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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk about an important topic: parental control over relationships in teenagers. Being
ninth graders, we are just about to develop some deeper friendships and even relationships. It might be
frustrating at times, but parental control in this area will surely do much good to us.

First and foremost, our parents are much older than we are. Our guardians have come across many
occurrences and circumstances like those we are going through. It makes them have an eye on some
things in the relationship which probably we may not be able to see. They can, therefore, prevent us
from making such mistakes that could really bring harm to us in the future.

Our parents love and care for us; therefore, they want the best things for us. When they set rules about
our relationships, they want to protect us. They will worry about our getting hurt or being negatively
influenced. By being involved, they can help us keep on the right path and make wise decisions.

With our parents being involved, there will also be a strong ground of trust and communication. We get
more likely to talk about our problems when we know they care and seek their advice. With that chance,
we can handle our relationships in a more responsible manner.

Our parents can also help teach us values such as respect, honesty, and kindness. These characteristics
are essential for any good relationship. Listening to their advice will show us how to form good, positive
bonds with others.

Of course, a little freedom is necessary, but too much, too early, will lead to the wrong decisions. Our
parents' control is not about them restricting us; they just guide us. It's like having a safety net while we
learn to walk the tightrope of relationships.

To conclude, parental control over our relationships is of very high benefit. It helps to safeguard us, learn
from it, and even build trust. Let's appreciate their guidance and remember that they have our best
interests at heart.

Thank you.

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