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Getting Assets into Your Media Composer Project

ff Transcoding AMA linked clips before beginning to edit

ff Transcoding AMA Master Clips after editing has begun
ff Consolidating an AMA sequence or subclips
ff Transcoding an AMA sequence
ff Importing stills and video files such as QuickTime
ff Importing audio
ff Adjusting audio levels before editing
ff Adjusting audio pan settings before editing
ff Setting stereo-audio tracks

You've created your project, and now comes the sometimes time-consuming task of acquiring
your assets. In this chapter, I'll get you thinking about organization, provide you with some
common workflows, and give you some tips to hopefully make your work easier and/or
more productive.

A strategy for project organization at the

desktop level
Some words to the wise to help you avoid some common pitfalls.

How to do it...
Following are the steps for organizing the project at the desktop level:

1. Determine a location for a folder that will hold items relating to your project that will
not require being moved.
2. Create a folder and name it something that is clear and concise, for example, either
[Project Name] Materials or [Project Name] Assets.
3. Inside that main folder, create additional folders for Avid Project Backups, files
you will link to using the Avid Media Access (AMA) feature, Music, Sound Effects,
Imports_Stills, Imports_Motion Graphics, Photoshop Masters, Fonts,
After Effects Projects, and any others you think you'll need.

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