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Simple Past Tense Regular Verbs - ed Pronunciation

/ t / / d / / id /

stop = stopped learn = learned decide = decided

look = looked listen = listened want = wanted
wash = washed play = played start = started
watch = watched enjoy = enjoyed wait = waited
like = liked live = lived visit = visited
walk = walked stay = stayed invite = invited
help = helped open = opened
work = worked love = loved
change = changed learn = learned
miss = missed call = called
relax = relaxed arrive = arrived
smile = smiled
clean = cleaned

• We pronounce / t / after voiceless sounds: / p /, / k /, / s /, / f / and

voiceless / th / sound

• We pronounce / d / after voiced sounds: / b / , / g /, / v /, / z/ , / m/ ,

/n /, / l /, / r / , voiced / th / sound and all vowels.

• We pronounce / id / after / d / and / t / sounds.

Vita Education Services

Regular Past Tense Verb Pronunciation Practice

Read the following dialogue. Write the phonetic symbol representing the sound
of the ed-ending above each past tense verb. Check your answers. Practice the
dialogue aloud with a partner. Be sure to carefully pronounce all past tense

Kathy: Tom, have you started your diet? I hope you haven’t gained weight.

Tom: I boiled eggs and sliced celery for lunch.

Kathy: Have you exercised at all?

Tom: I walked 5 miles and jogged in the park.

Kathy: Have you cleaned the house? Calories can be worked off that way.

Tom: I washed and waxed the floors. I even painted the bathroom.

Kathy: Who baked this apple pie? Who cooked this ham?

Tom: When I finished cleaning, I was starved. I prepared this food for dinner.

Kathy: Oh, no! I’ll take this food home so you won’t be tempted .

I really enjoyed being with you. You diet is great!

Tom: What happened? Somehow, I missed out on all the fun.

(Dialogue taken from English Pronunciation Made Simple, Longman)

Pronunciation Puzzle Name: ____________________
Student Worksheet

Change the following verbs to the past tense. Next, fill in the chart by placing the past tense
verbs in the correct columns according to how they are pronounced. Finally, answer the puzzle

rest afford watch want

stay paint park record
raise flood save show
demand sound need mail
cover answer cause use


Rest ! rested ! place under [ed] column

[ed] [t] [d]



How are the base forms of the verbs under the [ed] column different from the base forms of the
verbs under the [t] and [d] columns?

Spectrum Book 2, Unit 8

Copyright © 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Simple Past (negative and affirmative)

1. Write these sentences in the past.

1. He goes to the swimming pool because he likes swimming.

2. They have dinner at nine o´clock.
3. Adam runs 500 m
4. Helen eats too many sweets.
5. I buy the newspaper in the shop.
6. We get up at eight o´clock and go to school.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Write about what Jim did and didn´t do yesterday, as in the examples.

1. Go to the bank (yes) 1. He went to the bank

2. Buy some shoes (no) 2. He didn´t buy any shoes.
3. Write to Sally (yes) ……………………………………..
4. Buy a shirt (yes) ……………………………………..
5. Have lunch with Adam (no) ……………………………………..
6. Write to Peter (yes) ……………………………………..
7. Go to the hospital (no) ……………………………………..
8. Have dinner with Susie (yes) ……………………………………..
9. Play football (no) ……………………………………..
10.Make dinner (yes) ……………………………………..

4. Write the past form of these verbs.

1. to get ……… 6. to play ………

2. to buy ……… 7. to come ………
3. to study ……… 8. to go ………
4. to watch ……… 9. to pay ………
5. to begin ……… 10. to walk ………

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Simple Past (interrogative)

1. Write these questions in the past.

1. Does she buy the newspaper in the shop over there? ...............................................
2. Do they do their homework in the evening? ...............................................................
3. Do they have a good holiday? ....................................................................................
4. Do they find any animal in the forest? ........................................................................
5. Is it dark when she gets up in the morning? ...............................................................

2. Write questions for these answers.

1. Where did you go yesterday?

I went to the park

2. ...............................................?

My friend arrived at five o´clock

3. ................................................?

He said “hello!”

4. .................................................?

The film started at seven.

5. .................................................?

We went on a excursion.

6. ..................................................?

She visited her aunt.

7. ................................................. ?

My grandparents lived in Italy.

3. Write questions in the past with these words.

1. when / study English / you .........................................................?

2. what / do / yesterday / she .........................................................?
3. like / the film / he .........................................................?
4. live / in Paris / your parents .........................................................?
5. walk / down / the road / they .........................................................?

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Past Tense Irregular Verbs

A) Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some are regular and some are irregular.
Yesterday (to be) _______________ a busy day. I (wake) _______________ up at 6am, (have)
_______________ breakfast quickly and then I (go) _______________ to work. I (finish)
_______________ at noon and then (eat) _______________ some lunch. Afterwards I (drive)
_______________ to the shops, (buy) _______________ some paint and then (paint) _______________
my bedroom. My housemate (come) _______________ home from work so I (help) _______________
him paint his room, then we (repair) _______________ his chair as it (wobble) _______________ a lot. I
(wish) _______________ I hadn’t, as I hurt my hand! After that I (clean) _______________ my house. I
(vacuum) _______________ all the downstairs and then (tidy) _______________ up the living room
and the kitchen. I was pretty tired by then so I (eat) ate some dinner, (yawn) _______________, and
(go) _______________ to bed!

B) Change the verbs below into the past tense and put them into the correct place in the sentences
Pay :: Ring :: Think :: Drink :: See :: Eat :: Go :: Take :: Leave :: Say
1. I _________________ that he was fired.
2. My mum _________________ me last night but I wasn’t at home to take her answer.
3. I _________________ to the zoo with my son last weekend.
4. I _________________ four cakes for lunch. I feel sick!
5. He _________________ him to see the doctor because he had been ill for so long.
6. I _________________ that new movie last night. It was great!
7. He _________________ his son alone all day!
8. I _________________ two bottle of grape juice last night. I don’t feel too well today.
9. They _________________ it tasted horrible.
10. It was too expensive and we _________________ too much for it.

C) Complete the tables below:

Present Past Present Past
Hear Be
Left Put
Ring Think
Drank Drove
Go Break
Got Overslept
Take Sit
Came Woke
See Run
Shut Wrote
Lend Dig
Stole Brought
Swim Fly

Photocopiable © 2011 Rob Woodward – - Classroom and Personal Use Permitted
Simple Past – regular verbs - English grammar

name: …………………................. class: …………… date: ……………................

Worksheet Simple Past – regular verbs

Simple Past: Add -ed or -d

Examples: cook - cooked, love - loved.

Exercise 1. Fill in the Simple Past form.

1. He learns English. (simple present)

He ______________ English. (simple past)

2. I like apples. (simple present)

I ______________
liked apples. (simple past)

3. They ask many questions. (simple present)

They ______________ many questions. (simple past)

4. We open the windows. (simple present)

We ______________
opened the windows. (simple past)

5. She talks to David. (simple present)

She ______________ to David. (simple past)

Exercise 2. Fill in the Simple Past form.

6. She ______________
lived in Scotland. (to live)

7. They ______________ at the weekends. (to work)
8. John ______________ a flat in Edinburgh. (to rent)

9. Lisa ______________
opened her present. (to open)

10. Ben ______________

scratched his bike. (to scratch)

11. Sue ______________

played basketball. (to play)

12. Helen ______________

loved her new school. (to love)

13. The shops ______________

closed at nine o'clock in the evening. (to close)

14. Mother ______________

to cooked the turkey. (to cook)

15. Emily ______________ a cake (to bake)

16. First I ______________ visited
TV, then I ______________ my friend. (to watch/to visit)
English grammar with rules, explanations, online exercises, examples and PDF - for free.
Simple Past - English grammar
name: …………………................. class: …………… date: ……………................
Simple Past - irregular Verbs - worksheet
Simple Past irregular verbs:
buy - bought choose - chose, find - found, have - had see - saw,
send - sent, speak - spoke, go - went, write - wrote
1. Fill in the correct Simple Past form of the verb.
see _____________ speak _____________
send _____________
sent buy bought
choose _____________
chose find _____________
go _____________
went have _____________
write _____________
wrote see _____________
2. Fill in the correct Simple Past form of the verb.
buy - bought choose - chose, eat - ate, find - found, go - went, have - had
see - saw, send - sent, speak - spoke, write - wrote
1. Ben ___________
saw Emily at the party. (to see)
2. He ___________
spoke to her about the music. (to speak)
3. Ben ___________
ate fish and chips for lunch. (to eat)
4. Lucy ___________
sent me her photographs. (to send)
5. Jake ___________
bought a new camera. (to buy)
6. The football coach ___________
chose the red shirts. (to choose)
7. Lily ___________
found a wallet with a lot of money. (to find)
8. Everybody ___________
went to the swimming pool. (to go)
9. We ___________ a great meal in the new restaurant. (to have)
10. He ___________
wrote a new song. (to write)
English grammar with rules, explanations, online exercises, examples and PDF - for free.
Simple Past - English grammar

name: …………………................. class: …………… Date: ……………................

Simple Past: irregular verbs - worksheet

Examples – Simple Past irregular :

broke drove flew gave heard knew met paid read won

1. Fill in the correct form of the verb.

Simple Present Simple Past Simple Present Simple Past

win _______________
won pay _______________
fly _______________
flew break _______________
give gave
_______________ read read

hear _______________
heard drive _______________
meet met
_______________ know _______________

2. Fill in the correct form of the verb.

drove won gave heard knew met

paid read broke flew

1. The tutor group __________

won a prize. (to win)

2. Peter __________ for Emily´s ticket. (to pay)

3. The bird __________

flew high in the sky. (to fly)

4. Jake __________
broke his arm. (to break)
5. The doctor __________ him some medicine. (to give)
6. They __________ the good news. (to hear)

7. Ben __________
drove his taxi through London. (to drive)

8. The friends __________

met in front of the café. (to meet)

9. The man __________

knew all the answers. (to know)

10. She __________

read the newspaper. (to read)
English grammar with rules, explanations, online exercises, examples and PDF - for free.
Pronunciation of Regular Verbs
Voiceless sounds are Voice sounds are Verbs with t or d as a
pronounced with /t/ pronounced with /d/ final sound are
(p –s –sh – ch- f- p – k –x) (m-r-n-l-b-v-z- y-g-w) pronounced as /id/
Ex: cooked = /kokt/ Ex: called= /kold/ Ex: waited = /wetid/
Fixed = /fixt/ closed = /klozd/ Needed = /nidid/

A. Instructions: Write the pronunciation of the regular verbs in past. Use /t/, /d/ , or /id/
when necessary. Use the rules above.
1. Agreed __ 11. belonged __ 21. hunted __
2. graduated __ 12. burned __ 22. passed __
3. packed __ 13. pushed __ 23. picked __
4. allowed __ 14. called __ 24. flooded __
5. answered __ 15. demanded __ 25. arrived __
6. expected __ 16. divided __ 26. pressed __
7. appeared __ 17. ended __ 27. pronounced __
8. believed __ 18. expanded __ 28. relaxed __
9. smoked __ 19. advised __ 29. slipped __
10. exported __ 20. hated __ 30. stopped __

B. Instruction: Classify the following verbs according to their past pronunciation.

Played /Attended / Lived / Asked /counted/ baked / measured accepted/ brushed/ dropped/
escaped/ cooked/ killed/ listened/ loved/ afforded/ arrested/ collected/ contacted /
planned/ decided/ defended /opened/ demanded /moved/ realized /dressed /cracked
/crashed /danced

Ed as /t/ Ed as /d/ Ed as /id/

Verb to be – Simple Past

1. Complete.

I was
You ......
He ......
She ......
It ......

We were
You .......
They .......

2. Complete with was or were.

1. John ...... at home last week.

2. They ...... at the cinema yesterday.
3. Your parents ...... at the station at nine o´clock.
4. Mary ...... in the street this morning.
5. My aunt ...... in hospital yesterday morning.
6. I ...... at school this morning.
7. Jill and Kevin ...... at the zoo las Sunday.
8. We ...... in a Chinese restaurant last night.

3. Write these sentences in the negative form.

1. Mum was at home this morning. .................................................................................

2. Paul and Mary were in the shop. .................................................................................
3. His friends were very happy yesterday afternoon. ......................................................
4. I was late for the cinema. ............................................................................................
5. We were at home to watch a film on TV. ....................................................................

4. Answer these questions with short answers, as in the example.

1. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t

2. Was it hot yesterday? ......................................

3. Were your friends at home last Monday? .....................................

4. Was your father at work this morning? .....................................

5. Were you in class yesterday morning? .....................................

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Past Simple Form Other Verbs - Mixed Exercise 2

Make the past simple, positive, negative or question:

1. I _________________ (not / drink) any beer last night.

2. She _________________ (get on) the bus in the centre of the city.
3. What time _________________ (he / get up) yesterday?
4. Where _________________ (you / get off) the train?
5. I _________________ (not / change) trains at Victoria.
6. We _________________ (wake up) very late.
7. What _________________ (he / give) his mother for Christmas?
8. I _________________ (receive) £300 when my uncle _________________
9. We _________________ (not / use) the computer last night.
10. _________________ (she / make) good coffee?
11. They _________________ (live) in Paris.
12. She _________________ (read) the newspaper yesterday.
13. I _________________ (not / watch) TV.
14. He _________________ (not / study) for the exam.
15. _________________ (he / call) you?
16. _________________ (I / forget) something?
17. What time _________________ (the film / start)?
18. He _________________ (have) a shower.
19. Why _________________ (you / come)?
20. _________________ (he / go) to the party?
Past Simple

A Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.

open marry like try bake stop mix plan repeat worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied double consonant + -ed

opened liked worried stopped
mixed decided tried planned
repeated baked married travelled

B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 My sister ..................... (try) to bake a cake 3 I ..................... (phone) my cousin in Canada
last Saturday. three days ago.
didn't order
2 We ..................... (not order) steak and chips 4 The children ..................... (play) on the
at the restaurant yesterday. computer yesterday.

C Write the questions. Then answer them.

1 you / watch TV / last night 3 your mum / bake / a cake / last weekend
Did you watch TV last night?
....................................................................... .......................................................................
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
......................................................... .........................................................
2 your friends / play football / yesterday 4 you / phone / a friend / an hour ago
....................................................................... .......................................................................
......................................................... .........................................................

D Write the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 take took
..................... 4 give ..................... 7 go .....................
2 drink ..................... 5 think ..................... 8 wake .....................
3 ride ..................... 6 have ..................... 9 buy .....................

E Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.
Use the Past Simple.
1880s Good morning!
1 2 3 4

buy a jeep ride horses speak English

wear jeans
1 Rob / buy a small car 3 cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s
Did Rob buy a small car?
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
No, he didn’t. He bought a jeep.
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................

2 Jenny / wear a skirt / to the party 4 the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................

ESO 1 Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

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