her end table. Somewhere… it's somewhere…

"What are you doing Luz? What did we tell you about misbehaving?"

Luz's cries are strained as she reaches…

"Oh don't cry Sprout, just be good for us~"

Her hand finds a small black box, red numbers glow dimly. She fumbles on the top.

Jacob is behind her, elbow around her neck as he…

Luz slaps a large button, tears falling down her cheeks as she does so. Loud beeping fills the room.

Her alarm clock is blaring out. Luz curls in on herself, whimpering, pleading…, her fingers
reaching for her arms…

"Now you've gone and done it… what did we tell you would happen if you told anyone?"

"You're not here… you're not here…" Luz chants, trying to drown out their voices. Her fingernails
digging into her skin.

"Luz!" A voice cuts through the fog, and someone kneels next to her bed. A moment later a soft
pink glow fills the room as her salt lamp flares to life. A tired but familiar face fills Luz's vision.
She's a little older, she stopped straightening her gray streaked hair.

"Mama?" Luz says, unsure what's real.

"Yeah baby, I'm here… I'm here…" Camila Noceda coos.

Luz can't muster up her usual anger, her usual disdain for the woman who sent her to that place.

"They'll never find your body Luz…" Tara's voice taunts her mind, and Luz shrieks.

"Oh baby, it's okay. You're safe."

"No! Nonono! They're going to kill me Mamí!" Luz cries louder, clutching at her mom's scrubs.
She's sure of it, they'll dump her in a ditch just like they said they would.

A soft melody drifts through the room, her bedroom… It’s familiar, and Luz realizes that Camila is
humming the Azura theme song. Luz feebly hums along, sniffling and shuddering. The phantom
feeling of hands on her are still there, but they lose their power. The terror fades.

As do the voices.


"Yes, Mija?"

"Why did you make me go there?" Luz whispers.

"Oh baby… I… I'm so… I don't know." Camila answers, and Luz stares at her mother. The woman
who was so fed up with her daughter that she sent her away, leaving her at the mercy of monsters.
Luz feels the brief warmth she felt fade into a cold indifference.

Then bitter anger.

"Dad wouldn't have made me go…" she bites out, and Camila flinches. Luz feels horrible for it.
She loves her mom, but she also hates her. It’s a confusing dichotomy.

"I'm so, so sorry sweetie…" Camila says softly, "If I could take it back…"

"You can't." Luz says flatly.

"Luz…" Camila sounds like she's on the verge of tears, and Luz's anger boils over. She bats her
mom's hand away.

"Don't! Don't you fucking do that! You can't take it back. You left me with them! I'm fucking
broken mom! Look!" Luz pulls down her sleeves.
Camila stares, tears falling down her face. Luz barely hears her door open again, barely sees the
light from the hallway flood in

"Mom…" Lucia says from the doorway, "Eda's curse is acting up, can you lend her a hand?"

Camila nods, she reaches for Luz, just for a moment. Then she hesitates, before leaving the room
without a word.

"Leave me alone." Luz grumbles, as Lucia flops down on the edge of Luz's bed.

"No can do." Lucia says flatly and Luz growls.

"I said-" she starts.

"No. You set off the alarm, so I'm here for you." Lucia says simply, and Luz's fire fizzles out.
Shame flooding in to fill the void.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Lucia says adamantly.

"But it is, I made mom cry…" Luz says, desperately. She doesn't want to hate her mom, she misses
her. But every time her mom tries to be sympathetic, it makes her angry.

"I know Luz… things… things will never be the same." Lucia says, rubbing her eyes, her face
drawn tight. "But if you want to forgive her, you can."

"I know…" Luz grumbles.

"You can be mad at her, but also have her close. She wants to make it up to you, to earn your trust."
"I know Luci!" She snaps, her sister doesn't react.

A heavy silence falls over the room, and Luz's heart cracks when she can faintly hear sobbing.

"What time is it?" Luz asks.

"About 6:15…" Lucia says softly, looking down at Luz with care and understanding, "coffee?"

"Coffee." Luz agrees, following Lucia out into the hall. Her mother's quiet but piercing cry
dragging the guilt up Luz's throat.

She has to forgive her mom, but she doesn't know how to.


Amity wakes up, bleary and tired. She has no idea when she fell asleep, she doesn't even remember
feeling sleepy.

… touched the girl in a sexual manner.

Amity shivers, looking at the time, 6:35 AM. She pulls herself out of bed, putting on her slippers.
Before stalking down the sterile, perfect halls of her sterile, perfect home.

She walks into the kitchen, and hits the brew button on their $200,000 coffee machine. Amity was
pretty sure it was meant for a fucking coffee shop. She grabs a bowl, before searching through the

"Where the hell is it?" Amity asks, a strange fire burning in her gut.

She finally finds Ed’s ghastly cereal. Filling her bowl almost to the brim. She opens the fridge, one
of three in the kitchen. Little details she's never thought about are so obvious now.
It’s all so grating, so asinine.

She reaches for the skim milk, pauses, and then grabs the heavy cream.

Her mom has been extra tyrannical about her food regime lately, but Amity doesn't give a flying
fuck today. The "problem" of her waistline seems so insignificant.

Amity starts to understand why her sister got into law. Did Amelia work on Luz's case? Has she
ever worked on a case like that? Making sure that monsters are punished? Has she ever lost one?
Had to watch a monster go free for reasons beyond her control?

Amity finishes preparing her cereal, pouring herself a steaming mug of coffee. She sits down at the
breakfast bar, pulling out her phone. No notifications… disappointment stings at her, and she's
about to open TikTok.


Me - 6:40AM: morning Luz, hope you slept better than I did ♥️

She hit send without a second thought, before taking a bite of her cereal.

It's… actually really good.


Amity's phone buzzes immediately, and she laughs at the gif of a sleepy kitten. Searching for an
appropriate gif reply. For 25 minutes, she eats her cereal and drinks her coffee, chatting with Luz.
Entirely unconcerned. How could she be? She was rich. What problems did she even have?
Amity hears a familiar, and dreaded, clacking sound approaching.

Only those engineered by her mother. And she did not have the patience for that today.

"Mittens!" A shrill voice hisses out.

"Good morning to you too Mom…" Amity says, not bothering to look up from her phone. She
hears a huffing gasp, and she nearly grins.

Predictable, her mother is so predictable. It’s almost too easy to get under her skin.

"Amity Blight, what the hell are you eating?" Odalia says, wrapped in a gorgeous nightgown. Her
hair is immaculate.

Did she fucking sleep with her hair like that? Maybe she slept in a pod? Amity snickers at the
thought, and her mother frowns even deeper.

"Garbage, I'm eating garbage mom. Deal with it." Amity growls out, has her mother always been so
short? Amity always views her as this imposing figure, yet… Amity is so much taller.

Odalia's eyes gleam, malice lacing her every movement as she stalks up to Amity.

Amity watches unconcerned, crunching her cereal loudly, but she locks her phone. What could her
mother possibly do to her that would compare to what Luz went through?

Then, it happens.

Quick as a viper, Odalia snatches the bowl from Amity. A thundering crash rings through the
kitchen as said bowl shatters on the floor.
"What the fuck mom?" Amity shouts, leaping to her feet, "that was a $300 bowl-"

Another sharp sound echoes in the empty kitchen. Amity cries out as her cheek burns. Odalia's face
is a twisted snarl.

Her… her mom just… Amity feels numb.

"Be good for me Amity…" her mother croons at her… The memory comes suddenly, and Amity
has absolutely no idea if it's real.

Why were they in warm water together? Why were they…?

Odalia strikes Amity again, and she cries out, falling to the floor.

"Mom!" She whimpers.

"You ungrateful wretch!" Odalia hisses, grabbing Amity's hair and yanking her to her feet. Amity
gasps out, and shrieks when Odalia slaps her a third time. Her face burns.

"Don't…" another strike, "you ever…" another… "talk like that to me again…" Odalia winds her
hand back for another strike.

Amity flinches, trying to shield her face from a blow that doesn't come. Amity feels numb, except
for her cheek. She whimpers when a hand softly caresses her quickly bruising face.

"Now look what you've done, I expect better from you Mittens." Odalia says, and Amity starts
crying, completely shocked, recoiling from her mother's touch. Odalia doesn’t let her, cruel fingers
grip Amity’s chin, holding her in place.

"You'll be good for me, won't you?" Odalia says sweetly. Amity tries to nod, a haze filling her
brain, and her mother lets go.

"Good, now clean this filth up, oh, and skip breakfast darling. You've already thrown off your
calorie count for today."

"Yes mother." Amity answers robotically. Her mom hit her… More than once.

Assault. Her mother just assaulted her. The thought shoots through her like a bolt of lightning. Her
mother leaves, her shoes clacking on the imported stone floor.

Once she's gone Amity sinks to the ground.


Was this the first time her mother has done it? Amity doesn't know. Nothing makes sense. She
feels like a little girl again, terrified and crying as her mother drags her down a hallway…


"Amity? What happened!" A voice cuts through her spiral, Emira. Shock plainly written across her

"I…" Amity starts, ready to share, ready to tell her sister… then…

Bad girls get punished, Mittens…

"... fell." Amity says, not exactly sure why. That's not what happened, her mother just beat her. Her
cheek burns, she's sure it's going to bruise.

How will she explain this? She has to protect her mom.

Wait… why?

"You fell? Then screamed and fell again?" Emira says, obviously not believing it.
"Yes." Amity says flatly, standing up and looking for a cloth.

"Amity…" Emira starts.

"I'm fine Em, honestly." Amity says shortly, starting to tidy up her mess. She's so clumsy. That’s

Yeah, maybe she fell and hit her face on the table or something. That would work.

That would keep her mother happy. And she has to keep mother happy.

She hit you.

No way, mom wouldn't hit me.

Are you sure?

I have to be.

Amity cleans up her mess, and permits Emira to help. She's grateful for it. She feels like her mind
is at war with itself. The truth thrashing, lost in a writhing mass of lies and fog.

She only lets herself break down when she steps into her bathroom and sees herself in the mirror. A
dark purple bruise forming on her cheekbone. The reality of what happened slams into her, and she
cries, waiting for the shower to heat up.

No. It can't be. Mom wouldn't…

A buzzing noise pulls her out of her thoughts.

Luz - 7:39AM: I'm gonna be wiped for class today… share notes after??

Amity chuckles wetly, she locks the door then sinks to the floor.

Amity isn't sure what the fuck is happening. Her brain is telling her that her mother has never done
this before, while simultaneously being absolutely sure that she has.

It doesn't make sense, why would a mother hit their child?

But when Luz sends her a cute little kitten gif, Amity laughs fully. Her finger hovers over the call
button. Instead she types out a quick affirmative, and steps into the shower.


Emira waits until her little sister leaves the kitchen before finally letting her soft expression fall.

She pulls out her phone and stops the recording app. Then she types a out a message.

Emira - 7:35AM: I think it happened again, I wasn't able to get anything though…

She hits send, bile rising in her throat as she remembers the blood curdling shriek she just barely
heard from her room.


Oh shit…

Oh fuck…

How am I gonna tell Willow? Luz groans, bonking her head on the locker door. Not only did she
not listen to Willow's advice, she did the complete opposite of it.
Stay away from Amity. Willow said, and Luz fucked Amity… in the library… then asked her out..

She didn't stay away from Amity, she asked Amity to be her girlfriend.


"Luz! Morning!" An entirely expected, but infinitely dreaded voice calls out. Luz takes a sharp
breath in, absently wishing she had taken the time to complete a will before school started.

"Willow! Hi, how are you doing on this.. totally normal morning?" Luz asks, trying desperately to
keep her face even and neutral.

Her bestie looks tired, or angry? Did she already know?

"I had a terrible sleep." Willow says, slumping against the locker next to Luz.

"Ooof I feel you there." Luz agrees, trying to be sympathetic while also trying to find a sensible
angle to bring up the whole Amity thing.

"Yeah? Didn't sleep well either?"

"Willow, I never sleep well." Luz says, And it's true, Luz has always had trouble sleeping, even
before everything that happened.

"So… what did you get up to yesterday?" Willow grumbles out, her voice flat and slow. Luz
doesn’t see how there was going to be a better opportunity than this

"Uhhh… I was at the library." Luz says.

"Cool, did you read anything?" Willow nods, closing her eyes.
"Well… I wasn't exactly there to read." Luz replies, and Willow opens them.

"Then why are you at the library?"

"I was, umm… meeting… someone there." It feels like Luz’s heart was going to shoot straight out
of her body.

Willow doesn't say anything, she looks at Luz sideways, and Luz loses all steam. This was a
terrible idea, why did she want to do this?

Maybe they could just kick her out of Hexside and she could just never go to high school again.
She could live in the woods and sell garbage.

"Earth to Luz?" Willow calls out, squinting at her.


"Who did you meet at the library?" Willow says, her voice still sounds tired, but there’s a deadly
edge to it. Luz swallows loudly, ruffing her beanie without realizing it.

"Well! Funny you mentioned-ask that. SOOOoooo, remember how I said that I would totally listen
to you when you told me to stay away from Amity?"

"Jesus Fucking Christ Luz, what did you do?" Willow asks, leaning in close and dropping her
volume down.

Oh right, hallways.

"Well uhhh.." Luz's train of thought is completely destroyed when a certain girl walks around the
Amity Blight, her girlfriend, but they can't act like girlfriends right now. She's so pretty, and classy.
Even though everybody is wearing the same outfit, she really seems to just bring something to it.

A swagger, no that's not the right word… A confidence?

Luz narrows her eyes, looking at Amity a little closer.

Amity looks very tense, and she's got a big bandage on her cheek? What is going on? Pinky seems
to be on high fucking alert for some reason.

But then she sees Amity's face, and her own worries are gone. At least for the moment.

The queen bee looks so scared. Or maybe confused? It's subtle, she has her usual scowl on, but it's
not as angular. As harsh. Her eyes are darting, as if looking for an unseen threat.

A feeling that Luz is all too familiar with, and her stomach drops into her feet as the beginnings of
a theory start to swirl in her brain.

Luz doesn't even try to deny to herself that she's memorized Amity's expressions at this point. She
knows that might be a little crazy, but she isn't exactly normal so…

They make brief eye contact, and Amity doesn't even have it in her heart today to lob a half-assed
insult her way. That's worrying, it's part of their whole facade.

Willow says absolutely nothing as Amity and her gang pass, but once they’re safely around the

"You fucked her again, didn't you?" Willow hisses into her ear.

"Y-yeah." Luz admits, waiting for the storm. Bracing for impact.

It doesn't come.
Instead, she hears a shuffling noise, and footsteps walking away. Luz opens her eyes, and sees
Willow walking off.

"Willow?" Luz calls out.

Willow doesn't answer.

Luz sinks down to the floor, knees to her chest. She messed it all up again. She just can't seem to
get anything right. It seems like something's wrong with her girlfriend, but the existence of said
girlfriend upsets her best friend.

At least, Luz hopes that Willow is still her best friend.

Wouldn't be the first time she's messed something up like this. For a single instant, an image of a
little goth pal pops into Luz's head.

She staggers onto her feet, and walks straight out of those pretentious halls.

Fucking hell, she needs a smoke.


Luz is sitting in the back of class, staring at the unread message she sent Willow. She was trying to
explain herself, but her (maybe still) friend evidently didn't want to hear it.

The teacher at the front is rambling on about something stupid. Or maybe it's important. Luz
doesn't really care right now.

Then it happens.

Her phone buzzes, and even though the volume is turned down, She knows who it's from.

Luz casually pulls her phone out of her pocket, opens up the message. Then she nearly drops her

Is? Is it legal to show that much skin on school property? Amity sent her a picture, and her shirt is
conspicuously missing.

Does Amity ever wear a bra?

Amity is smiling at her phone, her tongue sticking out slightly. Luz can't tell exactly where she is,
but that tongue has her… distracted.

Another buzz comes a moment later, and it takes all of Luz's mental fortitude to pull herself away
from the photo to check it.

Amity ♥️ - 1:35 PM: Come and get me~

A loud clatter rings out through the classroom, drawing everyone's attention, and Luz realizes that
she actually did drop her phone this time. That doesn't matter, who cares what all of these rich
pricks think?

Wordlessly she picks up her phone, grabs her bag and leaves.

"Ms Noceda, where do you think you're going young lady?"

Luz looks back, staring the teacher right in the eyes. At least he didn't misgender her. "Bathroom"
Luz says, and leaves the teacher blinking in confusion.

Her heart is pounding, she pulls her phone out again. Where is Amity in the photo? She curses how
every single inch of floor in this fucking place is exactly the same.
Is Amity fucking with her? She doesn't seem like the practical joker type though.

Then Luz sees it, a trampled flower. Just in the corner of the picture. She grins, stalking down the

Luz is still a little worried about how Amity was carrying herself this morning. Maybe she was just
tense because she got her cheek banged up?

Maybe Amity just needed to blow off some steam?

Luz resolves to ask her, just as soon as she gets there. This damn school was built by a sadist.

Her phone buzzes again when she's 3/4 of the way there, and Luz nearly dies when she opens it.

Once again, Amity is not wearing anything under her skirt.

Luz steps out of a side door, coming into a small courtyard that houses all of the unsightly utilities
of the school. There are no windows looking down into the space.

No one ever comes here, except for the hydro company.

And there she is, her shirt regrettably back on. A big dopey grin on her face.

"Did I make that too easy?" Amity says with a lilt that has Luz adjusting her pants. She recovers,
and puts on her best smirk.

“Hermosa, you're always a little too easy for me, aren't you?" Luz says, grinning wider at the blush
blooming across Amity's face.

"W-What are you implying Noceda?" Amity says, and an instant later, Luz pulls her into a kiss.
She wastes absolutely no time. Untucking Amity's dress shirt before slipping her hands underneath.
Fingering Amity’s soft skin greedily.

Only breaking the kiss to gasp a breath of air before diving back in. Amity hums, gripping hard at
Luz's shoulders. They pull apart a minute later.

"Can't believe you skipped class…" Luz whispers with a grin, and Amity scoffs.

"I have a free period, you're the one skipping class." She says with a smirk of her own.

"Sure am, but that's only because…" Luz pauses, dragging her fingernails along Amity's back
before pulling her even closer, "You're way too fucking irresistible Ams."

Amity huffs out a little breath, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open slightly. Her normally
perfect hair is already a little disheveled.

She looks so desperate, and it's so hot. Luz’s fingers bump into the bandage, and she pulls away

"You okay?" Luz says, softer emotion mixing in with her hunger. Amity is at a loss for words for a
moment, before recognition lights up in her eyes.

"Yeah, I tripped." She chuckles, rubbing the back of her head as she does so.

"Ouch, What happened?"

"Don't laugh…"

"That depends on what happened."

"So I stole some of Ed's cereal, but then I dropped the bowl like an idiot." Amity giggles nervously,
"I-I went to clean it up, and I slipped on the milk, and crashed right into the floor."
"Yo that sucks. I wouldn’t think milk was super slippery though." Luz says.

"Oh it's not, it's the stupid floor. If you get that shit even a little wet, it's a skating rink." Amity
smiles softly, her fingers grazing the collar of Luz's dress shirt. "Thank you, for checking though."
Amity says in a small voice.

"Sure, let me know if that floor ever bothers you again, and I'll take care of it for you, socially of
course." Luz smirks, her expression morphing into a full smile when Amity laughs.

"Yeah, maybe."

Then Amity kisses her softly, and Luz kisses her back. And again. And again.

Then a little deeper.

Then someone moans, but Luz isn't really sure who. The world kind of seems to fade away. The
only thing that's real is the two of them together.

Luz gasps when Amity undoes the button of her pants in one swift motion.

"Someone's a little eager huh?" Luz says, delighting as Amity's flush deepens. She's like a glowing
red beacon.

"Shut up." Amity mumbles, pulling the zipper down and slipping her hand inside.

"Hahhhh, you're not the only one." Luz admits, inhaling sharply as Amity's fingers fumble with her

"Yeah? Do you want me?" Amity hums, ghosting her fingers along Luz's girlcock

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" Luz asks, "You're gorgeous…" Amity let's a little noise out, and
Luz doubles down, "You're so fucking hot Ams, sending me that picture? Making a little game out
of it?"

"I thought you'd like that." Amity whispers, moaning as Luz guides her to the wall.

"I really do, you should make it a little tougher next time though." Luz winks and Amity giggles.

Luz's lips crash into Amity's again, pressing her girlfriend against the warm wall. Amity struggles,
trying to move her hand, trying to touch Luz.

"Do you need something Ams?" Luz asks, before biting her ear firmly.

"Ahhh… yeeeahhhh." Amity replies, trying in vain to pull Luz's pants down. Luz grabs Amity's
hand, pulling it above her girlfriend's head. Amity grumbles, trying to reach for her again.

Luz places a hand firmly on Amity's chest, pressing her further into the wall. The sound that comes
out of Amity's mouth has goosebumps crawling across Luz's skin.

"Do you like that baby?"

"Mmhmmmm!" Amity whines, her hips moving slowly against nothing.

"Do you want more?" Luz asks, pressing even harder.

"Neck…" Amity mumbles, and Luz hesitates for a second. Lizzie liked to be choked too, or was it
Kyle? Goddess damned fucking Kyle.

"Are you sure?"

Luz slides her hand up, lightly wrapping around Amity's pale neck. At the same time Luz lets go of
Amity's wrists.

Amity gasps as Luz hikes up her skirt, and she moans when Luz tightens her grip slightly, being
sure not to block Amity's airway.

"Luuuzzz…" Amity's words are just a little strained. Luz smiles, gliding her fingers up Amity's
thigh, ready to get her girlfriend even more worked up.

"Wow, you're so fucking wet." Luz coos, teasing Amity's clit with her finger tips.

"Yeahhh." She moans out.

"Is that all for me?" Luz asks, pressing a finger firmly into her.

"Mmhmmm!" Amity whimpers.

"Such a needy thing…" Luz says, grinning as Amity moves her panties out of the way.

"Please…" she begs, the words sending fire shooting down Luz's body.

"Don't worry Hermosa," Luz growls, teasing Amity's pussy with the tip of her cock, "I'm going to
take such good care of you."

Chapter End Notes

Welp, a lot happened this chapter... we're starting to get into the kinkier sex now, and
I'm so hyped!

I'm sure someone's gonna comment something like: "why would Amity want to fuck
after her horrible traumatic morning? That doesn't make sense." All I can say is...
there's a real reason besides me being horny for these two, and the "clue" is in the
chapter title.

Hope you enjoy, keep your eyes peeled for Chapter 11 sometime in the near future!!
Risky Business
Chapter Summary

A lot can change in a month's time...

Chapter Notes

CW: Negative words about body image; public sex; a lot of tears; and some military
grade, tooth rotting fluff.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Amity can feel it, she can feel herself being spread open. She moans loudly, and she isn’t worried
about anyone hearing them. No one ever comes to this space. Which makes it perfect. It's still
warm enough during the day to be outside, another plus.

Not that Amity's thinking of any of this at the moment, she's a little preoccupied.

"Fuck.. you feel so good Ams." Luz mumbles, starting to thrust into Amity at a decent pace.

She clamps her eyes shut, Instead of answering her girlfriend, she just whimpers and rolls her hips
Luz. Delicious tension is already building up inside her.

"You're so hard Luz~ gods you feel so good…" Amity gasps as Luz's hand tightens around her
throat slightly. The pressure is delicious, being at Luz's mercy like this has her so fucking wet.

She knows Luz won't really hurt her, but the fantasy of it is so appealing. Amity can't explain why.

Are you sure? A voice asks suddenly,

But before she can answer, Luz presses her thumb to Amity's clit. White hot fire shoots from the
touch straight through her body, and her thoughts are blown away.
"Ahnnn!" Amity moans out, losing control of her voice as Luz fucks her hard and steady. Every
thrust pushes more pleasure through her body, until she can barely focus.

The only thing that exists in the world is Luz. The way she stares at Amity through her lashes. The
way she squeezes her neck, sending a thrill shooting through her body.

"Ams!" Luz grunts out, in Amity can feel her shaking. Feel her cock flex inside her. She's close,
and knowing that, knowing how worked up Amity can get her is like throwing a can of gas into a

"Luz!" She cries out, then she hits her peak hard and fast. Amity feels her knees buckle as she
trembles, but strong, lean arms hold her up, all the while Luz drives her wild.

Her accident this morning… No, it wasn't an accident… Whatever happened this morning, it isn't
important right now.

She can let it go, if only for now.

Luz moans wordlessly, her pitch rising to a silent scream as her body snaps taut. Then Luz is
coming inside her again.

It feels incredible, this strange and beautiful girl, a whining, whimpering mess, all because of
Amity. It's so good.

Amity sighs, feeling the tension leave her body as Luz comes down. Both of them giggling and
panting. Foreheads pressed together.

It's a perfect moment. In a little quiet patch of sun.


A tiny huffing noise, coming from her shoulder, where Luz has buried her face. Luz holding her
close. Hugging her tightly.
Luz is crying.

"Luz? What's wrong?" Amity asks, stroking her wavy hair.

"Nothing.. just.. it's been a weird day. A hard day I guess?"

"I feel that." Amity says numbly, and her cheek throbs as she remembers the look on her mother's
face as she struck Amity again and again.

You tripped , remember.

Shut the fuck up.

"Ams… are we friends?" Luz asks quietly, and Amity nearly laughs at the absurdity of the

"Well, you're still inside me… so I really hope we're friends at this point." Amity points out, and
her heart leaps when Luz chuckles wetly.

"Okay… I just wanted to be sure… I uhhh…" Luz pauses to take a few shaky breaths in before she
continues, "I think I messed things up with Willow." Amity’s tentative joy comes crashing back
down. She can guess exactly why Willow would be mad at Luz.

“Because of me?” Amity asks, stroking Luz's hair.

“Yeah…” Luz answers, “but also no? She kept warning me, telling me to stay away from you.”
Amity’s head is spinning, and not just from the thorough fucking she received. Luz doesn’t have
many friends, especially at Hexside… and Amity ruined one?

That’s all you do… you ruin whatever you touch. that damned voice in her head reminds her. Is
that true? She's about to dismiss it, to tell that part of her brain to shut the hell up, but then she
pauses for a moment. Does she ruin everything? How many people's lives has she ruined? Amity
knows she’s made people cry, she’s hurt people in her quest for… for what exactly?

“I’m sorry…” She says out loud. Luz huffs at that.

“It's not your fault. Willow just really doesn't like you. She doesn't know the real you.”

Do you know the real me? Amity wonders.

“Yeah…” She says weakly, letting her worry be for now. She squeaks when Luz pulls out of her,
ah right they were having sex.

“I hope we - I hope I don't lose her…” Luz admits, pulling up her pants, “It would hurt so bad.”

“Why!? I thought you… I thought we…”

“You thought wrong Willow!”

“But what about the lake?”

“Forget it! It was a mistake.”

Willow stares at her, tears spilling over, her voice is cracked and shaky, “A… mistake?”

“I can’t even imagine.” Amity says numbly.

“Uh, you kind of do though?” Luz says with a sass that drags Amity out of her thoughts. “I mean,
you were friends with her too, until your parents made you ditch her…” her parents, Had her
parents ruined her life? No, that's the wrong question.

How many times had her parents ruined her life? A little anger wells up inside her, even as bitter
shame fills her throat. She hurt people, and the reasons why don’t matter. But what can she do?
Even if she’s slowly eased off her more vicious behaviors over time… she can’t just…


She can’t just stop, can she? She’d lose everything, her status on the top. What would her mom do
if that happened?

A sharp sound of a hand meeting her cheek rings through her head,

“Luz.” Amity says, feeling an urge take hold. She has to tell Luz… not about her mom… she isn’t
sure what to do about that… but about Willow.

Maybe Amity can do this one thing, mend this one consequence of her actions.

“Yeah Ams?” Luz asks, slipping her fingers between Amity’s. They just stand there for a minute, a
soft breeze stirring the trees.

“Willow… wasn't just my best friend back then.” A sudden dread fills Amity up, what if Odalia
finds out about Luz? Will she make Amity cut ties?

The thought is immediately appalling, Amity wouldn’t. She's starting to think that she even could
now, everything has changed since last night. Oh fuck, last night…

Would Luz hate her for it? For looking up what must be among one of the worst times of her life?
Violating her privacy? Going after the truth when she wasn't ready.

Fucking hells, one truth at a time Amity.. She reminds herself, mentally preparing for what she was
about to say.

“Willow and I? We were… uh…” Luz’s soft, yet somehow still intense gaze is turning Amity into

“Yeah?” Luz leads Amity out of the courtyard.

Someone could see us…

“Yeah.. uh… we were best friends… but we were also…” Amity takes a deep breath in, and Luz
chuckles, leading Amity right along the side of the school, there’s no way anyone will see them.
Luz guides Amity to a seated position on the well manicured lawn. The sun warms her body as
they settle in.

“Take your time babe.” Luz says softly. Amity looks her girlfriend in the eye, and sees nothing but
patience, no judgment, no expectation. She can do this, She doesn't know how or even if it can help
Luz but at least it's something. At least Amity’s actually trying to do something good for once.

Tell the truth, all of it. A different voice urges her…

This one sounds a little like Amy.

Amity squeezes Luz’s hand, and finally says it, “We were girlfriends…”


Luz can’t focus on her class, all she can do is stare at Willow. She spent all last night thinking
about what Amity had told her, how she and Willow started going out in middle school.

How her parents had found out, how her mother had demanded that she break up with Willow.
When Amity didn’t listen, her parents forced her to break up with Willow. When Luz asked what
exactly that meant… Amity didn’t answer.

Obviously, their relationship fell apart entirely afterwards.

It all made sense. Why Willow was so adamant, why she insisted that getting close to Amity would
ruin your life.
Because it did, or nearly did. Willow was cast out by the friend group, eventually ending up cast
out of every group.

Most of Willow's torment had come from Pinky, but Amity, Willow's one time best friend and even
girlfriend… had stood by and watched.

Amity had cried after getting the whole story out. She had always felt terrible for what happened,
for what she did. But the damage was done, and Amity couldn't risk her status lest she face the
same fate.

It was weird, but Luz could relate to both of them. Not that Luz has ever been popular, but she
knows about being forced to do things you don't want to do all too well.

Way too well…

As for Willow's side, Luz had never had friends. Simple.

It was so easy to understand, so why was it so damn hard to make amends? When Luz tried to talk,
Willow just ignored her.

"Just give her some time…" Gus texted her.

So here She was, finally knowing what she had done wrong but not able to do much about it until
Willow was ready.

If Willow was ever ready.

The bell rings, it's finally the end of the fucking day. Luz is looking forward to a quiet evening,
maybe she and Lucia can watch a movie.

Then her phone buzzes a familiar pattern.

Luz grins, seeing a single word from her girlfriend.

Amity ♥️- 3:31PM: Library?

Maybe she would make a quick stop before heading home.


"Gods!" Luz grunts out, gripping Amity's hair tightly as she bobs her head, sucking hard.

Luz is pressed into a bookshelf, Amity having dragged her to a secluded corner of the library
before tearing her pants off.

Amity is on her knees, Luz's cock all the way in her mouth as she runs her tongue across it.
Swirling and tugging for a moment.

Luz mumbles as her brain fills with static, too far gone to even sass when she hears Amity
chuckling around her dick.

"Ams…" Luz moans out, curling her toes as another wave smashes her to her core. Amity's hand
grasps at Luz's base, tugging up in time with her lips.

The sounds of Amity moaning and slurping are too much, and her hand is the final straw.

"Gonna…" Luz warns, and Amity pulls back, keeping the tip in her mouth as she pumps Luz

Luz comes, shuddering and nearly collapsing to the floor, only being propped up by Amity.
"Fuuuck~" she mumbles as Amity pulls away, smiling as she stands up. "That was so good Ams,
thank-" Luz's train of thought is hijacked when Amity opens her mouth, showing Luz all of the
come she's been holding there.

Then she swallows, a sinful sound that has blood pounding in Luz's ears.

"If that was good… think I've earned a reward?" Amity huffs the words into Luz's ears.

"Definitely." Luz says with a lopsided grin, scooping Amity up in her arms.


"Luuuuz~ h-ahn! Ahn! How are you so good at this?" Amity mewls, a tingling wave radiating
through her body straight from her core.

Luz doesn't answer, instead she sucks on Amity's clit harder. Amity groans, and grinds her hips as
she rides Luz's face. Luz lying flat on the carpet of the reference section.

It's been two days since they could spend time together, and Amity is intending on utilizing every
single second of her 'study session with Skara'.

"Fuck! Luz!" Amity cries out, Luz's tongue flicking her clit as she grips Amity's thighs hard. She
tenses, and cums all over Luz's face.

"Hmmm you taste so good Hermosa." Luz growls from underneath her, her girlfriend's words melt
her brain further.

Amity stares down at Luz, blood rushing to her face.. and somewhere else.

"Had your fill?"

"Not even close."


Luz stares sadly at her phone, her messages to Willow still unanswered even after 2 weeks.

Lucia hugs her sideways, starting up the Princess Bride with a frown.


Amity stares at her math homework, half done… her thoughts eating away at any focus.

It happened again, a memory she's sure is fake. Her and her mom taking a bath together… it didn't
make sense.

Did it?


Luz nearly drops her phone, Eda cocking an eyebrow.

"What's up kid?"

"I… I gotta go!" Luz sprints out, nearly eating shit as she slips on a frosty metal grate. She knows
the sign in the background of Amity's photo. Her perfect little tits hanging out…

"Have fun with your girlfriend!" Eda calls out the door, and Luz ignores the heat flooding her

"Gods… how can you recover so fast?" Amity pants out, shuddering as she slips her plug in, before
hiking up her pants.

"Hormones." Luz answers simply, tucking her shirt back in as she grins.

"Seriously, three times in under an hour?" Amity can barely believe it. She knows it's not the case,
but she feels full of Luz's seed.

The thought has her heart flipping pleasantly.

"Makes my refractory period go down.." Luz explains, pulling Amity into a tight hug. Amity only
just realizing how cold she is. Being half naked outside in mid-October will do that to you.

"I didn't know that…" Amity says, breathing smoke and honey and citrus.

"You can learn a lot from me, Blight." Luz says before she kisses Amity's forehead.

"Shut up, I know."

"Hmmm… want to get some food, my treat?"



"Why do you always buy? I'm rich you know, what's in it for you?"

Luz doesn't answer for a moment, staring at Amity. She's sure of it, Luz is trying to buy her. To
have something to hold over her.
She doesn't know where it comes from, Amity doesn't know why she's so sure.

"Ams, we just fucked for like 90 minutes straight… I haven't eaten since lunch. I'm hungry."


"And I figured, I'm hanging out with my girlfriend, and I want to get food anyway. Might as well
offer, ya know? It's the decent thing to do."

Right, this is Luz. Amity can trust her.

"Yeah, food sounds good, sorry."

"You're fine babe, where do you wanna go?"

"Redstone?" Amity asks hopefully. Luz laughs, a bright sound that Amity adores.

"Sometimes I think you like their milkshakes more than you like me." She smirks at Amity as they

"It's close…" Amity agrees, cackling as she slips from Luz's grip running ahead towards the bus

"Wait… who do you like more? Ams?!?" Luz calls out, chasing after her.


"What the hell are you two doing?" Luz asks, cocking an eyebrow at the huge box of garbage
Lucia has in her arms.

"Working on something, something." Eda says non-committally. Lucia bobs her head up and down
in agreement.

"Okay Ms and Ms cryptic…" Luz cackles, have fun starting through your garbage, "I got to meet
Amity, we're studying."

"Have fun kid!" Eda shouts.

"Be safe! Make good choooicesss!" Lucia calls out in a sing-songy voice.

These two… Luz swears to goddess.

"Hey kid!"

"What's up Mom?"

"You should bring your girlfriend around sometime, we want to meet her." Eda says sheepishly,
and Luz's heart feels like it will burst.

"Yeah sure, okay!" She chirps before dashing out the door. Nearly slipping on the metal grate,


"Amity, you're getting a little big around the waist." Odalia snarls over dinner, "perhaps you should
eat a little less tonight."

Dad says nothing, not even looking up from his plate. Ed looks uncomfortable, but says nothing.
Emira stares daggers at mom.

"Yeah, sorry Mom." Amity agrees, putting some of her portions back on the serving trays.
It's fine, she'll just grab something from the stash Luz dropped off for her last week.


"Hey Willow, I'd really like to talk when you have a chance… yeah," Luz says softly, " So yeah,
maybe give me a call back sometime? Okay bye.." Luz hangs up, letting her head hit the table of
the study room.

"Still nothing, hey?" Amity asks, running her thumb along the back of Luz's hand.

"It's been a month… I guess… I guess we're not friends anymore." Luz says, feeling miserable.
Tears stinging her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Amity says with a strange tone, but Luz doesn't notice the gleam in her eye.


"Hey…" Amity says nervously, pulling at her skirt as Willow glares at her. Blowing a puff of
smoke out, Blondie and short stack eyeing her warily.

"What do you want, Blight?" Willow snaps.

"C-can we talk?"


"L-Luz…" Amity moans, Luz pumping her fingers in and out as she sucks on Amity's neck.

"Patience mi amor~" Luz smirks, slowing her pace as her girlfriend gets close.

"Ll-ahn… Ahn!!" Amity mewls, grinding desperately against her hand.

"Nope," Luz says, smirking as she pulls her hand away entirely. Amity whimpers a moment before
Luz shoves her fingers into her mouth, "I thought you were going to be good for me, Princesa ?"

Amity sucks and licks herself off of Luz's fingers, eyes closed. Total putty in Luz's hands.

"Gonna behave this time? You have three more edges to go." Luz says darkly, loving Amity's
desperate sounds.

"Mmhmmm…" Amity hums, still sucking on Luz's fingers.

"Good girl, if you're extra good today, I might even let you cum."

Amity gasps loudly, before clamping a hand to her mouth. Luz presses her into the back wall of the
nearly empty gas station, smiling as Amity stays stone still for her.

Luz finally lets her cum, after four days of teasing and edging. It's beautiful. She's beautiful.

"Fuuuck Luz~" Amity moans as Luz comes inside her again.

"Nngh, such a good toy for me.. you're so good for me Ams." Luz mumbles, lost in pleasure.

"Luuuzzz…" Amity groans, clutching her tightly.

"Ams, I l-.. lo… I like you a lot mi Amor."

"I… like you a lot too, my Sunshine."

Luz feels it, in her heart, hell maybe in her soul, if there is such a thing. It's as clear as day, and she
starts crying softly.
They hold each other behind the dingy gas station that cold Saturday evening.

Lost in their own little world.


"Oh shit!" Amity shouts, eyes wide and her heart pounding.

"Just wait…" Lucia says with a smirk.

"This isn't even the best part." Luz agrees, and Amity snuggles in closer to her girlfriend. The soft
light of the back room coupled with the blanket wrapped around them makes Amity feel warm,


They order takeout, Luz’s sister is surprisingly quiet and calm compared to Luz. Plus she seems to
like Amity, which is a huge win for her. Her girlfriend’s big sis approves, and it’s… a strangely
emotional moment.

“You’re cool Amity, I’m glad Luz has you in her life.” Lucia says offhandedly after Azura 2, the
Betrayaning is over.

“Thanks Lucia, I think you’re cool too.” She says, smiling wide, shocked when Lucia ruffles her

“Course, I’m gonna go check on the ol’ bird quick, then you should probably head home Amity.
We don’t want your mom up our asses.” Lucia says evenly, hauling herself off the couch with a
groan, her old lady groan as Luz and Eda call it.

“Cool, I can take her home Luci.” Luz says, and Lucia’s eyes gleam for a second. A flash of metal,
then Luz catches car keys.
“Don’t ding up my baby, otherwise I’m gonna charge your girlfriend for it.” Lucia says with a
lopsided grin, then she ducks out the door.

“Hehe, they’re funny eh?” Luz says, stopping when she notices the tears leaking down Amity’s
cheeks. “Ams?”

There’s so much, so much emotion. The way Eda had said hello, commenting to Luz on how damn
pretty her girlfriend was. Eda thought Amity was pretty, Luz did too. They let her eat as much as
she wanted, Lucia even ordered extra.

For the first time in a week she felt full, and genuinely cared for, and… and…

“I’m o-okay…” Amity manages between sobs, “I’m just r-really-h-happy.” Luz kisses her cheek,
and hugs her tightly.

Safe. I’m safe with Luz.

“I’m glad mi amor, you deserve to be happy.” Luz says softly, and that makes Amity cry even

“Ams!? Shit… so-” Amity cuts off Luz’s apology with a wet kiss.

“Don’t.” Amity says, and Luz opens her stupid, beautiful mouth to protest.

“Don’t…” Amity mumbles, kissing Luz again.


When Luz pulls up to the street that leads to Blight Manor, Amity doesn’t want to get out. She
doesn’t want to go home.
If she can even call it that anymore.


“ Muy bueno! Just like that Mija.” Camila says, and Luz feels a spike of pride surge inside her. It’s
just maduros, but Luz made them all on her own.

“Thanks mama, for… for helping.” Luz says softly, looking her mother in the eyes. The anger
starts to bubble up, but before it can take her over,

“Of course Luz, I’m sure Amity’s gonna love them.”


“Oh but they are, it’s written all over your face.” Camila says softly. Luz scoops the fried plantains
onto a plate, everything’s ready. Her mom and her have been working in the kitchen all afternoon.
Preparing a dominican feast for dinner. Amity is coming over for the first time, and Luz wants
everything to be perfect. Luz stares at her mom, noticing the gray streaks. She's older, she's getting
older. And despite how Luz has acted around her since… since then.. Her mama has always been
there for her.

Everytime Luz got sick, every time she cried at home after a really bad day. Luz spurned her time
and time again, but Camila Noceda didn’t give up. Her mom is washing some of the dishes, getting
the jump on clean up.

“Mami?” Luz asks quietly, and her mom freezes.

“Mija?” She answers, turning around slowly, cautiously.

“I’m sorry…” Luz says, rubbing her shoulder, unable to look her mom in the eye. Camila doesn’t
say anything for a moment.

Then she wraps Luz in a hug, Luz melts into it. Feeling safer than she has in months, maybe years.
“I am too Luz, I wish…”

“I know.” Luz says, “Me too…”


Eda walks into the kitchen, hoping to sneak a few bites of dinner early, and finds her wife and
daughter crying in each other’s arms. She smiles, ignoring the aches and pains in her body as she
slips back out.


Amity Blight, the queen bee of hexside, heiress to the Blight Industrial Empire is terrified. She
agonized over her outfit for two hours. It had to be perfect, everything had to be perfect. Emira and
Edric, lounging on her bed, reminded her that Luz will love whatever she wears.

“You could show up in a cat onesie and she’d swoon.” Ed says with a grin, and Emira nods sagely.

She hopes they were right, she buzzes the code to their apartment. She’s never been to the
southside before, it had taken a lot of tiptoeing and outright lies to get Odalia off her back, Amelia
offering to cover for her, even driving Amity here.

Instead of answering the intercom, the front door swings open, and Amity is being spun around.
Street lamps and fallen leaves whirling around her vision as she giggles.


“ Hola mi amor! ¡Te ves hermosa!” Luz chirps out, Amity still doesn't understand Spanish very
well yet, she's starting to get it though. She certainly knows what Hermosa means. Heat rushes to
her face as she shoves Luz away.

“ ¡Gracias! Okay okay, I can fix my hair again.” She grumbles out, smiling in spite of her words.
Luz laughs, and takes her hand.

“Sure, come on in!” She half drags Amity in, and her enthusiasm is infectious. She’s finally going
to see Luz’s home. Her… room…

Amity swallows nervously as Luz opens the door of their fourth story apartment. It’s warm, it
smells amazing , like spice. There are photos all over the hallway, shoes are kind of just strewn to
each side. Luz kicks off her shoes with a grin, taking Amity’s coat and hanging it up in the closet.

Amity is overwhelmed for a moment when Lucia shouts out at someone in the living room. A
mane of silvery orange hair bobs by as Eda stalks down a perpendicular hall.

“Oh hey Boots!” She says as she glances down the hall.

“Hi Ms Noceda-Clawthorne.” Amity bleats out, and Luz snickers as she rubs Amity’s back softly.

Eda snorts, “For the last time boots, just call me Eda.”

“You’re fine.” Luz whispers in Amity’s ear, and Amity feels herself relax. It's just dinner, it's just a
Sunday dinner. It's not a big deal. Eda and Lucia already know her. It’s just -

“Mija! Is Amity here?” A woman pokes her head down the hall, and squeals, “Aye cariño she’s so
beautiful! It’s so nice to meet you, Amity.” Luz’s mom sweeps Amity up in a crushing hug, at least
she knows where Luz gets it from.

“I know Mami, she’s a goddess.” Luz agrees, slipping by them with a wink.

“N-nice to meet you Ms No-”

“Oh please darling, just call me Camila.” Camila hushes her, setting Amity down gently. “Come
in, Luz said you might be nervous and that’s alright, but just know that you’re always welcome
here!” Camila talks rapidly, and Amity smiles, now she knows where Luz gets that from too.

“And let me tell you! Cam was mad at me after that!” Eda cackles, picking at her enchilada. Amity
giggles, even as the rest of the table laughs loudly. Dinner is delicious, if a little spicy .

Amity is surprised at how easy it is, how easily she slips into a comfortable state of mind. She's
talking, and they're listening. Engaging. Asking questions about her, about her interests. Everyone
smiles and Eda cackles a little when Amity admits to liking Azura.

“No wonder our kiddo fell for you so hard, you’re a nerd just like her!” Eda says with a toothy
grin. Amity notes the flash of gold.

“EDA!” Luz squawks out, blushing furiously.

“ Mi amor, ” Camila chides her wife softly, and a thrill shoots through Amity. That’s what Luz
calls her during their softer moments. Amity looks at Luz, who is staring at the floor as hard as she

Does… does Luz?

“Mom, stop embarrassing the kids.” Lucia says flatly, “especially considering how dopey you get
when Raine’s home.” Her neutral face twists into a wide smirk as Eda splutters.

“I… I don’t…”

“Yes you do Amor, and you know it.” Camila says, the barest hint of a grin on her face.

“Who’s Raine?” Amity asks, and Luz perks up.

“Oh, they’re Eda’s other partner.” Luz says, as if that sentence was the most normal thing in the
world. Amity frowns, other partner?

“Wait… aren’t you and Camila married?” Amity asks, wondering if she’s accidentally come over
during the start of a scandal.

“Well, I am married to Camila, but I’m also dating Raine. It’s been a casual thing between us for
years. They’re away a lot, see?” Eda is blushing furiously, and it’s the most disarmed Amity has
ever seen the usually sarcastic and confident lady.

“And… you’re okay with that Camila?” Amity asks, and to her infinite surprise Camila smiles
warmly and nods.

“Of course, they’re so in love, it’s sweet and wonderful.” Camila answers, and Eda shrinks into her

“ Cam plz” She mumbles.

It still doesn't make sense.

“But what about you?” Amity asks, and everyone looks at Amity, confusion written on their faces.
Luz talks first.

“Do you mean ‘What about you? Isn't Raine taking Eda from you?’” She asks, and Amity thinks it
over. Love is transactional right? Amity does things for Luz, and Luz does things for her, and
they… do they love each other??

Amity’s head is spinning, but she nods.

“Love isn’t like that Ams, you don’t have 100 loves to distribute and once you have that’s it,
you’re out. It’s infinite. You can share as much love as you want with as many people as you
love… you…” Luz trails off, her face reddening at an alarming rate.

Oh goddess… Amity feels her world falling out from under her. She’s really in the unknown now.
The family chuckles, lightly teasing Luz for her bashfulness.

“BUT Anyways, Eda loves Mama and Raine in their own ways.” Lucia finally intervenes to save
Luz from her embarrassment.
The conversation continues, but Amity can't really hear it. She's staring at her girlfriend of a little
over a month. One of the best months of her life. The way her hair curls in front of her ear into two
little thingies, the rest of it is a wavy mess that Amity loves to touch.

Her cute nose that Amity loves to kiss, her full lips… Amity also loves to kiss… there really isn't a
part of Luz that Amity doesn't love kissing. Amity privately thinks that Luz looks smoking hot in
the school uniform, but her sense of style is so genuine and unique, even if it is a little unorthodox.

Luz laughs at a joke, and she turns to look at Amity, beaming.


That’s it, isn’t it.

It’s too soon isn’t it? A month is too soon right?

Amity smiles back, grabbing Luz’s hand and squeezing. Luz drags her hand up onto the table and
no one says anything about it, no one even looks. Amity can just be with Luz here.

Is it weird that she wants to be able to do that all the time?

“Okay, let’s clear up the table. Luz has a surprise for you, Amity.” Eda says with a smirk, before
staunchly keeping Camila in her seat, “ah-pup-up, not you two. Chef extraordinaires." Luz mutters
something, but stays put. Amity kisses her cheek with a smile, taking their plates over to the
counter. She's wondering what this surprise is? A vague fear creeps up her spine, but she shoves it
down, this is a good moment. She won’t let anything ruin it.

Especially since… since she might…

She might just…


“Okay! Back down you go Boots, go on! Sit with your girlfriend.” Eda insists, shooing her away as
Lucia dives into washing the dishes by hand. Amity begrudgingly sits down, and Luz wraps an arm
around her shoulder, leaning her head against Amity’s shoulder.

Her heart is pounding, and her face feels hot, But there's nowhere else Amity would rather be right
now. She feels her phone buzz in her pocket, but ignores it.

She watches in amazement as Lucia and Eda clean the kitchen at a rapid pace, working around each
other like they could read each other’s minds, barely saying anything as they worked.

“Spooky right?” Luz mumbles in her ear, startling Amity, “They say it's because they work
together so often, I think that they accidentally found their souls together.”

Amity snorts, trying to stifle her giggle when Lucia looks back and wags her eyebrows. “What?

“That’s easy, they tried to make a deal with a Demon so they could get more free furniture to
upsell.” Luz laughs, and Eda flashes an alarming grin that Amity might just describe as demonic.

“No way, Mija! I already told you it’s because they bought that cursed doll from that antique shop.
You remember the one? Mud and Sundry or something?” Camila chuckles, sipping at her water as
Luz scrunches her face.

“Cursed doll?” Amity asks, and Luz looks at her dead in the eyes.

“Trust me Hemosa, you don’t want to know.” Luz says, ending the conversation before it began. It
was all Amity could think about, for an entire 2 minutes.


“I just gotta run to the washroom quick.” Luz says, standing up and darting down the hallway
without another word. If Amity wasn't nervous before, she is now. Alone with Luz’s family. But
nothing bad happens. No one reveals any Sinister intentions, instead it's a pleasant conversation
that meanders through topics. Amity isn't meant to say anything, nor is she expected to if she
doesn't want to.

It’s nice, it's peaceful, it's relaxing.

Is…? Is this what home feels like?

“OOkay! I’m back.” Luz says, flashing a finger gun with a hand behind her back. She grins at
Amity, sliding into the seat next to her as Lucia digs around in the fridge. Eda brings out a tray
of… banana slices? But the banana is huge.


“Maduros! They’re fried plantains.” Luz explains, giddy, she’s still hiding something out of
Amity’s view, “I… made them for you… I hope you like them.” She adds, looking down as her
cheeks redden.


Amity shakes the thought that's creeping through her mind, even though she knows it's inevitable.
Instead she tries one of these plantain slices, it melts in her mouth, it’s delicious. It’s so, so good.
Luz made these? Luz made something for Amity?

“Umm…” Luz starts, trailing off and looking away. Camila, Eda, and Lucia all quietly urge her on.
Suddenly Amity feels nervous. What is this?
“I also made you something else.” Luz finally squeaks out, presenting a plain brown box wrapped
in a red ribbon.

“What’s this?” Amity asks, her voice quiet. Her mind is quiet. The worries aren't there, neither are
the blue eyes.

“Open it and find out.”

Amity does just that, carefully untying the ribbon and gingerly lifting the lid off. Inside is a
necklace, a silver chain attached to a stunning piece of purple quartz. Amity narrows her eyes and
leans in, even as she reverently picks up the gift.

The stone is engraved, with a little owl. Luz’s design from her lighter… the one Amity had
commented on a month ago…


“Happy one month..?” Luz says, it comes out sounding like a question. Amity holds the necklace
to her chest, staring at this girl… Her girlfriend, one of her only real friends. The girl she had
thought was a robot. The girl she had thought was going to be a problem. She remembered? She
thought this all up? She cooked for Amity, invited her over, and she even got a gift.

Amity is reeling, her world view is once again crumbling. Her own mother didn’t know what “she”
bought Amity for her birthday, delegating the task out to a staffer. Yet Luz… Luz not only got her
something for practically no reason at all, but she had…

“You made this?” Amity asks quietly, and Luz stammers, rubbing the back of her head.

“Oh! Yeah, I remember you saying you thought the design was cool, so I umm… borrowed the
engraving tools from Luci and Eda and…” She trails off, after finally making eye contact with
Amity again.

Amity can’t stop her tears, not just from the sadness of her own cold family life, but from the
overwhelming kindness she’s been showered with tonight. Every day they’re together, whether
they're silently studying in the library, or Luz is coming deep inside her while she chokes the ever-
loving hell out of Amity…

She’s always considerate, thoughtful, kind.

She knows the truth then, she knew it since the thought reared its head.

“Thank you Luz, I… I don’t have anything for you.” Amity manages to squeak out, not noticing
how the rest of Luz’s family leave the kitchen.

“That’s okay Ams, you don’t have to have anything for me.” Luz smiles, and wraps Amity in a

“It’s so beautiful, you-y-you…” Amity tries, and fails, to express what she’s feeling. Luz coos
comforts into her cheek, holding her close. Rubbing soft circles on her back.

She knows. In that moment she knows for sure.

That she’s in love with Luz Noceda.

Chapter End Notes


A big mix of things as we speed run through October, sometimes not a lot of plot
happens for a while... and Love doesn't usually happen in a few days if you ask me.

You might be wondering about the chapter name... all I can say is... feel free to

Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity are riding high after their date night, but a terrible surprise awaits them
at school.

Chapter Notes

CW: Body shaming, slut shaming, general bullying.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luz is on cloud nine, she would skip down the street to school if she didn't know better. She nearly
ate shit last week because of the frost. But that doesn't matter, none of it matters. She had an
awesome date last night with an awesome girlfriend.

She breaks out into a grin, the same smile she's had in practically every waking moment since she
dropped Amity off last night. Amity liked the present, and everybody liked Amity. Amity likes
Luz… and Luz…?

Luz might just… really like Amity … She… likes her so much that she knows another word she
wants to use. But she can’t quite get it out, it still scares her.

But that doesn’t matter right now.

Right now the sun is shining, there isn't a cloud in the sky, Luz's breath comes out in puffs, little
clouds floating away in the cold air, the giddy feeling refusing to go.

She’s got an awesome girlfriend, she’s started patching things up with Mama, and she’s confident
that she can make amends to Willow.

It’s all coming up Luz, finally.

Her luck is finally turning.

“Noceda, I knew you had a price!” A guy sneers out to her as she walks past the now quiet
fountains. Her heart spirals down in a tailspin. What? Isn’t she immune to this shit thanks to

“How’s it feel to be her latest toy, Robot?” A girl yells out, and her friends cackle.

Luz’s heart pounds in her chest… her? Amity… toy? No way, she doesn’t believe that Amity is
using her like a toy for a single second… but she’s worried.

Then she sees it.

“Shit…” She mutters as she spots a rectangle of paper plastered onto the pillar.

And another.

And another.

And more on the door.

Once she's close enough, tuning out the almost constant stream of vitriol. Her blood freezes, even
as a lead brick falls into her stomach. She clenches her hands. They should have been more careful.

A picture, a picture of Luz… and Amity… Luz pressing Amity into an off white masonry wall.
Her eyes widen.

The gas station. She realizes with a thrill. Someone was watching them, and somebody took a
picture. Somebody printed it and posted it all over school. Luz crashes through the front doors, it
feels like she can barely breathe.

They're everywhere, stuck to everything.

“Whore.” Someone bites out, and people laugh.

Luz trudges on numbly. Even as a slew of hateful slut shaming descends on her. Whatever, she’s
heard it all before, they literally can’t say anything that she hasn’t heard before.

But then.

“I can’t believe Amity would stoop so low!” Someone snarks.

“Blight’s really waded into the mud huh?”

“Happy now, you whore? You ruined Amity’s life.” Someone says.

Everyone knows.

Her locker is absolutely covered in posters, and hateful words… and other horrible things. people
seem to be having a few common reactions. Some knew this was going to happen, others were
disgusted that Amity would “sleep with someone like Luz”. And… Luz starts to get a serious
impression that a lot of people are… jealous?

Jealous that, of all the people in the school, Amity chose the dirty, poor delinquent. Amity chose
her, and people hate Luz for that. Hate Amity for it.


Where is she?

Luz pulls out her phone, stalking away from her locker, shouldering through the crowd. Her heart
pounding in her chest. Ignoring the endless cacophony of students, competing with each other to
get their hateful words.
“Hey whore, how much did Amity pay for a piece?” Someone shouts out, and Luz feels sick to her

“Gold digger much?”

“Can’t believe you were playing the long con Noceda, nicely done.”

“Hey Tranny, hope Amity fucking kills you!” Someone yells out, and Luz stops in her tracks.
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck… They… they know that too?

They know she’s trans. They know she’s sleeping with Amity… they don’t seem to know that
Amity and her are dating… but that won’t matter.

They know.

The students know.

The teachers know.

Everyone knows.

Luz shivers, as distant words drift across her mind.

“My parents are not good people…” Amity warns.

This could already be on the internet already, in fact Luz is sure of it

Everyone knows.
Everyone knows.

“Hey whore! I’m talking to you!” A scrawny guy grabs at her hip, his bony fingers digging in and
Luz snaps, the tension that had been building in her gut bursts, she whirls around with a snarl,
grabbing a fist full of his dress shirt before slamming him into the lockers. Fire blazing inside her.

Her other fist raised, her mind screaming at her. She probably recognizes this guy, his name is
Matty or something? Doesn’t matter, he’s dangerous, he’s touching her, he’s going to hurt her. She
has to get out.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” A stern voice cuts through the din in the halls and the fog in her mind.
Green eyes and raven black hair, and quiet afternoons sipping tea while reading.

Aunty Lily.

Lilith Clawthorne storms through the crowd of students. She grabs Luz's bicep before she can
pummel Matty into the wall. Her face is a mask of fury, and she drags Luz after her.

The students don’t dare call her names, the Head Librarian is one of the strictest and most feared
faculty members.

“Aunty… I’m-” Luz starts, shame welling up inside her, she was about to do it again, ruining
everything her parents and aunt had worked for. She fucked it up again.

“This isn't your fault. And I'm not mad at you.” Aunt Lily says curtly, glaring at a teacher who was
gawking at Luz so fiercely that he practically withered.


“How long have you and Amity been together?” Lilith asks, pouring two steaming cups of coffee.
Her office is… huge. Dark wood shelves hold a variety of books and art, statues and sculptures.
Comfy armchairs and fancy end tables command one corner, while her large ornate desk dominates
the middle.
“It was our one month anniversary yesterday…” Luz says numbly.

“Well, in spite of what's happening right now, congratulations.” Lilith says, her words slicing
Luz’s fog into ribbons.

“Congrats? For being the ‘School Whore?’” Luz air quotes, bitterness seeping into her voice.

“I am so sorry Luz, you don't deserve any of the treatment you’ve received here.” Lilith answers
primly, so formally, so Aunt Lily. Luz nearly chokes on a chuckle when Lilith procures a bottle of
Bailey’s from somewhere and pours a healthy dose into her own coffee.

Luz nurses her coffee for a few moments, the numbness giving way to fear.

“Am I in trouble?” Luz asks, and Lilith scoffs.

“No, why would you be?”

“Well I guess there's hard evidence of Amity and I… uhhh…” Luz’s face heats up, and she looks at
the floor, “Well… you’ve seen the posters.”

“I have, but I haven’t looked closely if that makes you feel better.” Lilith says curtly, “and no, I
don't expect you to get any trouble for being a teenager.”

“What do I do Aunty?” Luz asks, desperation gripping her throat. Everyone knows, everyone’s
going to try and hurt her all day every day again. Amity might even get dragged into it.

“Right now? I have half a mind to send you home while we deal with this.” Lilith says, frowning
over her mug, “But you aren't going to be expelled. This is something that was done to you.”


“Absolutely not, you haven't disappointed me, I know you won't have disappointed Edalyn, nor
Camila. Believe me when I say, you aren’t the first teenage couple to get… carried away in
public.” Lilith’s tone leaves no room for argument, and Luz slumps into the comfy arm chair.

“I hope Amity is okay Aunty…” She muses, then it hits her like a bolt of lightning. “AMITY! Oh
crammity! I have to warn her, find her!” She stands up so quickly she nearly spills her coffee.

“No, you’re staying here. With that potential mob out there I’m genuinely concerned for you.”
Lilith says, “I’ll go request an announcement, and try to find her alright?”


“Good, I’m so sorry this has happened to you Luz, I’ll do everything I can to bring the perpetrator
to justice.” Luz slumps back into the arm chair, it feels like she’s wearing a lead vest.

“Aunty?” Luz asks quietly, suddenly feeling so damn tired.

“Yes Luz?”

“... thank you for stopping me earlier.”

“ Of course. I’d do anything for my favorite niece.”

“Don’t let Lucia hear you say that.”

“Nonsense, she’s my other favorite niece.” Lilith smiles before she closes the door behind her, and
Luz is submerged in a horrid yet calm silence. She isn't sure when the tears start leaking out, her
entire mind focused on her phone. On the unanswered text she just sent.

Luzura - 8:28AM: Amity are you okay? Where are you?

Luz sits there, her coffee forgotten, as the reality of what happened starts to sink in. Somebody
violated their privacy, somebody wanted to hurt her. No, to hurt them. Both of them.
Her fear, her sadness, and her pain all start to fade. A little flame flares up, the little spark that’s
never died coming back to the forefront.

Someone hurt her, someone has or is going to hurt Amity. Someone wants them to suffer. A buzz
in her hand has her scrambling to unlock her phone.

Amity <3 - 8:35 AM: Just got here… and Lilith is waiting for me? What’s happening?

Luz stares at the screen, totally, wholly unsure of what is really happening today. At face value
someone's being a horrible teenager, but she can't shake the feeling there's more to it than that.


Amity Blight had a wonderful night, and a horrible morning. Dinner with Luz had been amazing,
her family was wonderful. Her girlfriend was so thoughtful. And talented. And beautiful. Which
only made going back her “home” all the more painful. Odalia demanded that she explain why she
had been out so late.

“I was with Skara.” Amity lies easily, effortlessly.

“Well, did you get my message at least?” Her mother asks curtly, and Amity frowns for a second.

“No, I was a bit preoccupied, sorry Mother.”

“No matter, I was just informing you that we have a trip coming up this Friday.” Odalia says
casually, looking at her perfect nails.

A trip?

A business trip?

Goddess above, the last thing she needs now is that boring shit. She wanted to do something nice
for Luz this weekend.
“All right, I'll be sure to pack." She says, hiding her disappointment.

"No need Mittens," her mother says casually, "I'll have appropriate wear packed for you."

"Thank you." Amity says, feeling herself retreat mentally. Checking out as her mother domineers
her every moment and choice.


A cold hand caresses her cheek, an odd smile playing across Odalia's face.

"That's a good girl, I’m looking forward to some quality time with my daughter." She says, and the
seemingly sweet words reverberate all wrong in Amity’s head.

“Yeah, it’ll be great.” Amity says quietly. She needs to exit this conversation, right now. “If you
don't mind, I'm pretty tired.”

“Of course Mittens, make sure to get plenty of rest.” Her mother says, “You’re going to need it.”

Amity can’t stop thinking about the strange interaction she just had with her mom. the way she
spoke, the words she said.

That smile…

It haunts her.


Amity can scarcely believe it. The entire school is a buzzing hive. Her phone won’t stop buzzing.
She steps out the back of her driver's car, and it's almost instantly met with a raven black haired
woman. Lilith Clawthorne.
“Ms. Clawthorne?” Amity asks, squeaking as Lilith grabs her arm and unceremoniously drags her
away. Not in the front door, but around. From here she can hear the noise inside the school.

Her phone rings out, a distinctive tone that Amity immediately heeds. It’s Luz, she’s asking where
Amity is.

Amity does her best to reply, but it turns out she doesn't really have to, Because she quickly finds
herself in the Head Librarian's office. She sees one, one of the posters in passing, and…

Oh gods…

Amity splutters, trying to ask Lilith what’s happening, what is that? Why is it there? Is Luz okay?

Only to be ushered into the spacious and quiet office, and…

“AMITY!” Luz practically shouts, rushing up to her and wrapping her arms around, “Are you

“Luz…? What’s going on?” Amity croaks.

It takes under a minute Luz and Lily fill her in, telling her about the posters, about how everyone
knows. It’s too much, Amity feels her chest tighten, her breathing shortening.

Everyone knows. Her parents are going to know. If they don't already. They're going to know. And
they're going to take Luz away. They’re going to take Luz away.

Amity gasps feebly for air, it’s not enough. She curls into herself, hyperventilating as Luz squeezes
her hand gently. No. Nononononono… Why? How? It hits her like a freight train, her status, her
standing… it’s gone. Even if the student body doesn't blame it on her, if they blame it all on Luz,
it's still over. They’ll never look at you the same way again.

She’s going to lose everything, her status, and her girlfriend.

It’s over.

The first bell rings, and Lilith writes up two emails to send off to their respective teachers.
Excusing them both from class for obvious reasons.

Luz does her best to comfort Amity, and eventually she can feel her breathing settle. Her heart
slows down a little.

“There we go Hermosa,” Luz says, her voice wavering, “we-we’re going to be alright.”


Luz is crying, Amity holds her close. Amity is crying, Luz holds her close. Lilith? She’s typing
away at her work computer, and then her cellphone.

“Luz, your sister is coming to pick you up.” She says curtly.

“What? No, I need to stay at school.” Luz starts to protest, but Amity tugs her hand.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Luz, we need to let this die down a little.” Amity explains softly,
Before turning to Lilth, “What about me?”

Lilith hesitates. Amity can see the doubt eating at her. She knows it all too well. Then… slowly…

“I suppose we’ll arrange for someone to take you home as well.”

“NO!” Amity shouts, surprising herself with her urgency. “D-don’t… not yet… my mom will be
Lilith frowns, “I don't think it's a good idea for either of you to be here today, and I'm not allowed
to just send you off without knowing…”

“We’ll get her home… Lucia and I.” Luz says quietly, and Amity frowns, ready to protest. But
Luz’s face stops her, a hard set determination. Staring her aunt down, daring Lilith to doubt her.

“I…” Lilith stares at Luz, and Amity silently hopes… please… not now… she can’t deal with her
mother right now. What will she say? What will she do?

What will Odalia do to Luz?

What will she do to Amity?!

Suddenly, the Indiana Jones theme song starts playing, and Lilith stands ramrod straight as her
cheeks flush red. Luz chuckles, and despite the tightness in her chest… Amity does too.

Lilith pulls out her personal cell phone, looks for a moment, then mutters out an excuse me . Lilith
walks away, towards the door of her office, and Amity climbs out of her arm chair, settling into
Luz’s waiting arms. Snuggling close on her lap.

Amity isn’t aware of how much time passes in Luz’s lap, only that eventually a bell rings out
through the school.

Lilith finally comes back in, and quietly sits back down. “Lucia is here, now, use the emergency
exit at the end of the hall.”

“Thanks Aunt Lily..” Luz mumbles, shifting underneath Amity. She begrudgingly got off her

“Thanks Ms Clawthrone. Sorry for all the trouble.”

“You’re both young, this isn’t your fault.” Lilith says, smiling softly at her, and Amity returns it.

They slip out of the emergency exit, which strangely doesn’t set off the alarm. A few moments
later they’re hopping into Lucia’s car. Luz’s big sister has a tight but neutral expression, and then
she wordlessly starts the car and drives off.

Amity rests her forehead against the cool glass and stares out the window, gratefully holding Luz’s
hand, as she watches the preppy polished buildings whip by.


They're about to pull up into a small parking stall next to the owl house. When it occurs to Amity
that Luz isn't just taking her straight home.

The storefront is quiet, and Eda seems to be asleep in a chair behind the counter. Her gray orange
mane covers her face entirely.

"Everything okay?" Eda asks in a quiet, hoarse voice. Apparently not asleep.

"Not really, but Lilly got us out before things could get bad.” Luz says, letting go of Amity for a
moment to place said hand on Eda’s shoulder, “You okay Mom?”

“Ehhh been better, the curse is acting up again.” Eda smiles, it looks strained. Luz seems to notice.

“Sorry, do you need anything?”

“Nah, just need to muscle through the day. You two have your own rest to get, fucking hells I can’t
imagine it.”

Amity’s heart thumps harder in her chest as it hits her again. Somebody took their picture.
Somebody posted it all over school. Somebody was out for blood. They make their way to the back
room, hanging led Edison bulbs casting that now familiar warm glow on the room.
Amity just flops down onto the couch, giggling softly a moment later when Luz flops directly on
top of her. Her giggle fades, and she pulls out her phone, ignoring the over 100 notifications from
various people in order to text Emira.

Amity - 11:01AM: Hey, where’s Mom?

Emira - 11:02AM: She left.

Emira - 11:03AM: Something in New York.

Emira - 11:03AM: Sorting out details for the trip?

Amity’s heart sinks even further, that's right. How could she forget? Not only has she failed to
bring up that she knows what happened to Luz all those years ago at Reality Check, but she also
hasn't mentioned the business trip.

Luz hums, almost purring like a cat on top of her. They've already had such a shity day, maybe she
should just wait? Should she even tell her? No, of course she has to, she has to tell her girlfriend
she's going to be gone for an entire fucking week.

“Ams, what’s on your mind?” Luz asks, as if she can tell Amity is in turmoil. Her heart flutters

“Uh.. stuff…” She says lamely, mentally kicking herself for her dumb stupid brain. Luz crooks her
scarred eyebrow, but says nothing. Amity finds that she can’t deny her, Amity has spent her life
building up her defenses, her weaponry, and after all this time…

She just let Luz right in.

“I have to go on a business trip with my mom this Friday. For a week.” She admits, a dread
looming over her, probably the ongoing collapse of her social life. Strangely, she can't even care
about that. It's almost a relief to know thought doesn't have to keep up the facade anymore. She
doesn’t have to pretend to be the queen bee…

Or… everyone will pin it all on Luz… but she doubts it. Amity has a lot of admirers, but she also
has just as many people who want to see her go down.
"A business trip?"

"Yeah, I intern at my mom's company during summers, And they have these like professional
development retreats? There are seminars and shit?"

"That sounds bogus."

“Eh, they’re boring mostly.”


“Yeah, lots of seminars of stuffy old men droning on about profits and shit.” Amity says, frowning.
She remembers the seminars, sitting next to her mother as she jots down as many notes as she
could. Pointedly ignoring Mr Whittibane leaning in to check her notes.

“Yeesh I couldn’t even.” Luz mumbles, knocking her head against Amity’s collarbone, and Amity
feels herself settling. Then it hits her again.

“Luz…?” Amity asks, curling underneath her girlfriend. Her buzzing phone drilling deeper into her
mind with every soft ding.

“Yeah?” Luz answers softly, watching Amity as she cringes at every notification for a moment
before she leans over to the table and grabs Amity's phone. She quickly taps at the screen for a few
moments before the dinging stops.

The backroom falls nearly silent, the distant sound of some machine running in the workshop
droning softly. Then a small tap rings out, and another. A steady patter picks up against the large
window as rain begins to fall, the rhythmic sound soothing the last of Amity’s ragged nerves. Luz
rests against her chest.

Despite everything, she’s safe, she’s happy…

“Luz…?” She asks again, feeling so comfy and her eyes feel heavy.

“Hmmm?” Luz answers slowly, her breathing slowing.


Amity wakes with a sharp inhale, and she smiles when she remembers where she is.

“Hey you two… it’s time to go.” Lucia whispers from the door, Eda smiling softly from behind

“Oh…” Amity answers, crestfallen. She realizes it’s dark outside, gods how long did she sleep?

“What’sa matter boots?” Eda grunts out, wincing as she leans on the door frame.

“I… guess I…” Amity answers, then Luz mumbles before clutching her tighter. Amity’s heart is
torn. She can’t ask for this right? She’s a Blight, and Blights can’t show weakness.

Can they?

“Do I have to go home?” She asks in a tiny voice, a surge of fear roiling up inside her as neither
woman answers for a moment. Luz mumbles something unintelligible, and finally opens her eyes.

“Stay with us?” She asks sleepily, and Amity’s heart pounds in her chest, washing out the fear as a
new anxiety takes hold. Sleeping? Sleepover? With Luz? There’s no way.

There’s no way Luz’s mom will approve, letting two teenagers stay over on a school night. To say
nothing of her own mother’s opinion on the matter.

Once again, Luz Noceda-Clawthorne’s crazy family surprises her.

“Sure, as long as she gets okay from her mom.” Eda says casually.

“I’ll text Mama.” Lucia says, stepping away.

“My mom isn’t home, she’s in New York, and…” Amity looks at Luz’s wavey mop of hair and
smiles softly, “that would be nice…”

Amity can’t stop smiling, despite how awful the day had turned out to be. Everyone knew,
someone was gunning for her, her social standing was likely in ruins, but… at least she had Luz.

Maybe, just maybe, she had a real home.

Chapter End Notes

A roller coaster, who knows what will happen to our favourite queer girls when they
return to school? The business trip is looming over Amity.

A lot of things are in the air, but at least they have each other.

Hope you enjoyed, talk to y'all soon

Truths and Trust
Chapter Summary

Amity has had a terrible day, her relationship with Luz has been outed, she missed
school, her social life is almost certainly collapsing, and she has no idea what her
mother will do when she finds out.

But far more pressing, and terrifying...

She's sleeping over with her girlfriend, and Amity isn't sure what will happen.

Chapter Notes

CW: PTSD flashback, implied threats of violence, sexual trauma.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Good night everyone, te amo!" Luz calls down the hallway before shutting her bedroom door.

Amity sits awkwardly on the edge of the bed, looking at all of the awesome Azura merch. She's
only a little jealous. Odalia doesn't let her buy any merch, Even though she would love more
Hecate stuff.

"What a day, hey?" Luz asks, flopping down on the bed, Amity bouncing at the impact.

"You can say that again," Amity agrees, "I kind of… don't really want to talk about it."

"That's fair, I don't know what there even is to say." Luz replies, wiggling and crawling so she's
pressed against the wall, lying behind Amity.

Amity lies down with her. Her chest is tight, and her breathing feels labored. It's stupid, but she's
insanely jumpy and fidgety. She embarrassed herself four times at dinner, four.

Not only had the Noceda Clawthornes been totally fine with her staying over, instead sending her
back to be alone in her giant, sad house; they seemed completely unperturbed when Luz had
plainly stated that Amity and her were going to lie down.

The implication being clear, they were going to lie down.

In the same bed.

She was going to sleep with Luz, and not in the way she's used to.

So now here she is, lying on her girlfriend's bed. What should be the worst day of her life has just
occurred, yet she barely even cares.

The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that not being the queen bee is a relief. Hell,
maybe her horrible "friends" will stop bothering her. Maybe, she can finally have friends she wants.

If anyone in school would even want to be her friend. Her thoughts turn to Willow for a moment,
before she rolls over to look at Luz.

Plus, if everyone knows, then she can just act normally at school.

That's of course, assuming that her mother doesn't…

Amity stares over at her girlfriend, committing every beautiful detail of her face to memory.

As long as her mother doesn't… get rid of Luz.

Amity feels so tense, she has no idea what's going to happen tomorrow. And Luz, who Amity is
convinced is psychic, immediately notices.

"What's wrong Hermosa?" She asks.

"Everything, I'm-I'm tense." She admits, and a moment later there's soft pressure on her back.

"I totally get it," Luz whispers, slowly running her fingertips along Amity's back, "You're so tense
babe, do you want a back rub?"

Amity eyes Luz, cocking an eyebrow as she does so, "are you just trying to stuff me again?" She
asks, feeling a smirk creep across her features.

"Hey, I'm not trying to get in your pants… this time!" Luz chuckles, wagging her eyebrows as she
makes little grabby motions with her hands.

"Sure, sure… but yeah, that would be nice." Amity hesitates for an instant, then pulls her shirt off,
lying down on her stomach.

The soft light of little constellation thingies hanging from the bottom of the top bunk.

Luz shifts, straddling Amity's legs. "Tell me if you like something different." She says, before
running the heel of her palms over Amity's back. Pressing into her muscles.

It burns a little, but as soon as her hands leave an area it relaxes just a little more. The tension

Amity sighs out, and melts into the mattress. Luz works her thumbs under Amity shoulder blades,
chuckling lightly to herself.

"Your back is super tight." She says, working a little deeper into the muscles around Amity's spine.

"It's been a tight kind of day." She hisses out, before lightly groaning. A sharp pain blooms from
her muscle and she takes a sharp breath in.

"Ooh I felt that one." Luz says, digging in a little deeper, putting a steady pressure on the knot in
Amity's back.
"Nyrgggh" Amity's voice gets away from her for a moment, and then Luz's hands glide across,
once again smoothing out the pain.

"How are you so good at this?" Amity mumbles into a pillow. Feeling more relief than she has in

"Honestly? I don't know what I'm doing." Luz says, and Amity can just hear the lopsided grin she
has on.

"No fucking way." Amity giggles, "I don't believe that for a damn second."

"Honest to goddess." Luz says, working the tops of Amity shoulders as she leans closer. Amity
hums, the solid weight of Luz on top of her is comforting.

Luz's hands drift, fingertips delicately ghosting Amity's neck. She hums, shifting her weight. Luz
delicately massages her neck muscles, and so so slowly, Amity Blight relaxes.

Fucking hells, she's more relaxed than she's been in a long time. Luz's finger tips drift away from
her neck, and Amity almost mewls.

Come on girl, you were the one teasing her about trying to get into your pants. She reminds
herself, as Luz massages her scalp. Scratching and rubbing at her hair gently. Amity sighs,
practically putty at this point.

"There you go!" Luz chirps, leaning in to kiss Amity's cheek, "does that feel better?"

Amity nods, and strains her neck to see Luz better. She shifts, and Luz shuffles off of her. Smiling
softly as she props up sideways.

That smile.

"I'm glad I could h-" Amity cuts off Luz's words, kissing her softly. Amity pulls away an inch.
"Thank you." She says simply, before leaning back in for another.

And another.

And another.

And a deeper one, Luz moans softly when Amity's hands slip under her tee-shirt. Amity's tongue
darts into Luz's mouth, and Luz's arms wrap around her.

Luz's hand grips on Amity's back, and she shifts, a sudden maddening hunger filling her up.

Luz is so kind to her, so caring, she takes such good care of Amity.

Amity wants to take good care of her too.

Amity swings her leg over her girlfriend, straddling her. The kiss gets sloppy, and Luz whines.

Amity trails a hand down Luz's torso, panting as she watches her girlfriend's face scrunch up.

Then Luz's breathing hitches sharply, and her body tenses. She isn't relaxing, She's completely
frozen. Amity can feel her muscles shaking.

She pulls away, "Luz?"

"Hhh.. I'm fine.." Luz answers through gritted teeth, her entire body rigid under Amity.

"No way."she says, immediately hoisting herself off of Luz, laying beside down her girlfriend.

Luz's rigid muscles finally went slack. "Sorry…" she breathes out, "sorry… I'm sorry…"
Amity hesitates, this is another panic attack, isn't it?

"Would you like a hug?"

Luz shakes her head, staring up at the ceiling but not seeing anything.

"Would you like me to hold your hand?"

Nothing. Then, a soft nod. Luz is whimpering through clenched teeth. Her body starting to shake.

Amity grasps one of Luz's shivering hands in between both of her own. Being close but not too
close. Not sure what to do, she whispers what she hopes are comforting words.

"It's alright, you're safe… I'm here…"

Luz stifles a sob, her eyes screwing shut as she tries to hide her face. "I'm sorry… I didn't… I
don't…" her voice is so small, so scared. It hurts Amity so much to hear her like this.

Especially now that she knows why Luz reacts like this.

"You're safe." Amity reassures her.

"No, No I'm not… they're… they know… they know I told people… I told them what they did t-tp
me…" her voice is running so fast.

"They aren't here babe." Amity says quietly, knowing exactly who Luz is talking about. Jacob
Hopkins and Tara Snapdragon, both tried for multiple accounts of sexual assault on a minor, both
found guilty.

Both sentenced to 15 years in prison.

"They're going to kill me Ams…" Luz whispers, and Amity's blood freezes… the news outlets and
court documents didn't mention anything about that.

"They won't, you're safe."

"No, they're going to find me. They're gonna…" Luz voice breaks into a whine before she sobs
frantically, "th-they-theyre… going to hold me down."

Amity stares wide eyed, gripping Luz's hand.

"They're going to use me one last time… Th-then choke me… squeeze my neck until I stop
breathing… until I'm d-d-dead…"

"Then… they'll… the-th-they'll drive my body out to the middle of nowhere, and dump me in a
ditch." She cries out, curling into Amity, wailing loudly.

"Luz… I… wh…" Amity is at a total loss. She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know how to
help. Luz's cracked wail pierces Amity's mind. It's all she can hear.

She can't imagine, she can't imagine having an adult tell her that. At least, she thinks she can't…

She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know what Luz needs. She takes a steadying breath, then
wonders, what would she want?

She hesitantly hums, a wavering warbly rendition of the first song she can think of.

Luz's breathing is less frantic. “Is that the Azura 2: the Betraying theme song?” She finally
whispers after a few minutes. Amity can feel the heat in her ears, she nods slowly.

“Yeah, it's one of my favourites. Even though it's kind of…”

“Bad?” Luz answers, smiling. Warmth spreads through Amity, and she leans back in as Luz
continues, “I mean I love it too. It's objectively a bad movie though.”
“It really is, they try so hard though.”

“That’s what makes it so good! It’s so bad it’s good.” Luz's enthusiasm returns to her voice, and
they both giggle. The air in the room is so much more relaxed now. Amity hums, nuzzling into
Luz’s chest, curled around her like a cat.

She’s so comfortable, warm.


Luz is so kind. Amity breathes deeply, smoke and lemons and honey. Luz deserves the world.
Amity frowns. she, deserves the truth.

“Luz?” Amity asks hesitantly, suddenly afraid.

“Hmmm?” Luz replies, her eyes closed.

“I uhh… Well…” Amity is quickly losing steam, and she nearly falters completely when Luz looks
at her. She takes a deep breathe in.

The truth.

Not every truth .

Shut up.

“After our first date, I googled Reality Check Camp.” Amity finally admits, wincing as Luz sucks
in a sharp breath.

Luz doesn't reply for a moment, and another.


A long sigh.

Then silence…

Until finally.

“Oh.” She says simply, offering no additional information. This is it, Amity fucked up. Now
everything is going to fall apart, she's sure of it. Whether she meant to or not, she invaded Luz's
privacy and didn't tell her immediately.

Luz is going to break up with her.

She's sure of it.

“Sorry…” Amity finally whispers, bracing for the inevitable. Nothing good lasts long in her life, so
why should this?

Once again, Luz Noceda surprises her.

“pff What are you sorry for?" Luz asks, cocking her eyebrow.

“I uhh… well… b-be… c-ause… ummm.”

“Amity, it's publicly available, I mean obviously my name is redacted but it isn't that hard. The
news crews even interviewed my mom and Luci.” Luz explains, her voice soft and understanding,
“You are not the first person to get curious, and you will definitely not be the last.”
“You're not mad?” Amity asks, so hesitantly, her heart fluttering.

“No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at them.” Luz growls, wiping her eyes with a sleeve.

"Of course, you didn't deserve that." Amity mumbles into Luz's shoulder.

"Yeah, they really messed me up." Luz says, "And I certainly didn't make my own situation better


"Yeah, I sort of… dated people who were way too old." Luz admits.

“Do you want to talk about them?”

“Goddess no, it was so fucking cringey. especially Kyle.” Luz laughs, and Amity chuckles,
processing everything that just happened. Trying her hardest to have the same nonchalant attitude
that Luz has towards the fact that adults kept hurting her.

You know all about adults hurting people…

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

“Luz?” Amity asks against her will. Luz chuckles.

“Amity?” She answers.

‘I…” Amity stalls, she isn't exactly sure what she was planning on saying. Telling Luz about her
weird memories? Telling her that she's sorry but she had to go through so much horrible shit?
Telling her how grateful she is that she has Luz in her life?
How pretty her face is?

How full her lips look.

Amity swallows, eyes dragging back to Luz’s face. Brown eyes sparkle at her, and Amity falls into
them. The dazzling array of colors, of different shades. They're almost hazel, but they're obviously

She's so beautiful, inside and out.

Amity shifts, and Luz shuffles.

“Can… I kiss you?” Amity asks, and Luz huffs out a soft laugh, pulling Amity close and pressing
their lips together. It usually feels like fire, burning her up, a desperate need. But not this time. This
is warm, like a wood stove heating her body.




Amity deepens the kiss, slowly stroking Luz’s hair, scratching her scalp, careful not to put her full
body weight on Luz. Wanting her awesome girlfriend to feel just as safe and comfortable as she

Wanting to pour this feeling out, share it with this girl who is changing Amity’s life in so many

Luz’s tongue slips into her mouth, and she moans. Luz’s hands grip her sweater hard. Amity
squeaks when Luz presses against her shoulder, and she rolls onto her back. Sinking into the
mattress as Luz showers her with attention.
Amity’s hands wander down Luz’s body, tracing every curve. She ghosts Luz's hips, smirking into
their kiss when she hears a warbling moan. Amity presses on, her hand dipping into Luz’s

“hahhHHhh…” Luz moans, jutting her hips from Amity’s featherlite touches. Her sounds have the
warmth in Amity swelling. A deep and hungry need filling her up.

Amity is panting when Luz pulls away from the kiss for a moment. Amity stares at her, the need
overwhelming her senses, her thoughts.

“Can I touch you?” Amity huffs out, using all of her willpower to hold her hand back.

“Yesss…” Luz replies, her eyes drooping closed and her mouth slightly open. Amity reaches a
little further, and wraps her fingers around Luz’s sensitive… Girlcock? Dick? Member? Amity
can’t remember if Luz has ever specified a particular word. She can’t remember if she’s ever

“What words do you like?” Amity asks, Before realizing she probably needs to be more specific,
“should I use feminine terms for your body?”

“C-clitty or girlcock…” Luz mumbles, slowly rolling her hips. Trying to eke out some friction.
Amity pulls Luz close and whispers in her ear.

“Okay, thank you~” Then she starts pumping. Luz moans. Amity tries to keep her touch light,
having absolutely no idea what she's doing. But it's apparently working. Luz is almost coming
apart on top of her. Her adorable little noises are intoxicating. Addicting.

Amity feels herself slip further. She wants more. She goes faster. Luz whines. She goes a little
harder. Luz muffles her cries with her hand.

Harder. Luz winces.

Amity notices, stopping at the same time Luz speaks up, “too hard Ams…”

“Oops, thank you for letting me know." Amity says as she adjusts her grip.
“No worries, heh, just sensitIVE ahn!” Luz’s eyes wrench closed as Amity strokes her. Taking
extra care to be gentle, tugging a little now and then just to hear Luz squeak.

“Mmmm~” Luz moans.

“Good?” Amity asks, feeling so out of breath.


“Anything I could do to make it better?”

“K-k-ahhhh-ki…kiss me?” Luz manages, and Amity smiles.

“Of course love.” And she kisses Luz, swallowing her moans and gasps as Amity delicately drives
her closer and closer.

It’s nice. Making someone feel so good, expecting nothing in return. Just showering love on

Love is infinite. She remembers, but right now?

She wants Luz to have it all.

“Mmmpph!” Luz moans, her hips shuddering. Amity’s heart flips in her chest, and she pulls away.


“Mmmmh! Yeah~”
“Hang on a sec..” Amity says, letting go, pulling Luz’s pants down.


“You just stay put.” Amity says, wiggling lower on the bed, her eyes locked on Luz’s twitching


“Wanna taste your cute clitty~” Amity mumbles, smirking as Luz lets out a long, pitched moan.
Amity’s legs are dangling off the end of Luz’s bed, Her back is at an uncomfortable angle, but she
doesn't care. She softly laps at Luz's tip, teasing fingers barely touching.

“Hahhhh… Ams~”

Amity takes the tip into her mouth, moaning at the taste. Luz tastes a little bit like herself, and she
absently wonders if it’s because of the hormones. It hits her that despite how many times she’s
done something like this with Luz, she’s never actually thought about why Luz tastes so good.

“Amity!” Luz whisper-shouts, her voice hoarse. Amity doesn't stop, keeping her pace consistent,
working Luz into a frenzy.

She loves this.


Luz's hips shudder. Her clitty twitches. Amity's hands keep moving. Tugging.


Luz's body snaps taut, her girlcock slipping just a little further into Amity's mouth as she comes
Amity gags as some hits the back of her throat, then she's collecting Luz's salty come on her
tongue. She thought she'd hate sucking AMAB people off, and a small part of her had been
worried when Luz told her what parts she had.

Her worries were baseless. Luz tasted delicious, But more importantly, the way she melted. The
way Luz Noceda came, so vulnerable, so trusting.

It was perfect.

Luz whimpers, shivering from overstimulation, and Amity suddenly comes back down to earth.
Pulling off of Luz with a slight pop.

She wants to swallow. The taste is great, but the consistency isn't. But she loves this part most of
all. Luz slumps into the bed beside her, panting as she watches Amity crawl back up.

Amity sits up, kneeling, and Luz stares at her with rapt attention. Amity smiles, and opens her
mouth, careful not to spill.

Luz moans, and Amity winks at her, before closing her mouth and swallowing. Watching Luz

Then they're snuggling in close. It's perfect.

"Ams… you're so fucking sexy." Luz mumbles, and Amity hums.

"I try." She giggles, booping Luz's nose with her own. Luz stifles a laugh, her cheeks are flushed
and she's grinning.

"Can I do anything for you?" She asks. And Amity considers it for a moment.

"No, I'm good." Amity says, and she means it. She doesn't want anything in this moment. She
wanted to make Luz feel good, and she did that.
"You sure? I could return the favor?" Luz asks, and Amity moves quickly, snuffing out her
girlfriend's insecurities before they crop up.

"Nuh-uh… I'm good Luz. This is a perfect end to a really bad day."

Amity stares, ironclad, waiting for Luz to relent. Not leaving room for any alternative.

It doesn't take very long.

"Okay, thanks for telling me." Luz sinks back into the mattress.

"Of course." Amity says, shuffling, trying to get under the pile of blankets. It proves to be a
difficult task considering that both of them are lying on top.

"Why do you have so many blankets?"

"Cuz I like having a nest." Luz answers, grinning as she hopes off the bed and rolls Amity over,
before draping an incredibly soft gray blanket over her.

The gesture is so warm, so domestic. Amity's heart patterns like the rain on the street below.

Luz snuggles in, sighing as she settles. One arm slung around Amity, her eyes flutter.

"I think I need sleep." Luz admits, and Amity giggles softly.

"Me too…" Amity agrees, closing her eyes. She feels herself slipping, the world fading away.

"...." Luz whispers, but Amity is too sleepy to hear her.

She falls into a dreamless sleep, and she can't tell if the last thing she hears is real or not.
"Te amo Amity…"

Chapter End Notes

Character growth? Amity. Whaaaaa????

Hey friends, I hope you enjoyed this. Because I sure enjoyed writing it.

The future is so uncertain for these two... Who knows what will happen next?

We'll just have to wait and find out.

Love y'all.

The Queen's Fall
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity face the music after the disaster that was the day before.

Chapter Notes

Hiya! Shorter chapter here, but I hope you still enjoy!

CW: Transphobic language, bullying, slut shaming, and so on.

“Are you ready?” Luz hesitantly asks, scratching the back of her head she stares down the frosty
street, Hexside looming in the distance.

“Not really…” Amity replies, squeezing Luz's hand hard. Luz squares her shoulders, trying to
pump herself up. It's okay, another normal Tuesday…

Too bad you ruined Amity’s life…

“WelP! We should rip the bandaid off while we can.” Luz croaks out, doing her best to stamp out
her intrusive thoughts. She knows they're full of shit,she’s talked at length about them with her
therapist. She knows that, but as she looks over at her girlfriend, she can't help but wonder.

“Why wouldn't we be able to rip off the Band-Aid later?” Amity asks, and Luz stares harder.

‘Be- It’s an expression… like…” Luz stammers, before Amity grins softly at her.

“I'm just fucking with you dude.” both of them giggle, unconsciously pulling the other close. Luz
looks into golden eyes, and feels herself falling even deeper. Amity’s look of adoration, even
shining through her worry.

“We got this.” She reassures, and they start down the way. The approach is the same as always, but
Luz feels a growing apprehension, an anxiety that she hasn't felt since the very first day.

It… does not take long for her concerns to be validated.

“Ew, watch out Blight, he’s probably after your money.” A girl sneers, swishing her blonde locks,
a single pink stripe running down the center of her hair.

“Fuck off Clara.” Amity growls, and Luz backs her up with a glare. Amity bristling, her words as
venomous as ever. Then they received the first sign of Amity's reign coming to an end.

“Pffft what are you gonna do about it, Blight?” Clara challenges her, and Luz watches as Amity
looks utterly shocked. Like she's never had someone react this way to her anger. In retrospect,
maybe she hasn't.

“What I'm going to do about it is…” Amity starts with a snarl, and Luz can see others noticing
them. Approaching. Luz drags Amity away, saying nothing to Clara. The girl cackles as they go.

The entire walk to their lockers is full with people taunting Amity, shaming Luz, or some cruel
combination of both. Amity is getting more and more frustrated with each interaction, each person
snarking at her for her low standards , or for throwing her life away for a fuck .

When Amity nearly knocks a girl’s head off for calling Luz a slur, she grabs the fuming girl by the
shoulders, guiding her down the hall, ignoring the warning bell.

“Luz, we need to go to class!” She hisses, smacking Luz’s shoulder. Luz ignores her, fumbling in
her bag for her keys. When she finally unlocks the door, Luz unceremoniously shoves Amity into
the supply closet, locking the door behind her.

“What the fuck Luz!? What is this?” Amity snarls, pacing like a caged tigress.

“Just a little breather, a break.” she says. Amity actually growls, running her hands through her
"A break? I can't take a break, this is horrible! No one is taking me seriously anymore. It’s awful.
Gods, how have you dealt with this for so long?" Amity says, still pacing.

"Badly." Luz says softly, And it's true, Luz has never dealt with her problems. Well. She always
makes bad choices. When everything at camp happened, she immediately drove into extremely
dangerous and problematic relationships. When her memories haunt her, she scratches. She smokes
to relax. Luz copes in terrible ways, and she doesn't want Amity to do the same.

"I know.. sorry…" Amity grumbles, and Luz takes a step closer.

"I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. And, this… it gets easier. Sort of." She strokes
Amity's cheek gently, and Amity deflates a little.

"It's not fair."

"I know Hermosa, sorry that I dragged you down."

"No, don't be. It's not fair, all that shit that's happened to you." Amity whispers, returning the gentle
caress. Luz closes her eyes, shivering at the sparks inside her.

She needs to focus, this is about taking care of Amity. No matter how close they are… No matter
the fact that their bodies are pressed together. She shouldn't be thinking about kissing her. I need to
be here, present and supportive for h-

Then Amity leans in, and kisses her.

Oh, nevermind then.

Luz hums, holding her hips delicately, but Amity is apparently not interested in delicate. Luz
grunts when Amity's hands dig into her shirt, and Amity shoves her roughly into a wall.

Luz breaks the kiss, eyeing her girlfriend, opening her mouth to speak. Amity closes the gap, her
tongue slipping into Luz's mouth.
She pushes Amity off, sending her tumbling into a large shelving unit. Amity gasps, and Luz
blinks in alarm.

Luz opens her mouth to ask, to check.

"Luz~" Amity whispers, with a lilt that has her shivering and heat rushing through her body.

The second bell goes off, but neither even notices. Their eye contact is electric. Luz takes a step
closer, and Amity surges forward.

Luz catches her by the shoulders, shoving her back into the wall, and Amity mewls pitifully. Luz
closes the distance between them.

"Do you like that?"

Amity responds by trying to slap her, but Luz catches her wrist with ease. Amity's eyes are wide,
her mouth is slightly open.

She growls and tries to wrench her hands free. Luz chuckles darkly, "You do, don't you?"

Amity glares, "what are you gonna do if I say yes?" Luz presses closer, staring at her with lidded

"Isn't that obvious Princesa?" Luz lets her voice drop to a husky rumble. Pulling Amity by her hips,
spinning her around and pressing her into the wall.

A low moan slips from Amity's lips, and she feebly struggles until Luz grabs her hair by the roots.

"I'm gonna help you relax baby, whether you want it or not." Luz frowns, leaning back an inch,
"how you doing Ams?" She asks in her normal voice.
"Really goood~" Amity hums, before adding with a smirk, "I'm still so angry though. You'd better
help me relax more."

Luz grins, unbuttoning Amity’s shirt before leaning in to bite her shoulder hard, savoring the sound
of her gasping.

Luz's other hand slips up Amity's skirt, and she rubs around where Amity needs it most.


"Yeah?" Luz asks, tugging her panties to the side as she does so.


“You’re just a little slut for me, hmm?” Luz croons, slipping a finger in easily. She holds it there
for a moment, letting her adjust. Amity whines, nodding her head as she rolls her hips. Luz works
up a steady pace, fucking Amity against the wall, keeping her pinned.

“Say it.” Luz orders, and Amity hums, sounding unsure.

“W-what?” Amity says, and Luz hikes up Amity’s skirt fully. Then smacks her ass, lightly, though
you wouldn’t know it by the way Amity moans. Luz spanks her again.

“Tell me what you are Hermosa.”

“Huhhhh… ummm…” Amity’s voice is all breath and moans. It’s so hot. She’s so hot.

“Tell me you’re a slut.”

“I’m… aaaa… hnn… I’m not a slut Luz…” She says pouting over her shoulder, a gleam in her eye.
Luz grins as her heart races, she knows that look. She knows what Amity means, what her words
A challenge.

Prove it. .

“No? Luz asks, pulling her finger out, grasping Amity by the shoulders and spinning her around.
Shoving her down to her knees. Amity watches, completely fixated as Luz unbuckles her pants.
Amity whines when Luz pulls her girlcock out.

“Then I guess you don’t want this hmm?”

“Ahhhh…” Amity’s eyes grow hazy, and she leans close. Opening her mouth, sticking her tongue
out, panting. Luz grabs her head, holding her back.

“Are you sure you aren’t a slut Ami?” Luz says, shivering as Amity’s tongue darts out, flicking her

“Nuhhuhh…” Amity says, even bothering to close her mouth when she speaks. Lapping at Luz’s

“But you want to taste me don’t you?” Luz croons, scratching Amity’s scalp as she holds her back.


“Use your words, babe, and maybe I’ll let you have it.”

“Wanna taste you…” Amity mumbles,

“Hmmm…” Luz hums, thinking hard, stroking Amity’s scalp. Smiling at the sound of her
girlfriend’s desperation.

“No.” Luz says, grinning as Amity whines and tries to close the distance.
“Please Luz… wanna taste you…” Amity’s eyes are lidded, nearly closed. Her tongue is still
hanging out of her mouth. As badly as Luz wants to just fuck her girlfriends’ face, she wants to
please Amity. This was about her, helping her relax.

“No, lie down on your back.” Luz growls, and Amity whines again. Complying instantly, wincing
a little as she lies down. Luz wordlessly shrugs off her jacket, offering it to Amity. Once she’s
settled in Luz, reaches straight up her skirt.

She tugs Amity’s little black panties off, smirking as Amity gasps and huffs.

“Luz… please…” She moans, pulling up her skirt, exposing herself for Luz.

“Please what baby?” Luz asks, leaning over Amity. Gripping her girlcock with a hand, delighting
as Amity stares hungrily.


“What do you want, Amity? Use your words.” Luz grins, teasing Amity with the tip of her
girlcock. Shuddering as she feels Amity’s heat so close to her. Luz groans softly, and Amity huffs
in response.

“Please, Luz… please fuck me…” Amity begs.

“Oh I will, baby, but I just want one thing first.” Luz says, finally setting her trap in place.

“Yes! Anything.” Amity says,

“Tell me what you are.” Luz says, just barely pushing herself into Amity. She expects Amity to
resist, to give her sass, to bite back.

“I’m your slut! I’m such a slut for you Luz, please fuck me. I need you, I need this.” Amity babbles,
grabbing at Luz’s hips, trying to pull her in.
“That’s my girl.” Luz says, and she pushes in. Sliding into Amity's heat easily, the velvety warmth
wrapping around her.

“Your girl…” Amity agrees.

Then Luz fucks Amity Blight on the floor of a random broom closet. Thrusting into her, driving
them both wild.

Her girlfriend moans out, wrapping her legs around Luz's hips, pulling Luz into a kiss. Luz wastes
no time. Thumb rolling across her clit, cock sliding in. Lips locked, tongues exploring.

Amity pops first, groaning into Luz's mouth. Her walls flutter around Luz's cock.

Luz doesn't last much longer, growling into her pale shoulder before shooting off inside Amity,
filling her up the way they both love.

"Fuck Luz, you always breed me so well…" Amity huffs out, the back of her hand resting on her

The words send a strange thrill through her body.

"I'm glad you like it Hermosa, I really love y- love it too."


"NOTHING! WE SHOULD PROBABLY GET GOING." Luz unceremoniously pulls out of Amity
and fixes herself up.

Amity watches her with a strange expression, and a soft smile.

Was Luz going to say it? Endless variations of that question parade through Amity's mind all

She knew that Luz had a hard time saying those words, that's why her family said it in Spanish

They had only been dating for a little over a month, that's way too soon. Right?

Amity is knocked out of her thoughts by something light hitting her in the back of the head. She
whips her head back, and she sees a bunch of girls she doesn't know quietly cackling at her.

She notices the crumpled up paper on the floor, then glances at the teacher. Who is asleep as far as
Amity can tell.

Top notch teaching here at Hexsdie. Amity snatches the paper off the floor, the girls smirking and
sneering even more.

' Tranny Fucker', written in multicolored ink.

Tacky, but hurtful. Luz is a wonderful person who doesn’t deserve all this hate.

She was relieved when the bell finally rang, it was lunch time. While it was true that she couldn't
get away from the stares, and the whispering, the endless taunts and evidence that she had lost the
throne she never even wanted.

But at least at lunch she didn’t have to endure it alone.

She meets Luz in the cafeteria, and they choose a corner table far away from everyone else. Luz
informs her that they've done pretty well, considering no one's thrown food at them yet or dumped
a drink on them, or tried to start any fights all things considered.

They sit in silence, Luz humming to herself while Amity keeps her eyes peeled. Sure someone's
going to exact their revenge.

She didn't have very many friends, mostly orderlies. But she's now keenly aware that she’s made
plenty of enemies .

Amity notices a pair of light blue eyes watching her for just a moment. Before Boscha snaps her
attention back to her friends. Her ex- friends Amity reminds herself, as they so diligently informed
her in their group chat before removing her from said group chat. Telling her that she had thrown
out her social life for some discount girl.


Amity looks over at Luz, smiling softly. She can’t imagine what her girlfriend had gone through,
all alone. It must have been a hundred times worse. Amity is grateful that Luz is here with her
through this, through everything.

Is it weird that she wants Luz to be with her through all of life’s struggles?

Luz's stammered words from the supply closet ring through her head again.

She opens her mouth, to ask a question. A question that might be crazy, but just then the sound of
stomping approaches, and before Amity can look up Willow Park sits down at their table. Followed
closely by Hunter and…

No his name isn't goops… that's not right.

"Gus?" Luz asks, nodding at Hunter before staring warily at Willow.

"Hey Luz!" The smaller guy, Gus apparently, chirps out. He looks over at Amity, and she offers a
weak smile.

"Hi, Amity." He says with much less enthusiasm. Which again, is probably deserved.
"Willow?" Luz asks, hesitantly glancing over.

"I'm still mad at you, both of you." Willow says flatly, not looking up from her food, "But I'm not
going to let either of you face the entire school’s shit alone."

Luz nods, turning back to her food. Amity and Willow make eye contact for just a moment.

Amity smiles slightly, and Willow just raises an eyebrow.


"Ams!" A familiar voice calls out, Luz turns to see Pinky approaching. Luz tenses, turning fully as
Amity stops. The rest of her friends are right with them. Almost outnumbering Pinky, Loudie, and
the rest of their posse.

"What Bosch?" Amity asks, a cold venom in her voice, Luz knows that Amity never really liked
Pinky, but she can imagine it would still hurt to see your "friends" drop you the instant you started
dating someone they didn’t approve of.

"How are you-uh-holding up?" Pinky asks, looking away slightly as she rubs the back of her head.

"Yeah, not great… thanks by the way."

"For what?!" Pinky snaps quickly.

"Fucking… for everything you ass!" Amity shouts, turning away with fury in her eyes, clearly
intending to walk away from the conversation.

Pinky reaches out, grabbing for Amity's shoulder. Luz moves quickly, batting her hand away
before it can make contact.

“Don't touch her.” Luz warns, Pinky’s face twists into a snarl.
“You don’t own her.” Pinky growls, and Luz can feel her friends fan out a little behind her.

“Neither do you.” She retorts, and Pinky's fists clench. There’s a wild look in the socialite’s eyes.
Luz squares her shoulders, not raising a hand, but ready in case something happens. Blood pounds
in her body. The din of the hallway falls to near silence.

You could cut the tension with a fucking spoon .

Then Pinky’s fists relax, and she scoffs, “Whatever, enjoy your time with the freaks Blight…
you’ll come crawling back eventually.” She turns, her stupid pony tail fluttering in Luz’s face, and
she storms away.

No one says anything for a few moments, and then she feels a hand gently grab her own.

“Thanks…” Amity says, looking so damn tired.

“Of course,” Luz replies, pulling Amity into her arms, a bell rings out through the halls. “Shit, we
should get to class though huh?”

“Probably.” Gus supplies unhelpfully.

“Don't you two have class on the other side of the school?” Hunter adds, smirking a little. Luz
grins back sheepishly. She's glad her friends are here, even if Willow is justifiably angry with her.

It’s progress at least.

“Yeah, later guys!” Luz says, and Amity hums a goodbye. They dash down the hallway together,
and Luz feels surprisingly alright, she didn’t get into a fight. She didn’t have to. Her friends were
there for her.

She looks at Amity as she runs, nearly eating shit as she misses the first step in a shallow stair.
Amity giggles, and Luz’s heart flips.


They’re late to class, but Luz doesn’t care. Judging by the way Amity refuses to let go of her hand,
the way a pale thumb rubs against the bandages on her forearm, Amity doesn’t seem to care either.
A Week Apart: Part 1
Chapter Summary

After a fairly quiet rest of her week, Amity rides with her mom to their latest business

Chapter Notes

CW: Child abuse, a mild (and tame) partial undressing sequence.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Amity’s head is already spinning as she takes another sip of champagne. She doesn't really like
drinking, but it’s the only way she can tolerate being in such close proximity to her mother for so
long. For reasons beyond her understanding, Odalia Blight is sitting directly next to her, instead of
utilizing any of the enormous amount of space in the back of the limo.

Amity didn’t even want to go on this stupid trip, yet here she is, sitting silently shoulder to shoulder
with her mom.

She came home from school this afternoon to find everything all ready and packed. She showered
quickly, then smiled softly looking at the hickey Luz had left on her collarbone on Wednesday.

Her mom got back yesterday, and despite ample time for her to do so, she never flies off the handle
about what happened at school.

Odalia didn’t bring it up for the rest of the week.

Amity was currently wearing her best business wear. Which was, ironically, not much different
than her school uniform.

“Now Mittens, you're sure you've tidied yourself up right?” Odalia asks, fretting yet again over
Amity's appearance.
“Yes Mom, I showered when I got home.” She answers evenly, desperately wanting to check her
phone. To talk to Luz. But she knows how this goes, their trips are mother-daughter time. Even if
she would rather be doing literally anything else.

“Appearances are of the utmost importance Amity, remember that a Blight always keeps
themselves well-groomed, everywhere.” Odalia shifts.

Amity squints, tensing up next to her mother an instant before cold fingers clutch her cheeks.
Odalia leans over her, close.

Too close.

What the hell is she doing?

Amity blinks slugglishy as the dizzy buzz in her head intensifies.

Why is it so hard to think?

Odalia looks into Amity’s eyes, then her gaze drifts down. She tilts Amity’s head to one side, then
the other. Amity shifts, trying to gain a little more space between them.

Why is she so close? What the hell is she doing?

Then, her mother's hand leaves her chin, Amity grips her champagne glass hard when Odalia’s
hands glide lower, fingertips resting delicately against her collarbone. Amity’s heart pounds, and
her hair stands on end. She tenses when Odalia moves, one hand drifting to the collar of Amity’s
dress shirt while the other trails down her front, brushing over her ribs.

What the fuck?

She undoes the first button.


And another button.

“Just making sure you’re presentable.” Odalia whispers, and Amity shivers, her mom's breath
tickles her skin in the worst way.

And a third button.

Amity's heart is pounding, her body is frozen. What the fuck is her mom doing? Is she…
undressing her?

Four buttons.

Why is this so fucking familiar?

Odalia stops after the fifth. Odalia’s own eyes are gleaming in a way that Amity hates.

She shudders when her mom's hand glides under the collar of her shirt, smooth fingers ghosting
across her skin.


The hand goes farther.

No way.
Why is her head spinning so badly? She's only had one glass.

Her dress shirt shifts, revealing more of her skin. Every muscle in her body is so tense it hurts.
Odalia's thumb rubs over a spot on Amity's collarbone. Odalia tuts, staring down at Amity’s

Amity's eyes dart down to the mark Luz left on her. The hickey.

Amity stares, her mother’s hand touching her. Too much of her skin exposed. It’s wrong. This feels

It's like time is dragging through thick mud.

Amity looks up at her mother, who's watching her with lidded eyes. So close. She can smell her
mother's perfume, filling her nose. Nearly overwhelming her.

"Mom?" She croaks.

Odalia stares a little under Amity’s eyes, but that can’t be right. Amity is suddenly terrified, unsure
of what her own mother is going to do next.

Odalia sighs, before moving back to her seat. She sips her drink silently. Amity slowly buttons up
her shirt again. Trying her best not to shake as she does so.

She wants to move, get as far away from her mother as she can, but she's frozen. Unable to take
even an inch of space.

Odalia smiles softly at her when their eyes meet. As if nothing unusual had happened, as if she
didn’t just half remove Amity's shirt to stare at a hickey on her own daughter’s chest.

Amity blinks, her head swimming. Everything is spinning, moving too fast.
She sips her drink, hoping it will help settle her nerves. Amity tries to keep her breathing even,
focusing on a count of four as she does.

She slowly realizes that her mom saw the hickey, and said nothing.

Her mom must know about her and Luz… and she had proof that Amity was at very least fooling
around. Yet…

"Mom, are you mad about…?"

"Hmmm? No, no Amity. I'm not upset."

"You… you aren't?"

"Not at all Mittens, nothing wrong with having some fun." She says, with that smile, that
unsettling smile, Her mom… doesn't care about Luz? But she thinks Amity's "having fun?" The
idea that she's using Luz is appalling. Then her mom caresses her cheek, a little too tenderly .

Amity loses track of time, her mind reeling.

She couldn't even really focus on whatever the fuck just happened. Amity stares at her mother like
she's an alien. Like she's never seen her before in her life.

She wants to grab her phone, call Luz, tell her something weird is going on.

Instead she sips her drink.

Her head is spinning. She's so dizzy.

She can't think straight.

Lights streak across her vision, the minutes blur together like the nightscape outside the limo.

"Amity? We're here." Her mother says, "Are you alright? You seem a little tense."

Amity's mind is mostly quiet, save a slight buzzing. She nods, smiling as she takes her mother's

"Oh good, I think we'll say a quick round of hellos, then settle in for the night."

"Sounds good mom." Amity says, and her mom’s next words chill her to the bone.

"I bet you could use a nice relaxing bath hmm Mittens?"

Chapter End Notes

Shorter chapter, expect the next out soon~

A Week Apart: Part 2
Chapter Summary

Luz's week starts off strong, and things are looking up for the Noceda girl.

But she can't wait to see her girlfriend again.

Chapter Notes

CW: Wholesome goodness and embarassment. /lh /hj


See the end of the chapter for more notes

"YOU FUCKER!" Luz shouts, glaring at the other end of the couch as her Palutena sails off the
stage in a burst of color.

"Hahaha! Better luck next time!" Gus cackles, piloting Kirby with a skill and precision that would
rival a fucking rocket scientist. Luz watches as Zero Suit Samus dashes over, spooking Gus.

"Awww! Shit!" Gus cries out as he accidentally falls off the stage.

Okay, maybe not a rocket scientist.

"You two suuuuuck!" Lucia cackles, she still has three stocks. She's been dominating the match,
though Hunter is giving her a run for her money. Luz smiles at her big sister, bent over her knees,
eyes sparkling in that way they so rarely do anymore.

Lucia was terrifying at Smash Bros when they were younger, she could 1v2 Luz and Dad, back
before Dad died.

Before everything went crazy.

Before the cops took Lucia away.

Luz frowns as she watches Lucia, cackling as she and Hunter duke it out on screen. For the first
time in a long while, Luz wonders if Lucia is alright. She came back from jail a different person,
Luz knows that, she could see that . Lucia was different. More quiet, reserved, reformed.

Dedicated to getting out of that gang.

Even years later, Lucia still wouldn’t talk about her time in prison, the only thing she’d say was
that six months was a very long time.

Luz wonders what it would be like? To sit in a cell, alone, knowing that you were only there to take
the fall for someone who never did a lick of honest work, someone who forced you to commit the
crimes that landed you there.

Lucia grins, punching Hunter’s arm lightly when he snags a KO.

A soft pressure on her shoulder pulls her from her thoughts. Willow is staring down at her with an
unreadable expression, “Can we talk?” She says softly.

Luz nods, her heart in her throat.

They slip out of the living room, away from the raucous noise. They pad down the hall and into
Luz’s bedroom. Straight out the window to the fire-escape. A red metal grate with sturdy railings
overlooks the back street. Luz likes to hang there when it’s not too cold.

There’s a little blue and white striped garden pot, empty save the dirt inside.

The distant sound of traffic carries up to them as they sit side-by-side on the wide window sill. The
sun is drifting down towards the skyline, bathing the city in a brilliant orange.

Brick apartment buildings line the cracked sidewalks of Southside. A dog barks from somewhere
Luz takes a deep breath, she loves that distinct city smell, especially once the restaurants below
open up for dinner. She’ll sometimes bring her sketchbook out just to smell the cuisine while she
draws gorgeous ladies.

Like a certain green haired goddess.

Luz glances at Willow, fidgeting with her hands. Unsure what to say. Not knowing how to start.

It's been difficult without Willow, without her best friend. A fact that’s only become more apparent
in the measly two days that Amity has been away on her business trip, unable to text or call
because of “bad cell service” at the hotel they go to.

Luz has been lonely, despite having her sister, her moms, Gus, and Hunter.

“I miss you.” Luz admits, scratching her tangled hair under her beanie. Willow doesn’t respond,
instead taking a big breath in. Luz pulls her jacket tighter around her. Willow sits there for a
minute, “I know you’re still ma-” she starts.

“I’m sorry Luz.” Willow cuts in, fully looking at her with wide tearful eyes. Luz waits a moment as
her brain reboots. Wait? Did she read the situation wrong? Is? Huh?

“Y-you’re sorry?” Luz stammers, staring at her friend.

“Yeah I am, I was scared, for you. I was afraid Amity was going to hurt you… like she hurt me.”
Willow says, looking at her hands, “but that's not the only reason.”


“No, I was… I was jealous, Luz.” Willow says, trying and failing to hide a blush.

“Jealous… Oh! Because… yeah…” Luz stares at her mismatched socks, one has a dancing hot dog
pattern and the other is a plain white. She notices the way the fibers weave in and out of each

“It was really shitty of me, and to be honest a lot of my frustration when I figured out that you two
were together wasn't even directed at you. I was mad at Amity, but I took it out on you.” She says,
staring away for a minute, the sun continuing its slow fall.

A few moments of silence, with Luz staring at her socks and Willow gazing off at the sunset.

Then Willow shuffles, kicking her feet against the wall, “Because she wanted you, and she made it
work despite everything… I don’t know…” Willow’s voice rises to a growl as she tugs at her
braids. Luz offers a hand, and Willow takes it without hesitation, “I guess that part of it is… even
though she’s afraid of her mom, she took that risk for you. Even risking her precious social status
to be with you… but she didn’t even try with me.” She gasps out, Luz notices that Willow is

Luz can easily imagine it, caring so strongly for someone, only for them to cast you aside because
their parents said so.

“It must have been- it must be, so painful.” Luz says, pulling Willow into a side hug, smiling softly
when, after a moment, Willow’s arms wrap around her.

“Yeah… but I felt shitty because of how I acted… I still feel shitty.” Willow burrows her face into
Luz’s shoulder and mumbles, “ I’m sorry Luz…”

“It’s okay Willow, I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have kept my shit secret.” Luz says, wincing
internally, “It’s kind of a problem for me.”

“Me too.” Willow says, and giggles a little. Luz smiles, and they hug properly. Luz looks out over
the neighborhood just as the sun vanishes behind the jagged horizon of buildings. A stiff breeze
works up almost immediately, kicking up dust below, chilling Luz’s face. Willow shivers.

“Wanna head inside? I need to regain my honor.” Luz asks with a slanted grin.

“I can sabotage the others.” Willow suggests before cackling evilly.

“That would only invalidate my efforts Willow!” Luz says with mock horror, “So, obviously,
we’re doing it.”

Luz and her best friend laugh as they climb back in through Luz’s window, walking back to the
living room to find Lucia smirking triumphantly as she wholly owns Hunter and Gus trying to gang
up on her.

It’s been a good day, Luz admits, ecstatic her best friend and her have made up, I hope Amity is
having a good day too .


"You think they would have given up by now." Luz comments over the din, a low but still
deafening murmur of hundreds of students talking at once ringing through the cafeteria.

"They probably would have, if It wasn't for… for the incident." Hunter agrees, and everyone at the
table collectively groans.

Luz chews her sandwich thoughtfully for a little while watching the various rich kids eat their
gourmet cafeteria food.

"Speaking of, I'm pretty sure that whole thing was illegal."

"What is?" Gus pipes up.

"You know, taking pictures of people fucking and plastering them all over school?" Luz says,
rolling her eyes as a pack of girls glare at her from across the room. "Isn’t that revenge porn or

"It is, don’t expect much to happen." Hunter says forlornly. Willow nods beside him, mouth too
full to speak. Luz groans, knocking her head on the table.

"Let me guess, rich parents make the problem go away."

All of her friends nod, and Luz grumbles into her lunch. It's such bullshit, how these clowns can
get away with anything.

"At least people are starting to leave us alone." Willow says, a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Yeah! We got numbers now!" Gus says, flexing his arms and wagging his eyebrows.

Luz laughs, and realizes that despite the continued shit this school keeps throwing at her, she feels
lighter than she has in years. That pain isn’t gone , but it has less power.

It's nice, not to mention she's doing well in school, and she has friends, and she's patching things up
with her mama.

And she has a girlfriend.

She pulls out her phone, sending Amity a bunch of hearts. She smiles softly when she looks at her
background photo.

Her and a certain greenette smiling widely with their cheeks pressed together.

Her smile droops slightly.

She hasn't heard from Amity since Friday afternoon, and Luz is surprised by how large a gap in her
life that distance is leaving.

Somehow, when she wasn't even really aware of it, Amity Blight wiggled her way into her heart.

And she…

Heat dusts Luz's face, and her grip on her water bottle tightens a little.

"You okay, Luz?" Willow asks, and Luz wants to kick herself when she squeaks in reply.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah! Totally!" Luz says a little too loudly, "absolutely!"

"Okay, you just seem a little… nyehh?" Willow waves her hand in a sort of circle for emphasis.

"You look nervous, what's up?" Hunter asks bluntly, a trait Luz usually appreciates. Usually.

"Whaaaat? Nothing's up! Haha… I mean, honestly? I'm kind of freaking out a little because I think
I might possibly, maybe definitely ummm… " Luz's brain finally catches up with her mouth, and
she's absolutely mortified.

And terrified. Terrified of what it means, of what would happen if she said it.

Her friends are looking at her expectantly, she's gone ahead and said most of it, and now she has to
finish it. Otherwise they’ll never let her hear the end of it.

Can she even say it without triggering herself? Those words that Jacob and Tara ruined?

"I think I might… Ugh.."

"Take your time." Gus chuckles.

"Really REALLLY… Nnnghh .. I kind of… might… Amity… you know?" Luz stammers,
chickening out before she can say the real words.

"Do you… four letter word that starts with "L" and ends with "ove" her?" Willow says softly, a
kind expression on her face.
Luz stares at Willow.

Shoulders bunched.

Willow's expression softens, and she reaches a hand out to squeeze Luz's shoulder.

Luz nods.


"Hello!" A familiar voice calls out from the door, and Luz leaps up from the couch, dashing, Lucia
a step behind.

"RAINE!" Luz yells, leaping into her third parent's arms. Their cyan and silver hair is a little
disheveled, and they’re wearing the baggiest clothes they possibly can. Their glasses a little askew.
A bright but tired smile on their face.

"Have a good flight?" Lucia asks, joining the group hug.

"Not really, you know that I hate flying." Raine chuckles, and Luz just hugs them tighter.

"You were gone for too long." Luz mumbles, and Raine chuckles, ruffling her beanie.

"I know, I know, I'm taking a break for a while."

"And about damn time too Rainstorm." Eda says, walking up with a tired grin. Camila at her side,
holding an elbow.

"Hola Raine! I'm so glad you're back." Camila says, chuckling as she tries to pry Luz off.
"Nuh uh.. I'm catching up on my Rainstorm hug quota." Luz mutters, Raine, like Eda, has always
just gotten Luz. They were there for her during her very rough years after camp.

They were the only parent she told about her… less than safe relationships. Kyle and Sylvia and
Lizzie, and John and…

Yeah, Raine never judged, but always advised her every time to stop seeing them.

Eda was amazing, and Mami was so sweet. But both women would have straight up murdered her
partners back then.

Eda nearly did once, actually.

The dinner table is full again, and Luz smiles more during that dinner than she has in months.
Apart from when she's with Amity of course.

"So, I hear someone has a new special person in their life." Raine says with a devious grin. Luz
glares at her moms, both sheepishly look anywhere but directly at her.

"Y-yeah! And she's my age this time I swear."

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble sweetie." Raine says with a gentle smile, "I'm just curious who
this person is."

"Her name is Amity, Amity Blight."

"She's the youngest Blight kid Rainstorm." Eda supplies.

"Odalia's kid?" Raine asks, seemingly surprised. Luz nods.

"Yeah, she's… really cool." Luz feels so hot. Like she's about to break into a sweat. Maybe she
could blame the spicy food for that.

"Well, how did you meet? Who asked who out? How did it happen?"

"Uhhh…" Luz stalls as she racks her brain for an appropriate answer. How they met? Technically
it was Amity threatening her.

Who asked who out? They sort of both did.

How did it happen? In the bathroom as Amity was cleaning up, cleaning up after Luz… fucked her
raw in the public library.

"It just sort of happened? We had a group project, and then we just started talking, and one thing
led to another" She says, and when Raine takes a breath in to ask more questions, Luz stands up,
shoving her chair back.

"Sorry! I just remembered I have a lot of homework! I'm glad your home Raine!

She grimaces as she dashes away from the silent table. Locking the door of her bedroom before
screaming into her pillow.

17 years old, and she's still cramming her entire foot into her mouth.

After wallowing in her own cringe for a few more minutes, Luz pulls out her phone, and starts
typing. A daily ritual she started a day or two after Amity went on her trip. She would write about
her day, keeping Amity up to date on the off chance she had a moment to check her phone.

Luz types out three final words, then stares at them for way too long.

Nah, not over text..

She deletes them. Replacing them with a heart before sending the message. Yet another block of
text that can't be delivered.

Three more days, she only has to wait three more days… then she can see Amity again.

Chapter End Notes

Boop! Luz misses her girlfriend! The girlfriend she loooooOOOooves~~

Hopefully Amity is having a good time too right?

... Right!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed, I'm very excited for the next few chapters (and the rest of the fic).
Speaking of, I have no idea exactly how long this work will be could be 20 something
chapters, could wind up being 30, or more!

I have an ending planned out, but we'll just fill in the blanks until we get there.

Who knows?

Thanks for your continued support. If you like my writing (and are 18 or older)
checkout my twitter:
A Week Apart: Part 3
Chapter Summary

The end of Luz's week is pleasant... but she keeps missing a certain greenette.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Luz breathes in deeply, holding the smoke in her lungs for a moment before puffing it out. She's
standing outside of a large and brightly lit building. One of Bonesborough's most popular arcades.

She swipes through her phone, rolling her eyes as twitter fails to reload. She can't believe how
quickly the app went to shit since that rich dickhole decided to buy it on a whim. She switches
apps, scrolling through Amity’s instagram, smiling softly at the sight of her girlfriend.

Fuck she misses Amity.

The sound of laughter pulls her out of her phone, and she spots her friends walking towards her.
She takes one last drag of her cigarette before flicking it in a random direction and walks over to

"Hey heyyy!" She says, flashing finger guns. Gus is wearing a black leather jacket and t-shirt/jeans

Hunter has a fancy coat, sweater and slacks on, what a dork.

"Hey Luz!" Gus shout.s

"Hi." Hunter says quietly.

"Ready to get owned again?” Gus asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"You're on dweebuses!" Luz cackles as the three march into the arcade.

The arcade is a cacophony of noise, light, and smells. It smells like plastic, and pizza. Luz grins.

Hunter buys the passes for the evening, and off they go. Luz and Gus blast zombies in tandem,
pressing their foot pedals to duck behind cover when they need to. Hunter is right behind them
with a grin.

"Watch it!" He calls out, pointing out a surprise zombie..

Luz blasts it, reloading immediately after.

"Thanks dude!"

"I got you." Hunter replies, clasping Luz's shoulder with one hand. Luz smiles, a warm feeling
filling her up even as her character nearly dies. She looks at her friend, the bags under his eyes, the
scar on his ear, the other one on his chin. Luz absently touches her own eyebrow,

She wonders where he got them from.

"Luz!" Gus cries out, and groans a moment later. She jumps at the sound, turning back to the
screen so fast her hair whips her in the eyes.

"What?" She squawks, before finally noticing that she died. "FUCK!" she shouts, wincing a
moment later as a mother glares at her. The woman dragging her kid away, never breaking eye
contact with Luz.

They all look at each other for a beat, before laughing, the sound drowned out by the endless noise.

Luz loses most of the games they play, but she doesn't care. She's having so much fun with her
friends. Laughing and goofing off, chatting and catching up with them. They eat pizza, her two
boys sitting on either side of her.
She's safe.

She's happy.

She even wins a game. DDR of all things, they cheer her on. Bright lights, loud noises, laughter,
joking, her friends cheering her on.

She smiles, they smile, and Luz’s worries slip away.


"I'm so glad I met you both." Luz says, blowing out smoke in a large cloud. Gus coughs next to
them before taking a drag of his own cigarette.

Hunter stands between them, smiling silently.

"Me too, you're a blast Luz!" Gus says, waving his hand as he talks, "I mean when I first heard the
rumors, I knew for sure I had to meet you." She cocks an eyebrow, leaning back against the stone

The cool sensation spreads through her back as she smiles, “Yeah? Most people just think I’m
trouble when they hear that crap, what caught your interest?”

“Oh definitely the one where you stole $20,000.” Gus chirps, and Luz snorts immediately.

“Sorry to disappoint, dude, I have absolutely no idea where that one came from.” Luz says,
shaking her head.

“What? You're saying you aren't a master thief?” Gus asks, his eyebrows rising as he leans in, a
shit-eating grin on his face.

“Nope, I’ve never stolen money.” Luz says, grinning just as wide. Hunter chuckles as Gus stage-
gasps. She giggles as she punches his shoulder lightly.
“Awww you’ve never stolen anything?”

“I… never said that.” Luz murmurs, kicking the sidewalk as her friends gasp. She didn’t realize her
slip up until it was too late.

“Wait? What have you stolen?” Gus presses, his endless energy pouring off him in waves.

“I don’t have to answer that!” Luz shouts, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. It wasn’t exactly her
proudest moment, back during… that time.

The time when she felt so out of control, when she was fucking any adult who looked her way.
When she needed money.

“Leave it alone Gus.” Hunter says softly, shaking his head as Gus tries to protest. Luz smiles,
grateful for Hunter’s save. They smoke in silence for a while, Luz stares at the sky, a few stars
making through the light pollution.

The chill air soothes her jangled nerves.

She finishes her cigarette, and actually takes the time to throw it out properly for once. A few
moments after she rejoins her friends Hunter’s phone buzzes. He checks it quickly, frowning as he

"Come on, don't tell me Philly is ruining the fun again?" Gus whines, Hunter shakes his head.

"No, Uncle is out of town. It's nothing." He says smoothly, tucking his phone away before
stretching his arms above his head. He looks so tired.

Luz scratches under her beanie, "Uncle?" Hunter doesn't really talk much about his home life, at
least not to her.

"Yeah, I live with my uncle, Philip Whittabane. He's alright, just strict." Hunter says, hand
clutching his sweater, right in the middle of his chest.

A distant look in his eyes.

Luz is about to ask where his parents are, but she stops. Realizing that Hunter has never mentioned
his parents. Not even in passing. Her heart aches as she puts the pieces together. He lives with his
strict uncle, he doesn't talk about his parents.

Before she can think further on it, a bus races by.

Her bus.

The last bus, again.

"Oh for fuck's sake! Sorry guys. I'll catch you later. Make good choices!" She calls out, running for
the bus for the umpteenth time in recent memory.

She really needs to get a car already, if she could ever afford one.


The sounds of sobbing fill the living room. Luz's heart is heavy, and she wraps her arm around her
mom's heaving shoulders.

"It's okay Mama." She coos softly, holding her mom close. A snort cuts through the moments.

"Pffff Cam, the animals are fine! Look!" Eda cackles from the other couch, a dark green
monstrosity that is extremely comfy. Though Raine looks less so with Eda lying directly on top of

"Well I wouldn't know, someone's hair is in the way."

"You know you love my hair rainstorm." Eda scoffs, tossing her wild silvery orange mane just to
tease Raine. Hair swishing across her third parent's glasses

Camila chuckles, and Lucia cracks another beer from the end of the red couch.

"Sorry everyone, these animal documentaries always get to me." Camila says, chuckling wetly.

"It's alright Camila, nothing wrong with having a little empathy." Raine says, a fondness in their
voice that makes Luz's inner fangirl squeal.

Though her mom and Raine aren't technically dating, her and Lucia are just counting down the
days until it happens.

They flirt almost as much as Eda does with both of them.

"So what are we watching next?" Lucia asks, flicking through the options on screen.

"Azura?" Luz asks hopefully.

"Nope! Not again!" Eda barks out.

"Maybe something fun and funny though.". Raine offers.

Luz leans back, shaking her head at her profoundly uncultured family debates exactly what they
should watch next. She snuggles closer to her mom, and Camila wraps an arm around her shoulder.
Luz enjoys the warmth and comfort.

She's so glad they started doing Thursday movie nights again.

They settle on some obscure B movie called Space Truckers. It's campy. It's cheesy, it's kind of
And it's awesome .


"Come on. There's gotta be somebody you got the hots for." Luz asks with a smirk, narrowly
avoiding Lucia's hand reaching for her beanie. Sliding over the counter at the owl house to avoid

Lucia glares at her, but Luz can see the poorly contained smile Lucia is trying to hide.

"It's kind of hard to have someone special when you spend all day in this hell hole." Lucia says, her
stoic facade crumbling as Luz wags her eyebrows, smirking across the counter.

"Well maybe I should take a few shifts, so you can get yourself out there?"

"Pfff you are way too invested in my love life dude, that can't be healthy." Lucia says, walking
around the counter, hands on her hips, matching Luz’s smirk with one of her own.

"What are you talking about? This is classic sister talk material." Luz scoffs, digging her elbow
into her big sister's ribs.

"You're ridiculous. You know that?"

"How do you figure?"

"There's more to life than girls, Luz."

"Hard disagree." Luz deadpans, cackling as Lucia shakes her head in mock resignation.

"Alright fine! No, there isn't anyone. I don’t have the hots for anyone right now, okay? There!
Happy now?" Lucia grumbles, but she’s trying to hold back her laughter as she noogies Luz. Her
sister's knuckles digging into her scalp a little painfully, but then again, her elbow still dug into
Lucia’s ribs can’t be pleasent.
They’ve always been like this, playfully bickering or just goofing off together. Luz misses it. She’s
been missing this.

An alarm goes off, and Luz checks the time, she's been hanging with her sister for hours. It's been
absolutely delightful, some much needed time with one of her favorite people.

It's too bad she can't get any time with her all time favorite person just yet.

Soon, Amity is supposed to be back tonight, and Luz is very much looking forward to hearing from
her. More than she'd care to admit.

“I got to go, Lucia! Otherwise I’m going to be late for my study session with Willow.”

Luz walks into the backroom, snagging her backpack and beanie from the side of the couch before
walking back out to the front.

“Have fun, say hi for me.” Lucia says, grinning as she ruffles Luz’s hair. It's a comfortable,
familiar feeling, and Luz leans into it for a moment, hesitating for a single instant before pulling
her sister into a hug.

“Thanks.” She mumbles.

“For what?” Lucia asks with a quiet laugh.

“For everything, for always being there for me. You’re an awesome big sister.” Luz says, the
warmth inside her spreading as she thinks about just how much Lucia has been there for her over
the past few years.

She feels like she’s full of air, like she could float. It’s getting easier to say what she’s feeling.

And that's fucking awesome.

“Of course.” Lucia says, squeezing Luz tightly before pushing her away, “now get out of here
before you make me cry,” She pauses to check her watch and her face falls, “or miss the bus!”

“AGH! NO!” Luz cries, darting for the door with a hurried “ Te amo.” She’s not about to wait 35
minutes for the next one.

The door swings in at the last second, and Luz nearly crashes right into someone tall.

“Oops sorry!” She shouts, skidding on one foot to avoid a woman walking in the door. Before the
lady can't even reply, Luz is gone, racing the bus to her stop. Shouting expletives in Spanish at the
accursed schedule as she goes.


“Welcome to The Owl House!” Lucia calls out, eyeing this unfamiliar customer with mild interest,
“let me know if you're looking for anything in particular.” She’s tall, and that's about all Lucia can
see, the dark green hood of her jacket obscuring most of her face.

She nods curtly, continuing to examine the various pieces of furniture, slowly meandering as she
browses. Lucia watches, as she stops, leaning in close to an end table.

She leans in closer, kneeling to examine the piece at different angles. Lucia is pretty proud of her
ability to refurbish and repair things, but the slow and methodic examination makes her nervous.
The stranger stands up.

Then she walks straight for the counter.

“Yes? What can I help you with?” Lucia asks, feeling a little uncomfortable under that intense
gaze. The woman pulls off her hood, revealing her pale skin, long auburn hair, and golden eyes.

“I’m looking for Edalyn Clawthorne ?” She asks, her voice flat. That surprises Lucia, for some
reason she imagined the woman would have a rich and melodic voice. She imagined the voice
would sound as wild and enchanting as this woman looks.
Lucia mentally shakes herself, the mention of her business partner also has Lucia on guard. Pretty
or not, this woman looks a little too professional. The way she’s standing, staring at Lucia like
she’s reading Lucia.

Like Lucia is a book.

The whole thing reeks of undercover cop now that Lucia thinks about it.

“She’s out, who’s asking?” She asks, cautiously schooling her features into a slightly bored
indifference. The woman doesn’t even miss a beat.

“My name is Amelia Blight, I need to speak with her right away."

Lucia blinks, surprised at the note her flat voice takes. It wavers. A hint of desperation creeping in.

"I need her help.”

Chapter End Notes

Surprise! Another Luz only POV...

Are you nervous yet? GOOD! THAT'S THE IDEA! Luz needed some time with her
fam and friends, and Amity...
Well... Amity was busy.

I'm still on the ledge in terms of my mental health troubles, but I'm dedicated to
writing this darling of mine. I very much appreciate all of the support, especially all of
the comments. I love that we've started a few small discussions about trauma and how
to heal from it.

Love y'all! Expect chapter 18 soon!

Chapter Summary

Amity wakes up in an unexpected bedroom, what is she going to do? And will Luz's
parents accidentally kill her from embarrassment?

Chapter Notes

CW: Vague implications of child abuse. A little bit of body dysphoria.

It's a beautiful November morning in Bonesborough. The sun is creeping over the horizon. The
frost steams off the roofs in the bright yellow light.

Beams of it slip through the cracks in the curtains of blight Manor. Illuminating dust that floats
aimlessly in a faintly pink room.

Amity Blight cracks open her eyes, almost surprised to see her own bedroom ceiling. But why
would she be surprised? Isn't this where she's supposed to wake up? She rolls over.

Then the headache hits, and she groans.

She's so sore. Head to toe, every single muscle in her body feels like it's made of molten stone. She
blinks a few times, hesitantly testing her mobility, before rolling out of bed. She hisses at how stiff
her hips are. What the hell was she doing to feel like this?

A cat and a deer.

The vague impression comes from nowhere, and lingers in the back of her mind, but she can't quite
pin it down. What does that mean? She wobbles over to her bathroom.

She stares at herself in the mirror, eyes mostly closed, rat's nest of green hair. She doesn't care.
Makeup still on from the night before.

Has she been crying? Her mascara is all over her cheeks, in little dried up rivers. She massages her
jaw absently with one hand, working the tension out.

The splitting, thought scrambling thud of her headache has her clutching the counter. Her vision
swims for a moment.

Yeah, fuck that.

She fumbles around in the drawers of the vanity, before finally finding some headache medicine.
She pops two of the pills into her mouth.

Pills on a tray.

She shakes her head, immediately regretting the motion as she nearly falls over. Her head feels
awful, but the meds should help with that.


Gods she's so stiff. Maybe she'll ask Luz for another massage.

Amity stares in the mirror for a moment.

And another.

LUZ! Fuck, Amity forgot to check her phone last night. Right? She doesn't remember checking her
phone last night.

Hot bath water, almost too hot as she stepped into-

Amity walks back into her bedroom, looking all over her end table, only to come up empty. She
frowns, then she checks her bed. Nope.

Her dressers? No. Her suitcase on the floor? No. Her closet? No…

Where the fuck is her phone?

Amity tears her room apart looking for the damn thing. And she doesn't find it. She didn't leave it
in the limo. Did she?

… Wait? Did they even come home in the limo? How did…

Amity shakes her head, one mystery at a time. The Manor is huge, and there's no way she can find
her phone without some help.

She stalks down the halls, grateful when the medication starts to kick in. Dulling her headache as
well as the pain in her body.

Hopefully Emira's in the kitchen, hopefully Amity left "find a phone" active.

She hears the clattering of something in the kitchen, and hurries her pace as best she can.

"Hey Em can yo-" Amity rounds the corner, and blinks in surprise.

Amelia is pouring herself a coffee, a croissant sits on a plate beside her mug. She turns around, her
auburn hair loose around her shoulders. She looks tired. She looks as tired as Amity feels.

"Morning Amity, I was hoping to see you." Amelia says, smiling softly and she takes a seat.

"Hey Amy! When did you get here?"

"Oh last night, I stayed over." Amelia says noncommittally, but Amity is too busy to dwell on it.

"Cool, I'm actually trying to find my… phone?" Amity's eyes widen as her sister pulls her phone
out from somewhere, handing it over immediately. “Where was it?”

“Just lying around, I happened across it this morning.” Amelia answers, and Amity nods, that
makes sense, she must have put it down and forgotten about it.

She taps the screen, frowning as the phone doesn’t react. She holds the power button on the side
until she sees the screen spring to life. She doesn't remember shutting off her phone. Doesn't even
remember putting it down. Or taking it out of her… purse?

She doesn't even remember getting home. But she obviously did so. Amity can feel a thin sheen of
sweat forming on her skin.

She almost feels clammy. It's because she's tired, that's why she can't remember. She was so tired
last night that she must have just passed out.


Yeah. Her heart starts hammering in her chest.

The kitchenette counter.

“Uh.. Amelia?”

Someone there with her.


Be good…
“Can… what are you up to today?” Amity stutters, the barrage of bizarre words and sights
slamming her mind at a nearly frantic pace.

“I’m free until lunch, why?”

“C-can we go somewhere? Somewhere else?” Amity finally asks, trying hard not to cry. Why is
she crying? It was a perfectly boring weekend.


“... a bath…” Someone says in her mind, and she whimpers despite her best efforts. Amelia reacts
instantly, leaving her mug and plate behind to wrap Amity in a tight hug.

“Of course Mittens, do you want to get dressed first?”

“N-no… can we go? Now?”

“Sure.” Amelia says, guiding Amity to the side door, slipping out of the Manor in the early
morning light. Amity shivering until Amelia’s car finally heats up.

Blue eyes.

Blue eyes stain her thoughts. So close, but… she doesn’t understand why… or when… or how…

She’s remembered them before, that much she’s sure of, but this time?

This time is different.

It’s not just one pair of blue eyes staring at her.

This time there's two.


Luz nearly chokes on her pancake when a familiar tone rings out of her phone.

Camila is halfway to her before she holds a hand up, taking a sip of water to wash it all down the
proper tube. Luz stands up and runs out of the kitchen before answering her phone.

"Hello?" She says, and a thrill runs through Her body when the caller responds.

"Hi Luz…" Amity says, and Luz's excitement is immediately tempered by her girlfriend's tone. She
almost sounds like she's been crying.

"Hey, hi. What's up Amity?" She asks softly, sinking onto her bed.

"Are you busy today?" Amity asks.

"Nope!" Luz chirps, trying to send Amity some positive vibes while they talk, "you want to do

"Yes, please…" Amity says, and Luz is sure of it, she's definitely been crying.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?"

"C-can I come over?"

"Uh okay…" Amity trails off, and doesn't say anything for a couple of moments. Luz almost
worries that she hung up, until she hears Amity taking a deep breath in. "Don't laugh? Or freak

"I'm not going to freak out babe, or laugh, promise." Luz says, knowing it's true. Instead of
responding, Amity hangs up. But before Luz can wonder what the hell that means, she hears the
apartment phone ring.

Luz leaps up, dashing down the hall. Someone else makes it to the phone first.

"Hello?" Raine asks, looking curiously at Luz skidding to a halt beside them, "who is this? Oh!
Amity! Of course. Come on up. Do you know the way?"

Luz groans at the look Raine is giving her, and she knocks her head against the wall once her
parent hangs up.

"You didn't tell me your girlfriend was coming over, I would have dressed up a little nicer."

"Raine! I didn't know she was coming over until 30 seconds ago!" Luz bleats out, turning and
running down the hall.

She crashes into the bathroom to brush her teeth, to freshen up. Her hair is a mess, she hasn't
shaved. She was expecting to have a little more time.

She's halfway through plucking her eyebrows when she hears the door open, and panic
immediately sets in when she realizes that Eda opened the door.

"Nice boots kiddo!" She hears her step mom shout out, and a quiet reply from Amity follows. Luz
turns to the mirror, evens out whatever she's managed to do at this point before stepping out of the

It's fine Luz, it's totally okay that your arms are super hairy right now. Maybe I should have
wrapped them today… It's fine that I'm not super presentable, Amity wouldn't judge me for that.
Luz rounds the corner, and sees her girlfriend standing awkwardly. A big ratty sweater on, and…


"Hey Hermosa." Luz says, and Her heart patters in her chest when golden eyes turn to her. "Do you
want any-", her words are interrupted by a torrent of mint green hair and big comfy sweater
crashing right into her.

Luz barely stays up right as Amity slams her with a hug. She intentionally ignores her three parents
all silently fangirling out from behind Amity, instead burying her nose in Amity's neck.

Holding her close, Luz doesn't want to let her go. It's only been a week, but that was too long in her

"I missed you…" Amity whispers.

"Me too…" Luz says, holding her closer, "want to hang out in my room?" Amity nods, and she
leads her (very clingy) girlfriend back to her room.

Her anxieties are forgotten now that Amity is back in her arms, And Luz doesn't quite know what
to do when Amity starts crying.


It takes about 35 minutes for Amity to calm down. Luz leads her to the bedroom before setting her
up in a big old blanket nest. It's warm, it's cozy, safe.

She’s very grateful that Amelia suggested that she call Luz. When Luz settles in next to Amity, the
smell of citrus and honey and faint smoke wafted all around her. Surrounding her with a familiar

Luz has an old movie playing, apparently Ghibli used to make big fantasy adventure films.
This one is really good.

"I wish thopters were real." Luz murmurs as the plucky pirates zip around an exploding fortress.

"Why?" Amity asks with a chuckle, scooting closer to her favorite person on earth.

"Why?!" Luz responds incredulously, staring down at Amity with a cocked eyebrow. Amity can't
help but zero in on her scar when she does so, "Just look at them, it's like a motorcycle but it can

"They seem dangerous…" Amity says the very instant the thopter pilot is knocked out by a stray
brick, "SEE! Dangerous!"

"The danger makes them fun!" Luz retorts.

While Amity thinks up a scathing reply, She decides to knock Luz off her footing, so she leans over
and kisses her. Long and hard.

"Mmph!" Luz tries to talk, but Amity smirks and slips her tongue in when Luz opens her mouth.

Luz’s arms wrap around Amity's waist, and she hums, careful not to put her full weight on her

They pull apart, barely, and Luz stares up at her. The look is piercing, and sets Amity's heart

"Hey…" Luz huffs, and Amity smiles.


"Do you need something Ams?" Luz asks, and her tone is so genuine.
Not like the hotel staff…

"Hmm I just want to kiss and cuddle a little bit before we watch the rest." She admits, not wanting
to go farther for some reason, "is that okay?"

The sounds of explosions and awesome music stop, and Luz shifts, placing her laptop on the end
table before turning around.

Luz kisses her softly, before pulling her lips away for a moment to adjust before pressing them
back in.

Again and again. Just small kisses. Little sparks for the sake of nothing but the enjoyment of it.

Amity sinks into this, half draped over Luz. Lips meeting, and parting and meeting again.

Then Luz's hands shift, and Amity gasps lightly, not from arousal, but rather the realization of what
she wants.

“Are you sure?” Amity asks while Luz guides her, and Amity soundlessly swings her leg over her
girlfriend's waist. She’s straddling Luz, and all their momentum stops for a moment.

“Y-yeah…” Luz says, her voice a little strained. Her eyes locked on Amity’s lips, her face locked,
her mouth hanging open. Her hair is messy, wavy strands covering parts of her face.

Amity brushes some of them away, staring at Luz. Smitten. She’s so beautiful. Luz looks so
nervous, and for a few moments, Amity can leave her own worries aside for a moment.

“You’re so pretty, Luz.” Amity murmurs, and Luz squeaks at the words. Her brown eyes meet
Amity’s own. They’re practically sparkling, and Amity feels her body relax beneath her. Amity
leans down, delicately kissing Luz’s lips, barely touching, “Let me take care of you, you’re safe
with me.”

“I know…” Luz hums, kissing Amity back, and off they go. Amity takes it slow, stopping to check
in and reassure her every few minutes. Luz melts, Amity watches her just sink further and further
into the mattress. She loses track of time, just enjoying the warm and glowing feeling inside.
Kissing her, touching her hair, lightly touching her body. Nothing too adventurous, but full of care.

“Ams…” Luz huffs into her lips, and something in her tone has Amity’s heart pounding in her

“Luz?” She asks, and watches as brown eyes dart between her own. Luz tenses up a little, and
Amity moves to climb off her. Luz’s hands shift, keeping her in place for a moment as Luz screws
her face up.

Like she’s trying to say something.

“I…” She starts, and Amity’s eyes widen a little.

“I… uh…” Luz tries again. Amity watches, fascinated, as Luz’s face reddens.

“Take y-your time…” she says, kissing Luz’s nose, trying to reassure her. Instead Amity
apparently makes whatever Luz is struggling with worse.

“I… umm, Amity… I…” Luz closes her eyes, taking a deep breath in. A moment later Luz looks
right at her, and sets her jaw.

Luz gently cups Amity’s cheek, and the touch sends jolts through Amity’s body. She feels her own
face heat up as she starts to process the context.

Wait… is this?

Is Luz going to say it?

“Amity… I-”

Luz’s door slams open, and both girls scream in surprise. Amity leaps off Luz, smacking her head
on the top bunk in the process. Luz glowers at the door when an orange silver mane swishes
through it.

Eda’s eyebrow shoots up into her hairline, a toothy grin on her face, hands on her hips. “Hey
kiddos, sorry for interrupting, but dinner’s ready.”

Dinner? Amity finally notices how dark it is outside, and realizes with a thrill that she spent the
whole day with Luz without even noticing.

“EDA!” Luz howls as her stepmom darts back out through the door. Amity giggles nervously, and
grabs Luz’s hand.

“Come on, I’m really hungry.” She says, and Luz’s indignant rage seems to fade away. Replaced
by something softer that makes Amity’s heart flutter and her head spin.

“Me too actually.” Luz agrees, following Amity out of the bedroom. They walk down the hallway
together, out to the bright and warm kitchen with her family already there.

Maybe, just maybe, they could be Amity’s family too.

In The Early Morning
Chapter Summary

Amity and Luz are both in for a surprise or two when they wake up.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Amity opens her eyes to an unfamiliar sight. Little plastic planets and stars and the moon and…

That’s familiar. Very familiar. She’s in a bunk bed.

Luz's bed.

She's at Luz's house. Of course, why wouldn't she be? She did spend the day with her, makes sense
that they'd be lying in her bed.

Amity shifts, doing her best not to disturb Luz, who is currently busy snoring. Drooling on her
pillow a little.

Amity smiles, before turning to survey the bedroom, she hadn't meant to fall asleep, and she should
probably be getting home before…

Before… Amity squints at an alarming red glow.

Luz's alarm clock reads 6:41 a.m.

She stayed the night. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that her mother is
home. Odalia Blight isn’t away, and she was likely expecting her home last night.

Her chest tightens a little at the thought. Odalia would be liable to rally the entire Bonesborough
police force if she thought Amity was missing. She grumbles, it wouldn't do to have hundreds of
cops bashing down the door of her girlfriend's house so early.

But she doesn't want to leave the soft blanket nest that is Luz's bed. It's so comfy and warm. It
smells like citrus and honey and… and Amity.

It smells like us.

She looks around, spotting her phone fairly on the end table. She texts Amelia, asking if she can
cover for her.

Amity settles back in, smiling as she hears Luz mumble.

She has to wait all of 2 minutes before her sister answers an affirmative. Amity rolls to face her.
Luz stirs, inhaling sharply as her eyes open.

"Morning Hermosa…" Luz says, shuffling closer to cling to her side.

"Morning, sorry for waking you up."

"Nah, if you hadn't,” her words are interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen “then Eda
would have." Luz finishes.

Amity chuckles, snuggling closer. Luz hums, and closes her eyes for a few moments. Then they
open more fully, and her tone shifts. "Oh shit, you're still here."

"Is that a problem?" Amity asks, smirking as her girlfriend splutters like an idiot.

Like her idiot.

“No! I’m g-glad, rEAlly happy actually… I uhh…”

Amity moves without thinking much, she presses her lips to Luz’s, smiling as she keeps talking for
a moment. Amity hums, a pleasant buzzing sensation rising in her gut when Luz kisses her back.
They shift, and Luz tries to swing her leg over, only to grunt, said leg is stuck in a tangle of

Amity giggles, before lifting up, something slides out from under her and Luz is finally free. Luz
stares down at her for a few moments, her gaze is surprisingly intense, given that she's only been
awake for a few minutes. Then, she slips an arm under Amity's neck, and leans in.

This kiss is significantly longer, and hotter. When Luz’s tongue meets her own, Amity can’t help
but huff. She suddenly feels short of breath, in the best way, and her heart starts pounding. Amity
shifts underneath Luz, loving the feeling of this girl pressing into her, chest to chest, breathing each
other’s air. Unable to pull away for long.

Amity tucks her hands under Luz’s shirt, loving the soft, warm skin under her fingers. She glides
her hands up to Luz’s shoulders, before one drifts down to her hip. The contact has Luz rutting into
her, gasping into Amity’s mouth.

It takes a moment for Amity to realize that she isn’t gripping Luz’s shoulder anymore, she’s
gripping the back of Luz’s neck, lightly, but with an undeniable pressure. She opens her eyes,
checking on Luz, worried she’s going to have a flashback.

Luz is staring down at her, mouth open, eyes half lidded and hazy. Panting, staring searchingly at

“You okay?” Amity whispers, and Luz nods immediately in response.

“Yeah, c-can… um… can we try something?” Luz asks sheepishly.

“Of course, what did you want to try?” Amity answers, smiling as she strokes Luz’s hair, trying to
soothe her clearly nervous girlfriend.

“Um… can… ughh, canyoubeontop ?” She manages to bleat out, her face going beet red, but she’s
also shaking a little. Amity frowns at the sight, cupping her cheek gently.

“Hey, hey…” Amity whispers, brushing that flushed cheek with her thumb, “I’d love to, we’ll go
slow, and we can stop whenever you want, okay?” Her heart is pounding for an entirely different
reason than before. Luz wants to try, that's it isn't it? She wants to try and be vulnerable.

“Yeah…” Luz says, rolling off onto her back, pulling off her tank top as Amity follows.

“A little eager are we?” Amity teases, smiling softly as Luz tosses the offending garment to the

“Maybe a little… Nervous too..”

“That’s okay, I’ll be so gentle.” Amity says, and she means it. She pulls off her own shirt. It's at
this point that she realizes she hasn't been wearing pants the whole time.

Works for her.

Ever so gently, she brings her leg over, placing her knee between Luz’s legs. Amity figures she
should start off simple. She exhales, her lips hovering just out of Luz’s reach, one hand resting on
her sternum, the other propping her up by an elbow. Luz is watching her, flushed, panting, her wild
wavy hair splayed out around her like a crown.

“You’re gorgeous Luz…” Amity says, leaning in to kiss her before she can respond. Luz just kisses
her back, wrapping her arms around Amity’s waist, and she’s back in it. The heat she set aside has
returned full force, and it only takes a moment for the kissing to deepen.

Then Luz pulls at Amity’s hips, dragging her barely clothed sex across her thigh. Pulsing tension
rolls up and through her body. Amity shivers, dragging Luz’s lip into her mouth, as Luz guides her
along by the hips.

“Mmmm…” Amity moans into Luz’s mouth, and she squeaks when teeth nip at her lip. Amity lets
her hand roam, tracing Luz’s collarbone before drifting lower. She gently squeezes Luz’s chest,
rubbing her palm across it, feeling Luz’s nipple hardening already.

“Hahhh…” Luz sighs.

“Mmmhhnn…” She moans as Amity brushes her nipple with a thumb, breaking their kiss to duck
her head down to Luz’s neck. “Ams~” She breathes out.

Amity nips at Luz’s skin, shifting lower on the bed as she goes, letting her hand lead the way.
Amity sinks her abnormally sharp canines into Luz’s collarbone, just as her fingertips dip into
Luz’s boxers. She doesn’t tease Luz, she doesn’t think she could at this point.

Not with her little sounds, Amity swears that when Luz Noceda whimpers for her, she’d do
anything just to hear her noises again. Amity sucks a nipple into her mouth, alternating between
lapping at it and threatening it with her teeth.

She grips Luz’s cock, shivering a little at how hard it is. Imagining what it will feel like, spreading
her wide, filling her up and hitting all the right spots. Amity huffs out, tugging at it while sucking
hard; Luz cries out, clamping a hand to her mouth a moment later to muffle the next one. Amity
pulls away, just enough to speak.

“You okay?”

“Mmhmmm…” Luz moans, “Ams… please~”

“Do you want more?”


Amity wastes no time, pulling Luz’s boxers down, forgotten before they even leave her hand as she
throws them off the bed. Amity swings her leg all the way over, one hand still pulling gently at
Luz, the other reaching between her own legs. But before she can gather up her slick, she hears a
cap pop off.

“Let me help…” Luz breathes, pouring a bit of lube onto her hand, and reaching for Amity’s heat.
Spreading the cold liquid all over, rubbing Amity’s clit, jolts shooting through her, dragging her
voice out of her throat.

Amity can feel it. She can feel herself teetering, nearly tumbling over. Falling. Out of control. She
grabs the bottle from Luz, and spreads some all over Luz’s dick. Then she sinks down, grinding on
it, skin to skin, rubbing her wetness all along the shaft. Luz is moaning into her hand wildly. The
other gripping Amity’s hip, following along.

Amity can barely think, short bursts of breath rushing to her lungs, her heart racing and her eyes
unfocused. She lifts up.


She lines everything up.


Luz’s cock dips in for a moment, and Amity doesn’t just fall off the ledge.

She jumps.

She sinks down, driving herself onto that hardness. She feels it spread her. She shudders when her
hips meet Luz’s. She’s so full, it’s perfect.


“Mmngnh!” Luz moans from between her fingers.

“Y-Ahn-you okay?”

“Yeah.. ohhh… you’re so…” Luz starts, gripping Amity’s hips, seemingly at a loss for words,
“so… so…”

Amity smiles, placing a palm on her chest, and slowly lifting up, everything is so hazy yet clear.
She can feel Luz’s girlcock, the tip rubbing across her inner clit. She gasps raggedly, as she nearly
pulls all the way out, hanging there above Luz for a moment.

“Eres hermosa…” Luz whispers, and Amity’s heart flips.

She shifts, her other hand keeping the hair out of her face. Then she smiles, and sinks back down.


Holy shit.

Amity sinks back down, wrapping Luz in a warm softness that sends shudders all through her
body. Even her bones feel good, if that makes any sense. Maybe she’s a little out of it, she… she
hasn’t let anyone ride her since-

“Luuzzz~” Amity moans out, cutting off her thoughts for a moment. Gods Amity’s voice alone is
almost enough to make her come. Luz starts gently thrusting in time with Amity’s motions. Every
time Amity sits fully on Luz, she wiggles a little, grinding herself on her pubic bone.

Luz just gasps, curling her toes as an enormous wave crashes through her body. Fuck this is so
good. She almost wishes she let someone ride her sooner.


“Shut up.” Luz mumbles.

“W-what?” Amity asks, as surprised as Luz is, but neither stop.

“Not you, intrusive t-HO-thoughts...”

“Oh, Ahn! Fuck! Mnnn, you t-ah-tell those thoughts.”

Luz grins, her heart racing, pounding against her ribs, Amity is riding her. Amity is on top of her,
and Luz isn’t afraid. She isn’t afraid of Amity, she almost can’t believe there was a time where she
thought she should be.

“H-h-how… how you doing?” Amity manages, biting her pretty lip as she slowly rides Luz, her
walls gripping so good.
“Fuck, Ams… this is - ahn- inc-OH… incredible… so good…” Luz is babbling, and she doesn’t
care, this is… Her body trembles and her grip tightens.

This is too good, Luz has had sex before, obviously. But it’s never.


Felt like this.

Amity slams her hips down, and she freezes for a moment. Luz seizes the opportunity, lifting
Amity and her hips up, tilting her pelvis, and pulling Amity across.

She gets the hint after a moment, and starts grinding against Luz. The tightness is so intense, it’s
bordering on painful. But it’s all worth it when Amity’s face scrunches for a moment, her mouth
open in a soundless moan.


“MMMM L-Luz!” Amity whisper-shouts, and then she’s coming. Luz grits her teeth, locking her
body in place as Amity grinds herself through her orgasm. Her walls are pulling, clenching,
dragging Luz closer against her will.

Amity finally gasps out, and collapses onto her, panting. Luz kisses her forehead, holding her girl
close. Trying to level out her own breathing, she nearly… She squeaks when Amity rolls her hips.


“Your turn~” She whispers in Luz’s ear, and… her brain feels… stupid after that. She moans in
reply, and Amity slows down, lifting up and dropping down her hips over and over. Huffing in
Luz’s ear as she fucks her.

Luz shivers, whining needily. Shit, this is so good. Luz kisses anything she can reach, Amity’s
neck, her ear, and…

Amity kisses her, hard, and her tongue pushes into Luz’s mouth. Luz surrenders, letting herself be
owned and dominated, giving in to the wild pleasure ripping through her body. Luz’s mind can’t
keep up, it’s all she can do to keep her voice down.

She’s clinging to Amity’s shoulders, sloppily making out as she sort of forgets how to kiss a little
bit. Her focus is dragged, inch by inch, towards that single point that Amity is fucking senseless.
Velvet warmth wraps around her clitty, dragging slightly as Amity bounces on it.

Luz doesn’t care that she’s probably drooling all over her pillow, she doesn’t care what sounds slip
out from between her lips. She doesn’t care that Amity is in control, that she’s going to make Luz

It’s Amity, why would Luz worry?

Her voice rises in time with her fast approaching peak. Her toes curl, her thighs clench, her body
shudders. The tension shatters, and her eyes snap shut. Her voice is only muffled by something
warm pressing into it, not lips.

She tries, and fails, to scream Amity’s name as she crashes into her orgasm. Thrashing in between
bouts of locking in place. She isn’t in control of her body, she can barely even think beyond the
blinding, overwhelming pleasure.

She’s barely even aware of Amity moaning, tensing on top of her as she comes again. Mumbling
Luz’s name, removing her hand from Luz’s mouth just to kiss her. Luz finally comes back, she’s
back in the bedroom.

Amity is on top of her, burying her face into Luz’s shoulder, and she’s still going. Still moving.
Grinding herself, and Luz finally feels her brain fully reboot.

“Got another one in you babe?” Luz coos, grabbing Amity’s gorgeous ass and squeezing. Amity
lets out a muffled cry, nodding wordlessly as Luz takes control. She sets a slow pace, dragging
Amity through her pleasure.

Her heart leaps at every desperate sound Amity makes. She helps her girlfriend through her third
orgasm, a shaky, and subdued one that has Amity mewling and huffing.

They finally stop, Amity resting her full weight on Luz’s body. It’s… not scary? It’s actually kind
of comforting. Maybe I should get a weighted blanket? Luz wonders for a moment.


It all crashes into her. The reality of this, of them. Of Amity. Luz wanted to try it, to try the thing
she’d been terrified of for three years. The thing she’d agonized over in therapy. The thing that she
thought Tara had taken away forever.

She wanted to try, to try letting someone take care of her. She wanted to try giving up control. She
expected to give it a go, and then to back out and try again another time.


Amity, she’s safe with Amity.

She knows that.

Amity took care of her…

It’s - Luz feels a surge inside her, and the next thing she knows.

“Ams?” Luz asks, internally wincing at the intensity of her tone.

“Yeah Luz?” Amity replies, lifting herself up slightly to look at her. Luz steels herself, she’s sure.
She’s been sure for weeks now.

Time to take that leap.

“Amity… I love you.” Luz says, her heart slamming up when she says the words. Luz’s gaze falls,
and she braces for it. For the usual panic, for the memories .
But they don’t come, she only hears the barest whisper, illegible.

Amity stares down at her, cheeks flushed, a soft smile on her face, “I know, dumbass.” She
deadpans, and kisses Luz before she can react.

“I love you too Luz.” Amity says after a moment.

Luz grins, then… her expression crumbles. Amity loves her. Amity loves her too. Fear and relief
and elation and terror and happiness all wash over her. Then Luz is crying, whispering those three
words over and over as Amity holds her close, replying every time with the words Luz was so
afraid of.

“I love you too.”

Chapter End Notes


A little different than the original plan, but this felt right. I wanted Luz to say it during
a subdued but still meaningful moment. I'm pretty happy with that build up.

What's in store for these girls next? WHO KNOWS!?!

Love y'all,

Winter Formalities Part 1: Skating and Dating
Chapter Summary

December is in full swing, Amity and Luz have a fun filled afternoon, along with a fun
evening of filling planned for their Friday.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

A dusting of snow covers the grounds of Hexside. The pathways shoveled clear by the
groundskeepers this morning. The sky above threatening more. It’s gotten so cold in the past few
weeks, not that Amity really minds.

She’s trying to focus in class, she really is, but all she can think about is that dopey hat Luz has
started wearing instead of her beanie. The one with the ear flaps. Luz called it something, a shanka
or something.

Amity smiles, tapping her pencil against the desk, ignoring the glances of her classmates. So close
now, she had big plans for the weekend, and she absolutely can’t wait. How is this last class taking
so fucking long?

The bell rings, and Amity shoves her notebook into her bag at a breakneck speed. Flinging the
backpack onto her shoulder as she practically sprints out of the room. Little charms and patches
Luz has made for her adoring the simple black fabric.

Amity tries to contain her excitement, opting to speed walk instead of sprint full tilt for her locker.
Not only is she stoked for the weekend, but she only has one more week, one more week until
Christmas break.

Thank fucking goddess…

She could definitely use a break.

Between schoolwork, prep training for the upcoming rugby season, her mom hounding her to go on
another business trip, and spending time with Luz and her friends, she's beat.
Luz and our friends, she reminds herself, a little bubbly feeling in her stomach has her smiling. It
was a weird feeling, having genuine friends, people she could be honest and real with.

"Hey Ams!" Willow calls out, jogging to catch up. Her glasses gleam in the fluorescent lighting.

"Willow! What's up?" Amity falls into lockstep with her friend. Making their way towards the
front entrance, weaving their way in between the crowds of students (most of them pointedly
ignoring the “losers”, having long since given up on picking on them).

"Glad it's the weekend, fuck me." Willow snorts, shouldering some jock as he inadvertently blocks
the way. Amity smiles as the buff idiot is sent bumping into the lockers, that guy definitely tried to
hit on her last year.

Gross. Men are kind of gross.

You would know, huh?

Amity shakes her head slightly, "Same, precalculus is brutal huh?"

"So fucking brutal dude, like it's almost the holidays. Mr S should really just cut us some slack."

"Totally, oh did you see the latest episode of Cosmic Frontier?"

Amity and Willow exit the school, falling into a comfortable conversation as they wait by an oak
tree, its leaves long gone.

Chatting, about the gang’s new favorite show, about school, about anything. It's nice, it's like old
times. Sort of, but not really. A lot less melodrama and secret, but incredibly chaste kisses.

But yeah it's nice. It's nice to have her friend back. Both of them lean against the tree, clouds of
breath rising. Amity watches the clouds above begin to part, and a strikingly blue sky peeks
It’s so peaceful, her cheeks are cold but she’s comfortably warm in her jacket… Okay so it might
be one of Luz’s winter jackets… but still. She pulls the familiar smelling coat tighter around

"So, my Dads texted me an hour ago, and it got delivered." Willow says after a comfortable silence.
Amity whirls to face her friend. Clutching at her shoulders.

"It did?" Amity asks, practically vibrating. Willow nods, it arrived faster than expected, Amity only
ordered it last week.

Sure, she may have paid top dollar for priority shipping, but if she did that was between her and the

"Yeah, so you want me to keep it at my place?" Willow asks with her trademark grin, a surprisingly
frightening expression if you didn't know how to read her. Thankfully Amity did now, after so
fucking long.

"Just for now, I'll figure out a more permanent home for it. I'll ask Amelia."

Willow nods, her smile becoming less unhinged and far softer, "How's it coming along by the

Amity's heart skips a beat, she's never done anything like this before for anyone. She’s really rusty,
it’s been years since she wrote anything.

She really hopes that Luz likes it.

"The last verse needs a bit of work, but the rest sounds pretty good, I think." It's true, Amity's been
working on it for about a month by this point, dedicating far too much time to it, slacking on her
way less important homework to get each note just right. She looks at her shorter, But significantly
stronger looking friend. "Thanks Willow."

"For what?" The shorter girl scratches her own head, her hair just reaching her ears.
"Pff, for teaching me how to play guitar, duh." Amity grins, lightly punching Willow's shoulder,
cackling when Willow returns the gesture.

Yeah, real friends are nice .

"Nah, no problem. It was… honestly nice to have an excuse to hang out again." Willow says, a
little too casually, flicking her lighter.

A cigarette hanging from her teeth as she grins. Amity smiles, moving so she isn't down wind.
"Yeah it's been really nice."

"What's been really nice?" A familiar voice asks from behind her, and Amity's smile widens as she
whirls around.

"None of your business Noceda!" She squints, sticking her tongue out at her girlfriend just as the
shorter girl scoops her up in a crushing hug and spins her around. Amity’s squeal morphs into a
laugh as Luz sets her down gently, smiling for a moment before leaning in.

Their lips brush, so quickly and delicately that Amity feels herself grumble for more. A moment
later she's yanking a surprised Luz in, giving her an appropriately chaste kiss that conveys her
decidedly less than chaste intentions.

“Hey you two!” Luz says, smiling at Willow.

“‘Sup Luz?”

“Fuck am I glad it’s the weekend.”

“No doubt, game night saturday?” Willow asks, blowing a puff of smoke out afterwards.

“Fuck yeah dude, can’t wait to get thrashed again by Luci.” Luz cackles, her strong hands tugging
Amity closer. Amity just stuffs her face into Luz’s shoulder, she’s always so warm.
“Maybe we’ll actually put up a bit of a fight this time.” Willow says, rolling her shoulders as she
pushes off the tree, “I gotta bounce or I’ll miss my bus, later nerds.”

“Bye Willow.” Amity says.

“Later.” Luz calls out, turning her attention to Amity. Peppering her face in kisses, each one a little
ember on her skin. Amity sighs as they continue to hug.

“Hey.” Luz whispers, gripping the back of Amity’s (Luz’s) jacket firmly, smiling wide. A
gorgeous blush dusting her cheeks.

“Hi~” Amity hums, pulling her closer, “you ready to go?”

Luz nods, “hell yeah.”


The Northeast side of Bonesborough has an extremely large park, an excessive amount of the city's
budget went into building it about a decade ago. It’s huge, consisting of a sprawling wooded area,
massive lawns with intricate fountains and centerpieces, a lake, a boardwalk around said lake, and
a large square area, fenced off by ornate fencing.

Every winter, the city turns the space into a skating rink. Serviced by a pop up stand to rent skates
from. Luz is currently sitting on a cold, sturdy metal bench, internally panicking.

She’s going to embarrass herself, she’s sure of it. She watches as Amity, sitting down on a bench,
laces up the figure skates she rented with practiced ease. Luz turns back to her own, trying and
failing to get her foot in the hole that feels too small. She somehow managed to get her first foot in
the other skate, but she’s pretty sure she tied it wrong?

Is it supposed to pinch her ankle like that? Luz is struggling with her other foot for a few more
seconds, muttering under her breath about going back in time to have a stern conversation with the
inventor of shoelaces when she hears a bright chuckle.
A flash of Auburn and green later, and Amity is kneeling in front of her. "Having a bit of trouble?"

"Little bit. Are they supposed to be so tight?"

"They should be snug, sure, but they shouldn't be tight." Amity replies, undoing Luz’s entire skate
to start again. Luz is sure she’s blushing when Amity starts tugging, getting the skate on her foot
with surprising ease, cinching up the laces before securing it all in place.

She's so pretty when she's concentrating, her tongue sticking out just a little bit with her brows
furrowed. She's done before Luz realizes it.

"How does that feel?" She asks, looking up. Golden eyes somehow sparkling in the pale sunlight.

"Good! Yeah great. Could you… help with the other one?" She mutters.

"What? You just like seeing me on my knees?" Amity says, cocking an eyebrow and biting her lip.
Luz’s heart starts pounding in her ears, and her brain is suddenly full of static. Instead of
answering, she squeaks when Amity tugs hard, and the next thing she knows Amity’s lips touch
her cheek. “I’m just teasing Luz,”

“I know!” She says, a little too loudly, her stupid brain is still refusing to co-operate. Amity
giggles, and offers a hand.

Luz squeaks again when Amity pulls her to her feet suddenly, pressed flush to her tall lithe body.
Her lips against her ear, “I can always get on my knees for you later…” She whispers. Holy hells,
Luz can’t fucking wait for tonight. When they have the whole night to themselves, alone. With
Amity on her knees.

“Crikey” She says, immediately regretting every single choice that led to her existence in this very
moment. Amity grins and lets her go, turning to head for the rink. Luz’s ankles shake as she tries to
follow, clacking along on her knife shoes.

Luz has honestly never really understood the appeal of skating, zipping around on actual blades
isn't really her idea of a good time, but when Amity suggested it, she had agreed without

Luz is beginning to regret that impulse decision.

She nearly falls, but catches herself on the edge of the outdoor rink. She’s absolutely sure this was
a mistake.

Then she sees Amity.

Gliding effortlessly, a serene smile on her face. Her own winter jacket hugs the tall girl’s form
closely, her hair flowing as she drifts across the ice. Luz grips the edge a little harder when Amity
moves in a sweeping arc, and then she’s skating backwards.

It’s like a dance, but only Amity knows the steps. Golden eyes meet hers, and Luz feels dizzy .
Goddess above Amity is so fucking beautiful, and for a moment, Luz wonders how she managed to
turn her life around like this.

She loves her so much.

“Hey, you gonna do anything or just stare?” Amity asks her, suddenly way closer than she
remembered them being.

“I love you.” Luz blurts out, and elation bubbles inside her when Amity blushes. A moment later a
pale hand clasps one of hers, prying it off the barrier.

“I love you too Luz.” Amity says as she guides them onto the ice. Luz squeals when Amity lets go,
and her feet nearly flip out from under her. Her brain tells her she’s about to fall, causing her to
over-correct harder than necessary.

She finally manages to (mostly) stabilize herself. Okay, I can do this.

Amity is watching, smiling wide as Luz finally manages to start moving. Scrabbling against the
ice. Luz finally looks up at Amity, smiling shakily as she catches up.
Then she slips.

The world spins, and she’s falling. Luz braces for an impact that never comes. Amity is behind
her, holding her waist, “we can do something else you know.” Her gentle understanding only has
Luz more determined to make this work. She has to try, Amity’s always down for whatever Luz
wants to do.

“N-no… I want to.” Luz replies, determined not to ruin their date. This will be easy, it’s just
walking. On ice. But not really. Luz throws her hands out in front of her when her brain tells her
she’s going to fall again.

She looks at her girlfriend sheepishly, “Maybe… uh… I could use a hand though?”

Amity shifts, lacing her fingers through Luz’s and squeezing. “Just take it slow, push with one foot
at a time. Okay?” Amity has a look on her face, it calms Luz, she’s safe with Amity.

Ams won’t judge her if she’s bad at something. Luz hesitantly digs one blade into the ice, pushing
off, waving her other arm until Amity tenses, giving her an anchor. Then they’re skating, side by

Hand in hand.

“Okay.” Luz says, smiling back.

The moment is magical, and after 20 minutes or so Luz definitely has a better handle on it. She
even manages to keep up without holding Amity’s hand. They laugh, Luz falls a few times, even
Amity does once. Lying flat on her back as Luz slips trying to help her up.

Luz tosses her Shanka into the backseat of Luci’s car, reaching into her purse for her keys as Amity
settles in the passenger seat.

“It was nice of her to lend you the car.” Amity muses, looking at the old but impeccably clean
interior with curiosity.
“Yeah, we sort of share it, though Luci obviously gets priority whenever she wants.” Luz explains,
starting the car with a turn of the key. “Plus she doesn’t need it tonight, she’s chilling with Salix.”

Luz backs out of the spot, and before long they’re cruising along the highway back to her neck of
the woods. Listening to a saved playlist on Amity’s phone, they drive in relative silence.

“So…” Luz says once she takes the exit to her neighborhood, “What do you want to do first

Amity hums for a second, and shifts in her seat. Luz squeaks when a hand firmly squishes her

“I think I have a few ideas~”


“Hold it…” Luz growls, her fingers digging into Amity’s hair just right. Tugging at the roots in a
way that has her knees weak.

Good thing she’s already on them, between Luz’s legs, kneeling on the floor. Luz sitting on the
edge of her bed. Amity gags when Luz shifts slightly, girlcock pushing a little further into her
mouth. She moans around Luz after a guttural sound forces its way out of Amity’s throat. She
instinctively tries to pull back, but Luz holds her steady.

“Hold it babe, you’re doing so good.”

Amity gags again, then swallows her spit and Luz’s pre. She wants more, Amity tries to pull back,
she wants to taste more, to suck Luz hard until she pops.

Luz’s hands grip harder, “Just a little longer baby.”

“Mmmmm…” She protests, even as she slurps, working her tongue over Luz’s shaft.
“Oh please, you love this don’t you?” Luz coos, scratching Amity’s scalp. Fuck, she’s positive that
she’s leaking slick all over Luz’s bedroom floor.

“Mmmhmmm…” Amity can't even pretend to deny it, she's hooked on Luz's clitty.

“Do you want more?”


“Beg me for it.” Luz says, grinning wickedly even as she doesn’t let Amity pull back.

“Mmmmm…” Amity whines, looking up at Luz’s eyes, silently pleading even as she keeps
sucking. Luz finally lets go of her hair, but she doesn’t dare move.

Not yet.

“You look so good like this babe, my cock in your mouth.” Luz says, her voice low and dark,
“you’re been so good for me, go on then.”

Amity doesn’t waste a single moment, pulling almost all the way out, gasping air as she licks Luz’s
tip. She pumps Luz with one hand while she rests her jaw for a minute. Lavishing her cockhead
with attention, panting and softly moaning. Luz scratches her scalp, and moans softly.

“Ffffuckk Luz…” She mumbles, her voice slurred. Amity doesn’t care, she loves this. Gagging on
Luz’s cock, mascara running down her face. Letting her girlfriend make a mess of her. Amity
opens her mouth wide, hovering over Luz’s tip with her tongue stuck out. She looks up, and is met
with the sight of Luz staring, dumbstruck.

Amity smirks, then takes Luz back in her mouth. Sucking lightly on her way down, flattening her
tongue against Luz as she pulls up. Her hands never stopping. Luz groans, throwing her head back
as she shudders. A tangy taste fills Amity’s mouth as Luz leaks a little, and she moans loudly.
Amity loves how Luz gasps raggedly at the vibration. How she’s holding Amity’s head so gently,
mewling as her toes curl. The heat in Amity’s core is burning all the brighter, and she knows for
sure that she’s not letting Luz out of her clutches tonight.

Not until she’s had her fill, and she’s beginning to think there’s no limit to how much Luz she
wants. Luz lets out a warbling gasp, and her entire body is shaking for a moment. Speaking of
limits, Amity pulls away, smiling as Luz cries out, the sound is all breath.

“Gonna come for me Luz?” Amity asks, pumping Luz slowly, loving how she squirms.


“Give it to me Luz, I want you to use my throat baby. Fill me up.” Amity eggs Luz on, smiling. Her
heart flutters and the heat between her legs intensifies when Luz moans loudly.


Amity takes Luz halfway in her mouth, pumping her hand up and down the shaft, sucking and
tugging with her lips as she does. Luz curls in on herself, her noises getting louder but shorter. Her
hands are scrabbling at Amity’s head.

Then her cock is pulsing, pushing a little deeper into her mouth, come spilling onto Amity’s
waiting tongue. Fuck, that taste . Amity moans, trying to pull more out of Luz. Amity realizes with
a smirk that she’s really become Luz’s cum slut. Fuck she loves it so much.

The entire time Luz is coming, Amity watches her, loving the sight of her lover coming undone.
Falling to pieces, eyes closed, mouth wide open, face scrunched up so tight. She’s beautiful.

Amity hums, being sure not to spill as she pulls off Luz’s clitty. Luz falls back onto the bed and
Amity crawls onto her, only swallowing once she’s sure Luz is watching. Amity’s smirk turns into
a fit of giggles as Luz scoots underneath her, both girls moaning when they briefly make contact.

And that’s it, Amity reaches between them, reaching for that girlcock. Desperate. She wants more.
She needs more Luz. In. Inside. Amity grumbles when her fingers find Luz soft, she rubs her
thumb across the slit, and Luz lets out a jagged gasp. Tanned hands wrap around pale wrists.
“Ams! I - Ach- need a minute okay?” Luz whispers, her hips jerking. Amity pouts, whining as she
pulls Luz into a kiss.

“No fair… I want you…” She mumbles, and Luz chuckles. Amity squeaks when Luz nips her lip.

“You’ll have me, Hermosa. Soon. Let’s just…” Luz trails off as she shifts, pushing herself further
up the bed while guiding Amity by her hips. She lets Luz move her, eager for something, any
contact, anything .

Luz spins her around, before pulling Amity into her lap. Amity shakes as Luz sweeps her long hair
out of the way, leaning in to kiss her neck firmly. Her arms wrap around Amity, one resting on her
chest, the other trailing down.

Luz gets right to it, pressing her fingers into Amity’s clit, rubbing her so good. Her legs tense, then
her abdomen, Amity moans shakily. She leans her head back, resting against Luz’s shoulder,
slowly rolling her hips against Luz’s fingers.

“There you go baby, feeling good?”

“MmmhmmMMMhmm…” Amity squeaks when Luz’s teeth threaten her pulse point, and at the
same time she growls.

Oh fuck…

“Good girl, fuck you sound so pretty Amity…” Luz whispers, before blowing cold air on Amity’s
ear, she squeals in surprise, and groans immediately after when Luz licks the shell. “Finger
yourself for me?” Amity reaches immediately, plunging her finger into her soaked pussy easily,
curling and rocking her wrist back and forth.

Luz chuckles, kissing Amity’s temple as she adjusts her arm before continuing to drive Amity wild.
Her legs twitch wildly, her mouth is hanging open, she can’t control her moans. She’s babbling,
how much she loves Luz, how good Luz feels.

Luz. Luz…
“Luz!” Amity cries out, slamming into her first orgasm, moaning loudly. Squeaking when Luz’s
hand covers her mouth. She doesn’t stop making her now muffled noises, eyes screwed shut. Her
body is so tense, she can see stars.

There’s no reason to be quiet, they have the apartment all to themselves for the night… but fuck if
this isn’t hot, Luz pulling her close, muffling her mewling cries.

Finally her body relaxes, and she slumps into Luz’s embrace. Gasping for breath as Luz peppers
her in kisses, squeezing her waist in a gentle hug.

“How was that Ams?”

“Fuck Luz, so good.” Amity grumbles, trying to roll over, wanting Luz’s lips. More. More of her.
“You got a few more in you?” She whispers, nipping at Luz’s ear just to hear her gasp.

“Hell yeah.” Luz replies, grinning wide as she pushes Amity off her.


“FUCK!” Amity screams, arching her back as Luz pulls her hair. Luz can only groan in response,
driving her clitty into Amity over and over. She’s glad they have the apartment to themselves
tonight, her parents are out on a little weekend vacation, and Lucia said she was “busy”. Thank
goodness, because Amity is so loud tonight.

Her girlfriend is on her elbows and knees, beautiful ass in the air, shivering as Luz pounds her hard
from behind.

It’s a gorgeous view.

“Ams… Ams!” Luz’s stomach tenses, and she lets go of Amity’s hair to catch herself, never
stopping her hips. She’s so fucking close, but she’s holding out as best she can, a low buzzing
ringing through the room reminding her.

Amity moans nothing into a pillow, one hand holding a small bullet vibrator to her clit and the
other holding her up. “J-j-ahhn~ Just - ohhh - just a little longer…”

Luz bites her lip hard, trying to hold back the rising swell inside her body. Shaking, she’s nearly
losing control. She can’t…

“Amity! Amity please!” Luz begs, so close, she’s not going to make it. She’s going to..

“Come - ah! - come Luz come!” Amity moans.

Luz yells out, spilling yet another load deep inside her girlfriend. Loving the twin sensations of her
own release, and the relaxation that comes with it; along with Amity squealing and moaning as her
pussy clamps and clenches hard at her girlcock.

“Fuckkk…” Amity hums, followed by hissing as Luz pulls herself out. Golden eyes sparkle as they
meet hers, “That’s three, how you doing baby?”

Luz pants, and despite having gone so many times already, she feels an eager anticipation brewing
inside her. The night is young, there’s plenty of time left, no need to rush.

“How about a dinner break?”


“Ams! Wh-wh…” Luz’s words are cut off when Amity rolls her hips, facing Luz as she bounces
on her clitty. The takeout app said it would take 50+ minutes for their pad thai to arrive, they had
enough time.

And honestly? Amity couldn’t help herself, Luz looked so fucking good, lounging on the couch,
watching Azura theory videos.

“J-just a quick one… th-then a b-ah-break okay?” Amity’s breathing gets shorter, as her hips
shudder. Goddess damn, that was a really quick one hey? She moans into her girlfriend's mouth as
she rides out her quick and spontaneous orgasm.
She comes on Luz’s cock one more time before they finally take that break. Watching random
youtube videos, naked except for Amity’s plug, keeping all Luz’s come inside her. She feels so
warm, and full; and a little out of control in the best way.

Amity giggles as Luz scrambles, throwing on her tank top as she reaches for the ringing intercom.


“Good girl, how’s this?”

“Mmmphhh!” Amity mumbles, dick gag preventing her from saying anything, her gorgeous thighs
shaking as Luz ruts into her. Her wrists tied to the legs of the kitchen table, her legs wrapped
around Luz’s waist.

Her neck covered in hickeys, Luz growls as she feels another peak coming.

“Ready babe?”


Luz bites Amity’s neck hard, muffling her own moans as she stuffs Amity again. “FUUuuuck,
you’re such a good fucking cocksleeve Ams.” Amity only huffs, shivering as Luz pulls out. Luz
grabs the plug while tapping Amity’s little pink clit with her fingers.

Slipping the toy in, feeling a low rumble of approval knowing that Amity is taking everything she
gives her. Once the deed is done, Amity moans, a sloppy sound that’s music to her ears.

Luz grins wickedly, watching as Amity desperately rolls her hips. Luz flips a switch, and the black
magic wand buzzes to life.

She doesn’t let Amity off the table until she’s edged the desperate girl twelve times.
Then she fucks her on the kitchen floor, giving her exactly what she wants.


Amity has no idea what time it is, all she knows is she’s pretty sure Luz doesn’t have any come left
to give her.

Not that that’s going to stop her from slowly grinding into Luz’s girlcock, riding her slowly.
Kissing lazily. Luz’s constellations are the only light in the room. Luz is a blushing, sweaty mess,
and Amity can’t stop from lapping at her salty skin.

“Mmmm baby, you fuck me so good…” Amity mumbles, shaking as intense pleasure blooms
inside her.

“Ams, I love you Ams… love fucking you…” Luz replies, thrusting into her so good. Every
motion has Amity gasping.

“I lo-ahhhhnn-lo-l… love you too Luz…” Amity’s words are punctuated by throaty moans, her
voice feels hoarse. But she doesn’t care. “It feels so good when you breed me baby…”

Luz gasps harshly, shivering as she juts her hips faster and harder. Amity squeals when a thumb
rubs harshly on her clit.

“Yeah? You love being bred Ams?” Luz growls, that husky voice piercing Amity’s mind. She lets
out a pitched moan in response. “You like that babe? You like it when I fill you up? Stuff you so
full hmm?”

Amity can’t words… too… Luz… hard… Her body is trembling, she clings to Luz.

“You want me to knock you up Amity?” Luz’s voice is dark and dangerous, and in that moment
there’s nothing Amity wants more than that.

“Y-yessss! Fuck Luz! Put a baby in me, fucking… fucking… ahhhn!” Amity’s coming, barreling
through another orgasm, her entire body quaking as Luz keeps rutting her. Each pulse of pleasure
overtaking the previous. Luz is going to fuck her silly, and Amity Blight loves it.

“You’re such a slut for it hmm? All you want is to be full of my come right?” Luz says, not letting
up even a little as Amity falls slack on her.

“Ahh… ahhh…. Ahnnn…”

“Yeah? I’m gonna fucking knock you up Amity, you ready to carry my kid baby?”

“FUCK! LUZ! FUUUUCK!” Amity’s head is spiralling, she can’t… She. Her vision swims.

“Fuck! Here it comes Ams!”

“YES! YESYESYESYESYEYessss….” Amity’s voice fails her, and she soundlessly screams as
she comes again, it’s so good. Luz is filling her, coming inside her. It feels so good.

Too good.


Luz pulls the soft gray blanket over Amity, making sure she’s okay. Amity’s never passed out from
coming before. Maybe they overdid it, Luz did completely lose track of the number of times
they’ve fucked.

Damn, Luz’s clitty is already sore. She doesn’t envy future Luz, that’s for sure. Once she's sure
that Amity is still breathing, Luz slips out of her bedroom for a moment. Doing her best to tidy up
the apartment that they definitely went a little too hard in.

The microwave says 3:21 AM, whoops. Luz cleans the table, cleans and recycles the takeout
containers, and generally puts things back where they belong. She finishes with a liberal
application of febreeze, hoping that can mask the very obvious smell of sex and arousal.

She’ll have to open the windows tomorrow morning. Luz brushes her teeth, washing her face
before climbing into bed with her favorite person. Amity stirs, her eyes fluttering open for a

“Night…” She mumbles, scooting closer, and Luz wraps her in an awkward bed hug.

“Good night lovely, sleep well okay?”

“Mmhmmm… you too…” Amity’s eyes close again, and Luz settles in. Staring at the faded glow
of her constellation.

Luz smiles, letting her eyes drift closed. Everything’s so perfect, she almost can’t imagine how
anything could go wrong.


Amity steps through the front doors of Blight Manor. The house is quiet and dark, just like always.
The ludicrously ornate flooring clacks under her feet, echoing through the vast entryway. Twin
stairs flanking a large lounge. A piano lifted up on a short platform, several persian rugs and
antique couches fill the space.

Amity closes the door behind her, kicking her shoes off right where she stands. Creeping through
the quiet morning.

A clicking sound, and a lamp next to a high wingback chair flares to life. A pale hand rests on the
arm of the chair, and a voice she dreads rolls out like the sweetest poison.

"Ah there you are Mittens, did you have a nice time?" Her mother motions with a single finger, and
Amity is obediently walking over to her before she even realizes it. Sitting across from her fully
dressed and done up mother. Stirring a china cup of tea as she gazes down her nose.

"Y-yeah, it was pretty alright…" Amity responds, opting to offer as few details as possible. Maybe
she can get through this conversation without any difficulty.

"Good, I'm glad you're spending quality time with your girlfriend." Odalia says it with such a
casual tone that Amity almost doesn’t notice. At first, the reality of what her mother just said slams
into her. Like the low but deep rumblings of a bell, reverberating through her bones.

A knell.

"M-my girlfriend? What girlfriend, mom?" Amity already knows playing dumb won’t work, but
she does it anyways. Of course, of course she knew the whole time. Her mother’s gentle laugh
pierces the storm in her mind, like the sickly beam of a cursed lighthouse.

"Oh come now Mittens, you think I didn't know about your little paramour?"

Odalia is grinning like a tigress who's spotted fresh meat. Amity doesn’t know how to reply, she
absolutely wasn’t expecting To have this conversation right now. Ideally she would never have it.

Especially considering that she's still wearing her plug, and is still full of said girlfriend’s come.

Odalia sips her tea, clearly loving the power she’s seized in the conversation, "Oh I heard all about
it after that awful incident at school." Her mother's expression is virtually unreadable, not that
Amity can rely on her mother's face to know what she's feeling. She’s long since learned that
Odalia Blight is a master actress. Able to put on the sweetest face in front of her worst enemy.

All the better to stab them in the back later. Amity is yanked out of her thoughts when her mother
tuts softly, shaking her head.

Her bright blue eyes never leave Amity, "we really ought to check in with the police, what are they
even doing about that? I’ll have a word with the chief."

Amity is reeling, trying to catch up. It was obvious from the day of the incident, there wasn't any
chance that her mom didn't know... But the fact she hadn't ever brought it up before kind of let
Amity hope.

"Y-you're not mad, are you?" She practically whispers. Almost jumping in her skin when Odalia
laughs, standing up. For some reason, Amity tenses when her mom stalks over to her, sitting down
a little too close.
"Amity sweetie, why would I be? You're almost 18 you know? You can do whatever you want.
You can spend your time however you please."

"Oh, t-thanks mom..." Amity shifts, bumping into the arm of the couch. She shivers, an unpleasant
and vaguely familiar sensation bubbling inside her when Odalia places a single manicured hand on
her thigh, squeezing slightly.

Amity whimpers without realizing it, and Odalia blinks, pulling away. "Of course dear, but you
must be so tired. I won't keep you, off you go now."

Amity nods and stumbles away, feeling dizzy with shock and something…

Something worse, gnawing at her gut. What the hell was that? Why is her head so loud?

"Oh! Amity before I forget." Amity pauses, one foot on the first step. Odalia’s eyes are bright, like
a burning orphanage, "We’re hosting a little dinner party, and you must bring Luz. I'd simply love
to meet her."

It's not a question. Or a request.

It’s an order.

“Yes mother.” She answers flatly, before a fear rips through her, “She doesn’t know much about
table etiquette, is that alright?”

“Of course darling, it will be a fairly casual dinner, just the family.”

“And of course there will be the investor’s gala afterwards, so make sure to take her shopping for
something suitable to wear, yes?” Odalia looks at her perfect nails as Amity’s heart slams in her
chest, a trap. Of course she’d lead with a simple request, only to reveal the real intentions once
Amity agreed.

Luz and her, trapped at a dinner with her mother, then a gala with all of Blight Industries’ investors
and partners. But, how could she refuse?
“Yes mom.”

“Good girl, and Amity?”


“I love you dear.” The words she always wants to hear from her mother sound… off, if words
could go bad they’d sound like this. Amity nods, feigning a yawn before she walks as calmly as she
can up the stairs.

She locks her bedroom door, has the longest and hottest shower she’s had all week, then lies flat on
her bed, staring at her ceiling.

What in the hells does her mom have planned?

Chapter End Notes


What the hell is Odalia up to? Why hasn't she done anything if she's known about
Amity and Luz the whole time? What about this Gala?

Who knows? But we're ramping up now, albiet very slowly. But be patient my
darlings, it will be worth it.

See you soon! Got an ElfieAndFriends to finish as well as another oneshot I think
you'll all like~ Love yah,

Winter Formalities Part 2: The Gala
Chapter Summary

Luz is heading over to Amity's house for a dinner with her family...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Luz walks out of the bathroom, feeling equal parts proud and nervous. She walks out into the living
room, where Eda and Lucia are splayed on different couches.

"How do I look?" Luz asks, spinning in place.

"You look Amazing bebe!" Lucia chirps, grinning widely.

"A real bombshell in the making kiddo." Eda grunts, wincing as she climbs up to her feet to clasp
Luz's shoulders.

"Yeah?" She asks, her nerves slipping through the cracks.

"Just don’t set the place on fire, and you'll do just fine." Eda replies with a confident smile, It's hard
for Luz not to relax a little at the sight.

If Eda wasn't worried then Luz wouldn't be either.

"Ooooh looking good Mija!" Camila says, striding out from the hallway, before walking over to
the door and pulling her boots onto her feet, "Are you ready to go?"

Her long flowing dress is almost black. Loose but still shapely. Instead of straps there's a large
piece of floral lace that covers the top of her chest, all the way up to her neck.

Elegant, enchanting, but appropriate for tonight. At least that's what Amity had said when they
picked it out together. Her hair is wavy and hanging loosely around her shoulders, she hasn’t cut it
in months, but it looks good.

To be honest, Luz wasn't sure how to feel. On the one hand, she was excited to meet Amity's
family; but on the other hand, she was terrified to meet Amity's family.

“My parents are not good people…”

Amity's mom knew the whole time. She knew that they were dating. And she didn't do anything,
that's gotta mean something right?

She inhales slowly, okay, she can do this.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Luz says, turning and putting on her new fancy heels.

Goddess she hopes tonight goes well. At very least, she hopes that she makes it through the night

Her mama chats the whole way there, and Luz relaxes after a few minutes, letting herself get
caught up in the conversation. She almost feels at ease.

But then she sees it.

The manor. Looming against the darkening sky. The house is huge, and daunting, like a fortress
out of a fantasy novel.

Camila pulls up to the gate, a large black metal thing, all twisted bars and artistic renditions of
different scenes.

Luz notices what looks like a manticore eating someone.

The gate attendant waves them through, and a moment later Luz steps out of the car. She smiles
feebly as her mom drives away, and a strange sense of familiarity fills her at the sight.

Luz swallows, looking around at the mostly quiet manor. She notices a wing, farther down, with a
big circular room made of glass.

A dome on top. A sharp spire sticking up out of it. People were bustling about inside like ants,
setting things up by the looks of it.

Must be where the gala will be, three hours from now.

Luz rings the doorbell, flattening out imaginary creases in her dress while she waits. Noticing the
carvings on the Stone exterior of the house. Hydras, and Wendigos, and Sirens; monsters from
folklore that Luz recognizes, and many she doesn't.

Monsters. A totally normal motif to have in architecture. Rich people have weird interests.

The doors swing open, spilling warm light onto the stone steps. Luz was expecting Amity, instead
it's some dude. Luz opens her mouth to speak, but she's cut off.

"Ah Ms. Noceda, you're right on time. Please allow me to welcome you to Blight Manor." He
gestures with a hand, and Luz shakily crosses the threshold.

She follows the man, trying not to worry as the doors slam shut behind her.


After Camila locks the door and walks down the hallway to take Luz to Blight Manor, Lucia
straightens up in her seat. Staring at the door. Her face is tight. Shit, her whole body is tight.

"I don't like this." She says, fear and anger burning just as bright as it did when Luz first told them
Amity's parents invited her over.
“Don't trust my mother.” The warning rings through her head.

"Neither do I kid, but there’s not much we can do." Eda says, shifting on her couch to look over.
Tawny gold eyes staring her down.


"No buts. Relax kid, Amelia’s gonna be there." Eda reaches for the remote and queues up the first
YouTube video she can find, "she's gonna keep an eye on them."

Lucia slumps back down, The tension in her neck refusing to let go. She can't help but feel like this
whole situation is familiar .

Like they've just let Luz go wandering straight in again.

Straight into a den of monsters.


Amity looks pretty, she knows that, but she can't quite appreciate her own aesthetic genius.

She's too nervous. Tonight is some kind of test, or trap. Amity's sure of it. Her mother has
something planned, she must. Why else would she suddenly reveal that she had known about
Amity's secret relationship for so long without mentioning it?

The only comfort in this shit storm is that Amelia is going to be there too.

Her light pink dress is cute, her hair is half in an updo, and she hopes Luz likes the change she
made in a spur of the moment decision, with Emira's help.
She doesn't really care what her mom will do about it. What can she do? Shave her head? Amity
hears the doorbell, and takes a shaky breath in.

We can do this, it's one night. She can't stop me, she can't make me leave Luz.

I won't let her.

Amity stalks as quickly as she can in her heels, the ones that her mother insists they wear inside
despite the fact that the actual gala isn't for another couple hours.

Oh goddess, her palms are so clammy… what if something goes wrong? What if she messes up?

What if Luz is…


Amity looks down the main flight of stairs, just as the doors slam shut. There she is, Luz Noceda,
looking radiant. Her dress and hair make her look like a goddess damned queen.

Except for her expression, she looks terrified.

"Luz." Amity calls down, and Luz looks up, relief spreading across her face. Followed by wide
eyed surprise and open adoration.

"Hi Ams." Luz croaks out, and Amity giggles, In spite of the incredulous look the butler offers.
“Your hair… it’s different… and pretty…” she continues.

"Thanks, I thought I could use a change.” Amity says, smiling wide as she tosses her freshly
coloured lavender locks over her shoulder. “I'll take it from here." Amity tells the butler, walking
down the steps and taking Luz's arm.

"Ms. Blight, your mother was very clear-"

"And I'm being very clear now, I'll be introducing my girlfriend to my family, not you." She replies
icily, turning and dragging an apologetic Luz along with her.

"That was kind of mean." Luz chuckles once they're out of earshot.

"Not really, he's one of mom's stooges. Used to report to her when Amy snuck us candy."

"Awwwe… shame about him being a jerk though."

"I'm pretty sure mom hit Amy afterwards," Amity says, stopping to face her girlfriend fully. Luz's
eyes are wide and her posture is closed. "Luz, I don't mean to scare you, but my parents aren't good,
dad used to try, but he doesn’t. He hasn’t for years. But my mom… just… be careful around her…
and don't trust her okay?"

Luz nods slowly, and Amity leans in, kissing her delicately.

"I love you. We got this." Amity says.

"Totally, and I love you too."

Amity opens the door to the dining room, and leads Luz in.


Apparently it was a mistake to think of the Blight's dining room as a room .

A more appropriate term would have been dining hall. The room was massive, a long dark wood
table running all the way down. Expensive looking dining chairs flanking each end.

Oil paintings larger than a wall of Luz's bedroom lined each wall, and Luz tried very hard not to
notice just how many of them featured monsters.
Some dude was stabbing a dragon in one, that was kind of rad though.

On the far end were gathered four people. Two very similar looking young adults, a guy and a girl,
nearly identical actually. Their hair was dyed a matching dark green, and their matching gray suits
were actually very striking, each cut perfectly to fit.

Amity's older siblings, the middle children. The troublemakers, Ed and Em. Amity had given
mixed reviews of these two in the very few times she had talked about her family at length.

But at least they were pretty to look at. Slightly uncomfortably pretty.

A tired, and slightly disheveled looking man sat in a chair, staring at his hands. His Auburn hair
had clearly resisted a recent attempt at taming and his thick glasses clung to his ears.

His suit was a deep, dark purple. Golden eyes flickered over curiously as they entered. The dad she

Last, but in no universe the least, a pale woman sitting at the head of the table, her shock of mint
hair tied up in a simple bun. Aquamarine lipstick shining in the light. Bright blue eyes, full of a
cunning Luz couldn’t quite place watched their every step across the hall.

Her dress is simple, yet screams obscene wealth. A pale white dress, green barely a hint in the hue,
hugging her form without sacrificing mobility.

A warm smile on her face as she stands up, and the family follows suit.

Odalia Blight is shorter than Luz expected, but everything else about the woman matches perfectly.
She's slightly taller than Luz, but even though everyone else in the room was taller than her, she
radiates power.

The confident way she stalks over, meeting Luz and Amity a third of the way down the table.
"Amity, your hair looks wonderful darling, it’s a good color on you” Odalia comments, and Amity
blinks like a deer caught in the headlights. Odalia smiles before turning her full gaze onto Luz,
eyeing her from head to toe, ’Welcome, welcome! You must be Luz?" she says, her voice just as
warm as her smile.

Warm, and sweet. Almost painfully saccharine. Luz’s heart is pattering and her palms feel clammy.

“Hi, yeah, I’m Luz, it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Blight.” Luz says, extending her hand. Odalia looks
at it for a moment gingerly before taking it. Luz felt a sour grumbling in her gut, Odalia’s grip was
uncomfortably hard. Her gaze a little too intense.

“Yes, a pleasure to finally meet you at last, it’s unfortunate that Amity hasn’t seen fit to invite you
over yet! I’ve been dying to meet the girl who won Amity’s heart!” Then she shifts, wrapping her
arm around Luz’s shoulder, pulling her a little too close for Luz’s comfort.

Before Luz can properly process, she’s dragging them along. Luz finally notices that Odalia
somehow worked her way between them. Splitting them, holding them both close. Luz by her
shoulder and Amity… by her… waist?

The fuck?

“This is my husband, Alador, a genius, the greatest inventor of the century.” Odalia says, gesturing
to Amity’s dad, who apathetically waves, not even bothering to stand up. Luz waves sheepishly,
and Amity says nothing.

Why is this so uncomfortable? Why is she so close? Are rich people just weird like this? Do they
have no concept of personal space?

“And of course this is Edric and Emira, the twins. They-” Odalia is cut off by the guy, Edric,
gripping Luz’s hand and shaking it vigorously, yanking her away from Odalia and into his gentle

“So you're the gal that Amity’s told us so much about.” Edric says, smiling warmly. Luz feels her
heart pounding a little harder, did Amity talk much with these two? For some reason she can’t
remember in this moment. The girl, her long green braid sways as she darts forward.
“Wow Mittens, you weren’t kidding when you said she was cute~” Emira continuing, easily
dragging Amity into a sideways hug while winking at Luz.

“Em…” Amity growls, her face slowly but surely turning red. In spite of the uncomfortable
interactions, Luz laughs out a little, this feels a lot more normal. Even if those two seem a little too
flirty for her taste.

“Yes yes, let’s take our seats.” Odalia says with a stiff tone, and Luz glances behind her. She isn't
quite sure if she imagined the snarl on Odalia’s face, it was gone before she fully turned her head.
“We’re just waiting on Amelia then.” the woman comments.

As if summoned, the doors crash open behind them, and Luz turns, just as Amity wiggles and
struggles free of Emira’s grip. The tall auburn haired assassin lady from months ago walks in,
wearing a medium length faded pink dress. Her hair done up in a gorgeous sort of braided up-do
thing. Luz doesn’t really know how to describe it.

Okay now that she thinks about it, it makes more sense that this woman who looks a lot like Amity
would be her big sister, and she’s probably not an assassin. She looks way less scary than last time
at least.

The twins wave and greet her, and Odalia sits back down in her chair, “And of course our eldest,
Amelia.” She says, her tone a little more measured than it has been.

“Mother,” Amelia nods, “Dad.” Alador looks up for a moment, then his golden gaze returns to the
table. Luz wonders what his deal is? Does he hate all this formality?

Honestly, mood.

Amelia stops in front of Luz and Amity, extending her hand and a smile, “Pleased to finally meet
you Luz, Amity speaks very highly of you.” Luz reaches out, Amelia’s grip is warm and firm.
Comforting, almost like a blanket.

If a handshake could be a blanket, that is.

“You both look lovely. Amity, I love your hair.” Amelia comments, before curtly turning and
taking her seat directly on Odalia’s left. Alador is on Odalia’s, and the twins sit next to him. Luz
smiles, and leaves the space next to Amelia for Amity, wanting her girlfriend to be able to spend
time with her favorite sibling, and also allowing Luz a little space.

There was an indescribable air settling over the table, it only set into Luz further when Odalia rang
a small silver bell, apparently signaling to the staff that it was time for dinner. There were maybe a
dozen pieces of cutlery in front of Luz, big forks, small forks, smaller forks, and the same for
spoons and knives.

Large plates of salad with hardly anything on them are brought out first, and Luz watches Amity
grab the small (but not smallest) fork and follows suit.

It’s a small family dinner, but Luz can’t help but feel like she’s sitting in on some sort of deadly
game. The tension in the air is so thick she’s sure she could cut it (maybe with the smallest knife?).

Nothing is obviously out of the ordinary, but it almost feels like Amelia and Odalia are… Luz
struggles to describe it, fencing with pleasantries.

Luz turns to her plate and stabs one of the three pieces of lettuce artfully ordered on her plate.

Dinner has begun.

After a few tense minutes of Amelia and Odalia catching up on business and law, apparently
Amelia is a big shot lawyer of some kind, the conversation finally shifts.

“So tell us a little about yourself Luz,” Odalia says over the sound of cutlery clinking against the
fancy plates, “Amity hasn’t mentioned you to me at all , though her siblings all seem to be in the

Luz swallows her mouthful of salad (she's been diligently avoiding the apple slices, they're one of
the many foods she can't eat without bloating) before she answers, “well… I was uh… born in
Gravesfield, it’s inland a little bit. But yeah we didn’t stay there for very long though…” She turns
to look at her plate, as foggy memories of her Papa looking pale and tired as she sat on his lap
crossed her mind.

“Never forget, my little light, that your Papa loves you very much…” he croaked, bouncing her on
his knee .
“No? Why is that? Did your family move for work?” Odalia asks, popping an apple slice in her
mouth. Bright blue eyes laser focused, and Luz feels like she’s under a microscope.

Like this is some kind of examination.

“No, my…” Luz stumbles, emotions swelling up. Her dad left her so early… left her, Lucia, and
Mama alone. It wasn’t his fault of course, no one chooses to get cancer. It wasn’t his fault, but
Mama struggled to do it all alone. She had to pay down the rest of the mortgage, keep the house in
order, feed two growing girls, make time for both of them and herself.

She couldn’t possibly do it alone, so things slipped through the cracks. Luz blamed her Mama for it
at the time, but what would she have done in her mom’s place?

Her dad left them all so early. It’s why Lucia turned to… well it’s why Lucia coped the way she
did. It’s why Luz felt lost and alone.

A warm pressure on her knee draws her focus out of that deep and dark pit.

Luz looks over, and Amity is watching her. Love and concern written on her face. Amity’s here,
she isn’t alone anymore. Luz can do this.

Open up just a little to people she barely knows, to get this whole thing over with as painlessly as

“My dad got really sick, so we moved… to be closer to a better hospital.” Luz finishes, shoveling a
bunch of lettuce into her mouth. Hopefully that'll excuse her from answering for a few moments.
There's a poignant silence, before Amelia clears her throat quietly.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” She offers, a pained and small smile on her face.

“Yeah, me too.” Luz replies, quietly.

“Oh, Luz?” Amelia starts, and Luz looks at the older woman, “I really like your art.” Luz slams
back into the room.

“My art!?”

“Yes, on instagram, it’s very good.”

“Y-you follow me?”

“Yes, after Amity showed me. It’s great!”

Luz barely notices the next two courses, immersed in talking about her creative endeavors. She
talks about how she got into drawing, how her dad used to draw with her, how she kept it up after
he died, how it helped her express difficult emotions and feelings.

Everyone seems surprised when Alador perks up at the mention of Eda's workshop, and soon
they’re all talking about Blight Industries and its many inventions. Home security, weapons,
automobiles, it seems like they make all of it.

Luz knew Amity was rich, but fuck, she didn’t realize how rich.

Luz relaxes, her fears about Odalia seem unfounded, she actually seems really nice. Amity even
starts to enjoy herself a little, though Amelia and Luz seem more responsible for that than anyone
else. Though Luz notices that Amity seems to have more of a rapport with the twins then she’s let
on previously.

It’s nice, but still stiff, like her and the twins are still rebuilding something long neglected.

Dessert is some fancy chocolate paste thing called Ganache. It’s so fucking rich that Luz needs to
chug water between bites. Almost overwhelmingly chocolatey. Amity giggles.

Not that it’s a test, but she feels like she’s getting along well. Amelia and the twins seem to like
her, and she really thinks the three of them are great.
Amelia is sharp, and attentive, asking interesting questions and providing interesting anecdotes.
Luz is infinitely curious about her life, as it seems full of wild experiences. Luz learns she’s ten
years older than the twins.

Speaking of, the twins are a riot, they even manage to drag a chuckle out of Odalia herself. Though
they are a lot more wild than Amelia, quick witted, observant, and way wayyy too pretty for Luz’s
bisexual heart. Amity has to growl out a few little warnings occasionally when the twins flirt a little
too hard with Luz for her liking.

Luz’s head spins when they do. The impulsive part of her brain wonders if Amity would ever be
amenable to the twins having a go at Luz? Not that she’d ever bring that up, that’s insane.

“Amity, your hair is nice.” Alador pipes up after a long silence, and Luz can practically feel the
surprise pouring out of her girlfriend.

“Um! Thanks dad…” She says, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

“It reminds me of my hair when I was your age.” He comments, looking down at the table with a
soft smile. Luz narrows her eyes for a moment, noticing how much Alador avoids eye contact.
How blunt and direct he is.

Luz wonders if she’s not the only neurospicy person at the table.

Alador is a bit of an enigma to her, other than the fact he really likes engineering, and seems to be a
wizard at robotics; something Luz herself has only barely dabbled in. He laughed when she said
her attempts at code always wound up being spaghetti.

They finish dessert, and continue chatting for a long while. Luz learns that the twins also love
Cosmic Frontier, and they talk animatedly about the latest developments with O’Bailey’s arc.
During this discussion, Amelia leans in and is talking quietly with Odalia, seemingly about
something sort of private. Luz barely notices, until she sees blue eyes dart over to her for an instant.

Odalia, Luz seemed to barely connect with her at all. Throughout the dinner she seemed content to
observe, and occasionally interject with questions. Most of them were perfectly normal, clarifying
or seeking additional detail.
How did you and Amity meet? (At school.) When did you start going out? (It just sort of happened
over time.) How are you finding Hexside?

So on and so forth.

But a few felt… unusual to Luz.

‘What do you hope to have in the future?’ is a weird way to ask that, right? Luz didn’t like how she
occasionally caught Odalia staring at her with a curious look. Darting between her and Amity.
They were fleeting moments, but each time they happened they had Luz’s hair standing on end for
a moment or two.

Luz feels the tension returning as dinner winds down. Odalia excuses herself to make final
preparations for the gala, which is due to begin in a few minutes. She’s never been in a house this
fancy, let alone at a high society event.

What if she makes a fool of herself?

“Come on, let’s all get freshened up.” Amelia says, herding Luz, Amity, and the twins away.
Leading them down a dizzying maze of hallways, the twins giggling and whispering while Luz and
Amity walk hand in hand.

“You okay?” Amity asks softly after a while, and Luz jumps slightly before nodding.

“Yeah…” she replies, turning as Amelia opens the door to a large… bathroom? There are sinks and
vanity mirrors at least. Luz looks back the way they came, her eyes falling on an oil painting of a
large creature with many snake-like heads, wrapping around a knight who is grimacing in horror.

“Yeah… I’m fine.” Luz says, turning into the room as a vague and distant dread settles in her gut.


Luz is definitely not fine, Amity is sure of it. Her girlfriend already seems exhausted, and they’re
only an hour into the gala. In fairness Amity has almost had enough of it too. Odalia has been
parading them both around, introducing them to all of her friends.

“You remember my little Amity , and this is her new girlfriend Luz Noceda!” Odalia said again and
again, each variation a little different than the last. But one phrase stayed the same throughout.

“My little Amity.”

It unsettled her, but she didn't quite know why. She greets vaguely familiar people, all titans of
Connecticut’s economy or the surrounding areas. Each comments on how lovely she looks tonight,
each exchanges polite greetings with Luz. Amity’s mind wanders. It’s always the same.

She’s sitting in a limo with her mom.

Amity smiles her fake smile, holding onto Luz tightly as they make the rounds. Men smile and
laugh as Odalia catches up with them, or conveys little tidbits about the girls she’s showing off like
trophies. Amity frowns slightly, as a vague half memory-half impression floods her brain.

Buttons coming undone.

Luz does her best, trying to impress people she doesn't know. Unknowingly making moves in a
game she can’t see.

A pale hand sliding under her shirt.

Amity's grip on Luz's arm tightens, and she can vaguely feel her girlfriend's eyes on her. "...My
little Amity." Odalia says again, guiding her close to a tall and thin man.

A hallway with marble pillars, a cold and long fingered hand guiding her to a large archway.

Amity nods, agreeing half heartedly with whatever the tall man was saying about her. Doing all of
the necessary things to appear like she was fine.

Amity looks around, and a moment later something shifts and nothing feels real.
Not Luz's hand in her own, not the ground under her feet, not her body, not even what was
happening around her.

What was happening?

"Mom? What's happening?" Amity's own voice echoes in her head, smaller, higher pitched,

"Relax mittens…" her mother coos in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. A familiar room
with a clawfoot bathtub. Full of bubbles. Amity had been laughing and splashing.


Amity can barely feel Luz squeezing her hand, she can barely hear her mother talking.


"I'm just making sure you're all clean ." Odalia whispers, lips brushing her ear.

Amity physically recoils, backing up into Luz. What? What was that? Why could she…

Why could she feel hands on her body?

Hands where there absolutely weren't any.

"… Ams?" broken snippets of Luz's voice tumble through the fog.

Amity can't. She can't. It's too much. Bathtubs and Ballrooms and masquerades.
A cat and a deer…

"Ah! Philip ! There you are dear." Odalia calls out, greeting her old friend with a warm hug. Philip.

The man who simps way too hard for her. Who never leaves her alone during those business trips.
Amity's swirling thoughts vanish in an instant, replaced by numb quiet.

She almost lets go of Luz.


"Luz, this is Philip Wittebane! Of Wittebane munitions." Philip is in a dark pinstripe suit. His gray-
blonde hair is done back in a ponytail, his bright blue eyes burning through her soul. Amity feels
exposed under that gaze, not that she can do anything about it.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Wittebane." Amity hears Luz say, but she can't quite focus… the tall man
stepping closer and he extends a hand towards Luz.

There's a brief hesitation, and Amity's heart skips a beat when Luz pulls her hand away. Extending
it out, grabbing Philip's.

The smile that cracks across his face. Odalia squeezing her shoulder just a little harder.

Amity isn't sure why, but it feels familiar. Her mother is saying something, Luz seems
uncomfortable, Philip stares at her.

He lets go of Luz's hand.

Odalia lets go of her shoulder.

Luz reaches for Amity.

A hand takes her arm, and Luz hesitates, her hand twitching slightly.

Amity is being steered away. She looks back and Luz is being guided in a different direction by
her mom. Amity numbly turns her attention back to Philip. How long has he been talking?

"I'm glad I can borrow you for a few moments Ms Blight, it’s been too long." Philip says, his voice
dragging her attention, almost against her will, to his drawn face.

"Yes sir." Amity replies without really meaning to. She easily follows him away from the crowd,
and why wouldn’t she? He's just a harmless old man.

“Your new hair is nice, but I quite liked the green; shame it’s gone.” Philip comments, his cold and
prim voice sending a shiver down her spine, like a spider crawling over her skin.

“Yes sir. Sorry sir.” She replies, leaning into him, almost against her will. Why does she feel so
weird? Like she has to perform, behave… or something will happen.

Something bad .

A man in a deer mask looming over her, blue eyes burning from within. So many voices ringing out
over the low music.

Amity feels a sudden terror sting at her throat.

She looks around, desperate to catch someone's attention. Anyone's, all the while trying to fake her
way through the conversation Philip seems immersed in.

Walking down a dark hallway… past that room, thank goddess they don’t go in…

“I must say, I find it rather unexpected that you’re dating someone.” Philip says.
Ornate rooms, leading to a large bed. A small jingling sound, and she lurches forward, tension
pulling at the back of her neck. Something hugs her throat a little too tightly as she collapses onto

"What do you mean?" Amity asks, looking up at the man, as he smiles down. Patronizing, like
she’s a child.

"I don't mean anything by it, she… just doesn't seem like your type." He says, gesturing vaguely at
nothing with his hand.

"My type?" Amity frowns, pulling her arm away from his grip.

Let me teach you some manners…

"Y-yes, I-"

"And do you know my type Philip?" She asks, an unfamiliar fire coursing through her veins.

"I uh…" he stammers, and Amity's anger fizzles out, replaced by an icy indifference. Another
person who thinks they know what's best for her. "It seems not, I apologize." He says shortly,
grabbing two drinks off a passing server's tray. Amity eyes him, her anger still smoldering. He
gestures, and she takes the glass. "She seems lovely," he continues, "you’ve just never expressed
much interest before."

"What? In girls?" Amity asks, trying to keep her wild indignation in check, Philip is a family
friend, he's one of mom's biggest business partners. It wouldn't do to piss him off, that would just
bring Odalia down on her harder.

"Yes, but I obviously missed… the signs." He says, trying to sound upbeat, but failing miserably,
Amity can see through it.

He's surprised she likes girls? She's never shown interest in women? She's never been interested in
men. Where the hell would he get the idea that she was into men from?
Why is he even talking about this, like he doesn’t think Luz is a good fit. It seems a wildly
inappropriate topic to talk about with him.

He's probably just jealous that Luz fucks me better.

Amity almost snorts at the sudden thought, then a moment later the full weight of it slams into her
and she physically staggers. Why would she think that?

No… that's not possible… Philip… he absolutely wouldn't…

The glass slips from her grip, spinning as it falls. It shatters. Philip jumps away, and Amity is
showered in champagne. Her mind spinning wildly.

No way, Philip watched her grow up. He's like an uncle. An annoying uncle, but an uncle

A sudden fear clouds her mind, her breathing is quick, too quick. Her chest feels tight, her heart is
pounding so hard against her ribs.

She messed up. She made a scene. She was bad.

Everyone's looking. Everyone's watching.

The champagne soaks into her dress, cold and sticky. Her eyes dart around the room. She can't find
Luz, where's Luz?

Philip takes a step closer.

"Naughty girls…" A familiar voice says in her mind… advancing on her with a handle in his hand,
many throngs of leather swaying.

Amity freezes, every nerve in her body is screaming, thrashing, roaring at her to run. But run
where? Where could she go? She's trapped in the middle of them.
"...will be punished." The deer man says…

She’s in a room full of people. She can't…

"Whoops! A classic case of the butter fingers, hey Mittens?" A smooth and familiar voice says
from beside her as a pale hand gently touches her shoulder.

"Oh sincerest apologies Mr. Wittebane. Here, let me help, our staff should be able to clean up your
shoes in no time!" A deeper, but nearly identical voice rings out from her right as a green haired,
gray suited guy steps into her view, gesturing away from the party with one arm.

"Em?" Amity says numbly, and her big sister squeezes her shoulder, steering her in the opposite

"Hey Ams," Emira says, a strange light in her eyes as she guides Amity through the crowd, "let's
get you cleaned up hmm?"

Amity nods, clinging to her sister as they leave the gala.

A whimpering cry of pain echoing in her mind.


Luz leans against the railing, the cool air has goosebumps forming on her bare shoulders. Holy
fucking GODDESS was this whole ordeal uncomfortable.

After that beanpole Philly or whatever his name was spirited Amity away, Luz was left alone with
Odalia, who took her arm and paraded her around like a prize pony. Introducing her to people who
barely cared.

She talked the whole time, explaining who was who, and how Blight Industries was involved with
their work. Introducing Luz as her Luz. It felt wrong. Everything about their interactions was

Alarm bells were blaring when Odalia gripped her waist, pulling Luz close. Cackling and talking
with some group of socialites Luz didn’t bother learning the names of.

Finally, Odalia let her go, excusing herself to go find her husband.

Luz wandered around, sampled some snacks, snagged a flute of champagne, and tried to find an
appropriate place to be a wallflower, something that proved to be difficult, considering she was in a
large circular room made of glass.

At some point, she thought she saw someone who looked like Tara, and her heart nearly shot out of
her throat. A minute later there was the loud crash of glass, and Luz jumped out of her skin, and
was out of there in a goddess damned second.

Luz breathes deeply, soothing herself, letting the cool air ground her. She’s standing on a wide
balcony, leaning against a stone wall that is about three quarters of her height.

It’s surprisingly quiet despite the fact that a single layer of glass separates her from the madness
inside. And the night is calm, the very large estate the manor sits on is still and quiet.

Little clouds of breath interspersed with clouds of smoke trail away as she forcibly drags her
nervous system back under control.

It wasn't her. Tara is in jail, where she belongs. She can’t even have a chance at parole for another
two years.

She’s not here.

Luz is safe.

“Ah, there you are.” A familiar voice sends a vague dread settling in her bones. She sighs.
Luz can't catch a break, can she?

Luz turns to the speaker, and sure enough Odalia Blight is sauntering over, a curious expression on
her face. Her eyes are sparkling.

Her perfectly horrid green dress swaying as she walks right up to Luz, leaning against the wall next
to her. "Sorry I had to step away for a bit, how are you enjoying the party?” She asks, reaching into
her little hand bag.

“It’s… big?” Luz offers, and is surprised when Odalia laughs, pulling out a carton of smokes.

“It certainly is, though there are so many powerful and important people in one space, it can be a
bit much.” She holds a cigarette. Luz puffs out a cloud, watching her. A moment later those cold
blue eyes meet her own.

“You don't mind, do you?” She asks, holding her cig towards Luz.

Luz stares for a moment, then reaches out, intending to light it with her own. Odalia pulls back,
cocking a perfect eyebrow for a moment, her smile turning… sharp?

‘Don’t trust my mother…’

Luz doesn’t move, neither does Odalia. She can't be serious…

Neither budges.

Odalia's hand twitches on the railing.

Then, Luz reaches into her purse and flicks her lighter to life with a flourish. Leaning over, needing
to bend at her waist slightly to reach. Shielding the flame with her hand, Luz manages to light
Odalia's cigarette.

Odalia’s smile deepens after a puff.

“You're a good girl Luz.” Odalia says. Luz watches as she puts the ivory tip of the cigarette holder
to her aquamarine lips. Odalia glances at her, and Luz looks back out over the balcony.

The silence is palatable, uncomfortable. Luz wonders if there’s a way she can politely exit the
conversation while also not royally pissing off her girlfriend's mom.

Until then, Luz is content to say absolutely nothing, letting this moment float away.

It seems Odalia Blight has other plans, “I must say, I’m impressed.”

“Y-you are?” Luz says.

“Yes, you handled yourself quite well during dinner. You nearly had me convinced."

Luz narrows her eyes again, turning to look straight at Odalia, who continues to look out over the


"Yes! You won over the rest of the family easily enough, I’m impressed… you wove quite a
convincing story… but you don't have to lie to me." Odalia stares at Luz, taking a step closer as she
does, "what do you really want from Amity?"

Luz steps back, feeling the air around them change drastically, "excuse me?" she croaks.

"Oh come now, is it money? Status? Fame? A sick family member who has bills?"

Luz takes another step back, what the hell is she talking about? Does she think… think that Luz is
using Amity?

"No, I don't want any of that." Luz plants her feet. Taking a drag as she stares back at this woman.
Odalia looks genuinely surprised, puzzled even. "Then why pursue her?"

Luz blinks, she’s almost convinced this conversation isn't real, maybe she fell asleep, or slipped on
the shiny floor and knocked herself out.

Maybe Tara and Jacob really did kill her back then. Maybe this is all a crazy limbo dream world.

It doesn't matter though, because it sounds like this lady thinks Amity is some kind of commodity,
and that sickens Luz.

"Because I love her." Luz says, taking a step closer. Almost toe to toe with her. Odalia's face is a
mask of shock, morphing quickly into something worse .

"… love her?" A cold hand clasps her shoulder, hard. Her thumb gliding across Luz’s skin.

“ Yeah , is it that so hard to believe?” Luz replies, shrugging Odalia’s hand off of her. Luz steps
back to put a little distance between them, something about Odalia being in her personal space,
touching her… it feels… wrong .

For one single instant, Odalia’s face twists in fury. Luz takes another step back, almost
instinctively putting her hands up in front of her. It looks like Odalia is about to strike.

Then, it’s gone. Replaced with a soft and confident smile. It happened so fast Luz wasn't a hundred
percent sure it was real. Odalia stays where she is, returning to leaning on the stone railing, looking
out over the grounds as she puffs out clouds of smoke.

“I see…” She says evenly, a perfectly calm response. Luz narrows her eyes, too perfect. She
watches Odalia a little closer, her face is too relaxed.

She’s faking it, She realizes. Luz could almost see it, the act Amity’s mom is putting on. Only
noticed because of the peek behind the curtain, and her own years of dealing with manipulative
Like Kyle, fuckin’ Kyle…

But Kyle was a second rate liar, whenever he tried to excuse away his disregard for her boundaries,
she could carve his bullshit into little pieces with ease.

Odalia, she was on another level. Her calm tone, her even expression, perfect. It was so convincing.

“So, you want to spend your life with her?” Odalia asks quietly, sounding so tired. A world weary
woman who just wants a little peace and quiet. Smoking with a girl who could wind up being her
future daughter in law, bonding.

Two wayward souls, resting together.

But Luz can see the glint in her eye, the way she’s watching for Luz’s reaction. Gauging her. What
choice does Luz have but to tell the truth though? She nods, the joy that would normally fill her up
after admitting something like this is dampened by Odalia.

She offers no visible reaction, and for a few minutes she doesn't say anything. Both of them
smoking in silence, the party carrying on without them.

Until, “Do you think that's good for her?”

“Pardon?” Odalia faces her, a smoldering fire in her eyes.

“Can you provide the life she wants? Can you give her the wedding she wants? If you’re not with
her for the money, can you care for her without it?” Her voice is cutting, that barely contained fury
from earlier leaking out.

The life she wants? What kind of life does Amity want? Does she want to live all rich and famous?
Would she be perfectly content living in a cheap apartment with Luz, barely getting by as they
figure themselves out?

A wedding? How many people would she want to attend? What sort of venue would she want?
Could Luz afford it?
Doubt is gnawing at her, maybe Odalia has a point.

Wait, that’s stupid. Amity loves me for me, despite being a delinquent, despite being “the robot”,
the whore, the arsonist. Well, alleged arsonist, but still.

Luz takes a step closer, looking squarely at Odalia as she takes a drag of her cigarette.

“That depends on what Amity wants, don’t you think ?” Luz says, gauging her reaction. Odalia
seems unimpressed, so Luz makes another move, “It's her choice, who to be with. As long as that's
me I'm going to do my best to make her happy.”

Finally, a reaction. Her eyebrows shoot up. A soft smile forming, a sinister malice behind it.

“Oh you will, will you?” Odalia says quietly. Stepping closer, her eyes glinting, her fist clenched

“ Yeah… ” Luz growls, squaring her shoulders.

Neither moves for a few moments, locked in a standoff. Neither budging. Luz isn’t going to back
down, if she needs to punch this bitch’s lights out the night she met her, so be it.

Luz has caused more trouble for less.

Odalia seems to grow, not that she's actually getting taller, rather her presence seems to be less
avoidable. It’s hard to explain, but the woman has a magnetism that draws your attention. Luz rolls
out her wrist, wincing as something pops.

Then, one side of Odalia's lip twitches upward, “well… we’ll see… won’t we? ” Her words are
heavy, the tone is venomous. Luz steps back, and Odalia’s grin deepens. Odalia reaches out, her
fingertips brushing against Luz’s collarbone as she grips her shoulder.

Her eyes drop to the point of contact, her lips parted slightly. Thumb brushing skin.
Luz's eyes fly wide.

Then the balcony doors open with a slam, Odalia pulls away and both women whirl around.

“Mother! There you are, several investors are looking for you.” Amelia says, hands clasped
together in front of her, an unreadable expression on her face. Her golden eyes dart to Luz for a
single instant, before returning her mother’s unflinching gaze. Odalia takes one last puff of her
cigarette, then puts it out in an empty bird feeder.

“Thank you Amelia, if you’ll excuse me Luz. It was nice chatting with you. I look forward to
spending more time with you...”

With that, she stalks back in, sparing a glance for neither Luz or Amelia. Once she’s gone Luz lets
out a breath she didn’t notice she was holding. Amelia chuckles darkly.

“She can be a bit much huh?”

“You can say that again, I'm exhausted.” Luz nods, almost collapsing back against the railing.
Amelia looks around, as if checking if anyone’s watching, then closes the balcony doors and walks
up to Luz. Not too close.

"Do you want to slip away from the party? Have some peace and quiet?" She says, her voice barely
above a whisper.

"Yeah, but I can't just ditch this… plus I need to find Amity…"

“That’s easy, Amity stepped out a few minutes ago.”

“Oh… do you…” Luz swallows, looking up at the older woman. Odalia mimicked looking tired,
but Amelia actually does look tired , “do you know where she went?”
“Hmmm, there's a wooden lattice on this side of the house that leads to Amity’s bedroom.” Amelia
replies, pointing down the way. Sure enough, Luz can see a white lattice structure leading to a
second floor balcony, the woman turns back to her with a sympathetic smile, “if you need a break
from all of this, maybe slipping away for a while would be helpful.”

Luz blinks, watching Amelia Blight turn around and walk right back into the gala. Did… did she
just come out here to tell Luz that? Or to actually find Odalia. What little she knows about
Amity’s Mom seems extremely comprehensive compared to what she knows about Amity’s sister.

“What the hell is her deal?” She says to no one, tossing her cigarette to the wind.

Luz rolls her shoulders, and walks off the steps, onto the stiff turf as she moves towards that lattice.
Sure enough, she sees a light on in the bedroom, and she smiles as she climbs up the sturdy
wooden structure.

A cute balcony leads to a very pink room.

And a very pretty Amity, sitting against her head board.

Luz reaches out, and lightly raps the glass with her knuckles.

Chapter End Notes

Wow... that's

that was a lot... what the hell is Odalia's deal? What's gonna happen next?

Stay tuned to find out!

Love y'all, byyyyyyYYEEE!

Winter Formalities Part 3: The Game Begins
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity are reunited after being separated at the Gala.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Amity wraps herself in her comfiest blanket, sunken in the middle of her pillows. Huddling,
holding it close. She feels numb, her head is spinning. She’s still panting from the panic attack that
only stopped a few minutes ago.

She’s scared, but frustrated.

She can't remember why she's feeling this way, even though it was all so clear to her just a few
minutes ago. The knowledge that made her so upset has vanished like smoke. All that's left is a
feeling of existential terror, a vague notion that she isn't safe.

But why?

Why is she feeling like this? Why isn’t she safe? She feels like the source of this dread is on the tip
of her tongue, but it’s stuck. The why is just on the edge of her mind, and she can almost name it.

It took quite a while for Emira to get her over here, to get her cleaned up and settled in bed. It took
longer for Amity to calm down. Now Em had stepped out to grab something from the kitchen,
leaving Amity alone with her thoughts.

Exactly what she didn't want to be left alone with right now.

Philip… It had something to do with Philip. She knows that, she knows she dropped a glass, she
spilled champagne on herself and him.

But why? What about Philip?

Amity growls, pressing her forehead into her palm. Hoping to squeeze the memories out of her
stupid head.

A soft sound pulls her from her thoughts and she whips her head around to face the source. Her
breath catches, and she smiles.

A silly, gangly delinquent is peering in her balcony door. Fancy heels in her hand, her body
wrapped in a pretty, almost black dress. Her hair is a little messy, but still lovely.

Amity stands up, dashing to the door and throwing it open, her heart racing.

"H-" Luz tries to speak, but Amity crashes into her full force, squeezing her tightly. Luz returns the
hug, before scooping Amity up and she instantly feels better, Luz’s arms have that effect on her.

Luz stumbles into the bedroom, and closes the door with her foot. She leans into that comfortable
warmth, clinging to Luz's shoulders.


Luz is here.

She's safe.

"You okay Ams?" Luz whispers, a hand searching before setting her down on the bed.

"Not really." Amity replies, finally letting go once Luz starts shaking. Amity pulls her girlfriend
onto her bed.

Luz holds her close, rubbing her back as she does so. "What do you need?" Luz's voice is rough,
like her throat is too tight or something, and she’s still a little out of breath from it all.
Amity hum's into her shoulder, what does she need? She needs to know why her mom demanded to
meet Luz despite never mentioning her in all these months. She needs to know why she gets like
this… she needs to know why she’s so stressed all the time.

But no matter what the cause is, she doesn't want to stay here. She wants to be anywhere but here,
this cold and empty house that isn’t her home.

"Can we leave?" Amity asks softly, carding her fingers through Luz's soft hair.

Luz chuckles and leans back to pepper her face in little kisses, "Sure Hermosa." She says, smiling
softly as she reaches for her purse , "Lemme text Lucia quick."

Emira came back to the room a few minutes later, holding an armful of food she stole from the
catering company. Sandwiches, fancy baked things, chocolates, and fruit, all tucked into a basket
she may or may not have also stolen .

"Thank goddess you got away too huh Luz?" Emira jokes, sitting down on the edge of Amity's bed,
“some party huh?” Luz snorts.

"Yeah, it’s quite the shindig for sure. Gotta say though… noooot loving your mom's vibe." She
says, that curious expression on her face again. Not quite contemplative, and not quite upset; both
and neither. Amity wonders what she’s thinking.

"You and everyone else who isn't huffing whatever shit she’s on." Em snorts, before turning to
Amity, "how are you feeling?"

"Honestly? Not great. Luz and I are going to head out." Amity says, untangling herself from her
girlfriend, hopping off her bed to grab a few things from the closet. Stuffing them into a duffel bag,
not caring about what the hell she grabs. Anything to get her out of here faster.

In all honesty, She’ll probably just steal some of Luz’s clothes once they get there.

She hates this feeling, and she realizes with a start that she hates this place . Supposedly her home,
yet it’s never felt less like a home.

"Good plan, I'm probably going to duck out and go to Viney's." Em says, and Amity spots a slight
blush on her sister's cheeks. Viney, Emira’s secret “friend” from college; Amity has suspected
them of being more for a month or so, but hasn’t bothered prying.

She makes a mental note to tease Emira later, once everyone’s in the right headspace for it.

"Wait, is your mom going to freak out if we all leave?" Luz asks, frowning. Amity looks more
closely at her girlfriend's face and posture. Her fingers are digging into her sleeves, just a little.

"Who cares?" Amity and Emira both say at the same time, and the room erupts in nervous giggles.
Luz's hands slide away from her arms, and Amity takes her hand squeezing gently.

"It'll be fine Luz, after all… I've got you." She says, feeling a warm feeling spreading through her
chest. Luz stares up at her, brown eyes sparkling. Emira hums softly, before inching back towards
the door.

"Well it looks like you two have it covered, Iiiii'm going to go pack." And with that they're alone.


"Yeah Ams?"

"I'm so glad you're here with me."

Luz stares into Amity’s eyes, and she can’t help but feel a little bashful. Almost wanting to hide her
face from Luz’s intense gaze.

“Me too, let’s go wait for Luci.”


Luz holds Amity close as they lounge on the couch, Eda snoring softly from the other as Lucia
makes tea in the kitchen
Now that they're home, the entire night feels like a dream, like it wasn't real. The dinner, the weird
conversations with Odalia. It was like Luz had fallen down a rabbit hole and wound up in fucking
bizzaro wonderland, only to wake up under the oak tree.

Odalia had been sweet as a peach during dinner, if not a little… handsy. Asking thoughtful
questions, engaging in conversation that was pleasant enough at first hearing. The more Luz
thought it over though, the less and less sweet Odalia seemed.

Every single alarm that could possibly exist in her head was blaring at the same time. Odalia's
furious glare flashing in her mind. The way she squeezed Luz’s shoulder. Her thumb gently
rubbing Luz’s skin.

The way she seemed angry when Amelia had interrupted whatever the hell she was planning on
doing. The venom dripping from her words. That cold and pale hand resting on Amity's hip.

Nothing about that gala had felt right.

Not the way Philly Cheesesteak had kept sneaking peeks at Amity during their little conversation.
Not the way Amity sort of seemed to shut down when he showed up.

Luz can't be 100% certain, yet she's never been more sure of anything in her life. Maybe it's her
trauma, or overactive imagination, but something is going on. Something between Odalia,
Cheesesteak, and Amity.

Something bad.

Luz pulls Amity closer, kissing her hair as she retreads every suspect moment of last night. Every
touch, every word, every glance. Searching for the clue, the key piece that would slot into place
and have the whole thing becoming obvious to her.

She has a bad feeling, but she knows one thing for sure.
Odalia Blight made a fucking mistake.

She tipped her hand, just a little, and now Luz is watching. She's paying attention. Luz is going to
find out if her suspicion is true.

"Here you two go, sleepy time with a lil agave." Lucia says, plopping two mugs on the coffee table
before walking towards the entryway. Lucia shrugs on dad’s old bomber army surplus jacket and
grabs her crowded keys, the jingling rings through the room.

"Where are you going?" Luz asks. Lucia looks so tired, black rings under her eyes compliment her
more pronounced than usual slouch.

"Out to buy more smokes." Lucia says, swinging the front door wide before stepping through. The
sound of the deadbolt locking follows a moment later.

Luz sips her tea, enjoying the peace and quiet after a wild and loud night. She runs her fingers
through Amity's hair, eyes drinking up the new color greedily.

"Your hair looks fucking awesome." She says, and Amity shifts to look up at her.

"Yeah? You like it?" She asks, timidly.

"I do." Luz confirms, “It… it kind of suits you better than green in my opinion.” Amity kind of
looks like a fairy princess now. Well maybe not while she's wearing Luz’s otter onesie. Though the
fact that it’s slightly too short for her is insanely cute.

“I think so too.” Amity agrees, sinking back into Luz’s shoulder. Rubbing her thumb over Luz’s
hand, both of them slowly but surely decompressing. Luz can feel Amity releasing the tension in
her body. Luz can feel her own shoulders slowly letting go. Amity breathes deeply before she says,
“I'm actually surprised my mom didn't lose her shit about it.”

Luz perks up slightly, “Yeah? She seems like she can be a little bit…” she pauses to find the right
word, “...intense.”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Amity says with a dark chuckle, “ she was on her best behavior tonight,
I don't know what got into her.”

“She’s usually worse?” Luz asks, trying to fish as subtly as she can, not to deceive Amity, Luz just
doesn’t want to upset her.

“Yeah, she’s uptight and strict, always expecting me to be perfect, always on my ass about
everything." Amity shifts, and Luz leans over, their legs tangled between them as they rest on the
arms of the couch, “ ‘Amity Blight! You got 93 on your pre-calculus test! What is the meaning of
this?’ or ‘A Blight is always perfect and presentable dear, go change.’... shit like that.”

Luz figured as much from the little she had heard about Odalia, but her fear and concern fade
away, replaced by bitter anger and a deep caring for the girl she’s looking at. Luz reaches out, and
gently rubs Amity’s hand.

“She can be ruthless too, like with me and Willow; and I know she’s done shady shit to help Blight
industries. And… yeah… she used to hit us.” Amity falls silent, her face downcast.

They sit there in silence for a while, then Luz manages to whisper, “I’m sorry…”

"It's not your fault." Amity mumbles, looking at her hands.

"I know," Luz says gently, "but it still sucks." Amity hums, leaning back against the arm of the
couch and putting a hand to her forehead.

"Yeah.. thank you, Luz." She says. They sit there, neither speaking for a long while. Luz is torn,
she wants to ask the question burning in her mind, but she can't just ask it, can she? Her mind is
racing, always drawing back to that same, dark conclusion she’s loath to admit she’s thinking.

The way Odalia touched them both, the look on her face when Luz said she was going to take care
of Amity. The way Amity reacted when Philip showed up.

The way Amity couldn't remember what happened with Philip.

Eda snorts in her sleep, rolling over. Her wild mane of hair cascading over the side.

Amity forgets a lot actually, now that Luz thinks about it. A voice rings out in her mind,

"They're so boring that I usually can't even remember the shit we do…"

If Luz's suspicion is correct, maybe she shouldn't ask Amity directly. Maybe Amity doesn't even
realize. But is that possible? Is it possible to totally and completely forget it, if it's still happening?

Luz decides to keep it in the back of her mind and turn her focus back on Amity.

They eat, and then lie in bed and talk for a little while. Luz fully engages with her girlfriend,
enjoying this soft and domestic moment. After a while in both of them start to doze,

“Let’s hit the hay?” Luz asks, and Amity nods.

"Good night Luz, I love you." Amity says, kissing Luz's nose before turning out the light.

"I love you too Ams, sweet dreams." Luz stares at her constellation. The dim glow is comforting.
Familiar. Safe.

She's safe. Amity is safe.

For now.

Chapter End Notes

Oooooooh, the pieces are in motion. And Luz is in on the game. Will she be able to
figure out what's going on? But more importantly will she be able to prove it?
Stay tuned.

Love y'all!

Happy Holidays!
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity enjoy their holiday break as best they can.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Thank fucking goddess, it's finally Christmas break.

Luz and her friends are wandering the streets of the Northeast End, laughing and dicking around in
the snow, small flakes drifting down from the gray sky.

They're at a park, a white wonderland stretching out before them, where a few kids are playing.
The world is quiet. The usual sounds of the city are muffled. It's beautiful.

"Yoooo, snowmen?" Gus asks, breaking the serene silence. The tassels of his multi-colored toque
flapping as he whirls his head around.

"Hell yeah!" Hunter replies, his thick winter coat making him look rounder then he actually is. Luz
laughs as the two of them start scooping up snow.

Her eyes fall on a small purple splotch on Hunter's wrist, and her smile dies. He insisted that he ran
into something last night.

Knowing that he lives with Cheesesteak, Luz honestly doesn't know what to believe anymore.

She turns, doing her best to smile at Willow as she passes, before her eyes fall on the lavender
haired goddess closing the distance between them fast.

Amity is wearing Luz's beanie, and her Letterman over a chunky sweater. Her golden eyes
sparkling, her cheeks already red from the cold.
She's so pretty… but right now all Luz can think about is the past few days.

When Odalia didn't let Amity out of the house on Monday after they got back. How Amity barely
answered her phone during that weekend, and only gave vague answers as to how her business trip

How on Tuesday Amity had much clearer answers for what they did. They talked about how to be
an effective CEO. Apparently it was all confidence.

But Luz kept an eye on her, she pretended not to notice the faded bruises. Even though her anger
burned inside her at the sight of them.

One thing she was absolutely certain of was that Amity didn't remember any of it, though how she
forgot wasn’t exactly she wasn't sure.

Luz remembered feeling relieved, but also on edge. When Amity had told her that that was the last
business trip of the year. The holidays were too busy to bother organizing one.

Next would be hosted in the spring, effectively nixing Luz's observations until then.

Cheesesteak gave off major bad vibes, and he was definitely hurting Hunter, that alone was
inexcusable. She wants to talk to him about it sometime, but…

If that man was hurting Amity too…

Luz wonders if Lucia still has Anthony’s number? Maybe she could persuade him to break a few
kneecaps for old time’s sake?

"Hey you, whatcha thinking about?" Amity asks, nudging Luz's shoulder with a soft grin.

"Just thinking about my awesome girlfriend." Luz says, wagging her eyebrows as she does so.
Amity rolls her eyes, and shoves her gently.
Luz shelves her angst for now, opting instead to sweep Amity off her feet.


"LUZ!" She shrieks, and they both break out into a fit of giggles. Luz runs through the snow and
Amity clings to her neck. "We're gonna fall!"

"I've got you Hermosa. There's no way we're going to fall."

A moment later Luz's foot slips out from under her, and she grunts in surprise as both of them crash
into the snow. Laughing, even as the powder flies into their face.

She wipes the snow out of her eyes, and is surprised to see gold staring down at her. Amity leans in
and kisses her, and Luz holds her close.

"Ugh.. they're at it again!" Willow groans.

"Get a room you two!" Hunter shouts.

"Hey! Watch it you!" Amity snaps back, grinning wide.

"Is that a challenge, Blight?" Hunter says, a twinkle in his eye.

"It's a promise." Amity winks at Luz and rolls off her, scooping up a handful of snow and dashing
towards their friends.

Luz chuckles, watching as Hunter and Amity engage in an epic snow fight. Snowballs whipping
through the air like bullets as they weave, duck, and dive around each other.

It's like watching an anime fight, except slower… with snow and a lot more laughing. Luz saunters
over to Willow and Gus, partway through building a snowman.
"Who do you think's going to come out on top?" Luz asks.

"Not Hunter." Willow says with a snort. There's a beat of silence where the only sound they can
hear is Amity and Hunter battling it out.

"Wait, what?!" Gus cries out, "is Hunter a bottom?"

"Yeah, is he a bottom? I could totally see him being a bottom." Luz asks, smirking as Willow's
cheeks flush.

"I didn't say that!" Willow grumbles, trying her hardest to ignore Luz and Gus putting on their best
puppy eyes.

"Get wrecked duuuuuude!" Amity yells out triumphantly from a few yards away staring down at a
gloved hand feebly sticking out of the snow.

"Okay… he's a major bottom." Willow murmurs, and the three of them laugh, walking over to help
dig their friend out of the snow he was somehow buried in.


"Listen, I'm calling it now, Captain Avery already knows." Gus says patiently, tucking his hands
behind his head as he leans back on the couch.

"I think he's still figuring it out. Remember the scene when they're hiding from the cyber-lizards?"
Hunter counters before taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"What? No way, remember last episode when Avery mentioned disguises?"

"They were disguising themselves, Gus; putting on a show like they were totally brainwashed."
Hunter replies, "Luz, help me out."

The boys are both staring at Luz, and Amity watches from the nearby table, smiling at how
thoughtful Luz is, her face drawn in concentration.

It's a cute expression that she loves.

"I don't know, the way they frame the scene makes it feel like they're talking about O'Bailey.
Subtext wise ya know? But at the same time, it was pretty explicit here." Luz taps her lips, and
Amity nearly forgets where she is.

Damn, she's so pretty.

Lucia hums, tapping her phone rapidly. She's sitting across the table from Amity.

"No… no… no…" she mumbles, and Amity looks over at her. Lucia looks sweaty, despite the fact
she hasn't been doing anything today. Her lips forming a tight frown, her posture is scrunched.


"You okay?" Amity offers, and Lucia blinks in response. She's shifting in her seat, bouncing her

"Umm.. maybe.. Can… I ask you something?" She stammers, tugging at her long side bangs and
looking anywhere but directly at Amity.

Amity shifts, fully facing her girlfriend's sister. Thinner than Luz, longer than Luz. Taller than her.

She looked profoundly tired almost all the time, now that Amity thought about it. She was quiet,
measured. Usually completely cool and unflusterable.

This was unusual.

"Sure, what's up?" She says, leaning her elbows against the worn wood table.
"Y-you're rich right?"

"Well my family is rich, so yeah I guess so."

"So.. uhhh… What sort of Christmas gifts do…" Lucia stutters and stammers.

"What sort of gifts do rich people like to get?" Lucia finally whispers, eyes wide, locked onto

She's never seen Lucia like this. It's curious.

"What do you mean what sort of gift? Like as opposed to a not rich person?"

"Like… normal people will ask for socks, or will really want - like - a new game, or maybe tickets
to something…" She says, her shoulder slumping as she finally stops wiggling, "because rich
people can just buy those things you know? Whenever they want."

Amity mulls it over, she has a point. Amity doesn't usually think about Christmas, why should she
when she can get whatever she wants easily whenever she pleases? For a moment she wonders if
Luz is having a hard time picking a gift for her?

Amity has told her again and again that she doesn't have to, but Luz keeps insisting that she's going
to anyway.

And Amity's gifts for Luz…

"Personal things. Things you can't get from a store." Amity says before taking a sip from a glass of
water, "Like I don't know, a poem or something. Make something personal?"

Lucia lights up, and smiles wide, "Goddamnit, I can be so stupid! Thanks, Ams."

"No problem…" Amity smirks, leaning across the table a little, "So, got a special rich someone in
your life?"
"HAHA! Nah, I was just curious…" Lucia's face turns beet red, and she stands up so fast she nearly
knocks her chair over, "oh damn, look at the time, I should get to work!"

"Shop's not open today..?" Eda asks as she walks into the kitchen, Lucia darts past her, shooting a
venomous look back as she goes.

"Says you! I got uhh….important stuff I forgot to tidy up. Bye everyone! Te amo!"

"Te amo!" Everyone chimes back, then she’s gone.

"What's up with her?" Luz asks, sliding into the chair next to Amity and wrapping an arm around
her shoulder.

"Dunno." Amity says, smiling softly.


Luz steps into the apartment, putting her keys on a hook as she kicks off her shoes. Amity steps in
a moment later, she's wearing the biggest, comfiest coat Luz has ever seen.

It's huge, and almost completely covers her body. It's so soft, and frankly, ridiculous. So naturally,
Luz loves it. Amity hoists a bunch of bags over her shoulder, and looks around.

"Hello?" She calls out into the quiet apartment. Luz chuckles as she shuts the door and locks it.
Trying her hardest not to think too hard.

"No one's home yet." Luz says, and it's true, everyone's busy with final preparations today, after
all, it's Christmas Eve.

"When are they going to be back?"

"Probably around 4.." She pauses, "Eda put the turkey in a little while ago, so everything's good to
go. Just gotta make sure to baste it every once in a while." She says, walking into the kitchen to
check on the massive bird in the oven.

"So what you’re saying is that we have the place to ourselves for the whole day?" Amity asks, her
voice quiet and… something else.

"Yeah, isn't it great? We can do-" Luz's words die in her throat when she turns around.

“I got you an early present…” Amity says, drawing her words out.

Red ribbon, wrapped and looped all around her body. In between her chest, around her ribs,
covering her nipples and between her legs. A big bow (literally) ties it all together, resting just
below her breasts.

"Ahhh.." Luz says, intelligently carrying a conversation she had no idea would be taking this turn.
Amity's coat is on the floor, and her hip is jutted out a little. Luz's eyes drinking up every curve of
her pale body.

She stalks down the hallway, hips swaying as she goes, and Luz is powerless not to follow.

Luz can't quite remember how she got to her bedroom.

“Well? Aren’t you going to open it~?” Amity asks, lounging on Luz’s bed like a damned pagan
nymph, tempting her.

She swallows, her mouth feels dry, “Y-yeah, I think I can manage that.”

She climbs on the bed eyes wide, heart racing. She doesn't grab at the ribbon just yet, instead she
gently runs her hands along Amity's sides.

"You're so beautiful Amity…" she whispers, a thrill running through her spine when Amity sighs.
"Only for you babe." She smiles, and Luz shrugs off her plaid overshirt, leaving her in a dark gray
tank top.

"Yeah?" Luz asks, noticing that most of Amity's outfit isn't ribbon, but instead red lingerie. Luz
appreciates the artistry of the straps and lace, how they weave in and out of each other. Drawing
her eyes towards Amity’s lips.

She kisses Amity's neck softly, humming when Amity exhales through her mouth. Running her
palm up and down that alabaster skin, her girlfriend's breath hitching as her finger tips dance over
her hip bone.

She pecks Amity's jaw.


Just under her ear. A sharp breath.

On her lips.


And again.

Luz deepens the kiss just as Amity wraps her arms around her neck, keeping her close. Luz just
enjoys this, lips pressed together, only removing them to replace them a moment later.

Luz melts into Amity's embrace, lightly shifting her body just to feel Amity writhe underneath her.

"Luuuzz…" she huffs out, and when Luz sucks at her neck she squeaks.

Luz takes her time, slowly touching Amity all over. Kissing her lips, face, and neck; gently
rubbing, touching, and pinching.
She carefully undoes the bow. Amity watching her fingers. Luz leans against Amity, teeth digging
into her collarbone lightly.

Hot breath washing against her hair, sweet needy sounds filling the room. Amity's hands cup Luz's
ass and squeeze.


Luz reaches lower, brushing her fingers across Amity’s damp red panties. She smirks as Amity
huffs out a needy gasp, and she catches her lips in a searing kiss.

Just as she presses her fingers into Amity’s clit, swallowing her girlfriend’s moans. The soaked
cotton the only thing between her and that enticing heat. Luz grunts as Amity starts rolling her
hips, grinding into her hand. She adjusts her wrist, then moves that damned red cotton out of the

“Hahhh…” Amity's breath has goosebumps forming on Luz's skin, she presses herself a little
closer, rubbing two fingers against that spot, loving just how wet Amity is for her.

Amity moans, kissing any skin that she can reach. Her hands grip at Luz's tank top, trying to pull
her impossibly closer.

Their lips crash together.

Luz groans when Amity shudders underneath her.

"M'close.." she murmurs, eyes wrenched shut. Luz doesn't stop, she loves the way Amity comes
undone for her. Just for her.

Luz's thoughts darken for a moment.

Just for her.

Amity makes a quiet noise, and a moment later she comes under Luz. Shivering, shuddering,


It's perfect.

It's so good.

Luz smiles as Amity goes slack beneath her, and she snuggles into her favorite person.

"What a-ab.. about you?" Amity huffs out, clearly out of breath.

Lu smirks, "oh Hermosa, that's easy…" she tears off her shirt, and the rest of her clothes. Amity
lets out a breathy laugh, eyes glazed over with lust.

Luz spreads Amity's legs, crawling up between them to harshly latch onto a nipple. The only sound
ringing out in her bedroom is Amity's shaky cry, followed by a deep, desperate moan.

Luz grins, biting her lip slightly as she sinks into her girlfriend. Luz moans as Amity gasps.

Luz thrusts forward, driving her clitty into Amity easily, effortlessly. They fit together so well. She
caresses Amity's cheek as she props herself up on the other elbow.

"Hhh…" Amity breathes out.

"Ams.. fuck…" Luz whispers, her legs jerking slightly as her muscles lock up. She moans out,
leaning closer to capture Amity's skin with her mouth.


Names called out.

Amity holding Luz close, grinding slowly as Luz pounds her into the mattress.

Luz grips the sheets hard, her voice stalling as everything tightens.

Not a very long fuck, but they don't all need to be. Luz grunts and whimpers as she feels the tension
snap inside her.



Their lips crash together. Luz gets swept up, losing herself in Amity's touch.

Amity is scratching her scalp, lightly rubbing her back. She's lying right on top of her. She cracks
her eyes open, and finds Amity smiling at her.

"What?" She chuckles.

Amity doesn't say anything for a moment, instead she continues to look down. Her soft smile is
enchanting, enthralling, Luz would do anything to make sure that she's happy.

Luz will do anything.

"I love you Luz." Amity says softly.

"I love you too, Ams." She replies, kissing her awesome girlfriend, enjoying this quiet and serene

Luz wishes that it could last forever.


"BABE WHERE'S THE FANCY CUTLERY?!" Eda yells out, cupping her hands to her mouth.

"Edalyn, the same place they always are, above the fridge." Raine says, patiently, but also a little

Amity smiles, trying to resist the urge to offer her help. Camila and Eda had already shut her down
half a dozen times, not to mention that Lucia threatened to sit on her if she tried to do anything.

"You got enough on your plate dealing with Luz." Eda had said, sticking her tongue out at Luz's
indignant protests.

The kitchen, as usual, smells amazing. Winter spices coat her nose, and the rich wholesome food
has her mouth watering.

Sure, Amity Blight has had higher brow Christmas dinners, she’s eaten pheasant and or other
exotic animals and dishes. Sometimes her Christmas dinners had been prepared by world renowned

But something Amity Blight never had before, was a simple dinner with family. Someone was
always busy back home, in fact everyone was busy tonight. Amity didn't lament at it so much as
marvel at.

All her life, she had thought her family normal. She looks around, as Lucia and Luz weave their
way in between their three parents. Camila and Raine laughing, doting on an obstinately stubborn

She thought her family was normal, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth. They were
bent, broken, twisted, warped, the Blight’s were hardly a family at all as far as she was concerned.

But here? Sitting at the now familiar dining table? She smiles as Luz sits down next to her, with
Lucia on the other side. The three adults sitting across from them.

Here? With food that actually tasted like food, where the portions were large enough to actually fill
your stomach? Where the woman in charge demands you take seconds, just to make sure you’ve
eaten enough?

These people are more her family than her real family.

Amelia is exempt of course, being more of a mother to Amity then Odalia ever has. The twins have
gotten way better. Amity frowns, looking down at the remnants of her second plate, even as Lucia
and Luz playfully rough house for the last of the mashed potatoes. Really, it's just her parents.

They’re the ones who drag the family down.

Amity allows herself to imagine, just for a moment, that she didn't have to live with her parents
anymore. Imagine living with Amelia, or hell, she could even live here. She felt forlorn, and

The dinner was fantastic, and now everyone was seated in the living room. Wrapped boxes under a
plastic christmas tree. The warm glow should make Amity feel even more safe and comfortable.

But she's not, she's worried. What if Luz doesn't like her gift? What if she messes up? Goddess
knows she’s practiced it enough times to last forever.

Amity is shocked when Lucia hands her a small box, a very faint smile on her face. She opens it
slowly, and laughs out loud. A collector’s edition box set of the so-bad-it’s-good live action Azura

“Is… is this signed?” Amity asks.

“Hell yeah! Found it at a flea market. I thought you’d get a kick out of them. There’s deleted
scenes and junk.”

“Thanks Lucia.” Amity says, feeling her heart swelling, she hugs Luz’s big sister tightly. The next
gift Amity receives is from Luz. It’s a big, soft package, wrapped extremely poorly.

“I tried really hard, but wrapping is my weakness.” Luz comments, hovering nervously as Amity
opens it. Soft white fleece, pink triangles. Amity pulls out the fabric.

“A cat onesie?” Amity asks, staring at Luz, who visibly shifts. Looking away.

“Y-yeah… I figured… since you steal mine so often, if I got you one then I could steal it back-”
Luz’s words are cut off as Amity wraps her arms around Luz’s neck. It's such a simple gift, on the
surface it would seem like there was barely any thought put into it. But Amity steals Luz's onesie
every time she stays over.

Every time.

Now they have another thing to share.

It’s perfect.

This is perfect.

Amity grins, rushing to the bedroom to try it on. She eyes her bags, the guitar shaped one catching
her eye. She takes a shaky breath in, then hops into her very comfortable onesie.


“So, umm, I've been learning to play guitar.” Amity mumbles, looking anywhere but directly at
her girlfriend. This is stupid, this was a stupid idea, she should have just gotten Luz a bar of gold or

“Dope.” Luz says, smiling, sitting cross legged on her bed, waiting as Amity tuned the instrument.
“Yeah. and I uh… I got you a present.”

“You’re still wearing my present, remember?” Luz snorts, wagging her eyebrows wildly. Amity
feels a little heat flood her face, she’s still wearing the Christmas lingerie.

She chuckles, cocking an eyebrow at Luz, “True, but I got you another one.”

“Ams! I only got you the one.”

“Luz, I didn’t buy it. I…” Amity pauses, eyes darting away as she mutters, “I made you
something.” Luz watches, apparently unsure of what's going to happen next. Amity takes a deep
breath in, turning the desk chair so she's fully facing her girlfriend. She rests the guitar on her knee
and strums experimentally.

“Did… you?” Luz asks quietly.

“I wrote you a song.” Amity says, starting to play.

“Holy shit.” Luz whispers, eyes as wide as dinner plates.

Amity takes her time, remembering at the last second to focus on not increasing the tempo as she
went. Her and Willow agonized over the lyrics for a month or so, the chord progression for just as

Amity loses herself in the sound, letting her voice spill out. Emotions she’s voiced a thousand
times at this point flowing as easily as water down a gentle stream. Luz watches soundlessly, so
still she might have been a statue if Amity didn't know better.

Amity sings and plays a song just for Luz, only for her. She sings about a girl who was sad and
alone, and a new girl who everyone tried to hurt. About how the new girl wasn’t so scary, in fact
she was wonderful.
She changed the sad girl’s life, maybe she even saved her life.

The sad girl wanted to spend the rest of forever making sure the not so new girl knew just how
much she was loved.

She sings each verse, each chorus, letting it all wash over her. Sure, her home life is shit. But
maybe that isn’t even her home anymore.

Blight Manor is definitely not her home. This starry eyed girl, watching her perform a sappy love
ballad like she was a literal goddess fit for worship.

The sad girl can’t wait to see what their lives are going to look like in the future, but she’s going to
enjoy taking every single step with her love.

The new girl who changed everything.

The echoes of the last chord fade to silence. Amity opens her eyes, and finds Luz staring, water
leaking down her face.


“L-Luz?” Amity asks, putting her guitar down on the floor, kneeling beside Luz’s bed.

“No one… no one’s ever done anything like this for me…” Luz whispers, her face twisting as she
tries to hold back.

“You deserve this, and every kindness ever, my Luz.” Amity whispers, feeling her chest tighten as
she does.

"I…" Luz starts, But her words die, replaced by a quiet sob. Amity leans up, just as Luz slides off
the bed.

They crash in the middle and tumble down to the floor, laughing wetly. Amity winds up on top.
Luz just stares up at her, a look of calm and trust on her face.

She doesn't squirm, she doesn't hiss or gasp. Luz just smiles, and wipes her tears away.

"Thank you…" Luz says. Amity kisses her so softly, before pulling away just a little.

"Merry Christmas, Luz." She whispers back.

Chapter End Notes

Happy holidays, stay warm and safe (or cool and safe if ya live in the southern
New Year's
Chapter Summary

Luz and her friends attend an upscale house party, that they were actually invited to.

Luz learns something new.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Honestly? I think it's a trick." Willow says somberly, applying her eyeliner, leaning close to her
vanity mirror.

Amity snorts, her hair up in a head towel thingy as she pulls her tights on. Luz is lying on Willow’s
bed, staring at her ceiling while they all get ready, well everyone except Luz, she’s been ready for
20 minutes. Willow looks over at her girlfriend with a wry smile, "What? Why else would the loser
brigade of all people be invited to Boscha's new years party?"

"Who knows Willow? Boscha was going easier on us before break.” Amity replies, shimmying her
plaid skirt on. Luz clenches her shoulders to keep blood from rushing where it really shouldn’t.
Apparently seeing Amity topless in a skirt really does it for Luz .

“It’s definitely a ploy, to lure us into a false sense of security.” Willow says, wagging her eyebrows
in between plucking them. The three giggle, it really seems silly now, thinking back on how bad
the Hexside elite used to be.

“She’s definitely gonna destroy us, she’s got super villain written all over her.” Luz says.

“How do you figure?” Amity asks, tucking in her bright pink Hecate tank top into her skirt. Pulling
her weird head towel thing off and shaking her hair out a moment later. Luz takes a moment longer
than normal to answer.

“Uhh well she’s ruthless for starters, she’s made teacher’s cry, and she picks on Gus constantly
despite the fact he’s a lil baby boi.” Luz frowns, remembering Pinky’s almost vicious bullying of
Gus when Luz first met him. She’d make him do her homework, she’d bully him for a laugh, the
real stereotypical highschool drama bullshit.
“That’s a good point, anyone who picks on a cutie like Gus must be a monster.” Willow says,
apparently satisfied with her work. She’s wearing cute canvas overalls over a dark green sweater.
Her hair is braided like usual. The two of them look good.

Luz? She’s wearing a black band t-shirt, with her arm wraps underneath, in part for their usual
purpose but also for the aesthetic. She’s got her high black waisted jeans on along with goofy
colorful socks with a little horned monster guy on them. It’s a hot outfit, that’s for sure, and unlike
her usual style it’s all very tight fitting. For some reason she likes the way it hugs her slight curves,
even though tight clothes usually to bother her a lot.

Amity frowns slightly, looking at the hairdryer she’s just plugged in with a strange look. Then
golden eyes meet her own, and Amity opens her mouth.

There’s a timid knock on the door. “Hello?” A familiar voice calls out.

“Hey, come in babe!” Willow replies without looking, and the door swings open. Hunter walks in,
half dressed, holding an armful of clothes. Luz averts her eyes on instinct, those early years in the
boy’s change rooms coming back in a flash. Before she can muse on it she realizes Hunter is
standing right in front of her.

“Luz, make some room.” He scoffs, and she rolls onto the floor. “Jesus! You didn’t have to go that

“It’s fine dude, it’s floor time anyways.” Luz says, watching as her friends laugh, she enjoys this
lighthearted moment with the people she cares about most, her heart fluttering in her chest. Pushing
down her concerns, her worries. The almost completely invisible marks on Hunter’s stomach, the
faintest purple peeking out from under the waistband of his jeans.

She eyes the matching scars on his chest, and smiles. Everyone deserves the body they want.
Though Luz can’t help it when her dark suspicions supply horrid conclusions as she observes
Hunter and Amity.

“What do y’all think?” He asks, holding up a badass t-shirt adorned in wolves and a technically
better cream t-shirt with a boring fashion logo on the chest.

“Wolf shirt for sure.” Luz says.

“I’d go for the cream one personally.” Amity retorts, and Luz wags her eyebrows silently at her
girlfriend, snickering when Amity blushes just a little.

“Which do you like, babe?” Willow asks, turning fully around to look at her boyfriend. Hunter
waffles, stammering as he looks around desperately for an authoritative opinion.

“I… uh… well… hmmm…”

“Hunter?” Willow says, her voice even and patient. Her expression is soft.

“Yeah?” He croaks

“If we weren’t going out, if we were just gonna hangout together. The two of us, which shirt would
you pick?” Willow asks gently, standing up as she does.

“The wolf one.” Hunter answers, blushing slightly as he looks at the floor. Willow crosses the
distance and clasps one of his hands.

“Then there you go, wolf one it is.”

“Wolf oonnnee!!!” Luz mock-yells from her spot on the floor. Eyes flying wide when Amity steps
over her too, Luz barely catches sight of the spot between her legs as she does.

Dios mio! I should have floor time more often.

“Where’s Gus? We should get going soon.” Amity asks, smirking ever so slightly as Luz tries to
shuffle, to hide her totally not hardening dick.

“Last I saw he was talking with your Dad’s Willow.” Hunter says, beaming as he straightens out
his shirt. Luz smiles, and shifts to her knees, hands in her lap to hide her semi-solid. Willing it
away so she can be fully in this moment with her friends.
She’s SO going to pay Amity back for that.


“And I’m saying, there’s no way it’s a trap Will…” Gus says, gesturing wildly with his hands in
that exaggerated way he does when he’s excited, “Boscha probably just needed to fill out the ranks,
make the party extra crowded.”

Amity chuckles from the passenger seat of the very fancy car, before turning back to talk to her
older sister. The woman who is definitely not an assassin. Amelia. The eldest Blight daughter had
offered to drive them, apparently she had “things to do” in the area, but was silent on just what
those things were.

Amity had looked knowingly at her sister, but Luz couldn’t understand what the hell any of it
meant. Despite the mystery surrounding her "errands", Luz wasn't worried. Out of all the people
she had met at the gala, Amelia hadn’t thrown a single bad vibe her way. She weirdly trusts the
woman she barely knows

“Honestly that’s more believable.” Luz says.

Luz feels her skin tingling at the thought of tonight.

Focus girl.

"Whatever the reason she invited you all, make sure you're all safe." Amelia says, looking both
ways as she pulls to a stop sign.

Luz narrows her eyes, was it her imagination, or did Amelia's eyes linger on Amity when she said

Luz isn't sure. Of any of it. Who's playing this game other than her and Odalia, whose side they're
on, whether she has a chance at all.

She just doesn't know enough yet.

And that bothers her.


In fairness, Boscha hasn’t tried to destroy them for over two hours. Amity has to give credit where
credit is due. Shit she even said hi to them. Her eyes lingering on Amity with a strangely pained

A look she had never seen on her former friend’s face before.

It stuck with her in a way she couldn’t describe.

The beat drops, and Amity snaps back to the moment. The trance music is thrumming through her
bones, people dancing all around her. Hands on her hips, she smiles, pressing her body into Luz.

Their eyes meet, Luz smiles, Amity’s heart beats faster. Lights flash, she pulls Luz closer. Their
lips touch.

Luz giggles, she drags Luz away from the dance floor. Into a corner, away from the noise, the
lights, the people, the crowd. Luz surges forward, Amity’s back bumps into the wall.

Luz kisses her, and Amity moans. Luz’s tongue meets her own. The faded beating of the music still
surrounding them. She clutches at Luz’s tank top, needing her closer. Hands yank at her skirt, and
Amity pulls it higher, gasping as Luz’s hands find their way up, ghosting exactly where she needs

“Hi…” Amity huffs out in her girlfriend’s ear, smiling as said girlfriend shivers.

Luz looks up at her with half lidded eyes, before kissing Amity’s jaw. Luz pulls her further, and
they wander together, stopping to kiss and touch whenever it’s too much to bear. Amity palms
Luz’s cock through her pants, Luz pressing a knee right to Amity’s heat.
Luz tosses her down on the first bed they can find before locking the door. She dives onto Amity,
tearing her tights and breathing in. Amity shivers in anticipation, her hands gripping into unfamiliar

She moans at the ceiling, and Luz grips her hips harder, panting while looking up at her. She’s
beautiful like this, the sight of Luz between her legs has Amity’s heart pounding.

What a way to ring in the new year… She thinks to herself as Luz leans back in, her toes curling
from her girlfriend’s efforts.

Soft moans and heavy breaths fill the room, and Amity loses herself to the pleasure.


Luz smiles, leaning against the front railing of Pinky’s house. The large brick driveway running in
a circle around an actual goddess damned fountain.

She sucks in smoke, her hips still a bit sore from the last few hours. The music is still going,
people are clanging pots and pans and whatever else they can find, screaming at each other.
Wishing everyone they meet a happy new year.

Luz blows the smoke up in the air, watching it drift away into the night.

"Hey, Noceda." Someone calls out. Luz looks over her shoulder, and cocks an eyebrow. Pinky
walks over to her in a yellow crop top, her letterman, and black pants. She walks up to Luz before
leaning forward on the railing.

"Hey," Luz says, puffing another cloud, "thanks for the invite, the party’s actually really fun. So, to
what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Got a light?" Pinky says, pulling a small cardboard box out of the inside of her coat. A cigarette
between her fingers.

"Didn't know you smoked." Luz says, hesitating while Pinky looks her over.
"Only when I'm stressed." Pinky says, holding out her cig. Luz pulls her own out of her mouth and
holds it out. Pinky meets her halfway, lighting hers before taking a long drag.

Neither of them speak for a while, the distant base rumbling through the windows of the house.
The chill air makes her skin tingle, and she pulls her jacket tighter to her body.

"Uhh." Luz says.

"Luz?" Pinky cuts her off.

"Yeah?" Luz replies, eyeing Pinky, her muscles slightly tensed. Is this some kind of setup?

"This… is hard for me, but I… want to apologize." Pinky manages to grunt out.

Both of Luz's eyebrows shoot up at that. "What?"

"The way I treated you, it was shitty." Boscha says, "I was being a big idiot."

"Yeah, you kind of were." Luz agrees, smirking at the sight of Pinky shuffling uncomfortably.

"And, and there's something else…" She trails off picking something off the railing as she blows a
long trail of smoke up into the cold sky.

Luz watches her, the way her eyebrows are working, her lips are tight. It’s like she's working up the
courage to say something.

"You uhh… remember the posters?" She asks, glancing at Luz for a moment as she does.

"You mean the photos of me and my girlfriend having sex that someone posted all over school?"
Luz asks.
"Umm, yeah… those posters. I put them up… took the picture, printed them… all of it." Pinky
admits, her posture changing completely as she does. The confident sports girl is gone, she looks
almost hollow inside, the usual spark behind her eyes vanishes. She looks like she'll collapse in on
herself any minute.

Pinky did it, she was the one. The one who caused so much pain. The one who hurt Amity. People
ridiculed her for weeks, both of them. Boscha caused it, and… she just admitted it.

"Why are you telling me all this?".

"Because I'm tired, tired of this, of the stupid game I’m supposed to play, the stupid hierarchy. I'm
tired. Tired of trying to be perfect for a couple of class A bitches who don't know anything about

She chuckles, but it's a muted and forlorn sound, "Fucking hells, I don't even think I know anything
about me."

"It's a crime, you know, what you did."

“Yup, report me if you want to. I'll even testify against myself." Pinky's reply is instant, and Luz
raises an eyebrow.

"Just, just let me explain first." Pinky takes a drag of her cig before blowing it out. Then she looks
at Luz, "This is so stupid, I'm so stupid. The reason I did it… I was jealous of you Luz."

Luz takes a moment to process, it wasn't what she was expecting. Jealous? Jealous of her? What
the hells was the world coming to?

"Jealous of what?"

"Of you and Amity." Boscha says, sighing as she looks at the quiet and still fountain, "I've been
friends with her for years, years . But no matter what I did, no matter what I said, I never was able
to get her to look at me the way she looks at you." Her expression is pained, and Luz finally sees it,
she sees through the facade.
The mask Boshca’s been wearing.

It was preposterous to think that there wasn't one. To think that the person that Boscha pretended to
be was the real her.

"So… you had a crush on Amity?"

"Had? Still do." Basha laughs humorlessly, "But when you showed up, I knew that she noticed you
right away."

"Right away?"

"Yeah, after you had that encounter with her, the first one, something was different." Boscha looks
down with an unreadable expression, "I was mad about that."

"How long have you liked her?"

"Years. But I didn't really know how to approach it. So I did what I always do, I acted like an

Luz can't help it, she laughs a little bit, even Boscha smiles.

"So you took the picture to get back at me?"

"Maybe, something like that. I don't really know why. Maybe I was hoping you two would break
up or something…" Boscha says, and Luz believes that she's ashamed, she can see it plainly on the
girl's face.

It’s a feeling she knows all too well .

"Shit." Luz says, and fails to think of another word to add to the sentence. So she leaves it as is.
"Yep," Basha agrees, taking a deep breath in through her nose, "It doesn't excuse what I did. And I
don't expect you to forgive me. I just wanted you to know, and I wanted to apologize. I’m sorry
Luz, for the pain I’ve caused."

"Thanks, for telling me." Luz says, punching the taller girl’s shoulder lightly, "I mean that."

"Jesus fucking Christ, how are you so calm about this?"

"Depression." Luz deadpans, and Boscha barks out a laugh, this one is better, it sounds real.

"If that ain't a mood…" Boscha grumbles, dropping her cigarette and stomping on it.

"It's getting a little chilly, we should probably head back inside, hey?" Luz says, turning and
starting to walk away; still mulling over the conversation she just had.

A hand catches her shoulder.

"Luz, wait. There's one more thing." Luz looks back over her shoulder, and then turns fully around.
Boscha's expression is completely different, she’s tense, anxious even.

She looks around, then she leans in close and whispers, "my moms were having a party last night,
some of their business friends …"

The tone sets off an alarm in Luz's brain.

"I was walking by the parlour, and I heard someone say your name."

Luz frowns, they were talking about her? Who? Boscha’s moms? Why? There's no way Odalia
knows… She can't know that Luz is suspicious of her? Hell, Luz doesn't even know what exactly
she’s suspicious of.
Odalia can’t know.

Can she?

Her stomach drops like a ball of lead.

"Just… watch yourself Noceda, okay?" Boscha says, walking back to the door.

Luz stares out at the driveway for a while. Her mind racing.

What the hell would a bunch of rich people want to talk about her for? She swings the door open.
She doesn’t notice a small carved motif in a single brick of the entryway.

Carved in the likeness of a manticore.

She steps back into the party, grateful for the loud music to drown out the noise in her head. She
smiles when she spots Amity waving at her.

What would they be talking about? Why are they interested in her?

“Hey, how are you?” Amity asks, kissing Luz and giggling. Willow and Hunter are walking over
as well, and Luz smiles more genuinely when she spots Gus, pressing a tall pale loser into a wall;
their lips locked together. Matty, his frenemy turned crush.

“I’m doing just fine.” She says, grinning wide as most of her friends converge; and they’re off to it

None of them see Luz’s smile fall the instant they look away.

Chapter End Notes

Boop! Sorry friends, I was intending there to be a longer sex scene where Luz just eats
Amity out for an entire year (terrible new year's joke I know); but the plot demanded
more attention, so you'll have to be patient, Luz will lavish Amity with all the attention
she deserves in good time.

For now, enjoy the intrigue, and the sneaky Gustholomule ;)

Also confirmation that Hunter is FtM Trans! HYYPE!

Chapter Summary

Moves and counter moves, the game is on, and there are more than two players.

Chapter Notes

Hi everyone, Elfie here.

I hope everyone is having a good winter/summer and good holidays if you celebrate
any this time of year.

This is a short chapter, but I hope it's no less impactful or enjoyable for that. The next
one should be out before the end of the year.

We're getting so close... closer and closer to the truth.

Love y'all!

"Good night you two." Amelia says, leaning on the door frame of Amity's room. Well, technically
it was the bedroom Amity uses when she stays at Amy’s townhouse.

A minor technicality.

The girls both slur their good night, giggling as she closes the door. She shakes her head, reminding
herself to sleep with her earbuds in.

Still she's glad they both had a good time at that new years party.

And it's not like she had a terrible time either… she smiles as she remembers just how nervous and

Her watch buzzes, three distinct vibrations. Her smile fades.

She stalks down the hallway, down the narrow stairs, into her office, flicks on the desk lamp, then
locks the door, and finally she sits at her desk.

She ignores the white board pushed against one side of the room, its surface littered with notes and
theories, written by several different hands. She ignores the all too familiar cork board on the
opposite end of the room, pictures of various people tacked up and linked by red string.

Her mother is in one, shades on her face and a large hat. Amelia picks up a mask off her desk. A jet
black masquerade mask. The contours around the eyes are painted bright yellow, and two triangles
jut out from the top like cat ears.

She frowns.

“What in the hells are you doing mom?” She mutters quietly, mulling over the strange object she
had found during one of her… recent visits to the family home.

Her mind snaps back to the drive home, when Amity had fallen asleep in the car.

"Hey Amelia." Luz asked, her eyes drooping a little.

"What's up?"

"Is Odalia, like, a bad guy?" Luz asked, chuckling as she did, "cuz, no offense of course, I think
she's pretty evil, dude.

Amelia nearly drove her car off the road.

"Well, she's certainly not a nice woman." Amelia answered, trying to keep her face even.

Why would Luz ask that? What did she know? Has Amity talked to her? Has Odalia talked to

Can she trust Luz? Or is she…?

Can Luz get info from Amity that her and the twins can’t?

She didn't know.

Thankfully Luz just laughed, and agreed that she wasn't nice.

Amelia spent the rest of the drive home wondering what that question meant, if it meant anything at
all, the two girls were spectacularly drunk.

Amelia places the mask down next to her phone, before reaching into an interior pocket of her
jacket, sewn with Edalyn's help.

She pulls out another phone, smaller, less notable. She unlocks it by pressing her thumb into the

A special encrypted messaging app only has one new message.

Five words.

Amelia stares bleakly, weeks of effort and struggle rendered useless by five stupid words.

Subpoena didn't help, data doctored.

Her body barely reacts, even if her mind does. She didn't really expect the subpoena to work, but it
could have made their lives easier if it had.

She types her reply.

Shit, we'll think of something.

She puts the phone down, resting her forehead in her hands. Sighing.

Fuck, she's so tired.

Her watch buzzes. Three times.

Might be time to ask the expert?

Amelia frowns, her moral compass screaming at her. She has to do this.

Even if she gets disbarred for it.

She has to do it. No matter the cost.

For Amity.

Her inner lawyer weeps as she types her answer.

Okay, I'll see what I can do. gn.

She puts the phone down, and her eyes drift to the cork board.

To a picture of Amity, being guided into a limo by Philip Whittebane. Taken discreetly without
either of their knowledge.

A distant memory… Amity crying in her room. The little girl telling Amelia she was sad, but didn't
know why.

She picks up the burner phone, and dials her second starred contact, a now familiar number.

Her eyes never leaving that photo. Never leaving her sister's face.

Fine Mom, we'll do this the hard way.

Spring Break
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity have a grand old time at one of the Blight's vacation homes with their
friends and family.

But something's not quite right, and Luz has to make a choice.

Chapter Notes


Told y'all I was nearly done this one. Enjoy.

"Holy shit." Luz exclaims as the car turns a corner and their destination comes into view.

"I told you it was fancy." Amity replies with a chuckle, sitting in the backseat of Luci's car with

"You weren't kidding Boots, this is de- luxe ." Eda says, whistling as they pull up to a wrought iron

This one is blessedly free of monstrous motifs.

"The code is 35129 Lucia." Amity chirps, and Luz watches her big sister lean out the window and
punch in the numbers into a little silver keypad.

Sure enough, the gate slides open, giving way to a smooth and well paved driveway. Cutting over a
pristine green lawn dotted with cherry blossom trees, their petals starting to bloom.

And in the distance, a large two story rectangular house. White paneled walls and dark shutters
flanking the windows.
Beyond the "beach house" was the beach itself, a gorgeous stretch of sand. The ocean was literally
right there.

"This is gonna be good." Eda cackles, "lookit the fancy digs Luci."

"Yeah, fancy…" Lucia mumbles, pulling the car into one of a dozen parking stalls nestled right in
front of a goddess damned promenade.

The other stalls are empty. They're the first ones here.

Luz adjusts her red baseball cap, flashing Amity a smile and a wink when they make eye contact.

Amity's hair is longer than when they met, and the lavender has faded to a pretty pink color. Her
sundress is… making Luz think thoughts.

Instead, she rolls out of the car and heads for the trunk to grab her things. She slings the same
backpack she takes everywhere to her back, while Amity pulls out a single small suitcase. Lucia
has two duffle bags, which is one more bag than she usually brings on trips.

She told Luz that Eda forgot to pack, and sure enough, their mom just walks straight away from the
passenger side towards the house. Whistling as she goes.

Luz watches her stepmom wander around the house, wolf whistling loudly as she takes in the fancy
place they'll be staying for the weekend.

Luz was really excited, despite the creeping suspicion in her mind. How could she not be? This is
lining up to be the best spring break she's ever had.

And she's never stayed in a place like this before. Who says dating a rich girl doesn’t have perks?

If only those perks didn't have to have such a high price…

Luz shrugs it off, she can't prove anything yet, and there's probably no way she's going to get any
info in the next few days…

So the best she can do is enjoy it with Amity.

"I guess nobody else is here yet." Amity hums, leading the way towards the door.

"Yup." Lucia replies, a little too loudly. Luz narrows her eyes as she takes in her sister. She looks…

What's that about?


"This place is nuts Ams!" Luz chuckles out as she drops her backpack in the bedroom they'll be
using for the trip.

A weekend away from the city, from their loud and busy lives. From… from everything going on.

Honestly, Amity needs it, needs this. A break.

The room is big, it’s always reminded her of her bedroom at the manor. A huge sliding glass door
acts as the window, she can see the ocean from where she's standing next to the king sized bed.

She unzips her suitcase, and starts pulling out her stuff, before filing off the mostly organized piles
into the large dresser.

"Yeah my family goes big or they don't go at all." Amity replies, smiling as she watches her
girlfriend unpack.

Whereas Amity had packed her clothes in an orderly fashion, it seems Luz just crammed everything
in as she thought of it.
Boxers come out first, then a few pairs of socks, then some pajamas, then three shirts.

And so on and so forth.

"Well I'm not going to complain about staying here for free." Luz says, trying to figure out what to
do now that her clothes are strewn all over the bed. She's looking around at the pile helplessly,
before she starts reorganizing it.

"Yeah, it was… surprising that Amelia managed to convince mom and dad." Amity admits, sitting
down on the edge of the mattress and helping, trying not to think too hard about Luz's boxers in her

“Yeah? Your mom knows we’re here?” Luz asks, her tone changing for an instant, “It’s pretty
dope they were cool with it.” She adds in a much cheerier voice.

Amity narrows her eyes, "It is pretty dope." But why are you so concerned about?"

"I don't know, I can't imagine my mom would let me have a bunch of friends over for an entire
weekend at the apartment without any supervision."

"Luz, Eda and Lucia are here." Amity counters, putting the last of Luz's clothes away.

"Yeah, like I said, no supervision." Luz answers with a smirk. Amity giggles, feeling something
nice bubbling in her chest. She pushes Luz down on the bed.

"Well, Amelia will be here soon… so as long as we're still unsupervised." She says, letting her
voice drop.

"Ams…" Luz huffs out, a moment before their lips meet.


“I can't believe that’s when Captain Avery figured it out.” Hunter shouts, waving his beer
dramatically. They’re all sitting in the… living room? the sitting room? The lounge? A room with
things to sit on in the vacation home.

Amelia and the twins arrived a few hours after Luz. Hunter, Gus, and Willow arrived just after

It’s been a blast so far, everyone just chilling, hanging out and talking. It’s been brilliant. The only
issue is that the twins keep saying things that Luz’s bisexual heart just cannot handle . Amity
actually growled the last time Emira absently wondered what Luz would look like flustered
beneath her .

“What are you talking about? It was so obvious, man.” Gus shouts, smirking. Hunter and Gus get
into it, animatedly discussing their favorite show.

Willow simply smiles as they do, holding Hunter’s hand.

The day has been so nice, but Luz has noticed something odd, it started as soon as Amelia showed
up. Lucia is usually reserved and cautious; but…

The sound of laughter drifts over their conversation, and Luz looks to the source. Her sister is
howling, wrapping her arm around Amelia’s shoulder. Eda smirks at the two of them, leaning
against the fancy stone wall a little ways apart from them, shaking her head.

Amelia smiles, and says something Luz can’t hear. Lucia blushes.

Huh… neat…


“I got it!” Luz shouts out, dashing across the sand like a blur. She dives, her arms extended in front
of her. A flurry of sand and trans girl sailing through the air, she lands a foot in front of where the
volleyball bounces.

“Point, that’s game!” Gus shouts from the sidelines. Willow, Hunter, and Emira all shout and cheer
rings out, as Amity kneels next to Luz, who hasn't moved yet.

“Guess I don't got it.” she wheezes, pushing herself up. Amity chuckles, and brushes the sand off of
her girlfriend’s face. Luz is wearing a tank top and board shorts, she looks cute, and Amity can’t
wait to tear it all off her later. Getting a moment alone is proving challenging.

“Woof rough landing Carino?” Lucia asks, smiling sympathetically with her hands in her pockets,
she’s wearing swim shorts and a black bikini top. Amelia has a one piece and a sun hat, she's
smiling from a lounge chair.

“You could say that…” Luz says, grabbing Lucia’s outstretched arm and hoisting herself up.
Amity looks at the two siblings, peas in a pod.

Speaking of.

“How’s Eda feeling?” Amity asks, remembering just how haggard Luz’s stepmom looked this
morning. Lucia’s expression falls, and she kicks at the sand.

“Getting better, slowly. She's really bummed that she didn't get to enjoy the beach today.” it was a
shame, Amity has learned over her time dating Luz that Eda is actually really nice.

She's smart, funny, usually wise, and above all trustworthy.

It must be nice, having trustworthy parents. Amity thinks wryly, frowning as she remembers a
certain blue eyed bitch .

“Don’t worry, she always bounces back quickly, right Luci?” Luz chirps, smiling as the group
congregates. Lucia doesn’t answer, she's staring off across the volleyball court.

Amity cocks an eyebrow as she follows the older girl’s gaze, straight to her oldest sister.

“YO! Let's go get lunch.” Willow says, and the boys chant “Lu-unch!” over and over again.
“Sure!” Luz calls out, nudging Lucia with her shoulder. Luz’s sister seems to snap back to life,
blinking and looking around.

“Oh, sure! Lunch, totally. I could definitely go for a snack.” She stammers, going rigid as Amelia
walks over.

Amity nearly laughs, Amy hasn’t said anything about it yet;

so Amity won’t either.


Eda is lying on a couch, ice pack on her head. Her head is pounding, and her everything aches. She
gives a feeble thumbs up as everyone comes in and walks to the kitchen. She smiles as she sees
Luz and Amity laugh, those two deserve every chance to be kids, happy and safe.

Considering what they’ve been through.

She groans, her curse deciding to act up today was a weird coincidence that both worked in her
favor, and was agonizingly inconvenient.

Lucia and Amelia fall behind slightly, letting the kids go on ahead of them.

They share a knowing look with her.

She nods, ever so slightly. She got what they were looking for. The entire point of the trip, the
reason they picked this vacation home in the first place.

Eda thinks back to cracking open the hidden safe while everyone was at the beach, pulling out the
ledgers and journals. Making copies with the scanner she brought, along with the tools of her old
trade. She remembers leafing through them, and not liking what she saw.

Shell corporations being founded and dissolved within a year or two, businesses being based in
morally dubious countries, an alarming number of references to some kind of council .

Lucia and Amelia say nothing, but nod in return, and walk into the kitchen. Eda sighs again, and
puts the ice pack back on her aching head.

It’s looking worse, way worse than they could have imagined.


Luz grunts when Amity pushes her into the wall, their lips crashing together in a deserted hallway,
Luz shoves her tongue into Amity's mouth. Everyone has settled down after lunch, and they
figured they could sneak some private time in.

Amity told Luz she knew a place where they could get that privacy. A spare room way off the
beaten path, no one ever goes there.

Amity moans, gripping Luz’s shirt. Her hand palms Luz’s cock through her shorts. Luz shivers and
kisses Amity more deeply, dominating her mouth.

She slips her hand into Amity's shorts. Amity huffs, and reaches blindly for the door.

"Luz…" she whispers, as her fingers wrap around the handle.

"Ams, I want you so bad…" Luz answers, following her awesome girlfriend, and it’s true, it turns
out sticking like 10 people in the house together makes it pretty difficult to get a good fuck in. It’s
been driving both of them insane.

Amity turns around, and opens the door. They both crash into the office.

Only to find they aren’t alone.

Luz's eyes fly wide a moment before she moves to hide the obvious tent in her pants. Amelia is
looking back at them, she's standing next to a dark wooden bookcase.


Her pale hands are pressing someone into the wall. That someone's flannel is unbuttoned, her black
bikini top plainly visible and a little off kilter. The button of her jean shorts is undone. Her legs are
spread. Amelia removes her knee from where it obviously was a moment ago.

Face flushed. Eyes wide. Long arms trying to untangle themselves from Amelia.

"Luci?!" Luz asks, her jaw dropping.

"Hi Luz… Amity," Amelia answers for Lucia, who seems to be too busy blushing and covering
herself to respond, "sorry, I meant to lock the door."

"No, it's umm… sorry for barging in, I uh.." Amity starts, seemingly trying to make sense of it.
Luz absolutely can’t. Lucia… and Amelia? They're… at the 'best place to makeout' together.

Lucia's face is covered in red lipstick. Her eyes narrow, Lucia’s been acting weird all weekend.
Getting all flustered and giggly around Amelia… She was disappointed when they got here… and
Amelia wasn’t here yet.

"YOU TWO ARE DATING?!" Luz yells, energy surging through her veins at the realization. Of
course, it explains everything.

Lucia's random late night "supply runs". How Lucia wouldn’t explain what she was going to get, or
where she was going.

Amelia always being happy to drive Luz and Amity around, especially to drop them off at The Owl
House or the apartment.
Lucia’s insistence that absolutely nothing was happening in her dating life.

"Yep…" Lucia confirms, frantically buttoning up her shirt.

Luz blinks, but as the initial shock wears off she thinks it over. It's not that crazy now that she
thinks about it.

"I'm just… I guess I'm surprised." Luz says, scratching the back of her head.

"Well I'm not." Amity says, picking at her nails as the other three stare.

“You’re not?” Luz asks.

“Nope, Lucia’s been asking me for advice for a few months. Stuff about how to woo rich girls.
Amelia’s been on her phone a lot more than she used to. When Amelia told me that Lucia got her a
present for Christmas, when I…” Amity continues to list out every single piece of evidence she’s
noticed over the months.

Stuff Luz apparently missed, and she prides herself on being pretty damn observant.

"Well, congrats you too, that’s awesome." Luz says, frowning as a sudden thought jumps through
her head, "Wait, if you're dating Amelia, and I'm dating Amity… if we both want to get married is
that gonna be a-"

"It's unconventional, but perfectly legal. I checked." Amelia chimes in, before she gasps and covers
her mouth.

They all stare at each other, except Lucia, who stares at the floor. It's silent in the room for a
minute, and then one by one, they all start laughing.

“So, this has been going on a few months?” Luz says, deciding to spare the two of them from
further embarrassment.
“Yep.” Lucia says, she's almost completely buttoned up her shirt.

“Why didn’t you tell me Luci?” Luz says, cocking an eyebrow as her sister’s eyes dart between her
and Amelia.


“ Because, I'm not quite ready for everyone to know. Especially my mom.” Amelia jumps in, and
Lucia nods happily.

“Okay, that makes fuckin’ sense.” Luz replies, and everyone laughs again. Luz sighs, the frantic
energy of a few minutes ago is completely gone. Ah well, maybe Amity and her can find some
alone time later.


“And that’s when the fire department came and put the math room out.” Luz recounts with a
cackle, “the best part was that they couldn't prove it was me, and I didn't have to write the test that

Everyone around the patio table laughs.

The table is large, like most things in this “vacation home” , it's wrought iron, with a large thick
pain of glass as the tabletop. Mostly empty plates in front of everyone. Luz can hardly believe how
quickly the weekend has blown by, they’re all heading home tomorrow morning.

So they’re making sure to make the most of it.

Hunter, Willow, and Gus are in stitches over Luz’s story; the epic tale of how she set fire to her
math class room, on purpose.

Amity is on her phone, again, her brow furrowed as she types out a lengthy response.
“Well you certainly got us beat Luz,” Ed says, and Emira nods beside him, “worst we’ve done in
that department is pull a fire alarm to try and get out of a test.”

“Did it work?” Eda pipes up from the end of the table, her golden eyes drooping. She looks tired.
Luz wonders if her curse is acting up again, it’s been especially rough on her lately.

“Not really, we still ended up having to write the test, and then go to Bump’s office.” Emira says,
looking curiously at Amity as the rest of the table chuckles.

“Well I can't believe there are so many ne'er-do-wells at this table.” Gus says in an airy tone, “I for
one, have never been in trouble.”

“What about that time you and Matty got caught smoking weed during Biology?” Willow
deadpans, and Gus whirls around.


“Got caught smoking weed huh? Been there kiddo, been there.” Lucia says, staring out into the
middle space with a wistful look on her face. Amelia rolls her eyes, Luz’s inner fangirl squeals at
the sight, now that she knows about them she can’t stop geeking out.

“YUP! That's what they caught me doing; smoking weed and nothing else.” Gus says, sitting
straight in his chair, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

“I call bull.” Luz says, and Hunter scratches his head.

“Yeah, didn’t you and Matty sneak back there to make out?” Hunter asks, and Gus wheezes,
evidently speechless.

As they dive into the complicated and dramatic love story of Matty and Gus; Amity continues to
tap away at her phone, that same slightly concerned expression on her face.

“What’s up Ams? Writing a novel?” Luz asks, only vaguely aware of how Amelia and Lucia both
snap to attention.
“Hmm? Oh no, my mom’s texting me. I’m trying to figure out some scheduling stuff.”

“Scheduling?” Luz asks, feeling a quite explicable mood shift at the mention of Odalia, “for

“Oh, mom and I are going to a conference tomorrow.” Amity says nonchalantly, and Luz chokes
on her drink. Coughing loudly each and every time she tries to speak.

“Wha? Since when!?” Luz asks once she’s sure she isn’t dying .

“Oh yeah, she… kinda sprung it on me today, it’s apparently a ‘last-minute’ plan.” Amity answers,
chuckling softly.

Luz’s mind is whirring at a million miles per hour, what is she supposed to do? She looks across
the table as Amelia puts her glass down.

“Huh, cool,” Amelia says, stirring her drink with her straw, “ Did she happen to say where it was?”

“Uh, no, I didn’t ask.” Amity answers, shrugging slightly.

But Luz isn't watching her girlfriend right now, she's watching Amelia.

The woman is sitting casually, calmly, one arm wrapped around Lucia's shoulders. Luz smiles just
a little when she notices her sister blushing, but she turns her focus back to the eldest Blight sibling.

Amelia, she's… she's gripping her glass, hard. Luz can see her knuckles whitening for a moment.

"Ah, it's no big deal. Hopefully it isn’t too bad." Amelia says, popping her eyebrows up once for

She looks like she doesn't care. She looks like she isn't worried.
But Luz has seen this before, this act.

Her eyes narrow, and she watches Amelia Blight the rest of the night. Making sure to engage in
conversation, replying appropriately and adding her two cents when she can.

But the entire time, her eyes are on Amelia. And she can see the truth.

Amelia Blight is very worried.


“Hey Amelia! Wait up!” She calls out, following the tall woman down the hallway, breakfast is
over. Amity has already gone ahead to the bedroom to pack her things up.

“Hmm?” Amelia turns around, and smiles softly, “Oh hello Luz, what a weekend eh?”

“You can say that again. ” Luz chuckles, as Amelia falls in step with her, “I can’t believe I never
noticed you and Lucia.”

“Hah, in fairness, we’ve been doing our best to be discreet.” Amelia says, scratching the back of
her head a moment later, “well… up until yesterday that is.” Golden eyes flicker back and forth
between her and the long hallway, her pale hands trussing through her long hair over and over

“Hey, you seem pretty alright.” Luz says, lightly punching her shoulder, “Luci seems to like you,
and that’s good enough for me.”

The woman hugs her shoulders, smiling softly. “Thanks.”

Luz watches her, and she wonders…

Luz’s feet stop, sinking into the plush carpet. Amelia… Amity’s big sister has never given her any
bad vibes, and Amity loves to stay over at her house.

Amity trusts this woman, that much is plainly obvious. She never has anything bad to say about her
oldest sister.

“Luz?” Amelia asks, facing her full on, “are you alright?”

Luz sucks a deep breath in, and squares her shoulders. If Amity trusts her…

“Amelia?” Luz says, looking this woman straight in her eyes. She stares back, with an amused
smile. A hand on her hip, cocking an eyebrow. Just like Ams.



“What is it?”

“Is…" she stalls out before her sentence starts. Come on Luz, you can do this… “is something…
bad happening to Amity?” she grits out, eyes snapping back to Amelia.

She doesn't answer, her eyes barely widen, it's almost imperceptible.


"What?" Amelia asks, her voice a hoarse whisper.

Luz takes a step closer, and Amelia doesn’t move, "Is something bad happening to Amity? She… I
think something is."
"Something? Like what?" Amelia asks again, her expression is serious, gravely serious. She steps

"Like… uhhh…" Luz stops.


"With… your mom… and the trips." Luz answers, her stomach falling out through her feet. Her
shoulders creep up to her ears.

"You think my mother is abusing her?" Amelia asks evenly, her brows furrowing deeper. Luz’s
heart flips in her chest.

"I never said abuse." Luz replies, her eyes narrowing.

Amelia's composure breaks for a minute. Her jaw drops, for just an instant. Then she looks up and
down the hallway, and steps closer.

"What do you know?" Amelia asks, her hands pressing into Luz’s shoulders, guiding her to the side
of the hallway.

"What do you know?!" Luz counters, shrugging off Amelia's hand.

"I know… that whatever you think you know , you're wrong. I know that you’re in way over your
head." Amelia answers.

Luz wonders for a moment what Amelia means, does she think she can't handle this? Amelia
knows something, and Luz is gonna find out what.

"I know that Amity comes home from those trips with bruises." Luz offers.

"Amity bruises easily, she can lightly nudge a chair and have a huge one." Amelia counters, and
Luz frowns. That's true. Amity bruises really easily. She racks her brain, why is it so hard to think?
"Well she never remembers anything ."

"Doesn’t surprise me, memory is fallible enough already without subjecting it to agonizingly
boring nonsense." Amelia answers, frowning down at Luz.

Luz’s heart nearly drops out of her chest, for a single instant she can see them, those two frowning
officers. Furrowing their brows as she tearfully tells them her story, the two sharing knowing looks
before asking her questions.

“They… they touched me.” Luz whispered, tears threatening to fall down her face again. She can
feel Tara’s hands creeping down her body.

“They touched you, how?” The man asks.

“I… what?” She stares.

“How did he touch you?”

“They both did!” Luz shouts, anger swelling.

"I know something's happening.” Luz says, her voice straining but adamant, "somebody is hurting
her." she says, staring up at Amelia.

She can’t let it happen again, she won’t let it happen again. Those officers didn’t believe her, they
told her that she was making a big deal out of nothing.

It took so much, she had to give up so much to “prove” it to people who didn’t really care. Didn’t
really believe her.

She cried, every single night. Leading up to the trial, during the trial. Afterwards.
Despite Lucia, Raine, Eda and Mama’s best efforts. Luz had felt more alone than she ever had in
her life.

She clenches her fists in the hem of her shirt.

She won’t let Amity feel that way.

No matter what it takes.

“Luz, that’s a serious accusation.” Amelia says, and Luz’s eyes fly wide, “You need serious

“I…” Luz falters, “I…”

“They think she made it all up?!?” Lucia growled out.

“She’s always sore after those damned trips.” Luz feels anger rising in her, a fire burning through
the tangled thorns inside her, “Please! I know it’s happening.”

“Has… has she said anything about it? Amity?” Amelia asks, her expression softening slightly.

“She… no, she… she doesn’t remember. But I know it, I just know." Luz’s flame falters again.

Amelia doesn’t say anything, she stares at Luz. Still as a statue except her eyes, flitting back and
forth between Luz’s own.

Luz trembles, her muscles are constricted so tightly. If… if one person can believe her then

Her stoic demeanor falters.

“Luz… I…”

Maybe Amelia can help her… maybe they can save Amity together.

Amelia hardens again, " You need to be careful. without solid evidence a claim like that's could get
you in deep shit.”

"But it IS happening, you have to believe me. I-"

Amelia grabs her by the shoulders, not hard, but with enough pressure to draw her attention.

"My grandfather? Obadias Blight? Used to… hurt my mom." Amelia says, and Luz gasps, "His
father used to hurt him, and so on."


"What I'm saying is, this is way bigger than you think. It goes deeper than just ‘ something bad.’
And you need more than just ‘ knowing it’ . Luz you need to drop this."

"But I can help! I have to help…"

"No Luz, you can’t win against her. You just can’t… trust me. Luz you need to promise me
something." Her expression is almost pained, "promise me, you'll keep your head down. Promise
me you'll keep your nose out of trouble."

"I can't Amelia, your mom is hurting her." Luz whispers, and Amelia’s stoic facade completely

"Luz, please. For Amity's sake, for Luci and your parents… your friends… I need to hear you
promise me. Stay out of this… please…"
Luz’s heart clenches painfully in her chest. It feels like the floor is dropping out from under her.
She stumbles backwards, bumping into some piece of furniture.

Luz slides sideways.

A mistake.

She made a mistake.

Amelia. She doesn't believe her, doesn't believe in her.

It took everything she had to “prove” to the jury that Tara and Jacob had abused her. She had to lay
bare those darkest parts of herself, parts she’d rather forget.

Even then, it was decided by the smallest sliver .

They both nearly got away with it.

No one ever trusts her, she’s the delinquent. The one who needs to stay out of trouble. She’s alone,
as usual. There’s no one who can help. Luz wipes her eyes, glaring up at Amelia; who withers

Amelia opens her mouth, then closes it, then opens it again.

“Luz…” She finally says, her voice shaky.

"Whatever, I’ll just stay down and do nothing. Forget I said anything." Luz spits out, turning away,
treacherous tears forcing their way out. She runs down the hall.

Ignoring Amelia calling after her.

She doesn't see Amelia's face twist up, she doesn't see Amelia pace back and forth in the hall,
pulling at her hair, tears spilling down her face as she punches the wall.

But Luz doesn’t see it, and she doesn’t care.

Enough is enough.

Amity is not going on that trip. No matter what.

No matter what .

Luz opens the door to their bedroom, slamming it shut behind her. Amity jumps from her place on
the bed, her clothes neatly tucked back into her suitcase.

“Luz!?” Amity manages before Luz throws herself at her.

“Amity…” Luz whispers, taking a shaky breath in before pulling back, “Amity, we need to talk.”
Rising Doubts
Chapter Summary

As their little weekend trip ends, Luz encourages Amity to stand up for herself.

If only they had a little more time.

Chapter Notes

CONTENT WARNING: Child Abuse, just straight up explicit child abuse.

The last segment of the chapter has pretty graphic physical assault and some not
explicit sexual assault. There's a Safe summary in the end notes.

You have been warned.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Amity, we need to talk.” Luz says, holding onto Amity tightly. Her stomach tightens slightly at
the serious tone her girlfriend has.

Was Luz just crying?

“We don’t have a ton of time, but sure, what’s up?” Amity asks.

“I don't think you should go on the trip.” Luz says.

“What? Why not?” She asks, combing her fingers through Luz’s hair. Luz is so worked up…
because of the business trip?

It’s not ideal timing for sure, and yeah it’s an entire week instead of a few days. But there could be
some good opportunities for her future.

She rubs her thumb over Luz’s tensed hand, trying to soothe her girlfriend.
For their future.

“Uhhh… well… Do-do you even want to?” Luz asks, and Amity blinks, sitting cross legged with
Luz on the bed. She mulls it over, the trips are usually boring. Painfully, mind numbingly…

Luz is holding her close, rubbing her back.

Mind numbing…

Champagne, a limo… her mom getting too close… pills on a silver tray.

She shakes her head, clearing the pseud-thoughts away as best she can. Does she want to go? Does
she want this? Odelia has always expected her to take over the reins of the company eventually,
and Amity was content enough with that.

Yeah… content… with…

“I mean, not really, but they’re critical for my career, Luz.” She answers, no need to tell her
girlfriend why she’s suddenly keen on getting a good job, that she’s already thinking about
spending forever with Luz…

That she frequently daydreams about Luz walking down the aisle in a white dress.

“Your career? Do you even like business?” Luz asks.


“Let’s get down to business..” A man said, smirking slightly as he yanks a golden chain, Amity
squeaks and stumbles forward. Closer to the large conference table…

“Well… n-no…” Amity stammers.

“Then why do it? You should do things you enjoy.” Luz presses, staring at her with so much

So much concern…

“I…” Amity pauses, feeling something tingling in the back of her neck. An inexplicable tension
creeping up her body.

What does she enjoy? She enjoys Luz, but that’s not a career.

“I can’t…” She says, "My mom won't like that."

"Come on Amity, you can't just do whatever your mom says forever. You gotta push back, stand
up for yourself."

"I do?" Amity asks, can she even do it? Could she stand up to her mom?

"Yeah, you do. You're worth it. You deserve happiness, and if those trips aren't making you happy
then don't." Luz answers, her tone adamant. Luz believes in her? She deserves it? To be happy?

Is it worth taking that chance? She looks at her girlfriend, her hand holding Luz’s.

"Okay, I'll try."

"That's my girl! And I'll be there with you."

"No, I need to do this alone. I can't face her by myself then…" She clenches her hands, feeling the
pressure in her fingers, "I just, I just need you to trust me."

Luz stares at her, but Amity gets the impression that Luz isn't really seeing her. A minute passes.
"Okay, call me though. Right away?"

"I will, I promise."

They hold each other, Amity brushing her fingers through Luz's hair. Her mind is a maelstrom, she
can scarcely hear her own thoughts.

"All right, we'd better finish packing." Amity says with a weak chuckle.

Luz nods, smiling, but it doesn't reach her eyes. It’s all Amity can think about on the drive home.
All she can think about when she waves goodbye to her girlfriend, Eda, and Lucia. All she can hear
is “I love you, be careful.” after Luz says it.

All she can think about is Luz as she reaches the doors at her family home. The various monster
motifs, so familiar that she usually ignores them, now jump out at her like warnings.

Of… of… of what though?

“That’s it Mittens…” A voice echoes in her head as she reaches for the ornate handle, “... being
such a good girl for me.”

Amity shakes herself, she’s really got to talk to a doctor about those voices. They can’t be a good

Maybe she’s crazy.

She swings one door of the manor open, and steps inside. A huge litany of suitcases are packed and
ready in the massive foyer. She walks in, and can hear someone fussing around in the kitchen.

Then again…

She walks down the hall, past the loveless family portraits, past the faces of her ancestors. Her
grandfather, a mean man she remembers almost nothing about; her uncle, who’s always made
Amelia agitated and uncomfortable; her cousin, who was actually pretty normal now that she
thinks about it.

Blights… the name is pretty fitting.

She walks into the spacious and modern kitchen, and sure enough, she finds who she's looking for.

"Ah there you are Mittens!” Her mother says, her dyed green hair tied back in its signature bun.
Her smile is soft, warm, and safe… but…

“You're just in time, dear."

Also full of venom.


“Luz, are you okay?” Lucia asks, knocking Eda out of her thoughts.

“I'm fine.” Luz replies shortly, and Eda nearly scoffs out loud. Sure, she's only known the kid for
three years, but she can easily tell, just from her voice, that Luz is not fine .

“You're hiding something, spill it.” Eda says, turning to look at her daughter, wincing as pain
shoots up her spine. Luz glares at her, the same way she glared when she got caught her sleeping
with that creep at that Motel. It was an accident, Eda didn’t even know she was there.

Eda had stepped out of her motel room for a breath of fresh air. The night sky was littered with
stars, the cool air soothing for aching muscles.

Someone came out of a door a few rooms down. Eda didn’t look at her, respecting her privacy. But
Eda could tell that she was mad, the way the girl stomped to the edge of the railing, the way she
snaps her lighter to life. The way some guy follows her, blabbering and stammering.

“I said I was sorry.” He said, in a whiny tone that made Eda roll her eyes. The girl simply lights
her cigarette, Eda can't quite tell since she's watching from her peripheral, but isn't that kid too
young to smoke?

“It won’t happen again, I promise Sunshine.”

“You always say that.” A very familiar voice answered, and Eda felt a thrill run up her body. “You
always say ‘it won’t happen again’, ‘I’ll do better next time’ and shit like that… but you always do
this crap. You never listen.” The girl growls back at him.

Eda almost doesn’t want to turn her head. For fucks’ sake she’s just trying to make an out of state
delivery, the client was paying top dollar for her… specialty services . Maybe it wasn’t the kid, the
kid who somehow became such an important part of her life.

“Luz, I’m sorry, I lo-”

“Don’t. Just don’t Kyle. Fucking leave me alone.” Luz bit back, taking a drag with way too much
comfort for it to be her first time. She’s not even 16 yet for fuck’s sake. Eda looks, and nearly
charges the guy, he’s way too old for her. He’s a fucking adult. He’s got a wedding ring on for
fuck’s sake.

The guy, Kyle, was shirtless in pajamas. Luz was wearing a tanktop and… boxers? Eda shuddered,
and waits for Kyle to walk back into their room before moving.

“Luz?” She asked, and her sort-of-daughter’s eyes flew wide.

“I’m…” Luz mumbles, “I’m just worried about Amity.”

“Why?” Eda asks, ignoring the stare Lucia gives her. Luz closes up more, her arms are crossed.
Amelia thinks Luz knows something, and Eda’s starting to think that she’s right.

She’s worried for her youngest, more so than usual anyway.

Luz doesn’t answer, she just huffs out a breath and shrugs, before staring out the window. They’re
going to need to keep an eye on her, that’s for sure. But first, Eda needs to swing by the Owl House
before handing off what she found to their contact.

Eda frowns, staring straight ahead, watching the road race under them. Cam’s home, it’s not like
Luz will do anything too drastic… Eda glances back, and Luz is still staring out the window with a
hollow look in her eye.



"Mom, I want to talk to you." Amity says flatly, striding into the familiar yet comfortless kitchen.

"There will be plenty of time to talk on the road sweetheart." Odalia says, smiling warmly at her
from across the kitchen island. She's wearing her usual, blazer, pencil skirt. The perfect business

Amity realizes she’s actually putting away dishes herself. What? Where are the cleaners?

"No, I need to talk to you now." Amity says, feeling a mote of anger rising up inside of her. Her
mom never listens, not really.

Not in any way that matters.

Odalia stops, staring curiously at her while raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "Well if it's that
important, you better go out and say it."

Amity takes a few deep breaths, she can do this.

“I don’t want to go on this trip.” She blurts out, and Odalia’s eyes fly wide.

“Come on now Mittens, it’s our mother/daughter time… don’t you lo-” Her voice is smooth and
soothing, like honey lemon tea. So sweet.
And so so fake.

She’s still not listening. Just like last time.

… last time?

‘Mom… no… dun’t want…’

“No.” She says, firmly, with more intensity than she’s ever directed at her mother, “I’m making my
own choices from now on. And I’m not going on the trip.”

“W-” Odalia stares at her like she’s only just realized Amity is really there, her kind face falls into
a perfect mask of shock, “what did you say?” She croaks out.

“I said,” Amity growls, standing taller, squaring her shoulders and towering over Odalia, “I’m.
Not. Going.”

Odalia steps out from behind the island, looking Amity over top to bottom. Her shocked face falls
into a neutral expression. She looks at her nails with curled fingers, “Well… if that’s what you
want sweetie.” She takes a few steps to her right, and Amity follows suit with her own steps.

It can’t be that easy… can it?

“Mom, I-”

A sharp crack rings through the room. Blooming pain erupts in her cheek. Amity staggers
backwards. Odalia lunges. A blunt shock ripples through her stomach, followed by aching pain.

Nausea rolls through her body.

Amity doubles over just as cruel fingers dig into the roots of her hair. She cries out when Odalia
wrenches her head back, shoving Amity backwards. She crashes into the wall behind her. Her
mother’s eyes are blazing and Amity is afraid.

She was bad, she disobeyed.

Now she’s going to be punished.

Will Mom use the whip again? She wonders, before her mind reels at the sudden thought and the
surging memories that come with it.

Sharp, painful lashes. Loud cracking noises. Amity’s wrists tied so she can’t escape. Sobbing as
she counts each strike out.

‘Only 15 more to go’

Amity thrashes in her mother’s grip. She grunts when she’s punched in the stomach again. Amity
whimpers and tries to wiggle away. Odalia punches her in the gut again, and the breath is knocked
out of her lungs. Tears sting at her eyes as she tries to double over, only to wince at the pain in her

Odalia slams her fist into Amity’s gut once more for good measure leaving her heaving, and
gasping. Pain rips through her core, her mouth open as she gasps raggedly. She can’t get enough
air in, her lungs won’t work properly.

Odalia’s hand clamps to her mouth, and the back of her head knocks into the wall. Her mom’s foot
hooks behind both of her own, and pulls. Amity sinks to the floor. Odalia straddles her. She’s
pressed against the kitchen wall. Amity tries to beg her to stop, but she realizes there’s something
in her mouth. Something that tastes bitter.

White pills on a silver tray .

Amity’s eyes widen, and she tries harder to shake her mother’s grip. All that earns her is a shooting
pain in her chest, her mom, her own mother digging her fingernails hard into her breast through her
shirt. She screams against her mother’s hand, her legs twitching uselessly. Pain wracking almost
every part of her body.

It’s. This. It’s… too much. Her mom. Her mom is…

‘That’s a good girl Mittens…’ Her mother coos, sitting Amity down in her naked lap, bath water
splashing as she settles into the warmth. Her mom’s hands wander, and she feels funny. Her mom
tells her she’s doing a good job.

Amity cries, her mom actually praised her.

Amity pleads with her eyes, tears staining her cheeks as her mother keeps that iron grip on her

“Be-a good girl, and sta-stay still!” Odalia grunts, flexing her muscles when Amity digs her feet
into the floor and tries to buck her off.

Amity won’t swallow, she’s not playing her mom’s sick game any more. Odalia’s eyes blaze, and
she squeezes Amity tightly with her legs before catching her nose painfully between her fingers.

Odalia pinches, and presses herself closer, her eyes drooping half closed as she does. “That’s it,
Mittens.” She whispers, even as Amity thrashes, panicking. She can’t breathe, is… is her mom
trying to force her to swallow the pills? Is her mom going to… kill her?

Amity freezes for a minute, her blood pounding in her head. Her mom just moved, adjusting her
seat. No… she’s…

“Just sit here, nice and quiet, that’s it baby,” Her mother coos, kissing her cheek even as she keeps
Amity from breathing, “You’ll feel so much better soon.” Her mom moves her hips again, and
Amity closes her eyes.

She can’t…

She can’t…
The pill is starting to dissolve, and her head feels a little funny. It hurts, but it’s also a little… It’s
hard to think…

“Just swallow baby, be a good girl for me.” Odalia coos, moving her hips again.

Amity can’t breathe, she’s trapped, she’s in pain. There’s no escape.

She swallows, then gasps in air when her mom lets go of her mouth and nose. She’s sobbing, her
stomach hurts, her head is spinning. Her mom is still on top of her, still moving. Something shifts
inside her, she blinks, her thoughts feel thick, like they’re slowing down, running through

She stops struggling.

‘That’s a good girl Mittens, what do you say when Mommy tickles you?’

“Thank you Mommy…” Amity mumbles, her head is full of fog, and she feels giddy. She sags into
Odalia’s grip, and her mother cards her fingers through her hair, huffing and puffing as she…


“There she is, there’s my good girl,” Odalia coos, capturing Amity’s lips in a soft kiss. Something
inside Amity screams in disgust, but she can’t quite remember why she should feel disgusted.

Her Mommy is being so nice, her lips feel nice. She’s going to make the ouchies go away.

“There’s no one else home tonight, why don’t we have a little fun before we head out hmm?”
Odalia whispers in her ear, and Amity shivers.

She frowns for a single instant, there’s a reason she shouldn’t agree. She tries to put together why
this is all wrong.

She shouldn’t agree.

But… if she doesn’t… Mommy will punish her.

She nods, and Odalia guides her down to the floor properly, and Amity lets her body go slack,
resting her head against the tiled floor. Odalia’s eyes glitter as Amity lets out a small noise.

A whimper, and then her mother’s lips meet her own.

Chapter End Notes

Luz convinces Amity to stand up for herself and not go on the looming business trip.
Eda reminisces about one of Luz's problematic exes before becoming suspicious of
Luz's intentions.

Amity tells Odalia that she isn't going to go on the trip. Odalia assaults her and force
feeds her a pill that makes her pliable.
Chapter Summary

Luz discovers too late that she made a mistake...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It has been exactly 42 minutes since they dropped Amity off. And Luz is trying her very hardest to
keep her cool.

It's fine, Amity said that she'd text back when they were done. So they must still be talking. Amity
said to trust her, and Luz is going to do that. She trusts her girlfriend.

Probably more than you should. A voice that sounds a little bit like Tara deadpans in her mind.

Shut it.

She's lying on her bed, staring at the glow in the dark constellation above her. Her phone resting on
her sternum. Her feet tapping, endlessly tapping.

She checks her alarm clock, again, somehow it's been 52 minutes since they dropped her off.

She checks her phone, swiping through all the notifications from Willow, Gus, Lucia, and Eda.

Nothing. There's nothing from Amity. Luz growls, stopping her mind before it can go to the worst
option. But how can she go anywhere else? It's been too long, hasn't it? How long should a
conversation about saying no be?

She growls again, dropping her phone on the mattress and launching herself up. Only to smack her
head on the top bunk and flop back down.

She curls up, hugging her knees tightly to her chest. She looks at her fresh arm wraps, suddenly
remembering a lifetime ago when Amity first saw her arms.

Luz checks the clock.

67 minutes…

That's too long. That is just too long. Luz doesn't want to be a clingy girlfriend. But given the

She grabs her phone, trying to hold her hand steady as she navigates her contacts. Trying to keep
her breathing even.

It's fine. Amity is fine. Maybe she's already on her way.

Luz presses the little phone icon, and listens to the dial tone. Her chest tightening with each
unanswered ring.

It's… fine… it's fine…

It keeps ringing.

And it keeps ringing.

Luz slowly stands up. She paces the room. The ringing stops and there's a click, and the ringing

The call connected.

"Amity! Hey… it-"

The line goes dead, the long droning of an unconnected call rings through her ears…

What the fuck was that? She's sure somebody answered, her phone is saying ' call ended' right

Why would Amity answer, say nothing, then just hang up?

Luz clenches her hands together. She wouldn't. Amity wouldn't do that.

Amity… didn't do that.

A wild panic bursts inside of her, filling her up with a manic energy. She needs to get to Amity.


She puts her phone in her purse, she grabs her wallet. She slaps on her beanie and a flannel.

She walks out the door, down the hall, past the living room. Her Mama is sitting on the couch,
watching an animal documentary with Raine.

They've obviously been kissing, but Luz's inner fangirl can't be bothered right now.

She hates that she's about to do what she needs to do next, but she doesn't have time. She doesn't
have time to explain.

Would they even believe her if she did?

"Mama? Can I borrow the truck?" She asks, steeling herself for what's coming.
"I mean sure, but what for, Mija?" Camila answers, trusting her so easily.

"Gus and Willow want to hit up the arcade, maybe hang out at Willow's place after. Is that okay?"

"Of course, have fun!"

"Thanks, I will. Hi-bye Raine I gotta run! Love you both!" She calls, turning and running down the
hallway towards the front door. Her old letterman jacket, on. Her signature red Converse, on.

Truck keys in her jacket pocket.

And she's out the front door. Into the cold late afternoon air.

"Hang on Ams," Luz says, looking at the fading sunset over the tops of the low apartment
buildings, "I'm on my way."


The gate code works. Luz drives up to the manor with absolutely no issue. The driveway is empty.
The house is dark and quiet.

Luz's heart pounds in her chest, and the tightness in her throat intensifies. She knocks on the front

She waits.

It's getting darker, the sun has set, and no one answers. She looks around and notices a doorbell.
She presses the button. She can hear it ringing throughout the house.

Goddess it's so quiet out here.

No one answers.

"Fuck… fuck fuck fuck…" Luz swears, grabbing at her shoulders and pacing along the landing.

She needs to focus, she needs to find Amity before anything bad happens to her.

She looks around, peeking in the windows at the front of the house. Empty. They didn't even
bother closing the blinds. Why should they? Luz knows that they have security contractors that
come by and check.

She also knows that they won't be here for another hour.

Luz looks around, making sure no one's watching her, and then she walks around the back. "Pretty
sure there's a door back here. Right?" She mutters as she goes.

Damn the house is big, She absently wonders if the same person who designed Hexside also
designed this house? It takes her way too long to get around the bloody thing. But she stalks
through the dark gardens, trying to soothe her nerves despite their insistence that there's someone
lurking behind every corner.

Eventually she finds the door she's looking for. And it turns out that for once, her memory serves
her well. The door has four glass panels in it.

Oh boy, I almost hope that no one's home… she thinks to herself as she peeks in.



Nonetheless, she tries one more time. Rapping on the glass with her knuckles and waiting.

She can't even hear anybody starting to move within the house.

"Okay Luz, we're just going to break into your girlfriend's house to make sure she's okay… even
though she isn't answering her phone, and isn't answering the door…" she babbles, amping herself

After a minute of deliberation, she finds a nice solid rock just off the deck.

"Here goes something." She says to no one in particular. She swings the rock at the glass, and it
shatters instantly. A loud crash followed by the clamor of glass hitting the ground. Luz stands
stock still, her ears absolutely peeled.

She doesn't hear anything. Not even an alarm.

She reaches in and unlocks the deadbolt and walks into Blight Manor.

It's silent. Almost like a tomb. There isn't a single light on in the entire building. And Luz looks

Quietly at first, but as it becomes more and more obvious that there is no one here, her panic starts
to get the best of her.

Each bone chillingly empty room just adds to the pressure.

"Amity!?" She shouts into the family's personal library.

"Amity!?" No one in the empty ballroom answers.

"AMITY!!" She yells as loud as she can, bursting through her girlfriend's bedroom door.
She flicks on the light, and gasps as her eyes fall on a rectangular something sitting on Amity's

Her phone.

Amity doesn't have her phone.

She promised… and I trust her… She would have called…


I trusted her…

Her bedroom is empty, just like the rest of the house. So is her enormous walk-in closet. So is her

Amity isn't here…

Which means…

Which means…

"Oh gods…" Luz whispers, sinking to her knees as the full weight of her situation crashes into her.

Amity isn't here, she never called her… which means…

Odalia has her.

Which means she went on that "business" trip.

' can’t win against her…' Amelia scolds her in her head.

“No…” Luz says into the floor. Perfectly smooth tiles pressing into her forehead as she fully curls
in on herself, letting her voice slip.

She cries, slamming her fist into the ground, clawing fruitlessly at her arms, the wraps doing their
job and keeping her nails at bay.

She couldn't save Amity in time. She shouldn't have let her go alone. She shouldn't have trusted
her. She shouldn't have trusted anyone, she can't trust anyone but herself.

Why would anyone help a worthless-

A cheery ringtone cuts through her spiral, and she shakes the intrusive thoughts off. Luz pushes
herself to her feet and scrambles to find her phone.

Private number…

Luz braces herself for what might happen, and then answers the phone.

"Hello?" Luz says, wiping her nose with her hand.

"Luz! Hi, it's Morton. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, it was really hard to get what you
wanted." A reedy and rapid voice answers. Morton, one of Eda's friends. Someone who is very
good at getting information that would be otherwise hard to get.

"Did you get it then?" She asks, trying to keep the fact that she's still crying out of her voice.

"Well no, not really." Morton says, and Luz can just imagine his face withering as he speaks.

"Then why did you-"

"Wait, hold on. I got something. It's not what you asked for, but I think you'll still find it

"Morton?" Luz growls.

"Yeah Luz?"

"I'm in a really big hurry, can you tell me what you found?"

"Sorry, yeah. So I looked up those dates you sent me, and there wasn't a single event matching
what you described that happened on them."

Luz's heart drops into her stomach, and her tears stop. "What?"

"Yeah that's the weirdest thing, no conferences, no expos, no retreats. Nothing."

Her heart is pounding in her ears, her stomach roils.

"Jesus Morton, are you saying these trips aren't even real?" Luz says, pacing the empty bedroom.
She pulls her beanie off her head and squeezes it as hard as she possibly can.

No fucking way… So the whole thing is fabricated? Just an elaborate cover story?

"Official business dealings aren't happening, but I took a look around… unlisted servers and stuff,
and…" Morton's voice trails off, and Luz stops her endless pacing.

"And?" She prompts.

"There are private bookings hosted by an anonymous individual or party. I can't find much on
them, or the events, other than the fact that they all line up with the dates you sent me."
Private events? So Odalia is inviting Cheesesteak or something? Luz feels sick to her stomach, the
whole 'private event' vibe reminds her of camp.

"Is there one today?"

"Yeah, from what I can tell it looks like it runs all week."

Holy shit.

"Where is it?"

"Luz, please don't go there. I got a bad feeling about this… Eda will actually kill me this time."

"Where is it Morton?" She growls out, and this grown ass man squeaks at her tone. Men, always
the same.

She's used to it.

"3526 Harlow Avenue, it's called the Siren Hotel." Morton relents, and she puts him on speaker.
Tapping in that address as he continues talking. "Luz I'm serious, I can't find out anything about
these people. Other than that they made a reservation. I don't even know if it's the same people
each time… could just be a coincidence."

"Thanks Morton, I have to run." Luz replies, hanging up before he can protest.

She allows herself one single instant to let the sheer weight of everything that's happening press her

Her breath hitches.

Then she runs.

Through the dark hallways, out the broken kitchen door, through the garden, around the giant
house. She doesn't stop until she's in the truck, turning the ignition, starting her directions on her
map app.

Peeling out of the fancy driveway, the engine roaring. Her mind whirring even faster.

Odalia made it all up, the business trips weren't real. It was fake, it was all fabricated. It's a
fabricated lie that she feeds Amity.

But how? How did they make her forget? If they are abusing her, that's not enough. She'd
remember something.

She accidentally blows through a stop sign, but thankfully the roads are deserted. The last thing she
needs is to be pulled over right now.

Maybe she should call the cops? But what does she have? A bunch of anonymous info that she
can't verify?

Info that she got from someone who the law doesn't exactly hold in the highest regard?

After Amy's response, Luz isn't sure. But she has to do something. Anything, she can't let Amity
suffer any longer.

And she has to do it herself. She has to keep her family safe, she can't trust anyone else…

She turns onto a highway, speeding through the now dark night. Her fingers constantly drumming
on the wheel. She's desperately trying to expel any energy she can.

What is she going to find at this place? How is she even going to find their room? She can't just go
in and say 'Hi there, my girlfriend is being sexually abused in one of your rooms, do you think you
could help me find and rescue her?'

How is she going to do it? What if they aren't even there? What if they just stay there and go
somewhere else?
Now that she knows that the trips themselves are fabricated, Luz can't help but wonder just how
deep this web of lies goes.

After 20 minutes on the road, her phone tells her to turn off. She isn't anywhere in particular from
what she can tell, just a random place in between cities.

There's a gas station. A dingy thing that she drives straight past. The road is completely dark.

And then, she sees it.

An outlandishly tall building considering its location. She can't tell much given the darkness, but
she can tell it's fancy.

Here it is, the place that Amity could be suffering right now inside of. She pulls the truck to a stop
on the shoulder of the road and puts it in park.

Walking the last several hundred feet, the crunch of the gravel sounds so loud given how quiet this
place is.

A sign made of stone, black metal letters spell it out. Spotlight's point at the sign, illuminating it in
what Luz would consider ghoulish light.

The Siren Hotel and Spa.

Luz furrows her brow when she notices a little teeny tiny motif on the side of the sign.

A Manticore.

Luz squares her shoulders, tugging her letterman jacket up before shaking out her arms.

She walks up that fancy sidewalk like she owns the damn place. She's going to find it, the room.
The room that they have Amity in.

Hiding their little private event at a big fancy hotel. Hiding one rotten tree in a forest.

The valet parking staff barely glance her way, and she's standing at the doors.

Then, she walks in.

Chapter End Notes

Hi, I don't know or care how the dark web actually works. Just pretend what Morton
said makes sense.
In the Belly of the Beast.
Chapter Summary

Luz finally learns the truth of exactly what Odalia Blight has been up to during her
"business trips".

Chapter Notes

Hello my dear friends, it's come to it. What I've been building towards this entire story.

I want to warn you all, you need to brace yourselves. This chapter is not for the faint of
heart. I tried to keep things as implicit as possible, but it is still extremely alarming and
disturbing content.

CONTENT WARNING for implicit (and brief) mentions of rape, child abuse, a minor
amount of blood, and general disturbing content.

There will be a trigger free and safe for work summary in the end notes.


See the end of the chapter for more notes



Luz steps into an enormous circular room. Large pillars of white marble interspersed throughout
holding the ceiling up, the black color creeping through them like rotten veins. The floor is
polished tile, white with black squares in the middle, creating an almost chess board pattern across
the vast space.

It is surprisingly well lit. A large curved sprawling counter stands to her right, a wide curving
staircase mirrors the counter on the other side. In between a semicircle of columns in the center is a
very fancy and very comfortable-looking lounge area. Luz isn't an expert on furniture like Eda, but
even she knows that a single piece here might just be worth more than Mama makes in a year.
A deep blue light emerges from the floor further in, and another circle of different flooring
surrounds another seating area. Unlike the first, this one is occupied, but it's too far away for Luz
to see. Her immediate surroundings are quiet, She can hear soft violin music playing from
somewhere deeper in.

What she assumes is the desk, is staffed with about six people wearing dress shirts and bow ties.
Classy. She isn't sure where to go, how is she going to find Amity?

What if Amity isn't even here?

Only one way to find… Luz stops her thought, noticing a pair of cloaked people walking down the
stairs? They have masquerade masks on? They are literally covered head to toe by matching dark
cloaks, their large hoods pulled up, the masks seem to be based on animals. One person has what’s
clearly a lion, the other has some kind of bear maybe?

They walk by, heading towards the blue lighting without a second glance at her. Okay, that's
weird. But rich people are weird. Maybe they're on their way to the pool? Does this place even
have a pool? Do rich people even swim?

“Psssst! Oi! You!” A dark skinned woman hisses at her, and her entire nervous system snaps to
attention. Ready to fight or run. Her hair is done up in a high ponytail, she has a slightly pointy
chin, And she is frowning directly at Luz.

Waving her over.

Luz hesitates for a moment, and then walks over to the counter. the woman's eyes dart around the
enormous Lobby before leaning in closer, “What the hell are you doing?” She hisses again.

“Uhhh…” Luz answers, entirely unsure if she's been caught or if she's been mistaken for someone

“Why aren't you dressed?” She asks, glancing up and down Luz with a disapproving look.

“Dressed? I…” Luz pauses, struggling for a moment, “ I was running late, sorry.” She finishes,
every muscle in her body tensed and ready.
“Late? Did you come here on your own?”

“Yes? Was I not supposed to?”

“No, it's just not very common. You must be new…” The woman muses, her expression softening.

“Yeah, this… is my first time?” Luz says, her stomach coiling and writhing like an angry snake.
What the hell is she doing? She has absolutely no idea what she's bluffing her way into.

“Is that the outfit your sponsor requested?” The woman asks.

“Uhh… well the jacket’s mine.”

“Yeah, okay, let’s check your coat and bag.” She says, holding out her hand expectantly. Luz
hesitates, she can’t just… but… if this gets her in… then she can wander freely. Maybe she can
even find out where Amity is.

Luz begrudgingly pulls her purse off and hands it over, the woman takes it and hands it off to a tall
and skinny guy. He whisks off without a word. the woman gestures, to an opening in the counter,
“come on, let's get you a robe. Gotta at least be a little presentable, whatever your sponsor was

Luz numbly follows, wondering if she's being let off to be murdered or something. Obviously she
wouldn't, hopefully. This is just a hotel, a hotel that's hosting some kind of event.

Luz has been mistaken for some kind of employee. Maybe? A contractor?

She's led into a back room, which makes it sound cramped, but it's huge. Enormous racks of
clothes fill the space, row after row of various outfits.

Luz eyes, the nearest rack, raising an eyebrow. Those… those are very short robes…
"What are your measurements?" The woman asks, and Luz stares at her for a moment.

"Uhhh… medium works." Luz answers, and the woman just rolls her eyes at that. Reaching into
her pocket and pulling out a measuring tape.

Luz stands there, doing her very best knot to panic as this mysterious woman measures her like
she's getting fitted for a fucking suit.

She keeps making notes of numbers. Mumbling to herself under her breath.

"Maroon would look good on you… does your sponsor want those jeans to stay on or…?"

Luz blinks… why would that matter?


The woman groans and rolls her eyes, "whatever, first timer, So a longer one… what's your

"Uhh girl?"

"Assigned gender at birth?"

"None of your business."

"Ah, male then."

Luz opens her mouth, drawing air into her lungs, ready to chew this person out for being so
fucking invasive, but before she can the lady is striding away.

"Wait here." She huffs out before vanishing into the maze of clothes.
Luz shuffles on her feet. She feels naked without her beanie and jacket. She misses the comfortable
weight of her purse at her hip.

She's got a weird feeling. Why were those two people wearing robes? Where are they going?

Why didn't Morton tell her there was some kind of event happening?

The woman appears, giving her… a maroon robe made of silk, it looks pretty long.

Why the hell are there so many people wearing robes?

“Put this on, then head out to the blue lounge, and make your way straight ahead to the conference
room.” The woman instructs her, ushering her out of the evidently dressing room and back out into
a smaller changing room.

“Quickly! Don’t want to keep the guests waiting.” She barks, before she shuts the door.

Luz stands there for a few moments, process what the fuck just happened. Guests? Waiting?

She doesn't have any other leads on where Amity is, maybe she’ll spot Odalia or someone else she
recognizes at whatever function may have going on here. It wouldn't do for Odalia to not leave the
room at all, if they’re trying to remain incognito.

If she wears the robe she gets full access to the hotel, since she's evidently expected. She puts it on,
but doesn't tie it up. She cautiously makes her way back to the lobby. The reception staff ignore
her, so she follows the woman’s instructions.

Her converse echo on the marble floor, the utter silence is pressing in on all sides. The lobby is
seriously massive, and it takes longer than expected to reach the blue Lounge. The floor gives way
to thick glass, and she's amazed to see there is an entire fucking aquarium underneath this Lounge.
A goddess damned shark is swimming around in the massive tank.
Fucking rich people dude.

There are three hallways leading off of the blue lounge. Each looking identical, plush looking
carpet with a diamond pattern, leading down an ordinary hallway.

Luz’s ears perk up, a vague din of noise is coming from the middle hallway. She Cautiously creeps
down, before finding an open door to her left. The noise is coming from inside. The din has
resolved into many voices.

Luz slips into the conference room, an enormously long space, solid wooden flooring, one wall is
floor to ceiling windows, looking out on a dark forest-scape. The other wall is floor to ceiling
mirrors, and a large archway, nearly reaching the ceiling. The space beyond is dark, and she can’t
see in at all.

The room is decorated with false foliage, almost like an enchanted forest or something. Except it's
significantly more convincing than a prom’s attempt at the same theme.

There are a variety of seating areas all over, expensive couches, modular sectionals, benches and
wingback chairs and expensive-looking footstools. Interspersed are round tables loaded with fancy
food, lobster and strange looking meats, and bizarre things she can’t really describe.

A live band plays in a corner, violin, piano, and all that fancy shit. Dressed similarly to the
reception staff, except these ones have masks too. Foxes, all matching.

Is… is that a goddess damned champagne fountain?

She quickly forgets the ridiculous opulence of the refreshments and entertainment, when she
notices the event’s guests.

Cloaked figures, all in masks, some of them alone, some of them in groups. Dispersed throughout
the room.

And they aren’t the only ones in the room.

People… lots of them, wandering around, wearing robes a lot like hers. Their hair is done up in
various fancy hairstyles. Girls, boys, and people of indeterminate gender. Some wearing blue
robes, some pink, some purple or maroon like hers.

Some are long like hers, and others are shorter.

Some are much much shorter.

“Hello miss! Welcome.” Someone says from beside her, and she can’t stop the squeak that slips
out from her lips. She whips to face another staff member, wearing nearly identical formal wear to
the others. White dress shirt, bow tie, except he has a vest on, and what she assumes is a mouse

“Uh hi…” she says, trying and failing to hide the surprise in her voice. something's wrong, other
than the weird ass attire everyone is wearing. Her mind is buzzing too loudly to place it at the

"Hmmm a new acquisition?" The server asks, as if that was a normal sentence to say. It takes Luz
half a beat before she answers.

"Yep! That’s me, I'm a new acquisition! First time. So uh how does… all this work?" Luz asks,
gesturing wildly, heart pounding in her chest.

Where's Amity? Luz can't see her anywhere in this… this… really weird party. A pit is forming in
her gut, as her mind screams at her. She still can’t place exactly what’s wrong; but something is

Very wrong .”

"Well usually you mingle, until you catch someone's eye." The server explains, and the gnawing
pit in her gut tightens. “Then you see where the evening goes. ” The way he says it sends a
grotesque sensation up her spine. It makes her feel gross. He sounds excited, but in the worst way.

It reminds her of Hopkins.

"Right! Okay, I'm going to go mingle then."

"Just a moment, have a drink first." The man winks at her as he holds out a fancy glass of bubbling

She eyes the glass warily, the last thing she needs right now is her digestive problems getting in the
way of finding Amity.

"What's in this?" She asks.

The server's reaction is…


"W-What do you mean? There's nothing in it." He says, a little too fast, his face a little too stiff.

"Well I mean it has to have something in it." Luz drawls back, arching her eyebrow. The man
stammers softly before gathering himself.

"I can assure you miss, it's only the finest champagne, mixed with imported cider." He says,
standing a little too stiffly.

"Oh, cool. Thanks dude." Luz says before she remembers that she's supposed to be masquerading
as… one of the employees at this very weird party.

She walks away with the glass, staying towards the edge, watching the partygoers mingle.
Mingle… Luz notices something, something concerning. everybody with a mask and cloak seems
to be middle aged or older. Meanwhile, everyone in a robe is younger than she expected.

Way younger than she expected.

A lot of them are small, alarmingly small. Some with long robes, many with short ones. Luz starts
to pay closer attention to the party. She watches the robed people, the smaller ones wander around,
some being waved down by cloaks, some already in the middle of a group of cloaks.

Her muscles tense as she watches the cloaked adults examine and interact with the worryingly
dressed kids.

She feels like she knows what this is, nothing explicit is happening, but she knows anyway.

But… it's almost like her brain won't accept it. Almost like she can’t accept it , because… if her
suspicion was true, this is beyond anything she can handle.

Can there really be this many of them in one room?

She watches, as two cloaked men, each with lion masks guiding a girl, maybe 14, out of the main
room and through the dark archway.

Luz's blood freezes. It feels like her vision widens.

No… it can't be…

She's dealt with these kinds of people before, she's been hurt by them before.

A young boy giggles on the lap of a woman with bright blue eyes and starkly green hair, she’s
wearing a black cat mask. A panther. Luz knows this woman, and her throat constricts painfully.

Amity has to be here. She’s absolutely sure of it now.

Odalia Blight smiles, carding her fingers through his sandy brown hair, and Luz nearly retches as
she pulls him closer, her lips meeting his cheek. She has to keep it cool. She has to keep it calm.
She can't let anyone know that she doesn’t belong here.

She thought Odalia and whoever she invited along were hiding their horrid activities in their hotel
room, shielding their depravity with the size of the hotel.
Not being depraved in plain sight. Amity isn’t even with Odalia…

"Hey pretty thing." A man says, walking up to her with a grin. His mask looks like a ferret or

Luz says nothing, watching Odalia pick the boy up in her arms, walking towards that damned
hallway .

"Nervous? Why don't you finish your drink?" The man asks, sliding right beside her.

"What? Oh, no, it’s cider. I'm allergic." She answers absently, handing him the glass and walking
away. The man splutters, clearly disarmed by Luz’s reaction.

She doesn't care.

She's dealt with them before, people like this. A girl laughs, a little of her drink dribbles down her
chin and a man wipes it with a thumb, licking it up.

Champagne and cider… That girl is drinking alcohol… Luz is sure of it. She’s seen it before,
plying kids with alcohol.

She’s too familiar with the tactic.

Luz never thought this was possible. Two tall teens smile nervously as a large group of cloaked
figures guide them away.

She never thought…

"Oh I'm sorry, I already have an appointment with Mrs Pendragon." A girl Luz's age says, smiling
as the men apologize for bothering her.
An appointment? She watches from the edge of the room, the blonde girl making for that hallway .

It can’t be…


It can’t…




Her eyes widen.

A girl walks slowly out of the hallway, dark marks all over her neck and shoulders as she fixes her

Luz sees bright red underneath. Lace. Straps.


That child is wearing lingerie.

Luz finally slots all of the pieces together, this isn't a business retreat, it isn’t even a fucking normal
hotel. Luz thought Odalia and Cheesesteak were alone in their horribleness… but…
Luz looks around, fear nearly swallowing her. She notices a lot of masked figures eying her up.
And she realizes just how much she stands out, all of the other kids are wearing objectively
beautiful outfits under their robes.

A visual feast for the eyes.

She's wearing a white tank top and tight black jeans; and her fucking red converse .

Luz frowns, making a choice. She strides across the room, projecting a confidence she doesn't feel.

She walks straight through the crowd, ignoring the words she hears.

"...pretty little thing…"

"'re such a good boy…"

"... An appointment with…"

"...did you have fun with Mr Spater dear?"

Luz does her best to hide her shaking.

Luz has dealt with them before, one or two at a time. But now she finds herself surrounded,
surrounded on all sides by one of the things she fears the most.

She’s surrounded by monsters, the warning signs are so obvious to her in hindsight. It was written
on the tin so to speak. The manticore, the monster motifs.
She squeaks when a strong arm blocks her way, and a hulking square of a man stares down at her
with hungry eyes.

"Hey cute little thing…" he says, licking his lips as he grabs her wrist, "you busy?"

Luz freezes, her mind whirring too fast for her to make a choice. She can hear them, kids. Children.

These adults are…

"Wanna step out? We can have some fun?" The man says, pressing her into the wall. Her heart is

These adults are… to kids…

The barrier holding her mind back shatters when the man leans in close,

A sex ring…

This is some kind of sex ring. Luz has known for a while, deep down, that Odalia is abusing Amity
in some way. That Cheesesteak was in on it.

She was sure of it. She suspected that they were using these business trips to isolate her, to sneak
her off into a corner.

She didn't expect this. She didn't expect the entire fucking “business trip” to be this. She didn't
expect to walk willingly, straight into a den of monsters.

"I…" she stammers, shivering as the man presses her into the pillar, leaning in, smelling her hair.
His hands are harsh, she hates how they feel on her arms. She numbly realizes she still has her
wraps on.

Luz doesn't know what to do, is she panicking? Her brain is so loud, overlapping signals screeching
at her. Run, fight, don’t move, say something, curl up, and so on…
Amity, she needs to find Amity.

But she can't, her body is stuck. Literally and figuratively. What's going to happen to her?

He's trying to drag her off, to that hallway. A not-so-nameless terror seizes her. He’s dragging her
away… to… to…

Just then she sees it, a flash of blonde. Blue eyes. But not the disgusting slick hair of Cheesesteak.

Hunter's eyes fall on her and fly wide, as he steps out of the hallway. A baby blue robe on his
scarred shoulders, an extremely short robe.

"I can't." She says, as smoothly as she can. She swallows as the man growls, his grip tightening.


"Because I…" She's struggling to come up with a reason, watching as her friend stares at her for a
moment before carrying on with the person he's with. Some older lady.

Leading her back out to the floor.

Is Hunter a part of this? No, no the lady is obviously older than him. And he isn't wearing a cloak
while she is.

What was he doing with her?

"Because what?" He says, not letting go. His grip is so tight.

It dawns on her. It’s stupid, it might backfire, but it’s all she has.
In for a penny right?

"I have an appointment." She says, and his eyes narrow.

"With who?" He asks.

She watches Hunter, wandering around the floor, his eyes occasionally darting over to her.

Where’s Amity? Hunter is here. Did his uncle bring him? Was he with his… Did…

Uncle .

She hasn't seen Cheesesteak out on the floor. She hasn't seen Amity either.

She squares her shoulders, and hopes against all hope that her guess is right. "I'm sorry sir, I have
an appointment with Philip Wittebane."

Luz uses every ounce of her willpower to keep her face neutral as he lets go suddenly. Staggering
back with a surprised and slightly distressed look on his face.

"I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize… I’d… uh… appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to Mr
Wittebane." He murmurs before darting back into the crowd.

Luz sighs, letting all the tension out of her body as she does so. Then she stares at the archway,
leading to that darkness. Stuck on the threshold, afraid that it'll somehow get worse. The thought of
Amity, lying on her bed staring vacantly up at the ceiling after a trip, almost as if she was out of it,
almost as if she was high.

"This is crazy." She mutters to herself.

She takes a single step forward, then another. Then another. Ignoring anyone and everyone around
She steps out of the ballroom, into a tall, dark, and long hallway. Two large doors are open on her
right, and she can hear the dull thumping bass of music. Lights flash from the room, and a few
people move between the ballroom and this new room.

Luz creeps forward, her dread growing with every step. She slides up to the door, The music is so
loud. She peeks in.

And immediately wishes she hadn't.

Every nerve in her body lights up at once, and she slams a hand to her mouth to hide a sharp

There’s a huge difference between knowing that something is true, and witnessing it with your own

Luz learned that lesson a long time ago.

And she’s starkly reminded of it at that moment.

This isn't a ballroom. Luz's eyes widen, and her legs wobble. She sees someone strapped to some
kind of workbench. Legs splayed. Leather strips fly jerkily through the air as strobe lights flash.
Their body jerks in response to a sharp crack Luz can’t hear.

Someone else cries out, discernable over the din.

A little girl is bouncing on… something, and Luz looks away with a ragged gasp before she can see

She's gonna be sick.

Men are surrounding a teen in green lingerie. None of the men are wearing pants.

Gods. Holy fuck…

Luz feels like she's standing on the deck of a ship in a storm. Her world is lurching. this…

This is so much worse. She can't look anymore, but she can't look away. She wants to run. But she's
rooted to her spot. She nearly turns and runs, straight out of this hell.

Then a noise catches her ears, and a horrid sight invades her eyes.

A girl with long dark hair is crying, tied down to a padded table. Luz's heart skips a beat, and a new
wave of nausea washes over her.

The girl’s tanned skin is crisscrossed with red lines.

A man and woman smile sweetly, the man is thrusting, the woman is leaning over to lick the girl's
skin, the red lines smearing.

Each adult is holding a small knife, the blades glistening red.

Luz steps back, endless signals ringing out inside her. She needs to run. She needs to call the police.

She runs into someone behind her, and she whirls around. Fire flaring up inside her, her fists
clenched even as the stranger pulls her slightly farther away from the door, dragging her behind a
large pillar before pushing her into the wall.

"Luz!?" Hunter hisses, staring at her with wide eyes. He looks afraid, "What the hell are you doing

"What the hell are you doing here?" She nearly screams, thrashing when Hunter puts a hand over
her mouth.
"Luz, stop! I'm not gonna - Ew! Did you just lick my hand?" He pulls away, and Luz swings him
by the shoulders. He grunts softly when he slams into the wall.

"Hunter, what the fuck is this? Why are they hurting kids? Are you hurting kids?"

"No… I… my uncle brings me here." Hunter says softly, "I don't want to be here. And I've never
hurt another kid. I swear it." His eyes are steady, he looks deadly serious.

She lets go of him, "Sorry, I just… I wasn't expecting this."

"Which brings me back to my question, what the hell are you doing here Luz?"

"What do you think numb nuts? I'm here to get Amity."

"That is a bad idea." Hunter says, his eyes darting behind her suddenly. He pulls her closer, tucking
his chin onto her shoulder for just a minute. Both of them keenly monitor a cloaked figure leading
someone down the hall, past the dark room.

"Well now that I’ve seen all this, I'm not going to leave her in this horror show."

"How did you even get here? How did you get in?" He whispers.

"I… just walked in the front door?" She answers, and Hunter’s face is wide in surprise and shock.

In spite of everything, Hunter chuckles darkly at that, "classic Luz."

"Hunter, what are we going to do? There are so many kids here. I can't get them all out."

"No Luz, you can’t… they’d know. You shouldn't be here at all, if Odalia sees you…"
"I am not leaving without her." She growls and neither speaks for a minute. Luz stares at him, her
blood boiling. She might not be able to save all these kids right now, but she's not leaving without
her girlfriend.

Hunter seems to deflate a little bit, relaxing his grip before rubbing the bridge of his nose.


"Hunter, do you know where your uncle is?"


"Because I think he has Amity."

"... Yeah, he probably does."

"Hunter, I know he hurts you, I know he's hurting Amity. Don't…" her voice breaks, her lip
twitching as she tries to hold back, "don't defend him. He doesn't deserve it."

Hunter doesn't say anything, he's staring at her, then the floor. Luz hears a little girl giggle slowly,
like she's wasted.

“I won’t remember this.” He says, and she blinks.


“They drug our drinks. I don’t know what it is, but I never remember these nights.” He says,
looking at her with a fierce determination. "Suite 1204." He says sliding a black card into her hand,
"be careful, and get out as fast as you can. Use the emergency exits okay?" He turns, and starts to
walk away.

Luz lunges, catching him by the wrist. "Come with me." She says, "you don't have to stay." He
looks sad, then he takes her hand in his other one.
"I'll be fine, I'm expected soon anyways. If I don't show up then they’ll know something’s wrong


"If she’s with my uncle… make sure he can’t set off the alarm and get the hell out as fast as you
can.” His smile falters, “I promise Luz, I'll be okay."

Luz sucks in air, a fire flaring in her gut, "Hunter, I swear, I'm going to tear this whole thing down.
This is the last night you'll ever have to deal with this."

"If anyone could do it, It would be you." He half chuckles, walking away. Heading back out into
the ballroom.

Luz clutches the black card, and turns the opposite way. Stalking further down the dark hall.
Passing the room, she makes sure not to look in.

She finds herself at four elevator doors. A single small black pad of plastic resting under the up

She taps the black card to it, and a dim green light springs to life. She pushes the up button, and the
far elevator opens.

1204… that means the 12th floor right? She surveys the numbered buttons, and finds that 12 is the
very top floor. She pushes the button and the doors slide shut.

She doesn't even notice when the elevator starts moving. It's quiet, there's no music. She's alone
with her thoughts. How long? How long has Amity been going to these? Have they always been
like this?

Her mind flashes back to that little girl tied to the table.
How old was Amity when this all started?

A worse thought wiggles into her brain. Did Odalia… is Odalia raping Amity?

The thought echoes in her mind, and she’s afraid that she already knows the answer.

A quiet ding signifies that she's reached her destination. Luz braces herself, not knowing what to
expect when those doors open. Whatever she was expecting, it isn’t a regular looking hotel
hallway. She creeps down, the plush carpet masking her footsteps.

The first thing she notices is how far apart each suite door is. Just how big are these things?

Then she sees it.


She taps the lock with the card, and it unlocks. She almost laughs, all she really had to do was just
walk in and fake it.

Rich people are too confident.

She rolls out her shoulders, and steps into the dark suite.


It is so fucking dark, but Luz doesn't dare turn on a light. From what she can see, she's in a large
sitting room.

Of fucking course… suites. This place is probably bigger than her family’s gods damned
The floor is plush carpet, and she creeps further in. Expecting more horrible things behind the first
door she opens

A living room, floor to ceiling windows. Looking out over a dark nightscape. A huge open concept
kitchen. A fucking pool table.

A door on her right, and another door on her left.

Luz breathes deeply, but quietly. She creeps over to her right, and quietly opens the door.

A bathroom. Dark, quiet. Empty. A huge clawfoot bath tub stands over the slightly slanted floor.
She stares at the bathtub for a moment, before stepping out and closing the door as quietly as she

Luz stalks over to the other door, she finds a hallway.

A small sliver of light shines out from the farthest door on the right. Luz tries to keep her breathing
quiet and even, as she creeps ever closer.

She freezes about half way up when she hears voices, but she can't make out the words just yet.
Someone sounds mad. Someone sounds upset.

Luz's heart is threatening to leap straight out of her throat. She's right at the door.

"I don't want to" A familiar voice shouts out, but the words are slurred. Like the person isn't all

"Well that hardly matters right? Your mother made a deal, you’re mine for the evening. So you’ll
do as you're told. "

A sharp crack rings through the room, followed immediately by scream.

"No… it's… I only want Luz… stop."

Luz's blood boils, unsticking her feet from the floor. She reaches for the doorknob just as
Cheesesteak starts to talk.

"Forget that whore , you deserve better. Besides she's not here-" Philly Cheesesteak’s bright blue
eyes fly wide. His stupid unkempt eyebrows shooting into his receding hairline.

Luz steps into the room, taking in the worst sight she’s seen in the last however long in an instant.

Sprawled on a huge bed, her eyes lidded, her mascara running, tears falling even as she struggles to
look up…


She's… wearing a leather harness, her robe is missing. There’s a large, long, straight bruise
forming, the skin even raising on her thigh from the strike of the cane Philip is holding.

Hazy golden eyes meet her own, and Amity sobs louder.

“Luz…” She whimpers.

Luz looks at the utterly shell shocked man, and slowly steps into the room. She ignores the fact
he's half naked.

She ignores that he's holding what could ostensibly be used as a weapon. All she can think about is
her girlfriend, her Amity.

How she's crying.

How she's upset.

He opens his stupid mouth to talk, evidently completely oblivious to what was about to happen.
"Well I-"

Luz drives her fist straight into his nose. A sickening crunch, a sharp pain shooting through her

The man staggers back. His cane falling to the ground.

His eyes flash, a snarl forming on his face as Luz swings again.

He tries to block.

But he's too slow.

Luz lands the second hit square under his chin.

He's down. He crumples into a heap on the floor. Luz turns, rushing over to Amity's side, leaning
down as Amity reaches up. Crying hysterically.

"I'm here." She whispers, "I've got you…"

"Luz! Luz I'm sorry… I tried to stop him..." Amity whines, a ragged noise that cuts straight to
Luz’s heart.

"It's okay Cariño, I promise." Luz pulls away, "Do you think you can stand?"

"I don't know… they gave me a lot." She murmurs. Luz frowns, rifling through the closet for
something. She can't find Amity's clothes, so she opts for a fluffy bathrobe.

Slinging it over her shoulder, she lifts Amity up to her feet, holding onto her as she sways.
"Gave you? What did they give you? The drugs?"

"Yeah, something to make us forget. These little pills." She says, doing her best to make it easier
for Luz to dress her.

"Pills… holy fuck Ams… I should have done something sooner."

"Luz.. you're here." Amity replies, frowning, "You can't be here. It's not safe."

"I know, come on Hermosa, let's go."


Luz looks both ways and she peeks out from the door frame. The hallway is completely empty.

"Okay, emergency exits…" Luz hums, one arm wrapped around Amity, holding her steady. Amity
seems to have most of her faculties, but she won't stop crying.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

"No, it's okay Cariño… You didn't do anything wrong."

They pad through the hallway, Luz looking desperately for a staircase. Eventually she finds one,
tucked away in a corner, down the winding maze of hallways. They slip into the concrete stairway,
and their feet slap against the stone, echoing loudly.

Luz’s heart slams against her ribs.

But her fear takes a backseat to a burning, all-encompassing rage.

Amity. They’re hurting Amity.

They’re hurting Hunter.

They’re hurting so many kids… if she can just get away.

“Luz… I can’t…” Amity whines, and Luz scoops her up in her arms, carrying her as she jogs down
the stairs.

Luz barrels through the exit, landing on a silent lawn outside the Siren. After discerning her
surroundings, She dashes, running. Trying to get Amity away as quickly as possible. The lawn
flying underneath her oh, she goes wide, hoping to avoid any of the staff. She crashes through a
small line of bushes, looking both ways before crossing the road.

She's so tense she feels like she might snap.

Luz skids to a halt outside the truck. Setting Amity down gently, reaching for her purse…

“Shit.” Luz says, and Amity shuffles next to her.


“I don’t have my keys.” She answers numbly. Standing stock still, racking her brain, sifting
through the ruins of her mind, digging out old information. Stuff she didn't want to learn, but her
sister insisted that she needed to.

“Now Carino, if you lock yourself out of a car… there’s a couple Of ways you can unlock the door
without the keys…” Lucia told her.

Luz kneels down, untying her shoe, and pulling it off. Yanking her shoelace out of the shoe. She
ties a loop in the middle, cinching it up tight.

“What are you-” Amity starts.

“Unlocking the door.” Luz answers, “Just a second love, I need to focus.” Amity squeezes her
shoulder and falls silent. Luz smiles, then makes the string taut without pulling too hard. Making a
sawing motion, she slides the lace into the corner of the door, the string slipping behind the door

She shifts, then adjusts her grip, moving the loop closer and closer to the narrow silver lock. Her
heart thundering in her chest, she holds her breath. The loop drifts over the tapered plastic, and she
tugs both ends tightly, the loop closes around the lock and she yanks the string up.

The lock pops up, and she swings the door wide, helping Amity climb in before hauling herself up.
She looks back to the hotel, almost surprised to see that no one is pursuing them yet.

“How are you going to start it?” Amity asks, her voice already sounding clearer than it had in the

“Gonna hotwire it.” Luz answers, shifting as she lowers herself onto the floor of the vehicle. The
gear shift digs uncomfortably into her side as she looks up. She yanks the cover of the steering
column off, ignoring the loud crunch as she tears the plastic fasteners. She spots the red and brown
wires, and fumbles around behind her, “Ams, there should be a pocket knife in the glove box.” Luz
says, and Amity shifts.

“On it,” She says, and Luz can hear the pop of the glove box handle, a moment later Amity presses
a cool plastic thing into her outstretched hand.

“Thanks mi amor.” Luz says, wiping the sweat off her face before she pops the metal blade out.
Carefully making slits in each of the protective covers around the wires. Luz drops the knife, and
delicately puts the openings together, connecting the red wires to the brown ones.

She twists them in her grip.

Amity gasps when a small spark leaps out, then the truck sputters to life. Luz crams the wires back
into the column, tossing the plastic casing into the passenger seat. Amity elects to stay in the
middle seat, refusing to let go of Luz even as she does up her girlfriend’s seatbelt.

“Let’s go.” Luz says, and Amity nods.

Luz hits the gas, and the truck rolls to a start. Luz is shaking, trying to keep calm as the Siren Hotel
shrinks behind them. Tears sting at her eyes as they turn off the road, leading back to the highway.

She catches Amity’s hand, and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

Amity sniffs, then shakily asks, “Luz, how do you know how to hotwire a car?”

“Lucia used to steal cars for her gang.” Luz answers, normally she'd be mortified about revealing
her sister’s past, but she's a little bit fried at the moment. She's got a little bit too much on her mind
to moderate those thoughts.

“Oh makes sense.” Amity answers, and after Moment of silence she barks out, ”Wait? Lucia was in
a gang?!”

“Don't tell her I told you that.” Luz grunts back, “She doesn't like to talk about it.”

“Okay…” Amity says, Her voice trailing off. She wraps her arms around Luz, and squeezes her

Amity starts crying a few minutes later, and Luz can’t stop her own tears from falling. The reality
of what she witnessed slamming into her full boar. a sex ring, she just witnessed a sex ring. She
was standing there, in the middle of a bunch of predators. She saw children being abused.

Being raped.

So many of them…

“Luz… w-where are we going to go?” Amity asks, “we can’t go home! We can’t involve your
family in my mom’s shit.”

“I…” Luz stutters, racking her brain as they drive down the highway. She's staring at the
dashboard, only occasionally checking in front of her. Where are they going to go? It's not just
Odalia, it's not just Philip.
There’s a whole army of them, and they're probably all as well off as Amity's mom is. Who knows
what kind of resources they have access to?

“Maybe a hotel?” She says, “ Somewhere to lay low for the night, just to get a rest. I need to get a
hold of someone though…”

“Okay…” Amity says, “Luz? I’m so sorry…”

“Don’t. It’s not your fault, none of this is your fault, nothing that's happened is your fault.” Luz
says, frowning as she peers ahead. What is that up ahead?

“I… I only sort of remember…” She murmurs, and Luz squeezes her hand, Hoping to reassure

“We'll figure it out, I'll keep you safe, I promise.” Luz says, her heart twisting as the wretched sob
Amity lets out, her girlfriend is clinging to her. Like they'll be torn apart again if she lets go.

Luz has no idea what she’s going to do, she doesn’t want to drag her family into this, she doesn’t
want to go to Amelia again.

Maybe… maybe they should run away.

“Luz…” Amity says.

Maybe they could run to Mexico or Canada?

“Luz.” Amity says, tapping her shoulder rapidly. that thing catches her eye again, and she turns her
head as the truck whips by the parked police cruiser.

Its lights burst to life, the siren blaring.

“Fuck! Fuckfuck…” Amity shouts.

“It’s okay Ams.” Luz says weakly, it’s okay, she flicks her signal on, turning onto the shoulder
even as they make a wide turn as the road drifts around a bend.

Her eyes fly wide as they round the corner, and she sees what’s waiting for them.


A wall of red and blue in front of them.

Police blocking the entire fucking highway. Luz’s mind goes quiet as she pulls the truck into Park.
Men and women crouching behind the doors of their cruisers. Amity is sobbing next to her.

Flood lights snap on, blinding Luz.

“Come out with your hands up!” someone shouts over a megaphone. The cops have their guns
drawn, pointed at the truck.

Pointed at her.

“Luz, Luz… you need to Do what they say. Please don't try anything. Please…” She begs, her
voice breaking in time with Luz’s heart.

Numbly, she opens the door.

Sorry Mama. She thinks as she extends both of her hands out, open palms facing the lights.

“I love you Amity.” Luz says, stepping out of the truck and keeping her hands high as the officers
rush her. She’s weirdly calm, considering that she's being tackled to the ground; considering that
her face slams into gravel.

That someone is roughly pulling her arms behind her back and shouting at her. That something
hard and cold snaps around her wrist, then the other.

None of that matters. She got Amity away. That's all that matters.

Someone hauls her to her feet. She looks around, looking for Amity.

“WAIT! STOP! Let go of me!” Amity shrieks, thrashing as several officers drag her out of the
truck. The fire bursts back to life inside her.

“Don’t you hurt her!” Luz shouts, growling as the officer tugs at her cuffs, causing her to stumble
as they lead her to a cruiser.

“Shut it.” The officer says gruffly. Approaching the cop car quickly now.

“Luz! Luz!!” Amity calls out, reaching for her even as officers carry her to a large black escalade.
A woman standing beside it. A large fur coat wrapped around her body.

Luz’s eyes fly wide as she meets a bright blue gaze…

And a horribly familiar smirk.

“ Wait! You have to go to the Siren Hotel. That woman and a bunch of others are hurting kids, you
have to save them. Please! She abuses Amity!” The officers ignore her, trying (and failing) to shove
her into the back of the car. She pushes back, launching herself off the side of the car.

GET WHAT’S COMING TO YOU I-I SWEAR! I-” Luz’s rant is cut off as every muscle in her
body locks up. She can’t even scream as agonizing pain wracks her body.

Odalia’s smirk widens, as a still fighting Amity is forced into the back of the SUV.

The pain stops, and Luz goes limp in the officers’ arms. A third one pulls his taser away.
They shove her into the back of the cruiser, and slam the door in her face. The police drive her
away. Luz is being arrested.

She starts crying.

She failed. Odalia was one step ahead of her, she has Amity again. Luz failed.

She lost.

Chapter End Notes

Luz enters the Siren Hotel, and is mistaken for some kind of staff member. After being
measured and given a robe, she discovers that everyone in this hotel seems to be part
of some sort of sex trafficking ring; and that the event happening this weekend is a
party of abuse.

Luz runs into Hunter (who is a victim of the ring). Hunter helps her find Amity, but
elects to stay behind.

Luz rescues Amity from Philip Wittebane, and hotwires her family truck. Before they
get far Luz is stopped and arrested by a road block seemingly orchestrated by Odalia.
Chapter Summary

Amity fights back with all her might against her mother, but will it be enough?

Chapter Notes

CW: Guns are involved, but no shots are fired. Physical abuse. Some punches are
thrown by both sides.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Get off me!”

“Amity! Stop. With. The. Theatrics!” Odalia growls out, dragging Amity down the long hallway of
an unfamiliar building by the roots of her hair. She can barely feel the pain, her blood is boiling.

The ugly dress her mother made her put on is thankfully not very restraining. Giving her ample
mobility to fight her mother tooth and fucking nail every damned step they take.

“NO! LET ME GO!” Amity screams back, kicking at her mom. Her treacherous, vile, evil,
disgusting mother. It’s all so clear to her now, clearer than it’s been for a long long time. The drugs,
those pills, her own mother has been basically roofieing her for years.

It’s all half memories, little flashes; but they’re coming back constantly. More clearly than they
ever have before.

“Amity! I don’t have time for this.” Odalia says, throwing her forward into an elevator. Amity
grunts as she crashes into the metal wall. Without a second thought, she throws herself at her
putrescent, filthy, heinous mother, Odalia gasps as Amity’s fist connects with her cheek.

Sending her staggering back.

A smug pride fills Amity’s chest, a moment before her mom retaliates. A sharp crack filling the
elevator as it lurches upwards. Pain rips through her head, already pounding from coming down,
from the drugs.

White pills on a silver platter.

“You fucking monster…” Amity spits out, “How could you do that? How could you just fucking
drug me? Let Philip fucking Wittebane beat the shit out of me and fuck me?!” A part of herself
twists at her own words. Luz saw her like that, all confused and stupid, dressed in nothing but what
her dear sweet mother picked out for her, being taken advantage of.

She can remember, and that’s new; she wonders why… aside from the fact that she’s obviously
coming down from whatever she’s been forced to take. Her head aches, her muscles are so fucking

Her thighs burn, but that isn’t from the drugs.

“What do you mean? It’s for the good of the family.” Odalia hums out, rubbing her cheek, “You
just cost us a lot of money; that deal was very important.”

‘No no, hold it like this.’ Lucia says with a chuckle, showing Amity how to properly hold a baseball
bat. Amity watches, before the woman hands her the red bat back. ‘You try.’

“A deal? You traded your daughter’s fucking body for a goddess damned business deal? FOR
FUCKING MONEY!?” She shrieks, launching herself at her mom again. Odalia grunts as she
slams into the elevator wall, digging her fingers into Amity’s cheeks.

“FUCK!” She screams as Amity kicks her shins. Amity aims another savage kick at her villainous,
revolting, horrid, selfish parent; but Odalia catches her leg. “ENOUGH!” She shouts, and lifts
Amity’s leg up while shoving her backwards.

Amity squeaks as her world soars by, then cries out as she hits the ground. Her anger flashing all
the fiercer; she rolls to her hands and knees, ready to fight her mother until her very last breath.

“YOU LET LUZ GO RIGHT NOW!” She screams, tensing her muscles to charge at her mother,
then she hears a loud click.
Amity freezes on the ground as she stares up at Odalia Blight, a slightly wild look in her mother’s
eyes. She’s pointing a gun directly at Amity’s head. Her anger fizzles out, and her muscles lock in

“Get up.” Her mother huffs out, brushing stray hairs out of her face with her free hand.

“I… I can’t…” Amity whimpers, curling up as Odalia waves her gun hand.

“Get up now!”

Amity grits her teeth, fighting back tears as she forces her body to listen to her. Slowly dragging
herself to her feet. Panting, the pain finally catching up with her as she catches her breath. She
doesn't dare make another move, her mother looks absolutely crazed right now.

She used to think there was no way her mom would kill her, but now…

Now she isn't so sure.

She stares, looking down slightly at her mother, who glares back at her with icy blue eyes.

Neither moves.

A ding rings through the elevator, and the doors slide open.

“You first, out, left then all the way to the end.” Her mother says, continuing to brandish the pistol.
The gun. Her own parent is pointing a gun that can kill people at her. Amity nods slowly, and
walks as smoothly as she can down the plain beige hallway.

She absolutely does not recognize this building. She doesn't know if she's ever been to this
apartment before. It’s been entirely silent as they’ve fought through it.
She walks down the straight hallway, she spots a door at the very end.

“Are you serious?” Amity asks, chuckling darkly, “Do you honestly own an apartment numbered

“Shut your whore mouth.’ Her mother snarls, and Amity squeaks when she feels something hard
press into her back, “Get moving. I don't have time for your sass, I have to fix what your little
girlfriend has ruined.”

Choosing to store the fact that her mother just called her a whore for later, Amity wracks her brain,
trying to figure out a way to get out of this. A way to save one of them, at very least.

“Mom, please let Luz go… it’s not her fault. It’s mine.”

“I know, you'll get your own punishment soon. Regardless, she still needs to face the consequences
for what she's done. What she’s ruined”

Odalia pulls her phone out of her purse, and taps the screen a few times. The door in front of them
clicks, and swings open.

“Please, just punish me. Luz is innocent, it’s my fault mom! She wouldn’t have-”

“Get in Mittens, you’re in time out.” Her mother says, her voice is deathly neutral. Amity
swallows, and steps into the room. Suddenly terrified.

What is her mother going to do to her? Is she going to kill her? Rape her? Is she going to do those
things to Luz first?

Amity looks In a dark apartment, smaller than any other ones her family owns. It's on the top floor,
but this is a much shorter building than her mother usually buys.

It seems to be a 0 bedroom suite, and there's no one else inside.

Amity turns around, to see her mother standing outside, on the threshold. Still pointing the gun at
her. Pointing a gun at her own daughter.

“I'll never forgive you.” Amity says evenly, glaring at her mother… at Odalia.

Odalia just sneers, tapping on her phone again, “See you soon Mittens~” She coos, blowing a kiss
just as the door snaps shut.

It locks automatically.

There are no knobs, no switches, no things for Amity to turn. She pounds on the door, growling
and yelling. A soft light slowly comes on, illuminating the quiet apartment in a golden glow. She
stalks over to the bistro table, snatching a chair in her hands before hurling it with all her might at
the door.

The chair slams into it and breaks into pieces.

Amity pants, fire boiling up inside her, filling her completely. Threatening to burst. She looks
around, she can see the glass panels on the cupboards. A fully stocked kitchen. A huge TV hanging
on the wall. Large windows, with automatic blinds pulled down. She stomps over to the door,
snatches a broken chair leg, and slams it into the door. Pain reverberates through her hands, and she
swings it again. And again. And again. And again.

Tears stream down her cheeks as she screams and yells and growls and whines. The door doesn't
budge, the chair leg cracks and crumbles. Her hands ache and burn. She snarls in frustration,
snatching up another broken chair leg and stalking into the kitchen.

A claw footed bathtub.

She screams in fury as she slams the leg into the cupboard doors. The glass shattering, the soft
tinkle pieces hitting the ground is lost to the sounds of her anguished rage.

Her mom, coaxing her in.

She grabs one of the shot glasses, and hurls it across the room. It explodes into tiny fragments
against the far wall, denting the drywall slightly.

The water was so hot on her feet.

She grabs another glass, and throws it just as hard. A cracked scream ripping through her lips. The
glass shatters against the entryway. she grabs another, but this one's a wine glass.

She sat in her mother's naked lap.

The stem of the glass spins as the top bursts into bouncing fragments.

Her mother's hands, wandering down her ribs. Down her hips.

“FUCK!” She shrieks, Snatching her chair leg and whirling around on the exposed glassware still
in the cupboard.

Her mother, tickling her. Touching her like no mother should.

She screams again, wailing, tears blurring her vision as she swings the chair leg straight through
the remaining glasses. A cacophony of shattering glass fills the apartment.

Her mother would touch her. Whenever.

The plates were next. One of them sailing straight into the TV, cracking the plastic screen before
crashing to the floor.


One shatters on the world's most pretentious looking piece of art. The frame falling off the wall
and collapsing from the impact.
However she wanted.

And Amity had forgotten, she had blocked it out. It wasn't just her. It was those damn pills. She
wails again, destroying everything breakable in the kitchen. Tossing everything that wasn't
breakable against the door. They flood her brain. The faces of people she doesn't know, the hands
of people she doesn't know doing horrifying things to her.

Things she didn't want.

Things she was meant to believe were normal.

But her life has never been normal, it’s always been fucked up… like this. She doesn't remember
explicitly, but she knows that it’s true.

She can feel it. Deep inside her bones. Her mother has always mistreated her.

She growls as she yanks the TV from the wall, the expensive electronic device crashing to the floor
before she slams her chair leg into it over and over.

Her mom was an irredeemable monster, And the worst part of it was, she knew it. She knew it all
along. But she had convinced herself she didn't. That her mother was good deep down inside. That
she was anxious and irrational, that it was her fault.

That it was all in her head. That it was all her imagination. That they were all “fake memories”.

But they weren't fake, none of them were. The collar some man from an oil company would make
her wear, making her crawl on her hands and knees, barking and yipping like a dog.

Her knees were bruised for a week after that.

She drops the chair leg. It falls to the ground with a clatter.

Philip securing the last strap, Amity's legs spread wide. His eyes gleamed as he stepped between

Amity hugs herself tightly, sinking onto the queen sized bed tucked into one corner. The only piece
of furniture that had escaped her wrath.

Odalia, snapping a whip next to her face, telling her to ‘behave’

A ragged, wheezing whine slips through her lips, and she digs her fingers in tighter. Nothing in her
life was ever normal. She was used, like a toy, like an asset. She was a tool of the business; her
“mother” securing deals from perverts by using her young teenage body as a fucking bargaining

The only time in her life she had ever felt treated like a human being, started just a few short
months ago.

Six. Six months ago.

She met Luz six months ago. She can hardly believe it. Luz, the first one to see her as a person, not
as a commodity, not as a trophy, not as a tool, not as a pet, but as a person. Luz was one of the first
people apart from Amelia to see her for who she really was.

And now Luz is in police custody, “for kidnapping you, Amity.” Her mother had said with a sneer.
Police who were bought and paid for by her mother, and by Wittebane Munitions.

They might just execute Luz, if her mother gave the order.

Amity curls up, sobbing. Letting the tension both wind up and unwind, her body shaking.
Trembling like she was shivering, but she isn't cold. She’s worried, for herself, for her girlfriend.

But mostly she's just sad. Sad that her family has caused so much anguish.

So much pain.
Amity can remember, mostly, she can remember all of those kids. Just as drugged up and used as
she is.

She cries, cries for a childhood she had lost but never realized until now. She cries for her
girlfriend, for all of the suffering that Luz had to go through. Only to end up wherever she was.

And now, it was over.

Her mother had won.

Luz was probably going to prison, or worse. And Amity was locked in a trashed apartment that no
one knew the location of. The building wasn’t finished, she finally realizes, this is one that her dad
has talked about before; smart apartments.

Amelia wouldn't be able to find her, Amelia doesn't even know anything is wrong.

She's alone, maybe she'll always be alone. She reaches for the chair leg, clenching it tightly
between her fingers.

Maybe, maybe she'll make sure her mom suffers as much as she has.

Amity holds the piece of wood tightly to her chest, crying until her tears finally dry up. Until her
head finally clears. Until she finally feels herself dozing.

What time is it even?

She notices a microwave, another thing that escaped her rampage.

1 AM.

She’s exhausted, she’s sore, she’s miserable, but she remembers.

Her eyes drift closed, and that’s something isn’t it? Even if she’s entirely alone, even if her mother
is hell bent on destroying every source of joy in her life.

She meant it, she’ll never forgive her mother.

“I love you Luz… I’m sorry…” she whispers, smiling as her love’s name leaves her lips. She sighs,
and closes her eyes.

She bolts upright, her mind dragging itself from sleep.

2:32 AM.

She frowns, there's a scratching noise. Just at the edge of her hearing. It's almost like nails on a

“......y.u……” Someone says, their voice muffled, as if they're talking in a different

room. But there isn’t anyone else in the building, it hasn’t even entered presale yet.

“…… let’s try the torch. ” Someone replies, and Amity sits bolt upright. No… not in
a different room.

The voices are coming from outside.

She clutches the chair leg tightly, as far as she can tell there isn't a patio at this apartment. The
scratching noise stops. Her heart is pounding in her chest. She strains to listen, to hear more of
these mysterious voices.

What the hell is going on?

She hears a slight hiss, and then a whooshing noise. She scrambles off the bed, hissing herself
when she lands on the floor, little bits of glass stuck into her palms. She brushes her hands off,
grabbing the chair leg and readying it. Just like Lucia taught her.
A few minutes pass, and nothing happens except for the whooshing noise. Amity notices
something about one of the blinds.

Is… is it smoking?

Then it stops.

Amity takes a few breaths, steadying herself


She jumps out of her skin. The wood is shaking as she clutches it.


She backs away, her shoes crunching on the debris. Someone’s trying to break in?

The window next to where the bistro table use d to be cracks, and falls inwards. Tearing the blinds
off the walls with a loud crash. The whole thing smoldering slightly as it does.

Amity readies her weapon, just as a black figure crawls onto the window sill.

They pull off their ski mask, golden eyes twinkling as they do. Bright orange hair with silvery
streaks flash in the dim light. Her golden tooth shining.

“Aha, I thought we’d find you here Boots.” Eda Fucking Noceda-Clawthorne says with a lopsided
grin, perching on the broken window sill like the world’s most cursed owl. She’s wearing a black
body suit thing… maybe a sweater and pants? It’s hard to tell. She’s got a belt on, with a whole
bunch of things attached… including… A gun?

A second person is dangling outside the window, fastening a metal canister with a little brass
nozzle to their belt.

“WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR!” Lucia’s voice shouts, scrambling to pull herself in the
window. Amity notices the harnesses they both have attached to them, the thick rope that those
harnesses are attached to.

“No we couldn’t have, it’s alarmed and you know it.” Eda snarks back, hopping inside and
detaching herself from the rope. Amity stands stock still, eyes wide, her mouth open. Her batter’s
swing is still ready.

“Still… I… ugh… can’t stand this rappelling shit.” Lucia growls, finally getting herself in the
window before pulling off her own mask, “Hey Amity, you doing okay?”

“No.” Amity deadpans, still brandishing her chair leg. Entirely unsure of what the fuck was

“Yeah, that’s fair considering…” Lucia admits, looking around at the carnage with a vaguely
impressed look.

“Yeesh put that thing down before you hurt someone…” Eda lightly scolds, before pressing her
thumb to a walkie talkie secured to her shoulder, “Owl Lady to Big D, we found A-track over.”

Amity doesn’t hear a reply. But evidently Eda and Lucia do, Lucia snickers.

“He really doesn't like it when you call him that.” She says, stepping gingerly over the rubble,
untying something from her waist, “here Ams, it’s chilly out.” Lucia says, handing Amity a
familiar green bomber jacket.

Lucia’s jacket.

She takes it, shrugging it over the dress her mother threw at her in the SUV, “What is going on?
Where’s Luz?”

“We’re rescuing you, and we don’t know yet.” Eda answers, “yeah and next time you can think
about that before you hire me alright?” She snarks into the walkie.

“Rescuing me? Who is she talking to?” Amity stammers, staring up at Lucia, “What…”

“Come on, we’ll explain everything once we’re back at HQ.” Lucia says, extending a hand.

Amity stares, dumbfounded. They… came for her… Luz’s family. They came to save her.
Maybe… maybe they’re her family too…

She certainly hopes so.

They… do they know what’s happening?

Amity reaches out, clasping Lucia’s hand.

Can they…

Can they save Luz too?

Chapter End Notes

Amity is no longer a passive observer in her own life.

AND SURPRISE! But not really, we've known Lucia and Eda have been working with
Amelia in some capacity for a while now.

We just didn't really appreciate exactly how

The team have secured Amity, but can they get Luz in time? We'll find out soon

Lastly, it came to my attention thanks to a few commenters that a tag I meant to have
for this fic since the beginning wasn't there.
This story WILL have a happy ending. We're getting closer, but we aren't quite home
free yet.
Chapter Summary

Luz tries to keep calm and focused as she's carted away by police.

Chapter Notes


That's all.

“You have to believe me! Odalia is a predator! They…” Luz shouts at the indifferent cop in the
driver’s seat. He doesn’t even respond, he doesn’t even react to her claims, he just types into his
fucking car laptop while he’s fucking driving.

“So fucking safe…” She grumbles, kicking the back of his seat. He turns and glares at her. She
snickers, sticking her tongue out and kicking his seat as they continue down the empty highway.

She sighs and flops down, still half assedly kicking the seat every few seconds. They’ve been
driving for a long time already.

Way too long…

Bonesborough wasn’t that far away.

Which is… concerning…

Luz has never trusted cops, and that doubled down when they arrested Lucia. She remembers her
sister, shaking and crying when the cops knocked on the door. she thought it was unfair, Mr.
Tibbles made Lucia steal those cars.

Sure, Luci had stolen a few to pay for things… Luz was pretty sure that the money Luci used to
buy Luz a new Nintendo Switch came from crime money. But then the crew got caught, and Mr.
Tibbles made Lucia take the fall; and she did.

Lucia suffered during her six months in prison, she was verbally and physically abused by guards,
and a rival gang member even stabbed her.

It wasn’t fair, Lucia was a kid back then, barely 18. She didn’t deserve it. But the cops took her
away anyway. Luz remembers Mama holding her back as she tried to rescue Luci.

She always suspected that those cops were being paid out by Mr. Tibbles, that there was some
mutual understanding between rich criminals and police.

Now she was sure… these guys were crooked as fuck. They had been waiting, waiting for her and
Amity, assembling fucking blockades as soon as someone realized Amity was missing from the

Luz almost laughs at her own naivete, she really thought she could just… snatch Amity. Sweep her
off her feet, and whisk her away from all that…

Luz frowns, shivering as images flash across her mind. She feels it again, like she’s on a ship in a
raging sea. Her stomach lurching, her head spinning. She almost can’t believe that she saw
everything she did.

That dark room.

That tanned girl.

She kicks the chair again with renewed effort, while stretching out as best she could, lounging on
the back seat. No one bothered to buckle her in, just goes to show how committed to protecting
people they are.

The man growls, and she cackles at him.

Luz yelps when the car lurches suddenly, she rolls off the seats and falls to the floor with a
squawk. Her hands are still cuffed behind her, and she struggles to right herself. Then she stops as
the car shifts into park and the engine dies.

The cop stomps out, opens the back door and glares at her. “Out.” He barks. Luz wiggles, straining,
trying to flex her abs, genuinely trying to get out of where she’s wedged. She falls slack with a

“I literally can’t dude.” Luz deadpans.

He groans, and Luz gasps when she feels rough hands yank her out of the car. “Hey! Easy on the
goods.” she says, smirking as the cop rubs the bridge of his nose.

“Are you always this miserable?” He asks, and she laughs.

“Only when I’m dragged around by a pig.” She spits out, snickering as he grabs her arm roughly
and drags her along. It's quiet, and the night is cold. The stars twinkle overhead. The trees sway in
a soft breeze, goosebumps form on her bare arms.

She can hear the low buzzing of the one street light Illuminating the cracked and buckling asphalt
of the small parking lot. They’re heading to a low and squat building surrounded by forest, it’s
made of those big ass dark gray bricks.

Latissa Police Department.

“Nice place you got here, but shouldn’t you take a girl out to dinner first?” Luz says, and the man
groans again; but ignores her. Well, if he's helping a bunch of child Predators run a sex ring, then
he should be able to take a little bit of sass.

The weight of her previous thought threatens to crush her.

Goddess, what if they’re all on Odalia’s payroll?

What if it isn't just cops? What if lawyers, what about Judges? Luz is seventeen, but is she
somehow going to wind up in jail? Like real jail? She somehow doubts that a trans girl would do
okay in prison.
Maybe they’re just going to take me out back… Make good on Jacob and Tara's promise, the
darkest part of her mind whispers.

They still haven't told her why they're hauling her into the dimly lit and frankly, really sad station.
They haven't told her what crime she's allegedly committed, but she can guess.

She can guess how Odalia Blight is going to spin this.

In hindsight, she shouldn't have tried to do it alone. She didn't think it through, and now she's
suffering the consequences. Just like with Kyle, and Lizzy, and Joey. Luz feels heat rush to her
cheeks despite her dire situation, and Clarissa.

Okay, but in her defense… Clarissa was way, way older than her usual at the time, and she was
cute and classy. They never even had sex, Clary just pampered and mothered her… And maybe
they kissed a lot okay? Luz is only human, how was she supposed to turn down a literal sugar

Yeah, Lucia and Eda weren’t impressed with that one. But at least Luz wowed them both for

Another cop sits behind the counter, his feet up on the wooden top, his eyes nearly shut. He’s
almost asleep.

“Got Noceda.” The cop leading her along grunts out, and the other guy snorts as he snaps awake.

“Hmm? What?” He mutters, blinking a few times before his eyes finally focus on her. “ That’s
Noceda? She looks a lot… scrawnier than I imagined.”

“Little tip for ya pal, that voice in your head? The one that’s imagining the shape of seventeen year
old girls, you should keep it to yourself.” Luz snips, flashing the shocked officer a wink.

“Bitch.” The cop leading her down a hallway hisses out.

“Says the guy arresting a kid while letting an actual child predator get away.” Luz counters.

“Keep that talk up, and you’ll be in even worse trouble than you are.” He responds, grabbing a
bundle of keys from his belt, and unlocking a holding cell. Small, cramped, with a very
uncomfortable looking bed and a goddess damned toilet. The space between most of the blueish
gray bars are filled with plexiglass. The cold tiled floor meets cold off-white walls meets cold and
aggravating fluorescent lights.

A camera is situated in the corner of the cell, covered in a protective shell of plastic.

Luz is pretty sure the stainless steel toilet is in view of the camera. Charming, is there anyone in
this damn conspiracy who isn't a pedo? She wonders as he roughly tosses her in. She stumbles,
before managing to stagger upright. Looking around at her new digs with an unimpressed hum.

“Cozy.” She grumbles. The door slams closed behind her, and a slight tension coils around her
throat. “Wait? Aren’t you gonna uncuff me?” She calls out, “Hey ya big idiot!? HelloOooo?”
She’s answered with utter silence as the cop leaves, slamming the door leading out to the lobby.

The echo rings through her brain as she sits down on what could only be very loosely described as
a bed. The flat and hard surface is unyielding.

Luz looks around the tiny cell, staring straight into the camera. She frowns, and shakes her head.

Goddess fucking damnit she's thirsty, She doesn't remember the last time she had a drink of water.
Her throat is sore, it feels raw.

Luz tries and fails to get comfortable as the minutes drag by slowly. Left alone in nearly complete
silence. Alone with her thoughts. The incessant buzzing of the overhead light drilling straight into
her brain.

She slumps back against the cold wall, letting her head knock against it.

She failed, and now she’s in deep.

What’s worse is that Eda has no idea where she is. She shouldn't have lied to Mama, but then,
Camilla wouldn't have believed her. And if she did she wouldn't have let Luz go.

Should she have even gone? Did she just make everything worse? Certainly made things worse for

‘I’m so sorry Mama…’ A younger Luz said, curling up on her mom’s bed, shivering as Camila
softly rubs her back.

‘It’s okay Mija, everybody makes mistakes. What matters is that you learn from them.’

Learn from them… She has to fix this, if she can.

“Hey…” She croaks out, clearing her throat before trying again, “HEY! CAN YOU PLEASE

Her voice rings through the room, fading away into silence again.


SOME KIND OF HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION!” Nothing, Luz grumbles and stands up,
staring directly at the camera as she takes a deep breath in, “I'M NOT GOING TO STOP

She has a lot of practice, however depressing that is. She still doesn't get a response, so she
proceeds to shuffle on the bed, planting her hands behind her staring at the plexiglass.

“Alright you asked for it!” She yells to her hopeful audience. She slams her feet into the plexiglass,
and a loud rattling boom echoes through the hall. She does it again, and again. Kicking out harder
and faster, then slower and more deliberately.

All the while she yells anything she can think of yelling. Insults, songs, random observations about
her surroundings, how badly she needs to pee. How thirsty she is. How they’re all helping rapists.
How they all probably have tiny dicks.

And so on.

hears keys turning in a lock. She sits down on her bed smugly, softly cackling to herself. Eda taught
her how to throw strategic tantrums back at camp.

That was a fun afternoon, watching Jacob and Tara sweat bullets as she threw anything she could
get her hands on across the picnic grounds. She started a food fight, which had devolved into a
pinecone fight, which had devolved into a throw-whatever-you-can-lift fight.

The other cop, the desk jockey stomps in. A look of absolute exhaustion on his face as he walks
right up to her cell.

“Hey buds.” She says as nonchalantly as she can, “think you can do a gal a favour and fucking
uncuff me? I can't do anything like this, and I actually need to pee.”

He glowers, but relents, opening her cell and stalking in. For a brief moment, a flash of fear shoots
across her cast. What if this cop is a predator too? She suddenly (and ironically) hopes the cameras
can’t be turned off.

But he doesn’t do anything unspeakable to her, even though panic ripples through her spine when
he roughly turns her around. Then he undoes her cuffs.

She rubs her wrists, trying to ease the stiff pain.

“Thanks.” She says, with a genuine tone for the first time since she got arrested.

“Just shut up already okay?” He answers, shutting her cell and walking away.

“Wait! Can I have some water?” She calls out, frowning as she’s left alone in the cell block again.
She looks around again, and finally notices the tiny sink, attached to the tank of the toilet. That’s
kind of gross, but it’ll do.

She dashes over, leaning down and turning the handle. Wetness hits her dry mouth, and for a single
instant she’s relieved.

Then she spits it out.

“Ughhh that’s fuckin nasty .” She groans, it tastes exactly like swamp water smells. She's suddenly
worried that the water source somehow comes straight from the sewer.

She stares down at the dinky sink.

Then takes another drink, gagging as she manages to swallow a tiny amount. She gives up, finally
unfolding the sheet and blanket left at the head of her “ bed” . She’s stuck here, she’s exhausted,
and there’s no fucking way she’s going to be able to escape.

Even if there was a way, that definitely wouldn't help things. She curls up on the flat and seriously
uncomfortable “bed” and closes her eyes, trying to keep the images and sounds out of her mind.

And failing completely.


Luz isn't sure if she slept at all. But she was aware of constantly bolting upright all throughout the
night, sometimes screaming, sometimes crying, almost always hyperventilating. Mixtures of
images floating across her vision, even as she stares blearily at the cell in the fluorescent light.

Jacob, Odalia, those kids, that tanned girl and the woman licking blood off her thighs…

Amity, bruised, scars, scars crisscrossing her own arms. Hunter’s pained face as he turned away,
walking willingly back into that den of monsters.
Lucia, in tears and an orange jumpsuit, pressing a hand to the glass. Luz reaching up, it was the
closest she could get to touching her sister for six months. Luz trying her best to cheer Lucia up
during their visits, telling her all about the latest anime, and Azura, and about all the things she
loves about her.

She sighs, rolling onto her back, staring up at an uncaring gray ceiling. She's completely lost sense
of time, she could have been stuck in this cell for 20 minutes, or 20 years and she wouldn't know
the difference.

She’s still so thirsty.

Her stomach growls noisily.

She hears the jangle of keys, the turning of the tumbler inside the lock. She sits up, eyeing the door
warily. A new officer walks in, looks like a woman from what Luz can tell.

She silently walks to Luz’s cell, and unlocks it.

“What’s this?” Luz asks, cautiously stepping out of the cell, jumping slightly as the woman slams it
shut behind her. She grunts as the woman slaps her in cuffs, mercifully with her hands in front of
her this time, her shoulders are still sore from last night.

“You got a visitor.” The cop deadpans, leading her further into the station. Luz feels a little dizzy,
lack of sleep and thirst probably being the main contributing factors. The woman opens the door
that leads to a large square room with a glass window she can't see through.

A metal table stands in the middle of the room, two metal chairs on either end. One side of the
table top has little metal loops welded into them.

But Luz doesn’t care about metal loops, she doesn't care when the cop secures her to the table,
ensuring that she can't do anything.

She can barely think as she sits down.

She can barely think, and yet her mind is racing at a mile a minute.

Looking like she’s just had the best rest of her life, every bit of her makeup is perfect, her hair in a
neat and tidy bun, her blue eyes sparkling as she takes a sip from a tall bottle of water.

“Hello Luz,” Odalia Blight says, smiling as sweetly as can be, “I’d like a word with you.”
The Snare
Chapter Summary

Luz faces down a monster, and Amity learns the truth.

Amity clings tightly to Lucia as they step out the window. She closes her eyes and tries to stifle a
whimper. She’s never been a fan of heights, even when she wasn’t strapped to Lucia Noceda by a
piece of nylon.

Lucia and Eda continue to banter as if everything’s normal, as if they aren't rappelling down the
side of a building like they're in a goddess damned action movie.

Amity can’t focus on any of it.

She still doesn’t let go of Lucia once they reach the ground; and if Lucia cares, she doesn’t say
anything about it. They lead her to an idling SUV waiting a little ways away, and her heart starts

Not again…

But nothing terrible happens to her, no one tries to undress her or force feed her pills. Instead they
all pile in and buckle up. A stranger sits facing them, his dusty brown hair barely reaching his ears,
He waves with a gloved hand as Amity climbs in.

“Hey Amity, name’s Steve.” Steve says, offering her a handshake that she doesn’t take.

She looks at his tactical gear, shifting in her seat, clinging to Lucia’s arm. She notices the bright
yellow letters plastered across his vest.


“Oops, yeah I guess I should have asked…” He follows up, scratching the back of his head in an
eerily familiar way.

“Hi.” She answers, feeling small. Steve smiles, then raps on the wall behind him. The vehicle
rumbles, and starts moving. Eda stretches out her neck, and small pops can be heard throughout the
cabin as she does so.

“Have any trouble?” Steve asks casually, looking out the window while resting his stubbled chin
on his hand.

“Nah, not really… except Lucia couldn’t make it in the window.”

Lucia lightly punches Eda, but her cheeks glowing red, “Yeah yeah yeah… It was windy okay!?”

The three adults laugh, and Amity feels herself relax a little. Just a little. Lucia gives her a
reassuring squeeze, and she sighs.

“Any word on Luz?” Lucia asks, and Amity perks up. Her fear forgotten, completely disinterested
in the nightscape whipping by as they rumble down an unfamiliar road.

“Not yet, we’re trying to figure out where they took her.” Steve answers, frowning, “We think she's
outside of Bonesborough though.”

All of the tension that has slowly been bleeding out immediately returns, with a vengeance. They
don't know where Luz is… And Odalia has her…

what if she's already…?

“What’s going on?” Amity asks in a small voice, her chest feels so tight, and her limbs are like
stone, refusing to listen to her commands.

“Right now, we’re getting you to safety, and we're going to find Luz so we can do the same for
her.” Steve answers, “The rest I think I should leave to the bosses.” Eda snorts, and Steve smirks at
“It won't be long Amity,” Lucia answers her unspoken question softly, “we're doing everything we
can to find her… and don't worry… neither of you are alone anymore.” Amity nods, tucking her
face into Lucia’s shoulder as tears sting at her eyes.

So much, so much has happened in the last twenty four hours. It's enough to make her head spin,
even without being drugged. When did her life get so fucked up?

Has it always been like this?

True to Lucia’s word, only 20 minutes later the SUV is pulling to a stop, and only a moment later
they’re all climbing out. Amity refuses to let go of Lucia’s hand. Her girlfriend’s big sister is like
an anchor, keeping her tethered to earth. Keeping her from drifting away into the endless darkness
pressing in on her from all sides.

But it's not dark here, it's well-lit. They're in the middle of the Old Town. A squat, two story brick
building stands in front of her, Faded signs lining the businesses that occupy the bottom level, each
of their windows dark. Each of their little “Open” signs shut off.

They lead her to an unlabeled glass door in between an old dry cleaners and a closed down DVD
rental store. Steve unlocks the door and holds it open, his eyes darting around the abandoned
parking lot as they walk in. Amity finds herself looking up a flight of stairs, quickly ascending the
old wooden and brick structure.

Lucia still hasn't let go of her hand, and she appreciates it so much.

They find an old wooden door at the top, labeled 201, just one of six lining a small and cramped
hallway. Steve unlocks that one, and they step inside an enormous open space, supporting beams
lining the middle in odd patterns. Amity blinks, and realizes that they’ve knocked out all the walls
of the apartments up here.

But who’s taken over the space?

A dozen or so people, in dress shirts and slacks, each wearing a vest emblazoned with the same
logo as Steve's, bustle around the room.
Tables and desks are organized into rows. Yellow cords hang from the drop ceiling, each
connected to computers, laptops, and other machines she doesn't really recognize.

The room is filled by a buzz of low noise, and Amity feels herself swooning a little. There are so
many strangers here. And considering the night she's had already…

‘Now be good Amity…’ Philip says with a sneer, climbing on top of her before-

Amity stumbles, and Lucia braces her, before guiding her away from the main workspace. Amity
catches little snippets of the nearly dozen people bustling about.

“No sign of her at Bonesborough 21…”

“... got a warrant for…”

“... anyone got eyes on…”

Amity follows along,

Is this all… for her?

No, it's for Luz and the other kids too, the ones her mother and her friends have bought, or supplied
themselves. Amity’s throat tightens, even as her nose curls in disgust at the thought.

But a far more hopeful one knocks it away.

The FBI is investigating her mom.

“Hey boss, we got her.” Eda calls out to a dark skinned man, his hair done up in a nice bun. His
eyes are… green? That’s neat.
“Yes, I can see that Edalyn.” He answers, turning and smiling at her, “Hello Amity, I’m Special
agent Darius Deamonne, I’m in charge of this operation, and the little gremlin over there…” he
pauses to gesture at a short, pale person with an enormous mane of hair, it’s a brighter orange than
even Eda's, “is special agent Eberwolf Wolfram.”

Eber… wolf waves at her and resumes listening to an agent.

“You guys are going after my mom?” Amity asks, looking from friendly face to friendly face.

“Not just her, but her entire little Social Club as well.” A familiar voice answers from behind her,
and she whirls around. A swell in her chest, and tears threaten again; even as she smiles.

Her long auburn hair is done up in a ponytail, and she's also wearing a vest… Amity realizes it's a
bulletproof vest.

Her identical golden eyes staring down at Amity, her smile is soft and wavering slightly.

“Amy?” Amity asks.

“Hey Mittens.” Amelia says, and Amity finally lets go of Lucia, barrelling into her big sister at top
speed, her heart soaring. Amelia sweeps her up, spinning her around once before putting her back
down. “Thank goddess you’re alright.”

“Amy… have you been trying to save me all along?” Amity mumbles into her sister’s chest.

“Yeah I have. Sorry it took so long… but… we’re finally ready. ” Amelia says, combing her
fingers through Amity's hair, holding her just as tightly as Amity is.

Amity lets it go, all the tension. She starts crying, safe in her sister’s arms.

“We just need to find Luz.”

"Talk?" Luz says, "What's there to talk about? I saw everything."

"Yes, I realize that." Odalia replies dryly, "Honestly, I'd commend you on how bold you were, but
all you wound up doing was causing yourself more trouble than anything else."

“You should be the one in cuffs, not me.”

“That’s not how it’s looking from where I’m sitting.” Odalia answers, a tight smirk on her lips.

Luz is in pretty deep shit…

"What are the charges? No one’s telling me." Luz asks, glaring daggers at the monster sitting
across from her. Odalia giggles, a bubbly sound that absolutely does not fit the woman nor the

"You kidnapped my daughter." She answers plainly, and Luz's heart hammers in her chest. What?
Is this bitch serious?

"I didn't and you know it."

"All I know is that my poor precious Mittens was with me at the hotel one minute, and the next
minute she vanished without a trace." The concern in her voice sounds so real , but the expression
on her face tells Luz the truth.

A victorious sneer.

"Right, the hotel where you were sexually assaulting that little boy?" Luz asks with a sly grin,
"Who's really in danger here Odalia?"

The woman blinks, but she doesn't reply right away. Her sharp nails tap rhythmically on the table.
The moment stretches out, and Luz can feel sweat forming all over her body, she’s too hot, too
sticky. It’s a sensory nightmare on top of a waking one.
"You may have a point." Odalia finally says, taking a long drink from her bottle before continuing,
"Perhaps we're both in a bit of trouble."

"Seems that way to me." Luz answers, shrugging as best she can.

"What if…" Odalia says, pausing to look up from her perfect nails. She’s staring at Luz with half
lidded eyes.

The look sends shivers up Luz's spine, not the pleasant kind. Like a horde of spiders stampeding
over her back.

"... we make a deal?"


"We've been investigating mom and her group for a little over eighteen months." Amelia says,
holding Amity's hand as they sit on a surprisingly comfortable couch.

Nestled away in a corner of the headquarters, little half wall partitions blocking the space off from
the madness beyond it.

"We started to notice some suspicious disappearances around the country." Darius adds in, "all
signs pointed to Connecticut, and before long Amelia was a consultant."

"But it was still slow going, mom has taken many steps to protect her and her little group." Amelia
continues, frowning as she scratches her shoulder, "evidence going missing before we could get it,
a tangled web of shell corporations within shell corporations within subsidiaries all being closed,
and then reopened, merged, split, and so on."

"The red tape was atrocious, like the world's most infuriating labyrinth." Darius growls out, "We
were hitting a dead end…"
"And that's where we came in" Eda butts in, flashing Darius a shit eating grin as he sputters,
"These prissy little goody two shoes weren't able to get what they needed. So they asked us for

Amity's head is swimming again, eighteen months. Amelia's been on the case for eighteen months.
Her mind jumps back to all those times Amelia would show up, and then whisk Amity away from
the manor for whatever reason. Almost exactly when Amity needed her, without fail.

Whisking her away from their mother.

Amelia has been protecting her the whole time.

As best she could.

"Like what?" She asks .

"Like a list of all of their little club members." Amelia answers, "acquired by completely legitimate
means of course."


"We stole it from your mom's safe at the beach house." Eda answers, cackling with glee as Darius
pinches his nose again. Lucia chuckles softly.

The beach house. Spring break. Amelia, Lucia, and Eda had tagged along, acting like chaperones;
so they could grab intel without raising as much suspicion.

"So do you have everything?" Amity asks, hardly daring to hope “do you have enough to stop
them?” She can't help it, she can't help that little spark inside of her, catching on and growing.

If the FBI is involved, if they've been looking into it for eighteen months. If they have a list…
Then maybe they can take her mother down, take the whole thing down.

"Well after tonight, yes." Amelia says, before her face falls into a frown, "well, technically we're
missing our star witness, but it shouldn't be long before-"

"Sorry to interrupt Ma'am," an agent butts in, standing a little ways away, "but we found her."

Amity's eyes fly wide.

"We've found Luz Noceda."


"A deal?"

"Yes, one where we both get… some of what we want." Odalia's voice is sweeter than honey.

"Some of what we want…" Luz repeats her cuffs jangling as she air-quotes, and Odalia laughs.

"Oh don't give me that, it’s how business works… So how about this?" Odalia says, motioning at
the one-way glass.

The officer walks in, staring expectantly at the greenette.

"We won't be needing those cuffs, and could you bring us some more water?" She asks, and the
officer nods silently. A moment later Luz's hands are free. She's rubbing her wrists, eyeing the
actual child predator in front of her cautiously.

Should she beat the hell out of her while she can?
No, that’ll just make things worse. She has to be smart for once, use her big buff brain.

The slap of the officer's boots against the concrete echoes in the small room. As does the door
slamming shut.

"Here's my offer, I don't charge you with kidnapping. I don't pull some strings to get your sister
and step mother’s business license revoked…"

Luz's gasp rips out of her lips before she can stop it. Their little business, the one they built together
from nothing.

What if she's bluffing?

What if she isn’t?

"Oh I know that you're older sister is a felon. Two counts of Grand theft auto… for a Gravesfield
gang if I'm not mistaken." She drawls out, her grin turning vicious. “To say nothing of your… step

"You leave them both alone, or so help me goddess I’ll…"

"Spare me the theatrics, none of those nasty things have to happen…" she says sweetly, like a flesh
eating plant luring a fly to its doom.

"What do you want?" Luz bites out.

"I want you to sign a little NDA, a non-disclosure agreement. Me and my friends are in charge of a
majority of Connecticut's economy… and we don't want it collapsing now do we? That wouldn't be
good for anyone."

Silencing her. Legally silencing her. In exchange for her freedom. Would anyone even listen to
Luz’s testimony if she was convicted?
She doesn't know. She doesn't know enough about law.

"Is that it?"

"Goodness no, there is one more piece that I'm sure you'll be interested in…"

"And what's that?"

"Amity. I won't take her on any more trips." She says, smirking.

Wait. Odalia is offering her exactly what she wants? Luz’s brows furrow, and she stares intently
into those burning blue eyes. There has to be a catch. Amelia and Amity have told her time and
time again not to trust Odalia.

There's no way she could trust her now, not after everything she's seen. But, she's in a tricky spot.
Odalia has clearly done her homework, she knows about Luz's family. About their history.

If Lucia was to lose her business license… would she be able to find another job? What would stop
Odalia from doing it again? She doesn’t want her big sis to fall back into old habits…

Not to mention, she can save Amity. Save the person she loves from her horrible fate. From the
terror and pain and abuse she’s suffered, maybe for years.

Despite the fact Luz knows she’s being extorted, she can see the appeal. There's just enough in that
deal to make it tempting.

I have to fix my mistakes. And I won't let Amity be hurt again.

"You swear you’ll stop hurting her, completely?" She asks, suspiciously eyeing the door as it
swings back open. The cop plops down two plastic water bottles, nods at Odalia, then steps out.

Odalia stares at her, straight into her eyes. As if appraising something. An intent, and sharp gaze
that makes Luz shuffle and her mind recoil.
"I swear it." She says, extending her right hand, "Do we have a deal?"

Luz doesn't respond, instead she's eyeing the water bottle. Sealed. She's sure it's sealed.

Goddess damn am I thirsty. What if she's drugged this? Doesn't seem possible considering it looks
like it came from a vending machine.

Odalia twists the cap of her own bottle, the telltale popping noise signifying that they are indeed

Her own bottle snaps the same way, sealed, safe.

"What's the trade-off for letting Amity go?" She asks, slowly bringing the bottle up to her lips.
Watching Odalia closely. “You just want that NDA?”

Amity's mother doesn't react, as Luz sips, she can’t taste anything unusual about the water.

"Nothing…" Odalia says, her flippant tone entirely out of place given the conversation, and the
context surrounding it.

Luz can't take it anymore, her throat is parched, she tips the bottle back, gulping the water back.

The ice cold liquid pours down her throat. It's delicious. Gods has she missed water. Sufficiently
quenched, she looks back at her adversary, and suddenly her stomach flutters unpleasantly.

Odalia's eyes are locked on Luz, and her weirdly vacant expression shifts. As Luz puts the bottle
down, her soft smile becomes a soft smirk, which morphs into a wide sneer.

Luz frowns, looking down at the water bottle again. A sudden thought seizes her mind, and she
snatches the bottle up, spinning it around.
Scanning the label as quickly as she can.

Appleblood Beverage Corp is a subsidiary of … the label reads… and her blood freezes. Shit.

Blight Industries.

Shit. shit shit shit shit…

Her head starts swimming. She can barely see straight, she tries to stand up, but stumbles and slams
back into her chair, her mind spinning.

She did it again.

She fucked up, she made a mistake. Sleep deprived, thirsty, she didn't have the wherewithal to
realize… this was Odalia’s plan all along.

Maybe she even brought that spiked bottle herself.

"I don’t want anything at all Luz…" Odalia says, her tone shifting dangerously as she stands up,
"after all, you've already ruined everything."

Luz staggers to her feet, and her entire world lurches, but she manages to brace herself on the table.
It's so hard to think. Her head feels foggy.

What? Why is she worried? She just did something stupid…

But she can't remember what.

"But you don't need to worry about that. You don't need to worry about anything…" Odalia croons,
closing the distance between them easily.
Her hands catch Luz's shoulders, a thumb brushing across the bare skin of her neck. Odalia’s eyes
droop, and she pulls Luz close.

"I'll make sure your last moments are wonderful. "


Amelia slams her foot down, flooring the accelerator. The SUV growls and groans as it barrels
down the highway. Lucia clings to the armrest in the passenger seat.

Faster, she needs to go faster. She needs to get there in time. She needs to get there before her
mother can do anything. Before she can move Luz to a secondary location.

If she does, then it’s as good as over.

Everything hinges on it. On finding Luz. She did it somehow, a seventeen year old girl got into one
of those damned events. She saw it with her own eyes, and there were no drugs messing with those

More importantly, she needs to find Luz, to keep this girl safe. To keep her safe from her monster
of a mother. For Amity's sake, for Lucia and Eda's sake, and of course for Luz's own sake.

Amelia has beaten herself up every single moment since her confrontation with Luz in the hallway,
back at the beach house. She couldn’t tell her about the case, she couldn’t risk it; but she handled it
so poorly.

She royally fucked up, and she's terrified that Luz is going to pay a terrible price for it.

She slaps her turn indicator, barely shoulder checking before exiting.

Her GPS barks directions at her, and she follows them effortlessly. Every nerve on high alert.
There it is, the Latissa station.
Her heart is pounding, her hands are clammy. “Wait here.” She grunts at the team, they all nod.
Amity is staring at her with a hopeful expression, her sister looks so tired, and that spurs the fire
inside Amy.

All this work, all this pain and struggle… it has to pay off. It has to…

She shifts the vehicle into park, storming out without even grabbing her gun. She throws the doors
wide, the lackey behind the desk’s eyes fly just as wide just as quickly as the doors slam into the
walls behind her.

"Where's Luz?" Amelia growls out, stalking up to the desk. Slamming her open palms down on the
smooth lacquered wood.

She towers over the rapidly withering woman under her eye.

"Luz Noceda? She was released half an hour ago. Charges were dropped." The cop answers.

Amelia staggers back.

No. No.

"Where is she? Where did she go?"

I'm not sure ma'am, but all of her possessions were returned to her. Perhaps you should call her if
you need to reach her."


Fucking god fucking damn it. Amelia swears on her own damned soul, if her mother doesn't spend
an eternity in jail, then Amelia is going to kill her herself. Her mind is writhing, multiple competing
voices screeching at her for her incompetence.

Odalia was one step ahead, again.

That tends to happen when you stack the deck. Amelia whirls on her feet, slamming the door
behind her before sprinting to the SUV.

She was too late.

She failed.
The Knife's Edge
Chapter Summary

The group rushes to rescue Luz before it's too late.

Amity faces her demons.

Chapter Notes

CW: Fairly explicit, but still technically implicit non-con. Blood. Guns, and other
awful shit.

Amity is drumming her fingers on the armrest of Lucia's car. They're waiting. Waiting for Amelia
to grab Luz and get her out of the squat Latissa police station.

Lucia is sitting in the passenger seat. Amity's in the back with Eda. They’re all dressed normally,
minus their protective vests. It’s really heavy, and her shoulders are sore, but Darius insisted.

She's tired, but none of that matters. They’re going to get Luz out, right now, and then they’ll be
safe from her mother. At least for now. The door of the precinct swings open, and Amelia runs for
the car, her phone jammed to her ear.

Amity leans closer to the window, craning her neck. Her heart simultaneously falls into her feet
and jumps into her throat. Amelia is alone. Luz isn’t with her… Eda’s posture falls immediately.
Lucia lets out a strangled noise as Amy circles the vehicle. The door opens.

No… it can't be…

"Keep me posted." Amy says, tossing her phone into a cup holder and turning the ignition.

"She's not there. Is she?" Lucia deadpans, and Amy looks over at Lucia, at her own girlfriend. Her
girlfriend that’s safe and here. Amity burns with jealousy, terror, and shame; this is all her fault.
"Motherfucker!" Lucia growls out slamming a fist on the dashboard, "If that Puta hurts a single hair
on her head I will tear off her fucking-".

"Where’s Luz?" Amity asks in a small voice. She already knows the answer, but she needs to hear
it out loud.

"Mom got her first." Amelia says, turning around to look Amity dead in the eyes. the sheer horror
of her words slam into Amity like a wrecking ball. She gasps sharply, her chest tightens, she can
feel them. She can feel hands on her. All over her. Prying her legs open, yanking her by her hair.
And worse. So much worse.

Her breaths are short and pained, she’s gripping her shoulders hard. No, nonononono… she has
her, she has Luz…

‘She has to face the consequences…’

"Boots, boots you need to breathe okay? We're going to meet Darius and the task force. We're
going to find her. But we need your help."

Thump thump

Amity forces herself to take a longer breath, her lungs burning as she does. Then another. Then
another. The tension starts to melt, flowing out of her lungs with every exhale.

The runaway train in her mind slowly comes to a halt, and she finally processes the Rest of what
Eda said.

"M-my help?"

"Deep down in that brain of yours, you know your mom's bullshit better than anyone else." Eda
says, and Amity can't hold her gaze any longer.

Instead, her eyes fall on what might be the most tragic sight she's ever seen. Amelia is driving, one
hand being squeezed desperately by Lucia. She's crying. Her face scrunched up, her eyes nearly
screwed shut, quiet, but clearly audible sobs fill the car.

Her fingers clench her jacket so hard.

"Yeah you need to think hard kiddo, try to think of anywhere your mom might have taken Luz right
now? Where would she take someone she wants to hide?"

“Other than an unfinished smart apartment. The next obvious guess would be Baker’s Street.”
Amelia says, “She loves throwing parties and hosting meetings there.”

Lucia whimpers, shivering. Amity does her very best to hold back her own tears, she can cry later,
after they save Luz. Baker Street, she's been there before, they used to host birthday parties there.
Amity remembers Willow and her giggling on the carpet as they read a magazine they definitely
shouldn’t have had access to.

“It's the first place to look, and so, obviously, the wrong choice.”

“I don't know, your mom's been flashy for as long as I've had the displeasure of knowing her.” Eda
snarls, and Amity looks at her in alarm. Eda knows her mom? From where? Amity files that little
tidbit away for later.

‘She has to face the consequences’

Amity wracks her brain, doing her very best to beat down the wild panic tearing through her body.
Where would her mother take Luz? Her mother owns at least a dozen properties that Amity knows
of, and apparently more since she had never heard of the smart apartment before.

She can't shake it, that line her mother said before locking her in that room. Consequences.

“Lake house?”

“Too far, she’d want somewhere close by, but somewhere she could lay low.”
“Shit it could be a rental, it could be one of her friend’s places. Could be owned by a business.”

Consequences. A negative consequence could be seen as a punishment of your choice. Punishment.


“I know Eda! But we have to think about this logically. We gotta cover all our bases. I can’t fuck
this up again.” Amy yells out, and Lucia whimpers.

Good girl.

Amity gasps, but is ignored for the moment. It’s looming just on the edge of her mind,
something… something important.

She takes a steadying breath, and closes her eyes. She shudders as she lets this half memory play

Amity squeaks out when a resounding slap echoes through the open and bright room. Windows on
all sides. Amity is lying face down on a bench of some kind. She whimpers when she feels pressure
on her butt.

‘What do we say Mittens?’ Odalia coos out, a wooden paddle in her hand. The bad girl paddle.
The one she uses when Amity misbehaves during training.

‘Th…thank you Mommy…’

The cityscape… Hexside is visible in the distance.

A fancy street with blossoming trees, bike lanes, black metal fences.

A street sign.
“Cornello Avenue.” She says out loud. Eda and Amelia whirl around, both looking at her intensely.

“What?” Amelia asks, and turns back to watch the road. Eda and Lucia stare at her, concern plainly
written on both of their features. Shame wells up in her, even though she realizes it’s not her fault.
None of it is her fault, no matter how hard her mother tried to convince her otherwise.

It’s okay, she’s safe now, she can do this.

She can tell them the truth…

For Luz.

“Cornello Avenue, that's… That's where she'd take me… and… train me…” Amity manages, her
face burning as that shame fills her entire being. Nobody scolds her, nobody laughs, nobody gazes
up and down her body like they're wondering if it's their turn with her.

“Cornello… but that's impossible… Mom sold Cornello to…” Amelia’s reply trails off, and her
eyes widen, “son of a bitch...”

“Amy?” Lucia asks in the softest voice, Amelia doesn’t answer, instead she slams on the
accelerator. The SUV roars as it lurches forward.

“Eda, call Darius for me, tell him Odalia’s at 14-40312 Cornello Street.” She barks out, slamming
on the accelerator.

“On it.” Eda says, pulling out a phone, already pressing her thumb to the scanner. Amity’s heart is
pounding. What if she's wrong?

What if they’re too late?

What if she made it all up?

No, no it’s real. It’s all real… and the absolute horror of that fact wriggles into her skull like
maggots. Gods, her mother, her own mother really groomed her.

Raped her for years.

Pimped her out, for money.

For years…

The SUV speeds through the streets of Old Town, every red light has the group on edge. Amity can
feel the tension building in the vehicle with every delay.

They all know it, they know that every passing second, is a second that Luz could be suffering. Is
another second too late.

Amity clenches her fists together.

And that simply won't do.

The drive is silent, the morning drags on. So much has happened in the last 24 hours that it makes
Amity's head spin. Shit, so much has happened in the last few months, it's almost overwhelming.

To think back to where she was in September, who she was as a person. She’s so glad she met Luz,
and she's not going to let that go so easily.

She can't go back. It's impossible.

Amelia brakes, pulling to a stop on the curb. The curb of a fancy street, black metal fences and
fixings. Large trees, their branches drooping over the street, creating a green tunnel.

Cornello Street.
40312 is a towering 14 story building of glass, steel, and pale tones. A living wall of ivy drifts
down the center column, and windows line either side of the green wall.

They file out of the SUV, and Amelia turns to say something to her. Amity cuts her off before she
can, "I'm coming with you."

She glares at her older sister, who stares at her for a minute. Lucia walks around the front of the
vehicle, a familiar red baseball resting against her shoulder.

Amelia nods, and together they approach the building. Amity's heart skips a beat as she looks up at
the vaguely familiar structure.

Huge glass doors lead into an extremely luxurious lobby, a fountain and a goddamn koi pond are
the centerpieces of it.

A fob system stands vigil. A little square of black plastic with a red light, along with a small

They’re standing at the threshold, all staring at the front door.

"Any idea on how to get in?" Eda asks.

"We could just bust through the door." Lucia growls, and Amelia groans.

"Babe no, we don't want to tip off the cops." She says, with obviously frayed patience.

"I could try and pick the lock?" Eda suggests. Amity stares at the keypad, and walks past the
bickering adults.

She presses a button, and the little screen comes to life. Six spaces.

She thinks, closes her eyes, tries to remember standing here. She tries to remember the last time she
was here.

For some reason August jumps to her mind.

She types in a number, 06, 21, 54.

The door buzzes, and the lock audibly clicks. The adults stare at her, and she looks back at them
with a shrug. Before opening the door and walking into the lobby.

"What was it?"

"Grandpa's birthday." She answers, and the lobby falls silent.

They're waiting for the elevator, this is it. Amity's heart is pounding so hard in her chest, she feels
sweaty, but also clammy.

Despite how nervous she is, she feels laser focused.

A hissing sound rings through the room, and Amity turns around. Eda is clutching her side and

“Eda?” Lucia asks.

A soft ding rings through the lobby, and the doors slide open.

“The curse…” She grunts, “I’m fine, just need a minute.” Lucia nods, and they walk in, they press

Amelia types in the same password into the keypad and it works again. Seems like Odalia might be
a little over confident.
If she's even here.

Nobody speaks. There's nothing left to say. Amity looks at her sister, well… almost nothing left to

"Amy?" Amity says, drinking in every detail of her sister's appearance. Her glasses, her tired
golden eyes. For some reason she feels like something terrible is about to happen.


"Thank you, for always doing your best to take care of me. I love you." Amelia's eyes widen, but
then she nods. The soft beep of each floor they pass punctuates a deafening silence.

Amelia pulls her in, hugging her tight.

"I'm always going to be here for you… And I love you too." She whispers, and Amity tucks her
face into her sister’s shoulder.

The elevator dings, and a robotic voice reads out "floor 14".

The elevator opens, straight into a massive apartment. Right, it's the entire floor.

They can hear something, voices talking. Echoing through the large open space. A large wall
ahead of them seems to lead into the main living space. Eda leans against a wall, silently urging
them forward even as she grit her teeth.

Whoever's in here evidently didn't hear the elevator. Amity can hear loud music blaring out.

Amelia unclips the holster of her gun, and waves them on. They creep over the familiar tiles, closer
and closer to the sound.
Voices, several. Some laughing, some talking.

And one of them…

And one of them is…

Is moaning.

"You're such a good whore for me…" Odalia croons, "are you enjoying yourself?"

"N-no.." a small voice answers, and the others laugh louder. Amity's heart is pushing at her throat.
She feels like she's going to throw up.

She knows the second voice.

"Well, that's too bad, after all, this is the last fuck you'll ever get~ it's a shame you can't seem to
enjoy it!"

Luz shrieks, and Lucia's face twists in rage, she pushes forward, slipping out of Amelia's grip.
They look at each other for a moment and follow her through.

And onto the worst thing that Amity has ever seen in her life.

Blood. The first thing she sees is blood. Bright red. Shining in the well lit room. Dripping off the
padded table, pooling on the floor.

Wide windows looking out on the gray skyline. The entire space is gray and red.

Five adults are lounging around on couches and chaise lounges. Bright blue eyes, receding, blonde
hair, and a very bruised and broken nose.

Fear ripples through Amity, but it's quickly forgotten as she sees just who is on the padded table.

Her mother, almost entirely naked. A sight that doesn't alarm her nearly as much as it should.
Odalia is wearing a leather chest harness, the same one she wore during their Thanksgiving day

Her mind reels, she remembers lying on a table as…

It doesn't matter, she isn't going to let her mom hurt her like that again. Her own suffering doesn't
matter right now because Odalia is straddling something.


Not something…


Tanned thighs, bright red lines, leaking and dripping blood. A tangled mop of dark wavy hair. Tear
tracks smearing the eyeliner and mascara she didn't have on last night.

Her face is bruised and cut. A large gash in her cheek is aggressively bleeding. Most of the cuts on
her body are, actually.

Her brown eyes are hazy, like she isn't quite here.

Her mother is… Straddling…


Odalia is bouncing, rolling her hips slightly; she groans.

"S-stop…" Luz mumbles, feebly pushing on Odalia's sternum, and the room laughs again.

"What the hells?" Amity growls out, and Luz whimpers while Odalia's head whips around.

Bright blue eyes meet Amity's own, before flitting between the rest of the group.

And she sneers.

"I was wondering if you'd show up Amelia… bringing your vermin with you… and you just had to
drag Mittens into all of this" the men and women behind her start to step towards them, but Odalia
holds them back with a hand.

"What the fuck…" Lucia croaks, the red baseball bat quivering in her hand, “get the fuck off my
sister… now!"

No one moves for an instant, and then everyone moves.

Amelia darts for her gun, Lucia charges, the men and women all scramble.

Odalia brandishes a long and bloodied knife with a wickedly curved tip, then quick as a flash she
tucks the blade under Luz's chin.

Amelia freezes. Lucia lets out a strained growl.

Odalia presses the blade in a little, the edge biting into Luz’s skin and Amity inhales sharply.

"No! Don't!" Amity cries out, "please… mom…"

"Be a good little girl Amity, and go sit down." Odalia orders , and Amity is appalled when she
nearly obeys. A strong urge to go sit down in an achingly familiar wingback chair tugs at her mind.

She ignores it, "Mom, please don't do this… let Luz go."

"Oh no, nonono mittens, your girlfriend needs to be punished." Odalia drones out, lightly caressing
Luz's cheek with her free hand. Amity's heart nearly shatters at the sound Luz makes.

Lucia snarls, "don't touch her."

"I'll do whatever I like, and if you try to stop me I can send you right back to prison." Odalia
counters, and Lucia pales a little.

"Mom… Luz has a family, they love her. Let her go." Amelia says, calmly, evenly, her empty
hands up in front of her as she slowly inches forward. "Let her go, she has friends, people who love

Odalia barks out a truly unhinged laugh. "Let her go? You’re joking right? I'm not going to let her
go. She's gone and ruined it, can't you see? She's ruined everything. I can't let her go, but you know
I can't. Don't you?" Her rant is a little frantic, and Amity finally notices how disheveled her mother
looks. Her perfect hair isn’t so perfect, her eyes are wide and a little hazy.

"Mom, this has gotten so out of hand…" Amelia tries, stopping her advance and holding her hands
up higher when Odalia presses the blade in a little, "You don't want to do this, you don't want to
ruin your reputation."

It's not working. Amity can see that it isn't working. Amelia is trying to use logic, but her mother
isn’t all here.

Besides, she isn't logical. She never has been.

She’s all about control.

A positively insane idea pops up in her head, and Amity takes just one step forward. Wincing as
Odalia snarls in her direction.

"Mom, please let her go. Let her go and… and I promise I’ll be your good girl again."

"Amity, no-" Amelia cuts in, but is interrupted.

"You will?" Odalia's voice is small, it makes Amity grit her teeth. She sounds like she's the one
who’s been wronged, when she's the one literally holding a knife to someone's throat. When she’s
literally groomed Amity for years.

She inches closer. Just a little more. Every fiber of her being is screaming at her. Every muscle in
her body flaring painfully, as she winds herself tighter, nearly ready to pounce.

“Yes, I swear.”

Lucia is frozen, seemingly forgotten as Amelia shouts, "Mom! This is insane! You can't keep doing
this. It's over, you already know it's over, don't you?"

She pauses, and says in a strained monotone, "Don't you?"

"This little slut ruined everything." Is all she has to say. Amity inches even closer as Odalia’s focus
rips over to Amelia. Amity takes another small step, hoping no one else notices.
Almost… almost…

"Mom, You know it's over. Let Luz go, please. Let Amity go. No one else has to get hurt." Amelia
pleads, tears forming in her eyes.

Odalia? Her face twists in rage.

Amity’s arm is shaking.

WHORE SURE AS HELL CAN'T!" She screams, ranting like a mad woman, Amity’s insides
recoil in disgust, and her blood boils. Odalia laughs, a truly unhinged sound, the sound of someone
with nothing left to lose. She points her knife at Amelia, "AND ONCE I'VE DEALT WITH HER,
YOU'RE NE-" Odalia's words are cut short, as several things happen at once.

A flash of red, and a sharp crack echoes through the torture room. Odalia is launched off the table,
crashing to the floor in a heap. Amelia dashes forward, several men do as well.

Lucia rushes, kneeling next to Luz just as another sharp crack rings through the room.

Amity hoists the bat for another swing, her face a twisted mask of rage. All she can see is red. All
she can feel is white hot fury.

She screams as she pummels Odalia. Smashing her mother again and again. Each swing brings a
painful snippet up from the dark depths of her mind.

'Now Mittens, let mommy have a taste of you, alright?' Odalia once said to her.

She's going to do it.

'Yes Mommy, thank you Mommy.' an 11 year old Amity once answered, spreading her legs like a
good girl.
Desperate for her mother's approval.

She's going to end this. Once and for all.

‘Say hello sweetie.’ Odalia once ordered.

‘H-hello…’ she once said, hiding behind her mother’s leg as a tall pale man with blonde hair
smiled down at her.

Amity lets out a harsh, wailing, scream. Another crack echoes through the room. People are
shouting. Amity winds up wildly, readying another swing.

‘Good girl sweetie, you’re taking Senator Jones so well…'

Her mother looks up at her in hazy terror, her face broken and bruised and bloody. Amity is
panting, her wildly pounding heart is almost painful in her chest. Time seems to grind to a halt as
she sees her mother’s silent pleas.

Mittens, please…

Amity’s rage is burning her up. Years of pain, anguish, doubt, and shame going up in smoke like a
forest in the summer.

She’s going to end this, right now.

Amity flexes her body, bringing the bat down with all her might.

And pale arms wrap around her, hoisting her away, stopping her from continuing her brutal attack.
She drops it, snarling as she struggles. The arms are dragging her away, away from Luz.

She screams, her mind racing, her heart hammering, no, not again. She can't… Amelia's voice is
soft in her ear. It’s her sister holding her back.

Philip’s hand darts behind a gray couch. Amelia shoves Amity behind her, reaching for her pistol a
moment too late.

Philip is aiming a shotgun square at them, cold fire blazing in his blue eyes.

Lucia covers Luz with her body and Amelia spins around, dragging Amity to the floor with her

An ear splitting boom echoes through the room, Amity screams and her body jolts.

A crash as something hits the floor.

More shouting.

Amity opens her eyes, only to find she hasn't been shot. Neither has Amelia. Philip is on the
ground, groaning as he clutches his shin, the shotgun is lying a few feet away.

FBI agents are pointing their weapons at him and the other monsters. Amity looks behind her.

Eda is panting, leaning against the counter on the far wall, pointing her still smoking pistol at
Philip. Her eyes wide and pupils are too, her legs tremble, and she collapses to the ground, just
beside the archway.

Detective Darius runs in, his eyes flying wide.

The bad guys surrender. Her mother is unconscious on the floor.

It's over.
Amity tears herself away from Amelia, her sister shouting words she can't hear. The rest of the
world falls away, she sinks to her knees.


Blood soaks into her pants.

There's so much blood. Luz is bleeding all over, and Lucia is tearfully trying to stop it. Her green
jacket stained red as she tries to staunch the worst of it. Amity wordlessly helps, feeling numb.

"A…ams?" Luz croaks out, her eyes barely open. Her breaths are short and labored.

"Luz, I'm here… You're gonna be okay…" Amity manages, tears spilling out even as the FBI
agents haul away their targets. Even as Steve and a few others file in, even as EMTs rush to their

“Head… hurts…” Luz mumbles…

"You're gonna be okay…" Amity repeats, not knowing if she can even believe it. Luz's eyes flutter,
and her weak grip slips from Amity's hand.

"You're gonna be okay…"

Chapter Summary

Luz wakes up from a strange dream...

'If you aren't a good girl…' Tara says, squeezing Luz's neck harder, 'we'll make sure you never see
the morning.'

Luz is kicked out of the bed of a truck, slamming into the ground before her lifeless body rolls into
a ditch.

She snaps awake, crawling up a soaked grass bank, she sees a derelict and decrepit police station.

Bee-beep… bee-beep

She frowns, scratching her head… What is that?

The police station melts away into inky blackness. A red light glaring in her face. It's an alarm,
blaring so loudly.


Odalia towers over her, licking the crimson off her knife.

Bee-beep… bee-beep… bee -

The beeping noise is ringing through her head. Luz shifts.

The beeping noise is ringing through the room.

Luz inhales, a long and deep breath.

She's awake, but she doesn't want to be. She's so tired, she's so sore. Maybe she should just sleep a
little more.

What is that? What is that beeping? An incessant noise, rhythmic. Familiar, and yet wholly

Did someone set off her alarm? Did she set off her alarm?

She cracks open her eyes, expecting to see her constellation above her. Instead, she sees a plain
gray ceiling. She blinks a few times, blearily trying to piece together where she is.

She's suddenly aware that her bed has railings.

She’s suddenly aware of just how fucking painful every part of her body feels.

She tries to sit up, and hisses from the effort. But she manages.

A hospital room.

She's in a hospital room. In a hospital bed. The beeping is from one of those heart monitoring
machine things. It's attached to her.

She has a tube connected to her forearm, leading to a bag of clear liquid.

She's in a hospital gown.

Why is she at the hospital? How did she get here?

'we'll make sure your last moments are enjoyable…'

Luz scrambles, inhaling sharply as vague half-memories flood back. The hotel, Amity, the cops..
Odalia. The tainted water bottle… and then… nothing.

Amity… where is…

She notices several large armchairs near the door, and far more importantly, the lavender haired
girl is sleeping in one of them, curled up in a little ball. She looks exhausted. Her hair is a mess,
there are bags under her eyes.

She looks paler than usual.

But it's unmistakably, undeniably…

"Amity." Luz says, her voice hoarse and shaky. The girl stirs slowly, then jerks awake.

"Luz? Luz, you're awake!" Amity cries out, dashing to her bed, leaning over her to press a red
button on the other side.

Luz reaches up, hardly daring to believe it, and she touches Amity's cheek.

She's safe, Amity is safe.

Amity sobs, holding Luz gently.

“Ams?” Luz croaks, her head is swimming. Amity is safe. Amity is safe. Luz is safe. She’s still
alive, that’s a plus.
Amity just cries, pressing her lips into Luz’s hair over and over. Luz is crying too. Relief, terror,
shame washing over her as her mind slogs through muddy sort-of-memories.

What happened?

Odalia drugged her.



“Amity! Your mom! She, she cornered me in jail, she got me! The business trips aren’t business
trips! They’re..”

“I know.”

“No Amity, they’re drugging you, Hunter, and little kids Ams! Your mom…”

“Luz. I know.” Amity says gently, and Luz looks at her girlfriend, how pained her expression
looks. Her smile is strained, and her eyes tell Luz everything,

She knows.

She really knows.

“I’m sorry I didn’t figure it all out sooner.” Luz mumbles, bitter shame boiling up. She failed,
Odalia got her. She failed Amity, Hunter, all those kids. Amity tilts her head up, leaning down and
kisses her.

“Luz, you saved me, you have nothing to apologize for. You even tried to take my place, all to
keep me safe. Thank you.”
Amity… She… Luz sobs, holding her close, ignoring the searing pain in her fingers and arms when
she hugs her tighter.


“Amity! How did you…? I thought Odalia got you…” Luz asks, remembering the cops, the road
block, the black SUV.

“Well, I had some help with that…” Amity says, trailing off with a small grin.

The door opens, and Luz instinctively pulls Amity onto the bed, shielding her with her arms,
glaring at the intruder.

“See Doc? Told you she had some fight in her.” A familiar voice booms out as a mane of orange
and silver hair walks in, the pale lady attached to it is grinning like a demon, “She’s been awake
for less than five minutes, and she’s already putting the moves on her girl.”

“Eda, I’m not- It’s… this isn’t…” She stammers, and opens her arms to let Amity free, only for her
girlfriend to snuggle closer. Heat rushes to her face as a whole bunch of people file in.

“Is it okay that I’m here, doctor?” Amity asks, and a tall woman nods.

“Of course, just don’t squeeze her too tightly.” The woman says, she has short, almost silver
blonde hair, and a wide and tall frame, “Hi there Luz, I’m Doctor Linda Dureem. You don’t know
me, but I’ve been helping you recover.”

“Hi. Thanks.” Luz says quietly, looking as her parents all file in. Raine and Camila are hovering
near Eda, tears in their eyes. Next are Lucia and Amelia; who are holding hands! She’s gonna need
to squeal about that once everything is settled.

Finally two people she doesn’t know come in, they’re wearing suits. A tall dark skinned man and a
short, pale person with oranger hair than even Eda.

She looks at all these people, all looking so relieved, yet still in so much pain.
"Mija! I'm so glad you're awake." Mama says, her voice fragile and wavering. Amity scoots over
so Mama can shower her in kisses.

“Mama… I’m okay. What happened?” Luz asks. Everyone shares uncertain glances, as if they all
know something that Luz doesn't. The doctor clears her throat.

"Well that's a hard one to answer…" Linda says.

"So we should probably start at the beginning." Amelia adds, and Lucia nods, unable to speak on
account of the fact that she's bawling her eyes out.

Luz makes a grabby hand, and her sister rushes to her side. Luz gives Lucia a one armed hug,
nodding at Amelia to continue.

Amelia fills her in on the story so far. How she began to suspect that her mother was abusing her
youngest sister, in a very similar way to how she used to abuse Amelia. That was a revelation to a
few people in the room, namely Amity and herself.

Odalia had hurt Amelia too… It was just a long time ago.

But this time was different, this time Amity didn't remember anything. She kept saying she was
going on business trips. Coming home with bruises and a splitting headache. It was suspicious.

She introduces Darius and Eberwolf. Then explained how the FBI contacted her, how they joined
forces to investigate. Amelia had insider info that would be useful, as well as access that they
would otherwise struggle to achieve.

How they realized it was so much bigger than just a terrible mother. Human trafficking, they had
been snatching up orphans, keeping them God knows where, then grooming them to be…

Sex slaves…
Luz's gut coils tightly, especially when she finds out that Eda and Lucia were also brought on after
Luz met Amity. How Eda and Lucia were instrumental in cracking the case.

Which brought them all to the question at hand. "What do you remember?" She asks.

"Hmm… taking a sip from a water bottle at the Latissa station, after that I remember waking up
here." Luz answers, truthfully, the rest is a blur.

"So after that Odalia took you to an apartment, with the intent of harming you. We didn't know
where you were, until Amity suggested the location that we ended up finding you at."

Camila and Raine are clutching each other, while Eda walks over to ruffle Luz's hair, Luz smiles,
but she only has eyes for Amity. Who’s looking off at nothing, her eyes hazy.

Amity saved her?

Amelia smiles, but it's a brief thing that dies as soon as she continues, "there was a standoff
between us and Odalia. But Amity was able to incapacitate her-"

"Via a baseball bat to the face." Eda interjects.

Amity's grip tightens slightly. Luz tries not to think about how hard it would be to hit your own
mother with a weapon.

She remembers Odalia's sneer as she put the bottle down… okay, maybe it wouldn't be that hard.

"Yes, but then the rest of the agents arrested her and her entourage. And we rushed you here."

"Where's here?" Luz asks.

"Northern Bonesborough Hospital." Linda answers, "you were brought in with significant injuries."
It feels like a drop of ice cold water slips down her back, "significant?"

"Unfortunately so, you had lacerations over most of your body. You lost a significant amount of

"But that was obviously fixed?" She asks, chuckling halfheartedly. Linda nods, her expression is

"You also had significant swelling in your head."

"Swelling? Like my brain? Did someone hit me over the head?"

"No, it was the drugs Odalia forced you to take." Darius pipes in, "from what we could tell she
gave you well above what could be considered a safe dosage."

Safe dosage. Swelling…

"Is there any permanent… I mean, am I brain damaged?" Luz asks, trying to remember everything
she's ever known just to make sure it's still there.

"Well we'll see, but from what we've been able to tell while you were asleep, you've recovered well
and the swelling was kept to a minimum." The doctor says, looking over her notes.

It's like a slam into Luz's gut, Linda’s words ringing in her head like a church bell tolling doom.
She might never be the same again, her brain might be damaged… and…

"Wh-while I was asleep?" She asks, and everyone looks at her with concern.

And pity.

"Yes, unfortunately to minimize damage we had to put you in a medically induced coma."
A coma, Luz was in a goddess damned coma. She's spiraling, she's wondering. How long has it
been? What if it's been years?

No, people don't look a decade older, though she certainly feels a decade older.

"How long?" She croaks out, "how long was I out?"

"Six weeks." Linda answers, “once we were sure that you were well healed we took you off the
medicine… and here you are."

Six weeks. Okay, that wasn't too long. It was just a month and a half. A month and a half that felt
like it didn't happen. One minute, she was sipping water, and the next it's a month later?

"Oh man I'm going to fail all of my classes" Luz mutters, and everyone in the room chuckles.

Everyone except Lucia, Amity… and Luz herself. She feels a wetness on her cheeks, and she
doesn't quite realize what it is yet.

"Oh Luz, sweetie…" Raine says, "This must be a lot huh? Do you need a minute?"

"M'sorry…" Luz whimpers, hiding in Amity's shirt. She doesn't want so many strangers to see her
like this.

She got hurt, really badly. Doctor didn't explicitly say it, but Luz could tell from her tone, and the
way all of these people were looking at her. The way her sister is still sobbing next to her. The way
her Mama’s smile doesn’t reach her eyes.

She almost died.

"It's okay love…" Amity whispers, "You're allowed to have feelings… take all the time you need."
Luz cries harder into Amity, clinging to her, it's all so much.

She's been awake for like 10 minutes, and she's found out that she's lost time, that she nearly lost
her life. Which reminds her…

"Wh-what about Odalia?" She sniffs, daring to peek out from her hiding spot. Lucia is rubbing her
back, and the soothing sensation helps her relax a little.

Amelia perks up at that, "Now it's time to tell you the good part of the story, Odalia Blight, Philip
Whittebane, and 48 other co-conspirators have already been arrested. We have warrants for an
additional 50 individuals and we've alerted international authorities in case they flee the country."

"Some got away?"

"Only the small fries kiddo" Eda chimes in, "Thanks to your little stunt, we managed to nab all of
the big players."

"It's highly likely we will catch the rest." Amelia adds, "But I think we have a far better metric for
you." Amity kisses her temple, as Amelia’s smile comes back.

"We rescued 215 kids from the Siren Hotel."

Luz blinks.

"And we were able to rescue them, because of you. You brought the necessary attention to the
Siren Hotel, and the day after we got you to the hospital we got a search warrant."

Luz… saved people? She saved kids?!

“Hunter?” She asks.

“Safe, and staying with a… family friend.” Eda answers with a knowing grin.

"Did…" She stops herself for a minute, trying to get her breathing under control, "did you guys
save a little tan girl? With long wavy hair?"
Amelia stares at Luz, then turns to the doctor.

"We'd have to check, but I'm sure we did."

Luz nods, a confusing concoction of emotions boiling up.

"Thank you…" She manages before crying again, "thank you all… for… everything."

"Of course." Someone replies.

"Do you want a break Luz?" Amity whispers, and Luz hugs her tight.

She nods.

"Yeah, I think I might need a year-long sabbatical from all of this." She chuckles wetly, and Amity

"I'd say you've earned it. Do you want to be alone?"

"Absolutely not." She replies instantly, the thought of being alone again terrifies her. She’s
apparently been alone for six weeks. Amity holds her close, and Doctor and the agents bid

The rest of her family stays.

Luz doesn't want to sleep, so Amity pulls out her phone, they watch some YouTube videos, a nd
it's like nothing bad ever happened. Luz sinks easily into spending time with Amity. They're
laughing and chatting with each other and their sisters and her parents. Luz pulls Amity closer, and
feels a flutter in her chest.

It's effortless.
Despite all the shit they've been through, it's perfect.
The Long Road Back
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity do their best to rest and relax after their harrowing ordeal.

Chapter Notes

Contrary to what many people thought from chapter 34, this is not the end of the story.

I don't know how many more chapters we have, but I know it will be more than 40.

You all have suffered through this agony with them, now you get to have some nice


Luz didn't expect it to take this long to figure out how to walk again. Even though she was only out
for 6 weeks, it's like her muscles totally stopped working.

The plus side was, she was supposed to eat lots of carb heavy food to regain weight. Doctor's

"Fucker.." she growls out, stumbling in Amelia's back garden, Amity by her side.

She hasn't been able to go home yet, on account that she can't climb all of those stairs.

"Do you need a break?" Amity asks, and Luz grumbles at her.

"Of course not, it's just frustrating." She grunts, she gasps and lunges for the fence. Two and a half
lengths of the yard, half a length more to go.

It wasn't unpleasant though, doing her exercises here. Amelia's Garden was nice, a thoughtfully
designed assortment of local plants, a little walkway, and a nice sitting patio.
Lucia and Amelia are talking on said patio, relaxing in the late May sun, Amelia's sun hat tipped
back as Lucia leans in.

"Great job babe. You're almost there." Amity says.

"Ams… kissies?" Luz asks with a sideways grin, puckering her lips and making exaggerated kiss
noises. The way her girlfriend giggles, the sound sends pleasant little waves through her body.

“Fine, you get one now, and more later.” Amity says, pecking Luz’s lips quickly. She pouts,
despite the little tingles in her body.

“Alright, alright…” she grumbles, groaning as she forces her aching legs to move.

“Luz, you have to do your exercises to regain your strength.” Amity reminds her for the 15th time
today. It's only been a couple of days since they left the hospital, she's made remarkable progress

Still, it stings to know that she wouldn't have needed to make any progress if it wasn't for Odalia.
The monster was currently awaiting her trial, which would start in June. Starts trudging with more
determination, she wants to be able to be there, she wants to see the sentencing.

“Doing great babe.” Amity chirps, and Luz grins.

She can cross that bridge when it comes, one step at a time, that's what Eda keeps telling her at
least. Odalia's fate is out of her hands, instead she needs to focus on what she can actually do right
now, and that is making it the last few feet to the patio.

Lucia and Amy have a vegan milkshake waiting for her; she grins again, more genuinely. The one
good thing about her muscle atrophy.

“Nicely done Carino!” Lucia cheers, clapping. Luz waves a shaky hand, Being herself with the
table and chair art as Amity helps her into her seat.

“Thanks, fuck me who knew walking was so tricky.” Luz wheezes, grinning as Amity kisses her
hair before pulling up a chair next to her. Luz takes a sip of her milkshake, and watches the two
older women smile at each other.

They are so cute, she almost can't stand it. it's the only time she ever sees her big sister flustered
and speechless. Amy just has a way of turning her into a melted mess.

Amity mock-groans when the two of them rub noses, “Ughhh, when’s the wedding already, you

Lucia squeaks, her face turning bright red as she stammers out unintelligible nonsense; Luz cackles,
her eyes drifting over to see Amy’s reaction. Amelia Blight is blushing too, but not nearly so hard,
and she’s looking at Lucia making an utter fool of herself with the warmest and most endeared
expression Luz has seen on her.

Amelia's hands are shuffling over themselves, and Luz blinks, tuning out the banter between the
three of them to watch.

Is… is Amelia gonna?

Finally, Luz might just have something to look forward to.

"We've only been going out for like.. I don't know… six months or something?" Lucia says, talking
fast and waving her hand too quickly.

"Eight months darling." Amelia reminds her with a smirk.


Luz shakes her head, letting her eyes drift again, this time to a shock of shoulder length hair the top
of it is Auburn and the bottom is still lavender.

Amity's laughing, enjoying the light teasing her and her sister are giving Luci at the moment.
Luz looks at Amity blight, and feels a relaxation spread through her body.

They're safe.

Both safe. And now…

Luz feels her palms grow clammy, now she can…

Think about their future.

That's not so bad, it's not too much for her. Whether or not Amelia is planning to propose to Lucia
soon, Luz knows it's way too soon for her…

She's got a lot of therapy to do.

But, she doesn't think anyone would blame her for imagining Amity…

Okay, she's really sweaty now.

Walking down the aisle…

Amity's golden eyes meet her own, and she smiles so sweetly. Luz swallows.

Amity….in a white dress.

She shoves her chair, the feet scraping on the wood as she suddenly stands up.

"I GOTTA GO PEE!" she shouts way too loudly, cursing herself for breathing.
"Do you need a hand walking there?" Amity says, moving to stand and Luz groans.

"No! Nope! I'm okay! Totally fine HAHAHA…" Luz manages, completely confident in how she
handled the interaction.

She hobbles around the table, her thighs screaming at her. Questioning where she got the audacity
to think she could hold herself up in this condition. In her defense, she gets about a third of the way
from the patio to the door before she keels over.

Crashing into the cedar planks with a squawk.

Amity and Lucia rush over to her side, and she sheepishly grins. "Okay, maybe I need a bit of a


"This is ridiculous." Luz complains, chomping on her classic burger as she sits with Amity and
their friends.

"You're ridiculous." Willow counters, "Iii For one have been sleeping better knowing that you have
someone responsible following you around."

Luz whimpers, pouting in that cute way that drives Amity crazy. She stirs her straw around in her
milkshake, losing track of the conversation.

It is a little weird… to have bodyguards. It's a little weird to know that the FBI is worried that
someone might try and hurt them.

Would her mother really order a hit on her own daughter? To save her own skin?

Amity looks behind their booth, Steve and Severin, the two agents assigned as their guards are one
booth over.

Yeah, Odalia definitely would.

"Well I can't believe you three are gonna have to take the last half of senior year again." Gus says,
smirking with his arms behind his back, "me and Willow will be cheering you on… while we're

"Gus, do I need to remind you that we aren't allowed back?" Hunter grunts out, squinting angrily at
their friend.

"Yeah Gus," Amity adds, smirking, "we're far too important to bother with something as paltry as
a high school." She warbles her voice, trying her best to make it silly.

Her friends laugh, Luz laughs. A warm tingly feeling fills her chest and she shuffles closer to Luz .


"Ams…" Luz breathes out as Amity drags her lips down. Poking her tongue out just to taste her
beloved girlfriend's salty skin.

Amity breathes out through her nose before sucking at Luz's neck. Letting that skin brush against
her teeth

"Ahh.. Hhnn.." Luz's little noises have heat rushing through her body. Luz had been quieter since
then, but if anything she's become more expressive despite the loss in volume.

"How you doing baby?"


"Yeah? Gooood?"

"Would you like more?"

"Yes please." Luz moans out, weakly jutting her hips up as Amity teases the waistline of her

"Okay…" Amity whispers, slipping Her fingers under the fabric. Reaching her prize and gently
teasing at Luz's rapidly hardening clitty.

"Ams!!!" Luz gasps, whining as Amity starts working her. She knows all of her girlfriend's buttons
now, After all, both of them have been excused for school for quite a while considering.

Considering we're responsible for quite a few of their parents being in jail.

She brushes that aside, instead turning her focus to kissing her mewling girlfriend's pretty brown
nipple. Lightly sucking and threatening with her teeth.

"Hhhahhh!" Luz moans, twitching and wiggling all over. One hand combing through Amity's hair,
the other rests on the small of her back.

The way Luz's fingers tighten their grip. Periodically has Amity's mind fogging over, her panties
are soaked.

"You're so pretty like this. All hot and needy for me…" She whispers before taking her other nipple
into her mouth.

"T- Thank you…" Luz says, "Aaaammmmss…"

"Luz?" She asks, nipping at Luz's collarbone as she does.

"More… want… I want to be inside you…" Luz moans, rolling her hips slowly. Amity blinks, they
haven't done that since before everything went down.

"Are you sure?" Amity asks, still absolutely pumping at Luz's girl cock, it's almost a habit at this

"Ahhh yesss! T-trust you… Ams please."

Amity bites her lower lip softly, who is she to deny her girlfriend? She pulls down. Luz sweatpants,
eyeing her girlfriend's clitty as she shifts her own panties to the side.

She wants to reward her savior, her fearless champion. Her brave warrior.

Plus, she'd be lying if she didn't say that she missed the feeling of Luz's tip pressing into her
entrance. The feeling of being filled, of her pussy spreading so nicely.

"Mmm…" Luz whines.

" Still - ahh.. still doing okay?" Amity asks, trying to focus on checking in while every nerve in her
body is telling her too keep moving.

"Yeah, fuck yeah… I'll try and move my hips and-" Amity cuts her girlfriend's words off with her
lips, kissing Luz fiercely, pouring every ounce of her emotion into it. She loves her, she loves Luz.
She loves her so much.

Luz changed everything, for the better in the end.

True, her mom still has to stand trial, and she has to testify for that. Both of them do.

But that doesn't matter right now, in the low light of Amity's room at Amy's townhouse. It doesn't
matter right now, what does matter is the connection they're sharing.

She lifts her hips, her eyes drifting closed as she sinks back down. Her toes curling when her clit
rubs into her lover's abdomen.

"Don't worry, let me take care of you." She huffs out, slowly rolling her hips. She places a hand on
Luz's chest and sighs.
Luz's fingers intertwine with hers immediately, and she lets out a little gasping moan.

"Tap me twice if you want me to stop." Amity whispers, letting her head fall back as tremors ripple
through her body.

"I will, but d-dont stop… fuck…"

Amity smiles, and does exactly what her baby asks, riding her clitty gently. Luz huffs and
whimpers, but she's egging Amity on, hands planted firmly on her pale hips.

"Ams… and I love you…" Luz moans, lightly thrusting up. Amity squeaks when Luz's thumb
brushes her clit, and Amity shifts her legs, giving herself a better angle to keep Luz deep inside her.

Grinding herself against Luz, clenching and fluttering around Luz's girlcock. Moaning Luz's name,
letting herself fall into Luz, one arm wrapping around her waist while the other continues running
circles around her clit.

"Fuckkk…" Luz groans.

"Mmmnnn…" Amity moans, kissing anywhere on Luz's face she can reach.


"Yeah… yeahhh… give it to me…" Amity hums, closing her eyes as the wave starts building. Her
thighs are aching, her heart is hammering.

Luz whines, then lets out the prettiest, softest little moans. Amity gasps when Luz tenses, her hips
snapping taut.

Her clitty twitching and flexing inside… Luz's little noises getting strained. Amity mewls, then
hufs out little whisper moans as she comes.
Amity coos as they both come down, peppering her fearless champion in little kisses and sweet

Luz rubbing her back, kissing her back.

"I love you too by the way…" she gasps out, and both of them giggle.

"I know mi amor~" Luz whispers, "I know."


"There you go, one more!" Lucia calls out, waving Luz on from the top as she starts up the stairs at
the apartment.

Amity watches, a mixture of pride and love swirling around inside her as her. Luz grins, hand
hovering over the railing as she climbs.

She's made so much progress in such a short time. A week and a half later and she's climbing stairs.

"You're so strong!" She says with a smile as Luz hops onto the top step, arms cast wide as she
sticks the landing.

Luz is wearing a loose t-shirt, and some shorts. As her girlfriend takes a bow, Amity's eyes fall on
her legs.

And all the new scars she has.

Her smile falters, and she remembers how it felt to see her girlfriend lying on that table.

Blood. Blood soaking into her pants.

"Ams?" Luz asks, frowning as she approaches. Scarred arms wrap around her as she realizes her
face is wet.

Amity sobs, clinging to Luz. Irrationally afraid that if she lets go, Luz will fade away.

"I love you…" she huffs into Luz's shoulder, "You're okay right?"

Lucia quietly pads away, giving the two of them space. Amity is grateful for it.

"Yeah, I'm okay Ams, I'm right here baby." Luz Coos, stretching up on her toes to kiss Amity's
forehead. "I'm tired though, you want to go lie down for a few minutes?"

Amity nods, she wants nothing more than to hold Luz close. To feel her heart beating. To hear her
breathing. To know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Luz is alive.

"Okay mi amor, let's go." Luz says, guiding her into the apartment, Amity tries to hide her face
from the people in the living room.

"How'd you do Luz?" A pale blonde boy asks from where he's lounging. Cosmic frontier is playing
on the TV, Camila and him are watching with wrapped interest. Raine is watching politely, and
Eda is sound asleep.

"Not bad Hunter, I did ten sets." She says, never stopping, letting Amity hide behind her as they
go, "I'm really tired though, so I'm going to go have a lie down. Ooo is this the episode that
introduces the Dolek Empire?"

"Sure is!" Hunter chirps.

"Man, they are so much cooler in this version than the original run." Camila says, herr eyes
sparkling as she turns to rain, "mi amor, did you know the original Dolek costumes pioneered
using microcontrollers for costume design?"

"I didn't, did they do that for the lights?"

Amity wipes her nose, and she can't help but smile. It's nice to see how things are shaking out.
How her family has changed from a cold, distant, and toxic garbage fire; to this. Warm, full, and

So many people care about them. So many people supporting each other.

Luz opens the door to her room, and they both flop down on her upgraded bed. The constellations
are now hanging from the ceiling.

The bunk bed has been replaced by a queen. Sure, it takes up more of the room, but they can lie
together comfortably now. True, she still lies directly next to Luz, but she can stretch out if she
needs to.

Her tears dry up, and she snuggles comfortably on Luz's chest.

She's safe. They both are.

And they're slowly healing…

The Little Girl
Chapter Summary

Amity and Luz go to visit someone, and they think about their future.

Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

“You ready to roll?” Steve asks, and Luz rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, let's go” She grumbles, making that adorable pouting face that Amity can't get
enough of. They leave the Noceda-Clawthorne apartment, thumping down the stairs in a line, the
dark and cool hallway giving way to a warm late spring morning.

They climb into the back of the now familiar black SUV.

"Their fair chariot" is what Luz calls it when she's in a better mood, but she isn’t today.

Amity closes her eyes, resting her head on top of Luz's. She knows that her girlfriend will feel
better before long. She always does.

Steve starts the vehicle up, and soon they're driving away from Luz's apartment. They roll through
the southside of Bonesborough, brick buildings and asphalt, kids playing on the cracked

A side of the city that Amity had once known nothing about. A side of the city she looked down
on. She used to think that nothing good could come from a place like this.

Goddess there was so much she didn't know back then.

Luz pouts, muttering about how having a 24/7 babysitter is stupid. Amity chuckles.

"Oh come on," She says, squeezing Luz's hand as she catches the sour expression on her face, "It's
only until after the trial."

"If we win." Luz counters.

“When we win. Luz, there's so much evidence against them." Amity reminds her, probably for the
20th time this week. She scowls, but the expression melts into sour neutrality.

Amity can't exactly blame Luz for her frustration about the situation. It's hard to really enjoy your
time when there's a man standing outside any room you're in. When said man is standing a few feet
away at the park, or zoo, or at home.

Walking a few feet behind you, even on a hiking date.

Steve has been very good about it, but Amity knows it drives Luz insane. LuzHas told her as much,
it makes her feel like she's a little baby kid who can't handle herself.

Not to mention that her… birth mother's trial is fast approaching. The ultimate fate of those
monsters still hangs in the balance.

Amity squeezes Luz's hand a little tighter.

"I know, I know…" Luz says, rubbing the back of Amity's hand, "Sorry babe, I'm just a little on

"I get it Luz, you’re good, promise. Are you sure you're up for it today? We can visit tomorrow."
Amity offers, knowing full well exactly what Luz will say in response.

"Nah, I want to make sure the kid is doing okay."

Amity shakes her head softly, she says the same thing every time. Fretting and getting anxious
about going out with their bodyguard, then refusing to turn around, because ‘the kid’s expecting

Amity watches as the town rolls by, Steve smoothly navigating a very familiar route.

After all, they drive it at least a couple times a week.

Amity grins as they make the last turn, arriving at a now familiar building. A house in one of those
suburbs where all the buildings are really thin but long.

It's a little worn down, but it's a nice place. Painted blue, a plain white door with half a dozen
concrete steps leading up to it. White window frames on each side of the door.

A small front yard of grass is blocked off by a chain link fence. Steve parks on the side of the road,
and Luz launches herself out of the SUV, a big smile plastered on her face as the gang walks
towards the front door.

Amity smiles too, this is her favorite part.

Before Luz can take the first step, the door swings open, and for what all intents and purposes
appears to be a ball of dark hair launches itself into Luz's arms.

"LUZ!" the little girl shrieks, giggling as Luz swings her around, her feet shuffling on the faded
walkway as she spins the girl around and around.

"¡Hola Estrella! ¿Cómo estás?" Luz asks, giggling herself as Estrella nuzzles her cheek.

Amity waves at the woman leaning in the doorway with a warm smile. Carly, Estrella's foster

"Ummm… es.. er, Yo soy.. bien?" She tries, her tanned face scrunching up as she tries to
"Close! Estoy bien!" Luz says, a light in her eyes as she coaches the young girl through a language
she never got the chance to learn from her parents.

They died in a car accident when she was five.

Amity's heart melts, even as it pangs painfully. Luz told her what she saw that night, what
happened to Estrella.

What those monsters did to her.

"Hola Amity!" The girl calls out, waving from her spot in Luz's arms.

"Hi Estrella, It's nice to see you." Amity replies, walking over to the pair, "are you having a good

"Mmhmmm.." Estrella nods, her cheeks flaring red as she buries her face and Luz's shoulder.

Luz chuckles, "well, should we head inside?"

The girl nods again, looking shyly out from behind her long and wild hair. Amity decides to spare
the sheepish little girl by looking away. She thought it was so sweet, the first time Estrella saw her
up close, she got all red in the face and hid behind Carly’s legs.

Luz told her once they got home that Estrella thought she was really pretty.

They walk up the six steps into the door, Carly welcoming them all into the house.

It's pleasant and warm, exactly the kind of place that Estrella needs. Amity feels a little pang in her
chest as she watches Luz carry the girl, how interested she is in whatever the little one is pointing

As soon as they figured out who the girl was, courtesy of Dr Dureem, Luz begged to be able to see
her. To make sure that she was really okay. Darius pulled a few strings, and a week later Luz met
her for the first time.

Luz wouldn’t stop talking about how nice Carly seemed, how wonderful and happy the girl
seemed. How the girl deserves to live a safe and happy life.

Amity suspects that what Luz really wanted to do was make sure no one else was hurting the girl.

Now it's like they're sisters.

Her and Luz and Lucia.

Amity smiles, remembering how Lucia’s face lit up when she first met Estrella. How Amelia
blushed in what Amity assumes is a very similar way to how she’s blushing right now. Watching
her love get along so well with the kid.

Amity reminds herself that it’s not set in stone. Not yet. Nothing will be set in stone yet until after
the trial.

She and Steve chat with Carly, catching up with each other as Estrella drags Luz all over the house
to show her whatever comes to mind.

"Oh come see my new book! Can you read it to me?"


"Luz! There's a funny weed growing in the backyard."

"Cool, do you know what it is?"

"No, I couldn't figure it out. You gotta help me!"

“Course kiddo, let’s figure it out together!”

Amity smiles, watching Luz follow her out into the back yard. The sun hitting her ball cap, her
long and wavy hair. She feels her heart patter, and there’s a flutter in her stomach. Amity hums,
clutching her knees a little harder than she meant to.

Okay, maybe the flutter is a little lower than her stomach.


The minutes turn to hours, and eventually Luz and Ella settle in the living room, the rest of the
gang joining them.

Amity sits on the couch, absently scrolling through her phone while the two lie on the floor, each
of them scribbling away on little sketchbooks.

Carly smiles, leaning over to look.

"Looking good Estrella! What have you drawn?"

The girl beams, holding her sketchbook out so everyone can see. Luz smiles, Amity smiles.
Estrella has drawn two figures, fighting off a bunch of blobs with eyes and sharp teeth. The girls in
the drawing are smiling, and the blobs are running away.

"It's Amity and Luz!"

Amity's heart leaps, and Luz's face goes blank.

"See, this is Amity, and this is you Luz. They're fighting away the bad guys, they're my heroes."
She explains, pointing at each as she does. Amity’s insides twist for a moment, but they settle down

Luz sniffs, hiding her face as she shuffles to a cross-legged position.

"Luz? What's wrong?" Estrella asks, "Was my drawing that bad? I thought I was getting better."

"No sweetie, you are getting better. Your cross hatching game is ridiculous…" Luz answers,
laughing wetly as she wipes her eyes. The tears soaking into her fresh arm wraps.

"Then why are you crying?" Ella asks, tilting her head.

"Because bebe, there are just a lot of emotions inside me. You know? I have so many of them that I
can't keep them in."

Amity smiles a little, wiping a stray tear from her own eye.

"Oh okay, do you want a hug?" The little girl asks.

Luz nods.

Estrella wraps Luz in her tiny arms. Amity smiles wider, and slides off the couch, crouching next
to the two of them.

"Can I join?" She asks.

Luz nods right away, Estrella blushes, and then nods too.

Amity wraps her arms around both of them. Squeezing just a little, never wanting to let go of the
girl softly crying on the carpet of a foster home.


"BYYYE! SEE YOU SOON?" Estrella shouts, waving her arm frantically from the door.
"Yeah! Count on it kiddo!" Luz calls back, smiling at the little girl she helped save. The little girl
who thinks that she's a hero. No one's ever talked to her like that. Her? Luz Noceda? A hero? she
doesn't feel heroic, definitely not when she stumbles trying to climb into the back of their chariot.

Amity catches her under her arms, helping her up. “Thanks mi amor.” Luz says, sliding closer to
Amity as they click their seatbelts into place.

“Anything for you Hermosa.” Amity answers, wagging her eyebrows as she does. Luz cackles,
lightly Squeezing Amity's waist.

“No soy Hermosa…” Luz mutters.

“Yes you are.” Amity answers in a deadpan, and Luz squeaks.

“You understood that?”

“Luz, I’m actively learning Spanish… of course I understand the first verb I learned.”

“Oh… yeah, good point.” Luz murmurs, “well, you’re beautiful too!”Amity's smile softens, and
her cheeks turn pink, she's staring at Luz in that way that makes her feel like she’s entirely made of

It makes her think… things… Especially after visiting Ella, Amity always has that look in her eyes.

“Deal.” Amity whispers.

They sit side by side for a while, Luz watching the world go by while Amity plays with her hair.
She grumbles when she feels nails Scratching at her scalp.

“Luz?” Amity asks quietly.

“Hmmm?” Luz answers, leaning into her girlfriend.

“Would you ever want kids?” Amity asks, and Luz’s eyes fly open.


Steve jumps about a foot in his seat, But after a quick check behind him he settles back in. Luz
stares at amity.

“You know, one day…” Amity murmurs, looking away, downcast. Disappointed.

Does she want kids? she absolutely loves spending time with Estrella, she loves how the little girl
is still so enthusiastic, passionate for life and the world.

“I just haven't thought of it.” Luz admits.

“Yeah! Me neither…” Amity answers a little too quickly. Luz looks back at her, cocking an
eyebrow. Luz’s heart beats a little faster as she scoots.

“You sure Hermosa? I seem to remember somebody begging somebody else to, and I quote, “ put a
baby in her”… ”

“LUZ!” Amity whisper-hisses, her face flushing red.

“What?” Luz whispers back, wiggling her hips, sinking into her seat a little, resting her head on
Amity's shoulder. She smirks before she leans in and huffs a breath onto Amity’s neck, “Do you
not want me to knock you up hmm?”

“Uhh..” Amity stammers, blushing furiously as she squirms. Afraid of giving away what Luz is
doing. For the first time in memory, Luz considers her future. what it could look like, what would
you want it to look like?

She imagines Amity with a baby bump, and is shocked that instead of it being hot, something
deeper trembles inside her. Amity and her laugh as they paint a nursery for the kid. Their kid.
The kid having her golden eyes and Luz’s skin tone.

Being called mama …

“That’s different, that's kink…” Amity hisses again, her hand gripping Luz’s thigh, “I was being

Luz moves away a little, giving her flustered girlfriend a tiny bit of space. She takes Amity's hand
in her own.

“I know Ams.” She says softly, “Sorry for not taking it seriously, and just for the record…”

Amity stares at her, gorgeous golden eyes wide. The world outside the car fades away, it's just the
two of them.

“I do want kids someday I think.” Luz admits.

Amity doesn’t smile like she was expecting, instead she goes an incredible Shade of scarlet that
Luz has never seen her turn before. She lets out a strangled noise, then nods eagerly. Luz laughs,
doing her best to hug this wonderful ridiculous pretty little rich girl.

Her wonderful, beautiful, pretty, intelligent rich girl.


“Yeah?” Luz huffs out when Amity shuffles closer, half lidded eyes pinning her to the SUV door.

“Maybe we could have a little… practice when we get home?” She whispers, her eyes darting
down to Luz’s lips, while her finger tips dip onto something else, “you know, practice making me a
Luz swallows, grinning like an idiot, “Sounds like a plan, Mama.”

Amity’s shudders make heat flood to Luz’s core, and she chuckles darkly, eagerly watching the
SUV carry them closer and closer to her bed.

Today’s turning out to be a very good day.

Chapter End Notes

Hehehe recurring original characters are fun. Haven't heard of Estrella before? Go
read my other fic, the Huntress and the Heiress.

You won't regret it, promise!

Last Shadows
Chapter Summary

Amity and Hunter have a little heart to heart.

“No wait, please!” Luz cries out, exactly one instant before her character is launched off screen
and explodes. Lucia cackles from her spot on the couch, and a curtain of Auburn covers her as
Amelia leans down to kiss her cheek.

“Nice one babe.” Amelia says with a grin. Lucia rubs the back of her head, sheepishly saying it
was not that impressive, she just got lucky.

Then Willow absolutely dunks on her, grabbing her character and launching them off screen while
she’s distracted. The five of them banter back and forth, and Amity smiles from the window sill

They're hanging out at the Owl House today, and it’s been a great afternoon.

“I don't know how they do it, I've never been very good at these kinds of games.” Hunter says
quietly from beside her.

“Honestly? Same, I don't think I have the twitchiness.” Amity chuckles, watching Luz try to regain
her honor, only to be defeated again.

“Hehe, yeah… so how you doing Amity?” Hunter asks, he looks so tired. And honestly? Amity
feels it too, she feels the wait dragging her down, this feeling of being stuck in limbo.

They've been in protective custody for over a month, and it's exhausting. Exhausting to wonder if
any of these rich monsters are going to try to make a move. It’s exhausting to worry about every
person you meet on the street, wondering if they’ve been hired to kill you. Nothing has happened,
and Amity doesn't think it will, but the way Steve follows them everywhere makes some small part
of her worry.

It's exhausting to think about how the school year is almost over, and how Luz and Amity are
going to have to retake the last half at least.

It's exhausting to think that despite everything that's happened, despite all of their victories, the
fight still isn't over.

“I've been… well I'm not doing great, I'm so sick of this.” she admits, “sick of waiting. I wish it
was just over you know?”

“I feel you, I can't wait for my uncle to be put behind bars.” Hunter says with a grin. Amity laughs
along with him, but a pain jabs at her heart


“Yeah Ams?”

“I'm so sorry… about everything that's happened to you. You didn’t deserve it… you deserve
better.” Hunter looks at her, his eyes wide. and then he hides his face with his arm, grunting before
wiping his eyes.

“Me too, you didn't deserve it either.”

“I don't know, I was kind of a colossal bitch.” Amity barks out a bitter laugh. She was, she made
people cry, she made people feel the way Luz felt back then, alone, in pain, isolated, hopeless. It's
been gnawing at her, slowly whittling down her confidence over the last week or so; The irrational
fear that she's just like her mom.

“Amity, you were abused for a really long time. and that's not just the bad thing she directly did to
you, it was also how she modeled how to act to you, the “right way” to be a person. You acted the
way you did because that's all you knew.” His voice is gentle, but stern. It sounds like he doesn't
want to leave room for argument.

“But-” Amity tries to argue anyway.

“No. Look me in the eye and tell me the instant you met Luz you didn't drop the whole bitch act.”
“I…” Amity’s rebuttal dies in her mouth, he's right. She dropped the entire act the instant Luz
treated her like a person instead of just the queen bee. Still, she wraps her arms around her
shoulders, hugging herself tight like her therapist suggested last session. Hunter gently puts a hand
on her shoulder, a smile on his lips. “Thanks Hunter.” she says, and he nods silently.

Their talk is interrupted by a howl of agony, Lucia is shouting about getting teamed up while Luz,
Gus, and Willow cheer and holler. Both of them laugh as they watch their friends' antics. no, their
family’s antics. Amity considers each and every one of the people in this room more her family
than her mother ever was.

“Do you really think they're going to go to jail?” Amity asks, and Hunter takes a long breath in
through his nose letting all of the air out of his lungs before he answers.

“Yeah, I think they're done for.”

Amity puts her hand on top of his, and squeezes.

“I hope so.” Amity replies, and Hunter shifts to fully face her.

“You don't think so?”

“I'm not sure, what if my mom gets out of it?”

“Of everyone who could weasel their way out, I think your mom is the least likely. But I
understand the worry.” Hunter replies, and both of them watch as Luz cheers and flexes in victory
while everyone else on the couch grumbles at her.

“I can't believe she tried to kill Luz. Out of all the horrible things she's done… and she nearly
pulled it off.” Amity says, feeling numb. She knows exactly how close the love of her life was to
not being around anymore; and the thought still keeps her up at night sometimes.

“But she didn't pull it off, Luz is still here. You and I are still here, we made it Ams. And on
Monday, all of those monsters are going to face the music.” Hunter says, with such determination
that Amity can't help but smile.
“Yeah, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that they go down for good.” Amity says, and
Hunter chuckles.

“That's the spirit.” He says with a soft smirk. Amity lets a comfortable silence fall over them, and
they watch their family battle it out for Smash Bros supremacy. just a few more days she tells
herself, a few more days and she’ll have the rest of her future at her fingertips.



“If he does go to jail, what will you do?” She asks, watching the blonde boy look up at the ceiling,
tapping his chin as if contemplating her question.

“Well, I’ll likely get his controlling share of the company… and to be totally honest, I don't think
I'll keep it.”

“You won't?” she asks, eyebrows raising, “but it used to be your dad's.”

“I know, but when my uncle took over everything went wrong. And I've never liked guns
anyways.” Hunter says, “But yeah, I don't know what I'll do. If I do anything.”

“That's fair.”

“What about you? What’ll you do?”

Amity frowns, watching her family shut off the game as they start talking amongst themselves. She
shakes her head as she watches Lucia turn a vibrant shade of red as Amelia sits in her lap.

Luz looks over the back of the couch, and makes eye contact with her. Her heart flutters.
“I don't know, but considering that Blight Industries is being charged with antitrust…Can't imagine
it will be around for me to even try and sell.”

“Yeah excuse me if I wouldn’t be sad to see the downfall of Blight Industries. It wouldn’t exactly
be a huge tragedy.” he says wryly, and Amity snorts.

“You can say that again, but yeah…” Amity agrees, watching as Luz hops off the couch. Her
favorite person ever starts making her way over to her.

Amity looks at Hunter, at her friend, and squeezes his hand again, “Whatever I end up doing… I
know that I'm going to be happy.”
The Whole Truth
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity are both on edge as the criminal trial of Odalia Blight begins.

Chapter Notes


Writing has been a bit slow lately, depression be like that. Enjoy some UPSETTING
angst and amateurly written court proceedings. Dang I had to do a lot of research for it
(it was fun).

Enjoy~ <3

“Are you ready?” Luz asks, struggling with her tie. Amity adjusts her own blazer, then walks over
to her girlfriend, they’re in Luz’s bedroom, both dressed as formally as they can. She takes Luz’s
hands in her own, rubbing her thumb over tanned skin.

“Not really…” she admits, before trying her hardest to help Luz with her tie. She looks sharp, she
opted to go full suit for the trial.

“Ah it's not as scary as it is on TV,” Luz says, grinning sideways as Amity finishes up her tie, “
really it's just a lot of boring legalese, a buncha nerds saying “Did you or did you not” or “The
evidence, while circumstantial, clearly shows that…” If you're really lucky someone might say
‘objection’ .” Amity huffs out, resting her forehead against Luz's.

“I'm amazed with how fearless you are. You've done things I could never do.” Amity says,
gripping the collar of Luz’s dark purple suit jacket. The very same one she wore to prom, and
despite everything that's about to happen today, she can't help but think back to a simpler time.

“You’ve done a lot too, you saved me.” Luz points out.

“I know but… what if it goes wrong?”

“It won’t babe, I know that you're worried and honestly I get it. But our part of this fight is almost
over. This is going to be way more boring than you think, I promise. This isn’t an episode of Law
and Order.” Luz laughs, squeezing her slightly, the pressure has her muscles letting go in waves.
She slumps into her Luz, wanting more of that warmth.

“You mean there aren't going to be surprise witnesses?” She chuckles weakly.

“Nope. That’s super not admissible as evidence.” Luz replies, wrapping her arms around Amity’s
waist. She leans into her, sucking up her warmth.

“No one screaming or letting out a tearful and groundbreaking admission?”

“Nah, I mean… I cried when I testified back in the day, but they gave me the time to calm down
and I got it done.” Luz says.


“It’s fine Ams, I promise.” Luz says, “they went to jail, and I got to meet you!” She grins, stepping
back and spinning around, “So, how do I look?”

“Hot.” Amity answers, pulling her dumb girlfriend back in.

“Perfect, and so do you by the way. All pretty in your pencil skirt and blouse… damn… maybe we
should dress you up like this more often…” Luz whispers, her eyelids drooping as she digs her
fingers into Amity’s hips slightly.

Her breath hitches.

“You know, I'm probably going to be so stressed after… I might need some relief…” Amity
murmurs, feeling heat rush to her face as she clutches at Luz’s shoulders.

“Ooooh… I could give you a massage… full body?” Luz asks, her voice dropping into that low
growl that makes Amity’s knees weak.
“Yes please…” she huffs out, inhaling that smoky sweet scent, she can feel herself slipping

Maybe they have a little time… would it be that bad if she took a load right now and wore her

“Hey you two! Shoes on, we need to go.” Lucia says, sticking her head in with a slanted grin.
Amity grumbles as Luz pulls away.

“Okay…” Luz says, “let’s do this.”


Court is pretty much exactly the same as Luz remembers it. She’s sitting in the witness stand, a
wooden box lined with benches off to one side of the big Judge stand thingy. Amity, Lucia, Eda,
and a bunch of others with her. Wood, why are courtrooms always made entirely out of wood? The
walls, the furniture, everything.

Across the way is the Jury stand, and between them are two long tables. The prosecution team is
sitting at one, a pink haired woman with glasses, and a stern demeanor sits with Amelia and the rest
of their team.

Olivia Gardener, the lead prosecutor. A trusted partner of Amelias, and confirmed not to be on any
of the defendant’s payrolls. Amelia is dressed almost exactly the same as she usually does, except
she has a blazer on. Luz presses a hand to her own chest.

The defense, A man with short black hair all gelled up in a quaff kind of thing. He has a smug look
on his face, and overall he looks eminently punchable. Amelia told her his name, Adrian Gray or
something? Odalia’s personal lawyer, apparently he’s gotten her out of a lot of legal trouble.

Speaking of the hateable sorceress herself, Odalia Blight sits next to him, looking unusually tired.
There are bags under her eyes, and she seems unfocused as she slouches in her seat.

The murmur of the crowd behind the main stage falls silent as someone tells them to rise for The
Honorable Judge So and So, some dude she doesn't remember the name of.

Luz breathes in sharply as everyone sits back down…

This is it.

“We’ll begin with opening statements.” The judge says, and Olivia stands. Walking calmly over to
the jury stand.

“Jury members, you are here today for one simple reason, you will be presented with facts as well
as two explanations of those facts, and you must each decide for yourselves which explanation is
the most truthful.

I must try and prove to you this, that the defendant, Odalia Blight, willfully masterminded, and
actively participated in, a countrywide sex trafficking ring involving the kidnapping and sexually
exploiting minors.

I must try to prove to you that she entangled her own children in this operation for her own personal

And last, but certainly not least, I must try to prove to you all that Odalia Blight, with her own two
hands, attempted to murder a seventeen year old girl in cold blood.”

Luz’s hand tightens in Amity’s and she shivers. She can't remember much from that day, only a
vague fear, and immense pain, and that’s more than enough.

“And Mr Gray, your opening statement please?”

Adrian stands up, sauntering over. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, consider this, my client
Odalia Blight is one of the most successful and outstanding business women in all of Connecticut.
She has so much at stake, not only her business but her loyal employees, the economy, as well as
her own reputation.

Yet, like any of us, she is not infallible. I propose to you today that Odalia Blight is not the monster
you might have heard her to be. She is, in fact, a victim of this conspiracy herself, blackmailed into
this ring and made to do things that she regrets.”

Luz silently scoffs, rolling her eyes before looking over at the “successful business woman” she
expects a smug look, or maybe if she's really on top of it, her frighteningly convincing mask of
sincerity. What she does not expect is a vacant dead-eyed stare, straight ahead. Almost as if she
isn't seeing any of this.

Luz stares, wondering what’s going through that disgusting head of hers. She must know it's over,
that they have her every way to sunday. The mountain of evidence is absurdly large.

“She can’t take back what she’s done, but she never wanted to do it, never conspired to do it, and
deeply wishes she could take it back.

Odalia isn’t a monster, only human. Thank you.” Adrian nods and returns to his seat.

So begins the presenting of evidence, and Olivia has her work cut out for her. In all honesty, Luz
struggles to pay attention to it, partly because of how dryly it's being presented, and partly because
she doesn't want to hear it again. Ledgers, receipts, photographs, security footage, text messages,
emails, and so on. Individuals are called up, Eda and Lucia both go up to answer Olivia’s
questions; Adrian cross-examines them. Attempting to undermine their credibility.

“Ms Noceda, I believe you served time in state prison, is that correct?” Adrian asks with that
smarmy tone.

“Yes.” Lucia answers, her face a perfect study on neutrality.

“And what were you in prison for Ms Noceda?”

“Grand Theft Auto.” Lucia replies, her hands tight fists.

“Objection your Honor, prejudicial.” Olivia interrupts.

“Objection sustained.” The judge contends.

Luz glares at the two legged snake as he frowns for a single instant, clearly upset that he couldn’t
keep on his attempted smear campaign. This was her least favorite part of the experience, watching
people try and discredit witnesses. She understands why they do it, but it always feels sleazy to

It seems Adrian’s only goal was to attack Lucia’s character, as he quickly runs out of steam after
that, and the trial continues.


Hours tick by, slowly dragging on at a glacial pace. Luz closes her eyes for some photos, and
shudders at the descriptions. How the ring was planned, how Odalia corresponded, how kids that
fell through the cracks of the child protection system were snatched up. How member’s own
children started being included. Amity’s breath hitches at that one, and she squeezes Luz’s hand.

How the employees of the Siren (and other) Hotels were either invited in, or blackmailed into
silence. How it started nearly a decade ago, and how it’s been going on ever since. How Luz was
negligently held at the Latissa police station, how she went missing after that.

How the FBI found her bloody and unconscious on the floor of an apartment that Odalia sold off
two years prior. To Philip Wittebane.

There’s a recess.

Then they’re back to it, and on it goes.


Amity cries, clinging to Luz’s chest as they lay in her bed at Amy’s place. She knew it would be
hard to see the evidence, to hear people describe the things that happened as if it was just another
Tuesday for them, but seeing the physical evidence laid out so clearly, seeing how methodical and
thorough her mother had been in planning, it cut deep.

Hearing her own mother begrudgingly answer questions on the stand. Confirming so many things
that Amity secretly hoped weren’t true.

“Why?” She manages to whimper out between gasping breaths. A vague but sharp pain welling up
inside her again, more tears forcing their way out as she curls into Luz. Warm arms wrap around
her, and she can see dozens, maybe hundreds of pale lines criss crossing that tanned skin. She
gently brushes her fingers across them, feeling each little bump, each little scar.

“I don't know babe…” Luz admits, kissing her hair. A warmth spreading from the contact, “all I
know is that it isn't fair.”

“D-does…” Amity chokes on her words as sobs force their way out, relieving a little more of that
pressure burning inside her, “Does it ever get easier?”

Luz doesn’t answer right away, instead she rubs Amity’s back, the slow rhythmic touch brings it
all bubbling to the surface. All the pain, all the suffering, the times someone hit her with a variety
of fucked up implements, the times adults used her… she cries loudly, uncaring for the moment if
anyone can hear her. Luz just holds her close, humming a song softly.

Amity’s crying slows as the familiar tune fills her mind.

“Is that the Azura 2: the Betraying theme song?” She asks quietly.

“Yep, it's pretty catchy isn't it?” Luz says, and Amity huffs out a laugh.

“You're a loser, you know that?” she asks, and Luz barks out a chuckle, pulling her closer.

“Yeahhh, but I’m your loser.” Luz answers and Amity clings to her arms, grumbling wordlessly. “ I
know you probably don't believe me right now, but it does get easier Ams… I promise.”

Amity shuffles closer, then grabs a wad of toilet paper (Amy doesn’t have any tissues) and blows
her nose. Luz keeps humming and rubbing her back as Amity tosses it to the floor. She’ll clean it
up tomorrow.

She sighs.
“Tired?” Luz asks, and Amity nods, tucking her head into Luz’s chest. “Me too.” She says, and
Amity squeezes her scarred arm three times.

I love you.

Luz squeezes back, and Amity drifts off.


“Ms Blight…” Olivia says, pacing back and forth in front of the witness box, “Can you identify
this object for me.” She points to a large screen tucked into the corner of the courtroom, a still
photo of a leather collar on it. The outside is brown, and the inside is a soft pastel pink. There’s a
little bow on the front, and a golden tag on the side.

Amity’s stomach turns seeing it, It brings up memories, things that she'd rather forget. Her mom,
cinching it up just a little too tight. Putting the puppy headband on her ears. Putting the tail…

“It’s a dog collar.” She answers, gripping her gray pencil skirt, the familiar shame boiling up inside
her again. It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault.

“And, do you recognize this specific collar Ms Blight?” Olivia asks again.

“Y-yes I do.” She answers, trying not to look at the over one hundred pairs of eyes staring at her
right now. Instead she looks at Amelia, watching her with a pained expression.

“Can you explain to the court where and how you are familiar with this object?”

“My… my mom bought it… umm for me.” She closes her eyes, and takes a few steady breaths,
rhythmically squeezing her fingers like her therapist suggested. She opens her eyes, and is looking
straight at Olivia when she answers, “She bought it as part of my training.”

A quiet murmur runs through the crowd, but the Judge silences it with a smack of their gavel.
“Order. Order in the court please.” He drones out, waiting as the room again falls silent, “please

“She was training me to behave, and wouldn't let me speak when I was wearing it.” Amity says.

“Ms Blight, are you meaning that your mother bought you this dog collar with the express purpose
of using it to… train you?” Olivia asks, and Amity can hear the strain in her voice. The poor
woman must be so angry. She even looks angry.

And she should be…

“That’s correct.” Amity says coldly.

“Can you elaborate on what training means?” Olivia asks, softly, as if anyone in the courtroom
doesn’t already know.

“She was training me sexually.” Amity answers, daring to cast her gaze upon her mother , the
woman who started all of her pain. But Odalia Blight isn't looking at her, she isn't looking at
Olivia, or the judge, or anyone for that matter. instead, she's staring vacantly, as if she isn't looking
at anything in particular. Maybe she's deep in thought?

Knowing Odalia, she's probably remembering all the time she put that collar on her. Amity’s
stomach roils and she feels that little mote of flame in her gut flare up. Her own mother… her own
mother did that to her, and so much more.

Again, there’s a racket in the crowd. She can hear them, people are upset. And Again, the Judge
silences them.

“Ms Blight, can you expand upon what you mean? Give us some context if you're able to?”

Amity nods, again taking a moment to ground herself, focusing on that hazy part of her mind. The
one she’s still afraid of delving too deep into, maybe she’ll never be fully comfortable with it.
Maybe her mother has permanently broken her, but it doesn't matter.
“When I was maybe 11 or so, my mom took me to her apartment on Cornello Avenue…”


“Mittens, come here.” her mother ordered, wearing nothing but a silk gown as she lounged on the
expensive and plush couch. Amity shivered slightly, but did as she was told, padding over silently to
her mother's side. standing ready, completely naked.

“Good girl.” Mommy crooned, stroking her hair so softly. She was always so nice to her.

At least when she behaved.

“I have a present for you dear.” Mommy said, grabbing a small box that had been sitting next to
her and handing it over. “Why don’t you sit in Mommy’s lap while you open it?”

“Yes Mommy.” Amity replied, climbing into her Mother’s lap and settling in, the warmth of her
mom’s skin seeping into her legs as she tore into the package. She did her best to ignore her
mother's wandering hands, drifting up and down her sides. Amity was a good girl, so she wouldn't

And tickle time felt kind of nice, even if it was scary.

Amity pulls the top of the box open, and sees a leather collar inside, resting on a small cushion.
She pulled it out, admiring the pretty pink color on the inside. It’s cute, but…

“We don’t have a dog Mommy…” Amity said, shuddering as her mom’s hands wandered lower.

“No, that's true. it's for you Mittens, isn't it so pretty? why don't you let me put it on for you, see
how it looks.”

“Mommy I’m not…” Amity said, shuffling in Mommy's lap.

“Be good Mittens.” mommy growled in her angry voice, and Amity knew what it meant, if she
wasn't good she would be punished.

“Yes mommy…”


"That's it Mittens, now speak." Mommy ordered, and Amity knew she had to obey.

No matter how silly it felt, she would obey mommy. She 'arfed' as best she could from between
Mommy's legs, and gasped as she felt tingles run through her body.

The tickle toy in her was buzzing louder…

"Good girl Mittens, now," Mommy pulled on the black leash attached to her collar, dragging her
into Mommy's special place, "back to it, there's a good pet."


"Mittens, roll over." Mommy ordered, two strange men stood next to her as she did so.

Amity whined, one of the only noises she's allowed to make when they're practicing. She didn't like
the look of these strangers, Mommy had never brought strangers before.

Nonetheless, she did what she was told.

"Good girl. Now spread your legs wide for Mommy."

Amity did as she was told.

"Gooood girl Mittens…" her mother purred, and the usual warmth she felt at the positive attention
was muted.
Who were these two? One of them had bright blue eyes like Mommy.

" Now, these are two of my friends. This is Mr. Wrath, and Mr. Wittebane. Say hello Mittens."


"Good girl, they're going to play with us today okay?"

Amity did as she was told. She was a good girl. She'd always be a good girl. She'd always be
Mommy's good girl.

Even if it hurt.


The courtroom is silent and Amity stares down at her hands. She had been through so much, it was
almost impossible to comprehend.

"No further questions, your honor." Olivia says solemnly, striding back to her seat at a prosecution
bench next to Amelia. Amity notices Luz, watching her with a horrified expression, that slowly
molds into a sympathetic grimace.

Amity smiles ever so slightly, and Luz does too.

"Mr. Gray, would you like to cross-examine?"

"Yes I would." The sleazeball himself says, standing up in sauntering over to her with a smirk. She
never liked him, of the very few times. She's interacted with her mother's lawyer, none of them
were pleasant. "Ms Blight, you said there were two men with your mother, did you not?"

"I did." She answers, eying the man up as he paces.

"Would you be able to tell the court who these men were, if asked?"


"Could you please do so now?"

"Philip Wittebane and Warwick Wrath." She says.

"So once your mother, had you trained, would you agree that Mr. Whitabane started showing up?"

"Objection, that's a leading question." Olivia calls out.

"Withdrawn." Adrian concedes, "Ms. Blight, you said these training sessions started when you
were young?"


"How young would you say?"

"Maybe 10 years old or so?" She replies, wondering where he's going with this.

"And as previously discussed, you were given doses of the experimental central nervous system
depressant from exhibit 37?"

"That's correct." Her heart starts pumping harder, the pills… Amelia told her that the defense
would try and discredit her. Not only was it standard procedure, but it was also their best shot. The
entire thing about the pills was a little dubious, they still didn’t know a ton about their effects.

"Ms. Blight, this class of drugs is known to repress the brain's ability to store memories, is it or is it
not possible that the drug affected your memory?"
“I suppose it's possible.” Amity answers, boiling with her unspoken retort. Amelia explained that
this could happen, and Amity shouldn’t say anything that could be seen as speculative.

“No further questions, your honor.” He says, walking away just as smugly as he stood up. The
judge carries on, and Amity walks numbly back to her spot next to Luz, who squeezes her hand
firmly. Amity watches numbly as others are called to the stand, as Olivia and Amelia present
evidence and question their own witnesses while tearing apart the flimsy stories of the Defense’s.

She isn’t called to the stand again, though Lucia is at one point. Amity listens as the eldest Noceda
answers questions on evidence she helped find at some point in the investigation, but it isn’t the
long lists of documents that catches Amity’s eye.

It’s her mother.

Odalia Blight has apparently snapped to life, gazing with a fiery but hidden anger.

Right at Lucia.

The state makes Amity uncomfortable, the chances are good no one else in the courtroom would
even recognize that she was upset, but to Amity it's as plain as day. and that expression she made in
that moment would stick with her for the rest of the night.

It was the face she made when she thought someone needed to be punished.
Chapter Summary

The trial continues, and Odalia makes her move.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“And Miss Noceda, could you please identify the location in this photograph?” Olivia asks,
standing in front of the witness stand, Luz looking down at Amelia’s friend and colleague.

It’s 11:38AM, on the eighth day of proceedings, and they’re finally To their star witness’s
testimony. The proceedings have been going well, Amelia has managed to tear apart the story of
every witness her mother's defense has called to the stand.

She almost can't believe how willing these people are to lie and twist the truth, even under the
threat of perjury. The walls were already nearly crushing her mother when the case started, but
they're certainly closing in now.

“It’s a photo of the Latissa police station.”

“And how do you know that Miss Noceda?”

“Because I was there in the spring.”

“Can you please explain to the court how you wound up there, take us through what happened after
you were stopped by Bonesborough Police?”

“Objection your honor. Relevance.” Adrian pipes up from the defense table. Amelia glares at the
man, a slimeball if she’s ever seen one. Most defense lawyers she knows are truly wonderful
people, dedicated to making sure that prosecution did their job correctly.A solid defense lawyer she
was up against in her early years actually stopped her from putting an innocent person behind bars,
so needless to say she admired them greatly.
Most of them, but not Adrian. He represents everything Amelia hates about law. callous, snarky,
sleazy. Adrian was willing to do whatever got him the most money, it's how he ended up in her
mother's clutches. He bends the truth constantly, and he always has.

“Overruled, continue please.” The judge states, nodding at Olivia and Luz.

“I was arrested by the police, and they drove for a long time before leaving me at the Latissa police
station.” Luz answers.

“Then, am I correct in understanding that you're saying the Bonesborough police took you to a
different jurisdiction for processing?” Olivia asks.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“And then what happened, once you were in the station?”

“They locked me in a cell all night, and then Mrs Blight showed up.” Luz says, her eyes wide and
her fists clenched as she looks down at Odalia, “The police cuffed me to a table, she wanted to

Amelia’s eyes drift away from Luz, back to the defense table, back to her mother. The woman who
wasn’t just abusing Amity; who didn’t just used to abuse Amelia the same way… Odalia facilitated
the abuse of hundreds of children. The kidnapping and abuse of hundreds of children. her stomach
bubbled dangerously at the thought, in all her years she has faced down what she thought was the
worst of humanity.

She was wrong.

The truth was far, far worse than anything she could imagine.

“So she had them bring in water, and again I was so thirsty. Then I drank some, and the next thing I
knew I woke up in the hospital after a six week coma.” Luz finishes her story, looking a little paler,
but still focused and resolute.
“No further questions, your Honor.” Olivia says.

“Your honor, I’d like to cross examine the witness.” Odalia cuts in, and Amelia narrows her eyes.
Her mother isn’t a lawyer, what is she playing at? Apparently even Adrian wasn’t expecting this,
he looks just as shocked as she feels.


Maybe he doesn’t look shocked. Maybe he looks… worried? The skeptic goblin that has lived
inside Amelia’s brain since her mother first assaulted her when she was six rears up.

“Ms Noceda, you claim you were taken to a different jurisdiction by police is that correct?” Odalia
asks, standing calmly in front of the stand, except her hand, which is running over the collar of her
blazer again and again.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Yet you’ve lied to authorities before, haven’t you?” Odalia asks, and Amelia’s temper flares up.
Her mom’s trying to besmirch Luz, painting her as unreliable.

“Objection, prejudicial.” Amelia counters.

“Sustained, Mrs Blight, please keep your questions objective and focused.”

“Of course, your Honor.” Odalia says, sounding All the world like she has been thoroughly
chastised. Amelia narrows her eyes again.

Luz smirks for a moment, and Amelia’s heart rate settles for just a moment, a single glorious
instant whereShe's convinced her fears aren't founded. that her mother is just going to make an ass
of herself trying to drag everyone’s reputation down with hers.

That Odalia blight has finally hit the end of her rope, and she's grasping at straws with her words.

“Oh, you… you think you’re so smart, you think you've won don’t you?” Ddalia asks in a very
different town than her previous questions, she's glaring up at Luz. She stamps her foot, pointing
with a strangely out of place malice for the pose as she continues, “All smug up there, thinking that
you get to just have Mittens all to yourself. That you can just have your prize? as if, one day she'll
realize that you're trash. You're no good delinquent now, and you'll be a no-good delinquent later.”
Odalia’s tone shifts, her smug mask fully crumbling away as she starts ranting, “what makes you
think you deserve her anyway? you think you can just show up? Take her away? You don’t
deserve her, she’s MINE!”

Amelia knows when something’s about to devolve, she’s seen it plenty of times before. Someone
gets heated, or desperate, in all honesty it’s usually both; and something bad happens.

“Objection-” Amelia starts, glaring daggers at Odalia and her defense counsel. But her mother cuts
her off, her face twisting in rage.

“YOU’RE JUST A NO GOOD DIRTY WHORE! Mittens deserves better than you, you deserve
all the misery in the world, ruining everything; taking everything from ME!.” Odalia screams,
staring right at Luz with a vicious malice in her eyes. Amelia stands up, and the judge slams his
gavel, commanding order.

Neither Blight listens to him.

“If you think you can just steal her and get away with it, You. Have. Another. Thing. Coming!”

Odalia pulls something out from somewhere in her clothes, shocked gasps fill the room. Panicked
screams when the crazed woman points the small thing right at Luz.

Amy’s blood freezes. A silvery barrel, a round cylinder. A wooden handle. A loud click echoes
through her mind.

A gun.

Amelia rushes forward, scrambling over Olivia’s chair. Reaching out to stop her mother.
A loud POP echoes through the room.

Luz is knocked back, and slumps to the floor.

The courtroom is pandemonium, people are screaming, rushing, stampeding in their effort to
escape. Panicked… but Amelia can only feel unceasing rage. Odalia shot Luz. She fucking
smuggled a pistol in, probably pulling every last favor she had, just to spite a fucking 17 year old.

She knew she was going to lose, so she decided to drag everyone down with her.

That bitch…

Her twisted mother smiles as she takes aim again…

at Lucia.

Her girlfriend’s eyes are wide and glassy; she’s frozen.


Amelia roars, and Odalia Blight notices a moment too late. A second shot rings out in the
courtroom, straight into the ceiling. Amelia’s hand clasping around her mother’s wrist, her bones

Odalia’s eyes are wide, staring at Amelia.

‘Be a good girl for me Amelia…’

She punches her mother square in the jaw, and the woman staggers back. Amelia lets go, holding
her hands up as the marshalls crash into Odalia. Once one of them has the gun, Amelia turns away,
ignoring the screams and panic as security tries to safely evacuate the courtroom.
She rushes to the stand.

Her fear is writhing and gripping at the inside of her throat as she rounds the corner.

Luz is leaning against the back wall, her eyes wide, hand clutched to her sternum. Amelia kneels
next to the girl, heart in her throat.

“Luz?! Luz talk to me, you okay?”

Luz nods, rubbing the back of her neck and wincing. “Man, for some reason I always thought that
would hurt less.” She wheezes, before chuckling. The room is in chaos, but Amelia doesn’t care.
The tension drains from her body.

It worked. Luz isn’t dead.

Relief washes over her. She did it. She finally did it, she finally beat her mother at her sick game.
Amelia was able to head her off before she made her final gambit, before she destroyed another

Destroyed it farther than she already had. She wasn’t just trying to kill Luz, she was going to shoot
Lucia too. Hell, she was going to kill them all.

Amelia helps the shaky girl to her feet, Luz clutching her as her legs wobble.

“Ol’ jelly legs.” Luz explains with a weak laugh. Amelia chuckles, holding the girl close. She
glares at the woman being arrested. Odalia is pressed into the floor, and after a few moments her
eyes find Amelia.


“WHAT!?” Odalia shrieks, and Amelia pulls Luz closer, as if to shield her. The monster’s eyes
darting back and forth between the two of them “YOU!!! YOU!?? HOW??”
Amelia smirks, pulling at the collar of her blazer, revealing the kevlar vest hiding underneath.
Odalia’s eyes widen as she pieces it together.


screams, thrashing like a wild animal as she’s cuffed, shrieking as she’s dragged off on

Security approaches the two of them.

And it’s over, Amelia and Luz are escorted out of the room, Odalia raving at them as Luz stares
down at her with a cold expression. The two of them step out, and walk through the halls, a
marshal guiding them to a room to wait for emergency to arrive.

Where everyone’s already waiting.


“LUZ! ARE you okay!? Are you hurt?” Amity shouts, but she’s cut off before she can crash into
her girlfriend by her sister’s hand. Amelia guides Luz to sit on a bench before she kneels in front of

“We need to take this off Luz.” She says, “I know first aid, and we’re going to have to take you to
the hospital to make sure you’re not seriously hurt.” Luz nods and starts unbuttoning her suit
jacket. Amity sits next to her just as Eda and Amelia pull the vest off.

Luz groans in response, and Amity inhales sharply.

“I’m fine Hermosa … just a little sore.” She manages, and Amity lets the air out of her lungs.
Blushing a little as the rest of the family surrounds them. Amelia hesitates, clearly uncomfortable
with undressing Luz further.

“Maybe some privacy?” Amelia asks.

“Nah it’s fine. Everyone here’s seen more of me than I care to admit.” Luz answers, and Amelia
smiles softly.

Amity clutches at the hem of her shirt, and she can't stop thinking about what Luz must be feeling
right now. How afraid and pained she must be. Amity can’t believe it.

“It’s okay Ams, really.” Luz says, “I trust everyone here.”

No one moves for a few moments. Camila and Raine are both sitting on a bench opposite of Luz,
with Lucia between them.

Eda closes the gap quickly, clearly electing to just get it over with. Amelia backs away, and Amity
moves to help Eda get the suit jacket off, revealing an FBI issued vest, the fabric cover is shredded
in one spot. They lift the heavy vest off her shoulders, Luz wincing and clutching at her ribs as
they do so.

“Ow…” Luz laughs dryly. Amity clutches at Luz’s shoulders, still trying to process what
happened. Luz got shot, Odalia shot her, her mother tried to kill Luz… and Lucia.

Amity undoes the buttons of Luz’s dress shirt, Eda and Amelia hovering behind her. She vaguely
hears Eda reassure Amy that she can take a look. But she can’t focus on it, any of it. All she can see
is the massive purple bruise on her girlfriend's chest.

“Okay kiddo, let’s take a look at ya.” Eda says, “Just gonna press a thumb into your ribs, we need
to make sure nothing’s broken, tell me if anything hurts when I put pressure on it okay?”

“Okay…” Luz answers in a small voice, gripping Amity's hand tightly. she runs her thumb over
Luz's tan skin, hardly believing how close she was to losing her. If Odalia had aimed even a little

“Up! Yeah, there… that hurts a lOT!” Luz squeaks out, jerking away from Eda’s hand.

“Yep, you're going to the hospital. Something's broken for sure.” Eda says, pulling Luz’s dress
shirt closed before gently wrapping the shorter girl in her arms.
“I'm okay Eda, I promise.” Luz says, and Amity watches as Edalyn Noceda-Clawthorne, the lady
who repelled down a building to save her, breaks down. It's a soft, gentle cry. It only lasts for a few
moments before she wipes her eyes.

“Of course you are, you're a tough kid. Now let's get you to the doctor.”

“Yes please…” Luz wheezes, and Amity holds her hand tightly. Amity is sure now, she's never
going to let go of this girl. and now it's only a matter of time…

before they're free.

Chapter End Notes


She guilty. What else can be said?

Love y'all!
Chapter Summary

The trial ends, and Amity stares down something she never expected to see...

Chapter Notes

Hi everyone!

I've been taking a break from writing due to an ALARMING amount of life changes
happening at once. I started a new job this week, I'm applying for school to be an Art
Therapist, and I'm still depressed of course.

Still a little shaky and stressed, but I'm going to try and post more frequently because I
love writing so very much.

Gonna finish up this story, and try to focus on keeping my writing schedule lean and
mean /pos

Enjoy!!! And expect more in the near future.

Despite everything that happened, including Odalia Blight’s stunt last week with the smuggled
snub-nosed pistol, the Judge ruled that the trial would continue… and so it did.

Amity was shocked when Odalia came to the session in chains, looking utterly defeated,
completely hollow, remorseless. She didn’t care, and Amity realized in that moment that she never

The verdict came after four days of deliberation. Four tense days of deliberation.

Everyone waited with bated breath. The defense, the prosecution, Luz, Amelia, Lucia, Eda, Alador,
the twins.

And of course, Amity herself. Would her mother go free? Would she get off easy?

Guilty, on all charges.

Guilty of Abusive Sexual Contact, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Attempted Murder, Bribery, Child
Abuse, Child Exploitation, Child Pornography, Coercion, Conspiracy, Continuing Criminal
Enterprise, Extortion, Rape, Sexual Abuse of a Minor, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Conduct with a
Minor, Sex Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, and Torture.

She was charged with multiple counts of each crime. Many many multiples.

Her sentence?

Over 600 years, in maximum security prison. Consecutive sentencing. Odalia was going to spend
the rest of her life in prison. She had no chance at parole for 50 years, she was done.

She had lost.

Amity can hardly believe it. Her world is spinning. The bailiff drags her mother away, for the last
time. Luz holds her hand tightly, and doesn’t let go. A calamity of noise assaults her as they step
out of the courthouse and into the warm sun. Cameras are flashing, Lucia, Amelia, and Luz are
doing their best to shield her. People are holding phones in her face, asking her questions.

“Ms. Blight, do you care to elaborate on…”

“Ms. Blight, now that your mother will be in prison…”

Then, they’re in the car. Driving away, driving away from it all. Away from everything. The
courthouse. Her mother. Years and years of anguish are over, Odalia is going away. Forever.

Her eyes fall on the quiet girl beside, on the girls’ brown eyes staring at the city as it rolls by. Her
features are relaxed, more relaxed than she’s ever seen her, now that Amity thinks about it. Her
eyes are following random things aimlessly as they pass them by. The car is quiet, save for the
rumble of the engine, and the sounds of Bonesborough around them.

Amity looks at her face, at her, at the girl who saved her.
She tightens her grip on Luz’s hand slightly. Her body feels lighter, a weight is lifting with every
mile Amelia drives.

She stares, as usual, at Luz’s eyebrow scar. A large and discolored slash across her eyebrow. Her
curly hair, now almost shoulder length. Her suit. Her face.

Then back to her eyes again.

“Luz?” She whispers.

“Hmm?” Luz asks, and for a moment, Amity can't find the words. She can't find the words she
wants to say. The ones that will convey just how grateful she is.

How lucky she was that Luz got accepted to Hexside, that Amity couldn't get her out of her head,
winter formal, that party where Luz watched over her, all the times in the library.

Every moment of the now eight months they've been together, every single moment. How grateful
she is that they were all leading her closer and closer to this.

"What's up Hermosa?" Luz asks, smiling and squeezing Amity's hand back.

She can't find the words for all that, so she opts for something just as important.

"I love you." She says. Luz blinks, and her smile grows wider.

"I love you too. How…" She pauses, as if to figure out how to continue her sentence. Her cute face
scrunching slightly from the effort. But Amity finishes it for her.

"How am I feeling?"

"Yeah… This is a lot."

"It really is." She says, as they pull into a familiar part of town, rows of townhouses lining the
street. The weight evaporates from her shoulders, she feels so light she could fly.

She's gone. Odalia's gone.

She's going to prison, forever. Amity never has to see her again. She never has to hear her birth
mother's voice, she never has to feel her touch again.


"Luz… I'm free." She whispers, tears welling up even as she smiles wider. There's so much inside
her she feels like she might explode. Gratitude to the girl who saved her, triumphant joy at knowing
she'll never be hurt by her mother again. Cautious, apprehensive hope.

"You're finally free, Amity." Luz agrees, crying just as hard. "We're free."

Amity pulls Luz close just as Amelia pulls into her driveway. Eda's pickup truck quickly follows
suit, and she lets go of Luz’s hand. Then she steps out of the car, into Amelia’s townhouse, onto the
couch, Luz beside her immediately. Her family, most of her real family by her side. Dad and the
twins were coming later.

It wasn’t going to be a party, but… a… together thing.

And really that’s all Amity’s ever wanted.


It’s a beautiful morning, there isn’t a cloud in the sky above the city of Bonesborough Connecticut.
It looks like the perfect day to start a new chapter of your life, or to bury an old one that you don’t
need anymore.

The birds are singing in the trees, enjoying the bountiful days of summer. A gentle breeze blows
by, carrying the smell of barbeque and the sounds of laughter with it.
And Amity Blight is in a great mood. She's been awake for all of 2 minutes despite the fact her
thighs are sore. She rolls over in bed and sees a wild mop of dark brown hair.

Luz’s back facing her as they lie together in Amity’s bed, in her room, in her home. Her new home.
Amelia’s townhouse.

It’s been a month since Odalia was sent to jail, where she will spend the rest of her life. A month
since Amity started living at her big sister's house, The Manor was too painful for both of them.
Dad understood, and he was over almost every day. Amity stretches her arms out, smiling as she
remembers her and her dad’s discussion.

How he had no idea. How that wasn’t an excuse. How he was deeply sorry. How he would do
everything he could to make it up to her. How she had said it was a start.

They hugged for the first time in years last week, and both of them cried. She thinks about the
twins, how they first started reporting the strange happenings in the manor to Amelia. How Emira
especially went out of her way to watch over Amity.

She thought about Lucia, and Eda; risking life and limb to save her.

But most of all, she thinks about how Luz rocked her world last night. Goddess knows she needed
it, she was pretty worked up after therapy.

Luz caressed her sides, purring in her ear as she took her again, this time from behind.

She feels a flutter, and it’s definitely not in her chest. She checks the time, scowling at the new
alarm clock on her end table. 9:30 AM on a saturday? That has to be a criminal offense… but still,
it gives Amity plenty of time.

She smirks, and then unceremoniously climbs right on top of the still sleeping Luz. Who inhales
sharply, and cracks an eye open just as Amity presses her lips to her forehead.

“Mmmrng Hermosa…” Luz mumbles, lazily holding Amity’s hips. The touch sends sparks up her
body, and she sighs into Luz’s hair as she properly straddles her girlfriend.
“Morning darling…” She says in her darkest and most sultry voice, before gently scooting herself
lower. The early summer sunlight filters through a window, casting the room in a warm glow as
Luz deepens their kisses.

For minutes on end, they just kiss, feeling each other with their hands, pressing their bodies
together. Reconnecting over and over, growing a little more heated with each touch. The low fire
smoldering in Amity’s core is rising up.

And… that’s not the only thing rising.

Amity rolls her hips against Luz’s pajama shorts, grinding against her girlfriend’s clitty, nothing
separating them but shorts and Amity’s (very wet) panties. Luz moans softly into her mouth, and
thrusts up, lifting Amity suddenly.

They both giggle as they try to find their rhythm, and Amity closes her eyes and hums out when
they hit it.

“You’re insatiable Ams.” Luz says teasingly, though the fight of her words is lessened by her
breathy gasps. Amity doesn't answer right away, opting to nibble on Luz's ear. Luz gasps louder
when she bites down just a little harder.

“It’s not my fault you’re so beautiful.” Amity replies, huffing hot breath on that ear before running
her tongue along Luz’s neck. She moans as salty sweat floods her brain.

“Hhh…” Luz moans back, tugging at the hem of Amity’s shirt. Amity leans back, letting Luz take
off the loose fitting band tee. After a moment of staring up at her, Luz pulls her back in, and she
gasps when her girlfriend sucks at her collarbone.

Amity mewls as Luz rolls them over.

“Luz, would you?” Amity asks,

“Ams, can we?” Luz asks at the same time. They both laugh, and Amity pulls Luz close. “You
go.” she says with a soft giggle.
“Wanna fuck?” Amity asks with a wide grin. Luz snorts, and leans back to kick off her boxers.
Amity eyes her clitty greedily.

“Yes please.” Luz answers, moving Amity’s panties to the side, and giving her exactly what she
wants. they take it slow, lazy even. Amity enjoys every minute of Luz filling her up, every kiss,
every caress.

Luz rolls her hips into Amity, stoking that fire inside her with every thrust. Gasping breath, frantic
kisses, aching need, burning desire.

Every needy whine, every moan, Luz’s skin on hers. It’s perfect, she caresses her girlfriend’s
shoulders and moans even louder.

Her body is on fire. Every time their hips meet she gasps out. Amity moans, and her hips tense,
wound tightly as Luz fucks her just right.

“Luz! Gonna… close!”

“Go on Hermosa, I’ve got you.” Luz says, and Amity lets go. Crying out into her hand as she sails
clear over the edge. She’s pressing back into the mattress, arching her back, her legs wiggling and
toes scrunching.

Luz doesn’t last much longer, and Amity loves every minute of being filled up. Luz cooing that
she’s gonna knock Amity up, about how she’s going to put a baby in her. Easily driving Amity
back over the edge again.

She holds her girlfriend close, scratching Luz’s scalp as they come down together. enjoying the
slow and comfortable minutes until their breaths return to normal.

Amity hums, and pushes Luz’s hips, grunting as she’s left empty.

They cuddle, but Amity can feel it. Her stomach, clawing at her insides, a dull pain that only one
thing can fill. Her stomach growls loudly, and both of them giggle at the sound.
“I need breakfast.” She says, her brain fully booting up at the prospect. Luz whines, trying to bury
herself under the covers again, but Amity grabs them and throws them off the bed with an evil
cackle. “and you need to get up too!”


“Luz, yes.”

“No, dun’wanna.”

“Luz, today is important, remember?” Amity asks.

“What day is today?” Luz asks, pulling herself out of bed with a grumble.

“Got to help Eda and Lucia at the shop.” Amity explains. Luz’s eyes widen at that, and a grin
spreads across her face slowly.

“Right, better get going.” Luz says, suddenly alive, dashing across the room, pulling her clothes
out of her backpack. Amity smiles, watching the whirlwind that is the love of her life crashing
around the room like a maelstrom.

She loves this girl so much.

And she’s finally free to do so, without fear.

Free at last.
The Question
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity get some big news, and Amelia gets ready to as Lucia a big question.

Chapter Notes

Hi, am still depressed AF. Still writing when I can, I still really enjoy it, my speed has
just decreased a bit.

Enjoy! Excited to start chapter 42!!

“Dad!” Amity says, wrapping her arms around the tall and tired looking man standing in the
doorway of the town home. Luz smiles from her spot on the couch, where she’s lounging with
Lucia, trying to beat the heat of the early summer afternoon. The air conditioning is on full blast,
and the living room is finally cool enough that she isn’t sticky anymore.

“Hello Amity, it’s great to see you.” Alador says, “can I co-”

“Yes dad, you can come in.” Amity cuts him off, before dragging the timid man further in. Luz
smiles at the two of them. It’s nice to see Amity finally have a real parent, she remembers when
Alador first approached his kids,a few weeks ago. How he apologized and asked what Amity
wanted him to do to make it up to her; if she wanted him to do so at all.

Alador has done a really good job in Luz’s opinion, it was nice to see Amity's family rebuild
without her. They’ve already come so far.

“Hello Luz, Lucia; how are you today?” Alador says, his monotone voice breaking the silence.

“Good Al, how about you?” Lucia replies, cracking open a beer before kicking her feet up on the
coffee table. Alador sits across from them, brushing his hair back and sighing.

“I’ve been better, the antitrust suit has reached a verdict.”

“And?” Amity asks, taking a seat next to Luz, “what happened?” Luz leans in, eager to hear the
results. They’ve all been waiting on this, the last piece of the enormous mess that was Odalia
Blight’s legacy. The last shadow of her looming over them.

“Blight Industries is going to be dissolved, and its assets distributed accordingly.” Alador says, and
Luz’s heart leaps in her chest, “It’s honestly a good thing, really, there’s no way I could continue
the organization considering everything it perpetuated behind the scene. But it's more so a
headache at this point. trying to figure out how to meet all of the court orders.”

“Dissolved, so what does that mean…?” Amity asks, and her dad smiles.

“Don’t worry Amity, we’ll all be fine. Better than fine actually.” He says, before detailing
everything he can. The majority of its assets will be liquidated, distributed to various stakeholders,
paying various settlements and lawsuits. Its remaining holdings would be snapped up by
competitors, leaving the company effectively gone, reduced to nothing. A bad memory.

It’s all a little over her head in all honesty, according to the gremlin in Luz’s brain, money is fake.
The whole economy is a bunch of made up stuff that changes on a dime in her eyes. But it sounds
like good news, especially once he talks about how the Blight kids tied into it.

“Of course, there’s a little bit being set aside for the four of you.” Alador says in his signal
monotone, scratching at the collar of his work jacket. Luz blinks, looking at her girlfriend as she
nods along. Amity will finally have independence, real independence. Freedom and now a little
cash to get her started. Luz feels heat flood to her cheeks, to get them started.

“That’s great! A little nest egg for you Ams. A couple of grand or something?” Luz asks.

“60 Million.” Alador deadpans, and Lucia spits out her beer. Luz would have spit her drink out too,
if she had been drinking anything.

Amity squeaks, and goes rigid. No one speaks for a solid minute.

“Overall or…?” Amity croaks, clearly having a hard time grasping it. Luz stares blankly, trying
very hard to curb her racing brain. Amity squeezes Luz’s hand, and she returns the gesture.
“Each.” Alador clarifies.

“DAMN!” Lucia says too loudly, coughing and hacking. Alador chuckles softly as Lucia struggles
to get herself together. "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that. That's… that's a lot of money."

"I tried to get you all more, but that's as high as they would go." Alador explains. Amity, Lucia, and
Alador start talking, about the money, about the dissolving of the company, and then just about

Luz kind of tunes it out, she's still not really sure how to process all of this. Not the money, but
everything else. Her and her therapist are working hard on it, and now she has a whole heaping
new dose of things to think about.

It's a weird feeling, to know that your future is taken care of.

Thank Goddess her phone buzzes at that moment. She checks the caller id and jumps to her feet.
"Gotta take this, one sec!" She says, dashing down the hall, up the stairs, and into Amity's sunlit

"Hey. How's it going?" She asks, tapping her feet to expel some of her excess energy.

"Good, I - phew - I think I'm ready." Amelia Blight answers, sounding more nervous than she ever
has before. Luz does her very best not to squeal, or to tease her, this is a big deal after all.

Luz can barely contain her excitement, and why should she?

“Yeah? You’ve got this.” She says, “You two are such a cute couple.” Amelia hums, and the
silence hangs over them for a few seconds.

"What if she doesn't say yes?" Amelia asks quietly. Luz scrunches her nose, even though Amy
can’t see her.

"Amy, Lucia is over the fucking moon for you. My brother in Christ, I have never seen her act the
way she does around you before."
"Yeah?" She asks.

"Absolutely dude, you've got this." Luz answers.

"Okay, I'm gonna do it! Gonna pick her up in… what?"

"Three hours." Luz replies as she checks her watch.

"Yeah! Okay… talk later." Amelia says, sounding out of breath.

"Okay! Byyye!" Luz hangs up the phone, taking a deep breath in before proceeding to stomp her
feet as quickly and quietly as she can. She squeals softly. It's finally happening, now that
everything is settled, Amelia is finally going to do it.

Ask Luci the big question.

She can’t wait to see Lucia’s face. She can’t wait to see the ring. She walks down the hall, back out
to her the living room, trying to contain the wild energy inside her.

Now all she has to do is wait… her absolute favorite thing to do.


Luz is going to explode if it doesn't happen soon, Amity can just tell. Her girlfriend is practically
vibrating all day, and it's a miracle that Lucia didn't notice.

They're just about done with dinner, an excellent mix of Dominican and American dishes in a sort
of buffet style. Amity sits on one of the couches in the Noceda-Clawthorne living room, along with
Luz. Eda, Raine, and the twins fill the other couches.

Camila? In the kitchen, talking with Alador and Hunter.

Amelia and Lucia? Out.

Amelia took Lucia to their favorite spot in the local park, to ask her a very simple, and yet infinitely
terrifying question. A question that has been on Amity's mind ever since her mother was actually in

With Blight Industries being dissolved, and a staggering inheritance only months away from
landing in her bank account, Amity can’t help but get a little… ambitious with her thoughts of the
future. Her and Luz’s future. A little heat rushes to her face at the very thought.

60 million. 60 goddess damned million dollars. She’s set for life, Luz is set for life. Amelia and
Lucia too, and those two have a lot of plans now. Plans that anyone besides Amity and Luz aren't
necessarily privy Just yet. She knows that her big sister has bought a decent chunk of land just a
little ways outside Old Town. She knows they're looking for contractors to start construction.

She can't help but be happy for her big sister. If anyone deserves an epic happy ending after all of
this it's her. Amelia has spent most of Amity's waking memory existing only in opposition to
Odalia. Dedicating all of her time to keeping her siblings safe from the woman.

So many memories have resurfaced of her big sister intervening on her own and the twins’ behalf,
memories that she had lost under the constant trauma and drugging.

A very young Amelia taking the blame for a disaster in the kitchen, her big sister trying to hide her
tears and bruises afterwards.

Amelia and Odalia getting into nearly constant screaming matches about anything and everything.
About Ed's grades, about Emira’s attitude, about Amity's weight, about how her children didn’t
respect her.

Amelia has always been looking out for them, Amity smiles when Luz tells a corny joke, and
everyone in the living room groans in response.

Amelia deserves every happiness, and now it's Amity's turn to make sure she gets it all. Keeping
Lucia busy until Amelia was ready had been relatively easy, after all she was just as easily
distracted as her little sister. They managed to give Amelia enough time to put everything together,
to fill out the proper permits, to call in the proper favors with the Parks and Recs Department.
Honestly? She was a little envious of the proposal Amelia had put together, even though she had a
hand in planning it, and designing it. She was envious, but she was also excited, for her big sister,
but also herself.

It was such a weird experience, finally looking towards the future and being excited. It was a
bigger deal to her than she realized initially.

The first time she woke up, and honestly was looking forward to her own life.

Yeah, she cried a lot after that, with Luz, with her therapist, and on her own.

She smiles and kisses Luz’s cheek, before standing up. She strides into the kitchen, and rinses off
her dishes. The sound of running water drowns out the calamity in her mind, the endless noise. An
inevitable and slightly alarming parade consisting of freedom, apprehension, relief, aching loss,
and pure unadulterated joy.

Every day is a new wonder, every time they visit Estrella at the Foster home, watching the young
girl laugh and play. Watching Amelia blink in surprise when the girl asks her for a hug.

Every lazy day in the back room of the Owl House, playing games, watching TV, or just lying on
the couch with Luz.

She catches Hunter's eye, and they share a small moment of understanding. But, before she can say
anything, before she can try and broach the topic that's on both of their minds, the front door slams

"GUESS WHO JUST GOT ENGAGED?!" Lucia shouts, and the living room bursts into cheers
and applause. Amity smiles at Hunter, and both of them rush to the source of the commotion.

Luz and Lucia are both jumping up and down, hand in hand. Screaming. Amelia is SO SO red, but
smiling ear to ear. Camila and Eda and Raine and Dad are all around them.

Amity stretches her arms above her head, letting everyone go nuts, letting them all clamor and beg
for every detail.
But somehow, Luz ends up right next to her. Their hands interlaced, and Amity can't help but smile

She's with her family, and there's nowhere else she'd rather be.
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity help their sisters with a momentous task.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It’s another beautiful summer morning, and it promises to be a fantastic day. warm without being
uncomfortably hot, sunny and slightly breezy. It was a day for action, a day for bold choices, and
for Luz Noceda, it was undeniably, unilaterally, inexorably a day for not getting out of bed.

She grumbles when Amity's room has the audacity to get too bright, and she buries her face in the
auburn and lavender hair next to her.

She wraps her arms around her girlfriend, too sleepy to fully appreciate her curves, the slight point
of her hip bone. The warmth she gives off.

For her part, Amity giggles sleepily, before returning the cuddle. An unspoken agreement passes
between them that neither of them wants to get up yet.

It’s been a hectic few weeks, and so much is changing so quickly. For everyone in the family it
was like Odalia was some kind of dam; holding everyone back from the rest of their lives.

Amity’s birthday was coming soon, and she’d be 18. An adult, No longer beholden to her dad or
her sister, not that Amelia was any kind of tyrant. Not only would she be a legal adult, but she
would come into the trust fund supplied by Blight Industries’ dissolution.

And that was still… unfathomable. Luz's parents were well off, Mama earning a respectable salary
on her own, while Raine and Eda also brought in more than enough; but they were never rich.

She was never rich.

Until now.
Amelia seemed to have plans on top of plans, and after receiving her settlement from the business,
she was enacting all of them. They were building a house, they bought a decent plot of land exactly
three days after Amelia proposed to Lucia. Luz feels a thrill run through her body, and she snuggles
closer, burrowing her face further into Amity's hair.

Her big sister is getting married, it’s something Lucia has always wanted, ever since they were
little. She always used to get so excited about it; she was always adamant that she’d have a wife
too. Lucia always knew who she was, even way back then.

Luz chuckles, Lucia never had any trouble with her identity. So much so that she was there to help
Luz with her own. Luz rarely thinks about her life before transitioning, mainly because it happened
so long ago. The name Lucas doesn't even feel like it was ever her own, just like the little boy who
carried the name doesn’t feel real. He never existed, and Lucia noticed it first.

A soft knock on the door brings her out of her thoughts, and she huffs wordlessly while Amity
groans out non-committal words.

The door cracks open, and Amelia pokes her head in, “Hey, you two up?”

“Mostly.” Amity mumbles, and Luz chuckles, wordlessly giving Amelia the thumbs up. She
chuckles, before letting herself in more fully.

“Glad to hear, we're heading out soon okay? I don't know how long it's going to take, but with any
luck we should be back by dinner.”

Amity handles the conversation as Luz dozes. So many things have changed lately, and honestly…
Luz wouldn't have it any other way.

It's all getting better. for herself, for Amity, for their sisters, for their family.

“Love you two.” Amy says.

“Love you, good luck.” Amity answers, pulling Luz closer.

“Luv… luck…” Luz mutters, her eyes closing.

Luz is so warm, so comfortable resting her head on Amity's chest. Her girlfriend carding her
fingers through Luz's curly locks. The girl is scratching her scalp so good, what? Does she expect
Luz not to fall asleep?

Luz lets herself drift off. It’s going to be a big day, but she doesn’t have to worry about that yet.
Something amazing was about to happen, and Luz was going to be excited about it, just… after a
few more hours of sleep.


“Amity!” Luz squeals, trying and failing to hide her wide smile. She can hear it, Amelia and Lucia
pulling in the driveway. Luz's heart is pounding in her chest, as her girlfriend jumps up and down.

“Luz!” she answers, leading her by the hand to the front door. It's late afternoon, and a decent cloud
cover has rolled in. Not that she minds particularly, considering that they're probably going to be
lifting and moving a bunch of things.

Amelia’s out of the car first, her hair done up in a ponytail, her glasses resting off kilter on her
nose. Lucia’s next, looking far more mature than Luz has ever seen her. It's something unplaceable.
It’s difficult to describe, technically her big sister looks exactly the same as she always does.

It's something intangible, maybe it's because she's engaged. Or… it might be because she’s a mom

“LUZ!” A small girl shouts, rushing out of the back seat and into her waiting arms. Estrella laughs
wildly as Luz spins her new niece around. Luz feels as light as a feather, “Ummm Luz?”

“Hmmm? What’s up Carino?” she answers, nodding to her sister and Amy as they walk up the
way, several suitcases in tow.

“Do… Do I call you auntie or?” The girl mumbles, hiding her face in Luz’s shoulder. Her mass of
dark hair tickling Luz’s face. She mulls the question over, for exactly two seconds.
“You can call me Luz, or Tia Luz, or Tia,” Luz answers, setting the nine year old down, “whatever
is most comfy, okay Ella?”

“Okay Tia Luz!” She chirps, crashing into Amity and repeating the process. Asking Amity what
she wants to be called, Luz walks to the car and grabs a white box from the car, it’s a little big.

Ikea… aren’t we rich now? She thinks wryly, hauling the box as best she can. Despite the fact that
Amy and Lucia are technically millionaires, they’ve dedicated most of that to building a stable
trust, so they can focus most of its returns to combating child trafficking.

Luz groans, her muscles screaming at her from the effort. Before she can drop it, tanned hands
catch the other end, and she recognizes the maroon beanie on her big sister’s head.

“Hola Carino, you good?” She asks, grunting as they figure out how to carry it together. Luci
chuckles as she shuffles backwards.

“Yeah, fuckthisisheavy, yeah I’m good. It’s all a little…” She trails off, it’s so hard to put into

“Insane?” Lucia suggests.

“Something like that.” Luz admits, and Lucia snorts.

“Yeah, tell me about it.” Lucia says, and she can hear the energy in her sister’s voice. “Luz, I’m a
mom now.” Lucia is smiling wide, and Luz can't help but grin with her. They cross the threshold,
and make their way to Estrella's new room. Luz can hear the girl giggling from somewhere in the
house. She’s running around her new home.

It takes a few hours, but the five of them manage to get all of the furniture assembled. Ella isn't
quite sure how she wants her room organized, so they spend another hour or so shuffling
everything around.

The doorbell rings just as they finally move the bed to its final resting place, Lucia had ordered
takeout for everyone. Luz sits cross legged on the floor of the living room, smiling as everyone
eats their burgers. Lucia and Ella are chatting animatedly about some cartoon Ella loves about
Australian dogs, it’s called Bluey?

“Okay okay, we gotta watch it soon.” Lucia caves, and Ella squeals, slapping her feet against the

Something touches Luz’s hand, and she looks over to see Amity beaming. She leans over and
kisses her girlfriend’s cheek; then she’s running her fingers over Amity’s pale hand. Luz can't help
it, she looks down at Amity's fingers, her ring finger in particular.

Goddess, I hope I made it the right size… She thinks. She's done her best estimate, but then again
there is no subtle way to ask someone their ring size. She hopes she isn’t jumping the gun, even
though it’s just a promise ring, it still feels like a big deal to her.

“You okay?” Amity asks softly, and Luz blinks a few times, realizing she was lost in her head.

“Yeah, you’re just really pretty. You know that?” She answers, and Amity blushes. It’s still so easy
to turn her into a tomato. It's one of the endless list of things she loves about Amity Blight. Amity
mumbles something incoherent, and they both giggle. Luz settles back in, enjoying this wonderful

She watches as Estrella sits between her two moms, her two new moms. Two of the best women
Luz knows. The little girl is very lucky, and it hits her all at once. She did this. Estrella wouldn't be
here if it wasn't for her. She saved this girl. She helped her.

Does… does she want to help kids? Kids like her? Like Ella? Maybe not by diving into danger
head first, but… somehow. Someway…

She thinks she does.

Ella winds up tiring herself out, and despite her insistence that she isn't sleepy, before long she's
napping on Amelia's shoulder.

The four of them spend the rest of the afternoon talking quietly, about anything, about nothing. It's
comfortable, it's wonderful. Luz loves this, she loves her family.


For the first time in a long time, she loves herself.

Chapter End Notes

I have nothing to say except, expect more saccharine chapters.

Love y'all.
The Wedding Part 1 - Getting Ready
Chapter Summary

As everyone gets ready for Amelia and Lucia's wedding, Luz and Amity enjoy the
simple life with their loved ones.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Luuuuz…” Amity moans, biting her lip softly as she rests her head on her pillow. Luz Noceda
doesn’t answer, instead she sucks at Amity’s clit harder. Dragging a low noise out of Amity's
throat. They're lying in a relatively unfamiliar place, a small and dimly lit bedroom in an adorable
vacation cabin.

Amity’s fingers grip into the covers and she sighs relaxing as the most recent wave of tension
settles in. She’s half dressed, her purple sweater is the only piece of clothing still on her, Luz’s
hands are wrapped around her thighs. She mewls, and rolls her hips slightly, grinding her clit into
her girlfriend’s face.


Luz hums, but doesn’t stop. It's electric, Luz's tongue pressing into her, grinding into her face. The
morning light filtering into their bedroom, framing her girlfriend in a soft light. Luz's messy hair
frames her head, much longer now than when they met. She wraps her fingers in it, and bites down
on her finger softly.

Her grip tightens, she moans louder, her hips shudder. She loses control of her voice, and she
knows that she is absolutely soaking their sheets. It's a good thing they have a cabin with laundry.

“Luuuuuz… Luuuz! LUUZ!!!” she cries out, her voice rising to a soft scream. Luz keeps her
exactly where she wants her, stubbornly refusing to let amity's hips jerk away. She comes hard, her
body shaking violently as she rolls herself against Luz’s face. “Fuuck!” more bolts rip through her,
and she jerks violently. Luz, apparently, isn’t done with her. She slips a finger in as she continues to
press her tongue into Amity, softly lapping at her.

“LuuuUUuuuzz…” Amity moans, falling flat onto the bed, she stares up at the ceiling but doesn't
really see it. Her world is fire, its bolts of pleasure, soft sighs and loud groans. Muffled noises of
Luz enjoying the taste of her. Morning light and morning sex.

As usual when her girlfriend goes down on her, Amity blight does not last long. It's only a few
more minutes before she's crying out and grinding her hips hard into Luz’s face. Trembling, sweat
slicking her hair back, she’s entirely consumed by Luz. It's amazing. It always is, and it's only
gotten better as time has gone on.

Everything gets better as she gets farther and farther away from that nightmare, the awful part of
her life that's over now. She never has to worry about her mother again, Odalia will never get out
of jail. Luz finally shows her mercy, climbing up on top of her to give her a full body hug.

“Hmmm… fuck Luz, you’re insatiable.” Amity mumbles, combing her fingers through Luz's wavy

“You love it, Hermosa, and you know it.” is her reply. Amity hums, and kisses her nose.

“I do,” She agrees, “I really do.” Neither of them say or do anything for a while, content to simply
exist together. Amity holding the love of her life close, rubbing her back, combing her hair,
scratching her scalp. Luz relaxes more and more fully into their embrace as she does so, and she
smirks when she feels something hard against her leg.

“So… are you gonna fuck me? Or…?” Amity asks, and Luz lifts off her, scarred eyebrow raised.
Her expression shifts, and Amity’s heart pounds in her chest at the sight.

Luz doesn’t fuck her once that morning.

Luz fucks her twice.


“Watch out Aunty!” Ella shouts, pointing at the small TV in the corner of the cabin’s living room.

“Doesn’t matter if she watches out, she’s going DOWN!” Luz retorts, and smiles over at her
girlfriend. Ella is sitting in Amity’s lap, Hunter next to them. Willow and Gus are on the floor,
whooping and hollering as they all play Mario Kart 64.

Currently Luz, Amity, Hunter, and Lucia are up, and as usual, Lucia is kicking ass… but Amity has
the lead for once.

At least she did.

“You're going to pay for that.” Amity says with a dangerous smile, Ella giggles wickedly. Luz
smiles back at them, sticking out her tongue a moment before she crashes into a wall.


It’s almost lunch time, and everyone’s relaxing before the main event. Amelia just stepped out to
start getting ready. Lucia said she’s gonna follow suit after one more game.

After all, their wedding is today, it's the whole reason they're all here. A cute little resort near the

“Shit.” Luz mutters as Amity, Lucia, and Gus pass her. Hunter and her are neck in neck. It's the last
lap, but Luz can barely pay attention. Her usually competitive brain is disinterested, she's
completely enamored by a sight beside her. Ella snuggled comfortably with Amity, the girl giving
suggestions, and making observations; Amity laughing, her arms on either side of Ella.

The little girl looks so happy.

Amity looks good like this, not hot, just good. It's difficult to describe, and for a split moment Luz
imagines what Amity would look like holding their kid. Heat rushes to Luz’s face, and she crashes
into another wall.

“Yo, Luz. You good?” Hunter asks, putting down his controller as he crosses the finish line. Amity
and Ella look over at her, as Lucia hoists herself off the couch. Luz finally snaps back to reality
when her big sister ruffles her hair.

“Uhuhh… just… got lost in thought.” Luz says, “It’s a little hot in here, anyone mind if I open the
slider?” nobody minds, and nobody seems to have noticed, or commented on her little white lie.

But there's a gleam in Amity's eye.

“Right, you all need to make sure you're ready by 3:30 alright?” Lucia reminds everybody, again.
for the 14th time today.

“We will!” several of them out at the same time. Lucia nods, scooping her daughter up in her arms
as Ella runs over to her.

“Compórtate con tus tías, ¿de acuerdo?” She says and Ella nods.

“I will Mama, love you!”

“I love you too Starlight, now I gotta run.” She says, and sets Estrella down. She steps out, and
everyone sits quietly for a few minutes. The sound of the main menu music filling the room.

“Can I play?” Ella asks, breaking the silence, and Luz smiles. She hands her niece a controller.



“Almost done.” Emira says, focusing intensely on Amelia’s long auburn braid. Amity stands
beside her, weaving flowers in as needed. Edric, having been banished from helping with hair
preparations, is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling of their hotel room. A small but spacious
thing situated fairly close to the venue.

Amelia is wearing a robe, they’re doing the last few touches, after that and it’ll just be her dress.
Then, she’s ready.

“No worries.” Amelia answers, her voice steady and even, "take as much time as you need."
“As long as that isn’t longer than an hour. Otherwise you’re gonna miss your own wedding.” Ed
points out. Amity and her sisters glare at him until he’s squirming. “I’m kidding! Just ignore me.”

“Suits me just fine,” Em says with a grin before stepping away, “all done.”

“Oh come on now, Ed’s given really good advice in the past.” Amelia says, standing up, turning to
face everyone. “How does it look?” Amity looks over her sister’s single long braid. The flowers
clipped into her hair at different points make her look like some kind of river goddess. she's
beaming, her cheeks are glowing, and she can't stop smiling.

“You look great,” Amity says, “beautiful.”

“Sexy!” Em says, wagging her eyebrows as everyone chuckles.

“You’re a catch sis, well… I guess you caught Lucia… but meh, potato, potahto.” Ed adds. Amity
snorts, and everyone laughs, it's wonderful. It's a wonderful feeling to have all of her family back.
Her relationship with the twins has done nothing but improve since their mother was thrown behind

Even before then, they've always sort of had each other’s back when things were extra bad…

Especially since the two of them started keeping an eye on Amity, reporting any strange activity
from their mother to Amelia. All of them, Amity realizes that all of them helped. They were all
looking out for her.

Ed and Em were silent because they had to be, they were under the same threat Amity was. Amelia
was already doing her best, working tirelessly to save her. But they all stuck their necks out.

For her.

“Hey…” Amity says, drawing her siblings’ attention as she does, three pairs of matching golden
eyes look at her. “Thank you, all of you… for saving me.” Em smiles softly, and Ed climbs off the
bed. Amelia just wraps her in a big hug, the twins following suit a moment later.
“Of course, you're never going to have to worry again. You have all of us now.” Amy says softly,
and Amity sighs out, relaxing.

“And I can braid your hair for your wedding if you want.” Em says, snickering as Amity splutters.

Then they all laugh, spending the few minutes before the ceremony together. Amity smiles,
leaning against the headboard as Amy and Ed grill Emira about her new girlfriend Viney. Sure,
Amity could be sad about how they lost this, they lost so many years of this, she could be. But she
isn't, because they have it now.

And they have it for the rest of their lives, and Amity is planning to more than make up for that
lost time.

They help Amy into her dress. They all finish getting ready.


It's time.

Chapter End Notes

Please excuse me if the Spanish Lucia speaks is nonsense, I use google translate.

Fluff, it's just fluffy good stuff from here on out.

The Wedding Part 2 - A Promise
Chapter Summary

Luz and Amity sneak away from the wedding reception for a few minutes alone.

Chapter Notes

A double release? What's Happening Here?

Yes my friends, two chapters for the price of one. They're happy, they're healthy, and
they have the rest of their lives spread out before them.
There'll be one more chapter, but I'm not exactly sure what the content of it will be. It
might be an epilogue, it might be some behind the scenes stuff, it might just be a little
retrospective on the single largest writing project I've ever done.

Much love as always, especially to folks who've continued engaging and commenting
despite my distance. I'll be working harder to answer comments before I'm swamped
under by them. So keep them coming.

Love ya'll, and enjoy.

The ceremony was, in a word, beautiful. The vineyard was surrounded on all sides by forest,
except one. Waves crashed in the distance as the procession began. It was beautiful. Lucia and Luz
and Ed standing on one end of a tall white arch, wrapped around with flowers and vines, and little
twinkle lights. Lucia was wearing a dark suit, she looked sharp, handsome, pretty, all rolled into
one. Luz herself opted for a dress, matching Lucia’s dark tone with a deep, almost black purple. Ed
was dressed similarly to the bride, but not so as to detract from Lucia.

Emira and Amity were wearing pastel pink dresses, Em’s was tight fitting. Amity’s flared out at her
hips. A lot like Spirit Week.

Then the music started, and Luz watched as Alador led Amelia up the aisle, surrounded by nature
and friends and family. She was wearing a gorgeous dress, it wasn’t white, but it was a very faint
pink. Mama was already crying at that point.

Estrella brought the ring up, helped by Eda, in her standard brown suit. Classic Eda. Once
everything was settled, the officiant began. Luz absolutely cried, especially when the two started
saying their vows.
“I do…” Amelia finally said, and a moment later she swept a startled Lucia off her feet and kissed
her. Applause rang through the clearing, though Luz couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her big
sister, blushing furiously as her wife carried her down the aisle.

It was a marvelous ceremony, and the dinner after it was just as fantastic. Amelia went all out, but
instead of getting the fanciest food possible, there was a huge variety available. Including…

Luz couldn’t believe that Amity, Amity Blight, the ex queen bee of Hexside had requested that
Redstone Diner be included in the menu. Her friends had all laughed, but every single one of them
ordered their favorites anyways.

They talked, they listened to speeches. Luz gave her own, awkward, stumbling speech that still got
a few laughs anyways. Amity’s was the definition of grace, Ed’s was hilarious. Mama’s was

Then the dancing started.

Lucia is blushing so hard that Luz wondered how there was any blood left for the rest of her body.
Evidently so, as the newlyweds seem to be enjoying themselves. Luz offers her hand to Amity, and
they join them. It’s easy, effortless. The two of them move as if they are one. They’ve always been
like that, she's always fit so well with Amity. She pulls her girlfriend closer, and Amity hums out,
resting her cheek on Luz’s head.

Her chest feels like it’ll burst. Soon people are all around them, friends, family, everyone Luz
trusts. She’s surrounded by laughing faces: Eda, Raine, and Mama are all dancing together, Hunter
and Willow are so close, Hunter is blushing furiously as Willow dips him.

Gus and Matty are standing conspicuously close together.

Auntie Lilly is watching with a smile from the sidelines.

Everybody, everybody Luz cares about is here. All of them together, she's so grateful. Grateful that
she got the chance, that she was saved so many times, all so she could be here.

Her eyes fall back on a familiar face. Golden eyes looking down at her.
Saved so she could be in this moment, with the girl she loves.

She grips Amity's hand, and pulls her off the dance floor. She catches Amelia’s attention, and
sticks her tongue out after her big sister-in-law winks.

She leads Amity out of the main hall, where the reception is taking place. She leads them through a
hallway, past the washrooms, and out onto a large wooden patio overlooking the property.

It's dark, but the moonlight is sparkling in the distant ocean waves.

"What's up?" Amity finally asks. Luz doesn't answer right away, instead she brushes a stray hair
out of Amity's face.

"I love you." Luz says.

"I love you too Luz." She answers.

Luz takes a long breath in, grabbing both of Amity's hands in her own. Looking up at her girlfriend,
at her soul mate. She feels so many things.

Now to put all of her gushy feelings into words.

"Amity, I honestly can't believe that I'm standing here right now. There were a million and one
different points in my life where shit could have gone differently…"

Amity watches, her eyes sparkling brighter than the moon on the water.

Luz fumbles with a small box in her pocket as she continues, "but I ended up here. And I'm so glad
I did. I love you, I'm so happy that I'm with you. And… uhh… I-I've been thinking a lot about the
future… You know, with umm.. with you."
"Me too…" Amity whispers, squeezing Luz’s hand.

"Right, cool. Okay, our lives aren't crazy anymore, and I'm starting to have an idea what my future
might be. I know, we're way too young to get married, but I made us um rings…" Luz fidgets,
pulling out the small white box, and lifting the lid.

Inside are two sterling silver rings. Both of them are engraved with a faint pattern of overlapping
lines. She made them a while ago at the shop.

"I think I know what my future is going to be, and it would be so cool if you were in it." Luz
finishes, fishing out the ring for Amity.

"Luz?" Amity asks, tears welling up in her eyes, her smile so wide. It’s all Luz could ask for.

"Ams?" She replies.

"Are these…?"

"Promise rings me amor."

Amity extends a pale hand, her fingers shaking as she takes the ring, slotting it onto her right ring

It fits perfectly.

Amity watches as Luz puts on her own. Then she crashes into her full force. They’re both tearing
up, sniffling, and Amity showering Luz in kisses.

They giggle, they sway, then Luz lifts her up and spins her around.

Laughter fills the moonlit fields around them. The din of the reception filling the silence with a soft
and comfy din.
Silver light bouncing off them as they laugh and hold each other close. It’s serene, it’s peaceful, it’s
beautiful and quiet and perfect.

Yeah, I could spend forever like this… as long as I’m with her, I’m happy.


"I can't wait," Amity says, tucking her face into the crook of Luz's neck, "for our future. For all of

Her heart is pounding. Luz made promise rings, they're promised to each other now. Amity feels
like she’s weightless.

Walking down the aisle, growing old together… It's all in her grasp now, Amity can have it.

"Me neither." Luz replies, holding her closer. Amity breathes deeply, honey and citrus, no smoke.

Luz has made progress on quitting smoking. "So we have more time together." Luz had said when
she asked. Amity cried.

This girl, this girl that Amity Blight has changed forever. This girl has changed her forever. This
wild, brave, stupid girl that she loves so much.

"Luz?" Amity asks, her heart is calm, she's comfy and warm and safe with this girl.

"Ams?" Luz replies.

"Thank you."

"For what?"
"Everything, not just saving me from Odalia. From the life I used to live, from the person I was
going to be. You didn't just save me… you made me want to be better."

"Ams! I dunno…" Luz mumbles, and Amity pulls back. Staring at her, watching as Luz's half
assed rebuttal crumbles to dust.

"Don't." Amity whispers, running her thumb across her lover's cheek. Luz opens her mouth again,
and Amity shushes her with a kiss. "Nope." She says.

"Okay fine…" Luz agrees, pouting slightly. But Amity blight doesn't buy it, she knows her
girlfriend better than that. She can see the smile trying to break its way through.

"Luz, you're the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're amazing, kind, creative,
brave, and so so stupid. Which I love."


"I love you with all my heart, everything I have. I'm going to spend forever with you, and I'm so


"Luz, there's no one quite like you." She says, kissing Luz deeply. And they hold each other, on the
balcony of the venue. The faint sound of waves keeping a tempo as they sway together.

Safe, happy, and finally…


Chapter Summary

A little look at some early design ideas with my thoughts on the story sprinkled

One of the coolest things about writing fiction is to finish a project like this and then look back on
where you came from. to see just how much this story has changed from where it started. I did not
intend for the story to be as long as it ended up being, in my mind it would have ended in 20 or so

It would seem that the characters had their own opinion on how long it would be. at 150,000
words, there's no one like you is almost 7,000 words longer than the two towers. It is by far the
largest story I've ever written. What's more surprising to me than its length is the absurd popularity
it has garnered.

I won't delude myself, I know that I'm a good writer, and I know that people like my work. The
number of people who like this work is surprising to me.I am overjoyed, and very very humbled by
the success of the project overall.

The last thing I'll preamble about before we look at a few behind the scenes bits, is how relieving it
is to be done. Don't get me wrong, I love this story very much, but my ideas have been piling up.
Long promised sequels and brand new ideas have been waiting in the wings, as well as my first
real novelization attempt.

As excited as I am to finish this, I am also excited for what's coming next. With all of that out of
the way, let's talk some shop.

One of the first things I've learned over this time is something I sort of already knew. I understand
that there are several schools of thought around writing, particularly regarding planning a project. I
know that there are architects, and gardeners. For those unfamiliar, an architect draws out the
entirety of the plan, down to the smallest detail before starting their project; whereas a gardener has
an idea of where they want to go, of what they want to do, and they plant their seeds and they
guide the plant as it grows.

shocking literally no one I'm sure, I am a gardener when it comes to writing. I have ideas, I have
plot o outlines, but by and large I let the story develop as I see fit. A lot of writers talk about how
their characters will often start writing the story for them.

This is unequivocally true for me, my earlier plans for the story are quite different from what we
ended up getting. It was supposed to be a lot more toxic, Luz and Amity were supposed to be a lot
worse to each other before things got better.

However, Amity Blight had a very different idea of how the story was going to go. She very
quickly hijacked the story for her own devices, and before long I was following her and Luz's

I was asking myself questions like: what would these versions of the characters do in this situation?
What would those choices cause? The story naturally changed and grew from there.
The Design Bible: A few inspirational art pieces and the original story pitch.
Skyblob was a huge inspiration for the outfits and aesthetic. Go checkout their stuff if you
somehow HAVEN'T heart of them.

Just... maybe don't tell them that Aunty Elfie sent you XD

The original inspiration for the story was, unsurprisingly, Taylor swift. Not only is she a lyrical
genius, but she creates evocative sound that never fails to get my imagination going. It did not take
me long to have a full Inspirational playlist. with different songs representing different elements
that would be incorporated into the final story.
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince is the original song, and the narrative inspiration of the
work. Like There’s No One Like You, the song isn't really about high school at all, instead it's
about lonely hurt outcasts finding something worth fighting for, together.

Nightmare captures how Luz feels regarding her own traumas, andUnfortunately, my own. but
we'll be talking more about that later. The rest of the songs are a collection of cute lovey-dovey
songs, or melancholic sad ones. Treacherous is another favorite that, for me, really captures the
spirit of this version of Lumity.

This slope is treacherous

This path is reckless

This slope is treacherous

I, I, I like it

Two headlights shine through the sleepless night

And I will get you, and get you alone

Your name has echoed through my mind

And I just think you should, think you should know

That nothing safe is worth the drive

And I would follow you, follow you home

I'll follow you, follow you home

Amity finds Luz immediately alluring, despite her aggressive, dangerous appearance. And Like a
moth to flame, she can't help but get closer, even if they never had a school assignment together,
Amity Blight would still try.

Likewise, Luz knows Amity is dangerous. At least she thinks she does at first, but the highschool
drama quickly falls away to reveal the true danger. Neither believes they’re worth it, yet they both
find exactly what they need, when they aren’t looking for it.
I would be remiss without mentioning my trauma anthem. Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve is the
first song in my 29 years of life to make me wail. When the bridge ended, I was completely caught
off guard, it doesn't help that the song is an absolute banger, like my brothers and sisters and
siblings in Christ and beyond, this song slaps. It lures you in with its frantic beat, and catchy

But the lyrics haunt me, it speaks to the suffering I've gone through and how I had absolutely no
say in said suffering. It’s a song that intimately captures the feeling of being harmed, of having
essential moments stolen forcefully from you, never to be recovered. It captures the anger, pain,
and sadness of being a sexual assault survivor.

Which, sadly, inevitably, leads me to my trauma. The true main motivator of this story. Now, was I
kidnapped and groomed into a Country-Wide sex ring? no of course not, are many of the
experiences Luz and Amity go through inspired by my own?

Yes, absolutely.
We all know that chapter 9 is based on my major childhood trauma, Being groomed by my karate
instructor when I was a child, only managing to get away thanks to circumstance and moving out of
my hometown when I was 19. However, like EVERY work I write, there’s more to it than even I
first realize.

Pictured, a bold faced liar (me)

Luz is plied with alcohol at reality check camp, and Amity is plied with a fictional variant of
roofies. At first I thought that these elements were simply dramatizations, but… they weren’t. For
those who don't know, and I'm going to talk about it more later, PTSD is a bitch to your memory.
However once you're safe enough, you can often recall these locked memories. The last year and a
half to 2 years have been really rough for me, because I've been going through this trauma journey.
working to process and heal with my counselor, and because of all of that I've been remembering

Awful things, my karate instructor was a truly reprehensible man who knew exactly what he was
doing. And as referenced in my comment on the above tweet, absolutely used substances to make
me compliant and keep me quiet.
Needless to say, I’ve used that pain to fuel my writing. Funneling the anger of being a defenseless
little trans girl when it all happened into this story. Even though terrible things have happened to
our protagonists, they can still lead peaceful, loving, safe, and beautiful lives.

And I think that's a very wonderful thing.

It's also surprising how many elements stayed exactly the same from their initial inceptions. a lot
of these story beats were originally scaffolded on Twitter as blurbs.

Many of them made it into the story almost verbatim. Others, however, did not.
Two blurbs that didn’t make it in.

There were plenty of ideas that got put by the wayside, I don't regret cutting any of that content out
because the story came out much stronger in my opinion. There was a lot more of Boscha in the
original concepts, and she was a much more frequent while still mostly minor antagonist.
For example, she was gonna trigger Luz and the two were going to fight. While that would have set
up Luz kicking Phillips ass later, I don't think it was good for the narrative, because this isn't really
a story about school drama.

I also planned for Boscha to force herself on Amity at the New Year’s party. Which, while
definitely too far for her character in this fic, would have also robbed some of the horror we
experienced later at the Siren Hotel. The buildup of tension and discomfort was intentional, always
winding it a little Each chapter. and doing something like that so soon would have undone that

There is a couple of ideas from the initial blurbs that did make it in, and one of them made it in
verbatim. One especially noteworthy one would be Eda’s scene in chapter 9.
It was super cool, but also heartbreaking to write chapter 9. I knew I had struck something good
though with this blurb.

Another element that stayed in verbatim was the mystery of what was happening to Amity during
those business trips. It was a decided plot point from very early on in my planning. And I got the
blurbs to show it.
Lastly, I want to share a few funny plot holes, dropped storylines I realized afterwards.

1. The scene where Luz initially contacts Morton, I never ended up including it in a chapter.
Because of that, Morton just appears out of the blue.
2. Luz got expelled from one school because she beat the shit out of Coach Wrath. Wrath was
also the big man who cuts Luz off as she’s heading for the hallway in the Siren Hotel, but
she doesn’t recognize him, and he doesn’t recognize her.
3. I planned to have Eda and Lucia build Luz a car for her birthday, but it just didn’t fit, I didn’t
have the space for it in the narrative (early on Lucia and Eda are coy about a box of parts
they have, it was parts for Luz’s car.)

It happens to the best of us, and I'm still very happy with the final product. All in all the continuity
is pretty good, and after all, we're all only human.

I've never done this kind of thing before, so I'm not exactly sure how to close it out. Basically I just
wanted to share some things and thoughts, give you all that peek behind the curtain. so I guess I'll
cap this off with an early drawing I did just kind of as.. like a mood board drawing. It's a design of
Luz, based heavily on her Thanks to Them design.

I want to thank everyone for being a part of this journey, this is the longest story I've ever written
and I'm so so proud of it. I've got lots of projects lined up, and I don't plan on stopping writing
fanfiction anytime soon.

we'll talk soon.

Love y’all.


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