Tos Introduction to Nursing Theories (Checked)

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Table of Specification (TOS)

INT+NS/RT+IA=SEQ 9*5=45, MCQ 45*1, IA=45 (45+45+10=100)
Unit Topic MCQs Mark SEQs Marks Total
UNIT I: An introduction to nursing theories:
• Theoretical framework in nursing 5 5 1 5 10
• Development of nursing practice theories
• Concepts of nursing theory
• An overview of nursing process
Unit II: Relationship between theory and the 5 5 1 5 10
science and practice of nursing
1. Theory practice and research
2. Nursing theoretical evolution
3. Perspective of nursing theory
UNIT III: Categories of selected nursing theories 15 15 5 25 40
Nursing theory may be assigned to the
categories of Need/ problem-oriented
theory. Interaction oriented theory. System
oriented theory and energy field theory.
Therefore this unit is divided into 4 sub
units from A-D
A. Need / problem-oriented theory
• Florence nightingale way
• Faye Glenn Abdellah
• Virginia Henderson
• Dorothea E. Orem
• Lydia E Hall
• Jean Watson
B. Interaction oriented theory
• Hildegard E Paplau
• Ida Jean Orlando
• Ernestine Wiedenbach
• Imogene M King
• Paterson and Zderad
• Erikson Tomlin and Swain
• Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer
C. System oriented Theory
• Dorothy E Peplau
• Callista Roy
• Betty Neuman
• Madeline M Leninger
D. Energy Field Theories
• Martha E Rogers
• Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
• Margaret Newman
TOTAL 25 25 7 35 60
UNIT TOPIC MCQs Mark SEQs Marks Total
UNIT I Nursing status and image 2 2 - - 2

In tins unit learners will understand and

appreciate the dynamics involved in the
development and maintenance of nursing
image and status. On completion of this unit
learners will be able to
1. Understand factors affecting the
changing image of nursing
• Understand factors affecting the image of
nursing including status of women
• Recognize the influence of power on the
status and image of nursing
• Describe the role of media
2. Explore factors impinging the status
of nursing in Pakistan
• Recognize the developing roles of nursing
• Identify actions necessary to promote
nursing image
• Devise action plan to promote nursing.
UNIT II Principle behavior and their application in 3 3 1 5 8
ethical decision making.

Value clarification and development.

Ethical principles and human rights.

Ethical Theories and decision making in

health care practice, education and

In this unit learners will begin to utilize

ethical principles for logical and sound
decision making.
On completion of this unit learners will be
able to
1. Differentiate between personal,
society, professional and organizational
• Explain the value process including value
acquisition and clarification
• Recognize personal values
• Describe value conflicts and its implications
on nursing
• Discuss the importance of attending to both
personal and client values
2. Follow ethical decision-making
principles in client care
• Discuss various ethical principles and their
relation to health care
• Describe the various ethical theories
• Understand the principles of basic human
rights and client rights
• Discuss the importance and relevance of the
nursing code of ethics
3. Relate ethical principles to nursing
practice, education and research
• Understand the process of ethical decision
• Recognize situations posing a conflict
between principles/ interests
• Discuss clinical and professional situations
involving dilemmas
• Analyze the application of universal ethical
principles from a cross-cultural perspective
• Apply the ethical decision-making
framework to professional and clinical
UNIT III Contemporary professional nursing issues. 3 3 - - 3
Law and legal rights in health care.

Law and practice in health care.

In this unit learners will be able to recognize
and appraise contemporary issues affecting
professional practice, nursing care, education
and research. Learners will also be introduced
to legal trends in health care and methods of
safe practice.
On completion of this unit learners will be
able to:
1. Recognize professional dimensions
associated with nursing
• Discuss traits commonly associated with
professional nursing and their relevance
Relate code of ethics with professional status
• Discuss strategies to facilitate professional
accountability within the local context
• Identify international and national nursing
organizations and their contribution to nursing
2. Understand the legal framework
influencing health care in the country
• Describe the overview of the legal
system in Pakistan
• Identify special laws affecting selected
groups of individuals
• Explain basic laws affecting health
care in general and nursing in particular.
• Understand the influence of the
political system on nursing profession
3. Recognize legal trends in health care
• Discuss legal trends in health care
• Identify potential situations that may
negatively affect individual Nurses or the
• Discuss methods nurses can employ to
limit liability
UNIT VI Trends issues and opportunities within 4 4 1 5 9
health care setting

Nurses role in quality improvement within

nursing practice, education and research
Role of nurses in an interdisciplinary team.
In this unit learners will be able to recognize
and adapt to current trends in nursing practice,
education and research.
On completion of this unit learners will be
able to:
4. Understand challenges encountered in
the health care system
• Examine trends in health care delivery
• Describe factors affecting health care
delivery and nursing care in particular
• Determine the extent to which health
care needs are being met
5. Apply principles of quality
management in health care practice. education
and research
• Understand standards and processes of
improved nursing care, education and
• Develop indicators for quality
• Identify nurses’ role in quality
6. Recognize the value of nursing
educational programs
• Examine various nursing education
• Attempt to critically examine each program
in relation to the
• Competency of qualified nurses
• Discuss principles necessary for
maintaining standards of excellence
• Determine employment opportunities
7. Recognize current trends and
responsibilities in nursing research
• Determine the importance of nursing
• Understand the challenges and issues
encountered in conducting
• Research
• Identify means to ensure sound
• Determine employment opportunities
8. Participate as an effective member in
an interdisciplinary team
• Understand the importance of
interdisciplinary health care
• Appreciate various roles of members
of an interdisciplinary team
• Incorporate team-building strategies
for enhanced interdisciplinary
• Health care.

UNIT V Professional communication by nurses Unit 3 3 1 5 7


Professional development of nurses

In this unit learners will be able to identify
the opportunities available in professional
nursing and prepare themselves for the
challenges that await them in the workplace.
Unit Objectives:
On completion of this unit learners will be
able to
9. Plot and execute a career plan
• Examine work place venues using a
personal and occupational assessment tool
• Develop a 5 years plan of action for
professional developments
• Identify resources to assist in
fulfillment of plan of action
10. Apply effective communication
techniques in diverse situations
• Understand positive communication
• Apply principles of giving and
receiving feedback
• Demonstrate effective techniques in
difficult and challenging situation

Role transition (learners to practice)

Unit Objectives:
On completion of this unit learners will be
able to
Plot and execute a career plan
• Examine work place venues using
a personal and occupational assessment tool
• Develop a 5 years plan of action
for professional developments
• Identify resources to assist in
fulfillment of plan of action
10. Apply effective communication
techniques in diverse situations
• Understand positive
communication techniques
• Apply principles of giving and
receiving feedback
• Demonstrate effective techniques
in difficult and challenging situation
TOTAL 15 15 3 15 30

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